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Your Community Newspaper ~ Roxby Downs
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The legendary Australian fighting spirit grew from the heroics of the men and women who fought on the sandy inhospitable beaches of Gallipoli in 1915 and the spirit has been maintained through many wars since that great war to end all wars. As a country we are still seeing our young people going to war to defending our rights and the rights of others across the world On Friday 25th April, local war veterans, families and the wider Roxby community can pay tribute to those who have fallen. Last year some 300 people attended the Roxby Downs Dawn Service, which will again be held at Blinman Road (opposite the entrance to Camp 1) at 6.00am. Being such a young community, the majority of Roxby veterans are from more recent conflicts such as the Vietnam war. Tributes will also be paid to grandparents and parents who served in both the World Wars, as well as those who have served in the recent Middle Eastern wars. Wayne Morris will again lead the ANZAC Day services. “ANZAC Day is our opportunity to remember and pay gratitude. We believe it is important to involve young people in our ceremonies so that they can understand the tradition and why we choose to remember. “This year our ceremonies will include Roxby’s Scout Troop who will march in
the Parade and be flag bearers at the services. “They will be joined by students from St Barbara’s Primary School who will form a choir for the day,” Mr Morris said. ANZAC day is a sensitive time that draws on the emotions pride, sadness and patriotism. The aim is not to glorify war but to honour those who once placed in pathway of conflict rose to meet the challenge and performed with honour. We must also remember that people remember in different ways and some may wish not to remember at all One of the important aspects of ANZAC Day and the ANZAC Day March is the wearing of medals, whether they are the worn by the veterans or members of their family. Recently, the Department of Defence has issued two new medals that many veterans may not realize that they are eligible to wear. One is the Australian Defence Medal which recognises service in the regular or reserve forces for a minimum of two years since 1945. The other is the Anniversary of National Service Medal for those who served between 1951- 1972. “Anzac Day tries not to glorify war, all we ask is a simple recognition of the sacrifice and commitment of unselfish devotion by those young men and women who served so valiantly for their country” Mr Morris said last year. For more information on the medals go to
For all your residential and commercial air conditioning enquiries both reverse cycle or evaporative please call: 8346 7388 or 0418 822 116
Volume 4, Thursday April 24th, 2008
Wayne Morris who will present the ANZAC Day address on Friday proudly shows off his fathers medal which he received when he served in the navy throught the second world war.
ANZAC DAY Friday 25th April
A Day of Remembrance
Dawn Service
6.00 am Blinman Road Olympic Dam Opposite the gates to camp one
Gunfire Breakfast 6.30 am Roxby Bowls and RSL Club Burgoyne Street
10.50 am Richardson Place
Memorial Service 11.00 am Richardson Place
Lunch at RSL Bowls Club From 12 .00 noon
Monitor NEWS The
Governments Fuel Watch Scheme challenged It may have looked like it worked for Western Australia, but South Australian’s are just not buying it. Pressure seems to be mounting on the Rudd Government to introduce a national fuel pricing system, like FuelWatch in WA, but the RAA believes that metropolitan motorists in SA would be no better off. “Seventy-one per cent of SA motorists are aware that Tuesday is the cheapest day of the week to buy fuel and 76 per cent buy fuel weekly,” said Matthew Hanton, RAA Senior Analyst. “The predictive nature of Adelaide’s weekly discount cycle makes it very easy for motorists to purchase fuel each week at the cheapest price. “If FuelWatch was introduced, then those motorists that shop smart and wait for the cheapest days, as well as those that are struggling due to rising fuel costs, will eventually be disadvantaged – and forced to pay an even higher price for fuel,” he said. “The fortnightly FuelWatch price cycle means that motorists who traditionally wait for the cheapest day won’t actually know when prices have bottomed until they rise again and the cheapest day won’t necessarily be the same from one period to the next.” Today, Adelaide’s average unleaded petrol price of 140.5cpl is the cheapest of any mainland city, excluding Brisbane. Unleaded petrol in Perth is currently reported to be the most expensive of any mainland capital city. After FuelWatch was introduced in WA, there were price reductions, but the RAA feel that this was actually due to a price correction and not a saving of any kind. The scheme brought WA average monthly prices into line with the rest of mainland Australia. RAA state that it would be willing to reconsider its position if true savings for both metropolitan and regional motorists could be demonstrated.
Tougher drug laws
The Attorney-General Michael Atkinson has recently announced plans to increase penalties against the cultivation of hydroponic cannabis and to legislate for courts to treat amphetamines alongside the most serious category of illicit drugs. Mr Atkinson gave notice to Parliament that he will introduce the Controlled Substances (Controlled Drugs, Precursors and Cannabis) Amendment Bill 2008. This will be the latest step in the Government’s largest review of the drug laws in 25 years. “These reforms will make it more difficult for the drug barons to source the chemical ingredients needed to fuel their death dealing drug labs,” he said. “They also introduce major new offences aimed directly at those who are operating drug laboratories.” The Bill honours a commitment made before the last State election, to make the possession of firearms in conjunction with drug offences an aggravating feature of the drug offence, attracting higher penalties. The changes also include new maximum penalties of life imprisonment and $1 million fines for trafficking drugs to children. Since December, people found with large commercial quantities of ‘precursor’ chemicals will also now face up to 25 years in prison – rather than the previous penalty of a fine of up to $5,000. “This Government is determined to combat illegal drug use and offenders in this State – and will continue to reform the law, as and when needed to do so,” said Mr Atkinson.
The Bong is banned The sale of drug paraphernalia in South Australia has now been made illegal. The defined paraphernalia under the new laws will be bongs, hookahs, water pipes, hash pipes, ice pipes and cocaine kits. Attorney-General Michael Atkinson said that the legislation responds to the widespread public concern that paraphernalia intended for use with illicit drugs is freely available from drug-culture shops in South Australia. Under the legislation, offenders who sell drug paraphernalia will face penalties of up to $50,000 or two years imprisonment. “Despite the best efforts of the Liberal Party legal affairs spokesman Isobel Redmond and Independent M.P. Kris Hanna to undermine this legislation – the Rann Labour Government has banned the bong,” said Mr Atkinson. “Commercial outlets retailing drug paraphernalia in South Australia will now either have to shut up shop, as Smoke Signals at No. 34 Hindley Street has done, or find another line of business.” The courts have been consistent in holding that an offence can be established only if the person in possession can be proved beyond reasonable doubt, to have intended for the equipment to be used in connection with preparing or consuming an illicit drug, either by themselves or by somebody else. Mr Atkinson said that criminalising the supply-side of the market should restrict the circulation of the paraphernalia and that it should also reinforce the message that drug consumption is illegal.
Outback cinema for one and all
Family friendly films will be coming to Roxby for two evenings of free outdoor cinematic fun. A 7-metre screen will be erected at the Roxby Downs Area School oval on the 2nd and 3rd of May thanks to the generosity of BHP Billiton. An ideal opportunity to bring the community together whilst snuggled into a rug and enjoying your popcorn. Air Conditioning Sales & Service
The program is as follows:
Friday 2nd May 6.00pm “The Simpsons Move” – PG13 9.00pm “Talladega Nights” – PG13 Saturday 3rd May 6.00pm “The Bee Movie” – PG 9.00pm “Casino Royale” – PG13
For those children who come in costume there will be prizes presented for the best impersonation of Bart or Lisa Simpson on the Friday night and the best dressed Bee on the Saturday night.
Roxby ervicing s s s e in s u oka” “Local b Andamo & s n w Do Specialising in complete range of energy efficient systems Residential and Commercial Reverse cycle systems Evaporative cooling 20 Gosse Street, Roxby Downs SA
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FREE outdoor cinema in Roxby Downs proudly presented by BHP Billiton Olympic Dam
Area School Oval Friday 2 and Saturday 3 May Prizes for the best kids’ Bart or Lisa Simpson impersonation on Friday and best dressed bee on Saturday! Page 2 – Thursday, April 24th, 2008
Friday 2 May 6.00pm: The Simpsons Movie (PG-13) 9.00pm: Talladega Nights (PG-13) Saturday 3 May 6.00pm: The Bee Movie (PG) 9.00pm: Casino Royale (PG-13)
THE MONITOR – Your Community Newspaper
Monitor NEWS The
cinct Auditorium and will remain open until 8.00pm. Attendees will be provided with information on the proposed expansion, how project services and supplies will be procured, and how businesses can become involved.
