The Mask of Kappa Psi Pharmaceutical Fraternity Summer 2007

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A New Dawn Old Accomplishments/New Ideas

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From the Grand Regent


David E. Maszkiewicz

Brothers, this is my last MASK article as your Grand Regent. Many Grand Regents have used this issue to reflect not only upon their term, but their life in Kappa Psi. I will attempt to follow that tradition. I want to begin by thanking all of you for the opportunity to serve as your Grand Regent over the last two years. As I mentioned in my first MASK article as Grand Regent, I could never have imagined when I was initiated into Beta Kappa chapter back in 1983 that my road in Kappa Psi would one day lead me to the Grand Regency. Even when I first ran for National Office way back in 1991, my only dream was to reach the Executive Committee as Graduate Member-at-Large. I remember how honored I was when I realized my dream at the 48th GCC in 1997, and the Brotherhood elected me as their Graduate Member-at-Large. I was so glad to have such a precious opportunity to serve our Brotherhood. My father, Edward Maszkiewicz (BK 1955), always taught me to never give up, that it is always too soon to quit. That we, above all else, must believe in ourselves, and with that belief, we can achieve our goals, reach our dreams and overcome any obstacles along the way. My dad always believed that if I persevered, I would one day reach the Executive Committee. My dad passed away in October 1995. Though he never got to see me attain the goal he believed I could reach, I’ve always believed, and felt in my heart, that he has been there with me, every step of the way, during my last 10 years on the Executive Committee. I have always remembered his words to never give up. It is always too soon to quit, not just in Kappa Psi, but in anything that’s worthwhile in life. For me, I’ve found that the road to, and my term as, Grand Regent, while not always easy, was always rewarding. I also discovered, in retrospect, that for me, it was not so much the destination, but the journey itself that made it all worthwhile. I’ve had the opportunity to live a dream of serving brothers in so many positions in this great Fraternity. I’ve traveled to so many places, met so many brothers and gained so many friends that I can never put a price on or give thanks enough for the opportunity. Over the past two years we worked together to See the Possibilities. In so many ways, in our chapters, our Provinces and at all levels, we achieved great new things. We made Possibilities realities, and made Kappa Psi, in so many ways, a better place for all of us. We have taken the steps together to reach new horizons and to forge an even better Kappa Psi experience for brothers yet to come. We must always remember, the journey of possibility never ends. We must always look toward the future and never be content with where we are today. We are the architects of Kappa Psi’s future. We are the custodians of tomorrow. We all make a difference. Believe in yourself. Believe in your dreams. And above all, never give up on achieving those dreams. Dr. Dewey Garner wrote in his History Book, “In every man’s life there comes an adventure which changes the shape of everything that follows.” Kappa Psi has been that event in my life. I wish the same to all of you. You never know where the road may lead you. Someday YOU may be writing this article! Thanks again, so much, for the precious opportunity you gave me to serve as your 41st Grand Regent. I will always treasure the experience. Fraternally, Very Proud to be Your Brother,

David E Maszkiewicz Grand Regent 2005–2007


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Contents 4 Remembrances . . . 8 Mu Chapter’s 100th Anniversary . . . 12 Past Executive Director Magarian Honored . . . 13 Black Diamond Pharmacy . . . 13 Kappa Psi International Awards . . . 14 Grand Council Scholarship Key Winners . . . 15 Chapter News . . . 18 Photo Album . . . 31 The Final Word . . . 39 APhA 2007 Annual Meeting . . .

Volume 104, Number 3, Summer 2007 Whole Number 414 Official Publication of the Kappa Psi Pharmaceutical Fraternity, Inc. Founded 1879 Incorporated 1903 A quarterly magazine maintained and published in the interests of the Fraternity, College, and University by The Kappa Psi Pharmaceutical Fraternity, Inc., College of Pharmacy Health Sciences Center, 100 Campus Dr., Southwestern Oklahoma State University, Weatherford, OK 73096. Web site: POSTMASTER—Send notice of undeliverable copies to Central Office, Kappa Psi Pharmaceutical Fraternity, Inc., School of Pharmacy, Southwestern Oklahoma University, 100 Campus Dr., Weatherford, OK 73096. The MASK is printed in the USA by Maury Boyd and Associates, Indianapolis, Indiana. Send information for publication directly to the Editor: Johnny Porter 16305 Dalmalley Dallas, TX 75248 (home) 972-490-5091 (work) 214-358-0263 (fax) 214-358-0746 (e-mail) Graduate brothers’ address corrections can be made at: e-mail/form1.html.


Info to Editor

Fall ’07 Winter ’08

10/1/07 12/1/07

Spring ’08 Summer ’08


New Dawn Something strange happens every two years at Kappa Psi: We get to change the direction of the Fraternity at the GCC. By the time you read this it will already have happened. We’re entering a new period for the Fraternity—new leaders, new officers, new brothers on the Executive Committee, and a change in Fraternity philosophy and leadership. Changes can be frightening and paralyzing, but change is inevitable. It will come, just as erosion by wind, sand and water change the planet on a minute-by-minute basis. We don’t stop change. We must adapt and grow with it. What you can do help this change? Help the new leaders to do their jobs. Help by giving respect to their ideas. Help by making your chapter responsive to their pleas for ideas and assistance. Help by doing all the things that make Kappa Psi great. Help by being a good brother in your local chapter. Help by keeping the spirit of F. Harvey Smith and Preston Eldridge alive in all that you do. Help by maintaining the high standards set by our forefathers. Help by being a good citizen of our planet. Help by remembering that Kappa Psi is what we make it. So, you see, even if you think “National Officers” are just people whose name you memorize, you can help in the growth of our great Fraternity. You can make a difference in the world of Kappa Psi. Look around. I bet you can think of even more ways to help. You always have, and I bet that you always will. Thank you for allowing me to serve as The Editor of THE MASK. It is indeed my privilege and honor. With your help, I look forward to serving longer. Fraternally,

7/1/08 Johnny W. Porter


Your editor, in 1973, wearing the hat that Bob Magarian remembers so well in his article (see page 6).

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Delta Detla’s Jenna Jacob, Todd Conner and Denise Jonathan have a little fun.

Collegiate Member at large Kali Jernigan and Gamma Phi’s Steve Weaver trade old Province stories

APhA 2007 Annual Meeting Atlanta was the site of this year’s annual meeting. As usual, the crowds at the booth were large. The booth was staffed by members of the Executive Committee, along with Executive Director Scott Long. With more than 300 brothers stopping by the booth, it was the place to be if you’re a Kappa Psi. At the annual reception, the E. Richard Bliss Citation of Appreciation was awarded to Dr. Bruce Canaday. Students and alumni listened as Dr. Canaday told of his involvement in Kappa Psi and how much it has meant to him over the years. In addition to the food and fun at the reception, brothers got to renew old acquaintances and make new ones at the same time. Typical of all Kappa Psi meetings, brotherhood was apparent during the entire reception. The next meeting is in San Diego, and many brothers already plan to attend.

APhAtlanta March 15–19

Jackie Lovita, Pittsburg Grad, and Grand Ritualist Andy Frasco have a little fun.

Past Grand Regent Reisetter and Dr. Sydney Finn catch up on old times at the reception.

Gamma Kappa’s all enjoyed the food and fun.

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Sprout, Minnesota Graduate, and Phil Wiegand, Beta Omega have a few laughs.

Asheia Wynne ,Delta Eta, Melissa O’Neill, St. Louis Grad, and Erin Searle, Delta Eta discuss the upcoming GCC.

Executive Director Scott Long chats with, Gamma Psi’s, Seth Hammons and Tim Burns.

Dr Canaday and wife, Victoria show the E. Richard Bliss award that he accepted at the reception.

Delta Psi’s, Kim Harfler, Erin Ross, Jen Brandenburg, Sandra Belanger, have a few laughs with Grand Counselor Becky Farenbruch. Gamma Kappa’s Laura Vieresi, Katie Brennon, Nicole Hepper, Claudia Macintosh and Ashley Burbach. are all smiles at this party

Past Grand Regent Reisetter and Marvin Smith,Tampa Bay Grad discuss the APhA meeting happenings so far.

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Remembrances This series of articles, written by Past National Officers of the Fraternity, will appear frequently. The purpose of this series is to let the members of Kappa Psi see what the Fraternity was like when some of our past officers were in leadership roles. I hope this is an enjoyable trip down memory lane. —Johnny Porter, Editor of THE MASK

By Robert A. Magarian, Past Executive Director January 1980–June 30, 2000

Bob and the Oklahoma delegation at the 1983 GCC in Myrtle Beach.

Industry, Sobriety, Fellowship and High Ideals


y journey in Kappa Psi began in the spring of 1958. My life changed forever when I was initiated into the Beta Rho chapter at the University of Mississippi. During the Initiation ceremonies, I heard about Industry, Sobriety, Fellowship and High Ideals—virtues that resonated with me. I knew I had made the right decision, joining a professional organization that believed the way I did.

Another principle that would impact me later was that Kappa Psi is for Life. This tenet becomes my theme in remembering people, things and events in this article. My membership certificate was signed by Grand Regent Milton L. Neuroth and Grand Secretary Frank H. Eby. Dr. Neuroth came to Beta Rho on a visitation while I was still on campus, and I was thrilled to meet the “president” of our Fraternity. He impressed me with his kindness, intelligence and professionalism. I never met Dr. Eby, but received a helpful letter from him when I became the Executive Director many years later. After graduation, I left the Ole Miss campus to practice pharmacy back home in Illinois.


Nearly two years later, I returned to Ole Miss to work toward the Ph.D. in medicinal chemistry with Dr. Lewis Nobles, GCD of Beta Rho. During my practice and graduate years, I had no contact with Kappa Psi. Seven years after I was graduated from pharmacy school, I joined the St. Louis College of Pharmacy faculty. In the fall of 1967, I began my development as a brother. The Gamma Pi chapter was strong, and its leaders welcomed me with open arms. Dr. Joe Haberle was the chapter’s GCD. Many on the faculty, including the dean and president, were Kappa Psi Brothers. During the three years there, I met Executive Secretary Gerald C. Henney (1965–71) who worked out of The Central Office in St. Louis. He was a vivacious person who took much delight in speaking at Gamma Pi banquets. Also, I met a graduate brother from the college, William Fitzpatrick, who became a good friend. Everyone called him “Fitz.” He was an appointed graduate member on the Executive Committee, and later became Executive Secretary (1971–75) and Grand Regent (1974–79). Bill was a passionate leader and he loved Kappa Psi. Exposure to these great leaders in Kappa Psi influenced me to such a degree that when I joined the pharmacy faculty at the University of Oklahoma in 1970, I reactivated the Gamma Omicron chapter one year later and became the GCD. I held that position until 1981. One of the pleasures I had as GCD was observing brothers as they

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Bob with the Oklahoma delegation at Province IV in 2005.

Bob with the Oklahoma delegation at Province IV in 2005.

matured in their leadership roles. A few were shy at first, but by the time they worked their way through the ranks to regent, they blossomed into impressive leaders. Not long after the reactivation of Gamma Omicron, we went to a Province VII meeting in St. Louis where I met a “wild and crazy guy,” Johnny W. Porter, who had bushy hair, a mustache and wore a black bowler hat with “Delta Beta” in big red

Greek letters. He reminded me of a character out of Dickens’ David Copperfield. Johnny became Grand Regent (1991–93), is the current Editor of THE MASK and is also a dear friend. In 1974, Grand Regent William Fitzpatrick visited Gamma Omicron, and brothers took to him like a bear to honey. Fitz was funny in a reserved sort of way. He spoke his mind and threw $100 bills at us. We loved that gracious gesture. He purSummer 2007

posely did it for chapters that needed a financial boost. In a conversation with him, I expressed interest in the Executive Director position. I asked that he consider me if it ever came open. He told me he’d keep me in mind. Five years later, in the spring of 1979, I read in THE MASK that Executive Director Donald G. Florridia was one of the candidates for a position on the Executive Committee. This prompted me to call my longtime friend, First Grand Vice Regent Dr. Dewey D. Garner, at Ole Miss. I told him what I had read and about my interest in the Executive Director position. He advised me to come to the 39th Grand Council Convention (GCC) with a budget and a letter of space commitment from my dean in case I was asked to make a presentation to the Executive Committee. In August 1979 I attended my first GCC, now referred to as the Centennial Anniversary Convention, at the Marriott Camelback Inn in Scottsdale, Arizona. Grand Regent Fitzpatrick presided over his last Convention, and I waited in the wings for someone to call me into the Executive Committee meeting. They never did. Later, I learned that the position was not open, and during the Convention, I gave up the idea. At the end of the anniversary banquet, as was customary, Grand Regent Fitzpatrick delivered his farewell speech. Threequarters through his speech he got choked up and tears welled in his eyes. There stood our leader, at the podium, vulnerable, for all to see. And maybe he was even a little humiliated that his heart had betrayed him. Did some in the audience consider this a weakness in his character? How could they? To me, it was his expression of love and compassion for our great Fraternity, which he served well. The Fraternity reciprocated by teaching him the real meaning of the word “brother.” This incident touched me


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Bob at 1998 APhA meeting.

so that I’ve never forgotten it. (In later years, my heart would betray me too. You’ll come to learn why.) In November 1979, I received a call from Dewey Garner, who was elected Grand Regent at the 39th GCC. He told me the Executive Committee had discussed moving The Central Office to a central location, and he wondered if I was still interested. I was definitely interested. He asked that I submit a budget and letter of support from my dean. In December, I was interviewed by Dr. Norman Campbell, past Grand Regent (1972–74) and a brother whose name resonated throughout the Brotherhood. I felt a little intimidated at first, but his kindness and warmth helped me get through it. After an Executive Committee vote, I was chosen for the position. In January 1980, I became the 11th Executive Director of the Kappa Psi Pharmaceutical Fraternity. On January 28, the furniture from The Central Office in California arrived in Oklahoma City. My picture and new title appeared on the front cover of the 1979 OctoberDecember issue of THE MASK, and Paul Hiller, a Pocono Graduate brother, asked, “Who in the hell is this guy, Magarian?” Anyone ever heard about him?” Then he must have had second thoughts, because he said, “Well, if Dewey wanted him, he must be OK.”

In my contract with the Executive Committee, I stipulated that my wife, Charmaine, had to be hired as my administrative assistant. Without her experience, I knew I couldn’t do the job. And I was right. We worked the first two years until seven o’clock every evening, combing the files and reading everything, struggling to learn our purpose in The Central Office. We were in daily contact with Grand Regent Garner, which saved us on many occasions. The “Mom and Pop” Central Office now had kicked in. Another brother was hired by Grand Regent Garner a few weeks after my appointment. He was Dr. Anthony Palmieri III, hired as the new Editor of THE MASK. We worked closely together, and I remember one quality about Brother Tony: He wasn’t one for chit-chat. To the point, and then he was off the phone. He would later become Grand Regent (2003–05). For the next four years, Dewey and I became attached at the hip, going to chapter visitations, Province meetings, APhA, NARD and midyear clinical conventions. We stayed in unconventional hotels to save money and keep expenses in check. After only two months in office, I had to prepare for the 11th Kappa Psi Reception at the APhA Convention at the Washington Hilton in D.C. Talk about tension. I liked organizing things, but I had never negotiated with


hotels, nor did I know how many brothers would be attending the reception. How much food and drink would I have to order? I only had a small budget and I had to find a way to stretch it. As the tension amplified, I decided I had to have a talk with myself. I sat in my office one morning and said, “Self, if you’re going to be the Executive Director, you’d better get used to the heat, or get out!” Well, “Self” listened to me, and we absorbed as much confidence as we could muster and did the best we knew how. At the reception, we gave out tickets for drinks to stay within budget. This embarrassed me somewhat, and I vowed that we’d someday get to where we no longer would do that. Many brothers at the Kappa Psi Reception were gracious and congratulated me on becoming Executive Director. Several past Grand Regents, Executive Committee members (Patrick R. Wells, Joseph F. Miletta, Larry L. Slater, William R. Smith, Leonard L. Naeger, John Atkinson Jr. and Ben E. Welch) and leaders from pharmaceutical industry and pharmacy organizations were present. I met so many people my head was spinning. Dewey became my mentor. I watched what he did and I tried to imitate him, which wasn’t too easy to do. After he spoke he called out names, and I passed out Citation of Appreciation awards to the GCDs. I remember meeting Dr. Norm and Mary Campbell, and Dr. Bruce Martin, who I hadn’t met before. After the event I went to my room, removed my suit coat and tie, kicked off my shoes, sighed and thanked God. “Self” and I had done it, along with the Grand Regent. A few days later I received a letter from Dr. Frank H. Eby (Third Grand Vice Regent 1941–46; Grand Regent 1946–53; Grand Secretary and Treasurer 1954–64), one of our most admired leaders, in which he told me the Executive Director was the stabilizing factor in the Fraternity, and that Grand Regents and Executive Committee members come and go. His main concern was that I do my best to keep stability in the Fraternity. To me this meant more knowledge and understanding of the position and the Fraternity. His letter motivated me to think about these things. I decided that besides remaining in the position for a few

