Like Magazine Issue 004

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Issue 004 2012] page 1 | [Summer Issue 004

The Like Magazine Team Jesse Alford: Photographer/Editor Maryanne Alford: Writer/Editor Victoria Melshaw: Layout/Editor

Staff Photographer: Tetty Simeonova Album Reviews: Philly the Drunk Fashion Writer: Katrina AlĂ­s Vaca

On The Cover [ model ] Olya Dzuba [ mua ] Lesley Feliz [ hairstylist ] Brittany Vanhooser [ photographer ] Charles LUCIMA

Hello Like Readers, and Welcome to Issue 004! Greetings Like Fans, and welcome back to yet another issue of what we Like! ItĂ­s hard to believe four seasons have already flown by. We have had the pleasure of working with some amazing photographers, artists, musicians, writers, and a slew of creative minds over this summer. We want to extend our deepest gratitude to everyone who participated in this issue; from staff to submitters, to you, the reader! Your support is what makes every page possible, we never cease to be amazed by your dedication.

We hope you enjoy issue 004!

Contents [ 6-11 ] Lurk | Aurora [ 12-15 ] Music | Featured Music [ 16-47 ] Summer Fashion [ 54-65 ] Featured Art [ 66-69 ] Album Reviews [ 70-117 ] Photography [ 118-125 ] Featured Event | #LAUNCH


[ photographer ] Jesse Alford [ interviewer ] Maryanne Alford

LU R K page 7 | Issue 004

Describe your music as if you were talking to someone who hasn’t heard it: Imagine your darkest, deepest feelings or thoughts; whether they be sad, mournful, anger, irritability, and even happiness and utter joy. All of these emotions being interpreted with electronic instruments coupled by thoughtfully written and purely expressed lyrics. I try to create music that is unlike anything I have heard. Music that is written honestly and uninhibited. I don’t even like my music right away sometimes, so it may be a little different to a new listener. You may or may not get used to it. What genre and or genres would you consider yourself? Believe it or not, that is probably the toughest question you could have asked. Haha. Umm… Well, at the beginning of my serious singing endeavors, I would be able to answer simply, “Pop Electro!” But as I have progressed as an artist and producer, my newest music would be more properly classified as Indie, Electronic, Ambient, Industrial shit. I donno, I sort of just create whatever I want as I hear it in my head. haha Stage/Band name? Previously it was just Aurora, my birth-given first name, but there is already an electronic group named that with the exact spelling in the UK so I added “Love” as my last name. I actually put a lot of thought into it, believe it or not. Origins of your musical career: When I was 8 years old I performed “Hero” by Mariah Carey for my elementary school talent show. [It was much easier back then from what I remember. haha] From then on I got very involved in choirs and my church leadership. I was doing children’s music for a while starting at 12 which is when I started Classical vocal and piano training. It wasn’t until I was15 that I really started to blossom as a songwriter. I taught myself guitar by staring at a guitar chart poster on the back of my bedroom door and wouldn’t leave my room until I learned something new every day. One day I bought music production software from Target or something called Magix Music Maker and recorded an entire electronic album when I was 16. Unfortunately, the songs are lost in oblivion due to computer failure and me forgetting to back up my files. Still in high school though, I continued in church leadership, singing and teaching, but I also got connected with a group of new musician friends at the Underground who took me under their wing and taught me a whole different side of the music industry, which was wayyyy more exciting. Wesley Avery was my first producer, whom I have written songs with ever since and I have been featured on his past two albums and a couple unreleased tracks. To this day, I am one of his session singers for recording and selling to other artists. I started singing features for rap/hip hop artists and writing my own music to record with Wesley. My first performance as Aurora was opening up for Mistah Fab at Tre Nightclub in Sacramento with my one released song Monopoly. After that I started booking more and more gigs and in one year I had booked and performed [by myself] over 15 shows including The Whisky A Go-Go in Hollywood, Marilyn’s Sacramento, Club Retro, the State Capitol, and many more. As I kick started my pursuit in production I started finding my true sound and that’s when I rebirthed myself as Aurora Love. I am now working on releasing my first EP Monopoly and have already started on my next EP. As well as my production and writing for Aurora Love, this whole last year I have been working with an amazing producer and friend, Anthony Sarti, on his project called Aura Division; which should be releasing some material this year. page 8 | Issue 004 page 9 | Issue 004

