ISSUE 07 NOV 2012 Support us even more by buying the printed copy of this mag! A Magazine for Raspberry Pi Users
Arduino And RasPi Get Connected!
Thiis IIsssue... •• IInnteerruuppts •• SSoollarr Pi •• TTuurrbboo Moddee •• PPii EEvvoluuttiioonn •• CC++++
A chanccee tto win a PINNKK RaasPi CCaasee!
•• Ann intervieew ww wiithh tthhee RRaassppbbiian ddeevveelloperrss •• Make yoouurr ow wn llaadderr ggam mee usiinng PPCCBBs •• Thhe bassiiccss ooff GNNU m maakee hhttttpp::///wwwwww..tthheem maaggppii..ccoom m Raspberry Pi is a trademark of The Raspberry Pi Foundation. This magazine was created using a Raspberry Pi computer.