Student columnists share humble feelings and the power of adapting
Introducing a new student organization, Hope Within U
Privately funded scholarships available to students
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Volume 19 Number 7 March 2011
The State of the University
Dr. Sue K. Hammersmith, president of Metropolitan State University, offers students and staff a look at the current and highly-anticipated future of the University. “This is a really significant period of development for the University,” said Hammersmith. “On so many fronts, we’re just taking things up to the next level. We’re doing a lot on the student affairs side to provide better services for the students applying to come in and we’re looking at how to enhance enrollment management. This is because our applications for fall are up another eight percent and our enrollments this spring are up over five percent. This fall, 97 percent of our enrolling students are transfer students,” said the president, echoing a statistic she noted in her inaugural address on Oct. 2, 2009. The University’s online classes are becoming more popular—Hammersmith pointed out that Metropolitan State now has online students from almost all of Minnesota’s 87 counties, including those involved in a degree-completion program offered in cooperation with Schwan’s Food Company in Marshall. “Every single semester we keep seeing that what we offer is what more students want,“ said Hammersmith. “That’s a challenge because you have to keep providing good services while facing the enrollment growth, both geographically and in terms of the growing needs for adult learners.” Across Sixth Construction on the extension to St. John’s Hall is expected to be complete by the time fall classes begin in August. In addition to
St. Paul Campus construction from Seventh Street. Photo by Torleif Sorenson
more classroom and office space, the extension will also provide new small-group seminar facilities and an at-grade connection to the skyway over Seventh Street. Now that construction is well underway and the last remnants of the old St. John’s Hospital are gone, Hammersmith said she is “absolutely ecstatic” about the construction. Next on the priority list is a new science classroom building across Sixth Street from Founders Hall. The University already owns the vacant land on that block and the purchase of the adjacent postal workers’ union
New Dean of Students, new approach BY REBEKAH PAHR
filed the “Not-so-Fine Arts Studio” in The Metropolitan’s July-August 2009 edition; available online at Growing pains The University’s leases on classroom and office space at both the ETC building on Energy Park Drive and Minneapolis Community and Technical College (MCTC) have been renewed until 2013, but Hammersmith
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Egypt: then and now
The role of Dean of Students at Metropolitan State University has not been officially filled for over three years. Cecilia Stanton was recently appointed to the position and has confidently stepped into the part. She identified and defined some of the goals that she hopes to accomplish for Metropolitan State students. Stanton says she was initially attracted to the position because of the non-traditional nature and diversity of Metropolitan State students. She identifies with the unique challenges that most students face who are juggling multiple priorities in addition to their education goals. “When I was a student I was also a young mother and obtaining my degree required lots of multi-tasking and balancing additional responsibilities,” Stanton said. She claims she would not have accomplished what she has without the support of faculty and staff during her journey. The first in her family to get a degree, Stanton initially earned her bachelor’s degree in psychology and later obtained two master’s degrees— one in sociology and the other in industrial sociology with a specialty in diversity. Providing a strong support system for students resonates with Stanton because
building should be complete within a couple of months. The plan is to build the new science classroom facility by 2015, complete with a skyway bridge to Founders Hall. “The addition of this building will enable us to provide science education for students far beyond what we can do now—and that’s very important in this economy and in the Twin Cities,” said Hammersmith. She also noted that replacement of the Center for Community-Based Learning and the dilapidated Fine Arts Studio are highly desired and anticipated. Patrick Loch pro-
she feels it is a crucial feature for student success. “[I am] focused on expanding and improving the services and programs that are available to students at Metropolitan State,” said Stanton. Stanton’s most aggressive challenge is to increase the student population at Metropolitan State by 20,000 students by the year 2020. Stanton is optimistic that she and her team can meet this goal. “Metropolitan State is in the unique position of being both in an urban location and an accessible option for many students—it’s actually growing in almost all enrollment categories,” said Stanton. Some of these categories include returning veterans as well as rapidly expanding numbers of international students. Unfortunately, Stanton added, the resources that are available to the University are not increasing in relation to student growth. Facing state budget cuts and shrinking allocations for programs, her team has been forced to be more creative while building and strengthening resources for students.
New approach
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Muhammad Hosni Sayyid Mubarak was President of Egypt for almost thirty years. He succeeded President Anwar Sadat—who was assassinated in 1981—setting Egypt on a path that ultimately led to the revolution which resulted in Mubarak’s resignation on Feb. 11. Mubarak’s rule, described by many as a dicta-
Egyptians celebrating after Mubarak’s resignation. Photo courtesy of
torship, ultimately led to the dissolution of basic civil rights for Egyptians. In 1958, the Emergency Law was established and was reinstated in Mubarak’s first term. This law restricted many basic rights provided in Egypt’s constitution and gave the government authority to torture, mistreat, and detain persons at will. According to the U.S. Department of State (USDOS), “... hundreds, perhaps thousands, of persons have been detained administratively in recent years under the Emergency Law on suspicion of terrorist or political activity.” Egyptian Penal Code’s definition of terrorism included “spreading panic” and “obstructing the work of authorities.” Victims reported that Egyptian police subjected them to methods of torture including being “stripped and blindfolded; suspended from a ceiling or doorframe with feet just touching the floor; beaten with fists, whips, metal rods, or other objects; subjected to electrical shocks; and doused with cold water.” The Emergency Law also empowered the government to place wiretaps, intercept mail, search persons or places without warrants, and restrict freedom of assembly. The Egyptian government also restricted religious practices that conflicted
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