2 0 0 8
From the Grand Regent
Kappa Psi for Life Dear Brothers of Kappa Psi, As I write this letter, the fall semester is underway and so is pledging. This time of year always brings a smile to my face and warmth to my heart, as I see the bright young P1 students starting to get used to this whole pharmacy school environment, and the P2s walking around with pride in their step because they are no longer P1s. But the faces I enjoy seeing most are the P1 pledges for Kappa Psi. The sense of enthusiasm and pride they exhibit serves as a constant reminder of how great Kappa Psi really is. Think back, if you will, to your pledging days. Do you still remember the excitement you felt to be joining Kappa Psi? Maybe you had a friend who Lawrence Brown was going to join Kappa Psi, so you decided to Grand Regent pledge also. Or maybe you were a legacy and had heard about Kappa Psi since you were a kid, and couldn’t wait to be a Kappa Psi like your dad was. Or maybe you just thought that the Kappa Psi just seemed like a cool bunch of students to hang out with. Regardless of the impetus for your decision, I’m sure those days of pledging were filled with excitement and anticipation for the day you would become Kappa Psi. And it is those happy and joyous memories that I want you to think about. Is a smile coming to your face when you think of the day when you finally got to wear the Kappa Psi letters? I know I think fondly of that day. So what is the purpose of this trip down memory lane? Well, first off, I just thought it would be great for me to talk about something happy in one of my letters to you brothers. But secondly, I hoped to remind you of why you joined Kappa Psi in the first place.
I sometimes give the example that joining Kappa Psi is like getting married. Just think about it. When you get married, you say “till death do us part” and with us it’s “Kappa Psi for Life.” And just like in a marriage, things are not always great and there can be a tendency to grow out of love. There can be a tendency to focus more on the bad times than on the good ones. And after decades of being married, you may forget what you loved so much about your spouse in the first place. But if you remember that the bad times just make you appreciate the good times even more, and that even though things change, you can still find something you really love about Kappa Psi, then you can reinvigorate your relationship with Kappa Psi all over again. Don’t let the daily grind keep you from remembering that Kappa Psi is for Life and that there is still a lot of life left in Kappa Psi. So rekindle that Kappa Psi fire. Take the time to visit your old chapter or go to the Province meeting. It may feel uncomfortable at first, and you may think that you really don’t know Kappa Psi anymore. But if you just take that first step, you will find the Kappa Psi brothers to be as much fun and as cool a bunch of people as you remember. And if you weren’t all that crazy about the brothers in your collegiate chapter, the good news is that we have a whole new group of brothers for you to get to know. We need you to come back to us. Kappa Psi for Life doesn’t mean that Kappa Psi should be your whole life—just that it should always be a part of your life. At least that’s the way I think about it. Can’t wait to see you.
Lawrence “LB” Brown Proud to be Your Grand Regent
The Epsilon Epsilon chapter was installed August 23, 2008. Outside the Texas A&M College of Pharmacy is (L–R): Vishal Patel, Tu Nguyen, Thomas Garza, Michael Veronin, a statue of Representative Irma Rangel, dec., Lawrence Brown, Dan Ly, Kevin Vu, and Andrew Frasco. 2 MASK OF KAPPA PSI PHARMACEUTICAL FRATERNITY N Fall 2008
Contents The Foundation for Professionalism . . . 4 Remembrances . . . 6
Volume 105, Number 4, Fall 2008 Whole Number 420
2008 Scholarship Recipients. . . 8 PFA Awards . . . 9
Official Publication of the Kappa Psi Pharmaceutical Fraternity, Inc. Founded 1879 Incorporated 1903
2008 Grand Council Deputies Awards. . . 9 Chapter News . . . 10
A quarterly magazine maintained and published in the interests of the Fraternity, College, and University by The Kappa Psi Pharmaceutical Fraternity, Inc., 2060 North Collins, Suite 128, Richardson, TX 75080
Photo Album . . . 31 Epsilon Epsilon Chartering . . . 33 The Final Word: The Kappa Psi Life . . . 39
Web site: www.kappapsi.org. POSTMASTER—Send notice of undeliverable copies to Central Office, Kappa Psi Pharmaceutical Fraternity, Inc., 2060 North Collins, Suite 128, Richardson, TX 75080. The MASK is printed in the USA by Maury Boyd and Associates, Indianapolis, Indiana. Send information for publication directly to the Editor: Johnny Porter 16305 Dalmalley Dallas, TX 75248 (home) 972-490-5091 (work) 214-358-0263 (fax) 214-358-0746 (e-mail) JPORTERKY@aol.com
Chapter News on page 10 RIGHT: Brothers Kimberly Hoffmann, Kevin Brittain, and Marissa Semian have some ice cream during the Rush Ice Cream Social.
Scholarships and Awards on pages 8 & 9
Graduate brothers’ address corrections can be made at: www.kappapsi.org/national/main/ login.php?type=individual&referrerpage=y
LEFT: Three Gamma Kappa brothers read articles from the summer 2008 MASK.
Info to Editor
Winter ’09 Spring ’09
Summer ’09 Fall ’09
7/1/09 10/1/09
Brothers attend the Epsilon Epsilon chartering on page 33
On the Cover Surely Jack Frost is a brother. Why else would he paint these maple trees such a beautiful Kappa Psi red?
Epsilon Beta brothers Anupa Shah, Mike Gres, Josh Fugate, and Travis Dangerfield are driving buddies on the way to attend the Epsilon Epsilon chartering.
Fall 2008
The Foundation for By Kathryn V. Kropp, Regent (Delta Xi)
o many times we have heard it said that “Kappa Psi is a professional fraternity.” At the various chapter meetings, Province conclaves and even GCC, if we collected a dollar for each time someone said, “Kappa Psi is a professional fraternity,” there would be no reason to sell raffle tickets to raise money. If you’ve heard it once, you’ve heard it a thousand times. But what does it really mean? How do we make it more of a real practice and less of a slogan? What is the true definition of Kappa Psi professionalism? While there are varied definitions of the terms “professional and professionalism,” the Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary has a very concise explanation of these terms. It defines “professional” as: “relating to, or characteristic of a profession; characterized by or conforming to the technical or ethical standards of a profession; exhibiting a courteous, conscientious, and generally businesslike manner in the workplace; engaged in by persons receiving financial return; following a line of conduct as though it were a profession.” The same resource defines the term “professionalism” as: “The conduct, aims, or qualities that characterize or mark a profession or a professional person.” The ideas that are offered by Merriam-Webster are all correct, and I am sure that many of my fellow students can’t wait until we can join those who are “engaged in receiving financial gain” within the profession of pharmacy. But the two I would like to concen-
trate on are “characterized by or conforming to the technical or ethical standards of a profession” and “the conduct, aims, or qualities that characterize or mark a profession or a professional person.” You see, while the rest of these definitions deal with what a person does, these two definitions deal with who a person is. It appears clear to me now that true professionalism deals more with the character and discipline of a Kappa Psi and goes beyond the programs and events that we do as brothers. As humans, we become the habits that we practice, and the only way for Kappa Psi to truly be a professional fraternity is for our habits and daily practices to become more than meaningless rituals. They have to become active parts of our character and seen as natural expressions of who we are as a Fraternity. So where does this all begin? How can our chapters produce “professional Kappa Psi brothers” from the diverse backgrounds and personalities that our Brotherhood is selected from? It seems clear that the process of developing professionalism begins with the proper level of discipline within the chapter. The use of our Rituals and adherence to our Constitution and By-Laws can aid in helping our brothers realize the value found in being “characterized by or conforming to the ethical standards of Kappa Psi.” When we can teach discipline through proper pledging processes,
Professionalism and proper methods of conducting our chapter business, it will help all brothers to value “the conduct, aims, or qualities that characterize or mark... the ideals of Kappa Psi.” Our chapters may not hold the answers for every issue, but they are the foundation upon which we will be able to build stronger, more professional brothers. While every chapter will add its own accent to the process, if we continue to honor the traditions of Kappa Psi, we will be on the way to producing brothers who are professionals, rather than ones who merely act professionally. When we learn to honor things such as being on time to meetings, and utilizing our Password and Grip, we will be able to appreciate that true professionals all have identifying and unifying practices, which hold special significance. If our brothers can learn to respect our history, our commitment to community service, and proud
legacy of leadership, they will understand how important it is for us to represent Kappa Psi with dignity and professionalism in all areas of life. We can build brothers who are truly professional if we encourage our chapters to be more professional in how they handle their meetings, socials and events. Kappa Psi will be more of a “professional fraternity” when we as brothers will be equipped by our chapters to be more professional, rather than having to act more professionally. As a regent, I know that it can be hard, but the chapter is where it all begins, or ends, depending on whether you are successful or not. So let’s all do our best to encourage activities and ideals that will help to strengthen the foundations of professionalism in our chapter.
Fall 2008
Remembrances This series of articles, written by Past National Officers of the Fraternity, will appear frequently. The purpose of this series is to let the members of Kappa Psi see what the Fraternity was like when some of our past officers were in leadership roles. I hope this is an enjoyable trip down memory lane. —Johnny Porter, Editor of THE MASK
By Tony Palmieri, Editor Emeritus, Past Grand Regent
Blessed with Mentors and Fond Memories
hen I was initiated into Kappa Psi (Beta Epsilon, University of Rhode Island), I was blessed to have two great mentors, Dr. George Osborne and Dr. Norman Campbell. They immediately instilled in me that being a brother carried responsibilities: to the profession, to my brothers, and, most importantly, to myself. To an impressionable young man, these two brothers were role models who shaped my life. I took my responsibilities very seriously since I was the first of my family to have even graduated from high school, let alone being a professional. I knew then that I needed to give back to my profession and to my Fraternity that would help me succeed. My brothers and mentors had more faith in me than I had in myself. In 1980, I was lucky enough to have had the opportunity to be appointed as editor of THE MASK. Then Grand Regent, Dewey Garner had confidence in me and allowed me to be the editor. That appointment began my being able to give back to our Fraternity in a concrete manner. I was editor for 15 years. I consider that time to have been when I made my greatest contribution
Tony at the 2003 GCC in San Diego.
to our beloved Fraternity. With the support of the Grand Regents, the Executive Committee, and Executive Director Bob Magarian, I was able to publish 60 issues on time and within budget. The years that Bob and I spent as employees of the Fraternity, as well as brothers, were most enjoyable. We comforted and supported each other at every opportunity. Never once did Bob have a negative word to say about anyone. I had the opportunity to work with many Grand Regents, each having their own strengths; but they were always supportive of our efforts and each did what they thought was best for Kappa Psi. I have favorite memories
of all of them, especially WR Smith, who made the Fraternity his life’s work, and Pat Wells, who always took his role seriously but had the great ability to laugh at himself and sometimes, in a gentle, loving way, laughed at me. All of the Grand Regents I worked with were supportive, understanding, and committed to doing a great job. I was lucky to have been elected president of the College Fraternity Editors Association, a group of editors of fraternal organizations. Like every group I join, I also was committed to the cause and was honored to receive the Marilyn S. Ford Award given for exceptional service to the association. When I
Only Tony could make this hat look good!
Tony with former Executive Director Don Florridia at the 1997 GCC.
decided that it was time to step down as editor, our Fraternity was lucky to have Brother Porter step in as editor. He does a wonderful job, taking THE MASK to the highest level in fraternal journalism. Being an editor is not an easy task. There are deadlines, recalcitrant chapters, and always budgetary constraints. When I left the editorship, I was left with a void in my Kappa Psi life so I ran for the office of Grand Historian. History has always been a passionate hobby for me, so it was a natural fit. The more senior brothers will easily remember that this was not my first foray into running for national office, as I had been an unsuccessful candidate many times before. In truth, losing those elections taught me a lot about myself and my commitment to our Fraternity. I then was lucky enough to continue serving on the EC as Grand Vice Regent and then elected as Grand Regent in San Diego. As Grand Regent, I found my best supporters and, when needed, my greatest critics in the Past Grand Regents. They were always effusive in their praise and gentle in their criticism. So in total, on a national level, I served Kappa Psi for 24 years. As I reflected on this topic of my memories, I was continually struck by the fact that the future of our Fraternity was in great shape in that the newer brothers had the same hopes and dreams and commitment we all have. I have many fond memories of being Grand Regent. The Providence Graduate chapter anniversary dinners were probably the highlight as I reflect. It is not that they
Tony at GCC in 2003.
Tony and friends at the 2001 GCC in Florida.
were overly grandiose, well attended or pompous. They are my favorite because the Graduate chapter would give scholarships to brothers in the name of Norm Campbell, George Osborne, and Peter Feeney, a brother who passed away soon after graduating. The most emotional time of my Grand Regent service was presenting the Order of the Golden Mortar Award to Brother Anthony Solomon. Also in attendance was another brother who had already received his Golden Mortar, John Campoli. Now, many of you will not know these two brothers, but they were instrumental in my becoming a pharmacist. They owned pharmacies in my neighborhood; they were my family pharmacists. I did not know they were Kappa Psi brothers; they did not realize they were influencing my life. So even as Fall 2008
a child, Kappa Psi brothers were influencing my life, as they would forever—all the Kappa Psi Brothers. You should realize that you influence others even when you do not expect to. I would be remiss if I did not mention the other brother whom I presented a Golden Mortar to that same night ... Brother Norm Campbell. With tears in my eyes and a grateful heart, when I presented Brother Norm with his Golden Mortar certificate, I felt the full circle of life, the giving back, the true bonds of Brotherhood as I was able to honor him for his fraternal friendship. He re-instilled in me that Kappa Psi is for life. I again thank all the brothers of our beloved Fraternity for allowing me to serve our Order and allowing me the privilege of calling you brother.
2008 Scholarship Recipients
Adele Reichel Epsilon
Michael Schroeder Epsilon
Kelly Valla Chi
Tami Houser Delta Rho
Antionia Edgar Delta Pi
Allison Palmer Delta Delta
The Scholarship Winners for 2008 are: Mathew Sapko, Beta Kappa/Pittsburgh Adele Reichel, Epsilon/Minnesota Alexander Pham, Mu/Massachusetts College of Pharmacy Michael Schroeder, Epsilon/Minnesota Kelly Valla, Chi/Illinois-Chicago Allison Palmer, Delta Delta/Houston Tami Houser, Delta Rho/Nova Southeastern Matthew Duff, Gamma Psi/Mercer Erin Carey, Delta Sigma/Midwestern Glendale Antionia Edgar, Delta Pi/Texas Tech
2008 Grand Council Deputies Awards
PFA Awards by Latha Radhakrishnan
On behalf of the Public Relations Committee, it is my pleasure to announce that Kappa Psi Pharmaceutical Fraternity was the recipient of two 2008 Professional Fraternity Association (PFA) awards. Dr. Dewey Duane Garner was the recipient of the 2008 Career Achievement Award. The Career Achievement Award honors a distinguished full member of the Fraternity who participates actively on a regular or continuing basis. This person is of national or international renown, and actively engaged in the Fraternity’s discipline. Brother Garner has made numerous contributions to not only Kappa Psi, but also to the pharmacy profession. As a Kappa Psi brother, Dr. Garner is a former Grand Regent of the Fraternity. He has also served on numerous committees throughout the years. As a faculty member, Brother Garner has published more than 100 articles in several journals. Dr. Garner has been funded for several grants and contracts. He has also provided numerous continuing education articles. These are just a few examples of Brother Garner’s achievements. He is truly a tribute to our Fraternity. The brothers of the Delta Rho chapter were the recipients of the 2008 Outstanding Community Service Award. The Outstanding Community Service Award recognizes a group chapter that has dedicated personal and financial support for the betterment of that chapter’s community. Delta Rho is committed to providing excellent service to their community. They actively participate in numerous fundraising and community service projects throughout the academic year. They participate in walk-a-thons, perform road cleanups, collect Toys for Tots, volunteer at the local Ronald McDonald House and the Multiple Sclerosis Foundation, raise money for charity organizations, do poison prevention presentations, and brighten the days of children at local hospitals. Tami Houser, National Philanthropy Committee co-chair and chapter corresponding secretary (past two years), is to be acknowledged for all of her hard work. The Public Relations Committee would like to thank all the brothers who identified and/or nominated brothers for the PFA awards. Please join me in congratulating Dr. Dewey Garner and the brothers of Delta Rho. On behalf of Kappa Psi, we are so proud to be your brothers! Fall 2008
The Grand Council Deputy Development Committee is pleased to announce the winners of the Grand Council Deputy Outstanding Achievement Award and the Grand Council Deputy Certificate of Excellence Awards for 2008. These awards have been developed to recognize the outstanding accomplishments and hard work of our Grand Council Deputies. The Fraternity recognizes that to be a good Grand Council Deputy (GCD), it takes time and energy away from other activities like family and other professional responsibilities. These awards from the Fraternity for the GCDs will provide recognition in their professional careers. Grand Council Deputy Outstanding Achievement Award for 2008: Eric Gupta– Epsilon Gamma Grand Council Certificate of Excellence Awards for 2008: Michael Adams– Delta Lambda Peter Brody– Gamma Iota Bradley Cannon– Chi Thomas W. Smith– Gamma Pi Ed Soltis– Iota Chad Vandenberg– Gamma Psi Louis Williams– Delta Delta We congratulate all of you for your commendable work with our Fraternity and collegiate chapters! Thank you again to all of our GCDs for all of the great work you are doing for Kappa Psi! —Deanna McDanel, Delta Zeta Co-GCD and Gary Van Riper, Gamma Kappa Co-GCD, Co-Chairs, GCD Development Committee
Chapter News Delta Eta brothers pose to show their Kappa Psi colors.
