Lawrence “LB” Brown GRAND REGENT
Kali Jernigan
Ben Welch
2007–2009 Officers of Kappa Psi Fraternity Melissa O’Neill
Andy Frasco
Peter Brody
Brian MacDonald
From the Grand Regent
Collegiate Chapter Creation Team Brothers of Kappa Psi, I hope that this message finds you in good spirits, and well on your way to accomplishing your goals for the year. As I write this message to you, I have just finished attending the Province IX meeting in Glendale, Arizona. This meeting personified many of the great things about Kappa Psi. It was a demonstration of the love of the Brotherhood for each other, and the value of meeting together once or twice a year to discuss province issues. The brothers of Delta Sigma did a great job hosting the meeting, and it seemed like all of the brothers had a really great time. It was the first Province meeting for the newly chartered Epsilon Gamma chapter, and they represented themselves very well. And it is the need for continued expansion that I want to address in the remainder of this message. Kappa Psi has continued to grow and expand over the past 10 years or so, but with the expansive growth of new colleges of pharmacy that have received or are near receiving pre-candidate status, we need to be more proactive in bringing Kappa Psi to these new schools. To that end, I have created a new committee called the “New Pharmacy Schools— Immediate Past Grand Regent Maszkiewicz and newly Collegiate Chapter Creation Committee.” Although we have a number of brothers installed Grand Regent Lawrence Brown at the GCC in Boston. attempting to make progress at new schools of pharmacy, in order to be truly successful, we need a centralized and focused process. Brother E. Ben Welch, Grand Vice Regent, and Brother Peter Brody, Graduate Member-at-Large, have agreed to be chair and co-chair for this initiative. I know that both of them will do a great job leading this charge, and will be successful in getting at least six to eight new collegiate chapters started in the next two years. These brothers will need your help in identifying Kappa Psi brothers at the new schools, and getting other needed contacts. So please help this committee in any way you can. Thanks again for all of your love and support of Kappa Psi. I am not only proud to be your Grand Regent, but I am proud of all of you for the work you do for Kappa Psi. Lawrence “LB” Brown Grand Regent 2007–2009
Grand Regent Brown with the newest chapter of Kappa Psi, Epsilon Gamma.
Contents 4 10 13 14 17 14 14 31 33 46
54th Grand Council Convention . . . Meet the New Officers . . . Volume 104, Number 4, Fall 2007 Whole Number 415
Province Supervisors and Assistant Supervisors . . . Chapter News . . . Epsilon Wins Outstanding Professional Program Award . . .
Official Publication of the Kappa Psi Pharmaceutical Fraternity, Inc. Founded 1879 Incorporated 1903
Chapter News . . . Chapter News . . .
A quarterly magazine maintained and published in the interests of the Fraternity, College, and University by The Kappa Psi Pharmaceutical Fraternity, Inc., College of Pharmacy Health Sciences Center, 100 Campus Dr., Southwestern Oklahoma State University, Weatherford, OK 73096. Web site: www.kappa-psi.org. POSTMASTER—Send notice of undeliverable copies to Central Office, Kappa Psi Pharmaceutical Fraternity, Inc., School of Pharmacy, Southwestern Oklahoma University, 100 Campus Dr., Weatherford, OK 73096. The MASK is printed in the USA by Maury Boyd and Associates, Indianapolis, Indiana. Send information for publication directly to the Editor: Johnny Porter 16305 Dalmalley Dallas, TX 75248 (home) 972-490-5091 (work) 214-358-0263 (fax) 214-358-0746 (e-mail) JPORTERKY@aol.com Graduate brothers’ address corrections can be made at: www.kappa-psi.org/forms/ e-mail/form1.html.
Info to Editor
Winter ’08 Spring ’08
Summer ’08 Fall ’08
7/1/08 10/1/08
On the Cover Since 1879, the Kappa Psi Brotherhood has weathered changes, yet remained strong in its commitment to each other. Every two years, the Fraternity elects new officers, and those officers are charged with examining the challenges that face our Brotherhood and leading the brothers through them. Our 2007–2009 team is introduced on page 10.
Photo Album . . . Epsilon Gamma Chartering Ceremony . . . The Final Word . . .
WOW! This is the only word that I can think of that may come close to describing the 53rd GCC. I have attended nearly 20 GCCs and none have surprised me more than the past GCC in Boston. It was a fantastic exercise of dynamic democracy in action. The Fraternity as a whole decided to take a new road to the future. The Fraternity looked at itself and decided that a new approach in the way that the Fraternity does its business was needed. The brothers spoke and now it is up to each of us to help in any way possible to make sure that the new direcAt the 53rd GCC, then Grand Regent Maszkiewicz tion taken is successful. The future is presents Editor of the MASK, Porter, with a plaque for service during his term of office. ours to make, let’s make it an unbelievable chapter in the history of Kappa Psi. On a personal note, I once again discovered what makes the brotherhood of Kappa Psi special. As the editor of our magazine, I got to meet a lot of the brothers who send me things for publication. I got to hear the good things they say about the magazine and I also got to hear the bad things. But I also got to hear the ways they think we can improve the quality of our magazine. I got to hear all of this and not once was there ever a word spoken to me that sounded angry, curt, vicious or sarcastic. The brothers who gave me direction were all respectful and helpful. I heard from brothers who have had articles severely edited and pictures deleted and from brothers who have had nothing changed. But each one listened to the reasons why and how things happen, and not one brother left our discussions feeling that things happened for any reason other than for the good of the magazine and the Fraternity. This treatment by the brotherhood made me realize once again that good people make up our Fraternity, and they make me proud each and every day to continue to call myself a brother in Kappa Psi. Thank you again for allowing me to continue to work for you as the Editor of THE MASK. I am humbled by the honor. Fraternally,
Johnny W. Porter
Fall 2007
54th Grand Council Convention
By Kali Jernigan Grand Historian
Historic Boston, Massachusetts, was the perfect backdrop for Kappa Psi Pharmaceutical Fraternity, Inc.’s 54th Grand Council Convention. Brothers and friends from around the world gathered August 7–12, 2007 to share the Kappa Psi Experience. (L–R) Past Grand Regent Norman Campbell, Future Grand Regent Lawrence Brown, and Past First Grand Regent Benjamin Herschenson at the opening reception. 4 MASK OF KAPPA PSI PHARMACEUTICAL FRATERNITY N Fall 2007
Brent and Bonita Rathi, Erin Walsh, Peter Brody, and Tim Borowiak getting ready for their Duck Tour of Boston.
Former Grand Counselor Jerome Delaney with his daughter (and brother) Maria Ferer and her husband, Darren.
he Sheraton Boston convention chairman Sean Higgins (Grand Vice Regent) and chapter hosts Mu and Boston Graduate chapters worked tirelessly organizing this memorable week to ensure this GCC earned its place in Kappa Psi history. The great city of Boston drew our highest ever attendance, with 441 registrants (278 collegiates, 149 graduates, and 14 spouses and children) ensuring the 83 chapters (52 collegiate and 31 graduate) in attendance were well represented. On Tuesday, August 7, the 53rd GCC officially came to order as Grand Ritualist Andrew Frasco tied the Golden Bow. Past Grand Regent Brian Reisetter gave the keynote address, discussing the always important topic of financial responsibility. All candidates for International Office were then given five minutes for opening remarks. After the candidates’ speeches, Dean Emeritus Dr. Benjamin R. Hershenson gave a short speech honoring the Mu chapter and its 100th anniversary. Wednesday morning’s session began with Executive Committee and committee reports. The afternoon was filled with educational opportunities via various workshops and continuing education programs. After the workshops and CEs wrapped up, the career fair and chapter sales were in full swing. The evening hosted the Graduate and Benefactor reception that was followed by the Ice Cream Social. The following is a list of the workshops and continuing education programs:
WORKSHOPS Residencies and Interviewing Skills Tracy Anderson-Haag, Rebecca Fahrenbruch, Adam Gregg Ritual Workshop Andrew Frasco Risk Management and Hazing Gamma Theta chapter Conflict Resolution Angela Vinti
CONTINUING EDUCATION PROGRAMS Brian MacDonald is this year’s Eby award winner.
Contributing Factors and Current Treatment Approaches in Substance Misuse Scott Long (CONTINUED) Fall 2007
(CONTINUED FROM PAGE 5) History of Medication Therapy Management and Disease State Management David Dunson Breast Cancer Update 2007 Paul Knecht Asthma Guidelines: New and Improved for Better Patient Control Jennifer Donaldson H.I.V. Marquette Hardin Thursday morning held the completion of committee reports and Province reports. Following the morning session, the Sixth Biennial Scholarship Luncheon was held, where our brothers and chapters were recognized for their outstanding achievements. Following the luncheon, the brothers enjoyed a free afternoon around the city until the evening’s Pharmacy Roundtable Discussion, where graduate brothers from various disciplines were available to answer questions about their chosen field. The Grand Council Deputy Reception and Second Texas Hold’em Tournament were held immediately following the Roundtable Discussion. Listed below are the highlights of the Sixth Biennial Scholarship Luncheon: Frank H. Eby Award: Brian MacDonald (University of Rhode Island) Grand Council Deputy Award: Peter Brody (Gamma Iota) 2006 Frank H. Eby Scholarship Tray Award: Beta Kappa (University of Pittsburgh) 2007 Frank H. Eby Scholarship Tray Award: Delta Rho (NOVA Southeastern)
54th GCC host hotel, the Sheraton, in downtown Boston.
2006 Nicholas W. Fenney Industry Scholarship Award: Gamma Iota 2007 Nicholas W. Fenney Industry Scholarship Award: Epsilon 2006 William R. Smith Most Improved Chapter: Rho 2007 William R. Smith Most Improved Chapter: Beta Lambda Top Ten Collegiate Chapters 2006–2007: Beta Kappa Epsilon Gamma Kappa Psi
Delta Epsilon Delta Omicron Gamma Phi Gamma Epsilon
Mu Delta Zeta
Top Graduate Chapters 2006–2007: Minnesota Graduate Providence Graduate Saint Louis Graduate Boston Graduate
Buffalo Graduate Iowa Graduate Columbus Graduate Central Michigan
Graduate Illinois Graduate GCC is a family affair. Here, Buffalo Grad’s Delaney-Ferer family at the ice cream social.
ABOVE: Night view of beautiful Boston from the harbor.
LEFT: Province VII attendees with their former Province Supervisor Jenny Donaldson. BELOW LEFT: The Scholarship Tray winner for 2007 is Delta Rho. BELOW RIGHT: Art Marinaro and the ladies of Beta Psi at the Alpha Reception.
Fall 2007
Beta Epsilon brothers and friends at the opening reception.
Cheryl and Dave Maszkiewicz with Alan Segaloff, Executive Director of the Multiple Sclerosis Foundation.
Delegate work hard.
Delegates to the 53rd GCC.
Ben Welch and Robert Nunun are delegates for the Southwestern Province. 8 MASK OF KAPPA PSI PHARMACEUTICAL FRATERNITY N Fall 2007
Province V is all smiles.
Results of the Second Biennial Foundation Texas Hold’em Tournament: First Place: Danielle Wright Highest Hand Winner: Steve Murray Highest Donation: Jean Starvaggi
The Foundation Texas Hold ’Em tourney is a serious affair.
On Friday morning the brothers were treated to breakfast by Province II and Province V and then got down to business. The morning wrapped up the reports and the Legislative Hearing was conducted. The Foundation Golf Tournament was held in the afternoon, and though the weather was off-and-on showers, the teams were not deterred. The Central Office held a workshop following the Legislative Hearing titled “Your Role,” which was aimed at teaching brothers how to use the Central Office and help it to run smoothly. Those who were not playing in the golf tournament enjoyed an afternoon of exploring the city. Saturday began with a wonderful breakfast sponsored by Province VIII and Province IX. The rest of the day was filled with excitement, as brothers voted on various constitutional amendments and resolutions. After lunch, the election of the new International Officers began. While the ballots were counted, raffle numbers were called out, helping to pass the time. Congratulations to all brothers who ran for office. A special thanks goes to all committees (Legislative, Resolutions, and Credentials) and Parliamentarian David Dunson for making the day run smoothly. The 2007–2009 International Officers are introduced on page 10 of this issue. After all the business was done, the Alpha Reception was held and was followed by the 121st Anniversary Banquet. The presentation of the over $10,600 raised for multiple sclerosis was presented, along with a quilt assembled to show what the brothers of Kappa Psi can accomplish when we work together. Following this presentation, many awards were given out, including Letters of Commendation to Craig Burkin, International Webmaster; Kristl Tom, Web Services Coordinator; Michael Cournoyer, Regent of Boston Graduate chapter; and Chris Nadeau, Regent of Mu chapter. Incoming Grand Regent Lawrence “LB” Brown outlined his plans for a successful upcoming two years. After the installation of our new International Officers, the 53rd GCC came to a close after the ceremonial untying of the Golden Bow. As the brothers unwound, the final raffle drawings were held with Brother Christy Askew winning the 50/50 prize. Brother Askew generously donated the money back to the Foundation. As always, the Foundation raised a significant amount of money through the golf tournament, raffle, and poker tournament. Brothers then gathered to take the second GCC photograph. A special thank you to Brother Derek Stranton for taking the photograph and saving the day. The Central Office staff, often forgotten, did a wonderful job with preparation and worked very hard all week to ensure GCC ran smoothly. A special thank you goes out to PriceChopper Pharmacy and Vincent Mainella for their generous support of the 53rd GCC. This week of the Kappa Psi Experience left brothers anxiously awaiting the province meetings ahead and the next Grand Council Convention in sunny Tampa, Florida. Kappa Psi thanks you for your attendance, assistance, efforts, and most importantly, brotherhood. Without you, this successful GCC would not have been possible.
Fall 2007
Meet the New Officers Lawrence “LB” Brown
Ben Welch
Dr. Lawrence “LB” Brown proudly serves as the current Kappa Psi Grand Regent. He completed his Doctor of Pharmacy degree at the University of the Pacific in Stockton, California, in 1999. But, he began his career in pharmacy as a U.S. Air Force pharmacy technician from 1985 to 1991. He served at Misawa Air Force Base in Misawa, Japan, at Osan Air Base, Korea, and Kadena Air Base in Okinawa, Japan. He has also worked in independent, chain, and grocery store pharmacies. Dr. Brown completed his Ph.D. in Social and Administrative Pharmacy at the University of Minnesota in 2003. He created and teaches a required course in Medication Therapy Management for the P-2 students. His current research interests are Economic and Clinical Outcomes of PharmacistProvided Medication Therapy Management Services, Quality Assessment of Pharmacist-Provided Services, and use of Medication Therapy Management to improve health and reduce health disparities. “LB” is a member of a number of professional associations, including the American Pharmacists Association, the American Society of HealthSystem Pharmacists, the American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy, and the Academy Health Association. He is past Speaker of the House of Delegates for APhA-ASP, past Post-Grad Officer for the Economic, Clinical, and Administrative Sciences section of APhAAcademy of Pharmaceutical Research and Science, past Parliamentarian for the Minnesota Pharmacists Association, and past Speaker of the APhA House of Delegates. Dr. Brown has received many awards and honors, including the California Pharmacists Association “Pharmacy Student of the Year” award in 1999 and is a member of the Rho Chi Pharmacy Honor Society and Phi Lambda Sigma. “LB” is passionate about Kappa Psi and is proud to be a part of the Kappa Psi Family. He served as webmaster while a collegiate member, and as interim GCD for the Epsilon chapter at the University of Minnesota. He is a past member of the Kappa Psi National Legislative Committee and Parliamentarian committee. And, he previously served as Province I Supervisor and Kappa Psi Parliamentarian. He currently serves as the co-advisor for the Psi chapter at the University of Tennessee. It is his desire to lead by example and make Kappa Psi an even greater fraternal organization. Dr. Brown is an associate professor in the Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences at the University of Tennessee College of Pharmacy and is the director of the UT Center for Medication Therapy Management. “LB” and his wife May have been married for over 13 years, and they are the proud parents of three children: a 6-year-old girl named Leilani, a 3-year-old girl named Kalea, and Lauren, their 11-year-old black lab.
I was initiated into Gamma Xi Chapter at the University of South Carolina in December 1967. I attended my first Province III meeting in Charleston, South Carolina, in 1968. I attended every meeting in Province III until 1990, when I moved to Oklahoma. I have attended every Province VII meeting since coming to Oklahoma in 1989, making a total of 37 consecutive Province meetings. My first Grand Council Convention was in 1972 in New Orleans and I have not missed one since. My involvement in Kappa Psi Pharmaceutical Fraternity is as follows: 54th GCC Convention Chair: 2007–2009, Asst. Province VIII Supervisor: 2007–2009, Province VII Satrap: 2000–2002, Webmaster: 1996–2006, started the Kappa Psi Web pages in 1995 as an e-mail directory, went on-line completely in August 1996; Southwestern Graduate Chapter Treasurer: 1996–2006; Regent 2006 to present, GCC Co-Chair: 41st GCC, Myrtle Beach, 1983; Province I Supervisor: 1983–1985, Grand Vice Regent: 1983–1985; 2007–2009, Graduate Member-at-Large; 1979–1983, Province III Supervisor; 1979–1983, Province III Satrap; 1974–1980, South Carolina Graduate Chapter Historian; 1988–1991,Vice Regent; 1980–1985, Regent; 1971–1980, Gamma Xi Chapter 3rd Vice Regent; 1970–1971, Parliamentarian; 1969–1970, member of the following International Committees in Kappa Psi: Graduate Development; 2005–2007, Web Page Committee, Chairman; 2000–2005, Auditing Committee; 1993–2000, Communications Technology Committee; 1995–1997, Professional Projects Committee, Chairman; 1993–1995, Member; 1982–1983, Retirement Committee; 1991–93, Leadership Training Committee; 1989–1991, MASK Publications Committee; 1983–1985, Field Secretaries Committee; 1974–1976; and Contributing Hospital Editor to the MASK; 1979–1985.
Kali Jernigan GRAND HISTORIAN I was born and raised in a small town in the mountains of Virginia. I attended the University of Tennessee for my pre-pharmacy coursework and took in a little football while I was there. I then moved to Birmingham, Alabama, to attend pharmacy school at Samford University and have lived here ever since. While in school I was very involved in various organizations. I served Kappa Psi on the chapter level as vice regent and as a Province Conclave Planning chair when my chapter hosted a Province IV Winter Conclave. I served Province IV on many committees and as historian and satrap. During the last two years, a lot has changed in my life. I graduated from pharmacy school in 2006, completed a Public Health PGY1 residency in Birmingham, and entered the world of retail pharmacy. I currently work with a local grocery store chain in Birmingham, Alabama. One thing that was a constant in my life was Kappa Psi. I have some of the most wonderful brothers who are also my friends. I loved serving
on the international level as Collegiate Member-at-Large. I was able to communicate with brothers from all over the nation and developed sample pledge programs for the brothers involved in forming our two newest chapters. I was also able to experience history in the making when I attended a collegiate chapter chartering. I also helped three graduate chapters on their way to chartering. It was truly a wonderful experience to be involved in the growth of Kappa Psi. On a more personal note, I have two Chihuahuas, Dee Dee and Co Co. I love college football, especially when UT is winning. I love to travel and will read just about any book someone recommends to me. I am honored that the brotherhood has chosen me to serve these next two years as Grand Historian. I know that, with the help of all of you, we will accomplish great things.
