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From the Editor Article
The 2024 2nd National Steppers Ball Weekend William F. Taylor Lodge #57
Hannibal Lodge #8 Community Service Event National Night Out 2023
Gethsemane Chapter 34
Without Mental Reservation Federal Lodge No. 9, PHA Grand Lodge Lifetime Membership Awards
Memorial Service of Past Master Raymond T. Johnson 10 Week Weight Loss Program and Block Party
RW Willie. S. Godfrey Masonic Education Committee Celebrations
The Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Maryland - THE LIGHT - November 2023
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King David Lodge #18 Resumes it’s Annual Friends and Family BBQ Shrine - Al Nas Temple No. 255
115 Anniversary Gospel Dinner for Queen Esther Assembly #1 John H. Jones Jr. Assembly #284
Knight Commander of the Court of Honour (KCCH) Samuel T. Daniels Sr. Council of Deliberation 2023
United Supreme Council SJ - 2023 Annual Conference “Democracy and Its Ignorance” Lecture Check Your Ambition
2nd Annual Cigar & Basket of Cheer Raffle New Levites and Companions Among Us!
Zeal versus Fanaticism; Ignorance versus Lack of information Generational Equity: The Pythagoras Journey
The Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Maryland - THE LIGHT - November 2023
Letter from the Editor
The Lesser Mysteries & Greater Mysteries
he Lesser Mysteries were a celebration of Persephone’s return from the Underworld and the rebirth of the earth through the miracle of spring. People participating in the Lesser Mysteries were taught the theology of the two Goddesses, Demeter and Persephone, and the meaning of the rites of the Mysteries.
such sciences and arts were studied from their causal rather than their effectual aspect.
Eleusinian Mysteries (Greek: Ἐλευσίνια Μυστήρια) was the name of the mysteries of the city Eleusis.
Ra means sun, and he is linked to the constellation libra or “scales” from the rising SUN.
The name of the city Eleusis is Pre-Greek and may be related to the name of the goddess Eileithyia.[9] Her name Ἐλυσία ( Elysia) in Laconia and Messene, probably tells her with the month Eleusinos and Eleusis, but this is debated.
Khepri, the scarab beetle god, represented the sun in the morning. The Egyptians believed that he rolled the sun across the sky as scarab (dung) beetles roll dung across the ground. His name, Khepri, comes from an Egyptian word that means “to develop,” so in a way, it’s the sun’s way of developing as it crosses the sky in the morning, getting to full height. Also, the Egyptian word Kheper could mean “to come into being,” which goes back to the belief that Khepri created himself by saying his name.
The ancient Greek word “mystery” (μυστήριον) means “mystery or secret rite” and is related to the verb mueō (μυέω), which means initiation into the mysteries, and the noun mustēs (μύστης), which means one initiated. The word mustikós (μυστικός) means “connected with the mysteries” or “private, secret” (as in Modern Greek) The Lesser Mysteries prepare the neophyte for initiation into the Greater Mysteries through various degrees of purification and discipline combined with training in intellectual and spiritual perception. As indicated in the previous chapter, seven were the degrees usually reckoned, the first three comprising the Lesser Mysteries. The fourth degree is the turning or deciding point where those who underwent the discipline and training of the preliminary stages are put to the test of experience in self-identification. If the candidate passes this fourth trial successfully, he enters upon more stringent discipline and purification and a more intimate relationship between teacher and pupil. Henceforth, he is a pledged disciple; his will is set firmly to pass successfully the fifth, sixth, and seventh degrees, which comprise the Greater Mysteries. Many branches of the arts and sciences were taught in the Lesser Mysteries, notably geography, astronomy, chemistry, physiology, psychology, geology, meteorology, as well as music, the “most divine and spiritual of arts” (Mahatma Letters, Letter XXIVb, p. 188); similarly, art and architecture were studied, whose lost “canon of proportion” immortalized the Greek temples. These sciences were held as secret studies of the Mysteries, not because they would not have been understood if taught as schools and universities teach them today, but because 4
Ra ordered the other gods to stand back while he whispered his secret name to Isis. ‘Now the power of the secret name has passed from my heart to your heart,’ said Ra wearily.
Re, the Egyptian falcon god, was seen as the sun at midday. Re embodied the sun at its most potent and its height. This was the time of the day when the sun’s heat was the most oppressive and where it reached its zenith. This was thought to represent Re’s power and might with the sun at its fullest potential. Atum, one of the oldest gods of Ancient Egypt, was seen as the personification of the afternoon sun before it set for the evening. The name Atum came from an Egyptian word that meant “to finish,” signifying both his personification as the sun at the finish of the day and probably signifying his greater importance as the finisher of the world, bringing it back to its watery chaos after the creation cycle that the Egyptians lived in. Here, we have the three officers of the lodge. The Candidate had a hood or thick veil placed over his eyes so that he could not see and was led by a Brother, called in Egyptian An-er-f, to the door of the Temple or Lodge, which appeared as a blank wall. At the door or entrance was a ‘’Watcher” armed, who said to the Candidate, “ I will not open to thee,” ‘’ I allow thee not to pass by me unless thou tellest me my name.” The word was ‘’ Shu- Si-Ra.” (The answer, translated from the Egyptian, was “ The Kneeler,” i.e., Shu.) He was then given a password, v/hich in Egyptian is “ Ra-gririt “—” The door of stone.” The door was an equilateral triangle, a symbol typical of Heaven, and a square stone underneath on which he trod was a symbol distinctive of Earth. The whole
The Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Maryland - THE LIGHT - November 2023
symbolized passing from Earth to Heaven—the password Ragrit needs to be more sketchy. The W.M. or High Priest was placed in his chair with the exact grip and token as we use in the present day, except that it was the other arm and the word was “ Maat-Heru,” meaning “One whose voice must be obeyed.” The present is a substituted one, the meaning of which correctly is “ Stone squares.’’ The Jewel representing the forty-seven Problems of the First Book of Euclid worn by the Master has no meaning, as it is explained to him. With the old Brotherhood, the correct purpose was the triangle of Horus, and the three squares represented the three Grand or Great Originals of the Primary Trinity. With the Operative Masons, the three squares represent the first, second, and third Masters of the Lodge. Apophis (also known as Apep) is the Great Serpent, the enemy of the sun god Ra, in ancient Egyptian religion. The sun was Ra’s great barge, which sailed through the sky from dawn to dusk and descended into the underworld. As it sailed through the darkness, it was attacked by Apophis, who sought to kill Ra and prevent sunrise. Notice the Lionheaded entity, the “Lion’s Paw grip” ding ding ding......overcoming darkness or death each day. The illustrated picture shows how the grip of the Lion’s Paw was given in the Pyramid Mysteries. The priest wore over
his head the mask of a lion. By this grip, the spirit in man, long buried in the tomb of substance, is raised to life, and the candidate goes forth as a builder entitled to the wages of an initiate. The origin of this illustration can be found in a depiction copied from a ‘bas-relief’ in an ancient Kemetic temple at Denderah, which sheds light on the ORIGIN of the Lion’s grip. The candidate, lying on the floor, is about to be ‘raised’ by the powerful grip of the Lion’s paw. The lion is carrying in his right hand the Ankh, a symbol of life and reincarnation, or regeneration. The “X” on the man’s chest tells us this is Ausar/ Osiris, the Sun God who was slain but arose from the dead, being pieced together by his beautiful Queen, Auset/Isis. The Black God is represented first as a mummy lying flat on his back. Bit by bit, he raises himself in a series of positions till he rises between the outstretched wings of Auset/Isis. This is the same raising of Heru, who was introduced to live in This world and not in the world to come. Now I ask this: if Apep is said to be the result of Ra or comes from Ra, then that would mean the Egyptians believe that the darkness comes from the light. Combined with its absence from Egyptian creation myths, this has been interpreted as suggesting that Apep was not a primordial force in Egyptian theology but a consequence of Ra’s birth. This means that evil in Egyptian theology results from an individual’s struggles against non-existence.
The Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Maryland - THE LIGHT - November 2023
capacity and disposition of the candidate, and by symbolical purifications to prepare him for his introduction into the greater Mysteries. “The candidate was at first called an aspirant, or seeker of the truth, and the initial ceremony which he underwent was a lustration or purification by water. In this condition, he may be compared to the Entered Apprentice of the masonic rites, and it is here worth advertising the fact (which will be hereafter more fully developed) that all the ceremonies in the first degree of masonry are symbolic of internal purification. In the lesser Mysteries, the candidate took an oath of secrecy, which was administered to him by the mystagogue, and then received a preparatory instruction, which enabled him afterward to understand the developments of the higher and subsequent division. He was now called a Mystes, or initiate, and may be compared to the Fellow Craft of Freemasonry. In the greater Mysteries, the whole knowledge of the divine truths, which was the object of initiation, was communicated. Here we find, among the various ceremonies which assimilated these rites to Freemasonry, the aphorism, which was the disappearance or death; the pastos, the couch, coffin, or grave; the enuresis, or the discovery of the body; and the autopsy, or full sight of everything, that is, the complete communication of the secrets. The candidate was here called an epopt, or eye-witness because nothing was now hidden from him; hence, he may be compared to Master Mason, who has discovered the knowledge of God and his salvation and been redeemed from the death of sin and the tomb of pollution and unrighteousness.” - Albert G. Mackey, The Ancient Mysteries.■ He even asks why we start with our “left.” To defile apep is to use the left foot along with other means described in The Books of Overthrowing Apep (or the Book of Apophis, in Greek) In your Masonic career, you have often been called a Candidate. This term, derived from the Latin word candidatus [kan-dih-DAH-toos], means “to be clothed in white,” for in many of the ancient ceremonies, the initiates were clothed with a white robe following their lustration. Lustration (from Latin lustratio, “purification by sacrifice”) is any of various processes in ancient Greece and Rome whereby individuals or communities rid themselves of ceremonial impurity (e.g., bloodguilt, pollution incurred by contact with childbirth or with a corpse) or simply of the profane or ordinary state, which made it dangerous to come into contact with sacred rites or objects. The methods varied from sprinkling with or washing in water, through rubbing with various substances, such as blood or clay, to complicated ceremonies, some of which involved confession of sins. Fumigation was also used. The secret worship, or Mysteries, of the ancients, were always divided into the lesser and the more significant, the former being intended only to awaken curiosity, to test the 6
R.W. Akoni S. Vaughans, Sr. 33° Editor in Chief, The Light Magazine References • •
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The Lesser Mysteries. Part 2 - the mystery schools. (n.d.). https://www.theosociety.org/pasadena/mysterys/mystsch2.htm Esoteric_Christianity (no date) Esoteric Christianity or the lesser mysteries by Annie Besant. Available at: https:// www.anandgholap.net/Esoteric_Christianity-AB.htm (Accessed: 30 October 2023). Pike, A., & Schulz, C. (2020). Morals and dogma - Albert Pike das Lehrbuch der Freimaurerei. Tradition. Mackey, A. G., Clegg, R. I., Hawkins, E. L., & Hughan, W. J. (1929a). Encyclopedia of Freemasonry and Kindred Sciences: Comprising the whole range of the arts, Sciences, and Literature of the Masonic institution. The Masonic History Company. Crowley, A., Regardie, I., & Crowley, A. (1996). 777 and other Qabalistic Writings of Aleister Crowley: Including Gematria & Sepher Sephiroth. Samuel Weiser. Marrs, T. W. (2013). Codex Magica secret signs, mysterious symbols, and hidden codes of the Illuminati. Rivercrest Pub.
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The 2024 2nd
National Steppers Ball Weekend
his event is sponsored by Into The Light International Inc. of which brother Sheldon Brown is CEO. This organization is a 501©3 non-profit dedicated to uplifting the African American community in Prince George’s county and the surrounding counties. The Steppers Ball Weekend is a fundraiser to raise funds to initiate our “Essential Needs” project which will be to donate goods to needy residents of our community. We ask that all the brothers in the Maryland Prince Hall community support this effort by purchasing/ attending this event. Thank you.■
14 The Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Maryland - THE LIGHT - November 2023
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n August 30, 2023, Grand Master Noel C. Osborne Sr., of the Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Maryland, exercising his prerogative as the Most Worshipful Grand Master to make a mason on site, ordered a special induction ceremony for Mr. Lonnie Chesson Spruill Jr., a founder of Iota Phi Theta Fraternity Inc. Mr. Spruill is also the sole living founder of a Divine Nine (Black Greek Letter) organization. Brother Spruill is now a member of William F. Taylor Lodge #57. The degree team for this ceremony, operating under the auspices of the Offices of the Grand Lecturer, Right Worshipful Daryl Jefferson, consisted of Past Grand Masters Kenneth Cloud (Grand Lecturer Emeritus), Christopher Mack (Prior Chief of Staff, Office of the Grand Lecturer), and Maurice M. Wood Jr. (Deputy Grand Lecturer Emeritus), along Right Worshipfuls Roosevelt Jordan Jr (Regional Grand Lecturer Emeritus), Alvin M. Parks (Assistant Regional Deputy Grand Master), and Leroy Smith (Past Assistant Grand Lecturer), with assistance by Right Worshipfuls Kevin D. Sanders (Regional Deputy Grand Master) and Ronald Dodson (Past Assistant Grand Chaplin).