THE MONITOR – Your Community Newspaper
Commonwealth Carelink Centres Freecall™ 1800 052 222* Would you like information about the wide range of community care programs and services available to help you stay at home? Call Freecall™ 1800 052 222* or visit one of the Commonwealth Carelink Centres around Australia to get information about services in your local region.
* Calls from mobile phones are charged at applicable rates
Seymour College offers country students the benefits of one of the best available educations with wide ranging cocurricular and sporting activities, whilst living in a Boarding House with a strong sense of community and a safe, caring environment. Families are warmly invited to visit the Seymour College display at the Market Day in May, where staff will be available to answer your questions.
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For further information about the College and the diversity of programs offered, please contact Mrs Elaine Curran on 8379 0011 or email
To speak with one of our lawyers, call
A Girls’ Day and Boarding School, Pre School to Year 12, associated with the Uniting Church. 546 Portrush Road, Glen Osmond SA 5064 T: 08 8379 0011
cal community that the Lions Club could help with, including the Drug Awareness Program, Youth Exchange, Peace Poster and Leos. The Lions Club cover many additional areas that could benefit the community and will be available for discussion at the Roxby Downs Shopping Centre where they will have a stand.
BHP Billiton invites local businesses
For all businesses in Roxby Downs, BHP Billiton is hosting a forum to discuss the Olympic Dam expansion and the commercial opportunities that may arise from it. At 10.00am on Tuesday 29th April, the forum will commence at the Cultural Pre-
The Lions Service Club Organisation will be coming to Roxby Downs on 30th April to promote ways in which they can assist the community. Organiser, Judy Munday said that the group is more than pleased to meet local community members that may be interested in re-forming a club in Roxby Downs. Judy also outlined some areas of the lo-
Do you need help to stay at home? TRAND
Talk to a Lion
Advertise here Phone 8671 2683
to those who travel regularly between Roxby Downs and Port Augusta. “As a result of this contract, we need to build some additional towers next to the rail corridor,” he said. “Because of the proximity of the railway line to the road, this will mean that Next G customers will have close to continuous coverage when they’re travelling on the road between Port Augusta and Roxby Downs.” The work has already commenced, but they anticipate that it will be completed and working effectively by July 2008. At the time of going to press, Telstra still intends to switch off its CDMA mobile phone network on Monday 28th April 2008, but many people are still far from convinced that this move is a good one. The South Australian Farmers Federation feels that many people, especially those living in rural areas, could actually be worse off as a result of this. They report that some of their members are getting very poor reception or that their new phones are simply not working properly. Senator Simon Birmingham is among those expressing their disappointment over the switch to the Next G network. “I would be surprised if all concerns raised had been totally resolved to the satisfaction of all Next G consumers who previously used the CDMA network and I am therefore disappointed that the network will be closed as soon as it will be,” he said. He has recently called for ongoing monitoring of the impact on rural and regional Australians of Telstra switching off its CDMA network on 28th April.
It is the most common complaint to Roxby Downs Council, but can you guess what it is? If you thought parking issues . . . then you were correct! Peter Keller, Municipal Works Manager in Roxby Downs said that it is very frustrating when people do not adhere to the road rules. The same rules and laws apply, as they would in any other town or city. The biggest problem seems to be that all too often, people are parking in loading zones, disabled spaces and bus zones and they are doing so illegally. “We act on behalf of the community to police these no parking areas so that they are available to the people who need them,” Mr Keller said. If you are caught parking in a loading zone, then you will be fined $32.00. If you are found in a bus zone, you will receive an expiation notice for $76.00 and if you are illegally parked in a disabled space, then you can expect to pay a fine of $227.00. Also, if you stop when no stopping sign applies – you can be fined $52.00. “Some people say they don’t understand why they’ve been booked and we have even seen individuals who have come down to the Council Offices and been abusive to the counter staff. “They say they are annoyed to have got a ticket and that there are not enough parking spaces in town, but if you look around - you will find that this is simply not true,” he said. “There is plenty of parking available in town, but it’s just not necessarily exactly where they want the parking to be,” Mr Keller explained. “People may have to walk a bit further than they would prefer to, but these specific parking areas are restricted for a reason and that’s because we have people or businesses in town that actually do need to legitimately use them. “Most people are happy to comply with the rules, but we just have a few people ruining it for everybody else and we have been very disappointed by their attitudes,” he said.
A number of people have complained to The Monitor that calls on the Telstra Next G network have been dropping out frequently in the last couple of weeks between 6.00pm and 9.00pm. We put this to Telstra and they said that none of their statistics were showing an increase in drop-outs during these times, but they wished to encourage anyone experiencing problems to contact them by calling 1-800888-888. This is a hotline that has specifically been set up to deal with any problems encountered by Next G customers. However, although they had not been aware of an increase in call terminations – they did confirm to us that they had been noticing very high volumes of calls at times of shift change, which is apparently quite typical of a mining town. They were finding that the network capacity in Roxby Downs was nearly full at these peak times and that this could have resulted in people being unable to dial out at all. As of last week, the network capacity was doubled and this will apply all of the time, not just at peak times. Telstra’s Area General Manager, John Tonkin, said that it is really important for the customers to let them know if they encounter any problems. “We are as keen as anybody to ensure that our network is working well,” he said. Mr Tonkin also confirmed that Telstra has just won an $85 million contract with Australia Rail Track Corporation, which means that they will now be using the Next G network to deliver a communications system for their train control system. But this also brings some good news
Parking problems
CDMA turn off ?
8231 3668
Contact us... The Monitor is a community-owned initiative aimed at improving regional communication between the community, industry, small business and Local Government. Contributions are welcomed but The Monitor reserves the right to edit all material submitted in accordance with newspaper policy and legal requirements.
The Monitor retains copyright for all images and text produced for, and published by The Monitor Your Community Newspaper. Now available in four states and more than 18 outback communities, including William Creek, Marree, Lyndhurst, Innamincka, Leigh Creek, Marla, Oodnadatta, Port Augusta, Whyalla, Broken Hill, Mt Dare, Birdsville and outback station communities.
Address: 6 Richardson Place, Roxby Downs Write : PO Box 72, Roxby Downs SA 5725 Give us a call for sales, news etc on Office (08) 8671 2683 Fax (08) 8671 2843 Email us at...
Thursday, April 24th, 2008 – Page 3
Monitor NEWS The
Adam Bester reflects
Adam Bester, the Manager of Arid Recovery and the Chairman of the Roxby Downs Environment Forum, will be leaving town with his family in early May. They will be setting off to travel around Australia for the next six months in their caravan. As he finishes packing and putting their belongings into storage, we spoke to Adam to find out about his favourite memories of being in Roxby Downs, the issues that frustrated him and his hopes for the future. With a PhD in Ecology, an expert knowledge of birds and a background in working with marine life on different islands, you could be forgiven for thinking that Adam would have found a desert town like Roxby Downs, far too much of a contrast. However, a contrast was exactly what he was looking for. Seeking to further broaden his knowledge, he looked forward to working with mammals and looking into to animal control measures. And working for the Arid Recovery Project, he was able to do all of that and more. He has been responsible for some fantastic work and has assisted the project through quite a large change process, opening the door to lots of other opportunities. As well as being behind trial reintroductions of different native species like the Numbat, he has been at the helm as Arid Recovery received several impressive awards including an SA Great and Prime Ministers Award. “One of my highlights of being here was being able to help to start up the Gateways Program,” Adam said. “We have been able to have groups of children from the APY Lands come down to visit the reserve and we have been able to teach them about the wildlife and how to trap and monitor the animals themselves – it has really been one of my favourite parts of the job. “They usually come down twice a year and it has just been great to see how it’s a whole different cultural experience for the children, but also for the adults too,” he said. “Some of the children that have come to
us have never even left the APY Lands before and so this is really a huge life experience for them “They get so enthusiastic about learning and it’s fantastic to be a part of that.” Adam was also excited to be involved in releasing Bilbies into the wild here, as this is the first area in the whole of Australia where they had actually been reintroduced into the wild. “My job here has had great variety, but one of the best bits about it has probably been teaching the children who have visited on school trips about the animals and plant life,” he said. “The children see me in the street and they say, “You’re that man from Arid Recovery – we really like the Bilbies!” and it’s great, I really feel like the message is getting across.” The conservation message is one which is very close to Adam’s heart and he enjoys educating people about what they can do to help make a difference to the environment around them. However, through his work as the Chairman of the Roxby Downs Environment Forum, he has been frustrated by a lack of action from the Council. “I believe that the council seriously undervalues the contribution that volunteers make to this community,” he explained. “They expect so much from us and yet, the council workers who are paid to sit in on these forums and do some of the work that is required of their position – they sit back on their laurels and end up doing less work than the volunteers.. “There are a number of volunteers who have been here since the forums were set up and I truly feel that a lot of them have been undervalued,” he continued. “If that continues to happen, then a lot of these volunteers just won’t want to bother anymore, but if we lose them – then it will have a very detrimental effect on the whole community. “I believe that it’s time for the Council to start getting their priorities in order and to provide the basic amenities that are required of most other councils.
