The Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Maryland - THE LIGHT - June 2023
04 The Tabernacle or Temple 10 Halfway Up The Mountain! Grand Chapter Session Donation to Meade 14 High School 16 Reclaiming & Proclaiming Our History 18 What Makes You a Master Mason? A Night of Communal 24 Joy and Camaraderie in the Valley! 29 Spreading Holiday Cheer 30 Holiday Cheer in the Desert of Maryland 34 Trailblazing Accomplishments 42 What Come You Here to Do? 46 Joint Family Holiday Party From the Editor
King David Lodge #18
2023 Spring Festive Board: Omega Council #2
Federal Lodge #9
The Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Maryland - THE LIGHT - June 2023
any Masonic students have greatly erred in the way in which they have referred to the Sinaitic Tabernacle, as if it were represented by the Tabernacle said in the legends to have been erected by Zerubbabel at Jerusalem at the time of the building of the second Temple. The belief that the Tabernacle of Zerubbabel was an exact representation of that erected by Moses, arose from the numerous allusions to it in the writings of Doctor Oliver, but in this country principally from the teachings of Thomas Smith Webb and Jeremy L. Cross. It is, however, true, that although the symbols of the Ark, the Golden Candlestick, the Altar of Incense, and some others were taken, not from the Tabernacle, but from the Temple, the symbolism of the veils was derived from the latter, but in a form by no means similar to the original disposition. It is therefore necessary that some notice should be taken of the real 4
Tabernacle, that we may be enabled to know how far the Masonic is connected with the Sinaitic edifice. The word tabernacle means a tent. It is the diminutive of the Latin word taberna, and was used by the Romans to denote a soldier’s tent. It was constructed of planks and covered with skins, and its outward appearance presented the precise form of the Jewish Tabernacle. They are enjoined to make, in what concerns it (i.e. the building of the Temple), a holy site and an innersanctum,[a] and where there is positioned in front of the holy site a certain place that is called a ‘Hall’ (Hebrew: )םלוא. The three of these places are called ‘Sanctuary’ (Hebrew: )לכיה. They are [also] enjoined to make a different partition surrounding the Sanctuary, distant from it, similar to the screen-like hangings of the court that were
The Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Maryland - THE LIGHT - June 2023
in the wilderness. All that which is surrounded by this partition, which, as noted, is like the court of the Tabernacle, is called ‘Courtyard’ (Hebrew: )הרזע, whereas all of it together is called ‘Temple’ (Hebrew: [ )שדקמlit. ‘the Holy Place’]. The Jews called it sometimes miškān ( – ןָּכְׁשִמmeesh-KAHN) comes from the Hebrew root meaning “to dwell”; the tabernacle was considered to be the earthly dwelling place of God, which, like the Latin taberna, meant a dwelling-place, but more commonly Ohel, which meant, like tabernacle, a tent. In shape it resembled a tent, and is supposed to have derived its form from the tents used by the Patriarchs during their nomadic life. There are three Tabernacles mentioned in Scripture history—the Ante Sinaitic, the Sinaitic, and the Davidic 1. The Ante-Sinaitic Tabernacle was the tent used, perhaps from the beginning of the Exodus, for the transaction of business, and was situated at some distance from the camp. It was used only provisionally and was superseded by the Tabernacle proper. 2. The Sinaitic Tabernacle. This was constructed by Aholiab or Oholiab (Hebrew: בָאיִלֳהָאʾĀholīʾāḇ, “father’s tent”) and Bezalel, Bezaleel, or Betzalel (Hebrew: לֵאְלַצְּב, Bəṣalʼēl), was the chief artisan of the Tabernacle and was in charge of building the Ark of the Covenant; both under the immediate direction of Moses. The costliness and splendor of this edifice
“The tabernacle was considered to be the earthly dwelling place of God, which, like the Latin taberna, meant a dwelling-place...” exceeded, says Kitto, in proportion to the means of the people who constructed it, the magnificence of any Cathedral of the present day. It was situated in the very center of the camp, with its door or entrance facing the East, and was placed toward the western part of an enclosure or outward court, which was one hundred and fifty feet long and fifty feet wide, and surrounded by canvas screens seven and a half feet high, so as to prevent any one on the outside from overlooking the Court. The Tabernacle itself was, according to Josephus, forty-five feet long by fifteen wide; its greater length being from East to West. The sides were fifteen feet high, and there was a sloping roof. There was no aperture or place of entrance except at the eastern end, which was covered by curtains. Internally, the Tabernacle was divided into two apartments by a richly decorated curtain. The one at the western end was fifteen feet long, making, therefore, a perfect cube. This was the Holy of Holies, into which no one entered, not even the High Priest, except on extraordinary occasions. In it was placed the Ark of the Covenant, against the western wall. The Holy of Holies was separated from the Sanctuary by a curtain embroidered with figures of Cherubim, and supported by four golden pillars. The Sanctuary, or eastern apartment, was in
The Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Maryland - THE LIGHT - June 2023
the form of a double cube, being fifteen feet high, fifteen feet wide, and thirty feet long. In it were placed the Table of Shewbread on the northern side, the Golden Candlestick on the southern, and the Altar of Incense between them. The Tabernacle thus constructed was decorated with rich curtains. These were of four colors—white or fine twined linen, blue, purple, and red. They were so suspended as to cover the sides and top of the tabernacle, not being distributed as veils separating it into apartments, as in the Masonic Tabernacle. Josephus, in describing the symbolic significance of the Tabernacle, says that it was an imitation of the system of the world; the Holy of Holies, into which not even the Priests were admitted, was axis it were a heaven peculiar to God; but the Sanctuary, where the people were allowed to assemble for worship, represented the sea and land on which men live. But the symbolism of the Tabernacle was far more complex than anything that Josephus has said upon the Subject would lead us to suppose. Its connection would, however, lead us to an inquiry into the religious life of the ancient Hebrews, and into an investigation of the question how much Moses was, in the appointment of ceremonies, influenced by his previous Egyptian life; topics whose consideration would throw no light on the Masonic symbolism of the Tabernacle. 3. The Davidic Tabernacle in time took the place of that which had been constructed by Moses. The old or Sinaitic Tabernacle accompanied the Israelites in all their wanderings, and was their old Temple until David obtained possession of Jerusalem. From that time it remained at Gibeon, and we have no account of its removal then. But when David removed the Ark to Jerusalem, he erected a Tabernacle for its reception Here the Priests performed their daily service, until Solomon erected the Temple, when the ark was deposited in the Holy of Holies, and the Davidic Tabernacle put away as a relic. At the subsequent destruction of the Temple it was most probably burned. From the time of Solomon we altogether lost sight of the Sinaitic Tabernacle, which perhaps became a victim to carelessness and the corroding influence of time. The three Tabernacles just described are the only ones mentioned in Scripture or in Josephus. Masonic tradition, however, enumerates a fourth—the Tabernacle erected by Zerubbabel on his arrival at Jerusalem with his countrymen, who had been restored from captivity by Cyrus for the purpose of rebuilding the Temple. Ezra tells us that on their arrival they built the Altar of BurntOfferings and offered sacrifice. This would not, however, necessitate the building of a house, because the Altar of Sacrifices had always been erected in the open court, both of the old Tabernacle and Temple. Yet as the Priests 6