Andy Frasco GRAND COUNSELOR My wife Jessica and I love to travel, and Kappa Psi has presented us with an inexhaustible choice of destinations and experiences. Many of you will read about the actual GCC experience in this very issue, but our car trip to and from Boston for the 53rd GCC proved to be a fascinating excursion. We traveled to the Boston area two days prior to GCC and stayed at a beautiful bed and breakfast in the Salem, Massachusetts’ historic district. We did the touristy thing; a walking ghost tour, the witch history museums and dungeon, the pirate museum, toured the House of Seven Gables, and ate at seafood restaurants by the harbor. Our trip home was 22 hours of driving or seeing sites. The journey home began when we departed the Sheraton Boston on Monday at 10:30 a.m. and I decided that I wanted lobster in Maine. So, instead of heading west to Ohio, we headed north along the coast from Boston to Maine. We found a nofrills lobster shack and ate a fantastic lunch at an outside picnic pavilion with a couple from Montreal who spoke mostly French. We then walked off lunch at the Amity Island-esque York Beach. Next, we set off for Vermont, allowing me to cross state number 46 off of my list of states visited. We followed this with an overnight trek across New York on the Thruway from Albany to the Pennsylvania line, arriving home Tuesday morning at 8:30 a.m. In all, our trip for GCC covered eight states, 35 hours of driving, and 1,780 miles, and I never once had to ask for directions thanks to CraigCraig GPS navigation software.
2005. I then completed a pediatric residency at Kosair Children’s Hospital in Louisville, Kentucky. I recently moved to Huntsville, Alabama, where I live with my boyfriend (and Kappa Psi brother) Dan Hunt and serve as a clinical pharmacy specialist in the pediatric ICU at Huntsville Hospital for Women and Children. I enjoy teaching and am a preceptor for five schools of pharmacy (Auburn, Samford, StLCoP, Campbell, Melissa and her husband, Dan and Mercer). I helped to develop a brand new residency program at Women’s and Children’s (Huntsville) and precept residents for the general PGY1 residency at Huntsville Hospital. I almost always have a student or resident on rotation with me. I am an active member in the Pediatric Pharmacy Advocacy Group (PPAG) as well. Dan and I are in the process of building a house and are looking forward to getting a boxer puppy, once the house is finished. We currently have two cats, JJ and Izzy, and anticipate an interesting reaction to having a dog in the house. I like most types of music, especially country, and enjoy dancing. I played softball until I hurt my wrist; I was a pitcher. I am a huge St. Louis Cardinals fan. I love being outdoors, especially in the sun or at the beach. I love food and will try almost anything once. I am currently serving my second year as Satrap of Province VII. I previously served two years as Vice-Satrap and two years as Historian of Province VII. I was also the chairperson of the Province VII meeting held in St. Louis in 2003. I have enjoyed being involved on the Province level and encourage all brothers to become active in your Province. Despite moving, I have stayed active in the St. Louis Graduate chapter, traveling to St. Louis for meetings and helping plan professional events. Moving throughout the country has allowed involvement in other graduate chapters as well. I am proud to say that I was the first female to attend a Kentucky Grad meeting. I also enjoyed traveling to Cincinnati
Melissa O’Neill GRAND RITUALIST I am a 2000 initiate of the Gamma Pi Chapter at the St. Louis College of Pharmacy (StLCoP). Pledging Kappa Psi was one of the best decisions I have ever made, and I hope everyone reading this feels the same way. I received my B.S. in pharmacy in 2004 and my PharmD in
Grand Vice Regent Ben Welch, Mike Sherry, Executive Director Scott Long, and Brian Furbush have a good laugh at GCC. Fall 2007
Meet the New Officers for meetings, while living in Louisville. I am very enthusiastic about increasing my involvement with Auburn Grad while in Alabama. Over the past two years, I served nationally as chair of the Public Relations committee, as well as on the Publications and Philanthropy committees. I previously served on the Collegiate Development committee, as well as other committees. I greatly enjoyed the Publications committee, since I have been involved with newspaper since middle school, especially revising the professional rush pamphlet. I also served on a special committee to develop an anti-hazing presentation. I am honored to continue to serve as Assistant Supervisor of Province II and to be involved with such a strong Province. I look forward to serving as your Grand Ritualist (and chair of the Ritual Committee) over the next two years. I have a lot of great ideas and welcome your input. The ritual is a foundation of this Fraternity and should be emphasized in every chapter. I would really like to increase awareness and use of the ritual. Please contact me at any time with questions or suggestions
Peter M. Brody GRADUATE MEMBER-AT-LARGE I have been a “Buffalonian” my entire life, graduating from the SUNY at Buffalo School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences in 2002, completed an ambulatory care residency the year after, and working as a clinical assistant professor for my alma mater ever since. Since being initiated by Gamma Iota in 1998, I have and currently serve on all levels of our great Fraternity. It sounds crazy, but I expect nothing less from myself. Sure, it Peter Brody and Erin Walsh is difficult at times, but I thrive on challenges and I can’t even begin to describe the joy I get out of working hard to do whatever I can to help our great Fraternity and any of the brothers who have also made the correct choice when they decided to and followed through with pledging Kappa Psi. For those who really know me, know that I mean business but I also like to have fun. I consider myself to be a football nut (taking pride being the only Buffalo Bills season ticket holder to wear only NY Giants/Jets apparel to every game) and a self-proclaimed fantasy football guru. I also enjoy movies and music, with nothing coming close to the lyrics and voice of Eddie Vedder of Pearl Jam. I don’t hate dogs, but I definitely consider myself to be a cat lover, having three of my own. Finally, I love traveling, so it is no surprise that I have attended five GCCs and more than 20 Province meetings all across the country and Canada. I surely can’t wait to continue to visit new places, as I hope to get the opportunity to attend at least one meeting for each of our nine Provinces and visit as many chapters as possible over the next two years. 12 MASK OF KAPPA PSI PHARMACEUTICAL FRATERNITY N Fall 2007
Now, more than ever, I have come to realize that my life would be so much different without Kappa Psi being a part of it over the past nine years. I could list hundreds of ways this organization has had a positive impact on my education, career, and even my life outside of pharmacy. It isn’t a coincidence that the majority of people who are closest to me are brothers of Kappa Psi, and I can’t even imagine what my life would be like without them in it. The best evidence of that is obviously from the picture that accompanies this bio—it is of me and the love of my life, brother Erin Walsh (aka: the greatest roommate a man could ever have). I can only hope that Kappa Psi has and will provide a similar experience and be as rewarding for you as it has been for me, which is ultimately why it has been such a priority in my life, giving back for everything it has given to me. I look forward to serving you and meeting as many brothers as possible over the next couple of years as your Graduate Member-at-Large.
Brian MacDonald COLLEGIATE MEMBER-AT-LARGE Born and raised in East Greenwich, Rhode Island, I pledged Kappa Psi in the fall of 2003 at the University of Rhode Island and was involved from the start. As a freshman, I was elected president of my pledge class by my pledge brothers. Initiated to the Beta Epsilon chapter that December, I wanted to participate and make an impact immediately within the brotherhood. For my efforts, I was elected Chaplain. After a year of organizing the philanthropic events for Beta Epsilon, I was elected to Vice Regent, as well as Secretary of Province I, my first seat on the Province Executive Committee. Following the 52nd GCC in Pittsburgh, I was appointed to the national Collegiate Development Committee under Collegiate Member-at-Large Kali Jernigan. I have since served as Vice Satrap of Province I, Regent at Beta Epsilon, and was most recently elected Satrap of Province I. This fall, I will be the Graduate Liaison for Beta Epsilon Chapter. At the 2007 Founders Day Banquet, the Providence Graduate Chapter awarded me with the Peter Feeney scholarship for Outstanding Fraternal Involvement. The 53rd GCC in Boston marked the beginning of a new level of involvement for me. That week, I was presented the Frank Eby award as National Collegiate Brother of the Year, as well as a Kappa Psi Foundation Scholarship. The week culminated with my election to the Executive Committee. As a part of the EC, I am now serving the brotherhood as Chairman of the Collegiate Development Committee, as well as Assistant Supervisor in Province V. Outside the walls of the Fraternity, I find many other ways to stay involved. Within the URI College of Pharmacy, I am vice president of APhA-ASP, as well as vice president of Phi Lambda Sigma and a member of the college’s Student Leadership Council. I have participated in “Meet the University,” providing tours of the College of Pharmacy, and answering questions for prospective students. For four years, I have played trumpet in the URI Big Band. A typical New Englander, I spend my free time obsessing over my beloved Red Sox and Patriots, as well as cheering on the URI men’s basketball team as a URI Fanatical Fan.
Province Supervisors and Assistant Supervisors Province I
Province VII
Supervisor: Tracy Anderson-Haag, ander363@umn.edu Asst. Supervisor: Christy Askew, chris11122@aol.com Also, Province Supervisor Liaison
Supervisor: Andy Frasco, andyfrasco@hotmail.com Asst. Supervisor: Meagan Wilson, meow_productions@hotmail.com
Province II
Supervisor: Jacob Thiese, jt@thiesse.com Asst. Supervisor: E. Ben Welch, ben.welch@swosu.edu
Province VIII
Supervisor: Eric Gupta, egupta@gmail.com Asst. Supervisor: Melissa O’Neill, moneill_15@hotmail.com
Province IX
Province III Supervisor: Mike Cornouyer, mcournoyer@gmail.com Asst. Supervisor: Marvin Smith, bahamadrugdoc@gmail.com
Province IV
Supervisor: Kali Jernigan, kali.jernigan@gmail.com Asst. Supervisor: Latha Radhakrishman, lradha1@uic.edu
Province X Supervisor: Claudio Faria, cfaria21@hotmail.com Asst. Supervisor: Steve Murray, murraysteve@yahoo.com
Supervisor: Mike Starvaggi, mstarvaggi@comcast.net Asst. Supervisor: Mike Grabart, thegraubarts@gmail.com
Province V Supervisor: Peter Brody, mjvedder23@ msn.com Asst. Supervisor: Brian MacDonald, macdonald.briank@gmail.com
Province X
Province X Province V
Province VIII
Province I
Province II Province V Province IX Province III Province VII Province IV
Fall 2007
Chapter News Epsilon
University of Minnesota Founded 4/30/1928 College of Pharmacy 5-130 Weaver Densford Hall 308 Harvard Street S.E. Minneapolis, MN 55455-0343
Epsilon finished the summer off on a high note. We were extremely honored to receive the Outstanding Professional Program Award from the Professional Fraternity Association. The award was presented in recognition of our continued work with the Phillips Neighborhood Clinic, which is a student-run free clinic in a Minneapolis neighborhood for those who wouldn’t otherwise have regular access to health care. Every Monday night, Epsilon brothers volunteer their time to staff the dispensing pharmacy for the clinic. Two of our current brothers traveled to the PFA annual meeting in Phoenix, Arizona, to accept the award on behalf of the chapter. A few of the other events rounding out the summer were a St. Paul Saints baseball game with the members of the graduate chapter, a picnic at a local park, and, of course,
GCC, which some of our brothers were able to attend. We also had a great time staffing the pharmacy at Camp SuperKids, a camp sponsored by the American Lung Association for kids with asthma. The last social event of the summer was also a blast. Several brothers got together on Labor Day at the house of the dean of the College of Pharmacy for a pool party. The weather was perfect, and it was a great way to relax before beginning classes again. With the start of a new school year, we’ve gotten back into our philanthropic activities. We’ve given an STI talk to a local high school, we’ve continued with our Monday nights at the Phillips Neighborhood Clinic, and we’ve participated in the Light the Night Walk, which is a walk benefiting the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society in honor of one of our brothers who passed away three years ago from leukemia. We’re also excited to be participating in intramural volleyball again this year and started the season off right with a victory in our first game. We’re also planning to enjoy the brisk fall weather on a horse-
Delta Kappa third-year brothers wear matching outfits during their Kappa Psi Unity Week.
The Epsilon brothers take a break from the pharmacy at Camp SuperKids, a camp for kids with asthma, to enjoy the wilderness. (Brothers pictured are Audrey Anderson, Matt Schille, Elizabeth Lauer-Welsh, and Adele Reichel.) back riding and bonfire outing within the next month. Finally, Epsilon is extremely thrilled to welcome all 32 of its new pledges. After our commitment night meeting, the brothers and new pledges enjoyed a night of pizza and bowling, and we look forward to the day when we can call our new pledges our new brothers. —Alison Wagner
Medical College of Virginia Founded 7/30/1921 School of Pharmacy P.O. Box 980533 410 N. 12 Street Richmond, VA 23298-0001
Theta Chapter has started the 2007 academic year off well and is looking forward to the semester ahead. The semester opened with a
Chapter News
Epsilon brothers enjoy welcoming our new pledge class with an evening of pizza and bowling. 150 residents who were staying there at the time, and we hope to make this a biannual event. The brothers of Kappa Psi Theta chapter are excited about this upcoming year, and we look forward to all the events we have planned for this semester. We will strive to represent the Kappa Psi Fraternity well and do all we can— not only for the profession of pharmacy—but also for the community at large. —Joshua Crawford
Iota brothers L–R: Tres Schiltz, Jeremy Heller, Edward Riley, Danny Page, Patrick Runey, Seth Pulley, William Gibson, William Shealy and Phillip Kirn. bang, as we held our annual puttputt tournament on September 28. Brother David Delong was able to show us all how putting works by winning the tournament, along with his three P1 teammates, Brent Mowery, Ken Lenviel, and Matt Turner. Although we do not have pledging during the fall semester, we were still able to meet many of the P1 students during rush week, and we look forward to seeing many of them out in the spring as pledges. The Theta chapter has many great events planned for the upcoming months, which will be highlighted by our annual chili cook-off in November. This event is a great experience for all involved, as it
allows us to meet many of the students from outside our class who we may not have had the opportunity to get to know. We are also continuing a soda can pull tab collection drive started last year for the local Ronald McDonald House. These tabs are sold for recycling, and the proceeds are used by the Ronald McDonald House to provide a “home away from home” for families of seriously ill children receiving treatment at nearby hospitals. There is also a local hospitality house that has been lodging families of patients at the Medical College of Virginia since 1984. We volunteered our time last semester to help prepare and serve a dinner for many of the
Medical University of South Carolina Founded 11/29/1927 The College of Pharmacy 280 Calhoun Street Charleston, SC 29425
It is fall again and congratulations to all brothers who have survived to experience another challenging semester. As for those brothers who are alumni, congratulations on experiencing another fall season. This past academic year, Iota has become a member of a new pharmacy school. Formerly, the school was named the Medical University of South Carolina (MUSC) College of Pharmacy. We are now considered to be a part of the South Carolina College of Pharmacy (SCCP). The current members and newly elected officers are passionate about not only preserving the ideals of Kappa Psi, but also paving the way for novel applications of Fall 2007
our brotherhood. We are taking the initiative to coalesce all living brothers of the Iota chapter, as well as creating more diverse social events. However, older traditions are still being kept intact. This year, Iota turns 80. Contrary to popular belief, we will not be placing a diaper on it and laying it down to sleep at 7 p.m. like other things that turn 80 years old. Instead, we will be pulsating the chapter with new life and it starts with our annual “Swamp Party.” At this event, we provide delicious food, euphonious local music, and create a unique ambience due to its location by a swamp. Brothers from all chapters are highly encouraged to attend. So far this semester, we have held a bake sale in which the proceeds went to the Ronald McDonald House. In November, we will be hosting our annual “Turkey Fry” for the entire College of Pharmacy. The Iota brotherhood continues to volunteer throughout the community and, given the continuing momentum of our chapter, we are anticipating another successful pledge season this year. Our newly elected regent, William Shealy, comes to us from the Gamma Xi chapter at USC. His innate passion for the integrity of Kappa Psi is inspiring and is the glue that continues to hold Iota close together as a brotherhood. This past August, Regent Shealy represented Iota at the Grand Council Convention. As always, we are honored to continue to uphold the legacy that is Kappa Psi, and we are all confident that Iota will grab the attention of the brothers on a national level. —Sean Jesinkey
Massachusetts College of Pharmacy Founded 3/4/1907 SGA Office c/o Kappa Psi 179 Longwood Avenue Boston, MA 02115
First, Mu chapter would like to thank all the brothers who came to GCC and made it the largest GCC ever. Since GCC, Mu chapter has started a new year at the Massachusetts College of Pharmacy. We will be hosting our Province I meeting in November. We also had a couple brothers participate in a charitable run in the
Chapter News
area. Brothers are looking forward to making the 100th year of Mu chapter memorable. Mu chapter is also still selling GCC shirts. “America Runs on Drugs,” and the “Absolut Pharmacy” shirts. They hopefully will be available on the Kappa Psi website soon. —Kunal Patel
University of Connecticut Founded 5/17/1928 School of Pharmacy Box U-92 Storres, CT 06268
Nu chapter recently participated in the annual University of Connecticut School of Pharmacy Activities Fair. The activities fair allows professional pharmacy fraternities, sororities, and organizations to recruit potential members. The chapter welcomed three new brothers from last spring and seven new pledges for the fall semester. Nu is also planning many activities and events for the fall semester. These events include Habitat for Humanity, the annual School of Pharmacy Formal, and Pharmacy Night Out. —Clayton English
University of Maryland Founded 3/27/1924 School of Pharmacy 20 N. Pine Street Baltimore, MD 21201
The year began with the Fraternity Kick-Off event, where we welcomed the new students with a
Nu brothers at the annual UConn School of Pharmacy Activities Fair. Pictured L–R: Chris Morales, Ryan Issacson, Darrell Machir, Clayton English, and Charlie Jones. glimpse of our chapter. The much anticipated rush events began with a barbecue where brothers toiled away at the grill on a hot day. Casino night and the Luau both saw one of the largest rush turnouts ever. Brothers couldn’t hide their excitement when 45 new pledges took on the challenge of becoming a brother on Signing Day. Don’t think for a moment that because we were busy with rush events that we were slacking on strengthening our brotherhood. Brothers enjoyed an amazing Tex Mex dinner prepared by our
Sigma brothers at the annual Fraternity Kick-Off. 16 MASK OF KAPPA PSI PHARMACEUTICAL FRATERNITY N Fall 2007
Human Biology professor and playing Scattegories and Trivial Pursuit until midnight. Many brothers attended the SGA Fall Formal, which took place on the 21st floor of the World Trade Center in Baltimore, overlooking the inner harbor. The most anticipated event of this year was the start of concession stand fundraising at the Ravens stadium. The Baltimore Ravens are a proud part of our city, as well as one of the leading teams in the NFL. Partnering with the stadium gave our chapter a new
fundraising opportunity. This partnership required the creation of a whole new committee, and we are excited to inform you that we will now be working a concession stand at every Ravens home game at the M&T Bank Stadium. With three games under our belts, we are looking forward to upcoming games, as they will bring in much needed funds for the continued growth and success of our chapter. We are so proud of our brothers for putting in much time and effort despite their busy schedules. The games will strengthen our brotherhood more than ever, which comes as no surprise, considering 15 brothers are placed in a 200 square foot area for nine straight hours. We have much hope for this coming year, with a new executive board led by our regent, Lakshmi Potti. Many community service events are planned for the year as well, including a Walk for Diabetes, Habitat for Humanity, and our annual Wing-A-Thon. We are also excited to introduce our new GCD—recently graduated Brother Dr. John Watts. Though he resides in Pennsylvania, we don’t doubt for a minute that he will be a strong leader, a resourceful confidant, and most importantly, a heartwarming brother. —Sophia Park
Chapter News
Epsilon Wins Outstanding Professional Program Award
Sigma brothers pose for the camera in front of their concession stand before a Ravens game. Grand Regent Brown and Executive Director Long congratulate the Epsilon brothers in attendance for being awarded the Outstanding Professional Program Award from the Professional Fraternity Association at their annual meeting in Phoenix.
The Grand Regent with fellow Psi chapter members Eboni Shipp (left) and Alexandra Barnette (right) at the annual Hawaiian Luau.
