3 minute read
Affirmations of the Heart
By Cassie Cichocki
Consider reciting these affirmations to yourself in the morning and evening. Welcome abundance, faith and hope into your life as you believe for the best.
I am wholly loved, just as I am.
When we learn to accept ourselves, flaws and all, we can begin to see that we don’t have to change in order to be worthy of love. When we begin to love ourselves completely, we give others permission to love us, and themselves in the same way.
I am willing to learn, even when it’s uncomfortable.
Being a human means constantly learning. Sometimes we learn the same lessons a few different times, sometimes we are presented with brand new lessons to learn. No matter what, the growth of learning is uncomfortable and sometimes confronting. When we accept this discomfort, we are able to expand.
I offer grace to others freely, and allow myself to receive the same.
Part of being a human is taking missteps. As we learn to find the value in our “missteps,” we are able to understand there is value in the missteps made by others as well. As we learn to forgive others for mishaps and missteps, we teach others to show us the same grace to grow.
I look for abundance in all areas of my life.
What we focus on, we attract. If we are always looking at what we lack in life, we will find more ways to feel empty. If we step back however, and see just how full our lives are, we create opportunities for more abundance to appear.
My purpose may be different than theirs, but it is just as important.
We all, especially as women, play the comparison game. Every time we turn around, it seems like someone else is winning in an area we can’t master. Instead of comparing, what if we rejoiced at our differences? Your purpose may not be the same as hers, but what you are doing in your corner of the world is just as important.
I have faith that what is meant for me is making its way to me.
It’s completely normal to wonder when it will be your turn. For the job, the partner, the child, the big break. Having faith that what is meant to find you is on its way to you, all while you work towards your goals, is the beginning of a beautifully abundant life.
I am willing to take a risk in order to get the reward.
Taking a risk is scary, especially when we don’t know if it will pay off. However, when we firmly believe in ourselves, and choose to invest in our personal growth, there is always a reward. Sometimes that reward looks different than we’d hoped for, but it ends up just as valuable.
Rest is productive.
We live in a world that tells us to go, go, go. Do more, be more, have more, give more. We thrive on being productive. What if we gave ourselves permission to rest? What if we let the understanding that we can be more productive when it’s needed, if we gave into true, restorative rest.
I deserve the best of me.
There is always someone who needs something from us, and in order to give others what they need, we put our own needs on the backburner. However, when we take the time to give ourselves what we need, the better we can be for those who depend on us.
I am supported as I support others.
Being a good friend or partner requires us to provide support, but there are times when we wonder who’s supporting us. Especially in these trying times, it’s easy to feel alone. Let’s remember that the people in our lives want to hold us up as much as we want to be there for them. We deserve every bit of love that we pour into others.