University of Minnesota Founded 4/30/1928 College of Pharmacy 5-130 Weaver Densford Hall 308 Harvard Street S.E. Minneapolis, MN 55455-0343
Epsilon brothers enjoying the great outdoors on their annual weekend camping trip. 10 MASK OF KAPPA PSI PHARMACEUTICAL FRATERNITY N Fall 2008
Another year at the College of Pharmacy has begun and Kappa Psi Epsilon chapter is ready to continue our service projects, promote the profession of pharmacy, and have fun together as brothers. With a newly elected executive board, we have many fresh ideas to make this year even better. For example, we implemented a technology committee which is helping to build a Web site where brothers in our chapter can visit to learn about upcoming philanthropy projects and social events. Gone are the paper sign-ups, as the Web site allows brothers to register for the events online. Along with a new eboard, we are looking forward to welcoming new brothers to our chapter this fall. Currently, we have 16 students participating in the
pledging process. We are very excited to welcome them into the Fraternity. To recap our summer activities, several brothers volunteered at Camp SuperKids, a camp for children with asthma. Epsilon also prepared and served a delicious meal at the Ronald McDonald House near the University of Minnesota campus. Both events resulted in much success, and we will continue to participate in these service activities this coming year. We continued to staff the dispensing pharmacy at the free, student-run Phillips Neighborhood Clinic (PNC) throughout the summer, which serves patients in need of health care and essential medications who could otherwise not afford it. A new addition to that project this year is all Kappa Psi PNC volunteers will be participating in at least one community outreach project organized through the clinic to increase awareness in the surrounding community and get to know the volunteers from other health professional
Chapter News
A group of Epsilon brothers working hard at the Minneapolis Metrodome during a Twins game to fundraise for the chapter.
Iota Brothers Will Lake (left) and Rob Hodges enjoy Iota’s Rush Week paintball game.
programs. Another exciting note about the PNC, two of our brothers, Terri Swan and Maria Henriksen, helped create a grant proposal for a national competition. Their team was awarded one of three national grants totaling close to $18,000 to help fund the project! An important part of summer and fall for Kappa Psi Epsilon chapter is our fundraising by working at the Metrodome during Minnesota Twins baseball games. This is our main way of raising money to help contribute to causes we support throughout the year and help fund our many service activities. We also had fun this summer with a few social activities. In June, brothers checked out a Saint Paul Saints baseball game with the Minnesota Grad chapter; we enjoyed pregame tailgating and an exciting ball game. As a chapter, we also organized a camping excursion where brothers bonded while enjoying the great outdoors. Toward the end of the summer, a unique event was organized by our social chair, dubbed “Retro Night,” which entailed eating at an old-fashioned diner followed by a drive-in movie. In September, a group of brothers got together to go apple picking at a local orchard. It was a beautiful day for a hayride and fresh apples along with navigating through a giant corn maze. —Katie Pokorny
the spring semester of 2008. Due to circumstances beyond his control, he was unable to complete the process at the time. Since returning to school in the fall, he has shown a genuine desire to join Kappa Psi. The pledging process was continued, and we are now proud to call him a brother. Our last fundraising event was the Kappa Psi Annual Golf Tournament that was held in the spring. The event was a huge success and we were able to raise $3,000 for the ALS Society of
Rho chapter brothers enjoyed a night of burgers and chicken at a Back to School Barbecue.
Virginia Commonwealth University Founded 7/30/1921 School of Pharmacy P.O. Box 980533 410 N. 12 Street Richmond, VA 23298-0001
Our chapter has done much over the past months, and we plan to continue to do great things. This month we have inducted a brother, Cory Grove, into our Fraternity. Cory originally began pledging in
Fall 2008
Richmond. Our next fundraiser that we will host is our annual Chili Cook-Off on October 27. Last year’s turnout was great and we expect even more support this year. Our greatest achievement this summer is the resurrection of the Century Club. The Century Club is comprised of active alumni from the chapter who still help support us both financially and professionally. All members of the club will have their name engraved on a plaque to be hung at the VCU School of
Chapter News
Pharmacy beside our composite. Socially, we have continued to have weekly dinners with a great brother and alumni turnout. On October 27, several brothers and a few of our Kappa Epsilon sisters braved the Gauley River in West Virginia. Soaked to the bone, we returned triumphantly after dominating the pathetic class V rapids. —Jacob Hyatt and David Trinh
Medical University of South Carolina Founded 11/29/1927 The College of Pharmacy 280 Calhoun Street Charleston, SC 29425
The first month of the school year has been a very busy month for the brothers of Iota. Even before rush, our membership had already expanded by one, as we welcomed James Lech, who transferred from Gamma Xi to Iota for his first year of pharmacy school. We had the largest rush turnout in recent memory. The brothers hosted several activities during Rush Week, including competing in a local trivia contest, bowling, and paintball. At the end of the week, we extended 17 bids to first-year students. The pledges will be actively involved in the National Pledge Project of helping to locate alumni brothers who are not currently active in Kappa Psi. The current brothers of Iota are also actively expanding our alumni relations, and published our first
alumni newsletter this fall. If you are an alumnus of Iota, please contact us to reconnect with our current activities. If you are an alumnus in the Charleston, South Carolina, area, you might see many of the collegiate brothers in Santa suits in local pubs on the 21st of November for the Christmas Crawl for charity. This event was organized last year by Brother Marcus Dean and raised more than $3,000 for a local children’s charity for Christmas gifts. This year, the event has been adopted by MUSC Student Government, and we expect it to be even bigger. Iota regent William Shealy will be taking orders for a Kappa Psi flag featuring the coat of arms on a scarlet and gray background. Please contact regent Shealy at shealywi@musc.edu for more information. We are very lucky at Iota to have some outstanding faculty brothers serving as ambassadors for the Fraternity and our profession. Dr. James Sterrett, along with several of our collegiate brothers, volunteered a week’s worth of time and energy over the summer at a local camp for children with diabetes. We are also honored to have Dr. Ed Soltis as our GCD. This year, Dr. Soltis was honored by the Grand Council with a Grand Council Certificate of Excellence Award for 2008. The brothers are grateful for all your help and are happy to congratulate you on your award! —Kevin Curler
Massachusetts College of Pharmacy Founded 3/4/1907 SGA Office c/o Kappa Psi 179 Longwood Avenue Boston, MA 02115
The annual Mission Hill Road Race is always a fun event within the Mission Hill neighborhood. Since proceeds go to benefit the Kevin W. Fitzgerald Park, the race is a great way to volunteer and better the local community. Different groups of people from the area come together to help make the event a success. This year’s race, held September 20, was no different and the brothers of Mu chapter were glad to be a part of it again. The brothers who were able to attend were happy to help out, with half of the group running in the race and half volunteering to hold signs, hand out water, and even direct traffic. While we were there primarily to show support for the community, we also put our best effort forth in the race. One brother’s hard work and determination paid off as our own James Henschke finished in the top 20 (out of 237) with a time of 21 minutes, 4.39 seconds. In other news, Mu chapter will be hosting various social and educational events on the MCPHS campus in the coming weeks. We’re planning on having a poker tournament on October 10 at school as a break from the grueling study schedule most students undertake,
with a “To Be Decided” prize for the winner. We will also be hosting two Monday Night Football games for all the NFL fans out there. Mu chapter also has tentative plans to sponsor a guest lecturer on the subject of Business in Pharmacy. The brothers of Mu hope that your semester has gotten off to a good start, and we hope to see some of you at the Province I meeting in New York City. —Jensen Varghese
The Ohio State University Founded 5/21/1925 College of Pharmacy 500 W. 12th Ave. Columbus, OH 43210-1291
With the start of fall quarter, Xi chapter brothers have been busy getting ready for pledge season, and we are excited to see what the 2008–2009 school year will bring. We would like to congratulate the newly appointed officers: Lindsey Corbett (regent), Lauren Giffin (vice regent), Jess DelRe (secretary), Sara Kamalay (treasurer), Jen Murdock (chaplain), Lara Wiley (historian), Brian Thone (sergeant at arms), and Megan Lienau (pharmacy council representative). The Ohio State University College of Pharmacy held an organizational fair for the incoming P1 students, and Kappa Psi brothers were able to get more than 40 names of students interested in becoming members of Kappa Psi. Future pledge events include a
Recognize these Iota brothers? This photo is from the Waring Historical Library at MUSC. If you recognize any of these handsome fellows, please let the brothers of Iota know.
Chapter News
University of Maryland Founded 3/27/1924 School of Pharmacy 20 N. Pine Street Baltimore, MD 21201
Pi chapter pledges (bottom row L–R): Dalya Younan, Anthony Lam, Beth Gelhausen, Samaneh Kabul, Chara Dubin, Sarah Cox, Jennifer Anderson, Ally Mason, and Sarah Mason; (top row L–R): Jacquelyn Sandu, Brogan Mehringer, Eric Jankowski, Shannon Eaves, Navid Hojatti, Nate Windsor, Kip Kyburz, and Aaron Kuntz. social at BW3s, a cookout at Fred Beekman Park on campus, and a social at McFaddens. Our diligent chaplain, Jen Murdock, has been planning volunteer activities for the upcoming year. Future activities include gardening and lawn care at the Unverferth House, serving meals at the Mid-Ohio Food Bank, and visiting the Capital Area Humane Society to bake treats for the animals eager to be adopted. Xi chapter would like to thank Province V officers Erin Walsh, Tim Borowiak, and Eric Geyer for coming to visit our chapter. Along with Andy Frasco, Grand Counselor, and fellow Xi brothers, they volunteered at the annual Night Moves race which benefits the March of Dimes organization. It was great meeting all of you and we look forward to seeing you at Kappa Psi events in the future. —Lara Wiley
Rho chapter hosted a night of a barbecue for those interested in joining Kappa Psi.
Purdue University
University of Kansas
Founded 6/11/1928
Founded 4/23/1932
1330 Heine Pharm. Bldg. Room 156 West Lafayette, IN 47906-1330
Room 2056, Malott Hall 1251 Wescoe Hall Drive Lawrence, KS 66045
Pi chapter has had a great start to our fall semester. We have already completed two fundraising projects including Top 300 Drug Cards and T-shirt sales. We have quite a few Boilermakers as new pledges this year. Seventeen pledges were recently pinned. The rest of the pledge program should be extraordinarily fun. —Jessicia Hermes
Rho chapter kicked off the year with a Back-to-School barbecue for all returning brothers. We also hosted a night of volleyball and grilling out for prospective members, though the volleyball was postponed due to rain. We had a great turnout at both events, so we know this will be a wonderful year for our chapter. Brothers are busy planning this year’s initiation and
initiation week activities. We are revamping our annual scavenger hunt to make it an on-campus event. During initiation week, pledges dress up to daily themes including Jayhawk Fanatic, Superhero Day, and Country Club Day. This year, all pledges must complete a community service activity before initiation. One group is busy organizing an athletic toy drive for the YMCA. The toys will help kids get active by promoting physical activity. We hope this year will be our best year yet! —Jia Yin Feng
Fall 2008
With the start of the new school year, things here at UMB School of Pharmacy have been anything but quiet. Sigma entered the fall semester as the top chapter in Province III, a distinction that we are all proud and ecstatic about! Coasting on this great news, brothers here strengthened their fraternal bonds once again by taking part in ongoing successful fundraisers, including working at the Baltimore Ravens football games. With the enormous interest in Kappa Psi growing more and more everyday at our campus, working at these food stands has allowed our chapter to fund various Kappa Psi events, making them both successful and the talk of the town. Brother Chai Wang and his Big Brother Kevin Brady kept the well oiled machinery of feeding hungry Ravens fans running smoothly, as brothers unite to continually impress. Rush season is underway here at Sigma chapter, and to strengthen the core of our Fraternity, brothers have been working tirelessly to ignite interest and respect in Kappa Psi. Rush events included a delicious barbecue, a rousing Casino/Game Night, and a nice anything but low-key luau. As word spread around campus about Kappa Psi’s exciting and wholesomely fun events, more and more pharmacy students came by to enjoy the good food and good company. During this rush season, brothers here at Sigma have had the chance to reflect on the simplest questions, “Who is Kappa Psi and what do we do?” Sigma chapter is proud to have some of the busiest student pharmacists on campus. More than 90 of the 115 brothers of Kappa Psi belong to at least one organization at the University of Maryland at Baltimore. Sigma brothers hold a number of office positions in other organizations, including presidential positions in 17 of the 21 organizations on campus for the 2008–2009 school year. These organizations included large chapters such as APhA, AMCP, PLS, ASCP, NCPA, RX, and ASHP. Despite busy schedules, brothers
Chapter News
Psi Brothers Katrina Maggi, Dave Dixon, and Adam Garner at the annual luau. still focus their efforts on important projects for the profession and the community. Brown bag training and sessions have been scheduled and planned, and Kappa Psi is poised to reach out to the community to further the development of the Personal Medication Record. Sigma designed a special decal to alert EMTs and other emergency response workers about patients participating in the PMR program. It is not difficult to see that brothers here are getting back into the swing of things, pushing forward as usual. Things coming up for Sigma chapter include Hope Lodge dinners during which brothers prepare a home cooked meal for chemotherapy patients at the University Hospital. On the plate for this year’s event is an entirely new realm for some brothers: entertainment. Wish us luck! —Julie Nguyen
brothers, including the meet the brothers date auction and the annual pledge retreat. Our meet the brothers date auction raised more than $1,000 for the Make-A-Wish Foundation. We are also currently doing service projects with Habitat for Humanity to build homes for people in need. Also, we are very proud and excited about the continuing growth of our Knoxville campus chapter. Although we are separated by more than 350 miles, Knoxville brothers still made it to several rush events and hosted a football tailgate party for one of the UT games. We are also planning on having a weekend retreat in the wonderful Smoky Mountains later this fall, where Knoxville and Memphis brothers will be reunited! —Elisa Giroux
Founded 9/23/1910
University of Tennessee Founded 10/9/1925 College of Pharmacy 31 S. Barksdale Memphis, TN 38104
This year started off with a great rush! Events included the annual luau, karaoke, a Redbirds baseball game, dinner/game night, and last but not least—the fall semiformal. We are proud to announce that we have 81 wonderful pledges who are just as enthusiastic about Kappa Psi as the brothers. Pledges have had several opportunities to become better acquainted with the
Beta Gamma
University of California— San Francisco College of Pharmacy 1499-5th Avenue San Francisco, CA 94122
In San Francisco, September, October and early November herald an “Indian Summer” of sunny blue skies and warm clear nights— the perfect weather to kick start a lineup of exciting new events and time-tested traditions that further strengthen the Kappa Psi Brotherhood here at UCSF. Over the summer, Beta Gamma was in attendance at the Province Interim Meeting recently held in Albuquerque, New Mexico, and as always, was inspired by the strong
Psi chapter pledges and brothers raised more than $1,000 for the MakeA-Wish Foundation at their date auction.
