1509 Clayton Avenue l Nashville, TN

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1509Cl ayt onAvenue lNashvi l l e

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NEW ROOF( Apr i l /2020) St ampedConc r et ePar k i ngAr ea St ampedConc r et ePat i o T ank l es sWat erHeat er Wat erFi l t r at i onSy s t em Key l es sEnt r y Sec ur i t ySy s t em Wat erPr es s ur eBoos t er Pr of es s i onal l yLands c aped Wal kt oSev i erPar k Wal kt o12Sout h Far mer ’ sMar k et:May-Oc t ober Eas yac c es st oDownt own, Gr eenHi l l s&Br ent wood

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