University of Tennessee Founded 10/9/1925 College of Pharmacy 31 S. Barksdale Memphis, TN 38104
The Psi chapter began the 2007 school year with exciting news from the Grand Council Convention. We had the honor of our very own Dr. Lawrence Brown, or “LB,” as we fondly refer to him, being elected as Grand Regent. Our chapter also had the honor of being the Top Collegiate Chapter in
Provence VII and ranking fourth in the Top Ten Collegiate Chapters. During the first week of the fall semester, we kicked off events with a competitive bowling night at Jillian’s in downtown Memphis, Tennessee, and our annual Hawaiian Luau at the Kappa Psi house. The second week brought laughter and tears at our annual karaoke night and a dress to impress formal that was held that weekend. The two weeks concluded with having 98 pledges join our chapter from both our Memphis
Epsilon chapter, at the University of Minnesota, has dedicated countless hours and resources to the Phillip’s Neighborhood Clinic (PNC) in Minneapolis, Minnesota. Brothers from Epsilon chapter volunteer their time every Monday afternoon to staff the pharmacy at the clinic and provide pharmaceutical care and medication counseling to the patients. They have maintained their amazing dedication to this project for over four years. The PNC clinic is a strictly student-run clinic that provides health care services for uninsured and underinsured patients free of charge. The clinic did not initially include a pharmacy. Through the initiative of the Epsilon chapter, a pharmacy was established within the clinic to provide more complete health care to its patients. Epsilon brothers gain valuable pharmacy skills while working at the clinic, including general pharmacy staffing, management, patient counseling, and interaction with other members of the health care team. Brothers are able to see the benefits of their volunteer work, as they interact with their patients who may not have the benefits of health care without this clinic. Most brothers enjoy their involvement in this project due to its large educational component, as well as the impact they can have on the patients’ lives. Their commitment to this project helps so many patients have a healthier life. The brotherhood of Kappa Psi congratulates Epsilon for contributing to such a noble and worthy cause. They truly exemplified heart and spirit of Kappa Psi.
Fall 2007
Chapter News
Psi brothers prepare a luncheon for the incoming class. L–R: Melodie Cromwell, Chris Jones, Rachel Haggard, April Hodson, Brian Marlow, Dave Dixon, and Kenny Parish. and Knoxville campuses. This is the largest number of pledges in our chapter’s history, and we are excited about the upcoming year, with the class of 2011. This year we are implementing new pledge activities that will include a team-building weekend retreat. —April Hodson
Beta Gamma
University of California— San Francisco Founded 9/23/1910 College of Pharmacy 1499-5th Avenue San Francisco, CA 94122
UCSF is back in session and Beta Gamma is anticipating another exciting year. With a full line-up of traditional and new events this year, Beta Gamma is looking forward to watching our chapter and the Fraternal Brotherhood of
Sigma brothers Sophia Park, Lorena Bagain, and Connie Yoon at the Luau. Do they look Hawaiian?
Kappa Psi grow stronger. Beta Gamma was represented at the 53rd Grand Council Convention by four brothers, this being the first GCC for three of them. With record numbers in attendance, this GCC served as a strong confirmation to our delegates and our chapter that Kappa Psi is for life, and we would like to thank Mu chapter for being excellent hosts. It was a great experience for our brothers as they took part in the many workshops, networking opportunities, and discussions of legislation. We are proud to welcome LA Grad, SF Grad, and Epsilon Gamma to Province IX. Classes are in full swing and we are looking forward to another year of great rush events. We started off the quarter with our annual bi-frat social. With more than enough delicious home cooked ethnic dishes to go around, no one left the Kappa Psi house hungry. Our brothers used this opportunity to meet the first-year students and to discuss the many benefits of being a Kappa Psi brother. Other rush events involved exploring the city of San Francisco. First, we enjoyed a night of dancing with the first-year class at our Welcome Back Party at Club Roe in downtown, one of many hot spots. Since UCSF students tend to live in all areas of San Francisco, brothers took them to prime studying spots during our Study Tours event. Many different locales with varying noise levels and atmospheres were taken into consideration. What is quickly becoming a Beta Gamma tradition, we hosted the first years at a tailgate party in preparation for the Giants vs.
Beta Epsilon brothers enjoy a nice Italian dinner at Vinny T’s in Boston during the 53rd GCC.
Beta Kappa brothers work together to build a corn maze for charity. Padres game at AT&T Park. It was a great event, with over 60 first years coming out with the brothers to eat hot dogs and hamburgers and watch the Giants beat the Padres 9–6. A new event, Chips and Salsa Night, provided first years and brothers the opportunity to learn the art of salsa dancing at any skill level. Upcoming Rush events include Game Night, Intern Night, Clinical Pharmacy Cram Night, and our annual Halloween Party. Beta Gamma organized a Kappa Psi team to join the American Heart Association and the San Francisco community to walk in the 2007 Heart Walk. We had 17 brothers come out, and we raised $364 to be donated to the AHA in the fight against heart disease.
Beta Gamma is involved in two major projects this year. We are in the process of starting our chapter’s first annual golf tournament at the Presidio Golf Course & Country Club as a fundraiser for our chapter. The tournament will be held in late March, and there is much anticipation for this event due to the potential for its success. We will also be in charge of the UCSF School of Pharmacy Spring Auction in April. The auction raises money specifically to support community service projects for all registered campus organizations in the school of pharmacy. Each year, Beta Gamma grows in number and in strength. Our chapter is looking forward to working with the new Grand Council as we
Chapter News
Beta Phi and Beta Lambda brothers at GCC (L–R): Marcie Malone, Danielle Wright, Matt Bell, Maggie Demaree, Jordan Karr, Dan Fisher, and Eric Geyer.
Beta Kappa brothers tie corn stalks together as they build their corn maze fundraiser.
Beta Lambda brothers Eric Geyer and Jordan Karr show off their William R. Smith Most Improved Chapter award.
Beta Kappa brothers (L–R) Javonne Jones, Matt Sapko, Leprechaun, Gretchen Kneckel, Lauren Jones, and Nina Sonbolian. strive to promote the many facets of pharmacy through fraternal affiliation and uphold Kappa Psi’s motto that Kappa Psi is for Life. —Sokkin Lim
Beta Epsilon
University of Rhode Island Founded 5/17/1911 College of Pharmacy 41 Lower College Road Kingston, RI 02881-0801
As the fall approaches, we look back and reflect on the great times
that were had at the 53rd GCC. Boston is a beautiful city and over 20 of our brothers from Beta Epsilon were able to attend. We met brothers from all over the country, and it was a great experience where professional and social bonds were created. I would like to congratulate Brother Brian MacDonald, who was elected Collegiate Member-at-Large, which is the only collegiate position on the National Executive Board. This is a continuation of 45 years with a Beta
Epsilon brother on the Executive Board. Brother MacDonald also won the Eby Award for National Brother of the Year, as well as a foundation scholarship. As a fundraiser during GCC week, we designed shirts based on the Boston Red Sox jerseys. The front said Kappa Psi in Boston Red Sox writing, and the back said GCC ’07. These shirts were a huge hit and we were able to sell a good portion of them which served as a good fundraiser. I am sure that many brothers have seen pictures of these coveted shirts. After having our annual University of Rhode Island College of Pharmacy picnic, we were excited that many students had a lot of Fall 2007
interest in our Fraternity. Thanks to Andrew Bundeff, our returning rush chair, we are looking forward to having another good pledge class. As of the middle of September, we have a list of approximately 30 rushees who are very interested in becoming a brother in our Fraternity. We will welcome all with open arms, in the hopes that they will strengthen the bonds that we share. On September 22, we had our first rush event involving a barbecue and college football. Many rushees attended and had the chance to meet a majority of the Beta Epsilon brothers. On September 24, we got everyone together again for a night of Monday Night Football. There are many more events in the future that will give these pharmacy students an idea of what Kappa Psi is all about. For the next few months, we have a variety of events planned. We will be participating in the American Cancer Society Walk for Breast Cancer. We will show our Kappa Psi support by the large number of brothers participating. In the sports department, we plan on restoring our championship status for the 2007 flag football season. We also plan on selling College of Pharmacy items to the college as a whole, as a solid fundraiser. In essence, GCC was a great experience, and it was wonderful to meet brothers from all over the country. —Andrew Benson
Chapter News
Beta Eta
West Virginia University Founded 5/16/1925 Health Sciences North Morgantown, WV 26506
Fall semester has gotten off to a great start for the brothers of Beta Eta. All of our members made it back with the exception of Brother Mark Crist. Mark was involved in a serious accident and is now taking time to get better. We hope that everyone will keep Mark in his or her thoughts and prayers and that he will make a good recovery. We are excited to have 35 pledges this semester. We jumped right into pledge week the second week of school by offering food, bowling, and fun to anyone who was interested in joining. All of the events elicited an excellent turnout from members and prospective pledges. Our chapter plans on having several social and community service based events this semester. We took our annual trip to Rich’s Fright Farm for Halloween. We also hosted a Halloween Costume Social in downtown Morgantown, which was a lot of fun. We have continued to work with our local Ronald McDonald House and Rosenbaum House by preparing, cooking, and serving them dinners. Beta Eta brothers are also volunteering to put together trick or treat bags for the children at the Rape and Domestic Violence Center. As another community service event, we are raising money for the Children’s Miracle Network by hosting a flag football tournament. We have had great results thus far and the game is still a month away. Cassandra Nicastro, our GCC delegate, had great things to say about the last meeting. She also brought great pictures back with her. We as a chapter are very excited to attend Fall Providence in Pittsburgh. We know that the brothers of Beta Kappa will show us a good time. —Laura Williams
Beta Kappa
University of Pittsburgh Founded 3/26/1913 School of Pharmacy 228 Salk Hall Pittsburgh, PA 15213
All Beta Kappa brothers who attended GCC had a great time and were glad to meet brothers from
The brothers of the Beta Xi chapter at spring assembly. across the nation. Christina Mazur and Matt Sapko of our chapter were also awarded scholarships from Kappa Psi, and we would like to take this opportunity to recognize them for their continued dedication to the initiatives of the Fraternity and the profession of pharmacy. With fall at our doorstep, we are looking forward to inviting a new group of students to pledge the Fraternity and, from the high turnout at our three rush events this past September, it looks as though creating interest in Kappa Psi has not been a problem. With close to 70 potential pledges attending our informational meeting and overview of the Fraternity and over 40 attending our pool hall social, fall pledging should be full of excitement! A luau social at our chapter house was also well attended and gave our brothers another chance to highlight the Fraternity. The newly interested seemed very impressed! Our chapter was proud to host the Province II assembly October 26–27 at the Wyndham Hotel in Oakland. We hope all who attended had a wonderful time. Special thanks go out to Christopher Miller for organizing the event. After only a few general body meetings in September, the brothers have already made numerous plans for this semester. Of course, pledging will require much of our focus; however, Beta Kappa will
Beta Xi brothers Ashely Powell, Nicole Nicolsen, and Ashley Costner (L–R) at the Beach Blast rush event. continue to service our community by joining Project Clean Up Oakland on campus, holding several blood pressure screenings, and assisting patients at the local Family House. If you weren’t aware, Family House is for family members and patients who require being near our hospitals for extended periods of time. We also have a large group of brothers helping to set up a Corn Maze in a nearby community and are selling scopes and cuffs to pharmacy school students. Sounds like a lot, but we are just getting started, so look forward to hearing about newer initiatives from the chapter later this fall.
At our first formal meeting of the semester, we were pleased to have Dr. Louis Williams, associate professor of Medicinal Chemistry, University of Houston College of Pharmacy and former Grand Counsel Deputy, speak to our chapter. Beta Kappa recognizes the need to keep close connections with graduate brothers, and we hope to continue to be a destination for all brothers of the past and present. Speaking of graduate brothers, if you saw the September issue of Pharmacy Today, you would have seen Graduate Brothers Dr. Melissa Somma McGivney and Ms. Stephanie Harriman gracing the
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Beta Omicron brothers host a table during the first-year student orientation at Pack Forest.
Beta Chi bothers support KY faculty member Dr. Lon Larson, a recent lymphoma survivor, by volunteering for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Light the Night Walk. We currently have 10 pledges and are looking forward to playing lots of football with them and watching them learn about Kappa Psi and mature into brothers. We also just participated in The Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure in downtown Toledo and a donation dinner for Make-a-Wish. Several other philanthropic events are in the works. Beta Lambda also had a great time working at Cedar Point for a fundraiser that brought in a lot of money for us. —Eric Geyer
Beta Nu
Creighton University Beta Psi (L–R) Jacki Stelter, John Badger, Eva Zoellner, Brad Shaw, Lori Joas, Mike Strerath, Amber Leavitt, Angie Lee, Heather Berghammer. Each of these students received a scholarship from the school of pharmacy. Of special note is that Lori Joas (KY alum) presented Brad Shaw with the Kappa Psi scholarship at this event. cover and an article highlighting their work in the field of Medication Therapy Management (MTM). We would like to congratulate them on their successes and thank them for the innovative work they are doing to benefit patients and our profession. From all the brothers at Beta Kappa, have a safe and happy fall semester and we hope to see you in the Pittsburgh area. “There is a sky, which is all men’s together.� —Euripides (412 B.C.) —Nickolas Kernich
Beta Lambda
University of Toledo Founded 5/22/1925 College of Pharmacy 2801 W. Bancroft Street Toledo, OH 43606
Here at Beta Lambda, we have been busy! With two brothers attending GCC for the first time in at least three GCCs, we won the William R. Smith Most Improved Chapter Award for 2007. This showed the great strides we have made last year, including almost doubling our chapter size and more than doubling our philanthropic events among other things. We will
never forget the great times we had and the brothers we met in Boston, or as Bostonians say it, “Bastan.� We are also hosting our first Province V event for the first time in 13 years. We had about 115 brothers come and help us make this year’s Midyear great. We even had some local alumni come, despite our lack of a graduate chapter, and two of them had helped sponsor the event with the independent pharmacies. That’s brotherhood! A special recognition would like to go out from the entire Beta Lambda chapter to Vice Regent Jordan Karr for all the time and effort he put into our Midyear. Fall 2007
Founded 11/21/1914 School of Pharmacy 2500 California Plaza Omaha, NE 68178-0001
So far this semester, the Beta Nu chapter of Kappa Psi has been keeping busy with several events, including rushing and a few pledging events. We had a very successful rush again this fall, with a total of 31 pledging our chapter. We have already had a couple very successful pledging events, including our annual hayrack ride. We are very excited about our new pledges and look forward to all the wonderful things they will do for our chapter. Our chapter also participated in an event sponsored by the Child Saving Institute, called Touch A Truck. This event allowed children in the Omaha area to come and see all the large vehicles that are used
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Beta Chi new pledges Abby Matulewez and Kristin Addante pose wtih Beta Chi active Rachel Rumbarger during Formal Rush. in the community, such as fire trucks, ambulances, and even a medical helicopter. Our members volunteered in many ways at this event, which was a huge success. We will hopefully be helping out this wonderful institution more in the future. Unfortunately, our golf tournament was not able to get off the ground due to financial and time issues, but we are hoping to get that organized for next year. Later this semester, we plan to continue serving at the Ronald McDonald House and to keep up our roadside cleanup project. —Ann Foede
Beta Xi
University of North Carolina Founded 5/1/1915 208 Finley Golf Course Road Chapel Hill, NC 27514
The Beta Xi Chapter has started the new school year in full force. Not long after returning to Chapel Hill, rush events began. We started off rush with a Pig Pickin’ in the backyard of our house where brothers and rushees met for an evening of food and fun! We also had a booth at the UNC Chapel Hill Pharmacy School Carnival, where all pharmacy school organizations gathered to inform students of their different opportunities. Our table was set up with a popcorn machine and a poster detailing who we are and what kinds of projects we are involved in, as well as displaying pictures from previous years. Other rush events included a UNC foot-
ball game, game night, and a community service project, which consisted of creating Halloween goodie bags for the families of children at the Ronald McDonald House. We concluded our rush events by socializing and dancing at the annual Beach Blast party. We ended the rush period with a gain of 11 pledges. The fall 2007 pledge class is comprised of eight girls and three guys, all of whom have a genuine desire to make great contributions to the field of pharmacy. The pledges are already working very hard to become part of the Beta Xi brotherhood. Our new pledgemaster, David Fenske, is putting in an enormous amount of time and effort to make sure these pledges have a successful and beneficial experience. Our philanthropy and fundraising activities are also off to a busy start. We started off the year by visiting the Children’s Playroom at UNC Hospitals, where we planned fun activities for the children to do in an effort to raise their spirits. In addition, we are making and serving a barbecue dinner for the Ronald McDonald House, participating in Adopt-a-Highway, and working on a few different houses with Habitat for Humanity. We received a grant from the University Counseling and Wellness Services to promote tobacco cessation on campus. In addition, we are working on taking part in the Vial of Life project. Another upcoming event for the Beta Xi chapter is Alumni Day.
Kasey Tobbe and Raychelle Oler play corn hole at Beta Upsilon’s cookout. what they have been up to. We are also looking forward to the next Province III meeting, as our two Province III executive committee members prepare for the event. Lastly, we are finishing up plans for our semiformal in late November. In addition to all the events we have going on, the Beta Xi brotherhood has also been participating in intramural sports teams. We are looking forward to a jam-packed semester and have high hopes of getting a lot accomplished. —Nicole Nicolsen
Beta Omicron
University of Washington Founded 4/15/1916 School of Pharmacy Kappa Psi P.O. Box 357631 Seattle, WA 98195
Beta Omicron brothers Grace Navaja (L) and Katrina Rigor represent Kappa Psi in the Diabetes Walk. Brothers, pledges, and alumni will gather at the Beta Xi house for an afternoon of lunch and catching up, followed by the UNC football game. We are very excited to welcome our alumni back to the house and see
Beta Omicron got off to a great start this past summer with our chapter delegates, Paul Kuo and Bao-Linh Nguyen, attending the 53rd GCC in August. After reuniting with Province X brothers and meeting those from other chapters, they came back home with a renewed sense of excitement, the grand brotherhood experience, and lots of new ideas to further strengthen our chapter.
Chapter News
our chapter are initiation requirements that ask pledging brothers to attend one rush event as well as one informational meeting regarding the Fraternity. We welcomed 40 new brothers at initiation! Recently, Beta Pi brothers have demonstrated our commitment to our community by participating in Relay for Life, where over $1,100 was raised in support of past and present cancer patients. A special thanks goes out to Manpreet Chahal, who graciously traded his curly black locks for a new, more fuchsia-colored hair style as a result of fundraising. Our annual Pub Crawl allowed a chance for our new brothers to meet our current third- and fourthyear brothers at our Spokane campus. On the horizon for our chapter is our semiannual highway cleanup and the always-popular Halloween party. —Robert Griffith
Beta Chi
Drake University Gamma Epsilon brothers (L–R) Melissa Maiefski, Jenny Nesiba, Anne Gerdes, and Monica Hanson show their enthusiasm for the 2007 GCC in Boston. thoughts, goals, and anxieties in a letter to themselves about starting pharmacy school. These “time capsule” letters will be returned to them on graduation day to let them know how much they have changed since they first began their pharmacy education. Our first philanthropy project of the year involved volunteering as course masters and cheering on walkers at the Diabetes Walk sponsored by the American Diabetes Association. Other activities we have planned for this fall are hosting a Province X social event at the APhA-ASP Midyear Regional Meeting 2007 in Seattle, a philanthropy project for Thanksgiving, a White Coat Bowling social event, and a scavenger hunt. —Nicholas Au
Gamma Zeta brothers Alicia McKnight, Clarissa Baker, and Andrea Smith.