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years, I would work to help the Grand Regents achieve their goals and keep the Executive Committee well informed about Fraternity matters. These concepts took me to a new level of confidence, because I now understood my role as Executive Director. One rainy morning in late March 1981, I received a call from Dewey. He informed me that I had to begin thinking about the 40th Grand Council Convention scheduled for August in Detroit. Mu Omicron Pi and the Detroit Graduate chapter were the hosts. Man, what was he talking about? How do I prepare for a GCC? During the next few months I talked with Brother Frank Facione (now Bishop Facione) and learned that they had the Convention hotel, food and entertainment lined up. I sighed and gave thanks. He and Brother William R. Smith (who later became Grand Regent) and the other brothers did an incredible job. I had little to do, and I watched what had taken place, because I knew the next one was all mine to do. I had never seen such a well-organized meeting at that level. What I learned during Dewey Garner’s administration helped shape me into becoming an efficient Executive Director. I admired his administrative style and knowledge, and only a good friend who bled scar-

let and cadet gray would have had that much patience with me. I thank him for everything. I feel most fortunate to have served other great Grand Regents who became dear friends and stretched me in different ways: Dr. Patrick R. Wells (1983–87); Dr. Kenneth B. Roberts (1987–89); Brother William R. Smith (1989–91); Brother Johnny W. Porter (1991–93); Brother Paul Hiller (1993–95); Dr. John Grossomanides (1995–97); Brother Brian Furbush (1997–99); and Dr. Brian Reisetter (1999–2001). While we didn’t always agree, I respected their authority. They knew that when it came to the budget, I was commander-in-chief. I had one cardinal rule: We do not spend more than we take in. And we lived by the rule 99 percent of the time. Also, I had adopted Dewey’s motto: We never go in the red on a Grand Council Convention. And we never did. Of the nine Grand Regents I served, I only worked with Brian Reisetter for one year, since I retired (June 30, 2000) in the middle of his term. But as with the others, I enjoyed serving with him for years while he was on the Executive Committee. Dr. Patrick R. Wells and Dewey both had two terms (four years) as Grand Regent, but that changed with Brother Kenneth Roberts. I remember the Executive

Bob, Ken Kirk and Grand Regent Palmieri at the 2003 Province IV meeting in St. Louis. Summer 2007

Committee decided they’d vie for only a two-year term to allow the other officers to move up the ranks faster. While it’s not my intent to go through each Grand Regent’s administration or each GCC I helped organize, I’d like to introduce you to some interesting events that happened during those times. During Dr. Wells’ leadership, we switched over to wine at the APhA reception and did away with the tickets. “Image” had been important to me all my life, and now, especially in my role as Executive Director, it became even more important. “Dress in suits or sport coats, ties and present yourself as a person of integrity,” I thought. After all, isn’t Kappa Psi the best pharmaceutical fraternity in the world? I thought so, and I dressed like I believed it. Also, I felt that the Brotherhood expected it of me. In his first interim Executive Committee meeting as Grand Regent, Patrick Wells (now the Rev. Monsignor Patrick R. Wells, retired) told the committee that since the Executive Director always came dressed in a suit, “We might consider doing the same thing.” Before that, shorts and T-shirts were the dress code. When Brother Bill Smith became Grand Regent, he asked that we begin wearing tuxedos to the APhA Kappa Psi Reception. After that practice had been established, I received many compliments from the hotels about our appearance and the professional manner in which we conducted ourselves, which made us proud. During the 42nd GCC at South Padre Island, Dewey and I were recognized for our contributions to Kappa Psi. Fr. Frank Facione presented the Citation of Appreciation awards to us. At the 44th GCC in Williamsburg, Virginia, in 1989, a thrilling event took place for Charmaine and me. The Fraternity presented her with the Kappa Psi Sweetheart Pin (the first Sweetheart Pin was given to Mrs. Glen Sperandio at the 34th GCC in 1967). At the 45th GCC in Jackson Hole, Wyoming, in 1991, Grand Regent Bill Smith and the Oxford Quartet surprised Charmaine by singing the Sweetheart song to her. Talk about being flustered. I was glad she didn’t know in advance. She might have fainted. I retired from the University of Oklahoma College of Pharmacy faculty on June 30, 1996, and my university retirement


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Bob at the Province IV meeting in 2001.

party was held at the Petroleum Club in Oklahoma City. To my surprise and great honor, many brothers came from across the country: Dewey D. Garner, Patrick R. Wells, William R. Smith, Paul Hiller, John Grossomanides, Brian Furbush, Craig Johnston, Brian Reisetter, Paul Kneckt, Johnny Porter and Charles Carden, all of whom I proudly introduced to the faculty and guests. Grand Regent John Grossomanides presented a Mont Blanc fountain pen to me on behalf of the Brotherhood, and Dewey presented me with an ornate Ole Miss sweatshirt. We had a great time during the Oklahoma sun-drenched weekend, with everyone sitting in my garage telling tall tales. I’ll never forget it. In 1998, Grand Regent Brian Furbush and the Executive Committee honored me with The Robert A. Magarian—Order of the Silver Mortar. This is a certificate, described in the Constitution, to be issued to those brothers who have been a member for 25 years. This act of kindness floored me. (In 2008, I’ll be eligible for membership in The Preston W. Eldridge Jr.—Order of the Golden Mortar for 50 years in Kappa Psi.) Two years later in the third week of June 2000, we moved The Central Office to Weatherford, Oklahoma. I was retiring as the Executive Director on the 30th, and Dr. Scott Long would become the new

Bob at the Province IV meeting in 2001.

Executive Director July 1. The day the movers took everything out of the office, I felt like I had lost a member of the family. I had never prepared for this moment. While Charmaine and Linda Sousa, our secretary, were directing the movers, I flopped into my university cushioned chair and gazed around the empty room. Part of Charmaine and me had left with the movers. Images of the many good times we had raced through my mind, and I fought off a wave of depression. The past 21-and-a-half years had flown by like the Oklahoma winds, and now the “Mom and Pop” phenomenon was over. Another disquieting event for Charmaine and me occurred during the luncheon at the


50th GCC in Orlando, Florida, in 2001. Grand Regent Brian Reisetter asked us to come to the dais where we stood side-byside at the podium. Executive Director Scott Long presented me with a beautiful varnished two-drawer wooden cabinet with lid, designed to hold expensive writing instruments. It was a gift from the Fraternity for my years of service. Brother Long was aware of my collection of writing instruments. I accepted the gift with humility and thanked everyone. When I looked out at the many faces that filled the large room, I felt this heartrending bond with everyone, which made me uncomfortable. I immediately prayed that I’d get through my talk without humiliating myself. I forced myself to think about what I wanted to say, and seconds later, I spoke about the strong leadership that I saw in the Fraternity, and how I felt Kappa Psi was moving in the right direction. Then, out of nowhere, it came—a flood of emotion. Everyone’s gaze was locked on mine. There I stood, vulnerable, for all to see. Fitz’s experience some 21 years earlier flashed through my mind. I choked and tears welled in my eyes. I heard a comment from someone at my right. I turned and there sat Brother Brian Furbush. He knew what was happening. He, too, had such an experience when he gave his farewell speech as Grand Regent. When I spoke again, I remembered saying something about my chapter of initiation, calling it Beta Gamma instead of Beta Rho. Charmaine caught it and corrected me. Then I made a few other blunders that haunted me the rest of the day. Brothers Bill Fitzpatrick and Brian Furbush and I had experienced something ethereal. To stop it was like restraining the wind or holding oil in your hand. Why did it attack us? I don’t know. Maybe it’s because we opened ourselves to the realization that our time was over—the end had come. We would no longer be needed, no longer be doing something for someone else. It gave me such an empty feeling. Maybe now I found my answer: I have accepted that day as my initiation into the “club” of those who have discovered what the word “brother” really means. I feel better when I remind myself that “Kappa Psi is for Life.”

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Brothers in the News

Black Diamond Pharmacy provides diabetes care to West Virginia county Community pharmacy bills for MTM services through state-funded program Reprinted in part with permission of Pharmacy Today. Original story by Kristin A. Hodges


hen asked about his approach to owning a community pharmacy, David Dunson, BPharm, MBA, CDE, told Pharmacy Today, “I think of it as David and Goliath.” Dunson is the managing partner of Black Diamond Pharmacy in Northfork, West Virginia, a community of 600 people. His pharmacy is located in McDowell County, which has the highest rate of type 1 and 2 diabetes in the state. Of eight pharmacies in the county, Black Diamond is the only pharmacy certified in the state-funded Face to Face program. The program makes medication therapy management (MTM) services available to diabetes patients enrolled in the Public Employee Insurance Agency (PEIA)—the insurance provided to state employees over age 18. Built by Dunson and his three business partners from the ground up, Black Diamond Mountain Pharmacy began providing MTM services officially when the PEIA Face to Face program became available in 2005. Five of the largest counties in West Virginia were involved in the pilot program for one year. Black Diamond Pharmacy officially opened in May 1999 and includes a 77-square-foot, soundproof room for counseling. The room also has a computer workstation that can be used in counseling. Dunson explained that his staff pharmacists counsel, on average, six to eight scheduled patients per day and four to six unscheduled patients. The first meeting with a Face to Face patient usally last an hour. When Dunson began his college education at the University of Mississippi, the last thing on his mind was becoming a pharmacist. Originally a medical technology student, Dunson did a work-study in the medicinal chemistry department and was impressed by the department chair, who inspired him to consider pharmacy as a career.

Dunson believes the pharmacy profession must contine to move from being product based to being knowledge based. According to Dunson, pharmacy needs to move in a more clinical direction, whether in a hospital or community setting. He stated, “In the next 5 to 10 years down the line, the profession will be much more service based through disease management and pharmaceutical knowledge.

Past Executive Director Magarian Honored Campus-wide Faculty Award created in his name


he Health Science Center Student Association at the University of Oklahoma created a campus-wide faculty award in honor of Dr. Robert Magarian, past Executive Director of Kappa Psi. The Dr. Robert Magarian Faculty Award honors a faculty member students consider to be outstanding in the areas of teaching, mentoring, service activities or professional activities. This person should represent the same characteristics exhibited by Dr. Magarian, HSC Professor Emeritus and active community leader. Twenty-nine faculty members from the seven colleges were nominated by the students. Bob presented the award, along with university president David Boren and a member of the Board of Regents, to Dr. Ken Randall from the school of allied health. Summer 2007


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Kappa Psi Pharmaceutical Fraternity, Inc. International Awards

Grand Council Scholarship Key Winners

Top 10 International Chapters of 2007 1. Beta Kappa, University of Pittsburgh 2. Epsilon, University of Minnesota-Twin Cities 3. Gamma Kappa, South Dakota State University 4. Psi, University of Tennessee-Memphis 5. Delta Epsilon, Duquesne University 6. Delta Omicron, Nesbitt School of Pharmacy-Wilkes University 7. Gamma Phi, University of Georgia 8. Gamma Epsilon, University of Nebraska 9. Mu, Massachusetts College of Pharmacy 10. Delta Zeta, University of Iowa Top International Chapters in Each Province for 2007 Province I – Mu, Massachusetts College of Pharmacy Province II – Beta Kappa, University of Pittsburgh Province III – Delta Kappa, Howard University Province IV – Gamma Phi, University of Georgia Province V – Beta Upsilon, Butler University Province VII – Psi, University of Tennessee Province VIII – Epsilon, University of Minnesota-Twin Cities Province IX – Gamma Nu, University of the Pacific Province X – Delta Mu, University of British Columbia-Canada

Shaun A. Kink Beta Upsilon, Butler University Shaun held the highest GPA of his graduating class at Butler University.

Chapter of the Year Award 2007 Beta Kappa, University of Pittsburgh William R. Smith Most Improved Chapter Award 2007 Beta Lambda, University of Toledo Frank H. Eby Scholarship Tray Award 2007 Delta Rho, Nova Southeastern University Nick Fenney Industry Improvement Award 2007 Epsilon, University of Minnesota-Twin Cities Graduate Chapter of the Year 2007 1. Minnesota 2. Providence 3. St. Louis 4. Boston 5. Buffalo 6. Iowa 7. Columbus 8. Central Michigan 9. Illinois 12 MASK OF KAPPA PSI PHARMACEUTICAL FRATERNITY N Summer 2007

Mark Ryan Cox Gamma Eta, University of Montana Winners of several scholarship awards and a member of Rho Chi, Mark is currently the pharmacy manager for the CVS in Scottsburg, IN.

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Mu Chapter’s 100th Anniversary Celebration By Claudio Faria, Grand Historian

“They are as fine and intellectual a set of fellows as ever wore the domino.” —F. Harvey Smith, Mu chapter’s installation (May 4, 1907)

“Not only has Mu Chapter survived it has succeeded for 100 years.” —Dr. Marvin Smith, Mu chapter’s 100th anniversary (April 19, 2007)

“Mu always had a unique way to choose the best to be invited to join our Brotherhood. . . ” —Ben Hershenson, read by Claudia Faria at Mu chapter’s 100th anniversary (April 19, 2007)

“Support from Mu helped launch my national career in the Fraternity while a member of the MCP faculty.” —Dr. Norman Campbell, letter to Mu chapter regarding its 100th anniversary

“I am so proud to say I had the privilege of standing by your side throughout the years.” —Christopher Cormier, read by Claudio Faria at Mu chapter’s 100th Anniversary (April 19, 2007)


century ago our beloved founder, F. Harvey Smith, proudly presided over the installation of Mu chapter on May 4, 1907. In his famed speech “Reminiscences,” F. Harvey stated he would stand as Godfather to Mu, taking as much active interest in this particular chapter as time would permit. On April 19, 2007, the brothers of Mu honored their Godfather, their chapter and 100 years of Brotherhood. One hundred thirty brothers attended the 100th anniversary celebration at the breathtaking State Room atop the Sixty State Street building. Special guests included Province I Supervisor Tracey AndersonHaag, past Grand-Regent Jon Grossomanides, Marvin Smith (Gamma Psi), Province I Satrap Ben McDonald and new Mu chapter Faculty Advisor Dr. Xiang. Brothers from Beta Epsilon, Providence Graduate, Connecticut Graduate and, of course, Boston Graduate were also in attendance. The night began with a welcome reception and a Mu chapter history display. Immediately afterward, event chair Michael Cournoyer promptly began the program with a welcome and thank you. Laughter

and memories were then shared as Claudio Faria read letters from some of our brothers who were unable to attend. The highlight of the night was undoubtedly the words of Brother Marvin Smith, in lieu of Douglas Pisano, dean of pharmacy, MCP Boston, who at the last minute was unable to attend the festivities. In his speech, Brother Marvin stressed how difficult it was not just to survive, but to succeed for 100 years. He continued by reflecting on the words of F. Harvey Smith and sharing some personal Mu chapter anecdotes. For 30 minutes, Brother Marvin quieted 100-plus Mu chapter brothers and guests to complete silence. We all know this is very difficult! This was the only sign needed to confirm that Brother Marvin’s words were taken sincerely and will never be forgotten. The night continued by honoring brothers who received the Order of the Silver Mortar certificates. Silver Mortar recipients included Vincent Mainella, Christine Mainella, David Bibeault, Carlos Matos, Theodore Iorio, Dan Kiel and Douglas Pisano. In addition, Brothers Erick Sousa and Claudio Faria were honored with the Summer 2007

Asklepios Key for their years of dedication to Mu chapter and Kappa Psi. The program concluded after the installation of Mu chapter and Boston Graduate officers-elect. Brothers closed out the evening exchanging signatures on their 100th anniversary Kappa Psi autograph footballs. It was the perfect ending to a great night. A special thanks to Michael Cournoyer for organizing such a memorable event. Mu chapter would also like to thank all those in attendance, especially our guests. Brothers extend their gratitude to everyone unable to attend, since it was an exceptional day not just for Mu chapter, but for our entire beloved Kappa Psi. Godspeed, Mu!

“Men of Mu” —April 19, 2007–Prior to the 100th anniversary celebration

“Craig Ballie can’t believe Mu is 100 years old!” —Marvin Smith and Alex Pham


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Chapter News Epsilon

University of Minnesota Founded 4/30/1928 College of Pharmacy 5-130 Weaver Densford Hall 308 Harvard Street S.E. Minneapolis, MN 55455-0343

Some Epsilon brothers enjoy a weekend away on a camping trip.