“I’m talking about recycling, making sure that there are sufficient bins around town, setting aside an area that can be dog leash free, which is actually a requirement by law, putting in pedestrian crossings at dangerous areas, like the one outside St. Barbara’s and they really need an efficient billing system that is up to speed with other 21st Century technology,” he said. Aside from these issues which clearly continue to concern him, Adam has enjoyed his three years in Roxby Downs. “We came over to be here from New Zealand, so it’s been very different, especially the climate. “We had never lived in the desert before and it took a while to get used to the heat, but we got there!” he said. Another highlight of being here for Adam was the heavy rains of last January. “Lake Mary filled up and a couple of the other lakes nearby did as well and it was just amazing – all of a sudden there were flowers and animals that hadn’t been there before. “It really changed the whole countryside and I can’t wait to see rain like that again!” Adam feels that the people up here are very friendly and that because most people do not have their parents or siblings nearby – it brings friends closer together. Adam has enjoyed the many activities that Roxby Downs has to offer, including his involvement with the Bowls Club and his work with the Forums. Adam describes going travelling with his own parents, at the tender age of 6, as a brilliant time in his life. Adam receives SA Great Award on “I loved it and my parents said that it was behalf of Arid Recovery. the best thing they had ever done.” Knowing that it was something that they definitely wanted to do, after B.Optom buying the caravan See the Eyebus when it visits. at the beginning of For bookings phone: Need friendly, professional this year, they decided that they wanted Roxby Downs - 8563 0102 eyecare and quality fashion to make it up north during the dry seaAndamooka - 8672 7007 son. eyewear with a full
Stephen Scott-Hoy
back-up service?
Marriage and De Facto separation
Whether you are separating from a married or de facto relationship, there are a number of considerations to be taken into account when determining how property should be distributed. The Family Law Act applies to married couples and the Domestic Relationships Act applies to parties who have lived together in a marriage like relationship for 3 or more years or where there is a child to the relationship. In either case the Family Court, for married couples and the Magistrates or District Court for de facto couples encourages parties to negotiate an agreement, often with the assistance of a lawyer. Such agreements in the Family Court become orders of the Court by the consent of the parties, and as such are binding. Agreements in de facto matters whilst not orders of the Court are still binding on each party. When negotiating an agreement the main considerations are; the direct financial contributions made by either party to the accumulation or improvement of assets; the non financial contributions including as homemaker and parent; the future needs of each of the parties, including ill health, age, earning capacity and care of children. There are time limitations that apply and the advice of a lawyer should be sought in regard to these. Finally it is important to review your Will following separation. Whilst a divorce will invalidate a Will, separation will not. Emma Wilkinson and Nic Kernahan of Johnston Withers & Associates regularly attend Roxby Downs. For a confidential appointment please call our Port Augusta Office (8642 5122) or our Adelaide office (8231 1110). Johnston Withers have offices in Adelaide, Port Augusta, Whyalla, Roxby Downs and Clare.
Monthly visits - Examinations bulk-billed.
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are now visiting Roxby Downs each month Offering professional legal advice and representation in most areas of law including: Industrial Employment Law Workers Compensation Wills Discrimination Law & Workplace Harassment
Criminal & Trafc Law Estates & Trusts Personal Injury Commercial
Medical Negligence Family & DeFacto Conveyancing Defamation
Nic Kernahan and Emma Wilkinson will next be in attendance at the ofces of Lin Andrews Real Estate, 3 Richardson Place, Roxby Downs on 7 May, 2008.
See the Hytorc Bolting and resource website
For appointments, contact us at:
17 Sturt Street, Adelaide SA 5000
for all the answers to your bolting needs
Telephone: 8231 1110 (Adelaide) 8642 5122 (Pt Augusta) Fax: 8231 1230
6 Eton Rd, Keswick Mob: 0412 828 060 Ph: 8293 8411 Fax: 8288 0477
Email: Web: Regional ofces at Clare and Port Augusta (also visiting Whyalla)
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THE MONITOR – Your Community Newspaper
Monitor MINING The
An interesting story about this week in history . . .
On April 26th 1986, the worst nuclear power plant accident in history happened at the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant in the Soviet Union near Prypiat in Ukraine. It was the only instance so far of a Level 7 on the International Nuclear Event Scale. At 1.23am, reactor number four suffered a catastrophic steam explosion which resulted in a severe nuclear meltdown. Further explosions and the resulting fire sent a plume of highly radioactive fallout into the atmosphere and across international borders, spreading over most of Europe and even as far as eastern North America. It also contaminated large areas of then-Soviet Ukraine, Russia and Belarus. There was nearly thirty to forty times more fallout released than when the atomic bomb was dropped at Hiroshima, Japan. In the aftermath of the accident, two hundred and thirty-seven people suffered from acute radiation sickness and approximately thirty-one of these individuals died within the first three months. Most of these were fire and rescue workers attempting to bring the accident under control, who were not fully aware of how dangerous the radiation exposure from the smoke was. It is difficult to accurately state how many people died as a result of Chernobyl, because Soviet authorities allegedly tried to cover up a lot of the facts and later, reportedly even forbade doctors from citing ‘Radiation’ on death certificates. Millions of people alive at the time and born since the disaster have suffered health related issues which continue to this day - including deformities and disabilities. It is feared that the true ‘legacy’ of Chernobyl may not be realised for another 30-40 years, as people continue to die from cancers related to the accident. In 2006, a report by Greenpeace challenged UN figures that stated up to 9,000 people would die from Chernobylrelated cancers. The environmental group’s own research concluded that the death toll could be nearer 100,000, but frighteningly, some research has put this figure nearer one million. Today, the Chernobyl reactor is enclosed in a large concrete shelter, but this structure is neither strong nor durable. Up to 200 tonnes of highly radioactive material still remains deep within it and this will continue to be an environmental hazard until it is better contained. There are plans to build a New Safe Confinement structure by the end of 2011.
Career Employment Group is a local, not-for-prot organisation ready to service your apprenticeship and traineeship needs. We are dedicated to servicing local industries and businesses and providing employment opportunities for the youth of Roxby Downs. We’re ready to help your business nd and train the right staff! For further information contact: Tony Place (Field Ofcer) or Saski Lawrence (Administration Assistant) Our ofce is located at 78 Pioneer Drive ROXBY DOWNS SA 5725 (PO BOX 50) Ofce Hours Monday - Friday 9.00 am – 1.00 pm Telephone: 8671 3033 Facsimile: 8671 3066 Phil’s mobile: 0427 615 961
Stamps to Honour our Military
The five-stamp series depict how Australians show their respects on this national day of significance has been released by Australia Post to honour Australia military. Each of the stamps features a line from ‘The Ode’ - synonymous with the spirit and meaning of ANZAC Day in Australia. Iconic images featured on the stamps include veterans united in friendship during the march; a young woman laying a wreath on a war memorial; a bugler playing the last post; a veteran is shown at the dawn service with a young child in his arms; and a group of proud young Australians holding the Australian flag. The Anzac Day stamp issue includes five x 50c stamps, a minisheet, first day cover, stamp pack, maxi cards and a prestige booklet and are available from Australia Post.
Mining News In Brief SA Government may lose mining royalties
Miner Western Plains Resources says if a proposal to develop Port Bonython cannot be fast tracked in may be forced to ship its iron ore from Darwin. This would be a major blow to the South Australian Government as it would forgo royalties because the royalties are based on where the ore is exported from not where it is mined. The companies Executive Chairman Bob Duffin said that the company only saw Darwin as a short term solution but if Pt Bonython did not become available there would not be any other choice. Oxiana Limited release Reports. Oxiana Limited released its Oxiana Review and Annual Report last week with Chairman of the Board Barry L Cusack proclaiming that Oxiana is continuing to grow in line with the companies stated vision to build a major mining company. The company’s financial results were below their record year in 2006 but still remain a good return on investment with 2008 expected to perform similar to 2007.