Beta Pi
Washington State University Founded 4/18/1916
We kicked off the new school year by welcoming the incoming class of 2011 at the school’s annual orientation at Pack Forest. Our Fraternity’s introduction began with a condensed version of the step routine from last spring’s variety show, followed by a detailed presentation about Kappa Psi. Later
that evening, we hosted a table during the resource fair segment, where current brothers informed prospective rushees about personal brotherhood experiences, philanthropy and social activities, and the rush/pledge process. The overnight retreat concluded with having new students write down
College of Pharmacy Wegner Room 155 Pullman, WA 99164-6510
The Beta Pi chapter has had a busy fall quarter full of initiating new members, giving back to the community, and settling into the new semester with a number of fellowship events. New this year to Fall 2007
Founded 5/3/1930 College of Pharmacy Cline Hall, 2507 University Avenue Des Moines, IA 50311-4505
Beta Chi began its fall semester with a few brand new fundraisers. Through an organization known as Campus Fundraisers, we started off selling magazines to family and friends and, throughout the semester, we will be doing online surveys to help raise money for our chapter. We continued a fundraiser that was started last year by selling mortar and pestles during the White Coat Ceremony to incoming P1s. Another fundraiser that we are working on is selling hats that would be available to all of Drake’s College of Pharmacy students. Philanthropies that we have worked on so far include Light the Night, where we filled and handed out balloons to participants in a walk to support leukemia and lymphoma. This race was especially close to us, because one of our Kappa Psi faculty members spent the past year fighting and overcoming lymphoma. We also participated in the Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure to help support breast cancer research. We continued this year with Safe Village, an afterschool organization that works with area kids to keep them off of the streets until their parents can pick them up.
Chapter News
Brothers Jessica Hummel and Amanda Muir pound together hamburgers for the Gamma Kappa pledge barbeque. We have also been participating in intramurals on campus. So far, we have put together a women’s volleyball team and hope to get a basketball team together later in the semester. Just like every fall semester, we held our rush events and initiated pledges. Rush events included a delicious barbecue, a thrilling night of bowling, a beautiful day at Gray’s Lake (until it started to rain), and formal rush. We are excited to announce that we initiated 28 pledges! After initiating the pledges, we held a bonfire and revealed who their pledge dad would be. —Katelyn Person
Beta Psi
University of Wisconsin— Madison Founded 12/6/1919 School of Pharmacy 615 North Lake Street #2 Madison, WI 53703
With the beginning of a new school year came the beginning of another exciting year with Kappa Psi. As is tradition every year, our chapter supplied a cookout for the incoming first year School of Pharmacy students at their orientation. The new students got to meet the members of Kappa Psi and learn about our great organization. Prior to the fall orientation, we had a fun-filled summer. We were very excited to send six members to the GCC in Boston. Great times were had, and those members thank Kappa Psi for the memories.
Gamma Pi brothers enjoy a night out with “brothers and others” at a Cardinal vs. Cubs baseball game. The huge turnout filled nearly an entire section of Busch Stadium!
Gamma Kappa brothers Cara Counter and Tamara Berg show their skills while at the pledge bowling night.
Gamma Upsilon brothers line dance at the end-of-year banquet.
Members were greeted by a castle made entirely from chocolate and tasted tons of different chocolate creations at Chocolate Fest. Also, many of us watched fireworks light up the sky synced with music at Madison’s Rhythm and Booms. A group of us attended Summerfest in Milwaukee, where we enjoyed music ranging from steel drums to ska. Members also attended the Wisconsin State Fair, where brothers tasted blue-ribbon brownies and bought new-age cleaning equipment. One of Madison’s most filling events, A Taste of Madison, provided members with a vast array of unique foods to taste. This annual event involves local food establishments putting up stands surrounding the state’s capitol. Samples are provided for under $4 to promote the various food establishments.
Our most recent fun activity was apple picking at a local orchard. Members picked dozens of apples and went on a horsedrawn carriage ride. Our fundraising and professional events are just getting underway. We have numerous events lined up, including cooking for the Ronald McDonald House and assisting with the Du Run Run, which is a race event for Special Olympics. Already, we raised money for the American Cancer Society with a unique event named College Against Cancer Cup Night. Members sold cups at the door of a local establishment with which the buyers used to get discounted drinks. Our fall pledge class is 10 strong, and we are extremely excited to get to know these new friends. To finish off our rush season and start the
pledge season, the members cook a multi-course Italian meal to welcome the new pledges. We look forward to welcoming every one of them into the Kappa Psi family. —Brad Shaw
Beta Upsilon
Butler University Founded 2/27/1930 4600 Sunset Avenue Indianapolis, IN 46208
Towards the end of the summer, the brothers of Beta Upsilon welcomed the fellowship of one another before it was time to open the books. Beta Upsilon brothers enjoyed attending a Reds baseball game hosted by Beta Phi. In addition, members of our chapter made a trip up to Boston to attend the GCC delegation. With the end of the summer came the planning for a fresh, new
Chapter News
opportunity to serve the community and get to know our brothers. As the semester continues, our Gamma Zeta brothers are eagerly anticipating the Province IV Winter Conclave. Until then, we have many exciting brotherhood events planned. We are teaming up with our local ASP chapter to participate in the American Diabetes Association’s “Step Out to Fight Diabetes” walk. Hopefully, our Kappa Psi team will be able to raise some money for this special cause. Other events we have planned for the semester include a pumpkin carving contest, a toga party, and even a winter chili cook-off. Finally, we would like to extend a special congratulations to Brother Andrea Smith for being selected to serve on the national Mask Committee. —Brandy Hooper
Gamma Theta brothers (L–R) Derek Hyman, Sean Hawkins and Prajoel Karki hang out with Editor Johnny Porter (center) in Boston during GCC.
Gamma Theta
University of Missouri— Kansas City Founded 5/17/1957
cookout and played multiple games of corn hole to welcome back current brothers and reach out to potential pledges. In addition, Beta Upsilon brothers met up after chapter meetings to promote brotherhood and fellowship at Buffalo Wild Wings. In addition, much time and planning at the beginning of this school year has been devoted to the recruitment of new pledges. —Katrina Coffey
Gamma Epsilon
year. Chapter brothers are eager to continue making an impact on campus and in the community. To kick off the year, Beta Upsilon has continued some outstanding traditions. Once again, the chapter held a
Gamma Zeta
University of Nebraska
Samford University
Founded 3/20/1920
Founded 3/20/1935
Univ. of Nebraska College of Pharmacy 985025 Nebraska Medical Center Omaha, NE 68198
Erin DeDoes and Patrick Kujat try the hula hoop during Luau Rush at the Gamma Chi house.
school barbecue! Many new students came out to discover all that Kappa Psi has to offer and gained interest in joining; over one-third of the incoming students have signed on as pledges! We look forward to getting to know the new recruits better during the upcoming pledge retreat. The new members will contribute greatly to our Fraternity, as Gamma Epsilon continues to thrive. —Melissa Maiefski
Four Gamma Epsilon brothers attended the 53rd Grand Council Convention in Boston: Monica Hanson, sergeant at arms; Jenny Nesiba, secretary; Anne Gerdes, and myself. We were proud to be a part of the record-breaking convention attendance and to have gained the 8th Best Collegiate Chapter title! Boston was a great place to connect with many Kappa Psi brothers from across the country while brushing-up on our history. The Mu chapter and the Boston Graduate chapters were wonderful hosts. Great job guys. Gamma Epsilon had amazing success with the Kappa Psi back-to-
800 Lakeshore Drive Birmingham, AL 35229
The brothers of Gamma Zeta are excited to announce that the pledge season has officially started. We had a successful rush week, thanks to our special committee led by rush chair Heather Bunch. On September 7, we handed out 39 bids and welcomed the Beta Omega pledge class. Our dedicated pledge trainers, Frances Cohenour and Joe Waits, have done an outstanding job teaching and motivating our new pledges. They have already begun planning the annual McWhorter School of Pharmacy Halloween Party. In addition, they are planning a special philanthropy project with Habitat for Humanity. Surely, this will be a wonderful Fall 2007
School of Pharmacy 5005 Rockhill Road Kansas City, MO 64110-2499
This year has gotten off to a great start for Kappa Psi at the University of Missouri-Kansas City. Our chapter, Gamma Theta, has really been pleased with our accomplishments so far this year, and we are looking forward to the exciting activities we have planned for. We have had our hands full with organizing rush and pledge events this fall semester. With great support and guidance from our faculty advisors and the tenacious work and dedication of our officers, Gamma Theta is working to make a better image in our school and the community this year. We have one of the biggest pledge classes in our chapter history. Right now, we have more pledges than actives. Rush events were organized by Brother Derek Hyman in the beginning of the semester, which attracted students from first-year, second-year, and third-year pharmacy classes to become Kappa Psi pledges. Vice Regent Brother Erin Lammers has been working hard training our pledges in Kappa Psi history, ideals, and brotherhood. With 33 new pledges, Gamma Theta will become stronger and have a greater impact not only in our school and commu-
Chapter News
nity, but will bring forward future Kappa Psi leaders. Gamma Theta traveled to the beautiful city of Boston to participate in GCC this summer. Regent Sean Hawkins, chaplain Prajoel Karki, and secretary Derek Hyman represented the chapter and enjoyed meeting Kappa Psi brothers from around the country. We conducted an anti-hazing workshop at the GCC, as well as actively participated in the election of Grand Officers. When the Kappa Psi quilt was unveiled, Gamma Theta was proud to be a part of it. Great job making the Gamma Theta quilt square, Treasurer Brother Patrycja Wilczynska! Gamma Theta’s future planned events include a themed party with actives and pledges, the Annual Texas Hold’em Poker tournament benefiting American Cancer Society, a team building laser tag activity for pledges and actives, a Halloween party, a pledge initiation dinner, Thanksgiving dinner with a canned food drive, and a penny war for charity. We have more charity and fun activities planned for the spring semester as well. We hope that every chapter is having a great time and is doing amazing work. Kappa Psi Rocks! —Prajoel Karki
Gamma Iota
University of Buffalo Founded 1/16/1921 Cooke Hall, North Campus Amherst, NY 14260
As the summer came to a close, several brothers of Gamma Iota attended the 53rd annual GCC in Boston, Massachusetts. Here, Brother Dr. Peter M. Brody, Jr. was named Grand Council Deputy of the year as well as being elected Graduate Member-at-Large to the National Executive Committee. The brothers in attendance had an opportunity to experience the legislative processes for the first time. Brothers of Gamma Iota, although sad to see the summer go, have jumped right in to a new school year and new service projects. A Lexicomp sale of both PDA software and books was made available to all of the pharmacy classes, along with a mortar card sale in which half of the proceeds will benefit the Ronald McDonald House. The brothers are also planning the first Cooks For Kids night of the
As the pledging season begins, the Gamma Pi pledges gather to meet all the brothers. With a large pledge class, this will be one of the biggest inducted into Gamma Pi.
year and are getting ready for the American Diabetes Association’s Step Out to Fight Diabetes Walk in Dunn Tire Park, Buffalo. Gamma Iota brothers started the fall semester off with a week and a half packed full of rush events intended to attract an enthusiastic and diverse pledge class. Things were kicked off with our annual Welcome Back barbecue at Ellicott Creek Park. The following week included events, such as a How to Succeed in Pharmacy School Lecture which was open to all P1 students, a luncheon where brothers could get to know prospective pledges over pizza and pop, Thursday in the Square (a Buffalo Tradition) with the brothers, and a graffiti party. The following week, a mini-golf outing wrapped up the rushing process. Gamma Iota is happy to announce that 20 rushees were made pledges at our pinning ceremony. After pinning, brothers and the new pledges celebrated by going bowling. The chapter looks forward to seeing all of the pledges become brothers in the near future. —Nicole Cieri
Gamma Kappa
South Dakota State University Founded 10/17/1958 College of Pharmacy Box 2202C Brookings, SD 57007
The brothers of Gamma Kappa would like to welcome everyone back to school. We hope everyone had a wonderful summer. Kappa Psi Brothers Robert Wright, Sean Donahoe, Shannon Cameron, CoGCD Gary Van Riper, and Co-GCD Dr. Eric Kutscher attended the 53rd Grand Council Convention in Boston. Congratulations to Brother Sean Donahoe, who received a $1,500 Kappa Psi Foundation scholarship. Gamma Kappa chapter was also recognized as the third Top Collegiate Chapter for 2007. The fall semester started off with a PowerPoint presentation to the incoming P1 students, telling them of Kappa Psi. The presentation was given during their orientation on their first day of pharmacy school. During the presentation, we were able to invite them to the informative pledge barbecue. The pledge barbecue was received with much enthusiasm,
Delta Delta brothers Julie Vu and Tri Nguyen pose with City Councilman Gordan Quan (center) during the Epicurean Event sponsored by the Houston Chamber of Commerce. despite the rainy weather, which moved the picnic inside the chapter house. Brother Dustin Schrader manned the grill, while serving up very tasty burgers and hot dogs. The P2 brothers mingled with the prospective pledges and informed them about all the activities of Kappa Psi. Once the weather cleared, we were able to venture outside and enjoy lawn games. One week after the pledge barbecue, the brothers of Kappa Psi hosted a bowling night to further get to
Chapter News
Delta Delta brothers (L–R) Caroline Pham, Robert Nunan (alumnus) and Thomas Key, visit with Delta Theta brother Remi Eikigbe (second from right). Gamma Chi brothers participate in the All-Greek basketball game (Back L–R) Jenny Sweeney, Eric Roath, Patrick Kujat, Elizabeth Urban (of Lambda Kappa Sigma), and Tara Wilcox. (Front) James Mikula and Josh Halperin.
Delta Delta brothers (L–R) Angela Chi, Kristi Kubosh, and Meghan Goodson play broomball.
The brothers of Gamma Psi do their part to serve the community by cleaning trash off Mercer University Drive. know the P1 students and foster interaction within the new classmates. A fun time was had at the bowling alley, with many of the P1 students enjoying the break from their first full week of pharmacy classes. The brothers provided a spaghetti meal to the current brothers and pledges before the first pledge meeting. The many pledges attending the meeting filled the house and emptied their plates. We are looking forward to a busy semester filled with many events.
The numerous pledges will keep us enthused during the year. Upcoming events include Highway Cleanup and Fall Conclave, hosted by the Delta Zeta chapter. —Mathew Macziewski
Gamma Nu
University of the Pacific Founded 9/17/1960 236 W. Stadium Drive Stockton, CA 95204
As we embark on the fall season, the trees become lively with color,
the temperature starts to drop, and schools begin bustling with students. But, here at University of the Pacific, the brothers of Gamma Nu have done more than just simply hit the books. At the start of the school year, we held our annual Red Rager back-toschool event for pharmacy students. Defying our expectations, the event turned out to be a major success. We managed to fill a small courtyard to maximum capacity and were fortunate to surpass all other clubs, organizations, and fraternities with the best turnout of guests on campus. We all had a good time, as there was dancing, eating, and nothing but pure enjoyment. Our event was so successful that the dean himself was able to stop by and congratulate us on our success. The following morning we ventured to Napa Valley to attend a wine tour with many of our highly Fall 2007
esteemed alumni brothers from the Pacific Graduate chapter. In Napa, we visited several wineries, where we toured their facilities and were educated on the “ins and outs” of wine making. We had some absolutely tantalizing wines, and a fabulous picnic lunch paired very well with several wines. This event is mostly geared toward the Pacific Graduate chapter but is very important to Gamma Nu. We cherish our tight bond as a fraternity, and that does not and never will exclude our alumni. After a long day of wine tasting, we ended it with a delicious barbecue event. There were three large grills fired up, grilling over 100 lbs. of meat. We went home licking our fingers. It was the perfect way to wrap up the evening. Aside from entertaining guests and alumni, Gamma Nu brothers attended a fun-filled camping retreat for active brothers. We packed several truckloads with food, drinks, camping gear and, of course, bug spray. This annual camping retreat is a tradition at Gamma Nu and stays close to the hearts of all the Gamma Nu brothers. Brothers on rotations and Gamma Nu alumni travel hundreds of miles year-after-year to join us in the festivities of this great annual camping retreat. This year was no exception, as we were graced with the return of brothers who traveled from distances over 400 miles away. This eventful night will be one that brothers will carry with them for many years to come. —Grant Nakahara
Chapter News
Gamma Phi
University of Georgia Founded 5/23/1951 College of Pharmacy 1880 S. Lumpkin Street Athens, CA 30605-0000
The brothers at Gamma Phi chapter had an interesting summer this year. We attended the conclave in Savannah, and we had fellowship with the brothers of the other chapters. The party at Loco’s was a blast, but then we had to run through the cold rain for what seemed like forever, going back to our vehicles. Abe Duncan and Brad Bolton represented us at the GCC in Boston, and they brought back two awards. Gamma Phi won awards for being the best collegiate chapter in Province IV and the seventh best chapter in the entire Fraternity. This fall is definitely off to a great start. At orientation, we got a lot of feedback from guys interested in pledging Kappa Psi. We are proud to say that we have nine pledges this semester, and they are already turning out to be a strong pledge class. We hosted our biannual blood drive for the American Red Cross. We had our Welcome Back party, and our house was packed, so we can only imagine the turnout we’ll have at parties later in the semester when everybody gets adjusted to their schedules. The party, along with the positive attention we’ve been getting, sure got the brothers pumped up and ready to take on this semester as leaders at our College of Pharmacy. —Evan Anderson
Gamma Pi
Beautiful Delta Zeta pledges on pledge day. and also attended many brotherhood-strengthening events. Every pledge is dedicated and we were happy to induct them in midOctober. Other events we have planned for this semester are approaching fast. Our fall blood drive was held in late September, and the turnout was great. We also held a few rushing events by taking unaffiliated students to a Cardinal’s game and holding a girls fun night. Other events that our chapter participated in were the school’s variety show, Homecoming, and school-wide barbecue promoting our Fraternity. —Sarah Essenpreis
Gamma Rho
St. Louis College of Pharmacy
University of New Mexico
Founded 3/19/1946
Founded 2/16/1948
4588 Parkview Place St. Louis, MO 63110
College of Pharmacy 2502 Marble NE Albuquerque, NM 87131
With the beginning of school, the Gamma Pi chapter hit the books. Along with the start of the semester, the pledge season also began and let me just say for our chapter, “We were excited!” Throughout the last year, our chapter had spent much time rushing for new pledges. We have all worked together and held a strong brotherhood. With that said, the Gamma Pi chapter is happy for our 31 new members! As a pledge class, they raised money by walking in the Alzheimer’s Walk, volunteered for the Ronald McDonald House,
Gamma Rho chapter has had an exciting and eventful fall semester thus far. We started off the year by hosting the annual Welcome Back party, where new and existing pharmacy students got to unwind and know each other. This was also the start of our rush week, which included a variety of events, such as a social night at Chama Brewery, dinner at the local Mexican restaurant La Salita, and an Isotopes baseball game. We significantly increased our membership with the induction of
21 members: Victoria Aragon, Steven Asao, Weston Bradley, Craig Burgess, Ryan Burke, Jessica Conklin, Michael Crawford, Samuel Flegal, Adrean Flores, Brooke Green, Apryl Guzman, Rosanne Henson, Jackson Kelly, Sarah Kwasigroch, Sheila Martinez, Edwin Ortega, Ryan Priest, Nick Vargo, Hien Vu, Valerie Wolf, and Andrew Wood. Our newly initiated members did an exceptional job during the pledging process and we are proud to call them Kappa Psi brothers! In addition to the excitement of rush and initiation, Gamma Rho has been keeping busy with fundraising, community service, and future planning. We had yet another successful homemade Fajita sale and have many more fundraisers lined up for later in the semester, including our ever-popular Silent Auction. For philanthropy, some of our brothers donated their time and energy to landscaping for a halfway house that supports women who committed victimless crimes. Also coming up soon, a group of brothers will be attending the Province meeting in Phoenix to represent the Gamma Rho chapter. With fundraisers, social planning, and community service in our future, Gamma Rho chapter is certain to keep busy this fall. We are looking forward to the rest of the semester, as it is sure to be filled
Delta Theta borthers Eka Ebong and Oladipo Adebisi.
with more fun times, new friendships, and lasting memories. —Ali Grubbs
Gamma Upsilon
University of Arizona Founded 3/20/1950 P.O. Box 210207 1703 East Mabel Tucson, AZ 85721
First of all, I hope every brother enjoyed his or her summer. The brothers of Gamma Upsilon had only one event over the summer, an officers’ retreat. Most of the officers got together at regent Jenna Carlson’s home in Phoenix to discuss future events. We have plenty of exciting stuff planned for the 2007–2008 academic year.