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n August 30, 2023, Grand Master Noel C. Osborne Sr., of the Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Maryland, exercising his prerogative as the Most Worshipful Grand Master to make a mason on site, ordered a special induction ceremony for Mr. Lonnie Chesson Spruill Jr., a founder of Iota Phi Theta Fraternity Inc. Mr. Spruill is also the sole living founder of a Divine Nine (Black Greek Letter) organization. Brother Spruill is now a member of William F. Taylor Lodge #57. Iota Phi Theta was founded on September 19, 1963 by twelve students at Morgan State College (now Morgan State University). Its purpose was the development and perpetuation of Scholarship, Leadership, Citizenship, Fidelity and Brotherhood among men. The fraternity has since grown to over 300 chapters, and has initiated over fifty thousand members.
The degree team for this ceremony, operating under the auspices of the Offices of the Grand Lecturer, Right Worshipful Daryl Jefferson, consisted of Past Grand Masters Kenneth Cloud (Grand Lecturer Emeritus), Christopher Mack (Prior Chief of Staff, Office of the Grand Lecturer), and Maurice M. Wood Jr. (Deputy Grand Lecturer Emeritus), along Right Worshipfuls Roosevelt Jordan Jr (Regional Grand Lecturer Emeritus), Alvin M. Parks (Assistant Regional Deputy Grand Master), and Leroy Smith (Past Assistant Grand Lecturer), with assistance by Right Worshipfuls Kevin D. Sanders (Regional Deputy Grand Master) and Ronald Dodson (Past Assistant Grand Chaplin). Let us all join in welcoming Brother Lonnie Chesson Spruill Jr. to our number and fellowship.■
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HANNIBAL LODGE No. 8, P.H.A. 1307 EUTAW PLACE - BALTIMORE, MARYLAND 21217 Rory L. Fisher Worshipful Master
Tyjuan Toney Secretary
August 18, 2023 To The Honorable Noel C. Osborne Sr., Most Worshipful Grand Master, Elected and Appointed Officers. On Thursday, August 17, 2023, the Elected Officers and Members of Hannibal Lodge #8 Cordially Invited Members of the Maryland Jurisdiction to attend their August monthly meeting. During this meeting the Brother of Hannibal Lodge #8 invited RW Seymour Chambers – Grand Historian and Member of St. James Lodge #2 to present a Historic Lecture entitled: The Influence of Ancient Kemit on the Development of the Signs and Symbols of Ancient Craft Masonry. In attendance during this Historic evening were 5 Worship Masters and Members of their respective Lodges. Present were; ● ● ● ● ●
Worshipful Master – Brian Hense – Enterprise Lodge #3 Worshipful Master Brandon Edney – Prince Hall Lodge #38 Worshipful Master Eric Colson – William F. Taylor Lodge #57 Worshipful Master Brent Jones – E.W.S. Peck Lodge #82 Worshipful Master Eric Chisolm – William T. Wallace Lodge #134
Special Thanks to ALL The Brothers of Hannibal Lodge #8 for hosting an Outstanding Event. Fraternally
Rory L. Fisher WM Rory L. Fisher Hannibal Lodge #8 20 The Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Maryland - THE LIGHT - November 2023
22 The Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Maryland - THE LIGHT - November 2023
HANNIBAL LODGE No. 8, P.H.A. 1307 EUTAW PLACE - BALTIMORE, MARYLAND 21217 Rory L. Fisher Worshipful Master
Tyjuan Toney Secretary
August 20, 2023 To The Honorable Noel C. Osborne Sr., Most Worshipful Grand Master, Elected and Appointed Officers. On Saturday, August 19, 2023, Members of Hannibal Lodge #8 participated in a Community Service Partnership event that gave away Food, Clothing and Personal Hygiene items to individual that are less fortunate. The Brothers of Hannibal has committed to serving in the Communities that we reside in on the 1st & 3rd Saturday’s of each month. Our Fall Programs will consist of Feeding the Homeless, Thanksgiving Turkey Basket giveaway (Target Goal 25 Baskets) an Adopting a Family during the Christmas Holiday. Present during this event were: ● ● ● ● ● ●
Senior Warden – Dominque (Dom) Garrison Junior Warden – Anthony (Tony) Leonard Junior Deacon – Theodore (Teddy) Bond Jr. Senior Steward – Nathaniel (Nate) Carter Junior Steward – Larry (Coach) Stevenson Bro. Montrel (Trel) Edney
Thank You to the Brothers of Hannibal Lodge #8 for their Service Fraternally
Rory L. Fisher WM Rory L. Fisher Hannibal Lodge #8 The Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Maryland - THE LIGHT - November 2023 23
From L to R: Conductres Vee Ford, PM Darnisa Dew, PM Cante Woods, PP Mike White, WM ANdrea Porter, WP Jonathan Gentry, Sis. Charae Vickers & Sis. Alicia Stukes
The Brothers of Fairmount #92/ Brothers and Sisters of Columbine #46 participated in the event at Fairmount Heights Municipal Building. They engaged with the City of Fairmount Heights leadership and supported with activities for the event. The Brothers of Shelton D. Redden #139 participated in the event at Driskell Park in Hyattsville, MD. They assisted the Hyattsville Police Department and Abundant Life Bible Church with signing children up for the church’s child identification program. From L to R: SW John Peace, PM Theo Moton, SD Cedre Hammond & PM Quincy Riley. Seated: WM Rob Brodis
n Tuesday, August 1, 2023, the Lodges of The Fourth Masonic District and Columbine #46, Myra Grand Chapter, Order of the Eastern Star participated in National Night Out events in Oxon Hill, Fairmount Heights, Hyattsville, and Bowie, MD.
The Brothers of King Solomon #7 participated in the event at Hillcrest Heights Community Center in Oxon Hill, MD. They handed out refreshments to those in attendance and distributed Grand Lodge pamphlets to help bring awareness to what we do as an organization.