A few Epsilon brothers having fun at the Afton Apple Orchard. bonds of brotherhood that run deep on all levels. We would like to thank the brothers of Gamma Rho for being excellent hosts. The brothers of Beta Gamma would also like to take this opportunity to congratulate our very own immediate past regent, Aaron Prince, in his new position as Province IX Development Chair. Beta Gamma is excited for another year beginning with a series of great rush events. Before classes were even in session, Beta Gamma began the first rush event welcoming the incoming class in our annual Bi-Frat Dinner/Dessert Social. Our brothers came out for the opportunity to mingle and meet with the first-year students and
answer any questions they might have about what Kappa Psi means to them. Delicious homemade desserts were personalized with Kappa Psi lettering (Rice Crispy treats and double-layered pumpkin cakes donned the monogram) and tables were manned by enthusiastic brothers in an array of scarlet and cadet gray. Excited first years socialized amongst themselves and our brothers while in line for the grand centerpiece—a chocolate fondue fountain surrounded by the likes of strawberries, red velvet cake balls, angelfood cake, marshmallows and more. The second event of the quarter was the hosting of a tailgate party for the Giants vs. Dodgers game at AT&T
Chapter News
TOP LEFT: Over cards and candy, Brothers Caitlin Corker and Sue Pak talk about what it means to be a Sigma brother during Casino Night. RIGHT: Sigma ladies reunite to recruit at Kappa Psi’s annual luau. brothers and pledges have participated in several community service events, including the September Stride and the Light the Night Walk. Beta Eta brothers have also taken time to have a little fun. We traveled to see the Pittsburgh Pirates play the Houston Astros as well as hosted a tailgate for the WVU vs. Marshall football game. —Jessica Kreger
This last event is especially exciting as it gives us the opportunity to reach out to our alumni and ask for their help in showing that the Brotherhood extends beyond our time spent here in school. Kappa Psi Brotherhood is for Life. —Vida Vongvanith
Beta Eta
West Virginia University Founded 5/16/1925 Health Sciences North Morgantown, WV 26506
Beta Eta is off to a great semester! We are currently in the process of initiating new pledges. We are very excited about getting to know all of them as they go through the pledging process. Thus far, our
Founded 11/21/1914 School of Pharmacy 2500 California Plaza Omaha, NE 68178-0001
Founded 3/26/1913
Beta Nu is excited to welcome our new GCD, Dr. Emily Sexson. We are looking forward to working with her. The brothers of Beta Nu want to thank our former GCD, Dr. Michael Makoid, for his years of service to our chapter. We will miss working with him. The school year is off to a great start. We had a busy but great rush period. The P1s and P2s were introduced to Kappa Psi at a Barrett’s Barleycorn social, barbecue, Old Chicago night, and a lunch meeting. After pledging, where 24 P1s and P2s accepted a bid, we went out for ice cream at Ted and Wally’s to get to know each other better. We are excited to get to know the pledges and teach them the ideals of Kappa Psi. We have already had some great pledge events including a bonfire at a faculty brother’s house. We are looking forward to the many activities we have planned for the fall, some of which are serving dinner at Ronald McDonald House, Pinky Presentations, and attending conclave. —Allison Strobel
School of Pharmacy 228 Salk Hall Pittsburgh, PA 15213
Ballpark. The tailgate party consisted of barbecue burgers and wiffleball fun in the park just around the corner from the game. First-year students were surprised with a third quarter scoreboard announcement welcoming the “UCSF Kappa Psi Rush 2008!� The Vegas Game Night rush event was also a big success as board games, karaoke, poker, and Wii kept all entertained long into the night. Beta Gamma is only just beginning and a couple of events lined up for the rest of the quarter include a Welcome Back Party at Temple Nightclub in downtown San Francisco, a cozy Make Your Own Pizza/Movie Night, a Bonfire at Ocean Beach, and Intern Night.
Beta Nu
Creighton University
Beta Kappa
University of Pittsburgh
Beta Kappa brothers have fun at the corn maze.
hope to see many familiar faces as well as make connections with new brothers from the area during a weekend of learning and plenty of fun. Also with the new semester, Beta Kappa held three different rush events to seek out new members. The first event was a lunch and slide show for new students to mingle with brothers and learn about some of the activities we do as a chapter. The next event was held at Shootz cafÊ where students and brothers played pool and socialized over some awesome food. Finally, the brothers held a picnic at the chapter house to wrap things up and get to know the students in a more laid-back setting. Immediately following the end of rush, brothers gathered again at the house to celebrate with the 29 potential new pledges. We look forward to an exciting pledge period. —Anna-Marie Oakes
With fall in full swing, the brothers of Beta Kappa have been keeping busy with studying and tons of activities. Everyone celebrated the beginning of another eventful year and the return from summer at the annual Back to School party. There were tons of familiar faces and the newest pharmacy students got their first glimpse at what Kappa Psi is all about. Starting out the school year right, the brothers have begun their weekly blood pressure screenings and various bake dates at Family House. Another annual project taking place this fall was the brothers’ collaboration with grad brothers to set up a very seasonally appropriate corn maze at their parents’ farm. Furthermore, many brothers have been actively participating in organizing the APhA-ASP Midyear Regional Meeting that will be held here in Pittsburgh in mid-October. And everyone is also looking forward to the Province II convention to be held the first weekend in October in Pittsburgh as well. We Fall 2008
Chapter News
Beta Xi University of North Carolina Founded 5/1/1915 208 Finley Golf Course Road Chapel Hill, NC 27514
The brothers of the Beta Xi chapter have been busy with many events this semester. We had a very successful rush period. We began rush at the Pharmacy School Carnival where we set up a booth to inform the pharmacy students about how awesome Kappa Psi is and the opportunities that our chapter holds. We also hosted many other different events during rush, including a Pig Pickin’ held at our chapter’s house; a Pharmacy School Information Session to inform undergraduate students about applying to pharmacy school; a community service/game night held at our house; a night at Charlie Goodnight’s Comedy Club; and a UNC football game. Our rush period concluded with our annual Beach Blast Party that allows brothers and rushees to get to know one another better. We have just concluded the rush period and have eight promising pledges: three guys in their first professional year and five girls in undergrad. Our chapter has been hard at work with fundraising and philanthropy. We have been working at the UNC Hospital pharmacies doing inventory and date-checking drugs in order to raise money for the Brotherhood. Additionally, we have made hotdogs and served them at the Ronald McDonald House which houses families who cannot afford a hotel while their children are in the hospital. We are also participating in Adopt-aHighway and are still actively involved with tobacco cessation on the UNC campus. We participated in “Fit Wellness into Your Day” on campus and educated students on ways to stop smoking. Our professional activities are also keeping our chapter busy. Our chapter hosted a Pharmaceutical Industry Panel within the School of Pharmacy earlier in the semester. We invited speakers from different areas of the industry to educate pharmacy students about the opportunities held in that aspect of pharmacy. We had great participation from both the students and the speakers for this event. Our chapter has also recently become a part of
LEFT: Beta Gamma brothers surprised the new class with a scoreboard announcement during the third inning welcoming “UCSF Kappa Psi Rush 2008!” TOP: Beta Gamma brothers Trevor Luke, Paul Takamoto, Jeremiah Gitiha, and Kamal Sandhu pose for the camera. the Recruitment Ambassador program. Brothers from our chapter will be visiting high schools in the Chapel Hill area and will also be talking to organizations on the UNC campus to promote the profession of pharmacy. We will be giving presentations to educate students about the pharmacy program with aspirations that they will pursue pharmacy as a career. The purpose of this program is to inform more people about the opportunities the UNC pharmacy program and pharmacy career in general offer. By doing this, we hope to increase the applicant pool at UNC to allow for a better selection of candidates for the School of Pharmacy. The Beta Xi chapter is looking forward to our Alumni Day which will be held at our house. The day will include food, socializing, and the UNC football game against Notre Dame. We are very excited to see our alumni and hear what has been happening in their lives lately. We have had a great start to the year and hope to accomplish many things this semester! —Lauren Annas
Beta Pi
Washington State University Founded 4/18/1916 College of Pharmacy Wegner Room 155 Pullman, WA 99164-6510
The Beta Pi brothers would like to welcome the new officers to the chapter: Janice Louie (regentelect), Jane Hong (vice regentelect), Andrea Dickens (secretaryelect), Cris Lai (treasurer-elect), Ji Yeun Ku (historian-elect), Sandy Chau (chaplain-elect), Cappie
Active Beta Nu brothers enjoy getting to know the potential pledges at a barbecue at a brother’s house: (L–R) Pledge Jessica Reed, Brothers Jenn Murphy, Denise Emmert, Ann Foede, Lesley Bravin, and Phil Lorhan. Smith (sergeant at arms-elect), Krista Aspaas (community service chair-elect), Sherry Whitely (social chair-elect), Brianna Boland (fundraising chair-elect), and Christina Ree and Janine Mansour (Web site coordinators). Also, we would like to extend our welcome to Dr. Travis Sonnet (Grand Council Deputy) who will be assisting our current Grand Council Deputy, Dr. Cathy Elstad. During this past month, the officers and advisors of Beta Pi kept busy planning for an exciting and even better year yet. At the beginning of
September, Kappa Psi and PPSO held an annual “welcome back barbecue” at Kreugal Park with delicious food and fun in the sun for students, family, friends and faculty members. During the same weekend, brothers organized a car wash at Dissmores in an effort to help the cost of initiation fees and buy canned food items for the ongoing canned food drive. To start off this year, we have reintroduced the “Big Brother Program.” The new initiates were paired off with a returning brother who would serve as a mentor to
Chapter News
and meet some more Kappa Psi brothers. The brothers plan to develop a committee for Midyear ’09 which we are so excited and honored to be hosting. This November some of our brothers will be participating in a Health Screening event that is being hosted by the College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences. Another philanthropy event this semester will be our annual trick-or-treat for canned goods in October with our new pledge class. —Niki Garden
Beta Phi
University of Cincinnati Founded 2/12/1927 College of Pharmacy Mail Location #4 Cincinnati, OH 45267
Beta Kappa brothers model their stripes. their little brother. We are pleased to start this year by initiating 32 new brothers to our chapter! Rush Week rushed on by but it was filled with memorable events. It included informational meetings, a campus scavenger hunt with a rewarding ice cream social at the end, and bowling night with a twist of “Special Olympics.” We finished off the Rush Week by inviting the new initiates and returning brothers to a colorful and vibrant luau-themed initiation party. Beta Pi brothers are always thinking of ways to serve the community. At the end of September, brothers volunteered at the seventh annual Family Caregiver Program at the Bishop Place retirement home in Pullman. They took part in blood pressure and blood glucose screenings, passed out flyers on immunizations, and answered questions from people who attended the conference. Also, we are still continuing our collection efforts of pop tabs for the Ronald McDonald House program and pink Yoplait lids for the Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure. Lastly, Beta Pi brothers expressed their ongoing brotherhood at the annual Pubcrawl in Spokane, Washington. The first-, second-, third- and fourth-year brothers were randomly split into six groups of 10 to complete a
detailed check-list by taking digital photos as evidence. At the end of the night, everyone was reunited at the final destination, which proved the night was a success! Beta Pi brothers are off to a great start and look forward to the upcoming events ahead! —Ji Yeun Ku
Beta Upsilon
Butler University Founded 2/27/1930 4600 Sunset Avenue Indianapolis, IN 46208
Our spring semester kicked off with an officer retreat which was attended by many past and present officers along with our two faculty advisors. The officers spent time going over goals for the semester, as well as planning some events, and are excited about the year ahead. Our first brotherhood event was an Indianapolis Indians game where we sat on the lawn and caught up from our summer away while watching the game. So far this semester, we have had three rush events which included an informal session for questions, a pizza party and spaghetti dinner. We have sent out bids for our new class of brothers and are excited to get to know them this semester. The brothers have also been making arrangements to attend Midyear in Cincinnati this October
As the new school year began for the Beta Phi chapter here in Cincinnati, we reflect on the last few months. With many brothers traveling away for the summer, those few who remained in the city decided to keep in touch through weekly Sunday night potluck dinners. Everyone brought a dish and we spent each evening catching up on the previous week. We also had our annual canoe trip in July at Whitewater River. Paddling eight miles down a river poses its challenges, especially when the water is low and full of fast rapids. Many of the canoes tipped, and it took a team effort to get everyone to the end with all their belongings intact. The chapter house got a thorough cleaning in September. Brothers prepared for a full day of yard work and house organizing. After more than six hours of trimming bushes, pushing mounds of limbs through a wood chipper, and cleaning out the basement, the house looks better than ever! Big thanks to all those who spent their Wednesday working hard. The end of summer signals the beginning of rush for the Beta Phi chapter. This year we have expanded our rush in order to hold more events for the incoming first years. Our first event was a huge success as we held a cookout/cornhole tournament at the Beta Phi house. We are excited about the upcoming quarter and all the events we have planned for our future pledges. The Province V Midyear is quickly approaching and the Beta Phi Fall 2008
brothers would like to give major thanks to Dan Fisher, Matt Bell, and Danielle Wright for all their very hard work in planning this event. It is sure to be very exciting and fun for all. We hope to see you all there. —Matt Bell
Beta Chi
Drake University Founded 5/3/1930 College of Pharmacy Cline Hall, 2507 University Avenue Des Moines, IA 50311-4505
Beta Chi has had a very busy start to the semester. We would like to congratulate our members who made dean’s list and president’s list for spring of 2008, and would also like to congratulate the P1s on receiving their white coats. As we began the semester, we started planning what we will participate in throughout the semester. We have started our rush and have had record numbers of people turn out for the rush events. We had a rush barbecue, a mini golf outing, an event at a local park where members had snacks and played games, and formal rush which is coming up. We have started planning philanthropic events such as the Light the Night Walk, cooking at Ronald McDonald House, and Night Eyes, which is a safe trick-or-treating opportunity for Des Moines area children at the Blank Park Zoo. We have also started promoting the awareness months in the College of Pharmacy by putting posters in a large display case. For fundraising, we are looking at selling Drake University Collage of Pharmacy and Health Sciences clothing right before the semester is over. We have also been very busy with preparations for conclave that will be in Des Moines in the spring. —Danelle Rollinger
Beta Psi
University of Wisconsin Founded 12/6/1919 414 Chestnut Street Madision, WI 53726
Beta Psi kicked off the the school year with a cookout for all the new pharmacy students at UW— Madison. With the charcoals hot and a few hundred burgers on the grill, the semester officially began. Before we were ready to begin studying, however, we enjoyed what was left of summer. Some of
Chapter News
the brothers from Beta Psi enjoyed the fireworks at Madison’s Rhythm and Booms, while a few more brothers traveled down to Chicago for La La Palooza. With the semester now underway, however, rushing has been off to a great start. Ice cream socials, cookouts, game nights, volleyball, and more interested our chapter’s potential pledges. Formal rush came in mid-September and the members all chipped in to cook a tasty Italian dinner to begin the pledge season. Our fall pledge class consists of eight pharmacy students, five of whom have decided to pledge during their second year of pharmacy school—Madison’s most difficult year academically. We look forward to getting to know all of our pledges and helping them through the challenges of pharmacy school as best we can. The pledge season will be a new and exciting one for all the brothers of Beta Psi. This will be the first season in our new Kappa Psi house, so we’ll have plenty of new memories to make and traditions to begin. For the next few months, however, our new home is under construction. It makes things interesting to get together at the house, but all the construction and chaos will be well worth it in the end. —Laura Hantak
Beta Omega
Temple University Founded 5/22/1930 1247 W. Allegheny Avenue Philadelphia, PA 19133
Kappa Psi Beta Omega has been very active and productive during this fall semester of 2008. Rushing is going very well, as there are a select number of students who have shown great interest in this Fraternity, which was evident at the pharmacy school picnic during the first week. Our annual kickoff party at the Beta Omega house was a huge success with a great turnout by current brothers, alumni, as well as a good number of first-year students. Beta Omega’s next rush event involved watching Monday Night Football at the Kappa Psi house. This brought a lot of the brothers together as most of us cheered on the Eagles in what was a very close game to the end. The rushees were provided pizza and
Beta Xi Brothers Tiffany Sims and Lauren Chambers at formal rush.
wings during the game and had a great time. The next Tuesday, the brothers took the rushees out to the Phillies game. The weather was great and we all had fun watching yet another nail-biter. Later in the week, Beta Omega, along with other pharmacy fraternities, took our rushees to an on-campus restaurant called the Draught Horse. The turnout was enormous, as many of the first-year students came together and members of each fraternity had fun. We look forward to our upcoming events and hope they are as successful as our previous ones have been. I am also proud to announce that Beta Omega’s own David Voung and David Blythe were recently inducted into Phi Lambda Sigma Pharmacy Leadership Society. This is a great accomplishment as it represents leadership in the role of pharmacy students. Kappa Psi Beta Omega has had a great start to the semester and looks to carry its current success into the New Year with the addition of new brothers to our chapter. —Scott Havea
Gamma Epsilon
University of Nebraska Founded 3/20/1920 Univ. of Nebraska College of Pharmacy 985025 Nebraska Medical Center Omaha, NE 68198
The brothers at the University of Nebraska are very excited to welcome our pledge class of 33 new members. Our recruitment process was very successful thanks to our annual “Back to School Barbecue.” We held a pledge retreat at a camp just outside of Omaha in early October. We were able to kick back
Beta Xi Brothers Natalie Mason, Irene Park, and Lauren Annas at a UNC football game. would like to express a big thankyou to everyone who made the trip to Nebraska. —Renee Kohles
Gamma Zeta
Samford University Founded 3/20/1935 800 Lakeshore Drive Birmingham, AL 35229
Beta Xi Brothers Caroline Worley, Nicole Nicolsen, and Carla Lardizabal at formal rush. and forget about pharmacy classes for a few hours while we got to know our new members and have a great time. Our chapter also helped UNMC celebrate National Pharmacy Week by sporting our new “PTBYB” shirts and wearing basketball gear to support our Hoops for Healing tournament. This semester, each pledge class will have the opportunity to make and serve dinner at the Ronald McDonald House in Omaha. This gives out-of-town families a place to stay so they can be close to their children receiving medical care at the hospital. By the time you read this, we will have hosted a lovely conclave for Province VIII in the heart of downtown Omaha. We
Starting off on the right foot for the school year is essential to any school-based organization, and this semester the brothers of Gamma Zeta have done just that. Before school began, we took a trip to Six Flags over Georgia to loosen up before the heavy studying began so common to pharmacy school life. After returning, we had several meetings and implemented our new rush schedule; we have inducted 27 pledges into our pledge class. We are extremely excited for these pledges in anticipation of passing on our knowledge, support, and brotherhood to new members. After initiation this year, we had a potluck to celebrate in honor of our new pledges who were just about as diverse as you can get. Food from the four corners of the supermarket was supplied, ranging from the staple of baked chicken products, to casseroles, and the most important food of college life, pizza rolls. During rush, we have also had brotherhood events as well. On Saturday the 13th, we sponsored a car wash to support leukemia and lymphoma at the local Sam’s Club
Chapter News
the Kansas City Free Health Clinic. As a chapter, we devote at least one evening a month helping create safer sex kits which are given out at the clinic as part of their prevention education. With the help of Brother Libby Amick, we are also working with the Kansas City Free Health Clinic to implement a recycling program within the clinic. The chapter is also currently in the process of planning a benefit Texas Hold’em Tournament. Proceeds will go to the Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric AIDS Foundation. A special thanks to Brother Julie Ho for leading the planning committee for this event. We would like to wish our fifthyear students good luck as they begin their clinical rotations. The chapter would also like to welcome Jeremy Hampton, a Gamma Theta alumnus, as our new advisor.