Chapter News
Josh Halperin and his committee welcomed new guests to the Gamma Chi house, as well as provided the brothers with a great time. In campus life, Brother James Mikula represented the chapter in the annual all-Greek charity basketball game, which raised over $900 for Women’s Information Services, Inc. (WISE) of Big Rapids. Gamma Chi is preparing for a very busy semester ahead. Brother Michelle Ruiter is working with area school teachers to organize classroom activities to educate elementary school children about antibiotic resistance. Meanwhile, Brother Erin DeDoes is putting the finishing touches on this year’s homecoming dinner, to be held with our alumni members on October 20. —James Mikula
The 2007 Beta Lambda brothers.
Gamma Psi
Mercer University Founded 3/16/1953 School of Pharmacy 3001 Mercer University Drive Atlanta, GA 30341
Gamma Omega brothers (L–R) Erin Beth Hays, Heather Wells, Darby Grace, and Lauren Briggs at the Kappa Psi roller-skating rush party. Delta Theta (L–R) Oladipo Adebisi, Ming Han, Dominique Brewster, Olaide Sanusi, Unni Pillai, and Belinda McCoy (front row). To start off the semester, we held a social at the Sidewinders game, the minor league team in Tucson. Up next was rush week. Our theme this year was Viva Las Vegas. The active brothers dressed up in their finest Vegas attire and welcomed potential brothers to a social event to encourage them to join Kappa Psi. We played a few games (Flip Cup, Poker, Guitar Hero), had a few drinks, and ate lots of food. We must have made an impression because we received a record 37 pledges! Many brothers from our chapter attended the regional meeting in Glendale at Midwestern University; there were so many brothers that we actually won the Travelers’ Award. We were very proud to accept this award, and we were equally as excited that so many of our brothers were able to give up a
few days of studying to attend the conference. Thanks again to the brothers at Midwestern for putting together a great meeting. We had a lot of fun. Upcoming events for the semester include volunteering at the Diabetes Walk, a pledge car wash, sloshball, a pledge scavenger hunt, Halloween party/product presentations, Homecoming, and initiation. Have a great semester! —Kwyn Forbregd
Gamma Chi
Ferris State University Founded 5/6/1952 119 S. Warren Avenue Big Rapids, MI 49307
The Gamma Chi chapter continued its strong national representation at this summer’s GCC in Boston. Eight brothers, including alumni and clinical students,
enjoyed their time in the historic city and brought back valuable experiences to the chapter. Also this summer, Brother Eric Tedeschi coordinated a successful fundraising trip to the amusement park Michigan Adventures in Muskegon. The brothers worked extremely hard to raise over $800 for the chapter. We will soon be continuing our fundraising efforts with a trip to Sandusky, Ohio for Cedar Point’s “HalloWeekends,” where we will once again be scaring the daylights out of the park visitors all weekend long. Our chapter wishes continuing success to its clinical members, Brothers Lindsey Berlinghoff, Jason Brown, Richard Hong, and Crystal Shaw, whose active support and participation help keep Gamma Chi strong. Of course, with the beginning of a new semester comes rush. Incorporating the themes of outdoor fun and a luau, rush chair Fall 2007
As with all times of the year, summer has been an eventful season for our chapter. The brief respite from our pharmacy studies has allowed us to increase our social events and activities, and as we transition back into fall and the start of the school year, we are continuing our social events and increasing our service activities. The highlights of the summer were Province IV Summer Conclave and the Grand Council Convention. We started off the summer with a strong showing at Province IV Summer Conclave in Savannah, Georgia, hosted by Delta Omega at Southern University. This was the first conclave for our new brothers inducted in the spring, and it was a great experience to learn how the Fraternity runs on a Province level. We went to a local piano bar on Friday night and had a great time. The toga party on Saturday night was a lot of fun. The highlight of the trip was when our chapter took home the Province IV Chapter of the Year award. We also won Presentation of the Year. The summer was rounded off with our trip to the 53rd Grand Council Convention in Boston. This was an incredible and exciting opportunity to experience the Fraternity in its national scope and
Chapter News
meet fellow brothers from around the country. GCC had brothers from everywhere across the nation all gathered under one hotel roof for a week. The energy there was visible from the first day when we checked in and recognized brothers in the lobby—everything just took off from there. It is a very comforting feeling to know that the people around you all have been through something similar in pharmacy school and have done it as members of our Fraternity. The weekend was filled with chapter strengthening classes and national/sectional legislation to help make our fraternities stronger. It was very interesting to see how the different Provinces gathered and voiced concerns as well as success stories in each of our respective chapters. The week was not all fraternity events; we were also able to get out and see some of the sights that Boston has to offer. We toured two breweries and sampled the different beer selections and, of course got to tour the famous Fenway Park—Go Red Sox! Not to mention that every night was a party night, so when the sun went down, we just followed the crowd, having a good time the way Kappa Psi knows best. We placed among the top 15 in national chapters. All of us here are looking forward to the 54th GCC. The brothers passed the time over the summer break by attending Atlanta Braves baseball games together, meeting for dinner and drinks, and celebrating the birthdays of Brothers Mark Ogunsusi and Andy Asberry. Three of our brothers—Purvish Patel, Bobby Price, and Mark Ogunsusi—attended a convention together in Las Vegas held by the Student National Pharmaceutical Association. In August, we held our first annual brothers camping trip at Red Top Mountain, Georgia. We enjoyed jet skiing and swimming at the lake and had a great time. We kicked off the school year with our Welcome to Atlanta Party for new and returning students at The Tin Room Bar & Grill. There were free wings, free drinks, and karaoke. Brother Ubong Umoren did a rousing rendition of “Maria, Maria,” and Brothers Jonathon Shuler, Tim Burns, and Matt Duff performed a version of “Don’t Stop Believing” that made everyone believe again. It was great to meet
Delta Xi brothers have a little paint ball fun. the new students and prospective brothers. We also hosted our annual bash with our sister fraternity, Kappa Epsilon. This year, the party was a luau theme entitled KappaKabana. We had music, dancing, and good times and got to meet more of the new pharmacy students at Mercer and used the opportunity to celebrate Brother Bobby Price’s birthday. As always, the brothers of Gamma Psi are committed to serving our community. We have already cleaned trash from our sponsored section of highway near school. In October, we participated in a diabetes walk and a memory walk to raise money for diabetes and Alzheimer’s research. In November, we conducted one of our annual blood drives, which are always successful events for us and is an invaluable service to the Atlanta community. Our newest planned service event will be helping out at St. Joseph’s Mercy Care Services, where we will help assemble hygiene bags and teach a class on nutrition and cooking as well as a number of other possible functions. We will also be conducting a car wash, with some of the proceeds going to Kappa Epsilon’s team for Breast Cancer research and prevention. —Matt Duff
Brothers Jenny and Lori are all smiles at the annual Wisconsin Graduate Brewers game and tailgate.
Gamma Omega
University of Arkansas Founded 5/28/1955 College of Pharmacy 4301 West Markham Little Rock, AR 72205
Gamma Omega chapter is very excited about the fall 2007 semester. We are currently working with Habitat for Humanity to help build affordable housing in our area. We also have planned several fundraisers. We held an annual Kappa Psi Chili Pie on October 24 for the faculty and students at the university. In the past, this event has been a
great success. At the end of October, we held our rush party, which was a blast. Our spring semester was very busy. Our members participated in several health fairs and helped collect food for the Amboy food pantry. We held our rush party at the skating center in Little Rock. We had a great time with our chapter at the annual pledge spaghetti dinner. We initiated three new members: Catherine Hill, Katherine Anzaldua, and Anne Marie Beckwith. We finished the semester by revealing our Secret Pals and electing new officers. —Heather Wells
Delta Gamma
Auburn University Founded 2/24/1963 Auburn University Box 14 Auburn, AL 36849
The brothers of Delta Gamma are excited to welcome all of their wonderful new brothers this year. We hope to make next year’s pledging process that much better with the help of these new brothers. We held informal rush this year at Martin Luther King Park, where we had field day events ranging from crochet to kickball. We had a catered barbecue which was a big hit. Formal rush was held on cam-
Photo Album
Kappa Psi brothers show their colors and make us proud.
ABOVE: Delta Tau (L–R): Mike Genzco, Jackie DeCicco, Jen Smith, Jessica Garcia, Tawny Lizaraga, Ben Fominyam, Tanya Stone, and Leslie Franco rush on the USN Henderson campus during orientation day. LEFT: Epsilon Gamma brothers enjoy their new life as brothers of Kappa Psi.
Fall 2007
Chapter News
pus at the Red Barn, a facility for student organizations. The facility and food were almost as good as the new potential pledges that we were welcoming. We participated in the Diabetes Walk held in Birmingham, Alabama, and several of our brothers volunteered their time with the elderly in local nursing facilities. Toys for Tots and our local angle tree look to be successful service projects again this year, as we plan to continue these projects. We made plans for another St. Paddy’s day celebration, with proceeds going to Multiple Sclerosis. This year’s celebration was such a success that we’re hoping to make it an annual event. We are also working on planning an annual softball tournament for our charity of choice, with participating teams from other campus organizations. We also had, and plan to have, many memorable social events that include a ’70s skate party, bowling, a field day, and our annual wacky Christmas party. —Robert Hatcher
Delta Delta
University of Houston Founded 2/28/1963 College of Pharmacy 4800 Calhoun Boulevard., 141-SR2 Houston, TX 77204-5515
A new school year is upon us and, with it, the prospect of new additions to the Delta Delta chapter. Many of our brothers coordinated and helped with new student orientation and demonstrated the leadership our chapter maintains over the College of Pharmacy. We started the school year with many rush events to recruit pledges. We held numerous social events, set up tutoring sessions for the first years, and held our annual Broomball tournament. Our chapter currently has 20 pledges. Our pledge master, Winston Hsu, and pledge trainers Adrienne Harris and Antuan Tran, have worked diligently to prepare a successful pledging process, along with the help and support of our Grand Council Deputy, Dr. Louis Williams. We are also very excited to have many of the fourth-year brothers come out and support us at all of the pledge meetings. Aside from pledging, the Delta Delta brothers have been actively participating in numerous events within the organizations of the
Delta Kappa brothers pose with chapter founder Dr. Joseph Ofosu at the School of Pharmacy picnic. College of Pharmacy and have many more activities planned throughout the semester. We will be volunteering at the Marathon Kids Kick-Off Celebration held at Rice University Stadium. We will continue to volunteer at McDade Elementary and help to expose the students to the career options they have in the future. The Delta Delta chapter will also be collecting Coke tabs for the Ronald McDonald House, which helps finance the transportation of family members to and from the Medical Center. Many of the brothers will also be participating in the Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure. The brothers of Delta Delta will also be adopting two floors at the Thomas Street Health Center, which they will decorate for Christmas. We are very proud of our Brothers Julie Vu and Tri Nuguyen for participating in the informational segment of a city-wide Epicurean Event hosted by the Asian Chamber of Commerce. Julie, as president of the Vietnamese American Pharmacy Student Society (VAPSS), coordinated their participation in the event and Tri gave a 15- to 20minute interactive presentation on Diabetes Awareness and Prevention. He was among prestigious presenters including doctors, dentists, optometrists, and chiropractors, to name a few. The topics ranged from cancer prevention to eye care, lasik, yoga, etc. Tri represented the University of Houston-College of Pharmacy, VAPSS, and Kappa Psi very well, and it exemplified the high caliber of pharmacists who are being developed at the University of Houston. Job well done brothers.
Brothers Thomas Key and Caroline Pham represented Delta Delta at the 53rd GCC this summer, along with Brother Remi Eyikogbe from Delta Theta. They had a wonderful experience meeting brothers from across the nation and participating in the greater workings of our brotherhood. They also would like to thank the Mu chapter and Boston Graduate for helping host a great GCC and the brothers from other collegiate and graduate chapters for the brotherhood and hospitality extended during the week. —Aimee Villalon
Delta Epsilon
Duquesne University Founded 2/24/1967 600 Forbes Avenue 304 Bayer Learning Center Pittsburgh, PA 15282-0000
The Brothers of Delta Epsilon, who attended GCC in Boston, had a great time and cannot wait until the next GCC. At GCC, Delta Epsilon received the fifth Best Collegiate Chapter award. Also, congratulations to our GCD, Dr. Riccardo Boni, who received the fourth Best GCD award. This semester we have a lot to look forward to. Some brothers already participated in the JDRF Walk to Cure Juvenile Diabetes. October was a busy month for the Delta Epsilon brothers. We took a camping trip weekend and attended Kennywood’s Phantom Fright Nights. For Halloween, we delivered small packages of goods to a local nursing home, hoping to spread some holiday cheer. We also have a few fundraiser ideas to look forward to doing this
semester. There will be a Christmas ornament sale, along with a possible pharmacist bobblehead sale. We are hoping for a big success with each fundraiser. Along with Kappa Psi events, Delta Epsilon brothers are participating in events around campus, too. We are taking part in Duquesne’s Homecoming weekend, along with the ASP Pharmacy Carnival. This year, we are implementing a “Healthy Heart Day,” which will take place on Valentine’s Day 2008. This event will help to promote heart awareness to students and faculty on campus, along with the people in the community. This event will also serve as a fundraiser, and the proceeds will be donated to the American Heart Association. —Ashley Varhol
Delta Zeta
University of Iowa Founded 12/12/1968 College of Pharmacy 110 Pharmacy Bldg. Iowa City, IA 52242
The fall semester has finally arrived here at the University of Iowa Delta Zeta Chapter. It’s now time to get back to business and start the school year off with a bang. In regards to fundraising events, we recently had many brothers help out at the Trihawks Triathlon in Coralville, Iowa. It turned out to be a beautiful day and a very successful money-raising event for Kappa Psi. Other fundraising events planned for the near future include selling taco or pizza lunches to the pharmacy students as well as Kappa Psi fleece jackets and medication study cards. Our Philanthropy Committee has also been busy coming up with new ways for Kappa Psi to get involved with our local community. Currently, we are setting up times to help out with Habitat for Humanity and the Ronald McDonald House at the University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics. In addition, we will continue to have multiple hypertension screenings at various pharmacies in Iowa City to help inform people in our community of the importance of monitoring their blood pressure. Here at the Delta Zeta chapter, we are very excited to have 15 new pledges. Our chaplain planned many events during the semester
Epsilon Gamma Chartering Ceremony By Raheleh Eskandar
Dr. Eric K. Gupta (Los Angeles Grand Regent, Pacific Grad), assistant professor at Western University of Health Sciences, has been trying to initiate a Kappa Psi chapter at Western University for the past three years. In the summer of 2007, he finally succeeded in welcoming the Beta class of Epsilon Gamma chapter on campus with an initial membership of 46 students. Kappa Psi is currently the first and only fraternity on campus. The initiation ceremony for the Epsilon Gamma chapter was held on July 28, 2007. The celebration for the Beta class of Epsilon Gamma was held at the Shilo Inns Suites Hotels-Pomona Hilltop. Many Kappa Psi brothers arrived from far distances to attend this exciting and memorable event. In attendance, the brothers who graced us with their presence were Craig Johnston (Past Grand Regent, Arizona Grad); Sanaz Farhadian, Jim Connor, Robert Mancini, Patrick Chung, Linda Ngo, Kevin Mee, Stanton Chu, Isabel Rivas, Grace Kim (all from Delta Phi); Dipam Doshi (from Gamma Nu); Jon Nakao, Jeff Melnick, and Aaron Yup (from Pacific Grad); Stephanie Villanueva, Nicole Chin, and Julie Chen (from Beta Gamma); and Bhavin Mehta (from Los Angeles Grad). The celebration began with Past Grand Regent Johnston explaining the history of Kappa Psi, what Kappa Psi means to him, and funny and encouraging stories about Kappa Psi. At the end of Brother Johnston’s speech, the members of the chartering class were all proud and excited to have joined this amazing pharmaceutical fraternity. He then proceeded to induct EG by presenting the Charter to our GCD, Dr. Eric Gupta and First Vice
LEFT: Epsilon Gamma brothers are active on campus, shown here running blood pressure and blood glucose screenings with Mayor Torres. BELOW: Brothers enjoy casino night.
Regent, Naghmeh Doroudian, as the Regent was out of the country. While everyone was enjoying their hors d’oeuvres, we received some encouraging words from most of the brothers present. The Epsilon Gamma chapter wants to thank Craig Johnston and all of our Kappa Psi brothers who were in attendance as well as those who sent their congratulations through email for celebrating this historical moment with us. We are very excited to have been given the opportunity to join this great professional fraternity and are looking forward to building upon the success of Kappa Psi. The executive board consists of Joanne Tuquero (regent), Naghmeh Doroudian (first vice regent), Danielle Dishmon (second vice regent), Solomon Lopez (recording secretary), Dionne Zuniga (treasurer), Sevana Ghazarian (chaplain), Raheleh Eskandar (historian), and Yalda Movahed (sergeant at arms). Fall 2007
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Delta Omicron brothers Kevin Gorsline and Michelle Pribula battle it out at the LCPA bowling night. that allowed the pledges to get to know all the current Kappa Psi members. The events included pizza at the Airliner, a barbecue in the park, game night in the pharmacy building, and pool games at a local downtown restaurant. They all turned out to be a ton of fun, including the barbecue, where a number of our pledges got soaked from an unpredicted rain shower! Our Pledge Pinning Ceremony was recently held at the City Park and there was a great turnout as well. It looks like we have a great new set of pledges, and we are very excited to initiate them into the Delta Zeta chapter in the near future. —Ashley Kessler
Delta Omicron brothers at the Luzerne County Pharmacists Association bowling night. (Back L-R): Josh Clark and Jason Slavoski. Middle: Diane Hadley, Becky Graham, MaryBeth Staur, Amanda Calhoun, Kelly McDonald, Jeff Bymbloski, and Jen Uress. Front: Lara Judson and Erica Peterson. College of Pharmacy organizations and in several Student Government Association capacities. Within the College of Pharmacy, we hold five out of seven executive officer positions in the American Pharmaceutical Association-Academy of Student Pharmacists (APhA-ASP); executive officer positions in the
Student National Pharmacists Association (SNPhA); and executive officer positions in the second-, third-, and fourth-year class bodies of the Pharmacy Student Association (PSA). And, in surpassing our university involvement and popularity, we hold leadership positions on the Student Government
Association-affiliated Pan-Hellenic Council; our Brother Whitney Scott reigns as the first-ever Miss Big and Bodacious, and our Brother Megan Minor reigns as the newlyelected Miss Xavier. Before the semester ends, we resolve to lead as volunteers on a monthly basis. In October, our vol-
Delta Eta
Xavier University Founded 4/24/1972 College of Pharmacy 1 Drexel Drive New Orleans, LA 70125
In keeping with tradition, every fall semester the Delta Eta brothers set a collective goal to accomplish as if it was a New Year’s resolution. This academic year’s goal is leadership. And, although most New Year’s resolutions are abandoned within a few days of starting, we have shattered those low expectations and have surpassed our own expectations. This 2007–2008 academic year, Delta Eta brothers are holding leadership positions in most of the
Kappa Psi brothers from chapters across the nation gather at the University of Utah School on Alcoholism and Other Drugs of Abuse this summer.
unteerism included the annual United Negro College Fund run/walk, Operation Diabetes, and gathering clothing and toiletry donations for the Rebuild Center for the Homeless. November and December will be months of thanksgiving and reflection by giving our energies to Operation Immunization, the Ronald McDonald House, and the New Orleans Mission. Whether Delta Eta brothers lead as organizers or as volunteers, we are fulfilling our resolution to be effective leaders. And, in keeping with tradition and expectation, Kappa Psi brothers are individual and collective leaders in character, scholarship, fellowship, and professionalism. —Andrea F. Toles
Oklahoma Hospital Pharmacist of the Year! By E. Ben Welch
A Southwestern Graduate chapter brother has once again been awarded Oklahoma’s Society of Health-System Pharmacists highest honor—Hospital Pharmacist of the Year. Dr. Wiley (Butch) Williams was honored at this year’s annual meeting in April. He follows fellow SWGC brother Dr. Ben Welch, who received the award in 2006. Dr. Williams is a 1975 graduate of Southwestern Oklahoma State University. He also attended Oklahoma City University, where he received his Juris Doctor degree in 1982. Butch has been a member of OSHP for over 15 years and has served as both president and treasurer. He also chaired a number of committees, including Annual Meeting and Legislative. His law degree has been very helpful as a resource for the OSHP Board for both legal and legislative decisions. Butch currently works for the city of Oklahoma City, but he also maintains his pharmacy skills by working part-time at Integris Baptist Hospital. Congratulations to Dr. Wiley (Butch) Williams, a person whom I am extremely proud and honored to call my Brother.