24 The Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Maryland - THE LIGHT - November 2023
The Brothers of Charles H. Wesley #147 participated in the event at Allen Pond in Bowie, MD. They supported the Bowie Police Department and the City of Bowie leadership in efforts to engage with the community and bring awareness to Maryland Prince Hall Masonry. It is always a pleasure to serve the community in our respective cities within Prince George’s County, MD. National Night Out
From L to R: Sec. Greg Ransom, PM Lonell Wilson, JW Davon Peter, WM Mike White, FC Coeman, Bro. Anthony Holiday, FC Mohamad, FC Moore
“It is always a pleasure to serve the community in our respective cities...”
is a great opportunity for us to engage with the community, assist different organizations within our respective cities with a variety of activities, all while continuing to shine our Light as Maryland Prince Hall Masons and Eastern Stars. Thanks you to all that participated in this event! Let’s all continue our efforts in creating a lasting positive impact on our communities!■ Fraternally Submitted, RW Keon Anthony 4th District Community Engagement Officer
From L to R: RW Kevin Stephen, WM Gerard Weaver, RW Brent Hughes & RW Greg Davis with members of Abundant Life Bible Church
From L to R: Kevin Stephen, WM Gerard Weavwr, RW Brent Hughes, RW Greg Davis & Bro. Treas Marcus Valentine.
The Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Maryland - THE LIGHT - November 2023 25
“Continuing to shine our Light as Maryland Prince Hall Masons and Eastern Stars.”
26 The Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Maryland - THE LIGHT - November 2023
please join us for a
& p m i r h S
B asLL ! t o R march 23, 2024
Time 1-5PM
All You Can Eat
Shrimp Italian Sausage with Green Peppers and Onions Breaded or Barbecue Chicken Penne Pasta with Sauce & Meatballs
Mashed Potatoes & Gravy Mac & Cheese String Beans in Onion Gravy Soft drinks and assorted deserts
For Tickets, contact Kevin Roy 443.801.7525 or Chris Gray 443.253.4947 Tickets Price $80 per person Hosted by Most Illustrious Prince Hall Grand Council Royal and Select Masters PHA Maryland & Its Jurisdiction; GTIM Julio A. Martinez, KYCH
The Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Maryland - THE LIGHT - November 2023 27
28 The Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Maryland - THE LIGHT - November 2023
The Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Maryland - THE LIGHT - November 2023 29
Without Mental Reservation Federal Lodge No. 9, PHA
olossians 3:23-24 (NIV) states “Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters, since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving.” The following article includes several topics of the most recent accomplishments and undertakings by the Mighty Men of Federal Lodge No. 9. These topics include our recently presented Grand Lodge Lifetime Membership awards, the memorial service of Past Master Raymond T. Johnson, the 10-week weight loss challenge with Block Party, the RW Willie S. Godfrey Masonic Education Committee at Coppin State University, and our celebrations. Needless to say, our lodge continued meeting, and working, during the Summer of 2023 where we have proudly carried the banner of Prince Hall Freemasonry without hesitation or mental reservation.
30 The Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Maryland - THE LIGHT - November 2023
Grand Lodge
Lifetime Membership Awards
t the close of the 174th Annual Grand Lodge Session, the Honorable Noel C. Osborne, Sr. stated it is long overdue for our varying levels of leadership to identify and honor those who long held the banner of Prince Hall Freemasonry. If these members were homebound, he advised, it is our duty to go to them to say thank you for their service and honor them while they are still here in labor. Additionally to this, at
the start of the 2022-23 Masonic Year, our very own RW Willie S. Godfrey introduced the idea for our lodge to take a moment to honor our Grand Lodge Lifetime Members. At the time of discussion, our lodge had two Grand Lodge Lifetime Members where we decided it was best to provide them with a token of appreciation in respect to their dedication as Master Masons and our jurisdiction. The token of appreciation consisted of a finely engraved
Pictured from left to right: Bro. Marcus Nicholson, RW Thomas Russum, RW Billie Brown, Bro. Elijah Thomas’ son, WM Dr. Kevin Claiborne, RW Wille. Godfrey, and RW Christopher Gray.
Pictured from Left to Right: Junior Warden Cash Crooms, RW Christopher Gray, Past Matron Gloria Johnson, Past Master Raymond Johnson, WM Dr. Kevin Claiborne, and RW Willie Godfrey. The Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Maryland - THE LIGHT - November 2023 31
plaque provided to the brother, or their family representative, in May 2023, and it is more than befitting to start our news article with them. The visitation to Past Master Johnson consisted of prayer, conversations on his experiences in the organization, his guidance on how we can build good relationships with newer generations of men coming into the order, and his input on the topics from our fatherhood forum. Prior to leaving, we presented his lovely wife with gifts. During our conversation, we were presented with many of their Masonic and OES gems, pieces of history, and artifacts.■
Top pictures: Dues card of Past Master Raymond Johnson from 1957. Middle picture: Myra Grand Chapter paraphernalia of Past Matron Gloria Johnson from 1995. Bottom left picture: Myra Grand Chapter paraphernalia of Past Matron Gloria Johnson from 1994. 32 The Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Maryland - THE LIGHT - November 2023
“During our conversation, we were presented with many of their Masonic and OES gems, pieces of history, and artifacts.” Captions
Top picture: Myra Grand Chapter paraphernalia of Past Matron Gloria Johnson from 1995. Bottom picture: Myra Grand Chapter Annual Session access badge of Past Matron Gloria Johnson from 1995.
The Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Maryland - THE LIGHT - November 2023 33
Memorial Service of
Past Master Raymond T. Johnson
n God’s timing, Past Master Raymond T. Johnson was called from labor to reward in June 2023. The home going services were conducted at St. John Baptist Church in Columbia, MD by Rev. Dr. Robert A. F. Turner. In July 2023, his lovely wife, Past Matron Gloria Johnson organized a memorial service for the late COL(Ret) Johnson on Fort Belvoir, VA with a request for the Masonic Services to be conducted. The Office of the Grand Lecturer coordinated for RW Otis D. Wilson to conduct the Masonic Memorial Service where Right Worshipful Willie. S. Godfrey, Worshipful Master Dr. Kevin. D. Claiborne, and Brother Marcus Nicholson supported in executing the service for the family and friends of Past Master Johnson.
