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Coronation Street: Max disrupts Daniel’s class in an attempt to impress Gav. Amy has a date - but it’s clear she’s regretting it. And she confides in Adi that it’s hard to see Aaron getting on with his life. And how will aaron react when his ex, Mia, shows him the text she received from Amy. Daisy panics as Ryan intends to fly to Ibiza following a conversation with “Crystal” - but a they have a drink together it’s clear their feelings for each other run deeper. Ryan lapses into unconsciousness and leaves a voicemail - but what will Max do when he discovers it? It’s a goodbye from Fiz as she leaves for the new factory in Norwich. Gemma arrives at the factory armed with her charity shop dress.
Emmerdale: Mandy is moving on despite her feelings for Paddy - but will her foray into digital dating work out? Jimmy & Caleb are forced to step in when an argument between Will & Cain breaks out into a fight. Kim tries to put Cain into his place - but will he listen? There’s a shock for Rhona as she discovers Tom King operating on Monty! Caleb plans to double cross Moria to get his hands on her land. Charity comes to a sudden realisation as she visits Chloe in hospital - that Mack is the father of the baby! But how will events play out? Will she learn that Sarah knew - and how will she approach Chloe after she took her in?
Eastenders: Linda reveals she’s not been telling the truth about the Vic’s new landlord - despite keeping Sharon, Suki & Nish dangling. And she reveals the new owner is … her mum Elaine! Kim is having panic attacks about her court appearance - and everyone is stunned a the judge announces the verdict! Ben is putting his health in danger as he keeps his vow to help Jay & Lola. But as he gets drunk, he starts throwing punches at poor Vinny! Rocky surpasses himself with his mystery guest for the pub’s Eurovision Party - it’s Buck’s Fizz member Cheryl Baker!