Epsilon chapter is excited to welcome 10 new brothers who were initiated spring semester. We wish the best of luck to our 20 brothers who graduated in May. Our spring semester was jampacked with happenings. One of our biggest events was hosting Province VIII conclave. Everyone involved with planning did a great job making it a fun and memorable weekend! We thank everyone who attended and hope you had a great time. Other events that kept Epsilon busy this spring were Initiation, elections, our continued STI talks at high schools in the Twin Cities area, Kidney Early Evaluation Program screenings and cooking a meal for families at the Ronald McDonald House. We also participated in the World Swim for


Gamma Psi Brothers

Malaria during which we swam laps and participated in relay races to raise money to purchase insecticide mosquito nets to prevent the spread of malaria. The weekend before finals, we neglected our books for a few hours and put on our walking shoes to take part in the MS walk. We walked eight miles and raised money to support the MS society. And just for the sake of having fun, several brothers headed off to a resort in northern Minnesota for an annual weekend of fellowship and fun. We started the summer off right by getting out of the city and heading off to do some camping at a state park on the Mississippi River. We came back from our weekend refreshed and ready to jump into our service projects. We are very excited that our studentrun clinic, which provides health care to uninsured patients—the Philips Neighborhood Clinic—has reopened. After a new partnership with the University of Minnesota Physicians was formed and a new

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medical director was chosen, the clinic opened and is better than ever. We will be busy this summer staffing the dispensing pharmacy at the clinic. We will also be selling concessions at the Metrodome for Minnesota Twins games as a chapter fund-raiser, and are planning several fellowship events this summer. —Alison Wagner


Massachusetts College of Pharmacy Founded 3/4/1907 SGA Office c/o Kappa Psi 179 Longwood Avenue Boston, MA 02115

What a year for Mu chapter, and it’s not even over yet. Mu chapter celebrated its 100th year, and what better way to celebrate then by hosting the 53rd Grand Council Convention here in Boston. Mu brothers are pumped for GCC, and we have some great events planned throughout the week. GCC is going to be a good time. You know it will since Mu chapter is hosting. Who better than Mu? Brothers have been working hard fund raising. During February we showed 14 new brothers what Kappa Psi Brotherhood is all about. We now call them “The Benchwarmers.” They are Andrew Chueng, Dan Cloutier, James Henschke, Jensen Varghese, Leon Mezentsev, Carlos Perez, Peter Lee, Ted Connolley, Pietro Treviso, Mike Provost, Jeff Skalaban, Sam Trask, Vinit Patel and Priyank Patel. We also held our annual Smoker at the State Room where we celebrated our 100th with older brothers. A special thanks to the brothers from Province IV for coming and celebrating the historic night with us. We inducted our new chapter officers at the smoker as well. Christopher Nadeau, regent; Alexander Pham, first vice regent; Soham Bhatt, second vice regent; Mike Provost, secretary; Jason Marietti, treasurer; Kunal Patel, historian; Josh Paine, sergeant at arms; David Mellace, chaplain; Jason Moran, Judiciary Committee chairman; Joe Stokinger, Professional Affairs chairman; Ted Connolley and James Henschke, Cooperative Affairs chairmen; Claudio Faria, Grand Council

Psi brothers enjoy time together. IHS in Gallup, New Mexico, was elected for a second year as chapter historian. And last but certainly not least, Kelly Glazer will be fulfilling the duties of chaplain next year. We are excited about the new leadership. The chapter is looking forward to the growth and changes that next year will bring. —Amanda Schart

Deputy; and Erick Sousa, graduate liaison. Congratulations to our new faculty advisor and new brother, Professor Xiang Chang. —Kunal Patel


Ohio State University Founded 5/21/1925 College of Pharmacy 500 W. 12th Ave. Columbus, OH 43210-1291


It has been another successful school year for the Xi chapter at Ohio State. Brothers once again spent many hours volunteering with their favorite charities and organizations. This spring they joined with several other college of pharmacy groups to participate in the largest Race for the Cure in the history of Columbus. They also continued to cook meals for the Unverferth House, serve at the Faith Mission and sort food with the Mid-Ohio Food bank. Socially, they joined brothers from the University of Cincinnati and the St. Louis Grad chapter to attend a Cincinnati Reds game. The chapter is also pleased to announce its new officers for next year. The new leadership has already started making plans to increase membership and enhance Kappa Psi’s presence at Ohio State. Our newly elected regent, Brett Perlberg, is taking his position seriously, and we look forward to the

University of Tennessee Founded 10/9/1925 College of Pharmacy 31 S. Barksdale Memphis, TN 38104

Psi brother Emily McCay visits with Shrek at the MAW Presentation positive changes he will bring. His vice regent is Stephen Rabe, who is spending the summer interning with Indian Health Services in Whiteriver, Arizona. Jessica DelRe and Nate Coons were elected secretary and treasurer, respectively. Nate is currently interning with University Hospitals in Cleveland. Andrew Davis was elected to represent Kappa Psi as Pharmacy Council representative, while Lindsey Corbett was chosen to be sergeant-at-arms for this year’s rush season. Amanda Schart, also spending the summer with the

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The Psi chapter finished the school year with the challenge of preparing for a chapter expansion to another campus. The 2007–2008 school year will be the first time the University of Tennessee College of Pharmacy will operate two campuses, one in Memphis and the new one in Knoxville, and Kappa Psi is ready for the challenge. The chapter will be split between campuses but will still operate as one. The new Executive Committee is ready and is making plans to ensure the transition will run smoothly. There are also big plans in the works for renovations to the house, which will include new floors and new landscaping! We were able to grant a wish for Make-A-Wish this semester with fund-raising money from a silent


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auction, a date auction and a chicken biscuit sale. The recipient was a girl named Teresa who will enjoy a spa treatment and take a trip to the House of Blues in L.A. to see her favorite group, Pretty Rick. While there, she will be able to go to Disneyland with her mom and sister. The last event of the year was the annual Pig Roast, which involved an all-night roast of a 200-pound hog, which was named Wilbur. There was a big scare midway through the night because the hog caught fire, but was promptly extinguished with no harm done. The barbeque was prepared and served the next day at the Pig Roast. It was a great bonding time for our brothers —April Hodson

Beta Gamma

University of California— San Francisco Founded 9/23/1910 College of Pharmacy 1499-5th Avenue San Francisco, CA 94122

This spring marked the end of a successful year for Kappa Psi. In March, Beta Gamma chapter was honored to host the spring assembly for Province IX in San Francisco. Attendance was at an alltime high with 95 brothers representing UCSF, and 60 collegiate and graduate brothers visiting from chapters in California, Nevada, Arizona and New Mexico. We were also fortunate to have former Grand Regent Craig Johnston in attendance. Time was spent efficiently as brothers discussed important policies and procedures concerning Province IX. At the assembly, Beta Gamma brothers Stephanie Villanueva and Carly Paoli were elected to the esteemed offices of satrap and secretary/treasurer for Province IX. We are proud to congratulate the new officers and look forward to an exciting year. The Province IX spring assembly awards banquet was held at the Argonaut Hotel, where Beta Gamma received the Lapiz Taquitos Award for the most creative chapter report. Fancy attire, delicious entrees and a night of dancing at Suede made it a memorable event. By the end of the weekend, the strength of Kappa Psi brotherhood was spread out among all chapters of Province IX.

Beta Lambda, Beta Psi, Beta Upsilon and Cincinnati Graduate brothers in attendance at the KY Reds game outing in Cincinnati. A full schedule keeps us busy as we organize and participate in numerous events. As part of our strong tradition of philanthropy, we participated in and made donations to benefit both the Arthritis Walk for the Geriatrics Awareness Project and the MS walk. Brothers Christina Lee, Felix Pham, Glendale Geluz and Ryan Martelino joined the walk to support the fight against multiple sclerosis as they traveled from the Sports Basement of Crissy Fields to the Golden Gate Bridge and back. Beta Gamma also organized a farewell potluck for its third-year brothers as they prepared to leave for rotations. Thanks to the culinary talents of the firstyear brothers, the event was a delicious success. We closed out a busy school year with a fun and successful alumni night and luau, as well as our annual banquet. Beta Gamma is proud to introduce the new cabinet: Aaron Prince (regent), Matt Kiburis (vice regent academic), Diane Lieu (vice regent social), Sokkim Lim (corresponding secretary), Kim Taing (recording secretary), Nicole Lu (treasurer), Derek Miyasaki (historian), Sanaz Ghaffarian (chaplain), Bryan Sandlund (parliamentarian/sergeant at arms), Felix Pham and Olivia Garnier (rush/pledge coordinators), Vincent Le (risk management) and Joy Vongspanich (com-

Beta Lambda brothers at our annual alumni event, Stag, left to right Zach Lavely-Planisek, Jordan Karr, Nguyen Nguyen, and Eric Geyer. munity service chair). We look forward to working together and taking our traditions to new heights for the coming year.


The eminent success of Kappa Psi would not exist without the pride and dedication of all our brothers. A special thank you goes

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Beta Chi brothers Austin Ewing, Kristen Nelson, Amanda Weber, and Jillian Knittle dressed as KISS during the Proince VIII Conclave ’70s night. Who said getting a degree in pharmacy is all work and no play? out to the 2006–2007 cabinet for all of their hard work and support of the Fraternity. We would like to wish Brother Michael Winter, PharmD, a bittersweet farewell as he retires this year from the school of pharmacy. We thank him for his strong support as our Grand Council Deputy, mentor and brother. It has been an incredible year, and we anticipate continuing this tradition of success. In the meantime, we take pride in our traditions that we’ve maintained and the great memories we’ve created. We are Kappa Psi brothers for eternity, and as a family, our bond will never be broken. —Sokkim Lim

Beta Kappa

University of Pittsburgh Founded 3/26/1913 School of Pharmacy 228 Salk Hall Pittsburgh, PA 15213

Once again, the Beta Kappa chapter found no problem staying busy throughout the warmer parts of the year. With membership in the 90s, there are enough Beta Kappa brothers to get the job done, and with a “work hard, play hard” mentality, the chapter has accomplished a lot. After a nice spring break, brothers began planning events to reach out to the community and have

some fun. Whether by sheer coincidence or fate, all of these events seem to fall in the same week, about one week before finals. Taking an earlier-than-usual breather from the week, most of the University of Pittsburgh School of Pharmacy tailgated with KY brothers at the annual Pittsburgh Pirates Opening Week Tailgate. With all the food and refreshments you could imagine, everyone had a great time, and the weather was beautiful. But before you knew it, it was back to business. Brother Krisinta Kernich, along with some Fraternal help, brought our minds back to center with an interesting look at autism through a symposium lunch at the school. The invited guests spoke of their experiences as family members of autistic children, and we, as health care professionals, were able to learn about autism from another point of view and grow in appreciation of family members who care for those with long-term illnesses. With the weekend quickly coming, Beta Kappa brothers needed no invitation to make the last weekend before intensive studying pure fun. And what better way than to start it off Friday evening with a happy hour at the local campus pub, along with live music and fund raising! Yes, even fund raising is fun, especially when you’re promot-

ing cancer research and a local triathlon competitor. When local pharmacy student Brittany DeVoge announced she was raising money for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society to run in the Philadelphia Triathlon in July, IFCs Ben Phelps and Kat Kingston quickly organized the happy hour and booked the band. Interestingly enough, the band even had ties to the school of pharmacy, being that one of the band members was a professor. Through careful planning, costs were kept nearly at zero, and Brittany raised $1,100 for cancer. That was more than 25 percent of Brittany’s goal, and we all had a great time putting on the event and partaking in the fun. Those brothers who weren’t worn out went to the annual KY spring formal Saturday night at the Sheraton Hotel at Pittsburgh’s Station Square. Attendance was high, and even a fair amount of graduate brothers made the event. Thanks to Merideth Mulvanity for throwing such a good event! Summer is always the time for fun in the sun and easy living, and Beta Kappa chapter is making that easy with a host of things going. In July, Brother Chris Miller organized a Province II “get-together” that includes a trip to Kennywood (a thrilling Pittsburgh amusement

Summer 2007

park) and a cookout at the Beta Kappa house. “Get-together” means guests, so regent Tim Kaylor set aside the weekend before to hold the Beta Kappa “house lift.” With old tenants leaving and new ones arriving, floors needed scrubbed and walls needed painted so the place will look great for pledging this fall. With summer comes graduation, and all the brothers of Beta Kappa want to give a good shout-out to the graduating brothers of our chapter. We wish them the best of luck in the future. After taking that NAPLEX, graduate brothers have been easily spotted having fun in several areas. We hope to continue to see their faces around campus. With such a large membership, Beta Kappa is looking to make the pledge process more intense yet more fulfilling for the pledge class. I anticipate more philanthropy projects and time spent as a group outside of formal pledging activities. In the end, new brothers will have a greater appreciation for what Kappa Psi stands for, and the chapter will benefit from a more tight-knit group to enter the Fraternity. Leading the way this fall during rushing and pledging are our new rush chairs, Kat Kingston and Karleen Melody, and pledge masters Stephanie Piemontese and Megan Sunseri. With a group of ladies, we should all have a great pledging experience. From all the brothers at Beta Kappa, have a safe and happy fall semester. We hope to see you in the Pittsburgh area. “There is a sky, which is all men’s together.” – Euripides (412 B.C.) —Nickolas Kernich

Beta Lambda

University of Toledo Founded 5/22/1925 College of Pharmacy 2801 W. Bancroft Street Toledo, OH 43606

We had a busy end to spring and a great start to summer. We supported Make-A-Wish and went to a Toledo Mud Hens minor league baseball game (voted the best minor league stadium on ESPN). We also had our annual alumni event, Stag, and relived some of our chapter’s history with alumni dating back to 1949! We installed new officers to prepare for the upcoming school year.


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Congratulations to Zach LavelyPlanisek and Jordan Karr for getting regent and vice regent. At the end of June, several of us went down to Cincinnati to join Beta Psi, Beta Upsilon and Cincinnati Graduate for a Reds game, followed by a night on the town. We all had a blast! We’re preparing for midyear ’07 for Province V, the first time we’ve hosted a Province V event in 13 years! Anyone who wants to join in the Province V fun, please contact Eric Geyer. His contact information is on the Kappa Psi website. —Eric Geyer

Beta Nu

Creighton University

Beta Chi brother Emily Cooper gets a surprise from fellow brother Katelyn Person as they pose for a picture with Lydia Martis and Dani Rollinger during street painting at Drake University.

Founded 11/21/1914 School of Pharmacy 2500 California Plaza Omaha, NE 68178-0001

During spring semester, the Beta Nu chapter of Kappa Psi participated in many activities and is looking forward to an eventful fall as well. We participated in the Relay for Life to support the American Cancer Society in cancer awareness. We also helped those in need by serving dinner at the Ronald McDonald House. We helped the environment by continuing our roadside cleanup along our adopted highway. During the summer we’re working on coordinating a golf tournament for the fall. The money raised will go to support the Child Saving Institute. Officer elections for the Beta Nu chapter were held last semester. We’re proud to announce our new officers: Jim Puhl, regent; Jennifer Reynolds, first vice regent; John Parker, second vice regent; Lori Schnepf, secretary; Mike Brady, treasurer; Jarek Vetter, chaplain; Ann Foede, historian; Paige Mailander, sergeant at arms; Scott Bottolfsen, assistant sergeant at arms; and Trevor Hmielewski, parliamentarian. —Ann Foede

the pharmacy school here at UNC Chapel Hill. We are excited that two brothers from our chapter were elected to be part of the Executive Committee of Province III for the coming school year. After the Province III meeting, we were hard at work setting up for our 27th annual Tunnel Party. We were joined by alumni, brothers and good friends for a fun night. Our six spring semester pledges made it to Initiation after a semester of hard work. They are promising brothers, and we expect to see them make great contributions to our chapter very soon. We are also

Beta Xi

University of North Carolina Founded 5/1/1915 208 Finley Golf Course Road Chapel Hill, NC 27514

The Beta Xi chapter had a busy close to the school year. Hosting the Province III meeting was an honor for us. We were very excited to welcome many brothers from different chapters to our house and to

Beta Xi brother Caroline Worley working hard for our summer fundraising project of doing inventory for the pharmacists at UNC Hospitals.

proud to congratulate four brothers graduating from pharmacy school and to see three of our most involved brothers enter their final year of pharmacy school. Our spring formal was hosted in Charlotte, and many brothers spent a fun and relaxing weekend with each other. Awards were presented at formal to very deserving brothers who are great role models for our young Brotherhood, which now stands at 43 active brothers. In the philanthropy and fund-raising area, our chapter has still been spending time helping out at the Ronald McDonald House and participating in Adopt-a-Highway. We are already brainstorming a long list of new service projects to participate in this fall. We are also creating a rush schedule with some exciting and different activities to hopefully draw in a lot of pledges. During the summer, brothers gathered at our house for a weekend of fun and catching up. We also helped out the UNC hospitals in the summer by doing inventory for their pharmacies. This summer we did inventory for five different pharmacies, including the Ambulatory Care Center Pharmacy, Central Outpatient Pharmacy, Neurosciences Outpatient Pharmacy, Central Inpatient Pharmacy and the IV Pharmacy. We’re looking forward to a fall semester packed with many new and exciting events, including rush, fund raising activities, service events and catching up with brothers who’ve been away from the house all summer! —Nicole Nicolsen


Beta Chi alums Maia Irlam and Erin Pender pose during the final Kappa Psi banquet.