and Levites were there, and it is said that the religious ordinances of Moses were observed, it is not unlikely that some sort of temporary shelter was erected for the performance of divine worship. But of the form and character of such a building we have no account. Nevertheless, a Masonic legend has, for symbolic purposes, supplied that deficiency. This legend is, however, peculiar to the American modification of the Royal Arch Degree. In the English system a Royal Arch Chapter represents the “ancient Sanhedrim,” where Zerubbabel, Haggai, and Joshua administer the law. In the American system a Chapter is said to represent “the Tabernacle erected by our ancient Brethren near the ruins of King Solomon’s Temple.” Of the erection of this tabernacle, we have said that there is no historical evidence. It is simply a myth, but a myth constructed, of course, for a symbolic purpose. In its legendary description, it bears no resemblance whatsoever, except in the colors of its curtains or veils, to the Sinaitic Tabernacle. In the latter the Holy of Holies was in the western extremity, in the former it was in the eastern; in that was contained the Ark of the Covenant with the overshadowing Cherubim and the Shekinah; in this there are no such articles; in that the most holy was inaccessible to all purposes, even to the priests; in this it is the seat of the three presiding officers, and is readily accessible by proper means. In that the curtains were attached to the sides of the tent; in this they are suspended across, dividing it into four apartments. The Masonic Tabernacle used in the American Royal Arch Degree is not, therefore, a representation of the ancient Tabernacle erected by Moses in the wilderness, but must be simply a temporary construction for purposes of shelter, of consultation, and of worship. It was, in the strictest sense of the word, a Tabernacle, a tent. As a myth, with no historical foundation, it would be valueless, were it not that it is used, and was undoubtedly fabricated, for the purpose of developing a symbolism. And this symbolism is found in its veils. There is no harm in calling it a Tabernacle any more than there is in calling it a Sanhedrim, provided we do not fall into the error of supposing that either was actually its character. As a myth, and only as a myth, must it be viewed, and there its symbolic meaning presents, as in all other Masonic myths, a fund of useful instruction (for an interpretation of that symbolism, see Veils, Symbolism of the). In some Chapters a part of the furniture is called the Tabernacle; in other words, a piece of framework is
The Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Maryland - THE LIGHT - June 2023
erected inside of the room, and is called the Tabernacle. This is incorrect. According to the ritual the whole Chapter room represents the Tabernacle, and the veils should be suspended from wall to wall. Indeed, we have reasons for believing that this interior Tabernacle is an innovation of little more than comparatively a few years standing. The oldest Chapter rooms that Doctor Mackey had seen were constructed on the correct principle. No one who studies the construction of the Tabernacle as described in the Bible will be somewhat perplexed by the several difficulties pertaining to the structure as well as its equipment. There will be suggested the unexpected wealth of material and the artistic skill necessary for its construction and A. R. S. Kennedy in writing upon this subject for Hasting’s Dictionary of the Bible says (page 888), “Modern students of the Pentateuch find the picture of the desert Sanctuary and its worship irreconcilable with the historical development of religion and the cultus in Israel. In Exodus 25 and following chapters we are dealing not with historical fact, but with the product of religious idealism; and surely these devout idealists of the Exile should command our admiration as they deserve our gratitude. If the Tabernacle is an ideal, it is truly an ideal worthy of Him for whose worship it seeks to provide. Nor must it be forgotten, that in reproducing in portable form, as they unquestionably do, the several parts and appointments of the Temple of Solomon, including even its brazen altar, the author or authors of the Tabernacle believed, in all good faith, that they were reproducing the essential features of the Mosaic sanctuary, of which the Temple was supposed to be the replica and the legitimate successor. “ The pass, the word and the temple? As a right of Master Masons obtained during the Second Temple period, as those workers either from other countries, or Israelites returning from the Diaspora needed a “pass” from Cyrus. Cyrus gave the pass to Zerubbabel and the power to propagate this pass to all those Zerubbabel deemed worthy. During the Solomonic Period - generally speaking - King Solomon’s Pass was needed for travel, not the word of a Master Mason. This is further evidenced - again ritualistically speaking - in the organization of the Craft itself. Apprentices in the mountains and quarries obtaining lumber and stone. Fellowcrafts preparing the stones and a lumber. Master Masons working on the Temple itself. The right of a Master Mason to Travel (work is never stated) is, ultimately, not a ritualistic conceit, but a matter
of Masonic Law and Usage. In Webb’s 1818 Illustrations on Masonry, there is no mention of Right of Travel, except in regards to the laws as they apply to a Master Mason. The ritual sections - as they were at that time - are silent. This situation remains unchanged in an 1869 version of the same book. The temple was not completed yet, but the story assumes that operative masonry was in existence and that men traveled to foreign jurisdictions for work, i.e., the men of Tyre coming to Jerusalem to build the temple. For the whole story to make sense, once they received the word, they would ultimately travel to foreign lands for more work as masters. Who would they present the word to in order to prove they are masters? Whoever they present the word to would already have to know the word for confirmation. Think for a moment: At the time referred to; there were three Grand Masters, in a Masonic sense, who were directly interested in and identified with “the building of the Temple.” These were King Solomon, King Hiram of Tyre and Hiram Abif. If the thing referred to was a mere word, all three of these Great Masons must have been in possession of it. In that event it could not have been “lost” to the Craft by the death of but one of them. It would have required the death of all three to have lost such a word. In other words, when H.A. was slain, the word was not lost in a literal sense. R.W. Akoni S. Vaughans, Sr. 330 Editor in Chief – “The Light” References: HILA RATZABI. “A portable sanctuary in the wilderness.” My Jewish Learning. 2020-2023. https://www. RABBI MOTI BAR-OR. “Is the Mishkan (Tabernacle) God’s Home?.” My Jewish Learning. 2020-2023. https:// Kennedy, A. R. S. (Archibald Robert Stirling), 1859-1938: Exodus (J.M. Dent ;, 1903), also by John Shaw Billings Collection (page images at HathiTrust; US access only) Kennedy, A. R. S. (Archibald Robert Stirling), 1859-1938: Leviticus and Numbers (T.C. & E.C. Jack, 1910) (page images at HathiTrust; US access only) A Dictionary of the Bible, dealing with the Language, Literature and Contents, including the Biblical Theology. James Hastings – 1963 Edition
The Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Maryland - THE LIGHT - June 2023
The Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Maryland - THE LIGHT - June 2023
The Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Maryland - THE LIGHT - June 2023
King David Lodge #18 DoubleGood Popcorn Fundraiser Committee and Top 5 Salesmen.
King David Lodge #18 visiting Chosen Friends Lodge #43, MWPHGL of PA, Harrisburg, PA, April 2023.