Radio Active Tour by environmentalists
Friends of the Earth will be visiting Roxby Downs and going on a tour out at Olympic Dam in May and hope to highlight the negative impact of the nuclear industry on people and the environment. The ten-day tour will also take in Woomera, the Beverley uranium mine, Lake Eyre, Mound Springs, Marree, Ochre Pits, Nepabunna and the Mt Gee mine
site. The Radioactive Exposure Tour 2008, which members of the public are welcome to pay to join, will run from 9th18th May. During the tour, they hope to meet with Indigenous peoples and local communities, as part of their campaign against the nuclear industry.
Alliance - some facts
1. Thursday flight QF2611 will depart Olympic Dam 30 minutes earlier over the winter schedule at 1045am. This is to enhance interstate connections on Qantas which also changed at the end of the summer daylight saving period. 2. Alliance has signed a major lease on the old Ansett Hangar at Adelaide Airport. All 60 Alliance personnel will be housed in the hangar including engineers, pilots, flight attendants and operations.
3. Alliance is joining forces with Queen Elizabeth Hospital in Adelaide to support the annual Tour de Heart which finishes in the Roxby Downs region. 4. Alliance recently received acceptance to an offer of sponsorship (under the Community Development Support Program)from the Roxby Downs Scout Group. this sponsorship will hopefully enable the group to raise much needed funds to help develop the youth of the region.
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Staff Changes at BHP Billiton BHP Billiton recently announced that Nelson Silva will assume the role of Marketing Director Carbon Steel Materials / Mr Silva will also take the lead role on the team with responsibility for the proposed acquisition of Rio Tinto. Mr Silva was previously President of the Aluminium. Mt Jon Dudas will replace Mr Silva as President of Aluminium; he has had 24 years experience in the mining industry.
SOUTH AUSTRALIA’S STRATEGIC PLAN YOUTH CONSULTATIONS Come and have your say! The Office for Youth is holding consultations with young people (12 – 25 years) around South Australia’s Strategic Plan (the plan). The plan outlines the priorities for South Australia’s future. It is a plan for all South Australians, not just government, so we want to hear from you, to help us identify the needs of young people across South Australia and inform the development of the next South Australian Youth Action Plan. Date: Tuesday 29 April 2008 Time: 5.00pm to 7.00pm Place: TAFE SA, Richardson Place, Roxby Downs
Address: 6 Richardson Place, Roxby Downs Write : PO Box 72, Roxby Downs SA 5725
The Monitor is a community-owned initiative aimed at improving regional communication between the community, industry, small business and Local Government.
Give us a call for sales, news etc on Office (08) 8671 2683 Fax (08) 8671 2843
Contributions are welcomed but The Monitor reserves the right to edit all material submitted in accordance with newspaper policy and legal requirements. The Monitor retains copyright for all images and text produced for, and published by The Monitor - Your Community Newspaper. Now available in four states and more than 18 outback communities, including William Creek, Marree, Lyndhurst, Innamincka, Leigh Creek,
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RSVP to: Kathy on 8204 8466, 0401 149 452 or email: by 28 April 2008. Come along to find out about the plan, have your say, have some food and meet other young people. If you need transport assistance please let us know. Hope to see you there.
Alliance Airlines Timetable FlighT No
QF2600 QF2601 QF2604 QF2605 QF2606 QF2607 QF2608 QF2609 QF2608 QF2609 QF2610 QF2611 QF2614 QF2615 QF2616 QF2617
Adelaide Olympic Dam Adelaide Olympic Dam Adelaide Olympic Dam Adelaide Olympic Dam Adelaide Olympic Dam Adelaide Olympic Dam Adelaide Olympic Dam Adelaide Olympic Dam
Olympic Dam Adelaide Olympic Dam Adelaide Olympic Dam Adelaide Olympic Dam Adelaide Olympic Dam Adelaide Olympic Dam Adelaide Olympic Dam Adelaide Olympic Dam Adelaide
THE MONITOR – Your Community Newspaper
DAy oF The week
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Effective April 2008
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Reservations Telephone 13 13 13 Thursday, April 24th, 2008 – Page 5
Arts & Youth News Arts Matters
a major recipient of BHPBilliton sponsorship. In 2007 Carclew ran three CARGO projects in the Iron Triangle. There it focussed on the performing arts. This year the CARGO team have been hatching a plan to produce a major piece of public art for our 20 year anniversary. It will be a gift to the town designed with major input from the young people of Roxby Downs. Gerry McMahon has been engaged as the lead artist. He was up here the other day accompanied by BHPBilliton people Written by and Carclew organisers. Gerry comes Rodney Mitchell with an impressive portfolio of work in public places. He has been matched up Written by Rodney Mitchell with our very own Rachel Young. She will We have extended Baden’s exhibition to April work with Gerry and the students to produce an 30. He promised us he would get to work on a attractive and resilient piece of public art. The new body of work for next year. Meanwhile we brief includes that the sculpture reflect on the are preparing to host another of Alisa Teletovic’s local. It is very likely, given what Gerry has procollections. Last year her exhibition was titled duced in the past, and what Rachel’s bent is, that New Home. This year we have Emu Stories of it will be a metal structure of some sort. TAFE the Roxby Journey. This is work that has already have got involved in the advisory group and may turned heads at the Port Art Gallery in Mel- be able to assist with workshop facilities at the bourne. It will soon be displayed at the Country production stage. Arts SA New Land Gallery in Port Adelaide, if The time line is short, but there will be time we haven’t bought it all by then. enough to come up with something beautiful and I love Alisa’s playful take on landscape. There iconic to the region. It will be the best birthday is always something about home in there. Alisa gift. was a refugee not so long ago. The war in Bosnia Remember a few weeks ago when the call went persuaded her to come to Australia. She settled out for people to get involved in a working group in Melbourne for a time. She is well known as looking at options for a marking of the anniveran artist there. Then she and her husband came sary event? Aside from the fact that it has been to Roxby Downs for work. How long she stays difficult to get everyone on the same page when with us is any one’s guess, but while she is here, it comes to the anniversary, the group has been I suggest you get down to the Gallery and see gently persisting. Next Tuesday there is a meetwhat she has to offer. ing at Dunes at 7:00 PM for those interested in Exciting news this week is the announcement having a go. There are a few great ideas on the of the CARGO project. Carclew Youth Arts are table.
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Have your say heard. Contact The Monitor on 8671 2683
Youth Welcome to Roxby Downs Youth Advisory Council’s (RDYAC) first column. Through this column we aim to keep you updated on the progress of the RDYAC and to let you know of issues, events and outcomes! Roxby Downs Youth Celebrate with the nation! National Youth week is a week dedicated to promoting the youth and their achievements. It is aimed at encouraging young people to share ideas, attend live events, have their voices heard on what matters to them, showcase their talents, celebrate their contribution to the community and take part in competitions and generally have fun. It ran from the 5th of April to the 13th. In 2008 there was perhaps the greatest youth week in Roxby so far, with the Youth Advisory Council organising three major events to be held for the youth. There was a skate and BMX competition at the skate park, a hip hop dance workshop and Adelaide Band Amber Calling came down to perform live for us. Amber Calling was supported by local band Mass Chaos, and was a very successful event. They performed to 120 youth members. Amber Calling is a Punk Rock band from Adelaide, they have performed with bands such as Rise Against, The Used and Grinspoon. They have also performed at Taste Of Chaos, a musical event which is also held in Adelaide.
The Hip-Hop workshop was also a huge success as many youth members, ranging from all ages showed up. Even some of the mothers that came to pick their children up were impressed. Jess Finzel was the main person for teaching the youth how to dance to the hip-hop beats. The skate and BMX competition was received well, and the high attendance showed that. Not only was there high attendance for the people competing, but there was a high attendance for people watching the event and showing their support. Jesse Roberts won the skate competition and Luke Finzel won the BMX competition. The Youth Advisory Council had a large part in setting up these three great events. If you would like to help becoming involved in getting the voice of the youth heard in Roxby Downs you can e-mail the Executive Officer Perdita Cooper at, or phone her on her mobile at 0448882186. We meet monthly and our goal is to make a difference to the young people in Roxby. So whether you want to be a formal part or you just want to find out more, give Perdita a call. Another important upcoming event is on Tuesday April the 29th. The Office for Youth will be conducting a regional consultation, aimed at seeking information from youth members to contribute to the south Australian strategic plan. This will commence at 5pm at TafeSA. Call Perdita for more information.