Beta Upsilon brothers enjoy an Indianapolis Indians baseball game. Back row L–R: Katrina Coffey, Niki Garden, Jeff Starkey, Michael Spillner, Danielle Hebel, and Teresa Cech. Front row L–R: Becky Mahan, Hilary Brown, Lauren Scono, and Pooja Shah.
—Marsha Weber
Gamma Iota
University of Buffalo parking lot. This brought in a substantial amount of money for research and development of new drugs and to assist patients in their fight for life. With rush completed, we can now focus on other pressing matters of Brotherhood, both local and abroad. Planning has begun on our annual events including our playground build, diabetes walk, and new this year, a pancake social. During the social, we will have a live band composed of brothers, pancakes, and a long night of fun. We’re planning for attendance at conclaves and are eager to get our brothers informed and excited, so look for us this year again at conclave. —Casey Souders
Gamma Theta
University of Missouri— Kansas City Founded 5/17/1957 School of Pharmacy 5005 Rockhill Road Kansas City, MO 64110-2499
With the fall semester well underway, the brothers of Gamma Theta are gearing up for an exciting rush season. Last year, Gamma Theta welcomed approximately 30 new brothers to the chapter, and we are working hard to recruit many new members again this
Founded 1/16/1921 Cooke Hall, North Campus Amherst, NY 14260
Beta Chi Brothers Breanna Buck and Abby Winter are enjoying the barbecue with some rushees. year. Rush officers Jared Wann and Rose Sohraby have successfully hosted a backyard barbecue, a breakfast, and a tailgating event at Kaufman Stadium where potential new members could learn more about Kappa Psi and the value of brotherhood. Brothers Wann and Sohraby have organized several more rush events for the upcoming months, including a happy hour social and a Halloween costume party.
It has been a rebuilding year for the brothers of Gamma Theta, but with strong leadership from the chapter officers and dedication from all the brothers, the chapter earned the 2008 National William R. Smith Most Improved Chapter Award. We are very proud to have received this honor, and it has further motivated us to continue improving our chapter. The brothers of Gamma Theta continue to volunteer regularly at Fall 2008
The brothers of the Gamma Iota chapter are excited to begin the new school year and hope all of our other brothers had a good summer. This fall brings our chapter new service projects and fundraisers. The brothers have already done a successful Lexi-Comp book and PDA sale for the School of Pharmacy and a mortar card sale where half the proceeds go to the Ronald McDonald House. Already planned is a walk with the American Diabetes Association at Dunn Tire Park in Buffalo for Step Out: Walk to Fight Diabetes, and a chance to volunteer at the Ronald McDonald House. Our new second vice regent, Sarah Bandinelli, already has plenty more service projects she is planning for the semester. One of the most exciting parts of the year has come around. . . rush and pledging! We kicked off rush with our annual Welcome Back Barbecue at Ellicott Creek Park. We were met by one of the biggest rush events in recent history, where everyone got to socialize with the brothers and learn what Kappa Psi means to us. We grilled and played lawn games while having fun meeting each other. The
Chapter News
Beta Psi first-year pharmacy students line up for Kappa Psi’s annual orientation cookout. next rush event was our ever-popular “How to Succeed in Pharmacy School� lecture. Many new students came eager to learn anything that would help them get through the next four years. The rest of the week included a luncheon with pizza served in our Pharmacy Lounge, a Clam Bake at the Kappa Psi house, and our most attended event, the Graffiti Party. The next week we concluded rush events with a mini-golf outing at Adventure Landing. The brothers here at Gamma Iota are happy to say we currently have 10 pledges who are continuing with the pledging process. Our chapter can’t wait to see these new pledges work toward becoming our new brothers! —Alicia Harrison
Beta Psi actives get ready for formal rush. Some of the upcoming events for Gamma Kappa include a combination tailgating event with the new SD Grad chapter and the current undergrad chapter. In addition, a trip down to Sioux Falls to watch a hockey game has been planned. Gamma Kappa is also currently selling pharmacy fleeces as a fundraiser and looking at T-shirt designs. —Robert Sayles
Gamma Nu
University of the Pacific Founded 9/17/1960 236 W. Stadium Drive Stockton, CA 95204
Beta Psi’s fall pledge class.
Gamma Kappa
South Dakota State University Founded 10/17/1958 College of Pharmacy Box 2202C Brookings, SD 57007
The first event of the semester was a PowerPoint presentation to the P1 class informing them about the presence of Kappa Psi and the particular involvement of Gamma Kappa in the community. The following week saw more than 100 people at the Gamma Kappa house for a P1 welcoming picnic. Hamburgers and hotdogs were the main course, with a variety of desserts to choose from. After the picnic, yard games and volleyball
kept everyone busy until dark. It was a chance for the current brothers to get together as well as the faculty and the incoming first-year pharmacy students. Gamma Kappa hosted a bowling event the following week for another chance to get to know the incoming class and reminisce about the past summer. The bowling event was a great success as about 40 brothers and new pharmacy students filled the lanes in Brookings. At the end of the same week, brothers rented a tailgating site for the SDSU Jackrabbit football game to kick back after the first couple of weeks of school. It was a beautiful
day and even ended in a Jackrabbit victory. The following week pledge meetings started. Gamma Kappa is proud to have 32 current pledges. It will be an exciting journey to watch them gain knowledge about Kappa Psi and the benefits of the Fraternity. Gamma Kappa was found cleaning the highway on September 25. Again, there was a great turnout, providing another chance for the new pledges to get to know the current brothers. SDSU ice cream was served after the event as many people stayed around the house the rest of the day.
Now that summer is over and we’ve been in school for a month, life is back to running at “full steam ahead.� With looming midterms and a perpetual sense of being behind everyone else, it’s easy to fall into the “work is my life� mode and forget that there is so much more going on around us. Leave it to Gamma Nu to provide the outlet. We were surprised by the epic turnout of the annual Red Rager in September. The outdoor courtyard where we held it was filled to capacity with the guests pressed shoulder to shoulder, making their way to the dance floor, to food or toward refreshments. There were also many members of our Pacific Graduate chapter in attendance, admiring our creation of a social event even they were impressed with. The following day the brothers put on a Wine Tour and Barbecue chock-full of alumni;
Chapter News
Gamma Xi
University of South Carolina Founded 5/13/1961 University of South Carolina College of Pharmacy Columbia, SC 29209
Beta Chi brothers who received academic honors of president’s list and dean’s list spring 2008.
Gamma Epsilon brothers on a hay rack ride: (L–R) Craig Reha, Tori Cunningham, Renee Kohles, and Branden Nemecek. those not on the tour were asked to cook and clean. An endless supply of meat and vegetables were marinated and cooked on three grills and were then served to the alumni and guests upon their return. Overarching it all though—over the wine and the food and the barbecue and the cold drinks—was the coming together of the past and the present. The alumni were able to meet many of the neophytes for the first time and share with them the important role Kappa Psi played in their own lives.
After hosting two big events, the brothers of Gamma Nu were fortunate enough to be able to enjoy a weekend away from it all out camping by a lake. At the retreat, the lack of structure was the bliss which was most enjoyed as an escape from the heavily structured weeks of class, lab and discussion. Some sat on the shore fishing. A few swam around in the lake. Some could only manage getting in up to their knees. One even managed to swim a seemingly endless distance out to an island in the middle, and
then back. For those not excited by a lake, many spent the afternoon simply throwing the football around, getting the barbecue ready. As the sun set, the fun picked up with an endless supply of food coming off the grill (including some family secrets which were passed down) and endless refreshments and games. (Not as enjoyable were the wake-up raids on people who were sleeping in their cars at 3 a.m. . . . not cool.) In attendance were several alumni who took their time to come out with the collegiate brothers as well as many of our third years on rotations who were able to escape for a weekend. In the end, a successful retreat led to a ton of fun and the strengthening of the Brotherhood. Finally, this month we celebrated the 48th year of the Gamma Nu chapter at Pacific. Again, there was the strong presence of alumni and brothers on rotations as we celebrated our birthday with dinner, watching our Intramural A-League Football team win, and going out that night to celebrate our history. It was the perfect way to remember who we are and where we come from as individuals and as a fraternity while we celebrate the start of another great year. —Matt Stephens Fall 2008
The Gamma Xi chapter of Kappa Psi had an eventful spring 2008 semester. To start the year, the annual Mortar Bowl was held at the Strom Thurmond Center and it was a grueling match between the ages. However, the collegiates came out on top for the third consecutive year. Pledge season ended with the addition of eight new brothers. The Province III biannual meeting was held in Washington, D.C. for the spring semester, and about 10 Gamma Xi brothers were able to make the trip. For community service, the Kappa Psi brothers participated in the MS Walk held in Columbia, South Carolina, by raising several hundred dollars and completing a five-mile walk. At the end of the semester, the brothers and a few graduate brothers got together and arranged a beach trip. We stayed three nights on an oceanfront resort in Myrtle Beach. It was a great way to end the year. Our very own Dan Noyes graduated last semester and the brothers threw a congratulatory fellowship to celebrate the occasion. One of our new brothers, BJ Armstrong, got hitched for his summer vacation. There are many new improvements to the Kappa Psi house. There are now four brothers living in the house. Over the summer, the new pledge brothers stained the hardwood floors for their pledge class house project. The brothers living in the house also took care of a stray cat that eventually had four kittens. The kittens were given to loving homes. Saving the best for last, all the brothers want to thank the graduates who donated the lovely gem that now sits on the Kappa Psi house living room wall— a glistening 40” plasma screen television. Thank you to Fred Long, John Matthews, Bryan Amick, Bryan Mayer, Brian Schu, Mike Robertson, Addison Livingston, Mike Ross, Stephen Willis, Rob Cagle, Rick Orange, and Buck Ray for your gift to Kappa Psi. —Robert Ortuno
Chapter News
Gamma Pi
St. Louis College of Pharmacy Founded 3/19/1946 4588 Parkview Place St. Louis, MO 63110
Gamma Pi has had a very busy semester and we still have a lot more planned. We are currently in the midst of pledging, which is going really well. We have high hopes for our potential new members, all 26 of them! So far this semester, we have been working hard on our Province VII project by hosting a blood drive on campus and holding a kickball tournament to raise funds. We also have arranged a team to represent Kappa Psi at the Liver Foundation Walk in St. Louis coming up in November. We also have been busy with other professional events including organizing voter registration on campus, assisting with several community health fairs, and offering blood glucose and blood pressure screenings to the community. The chapter is working on a booth at the STLCOP Safe Halloween Celebration for young children in the city to participate in fun games and Halloween related activities. Along with all our professional events, we are working hard to get the 2009 Province VII meeting planned. It will be held February 27 through March 1. Accommodations can be made at the Sheraton at Westport Plaza. For more information about the accommodations, activities, and other details, you can visit our MySpace page. You can find us by searching under people for Kappa Psi Province VII 2009. Gamma Pi hopes to see you all there! —Erin Reed
Gamma Omicron
University of Oklahoma Founded 2/3/1923 College of Pharmacy 1110 N. Stonewall Avenue Oklahoma City, OK 73117
Students at the Oklahoma Health Science Center College of Pharmacy were treated to a trip around the world this September— a trip made possible by Kappa Psi and, of course, a little imagination. This year’s theme for Gamma Omicron chapter’s rush, held September 22–26, was “The Amazing Race: Kappa Psi Edition,” so all the week’s activities were centered on travel and adventure.
Gamma Kappa brothers Shawn Murphy and Megan Binger finding the best bowling balls to try to help out their perfect game. Monday morning first-year OU pharmacy students arrived at the school to see all their names on colorful postcards and posters asking “Will you join the race?” Lunch was Buffalo wings and New York cheesecake, and while the interested students enjoyed their meal with current brothers, they learned about the Kappa Psi Fraternity from a short presentation and fun “Amazing Race” skit video we had prepared. Tuesday morning Holland was the destination. Danishes and bagels were provided for breakfast and gave an opportunity for everyone to relax before the test they had that morning. Those in attendance also received a small good luck gift from the current brothers. Delicious Mexican food was on the menu for lunch Wednesday and Italian on Thursday. Both were graciously provided by Walgreens and CVS, respectively, who sent out speakers to present to us. They informed the new pharmacy students a little bit about their companies, and most importantly, about how their brotherhood in Kappa Psi helped them in pharmacy school and in their lives as currently practicing pharmacists. The “race” around the world ended on Friday evening, taking students back to Tulsa and Oklahoma City to have fun with the current Gamma Omicron brothers. Turnout all week was very successful and we are looking forward to October 1 when we will learn how many wonderful new pledges we will have this year. —Lindsey Azlin and Brandi Belicek
Gamma Theta Brothers Jared Wann, Derek Hyman, and Levi Campbell enjoying some good barbecue at the Royals rush event.
Tailgating at the Gamma Theta rush event are Brothers Kelsey Carter and Ronna Jackson.
Gamma Phi
University of Georgia Founded 5/23/1951 College of Pharmacy 1880 S. Lumpkin St. Athens, GA 30605
As usual, our brothers helped with our White Coat Ceremony and Orientation at the College of Pharmacy. It gave us a chance to meet the new first years, lend a helping hand, and rekindle friendships with returning students and brothers. Concerning recruitment, our brothers worked hard to show the new students what the Brotherhood of Kappa Psi has to offer, and we had more students at our rush events than we have had
in years. With the upcoming addition of our new pharmacy school and a larger class size, this year’s pledge class will be vital. Our rush events included Monday Night Football, a Baggo Tournament, and an Informational Meeting with our faculty brothers. We were very excited to see the caliber and character of these new rushees and currently have one of the strongest pledge classes we have seen in years. Gamma Phi enjoys giving back to the community and we have exciting philanthropy events on the way. We hosted our school’s Biannual Red Cross Blood Drive this September and had a great turnout. This month, our College of Pharmacy will be hosting our annual Dawgtoberfest, where we set up booths concerning different disease states and health issues open to all students. This year’s Dawgtoberfest will be moved to a larger field and will involve other colleges at the University of Georgia. With a larger audience, Gamma Phi is hoping to educate and help more students and faculty members this October. Later in the year, we will sponsor our Toys for Tots Christmas party to help raise gifts for the needy during the holidays. Social events are always special to Gamma Phi. Our Welcome Back Party, open to all pharmacy stu-
Chapter News
Gamma Pi brothers celebrate Emilee Johnson’s wedding. Gamma Nu brothers and alumni reunite their family lineage from 1996–2008. L–R: Dennis Truong, Joey Nakamura, Jared Taniguchi, Brent Chock, Samuel Hodges, and Aram Penarandu come together at the Gamma Nu alumni wine tour. dents, faculty, and their guests, had the largest attendance in years. It gave all the returning students and new students a chance to meet and have some fun. It was great seeing brothers from Gamma Psi; we are lucky to have such close brothers from other schools. We at Gamma Phi hold Georgia football high and are looking forward to an awesome season for the
Bulldogs. We held a great tailgate for the past Alabama game and had a large attendance of brothers, pledges, and some cherished alumni brothers. It was a great time despite the upset, and we look forward to supporting our Bulldogs with another tailgate party soon. Intramural sports give us a chance to break away from school and enjoy the outdoors. Our flag
football team has been doing very well and we have had great attendance from our fans. We recently had our annual paintball tournament, which allowed us to have some fun and bond with our new pledges. —Shawn Gahagan
Gamma Chi
Ferris State University Founded 5/6/1952 119 S. Warren Avenue Big Rapids, MI 49307
With the start of the fall semester, the Gamma Chi chapter is back to work hoping to keep up all of the
Gamma Pi brothers playing kickball to raise money for YMCA. Fall 2008
things that have helped us achieve our excellent reputation for academics and service. We’re also looking into mixing up some of the events we normally do to comply with recent changes to our Province philanthropy while bringing in new events to keep our community service regimen fresh and exciting. This Halloween season we made a trip down to Spectrum Hospital in Grand Rapids to help out with their children’s Halloween party. On the Ferris State campus, we collaborated with the Professional Business Fraternity Delta Sigma Pi and our local United Way campaign in a pumpkin carving contest for charity. In November, we also put on a campus Rock Band tournament to raise funds for charity. In order to raise money for the new roof on our house, our chapter made not one, but two trips down to Cedar Point to participate in their Halloweekends events. Although the schedule was more intense, we didn’t let that stop us, proving that once again no group can work a haunted house like the brothers from Gamma Chi. In the balancing act of community service, academics, and fundraising, our chapter’s still finding some time to have fun. We’re continuing our weekly “Brother Night” tradition, dealing up a few games of poker and enjoying the nice weather down by the river before winter sets in. With homecoming only a couple of weeks away, we are actively setting up our traditional dinner at the Holiday Inn, as well as our annual post-dinner gathering.