K King David Lodge #18 in session at our annual Mid-Year Strategic Planning Retreat, Harrisburg, PA, April 2023.
By: WM Jamal B. Okon, 32°
ing David Lodge #18 came together this masonic year to accomplish the fraternal and benevolent mission set before it and at mid-year, is well positioned for great success! In November, Paul Johnson (Senior Warden), and Jason Moore (Junior Warden), under the leadership of Worshipful Master Jamal B. Okon, took the helm, setting out to build upon attainment. King David Lodge #18 is “dark” in December but remains active. King David attended the Annual Grand Lodge Session, where we joined the GL Awards Banquet, winning “Lodge of the Year” for the Jurisdiction. Additionally, KD #18 Brothers took home 8 other awards to include RW Roland Selby earning WM of the Year. While at the AGLS we also presented MWGM Noel C. Osborne, Sr. with a donation of $1000.00 toward the African American Diabetes Foundation and held our annual KD #18 Lodge Dinner. Our hospitality suite was integral to promoting brotherhood, as several external brothers, including the MWGM of TN and the RW JGW of MWGLMD (AF&AM) stopped by for fellowship.
Halfway up the Mountain! 10 The Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Maryland - THE LIGHT - June 2023
“Despite being “dark” in December, King David #18 displayed a lot of light, and always stands ready to always assist the MWPHGL.” Seizing the momentum of an excellent AGLS experience, KD #18 thoroughly supported the Joint Family Holiday Party (JFHP) on 10 DEC 2022. In addition to having two of our members on the JFHP planning committee (SW Johnson and JS Brown), we set the standard in donating over 50 toys to its toy drive. We distinguished ourselves with the MOST toy donations in the jurisdiction. Further, WM Okon issued a Masonic Summons to assist the MWPHGLMD in ritualistic work to raise Master Masons. Unfortunately, the specially convened meeting was canceled due to inclement weather. Despite being “dark” in December, King David #18 displayed a lot of light, and always stands ready to always assist the MWPHGL. King David Lodge #18 was back in business during the month of January, resuming our usually high op tempo. During this period, we welcomed our newest Master Mason, Brother Haydn Gross, who fit right into King David through jumping headlong into fellowship, committee, and community service work. Importantly, we held a very successful Double Good popcorn fundraiser from 7-11 JAN 2023, through which we raised approximately $12,000.00. Our fundraising committee, led by RW Selby and SD Washington were outstanding in their leadership of 30 participants, and exceeded our goal. King David, dauntless from the frenetic pace of the fundraiser, immediately pivoted to our Community Service Event on 16 JAN, “Covering Our Veterans” Blanket Drive. We donated over 400 blankets to homeless veterans at Maryland Center for Veteran Education and Training (MCVET). Baltimore City Councilman Mark Conway attended, and we were also covered by a Baltimore Times reporter. MCVET’s Director of Operations gave us all a tour and provided the history and impact of the program. After this event, we planned a luncheon with OES Trinity Chapter #5 in Elkridge, MD. Bro. Chaz Regan and his co-chair Bro. Curtis Royster led this amazing event to both commemorate Dr. Martin Luther King with a Day of Service, and support MWGM Osborne’s “364 Initiative”.
In addition to these other fraternal successes, King David participated and contributed in other ways. WM Okon planned a visitation with WTW #134 on 20 FEB. We purchased one table for the MWPHGLMD MW Past Grand Masters’ Gold Collar Luncheon. We also purchased one table for the NABVETS 23rd Annual Buffalo Soldier Memorial Banquet. We fully supported the successful Prince Hall Classic Basketball Game at Bowie State University. Despite all this, the most impressive display of brotherhood by King David this month was the groundswell of support for JD Mike Fuller after the loss of both his mother and brother in the same week. On 28 JAN, WM Okon provided some words of comfort to the family and congregation at the funeral, while he was accompanied by over 17 King David #18 Brethren. King David Lodge #18 marched into Black History Month with the true spirit of fraternity and thanksgiving, as we completed a lodge visitation, and attended some excellent Grand Lodge events.
King David Lodge #18 at our annual Mid-Year Strategic Planning Retreat in Harrisburg, PA, April 2023.
King David Lodge #18 supporting MWGM Noel C. Osborne, Sr. and wife OES Grand Treasurer Adele, as distinguished veterans at NABVETs Buffalo Soldiers Banquet, 2023.
The Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Maryland - THE LIGHT - June 2023 11
mentorship of RW DDGM Michael Hughes. DDGM Hughes’ sacrifice did not go unnoticed, as he was in excruciating physical pain, yet remained by our side through all the challenges this month. Despite losing some of our key brethren to illness and work obligations, we coordinated, set up, catered, opened, and managed the 1st Occasional Lodge very well. We even provided support to Federal Lodge #9, through procuring the donuts from their fundraising program.
King David offering support and relief to RW Larry Gibson and family at his wife’s funeral.
While originally scheduled for 16 FEB, King David postponed its First Degree until 16 MAR. This allowed us to investigate and ballot upon several new candidates, in furtherance of MWPHGLMD strategic initiatives. On 20 FEB King David #18 visited William T. Wallace Lodge #134 (WTW) in Severna Park, MD. WM Chism and his brethren presented an excellent program of masonic education facilitated by RW Seymour Chambers, Grand Historian. He spoke on topics such as the Egyptian (Kemetic) Black origins of Freemasonry, as well as the history of the formation of the MWPHGL of MD. Of great interest was the close connection between Prince Hall Masonry and the formation of the AME Church. Sheldon D. Redden Lodge #139 was also in attendance. WTW also had a wonderful repast, where we fellowshipped greatly. The King David Lodge officers in attendance, WM Okon, SW Johnson, and JD Fuller had an amazing time, and cannot wait to visit again. Brothers from King David #18 purchased a table and attended the NABVETS Buffalo Soldier Luncheon, where MWGM Noel C. Osborne, Sr. and his wife were honored. Several of our lodges facilitated the program, including RW Rick Lane, RW Jimmy Lewis, and Bro. Clarence “Tiger” Davis. King David Lodge #18 also attended the MWPHGLMD MWPGMs Gold Collar Luncheon, Black History Month Program and Grand Lodge Installation ceremonies in significant numbers. King David Lodge #18 faced many opportunities and challenges during the month of March but continued to excel in outstanding fashion. Most notably, King David, within five (5) days of each event, was given the distinct honor and opportunity to both host the 1st Occasional Grand Lodge Meeting on 11 March, and perform the First Degree ceremony for three candidates and the Grand Lodge Lecture staff for an official assessment. The 1st Occasional Lodge went exceedingly well, with the assistance of all District One lodges and under the
Next, on 16 March we conferred the First Degree upon three candidates, now EAs: Cohn, Timmons, and Wylie. While we invited the RW DGM, and the elected Grand Lodge officers, they were regrettably unable to attend. However, RW Dent attended to assess our performance of the degree on behalf of the Grand Lecturer. Regional Deputy, RW Kevin Sanders was also present to observe the degree. Additionally, Bro. Eric Aubry from Sheba #7 (MWPHGLPA) visited to observe the degree in support of
King David Lodge #18 honoring our MWPGMs at the Gold Collar Luncheon.