Left: The exhibition of dark sketches by 14 year old Baden Ray Felton’s has raised great interest over the past two weeks
Local artist Dave Kovac
“Lake Mary Sunrise” $385 unframed $625 framed
la ai
Limited Edition Giclee Prints This professional quality printing is done with high tech printers using archival inks & papers. EFTPOS available
Contact Dave on 0409 726 252
PH: 8671 2545, SMS: 0407 979 918 Programs may change without notice
Monday 7 - 9am 9am 10-11.30am 11.30 - 12.30p 1 - 3pm 3 - 5pm 5pm 5 - 8pm
Easy listening music JOB BOARD DANCE FLOOR with DJ Cheebs RDAS Youth Presenters Easy listening music ROXFM’S YOUTH PRESENTERS JOB BOARD Easy listening music
Tuesday 7-9am 9am 10-11.30pm 11.30-1.30pm 1.30 - 3pm 3 - 5pm 5pm 5 - 7pm 7 - 8pm 8 - 9pm
Easy listening music JOB BOARD DANCE FLOOR with DJ Cheebs BLAST FROM THE PAST with Annette Easy listening music ROXFM’S YOUTH PRESENTERS JOB BOARD RADIO GASTRO with Barb & Ben BLUES SHOW with Murray SINA’S MUSIC with Sina
Wednesday 9am 9 - 10am 10 - 11.30am 1 - 2pm 3 - 5pm
5 - 6pm 6 - 7pm 7 - 8pm
Thursday 8 - 9am 10 - 11.30am 11.30 - 1pm 3 - 5pm 5pm 5 - 6pm 6 - 7pm
Friday 9am 9- 10am 10 - 11.30am 2pm 3 - 5pm 5pm 6 - 7pm 8 - 10pm
Saturday 7 - 10am
Easy listening music
Sunday 8 - 12pm 12 - 1pm 8 - 10pm
Easy listening music NEW AUSSIE MUSIC with Fin & Murray SUNDAY MELTDOWN (Heavy) with Sam & Steve
COMMUNITY RADIO “LOCAL, LIVE AND LOVIN’ IT” Page 6 – Thursday, April 24th, 2008
THE MONITOR – Your Community Newspaper
Community Memorial Concepts As a joint project with the Roxby Downs Council the Roxby Downs /Andamooka RSL sub branch are pleased to unveil concept proposals and plans for a proposed new RSL Community Memorial adjacent the current site in Richardson Place Roxby Downs. Concept plans will be on public display at the Gunfire Breakfast on ANZAC day 25 April 2008 and displayed throughout the day at the Roxby Downs RSL / Bowls Club. Thereafter as part of the wider community consultation the public may inspect these concepts in the foyer of the Council Office. Public comments are invited and written submissions are welcome. These will be received by Council up until 19 May 2008 when the project can be then considered for potential future construction
Business as usual at the Monitor There have been two recent staff changes at the Monitor. Mr Rochester is no longer the papers former Managing Editor with the role being temporarily filled by Ray Goldie who previously edited the paper in 2006. Mr Goldie is also the Monitor’s Chief Executive Officer. While there are differences of opinion on some matters The Monitor would like to thank Mr Rochestrer for his valuable contributions to the paper over the past eighteen months. The Monitor Board would also like to thank Mandie Arnold who was the Papers longest serving employee. Mandie is extending her career in a new field this week. Mandie started as administrator four years ago and in recent years has taken on additional responsibilities with IT support and has managed the papers layout and presentation. Best of luck Mandie Meanwhile its business as usual at The Monitor with all previous phone number and email addresses still current .
Roxby Leisure ANZAC DAY opening times Customers please note there will be changes to the opening hours of Roxby Leisure on ANZAC Day April 25th Dunes Café will only be open from 12.00 noon – 3.00 pm with a limited menu Visitors Information Centre 12.00 noon – 3.00 pm All other sections Cinema, Youth Centre, Gym, Leisure Centre Kiosk will be closed. THE MONITOR – Your Community Newspaper
Thursday, April 24th, 2008 – Page 7
Woomera & Districts W.D.F.L THE WEDGIES
Woomera & Districts Football League striving to give footballers opportunities in the outback
Roxby Districts Sporting Club
Guernsey Presentation & Members Registration Night
Our 2008 Season Memberships are as follows: PLAYERS - (including club t-shirt and meals - $100 at home game functions) NON PLAYING MEMBERS - (including club t-shirt and meals at home game functions)
- $60
- FREE JUNIORS For membership forms please speak to a Committee Member at the games.
All players, members new and existing come along and When: Thursday 24th become a member of the Roxby Districts Sporting Club. of April 2008
Where: Roxby Downs Golf Club Time: 7:00pm – Close
Bar facilities available and BBQ will be provided.
Hope to see you all there!
Let the games begin For Woomera & Districts Football League, 2007 was the year that laid the foundations to enable the league to grow and continue improve into the future. Last year saw an improvement in crowd attendance with a growth of 15% This also created a competitive spirit amongst teams which was evident by the score margins throughout the season. One of the aims for the Woomera & Districts League (W&DFL) in 2007 was to achieve Junior alignment which was showcased recently at the Lightening Carnival held in Roxby Downs on Saturday 5th April 2008, this proved to be a great success. By strengthening our league in the outback, W&DFL are able to showcase the abundance of talent from the entire region, this creates benefits for the community and players alike. This year, Saturday June 21st, W&DFL will be up against Broken Hill in a representative game at AAMI stadium with the intention this will be an annual event. It is a key opportunity for everyone involved in the Woomera & Districts Football League.
Woomera Districts Football Competition Don’t miss your chance for a footy-filled weekend away!! Simply follow the details below
ts f
del A o t y b x r o m Ro
ecur e M e h t t ion at e a 2 d o m accom Nor t h Ter r ac m o o r in ble game ill) e d i a l e 1 x dou Gr osv enor Por t Ads vs. Br oken H / d n o m h e R i c hm e r a D i s t r i c t t o t s t e 2 x t ickiser being Woo ra ame g n i a e t h r t u (c r s to r ooms b u l c Tr ans f e s r d Tige game n o m h c i R e e to t he r e and af t e r t h c n a t t i ’s adm player s befo n o s r e p t he 2x r nsey e u G s r to me e t nd Tige o m h c i ed R 1 x sign ootball f s r e g i mond T h c i R d e Proudly sponsored by Richmond Tigers 1 x sign Football Club and Alliance Airlines
fligh n r u t e xr
Situated in the Olympic Dam Football Club
Open for meals 7 days a week Breakfast Lunch Tea
For Functions, catering and meal bookings call Clint on 0409 824 323
Free bus available Thursday to Saturday Departing the Football Club at 9.30pm, Drop off in Main Street
ANDAMOOKA ROOS F.C. 20th ANNIVERSARY When: July 19, 2008, 7 p.m. (Following the Andamooka v Coober Pedy Match at Roxby Downs town oval) Where: Andamooka Hall
Name: Address: Phone: Conditions of entry: Competition commencies on April 24th 2008 and closes 5pm Friday 30th May and will be drawn at The Monitor office at 1pm on this day. The winner will be notified by phone. Total prize value is over $1500. Post your entry to “Woomera Districts Football Competition, PO Box 72, Roxby Downs, SA, 5725” or drop it into the box at the front office of The Monitor in the Council Chambers, 6 Richardson Place, Roxby Downs. License No: SA__________ Page 8 – Thursday, April 24th, 2008
5.30am - 10.00am 11.30 am to 2.00pm 5.30pm – 9.00pm
Includes: Live Entertainment, Guest speakers, Food and beverages, Best team of the 20 years and more continuing through to Sunday R.S.V.P: or for more info contact Michael 0400 288 412 or Janine 0427 710 127.
Keep any eye on The Monitor’s sports pages for match results through the 2008 season.
THE MONITOR – Your Community Newspaper
Football Competition Andamooka Football Club
Olympic Dam Football Club
For Mornings Monday to Saturday 6.00 - 10am Lunch Monday to Sunday 11.30 - 2.30pm Tea Monday to Saturday 4.30 pm - late Sundays 5.30pm to late For Football Club room hire please call Jo on 0438 408 024 Great atmosphere come and have a few drinks! Come on “Be a DEVIL”
The Andamooka Football Club would like to take this opportunity to extend our gratitude and appreciation to all our major sponsors for the 2008 season:
Sunday 4th May Roxby Downs Club - 6:30pm Start Finger food provided Tickets are $15.00 per head, tables of 10 $140 Contact Chrissy Hatch on 0400 052 981 to book a table
•National Pipe and Civil •Honeywell •Roxby Tavern •Lavrick Engineering •Beenham Elite • Boart Longyear •Monadelphous Engineering • Mitre 10
Special thanks too, to all our wonderful supporters and volunteer staff that ultimately make the games possible. Hope to see you all out there in 2008.