After the service, Worshipful Master Dr. Kevin D. Claiborne and Worthy Matron Marcia Cooper presented Past Matron with a bouquet of flowers in honor of her updated membership as a Grand Chapter Lifetime Member of the Myra Grand Chapter Order of the Eastern Star – Prince Hall Affiliated.■
34 The Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Maryland - THE LIGHT - November 2023
Top left picture and from left to right: RW Willie Godfrey, WM Dr. Kevin Claiborne, RW Otis Wilson, Bro. Marcus Nicholson. Bottom left pictures: Flowers presented to Past Matron Gloria Johnson as a lifetime Member of the Myra Grand Chapter OES-PHA. Top right picture and from Left to Right: Junior Warden Cash Crooms, Past Matron Gloria Johnson, Senior Warden Pro Temp Jamal Wright, Worthy Matron Marcia Cooper, and Worshipful Master Dr. Kevin Claiborne at the Funeral Service of Past Master Raymond Johnson. Bottom right picture and from left to Right: RW Wille Godfrey, Worthy Marcia Cooper, and Worshipful Master Dr. Kevin Claiborne at the memorial service of Past Master Raymond Johnson. The Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Maryland - THE LIGHT - November 2023 35
10 Week
Weight Loss Program
s the 2022-23 Masonic Year is underway, the Mighty Men of Federal Lodge No. 9 have moved forward in our principal tenets of brotherly love, relief, and truth. In an assessment of the Honorable Noel C. Osborne’s philanthropic interest with the African American Diabetes Association, Federal Lodge No. 9 agreed to take a direct approach to battle the disease. On Saturday 24 June 2023, our lodge initiated a 10-week weight loss challenge with a grand prize of $300. The intent of the program is to get members, their family, and friends an opportunity to focus on their diet and daily exercise as losing weight is the best recommended option to reduce and/or eliminate complications of certain types of diabetes. The weight loss program consists of 9 contestants eager to improve their current health conditions. The program has been augmented to include a GroupMe support chat for the contestants to check in and converse as needed. The winner is projected to be selected at the Block Party held by Federal Lodge on 2 September 2023. Registration included a weigh in, where the contestant will confirm the current weight at the Block Party with an acceptable deviation of +/- 5 pounds.
36 The Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Maryland - THE LIGHT - November 2023
onorary Membership of Bro. Christian Wheatley in Federal Lodge No. 9 is scheduled for presentation at the Block Party. Bro. Wheatley is a member of the Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge of New York. He resides in Baltimore, MD and has been an avid supporter of our lodge and the Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Maryland. Also, Honorary membership has been approved for our very own District Deputy Grand Master Michael M. Hughes with a presentation date of 25 October 2023 at 830 pm.■
“The intent of the program is to get members, their family, and friends an opportunity to focus on their diet and daily exercise...”
The Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Maryland - THE LIGHT - November 2023 37
RW Willie. S. Godfrey
Masonic Education Committee
ecruitment of membership is a pillar in many organizations as it relates to longevity and forward progression. The Mighty Men of Federal Lodge No. 9 have partnered with the Lovely Ladies of Trinity Chapter No. 5 to cultivate a joint pilot recruitment program at Coppin State University. Under the approval of the Grand Master Noel C. Osborne, Sr., Grand Worthy Matron Sister Carmen Kearney, and Grand Worthy Patron Paul Kearney, Jr., students at Coppin State University (CSU) will have the ability to be introduced to Freemasonry and the OES-PHA. The recruitment efforts will be conducted under the name of RW Willie S. Godfrey Masonic Education committee in honor and respect of the 15 years he served Federal Lodge No. 9 as Worshipful Master. CSU has invited our lodge and sister chapter to participate in their new student orientation programs where we have the opportunity to interact with the incoming students after their planned days of college preparation with the University. Our organization is ever so grateful for Bro. Roger Avery for coordinating refreshments for the table, and Ms. Sandra Green as the Student Activities Director at CSU to make this possible. The university requires organizations to conduct an informational meeting where students can have an opportunity to express interest in joining. The first informational for the recruitment initiative will be conducted on 13 September 2023 under the title “2B1ASK1 Opportunity.” The students appear to be eager to learn more about the organization where RSVPs have started to be received daily.■
38 The Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Maryland - THE LIGHT - November 2023
“Our organization is ever so grateful for Bro. Roger Avery for coordinating refreshments for the table, and Ms. Sandra Green as the Student Activities Director at CSU to make this possible.” The Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Maryland - THE LIGHT - November 2023 39
Celebrations Federal Lodge No. 9 is extremely proud of our Junior Warden for the time and dedication placed in preparing and conferring the 1st Degree of Freemasonry on 14 June 2023.
Congratulations are in order for our newly passed Fellow Crafts of Federal Lodge No. 9.
Top Picture: Junior Warden Cash Crooms presiding as Worshipful Master for the First Degree of Freemasonry. Bottom picture and from left to right: Junior Warden Cash Crooms, Bro. Norris Goode, Bro. Isiah Burnett, and Senior Warden Pro Temp Jamal Wright. 40 The Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Maryland - THE LIGHT - November 2023
Federal Lodge No. 9 Celebrating a visit of our very on Past Master Bamm King from Kuwait
Pictured from Left to Right: DDGM Mike Hughes, Bro. Christian Wheatley, Bro. K. Mondie, SW Pro. Temp Jamal Wright, Bro. Miel, Junior Warden Cash Crooms, Worthy Matron Marcia Cooper, Past Master Bamm King, RW Willie Godfrey, Worshipful Master Dr. Kevin Claiborne, Bro. David Grenway, Senior Deacon Marcellus Johnson, RW Christopher Gray, RW Thomas Russum, and Bro. Isiah Burnett. Rev. Bro. Melvin Rascoe completed his Masters Degree in Divinity. Bro. Marcelleus Johnson started new employment as a corrections officer with the Montgomery County Detention Center. RW Chris Gray announcement as Principal Conductor of the Works for the Most Illustrious Prince Hall Grand Council Grand Line (Purple House) RW Thomas Russum announcement as Royal Chief Advisor to the Ladies of the Circle of Perfection (Purple House) WM Dr. Kevin D. Claiborne successfully defended his dissertation in the Doctor of Business Administration Program at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte.