King David Lodge #18 honoring our MWPGMs at the Gold Collar Luncheon.
King David Lodge #18 with Baltimore City Councilman Mark Conway, donating 400+ blankets to the homeless at MCVET, on MLK Day of Service, 16 JAN 2023.
12 The Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Maryland - THE LIGHT - June 2023
King David Lodge winning and giving back at the 2022 Annual Grand Lodge Session.
King David Lodge #18 donating at the Joint Family Holiday Party, Dec 2022.
King David Lodge winning and giving back at the 2022 Annual Grand Lodge Session.
EA Wylie. After the degree work was complete, we fed the brethren and guests on the way home. During that same meeting King David voted unanimously to recommend Bro. Ezra Hill (Treasurer) was promoted to Past Master. Tragically and suddenly, Bro. Larry Gibson lost his dear wife. King David #18 once again surrounded our Brother in his time of need, sending over 20 brethren to the funeral and repast to assist with transportation, security, logistics, and whatever else the Gibson Family required. Bro. Jonathan Nicholson, our Visitation and Relief Committee Co-chair led the charge, with assistance from RW Roland Selby. We also updated and submitted a copy of our Lodge History to RW Seymore Chambers, Grand Historian. This update includes a list of all Past Masters, notable brethren, and an accounting of past and present Grand Lodge officers. Significantly, MWGM Noel C. Osborne publicly honored Ezra Hill, Sr. posthumously, making him both a member of King David #18 and Past Master of the same. Bro. Ezra Hill Sr. was a WWII veteran and likely the oldest living American at 111 years old when he transitioned. Finally, we finalized our plans to visit Chosen Friends Lodge #43 (MWPHGLPA) directly preceding our Annual Strategic Planning Retreat in Harrisburg, PA. Despite crucial losses this month due to health in FS Medford Campbell, DDGM Michael Hughes, and RW Rick Lane, King David #18 still found a way to come together and thrive.
In April, King David Lodge #18 got a chance to refocus after a high-paced current masonic year at our annual Mid-year Strategic Planning Retreat. It was held 14-15 April at the Crowne Plaza Hotel in Harrisburg, PA. Topics presented were leadership succession planning, the health of our lodge, mission and vision alignment with the Grand Lodge, charitable contributions, mid-year awards, men’s health and prostate cancer, real estate investment for personal wealth, planning for upcoming events, and afteraction reports for all events thus far. The retreat committee, Chaired by RS Kevin Clark, provided an amazing experience including a nightly hospitality for fellowship and Sunday breakfast with the WM. Directly prior to the event, 12 King David Brothers served as the “advance team” in visiting Chosen Friends Lodge #43 (MWPHGLPA). Our Chosen Friends #43 brethren, with their District Deputy Grand Master present, cordially and fraternally invited us into their lodge room at 7:30 pm on Thursday, 13 April 2023. MWPGM Jeff Mullen traveled with us and received the appropriate honors. Watching how they did things was very enlightening, as their JD put on a splendid masonic education and closed with his regular recitation of the masonic charge. Afterward, they treated us all to a magnificent repast, complete with home cooked meals, desserts, and libations. WM Okon and WM Waite bonded over the feast and look forward to a visit to King David soon. On 29 April, WM Okon, DDGM Michael Hughes, MWPGMs Gordon and Mullen, RW Fagan, RW Selby, and SW Paul Johnson all attended the WM and RW Leadership Meeting at the MWPHGLMD. Simultaneously, our LOI students as well as two Entered Apprentices all attended the 1st Degree Exemplification Ceremony at the Grand Lodge. At the halfway mark, King David is poised to have a highly successful Masonic Year. Through outstanding ritualistic work, fundraising, charitable activity, strategic planning, fellowship, and visitations our lodge represents the best aspects of the Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Maryland and Jurisdiction, Inc. mission and vision.■
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During the Myra Grand Chapter, Order of Eastern Star Grand Chapter Session weekend, members of the order lead by Carmen F. Kearney, Grand Worthy Matron donated and dropped off feminine hygiene products to Meade High School. Principal Mr. Dunn and Secretary Ms. Vaughn of Meade High School as well as Anne Arundel County District 1 School Board Member Sister Gloria Dent were so appreciative and grateful for all the feminine hygiene products. Great job Myra Grand Chapter and thank you for leading the way Grand Worthy Matron Kearney!
Fraternally Submitted,
P.M Sherri Dotson Amulet Chapter #85 – Chair
Conductress Cassandra Townsend Eureka Chapter #11 – Co-Chair
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The Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Maryland - THE LIGHT - June 2023 11
The MWPHGLMD Honors the Life and Legacy of Supreme Court Associate Justice Bro. Thurgood Marshall at Morgan State University By R.W. Seymour E. Chambers, MPS Grand Historian, MWPHGLMD
ay 6, 2023, marked another historic day for the Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Maryland. By the authority of the Hon. Noel C. Osborne, Sr., Grand Master, the Office of the Grand Lecturer conducted a plaque dedication ceremony at the newly erected Thurgood Marshall Residence & Dining Hall on the campus of Morgan State University. This event was two years in the making but time, patience, and perseverance accomplish all things. The Offices of the Grand Lecturer and Grand Historian worked hand-in-hand to ensure that the ceremony would not only take place, but reflect the solemnity due on such an occasion. The ceremony was a public demonstration of the Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Maryland and Morgan State University’s long and significant history. During the last century, the Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Maryland has laid seven cornerstones on the campus, with Baldwin Hall dormitory being the first in 1929. That cornerstone ceremony was presided over by then Grand Master Willard W. Allen, when the Grand Lodge was the Most Worshipful United Grand Lodge, F. & A.M. The May 6th ceremony began at 11:00 a.m. with Junior Grand Warden, R.W. Randolph S. Smith Sr., serving as the master of ceremonies. The invocation was offered by Bro. Dr. Mark A. Wainwrigt. Dr. Don-Terry Veal, Morgan State University’s Chief of Staff and Vice President
12 The Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Maryland - THE LIGHT - June 2023
for Federal and State Relations brought greetings from the University and welcomed the MD Prince Hall family to the campus. Senior Grand Warden, R.W. William Davidson, III, offered a response to the welcome, and thanked the University for the opportunity to dedicate the plaque. R.W. Seymour E. Chambers, Grand Historian gave the purpose of the event, highlighting the close to 200-year relationship between Morgan State University and the Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Maryland.
At the conclusion of the dedication portion of the event, the craft recessed back to the patio of Thurgood Marshall Hall for the second half of the program. Professor and SGIG Larry Gibson, lawyer and author of Young Thurgood: The Making of a Supreme Court Justice offered remarks on the life of Bro. Marshall. Maryland Comptroller Brooke E. Lierman, followed by offering her remarks on the significance of this event, and presented the Grand Lodge with a proclamation from her office.