Delta Theta
Texas Southern University Founded 3/25/1973 College of Pharmacy 3100 Calhoun Houston, TX 77004
Members who were appointed to offices last month are: Oladipo Adebisi (historian), Oluremi Eyikogbe (events coordinator), Eka Ebong (treasurer), Dominique Brewster (assistant pledge trainer and vice regent II), Venus Ruben (pledge trainer), Chukhuma Okafor (sergeant at arms), Ken Washington (regent), Belinda McCoy (vice regent I), Truman Warren (secretary), Shalondria Simpson (fundraising chair), Olaide Sanusi (membership chair). Each has proven beyond a reasonable doubt that he or she deserves to be an officer. Texas Southern University School of Pharmacy had an orientation day for their newly admitted class of 2011, and members of the Kappa Psi Pharmaceutical Fraternity, Inc., gave out freshmen survival kits to these P1 students to get them prepared for the school year. We also managed to get 40 names of students who are interested in becoming a member of the Fraternity. In addition, the regent had a dinner to welcome the newly initiated members from spring 2007. Some members of this chapter also gave a lecture at Ben Taub Hospital, Houston, Texas, on hypertension to create awareness of the disease in the community. Furthermore, the chapter is planning to have a barbecue for the P1
students and an interest outing for prospects who want to be a member of the Fraternity later on this month. A fundraising event is also expected to take place later this month at the School of Pharmacy. —Oladipo Adebisi
Delta Iota
Florida A&M University Founded 6/7/1975 P.O. Box 70513 Tallahassee, FL 32307
The dynamic brothers of the Delta Iota chapter of Kappa Psi Pharmaceutical Fraternity, Inc. are happy to have gotten back into the swing of things for the 2007–2008 academic year. So far, we have assisted in a pharmacy cookout for our entire College of Pharmacy, which was sponsored by Publix. In addition, we have started assisting younger students by introducing them to the professional environment and informing them of the proper ways to dress and speak. We have been busy planning a lot of community events for the semester, along with trying to reach academic heights while doing so. We would also like to congratulate everyone in his or her newly
acquired leadership roles within Kappa Psi and hope to see you all soon. —Jeremie Johnson
Delta Kappa
Howard University Founded 4/19/1986 College of Pharmacy 2300 4th Street NW Washington, DC 20059
The beginning of the year has come and the new students have arrived at Howard University School of Pharmacy. They came with bright eyes full of expectation. The brothers of Kappa Psi Pharmaceutical Fraternity, Inc. were there to greet them. The annual Kappa Psi Pal sign-up was a success. This is where the members sign up for a Kappa Psi Pal and our duty is to show the new students the ropes and try to help their first year go as smoothly as possible. We continued this tradition with our annual pizza party, where we were able to meet our Kappa Psi pals in person. The members enjoyed conversing with their new pals. The first week of school was our Kappa Psi Unity Week. During this week, the brothers wore a uniFall 2007
fying outfit each day. The first day they wore scarlet red and cadet grey and, as the week progressed, there were varieties of outfits, which ended on Friday with our Line T-shirts. There was also a meet and greet cookout at Hayne’s Point. Here, the brothers participated in softball and volleyball games and enjoyed the food supplied to them by the school. Finally, the executive staff brothers met with one of our founders, Dr. Terrill Washington, at the District Chop House for dinner. As you can see, the first month of school has been eventful and full of brotherly events. We hope to enjoy the rest of the semester to the same extent. —Brienna Chappell —Lynette Sanders
Delta Lambda
Campbell University Founded 4/23/1988 School of Pharmacy P.O. Box 1090 Buies Creek, NC 27506
With the new school year in full swing, Delta Lambda has already attempted to make great strides within the Fraternity and also in the community. The large number of
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Delta Pi brothers Sarah Braboy, Amanze Asogu, and Katy Leeves are all smiles after enjoying a great Mexican potluck at a pledge meeting. active brothers allows Delta Lambda the chance for a much greater impact. Not only are the plans for this semester being made, but the brothers did not rest during the summer and committed themselves to various activities. The Delta Lambda chapter had several brothers who participated in the American Diabetes Association Eastern NC Tour de Cure. Brian Waldron, Andrew Mannebach, and Lauren Hooker represented Kappa Psi on Team Campbell. The Eastern NC Tour de Cure helped to raise more than $131,563.72 for the American Diabetes Association. Brothers Nashea Turner and Sara Erbaugh represented the chapter and the Fraternity in Africa by participating in a medical mission trip to Nairobi, Kenya. They worked closely with children and in pharmacy clinics located there. Fall Rush was a huge success for Delta Lambda, receiving over 20 pledges. The brothers had fun catching up with everyone and meeting the new pledges. The pledges have already been hard at work. They will be assisting in the usual Adopt-a-Highway Roadside Clean-Up. Not only are the pledges hard at work but so are the brothers. Due to the loss of dear friend and fellow Brother Brie Anne Reynolds over the summer in a tragic car accident, a scholarship has been named in her memory. A golf tournament was held September 29, 2007, at
Keith Hills in Buies Creek, North Carolina. There were several events throughout the day, which included a luncheon provided by CVS and a CE given by Faculty Adviser Dr. Michael Adams. There were over 50 participants, and the holes were sponsored by several companies and local businesses. The money that was raised went to our Brie Reynolds Memorial Scholarship. Over $2,000 was raised. Kappa Psi Delta Lambda chapter will be holding a fundraiser dinner and will be featuring the famous taco salad. Half of the proceeds will be a personal fundraiser for the chapter, while the other half will be going toward the Brie Reynolds Memorial Scholarship. Many brothers are getting prepared to head to Province and meet with other enthusiastic brothers. The Delta Lambda chapter is excited about the changes and service they will be able to provide to the community this next semester. —Charlotte E. Fetterman
Delta Nu
Midwestern University-Chicago Founded 3/12/1994 College of Pharmacy 355 31st Street Downer’s Grove, IL 60515
Delta Nu jump started the semester by selling “Top 10 Reasons to Stay Up Late with a Pharmacist” T-shirts. From the first day of school, Delta Nu 2007–2008 was already making their presence
The Delta Pi brothers take a break after a full day’s work at a Habitat for Humanity house.
Delta Rho brothers stop for a photo during the Asthma Walk. (L–R) Maksim Yermakov, Judy Maytin, Veronica Zolotushkina, Zach Kushner, Arden Arslanyan, Tami Houser, Jaquie Ruiz, and Storm Lamb. known on campus. During the second week, we held a question and answer session for incoming firstyear students during their lunch hour. Delta Nu participated in the Greek Showcase, introducing our Fraternity to over half of the PS-1 class. During rush week, we held a Meet the Greek barbecue with fellow MWU fraternities Rho Pi Phi and Phi Delta Chi. We spiced it up a little by raffling off coffee mugs, T-shirts, and other fun gifts. Later
on in the week, Delta Nu hosted a breakfast for the rushees before an exam and celebrated the end of Rush week that night with a bonfire and hanging out at a local club. The pledge process officially began in October, and all the actives are thrilled and eager to welcome their new brothers. Delta Nu brothers are working to maintain their reputation as the Midwest’s most community-service involved organization. Many of our brothers participate in Operation
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tiation marks the 10th anniversary of our chapter! Along with the changes to our pledging process, we have made some additions to our professional and community service projects. We have established our community service project with the Heritage House assisted-living facility in Wilkes-Barre. Brothers have been assisting the staff at the Heritage House with events as well as organizing our own events, including Bingo and Trivia games, with snacks for the residents. We are currently working on a new professional service project for this year, focusing on childhood obesity. In addition to the Heritage House project, the brothers have been serving the Wilkes-Barre community by providing poison prevention education to children at area daycare centers with APhA and osteoporosis education at local nursing homes. We are looking forward to all of the new changes that will be taking place here at Delta Omicron and to welcoming the fall 2007 pledge class. —Tracy Mertz
Delta Pi brothers at rush. Diabetes, Operation Immunization, Heartburn Awareness, Poison Prevention, the Bear Necessities project, Halloween fest, as well as other campus organizations. At this year’s Health Fair, Delta Nu is hosting two booths—Bone Mineral Density and Cholesterol. With all the upcoming events, Delta Nu is excited to get the year started. —Leigh Anne Silverio
Delta Xi
Shenandoah University Founded 9/13/1997 Bernard J. Dunn School of Pharmacy 1460 University Drive HPB Building Winchester, VA 22601
One word that describes the brothers of Delta Xi—BUSY! The fall semester has barely even started and the brothers are already busy with the planning and organizing of fun-filled activities and community services. New philanthropic projects will be taken on this year. Delta Xi is trying to expand its recycling mission and also help out the local SPCA with donations. The semester kicked off with the commencement of the Greek Olympics, along with the other fraternities from the Bernard J. Dunn School of
Pharmacy. The event included games, such as tug-of-war, potato sack race, dizzy lizzy, and it was topped off with tasty hamburgers and hot dogs. The event was the combined efforts of each fraternity. Fraternities battled it out on the school grounds to try and eliminate one another and see who came out on top. It was an exciting and challenging event to remember. Although Delta Xi did not win the Olympics, we deserved an A+ for effort and for showing such great sportsmanship. Brothers also volunteered to participate in the Girl Scout Expo, which was held at the Frederick County Fairgrounds. The brothers performed an experiment involving activated charcoal and cola. The experiment was a success and quite inspiring for some of the young futures of America. They also answered questions from the Girl Scout Brownies regarding the process of the experiment and the profession of pharmacy. In addition, Delta Xi chapter held the first brother event of the year—paintball! Although some of the brothers went home with a few bumps and bruises and painted faces, everyone had a blast. The
brothers are also in full swing in preparation for Delta Xi’s 10th Year Anniversary. —Cindy Quejada
Delta Omicron
Wilkes University
Founded 11/7/1997 Nesbitt School of Pharmacy Wilkes-Barre, PA 18766
The brothers of the Delta Omicron chapter would like to congratulate P4 Brother Lara Judson and Brother Dr. Chris Macumber on their recent engagement. The couple has set a date for August of 2008. The fall 2007 semester has been a busy one thus far for the Delta Omicron chapter. Some great changes and additions have been made to our chapter for this year. First, we expanded our rush period with more activities. Some of these include a bowling night with members of the Luzerne County Pharmacists Association, a Rush vs. Brother and faculty softball game, and a covered dish social. We have currently issued 13 bids this semester. During pledging, we plan to host our annual rush party, Big/Little night, and pledge-brother spaghetti dinner. This year’s iniFall 2007
Delta Pi
Texas Tech University Founded 11/14/1997 School of Pharmacy 1300 S. Coulter Street Amarillo, TX 79106
This summer marked the opening of our fourth brand new campus in Abilene. Needless to say, the Delta Pi brothers have been extremely busy as we were there to help welcome the students. It’s going to be a challenge, but we are looking forward to helping to smoothly integrate the new Abilene campus as they learn more about our great Fraternity. At our school-wide picnic, the Delta Pi brothers were in charge of a bounce house that attracted lots of eager children ready to bounce and have a great time. Delta Pi also participated in the Amarillo Habitat for Humanity. Our brothers did tasks, such as hammering, lots of painting, and even getting on the roof to help. Congratulations to our secretary, Katy Leeves, and our Dallas liaison, Jennifer Cantrell, on their marriages this summer. We would also like to congratulate our Grand Council Deputy, Andy Andris, for winning the third best GCD.
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Delta Phi brothers eat for a good cause at the Chili’s Fundraising Dinner for St. Jude Children’s Hospital.
Delta Phi brothers Jag Rai, Stephanie Webb, and Jennifer Curello gather at Meet the Pharmacist Day.
For our prospective pledges, we held rush in Lubbock and had a speed-dating session that included a delicious Mexican potluck to get to know them a little better. We look forward to introducing our new brothers in the next issue of The MASK. —Andrea Haynes
Delta Rho
Nova Southeastern University Founded 11/13/1998 1420 NW 86th Terrace Pembroke Pines, FL 33024
The Delta Rho chapter has started out this year with a BANG. At the Grand Council Convention, we were proud to accept the Frank H. Eby Scholarship Tray Award. This signifies that our chapter held the highest GPA out of all collegiate chapters for the past year. The Delta Rho chapter also received the Scholarship Tray in 2004. In addition, Brothers Debra Float, Jessica Wine, Chad Lavinghousez, Tami Houser, and Kristin Cipolla were honored on the Chancellor’s List. Also, Brother Wendy Fisher earned a spot on the Dean’s List. The brothers of the Delta Rho chapter did an outstanding job representing Kappa Psi Pharmaceutical Fraternity, Inc. throughout Nova Southeastern University. Our efforts toward recruiting new pledges appear to have paid off. For one of our rush events, we took advantage of our natural resources in southern Florida and planned a barbecue at the beach. We had the honor of being accompanied by two brothers from the Delta Upsilon
Delta Phi brother Sanaz Farhadian is excited about starting digging-in during the Chili’s fundraiser for St. Jude Children’s Hospital. chapter, Matt and Jamie. The following weekend, Delta Upsilon hosted a party in West Palm Beach, in which several of our brothers attended. We really enjoyed being able to spend time with our brothers from another chapter. Other rush events included a night of bowling and a co-hosted dinner with AMCP, which was sponsored by CVS Pharmacy. We are currently pledging 20 students who have continued to show great dedication. This past weekend, our pledges, along with several brothers, participated in the Blow the Whistle on Asthma walk. This was a required professional event for our pledges, so they are now one step closer to completing the arduous process.
Delta Omega brothers Michelle Carter and Heather Drazdowski decorate cupcakes for the rush barbecue. The next required event will be a road clean-up of our chapter’s adopted stretch of Pine Island Road. To show our appreciation for their efforts, we presented all 20 pledges with a red carnation at their White Coat Ceremony. This pledge class is determined to prove themselves worthy of becoming brothers. Only time will tell as to who is capable of completing the journey to becoming brothers of Kappa Psi Pharmaceutical Fraternity, Inc. —Amy Everitt
Delta Sigma
Midwestern UniversityGlendale Founded 9/9/2000 College of Pharmacy—Glendale 19555 N. 59th Avenue Glendale, AZ 85308
Back to school, and with about half of the fall quarter already over, we rush the new class and search for new Kappa Psi brothers. We would like to start off by congratulating our newly elected officers for the Theta class. Ryan Moore was elected Theta Class regent; Matt
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Delta Rho brothers (L–R) Elise Manee, Amber Wojack, Amy Everitt, and Viviana Sumi Lee take part in the Flight Deck rush event. Carleton, vice regent; Vivian Liao, secretary; Venny Wong, treasurer; Nick D’Angelo, sergeant at arms; Erin Carey, historian; Sapna Sawhney, chaplain; Hope Kimura, alumni coordinator; Curt Edwards and Kayla Buschko, pledge masters; and Victoria Yan and Cindy Chang, activities coordinators. Our fresh batch of officers is an ambitious group, and we are all looking forward to seeing where Delta Sigma will be heading next. Over the summer and at the beginning of our fall quarter, we aided St. Mary’s food bank in preparing canned food meals for families in need. It was such a rewarding experience for our brothers that we have decided to make it one of Delta Sigma’s continuous events. We have also had some very successful rush events, including a happy hour social at Fox and Hound, an ’80s bowling night, as well as a game/sports night. The attendance at these events has been far beyond our expectations and we hope the enthusiasm of the new class will continue to grow. To honor National Pharmacy Month, the brothers of the Delta Sigma chapter will be responsible for a Medicare Part D presentation for our Midwestern University faculty and students.
Lastly, we want to thank all of Province IV for representing their respective chapters so strongly at the Province meeting here in Glendale, Arizona, this past weekend. This was probably one of the highest attendances at a non-election meeting, and Delta Sigma takes great pride in that. We really appreciated everyone’s cooperation; it made our job that much easier and allowed the weekend to run smoothly. Delta Sigma hopes everyone enjoyed themselves, and we are looking forward to seeing everyone again soon. —Shweta Shroff
Delta Tau
University of Southern Nevada Founded 1/10/2003 Nevada College of Pharmacy 11 Sunset Way Henderson, NV 89014
Delta Tau welcomed approximately 145 new first-year (P1) students on the Henderson campus and 82 P1s on the Utah campus. Delta Tau is excited to be rushing on our new South Jordan, Utah campus extension as well as the Henderson, Las Vegas main campus this year. Brothers Allison Welder (GCD) and Jessica Garcia (regent) will hold their positions over both campuses. However,
Brother Rob Morris will be vice regent in Utah and Brother Tawny Lizarraga vice regent in Henderson. The brothers of Delta Tau directed the new students through the halls of USN on the first day of school and officers assembled goodie bags with sweet treats for the new students at both campuses. Later in the week, second- and third-year Kappa Psi brothers gathered to watch the new students enter the world of pharmacy at their White Coat ceremony and take the Oath of a Pharmacist for the first time in their new professional careers. That evening, the Henderson Delta Tau brothers met and went to the famous Las Vegas Freemont Street Experience for the fourth year. The brothers celebrated the beginning of the new school year under the famous neon lights (Vegas Vick and Sally Gulch) of Las Vegas. Delta Tau brothers had barbecues in area parks on both the Henderson and South Jordan campuses, rushing the new P1s. Students, faculty, family, and guests all joined in on the fun with food, drinks, and cookies. Following the theme of food, Delta Tau brothers provided breakfast bagels, juice, and muffins to all USN students the first week of school. We even had Fall 2007
an ice cream social for faculty, staff, and students the day before our first assessment for the P1s to relax, ask questions, and get some brotherly tutoring before the exam. In celebration of successfully passing our first assessment, Delta Tau brothers on the Henderson campus, along with new P1 pledges, gathered at Margaritaville on the Las Vegas Strip for relaxation. This was a great time of fun, food, and dance. Current brothers were able to catch up on their summer fun and get to know the new P1s on a much more intimate level. Also that weekend, brothers gathered at the annual Go Greek festival in Las Vegas that Saturday night and pigged out on Gyros, Bahklava, and strong Greek coffee. There was a variety of specialty shopping and, of course, Greek dancing. Officers held the first general meeting on Wednesday, September 16, on both campuses. Over 50 students signed pledge cards in total at both the South Jordan and Henderson campuses. Delta Tau is very excited to embrace these students as a part of our family. Brothers volunteered to help with a ’50s themed fundraiser called The Hop. This event helped in fundraising efforts for the 2008 graduating classes at USN. Then, after the second assessment, Delta Tau held a movie night after the assessment at one brother’s clubhouse. We watched a movie, ate popcorn, and took a deep breath that we made it through yet another assessment. —Jennifer Smith
Delta Upsilon
Palm Beach Atlantic University Founded 5/3/2003 School of Pharmacy 901 S. Flager Drive West Palm Beach, FL 33401-6505
Delta Upsilon started off the year with a barbecue on August 25, 2007, at Ocean Reef Park on Singer Island. There was a great turnout from not only our chapter but brothers from Nova as well. Many current brothers and prospectives swam in the ocean, laid on the beach, played volleyball, and ate food grilled by our own David Brown. Don Carter’s Bowling Alley was the place to be on Friday, September 14, as current brothers tried to socialize with those inter-
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ested in rushing during the upcoming months. Delta Upsilon overfilled five lanes, and there were not that many strikes made but there was a lot of fun had by all. The Kappa Psi Delta Upsilon chapter rushing officially began on October 3, 2007. Rush is being led by Chad Anson, Charlie Sedon, and Jennifer Holser. This rushing is done in order to find future brothers who will be active, passionate, and serious about our Kappa Psi brotherhood. Our chapter, Delta Upsilon, is now officially hosting this year’s Winter Conclave on Friday, January 4 through Saturday, January 5. The next time that a Florida school will host a conclave is not scheduled until Nova in 2009. This is a great opportunity for our chapter to show our Province and our community how dedicated and loyal our chapter is to our Kappa Psi Fraternity and profession. With the Lloyd L. Gregory School of Pharmacy being located in the heart of downtown West Palm Beach, there is no doubt that there will be plenty of fun and exciting things to do and places to go. The Lloyd L. Gregory School of Pharmacy has a 100 percent success goal for all of its students. In order to help with this, Kappa Psi has already started tutoring sessions for some courses. Our brothers take this seriously, as shown by our chapter motto for success: “No brother left behind!” The Grand Council Convention was once again entertaining for all in attendance this summer. It was not only a time to take care of business, but a time for brothers from different chapters and provinces to gather and catch up with each other. Awards were handed out and the presentations were a hit. The brothers from our chapter who were in attendance include Matthew Bamber, David Brown, Ryan Howerton, Matthew Sech, Jamie Griffin, and Kristy Antos. —Charly Blackmon
Delta Phi
University of CaliforniaSan Diego Founded 8/8/2003 9500 Gilman Drive La Jolla, CA 92093-09657
Like the carnation, in bloom all year round, the brothers of Delta Phi, too, showed their readiness to
The Shuda Family at the annual Wisconsin Grad Brewers game and tailgate. help each other all days of the year. On July 28, we helped to welcome our new brothers from the Epsilon Gamma chapter at their chartering ceremony held in the Pomona Valley Masonic Temple. The attending Delta Phi brothers, having participated in the pledging process, beamed with pride to see the former pledges they quizzed and bonded with officially transform into full brothers. After the ceremony, we joined the Alpha class of Epsilon Gamma at the Hilltop restaurant, where we celebrated the promising future of our ever-growing brotherhood. Shortly after the excitement of the chartering ceremony, four Delta Phi brothers banded together to make the pilgrimage to the 53rd Grand Council Convention held in Boston on August 7. Upon arriving, the weary brothers were renewed by the warm welcome from the Boston Graduate chapter and camaraderie from all those in attendance. The representatives of Delta Phi spent several days immersed in the largest gathering of brothers in our history, forging fraternal bonds that will span across the country. We’d like to show our appreciation to Brothers Sanaz Farhadian, Jim Connor, Robert Mancini, and Patrick Chung for being such outstanding representatives for Delta Phi. On September 20, we reached out to the community at the annual Meet the Pharmacist day for seniors in Santee. Delta Phi brothers, including Dr. Renu Singh and Jagwant Rai, arrived at the Cameron Family YMCA to help seniors take a comprehensive review of their medications, noting any drug duplications or harmful interactions. The brothers also took the opportunity to ensure that
Delta Tau brothers (L–R) Mike Genzco, Leslie Franco, and Rob Morris get ready to barbecue for the rushees on the USN South Jordan campus.
