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Kingdom Advancement Ministries on the Move: Pastor Brian & Prophetess Alicia Amis Interview

Kingdom Advancement Ministreis on the Move KINGDOM ADVANCEMENT MINISTRIES ON THE MOVE



1.Pastor Brian R. Amis, Sr and Prophetess Alicia L. Amis are parents of two biological and four Spiritual children.

Pastor Brian is not an affirmed apostle; yet is doing the work of an Apostle. He is a “word buff” because he looks up words and Word in order to get the true meaning of them.

Pastor Amis says, “God told me to make Christianity normal again; stop making it seem glamorous or Hollywood!” His is an Army veteran and utilizes his military training; expertise in combat engineering; and military discipline to teach, train and build the people of


Prophetess Alicia L. Amis is an affirmed prophet; tenacious prayer intercessor and prayer warrior. Prophetess Alicia loves to see the Hand of God in operation especially in the lives of the ones deemed the underdog because of life’s circumstances happening to them. Prophetess Alicia is a survivor of the penal system, after being locked up for three years. She says, “EVERYTHING I have been through/ experienced has a purpose in my life!”

2. Power of Life Ministries, INC’s conception was in 2014. After a few months in operation, the

Lord instructed Pastor Amis to shut it down. Even though we didn’t understand why then, we now understand about the timing of God. Power of Life

Ministries is an Apostolic and

Prophetic house. We utilize the truth of the Word in order to help the people live saved for real; while dealing with everyday life. The church

Scripture is Acts 1:8, “But ye shall receive power, after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you …” Power to live a L.I.F.E of L= love I= importance F= favor and E= empowerment.

3Working as a married couple, you have to be able to understand one another’s strengths and weaknesses in order to know when and where to best support each other.

There HAS to be a focus and knowing that God is First, and

The Word is the final answer no matter what the issue is; or who thinks they’re right or wrong. Competition should not Ever be a factor when the focus is Kingdom. Because marriage is the Greatest power of agreement in the earth realm, so the enemy is always trying to cause discord within the marriage. There have been times there have been what seems like a power struggle; but once we assessed the situation, we recognized what was really in operation.

4Before one can be a leader of people there has to be a foundation of established leadership in the home. One

Prophetess Alicia loves to see the Hand of God in operation especially in the lives of the ones deemed the underdog because of life’s circumstances happening to them.

can’t say one thing and do another. Family is our first ministry! Jerusalem in first; and then spread abroad …

5The name of our marriage ministry is MMM –

Monumental Marriage

Moments “Making Every moment matter!” We use to do a lot of traveling in 2018; we would go “Live” on Facebook and share our traveling chronicles. We shared our marriage with the public.

We would talk about various subjects and discuss them from a marital point of view; then make them marriage moments.

One day, on the way to the store, we did a FB Live. Our viewers began to ask where we been, and can we come on more often … that is the long and short of it! Monumental

Marriage Moments is a

Kingdom Marriage private group on Facebook. We are available to facilitate marriage workshops; we do marriage counseling; and we host marriage events/retreats.

6One wisdom nugget we would like to share with the reader is … Keep God first; no matter what. Keeping God first helps to keep and/or put things into proper alignment.

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