Following the opening remarks, the craft assembled with the Grand Master, elected Grand Lodge officers, brothers and sisters processing to the plaque for the ceremony. The highlight of the day was the beautifully presented
Picture courtesy of Bro. Marlon Selmon, Assistant Grand Photographer. The plaque installed at the Thurgood Marshall Hall
Picture courtesy of Bro. Marlon Selmon, Assistant Grand Photographer. Grand Master Osborne, and elected Grand Lodge officers process to the plaque
ceremony conducted by the Office of the Grand Lecturer, with R.W. Daryl Jefferson, Grand Lecturer presiding.
Picture courtesy of Bro. Marlon Selmon, Assistant Grand Photographer. R.W. Daryl Jefferson, Grand Lecturer presiding over the plaque dedication ceremony
The program concluded with the Deputy Grand Master, R.W. Kevin L. Barney Jr., introducing the Hon. Noel C. Osborne to bring his remarks. Grand Master Osborne thanked those in attendance, and recognized Past Grand Master Emanuel J. Stanley, who was Grand Master during the initial planning for the installation of the plaque. The Grand Master recognized the hard work and collaboration of the Offices of the Grand Lecturer and Grand Historian in the arrangement and execution of the ceremony. It was noted by the Grand Master that the last time the Grand Lodged conducted a cornerstone ceremony on the campus was 70 years ago, and today was a public recognition of the continued commitment and relationship between the Grand Lodge and Morgan State University. Bro. Wainwright offered the benediction, closing out this special day.■
Picture courtesy of Bro. Marlon Selmon, Assistant Grand Photographer. Pictured are: PGM Maurice Wood, PGM Kenneth Cloud, PGM Andrew Pryor, MD State Comptroller Brooke E. Lierman, Esq., Dr. Don-Terry Veal Chief of Staff Morgan State University, SGIG Larry Gibson, SGIG Garnett Hall, PGM Emanuel J. Stanley, M.W.G.M. Noel C. Osborne, Sr., Deputy Grand Master Kevin L. Barney, Jr., Senior Grand Warden William Davidson, III, Junior Grand Warden Randolph S. Smith, Sr., Grand Secretary James L. Vaughan
The Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Maryland - THE LIGHT - June 2023 13
R.W. Shannon Vance-Corbett MPS Assistant Grand Historian MWPHGLMD
What Makes You a
Master Mason? S ome join Freemasonry thinking of that beautiful symbol that is worn on the finger or placed upon the automobile of the one who posses the secrets of the Master, some feel that Freemasons are a cult of extraordinary politicians who when faced with legal adversities have the benefit to overcome all legal consequences due to there connection to the fraternal order; “so not true”. So, what is Freemasonry? What makes you a Master Mason? Freemasonry is a speculative art a scientific application of the rules and principles of operative masonry which inculcates the Dogma of religion and philosophy to the veneration of God and the purification of the
“Masonry is the meditation of intellectual light, the search for the truth...”
the divine spirit which gives us the divine wisdom of who we really are. Masonry is being charitable, learning to reason while searching for the truth, practicing Temperance, upholding Justice, using Science and Art, practicing Morality and showing Brotherly love toward all men. Masonry is a Science of Morality developed and inculcated by the ancient method of
“We are given certain working tools during our journey into Masonry...” Symbolism, it is a Progressive Science and a Symbolic Institution. Being a Mason isn’t just about being a man, freeborn of lawful age, and being well recommended. It is a search for true light, divine light and that great illumination which all men should have. Speculative
heart into the great works of ancient temples buildings such as King Solomon’s Temple dedicated to God. To be a part of these great undertakings one had to prove himself deemed worthy of indulging in the building of such edifice. Not only the edifice of constructing a building using stones fabricated in the quarries but the edifice of belief. Masonry is the meditation of intellectual light, the search for the truth. It is Philanthropy not only monetary but Spiritual Philanthropy where we as Masons must seek 14 The Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Maryland - THE LIGHT - June 2023
Masonry is not the building of what is seen, such as Temples. But the building of what is yet to be revealed, it’s not for material gain and riches, but for the gain of spiritual enlightenment. It is the understanding that which exists within the celestial sphere is what exists in oneself. It is the belief of a Deity which is the creator of all things past and present. Masonry is one’s ascension from a dead level to that living perpendicular thereby erecting oneself from what was, into what should be.
Haven been given this great wisdom through allegory and symbolism we as Masons must use these teachings for
We are given certain working tools during our journey into Masonry in which we are taught to have intrinsic values in our daily lives. We are taught to use them for the betterment of ourselves and mankind. We are taught to use the common gavel to divest our hearts and consciences of all the vices and superfluities of life thereby fitting our minds as living stones, for that spiritual building, that house not made by hands, eternal in the heavens. We are also given the Holy Bible as our great light for the rule and guide for our faith and practice, we are taught to use the Square to Square our actions and the compasses to circumscribe our desires and keep our passions in due bonds with all mankind.
One with the spirit and not the flesh and always be
Making ourselves better spiritually by Acquiring the ancient knowledge given to us and Solidifying the wise understanding of the building of
one’s own Temple can only come about by embracing the creator, our great Grand Master in the heavens by becoming
prepared to receive.
New knowledge that infinite knowledge and wisdom that
has no end.