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King David Lodge #18
Resumes It’s Annual
Friends & Family BBQ
n Saturday, 26 August 2023, King David Lodge #18 held our annual Friends and Family BBQ. Importantly, this event, interrupted by COVID-19, had not been held in over four (4) years. This cookout represented King David truly stepping out of the pandemic, and getting back to our roots. Family, fun, and fellowship were evident as JW Sammie Washington opened his home to us for a prep party, as we prepared the food there on the
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Friday evening prior. There was music and plenty of laughs as our brethren sautéed, grilled, and skewered in preparation for Saturday. The next morning, we came together yet again to set up and serve our families and friends on a beautiful day in the park filled with food, games, music, and love. Children, the next generation of brethren and sisters, came out in force to run, play, and eat at the foot of the elders. JW Sammie Washington, and his committee performed in an exemplary fashion, as they provided an excellent outing for over 80 guests at Gwynn Oak Park. These guests included brethren from other jurisdictions (MWPHGL of MI & NY), Federal Lodge #9, OES Sisters from Trinity #5 and Gethsemane #34, RW RDGM Kevin Sanders, and their families. These types of events are what bring us together, forming those truly fraternal and familial bonds that are the core logic of Freemasonry.■ The Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Maryland - THE LIGHT - November 2023 43
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115 Anniversary
Gospel Dinner for
Queen Esther Assembly #1
t the 115 Anniversary Gospel Dinner for Queen Esther Assembly #1.. The oldest Golden Circle Assembly ever. Had the pleasure of having SGIG and MWGM Noel C. Osborne Sr. deliver the Invocation and the Benediction. We also had from the country of Texas SGIG John Butler as the guest Reverend. Great job to LLR Michelle James and the committee members of Queen Esther Assembly #1.■
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John H. Jones Jr. Assembly #284
s we rebuild the Rite stone by stone, we also rebuild and revitalize the Order of the Golden
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Circle. Congratulations to the 14 new Loyal Ladies of John H. Jones Jr. Assembly #284 of Salisbury, MD. Special thanks to the officers and members of King David Consistory #284 for helping to identify the new Loyal Ladies. To the SGLLR Vanessa Thompson of the Willard W. Allen State Grand Assembly, the PSGLLRs and the elected members for traveling and performing the ritualistic work, much thanks and appreciation.■
Knight Commander of the Court of Honour (KCCH) Please join us in congratulating Frater Everett Martin, 32° as he was chosen to receive and invest the rank and decoration of Knight Commander of the Court of Honour (KCCH). His contribution and service to his Consistory, our Orient, and Freemasonry has been remarkable. Congratulations, Frater Martin.■
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Samuel T. Daniels Sr. Council of Deliberation 2023
n July 14-16, 2023, the Samuel T. Daniels Sr. Council of Deliberation held its annual session at the Crowne Plaza in Annapolis, MD. I would like to thank those Prince Hall Scottish Rite Leaders and members for a very successful weekend. We gave out the first annual Lifetime Achievement Awards with the support of our very own SGC Corey D. Hawkins Sr, present. I would also like to thank the 33rd Degree class from the Orient of MD for my surprise gift. (Thanks much for the oil painting, I truly appreciate it.). Also, thanks to my friend and brother SGIG Emanuel Stanley for making sure things stayed on point. Congrats to all of the new elected officers, in the COD as well as the State Grand Assembly! Congrats to all the awardees!
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Left to right MWGM Noel C. Osborne Sr, SGIG; Larry Gibson SGC; Corey D. Hawkins Sr. Esq, SGIG; Congressman, Kweisi Mfume SGIG Deputy for the Orient of MD, Garnett Hall Sr., SGIG
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United Supreme Council SJ 2023 Annual Conference
Left to right: PCIC Kevin C. Cosby Sr, GIG; 1st Lt. CIC Akoni S. Vaughans, Sr. GIG; PCIC Orlando Wilson, GIG; 2nd Lt. CIC Brandon Bracey, GIG
nited Supreme Council SJ - 2023 Annual Conference- Huntsville, Alabama October 6 - 10, 2023. There was a Testimonial Dinner honoring our Sovereign Grand Commander, Illustrious Corey D. Hawkins, Sr. … A remarkable Masonic career that is an inspiration!
The 33° degree work was well executed by the COD of DC on 241 class members with precision to continue carrying the Scottish rite banner! This was an eventful session with plenty of milestones to mention but overall the rite is still right. And The Past, Present and Future of Executive leadership for the valley of Baltimore.■
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Left to right PCIC Kevin C. Cosby Sr, GIG 1st Lt. CIC Akoni S. Vaughans, Sr. GIG PCIC Orlando Wilson, GIG 2nd Lt. CIC Brandon Bracey, GIG
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“Democracy and Its Ignorance” re By: Orator, SP Tony Harris, 32°
an democracy exist in a country where most citizens are not knowledgeable enough to confront the complex issues of society? The answer is no. Democracy is ruled by the people. If democracy is made up of people and the people are the ones who make the decisions, how can ignorance exist in a space where the true benefit is supposed to be harmony, freedom, and justice for all?
Notwithstanding, having an uninformed people wouldn’t benefit democracy because such an act would put the power player (the people) in a victim role (to the elites). Democracies elect officials to represent ideas of the culture to therefore move policies that would benefit the greater good. When few checks and balances exist, knowledge has halted and therefore leads to the destruction of a healthy society based on the principle of morality, as explained in the Fellowcraft degree. Ignorance cannot prevail if democracy is going to work. The 10th-degree talks about ignorance being the ultimate hindrance to human freedoms as it leads to death. The late Grand Master Hiram Abiff was slain at the hands of an assassin who was willing to do anything for his own self-righteousness. When we let our primal nature rule, we give in to all the vices and superfluities of life, thereby being unable to fit our minds as living stones for that spiritual building, that house not made with hands eternal in the heavens. Simply, we cannot remain ignorant and want to elevate as a people. It will not run a democracy and it will not guide our temple in the manner in which we should live.
“The Grand Architect of the Universe is not ignorant.” The Grand Architect of the Universe is not ignorant. And, if we are made in his image, we should not operate out of our own ignorance either. We have to seek education and knowledge to be able to combat our minds from succumbing to our lower Selves. Albeit a lifelong journey, it is the only journey we have to fight in our time here on this earth. This concludes this lecture.■
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Ambition, defined, is a strong desire to reach an end goal. It requires determination and effort to achieve. From the Latin word “ambire” to go around, having a driving ambition can be, if we’re not careful, a powerful motivator for achieving failure or success, when we use it effectively. Much like the two assassins of 9th and 10th degrees, they represent the enemies of freedom, personally and socially. The negative expression of toxic ambition is tyranny and despotism. Ambition often leads to egotism and self-righteousness, all of which feed our primal tendencies in base consciousness.
