7 minute read
Sea Cove Gallery™

Take a break from the daily grind for a visit to the beach. Light and breezy, happy and bright – Sea Cove Gallery™ delivers colorful coastal designs and sunny sales each and every day. A calming surf, cocktail-sipping flamingo and grinning dolphins are images everyone can enjoy, even if you are landlocked. Bring a selection into your store; you will find they make a big splash with your customers!

you u are land n loock c ed d Brinng g a seellection innto o your store; ; wi w ll l find thhey mak a e a with youur cus u tome m rs
Fast Facts:
• Line size: 125
121 Deluxe Cards: 5 ½" x 7 ¼"
2 Classic Cards: 5" x 7"

2 Qubes® Card: 5" square
• 13 new designs indicated in red
• Colorfully printed envelopes
• Cards feature full-color interiors

• Printed on recycled paper using soy-based inks
$8.85/unit of 6 $2.95 each $9.90/unit of 6 $3.29 each $10.80/unit of 6 $3.59 each $11.40/unit of 6 $3.79 each $11.85/unit of 6 $3.95 each $14.85/unit of 6 $4.95 each
Colorful designs keep your sales sunny-side up all year!

Cards may feature one or more special embellishments:
DC = Die-Cut Card
EMB = Embossed Card
FS = Foil Stamped Card
GL = Glitter Embellished Card
PP = Premium Paper
SV = Spot Varnish
TH = Thermal Inks
TI = Card includes Tip-in
UV = High Gloss Coating
Z = Z-Fold Card
If anyone deserves a chance to kick back and relax, it’s you… Just try not to get sand in your wrinkles!

Our top-selling Quad sells any combination of four card spinners with four stringers in just 27". Turn to pages 20-35 for ordering details and additional display options.

Our toopp-seell l inng g Qu Q ad a se s ll l s a any combinat a ion of fou o r c card d

Wholesale investment for 168 units of cards: $1,990.80*.
*Based on cards at $3.95 retail. Price will vary with product mix. Ask your sales representative for current fixture pricing.
BDG11674 We can still GET DOWN like we used to… It’s getting back up again that’s questionable. Happy Birthday, anyway!
BDG13704 Wishing you a day filled with life’s miracles and nature’s wonders. Happy Birthday
BDG13186 Let’s Shellebrate! ’Cause it’s an umbrella-in-yourdrink kind of day! Happy Birthday

BDG13190 If life’s a beach, friends are the sunshine! You glow girl! Happy Birthday

BDG13195 Warm and sunny wishes for a bright and happy birthday.

BDG14526 You’re a treasure by any measure! Happy Birthday
BDG14866 Celebrate like you’re on Island time. Hope your birthday is a little slice of paradise!

BDG17652 happy birthday May the year ahead be filled with countless moments of beauty and wonder.
BDG17658 Here’s a great big wish… for the sweetest day ever! Happy Birthday—Robbin
BDG17659 Happy Birthday it’s a happy day because it’s your day yay!
BDG39453 Cheers to another year around the sun… and a celebration filled with style and fun! Happy Birthday —Kathleen Francour GL TI $4.95

BDG43679 At the end of the day, may you look back and say “It was perfect.” Happy Birthday
BDG44769 Bewear of falling coconuts! Happy Birthday

BDG44770 Once ya get to be our age…everything migrates south! Happy Birthday
Wishing you a not-a-worryin-the-world kind of day! Happy Birthday —Jasinski

BDG39414 No hurries, no worries… Just a day spent celebrating however you please!
BDG43715 Hope your birthday is way cool! —Royce
BDG44899 Hope your day’s a great ride from beginning to end! Happy Birthday
BDG44761 Happy Hour 6-7 At our age, it’s a good idea to have several servings of fruit per day. Happy Birthday
BDG47183 Hold on tight! It’s a big one! Happy Birthday
BDG47283 Have a wild and happy birthday!—Howard Robinson
$3.59 UV
BDG47530 Wishing you joy as big as the ocean on your birthday and always! —Masterfile Corporation UV $3.95

BDG47286 All the fun… All day long! Hope your birthday is purrrfectly awesome… just like you!—Lori Schory

$3.59 UV
BDG47534 Growing old is inevitable... But growing up is optional! Happy Birthday —Mike Scovel GL $3.95

0 3268701052 2 00049
You’re a flamingo in a flock of pigeons Happy Birthday to one-of-a-kind, wonderful you!