In conclusion a Mason is one who is in search for the ultimate divine truths while utilizing all the information contained within the degrees of Freemasonry, thereby understanding and using each working tool that has been presented and explained within the college of Freemasonry to improve the spiritual man before his transition to the afterlife.■
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A Night of Communal JOY AND
CAMARADERIE IN THE VALLEY! 2023 Spring Festive Board
Hosted by: Baltimore City Lodge of Perfection No. 2 Author: Thrice Potent Master (TPM) Jayson Glenn, 32°
n Tuesday, May 23, 2023, Baltimore City Lodge of Perfection No. 2 (a.k.a. BCLOP) held their Spring Festive Board. It surely was a resounding success, with Fratres, Loyal Ladies, Master Masons, families and friends of the lodge coming together to celebrate the fraternity and enjoy each other’s love. The event was filled with toasts, food, camaraderie, laughter and fellowship, making it a memorable occasion for everyone involved. The evening began with TPM Jayson Glenn, 32° (who was the Grand Host and Toastmaster for the event) excitedly banging the gavel, halting all chatter and conversation, eagerly announcing “Let the Festive Commence!”,
everyone in the audience ecstatically cheered and took their place. Host Glenn kicked off the ceremonies informing everyone why we were gathered, how to properly toast and “prost” and commenced with the first toast of the evening. Afterwards, members of the Order, dressed in their formal regalia, enjoyed a sit-down dinner, featuring a delicious menu that included a variety of options to suit all tastes and dietary requirements. The atmosphere was warm and inviting like the sun’s radiance on a balmy sunny morning greeting you before the sound of a soothing ocean front. As the meal progressed, Toastmaster Glenn took to the podium, continuing to lead the members in a series of toasts to our beloved country, the United Supreme Council
(1st row, left to right): Fratres TPM Jayson Glenn, 32°, CIC Kevin A. Dixon Jr.,33°, SGIG Garnett Hall (Deputy for the Orient of MD),33°, GIG Akoni Vaughans,33°, and GIG Brandon Bracey,33°. (2nd row, left to right): PCIC Braxton Street, 33°, GIG Lawrence Robinson Sr., 33°, PCIC Maurice Wood, 33°, PCIC Nelson Moody, 33°, PCIC Donald Smith, 33°, GIG Keith Butler, 33°, and GIG James Rashed, 33°. Photo Credit: SP Ralph Mbuyi, 32°
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(1st row, left to right): TPM Jayson Glenn, 32°, CIC Kevin A. Dixon Jr.,33°, SGIG Garnett Hall (Deputy for the Orient of MD),33°, SGLLR Vernessa Thompson (Orient of MD, Order of the Golden Circle, #1), LLR Shakira Johnson (#386). (2nd row, left to right): PCIC Nelson Moody, 33°, GIG Akoni Vaughans, 33°, GIG Brandon Bracey,33°, LL Claudette Yerby (#1), LL Monique Lewis (#1), LL Marguerite Baker (#1), LL Rebecca Setters (#1), and PLLR Joy Etheridge (#386). Photo Credit: SP Ralph Mbuyi, 32°
of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry (A.A.S.R.) which included our illustrious Sovereign Grand Commander, Frater Dr. Corey D. Hawkins Sr., 33°, the memory of our departed Brethren and select members within the craft. The toasts were filled with warmth and humor and reflected the deep bonds of brotherhood and sisterhood within the Orient of Maryland! Throughout the evening, there were speeches recognizing and celebrating the contributions (and achievements) of individual members of Baltimore City Lodge of Perfection
“The toasts were filled with warmth and humor and reflected the deep bonds of brotherhood and sisterhood...”
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Fratres from the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry, United Supreme Council, Prince Hall Affiliated (PHA), Orient of Maryland, Valley of Baltimore, USA, Southern Jurisdiction (led by SGIG Garnett Hall, 33°, Deputy for the Orient of Maryland) and Fratres from the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry, Orient of Maryland, for the Southern Jurisdiction of the United States of America (led by SGIG Marlin L. Mills, 33°, Deputy for the Orient of Maryland). Photo Credit: SP Ralph Mbuyi, 32°
TPM Jayson Glenn, 32° conversing with guests and Fratres Photo Credit: SP Ralph Mbuyi, 32°
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TPM Jayson Glenn, 32° and CIC Kevin A. Dixon Jr.,33° Photo Credit: SP Ralph Mbuyi, 32°
No. 2 and its officers. These moments of recognition and appreciation added an extra dimension of meaning and significance to the event; it reminded everyone of the importance of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry (A.A.S.R.) and the crucial role it plays in the lives of its members as well as the impact it leaves on those they serve. The mellifluous sound and rhythmic beats of smooth Jazz provided the perfect backdrop for the occasion, creating a vibe of merriment, cheer, engagement and delight. Overall, the Spring Festive Board was a wonderful occasion filled with conviviality, camaraderie and fellowship. It was a reminder of the deep bonds of brotherhood that exist within the Valley and Orient and the importance of unity and fraternity.
“the Spring Festive Board was a wonderful occasion filled with conviviality, camaraderie and fellowship.”
As we move towards the future, we look forward to many more Scottish Rite reflections and events where all Masons, Eastern Stars, families, and friends can unite as members of our spiritual family, break bread and revel in each other’s company! We are all grateful for the opportunity to be a part of this Fraternal Order and to share in the many joys and blessings that it brings. If we missed you in this season, hopefully you will be present with us in the upcoming season to “Elect to Arms” and “Prost”!■ PCIC Braxton Street, 33° and Past Commander Josh Crockett, 32° (Maryland Council of Kadosh). Photo Credit: SP Ralph Mbuyi, 32°
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WM Marcia Cooper and members of Trinity Chapter #5, WM Sabrina Darden-Hill, WP Michael Jones and members of Eureka Chapter #11 along with DDGM Courtney Smith of District 1 represented Myra Grand Chapter, Order of Eastern Star during Martin Luther King, Jr. Day of service in Baltimore City. They were joined by brothers of King David Lodge #18 and collectively cleaned the area around N. Bentalou Street in Baltimore City. Fraternally Submitted Conductress Cassandra Townsend Eureka Chapter #11
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Spreading Holiday Cheer
Members of Omega Council #2 after presenting a Holiday Donation on December 16, 2022.
By PCW Nelson Moody
mega Council #2 has slowly begun incorporating ideas to provide continuous support to communities the Council has been involved in. Thrice Illustrious Master Braxton C. Street wanted to incorporate a turkey basket giveaway during his tenure. This was well supported by the Council and the original idea was to provide one family a meal that goes further than just the Thanksgiving holiday. After brainstorming, TIM Street expanded that idea from one family to six families. The family sizes ranged from one adult and one child to two adults and four children. Each basket provided essential items outside of a typical Thanksgiving basket such as chips, chicken broth, and a bag of potatoes. Each basket consisted of a turkey, three additional sides, sweet potato pie, and dinner rolls. All baskets were delivered by members of Omega Council #2 individually. This provided a one-on-one interaction with
a member and recipient of the basket. During each basket delivery, a member of Omega Council #2 gave a brief talk about the Council, its goals, and a holiday message. Omega Council #2 provided a $1,000 holiday donation as part of its holiday community service. Grand Principal Conductor of the Works Kevin Roy, Principal Conductor of the Works Nelson Moody and Illustrious Companion Kenneth Williams were all present to present the donation. The recipient was a single mother who had been out of work since September. She had to move back in with family while she tried to navigate future employment options. She donated time to different charity organizations in Glen Burnie prior to losing her because she felt it was her civic duty. The night of the presentation, she was told she would be assisting with a charity event and was very surprised by the act of kindness by Omega Council #2. Since receiving the donation, the young lady has secured a new job and expressed how the generosity of Omega Council #2 has helped her in a time of need.■
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“The heartwarming moment wasn’t just delivering the toys but the immediate sight of appreciation.” By: PP Nelson Moody (4)
he Christmas season is very special within the Desert of Maryland. Temples and Courts use this time to have clothing drives, provide holiday meals, visit nursing centers, and so much more. This year, the Desert of Maryland took part in its first Desert wide toy drive. Something typically done within each respective Oasis, the Deputy of the Desert Honorary Past Imperial Potentate Anthony Thorpe (4) wanted to have a Desert wide effort to ensure less fortunate children could have presents for Christmas despite their situation. Desert Assistant Rabban Past Potentate Nelson Moody
(4) and Desert Community Service Directress Daughter Diveda Crawford (197) chaired this event for the Desert that resulted in 10 vehicles full of toys. On the cold morning of Friday December 23rd, Nobles and Daughters representing all nine Temples and all eight Courts assembled to sort and load vehicles with toys. Deputy of the Desert Honorary Past Imperial Potentate Anthony Thorpe (4) and Deputy for the Desert Honorary Past Imperial Commandress Desert Patricia McCoyLassiter (210) spoke briefly about the good collective effort
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and meaningful impact the donations will leave on the youth. In a vehicle procession, the “Desert Elves” made its first stop at the Karis Home for Women and Children. The Karis home is in operation to provide emergency shortterm help for homeless women and children by providing food, clothing, shelter, showers, and a one-hour gospel service each evening. There were 11 children ranging from three months to 15 years old that received over half of the donated toys and gift cards for the older children. The second location of toy donations was the Ronald McDonald House Charities Maryland. This organization The Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Maryland - THE LIGHT - June 2023 23
is a refuge for families and pediatric patients who are undergoing medical treatment for illness or injuries at a Baltimore area medical facility. The heartwarming moment wasn’t just delivering the toys but the immediate sight of appreciation. A worker from the Ronald McDonald House helped unload toys and was brought to tears by seeing a group of people that looked like him doing such a good deed. He shook hands and hugged everyone present while fighting back tears. Before departing, he prayed with the members present and wished all a happy holiday season. Following the delivery of toys, there was a caravan of cars headed to grab lunch together and enjoy each other’s company. Both Deputies of Desert expressed their gratitude to each Temple and Court collecting toys as well as braving the cold weather to deliver them. This only solidifies the Desert of Maryland’s motto “9 Temples + 8 Courts = 1 Desert”.■
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Federal lodge No 9
Pictured above from left to right: Worshipful Master(WM) Kevin D. Claiborne and Worthy Matron(WM) Marcia “Roxy” Cooper
ames 1: 2-4 says, “Count it all joy, my brothers, when you meet trials of various kinds, for you know that the testing of your faith produces steadfastness. And, let steadfastness have its full effect, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing.”