Beta Omicron

University of Washington Founded 4/15/1916 School of Pharmacy Kappa Psi P.O. Box 357631 Seattle, WA 98195

This year was such a wonderful one for Beta Omicron. Spring quarter proved to be a great continuation of activities and of promoting brotherhood. Kappa Psi organized a Faculty Appreciation Week, Spirit Week and a variety show, all of which were successful. The variety show was a definite highlight in which students, staff and faculty were invited to share their talents with the entire school of pharmacy. Acts included singing, playing the guitar and piano, dancing, comedy and improvisation, and our very own Kappa Psi step routine. We want to acknowledge the hard work and efforts of all those involved in planning and putting on these events. We plan on making all these events annual activities. Our service projects last quarter included a clothing drive and volunteering at the annual Seattle MS walk, both of which saw great numbers. I’m proud to say we’ve definitely sparked more interest in our chapter after this successful year and hope our chapter continues to grow in numbers and in camaraderie. Finally, we elected our new board for the 2007–2008 school year. Congratulations to Paul Kuo (regent), Bao Nguyen (vice regent), Curt Geier (treasurer), Francine Lai (secretary), Nick Au

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Beta Omega brothers David Vuong and Phil Wiegand win Pledge of the Year and Brother of the Year awards at the spring formal.

Beta Upsilon brothers are excited to begin walking at the Relay for Life cancer walk. (historian), Rachael Paul (sergeant at arms), Jennifer Chow (chaplain), Grace Navaja (social director) and Katrina Rigor (awareness coordinator). Special thanks to our wonderful officers who served this year, especially to our exiting officers: Anne Mock (regent), Kevin Hiroo (treasurer), Kelli Watari (sergeant at arms), Aaron Chin (chaplain), Rachel Nowak (social director) and Triana Pham (awareness coordinator). We look forward to another great year. —Grace Navaja

Beta Pi

Washington State University Founded 4/18/1916 College of Pharmacy Wegner Room 155 Pullman, WA 99164-6510

Beta Pi stayed very busy throughout spring semester. In April we cleaned up our adopted highway and made the drive to Pullman, Washington, look immaculate. Following the highway cleanup, we traveled north to Coeur d’ Alene for an evening cruise around the lake where great times were had by all. We’re looking forward to fall Initiation and another highway cleanup later in the season. And it’s not too soon to start looking ahead to the Halloween party! —Robbie Griffith

Beta Upsilon

a team for the Relay for Life and participated in the walk to cure cancer. We elected new officers and began to prepare the chapter for the coming school year. —Katrina Coffey

Beta Chi

Butler University

Drake University

Founded 2/27/1930

Founded 5/3/1930

4600 Sunset Avenue Indianapolis, IN 46208

Beta Upsilon continued to promote fellowship within the Fraternity by going to BW3s after chapter meetings. In addition, our chapter joined with the Phi Delta Chi chapter on campus for an endof-the-year picnic. To show respect to the older students, our chapter honored the fifth-year students during the annual fifth-year dinner. Keeping with tradition, members of Beta Upsilon once again participated in annual service events. Some members took a dive to raise money for the Special Olympics by participating in the Polar Bear Plunge. Also, our chapter organized

College of Pharmacy Cline Hall, 2507 University Avenue Des Moines, IA 50311-4505

Brothers of Beta Chi had an eventful spring. We worked on two philanthropies involving area schools. First, we helped with Prevent Blindness by visiting area schools to perform eye screenings on the children. Second, we helped with Safe Village, which is an afterschool program that works with kids who otherwise have no place to go until their parents get off work. We also volunteered to help out with Special Olympics on Drake’s campus. Finally, we designed a square to be added to our National Philanthropy’s quilt.

Beta Upsilon brothers enjoy the annual fifth year dinner. Summer 2007

Earlier in the spring we held our faculty tea. We ate a light lunch between classes and chatted with our Kappa Psi faculty members. Later in the semester we had two guest speakers talk to us about residencies and answer any questions we had. We also attended the Province VIII spring conclave, hosted by Epsilon chapter in Minneapolis. We all had a great time and would like to thank Epsilon for all of their hard work. We also celebrated our legendary Drake Relays by painting a Kappa Psi square during street painting. We ended the semester with a tasty alumni barbeque on a gorgeous day during Relays weekend. Social events throughout the spring included our monthly nightouts at restaurants, such as Buffalo Wild Wings and Boston’s, after our meeting to catch up. We also held our annual formal where we had a black-and-white-themed dinner and dance. We topped off the year with our banquet, where we ate a delicious dinner, handed out awards and watched a slideshow of events from the entire year. —Katelyn Person

Beta Omega

Temple University Founded 5/22/1930 1247 W. Allegheny Avenue Philadelphia, PA 19133

Beta Omega would like to thank the brothers of Beta Eta for hosting the Province II spring conclave in Morgantown, West Virginia. Province is always a great opportunity for us to reconnect as friends and as brothers. It was a long drive from Philadelphia, but Beta Omega had a great time in Morgantown, making the trip worthwhile. We are also proud of winning the Province II Man-Mile Award. Once again, thank you very much, Beta Eta. Spring semester was very exciting for Beta Omega. We’re proud to say we added 11 new brothers to our chapter. We would like to congratulate: Christopher Donato, Jimmy Luong, Hung Luu, Ky Tran, Mark Liu, Tung Vu, Benjamin Wu, David Blythe, Daniel Fauth, Brandon Matthews and Jamie Ksiazek. These young men are certainly worthy of representing Kappa Psi and Beta Omega. They worked very hard during pledging and were hilarious when they performed


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Gamma Theta brothers Erin Lammers and Patrycja Wilczynska enjoy the Kappa Psi formal.

Beta Omega pledges perform their pledge dance at Finnegan’s Wake. (L-R): Tung Vu, Ben Wu, David Blythe, Mark Liu, Hung Luu, Christopher Donato, Jimmy Luong, and Ky Tran. their pledge dance at the Temple University spring formal. Once again, I would like to congratulate our new brothers, and I’m sure they’ll contribute greatly to our Fraternity and our profession. We are excited about the upcoming 53rd Grand Council Convention in Boston, hosted by our brothers from Mu chapter and the Boston Graduate chapter. For some of us, this will be our first time visiting historic Boston. But this is sure to be a phenomenal experience and a great opportunity to meet other Kappa Psi brothers from all across the country. —David Vuong

Gamma Epsilon

University of Nebraska Founded 3/20/1920

came to town and brought a number of brothers together for a day of baseball fun. Also, several brothers attended the week-long University of Utah School on Alcoholism and Other Drug Dependencies. There, brothers heard from national experts on how to detect and treat people with alcohol and other drug addictions. At the unofficial orientation for the P1s, “Welcome to Our World,” we did our part to represent Kappa Psi and recruit incoming students. Our next social, the back-to-school barbeque, will bring everyone together again to kick off the coming year and get ready for the new recruits! —Melissa Maiefski

Gamma Theta

Univ. of Nebraska College of Pharmacy 985025 Nebraska Medical Center Omaha, NE 68198

University of Missouri— Kansas City

First off, I’m thrilled to take the position as the 2007–2008 Kappa Psi historian! I look forward to capturing and relaying all the amazing moments Gamma Epsilon brothers have together throughout the year. Although summer is in full swing, brothers are still as busy as ever! The College World Series

School of Pharmacy 5005 Rockhill Road Kansas City, MO 64110-2499

Founded 5/17/1957

Gamma Theta sent three officers to the Grand Council Convention in Boston! Regent Sean Hawkins, secretary Derek Hyman and chaplain Joel Karki made the trip to the GCC, and we hope they had a won-

Beta Omega regent Steven Molchanow shows off the Man-Mile Award that the chapter won at the Province II assembly at West Virginia University. derful time meeting fellow brothers from across the country. Spring semester was very eventful for our chapter. We kicked it off with our chapter formal at Embassy Suites. Decked out in our finest, we celebrated as a chapter with food, drinks and dancing. On the philanthropic side, the fifth annual Wesley McIntire Memorial Volley for Charity was once again a success. Kappa Psi


brothers, UMKC faculty and community members teamed up to play their best beach volleyball and raise money for the American Cancer Society. Our chapter would like to thank all of our sponsors and participants, as the day would not have come together without them. We closed the semester with a 50th-anniversary celebration for the Gamma Theta chapter at UMKC! The chapter gathered at Uno’s Pizzeria for food and fun to celebrate the milestone. This summer Gamma Theta officers are working hard on events for fall semester. Our chapter hopes to welcome many new members this fall. Among the events planned for actives and pledges are a Texas Hold ’Em tournament to raise money for the American Heart Association, a chapter Thanksgiving dinner and canned food drive, and a penny war competition between the classes and faculty. Lastly, I would like to thank Patrycja Wilczynska for her hard work on Gamma Theta’s quilt square to help in the Hearts and Crafts National Project to raise money for the Multiple Sclerosis Foundation! It looks great! —Erin Lammers

Gamma Kappa

South Dakota State University Founded 10/17/1958 College of Pharmacy Box 2202C Brookings, SD 57007

Gamma Kappa is proud to welcome three new brothers into our Fraternity: Jill Corbett, Megyn

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Chapter Eternal

Mario Zeolla Beta Delta Chapter

Brothers Derek Hyman, Prajoel Karki, Patrycja Wilcznska and Sean Hawkins enjoy the Gamma Theta 50th Anniversary Party at Chicago Unos.

Noah Sorensen Beta Delta Chapter

Kappa Psi loses two great brothers Two alumni brothers of the Albany College of

Horan and Jake Reuter. They did an outstanding job during the pledging process, showing that they had all of the qualities of fine Kappa Psi brothers. Their Initiation was celebrated at the Ram. The Outstanding Pledge Award was given to Jill Corbett, who showed dedication and enthusiasm while pledging. The men’s intramural volleyball team, consisting of Jason Caviness, William Hayes, Matt Klein, Mathew Macziewski, Brandon Markley and John Wiksen, showed their domination not only in the classroom, but on the courts. They finished the season undefeated to bring home the intramural championship to Gamma Kappa. The brothers of Gamma Kappa would like to thank Epsilon for hosting a wonderful conclave for Province VIII. The brothers boogied to the 70s theme and had a blast with the Fiesta theme. We would like to congratulate Brothers Sean Donahoe, Ryan Rubbelke, Matt Wedeking and Robert Wright on Weed and Friends’ stunning musical performance, which brought back the Golden Peanut to Gamma Kappa. They certainly reminded us that “we will be brothers for life.” The brothers of Gamma Kappa celebrated the closing of another year with the Spring Formal dinner. We extend a special thanks to our guest speaker for the evening, Brother Terry Casey, who reminisced on the beginnings of Gamma Kappa, his first GCC and

the comic relief of Olie. Brother Matt Hartman was the DJ for our dance, with a special performance by Weed and Friends. A potluck picnic for the Ronald McDonald House was held at the Kappa Psi house. A donation of canned goods earned attendants raffle tickets for prizes at the end of the barbeque. Several incoming pharmacy students showed up to see what Kappa Psi is all about, play lawn games and enjoy the free food. Glory Days was a great success this year with many brothers showing up to lend a hand at cleaning up the Kappa Psi house. The picnic table and Kappa Psi sign received a much-needed coat of paint. Brothers helped trim trees, clean up the yard and even clean out the gutters. Our biannual highway cleanup saw more than 25 brothers walk through the ditches to pick up trash. The cleanup was a welcome chance to get out and enjoy the sunny weather. Special recognition goes to our graduating brothers who earned several awards. Tiffany Hoffman Maydew received the Perrigo Award of Excellence in Nonprescription Medication Studies. Jamie Keller was awarded the Pharmacist’s Letter - Natural Medicines Recognition Award. The Roche Pharmacy Communications Award was given to John Kappes. The Distinguished Graduate Award was awarded to Lori Sorensen Ollerich. They all worked very hard to gain their individual accolades.

Pharmacy were killed in a tragic car June 2, 2007. Six Beta Delta alumni were together for a reunion weekend when the SUV they were traveling in swerved to avoid hitting a deer. Brothers Zeolla and Sorensen were sitting in the third row of seats and were tragically ejected from the vehicle when it flipped. They were not wearing seatbelts. Brothers Sorensen and Zeolla were inseparable friends during their time at Beta Delta Chapter and played soccer together. Mario was ACP in 1997. The Fraternity will miss these fine young brothers.

5th Annual Wesley McIntire Volley for Charity at Westport Beach Club. (L–R): Zach Kissel, Elaina Siegel and Lindsey Frobenius.

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Gamma Kappa brothers gather for a pre-game meal picture at the annual spring formal dinner. Congratulations to the newly elected Gamma Kappa officers: Mathew Macziewski, regent; Jacob Reuter, vice regent; Jessica Hummel, secretary; Brandon Bloomgren, treasurer; Jill Haiar, historian; Cara Counter, sergeant at arms; Luke Merkel and Amanda Muir, pledge masters; Jill Corbett and Cole Kling, Professional Meeting chairs; Claudia McIntosh and Ryan Milbrandt, social chairs; Jill Corbett, webmaster; and CoGrand Counsel Deputies Cary Van Riper and Dr. Eric Kutscher. Following the elections of new officers, a transition dinner was

held by Sharon and Gary Van Riper, who provided the delicious pork loin. The dinner allowed the outgoing and incoming officers to sit down and discuss the ins an outs of each office. It was a time of planning for the coming year, as well as a year’s worth of knowledge being passed down. The new officers look forward to an exciting year filled with its own challenges that include hosting the Province VIII spring conclave, as well as Gamma Kappa’s 50th anniversary. Brothers are planning a barbeque for the fall to welcome the new pharmacy students. —Mathew Macziewski

Gamma Omicron brothers enjoy a game of broomball.

Gamma Kappa Brothers Jacob Reuter and Brandon Bloomgren enjoy some games of bean bags at the Ronald McDonald picnic.

Gamma Nu

University of the Pacific Founded 9/17/1960 236 W. Stadium Drive Stockton, CA 95204

As temperatures blaze into the 100s and the summer semester slowly torches the brains of pharmacy students at the University of the Pacific, the brothers of Gamma Nu continue to stay as cool as the other side of a pillow. Exhilarating events such as the graduation reception, river rafting and our annual luau keep Gamma Nu chillaxin’ in the blistering heat of Stock Town, U.S.A. Gamma Nu would like to extend a warm congratulatory round of applause to the graduating brothers of the Thomas J. Long School of Pharmacy and Health Sciences, Class of 2007. Brand-new doctors include: Ethan Anderson, Dean Pham, Quoc Huynh, Roy Alan Goo, Harminder Nahal, Jeffrey Melnick,


Justin Borras-Reed, Sheldon Kong, Daniel Oh, Quan Le and Binh Tran. A beautiful reception filled with joy and laughter was held at the West Stadium Courtyard in honor of these outstanding Kappa Psi brothers. Picture this: Fishing off the deck of a bayside resort, frolicking in the crystal blue waters of Discovery Bay, enjoying the camaraderie of your closest friends and SPAM! If right now you’re picturing your honeymoon in Hawaii, you’re close. However, a more accurate image would be the annual Gamma Nu luau. Hundreds of brothers and alumni enjoyed a day loaded with nonstop action, with a finale so mind blowing, brothers will hear about it for years to come. Besides the sheer enjoyment of shooting the breeze with your closest buddies, what luau would be complete without food? And oh, was there food! More than 100

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Gamma Phi brothers went to see the NASCAR race at Talladega. (L–R): Will Douglas (Dale Earnhardt fan?), Tom Teasley, Jonsthan Sinyard, Jason Milton, Daniel Malcom, and Matt Hebbard show their enthusiasm. Gamma Omicron brothers (L–R) Lyndsey Hogg, Tyler Dykema, Blake Henry, and Dustin Smith enjoy the MDA golf outing. pounds of teriyaki chicken, tri-tip steak and basically anything your heart desired was available fresh from one of the numerous charcoalfueled lean mean grillin’ machines. One of the most popular events with the brothers of Gamma Nu is the biennial white-water river rafting extravaganza. Spirits are high and whispers of merriment echo through the campus halls, almost as though Santa Claus was coming to town. —Brian Shinjo

Gamma Omicron

members in attendance. Upon their return, they gave a presentation and had a slideshow at our monthly meeting that featured the highlights of what they did and learned over the weekend. In April, Kappa Psi members and friends donned sneakers and fleece at the Blazers Ice Center in Oklahoma City for a game of broomball. Broomball is played like a traditional hockey game, except with shoes not skates, small plastic brooms not sticks and a rubber ball instead of a puck. From 10 p.m.

until midnight, the two teams braved the slippery ice and displayed their athletic prowess to score plenty of goals and bruises. Twenty years ago a Kappa Psi brother, inspired by a niece with muscular dystrophy, started a golf tournament that’s been a tradition carried on by our chapter ever since. Beautiful weather prevailed for the 20th annual Health Professionals MDA Golf Benefit, held April 28 at Lincoln Park Golf Course in Oklahoma City. Eleven teams participated for a total of 44 golfers, including Kappa Psi brothers, alumni and health care professionals, students, and their families.