Chapter News
As much as we have planned, it’s still early in the semester. We’ve got many more projects in the making, including one community service event to be planned by this semester’s pledges. It’s going to be a productive year, and it’s never been a more exciting time to be a brother of Kappa Psi. —Eric Roath
Humanity. Another event that the brothers are preparing for is our annual Ski Trip in Gatlinburg, Tennessee, on MLK weekend. We would like to extend an invitation to any brother who would like to attend. We strongly encourage our brothers of Province IV to attend. The brothers of Gamma Psi have been very busy and are looking forward to continuing the promotion of the pharmacy profession and Kappa Psi. —Johnathan Hamrick, Amir Khan, and Purvish Patel
Gamma Psi
Mercer University Founded 3/16/1953 School of Pharmacy 3001 Mercer University Drive Atlanta, GA 30341
The fall semester of 2008 has been a productive one for the brothers of Gamma Psi. We began with a brothers’ weekend on the Thursday night before school started with a Braves game. On Friday evening, we traveled to Hilton Head and spent the weekend at Brother Bob Harshbarger’s family vacation home. The brothers enjoyed two days of fun in the sun; one brother even learned how to swim. This was a great time for the brothers to bond with each other without having to worry about school or school related activities. On the first night of school, brothers sponsored a school-wide Welcome to Atlanta social at the Tin Roof Cantina. This gave everyone an opportunity to meet the first-year students and give them the inside scoop about pharmacy school and what to expect. Two weeks later, we held our annual Kappapalooza Party in conjunction with Mercer’s Kappa Epsilon chapter. The theme for the party this year was Beauty and the Geek. There were some beautiful geeks and some questionable beauties, but overall a great time was had by all. Our first service event of the semester was Putt-Putt for Pediatric AIDS. The brothers invited the Mercer University Atlanta community out to Pirates Cove Adventure Golf to raise funds for the Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric AIDS Foundation. We had a great turnout and were able to raise a considerable amount for this great cause. There was even a random appearance by Atlanta Braves right fielder Jeff Francoeur. Our next service event was part of the Adopt-a-Highway program. We cleaned up a section of Mercer University Drive that our chapter adopted several years ago.
Gamma Omega
Psi alumni more involved with the present day members. —Alexandra Stowe
Delta Delta
University of Houston Founded 2/28/1963 College of Pharmacy 4800 Calhoun Boulevard., 141-SR2 Houston, TX 77204-5515
The city of Houston, Galveston, and surrounding areas were heavily affected by the aftermath of Hurricane Ike, causing minor disruption in the normal flow of classes. Fortunately, the brothers of Delta Delta suffered minimal effects
University of Arkansas Founded 5/28/1955
Gamma Psi brothers at the Beauty and Geek Kappapalooza Party. From (L–R): Brothers Bob Harshbarger and Bryce Carter. The remainder of our semester is packed with more events. Next is our upcoming annual Cheesecake Factory Social with our sister fraternity Kappa Epsilon. A few upcoming service events the brothers of Gamma Psi are gearing up for are the Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta Strong Legs Run, a Red Cross Blood Drive, and Habitat for
College of Pharmacy 4301 West Markham Little Rock, AR 72205
Gamma Omega chapter is working hard to become more visible around campus! Currently we are beginning a new service project aimed at making the time in waiting rooms at area hospitals a little more enjoyable for patients. A highway cleanup is planned in the coming weeks. Also, Kappa Psi Chili Pie fundraiser will occur during October. At this time, current members of Kappa Psi are brainstorming ideas on how to get our Kappa
Louis Williams, Ph.D., who was honored this year with the Grand Council Certificate of Excellence Award poses with his wife.
Gamma Psi brothers at the Atlanta Braves game. From (L–R): Brothers Mark Ogunsusi, Purvish Patel, Johnathan Hamrick, Jimmy Prues, Kevin Long, Drew Fellows, Trey Rumph, Nick Blackwell, and Bryce Carter.
Chapter News
from the storm, reinitiating classes promptly. The Delta Delta chapter is grateful to all Kappa Psi brothers for their support during Hurricane Ike; true brotherhood shines through thick and thin with unbreakable links that continue to strengthen for a lifetime. Following on a positive note, we would like to congratulate Mustafa F. Lokhandwala, Ph.D., who is now serving as University of Houston College of Pharmacy interim dean; Louis Williams, Ph.D., who was awarded the Grand Council Certificate of Excellence Award for the 2008 academic year; Stacie Sacky-Dacus Dr. Mustafa F. (P3) who in Lokhandwala, Ph.D. July was elected to represent the Academy of Student Pharmacists on the Texas Pharmacy Association Board; and Chase Waxler (P2) who was recently elected as the new vice regent of the chapter. Kappa Psi boasts an excellent body of alumni including one of our own, Dr. Denise Martinez, Pharm.D., who will now serve as an UHCoP Dean’s Advisory Council member. The Delta Delta chapter, under the excellent coordination of Kandi Icenhower (professional relations chair), collected approximately 26 pounds of aluminum tabs (an equivalent of 42,000 soft drink tabs), benefiting the Ronald McDonald House of the Houston area. The money raised from recycling the aluminum tabs will directly assist in transportation expenses for families living in the Ronald McDonald facilities. On a final note, the Delta Delta brothers would like to congratulate Dr. David Wallace, Pharm.D., Clinical Assistant Faculty at UHCoP and wife on the arrival of their beautiful baby girl, Megan Elizabeth. —Nedayka Wright
Delta Zeta
University of Iowa Founded 12/12/1968 College of Pharmacy 110 Pharmacy Bldg. Iowa City, IA 52242
First off, our chapter was extremely honored to have received the Outstanding Chapter
Gamma Psi brothers raising money for Elizabeth Glaser Pediatrics AIDS Foundation while playing miniature golf. From (L–R): Brothers Drew Fellows, Bob Harshbarger, Bryce Carter, Purvish Patel, Johnathan Hamrick, Trey Rumph, and Kevin Long. of the Year Award for 2008! We would like to thank all of our brothers for their commitment to the chapter and Kappa Psi, for without them this would not have been possible. Now that fall is here after a wonderful summer for Delta Zeta, we continue to be busy, busy, busy. This year’s exec is wasting no time recruiting future Delta Zeta brothers. Our chaplain, Audra Hudrlik, planned many socials for our 11 new pledges and active brothers. A few of these activities included pool at College St. Billiards, pizza at the Airliner, a barbecue in the park, and a game night at our own College of Pharmacy (COP). Delta Zeta also celebrated our 40th anniversary at the College’s homecoming weekend on September 27. We hosted a breakfast for the alumni and were able to reach out to some past brothers, as well as even one member who was part of chartering the chapter in 1968. Our fundraising chair, Meghan Piepho, has also been busy with plans to sell Kappa Psi fleeces and University of Iowa COP coffee mugs. Walking tacos, pizza lunches, and drug cards for therapeutics classes are in our fundraising future. Our philanthropy chair, Christina Gaard, is also wasting no time by planning a project with Habitat for Humanity and a dinner
at the Ronald McDonald House. Our education chair, Tian Zhang, has been busy keeping up our chapter’s Web site and organizing our education files. For scholarship, 26 Delta Zeta brothers earned Kappa Psi Scholarship Honors Certificates for 2007–2008. Congrats to all of you! To wrap up Delta Zeta news, our chapter is proud to announce that we have gained another GCD, Dr. Jeff Reist, who is an alumni Delta Zeta brother and will now join Dr. Deanna McDanel as co-GCD. Dr. Reist has been very involved with our chapter in past years and it’s wonderful that he can now help our chapter as a co-GCD. This is going to be a very exciting year for Delta Zeta. See you all at conclave in Omaha! —Alisha Picht
Delta Eta
Xavier University Founded 4/24/1972 College of Pharmacy 1 Drexel Drive New Orleans, LA 70125
In a never-ending effort to serve its community, the Delta Eta chapter shares its past, present, and future volunteer work with all of you. At the close of the spring 2008 semester, the brothers of Delta Eta helped out at the Bridge House by organizing food and refreshments Fall 2008
and setting up tables for a silent auction that would take place at their annual fundraising gala. This month, brothers will participate in an event to help rock the vote for the upcoming election. The chapter will be out on Saturday, September 27, registering the public by the thousands (hopefully) to vote. In the months to follow, throughout the semester Delta Eta plans on participating in numerous events. In the month of October, they will be joining many other organizations in the UNCF walk. Also this month, in keeping with tradition, the brothers will be helping at the Operation Diabetes annual event. At the close of the month, the chapter will host its second annual professionalism forum. In the month of November, they will be co-hosting a school-wide canned food drive as well as helping put together baskets of food for the less fortunate to enjoy for the holidays. To close out 2008, Delta Eta will be adopting a family and providing gifts to help celebrate Christmas. —Tasany Lazard
Delta Kappa
Howard University Founded 4/19/1986 College of Pharmacy 2300 4th Street NW Washington, DC 20059
On April 14–20, the Delta Kappa chapter held our annual spring Kappa Psi Week, which was full of brotherly bonding events. The week kicked off with Wake Up with Kappa Psi, which is a morning breakfast for the students of the School of Pharmacy. The events also included a residency seminar, interest meeting, and game night. Kappa Psi Week ended with a Kappa Psi Birthday Bash Barbecue Extravanganza at Banneker Field. The barbecue was a time for the pharmacy school students to relax and unwind before heading into the stress of final exams. It was also the first major event for the newly inducted brothers of Spring Line 2008 to socialize and interact with the brothers of Kappa Psi. The Delta Kappa chapter continues to embrace a strong legacy of leadership in the pharmacy community. On April 29, 2008, the Beta Rho chapter of Phi Lambda Sigma National Pharmacy Leadership Society inducted 12 Kappa Psi
Chapter News
brothers. These brothers also show outstanding leadership and brotherhood within the Fraternity. On April 19, 2008, the Delta Kappa chapter commemorated our graduating senior brothers at our annual spring banquet. The event was hosted by Brothers Shelby Taylor and Tiana Holmes at an upscale lounge, Station 9, located in downtown Washington, D.C. The night was immersed with joyous laughter, memories, and heartfelt tears. The Delta Kappa brothers want to recognize and thank the chair of the event, Brother Norman Buster, for his outstanding hard work and dedication to making it a memorable night. Many of our graduating brothers are going off to various careers and residencies. We are very proud of the sacrifice and service that each one of you have extended to Kappa Psi Fraternity, and we wish you the best in your future endeavors. —Brienna Chappel
Delta Lambda
Campbell University Founded 4/23/1988 School of Pharmacy P.O. Box 1090 Buies Creek, NC 27506
Delta Lambda kicked off rush with our annual Hawaiian theme Kiss and Lei. Rushees and brothers competed in a hula hoop relay and water balloon toss. We followed up with a Pirate Raid. Rush wrapped up with a Casino Night and Auction at the house. Thirty bids were given out and 21 pledges were pinned on September 15. Rush chair Karla Hudson and her committee did an awesome job organizing the events. Delta Lambda is also awaiting the arrival of another new member of our Kappa Psi family. Our advisor, Dr. Michael Adams, and his wife, Dr. Dina Adams, both Delta Lambda brothers, are expecting their first child. It will be a girl but they won’t release the name until she arrives. Social committee chair Sara Bosemen has worked very hard to make sure that the pledges feel welcome. She organized a dinner following pinning so the pledges could get to know the brothers. Our annual toga party on September 19 gave brothers and pledges another opportunity to get to know one another.
Delta Zeta’s active brothers celebrating their 40th anniversary. Fundraising and service events have gotten off to a great start. Delta Lambda brothers raised almost $300 for cystic fibrosis selling “Jean’s Day� ribbons (Campbell requires business casual for classes). Thanks to assistant treasurer Annette Sajecki, the semiannual Taco Salad Dinner was a great success. Students and faculty all came out to support the Fraternity. The dinner also gives pledges and brothers an opportunity to work together on a service project. Golf tournament chair Christine Cooke organized Delta Lambda’s second annual Brie Anne Reynolds Memorial Golf Tournament. The tournament was held on September 27 in Cary, North Carolina. Of the 41 participants, 6 brothers, 10 alumni brothers, and one pledge played. It was a great success! The chapter was able to raise more than $2,000 for the endowed scholarship in the name of Brie Anne Reynolds, a brother of the chapter who passed away in 2007. It was a fun-filled day of brotherly bonding on the golf course! Christine is now working tirelessly to make sure that the Province meeting will be equally successful. Delta Lambda is very excited to be hosting the meeting this fall. Come on out and discover Buies Creek, North Carolina. We look forward to seeing you there! —Dana Fasanella
Delta Nu
Midwestern University—Chicago Founded 3/12/1994 College of Pharmacy 555 31st Street Downer’s Grove, IL 60515
Ready, Aim, FIRE! The Kappa Psi Pie Extravaganza blew our expectations. This event was a good time between professors and students and a way to interact outside of the classroom. Students were able to purchase tickets for an opportunity to pie the professor(s) of their choice in the face. Professors who had enough tickets “bought in their honor� got pied in the face; however, on a positive note, the professors also got to select a charity to which a percentage of the ticket profits would go. We also had spirited students who volunteered to get pied by their peers; some were pied up to six times! In addition, we hosted a pie eating contest in which campus organizations, upon paying an entry fee, sent a representative member to participate. Finally, during the event, Kappa Psi members sold pies and pie slices donated by Baker’s Square as another means of fundraising. In the end, not only were we able to raise about $500, we were able to give back to the community in an entertaining and exciting way. The Pie Extravaganza showed that using creativity and
the courage to get pied can go a long way. Be on the lookout for advertisements for this event next year. —Vicki Patel
Delta Xi
Shenandoah University Founded 9/13/1997 Bernard J. Dunn School of Pharmacy 1460 University Drive HPB Building Winchester, VA 22601
Although summer was a blast, summer’s end signaled school’s start. For Delta Xi, this meant flying in, training in, or driving in from all over the United States to reconvene as a chapter at the Bernard J. Dunn School of Pharmacy. Even with our P4 brothers out on rotations, we all returned with high hopes for this school year. We kicked off with a brothers’ social at a local restaurant called IJ Canns. Brothers showed up, shared appetizers, and chatted well into the evening. This camaraderie proved useful a week later when our Kappa Psi brothers had to face off against the likes of Phi Delta Chi and Kappa Epsilon in the annual BJD School of Pharmacy Greek Olympics. The Olympics included competition in areas of water balloon toss, hula hoop, three-legged race, and of course, the infamous (and deadly) tug-ofwar. Honorable mention goes to Brother Helen Park who out-hula
Chapter News
Delta Lambda Drs. Michael & Dina Adams receiving baby gifts from the Fraternity. hooped and with flying colors. Needless to say, all our brothers did well due largely in part to our cooperation and trust in one another. Of course, no organization should operate without being socially responsible, and our chapter has proven that success and considerateness can go hand in hand. This year, Delta Xi is pleased to continue its environmentally conscious efforts to help our pharmacy school recycle paper. Throughout the school, we have set up red and gray bins to collect paper discards. Every Friday, these bins are then collected by our brothers and transported to the local landfill to be recycled. While Delta Xi has many upcoming activities, our greatest endeavor so far has been to fundraise. Thanks to our hard working fundraising chair, Michelle Choi, our brothers have hosted (and will be hosting) numerous fundraisers such as car washing, selling Joe Corbi’s products, selling T-shirts, and sponsoring a social event for P1s. “I’m glad we're doing fundraisers so that we can do more projects for our community,” Brother Abraham Li said when asked about what he thought of fundraising. With the semester in full swing and the whole year ahead of us, Delta Xi only has more to look forward to. —Choua Vang
Delta Lambda Toga 2008 (L–R): Sara Boseman, Kelly Carter, Nicole Fisher, Sarah Roberts, Keri Privette, and Christine Cooke.
Delta Nu pie extravaganza.