The Mighty Men of Federal Lodge No 9 have remained steadfast in our obligations and intentions of turning the page on the impact our lodge can have on the community. This quarter, our lodge was able to successfully initiate our philanthropic thrusts of empowering men in the greater metro Baltimore community while providing support to children in need. We were able to complete this by utilizing our relationship with the lovely ladies of Trinity Chapter No 5. Order of the Eastern Star - Prince Hall Affiliated (OES-PHA) under a joint dispensation to conduct our charity focused on baby products. As the sister chapter of Federal Lodge No. 9, Trinity Chapter No. 5 OES-PHA provided a multitude of resources for children, as well as organization of the effort. Sisters throughout Myra Grand Chapter OES-PHA continue to participate, with many donations coming from Marjorie T. Lancaster Chapter No. 84 OES-PHA. New Cornerstone Baptist Church, under the leadership of our very own Pastor Melvin Rascoe, supported the charity by offering a location for donation drop off and storage. In the current climate surrounding the experiences of Men in America, we knew it was incumbent upon ourselves as leaders to leverage a discussion on fatherhood and life empowerment. This led to new relationships with Coppin State University (CSU), Kingdom Life Motorcycle Ministry, and several other organizations where we hosted a
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Pictured above from left to right: RW Christopher G. Gray, DDGM Michal M. Hughes, WM Kevin D. Claiborne, RW Thomas W. Russum, and RW Willie S. Godfrey.
“Empowering men in the greater metro Baltimore community while providing support to children in need.” The Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Maryland - THE LIGHT - June 2023 27
Pictured above: Flyer for the Forum on Fatherhood and Life Empowerment.
forum at the James Weldon Johnson Auditorium on 1 April 2023. Mrs. Latia Riddick who is a member of the Kingdom Life Motorcycle Ministry, Pershing Angels Sorority, Inc., and lifetime CSU Alumni sponsored the event. The forum consisted of a panel of guest speakers including Right Worshipful (RW) Willie S. Godfrey and RW Christopher G. Gray. The official party included District Deputy Grand Master Michael M. Hughes, RW Thomas W. Russum, Worshipful Master Kevin D. Claiborne, Junior Warden Cash D. L. Crooms, and Worthy Matron Marcia Cooper. Discussions included experiences in overcoming unplanned fatherhood and the transition into becoming a stepfather. Prior to the discussion, the event was opened with a collaborative drill exhibition from the National Society of Pershing Rifles and the National Society of Pershing Angels Sorority, Inc. Photography was provided by Brother Ralph Mbuyi. The event was marketed via social media and various direct marketing efforts. Ms. Sandra Green of Coppin State University Student Activities Department provided tremendous support. Her actions allowed our organization the ability to conduct activities on campus where the Mighty Men of Federal Lodge No. 9 were able to reach over 300 students on 29 March 2023 by having a table in Talon Hall with donuts and flyers. Prior to this, Worshipful Master Kevin D. Claiborne and Junior Warden Cash D. L. Crooms participated in the CSU Alumni game night on 23 February 2023.
Pictured above from left to right: WM Kevin D. Claiborne, RW Christopher G. Gray, and RW Willie S. Godfrey.
The forum on fatherhood and life empowerment served as the kickoff for the baby product donations charity. Following the forum, the brothers of Federal Lodge No. 9 returned to Coppin State University on 19 April 2023 with the charity opened to mothers and fathers where a table was set up in front of the Tawes Building on campus. The brothers included free Krispy Kreme donuts to the students from the ongoing fundraiser for the lodge, and 250 flyers were distributed directly to students on how to properly express interest in membership of the lodge. Having the opportunity to be a continued presence in the community has been more than a rewarding experience for those who have been able to participate. In our efforts, we have had the ability to communicate with amazing people, but most importantly we were able to capture the interest of brothers who appreciated the work we are doing.
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“Having the opportunity to be a continued presence in the community has been more than a rewarding experience...”
“The brothers included free Krispy Kreme donuts to the students from the ongoing fundraiser for the lodge.”
From left to right: RW Willie S. Godfrey and WM Kevin D. Claiborne at Talon on Coppin State University.
From left to right: Mr. Tre’Quan Hayes (Mr. Coppin State University), JW Cash D. L. Crooms, and WM Kevin D. Claiborne at Talon on Coppin State University.
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Also, interest in membership has reached potential candidates as far as Kenya. The resurgence in interest among Brothers to return to the organization led our lodge to conduct a reinstatement and acclimation meeting on 23 April 2023. This meeting covered the reinstatement process and demit qualifications for those seeking to align or reactivate their membership with Federal Lodge No. 9. Currently, Federal Lodge No 9 is in process to reinstate 4 members, administratively transfer 1 brother, and heal 1 candidate yielding a growth of 23% in membership prior to conducting our first degree on 14 June 2023.■
From left to right: Mrs. Latia Riddick, WM Kevin D. Claiborne, RW Christopher G. Gray, and RW Willie S. Godfrey During Remarks and Appreciation.