What inspire

I am inspired anger; anyth

Current Loc

I am current page 10 | Issue 004

es your music?

d by life events, like most artists, love, guilt, sorrow, hing my heart feels, I write.


tly residing in Sacramento, CA.

MACHINE LOVERS [ photographer ] Jesse Alford [ interviewer ] Maryanne Alford page 12 | Issue 004

Tell us about your music? It’s something I hope will remind you of something. A memory that you’ll attach to a song, and hopefully love it for that reason. Itís the soundtrack to my life, and hopefully it can be a soundtrack to yours too. Where did you get the name Machine Lovers? I’m a geek for science fiction and in most stories machines are said to be unable to express emotion. I’ve always felt that if a man-made machine were able to feel love it would make for the most beautiful paradox. What genre would you categorize yourself as? I’m highly influenced by early and mid-nineties IDM and Ambient tracks. The UK’s warped records catalog was on heavy rotation for me as a kid. People like Aphex Twin and Auetchre are who got me interested in electronic writing. A lot of my tracks have a distinct ambient sound. Do you sample? I used to use a lot of samples. I write all of the melodies myself using hard and soft synthesizers. Iím not afraid to use a sample if a track calls for it, but I try and reserve sampling strictly for my remixes. Do you prefer writing songs or remixing others? Remixing is my number one hobby. I wouldnít go as far as to say I prefer it. I get much more satisfaction in realizing something thatís popped in to my head and sharing it. But remixing is a lot less taxing mentally. Its easier for me to put a spin on someone else’s idea, rather than sitting down with a blank canvas. What are you currently working on? Iím currently working on my second full length, a concept album titled Stride. For years fans have been asking for more vocals on tracks. Iíve always done instrumentals because I feel like theyíre more flexible for listeners to relate to. Recently Iíve been more inspired to write lyrics, so Iím hoping to deliver some songs to sing along to this time around.

LOS McALLISTER [ photographer ] Jose Franco

A combination of drums, bass and guitar, Los McAllister’s sound is influenced by 60’s Rock n’ Roll, Punk and Britpop. Formed in Puebla, Mexico in 2009, they released their first single “Crazy June” in summer 2011. To date the band has shared the stage with well-known bands such as Foster The People, Modest Mouse and Crystal Castles. Their first EP “Los McAllister” is set to release winter 2012. The band is currently living in México City and performing around the country. page 14 | Issue 004

The colors of summer. . . page 16 | Issue 004

. . .in black and white. page 17 | Issue 004

When it comes to effortless chic, there isn’t anything that comes closer than minimalism. With iconic design houses like Calvin Klein leading the way through the decades, minimalism has always found relevance in the fashion scene simply due to its carefree nature. Why pile on the superfluous when the girl you saw on the runway last season can work a simple T shirt and pencil skirt like its fallen from the heavens of high fashion couture? Those are exactly the questions we need to be asking ourselves this season, even many to come. The problem minimalism does pose, however is the exactly the same as its allure; if not done well, it can leave you looking boring, and good God, that’s the last thing we want! Enter, textural minimalism, a take on minimalism that gives any look more interest by the same formula as its cousin; keeping things simple with well-designed basics and adding depth by playing with textures. page 18 | Issue 004