0 3268700668 6 00642
0 3268700668 6 00683 DELUXE
BDG47525 It’s Your Birthday! Have a ball!
Happy Birthday Dive right in and let the fun begin!
BDG47647 00579
0 3268701052 2 00051 BDG47792 $3.79 DELUXE
0 3268701052 2 00161 BDG47966
Christina Bynum
A birthday toast…May your joys be many, your troubles be few, and may all good things be brought to you!—Paul Brent 0 3268701052 2
Make a wish upon a star… Happy Birthday to someone who deserves an ocean full of wishes-come-true!

BDG47722 $3.95
Mazzotta 0 3268701052 2 00166 BDG47971 $3.79 DELUXE

Lots of little birthday wishes are swimming your way! Have a Great Day!

—Sherry Vintson

It’s the little things we remember… Everyday moments…with you are some of my most special memories. Happy

You know why old folks like to wear socks with their sandals? You will soon. Till then, Happy Birthday!

BDG69077 Beautiful world, beautiful day… beautiful wishes are coming your way! Happy Birthday
BDG69078 Happy Birthday Wishing you a day that’s every bit as lovely and special as you are.
BDG69079 Wishing you the birthday of your dreams!
BDG69101 Be your own kind of Fabulous Happy Birthday —Kendra Dew $3.79

BDG69302 Happy Birthday Hope your special day finds you in a sun and sand state of mind!—Lori Deiter FS $3.95

0 3268700668 6
BDG69080 Extra happy, extra fun… Hope your day’s a happy one! Happy Birthday
BDG69132 Friendship where memories are made… So grateful for another year of being friends with you! Happy Birthday —Pigment Productions Ltd GL $3.95

BDG69081 For those Thinkin’ about Drinkin The Beer O’Clock Club Hope every hour of your day is a happy hour! Happy

BDG69134 Of all the awesome things in the world… I think you’re the awesomest! Happy Birthday —Shutterstock UV$3.79
BDG69082 May your day be filled with little treasures and simple pleasures. Happy Birthday—Robin

BDG69372 Wishing you a front row seat to the best year ever! Happy Birthday
BDG69303 Happy Birthday... Sweet Cheeks! —L. M. Cole SV $3.79

BDG69304 Happy Birthday Paws and enjoy it!—Getty Images UV $3.79
0 3268700668 6 00828 DELUXE
BDG81399 Time to get your happy on! …and on, and on, and on! Happy Birthday
BDG69135 I have just one question… Where the flock did our youth go? Happy Birthday—Beth Buffington $3.79

BDG69305 Wishing you a day filled with memories to treasure. Happy Birthday
—Claire Brocato UV $3.79
0 3268700668 6 00863 DELUXE
BDG50051101 Happy Birthday Wishing you the kind of day when all your cares just drift away…
BDG50051201 Hope your day’s so bright that you gotta wear shades! Happy Birthday—Getty Images UV $3.95

BDG50051301 Happy Happier Happiest… Birthday! Enjoy your day in the sun!—Grace Popp FS $3.95