Nikki Musial was the big winner of The Hat Game at the Wisconsin Grad Brewers game. patients followed the appropriate dosage regimens and answered any questions the patients had regarding the use of their medication. Both the brothers and the senior citizens they helped ended their day more knowledgeable than when they first arrived. We would like to express our thanks to all the brothers who participated in this wonderful educational event. Ever hungry for good food and more ways to help the community, Delta Phi satisfied both cravings by holding a fundraiser dinner for St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital at the Mira Mesa Chili’s on September 24. Over 35 brothers and all the ravenous friends they could bring feasted on spice-rubbed ribs, steaming fajitas, and glistening burgers to the benefit of pediatric cancer research. By the end of the night, our combined appetites
helped raise more than $400 towards a most deserving cause. Delta Phi would like to recognize Brother Jennifer Curello for organizing all these unbelievably successful events. The brothers of Delta Phi would also like to congratulate Brother Dr. Anthony Manoguerra on his upcoming retirement. His years of work building our brotherhood are deeply appreciated, and we hope to continue the spirit of dedication he put into everything he was involved with. For many brothers, this academic year is just beginning. With so much already accomplished and so much to look forward to, Delta Phi will remain motivated in our efforts to nurture our brotherhood and better our community. —Ed Su
Delta Psi
University of Minnesota Founded 8/8/2003 School of Pharmacy Duluth, MN 55812
This summer, Delta Psi was proud to send two of our brothers to the Grand Council Convention in Boston. Past Regent Katie Rangen and Social Chair Anne Spenningsby made the trip to GCC and had a wonderful time meeting brothers from all over the country and seeing the sights of Boston. Now that classes are back in session, we are looking forward to when our pledging process starts so that we can gain some new brothers. There will be a five-week process for the pledges that will include a fun informal event and a
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The Province III executive committee (L–R): chaplain Lauren Hooker, vice satrap Darren Stevens, satrap Harry Marcelin, historian Adam Overberg, and secretary-treasurer Louise Wang. formal initiation meeting. We have also started off the year by fundraising and offering a number of College of Pharmacy clothing. This semester we have many community events to look forward to. In the beginning of October, we participated in the KEEP screening at Lakeshore Luthern Nursing Home. The KEEP screening, Kidney Early Evaluation Program, is a way for us to raise awareness about kidney disease. In addition, we are having our regular blood drive here on campus. The brothers of Delta Psi are also continuing to volunteer our time at Kid’s Café at the Domiano Center. We enjoy spending time with local children in this afterschool program and serving the children healthy, nutritious meals. Finally, on October 12, we had our Texas Hold ’em tournament. This is a great social event! The proceeds from the tournament are donated to a local charity of the winner’s choice. —Amanda Westerlund
Founded 12/10/2005
night filled with laser tag and roller skating! We ended up handing out 27 bids, which is huge for us, because we are such a young chapter. At the end of the week, we had a Lo Country Boil Bid party. It was a little more laid back and a great opportunity to really get to know our new pledges. We look forward to a great pledge class. Aside from our new pledges, brothers have been working hard to plan philanthropic events and new fundraiser ideas. Brothers are currently trying to adopt a highway spot to keep clean, and some brothers have made plans to attend the American Diabetes Association’s Walk on the Wild Side! in midOctober. Brothers also plan on attending the upcoming Mutt Strutt to benefit the Humane Society, and we have a Health Fair that will be held at a local CVS/pharmacy. We will be checking blood pressure and glucose levels. On another note, we would like to congratulate our GCD, Curt Jones, on becoming the dean of student affairs at South University School of Pharmacy. We are proud of you. —Heather Drazdowski
School of Pharmacy Savannah, Georgia
Epsilon Gamma
Delta Omega
Southern University
Rush week proved to be a huge success for the Delta Omega Chapter. Our first event was dinner and a movie. We were able to explain to rushees what Kappa Psi is all about, eat pizza, socialize, and then watch a movie. Other events included hosting a barbecue, and a
Western University Founded 7/28/2007 College of Pharmacy Pomona, CA ??????
Hello from the newest chapter on the block! During the Beta Class pledging process, we held two pro-
More Province VIII zaniness at the Texas Hold ’em night at GCC. fessional health fairs. The first event was held at Pomona Civic Center on June 2, 2007, where 120 patients were screened. In attendance were the mayor of Pomona, Norma Torres, and Councilman Gorge Hungter, whom we were all able to meet. One of our Kappa Psi brothers, Sevana Ghazarian, was interviewed by a local news station, and the interview aired that weekend on a local TV channel. The second health fair was held on June 2, 2007 at the El Monte Community Health Fair, where 60 patients were screened. Other projects, which were accomplished, included a poster on tobacco use and cessation. Ten days after Epsilon Gamma was chartered, 23 of the 46 members of the Beta Class attended the 53rd Grand Council Convention in Boston. This was an experience we shall never forget. Since then, we have had many get-togethers such as a bowling night, a bonfire, and several delicious dinners. At the beginning of this semester, we held an info session and two other rush events, including a casino night and a barbecue which were well attended and generated much interest. Currently, we are initiating our Gamma pledge class and are looking forward to building new bonds with the new additions to our chapter. We also just got back from our first Province IX meeting in Glendale, Arizona, and we are already looking forward to attending the spring meeting in Stockton, California. —Raheleh Eskandar Fall 2007
Arizona Graduate Brothers continue to actively work to strengthen the chapter and Province. A special thanks goes to our brothers who traveled to the 53rd GCC. We are very proud of the participation and impact our brothers made in Boston. Brothers Brett Rathi and Bonita Shin helped to moderate the Texas Hold’em Poker Tournament and played in the Kappa Psi Foundation Golf Tournament. Brother Kristl Tom assisted in the creation of the GCC slide show and was recognized for her efforts at the closing banquet. A couple months after returning from Boston, a number of brothers reunited at the Province IX interim assembly. Brothers celebrated the growth and success of the Province as well as the recent progress of our chapter. We are now considering events to bring the graduate chapter and two collegiate chapters, Gamma Upsilon and Delta Sigma, together. We are also anxiously looking forward to the next Province assembly in Stockton, California. —Kristl Tom
Buffalo Graduate Buffalo Grad is happy to report it has been a fun and exciting summer for our chapter. To kick things off, in July we had a successful Summer barbecue with some brothers coming from over an hour away to join in the fun. We’re already looking forward to doing it again next year.
Chapter News
Only a few weeks later, we sent seven of our brothers to GCC. We are so proud to have been named the #4 Grad Chapter in 2006 and the #5 Grad Chapter for 2007, and we plan to work hard this year to keep improving! We are also thrilled to congratulate one of our brothers, Peter Brody, for being named GCD of the year and also for being elected to the national Executive Committee as Graduate Member-atLarge. He’s even been featured in the Province V newsletter—check out the article “What Does it Take to Be GCD of the Year?” at http://www.kappapsi5.com/. Even more good news came with the announcement that we have four brothers who have been appointed to positions on national committees. With the school year starting again, we held two events with Gamma Iota, which have become yearly traditions. The Buffalo Bills home opener game against the Denver Broncos was successful and fun despite the persistent rain. We also held a Grad/Pledge barbecue in September, which gives us a chance to meet the Gamma Iota pledges and also to show them that Kappa Psi is for life. We even had a special visit by Grand Counselor Andy Frasco and his wife, Jessica, who came all the way from Ohio. We thank them for making the trip. Most recently, Buffalo Grad participated in the American Diabetes Association walk: Step Out to Fight Diabetes. We were proud to have a great turnout, with support not only from the brothers of Buffalo Grad and Gamma Iota, but also from our families and friends. Luckily, there was no rain in the forecast for this event! Thank you to everyone who supported our team by both donating and walking. If you couldn’t join us this year, plan on coming next year. Please check out our website at http://groups.yahoo.com/group/kappapsibuffalograd/ for news and updates and be watching for the newly reinstated Buffalo Grad newsletter. For those of you in Province V, we’ll look forward to seeing you at the Midyear meeting in Toledo, OH. Have a safe trip. —Niki Wahl
Detroit Graduate We would like to thank all the brothers who attended the 53rd GCC in Boston. Special thanks go
Participants enjoy the Iowa graduate lunch at GCC for Delta Zeta and Beta Chi. to the brothers who helped out where needed to make the event so successful. We encourage all brothers to start making plans for the 54th GCC in 2009. A few of our graduate brothers are certified CPR instructors. And, these brothers help to raise funds with the collegiate brothers by charging undergraduate students for their CPR certification. We are attending as many collegiate brother functions as we can. These functions include pledging, house maintenance, and various social and professional activities. We have been actively working to increase our membership and strengthen our chapter. If you’re interested in keeping up with Detroit Grad happenings, send me an email at kypaul@comcast.net. —Paul Cyprus
Illinois Graduate The months seem to fly by. It’s hard to believe that it has almost been a year since we’ve been in existence. The Masquerade Charity Formal took place in May. All proceeds benefited the St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital. In August, the Illinois Graduate chapter was presented with an award at GCC, the ninth Best Graduate chapter in the Fraternity for the 2006–2007 year. We were pleasantly surprised and honored to be granted this award. —Anna Cruz
Iowa Graduate
Minnesota Graduate
Greetings from your Iowa Graduate chapter brothers. We continue to meet at each Province VIII assembly in the spring and fall but have meetings in alternating locations in the winter and again in the summer. This summer we had quite a few brothers who attended the 53rd Grand Council Convention in Boston. We hosted a lunch on Saturday for the brothers in attendance at GCC from the two Iowa Collegiate chapters, Beta Chi and Delta Zeta. We also submitted a square for the Quilt for the Cure. Overall, we had a great time, and it was the first GCC for most, if not all, of the brothers from these two chapters. We will meet again at the next Province VIII fall assembly, which will be hosted in Iowa by our very own Delta Zeta. At this meeting, we will be awarding our annual Iowa Graduate Chapter Collegiate Scholarship to one brother from each of the Iowa collegiate chapters, Beta Chi and Delta Zeta, which exemplifies the fundamentals of Kappa Psi. The amount awarded to each recipient will be $99, which will be paid directly to each recipient’s chapter to defray any current or future assessments toward the recipient. If you are interested in joining Iowa Grad, please feel free to contact me at deanna-mcdanel@uiowa.edu. Proud to be your brother. —Deanna McDanel
July was a busy month for the brothers of Minnesota Grad. We kicked things off with our annual joint project with Epsilon chapter, staffing the pharmacy at Camp Superkids. Epsilon and MN Grad brothers have been teaching 8- to 13-year-old kids about their asthma medications at camp since 1981. On the heels of camp came the annual MN Grad barbecue weekend extravaganza hosted by Tracy, Mike, and Sasha Haag. The barbecue is always a great chance for everyone to catch up with those living throughout Minnesota, and this year there were brothers from Wisconsin, Ohio, Michigan, and North Carolina in attendance as well. Collegiate and grad brothers enjoyed an evening of tailgating and baseball at a St. Paul Saints game on July 28. And the summer wrapped up with over 14 graduate brothers in attendance at the record-breaking GCC meeting in Boston. In September, MN Grad brothers hosted a gourmet pot luck dinner for collegiates who had perfect attendance at last year’s chapter meetings. This was a great way to meet and chat with our collegiate brothers who dedicate so much time and energy to our great Fraternity. Thanks to the efforts of Brother Becky Fahrenbruch, we are once again asking friends and family to help support our philanthropic
Chapter News
Detroit Grad brothers Bob Franczak, Kevin Foster, and Paul Cyprus at the GCC in Boston. activities by purchasing Entertainment books. This has been a relatively simple project that helps us raise more than $200 in additional funds each year. The fall Grad chapter meeting will be in November. Look for details to be available on the list serve and website. If you are interested in keeping up with MN Grad happenings, check out the Minnesota Grad webpage at www5.pharmacy.umn.edu/kappapsi/grad.htm. —Christy Askew
Pacific Graduate This past summer was an eventful one for the Pacific Graduate chapter. There was a wine tour, a welcome back to school and retreat with Gamma Nu, and, of course, this was a GCC year. As you know, it was all about Boston in August, but the trip was extra special to a few. This year marked the 100th anniversary of the Mu chapter, Massachusetts College of Pharmacy. Mu chapter is the home chapter for our beloved Donald Floriddia. So, Pacific wanted to join Dr. Floriddia in a homecoming. Joining him throughout the busy week were Brothers John Apostolo, Mike and Nora Pastrick, Derrick Egi, Sunny Bains, Kenny Morin, Mike Cuellar, and Brandon Okaneku, along with Doug Chang, Eric Gupta, and Tola Seng of the reinstated L.A. Grad chapter, and Roland Lee welcoming back the S.F. Grad chapter. Aside from the usual gatherings, Pacific took Gamma Nu brothers out to Jacob Wirth’s, a German restaurant, for their joint social event. Due to extracurricular restraints, there was
not an open Bushwacker Peckerhead event, but the tradition was maintained for the chapter in private quarters. A Fenway Park tour and Sam Adams Brewery tour were also some of the group events. A big congratulations goes out to Lawrence “LB” Brown on his crowning as the leader of our Fraternity. The latest Grand Regent is a Gamma Nu graduate and still a strong supporter from out of the area. Nice Job LB! In early September, Pacific held its annual wine tour, this time during crush season. Again, the mastermind behind the event was Gabe Leung. The tour started at the Gamma Nu house with breakfast and beverages and then set off for the Napa Valley. The first stop was the Silverado Winery, where there was an extensive tour ending in a room that overlooked part of the valley. The tour continued on to Rutherford Hills, where boxed lunches awaited the group, followed by a walk into the side of a mountain that led to one of their wineaging caves. The final stop was Clou Du Val, where the group got to taste some of the grapes and see examples of bad vines. The traveling group that attended Gabe’s wine tour were alums Roger Santos, Dany Khloth, Sunny Bains, Kenny Morin, Ethan Anderson, Mark Walberg, Leland Ibarra, Reid Kodani, Ki and Annette Vacca, Mike and Nora Pastrick, Kevin Okuni, Jon Nakao, and Jason Nakaoka. The group returned to a barbecue at the Gamma Nu house put on by the collegiates. Excellent job Gabe! The night before the wine tour, Gamma Nu held its welcome back social event called the Red Rager. The event went on without a hitch and alums, including Dany Khloth, Kenny Morin, and Sunny Bains came out to show their support. Ethan Anderson and Justin BorrasReed joined the group of Gamma Nu’s that went on a camping retreat. They had a great time, according to pictures that cannot be released to the public. (Just joking!) Thanks to all the alumni for their continued active support of the Fraternity. Happy holidays to all. —Derrick Egi
Providence Graduate The Providence Graduate Chapter was well represented at the GCC in Boston and was honored to
receive second place in the Graduate Chapter of the Year voting. We were also very pleased that one of our members, Brian MacDonald, was elected Graduate Member-at-Large. We congratulate Brian and know that he will serve our Fraternity well. The PGC is also proud of the many other accomplishments of its members. Most notably, four Kappa Psi brothers were recently honored at the University of Rhode Island Night of Shining Stars, as more than 400 members of the URI community gathered for a gala event to recognize individual leadership. Brothers Tom Ryan, Paul G. Pierpaoli, Herbert S. Carlin, and Arthur G. Lipman were among those honored with the first Distinguished Achievement Awards. Tom Ryan is the CEO of CVS Pharmacy. Paul Pierpaoli is a health care consultant and former senior vice president of McKesson Medication Management. Brother Herb Carlin, president of Pharmaceutical Management Insight, has also received the Cheers Award from the Institute for Safe Medication Practices. Arthur G. Lipman is a professor of pharmacotherapy at the University of Utah College of Pharmacy and adjunct professor at their school of medicine. He is also the director of clinical pharmacology at their pain management center. As past president of the American Pharmacists Association, Ronald Jordan is the chief operating officer of BidRx, a new company offering a competitive electronic marketplace for prescriptions on the worldwide Web. He most recently accepted the role of acting dean of the College of Pharmacy at the University of Rhode Island. Brother Michael Ira Smith is the new speaker of the house of the American Pharmacists Association and Eric Arlia is enjoying his role as the pharmacy director at the William W. Backus Hospital in Norwich, Connecticut. —-Karl Kehrle
Wisconsin Graduate This summer has been a busy one for the WI Grad chapter. Following the Hackers Open golf outing held in June, we held our annual Brewers game and tailgate in July. We had a good turnout of graduate members, and one active Fall 2007
from the Beta Psi chapter attended. The Brewers played the San Francisco Giants and won—Go Brewers! The tailgate offered plenty of food, games, and refreshments. Nikki Musial was the big winner of the hat game. We look forward to next year’s game and another winning season for the Brewers. We have kept busy this summer looking for a new chapter house for the actives. Since the pharmacy school relocated to the far west side of campus several years ago, it has been more difficult to fill the house with tenants. We will greatly miss the current house when we have to sell it. We did, however, enjoy going back to the house in October for our annual Grad chapter meeting. The Badgers play Indiana for homecoming. It will be great to see all the current students again and say goodbye to the house. Plans were to have one member from the Wisconsin Grad chapter attend the Province V Midyear Conclave in Toledo in October. We are hopeful to continue our attendance at future meetings. If you are moving to Wisconsin and would like to join the Wisconsin Grad chapter, please contact Lori Joas at lorijoas@ yahoo.com or Nikki Musial at nempharmD@gmail.com. Visit our website at http://wikappapsi.org. —Nikki Musial