In the gorgeous spread we’ve pictured, textural minimalism is at its finest. When approaching your wardrobe, rather than reaching for jewelry to accessorize your outfit, play with the textures in the clothing. In these photos you can see this in action. Pair a crisp white blazer with an element of floral. The juxtaposition of the intricate floral and the sharp blazer is fresh and interesting. The same can be said for leather details, such as the faux leather bottoms on our model. A touch of leather can elevate a simple outfit to something eye-catching and sexy. And if leather wasn’t daring enough, skin is the final texture we’ll be suggesting, particularly favorable in the summertime. Be it a mare mid-drift, shoulders, or back, our own body parts are not to be left out, because, dare I say it, skin will always be in. But, we will leave that styling lesson to your trendy imaginations! page 19 | Issue 004

[ photographers ] Bekha & Jess Lafrankie (Ivy Nine Designs) [ model ] Angie Purves (Vivien’s Model Management) [ hair/mua ] Daniela Pecegueiro [ text ] Katrina AlĂŒs Vaca page 20 | Issue 004 page 21 | Issue 004

Entering the America

[ model ] Nick Nelson [ designer ] Paul & Joe [ photographer ] Jesse Alford page 22 | Issue 004

as page 23 | Issue 004 page 24 | Issue 004 page 25 | Issue 004 page 26 | Issue 004 page 27 | Issue 004

Valley of the page 28 | Issue 004

e Dons page 29 | Issue 004 page 30 | Issue 004 page 31 | Issue 004 page 32 | Issue 004 page 33 | Issue 004 page 34 | Issue 004

[ photographer ] Heather Toshiko [ model ] Zac Coffey (Ford Models)


[ mua/hair stylist ] Dominique Heslop [ model ] Laura Cherry [ photographer ] Leslie Andrews page 36 | Issue 004 page 37 | Issue 004 page 38 | Issue 004 page 39 | Issue 004 page 40 | Issue 004 page 41 | Issue 004

[ model ] Michelle Mink [ designer ] Thierry Roger Couturier [ hair and mua ] Samantha Gribble [ photographer ] Allison Kortokrax page 42 | Issue 004

k c a l B o t Back page 43 | Issue 004 page 44 | Issue 004 page 45 | Issue 004 page 46 | Issue 004 page 47 | Issue 004

[ model ] Kayla Renee [ photographer ] Jesse Alford page 48 | Issue 004 page 49 | Issue 004 page 50 | Issue 004

[ model ] Amanda Nicole page 51 | Issue 004

...and the winners are:

Andrea Rangel

Brittainy Dale

Jen Hayes

Myke Glitch


Like Magazine and Zombie! are proud to announce the winners of Zombie Season. Sixtyfive lovely fans submitted their best zombie pics for a chance to win Like Magazine and Zombie! gear. Thank you to everyone that submitted and congratulations to the following five contestants! You may have missed out this time around but no need to fear, Like is all about giving stuff away! ‘Like’ Like Magazine on Facebook and we’ll keep you up to date on all our upcoming contests. Don’t miss your chance to walk away with some cool ass shit! [Voting was as followed: Most ‘likes’, top 2 from Zombie! And top 2 from Like staff]

Zombie Apocalypse Survival Tips: Courtesy of yours truly, the Like Magazine team. So you didn’t get the infection huh? Probably thanks to that healthy lifestyle of yours. Well this is neither here nor there, the fact is, you’re f-ed. But wait, your inevitable doom doesn’t have to end here. As always Like Magazine’s got you covered with some tips for surviving the Zombie least for a while. 1. Make friends with little kids and old folks...chances are when zombies are attacking, you can outrun the likes of both these groups. 2. A few more beneficial friends? Murderers and psychopaths (under certain circumstances). 3. Always keep in mind that zombies are like super stoned crack heads with the conscience, generally pretty fast when they need to be, and an appetite for human flesh. 4. When all else fails...break out the Halloween make-up and get ready to spend the rest of your life doing the best zombie impersonation you’ve got. page 52 | Issue 004 page 53 | Issue 004 page 54 | Issue 004