BDG50051401 Birthday Wishes Hope it’s o-fishally the best year ever!—Paul Brent FS $3.95
BDG50051501 This is my “OMG one of my favorite people is having a birthday!” face! Happy Birthday —Kendra Dew UV $3.9
BDG50051601 Happy Birthday Cheers to another beautiful trip around the sun!
—Advocate Art FS GL TI $4.95
BDG50051701 Wishing you peace, love and flip-flops on your birthday!
—Celebrate Life Gallery UV $3.95
BDG50063601 Cooler by the minute. Happy Birthday
—Ardea Picture Library UV $3.95
Happy Birthday Put on a grin and let the fun begin!
BDG57050201 Make some waves… Spread that sparkle! And have a mermazing day! Happy Birthday —Kathleen Francour FS GL $3.95

BDG57050301 Blue skies, sunshine, and moments to treasure… May your birthday be filled with joy beyond measure! —Susan Pepe FS GL $3.95

BDT32710 Know why old friends make the best friends? All your secrets are safe, because they can’t remember them either! Happy Birthday, Old Friend—Mike Scovel $3.79
BDT32711 Old age has its benefits… Call it a “senior moment” and you can get away with pretty much anything! Happy Birthday—Mike Scovel $3.79
BDQ23594 Happy Birthday May happiness follow wherever you go!
—Shutterstock UV $3.79
FRG39415 Friends are sunshine to the soul Your friendship is truly a bright spot in my life.
—Debi Hron GL PP TI $4.95

BDQ23599 It’s your birthday… So, doggonit, do whatever floats your boat!

—Beth Grove SV $3.95
KBG13708 On Your Birthday May your birthday hold more wishes than all the fishes in the sea, and may those wishes all come true…—Steve Vanderbosch $2.95

KBG43680 I could never have too many arms to hug you, or too many reasons to love you! Happy Birthday
—D. Loren Guttormson $2.95
FRG44437 Thinking of You
—John and Debora Scanlan UV $2.95
FRG47288 You’re flippin’ fin-tastic! —Jerry

FRG47531 hi there blank inside —Robbin Rawlings GL $3.95

FRG47648 hi you it’s just me thinking of you
What the flock would I do without you? It would be awkward being this fabulous all by myself!

57050401 You’re fun, you’re fabulous, you’re flocking awesome!—Pigment

Friendship Where memories are made and dreams are treasured So grateful for a friend like you

Happy Anniversary Time is better measured, not by the ebb and flow of the tide, but by cherished memories gathered along the way.

No dogs on Beach Wishing sunshine and laughter to someone who brings the world so much of both.

FRG69083 Thinking warm thoughts of you.

It’s a world full of wonder… and you’re a very special part of it!

Together… Now and Forever. Happy

You never outgrow true love. Happy Anniversary
To another year of sharing dreams and loving life together! Happy

GWG81400 Feel Better With warm wishes for healing and brighter days ahead.
LVG69373 I want to spend the rest of my sunsets with you. blank inside

GWG57050501 Rest, relax, renew… And breathe in all the healing thoughts that are surrounding you. —John

I YOU You know it, and I know it... But sometimes it’s still nice to spell it out! xoxoxo—Getty Images
…when I’m with you, forever seems barely long enough. I love you now…I always will.

RTG47532 Rest Relax Repeat Congratulations on Your Retirement —Masterfile Corporation FS $3.95

RTG69215 Be Happy Make Memories
…R&R No Work Zone All signs point to a Happy Retirement! Cheers to you!

SYG47423 With Sympathy Wishing you quiet moments filled with treasured memories to comfort you in this time of sorrow.—James McLoughlin TI $3.95
SYG47881 $3.79
Hoping warm memories will bring peace to your heart. With Sincere Sympathy —Jacquelynn Kresman

SYG50053201 Where a beautiful soul has been beautiful memories remain May the memories… comfort you in this time… With Sympathy—Susan Y. Davis $3.95

SYG50063701 With Deepest Sympathy
May you find… that love lives on in the memories of the heart. Thinking of You at Your Time of Loss—Claire Brocato SV $3.95
SYG57050601 Hope comfort & peace Thinking of you with love and sympathy.—John Keeling FS $3.95

…if anyone deserves to have kindness returned, it’s a thoughtful person like you. Thank You