Cheers, and go the mighty Andamooka Roos!! (more updates to come in following editions of the Monitor)
The Richmond Football Club is one of the traditionally strongest AFL clubs, having won 10 premierships since joining the then VFL competition in 1908. The Tigers also boast a large, passionate supporter base, with support for the Yellow and Black coming from all regions of Australia. It’s that widespread support right throughout the nation which has sustained Richmond during the tough times. The capacity to attract and maintain support in the regional areas is vital to the Tigers’ long-term future, as it is for all AFL clubs. The Richmond Football Club, like all clubs in the AFL, is a national brand nowadays. As such, Richmond relies on support from regional areas right throughout Australia, as well as the more traditional supporter bases in the Melbourne metropolitan area. Our game plays a huge part in the lives of Australians throughout the regional areas, providing them with a common source of interest.
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THE MONITOR – Your Community Newspaper
NORTHPOINT AUTO SERVICES 5 Gosse Street, Roxby Downs
8671 0866
After hours call Andrew Downing on 0427 447 034. Celebrating 10 years of servicing Roxby and surrounding areas Bookings available now! Servicing all makes and models
Thursday, April 24th, 2008 – Page 9
From $60K in debt to $6.5million Beautifully Restored Edwardian Villa worth of property in three years!
“So how did you get started in property development” is the question I am most often asked. At the start of 2005, my 2 businesses were both struggling. The Bait and Berley manufacturing company I ran had literally burnt to the ground with no insurance (lesson number 1) costing me almost 60K in losses – it was time to take massive, determined action. Frustration was getting the better of me and one day my “diplomatic” wife threw a copy of “Rich Dad, Poor Dad” (by Robert Kiyosaki) at me - the book that had lain dormant in my drawer for over 2 years. I had always known that real estate was a great way to make money but didn’t have the tools to make it happen. So in desperation I locked myself in the bedroom and read the book 3 times in 2 days. The fundamental principles of this book changed my view on wealth and I then began to focus on property as a means of wealth creation. I started to construct deals in my mind that were valid and which stood to make a large amount of money, however, every deal put to lenders was knocked back because my income bracket wasn’t high enough for their comfort zone.
Location: 36 Fifth Street, Ardrossan Auction: On –Site Sunday 27th April 2008 at 11.30am I then decided to move the family to Agent: Ray White Yorke Peninsula Roxby Downs and my wife and I took Contact: Bruce Hart 0427 591 666 high paying jobs with the sole intention Superbly restored C-1910 Edwardian Villa has taken to invest in property and pay off debt. We the current vendors over 6 years achieved this in 2.5 years. to complete and the result is splendid says local Ray I continued to educate myself through seminars and other material and caught White Agent Bruce Hart. It is a pleasure to present the home with front seaviews and only 150 the bug for property development. Again the deals were knocked back by the ma- metres to main street shopping. This home offers a lifestyle of elegance combined with jor banks because of their strict lending extensive outdoor living & entertainment options, says criteria. A friend then put me on to “Investa Bruce. Grand entrance from tessellated tile and slate verandah Solutions” – a company who provided me to magnificent central hallway featuring with a property finance coach (a property Archway, polished Baltic pine flooring , 12’ high ornate investor himself ) and access to a variety of lenders who lend “outside the square”. ceilings and cornices which reflects the period of early This enabled me to fund my first prop- 1900’s Many original and restored features of this glorious erty development through the equity in my home. My first 2 houses are now Villa include exquisite leadlight doors and windows, brass complete and I am currently building 21 light fittings with dimmers, skirting boards and a graceful courtyard homes funded through them. My property value will be in excess of $6.5 million when these are complete! I thoroughly recommend Investa Solutions’ who truly live up to their name. Their seminars are very practical and educational and I have now attended 3 of them. Investa Solutions’ catch phrase “Funding your Freedom” has certainly Zoned light industrial on approx 1500m2 become a reality for me. of land in an ideal location with easy Ashley VanKruyssen – Roxby Downs
fireplace in living area. Light filled open plan with new designer kitchen finished in two-pak with Mielle appliances, down lights and rainwater connected. Living area has quality ceramic floor tiles, split system reverse cycle air conditioning overlooking a pleasant rear garden. Sparkling bathroom with spabath and modern laundry completes the extension. A private entertainment area, 2-bay garage ( 20’x 30’x8’) with storage/wine room; 2nd toilet and fully insulated games room ( 20’x 23’). Adjoining the garage and games room is a fully paved colour bond pergola ( 15’x54’). Extra room for caravan and boat with a paved undercover carport (roller door with remote control) Fully re-wired and re-plumbed, this meticulously restored residence is located in the Town Centre on approx 1010sqm close to Boat Ramp, sporting venues and Medical/Dental Centre. Relax and enjoy this luxury home located in the picturesque seaside town of Ardrossan on South Australia’s Yorke Peninsula only 90 minutes from the CBD.
James Well
44 James Well Road
access. Includes 6 bay 3 phase powered workshop with air conditioned office. Approx 10m x 10m shed with industrial air conditioning, bathroom, toilet. Separate & comfortable 3 bedroom living quarters that consists of large walk in robe, large living room with slow combustion heater, separate kitchen, large storage room, 5 air conditioners, front verandah, double carport and pergola.
Ashley VanKruyssen (centre) with Justin Herald (left) and Tony Melvin (right), three of the guest speakers at the Investa Solutions Invest08 seminar in Adelaide.
For further details, contact Kate Bastian on 86713355. View photos on our website
Absolute Beachfront Prime beachfront holiday home in highly sought after location. 180 deg seaviews from Ardrossan to Black Point. Walkway to beach, fully fenced,ample r/w. 3bedroom split level, hardwood decking , Western red cedar stairway, Italian ceramic tiles, fantastic open plan living all with glorious seaviews. Garage umr, room for van ,boat, reserve on southern boundary, walk-in,walk-out option. 100m to beach, close to boatramp. Enjoy the shing,seabreezes & sunrises. Price: Offers over $450,000 Internet ID: 104553031 Details: Bruce Hart 0427 591 666
Page 10 – Thursday, April 24th, 2008
THE MONITOR – Your Community Newspaper
May 10th Night meeting
Monday, April 21st Karate Auditorium Colts (Age 6-12) 6pm Juniors/Adults 6:45pm Contact Reinhardt Viljoen 0428843921 Indoor soccer 6 -7pm Volleyball 7pm - 9pm Tuesday, April 22nd Squash 7pm - 10pm Come-n-try soccer 3.30pm -5.30pm indoor soccer 6pm - 7pm
Roxby Downs Dirt Kart (go-karts) Club night meeting April 18th
HEALTH Roxby Downs Family Practice Phone 8671 3231 Roxby Downs Medical Practice Normal hours 9:00am-5:00pm Saturday morning by appointment only. Phone 8671 1900 Eyebus Andamooka Thursday 15th May Roxby Downs Wednesday 14th May Thursday 15th May Woomera Wednesday 14th May Visiting Allied Health Service Occupational Therapist Speech Pathologist Dietician Podiatrist
ladies Social Basketball 8.45am - 10am Wednesday, April 23rd Karate Auditorium Colts (Age 6-12) 6pm Juniors/Adults 6:45pm Contact Reinhardt Viljoen 0428843921
Karate 6pm -8.30pm Squash 7pm - 9pm Nippy Gym - Auditorium 9.30am - 11.30am Roxby Downs Desert Dirt Circuit Car Club night meeting Saturday
Doctors’ New Specialised Drug Telephone Number for Medicare Use. 1800 700 270 Crisis Care Counselling Uniting Care Wesley Port Augusta Regional Women’s and Children’s Support Services call 1800 655 716 or call the crisis care line on 13 16 11. For immediate response if feeling stressed call 0428 326 529 to speak with a counsellor 24/7
EVENTS & ENTERTAINMENT Every Week Visitor Information Centre 8.30 - 5.00 Mon-Fri 9.00am - 3.00pm Sat 9.00am - 2.00pm Sun Phone 8671 2001
Child Adolescent Mental Health Services For appointments phone 1800 819089 Hearing Services April 21st- 9.00am - 2.30pm For an appointment call 1800 006 303
Women’s & Mixed netball 6pm - 9.30pm Thursday, April 24th Indoor Soccer Leisure Centre Social matches from 6pm All welcome Contact Kenton Maloney 0408 797 158
Afternoon Tea Come along, have a coffee and relax with other parents and children Monday, 28th April 2008 1:00pm to 2:30pm Jen’s Place 17b Wilaroo Street
Yes, it’s that time again mums and dads. So if you have a pram and a pair of sneakers, Then come and get some exercise with our pram walking group. You may want to introduce a new mum or dad to the group. We meet outside the dunes café at 9.30am each Friday Pulse Fitness spin classes with Lorraine. The times are: Monday 6.30pm & Thursday 6.30pm Australian Breastfeeding Association Roxby Downs Branch
Cultural & Leisure Precinct Movies Friday, Saturday, Sunday, Tuesday (see schedule below) Phone 8671 2001 Roxby Downs Girl Guides meet at the Christian Community Church Monday nights 6-8pm. More leaders required. Call Kristie 0427072710 Roxby Downs Childcare Monday - Friday 6.30am-5.30pm Phone 8671 0911 for details Gym Cultural & Leisure Precinct Mon, Wed & Friday 6 am - 12pm & 2pm - 9pm Tues & Thurs 6am - 12pm & 4pm - 9 pm Saturday 8-12pm Sunday 11-2pm Phone 86710500
Roxby Downs Community Library Monday to Friday 8.30-5.00pm Saturday 9.00-12pm. Phone 8671 0660 for more information. Holiday activities:- Tuesday April 22nd 10-11am Story & Activity Make your own royal shield Toddlers Story Time Fun for young children and mums Roxby Downs Library Richardson Place Tuesdays 9:30 am – 10:30 am
Every Friday Playgroup 10am - 11.30am Roxby Downs Kindergarten Phone 86710455
Term 2 April 28th - July 4th Term 3 July 21st - Sept 26th Term 4 Oct 13th - Dec 12th Events in the Far North: Oodnadatta Races May 17th Marla Bronco Branding April 26th Oodnadatta Bronco Branding 12th July Remarkable Ute Muster at Melrose Showground from April 18th to 20th
Every Sunday Raptors Cycling Club Social Bike riding group from 8am at the Stuart Road roundabout
May 8th - 9.30am- 11:00am
For details on Community matters call Michelle Hales on 8671 0010
School Terms 2008
Coffee Mornings for Families Meet and chat for all families. New comers especially welcome.