Rob Sacchetto page 55 | Issue 004 page 56 | Issue 004 page 57 | Issue 004 page 58 | Issue 004 page 59 | Issue 004

My work is defined by the filth, excessiveness, and inner pain that surrounds the world of fame and pop-culture. The viciousness of the media and false idols of our culture has helped mold our perception of this glamourous circus that is ever so morbid at times. I drag out the dirt thats been swept under the rug to expose this morose beauty to the population of minds that dare to pass by it, with no concern for the reality of self destruction that exists within all of us. - Jon Manns page 60 | Issue 004 page 61 | Issue 004 page 62 | Issue 004 page 63 | Issue 004 page 64 | Issue 004 page 65 | Issue 004

Album Reviews. by, Philly the Drunk.

Los McAllister "Los McAllister"

When I heard Los McAllister is from Mexico, I was expecting to hear lots of horns, maybe even accordian. Lyrics en espanol?. But NAY!! I put their CD on and they said "Hey, Philly. Take your stereotypes and shove 'em up your ass!!" This is an indie/garage sounding record. Many ingredients (influences) thrown into the pot. From the Beatles to Nirvana. Elvis Presely to the Ramones. Every now and then some Beach Boys and Stevie Ray Vaughan jumps out. Guitar goes from clean to lightly distorted throughout. Not a hard rocker, but it's really upbeat and bouncy. Except track 7, it's the slow jammer. Not a downer, just something to slow dance to (it even has harmonica on it!). I didn't get a track listing or lyrics with my copy of "Los McAllister," and I'm absolutely terrible at making out lyrics, but it sounds like 10 songs about girls and just all around good times! Track 10 is when they get Ramones-y and sing an ode about, appropriately, a black leather jacket! And how "everytime I wear it, I become another man!" It is pretty awesome how an article of clothing can really make you feel like the shit, eh?! The singer's vocals kinda remind me of Mike Park (of Skankin' Pickle fame). Not the smoothest of crooners, but the passion and emotion make up for not sounding like Sinatra. It just goes, like Kurdt in Nirvana. Get this any way you can. I'm sure digital is the main option. Don't know if there's a CD, but I heard there's a vinyl version. That'll be a nice addition to the milk crate! Throw it on the hi-fi, call your girl and/or guy over, and you will do the frug. You will do the Robocop. You will do the Freddie.... you will even do THE SMURF! Blah-DOW!! page 66 | Issue 004

Regina Spektor “What We Saw From the Cheap Seats”

Alright. So, I’m lame. I first heard of Regina Spektor when her single “Fidelity” was out in ‘06. How could one avoid it? Not that I wanted to, I liked it a lot. It was everywhere! Almost every kind of radio station played it, the video was on every music video channel, I think the song was even in commercials. I wanted to get the album it was on. Never did. Six years later, I have purchased “What We Saw From the Cheap Seats,” her latest album. Finally giving a wholehearted listen to Ms. Spektor and I love it! I like how things will go from almost a whisper with the vocals, piano, and a soft drum beat and then BOOM! She starts singing from the gut and hits the keys with authority! The cymbals crash! Things get almost orchestral with a string arrangment. I really dig her vocal style, how she’ll use her voice as an intrument. How a one syllable word will be turned into six. Fake beatbox and horn sounds we all make to ourselves walking down the sidewalk are actually in the song, even hard gasps for air. And she is a songbird of this generation. Like, a cross between Jesus and Fergie. Every song is a short story. You get captivated and can’t wait to hear what happens next, the page turns.... and it’s the next story! (WTF!) Track 3, “Don’t Leave Me (Ne Me Quitte Pas)” sounded like it would be the single from the get go. I looked on YouTube, there’s a video for the song. Call me Nostro-freakin-damus!! The song even gets bilingual! I be singing that French hook, like ALL DAY LONG!! I’m sure most of ya already know and love Regina Spektor and already know how great this album is. I’m just want to say, as someone who has consumed mostly one type of music (ska-pop-punk) for half of a lifetime, one should break out of their comfort zone. Stop being so damn close minded, go out on a whim and try something new. There might be a few stinkers along the way, but you’re bound to unearth a gem. A very underrated, overlooked gem. Here’s what I found. Finally. page 67 | Issue 004

