5 minute read
Hotter than a Pistol®
by Shari Jenkins

What do you get when you combine vintage photos with modern creativity and clever wit?

You get Hotter than a Pistol ® , a collection of greeting cards that is so much fun it’s almost a crime. These glitzy designs will have customers saddled up and riding stampede to your door. And they’ll sure pack some heat into your sales!

BDG20470 Lead me not into temptation! Who… am I kidding? Follow me! I know a shortcut! May your birthday be filled with temptations…—Shari Jenkins GL DC $3.95

Fast Facts:
• Line size: 49
• 6 new designs indicated in red
• Deluxe card size: 5 ½" x 7 ¼"
• Colorfully printed envelopes
• Cards feature full-color interiors
• Printed on recycled paper using soy-based inks
$11.40/unit of 6 $3.79 each
$11.85/unit of 6 $3.95 each
$14.85/unit of 6 $4.95 each
Cards may feature one or more special embellishments:
DC = Die-Cut Card
EMB = Embossed Card

FS = Foil Stamped Card
GL = Glitter Embellished Card
PP = Premium Paper
SV = Spot Varnish
TH = Thermal Inks
TI = Card includes Tip-in

UV = High Gloss Coating
Z = Z-Fold Card
BDG20611 Birthdays are like glazed donuts Sometimes it’s better not to remember how many you’ve had. Have a Good One!
—Shari Jenkins FS GL$3.95
BDG20937 Undecided about which pants to wear today… fancy or smarty? It’s your birthday! I say wear your party pants!—Shari Jenkins FS GL $3.95
BDG47316 We’re still Princesses! Our crowns have just moved from our head to our teeth! Happy Birthday
BDG47416 You’re both a woman with sass & a lady with class! And you deserve a day that’s totally kick-ass! Happy Birthday—Shari Jenkins DC
BDG47631 She meant to behave, but there were so many other options. It’s your birthday… Be on your best misbehavior!—Shari Jenkins GL $3.95

Damn straight I go braless! It pulls all the wrinkles out of my face! Happy Birthday—Shari
Sometimes I laugh so hard...tears run down my
Aren’t birthdays a pisser?!

BDG47660 What’s this “Queen for a Day” crap? It’s Birthday Girl for a day... Queen Forever! Have a Most Magnificent Day

BDG47665 …Grant me the senility to forget the people I never liked… the good fortune to run into the ones I do… Happy

BDG47715 The secret to eternal youth might not be at the bottom of a bottle of wine... But we should at least check.
What do older women have between their breasts… that younger women don’t? A belly button! Happy

When people say they’re aging like a fine wine… their contents have settled to the bottom. Bottoms up! Happy Birthday

BDG47754 We put the “fun” in dysfunctional! Here’s to lots more crazy fun on your birthday and in the years ahead!

BDG47755 Honey, we’re not old! We’ve just been young for a very, very, very long time! Happy Birthday
Five Rules for Men…for a Happy Life!… Actually, those are the rules for how to live a short life! Enjoy

Old age is like an old house… the plumbing leaks, the wiring is shot & half the shingles are missing!

We’re more than friends... We’re like a two-person gang. Happy Birthday
Live like someone left the gate open! Wishing you the best birthday ever!

At our age, “gettin’ lucky” means… walking into a room & remembering what you went in there for! Happy Birthday!—Shari
BDG69100 “Why would we want to go to heaven…?” “…none of our friends are gonna be there…” Here’s to raising hell and having a Happy Birthday!—Shari
BDG69115 We’ve reached the age when our brains go from, “we probably shouldn’t do this…” to, “What the hell…” Happy Birthday—Shari Jenkins DC GL $3.95
BDG69219 It’s true! We are good at multitasking! Yep, we can sneeze, laugh, cough and pee, all at the same time! Happy Birthday—Shari

BDG69220 Eat the cake! …the boots will still fit! Happy Birthday

BDG69221 I just know we are going to be friends until we’re old and senile! Then we are going to be new friends! …have a Happy Birthday.—Shari

BDG69222 You know you’re getting older… when everything hurts! …and what doesn’t hurt doesn’t work! Happy Birthday—Shari
BDG69313 I came, I saw, I forgot… I retraced my steps, got distracted… and now I have to pee. Before I forget… Hap-pee Birthday!—Shari
BDG69314 Regular bitching prolongs your life by 5.8 years. Proving…that only the good die young. We’re gonna live forever!

BDG69315 If all the good stuff is so bad for us… how come we’ve lasted this long?! Have a great time being bad on your birthday!—Shari
BDG69317 I sure hope it’s your birthday… ’cause I’m drinking to it!
Happy Birthday —Shari

BDG69318 …to those of us who…remember our childhood phone number… but can’t remember the password we created yesterday!! H@ppyB1rthd@y2U!—Shari Jenkins DC GL $3.95
BDG69366 Ever feel like your body’s check engine light has been on and you’re still driving it like “nah, it’ll be fine?” Happy Birthday!—Shari
BDG69367 Isn’t it wonderful to be getting to that age when things begin to settle down? …and down, and down, and down. Happy Birthday—Shari

BDG69368 My life is 50% wondering if it’s too late to drink coffee… and 50% wondering if it’s too early to drink wine. …happy birthday!—Shari Jenkins GL $3.95

BDG69371 I now know how it will all end for us… One of our kids will unplug our life support to charge their phone! Happy Birthday…—Shari Jenkins DC GL $3.95

BDG50050101 A good car is like a great friendship… No matter how much… you’ve been through together, it still keeps going! … Happy Birthday—Shari Jenkins DC GL $3.95

BDG50050201 Forget the “She Shed”… We need a Bitch Barn! Because we’re grownass ladies and we get what we want! Happy Birthday—Shari Jenkins DC GL $3.95

BDG50050301 I tried… those healthy protein shakes… but they kept turning out as margaritas! Hope this shakes out to be your best birthday yet!—Shari Jenkins FS GL $3.95

BDG50050401 A birthday can do wonders
’Wonder where my car is?” “Wonder where my sunglasses are?” …have a wonder-ful birthday!—Shari Jenkins DC FS GL $4.95

BDG50050501 You can’t regret what you can’t remember! Hope it’s the best birthday you’ll never remember. —Shari Jenkins FS GL $4.95
BDG50050601 Just because it’s a bad idea doesn’t mean it won’t be a good time! It’s your birthday! Let the good times roll! —Shari Jenkins FS GL $4.95

FRG69320 It’s been an “I want to fake my own death, move to Mexico and live off tacos and tequila” kinda year. Who’s in?—Shari Jenkins DC GL $3.95

FRG69369 I love that we laugh at the same stupid $#iT. —Shari

FRG69370 What a day for a day drink! That’s a horrible idea – what time and where?—Shari

AVG47823 All marriages are happy. It’s the living together afterwards that causes all the problems. Seriously, Happy Anniversary—Shari Jenkins $3.79

ECG47666 …I’m tired of putting on my “Big Girl Panties.” I say we just grab our sippy cups and take a nap!

They say laughter is the best medicine. They lie… it’s brownies.—Shari Jenkins

WDG17218 Love… endures all things. Love never ends. (with 1 Cor. 13:4,7-8) May your life together be blessed… Congratulations on Your Wedding—Shari Jenkins