Community members welcome to attend any meeting of the Roxby Downs Community Board.
Education and Workplace Training April 30th 7.30pm
Mt Dare Hotel Open every day 8:00am -9:00pm, 7 days.
Roxby Downs Health Services Coffee Mornings, Thursdays 9.30am to at the Dunes Café.
Community Board April 28th 7.30pm
Playgroup St Barbara’s Parish School Phone Jakki 86712323
Roxby Downs Market Days 2008 May 17th June 21st August 16th September 20th October 18th November 15th
Normal weight gains Roxby Downs Health Seminar Room
Memories of Marree April 20 - 25th explore the railhead for the Old Ghan Roxby Downs Lutheran Church Sunday school 9.30am every sunday during school terms Bingo every Tuesday Tuckerbox in Andamooka. All proceeds go to the community AusKick all of 2nd school term for 10 weeks. It’s for the Under 7 age group as of Jan 1st this year. Call Brian Hombsch on 0417867093 Soul Food A unique combination of inspirational readings from different faiths and deeper wisdom from all over the world. April 27th Cultural Gallery.
Roxby Downs Cultural & Leisure Precinct Regular Schedule Cultural Precinct Visitors Information centre Dunes café Art Gallery
Phone: 8671 2001 Fax: 8671 2021 Sports Calendar EventS Outback Cinema
Volleyball 7pm - 9pm Tuesday Come-n-try Soccer 3.30 - 6.00pm Squash 7pm - 9pm
Sat - 9.00am - 3.00pm
Indoor Soccer 6pm - 7pm
Sun - 9.00am – 2.00pm
Women’s & Mixed Netball 6-9:30pm Karate 7pm - 8:30pm Nippy Gym – Auditorium
– 12pm, 2pm - 9pm
9.30am - 11.30am
Tues & Thurs - 6am - 12pm, 4pm
Squash 7pm-10pm
- 9pm
Indoor Soccer 6pm - 8pm
Sunday 11am - 2pm Creche for patrons of the centre Mon –Fri 8.45am-12pm
THE MONITOR – Your Community Newspaper
Emu Stories of the Roxby Journey By Alisa Teletovic
Mon, Wed & Fri – Fri 6am
Saturday 8am - 12pm
Coming Soon
Karate - 6pm - 8:30pm
Open Mon – Fri 8.30am – 5pm
Leisure Centre
New Exhibition
Don’t miss all the Kids Club activities
Karate 6pm – 8.30pm
during the holidays.
Friday Indoor Hockey 5pm - 9.30pm
Sunday Touch Football 7.30pm (town oval)
Phone Perdita for more information
APRIL/MAY Step Up 2 Streets Rated PGR Duration 98 min It’s not where you’re from. It’s where you’re at. Romantics sparks occur between two dance students from different backgrounds at Maylands School of Arts Sat 26th 4.000pm Tues 29th 7.00pm note Friday 25th session cancelled
Horton Hears a Who Sat 26th 1.30pm & 7.30PM 12pm
Sun 27th
Coming next week Vantage Point Rated m Duration 89 minutes 8 Strangers 8 points of view May 2nd 7.30 pm
Spiderwick Chronicles Rated PG Duration 96 mins May 3rd 1 pm and 7.30 pm
Thursday, April 24th, 2008 – Page 11
The worst part of the best time of your life
Having a new baby should be an exciting time for everyone. There is so much to prepare, so much to do, so many things to think of . . . but unfortunately for the families of Roxby Downs, Andamooka and Woomera – there is one more issue for expectant mothers to face. They are requested to leave their homes and move to somewhere closer to the hospital where the baby can be born. Unfair, annoying, disruptive – these are just a few of the words people use when discussing the delivery of their babies. This may well be true, but everybody wants the delivery of a healthy baby and this includes the healthcare professionals in Roxby Downs too. The town’s Community Midwife, Mel Allen, finds that many women just assume that because there is a hospital in town, they will be able to have a baby here. “When they realise that this isn’t possible they can go through a whole range of emotions, from astonishment, to shock, to frustration and they can experience levels of high anxiety.” “But there are people here in Roxby who can adequately care for women during the normal realms of pregnancy. “We are so fortunate to have an accredited practitioner in town who can monitor a woman’s wellbeing if certain obstetric complications were to arise. “At the hospital, there is an excellent team of nurses and together, we can support and assess a woman, if more of an emergency situation were to present itself, until a retrieval team from the RFDS was able to get here,” she explained. Although the hospital is not set up to deliver babies, there are adequate facilities to care for a woman who may have gone into unexpected or early labour until a transfer can be arranged. Roxby Downs is also lucky to have Mel here, as she is able to get to know women during their pregnancy and she is able to offer support through home or clinic visits in the early postnatal period. Woman can receive good care in town and although it is far from ideal that they have to leave the area to actually give birth – Mel feels that the experience can and still should be a good one. “Pregnancy is not an illness,” she said. “It may be one of the most significant times in a woman’s life, but as a society, we seem to have lost sight of how normal pregnancy and birth is. “It is an evolutionary process that has been happening for millions of
years, but as individuals, we’re not as exposed to it as we once were. “Women used to have many more children and families used to stay close to one another and so people would often grow up seeing their brothers, sisters, cousins, nieces and nephews born. “Now we move away from home and have become more isolated from it, but we should not lose sight of what a normal part of life it is,” Mel said. “Women should value themselves more and start believing in themselves and their capabilities. “You have to remember that a woman’s body is built for this and in the vast majority of cases, most women are capable of carrying and delivering a healthy baby with no interference or intervention.” Although the delivery of a baby is usually uncomplicated, there are times when things do go wrong and it can be very stressful for all concerned. Roxby Downs does not have a surgeon or an anaesthetist should an emergency caesarean be needed because a baby is in distress or simply will not come out. It is a long wait for the Royal Flying Doctors Service (RFDS) to come and fly a mother-to-be out to the nearest facility and that can mean anything up to 12 hours. A baby will not wait if the plane is already at another emergency and an epidural is out of the question, because there is no anaesthetist in town. If the baby was to be born with breathing problems and need ventilator assistance, this would also not be possible in Roxby Downs, as the equipment is not available. The RFDS need to wait for retrieval staff from the Women’s and Children’s Hospital or Flinders Medical Centre to be on their way and it can take from 30 minutes to an hour to get the team assembled, before they can even leave for the airport. The longer the woman has to wait – the more time that the woman and her baby are at risk. This is why expectant mothers should not leave it too late before they leave town. The list of reasons why you cannot have a baby in Roxby Downs is endless, but it all boils down to one very important reason. “For the time being, it simply would not be safe for women to deliver here in town,” Mel explained. If there are any obstetric or neonatal problems or emergencies, these cannot be handled in Roxby Downs. So a woman may find it an inconvenience to have to leave town at 36 weeks gestation, but the staff at the hospital are eager for women in this area to have healthy babies too.