Teenage Bottlerocket “Freak Out!” Fat Wreck Chords

Hey YOU!! Wanna drop about five pounds in water weight within the next 29 minutes?! Well then, just throw this hunka-hunka pink and black plastic into your listening device, and there ain’t no way in hell you’ll be able to resist hopping up and down rythmically to the jams of Teenage Bottlerocket!! It’s their fifth full-length album, they’re on Fat Wreck Chords and they are STILL the pogo-punk kings of Wyoming!!! If you haven’t heard of them: Teenage Bottlerocket sounds like the Ramones, Bad Religion, Nofx and Green Day shaken up in a Yahtzee cup..... keep shakin’ it........ keeeeeep shakin’.........A bunch of songs about girls. On a pop-punk album. Who woulda thought? Songs of looney girls (title track “Freak Out!”), awesome girls (“Radical”), gettin’ freaky with girls (“Mutilate Me”), even just flat out being DONE with girls (“Done With Love”). There’s a song of zombie comic book nerds. There’s a song vowwing revenge!!!! Dare I say.... there’s a song about Top Gun. Awwwwwwww yeahhhhhhhhhh..... that one will totally getcha moist. There is a song about the pitfalls of excessive headbanging, which is just flat out silly. You will put this rekkid on and there will be a process: your head will bobb up and down, then sway from side to side, next thing ya know, yer whipping your hair back and forth like the Fresh Prince’s kid!! ‘Ya know that shit can’t be good for your brain.’ says Kody of TBR. If that ain’t good, well then my friend, it is good to be bad. BUY THIS ALBUM! Vinyl, CD and/or MP3. IT IS GOOD TIMES! Teenage Bottlerocket will be at RiotFest, in Chicago, in September! I will be the doofey dude in an orange Nerf Herder shirt. Come poke me and tell me how much you like LIKE MAGAZINE!!! I also LIKE mushrooms....... *tee hee hee* page 68 | Issue 004

Them Sonsabitches "Them Sonsabitches"

This is just a flat out good rock and roll album! At the begining, it reminds me of the Doors. The singer kinda has a Jim Morrison type of bellow and the first song ("Wasted") has an organ, and the only Doors songs I can think of have organ. Them Sonsabitches have a '60s rock type of vibe.. Sort of like what those hip, mainstream 'garage' bands were doing, but it's only an element. It's not the selling point. By track 4 ("Blood From a Stone"), they take on more of a '70s sound. Singer Scotty Roller starts to sound like he's pissed. He ain't singing about a cold hard bitch. He's singing about the government jacking taxes from us, damn it! (As long as I live, you'll tax me to death/You take everything and then take the rest. Rob from the rich and you steal from the poor/Send me the bill and then you beg me for more.) A cool Southern rock sounding ditty. They start talking about some real shit, all the gnarley stuff we hear about in the news: the economy, war, mothers killing their own babies, starving and missing children "and somehow, Kim Kardashian is bigger news instead.... am I the only man who's gonna take a stand, when it hits the fan?!" (lyric from track 9 "When It Hits the Fan"). The record really takes on a punk rock attitude. Which, from the get go, Them Sonsabitches rock it out. But things are really raucous during the second half of the record. They even have a song for all the lawn enthusiasts out there! "Hey muthafucka!! Hey! Hey! HEY! STAY OFFA MY GRASS!!" ("Stay Off My Grass", track 6). Don't want to pick buckshot out of Fido's ass? Then, keep him off the grass! Riffage galore! Rythym and blues solos and leads, psychedelic/stoner rock fuzz and wah pedal, and some good ol' melt your face off shredding. Groovy, bouncing bass lines and beats. KEYS (organ, occaisional piano) throughout. There's no way in hell I can do this record justice with my stupid words. Them Sonsabitches use all the best elements of rock and roll and are the band that anyone who claims to be a fan of rock, should listen to. And then love. (Did any of that make sense?) They're from Reno. Go to their Facebook, twitter, whatever. Sample them, love them, buy the CD. Then let's get these guys on tour! I can't wait to see them. page 69 | Issue 004