Delta Omicron
Wilkes University
Founded 11/7/1997 Nesbitt School of Pharmacy Wilkes-Barre, PA 18766
Brothers of Delta Omicron have begun the semester with much to celebrate! We would like to congratulate two of our recent graduates (and their spouses) who have gotten married: Brother Dr. Shannon Fenstermacher and her husband Nathan Fenstermacher, and Brother Dr. Lara Judson
Macumber who married Brother Dr. Chris Macumber. We wish them all great happiness as they begin their lives together. We would also like to send our well wishes to our engaged brothers: Kimberly Hoffmann, Tracy Mertz, Peter Morgan, Jillian Olson, and Melissa Sweigart. Lastly, we are happy to announce Brother Adrienne Williams and her husband Tom have welcomed a new addition to their family, a little girl, Sophia. Fall 2008
This semester, we are excited to welcome three new faculty members who are also Kappa Psi brothers: Dr. Kimberly Ference, Dr. Jonathan Ference, and Dr. Kimberly Metka. We wish them all the best of luck in their new positions as faculty of the Department of Pharmacy Practice. With the start of the semester, we have begun rushing and pledging preparations. Vice regent Amanda Calhoun has led the chapter skillfully through a rush period involving a softball game, a bowling night with both collegiate and graduate brothers, and an ice cream social. We are learning more about our new pledge class as the weeks progress, and we look forward to working with them. Along with the increased workload of classes, our brothers have continued to aid in the betterment of our Fraternity. We remain committed to educating the community by providing information sessions to local assisted living facilities and retirement communities. We are excited to continue our relationship with the Heritage House in WilkesBarre, providing entertainment, companionship, and general health care knowledge to senior citizens. We hope to build upon the foundation of Kappa Psi to encourage involvement in the profession of pharmacy. —Beth Karwaski
Chapter News
burgers and hotdogs cooked by our social chair, Valdi Tatan. The Delta Pi chapter would like to extend our congratulations to a few of our members. We are very proud of our regent, Toni Edgar, for receiving a scholarship from the Kappa Psi Foundation. Congratulations are also in order for chaplain Sara Braboy and fellow member Jeffery Ho on their recent engagement. We plan to hold initiation for our pledges in early November, and we look forward to spreading the message of Kappa Psi further into our new class of future pharmacists. —Tammy Smith
Delta Omicron brothers greet prospective rushees at Wilkes University’s Club Day. Pictured from left to right are Amanda Calhoun, Erica Peterson, Marybeth Stahr, Kelly MacDonald, and Jeffrey Zymblosky.
Delta Pi
Texas Tech University Founded 11/14/1997 School of Pharmacy 1300 S. Coulter Street Amarillo, TX 79106
The Delta Pi chapter started off this fall sponsoring part of two welcome meals for the new pharmacy students at each campus (Amarillo and Abilene) during their “Bootcamp” orientation. Several of our officers traveled to the Abilene campus to meet the students there while they were undergoing the two-week orientation to our school’s curriculum. We participated in our school’s annual Back to School picnic by providing entertainment in the form of a putt-putt green and a soccer kicking booth for the students and their families. At our first meeting of the year, we started planning for community service activities with the YMCA (Province VII’s chosen organization for the year) and pledging. Pledge master Andrew Nguyen consulted everyone about his plans for our pledge activities and recruited potential Big Sibs. We are planning on having a paintball tournament again this year, and we are very excited about teaching our Little Sibs about our great Fraternity and mentoring them through their first year in pharmacy school. Our satellite campus members are keeping busy as well. Abilene members Amanda Spangler and Maggi St. Germain are working
hard to plan activities and recruit pledges for the New Year. Our chapter’s Dallas liaison, Tina Abraham, has already planned an outing to the State Fair for the members on that campus. Some of our Lubbock students attended a steak tailgate party for the Texas Tech game that corresponded with rush this year. Here in Amarillo, athletic chair Yonas Mengistu organized two volleyball teams (aptly named K?ll pill 1 and 2) to compete in a school-wide tournament hosted by several student organizations as well as Kappa Psi. The team members enjoyed a barbecue of ham-
Delta Sigma
Midwestern University— Glendale Founded 9/9/2000 College of Pharmacy—Glendale 19555 N. 59th Avenue Glendale, AZ 85308
The Delta Sigma chapter was very busy both in the classroom and with pledge events for the new first-year class that began in June. We kicked off the summer quarter with a get-together at Fox and Hound on the second day of classes, so we could meet the new students and they could get to know Kappa Psi. This event was followed by two other rush events: a sportsthemed bowling night and a potluck/game night. During the game night, we played Twister, Catch Phrase, and other games.
Delta Xi Brothers Lindsey Demers, Esther Lee, Bo Shin, Aleena Mahal, and John Pham putting in some serious work in the tug-o-war.
We also held Pledge during the summer quarter because the second-year pharmacy students were leaving for rotations for the fall quarter. With the third-year pharmacy students starting rotations at the end of the fall quarter, the first years will be spending most of their time with the second-year members. The pledge events included a car wash, the pinning ceremony, a revealing of the brother activity in which pledges were divided into teams and answered questions about Kappa Psi, the big brother revealing, a luau for pledges and actives to mingle, Jeopardy to once again test our pledges’ knowledge of the Fraternity, and finally initiation. Initiation night was a lot of fun and a bit hectic as we initiated a record-setting 47 brothers into our chapter. The pledging process was an enjoyable experience and very well planned, thanks to our pledge masters Mallory Hoy and Tricia Marie Rader. Outside of the pledging process, the active brothers of our chapter partnered with Rubio’s to raise funds for our chapter. Our chapter also held its end of the year banquet, a beautiful black and white affair. The Delta Sigma brothers spent an evening mingling with the AZ Grad chapter during an ice-skating and pizza event. Our chapter also attended the Arizona Pharmacy Alliance Meeting and presented our Adherence Day poster, for which we were awarded $500. Our chapter also held elections for next year’s officers. The newly elected officers, who will assume their positions when they return from rotations after the fall quarter, are: regent, Dan Watterson; vice regent, Lily Marshall; secretary, Johnathan Bailey; treasurer, Vicky Nguyen; historian, Tina Dang; chaplain, Sarah Griffiths; sergeant at arms, Robbie Krohn; alumni coordinator, Mallory Hoy; and activities coordinators, Brienne Danski and Kristin Lee. In addition to these individuals being elected officers of Kappa Psi, we had several brothers take officer positions in other organizations on campus. Congratulations to all these brothers. We are certain they will make our chapter and our Fraternity proud. —Erin Carey
Chapter News
Delta Omicron pledges, aka “the Cats,” get into the spirit of team building.
Delta Tau
University of Southern Nevada Founded 1/10/2003 Nevada College of Pharmacy 11 Sunset Way Henderson, NV 89014
Kappa Psi Fraternity brothers were busy this summer planning the events for the upcoming year, including rush events, community service events, and preparation for the spring Province 2009 meeting. The rush events were very successful including an after school ice cream social, a trip to the Fremont Experience in downtown Las Vegas, cosmic bowling at Sunset Station, a barbecue in the park, and a UNLV/UNR football game. These events have provided pledges and current brothers with a great opportunity to establish a support net-
work while having fun at the same time. The pinning ceremony was held on September 26, and we welcomed 21 new brothers into the Fraternity. We also established a Big Brother/Little Brother program to ensure that all the new brothers from the first-year class were able to get individualized guidance and support from their big brothers from the second-year class. We hope this idea will only strengthen the bond that fraternity brothers should share. The brothers of Delta Tau are dedicated to providing community service. Some Kappa Psi brothers elected to help educate adolescents this summer by participating on the Drug Abuse Awareness Team in June. The presentation educated more than 150 students enrolled in
Delta Omicron brothers (L-R) Lauren Zubey, Jason Slavoski, Stephanie Pawelzik, and Amanda Calhoun review pledge books. summer health classes at a local high school. Also, a few of the current officers worked industriously on a proposal to help recycle paper at the University of Southern Nevada. This proposal is currently awaiting approval. We realize the best way to start getting green is to start with ourselves. Collecting the recycling bins will certainly be a step in the right direction. In addition, we are proud to announce that we have established an ongoing partnership with Habitat for Humanity. We currently plan on volunteering on the second Saturday of each month in the fall to ensure that people in need are able to have a nice home. Some Kappa Psi members raised money for diabetes by participating in the annual Diabetes Walk.
Delta Sigma brothers all dressed up. Fall 2008
However, the brothers of Delta Tau have been fairly preoccupied with the planning of the spring Province IX meeting to be hosted in Las Vegas. We expect a large turnout and we don’t want to disappoint our fellow Kappa Psi brothers. Nine Delta Tau brothers and our Grand Council Deputy attended the fall Province IX meeting hosted by Gamma Rho in Albuquerque, New Mexico, and had a great time by all accounts. —Jenny Cross
Delta Psi
University of Minnesota Founded 8/8/2003 School of Pharmacy Duluth, MN 55812
This summer Delta Psi sent three of our officers off to a leadership retreat where they worked on creating a mission statement for the chapter while building their leadership skills. The chapter also sent a couple of brothers to help at Camp Wheeze-No-More for children with asthma. In addition, the brothers of Delta Psi had monthly get-togethers for fellowship and to continue to maintain their close friendships. Once everyone returned to campus, Kappa Psi held a barbecue at a local park the weekend that the College of Pharmacy had pharmacy days in Duluth for both the Minneapolis campus and the Duluth campus. We are excited to have 11 new pledges interested in becoming our brothers and are starting the pledging process. This semester will be a busy one. We are holding a Texas Hold’em tournament in October
Chapter News
Two Delta Psi brothers, Becky Herrboldt and Sarah Belling, along with some kids from Camp Wheeze-No-More.
Delta Phi brothers Ed Su, Steven Tan, Stephanie Webb, and Jenn Curello—Chili’s St. Jude Fundraiser. with all proceeds going to help the HOPE clinic. The HOPE clinic is an acute care clinic the College of Pharmacy in Duluth is starting up to help underserved populations. Delta Psi is also planning on becoming an active volunteer for the HOPE clinic. —Katie Schow
Delta Phi
University of CaliforniaSan Diego Founded 8/8/2003 9500 Gilman Drive La Jolla, CA 92093-09657
The Delta Phi chapter is excited to start the school year with a new executive committee. The new
Delta Phi’s Tim Bassell—Go NY! Chili’s St. Jude Fundraiser.
executive members include: regent, Stephanie Webb; vice regent, Jennifer Curello; secretary, Cristy Garcia; treasurer, Colette Brown; historian, Yolanda Dickey; chaplain, Ed Su; social chair, Shaddy Javadinejad; rush chair, Kayvan Moussavi; philanthropic chair, Fauzia Khan; intercollegiate affairs, Julie Kim; Webmaster, Tim Bassell; sergeant at arms, Stan Chu; and immediate past regent, Jim Connor. We would like to thank last year’s executive board for all their hard work, dedication, and motivation. While a majority of the Delta Phi brothers were enjoying their last weekend of summer vacation, and most second-year students were studying for a Monday morning exam, four brothers made the flight to represent Delta Phi at Province IX in New Mexico. Gamma Rho brothers did an excellent job of hosting and ensuring everyone was well taken care of. During the evening banquet and awards ceremony, Delta Phi was recognized for their presentation of chapter activities. Congratulations to the brothers of Delta Phi! We would like to thank all the Province IX brothers who made a generous donation in helping raise funds for the Alzheimer’s Memory Walk. We will be participating in the Memory Walk October 25.
The first event of the school year was held at Chili’s, “Donate our Profit Day” fundraiser, which benefits St. Jude Children's Research Hospital. This gave returning brothers the chance to catch up on any exciting summer vacations or experiences, while strengthening their growing bonds. All proceeds from the mounds of ribs and burgers ordered were donated to St. Jude. This year is an exciting year for Kappa Psi at UC—San Diego. The school has graduated its last class of 30 students and all classes are now 60 students. With campus finally reaching its maximum capacity of 240 students, there are hopes that Kappa Psi will be able to grow both bigger and stronger. With the school year just beginning, Delta Phi has been showing their presence and strength around campus and are aiming to generate interest from both the new students as well as continuing students who have not rushed. The entire fall quarter is focused on rush activities such as the annual Bonfire/Barbecue at La Jolla Shores, bowling night, beach cleanup and game night. Delta Phi looks forward to a continued showing in the community and campus as well as building their Brotherhood! —Yolanda Dickey
Photo Album
Kappa Psi brothers show their letters and make us proud.
Reinvigorate your relationship with Kappa Psi. Kappa Psi for Life!
LEFT: Delta Eta brothers show their Kappa Psi pride. BOTTOM LEFT: Delta Nu brothers prepare for their Pie a Professor extravaganza. BELOW: Delta Kappa brothers show their Kappa Psi pride by wearing their colors.
Fall 2008
Chapter News
Epsilon Beta Brothers Peter Tran and Victoria Medina, ready to relax with Mexican food.
Epsilon Beta
University of the Incarnate Word Founded 4/12/2008 Felk School of Pharmacy 4301 Broadway San Antonio, TX 78209
The 2008 fall semester brings forth a new school year and the opportunity to once again bond with our brothers. This will be our chapter’s first full year of Brotherhood. During P1 orientation, Brothers Ambrose Vela, regent Travis Dangerfield, ritualist Jon Cuevas, vice regent Craig Torbert, historian Kim Erickson, sergeant at arms Mike Farquhar, and others had an opportunity to describe Kappa Psi and the privileges that go along with joining such an illustrious fraternity to our new pharmacy students. This presentation included a slide show of activities from our first semester as Kappa Psi brothers and the goals that we plan to achieve this year. Nearly 50 students, approximately half of the P1 class, were interested in pursuing Kappa Psi as their choice fraternity. Our chapter plans to rush later this fall and begin pledging in early spring. Also to unite the brothers, we took a trip down to Kingsville to help charter the newest Kappa Psi chapter, Epsilon Epsilon, at Texas A&M—Kingsville. The trip took us two hours, giving Brothers Craig Torbert, recording secretary Anupa Shah, Mike Gres, Travis Dangerfield, Josh Fugate, Kim Erickson and Joseph Tran time to talk about future chapter plans. It was a great experience to bond with brothers from Delta Delta again. The chartering event helped our chapter brothers to recall the
Epsilon Gamma’s Founders’ Day gangster theme party.
Epsilon Beta’s recording secretary Anupa Shah keeps the strikes coming. event that we had performed only three months earlier. It was great to converse with Dr. Lawrence Brown and Dr. Andy Frasco, as well as the five new brothers and one faculty brother of Epsilon Epsilon. Although a small chapter, we plan on working with our new brothers by developing interfraternal activities and sharing our experiences with them. Our chapter has many events planned for the rest of the school year such as volunteering for both
Epsilon Gamma
meeting where we won the Fellowship Award for our Rock Band Rock-Out which brought members of Epsilon Gamma, Gamma Nu, Delta Phi, Pacific Grad, and LA Grad chapters together. Brothers are starting work on our philanthropic projects, including raising money for the Make-A-Wish Foundation and bringing a Build-aBear workshop to children’s hospitals. The chapter’s ’08–’09 rush will start shortly, and we have already successfully started reaching potential rushees through unofficial “greet and meet” events such as bowling. Lastly, Epsilon Gamma is excited to congratulate its GCD, Dr. Eric Gupta, for receiving the 2008 GCD Outstanding Achievement Award and all his hard work! —Kevin Hutchinson
Founded 7/28/2007
Arizona Graduate
the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation and the HIV/AIDS awareness walks. Also, we will be conducting flu clinics with local pharmacies for the community. We believe this will be a wonderful opportunity to display the values and ideals that go along with being a brother of Kappa Psi. We also will be showing off our community service when we volunteer at the San Antonio Food Bank. Another important event that will occur during the spring will be expanding our chapter to include other classmates who are eager to join Kappa Psi. But it is not all work at Epsilon Beta; we had our first bowling party, Halloween party, and a few others. —Kimberly Erickson
Western University College of Pharmacy 309 E. Second Street Pomona, CA, 91766
Since our last chapter update, Epsilon Gamma chapter celebrated its one-year anniversary by throwing its first Founder’s Day Party, which we hope to make an annual tradition. Epsilon Gamma recently returned from the Province IX
Twelve graduate brothers, family, and friends attended an Arizona Diamondbacks baseball game this past August to help foster brotherhood. We also had appetizers and beverages at Cooperstown (Alice Cooper’s restaurant) after the game. A great time was had by all. With the Midwestern University chapter initiating 48 members this
Several officers of Kappa Psi were present for the installation of Epsilon Epsilon chapter, including Vishal Patel, Tu Nguyen, Thomas Garza, Michael Veronin, Dr. Lawrence Brown, Dan Ly, Kevin Vu, and Dr. Andrew Frasco. Also present were brothers from Delta Delta and Epsilon Beta and Dr. Amber Watts (far left). A portrait of Representative Rangel hangs on the wall behind the group.