University of Oklahoma Founded 2/3/1923 College of Pharmacy 1110 N. Stonewall Avenue Oklahoma City, OK 73117

From tasty treats to swinging clubs, the spring semester for Gamma Omicron brothers was filled with activity. In early February, a Valentinethemed bake sale was held to raise money to support the Make-A-Wish Foundation philanthropy at the annual Province meeting. Some members volunteered to bake cookies, cupcakes and other sweet treats, while others staffed the booth and sold snacks. More than $600 was raised for this charity. Thirteen Gamma Omicron brothers attended the Province VII meeting in Memphis. They had a great time and made lots of memories and friends among the almost 200

All players received a golf towel, a sleeve of golf balls and a gift certificate. Awards were given for first through third place, as well as to the winners of contests for the longest drive, longest putt and closest to the pin. The prizes were generously donated by businesses in the Oklahoma City and Tulsa area, and OU Pharmacy faculty. At the end of the day more than $2,100 was raised for the Muscular Dystrophy Association. Kappa Psi brother Blake Fitzpatrick and his team of family and friends won first place at 16 under par. The all-Kappa Psi team of Tyler Dykema, Dustin Smith, Blake Henry and Lyndsey Hogg placed third. Finally, we would like to extend congratulations to the eight Gamma Omicron brothers who graduated this year. Best wishes on your future endeavors. As for the students returning to the University of Oklahoma, this fall is sure to be filled with more great fun, friendship and philanthropy. —Brandi Belicek

Gamma Pi

St Louis College of Pharmacy Founded 3/19/1946 4588 Parkview Place St. Louis, MO 63110

Gamma Pi brothers Tom Sandifer, Melissa Luther and graduate brother Tom Hamilton play and work the Vegas Night fundraiser. Close to $1,000 was raised for charities. Summer 2007

While enjoying plenty of summer sun, the Gamma Pi chapter decided to remodel the basement of the chapter house. Brothers worked together to tear out walls, build rooms and roof the garage. We recently got our pool up and running, so we’re enjoying that too!


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Gamma Psi brothers Ubong Umoren and Purvish Patel present recent recipient of the Golden Mortar and Pestle Award, Jimmy Dorsey with a commemorative paddle to thank him for his dedication to Gamma Psi. Our chapter is proud of our many accomplishments spring semester. As a chapter we held a fund-raising event themed “Vegas Night.” We gathered graduates and collegians for a day filled with poker and auctions to raise money. We were surprised to welcome graduates from all across the state, along with future rush potentials. This event had a huge turnout and raised $1,000 for the Rett Syndrome Research Foundation. Around campus, brothers were recognized for their hard work. Regent Anastasia Roberts received the 2007 Student of the Year award for her leadership and community service. Dr. Tommy Smith, Gamma Pi GCD, was awarded the Student Enrichment Award for his excellence in interaction with students outside the classroom. Gamma Pi is fortunate to have these brothers leading our chapter. —Sarah Essenpreis

Gamma Phi

University of Georgia Founded 5/23/1951 College of Pharmacy 1880 S. Lumpkin Street Athens, CA 30605-0000

Gamma Phi finished out the year with a bang, as we are so prone to do. Our annual Boxers and Blazers event drew a crowd of women who were eager to watch brothers put

on a show to music. Brothers were then bid on, and each participating brother had to do a special task or chore the winning bidder assigned to them. All proceeds, which totaled nearly $1,000, went to the American Cancer Society. Some brothers also participated in the Mr. Pharmacy contest, and the top three finalists were all brothers. We ran a booth at the Relay for Life as well. Our social events have been a blast. Our toga party was successful. Our Kappa Psi formal was held at Myrtle Beach, and the memories from that weekend will last a lifetime. It’s safe to say that our luau will never get old. Our luau’s turnout was bigger than any other party we had this year, and several of our fourth-year and alumni brothers were there as well. Our last event was our faculty cookout. Brothers, little sisters and faculty hung out as we grilled hamburgers and “Hot Dawgs.” We congratulate our fourth-year brothers who earned their Doctorate of Pharmacy. We also wish the best of luck to our upcoming fourth years as they start their rotations. Lastly, we thank Flynn Warren for his years of service to our chapter and our college of pharmacy. Upcoming second- and thirdyear brothers look forward to fall semester as we fill the shoes of our

Gamma Psi brothers Tim Burns, Jimmy Case and Jonathan Shuler at the annual Race for Riley, to benefit Mitochondrial Disease research.

predecessors and extend a hand to the next generation of brothers. —Evan Anderson

Gamma Rho

University of New Mexico Founded 2/16/1948 College of Pharmacy 2502 Marble NE Albuquerque, NM 87131

In March, our chapter held a fajita sale on campus to highlight Kappa Psi and raise money for the victims of the shootings at Virginia Tech. In April, Kappa Psi members assisted with the Memory Walk for the National Alzheimer’s Association, raising money and awareness for the fight against Alzheimer’s disease. The academic year ended with a Roman-style bash, as our Kappa Psi chapter sponsored the end-of-the-year toga party. We want to thank our 2006–2007 officers for all of their hard work and for helping build a stronger more active University of New Mexico chapter. We welcome our officers for the 2007–2008 year: Kyle Holloway, regent; Leslie Wiedlocher, first vice regent; Leo Frank, second vice regent; Eleanor Carbett, secretary; Ali Grubbs, his-


torian; Janna Merritt, treasurer; Krystle Clark, chaplain; Jon Terribilini, sergeant at arms; Jenny Pitchford, academic coordinator. We look forward to a productive year dedicated to strengthening our chapter and contributing to our community. Spring semester, our chapter hosted a retreat – a weekend of brotherly discussions, deliberations and fun! We’ve been planning for fall rush and anticipate a significant increase in membership. —Ali Grubbs

Gamma Psi

Mercer University Founded 3/16/1953 School of Pharmacy 3001 Mercer University Drive Atlanta, GA 30341

Spring 2007 was an exciting and eventful semester for our chapter. First, we welcomed 10 new brothers: Ron Acoff, Matt Duff, Johnathan Hamrick, Mark Ogunsusi, Pratik “Jay” Patel, Purvish Patel, Shirish Parbhoo, Bobby Price, Thomas “Trey” Rumph III and Doug Wylie. We’re proud to call these outstanding individuals our brothers. We look forward to their future contri-

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Delta Kappa brothers Leonard Valdez, Jr. and Andrew Gentiles.

Delta Delta

University of Houston Founded 2/28/1963 College of Pharmacy 4800 Calhoun Blvd., 141-SR2 Houston, TX 77204-5515

Delta Kappa graduating seniors.

Delta Kappa brothers Whitni Bennett, Morgan Roberts, Koya Savage and Kim Sheedy. butions toward what makes this chapter so great. We’d like to welcome a new group of elected officers. Succeeding Johnathan Shuler as chapter regent is Tim Burns. We thank Johnathan for his dedicated service and look forward to a new year under the strong leadership of our new regent. The other new officers are: Ubong Umoren, vice regent; Tobin Jacob, secretary; Jimmy Prues, treasurer; Matt Duff,

historian; Johnathan Hamrick, chaplain; Doug Wylie, pledgemaster; Mark Ogunsusi, sergeant at arms; Shirish Parbhoo, newsletter editor; Pratik “Jay” Patel, webmaster; and GCD Dr. Chad Vandenberg. We continue to show that we’re leaders on campus by holding many elected positions. The leadership on campus is an example of what it means to devote your time and talents as a Kappa Psi.

Gamma Psi brothers would like to congratulate and thank the graduating class of 2007. These brothers are: Nirav Amin, Andy Asberry, John Bauer, Tim Colgrove, Andre Crowe, Scott Fleming, Seth Hammonds, Brian Robinson, DeRoyce Simmons and Taylor Willingham. We will truly miss these brothers and will forever be grateful for their hard work, leadership and years of dedication. We wish you well as you move forward. Brothers finished spring semester with several activities. We had lots of fun with our Adopt-a-Road cleanup, had a successful blood drive with the American Red Cross and hosted a great Founders’ Day banquet. We held some successful car washes for fund raising. Socially, we enjoyed several events, including bowling and Braves games. Also, we had fun at our annual IFC banquet. Ten brothers represented our chapter at the summer Province IV meeting, hosted by Delta Omega. Activities included a get-together at a local piano bar and a toga party. In spite of some inclement weather, fun was had by all. —Tobin P. Jacob

Summer 2007

Summer break for the brothers of Delta Delta included internships for the P2s, introductory community pharmacy rotations for the P3s and rotations for the P4s. Near the end of spring semester, many brothers from Delta Delta were actively involved in facilitating the pledging process of the Delta Theta chapter. We especially thank Brother Kyana Stewart for her hard work in facilitating communications with Delta Theta, helping organize the process, and providing the chapter with a facility to hold the pledge meetings. We successfully helped the brothers of Delta Theta initiate 17 new brothers into Kappa Psi. We rounded out the semester by electing and installing our new administration of officers: Thomas Key, regent; Jason Tam, vice regent; Kyana Stewart, regent-elect; Winston Hsu, pledge master; Adrienne Harris and Anhtuan Tran, pledge trainers; Stephanie Weightman, secretary; Thao Nguyen, treasurer; Angel Hinojosa and Clay Boyd, co-chaplains; Aimee Villalon, historian; Arnold Tieu, sergeant at arms; Kandi Icenhower, Professional Relations chair; Jim Getchell, Fund Raising chair; Tina Hwang, Graduate Relations chair; Allison Palmer and Sara Schepcoff, Social chairs; and Tri Nguyen, Scholarship chair. The officers already had their first meeting to exchange ideas so they can lead our chapter forward in the coming year.


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Delta Delta would like to congratulate all of the graduates of 2007 and wish them the best of luck in the future. We would also like to congratulate brothers Todd Connor and A.J. Day for being awarded the Asklepios Key for their unwavering and unselfish dedication to our Brotherhood and the profession of pharmacy over the last four years. —Aimee Villalon

Delta Epsilon

Duquesne University Founded 2/24/1967 600 Forbes Avenue 304 Bayer Learning Center Pittsburgh, PA 15282-0000

The brothers of Delta Epsilon kept busy spring semester by fund raising and taking part in many activities. We inducted three brothers into our chapter: Alexis Gaggini, Trisha Oefinger and Dan Totleben. Many of our brothers traveled to WVU for the Province II spring assembly. Congratulations to Tara Boyle for being elected Province II historian! During the semester we also held our annual spring banquet to honor our graduating brothers. Many brothers participated in the Cali-Rally, which helped raise money for the Spear’s Cali Orphanage Charitable Fund. Several brothers volunteered their time to help show prospective students around campus during the school of pharmacy’s open house. Congratulations to Kyle Zaffino who represented our chapter and won the Mr. Pharmacy contest, sponsored by LKS! We ended the semester with a potluck-style party to celebrate the end of another great year. Delta Epsilon would like to wish all the graduating brothers good luck in the future! —Ashley Varhol

Delta Zeta

University of Iowa Founded 12/12/1968 College of Pharmacy 110 Pharmacy Bldg. Iowa City, IA 52242

Spring semester was packed with events and planning for fall conclave, which we’re very excited to host in Coralville, Iowa, October 19–20. The theme for the weekend is “Viva Las Vegas” and includes party themes of “Favorite Vegas Theme” on Friday night and

Delta Kappa brothers Olubukola Fakunle and Josselli Pamphile. “Favorite Vocal Performer” on Saturday night. In addition, there will be an exciting karaoke contest, so all of you had better start practicing your vocals so you can blow everyone away in October! Start digging through your closet for crazy outfits to wear and prepare to have a great weekend full of fun! This spring we had a great time attending the Province VIII spring conclave, hosted by Epsilon in Minneapolis. We’re proud to say that our very own Brett Barker was elected Province VIII alternate delegate! Good job! At the end of April we had our Gala, during which many brothers were recognized for their outstanding involvement with Kappa Psi over the past school year. In addition to attending social gatherings and doing lots of fundraising, we kept busy doing multiple hypertension screenings at various pharmacies in Iowa City to help raise awareness for people in the community. At the end of the semester, chapter awards were given to brothers who went above and beyond the call of duty this past school year. Sarah Breseman (outstanding fundraising chair), Liz Farber (outstanding chaplain), Karen Hora (stepped up as vice regent and conclave chair), Nic Mastascusa (two years as sergeant at arms), Sarah Snyder (outstanding treasurer) and Matt Witry (stepped up as regent) were all recipients of this award. Great job, brothers! New officers were elected and include Karen Hora (regent), Libby Donahey (vice regent), Kylie Mathias (recording secretary), Kelly Schueller (corresponding secretary), Emily Smith (treasurer), Megan Brockman (chaplain),

Delta Omicron brothers Lara Judson (L) and Megan Allen (R) help out with BINGO at the Heritage House assisted living facility. Ashley Kessler (historian), Andrew Dorsey (sergeant at arms), Alisha Picht (fundraising chair), Kristin Slocum (social chair), Ann Higley (philanthropy chair) and Bridget Jermeland (education chair). It seems we have a great team of new, energetic individuals with exciting plans for Kappa Psi in the future! We look forward to starting off the school year with a bang and hope to see many of you here in Iowa City for fall conclave! —Ashley Kessler

Delta Theta

Texas Southern University Founded 3/25/1973 Need Address Need Address Need Address

Delta Theta chapter is proud to introduce its spring 2007 inductees: Oladipo Adebisi, Chukhuma Okafor, Olaide Sanusi, Ming Han, Venus Ruben, Abiola Coker, Truman Warren, Unni Pillai, Eka Ebong, Shalondria Simpson, Adora Obiechina, Dominique “Nikki” Brewster, Remi Eyikogbe and Janelle Harris. The Delta Theta chapter had a fulfilling semester. Brothers worked together to donate clothing to the Star of Hope, a Houston community charity. Delta Theta also had a brothers’ night out at Chacho’s, one of Houston’s


Gamma Chi brothers Katie Georges and Jon Beaclac pitch in during the house fix-up. hotspots known for is Mexican cuisine. The brothers of Delta Theta worked on a community service project for Habitat for Humanity and hosted the annual barbeque for the new pharmacy students. This year we sent two representatives to GCC. —Jacque Washington

Delta Iota

Florida A&M University Founded 6/7/1975 P.O. Box 70513 Tallahassee, FL 32307

Once again, the Delta Iota chapter made it through another suc-

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Delta Omicron brothers with their pledgemaster, Lara Judson (left) at the Wilkes-Barre/Scranton baseball game. about what’s going on in the chapter, Fraternity and community. The events we have planned for the fall include a welcome-back barbeque for the college of pharmacy, book scholarships for students, mentoring programs, tutoring for pharmacy students, blood pressure screenings and more. If you would like any suggestions on community service events or have any suggestions, please contact us at One for all and all for one. —Jeremiah McKinley

Delta Kappa

Delta Omicron’s Dr. Welch and brothers (L-R) Alyssa Carsia, Laura Hanna and Lara Judson enjoy the Wilkes-Barrre/Scranton baseball game. cessful school year. In April we prepared for Kappa Psi Week 2007. By this time we had welcomed our new brothers into the Fraternity. These eager young minds brought the spirit, enthusiasm and willingness to work that our great Fraternity stands for. Kappa Psi Week 2007 was a test of our ability to work hard with new brothers and new officers. As in every change of leadership, you might have a slight moment of slow, steady transition, but fortunately, the passion of our new officers led us into a great transition. We had four graduate brothers leave us this year, two of which

started residencies in July. Several collegiate brothers started internships over the summer in various fields of pharmacy, such as rehabilitation hospitals, industry and community pharmacies. We’ve already started planning for our 33rd Anniversary Ball/Banquet for 2008 and are planning a reunion for our esteemed alumni titled “Reuniting the Orange and Green with the Red and Grey.” We are in the midst of republishing our chapter’s newsletter, The Guardian. By sending out this newsletter, we hope to bring our alumni back to the Fraternity. Also, it will be filled with important news

Howard University Founded 4/19/1986 College of Pharmacy 2300 4th Street NW Washington, D.C. 20059

On April 22, the Delta Kappa chapter hosted its senior banquet in a lovely restaurant, Tabaq, in downtown D.C. Twenty-one seniors were recognized for their accomplishments with a slideshow of memories and their biographies read to the guests. The seniors came together for a night of memories, laughter and some tears. This was the first official event for the newly inducted brothers of Kappa Psi. They were given the opportunity to interact with brothers who had graduated before their induction, as well as for returning brothers to meet them.

