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18 APRIL GINTYRE: FESTIVAL OF SCOTTISH GIN Campbeltown, Kintyre, gintyre.com Taste gins from across Scotland, meet the producers and enjoy a variety of 'fringe' events such as gin dinners and special cinema screenings.
17–20 APRIL EIGG FILM FESTIVAL Eigg Community Hall, Isle of Eigg, isleofeigg.org This inaugural film festival, birdthemed for 2020, will screen documentaries, shorts and features about our relationship to birds, and the impact of climate change on their species.
23–26 APRIL MULL MUSIC FESTIVAL Various venues, Tobermory, Isle of Mull, mull.co/mull-music-festival Four-day celebration of Scottish music, with the likes of Peat and Diesel, Chunks, Gonna Sound, Atlantic Reel and more on the 2020 roster.
25–26 APRIL COLONSAY BOOK FESTIVAL Colonsay Village Hall, Isle of Colonsay, colonsaybookfestival.org.uk As well as readings and performances, the festival emphasises meeting and chatting with the writers, plus debate and good craic in the pub. This year’s line-up includes Catherine Brown, John D Burns and Karen Campbell.
Tiree Music Festival
Various venues, Isle of Colonsay, colonsayspringfest.com Events showcasing the island’s natural beauty with workshops and tours, whisky tasting and cake baking, music, exhibitions and film screenings.
2 MAY TIREE 10K AND HALF MARATHON Sorobaidh Beach, Isle of Tiree, tireefitness.co.uk Take on this circuitous route around the island, with the chance to enjoy views of Tiree’s famed white sand beaches, followed by a ceilidh at An Talla.
6–9 MAY ISLE OF HARRIS MOUNTAIN FESTIVAL Various venues, Isle of Harris, iohmf.co.uk A week-long celebration of the island’s mountains, with a packed programme of walks, talks, ceilidhs, workshops and more.
8–10 MAY COLL BIRD FESTIVAL Various venues, Isle of Coll, collbunkhouse.com/coll-birdfestival Learn all about the birds that call Coll home, including the elusive corncrake, with a programme of guided walks, sea-safaris and evening talks.
9 MAY MILLPORT CLASSIC CAR RALLY Millport, Isle of Cumbrae, millportclassiccarevent.com Showcase of classic and vintage vehicles, with a parade along the promenade and prizes to be won.
15–18 MAY ARRAN MOUNTAIN FESTIVAL Various venues, Isle of Arran, arranmountainfestival.co.uk Embark on guided walks and scrambles along Arran’s hills, mountains and coastlines.
19–21 MAY CAMPBELTOWN MALTS FESTIVAL Campbeltown, Kintyre, explorecampbeltown.com The Victorian whisky capital hosts a programme of distillery tours, tasting masterclasses and an open golf tournament.
22–30 MAY ISLAY FESTIVAL OF MUSIC AND MALT Various venues, Isle of Islay, islayfestival.com Celebrating 36 years, the festival offers distillery tours, live music, a food fair, golf and bowling competitions and Gaelic lessons.
23 MAY JURA FELL RACE Craighouse, Isle of Jura, jurafellrace.org.uk Take on seven summits and all three Paps – clocking in at 28km and 2370m of climbing – and be rewarded with spectacular views.
JUNE, DATES TBC ISLE OF GIGHA MUSIC FESTIVAL Various venues, Isle of Gigha, gighamf.org.uk The smallest music festival in Scotland offers a perfectly-formed line-up of ceilidhs, headline concerts, sessions, workshops and a musical beach picnic.
11–13 JUNE ST KILDA CHALLENGE AND FESTIVAL Various venues, Lochmaddy, North Uist, thestkildachallenge.co.uk Annual international yacht race from Lochmaddy to St Kilda.
13–14 JUNE HAPPY DAZE Garrison House, Millport, Isle of Cumbrae, facebook.com/ happydazemillport Festival of tribute bands and local musicians. The line-up for 2020 includes the Complete Stone Roses, Noel Gallagher's High Flying Carpets and more.
12–14 JUNE ARRAN FOLK FESTIVAL Brodick, Isle of Arran, arranevents.com A weekend of folk, with sessions, concerts and ceilidhs. Particular highlights include free afternoon performances in the Douglas Hotel and the famous late-night sessions at Brodick Hotel.
27 JUNE BARRATHON Castlebay, Isle of Barra, barrathon.org.uk This half-marathon around the ‘Barrabados’ boasts beautiful views out towards Skye and the Minch, as well as a shorter fun-run for kids.
3–12 JULY THE SKYE FESTIVAL: FÈIS AN EILEIN Various venues, Isle of Skye, seall.co.uk Celebration of island culture and performing arts with a strong focus on traditional music. Relaunched as a ten-day event, with the theme of Scotland’s Coasts and Waters.
4–5 JULY TARBERT SEAFOOD FESTIVAL Tarbert Harbour, Loch Fyne, Kintyre, tarbertfestivals.co.uk Sample internationally renowned seafood from the waters of Loch Fyne, with a parade, music and stalls to be enjoyed as well.
5–10 JULY CEÒLAS Various venues, Isle of South Uist, ceolas.co.uk Annual summer school which explores the connections between Scottish traditional music and Gaelic song and dance.