Chartering of Epsilon Epsilon Texas A&M University—Kingsville
he Epsilon Epsilon chapter of Kappa Psi Pharmaceutical Fraternity was installed at the Texas A&M Health Science Center Irma Lerma Rangel College of Pharmacy on August 23, 2008. The day began with the conclusion of our initiation process, which took place in the Founders Room of the Texas A&M University—Kingsville campus. Once the ceremony was complete, Mr. Kevin Vu, Mr. Thomas Garza, Mr. Vishal Patel, Mr. Tu Nguyen, Mr. Dan Ly, and Dr. Michael Veronin were welcomed as brothers of the Fraternity. Grand Regent Lawrence Brown and Grand Counselor Andrew Frasco administered the final degrees of initiation. They were assisted by our brothers from Delta Delta (from the University of Houston) and Epsilon Beta (from the University of the Incarnate Word). The ceremony was the culmination of several months of work, stretching back to the previous spring semester. We had encountered difficulties finding Fraternity alumni in the region who could administer the pledge process, and the college had no faculty alumni able to act as our Grand Council Deputy. To resolve this, Mr. Dan Ly and Mr. Kevin Vu contacted Delta Delta, petitioning to pledge under their chapter. Mr. Kevin Vu also met with Dr. Michael Veronin, a respected professor at our college, who volunteered to become our GCD even though he was not an alumnus of the Fraternity. With approval from the Central Office, we spent the next several weeks pledging under Delta Delta and preparing Dr. Veronin for initiation into the Fraternity. Delta Delta performed the first degree of our initiation so that the remaining ceremonies could take place on our campus. Once initiation was complete, the chartering ceremony began at the College of Pharmacy building. Grand Regent Brown and Grand
by Tu Nguyen
Counselor Frasco shared words of encouragement, inspiration, and advice for our chapter. Dr. Michael Veronin was presented the Recognition Button for accepting the duties of Grand Council Deputy. Grand Regent Brown noted that it is impressive enough for an alumni brother to become a faculty GCD, but to be willing to accept both that duty and initiation as a brother was truly remarkable. Mr. Kevin Vu was presented with the Recognition Button for his outstanding work ethic and dedication during the pledging and chartering process. Looking forward, we have several projects underway to serve and benefit our community, and we have already taken on our first pledges! Epsilon Epsilon’s Beta class will be the first to be pledged and initiated entirely at the Texas A&M College of Pharmacy. We are proud to note that Beta class draws from the entire student body of our young college and includes P1, P2, and P3 students. Additionally, Dr. Amber Watts, who recently joined our college, agreed to be co-faculty advisor for our chapter. She has already given us invaluable advice for our projects and fundraisers. It would be impossible to list everyone who has helped us throughout the process, but we will try! We owe more than words can express to Delta Delta, who took us in and molded us into the brothers we are today. We could never have finished the process without the assistance of Grand Regent Brown, Grand Counselor Frasco, and all of the members of the Grand Council who helped steer us along the way. Of course, we cannot forget Epsilon Beta and the region alumni, who offered muchappreciated support and encouragement. We share your high expectations for our chapter and will work to make Epsilon Epsilon worthy of Kappa Psi. Fall 2008
Chapter News
pledge year, the graduate chapter looks forward to bonding with the new brothers and showing them Kappa Psi is for life. We hope to organize a community event with the collegiate brothers this fall. Our last chapter meeting was held on October 26 to be followed by our first annual holiday party on December 13. We can be found at yahoo groups: kyazgrad. —Andrea McNatty
Boston Graduate The seasons are changing again in New England. The Red Sox and Patriots are making their annual push towards world domination. Yes, world domination. The same may be said for the brothers of Boston Grad. Upcoming plans include a Province 1 meeting in New York City, a visit to Orlando for Midyear by some brothers, and any other ideas that may arise. In the meantime, we wish everyone a safe, upcoming Holiday Season!
Buffalo Graduate This past summer has been full of fun events for Buffalo Grad, and the upcoming fall will also be keeping us busy. In July we hosted our annual summer barbecue, and we started off September by attending the Buffalo Bills home-opener football game. For the fifth year in a row, Buffalo Grad and Gamma Iota have teamed up to sell tickets, and this year we finally got to see the Bills win! Buffalo Grad hosted another barbecue later in September to get to know the Gamma Iota pledges. It was a beautiful day, and as always, a great way for the Grads to show the pledges that Kappa Psi is for life. The following weekend we participated in our third American Diabetes Association Step Out for Diabetes walk. We are grateful to everyone who participated in or donated to this charity event. Now we’re looking forward to Midyear in Cincinnati in October and have already started planning the fifth annual CE for the spring. Keep yourself updated with all of Buffalo Grad’s events by checking out our website at http://groups.yahoo.com/ group/kappapsibuffalograd/. Hope to see you in Cincinnati! —Niki Wahl
Central Michigan Graduate Brother Tim Borowiak fills in the missing letter.
Central Michigan P5 Secretary Eric Geyer, Satrap Erin Walsh, GCC Delegate Tim Borowiak, and Vice Satrap Lindsey Ghiringhelli visiting Xi chapter in Columbus, Ohio.
Central Michigan Graduate The brothers of Central Michigan Grad had a very enjoyable summer. Many Central Michigan Grad brothers were in attendance at the wedding of Brothers Lindsey Berlinghoff and Josh Ghiringhelli in Michigan this August. Province V GCC Delegate Tim Borowiak and Vice Satrap Lindsey Ghiringhelli went down to Columbus, Ohio, to visit the brothers of Xi chapter with Satrap Erin Walsh and Secretary Eric Geyer. We are looking forward to the fall semester, which brings homecoming at Ferris State University, Province V Midyear, and the opportunity to help out our collegiate brothers with the many philanthropic activities they have planned. —Lindsey Ghiringhelli
Columbus Graduate Lots of things have been going on in Columbus since the last time we wrote. Brothers Andy Frasco and Jackie Schneider were elected co-GCDs for Xi chapter. The new co-GCDs, along with fellow Brother Kelley Krug, were able to meet up with the new officers of Xi chapter for dinner and a brainstorming session for the new school year. Plans are in motion for the 2009 version of the Columbus Grad Annual Golf Tournament. Keep your eyes peeled for further announcements . . . one never knows what Brother Andy will come up with next! We had a great weekend of brotherhood recently when four of the Province V Executive Board members made the trip to Columbus to meet up with Xi chapter (and of
Epsilon Beta’s vice regent Craig Torbin and historian Kim Erickson.
course Columbus Grad!). Thank you to Satrap Erin Walsh, Vice Satrap Lindsey Ghiringhelli, Secretary Eric Geyer, and GCD Delegate Tim Borowiak for coming to visit. The weekend consisted of volunteering at the Night Moves 5K/5-mile run, watching Buckeye football, and eating breakfast at Bob Evans ... a Kappa Psi tradition. If you have any questions or would like to join Columbus Grad, drop me an e-mail at schneider_jackie@ hotmail.com. —Jackie Schneider
Minnesota Graduate July was a busy month for the brothers of Minnesota Grad. We kicked things off with our annual joint project with Epsilon chapter, staffing the pharmacy at Camp Superkids. Epsilon and MN Grad brothers have been teaching kids ages 8–13 about their asthma medications at the camp since 1981. Collegiate and grad brothers enjoyed an evening of tailgating and
baseball at a St. Paul Saints game in July. In August came the annual MN Grad barbecue weekend extravaganza hosted by Tracy, Mike and Sasha Haag. The barbecue is always a great chance for everyone to catch up with those living throughout Minnesota. In September, MN Grad brothers hosted a gourmet potluck dinner for those collegiates who had perfect attendance at last year’s chapter meetings. This was a great way to meet and chat with our collegiate brothers who dedicate so much time and energy to our great Fraternity. Thanks to the efforts of Brother Becky Fahrenbruch, we are once again asking friends and family to help support our philanthropic activities by purchasing entertainment books. This has been a relatively simple project that helps us raise more than $200 in additional funds each year. If you are interested in keeping up with MN Grad happenings, check out the Minnesota Grad Web page at www5.pharmacy.umn.edu/ kappapsi/grad.htm. —Jennifer Given
Pacific Graduate The Pacific Graduate chapter welcomed back the boys of Gamma Nu with their attendance at a few weekend festivities. Following a short summer break, the collegiate brothers threw their annual Red Rager social event. This traditional beginning of the school year event has been recently coupled with the weekend of the Pac Grad Wine
Chapter News
Province IX meeting recently in New Mexico. Tour. This weekend was no different. Brothers from all around, who took time off for the wine tour, came out to the Red Rager. Among those brothers were Chris Amaral, regent; Derrick Egi, secretary; and Samuel Hodges, historian. Other local and distant graduates included Sunny Bains, Dany Khloth, Chad Metalak, John Hashimoto, Ethan Anderson, Brent Chock, Ryan Ita, and Bradd Waki. Thanks for coming out brothers. The collegiates really appreciated the turnout. The following morning, September 6, a chartered bus transported the wine tour guests from the Gamma Nu house up to Plymouth, California. Put on once again by one of the connoisseurs of the chapter, Gabe Leung led the group to Sobon Winery, Shenandoah Vineyards, a picnic lunch at Montevina Winery, and lastly, a visit to Story Winery. Upon their return, it has been customary for the collegiate brothers who did not attend the tour to have the house ready for a barbecue feast. They did not disappoint. Tri-tip and short ribs were among the treats that waited the weary travelers who braved the heat of early September. Joining Gabe, on perhaps his
farewell Pac Grad Wine Tour event, were Brothers Ethan Anderson, Mark Walberg, Sunny Bains, Dany Khloth, John Hashimoto, Leland Ibarra, Mike Cuellar, Samuel Hodges, Greg Umeda, Chris Amaral, Aram Penaranda, Mike and Nora Pastrick, Kevin Okuni, Bradd Waki, and Donald Floriddia. Thankyou, Gabe, for putting together another spectacular event and thank you to Gamma Nu for hosting the barbecue again. On the next day, the officers of both Pac Grad and Gamma Nu met briefly to discuss the upcoming year in terms of events, budgeting, and other things to come. We look forward to an exciting year in 2009. Lastly, a special Happy Birthday to a special brother, Gabe Leung. Gabe has put in countless years toward the benefit of Gamma Nu and Pac Grad. This past September, he turned the Big 4–0! He and his wife Leanne are expecting again. Congratulations brother! —Derrick Egi
Providence Graduate The Providence Graduate chapter served as host for the annual Kappa Psi Foundation Golf Tournament on Saturday,
September 20, 2008, at the scenic Weekapaug Golf Club in Westerly, Rhode Island. Leading the winning team were Henry Pedro, Carl Marchand, and Bill Matheron. The team of John Grossomanides, Matt Mears, and Dave Canepa took second place. They narrowly edged out the third place team of Norman Campbell, Mike Simeone, Mike Sherry, and Brett Raphi. While the competition was fierce on the course, camaraderie and fellowship were evident off the course as these golfers came together to support the Foundation. The Providence Graduate chapter was well represented at the APhA meeting in San Diego. Brothers Paul Ranelli, Jeff Newell, Ronald Jordan, Paul Larrat, Greg Cianfarani, Michael Ira Smith, Jim Gallagher, Mike Sherry, Lou Diorio, Robert Magarian, Michael Simeone, and Past Grand Regents Norman Campbell, John Grossomanides, Brian Furbush, and Anthony Palmieri were in attendance. They renewed friendships and enjoyed each other’s company at the Kappa Psi reception which was very well attended. Brother Brian Musiak recently accepted a pharmacy position at Fall 2008
William W. Backus Hospital in Norwich, Connecticut. Brian joins another Beta Epsilon alumnus at Backus. Brother Eric Arlia is presently pharmacy director at the hospital. —Karl J Kehrle
St. Louis Graduate The St. Louis Graduate chapter is currently updating mailing addresses to send out the “2008 Year in Review” along with a calendar of events for 2009. If you would like to be added to our mailing or e-mailing list, please contact John Hamilton: kappapsigrad@yahoo. com. Our grad chapter has contact information for more than 750 grads, most but not all graduating from the College of Pharmacy in St. Louis. We have a great network and would love to add to it. Our chapter will finish out the year with a few more social events and will then be looking forward to helping our active chapter host the Province VII meeting early next year. We try to have at least one social event every two months and have been doing a good job getting more and more grads to attend. We are also working on collecting 100 lbs. of can tabs to give to
Chapter News
Wisconsin Graduate
the Ronald McDonald House. If you want to start pulling tabs and are ever in the St. Louis area to drop them off to us, we’d appreciate the support. We are well on our way to 100 and have the active chapter, as well as friends and families, helping out! It’s never too early to promote our annual Kappa Psi Golf Tournament and grad barbecue which we have in August. If you’d like to play or if you have a chapter that’s within driving distance, we’d be interested in setting up a chapter vs. chapter golf scramble with you. Kansas City, Memphis, Drake, Purdue? We’ll meet you half way and make a day or a weekend out of the event. Let me know if there is interest! —John Hamilton
San Francisco Graduate The San Francisco Graduate chapter would like to officially reintroduce ourselves. The chapter was reactivated again in the summer of 2007 along with the Los Angeles Graduate chapter. Our current officers are: regent, Dr. Alison Lum; vice regent, Dr. Roland Lee; secretary, Dr. Stephanie Villanueva; and historian, Dany Khloth. We would like to thank Gamma Nu alumnus and current Epsilon Gamma GCD, Dr. Eric Gupta, for making all of this possible. Without his help, the SF Grad chapter would probably still be dormant. Since our reactivation, we have been in the thick of the rebuilding process. In addition to having attended all of our Province meetings, we have routinely had officer meetings to try to map out the future of SF Grad to keep the chapter active. As of now, our current goals are to accomplish the following: rebuild the graduate chapter by contacting all known Kappa Psi alumni in the San Francisco area to get them to continue to be active brothers, and keep actively involved with our collegiate chapter, Beta Gamma. For all alumni brothers and soon to be alumni (2009) who currently live in the San Francisco area and are interested in becoming actively involved with the SF Grad chapter, please contact me at kappapsi. danykhloth@gmail.com and I will contact you as soon as possible. —Dany Khloth
Province II Supervisor Bonita Rathi (center) presents recognition pins to Delta Epsilon Brothers Jordan Posey (left) and Amanda Beley (right).
