2 minute read


We are often told to give our garden one inch of water per week. How much, exactly, is one inch of water in gallons?



1. Irrigation is measured in inches (per square foot).

2. Most gardens need one inch of water per square foot per week to support the healthy growth of crops.

3. It should be noted that one inch of water represents the amount it would take to irrigate the depth of one inch over a surface area of one square foot or 12 square inches.

4. To find out how many gallons you need for your garden, you may use the irrigation converter below. Here is how.

5. If your garden requires one inch of water per week, you first have to know the volume of space or the cubic inches to be irrigated.

6. To find the volume of space for one square foot or 12 square inches, the cubic area in inches would therefore be 1” (the amount of irrigation required) by 12” (the length of the space) x 12” (the width of the space) ie. 1” x 12” x 12”. The volume calculates to be 144 cubic inches of garden.

7. Input the number 144 within the cubic inches section of the converter below. The answer you will get is approximately 0.5 imperial gallons. That would be the amount of water you need to give one square foot of your garden every week.

8. Here is another example: If your garden is four feet by six feet and it requires one inch of water per week, you will convert the feet to inches, making it 48 inches by 72 inches. The cubic area will be calculated as 1” x 48” x 72” or 3,456 cubic inches of garden. Input 3456 within the cubic inches section of the converter below. The answer you will get is approximately 12.5 imperial gallons. That would be the amount of water you need to give your entire garden every week.


https://www.google.com/search?q=inche s+to+gallons+convertor&rlz=1C1AVFC_e nBB850BB850&oq=inches+to+gallons+c onvertor&aqs=chrome..69i57j0i13l2j0i5i13 i30l4j0i8i13i30l3.10114j0j7&sourceid=chro me&ie=UTF-8

One inch of water is approximately 0.5 imperial gallons to one square foot of garden. For a visual explanation, watch this video. https://youtu.be/Kib_FquGP7s

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