From left to right: Mr. James Brown (Coppin State Faculty), WM Kevin D. Claiborne, and RW Christopher G. Gray during remarks and appreciation.
From left to right: RW Thomas W. Russum and Kevin D. Claiborne during remarks and appreciation.
From left to right: DDGM Michael M. Hughes, RW Willie S. Godfrey, and RW Christopher G. Gray during intermission of the forum.
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From left to right: Brother Ralph Mbuyi (Provided Photography Support) and WM Kevin D. Claiborne during remarks and appreciation.
From left to right: Ms. Raja Nelson (Past National Commander of the National Society of Pershing Angels Sorority, Inc.) and WM Kevin D. Claiborne during remarks and appreciation.
From left to right: WM Marcia Cooper, DDGM Michael M. Hughes, DJ Bayo (Coppin State Student), and WM Kevin D. Claiborne during remarks and appreciation.
Federal Lodge No 9 table of baby products outside of Tawes at Coppin State University on 19 April 2023.
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past & upcoming 2023 32 The Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Maryland - THE LIGHT - June 2023
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Seymour E. Chambers, (2) WHAT COME ByMPSR.W.Grand Historian MWPHGLMD
BUILDERS AND WRECKERS I watched them tearing a building down, a gang of men in a busy town. With a ho, heave, ho and a lusty yell they swung a beam and a side wall fell. I asked the foreman, “Are these men skilled? Like the men you’d hire if you had to build?” He laughed as he replied, “No, indeed just common labor is all I need. I can easily wreck in a day or two what builders have taken years to do.” I asked myself as I went away which of these roles have I tried to play? Am I a builder who works with care, measuring life by rule and square? Or am I a wrecker who walks the town Content with the labor of tearing down? -Charles Franklin Benvegar
s Masons, we have of our own free will and accord, chosen to associate ourselves with one another. There was something about either the craft or a craftsman that sparked our interest in joining this brotherhood. Each of us made the decision to ask for a petition, seek admission, and knock on the door of the lodge to receive the rites, light and benefits of this ancient and honorable institution. Subjecting ourselves to the investigation by the lodge, paying fees, and going through the rituals of the three degrees should have impressed upon one, the seriousness of the nature of our work. More importantly, the very fact that a person whom you pronounced that you wanted to call a brother, was kind enough to place his name on your petition, and in so doing said to his Brothers that you were worth the time and effort to join us in our labors. The act of providing one with a petition is the highest compliment a Mason can give to the uninitiated, and it is the first step in the journey of brotherhood. I wish to draw from the 1st Degree for this lecture. A part of the strict trial and due examination, we are asked two very important questions. Of which the second states“what come you here to do?” Again, I wish to propose this question to each of you this evening. What come you here to do? For in answering that question honestly, and without any hesitation, mental reservation, or secret evasion, we will be able to imagine not only the length of your cable tower, but the depth and breadth of your character among men and Masons.
“The other most difficult thing for a man is to improve himself. We all have flaws.” My Brothers, the work we do here is not only important, it is sacred in many respects. The work I speak of is not about paying bills, purchasing tickets, or buying patron ads. The work of self-improvement, the work of building a community, and the work of building the truest sense of Brotherhood are tasks that one must have the heart and mind engaged in his labor. What come you here to do? Was it to satisfy a curiosity? Was it to be able to wear a ring, a hat or boast to those that may listen, that you are now somebody? These ephemeral emotions will not sustain you for the labors ahead. They will at best, become conflicting notions of disappointment if what you sought was for display, and not for dedication.
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What come you here to do? Was it to provide comfort to the dispossessed, to help aid and assist a worthy Brother, his widow or orphans? Moreover, was it to learn to subdue your passions and improve yourself in Masonry? Subduing one’s passions is the most difficult thing a man can do in life. It is no wonder why that question is presented to us at the beginning of the initiation. The other most difficult thing for a man is to improve himself. We all have flaws. There are many of us that still have rough edges and need the attention from the common gavel. In order for us to become that smooth ashlar we must employ all the tools that Freemasonry has to offer. Let us remember that the cable tow has two ends. And if by our actions we knowingly or unknowingly clip away at our end, we will The Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Maryland - THE LIGHT - June 2023 35
soon find that in times of strife there is no longer a lifeline for us to pull on to escape the difficulties of life, and we drown in a sea of troubles. The easiest part of Masonry is the 1st and 2nd meeting of the month for most of us. It is on these days that we are reminded of our obligation, and the journey that was commenced by knocking on the door. However, what do you do the other days of the week? How do we inculcate the moral lessons of our ritual? How do we employ the working tools of our profession so that we are building up the right men? If during your daily walk through life, you do not pick up one working tool, you have missed the entire mission of Freemasonry. You, in effect, have become a cowan, a person who attempts to pass himself off as a Freemason without having experienced the rituals or going through the degrees. So my Brothers, how do we answer this question? We endeavor to be Brothers outside the lodge room. We pick up the phone, don’t text or email. We get off our high horse and remember that as Masons we meet on the level, act by the plumb and part on the square. We answer Caine’s question to G-d, “Am I my brother’s keeper,” with a definitive yes. We become the best ideals we read about,
pray about, and imitate. We humble ourselves and cast aside the false bravado of the lone wolf, and give note to what John Donne wrote: “No man is an island, entire of itself; every man is a piece of the continent, a part of the main…any man’s death diminishes me, because I am involved in mankind, and therefore never send to know for whom the bells tolls; it tolls for thee.” When we realize that we all are traveling to that undiscovered country from which no traveler returns, then we may begin to see the finite nature of human life, and the infinite power of Brotherly love, relief and truth. I offer this lecture not so much for its educational benefit, but for its cognitive dissection. As we survey the state of Prince Hall Masonry, we can ill afford to try and build the temple with weak timber, or place craftsmen in positions for which they are ill-suited for the simple appearance of pomp and circumstance. We must look beyond the walls of our lodge rooms to identify the needs of our community, and challenge structural wrongs, and use what influence we still have to mold social policy that will lift our community from a dead level. Applying our tools to society is the true work of the master mason. So let us re-conduct our thoughts back to our introduction into Freemasonry, and ask ourselves, what come you here to do?■
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Joint Family Holiday Party
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On December 10, 2022, The Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge and Myra Grand Chapter, Order of Eastern Star hosted a Joint Family Holiday Party at the Grand Lodge. We received over 280 items; including toys, books and gift cards via our Amazon Wishlist, personal donations, chapter, and lodge donations allowed provision for our children within our organization as well as Harlem Park Elementary, Fayette Street Outreach, Charles Carroll Middle & Bradbury Heights Elementary. Thank you to the Most Worshipful Grand Master Noel C. Osborne Sr., Carmen F. Kearney, Grand Worthy Matron and the elected lines for both organizations for entrusting the Community Relations Committee to make this day an enjoyable one for all! Fraternally Submitted, R.W. Marc V. Rollins Member - Community Relations Committee The Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Maryland - THE LIGHT - June 2023 39
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