Check Your Ambition By: Orator, SP Tony Harris, 32°
hings we know to be true: Brothers in the Craft buying degrees for clout, Brothers in the Craft buying degrees for an image, and Brothers in the Craft buying degrees for bragging rights. Our selfish desires drive us to fanaticism even in Masonry, and we’re ignoring it. Duty should be Brother’s principal force in leading their Masonic career; as we look around in the craft, few brothers are seeking true knowledge. Ironically enough, the 4th degree comes without either password or jewel but is one of the most profound. How many Brothers actually pick up the ritual, let alone a book to gain knowledge and become valuable to our fellow Brothers? How many actually study and reflect on teachings in any of the degrees we’ve taken obligations to? We have been charged in the 1st degree to serve Self, neighbor, and Deity. Do we just forget the ritual to pursue our own selfish gains? These are questions that require practical answers.
Since our goal is to ascend to higher levels of thinking, primitive functions (like ego and self-serving desire) are not how we should operate consistently-it to serve neither God nor our neighbor. And, if the foundation of Masonry is unity, it is the unity that should cement us. Healthy ambition spawns healthy goal attainment in life. Performance, growth, and achievement ambition are all degrees of ambition that we can use to elevate because we are supposed to be “fitting our minds as living stones for that spiritual building, that house not made with hands eternal in the heavens.” Speculative Masonry charges us with this when we receive the common gavel as one of our working tools as an Entered Apprentice. Performance ambition outlines what goals I can realistically attain through my own effort. Growth ambition outlines what level, technical, or personal mastery is needed to grow while achievement ambition outlines what reward I hope to obtain. In our plight towards knowledge, we must remember that elevation is the ultimate goal for self, neighbor, and God alike. If we’re not focused on our personal growth, how are we supposed to leave a legacy worth living for now? If all we do is feed our physical nature, we will fall victim to our shadow nature, killing our inherent growth toward true enlightenment. This concludes this lecture.■
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By: Deputy Master, Duane Elliott, 32°
n the midst of the record-breaking heat wave (over 100-degree heat index) stretching across the United States of America, the “Baltimore City Lodge of Perfection” held its Second Annual “Cigar & Cognac Basket of Cheer” cookout and raffle. This event occurred on Saturday 29 July 2023 at Club 1226 (McCulloh Street) in Baltimore, Maryland. Serving free hot dogs, hamburgers & cheesy chicken alfredo to our guests; the committee also sold seafood items of oysters & shrimp. The fellowship enjoyed by all, lasted until about 4:45 pm. Things changed as it was time for the big event – the pulling of the winning raffle tickets at 5:00 pm. In a span of 15 minutes, friends became fierce competitors. The final winning raffle ticket was drawn at 5:17 pm. It turns out that last year’s reigning champion was also this year’s champion; good ol’ ‘Hector’! As the crowd went wild with laughter and cheer; the trashtalking for 2024 has already begun. Special thanks to the establishment of Club 1226 for being such a gracious host. I would like to thank the committee members of Perfect Elu’s: Kevin Clark, DeWayne Vannoy, Nathaniel Carter, Jeffrey Scruggs, and Chimezie Ihuoma, who all had a major impact on making the event a success. I would like to give a special shout-out to Perfect Elu Sheffield DaSilva for his efforts in producing our marketing materials. Thank you, Thrice Potent Master Jayson Glenn, for your support by being the second-highest ticket sales. Last and not least of all, I would like to thank you, the Members of our Masonic family, and the public who without your continued support “The Baltimore City Lodge of Perfection, Valley of Baltimore, Orient of Maryland” could not raise the funds to support Philanthropic activities.
Once again, thank you all and we look forward to seeing you in July 2024.■ 68 The Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Maryland - THE LIGHT - November 2023
“Things changed as it was time for the big event – the pulling of the winning raffle tickets...”
Captions Top left picture: 1st Place Winner: Hector (w/ TPM J. Glenn). Top right picture: 2nd Place: GIG Nelson Moody. Bottom picture: 3rd Place: PM Leonard Parker (WFT #57).
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New Levites and Companions Among Us! By: TPM Jayson Glenn, 32°
n July 25, 2023, Baltimore City Lodge of Perfection No. 2, led by Deputy Master Duane Elliott, 32°, and his degree team initiated seven (7) new Brothers into the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite. Bros. David Grenway, Brian Hance, Maurice Howell, Travis Covington, Anthony Leonard, Clifton Green, and Seymour Chambers were crowned with laurel and olive and ranked among us as Levites! As these men started their journey in our Ancient Rite, they were bestowed virtues, lessons, and wisdom that will help to guide their minds and direct their actions as they build a future life in morality and rectitude of conduct, maintaining their spotless apron that once was placed in their hand at the birth of their masonic life. I want to acknowledge the Fraters of the degree team who gave their talents and dedication to making this auspicious occasion happen. Thank you to SPs Duane Elliott, Jayson Glenn, DeWayne Vannoy, Mark Brown, Daniel Brunson, Tony Harris, and a few other Fraters who participated. These gentlemen embedded props, light management, and drama into the work to compel important lessons indicated in the degrees conferred. The team conferred two (2) degrees in total, Secret Master (4) and Knights of the Ninth or Royal Arch (13). TPM Jayson Glenn obligated the new initiates and provided the lessons for degrees 5-12. Now, we have seven (7) newly obligated companions who have penetrated the bowels! I look forward to these gentlemen bringing their talents, thoughts, and labor to this beautiful valley as we continue to grow, expand, and spread Freemasonry across Baltimore, the state of Maryland, and our jurisdiction and beyond. Additionally, I look forward to contracting the alliance with these seven when they are obligated as Perfect Elus! “The price of success is hard work, dedication to the job at hand, and the determination that whether we win or lose, we have applied the best of ourselves to the task at hand.” - Vince Lombardi.■
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As fanaticism has the propensity for moderation, ignorance has the propensity for growth. We distinguish these concepts by looking at the underlying goal that they seek to achieve. In harmony we shall flourish, not in excess. This concludes this lecture.■
Zeal vs Fanaticism; Ignorance vs Lack of Information
By: SP Tony Harris, 32°
