The Miale Team's Quarterly Report | Q1 2021

Page 13

WELCOME ABOARD We're glad to have you on The Miale Team!

Jen Hunter

Ashley Jones

Jen Hunter joins The Miale Team as

Ashley joins the team as our new Listing

the Director of MPower Events, an

Manager following Nick Catalano's

affiliate company of The Miale Team. Jen

transition f rom Listing Manager into

graduated from UConn in 2015 with a BA

his a new role as Director of Operations.

in Communications, crafting her event

Ashley graduated f rom Keene State

planning skills in the food and beverage

College in 2020 with a dual BA in

industry as the Event Sales Manager

Theatre and English. In her new role,

at Stony Creek Brewery in Branford,

Ashley is looking forward to leveraging

Connecticut. Jen is excited to bring her

her communication skills to build

talents to the world of real estate: “We

relationships: "I really enjoy talking to

all need to shake the cabin fever and

and building relationships with people,

begin to enjoy ourselves again," said Jen

so I'm really excited to get to do that

when asked what she is most looking

while working on the Miale Team. "

Director of MPower Events

Listing Manager

forward to accomplishing in her new role. "I am most looking forward to delivering engaging experiences to our clients.”



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