Province III Province III held its spring assembly on March 2–3, 2007, in Chapel Hill, home of the University of North Carolina. A meet-and-greet party was held at the Beta Xi house Friday night, and good times were had by the many brothers in attendance. Saturday’s meeting, held at the School of Pharmacy, was a truly marathon session, clocking in at just over nine hours. Some housekeeping matters, including new risk management and tax policies, the Kappa Psi quilt, and the upcoming GCC, were brought before the brotherhood by Christy Askew, Province III advisor, and current Grand Counselor (and Past Grand Ritualist) Andy Frasco. Following all chair reports and a generous luncheon sponsored by Cardinal Health, the assembly reconvened for the afternoon legislative and committee session. A heavily parliamentary afternoon was lightened up by a 30-minute break for focus
Chapter News
groups devoted to particular issues facing the chapters, such as satellite campuses, rush/recruitment tactics, pledging ritual, and a regent’s discussion. The brothers got a chance to explain their chapter’s methodology and to see how other chapters approach these matters. Before breaking for dinner, elections were held, with several of the races going into run-offs. When the dust settled, the new Executive Committee consisted of satrap Harry Marcelin, Beta Xi; vice satrap Darren Stevens, Delta Lambda; secretary-treasurer Louise Wang, Sigma; chaplain Lauren Hooker, Delta Lambda; and historian Adam Overberg, Beta Xi. Additionally, Lee Clodfelter of Theta was elected GCC delegate and Steve Murray of the North Carolina Graduate chapter was elected to the alternate spot. That night, dinner and dancing (highlighted by the smooth moves of our new satrap), as well as officer installations, were held at the Sheraton Hotel just a few miles off campus. The executive committee met briefly at the end of the night to hash out goals for the coming year, and the air positively crackled with creative energy. At the Province assembly, discussion of a Province philanthropy project centered on the Vial of Life program. This project was established to improve communication between seniors and emergency medical personnel, especially in situations in which the patient may be confused or unresponsive. Vials are free to seniors, and the kit includes a recent picture, living will, medical history, and any Do Not Resuscitate or special orders for the refrigerator and a Vial of Life decal for the front door. Support for this philanthropy as our Province effort was overwhelming, and it was quickly adopted. Over the summer, the Vial of Life program began to take shape through the hard work of Lauren Hooker, the Province chaplain. Each chapter is now in the process of securing funding and establishing partnerships with local emergency personnel to distribute the vials. —Adam Overberg
Province V Province V was present in numbers and in spirit at the 53rd Grand Council Convention in Boston. Delegates were present from all but
three collegiate chapters and one graduate chapter. The week was filled with duck tours, caucuses, legislation, elections, sightseeing, and, of course, brotherhood. Brothers from Province V participated in the poker tournament and finished first, third, fourth, and fifth. Province V also walked away with several awards: Beta Upsilon was named the top collegiate chapter in Province V. FOUR of our graduate chapters (Buffalo, Columbus, Illinois, and Central Michigan) were among the top 10 graduate chapters in 2007. Two of our grand council deputies were named among the top five grand council deputies in 2007, with Gamma Iota’s Dr. Peter M. Brody, Jr. taking home the award for GCD of the Year. TWO of our Province V brothers were elected to the National Executive Committee: Andrew Frasco (Grand Counselor) and Peter M. Brody, Jr. (Graduate Member-at-Large). Beta Lambda won the William R. Smith Most Improved Chapter Award. The annual golf outing was once again very successful. Our most stellar golfers represented our Province well. At the closing banquet, the Multiple Sclerosis National Philanthropic quilt was presented. The quilt symbolized how each of our unique chapters can work together to promote FISH (fellowship, industry, sobriety, and high ideals). Our Province officers have been busy creating a Province V newsletter. The newsletter contains all of the most current happenings of the Fraternity and also includes reports from each of the Province V officers. Check it out at our Province V website: www.kappapsi5.com. —Kate Nelson
Province VII Province VII was well represented at GCC and had a great time full of brotherhood. Thank you again to Mu chapter and Boston Graduate for hosting an awesome GCC. Province VII collegiate chapters in attendance at GCC included: Rho, Psi, Gamma Theta, Gamma Pi, Delta Delta, Delta Theta, and Delta Pi. Grad chapters in attendance included: Oklahoma, St. Louis, Southwestern, Texas, Tennessee, and Louisiana. Province VII brothers gathered at Durgin Park for some of the best clam chowder in
Province VII officers at GCC are Melissa O’Neill (satrap), Dan Hunt (webmaster), Anastasia Roberts (historian), and Thomas Key (chaplain). Boston. It was a great chance to get to know each other. We hope to continue this tradition at future conventions. We are very proud of the three Grand Officers from Province VII: Dr. Lawrence Brown (Grand Regent), Dr. E. Ben Welch (GrandVice Regent), and Dr. Melissa O’Neill (Grand Historian). Congratulations to all the new Grand Officers. Congrats are also in order for the Psi chapter, which ranked fourth among all collegiate chapters, and St. Louis Grad chapter, which ranked third among all grad chapters. The Province VII philanthropy project for the year is Habitat for Humanity. Each chapter is charged with serving four days with Habitat. If any Province VII chapters are having difficulty working with Habitat, contact the Province VII chaplain, Thomas Key, at thomaskey@gmail.com. Everyone is invited and encouraged to attend the Province VII meeting February 15–17, 2008 in Dallas, Texas, hosted by Delta Pi chapter. The meeting will be held at the Adam’s Mark Hotel Dallas, 400 N. Olive St., Dallas, TX 752014097, 214-922-8000 http://adamsmark. com/dallas/index.asp. Book your rooms under Kappa Psi Pharmaceutical Fraternity by January 15. Any questions, please contact megan.brown@ttuhsc.edu. Registration deadlines are December 1 and February 1, and registration will be accepted at the meeting. More information will be available at http://student. tuhsc. edu/kp/province. We look forward
to seeing you all there. —Anastasia Roberts
Province VIII Greetings from your Province VIII brothers. We all had a great time in Boston for the 53rd Grand Council Convention. We had delegates representing seven of our eight Collegiate chapters and three of our Graduate chapters. At the scholarship luncheon, Province VIII came away with many of awards. We had four of our eight chapters in the top 10 collegiate chapters for 2006–2007, which included Epsilon ranked at #2, Gamma Kappa ranked at #3, Gamma Epsilon ranked at #8, and Delta Zeta ranked at #10. In addition, the Minnesota Graduate chapter was the overall winner of the top 10 Graduate chapters and Iowa Graduate chapter was ranked #6. Lastly, we had three brothers win Foundation scholarships. What a proud and exciting day for Province VIII! We are eagerly awaiting the next Conclave, which is being hosted by Delta Zeta chapter on October 19–20 in Coralville, Iowa. At this fall assembly, our Graduate Development Committee will be giving away yet another annual scholarship to a deserving brother in the amount of $99 plus the registration fee to the spring 2008 conclave. In closing, this will be the last article from me, as the new Province VIII historian will be elected this fall. It was an honor serving as the Province VIII historian over the past two years and I wish you all the best. —Deanna McDanel
Chapter News
Province VIII graduate brothers at the GCC Graduate reception.
Province VIII Delegate, Epsilon Brother Sam Lee.
Province IX Province IX has been busily expanding over the past few months and is pleased to announce the chartering of Epsilon Gamma, a collegiate chapter, from Western University of Health Sciences in Pomona, California, which occurred on July 28, 2007. In addition, both the Los Angeles Graduate chapter and the San Francisco Graduate chapter, which both have been dormant for some time, have been rechartered and are actively recruiting members and getting involved. GCC in Boston was an incredible time. With over 60 Province IX brothers in attendance, we were well represented and able to be very actively involved. We sponsored a golf tee at the GCC Golf Tournament, and we also co-sponsored a breakfast with Province VIII. Additionally, the brothers of Province IX united for a social hour before the opening session.
Furthermore, Province IX brothers offered many unique items to display Kappa Psi pride: Delta Phi sold professional Kappa Psi ties, Beta Gamma sold trendy track jackets, and Delta Sigma sold their indemand T-shirts. Recently, more than 120 brothers from Province IX came together in Glendale, Arizona, for our Interim Meeting September 28–29. The weekend started off on Friday evening with a barbecue and game night. Brothers were able to mingle and catch up while enjoying burgers and hot dogs courtesy of Vice Satrap Robert Mancini’s grilling skills. Brothers also enjoyed some friendly competition, while playing foosball, pool, and ping pong, from which it was later resolved that Brother Michael Sisk be named the ping-pong champion. Following an incredible Arizona sunset, the good times continued at the Friday evening social held at RT O’Sullivans, where brothers relaxed and a few even got their groove on out on the dance floor. Bright and early Saturday morning, we got down to business following a hearty carbohydrate-rich morning survival meal. Brothers were welcomed to the meeting and all received a welcome kit filled with various goodies, including a deck of cards, some moisturizing lotion, a few sweet treats, gum, and, most ingeniously, a survival kit equipped with a first-aid kit, Tums, and some ibuprofen. All graduate and collegiate chapters were in attendance as well as both our new Province IX Supervisor, Jernigan and our new Vice Supervisor,
Radhakrishnan. Additionally, we were incredibly lucky to have Grand Officer, Grand Regent Lawrence “LB” Brown, Province IX, Gamma Nu alum join us. We successfully discussed all new and old business and also enjoyed hearing what our colleagues were up to during the chapter reports. Of importance to note is that Province IX’s philanthropy project this year will be raising funds in support of various disease states through participation in charity walks. Additionally, to encourage strengthening the bonds between chapters, the chapters of Province IX will attempt to participate in walks as a joint effort between at least two chapters. Immediately following the meeting, a poker tournament was held to benefit the Province IX Scholarship Fund. Special thanks go to all who donated to and participated in the tournament; as a result, we raised over $400 to put towards our scholarship fund. And congratulations go to Brother Michael Sisk of Gamma Upsilon, who emerged victorious, and Brother Steve Dang of Epsilon Gamma and Brother Dan Chiti of Delta Tau, who took second and third, respectively. The top three finishers all received gift cards to Target. Later that evening, brothers dined at Dave & Busters, where we held our banquet and awards ceremony. Well-deserved recognition pins were awarded to Brothers Ryan Moore and Stephanie Davis of Delta Sigma chapter who headed up the efforts in Glendale and really went above and beyond to make Fall 2007
our Fall Interim Meeting an incredible success. Vice-Satrap Robert Mancini and Immediate Past-Satrap Kristl Tom also received recognition pins in honor of their hard work and dedication. Delta Tau chapter was honored with the Lapiz Taquitos award in recognition of excellence of their Province report. Delta Phi was awarded the Community Service award in recognition of excellence in promotion of the pharmacy profession, while giving back to the community, which the brothers of Delta Phi demonstrated through their service to the community during an impressive local pre-school clean-up project, also deemed “the booger scraping project.” Beta Gamma was awarded the Fellowhood and Brothership Award in recognition of excellence in the development of relationships among brothers. Beta Gamma demonstrated the strength of the bonds of brotherhood by holding an Alumni Luau, which brought over 100 active, graduate, and faculty brothers together. Gamma Upsilon was awarded the Travelers Award to recognize its dedication to the Fraternity as demonstrated by its outstanding attendance at the meeting. Province IX was also able to award for the first time a $250 scholarship, which was given to Brother Sanaz Farhadian of Delta Phi, in recognition of her dedication and service to the Fraternity. To bring the weekend to a close, brothers were given game cards and unleashed to enjoy the midway at Dave & Busters, which boasts having everything from the classics to the latest in cutting-edge action games. In good form, many brothers found their way to the Trivia Game and were able to put to test their knowledge of various topics from sports to history to pop culture. Some brothers got in a workout challenging each other to Dance Dance Revolution, while others practiced their driving skills as they competed against each other in the various motorized vehicle racing games. All in all, everyone had a wonderful time, and we are all looking forward to seeing each other again at our next Province assembly, which is tentatively scheduled for February 29–March 1 in Stockton, California. —Elizabeth Sarles
2006–2007 Fraternity Contributors Gold Level Ganse, Gerald Grossomanides, John Harris, Mark Henley, Brian Magarian, Robert Mentele, David Patterson, Albert Prizel, Robert Sousa, Erick
Silver Level Accurso, Michael Adams, John Alderman, Albert Amoth, G.M. Anderson, Peter Anderson-Haag, Teresa Bains, Sunny Baker, Marvin Bateshansky, David Baylis, Richard Beiermann, Stanley Bell, Adam Bergman, Scott Bialka, David Blackwood, Roger Boni, Riccardo
FOUNDATION FACTS: The Kappa Psi Foundation has awarded 86 scholarships to date since 1993, for a total of $121,000.
Borowiak, Timothy Bouchard, Gerard Brightman, David Brindley, Robert Brody, Peter Brown, Lawrence Buerki, Robert Burkin, Craig Cable, Frank Campbell, Norman Carder, James Caristi, David Carr-Flannery, Cynthia Carter, Norman Cole, Edward Conroy, James Cornwell, Brenton Cybul, Gregory David, Edward Deluca, Richard DeSante, Karl Deweese, J. Michael Doluisio, James Edmundson, Scott Fanaras, Charles Faria, Claudio Fee, Kelly Fitzpatrick, William Frasco, Andrew
Gee, James Genesius, Robert Gillen, Andrew Giroux, Stephen Godley, James Goldblatt, Stanley Gordon, Christopher Greiner, Deborah Gronewold, Donald Grossomanides, John Grube, Alton Gulick, John Haag, Michael Halvorsen, Mark Hamilton, Edward Haronian, John Hiller, Paul Hofmeister, Ronald Jeffries, Pamela Jeffries, Scott Johnson, Sandra Kehrle, Karl Lacroix, Matthew Lafleur, Dawn Lecker, Brady LeGette, Lisa Leonard, Cindy Licamele, Michael Long, Fred
Long, Scott Loomis, Michael Luers, Katherine Mackiewicz Jr, Jim Madejski, Jan Mastrobattista, Andrew Mccahan, Larry Meek, James Millonig, Marsha Moore, Donald Mosley, Matthew Muehlbauer, Charles Muller, Michael Murray, Steven Nunan, Robert Ochs, John Olster, Lawrence Pedro, Henrique Petersen, Edw (Wallace) Plyler Jr, Wallace Porter, Johnny Remmel, Rory Rhoad, Gene Riccio, Nicholas Roberts, Kenneth Ross, J. Michael Ryckman, Stewart Sanders, David Sell, Kevin
Sigler, Jeffrey Skalberg, Lane Skhal, John Smalley, Christopher Smith, Michael Solimando, Jr, Dominic Tiberg, Kirsten Van Riper, Gary Walls, Wayne Walsh, Erin Watters, Harry Wetherill, Roger Williams, Donald Wilson, Meagan Wright, Daniel Yates, William
Platinum Level Meyer, Randy O’Brien, John Michael Rudnic, Edward Solimando, Jr., Dominic
2007 Kappa Psi Foundation Scholarship Recipients
10 awards are given annually, for a total of $19,000 per year. Each year 4 scholarships for $2,500 and 6 for $1,500 are awarded. The scholarships are given out annually in August or at GCC.
Brian MacDonald Narragansett, RI
Thomas Key Houston, TX
Matthew Witry Iowa City, IA
Matthew Sapko Bradford, PA Christina Mazur Pittsburgh, PA
Sean Donahoe Sioux Falls, SD
Adele Reichel Minneapolis, MN Lara Judson Flemington, NJ
Allen Ho San Gabriel, CA Kristan Antos Jupiter, FL
2007 Kappa Psi Foundation Golf Tournament The 9th Kappa Psi Foundation Golf Tournament was held at the Brookline Golf Club at Putterham Meadows on Friday, August 10, 2007. Thirty-six golfers participated in the event. Next year the Championship Tournament will be held in Westerly, Rhode Island, at the Weekapaug Golf Club the end of September 2008.—John Grossomanides, Pharm.D., R.Ph. 1st Place: Mike Cournoyer, Andrew Russo, Joseph Giunta, Jason Marietti 2nd Place: Norm Campbell, Brett Rathi, Bonita Rathi, Mike Sherry
David Riese, Mike Horsky, and John Grossomanides at the Foundation Golf Tournament during the GCC.
Many Thanks to the Golf Tournament Tee Sign Sponsors for 2007 Province I Province II Province IV Province V Province VII Province VIII Province IX Beta Epsilon Providence Grad Kappa Psi Foundation Grossomanides Family Bonita and Brett Meagan Wilson Xi/Columbus Grad Advanced Rxy Concepts Arizona Grad Buffalo Grad
Minnesota Grad Boston Grad Texas Grad (18th Hole requested) West Virginia Grad Central Michigan Grad Mu Omicron Pi/Detroit Grad Paul Cyprus Auburn Grad Iowa Grad New Jersey Grad St. Louis Grad In Memory of Brother Lou Luzzi L.B. and Family Claudio Faria Kali Jernigan
Dr. Norman and Mary Campbell Mike Sherry Some-or-All Painting Gamma Delta/Ada Grad Dr. Katherine A. Kaye Sean Higgins Gamma Iota The Star-Van-DunsKiewicz Team(19th Hole) Charmaine and Bob Magarian Melissa O’Neill Dr. Eric Gupta Sanaz Farhadian Steve Weaver
Southeast Florida/Bahama Graduate Brothers Andrew Crowe Ashley and Beauman Dick Past Grand Regents Pocono Grad Province III Central New York Maszkiewicz Family Eric Sousa, Mike Cournoyer, Dave Caristi Psi Chapter Marjorie Showalter Pacific Grad Lou Diorio
Fall 2007
Tracy and Mike Haag Starvaggi Family Graubart Family Fletcher Nehring Province X Andy and Jessica Frasco Fahrenbruch Family Portland Graduate The Peanut Gallery Nebraska Graduate Louisiana Graduate Black Diamond Pharmacy Dave Dunson and Family Beta Kappa (2007 Chapter of the Year) Paul Knecht
Scott Long The Olster Family Foundation Board Members John Grossomanides, President Scott Long, Secretary Kenneth Kirk, Treasurer Robert Magarian Kenneth Roberts Joseph Roney Frank Cirrillo Norman A. Campbell M. Belinda Hardin Salvatore Giorgianni Brett Rathi
Kappa Psi means sharing the same shirt with a lot of new brothers! (Gamma Zeta, fall rush)
What does it mean to be a Kappa Psi Kappa Psi means pulling together on common projects with your brothers and best friends. ABOVE: The lean, mean Delta Xi team pulls together during the Greek Olympic tug-of-war on the Shenandoah University campus.
Kappa Psi Pharmaceutical Fraternity Southwestern Oklahoma State University 100 Campus Drive Weatherford, OK 73096
LEFT: Kappa Psi means networking. Gamma Theta brothers (L–R) Prajoel Karki, Derek Hyma, and Sean Hawkins have the opportunity to talk with Grand Regent LB Brown at GCC in Boston.
Non-Profit Organization
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