ow do we distinguish between fanaticism and zeal? Ignorance and lack of information? The answer: free will. Fanaticism begets zeal much like ignorance begets lack of information. Respectively, one is a degree of the other. We can not let our free will go unchecked or our desires will be out of bounds. When describing the energies in its dualistic nature, masculine and feminine, we need both sides of our nature in harmony for us to be One with our creator. Feminine energy offsets logic whilst masculine energy offsets compassion to generate a balance of both planes. Zeal is an eagerness or ardent interest in the pursuit of a specific cause or objective while fanaticism is an excessive unquestioning enthusiasm in its own right. Zeal is an ingredient to fanaticism but its expression comes through in excess, not in moderation. We see many religious groups display fanaticism as they fearlessly follow their leader without question and with such zeal that it strikes disinterestedness in the people who hear their message because only they feel the zeal of their own message. Defined, a lack of information refers to a person who is uninstructed, untrained, uninformed and uneducated. It does not imply that one knew anything previously. Likewise, it does not compromise Will because nothing was known prior to the lack of information. Ignorance, on the other hand, is a lack of knowledge (application of information), education or awareness. Ignorance doesn’t quite fall in the category of lack of information because ignorance assumes that information has been given but due to our access to free will, we make choices based on what we know to be true. Ignorance invites us to search for the truth and become better versions of ourselves; this is not the plight of a lack of information. The idea here is free will because it is our inalienable right. Man’s law has no rightful place to take this right away from any other human because he is not greater than our Creator. The Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Maryland - THE LIGHT - November 2023 71
Generational Equity: The Pythagoras Journey
By: WM Dr. Kevin D. Claiborne
roverbs Chapter 22, verse 6 advises us to “train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old, he will not depart from it.” With this, the Mighty Men of Federal Lodge No. 9 stand in solidarity with moving forward with supporting the Order of the Knights of Pythagoras by laying the foundation to request a charter for our young men. We proudly introduce our dynamic leadership team of Past Master (PM) Terrence R. Tyson, Junior Warden (JW) Jamal I. Wright, Sr., Brother Derrick R. Johnson Sr., and Chaplain Norris J. Goode.
PM Terrence R. Tyson
I am happily married with three children, all boys, ages 13,16 and 23. By leveraging my substantial knowledge, skills, and abilities, I am confident I will immediately contribute and impact in this role. Highlights of my qualifications and credentials include: Being a member of Federal Lodge No. 9. Having served as the Worshipful Master of Hiram Lodge #23 Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge of New York (MWPHGLNY) Brooklyn, NY 2018. Excellent High Priest of MT Moriah No. 3 MWPHGLNY, Holy Royal Arch Masons, Brooklyn, NY 2021. Noble of Al Masser No. 251 Ancient Egyptian Arabic Order Nobles Mystic Shrine. Member of Mystic Tie No. 9 Cryptic Mason and Victoria Chapter No. 45 Order of Eastern Stars, Prince Hall Affiliated (PHA). I have held the unique position of Treasurer with the Phoenix Steelpan Orchestra. Presiding president, Kappa Lambda Chi Military Fraternity Inc. Omicron Chapter. Have maintained active participation in all organization’s social, community service, and brotherhood interest events. Assisted in the Founders’ Day BBQ hosted by our chapter in 2021 and arranged the Wreathes Across America community event in 2021.■
JW Jamal I. Wright, Sr.
Pictured above from left to right: PM Terrence R. Tyson and his lovely wife, Carlita Tyson [Message from PM Tyson] It is a pleasure to accept membership into the Knights of Pythagoras. I would like to offer my services with over 18 years of experience within various fraternal and social organizations and 26 years of Military experience. I am presently assigned as the First Sergeant for Bravo Company 152 Brigade Engineer Battalion Army National Guard “Berserkers” Sapper. I possess an in-depth knowledge of the needs of our fraternal, organizational, programmatic, and strategic objectives.
Pictured Above Back Row Left to Right: Janya S. Wright, Natiya T. Wright, Dru Anderson, JW Jamal I. Wright Sr, Drake Anderson, Jamal I. Wright Jr., Ramir I.D. Wright, and Jamil I.T. Wright
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Front Row Left to Right: Jeremiah I.T. Wright, Jamel I.T. Wright, and Jace I.A. Wright
Chaplain Norris J. Goode
JW Jamal I. Wright Sr. is a loving son, brother, and father of 8 wonderful kids and three grandchildren. JW Wright Sr. is an outstanding actor in the Baltimore, MD, area with several credits under his experience. JW Wright, Sr. has many experiences working at group homes in the Baltimore, MD area, as well as mentorship programs for the youth. [Message From JW Wright] My focus for our KOP program is to uplift the community by showing our young men the life skills they need to survive.■
Bro. Derrick R. Johnson, Sr.
Pictured above from left to right: Ariyah Goode, Chaplain Norris J. Goode, and Reagan Goode Chaplain Norris J. Goode was raised as a Master Mason on September 30, 2023. He shares membership in Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc. Also, Chaplain Goode is the current director of programming for the Howard & Elizabeth Caldwell Foundation. [Message from Chaplain Norris] I hope to impart different perspectives upon the youth that could prove beneficial as youth encounter different social situations.■
2024 Planning and Programming
In addition to serving our young men, monthly mentorship will be conducted to positively impact male students in need at Renaissance Academy High School (RAHS). Men above 18 at RAHS will be included in the mentorship program under our RW Willie S. Godfrey Masonic Education Committee at Coppin State University.
Pictured above from left to right: Derrick R. Johnson (DJ), Jr., Brother Derrick R. Johnson, Sr., and fiancé Kia Copeland. Bro. Derrick Johnson, Sr. is an active duty officer, having been commissioned from the Reserved Officer Training Corps at Virginia State University. Currently, I am enrolled as a student in the United States Army Intermediate Level Education (ILE)/ Advanced Operations Warfighting Course. ILE is the Army’s formal education program for senior captains and majors. Bro. Johnson, Sr. shares membership in Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc.■
One of our first community service projects includes supporting ten families at RAHS with a Thanksgiving food basket. This initiative will be held with the 1st Masonic District community service project under the leadership of District Deputy Grand Master Michael M. Hughes, including Enterprise Lodge No. 3, Zion Lodge No. 4, Federal Lodge No. 9, and King David Lodge No. 18. Anyone interested in donating or participating in the Thanksgiving community service initiative, the mentorship program at RAHS, or future activities of our Knights of Pythagoras organization can contact JW Jamal I. Wright, Sr., at themightymenoffed9@gmail.com.■
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