10–12 JULY TIREE MUSIC FESTIVAL Various venues, Isle of Tiree, tireemusicfestival.co.uk Intimate, award-winning folk music festival, with the tagline ‘where music meets the ocean’ for 2020.
15–18 JULY HEBCELT FESTIVAL Various venues, Stornoway, Isle of Lewis, hebceltfest.com Celebrating its 25th anniversary, the festival showcases Celtic, traditional and contemporary music with a strong focus on Gaelic culture.
18–19 JULY BUTE OPEN STUDIO TRAIL Various venues, Isle of Bute, Argyll and Bute, butestudiotrail.com View works by local artists and makers across the island.
24–25 JULY EILEAN DORCHA FESTIVAL Liniclate Machair, Isle of Benbecula, edf.scot The 2020 line-up of this familyfriendly festival will feature Peat and Diesel, Beinn Lee, Trail West, Mànran and more.
24–26 JULY BUTEFEST Various venues, Isle of Bute, butefest.co.uk A three-day family-friendly music festival featuring a host of live music, craft beers, ciders, family fun and entertainment.
31 JULY–1 AUGUST BUTE NOIR Various venues, Isle of Bute, butenoir.co.uk Have a murderous amount of fun at the island’s crime writing festival, with a programme of author talks and writing workshops.
1 AUGUST SKYE AGRICULTURAL SHOW King George V Park, Portree, Isle of Skye, skyeshow.org.uk Stock competitions, dog shows, a daredevil cycling performance, sheep shearing demonstrations, a Bake Off and more.
8 AUGUST BRODICK HIGHLAND GAMES Ormidale Park, Brodick, Isle of Arran, welcometoscotland.com Heavy events lie at the heart of these Highland Games, complete with local stalls, children’s activities, pipe bands and dancing.
15 AUGUST ISLE OF COLL HALF MARATHON An Cridhe, Isle of Coll, collhalfmarathon.org.uk Take in the island’s stunning views at this annual event, run entirely by local volunteers, with the choice between a 10km, 5km and 1km kids’ route.
27–30 AUGUST ISLAY BOOK FESTIVAL Various venues, Isle of Islay, islaybookfestival.co.uk An intimate and friendly festival on the popular whisky isle that caters to Scotland's love of crime thrillers.
27–30 AUGUST STORNOWAY ON THE OCEAN Stornoway, Isle of Lewis, cne-siar.gov.uk Four-day festival of music, art, sailing and food in celebration of the opening of the new Newton Marina.
SEPTEMBER, DATES TBC SKYE LIVE The Lump, Portree, Isle of Skye, skyelive.co.uk Acclaimed boutique music festival with line-ups that bring a distinctive mix of genres, from electronic and contemporary to folk and traditional.
5–6 SEPTEMBER ISLE MARTIN SEAWEED FESTIVAL Isle Martin, Ullapool, islemartin.org Ecologically-focused celebration of the rich seaweed life to be found along the shoreline of Isle Martin.
5–6 SEPTEMBER MILLPORT ILLUMINATIONS Millport, Isle of Cumbrae, North Ayrshire, millport.org Bid adieu to the end of summertime with sandcastle competitions, fancy dress and talent shows during the day, and illuminated displays and fireworks in the evening.
17–20 SEPTEMBER CEÒL CHOLASA Colonsay Brewery, Scalasaig, Isle of Colonsay, ceolcholasa.co.uk Intimate four-day folk fest with Siobhan Miller, Old Blind Dogs and Kinnaris Quartet on the bill, alongside late-night free-for-all sessions and a ceilidh.
8–11 OCTOBER MULL RALLY Various venues, Isle of Mull, mullrally.org Popular car rally attracting top competitors from all over the UK to come race along gruelling island roads.
10–16 OCTOBER BWA TIREE WAVE CLASSIC Various venues, Isle of Tiree, tireewaveclassic.co.uk There’s plenty of adrenaline-fuelled action to be had as some of the world's top windsurfing competitors compete in freestyle, wave jumping and supercross disciplines.
11–25 OCTOBER COLONSAY AUTUMN FOOD AND DRINK FESTIVAL Various venues, Isle of Colonsay, colonsayfoodfest.co.uk Food and drink festival celebrating the best of Scotland’s larder, with tastings, foraging sessions and classes, as well as guided walks across the island.
23–25 OCTOBER BUTE MANOUCHE: SCOTLAND’S GYPSY JAZZ FESTIVAL Various venues, Isle of Bute, butejazz.com Celebration of gypsy jazz heroes like Django Reinhardt, Stéphane Grappelli and the Quintet of the Hot Club of France.
28–31 OCTOBER FACLAN: THE HEBRIDEAN BOOK FESTIVAL An Lanntair Arts Centre and Cinema, Kenneth Street, Stornoway, Isle of Lewis, lanntair.com/faclan This festival draws big names from across the literary world to the Hebrides, alongside a vibrant programme of film, music and art exhibitions.
NOVEMBER, DATES TBC DUNOON FILM FESTIVAL Various venues, Dunoon, dunoonfilmfestival.org Autumn film festival entering its eighth year, which features an international slate of films covering a range of genres.
20–28 NOVEMBER SEALL FESTIVAL OF SMALL HALLS Various venues, Isle of Skye, smallhallsfestival.co.uk Eight-day multi-platform winter festival taking big music to Skye's small halls.