4 minute read

The Spirit of Leviathan the King of Pride

Written by: Dr. Nicckay Natson

~ Kingdom Snipers Global


There are many families, churches, communities and people affected by the Leviathan spirit. Pride will strip you and rob you of everything and leave you with nothing. Pride has you puffed up. It makes you feel as if your better and your more than what you actually are. Pride makes you look like a fool and you don’t even know it. This spirit destroys friendships, relationships, careers, marriages and life long covenants because this spirit causes you not to be committed and you break promises. This spirit makes you think your right when your wrong. It’s embedded at the heart and the root of the spirit of religion and tradition. God said in His Word he even hates a proud look. So we must not look like pride, or smell like pride either. Sin has a hellish scent. It makes our flesh smell like it’s rottening because we carry the smell of death. The wages of sin is death. When you harbor this spirit you look like your mature you have it all together and know what your doing but that is so far from the truth. This spirit makes you delusional you think people are jealous of you because it has you thinking your better or equal to Generals when your just learning really who you are rather that’s spiritual or natural. They have false humility. People with this spirit want serve they think they can do it by themselves. If they do it comes with alterior motives. They are easily offended and don’t like correction. They’re spirit does not yield they are unsubmitted and think they know everything. If you harbor this spirit you need to repent and ask God to forgive you, go back to the people that you wronged and ask for forgiveness, rededicate your life back to God recommit. Give God a real yes go through the process of inner healing and deliverance. Walk in humility and love. God loves you with an ever lasting love and will forgive you if you ask him to.

Leviathan is the king over the

children of Pride (Job 41:34) This spirit can only be destroyed by

humbling yourself under the mighty hand of God. This is a strong stubborn spirit. You have to completely depend on God for total transformation and deliverance. Those that are arrogant and prideful feels as if they don›t have to depend on God and that makes it difficult for them to be delivered from the spirit of pride. The spirit of pride is a very destructive spirit, if pride can cause an angel to fall and a 1/3 of heavens angels to fall with him, how much more do you think it would destroy you if we don’t submit yourselves unto the Lord.

This is how God describes Leviathan to Job:

Job 41:1-10, 13-34

“And Leviathan, Can you catch him with a fishhook or hold his tongue down with a rope? Can you put a ring in his nose or pierce his jaw with a barb? Will he entreat you at length? Will he speak with you softly? Will he agree with you to be your slave forever? Will you play with him as you would with a bird or keep him on a string to amuse your little girls? Will a group of fishermen turn him into a banquet? Will they divide him among the merchants? Can you fill his skin with darts or his head with fish-spears? If you lay your hand on him, you won’t forget the fight, and you’ll never do it again! “Look, any hope [of capturing him] is futile -one would fall prostrate at the very sight of him. No one is fierce enough to rouse him,… Who can strip off his [scaly] garment? Who can enter his jaws? Who can pry open the doors of his face, so close to his terrible teeth? “His pride is his rows of scales, tightly sealed together – one is so close to the next that no air can come between them; they are stuck one to another, interlocked and impervious. “When he sneezes, light flashes out; his eyes are like the shimmer of dawn. From his mouth go fiery torches, and sparks come flying out. His nostrils belch steam like a caldron boiling on the fire. His breath sets coals ablaze; flames pour from his mouth. “Strength resides in his neck, and dismay dances ahead of him [as he goes]. The layers of his flesh stick together; they are firm on him, immovable. His heart is as hard as a stone, yes, hard as a lower millstone. When he rears himself up, the gods are afraid, beside themselves in despair. “If a sword touches him, it won’t stick; neither will a spear, or a dart, or a lance. He regards iron as straw and bronze as rotten wood. An arrow can’t make him flee; for him, slingstones are so much chaff. Clubs count as hay, and he laughs at a quivering javelin. His belly is as sharp as fragments of pottery, so he moves across the mud like a threshing-sledge. “He makes the depths seethe like a pot, he makes the sea [boil] like a perfume kettle. He leaves a shining wake behind him, making the deep seem to have white hair. “On earth there is nothing like him, a creature without fear. He looks straight at all high things. He is king over all proud beasts.”

Psalm 10:4

“Every scheme of the wicked in his arrogance [says], “There is no God, [so] it won’t be held against me.”

Isaiah 27:1

“In that day the LORD will take His terrible, swift sword and punish Leviathan, the swiftly moving serpent, the coiling, writhing serpent, the dragon of the sea.”

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