Summer 2007

May 9 marked the commencement service of our graduating brothers. Again, this was an opportunity for older brothers to come to town to celebrate our graduating seniors’ achievements. This joyous occasion was amplified by Oprah Winfrey as commencement speaker. Her speech was riveting and gave encouragement and hope for all students. Our graduating brothers are going off to various careers and residencies. We’re so proud of our graduates! Good job, brothers! Graduating brothers from the Class of 2007: Celestina Arowosegbe, Josselli Pamphile, Whitni Bennett, Morgan Roberts, Olubukola Fakunle, Koya Speights, James E. Ford III, Kim Sheedy, Beminet Gabre, Sharanie Sims, Ayanna Gardner, Diana SolanaSodeinde, Andrew Gentiles, Samori Swygert, Tondra Harris , Leonard Valdez Jr., John Paul Marcus , Alana Whittaker, Eunice Nzerem, Eyerusalem Yemane and Oluwaseun Adekemi Odenbunmi —Brienna Chappell —Lynette Sanders

Delta Xi

Shenandoah University Founded 9/13/1997 Bernard J. Dunn School of Pharmacy 1460 University Drive HPB Bldg. Winchester, VA 22601

It was an extremely busy spring semester for the brothers of Delta Xi chapter. The New Year was welcomed by Round Robin Rush with all the other fraternities in our pharmacy school. At the end of the pledging process, Kappa Psi inducted 16 brothers who will continue to advance the profession of pharmacy. During the Easter season, baskets were assembled and distributed to the kids at The Henry and William Evans Home for Children in Winchester. In addition, Professional Projects Chairman Van Le and Professional Projects Chairman-elect Angie McGraw, along with the other fraternities, were busy planning the much-anticipated Pharmacy Formal. The turnout was great, and everyone had a blast with great food, socializing and dancing the night away. Apple Blossom is one of the biggest fund-raising events for the Delta Xi chapter. Brothers sold hotdogs and drinks during the parade


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Delta Phi brothers Sheri Van Osdol and Elysia Au help set up for the Delta Phi appreciation banquet. and raised almost $700! Brothers volunteered their time during the most stressful time of the semester—finals! Each brother volunteered at least two hours during the event. Big thanks are due to the skeleton crew who spent all their time at the booth for two days to make this event successful: Matt Falter, Colleen Riley, Jeanette Kao, Jennifer Trang, Boram Shin and Kathryn Kropp. Delta Xi would like to extend our warmest congratulations to Dr. Renee Thomas on the birth of her first child, Nathan Rutherford Thomas. Congratulations to our brothers who have matched with pharmacy residency programs! We know that Kappa Psi will be represented well in their programs: Rebecca Adams and Melinda Sutton, – Postgraduate Year-One Residency with Martinsburg, West Virginia, Veterans Affairs Medical Center; Chao-Ping Lei – Managed Care Pharmacy Residency with Kaiser Permanente Mid-Atlantic; and Neetha Veerabhadrappa – Postgraduate Year-One Community Pharmacy Residency with Leesburg, Virginia, Pharmacy. —Cindy Quejada

Delta Rho brothers celebrate a victory during Greek Wars at Nova Southeastern University.

Delta Tau brothers (L–R) Leslie Franco, Jackie Decicco, Jennifer Smith, Jessica Garcia, Amy Jenkins, and Tawny Lizarraga enjoy the 4th annual Kappa Psi Faculty appreciation luncheon.

Delta Omicron

Wilkes University

Founded 11/7/1997 Nesbitt School of Pharmacy Wilkes-Barre, PA 18766

Delta Omicron congratulates several wonderful P4 brothers who graduated this year: Julia Buss, Kristin Campbell, Adam Davies, Daniel Dugan, Brian Gammaitoni, Maura Gill, Holly Hicks, Lauren Hill, Jacque Hock, Shane Jerominski, Daniel Kohler, Abby

Kordek, Rebecca Kriner, Kimberly Metka, Tristan Sadowski, Lauren Solski and Meghan Sullivan. Although they will be missed, we would like to wish them the best of luck as they set out on their new career paths. We would also like to congratulate our brother, Doctor Kristin Hill-Campbell, who was married April 14. We had a busy spring semester. Among other smaller community service projects, we began a new service project that involves broth-


Delta Tau’s Jessica Garcia and Michael Edgmon grill together at the end of year BBQ. ers volunteering to assist staff or organize activities for the residents at the Heritage House assisted living facility here in Wilkes-Barre. Other activities brothers were involved in included the KY formal, the annual KY vs. faculty softball game, attending the Wilkes-

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Albertson’s Health Fair where we provided screenings and educated consumers on various conditions. At the end of the semester we had our end-of-the-year banquet at Dave and Buster’s. We had a great time giving out awards and initiating our new officers. —Mike Behrens

Delta Sigma

Midwestern University— Glendale Founded 9/9/2000 College of Pharmacy—Glendale 19555 N. 59th Avenue Glendale, AZ 85308

Delta Rho brothers participate in the Albertson’s Spring Health Fair.

Delta Phi GCD Dr. Manoquerra with brothers Liz Sarles and Larry Drechsler at the 2007 Delta Phi Appreciation Dinner. Barre/Scranton Yankees baseball game and an awards luncheon where the installation of our new officers occurred. The keynote address was given by Past Grand Regent Paul Hiller. Our officers for the coming year are: Laura Hanna, regent; Adam Motsney, vice regent; Joelle Babatsky, corresponding secretary; Kelly MacDonald, recording secretary; Kim Hoffman, treasurer; Monica Gehret, ritualist; Tracy Mertz, historian; Kevin Shea, sergeant at arms; and our GCD, Dr.

Adam Welch. Congratulations to the new officers! Good luck to everyone in the busy and exciting year to come! —Tracy Mertz

Delta Rho

Nova Southeastern University Founded 11/13/1998 1420 NW 86th Terrace Pembroke Pines, FL 33024

The brothers of Delta Rho had an exciting end to the semester. We would first like to congratulate

Nicole “Storm” Lamb, Danielle Talleri, Tami Houser, Ryan Ritchie, Shannon Piatek, Amy Everitt, Elise Manee, Jessica Hoon, Mike Behrens and Kevin Hanlon, who were elected as officers of the Delta Rho chapter for the 2007–2008 school year. We look forward to seeing what great things these new officers will do. In March, our chapter competed in Greek Wars with the Phi Delta Chi chapter at Nova Southeastern University. Some events we set up were volleyball, a three-legged race and tug-o’-war. We had a great turnout from our chapter and look forward to participating again next year. Brothers also continued community and service events, including another road cleanup, the American Heart Association Heart Walk and the Multiple Sclerosis Walk. We participated in Poison Prevention Week by talking to preschool and elementary school children in South Florida. In April, a few brothers from our chapter attended Delta Iota’s Scarlet and Cadet Gray Ball in Tallahassee. We felt very welcome and had a great time meeting the brothers of Delta Iota. As a professional event for our chapter, we participated in the

Summer 2007

As the brothers of Delta Sigma said goodbye to our graduates, we also did a little housekeeping in the chapter. We recently updated our bylaws and prepared for elections toward the end of the quarter. We held a fund-raising event through, where brothers were able to prepare meals with all of the ingredients provided for them at a Souflez location. It was fun, tasty and nice not to have dishes to wash afterward! We’re working hard to make sure the Province IX meeting in September is a huge success, so watch for updates regarding that! We hope everyone is keeping cool in the heat, and that you all had a wonderful summer. —Shweta Shroff

Delta Tau

University of Southern Nevada Founded 1/10/2003 Nevada College of Pharmacy 11 Sunset Way Henderson, NV 89014

Brothers of Delta Tau in Las Vegas has been busy. At the end of April, we elected new officers. We want to thank David Margraf (regent 2006) and Amy Jenkins (vice regent 2006), along with their officers, for the wonderful job they did with Kappa Psi for the 2006 year. We want to welcome Jessica Garcia (regent 2007) and Tawney Lizarraga (vice regent 2007) and their new officers. We know they’re planning great things for our upcoming rush. In April, Brother Welder (GCD) took vacation time and spent it passionately in her darkroom developing black-and-whites. However, she did come to school for the forth annual Kappa Psi faculty/staff appreciation luncheon. In May,


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Brother Welder participated in the fifth annual USN fund-raiser golf tournament at the beautiful Las Vegas South Shore golf course. She played on the Rx Relief team out of Fresno. Brother Welder’s team came in 7 under par, and Brother Welder won the trophy for Closest to the Pin on the par three. Also in April, Delta Tau held a faculty/staff appreciation luncheon for the hardworking staff at University of Southern Nevada. Brothers served a Mexican fiesta to various professors and faculty. Brothers of Delta Tau ended the year with our fourth annual end-ofthe-year barbeque at the park in Henderson. Brothers said farewell for the summer months by participating in a water balloon fight, pieeating contest and enjoying great food. May graduation was a wonderful success. Delta Tau had 17 brothers graduate. Both Jeff Mandel (regent 2005) and Emily Maier (vice regent 2005) received plaques for their outstanding contribution and service to the Delta Tau chapter. We wish all of our graduated Delta Tau brothers great success with their careers. —Jennifer Smith

Delta Upsilon

Palm Beach Atlantic University Founded 5/3/2003 School of Pharmacy 901 S. Flager Drive West Palm Beach, FL 33401-6505

The graduate dinner this year was held on April 15 at the Anchor Inn. Everyone gathered to celebrate the success of yet another group of fine Kappa Psi brothers who are nearing the end of their quest to becoming pharmacists. Certificates and awards were handed out to those with high academic accomplishments. The most important thing shared, though, was the camaraderie and brotherhood with our P4s soon leaving to enter the professional realm. These graduates were specifically honored at the hooding ceremony on May 4. The graduates celebrating their completion of pharmacy school and whom we are proud to call our own are: Joe Alaimo, Morgan Blom, Julio Camacho, Michael Clurman, Marc Cohen, Alejandro Echaverry, Franck Kacou, Katie Kiefer, Luther Laite, Dale Lewis, Ronnie Major,

Delta Phi brothers at the North County Community Cares philanthropy event. Leonard Pastrana, Dipak Patel, Brian Piskorik, Alex Radomski, Luis Rodas, Joe Scuro, Roy Shipman, Melanie Sotomayor and Noah Wolkenstein. The annual Kappa Psi golf tournament was held April 14 at the golf course on west Forrest Hill. There were competitions ranging from Closest to the Pin or Out-Driving the Golf Pro Off the Tee. The turnout was large, the weather was beautiful and everyone had fun. After lunch, it was revealed that Everett McNally’s team once again emerged victoriously, and Ryan Howerton’s team once again came in last. One of Kappa Psi’s concentrations is on helping the community. Throughout the year, many Kappa Psi brothers remained involved in community service projects. A couple large projects were the Buddy Walk, the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation, and Junior Achievement for students in the local middle schools. Quite a few members attended a seminar held by Marvin Smith, Daniel Welch and Ryan Richie.

Various activities were performed to bring brothers closer and create the strongest Fraternity chapter possible. This year the Dr. Collins Award was presented to Jennifer Cortes and David Brown. Kristen Antos also received the Asklepios Key. The summer conclave was once again entertaining for all in attendance. It was not only a time to take care of business, but a time for brothers from different chapters to gather and catch up with each other. Awards were handed out and the slideshow was a hit. Brothers from our chapter that went were: Matthew Bamber, Joe Prete, Jennifer Cortes, Ryan Howerton, Kelly Deberdinas and Kristy Antos. Four of our brothers went on a mission trip to the Dominican Republic: Matt Bamber, Ryan Howerton, David Brown and Jennifer Cortes. The trip was a great success, leaving on June 21 and returning June 28. David Brown said he loved it and would not hesitate to do it all again. They went to two villages, providing mobile medical aide and products


that one of the villages had never even had before. Whether they were playing with children or assisting with an ailment, a difference was made in many lives. —Charly Blackmon

Delta Phi

University of California— San Diego Founded 8/8/2003 9500 Gilman Drive La Jolla, CA 92093-09657

The Delta Phi chapter closed off its academic year with a crescendo of activity, starting with the Delta Phi actives’ retreat. On March 31, well over 20 brothers cast off the comforts of modern civilization to boldly venture into the rugged wilderness of Potreo Park. The lush terrain of the park provided an ideal ground for a game of Capture the Flag, where brothers put their tactical cunning and teamwork skills to the test. Traditional camping activities, such as campfire chats and “midnight” hikes, ensured that each person went to bed with their belly filled with companionship (and s’mores).

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Kappa Psi brothers show their colors and make us proud.

Beta Omega’s most stylish men (Phil Wiegand and Dr. Michael McGraw) at the Beta Eta Province Dinner.

Gamma Theta’s Prajoel Karki, Sean Hawkins, Adrian Abadiano, Patrycja Wilczynska, and Holly Skelton participate in the Wesley McIntire Volley for Charity at the Westport Beach Club.

Delta Omicron brothers show their colors at the Wilkes-Barre/Scranton baseball game. Delta Theta brothers (front L–R): Belinda McCoy (Vice Regent), Jacque “Ken” Washington (Regent). Row 2: Dominique “Nikki” Brewster, Remi Eyikogbe, Janelle Harris. Row 3: Eka Ebong, Shalondria Simpson, Adora Obiechina. Row 4: Venus Ruben, Abiola Coker, Truman Warren, and Unni Pillai. Top Row: Oladipo Adebisi, Chukhuma Okafot, Olaide Sanusi, Ming Han. Summer 2007


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At night, the freezing temperatures of the park were no hardship to brothers who huddled together in their tents, reliant on each other for comfort and survival in the unforgiving wild. We would like to express our appreciation to Social Chair Michelle Ho and the committee that helped make this wonderful bonding event possible. On the night of May 11, Delta Phi cut loose from the stress of classes and hosted a fund-raising party at Ole Madrid. Brothers met up with the new pledges from Western University and danced the night away. Pledges were given history quizzes by current brothers, with correct answers resulting in bonus signatures and smiley faces in their pledge books. We are ecstatic to have been involved in the pledging process of a new chapter of Kappa Psi and look forward to seeing them again as fellow brothers. Thanks to Treasurer Nasim Ghafouri and everyone who helped sell tickets, we raised an impressive sum that will go toward creating even more memorable events! On May 15, brothers continued their commitment to community service by volunteering in the SAY Day at the Bay event for underprivileged children at Crown Point Shores. We helped out with every aspect of the event, including food, game booths and cleanup. During the event, brothers previously unaware of the culinary concoction of gummi worms, graham crackers and pudding, known as “worms in dirt,� were given a proper education in its preparation by one of the helpful staff members there. With but a few days of rest after SAY Day, we pressed on with our community service efforts on May 19 by participating in the North County Community Cares program, where we helped clean a classroom at a local elementary school. So many brothers showed up to the event that every surface in the classroom was left spotless, well before lunchtime. With things done so efficiently, we had plenty of time left to help a Cub Scout troop paint a tool shed outside of the school. We’d like to recognize Brother Lannie Duong for her efforts in organizing all the awesome volunteer events this quarter. As the quarter drew to a close, Delta Phi honored its graduating class with a masquerade banquet at

Delta Psi 4th year brothers, Heather Blue, Kyle Riess, Jillene Beuke, and Andriana Sacchini take a picture at the Province VIII Spring Conclave.

Buffalo Graduate brothers celebrate at the wedding of Gamma Iota alumni Danny McNatty and Andrea Rokicki (left) at their wedding in Las Vegas. The will reside outside of Phoenix, AR.

Auction to benefit pharmacy activities. Delta Psi helped out by donating margarita, wine and martini baskets. The products raised more than $300. This fall we plan to continue volunteering our time at Kid’s CafÊ at the Domiano Center in Duluth. Lastly, we would like to congratulate our first graduating class from the Duluth campus. This class included the founding members of Delta Psi, and we can’t wait for them to join the Minnesota Graduate chapter. Proud to be your brother! —Amanda Westerlund

Delta Omega

Tom Ham’s Lighthouse. With a spectacular view of San Diego Bay as the backdrop, we congratulated Brothers Lawrence Alejandro, Jerald Limcolioc, Russell Luke, Danielle Mahfood, Cecilia Nguyen, Jethmark Olaes, Thu Tran, Max Wang and Ni-Chi Wu on finishing their time at UCSD with a slideshow of the years gone by all too quickly. As poignant songs played in the background, many of us were left misty eyed as the slideshow paid tribute to all the good times we shared. Despite tones of melancholy, brothers felt proud of the graduates who had finally finished the journey they began four years ago. As we look back on how much we’ve grown, we can only look forward with optimism for the times ahead. Delta Phi would like to welcome its new Executive Committee for the coming year and express our deep appreciation for the previ-

ous Executive Committee for a year full of tireless work and wonderful memories. —Ed Su

Delta Psi

Southern University Founded 12/10/2005 School of Pharmacy Savannah, Georgia

The brothers of Delta Omega were honored to host the 2007

University of Minnesota Founded 8/8/2003 School of Pharmacy Duluth, MN 55812

We’re pleased to announce that we had nine brothers join Delta Psi in April. Our new brothers are: Renae Lien, Alyssa Leidholm, Jessica Harstad, Cassie Puncochar, Sarah Robinson, Lexie Hunzie, Heather Blue, Tiffany Selly and Heidi Schultz. At the end of March, Delta Psi attended Province VIII conclave in Minneapolis. It was a great chance to meet and bond with brothers in our Province. On April 27, the University of Minnesota had its Pharmacy Day


Buffalo Grad brother Dr. Peter Brody handles the raffle prizes.

