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First aid sessions which aim to reduce the number of people on scooters or motorbikes killed or seriously injured is back for the start of the new riding season. BikerDown! is an interactive workshop offering riders and pillions the chance to learn basic first aid as well as gain an awareness of road traffic collision management. Delivered by South Yorkshire Police’s Community Safety Team, the session provides the knowledge to safely help at the scene of a collision, as well as administering potentially lifesaving first aid.
Margaret Lawson, Community Safety Manager, said: “As a rider you are more likely to filter through stationary traffic and be confronted with a collision, or come across an incident on remote country roads. By responding quickly, and with basic first aid, you can make a tremendous difference to a person’s chances of surviving. Although BikerDown! centres around a collision involving a rider, the skills and knowledge are equally as useful if you come across any vehicle whether four, three or two-wheeled.”
In South Yorkshire in 2021, 92 powered-two-wheeler riders were seriously injured in a road traffic collision and sadly eight of those riders lost their lives. And despite only making up around one per cent of vehicle traffic, statistics show that riders account for around 20 per cent of road fatalities across Great Britain. A spokeswoman for South Yorkshire Safer Roads Partnership (SYSRP) said: “Motorcyclists are one of our priority road user groups and we continue to work with partner organisations, like the National Young Rider Forum, to offer advice and information to riders. The BikerDown! training is a valuable part of our toolkit as we work together to try and prevent unnecessary loss of life on our roads. Keeping riders safe is not just down to the riders themselves, we all have a part to play in safe road use and shared responsibility is key to saving lives. “
SYSRP recently launched a new casualty reduction strategy with a target of halving the number of people killed or seriously injured on local roads by the year 2030. Partners have adopted a Safe System approach to road safety which has five pillars of action, including Post-Collision Care, which BikerDown! is part of. Interventions are also being delivered under the remaining four pillars: Safe Road Users, Safe Roads, Safe Speeds and Safe Vehicles. Dates of upcoming BikerDown! courses can be found on the SYSRP website: https://sysrp. co.uk/bikerdown
The Moor Sheffield is welcoming back by popular demand their 999 Family Fun Day in association with the National Emergency Services Museum. The event will take place on Sunday 21st of May between 11am and 4pm. This free, fun-filled day for all the family will put you face-to-face with emergency service workers and some of the amazing vehicles, both old and new, that they use. Experience engaging free activities throughout the day, from a smoke house experience and look at a speed camera van, to getting your fingerprints taken, trying on real uniform and even a bouncy castle.
Visitors to The Moor will learn about today’s emergency services and vital life safety from local Firefighters, Police Officers, Ambulance personnel and volunteers of the RNLI and Yorkshire Ambulance.
Lee Appleton, centre manager for The Moor, said: “We’re delighted to have the ever-popular 999 Family Fun Day back on The Moor. This event has been a great success in the past and we look forward to seeing everyone get involved once again in this day of free fun. We hope to bring lots of people to Sheffield City Centre and support the National Emergency Services Museum.