The Gallery with Charles LUCIMA page 70 | Issue 004

[ model ] Olya Dzuba [ mua ] Lesley Feliz [ hairstylist ] Brittany Vanhooser [ photographer ] Charles LUCIMA page 71 | Issue 004

[ model ] Jessica Today [ photographer ] Charles LUCIMA page 72 | Issue 004 page 73 | Issue 004 page 74 | Issue 004 page 75 | Issue 004 page 76 | Issue 004 page 77 | Issue 004 page 78 | Issue 004

[ model ] Linda Heinemann (Most Wanted Models) [ mua ] Rebecca Heitmann [ photography/styling ] Tetty Simeonova page 79 | Issue 004 page 80 | Issue 004 page 81 | Issue 004 page 82 | Issue 004 page 83 | Issue 004 page 84 | Issue 004 page 85 | Issue 004

Party of One page 86 | Issue 004

[ photographer ] Dominique Felicity Chapman- Felicity Photography [ model ] Elliza Skinner [ mua ] Vikki Aldridge [ wardrobe stylist ] Louise Ashley page 87 | Issue 004 page 88 | Issue 004 page 89 | Issue 004 page 90 | Issue 004 page 91 | Issue 004 page 92 | Issue 004 page 93 | Issue 004

Farewel l

[ models ] Katharina Schatow and Lilli Kiefel [ photographer ] Sabine Rosch page 94 | Issue 004 page 95 | Issue 004 page 96 | Issue 004 page 97 | Issue 004 page 98 | Issue 004 page 99 | Issue 004

The Fancy Dresses page 100 | Issue 004

[ photography ] Christine Polz [ styling ] Christine Polz/Martina Kˆssler [ model ] Martina Kˆssler page 101 | Issue 004 page 102 | Issue 004 page 103 | Issue 004

Enchanted Summer

[ model/styling ] Larissa Reinhart ( Brodey Booking) [ photography/mua ] Tetty Simeonova page 104 | Issue 004 page 105 | Issue 004 page 106 | Issue 004 page 107 | Issue 004 page 108 | Issue 004 page 109 | Issue 004

Tabea Simple Photography [ model ] Kasmodiah [ mua ] Nicole Friedrich [ assistant ] Wolfgang Pietsch page 110 | Issue 004 page 111 | Issue 004

[ model ] Kasmodiah [ mua ] Nicole Friedrich [ assistant ] Wolfgang Pietsch [ photographer ] Tabea Simple page 112 | Issue 004 page 113 | Issue 004

[ models ] Anastasia & Teresa [ mua ] Julia Angerhoefer [ assistants ] Wolfgang Pietsch & Luisa Brocke [ photographer ] Tabea Simple page 114 | Issue 004

[ model ] Gina [ mua ] Sophia Baum [ assistant ] Wolfgang Pietsch [ photographer ] Tabea Simple page 115 | Issue 004

[ model ] Gina [ mua ] Sophia Baum [ assistant ] Wolfgang Pietsch [ photographer ] Tabea Simple page 116 | Issue 004

[ model ] Mia [ mua ] Claudia Fischer [ assistant ] Wolfgang Pietsch [ photographer ] Tabea Simple page 117 | Issue 004

#LAUNCH2012 Behind the Scenes page 118 | Issue 004

Founded in 2009, LAUNCH is an annual celebration of music, art, fashion, design and architecture that took place from July 23-28 at multiple venues through midtown and downtown Sacramento. LAUNCH is a product of Sacramento’s burgeoning creative community and curated by some of the brightest artists in and around Sacramento to showcase their peers and introduce the audience to a new generation of local, regional and international talent across multiple artistic fronts. For more information visit: page 119 | Issue 004