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temps ranging from 114 to 120 degrees, brothers gathered July 4 to enjoy firework displays and good eats. —Kristl Tom

Boston Graduate

Boston Grad celebrates at The Smoker.

upcoming class. The Delta Omega chapter hosted a Meet and Greet for the newly arriving Class of 2010. We’re excited to welcome the new students to South University, as well as introduce them to Kappa Psi. —Andria Owens

Arizona Graduate

The Walshes of Buffalo Grad: Jim Walsh, Kim Walsh, and Erin Walsh. Province IV summer conclave. This meeting showed a great turnout of more than 60 brothers, including Province Supervisor Mike Starvaggi, Province Assistant Supervisor Adam Gregg, Province VII Satrap Melissa O’Neill and Province VIII Brother Shuana Gregg. The first night of conclave took place at our chapter’s favorite hangout, Savannah Smiles-Dueling Pianos. After the business meeting Saturday morning, the chapter attempted to host a pool party, but Mother Nature did not comply with the remnants of Tropical Storm Barry moving through the area. Instead, many brothers explored the many treasures Savannah has to share. To celebrate the close of another successful Province IV con-

clave, brothers hosted a toga party. The collegiate and graduate brothers of our chapter attended the 53rd GCC. To make sure we got as many brothers as possible to go, we did a great deal of fund raising to support our chapter’s attendees. We would like to congratulate Brothers Jamie Caskey, Will Coley, Steve Deverell, Jeff Fletcher, Tracey Johnson, Paula Maples, Nitin Patel, Marsh Peterson and Vivian Bush on their recent graduation and wish them all the best of luck in their endeavors! In addition, we would like to congratulate Delta Omega’s GCD Curt Jones and his wife, Missy, on the birth of their third child, Curtis E. Jones III. When the dog days of summer came rolling in, it was time to get ready for the pharmacy school’s

Greetings from the Grand Canyon state! In March, brothers attended the Province IX assembly in San Francisco. An early arrival on Friday allowed us to spend the afternoon relaxing at Fisherman’s Wharf. That evening, we “explored” the different means of transportation before reuniting with brothers from Province IX at the Beta Gamma house. The meeting was a successful one as new officers were elected and business was attended to. We would like to thank the outgoing officers and congratulate the new Province IX officers. Our next assembly is September 28–29 in Glendale, Arizona. We can hardly wait to welcome Epsilon Gamma and celebrate our province’s continued success. When temperatures reached the three-digit mark in April, we knew we were in for another rough summer. It came as no surprise to hear that for the fourth time in six years, Phoenix took the No. 1 spot in Old Spice’s annual ranking of the nation’s 100 sweatiest cities (Tucson ranked No. 4). It was calculated that on a typical summer day, Phoenix residents could collectively fill 53,000 kegs with sweat in one hour. Summer heat is a fact of life here in Arizona. Despite the projected

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In April, the brothers of Mu chapter hosted “The Smoker,” which brought many brothers to Boston to celebrate the chapter’s 100th anniversary. The night was great, as it reminded us all, young and old, of exactly why our Fraternal bonds are as strong as they are. We would like to thank all the brothers who came from distances to take part in such an occasion. During the reception, the new officers for Boston Graduate were announced: Michael D. Cournoyer, regent; Erick Sousa, vice regent; William Prince, secretary; Joseph Guinta, treasurer; Saumil Patel, historian; J. Beno Thompson, chaplain; David Caristi, webmaster; and Claudio Faria, continuing education coordinator. In 2004, the Boston Graduate chapter resurrected the Boston Graduate Scholarship. The scholarship was established in 1938 and is awarded to brothers who display outstanding service to Kappa Psi, academic prowess and financial need. This past year, two Mu brothers especially demonstrated the above traits. Boston Graduate would again like to congratulate Brothers Albert Lee and Alexander Pham as the recipients of the scholarship awards. Boston Graduate and Mu would like to thank all those who took part in the 53rd GCC in Boston. We hope you all had a great time and hope that you consider revisiting sometime again in the future. —Saumil Patel

Buffalo Graduate Since March, Buffalo Grad has been busy planning summer events, CEs and welcoming new brothers. In April, Buffalo Grad invited the graduating brothers from Gamma Iota to attend one of our meetings and to encourage continued involvement with Kappa Psi. We are excited to welcome nine new brothers and to provide their membership dues for the first year. Congratulations and good luck to all of you! In May we held elections. Our new officers are: Matt Sciara,


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regent; Peter M. Brody Jr., vice regent; Niki Wahl, secretary; Jim Walsh, treasurer; Kim Walsh, chaplain; and John Pietkiewicz, historian. Buffalo Grad also hosted our third annual CE in May, which was a great success. It was presented by one of our brothers, Dr. Judianne Slish, and was, as always, provided free of charge to dues-paying brothers. Plans for next year’s medication errors CE are already underway! Summer events included an outing to see Buffalo’s minor league baseball team, the Buffalo Bisons, and a barbeque. We’re attending the Buffalo Bills home-opener against the Denver Broncos with Gamma Iota on September 9. In September we will again be participating in the American Diabetes Association Walk for Diabetes after a very successful showing last year. We placed in the top 10 teams for fund raising, so thank you to all those who supported us! Information on how to donate, sponsor or join the team will be posted on our website as it becomes available: We would also like to congratulate some of our brothers who are starting an exciting chapter in their lives: Jenny Campanella and Andy Kilmer were married June 16, 2007, and Danny McNatty and Andrea Rokicki were married June 23, 2007. Best wishes for a wonderful future together! Please continue to visit our group page for more details on upcoming events, and feel free to join us at one of our monthly meetings, which take place the last Monday of every month. —Nikki Wahl

Columbus Graduate The brothers of Columbus Grad would like to congratulate our newest graduates from Xi and welcome them into our profession! We held our first meeting of 2007 following the Xi Initiation on January 13 in Worthington, and our second meeting was held in Delaware, Ohio, in May. On May 25, the chapter reactivated our long-standing Golf Tournament event, which had not been held since 2002. The golf tourney was our major social event for years, and we’re proud to have restarted this annual event. The

proceeds of our golf tourney were donated to the MS Foundation in support of the Quilt Project, with a final tally of $300 being donated. The format was a scramble, with the team of Jack Ulrich, Kirk McIntyre, Tom Baker and Andy Frasco taking home first place prizes on a very hot and sunny day. The chapter would like to recognize and thank longtime Xi GCD Mr. Ralph Foster (OSU class of 1956) for attending and bringing great dignity to the last place team, which featured our Regent-turned-atrocious-rookie-golfer, Craig. Also quite noteworthy was our out-of-town attendance: two brothers from Central Michigan (Tim Borowiak and Adam Dutkiewicz), one from Buffalo (Peter Brody) and three from Pittsburgh (Chris Miller, Rich Nalichowski and Tim Kaylor). Following the tournament, lunch was served and awards were presented in the clubhouse. The following day, most of our group went on an enjoyable daytrip to Canton and the Pro Football Hall of Fame. Thanks goes out to Andy for his hard work in running the golf tourney. In July, some of our brothers traveled to attend the amazing Minnesota Grad BBQ Weekend, and a couple of our brothers traveled to Boston for GCC. Congratulations to Andy and Jess on their new house, and best wishes to Maria and Rich Limperos as they prepare for their first child. Please contact Andy Frasco (614390-1688, for information about our next chapter meeting. —Craig Burkin

Iowa Graduate Greetings from your Iowa Graduate chapter brothers! We continue to meet at each Province VIII assembly in the spring and fall, but have meetings in alternating locations in the winter and summer. We met as a group on June 23 in Des Moines for our summer meeting and got a lot accomplished. We held elections for the next two-year term. The newly elected brothers are Meagan Wilson as regent, Dean Kroska as vice regent, Patrick Verdun as treasurer, Adam Gregg as secretary, Deanna McDanel as historian and Heidi Yerges as Chaplain. We also discussed the Iowa

The winning team from the Wisconsin Graduate Annual “Hackers Open” golf outing. Winning team members include: (standing) Dennis (Koby) Koblenski, Kate Nelson, Kevin Lewis, (sitting) Dick Hammes. Graduate Chapter Collegiate Scholarship, which was awarded this spring to Beta Chi Brother Amanda Weber. The award is the monetary value of one semester’s dues. We decided to continue to award this scholarship to one brother from each of the Iowa chapters, Beta Chi and Delta Zeta, but this will be done once yearly in the fall. The award will now be worth $99 paid to the recipient’s respective chapter to be used for Kappa Psi events, dues or purchases. Keep your eye out for application details, coming in September. For philanthropy, we submitted a square to the Quilt for the Cure for the Multiple Sclerosis Foundation and were in full support of Brother Heidi Yerges, who competed in the Lifetime Fitness Triathlon in Minneapolis July 14 to benefit the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. We finished out the meeting with a competitive round of bocce ball, and fun was had by all. Thanks to the Kroska family for hosting the summer meeting! We look forward to seeing you at


the next Province VIII assembly in the fall, hosted by Delta Zeta in Iowa City, October 19–20. If you’re interested in joining Iowa Grad, please contact me at We’re excited to have an active Iowa Grad chapter once again and look forward to keeping the Brotherhood strong! —Deanna McDane

Minnesota Graduate The Minnesota Graduate chapter spring meeting was held May 3 at Axel’s Bonfire in St. Paul. A highlight of the meeting was the presentation of the Silver Mortar Award to Marsha Millonig and the Gold Mortar Award to Robert Volk. Congrats! The graduate chapter continues to financially support Epsilon and Delta Psi brothers through our scholarship endowment, which provided seven awards for 2006–2007. Graduate brothers also attended chapter meetings and the Epsilon spring dinner meeting. The graduate brothers will host a dinner for those collegians who have perfect

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Gamma Iota brothers after the banquet. attendance at their chapter meetings. A gourmet potluck dinner is currently being planned for Minneapolis and Duluth. Our summer events began with graduate brothers participating in the American Lung Association Blow the Whistle on Asthma Walk on June 2. Donations are still coming in, but the ALA has already received donations totaling more than $61,000 for the event. In July, Minnesota Graduate brothers joined Epsilon to staff the pharmacy at Camp Superkids, teaching 8–13-year-old kids about their asthma medication. Special thanks to Tracy Anderson Haag for her work in coordinating the setup and pharmacist staffing for camp. As Camp Superkids came to a close, the annual Minnesota Graduate barbeque weekend extravaganza began, once again hosted by Tracy and Mike Haag. Friday night’s traditional dinner at El Loro kicked off the festivities, with the daylong family barbeque on Saturday. Rounding out our social calendar for July was an evening of tailgating and baseball at a St. Paul Saints game on July 28. If you’re interested in keeping up with Minnesota Graduate happenings, contact Tracy Anderson Haag at to join the Minnesota Graduate list serve. —Christy Askew

Pacific Graduate Spring and early summer are always a busy time for Pacific Graduate brothers as they strive to support and mentor Gamma Nu brothers through pledging and on

to graduation. March 3 was the Province IX meeting, hosted in San Francisco by the Beta Gamma chapter. Throughout the weekend, various alumni from the area and beyond showed up to make their presence known. In attendance were Doctors Eric Gupta, Roger Santos, Brandon Okaneku, Roland Lee, Samuel Hodges, Derrick Egi, Bradd Waki and Mike Rooney. A huge meeting and a huge success. At the AphA annual meeting in Atlanta, several brothers traveled east. A few Gamma Nu brothers and pledges came out, as well as Doctors Lawrence Brown, Eric Gupta, Fred Cho, Donald Floriddia, Mike Pastrick and Leland Ibarra. Speaking of pledges, many brothers came out to attend another successful pledging semester for Gamma Nu. From rush events to school talent shows to bonding nights, graduates came out to support and teach from their past knowledge and experience. Among thoe alumni were Warren Shikuma, Satinder Sandhu, Adam Kaye, Pat Chan, Bradd Waki, Mark Walberg, Mike Evangelista, Derrick Egi, Sam Hodges, Mike Cuellar, Brandon Okaneku, Jason Nakaoka, Conrad Bio, Roger Santos, Will Altmiller, Gabe Leung, Sujeev Vhan, Neal Prasad, Joseph Wong, Dany Khloth, Leland Ibarra, Sunny Bains, Jay Kim, Bruce Uch, Ali Tran, Kevin Leung and Tuan Dihn. Thanks to all who made time to come out for this most recently initiated class. On May 16, Dr. Mitch Nagao came into Stockton, California, to

give a talk for GalaxoSmithKline to a group of pharmacists who met at a restaurant during the week of graduation. Many graduating brothers and alumni came out to hear Mitch discuss treatments in cardiovascular disease while we feasted on steak, chicken or fish. Other Pacific Grads in attendance were Mark and Kristina Walberg, Derrick Egi, Pat Chan, Sam Hodges and Kevin Leung. Mitch was informative and funny. You had to be there. I wish Dr. Floriddia had been. May 18 marked the Kappa Psi Gamma Nu Graduation Reception. These brothers and their families were invited to the Gamma Nu house, where they ate spam musubi, other finger foods and drank sparkling cider. The event culminated with the awarding of their Kappa Psi medallions. Thank you to alumni Adam Kaye, Les Hankinson and Satinder Sandhu for helping welcome the brothers and their families. The next day was graduation, and 11 new collegians became graduates. They were Ethan Anderson, Roy Goo, Sheldon Kong, Dean Pham, Justin Borras-Reed, Daniel Oh, Binh Tran, Jeff Melnick, Harminder Nehal, Quoc Huynh and Quan Le. Congratulations, brothers! In attendance for brotherhood and other family reasons were alumni Sujeev Vhan, Tony Luu, Thanh Nguyen, Les Hankinson, Jeff Joliff, Ominder Mehta, Dany Khloth, Derrick Egi, Adam Kaye, Steve Pratummas, Jason Nakaoka, Pat Catania, Mike Evangelista, Kevin Leung, Bradd Waki, Roger Santos and Donald Floriddia. Way

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to support the next generation! On the 23rd of June, Kappa Psi Gamma Nu held its annual luau in Discovery Bay at the home of Alumnus Ross Chang and his wife, Iris. The event is put on by the collegiate chapter, which set up, cooked food, played music and socialized with each other, guests and alumni. It’s also the event to celebrate their big fund-raiser for the year. Most of the funds were given by alumni who were warmly welcomed by the current brothers. These generous alumni included Sam Hodges, Mike Cuellar, Chris Amaral, Thanh Nguyen, Reid Kodani, Ethan Anderson, Daniel Oh, Harminder Nehal, Satinder Sandhu, Robert Fox, Sunny Bains, Kenny Morin, Jason Nakaoka, Roger Santos, Bradd Waki, Derrick Egi, Brandon Okaneku, Warren Shikuma, Mark Pinski, Justin Sakaguchi, Tom Maez, Mike Pastrick, Bill Brehm, Ki Vacca and Donald Floriddia. Thank you again to Ross and Iris for allowing us to invade your home and enjoy this annual event. Thank you to all the alumni for your continued support! —Derrick Egi

Pittsburgh Graduate We are happy to welcome back Brother Stephanie Stichert, who is returning to the States from her yearlong assignment with the U.S. Air Force in Korea. A “Welcome Home Stichertfest 2007” celebration was held in conjunction with the Province II summer meeting in Pittsburgh the weekend of July 20–22. It’s good to have you back,


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golf tournament is scheduled for late August, and we’re looking forward to the fellowship. —Julie Nobbe

Steph! A big thank you goes out to Chaplain Liz Poole who designed our quilt square for the National Philanthropic Project. Liz and Steph were also our delegates for GCC. —Jacquelyn Truance

Wisconsin Graduate

Pocono Graduate The Pocono Grad chapter met at Wyoming Valley Country Club in April for our biannual dinner/meeting. We discussed the upcoming GCC in Boston and agreed to financially support the local collegiate chapters, Beta Omega and Delta Omicron, in sending brothers to this meeting. Our graduate chapter joined Delta Omicron in cheering on the Wilkes-Barre/Scranton Yankees from the third base box in late April. Pocono Grad cordially invites all new grads to attend our next meeting in the fall. For information regarding this meeting, please contact Adam Welch at adam.welch@ —Kimberly Metka

Providence Graduate The Providence Graduate chapter celebrated its 18th annual Founders’ Day Awards Banquet on April 25 at the Radisson Hotel in Warwick, Rhode Island. Many brothers from the PGC and Beta Epsilon were present to observe Founders’ Day and pay tribute to colleagues. Dennis W. Flowers, Warren Goolgasian, Robert L. Kaufman, Peter Pashnik, Paul G. Pierpaoli, Richard Smith and past Dean of the URI College of Pharmacy Louis Luzzi were honored with Golden Mortar Awards for 50 years of membership in Kappa Psi. Those honored with Silver Mortar Awards for 25 years of membership were Melville A. Badway; Danny R. Boutin; Robert P. Brillion; Gerard T. Buonpane; Michael S. Cardin; David C. Chartier; David Duval, D.O.; James R. Fillion; William Fournier; Marc O. Gosselin, D.O.; Timothy M. Griswold; Gregory L. Hancock; Paul J. Hastings; Gary Kishfey; David J. LaPlante; Peter G. LaPrade; Paul C. LeVesque; Brian P. McMahon; Michael A. Solomon; Umberto Sorbo; John A. Stoukides, M.D.; Adam A. Thomas; and past Grand Regent John Grossomanides. Dennis Flowers