South Dakota Graduate It’s been a quiet summer for the brothers of South Dakota Grad, but fall promises more activity. Our first official meeting as a graduate chapter took place on October 2 in Sioux Falls. We will be focusing on how to best support the collegiate chapter and keep graduating brothers involved in Kappa Psi. Grad brothers are also involved in the SDSU College of Pharmacy Clinical Skills Competition coordinated by SD Grad’s vice regent Eric Kutscher. The grad chapter’s secretary/treasurer, Brianna Schneider, is a captain for this year’s American Diabetes Association’s Step Out: Walk to Fight Diabetes in Sioux Falls. The brothers of Gamma Kappa are planning a tailgate event at the SDSU-Cal Poly football game at Coughlin-Alumni Stadium in Brookings for collegiate and graduate members and their families. Province VIII conclave is fast approaching, and it will be our first meeting as a full member of the Province! —Andrew Gillen
Southwestern Graduate Six brothers from the Southwestern Graduate chapter attended this year’s Professional
Fraternity Association meeting in Salt Lake City. This larger than normal turnout was because Dr. Dewey Garner was selected as the 2008 Career Achievement Award winner and Delta Rho was awarded the 2008 Outstanding Community Service Award. The Career Achievement Award honors a distinguished full member of the Fraternity who participates actively on a regular or continuing basis. This person is of national or international renown, and actively engaged in the Fraternity’s discipline. The Outstanding Community Service Award recognizes a group chapter that has dedicated personal and financial support for the betterment of that chapter’s community. Brothers in attendance were Charles Carden, Dewey Garner, Paul Knecht, Scott Long, Johnny Porter, and E. Ben Welch. The brothers made a number of valuable contacts in the motel/hotel industry, and several of the companies asked about hosting our Province meetings. If you would like more information, please contact either Johnny Porter or E. Ben Welch. —E. Ben Welch
Summer went by too fast for the WI Graduate chapter. In July, we held our annual Brewer’s Tailgate with Beta Psi. We had a decent turnout for the grads, great weather, and we were glad to have more Beta Psi members join us this year. The tailgate included cornhole, golf ball toss, Frisbee and some great grill masters; the Brewers were able to pull off the win that day. How great is that. Later in the summer, the WI Grad chapter held our other annual event, The Hacker’s Open. This is an annual golf outing where grads and Kappa Psi actives “hack” their way around a local golf course. Congratulations to this year’s winners: Kate Nelson, Kevin Lewis, Dennis Koblenski (Koby), and last minute substitution John Sterzinger. Koby took custody of the traveling trophy to ensure it is brought to next year’s Brewers Game and Tailgate and Hackers Open. Other event winners included: Longest Drive–Chrissy Densing, Longest Putt–Steve Shuda, Closest to the Pin–Kirstin Shuda, and Shortest Drive–Lori Joas. As for the new WI Grad-Beta Psi chapter house remodeling, we were not able to get as far in the construction process as we would have liked. Permits and construction plans take time! But when all is done, we hope to have a great chapter house for all to enjoy. We welcome any brothers visiting the Madison area to come by our new home at 414 Chestnut Drive. Looking to the fall, there will be not only more house construction, but also the WI Graduate chapter annual meeting. Our meeting will be held at our new chapter house during the WI Badgers homecoming. Beta Psi is kind enough to host our meeting each year. During the meeting, we hope to vote on our new local ordinances as well hold elections for three officers on our executive board: regent, treasurer, and historian. Any brothers are welcome to attend. If you would like more information on the WI Graduate chapter, please visit our Web site at http://www.wikappapsi.org/ or contact our secretary, Lori Joas, at lorijoas@yahoo.com. —Nikki Musial
Chapter News
Province II Province II would like to thank Delta Epsilon chapter for hosting the Province II fall assembly in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, during the weekend of October 3–5. The assembly was a success, as Province II continues to increase its chapter participation. We would also like to thank guests in attendance, including Brothers Andrew Frasco and Peter Brody, and brothers from Province V. Province II Chaplain Seth Barnetsky will be organizing a new Province II service project. The project will involve sending care packages to troops overseas through the Adopt-a-Platoon organization. Platoons will be adopted at both the Province and chapter level. Recognition pins were awarded to Brothers Jordan Posey and Amanda Beley of Delta Epsilon chapter for their diligent work in planning the assembly. The award for best slide show was presented to Delta Epsilon chapter. The ManMile Award for the chapter with the highest percentage of brothers in attendance was presented to Beta Omega chapter. The Province II Chapter of the Year award was presented to Beta Kappa chapter. Province II was honored to be able to present Brother David Maszkiewicz with the Robert A. Magarian Order of the Silver Mortar to commemorate his 25 years as a brother of Kappa Psi. Province II is already looking forward to the next assembly meeting, which will be hosted by the Beta Omega chapter. The meeting is being planned for late March 2009 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. —Erin Lopata
of their alumni thus far. The brothers at Gamma Xi are also working to improve their already stellar alumni relations. Special congratulations go to Province III’s newest chapter, Epsilon Delta, for exceeding their expectations on developing their chapter. They are proving what we already know: Kappa Psi is one of the best things the pharmacy profession has—if not the best. We are leaders. Already, in their first year of being a chapter, Brothers Joshua Spackey and Shana Humes of Epsilon Delta have earned distinguished awards from their COP for leadership and service. Province III is also grateful to announce that the GCDs at both Iota (Dr. Ed Soltis) and Delta Lambda (Dr. Michael Adams) earned the GCD Certificate of Excellence Award. In an effort to promote the profession of pharmacy and to improve patient outcomes in the community, Province III is continuing their Patient Medical Record (PMR) philanthropy project. Several of our chapters, namely Theta, Iota and Sigma, have made some headway with this project. One of the main goals of the project is to provide community residents with a detailed, yet wallet-sized form which will provide necessary information to all those in the health
care system. The creativity of each chapter in promoting the PMR project is quite amazing. Sigma not only raised more than $700 via a spelling bee for the project, but has also developed window decals. Theta has set up booths in pharmacies to target patients directly, and Iota has connected with patients enrolled in the Diabetes 10 City Challenge. Province III would also like to congratulate Brother Johnny Porter on becoming the new Executive Director. If he puts as much effort into being Executive Director as he has put into THE MASK, Kappa Psi will grow exponentially. —William Shealy
Province IV Before all the chapters officially began the new academic year this fall, they met in Auburn in June for the summer conclave. The Province had a lot to celebrate at the meeting, where three of the nine collegiate chapters were recognized as being ranked within the top 10 chapters across the nation. Gamma Psi was ranked third in the nation and number one within Province IV. Delta Rho was not only ranked fifth in the nation, they received the Frank H. Eby Scholarship Tray Award and represented Kappa Psi through being
Province III Greetings to all brothers from Province III! Just as with many of you, we are all in the midst of one of the most important aspects of the Fraternity—pledge season. Let us all hold fast to instilling our ideals in each pledge and ensuring their commitment to Kappa Psi lest we dilute the Brotherhood. Several of our chapters have taken the National Pledge Project by the reins and are making phenomenal headway in the ways of bringing alumni back into an active and contributing status. Iota’s pledges have already begun acquiring contact information from a list of about 400
nominated for and receiving the 2008 Professional Fraternity Association’s Outstanding Community Service Award. The final Province chapter ranked with the top 10 was Gamma Phi, which was ranked sixth in the nation. The Province would like to thank the brothers of Delta Gamma for putting together a great summer meeting. When the meeting adjourned, all the chapters took the Province IV fire and motivation back to their chapters to begin the new academic year. The graduate chapters in Province IV have been just as busy as the collegiate chapters. The Tampa Graduate chapter is busily working with Grand Vice Regent E. Ben Welch and other members of the Executive Committee to ensure that the 54th Grand Council Convention will be the greatest and most attended convention in Kappa Psi history. The Southeast Florida and Bahamas Graduate chapter saw the initiation of a local community leader, Ralph Dello of Stephen Douglas Associates, into their chapter during the beginning of September. The Province IV winter conclave will be held on Friday, January 9, and Saturday, January 10, by the Delta Rho chapter in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. The chapter is busily working on getting all the details and rates finalized. More information and details will be posted on the Province IV Web page (province4.org) as they are finalized. We look forward to seeing all of you in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, in January for the winter conclave and Clearwater, Florida, in August 2009 at the 54th GCC. —Daniel Welch
Province V
Brothers Tegan Williams (left) and Tim Kaylor (right) raffle off valuable prizes to raise money for the Adopt-a-Platoon service project in Province II. Fall 2008
Province V is very dedicated to helping our collegiate chapters in whatever ways we can. Four Province V officers, Erin Walsh (Satrap), Lindsey Ghiringhelli (Vice Satrap), Eric Geyer (Secretary), and Tim Borowiak (GCC Delegate), visited the brothers of Xi and Columbus Grad during one weekend in September. After a five-hour plus road trip, we joined several Xi brothers in volunteering at Night Moves, a nighttime fivemile run to benefit the March of Dimes in downtown Columbus.
Chapter News
We were in charge of directing traffic through the alleys of downtown and got to cheer on the runners as they ran by. On Saturday, the Province V officers got to experience game day in Buckeye country. We were given a tour of The Ohio State University campus, which was full of people gearing up for the game versus Troy University. Then it was on to a local restaurant, BW3s, to cheer the team on with some Xi and Columbus Grad brothers. The officers then spent the evening in Delaware, Ohio, with several Columbus Grad brothers, including Grand Counselor Andy Frasco. It was a great time getting to know our brothers in Columbus better, and hopefully this trip will inspire all of us to become better brothers. Also this fall, Province V put out a newsletter to the Province. This newsletter contains informational articles about the Fraternity as well as articles about professionalism and social events. To view the newsletter, visit the Province V Web site at http://www.kappappsi5. com. To get more information on what Province V is up to, please visit our Web site (see above). Province V also has an informational e-mail group via yahoo to communicate within the Province. To join the group or view messages, visit http://groups.yahoo.com/groups/ KappaPsiProvince5. —Nikki Musial
Province VII Gamma Pi is already busy planning Province VII’s 2009 conclave. We would like to invite all brothers to attend our annual conclave in St. Louis, Missouri, February 27–March 1. Meetings will be held at the Sheraton Westport Hotel. Rooms will be available for $110 per night. Registration deadlines will be December 1 and January 1. Registration cost will be $65 with the first deadline and $75 by the second deadline. Registration will also be open at the meeting. The opening social event on Friday evening will be at Pujols 5 Restaurant from 8 to 11p.m. Saturday night’s banquet will be held at the Sheraton at 7 p.m. Westport is an exciting area of St. Louis to visit. Within walking distance of the hotel, there are numerous restaurants, pubs and a comedy
WI Grad chapter vice regent Lisa Vanevenhoven helps remove rubble from the basement while remodeling the WI Grad-Beta Psi chapter house.
club. The hotel will provide free transportation to and from Lambert airport, as well as the local casinos (Harrah’s and Ameristar Casino). Our philanthropy project for 2008 is “Kappa Psi for Life” in which each chapter is asked to find a way to promote a healthy lifestyle in its community. Each chapter is asked to conduct two health events by the spring meeting. Each chapter is also responsible for conducting a fundraiser to benefit YMCA. Our Province goal is to present the St. Louis YMCA chapter with $5,000. We hope you will mark your calendars for a visit to St. Louis! For updates on the meeting, check out our MySpace page: http://www. myspace.com/kappapsiprovince708. Information will also be available through the Province VII Web site. Registration forms will be available through the Web site. For questions feel free to contact chollenbeck@stlcop.edu. —Anastasia Roberts
Province VIII Province VIII brothers are gearing up for an exciting Conclave hosted by Gamma Epsilon. This time we have two very interesting themes, “Smells Like Team Spirit” and “Greek Olympics.” These both will make for some great photo opportunities. Currently, the Province VIII Webmaster,
Stephanie Santos from Beta Chi, is preparing to launch a new site before conclave. Together, we hope to make it a very useful site for all brothers, especially those from Province VIII who will be using it the most. Lastly, I would like to congratulate the most outstanding chapters of the year—Delta Zeta, Epsilon #4, Gamma Kappa #8 and Gamma Epsilon #10. —Amanda Weber
Province IX Province IX has had a very busy summer! We recently just got together for our fall Interim Meeting September 19–21 hosted by Gamma Rho in Albuquerque, New Mexico. The weekend started off with a barbecue at Tiguex Park located in Albuquerque’s Old Town Plaza. As many brothers were just arriving in New Mexico, we enjoyed socializing along with hamburgers and hot dogs compliments of the brothers from host chapter Gamma Rho. After the barbecue in the park, brothers continued the festivities at local establishments in the Old Town Plaza. Bright and early Saturday morning, brothers got down to business in the University of New Mexico’s College of Pharmacy classroom following an amazing breakfast of green or red chili breakfast burritos, a local favorite. I am happy to
announce all of our collegiate and graduate chapters were in attendance, as well as our Province IX Supervisor Weaver and Vice Supervisor Radhakrishnan. We successfully discussed all new and old business and also enjoyed hearing what our colleagues were up to during the chapter reports. We decided that the Province IX philanthropy project for this year will be raising money for terminally ill children through the Make-A-Wish Foundation. Each chapter will pick a child and work to make the wish of that child come true. Immediately following the meeting were ice cream sundaes and the Province IX scholarship poker tournament. Congratulations to Brother Sarjit Patel from Gamma Upsilon who won first place, Brother Venny Wong from Delta Sigma who won second, and Brother Robert Mancini from Delta Phi who took third. Later that evening, brothers dined at La Placita where we held our banquet and awards ceremony. Delta Phi chapter was honored with the Lapiz Taquitos award in recognition of excellence of their Province report. Delta Sigma was awarded the Community Service award in recognition of excellence in promotion of the pharmacy profession while giving back to the community; they demonstrated their service to the community with their “adherence day project” by speaking to individuals about ways to increase adherence to their medication. Special recognition should be given to Brother Travis Shelton of Delta Sigma who was the project leader. Epsilon Gamma was awarded the Fellow-hood and Brothership Award in recognition of excellence in the development of relationships among brothers. Epsilon Gamma demonstrated the strength of the bonds of brotherhood by holding a social event that brought together not only collegiate and graduate brothers from Epsilon Gamma, but also collegiate and graduate brothers from Gamma Nu chapter as well. Delta Sigma was awarded the Travelers Award to recognize their dedication to the Fraternity as demonstrated by their outstanding attendance at the meeting. The Province IX scholarship was awarded to Brother Ryan Moore in recognition of his dedication and service to the Fraternity. Eleanor Carbett, regent of host
T h e F i n a l Wo r d
chapter Gamma Rho, was awarded the recognition pin for all her hard work to ensure the fall Interim Meeting was a great success. After the ceremony, brothers from Gamma Rho shuttled everyone to downtown Albuquerque, 4th Street Promenade, where brothers got a chance to relax, socialize, and dance the night away! To end the weekend, Gamma Rho brothers showed us their beautiful New Mexico scenery by taking us all on a tram ride. Brothers enjoyed The Sandia Peaks Ski & Tramway, which is the world’s longest aerial tramway ride that took us over 2.7 miles of breathtaking views. This was a wonderful way to end the trip to Albuquerque. All in all, everyone had a wonderful time and we are all looking forward to seeing each other again at our next Province assembly which is tentatively scheduled for February 20–22, 2009, in Las Vegas, Nevada. —Kayla Buschko
Province X As fall 2008 has come into full swing, Province X has also revved back up! In an attempt to more closely unite the chapters, several brothers were in contact during the late summer months exchanging ideas and brainstorming for the new initiates’ recruitment activities.
Although some chapters have undergone recruitment and social events, and others are still in the preliminary stages, the brothers from the new class of 2012 appear to have enormous amounts of spunk and charisma! I believe it safe to say we will undoubtedly be hearing more from them in the future as they gain their footing in Kappa Psi. Although seemingly far in the future, mark your calendars for the annual Province X meeting, February 13–16 in Seattle, home of Beta Omicron! Following the fun-inthe-fields atmosphere Beta Pi supplied to the Province last February, a trip to the gorgeous metropolis of Seattle will surely provide enough entertainment and laughs for all Kappa Psi brothers in attendance, Province X, and all other Provinces alike. A little sooner on the agenda of Provincial activities, we have begun investigating potential ideas for winter. In tradition with the annual Delta Mu and Beta Omicron chapters’ joint ski trip, there has been talk of an all-Province ski extravaganza that would undoubtedly leave lasting memories of brotherhood in the psyche of all who attend. Please stay tuned for more information; trust us, it’ll be worth it! —Stacy Crow
Rho brothers pose with GCD Dave Henry: (back L–R): Dave Henry, David Ackiss, and Kimberly Guess; (front): Lindsay Justin, Donna Bascom, and Nita Lad.
The Kappa Psi Life Recently, my Epsilon Beta brothers and I were privileged to attend the chartering of our newest chapter, Epsilon Epsilon, at Texas A&M—Kingsville. While watching the ceremony, I was taken back to the day, not too long ago, when we shared the same excitement. One thing Dr. Lawrence Brown said at the reception still resonates with me even to this day. He imparted to those fortunate enough to attend that there are two classes of Kappa Psi members, “Those who belong to Kappa Psi and those who are Kappa Psi.” While I am sure Dr. Brown meant nothing negative toward brothers who cannot be as active as they would like, I took it as a challenge to be an example brother to the others who are not so quick to get involved with our great organization. We all face difficulties in our academic and personal lives that drain our time and energy. Through Kappa Psi, I have found a new fountain of youth. I band together with my newest and closest friends, and yes— brothers, giving me a new outlook on my present as well as future participation in events sponsored by Kappa Psi and other organizations. So who are those who simply belong to Kappa Psi and who are those who are Kappa Psi? My interpretation of those who belong to Kappa Psi are those who perhaps have misunderstood the tenants of our creed and merely latched on to the name and its proud heritage for purposes known only to them. As a member, I do not condemn or fault these brothers, but in some ways feel they are missing out on the true Kappa Psi meaning and the great gifts this Brotherhood is placing before them. These brothers look for a reason to avoid functions or find fault in every activity to justify their missing opportunities to practice their brotherly responsibilities. I want to be perfectly clear; I, too, have days when the meeting or the social event conflicts with a personal endeavor or the tasks of the day draw me to mental exhaustion and one more thing feels like a burden. But, my brothers and the idea of being a medical professional in this great field brings me around like a dose of smelling salts. We sometimes miss the forest for the trees. It was a two-hour drive to the chartering event in Kingsville, and the time spent in the car and at the event was an opportunity to share good times with brothers we had not met and to build relationships with those we may never have had the chance to. Our traditions and our legacy for future Kappa Psi brothers was and will be solidified by those of us who carry Kappa Psi closest to our hearts. In closing, I am reminded of the history of our Brotherhood which was founded at Russell Military Academy and something a close brother shared with me one day during a class break. He told a story about tradition and history and how important being a soldier was to him. In that story he mentioned the one point about the Marine Corps he was jealous of and that was their tremendous pride in being part of the organization. He finished by saying, “When a soldier is asked what he is or what he does, he tells the interviewer about his job and position. When the young Marine is asked what he is or what he does, he has only one answer, “I am a Marine.” So my question to you, my brothers, is, “Do you belong to or are you a brother?” Kimberly Erickson, Epsilon Beta Fall 2008
TOP: Brothers Annette Sajecki, Rachel Younger, Megan Bryant, Amanda Zomp, and Lauren Hooker work hard to prepare Delta Lambda’s Hawaiianthemed rush party. FAR LEFT: Delta Nu brothers pie a professor for charity during their great pie extravaganza. LEFT: Delta Xi Brother Paul Nguyen falls victim to a few water balloons during the School of Pharmacy Greek Olympics at Shenandoah University.
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