Fashion Show page 120 | Issue 004

In order of appearance Lindsay Rickman, Miss Velvet Cream, collaboration of Wald Wolken (Liz Donner)/Dusty Leigh (Trisha Rhomberg) then Van Der Neer. page 121 | Issue 004

DJ Shadow page 122 | Issue 004

Do you have an event you feel should be featured in LIKE Magazine? Email us: page 123 | Issue 004

Chromeo page 124 | Issue 004 page 125 | Issue 004

Yoga in the Streets

[ model ] Brooke Parker [ photographer ] Jesse Alford

As human beings our minds are constantly cluttered with the stresses of everyday life. Even when we sleep, our brain is working. Incorporating yoga and meditation into your daily routine not only gives your brain that much needed break but improves your personal efficiency, productivity, and overall effectiveness, not to mention your ability to manage stress, anxiety, worry, and tension. So whether you find a local class or a quiet space in your home, both these practices are a great way to let your mind unwind. Tips from yoga instructor Katie Foglia: To start yoga at home look up Sun Salutations [Surya Namaskar], a series of postures offering you an all-in-one yoga workout. You can do as many or as few reps as you like. As for Meditation, it doesn’t matter if you live in the busiest city or the quietest neighborhood, peace and tranquility of the mind will always come from within. [Ideally you want your head, neck and spine all to align]. For the first few minutes pay close attention to your breathing. Then turn your focus into a spot light, start with your feet and go through your whole body, scanning for any feelings of pain or sensation. Acknowledge these feelings and release them. page 126 | Issue 004

Tea Time [ model ] Victoria Foglia [ photographer ] Jesse Alford

I will be the first to admit I am an anti-aging junkie. Only $125 for forever young cream? Sounds like a steal to me! Right? Wrong! And you’ll be glad it is. The health, beauty, and yes even youth of your skin requires a much cheaper, much more natural product than the majority of those out there. Green tea is an all natural solution to your skin worries and woes, and at 0 calories a serving what’s not to love! The benefits green tea has on your overall health are pretty extensive, but we’ll focus on the one’s involving the skin and face. Anti-Aging. Free radicals are your skin’s worst nightmare. These nasty little guys’ claim to fame? Aging your skin. But no need to fear! Green tea is jam packed with antioxidants that ward off these harmful free radicals, leaving your skin vibrant, healthy and radical free! Acne. Skin’s other worst nightmare! Thank goodness for catechins, an anti-bacteria found in green tea that help suppress acne causing bacteria in skin. Sun Damage. Let’s be real, none of us remember to wear our sunscreen as religiously as we should. Guess what? Green tea is an all natural protectant against the sun’s harmful rays...minus all the artificial and sometimes harmful ingredients of course. The takeaway? Loving your skin never tasted so good! So put down those over-priced skin care products and get yourself a box of green tea for around two bucks. Enjoy! As you sip away aging, acne and sun damage with this refreshing solution. Not a big fan of tea? Or maybe trying to cut out caffeine? As always, we’ve got you covered. Get all the skin perfecting benefits of green tea in this so easy it should be illegal face mask. What you need: 3 Green tea bags 3 Tablespoons rice flour Boil a traditional pot of tea. After it has cooled add three tablespoons of the tea to the rice flour. Wisk with a fork. Add additional tea as needed, the consistency should resemble cake batter. Cleanse your face before applying the mask. Apply the mask for fifteen minutes, remember the mask will not solidify. Wash away with warm water and apply your usual moisturizer. page 127 | Issue 004

Summer is still in full effect.

Get your custom designed bikini today! [ models ] Kayla Glogovac, Amanda Nicole, Jacquie Glover [ photographer ] Jesse Alford

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