Beta Lambda brothers with “Radar” at Province V assembly. (L-R): Ed Skoviak, Brandon Enghauser, Zach Lavely-Planisek, Matt Sulick, Eric Geyer, Cameron Van Dyke, Jason Gibas, Jordan Karr, Matt Schneider, Chris Peshek, Vic Granger, and Steve Markowiak. and John Grossomanides were present to accept their awards. We congratulate all of the Gold and Silver Mortar Award recipients and thank them for their many years of service to our Fraternity and profession. Other PGC brothers were also honored for their service. The PGC 2006 Community Service Award was presented to Dr. Peter D. Anderson for his many contributions to society. The PGC Graduate Brother of the Year recipient was Joshua J. Gagne. Scholarships were also presented to three worthy undergraduate brothers from the Beta Epsilon chapter. The Dr. George E. Osbourne Memorial Scholarship was presented to Joseph Bellucci for his outstanding academic record. The Peter Feeney Memorial Scholarship recognizes a Beta Epsilon brother for his outstanding Fraternal involvement. This year’s deserving recipient was Brian MacDonald. The Dr. Norman A. Campbell Scholarship, which recognizes a Beta Epsilon brother for his outstanding professional involvement, was presented to Patrick Dougherty. The Installation of Officers Ceremony was conducted by past Grand Regent Dr. Norman A. Campbell. The following brothers were installed: Anthony DelSignore, regent; Michael Muller, vice regent; Brian Musiak,

secretary; John Grossomanides, treasurer; Karl J. Kehrle, historian; and Michael Ira Smith, chaplain. We have the utmost confidence that these officers will lead our graduate chapter wisely. A memorial exercise concluded the evening. A moment of silence was observed for our departed brothers of the graduate chapter: William Cornell, Joseph Cardin, Steve DePaola, Howard Anderson, Joseph Krochmal and August Danti. Kappa Psi brothers once again took to the softball diamond on April 20 in the annual grad vs. undergrad classic. PGC Brothers Steve Edwards and John Grossmanides provided the firepower for the offense, and Karl Kehrle led the defense in a valiant effort, only to succumb in the final inning to the undergrad team from Beta Epsilon, 16–12. Brothers then convened at the home of Steve Edwards for a barbeque to renew friendships and fellowship. We look forward to avenging this loss next year. —Karl Kehrle

St. Louis Graduate St. Louis Grad recently supported the collegiate chapter’s casino night. More than 40 brothers attended, and we raised more than $900 for the RS Foundation. We also had several meetings and social events at the Graduate Bar in the fraternity house. Our annual


On June 24, the chapter held our annual golf outing, “The Hackers Open,” at the Lake Mills Golf Club. Congratulations to the winning team: Dennis (Koby) Koblenski, Dick Hammes, Kevin Lewis and Kate Nelson. Our second summer event, in late July, was a tailgate party at the Brewers vs. San Francisco game. Congratulations to Wisconsin Graduate newlyweds Mr. and Mrs. Scott and Erin Farrell. We wish you a lifetime of happiness together! If you would like to join the Wisconsin Graduate chapter, please contact Lori Joas at lorijoas@ or Nikki Musial at Visit us at —Nikki Musial

Province IV The Province IV summer conclave was held June 1–2 in beautiful Savannah, Georgia. Not even the rain from Tropical Storm Barry could keep the conclave from happening. Congratulations and thanks are due to the Delta Omega chapter for a fantastic job organizing its first-ever Province conclave. As our Province continues to grow and expand, Delta Omega’s success is a testament to the strength of Kappa Psi and the ideals that we as brothers hold dear. Friday night, the Province met at Savannah Smiles, a local piano bar. Province Vice Satrap Jason Karnes played quite a few renditions of Billy Joel on the piano and harmonica. The meeting on Saturday morning proceeded with officer and committee reports. Highlights included the unveiling of the new Province IV photo gallery, presented by our GCC Delegate Brother Andrew Crowe, and Province IV Historian Greg Carter. The crowd favorite was the chapter reports, which were impressive and very competitive, with the brothers of Gamma Psi winning the coveted award for best chapter report. The meeting concluded Saturday night with a toga dinner party and awards ceremony. Delta Omega received the award for having the most brothers in attendance at the two previous conclave meet-

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Chapter News

Gamma Omicron brothers pose at the Province VII meeting. (L–R): Blake Fitzpatrick, Misty Broyles, Stuart Reece, Brian Manson, Lyndsey Hogg, Jennifer Thackray, Candace Hooper, Stephanie Fuchshuber, Michelle Cox, April Haddock, and Leigh Anderson.

Beta Lambda brothers at the Province V assembly. L-R: Jason Gibas, Brandon Enghauser, Steve Markowiak, Vic Granger, Chris Peshek, Matt Sulick, Isaac Schiefer, Ed Skoviak, Dan Fisher (Beta Psi Regent), Zach Lavely Planisek, Eric Geyer, and Matt Schneider.

ings, and Gamma Psi took home the award for Best Chapter in the Province. Brothers Mike Starvaggi and Adam Gregg received plaques for their service as supervisors to our Province. We also recognized Brother Kali Jernigan for her service to our Province and Kappa Psi while she held the office of collegiate member-at-large. On a special note, by this fall we hope to have two more graduate chapters chartered within our Province: the Jacksonville/North Florida Graduate chapter and the Southeast Florida/Bahamas Graduate chapter. —Greg Carter

announced that the 53rd GCC will be held in Boston August 7–11, 2007, at the Sheraton Copley Square Hotel. She also discussed the importance of early planning, estimated costs and available funds to defray costs. All brothers were strongly encouraged to attend and represent Province V because it will be a KY experience they will never forget! The Province V goal is to have representation from all collegiate chapters, but it was also stressed that if your chapter is unable to attend, proxy votes should be acquired ahead of time so your voice is heard at this GCC. Next, Brother Jordan Csati of Gamma Iota presented a “casebased” risk management presentation. Brother Neil Patel also gave a presentation on Robert’s Rules of Order dressed as a judge, complete with the white wig. Officers gave the Auditing, Legislative, Philanthropy, Resolutions and Graduate Relations committee reports. Delegates voted to continue Pediatrics as the Province V Philanthropy Project and to jointsponsor a breakfast at GCC with Province II again. The meeting concluded with the election of officers. The new Province V officers for 2007–2008 are as follows: Erin Walsh, satrap, Buffalo Graduate; Neil Patel, vice satrap, Chi; Lindsey Berlinghoff, secretary/treasurer, Gamma Chi; Craig Burkin, chaplain, Columbus Graduate; Kate Nelson, historian, Chi; Dominic Chan, parliamentarian, Chi; Jennifer Suminski, webmaster, Gamma Chi; Tim Borowiak, GCC delegate, Central

Province V The Province V assembly was held March 23–24 in Lafayette, Indiana, at the Holiday Inn SelectCity Center. The Pi chapter at Purdue University hosted the assembly, and there were 130 brothers in attendance for the weekend to celebrate brotherhood. The assembly began with the opening Ritual and welcomes from Satrap Jim Walsh and Regent Chris Oswald. Officer and Graduate Chapter reports were also given during the First General Session. Dr. Craig Burkin presented the Province V Philanthropic Quilt squares and asked brothers to sign them throughout the assembly. A pair of brothers from each graduate and collegiate chapter participated in the Newlywed Game. The game was entertaining and spurred some friendly competition between the couples. Friday night, brothers stayed out until 3 a.m. (local bar time) at some of

Province V Secretary/Treasurer Lindsey Berlinghoff and Province V Historian Kate Nelson model their bowling shoes. Purdue’s/Lafayette’s finest social establishments. Brothers were escorted by Pi brothers and were in accordance with all Kappa Psi risk management policies. Collegiate chapter reports were entertaining and included special appearances from Alf, EneMan and Bobble Head Dave. The slideshows also demonstrated the chapter’s participation in fund raising, philanthropy and brotherhood events. Brother Erin Walsh kicked off the Third General Session with the 53rd GCC presentation. She

Summer 2007

Michigan Graduate; and Peter M. Brody Jr., alternate GCC delegate, Buffalo Graduate. Congratulations to all new Province V officers! The weekend concluded with the banquet and awards ceremony Saturday night. The Province V slideshow was presented by Adele Rike, historian, and included many photos from the Province meeting that demonstrated the brotherhood of Province V. The Traveling Chapter Award (given to the chapter with the most brothers attending and from the farthest distance) was Mu Omicron Pi. The Chapter of the Year Award was presented to Gamma Chi, and the Best Chapter Report was presented to Beta Lambda. The Excellence in Province Philanthropy Award was presented to Beta Psi, and the Service Excellence Award was presented to Gamma Chi. Brothers Kim Walsh, Andy Frasco, Adele Rike, Erin Walsh and Tim Borowiak were inducted into the Double Digits Club (brothers who have attended 10 or more Province V meetings) and were presented pins by Jenny Donaldson. Saturday night, brothers went cosmic bowling, and the new officers met Sunday morning. —Kate A. Nelson

Province VIII Greetings from your Province VIII brothers! Brothers of the Epsilon chapter at the University of Minnesota hosted the Province VIII spring conclave March 30–31, 2007. We had a phenomenal 242 brothers and guests in attendance (280 preregistered) at the Sheraton Hotel in


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Chapter News

Minneapolis, Minnesota. The weekend started off with a “Fiesta” theme party. This was a fun party with lots of sombreros, bright colors, ponchos and artificial mustaches. We even had our own donkey, human piñata and “Nachos Libre.” There was a lot of dancing, which allowed the night to truly be a FIESTA! Our business meeting started bright and early at 8:00 a.m. on Saturday when Satrap Meagan Wilson called the meeting to order. All graduate and collegiate chapters were present. The Grand Officers in attendance were Grand Regent Dave Maszkiewicz, who discussed how proud he is of the attendance at the Province VIII conclave, Grand Vice Regent Sean Higgins, who discussed the upcoming GCC in Boston, and Grand Counselor Becky Fahrenbruch, who was so excited and again discussed GCC and the Quilt for the Cure. We even were joined by our very own Province VIII Supervisor Brett Rathi (from Province IX), who passed out a “Peanut Butter” form with important dates. In addition, we had visitors from Province II, Province V, Province VII, and Pittsburgh Grad. We thank them for traveling such a long distance to join us. The business meeting continued with National Committee and Province VIII officer reports. Chrisann Rauzi presented for the National Chapter Awards Committee and highlighted that the Progress Report Forms are due May 15 (early-bird deadline of April 15) and the Scholarship Tray Form is due June 23. Gary Van Riper presented for the National Grand Council Deputy Committee and reminded us that GCD of the Year nominations are due April 15. I recognized four of our chapters for having 100 percent submission of MASK articles in 2006, which were Epsilon, Beta Chi, Gamma Epsilon and Gamma Kappa. The meeting proceeded with the Province committee reports and chapter reports, which were very entertaining. Lastly, we held elections for the Province VIII GCC delegate and alternate delegate. Respectively, Sam Lee from Epsilon and Brett Barker from Delta Zeta were elected. Congratulations! The Peanut Gallery and Iowa

Grad chapter met in the afternoon, and shortly after was the dinner banquet. The dinner started with a welcome by Cecelia Buys, conclave chair, and an invocation by Chaplain Jeremy Whalen. The invited speaker was Epsilon’s past-GCD of 17 years, Dr. Rory Remmel. The awards ceremony started off by awarding the Iowa Graduate Chapter Scholarship to Beta Chi’s Amanda Weber. Jennifer Friehe presented Cecelia Buys, Epsilon’s conclave chair, with a muchdeserved recognition button. The Golden Peanut for the most informative and entertaining chapter report went to Gamma Kappa for their heartwarming and amazing band performance of “Brothers for Life.” For the chapter with the highest percentage of active brothers present, the Traveling Trophy was awarded to Beta Sigma. Lastly, the esteemed Keeper of the Hoe, Jeff Fahrenbruch, passed it on to the new owner, Mike Haag, along with an accompanying “Every Good Gardener Needs a Hoe” T-shirt. Shortly after the banquet, the 70s theme party was the end of an awesome weekend. There was everything from the early 70s with hippies to the late 70s with lots of disco attire. It was evident that the style from 70s is coming back as most of the costumes came straight from stores in any local mall. Lastly, Gamma Kappa even did an encore performance of their original song, which was even better the second time around! What an awesome weekend! We

Delta Phi’s Amanda Westerlund, Jessica Harstad and Cassie Puncochar enjoy Fiesta Night at Province VIII Spring Conclave.

Beta Rho brothers at the Province IV Summer Conclave in Sawannah, GA.

send out a big THANKS to Epsilon! The fall 2007 conclave will be hosted by Delta Zeta October 19–20 in Iowa City, Iowa. Finally, remember to sign in to our own web-based photo album with all of my photos taken at conclaves at Thanks again for a wonderful weekend! I am very Proud to be Your Brother! —Deanna McDanel

Province IX Province IX brothers are continuing to stay active and busy! We anticipate the addition of a new chapter to our ranks. Western University of Health Sciences, located in Pomona, California, is hoping to be chartered, most likely as the Epsilon Gamma chapter. There was an incredible level of interest in starting a Kappa Psi chapter within the college of pharmacy at Western, and potential brothers have been working hard to show their commitment and desire to join our Brotherhood. As an amazing display of enthusiasm, approximately 20 of our potential brothers at Western University are planning to attend GCC, as long as all goes well and they are chartered in time. Many brothers from across Province IX are anxiously preparing to attend GCC, many counting down the days, eager to be reunited with old friends from across the country and ready to form new bonds with brothers they have not


yet met. We will co-host a breakfast with Province VIII at GCC and hope to see everyone there, well rested and bright eyed, of course. We also proudly support Brothers Eric Gupta and Sanaz Farhadian who are running for Grand Ritualist and Collegiate Member-At-Large, respectively. The next Province meeting will be held September 28–29, 2007, at Midwestern University, and our Delta Sigma chapter in Glendale, Arizona, is well underway, with many of the logistics already planned. A $500 donation was received from Walgreens, the hotel setup is at a great bargain rate per night, and social events, including a barbeque and evening banquet, are in the works. The meeting itself will take place within the school of pharmacy. At this assembly, we will award for the first time our Province IX scholarship to a very committed and deserving brother. We’re also excited to try out our newly revised Province awards for community service, fellowship and brotherhood, and the traveler’s award. Last but not least, we’ve also started to develop our Provincewide philanthropy project for the year. We’re planning to work to raise money for charity, and right now we have three possible charities in mind that we are interested in contributing to. Be on the lookout for more details to come about our progress. —Elizabeth Sarles

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T h e F i n a l Wo r d

Tradition By: Claudio Faria—Grand Historian

Kappa Psi, like most other organizations, must maintain a certain decree and tradition. Some may say that we need traditions more than rules, and some may say the exact opposite. However, Kappa Psi is not like most other organizations. Above all, it has a Brotherhood to sustain. Brothers often ask me why I’ve stayed so involved after graduation. They ask, “What inspired you to run for International Office? What did you get from being Satrap? Are you a GCD?” My answer is always “brotherhood”! The bonds and memories I’ve made are timeless. They’ve inspired me to be the brother I am today. They’ve inspired to me to use my current position in the Fraternity for the good of the Order. To lead and not to rule! We must remember never to place our personal or business agendas above our Brotherhood. Becoming an officer in Kappa Psi, regardless of rank, is not a permit to rule. It is an opportunity to lead – to lead those who haven’t experienced the true Brotherhood of Kappa Psi. We need more leaders and fewer rulers. Always for the good of the order! Always give a brother the benefit of the doubt! Never turn your back on a brother! How often do these thoughts run through your head when making a decision as an officer or a brother? One of my most difficult Kappa Psi experiences was to become the regent of Mu chap-

Claudio Faria

ter. It was difficult to be regent and a brother simultaneously, especially with all of my closest friends. I learned with time that I didn’t have to wear two hats. I never turned my back on a brother! I was fair and always gave brothers the benefit of the doubt! I listened, and even though my cell phone bill was always astronomically high, I was accessible. In my efforts to sustain the Brotherhood of Mu, as the regent, I was respected and, subsequently, leadership followed. Regardless of our respective positions in the Fraternity, we’re all equals. On May 30, 1879, our Founding Fathers created Kappa Psi with this same idea in mind. After a long, strenuous football game, they sat across from one another and saw each other as equals. A society was formed on the idea of brotherhood as an institution, which must and should be our most well-regarded tradition. It is what separates us from other organizations, including other pharmaceutical fraternities and groups. The bonds and brotherhood within Kappa Psi are by far the strongest I’ve witnessed, but they could be better. Let’s work together to fortify our Brotherhood. Let’s keep in mind some of the words mentioned in this article. If by chance you do not agree with me, simply look at PDC and do the complete opposite! That should be OK too!

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Epsilon brothers show their letters at the World Swim for Malaria.

Beta Upsilon brothers Amy Howell and Ashlen Christie prepare to begin the three-legged race at the Relay for Life.

Beta Xi brother Matt Starr works hard during the chapter’s summer fundraising project doing inventory for the pharmacists at UNC hospitals.

Psi Chapter brothers work a silent auction, date auction and chicken biscuit sale in order to make dreams come true for a girl named Teresa. Here they surprise her and her mother with her Make-a-Wish. Front LR: Carla Collins, Teresa’s mom, Teresa, Rebecca Lovan, Crystal King. Row 2: Mitzi Milligan, Sweet and Sassy staff member, Leeanna Adams, Meghan Brock, Jon Maxwell, Danielle Maxwell, Alice Simpson. Row 3: Jacob Melton and Jeff Lewis

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