Autism workshop
The Building Healthy Communities Projects recently funded two Autism SA workshops that were held on March 6th and 7th at the Cultural Precinct Theatre. 23 people attended the ‘Introduction to Autism Spectrum Disorder’ workshop and 25 people attended the ‘Behaviour’ workshop that was held the following day. Several DVDs and books about Autism were purchased by the project at the workshops and were kindly donated to the Community Library. These important resources will now be available to community members, school staff and child carers. They were officially presented to Marie Trezise, Community Library Manager, on April 1st by Karen Russell.
If you like to help - we need you
The Volunteering Partnership in Roxby Downs is trying to put together an official register of all of the volunteers in town. This will be to help with future planning and organisation. It is not certain at this point, how many volunteers there actually are here and so in order to create a register – all volunteers will need to contact Michelle Hales, who is currently putting the list together. She will need to know your full name and the names of the organisation(s) that you are volunteering for. You can let her know by email: or by telephone: 8671-0010. The deadline for submitting this information is 31/05/2008. Page 12 – Thursday, April 24th, 2008
National Mothering Week
Perfectly timed to coincide with Mother’s Day, National Mothering Week will take place from May 5th until May 11th. Celebrated by the Australian Breastfeeding Association (ABA) annually, this year’s focus will be on the support that ABA volunteers give to mothers to help them breastfeed their babies. There are over 1,000 volunteer breastfeeding counsellors around the country. These counsellors are all mothers who have gone through an extensive training course to provide information, counselling and encouragement to other mothers. All mothers are welcome to attend ABA meetings and in Roxby Downs - dates and venues are advertised on community noticeboards and in the doctor’s surgeries. “New mums get a chance to meet other mothers and have their breastfeeding questions answered by a qualified breastfeeding counsellor,” ABA Counsellor and mum, Melissa Allen said. “Mums find this mother-to-mother support a great help in getting through the early days with a new baby.” As well as local mother support groups, ABA runs a 7-day telephone helpline, which takes about 1,000 calls a week, which Ms Allen also helps with, taking calls from home. “All counsellors are busy mums with families of their own, so they know what new parents are going through,” she explained. “It’s a great feeling when you can answer someone’s questions – or just lend a friendly ear.” To celebrate this special week, ABA’s Roxby Downs group is meeting on 12th May at Ms Allen’s home for a chat about ‘Mothering your toddler and new baby’. All mothers are invited to join the meeting, whether it is to share survival tactics or to learn some new ones! Mothers are also welcome, regardless of their mode of infant feeding. For more information – contact Melissa on 8671-0877.
Upcoming meetings... Community Board
April 28th 7.30pm
Education and workplace training
April 30th 3.30pm
Sport & Recreation
May 6th 7.30pm
Health Forum
May 13th 7.30 pm
Under discussion... Volunteering Forum
National Volunteering Week
Sports and Recreation Forum Establishment of a Community Bus Alcohol & Substance Abuse
Research Project & Holistic Plan
Meetings held Volunteering Environment
Community members wishing to have input to discussions at Community Board meetings must notify Executive Officer, Michelle Hales on 0418 833 818 prior to the meeting date. Please note: Forums (Excluding Health and the Alcohol and Substance Abuse Partnership) are open to the general public. The Community Board encourage all members of the community to attend and participate. For further information on any of the Forums or Partnerships please contact Michelle Hales on 0418 833 818.
THE MONITOR – Your Community Newspaper
Advertise here Phone Regina on 8671 2683
Changing the way we treat people
MUNICIPAL COUNCIL OF ROXBY DOWNS TENDER. RDW&S 01-08 To remove and replace 400 Water Meters in Roxby downs Township.
With billions committed to transforming health into the sustainable system we all know it needs to be, we’re changing the way we do many things. This is a big, revolutionary step for us, and a meaningful but necessary one for the people we treat. All we need now is you to help make it happen.
Roxby Downs Health Service and Woomera Community Hospital $62,310 - $65,325 – Multiple Roles: Perm F/T, P/T – RN2 Located in a rural and remote area, you’ll deliver quality nursing care, support junior nursing staff and students, and participate in education, research, as well as planning and policy development. You’ll be registered or eligible for registration as a General Nurse by the Nurses Board of South Australia and hold or eligible to hold a current practising certificate. Bringing comprehensive nursing experience, you’ll demonstrate competence in health promotion and effectively work with community groups. Job Ref: 3241.
Admin/Clerical COORDINATOR – STRENGTHENING FAMILIES & WELCOME PROGRAMS Roxby Downs Health Service $46,475 - $49,762 – Temp P/T (0.6FTE, until 30/06/09) – ASO3
Working in a remote and rural location, you’ll be responsible for implementing and managing the ongoing coordination of the Strengthening Families 0-5 Project, including undertaking administrative duties and research. You’ll bring comprehensive experience in project implementation, demonstrate effectiveness relating to a wide range of stakeholders and have excellent communication skills. Additionally, you’ll bring proven ability to work within strict time frames. Job Ref: 3245. For more information visit: or phone 1300 882 992
Tenders detailing specications can be obtained by contacting Roxby Downs Council at Richardson Place or by telephone 08 86710010. Tenders are to be received At the Roxby Downs Council Chambers, Richardson Place, Roxby Downs by 5pm 9th May 2008. Roxby Downs Council is not bound to accept the highest, lowest or any tender. Tenders will be accepted in written form only and must be submitted in a sealed envelope marked Tender RDW&S 01-08 Po Box 124 Roxby Downs S.A. 5725 Trevor Kroemer Water and Sewage Manager
Position vacant Retail store Assistant Manager Are you up to the challenge Our clients are looking for a retail store assistant manager to lead their team of staff, uphold their company values and most importantly live their positive country culture while maintaining a city professionalism. As assistant manager you will be responsible for all aspects of store operations, you will make key decisions and essentially run it like you own it. Key duties include, Buying, staff rosters, office duties, set up and maintenance of a brand new MYOB pos system, staff liaisons, banking, pre season ordering, stock control. You must be willing to work hard, under pressure and unsupervised at times, meet deadlines & sales targets, maintain equipment on a weekly basis.
Mining bringing together communities The Riverland Development Corporation was recently in town to promote the experienced work force from the Riverland for work in Roxby Downs. The Riverland continues to be affected by the drought and opportunities for employees, contractors and supplies are shrinking in the region. A local Roxby Downs employment group has been to the Riverland to interview prospective employees and found 60 likely candidates, a figure that will increase upon the implementation of formal channels. The employment market for experienced mining personnel and key trades has been competitive for a number of years and continues to increase forcing salaries and wages in the industry higher. The lure of high wages is attracting many prospective employees, particularly to Roxby Downs with the option to live in or fly in. High paid work appeals to many prospective residents including young families who look to establish themselves permanently in Roxby Downs. For employers, finding the right type of employee with the required skill, experience and temperament is like finding a needle in a haystack as they are readily recruited in other mining companies and mining contractors across the world. This week we have seen a coming together of a town and a region, both in need of each other.
SUPPORT the monitor and roxfm Your Community Media
Monitor The
Your Community Newspaper ~ Roxby Downs
Senior Journalist
As assistant manager you must have At least two years retail sales experience, supervisory experience, passion and energy and a love of helping people, a strong desire to succeed with a proven sales background, strong communication skills, and a genuine desire to work
Roxby Downs’s community owned paper The Monitor has a position vacant for an experienced journalist or journalist/Editor Previous experience in newspaper journalism or complimentary positions is required. The Monitor is a weekly paper covering one of the largest regional distribution footprints in Australia.
If you are up to the challenge please apply in writing to The Manager PO Box 159, Roxby Downs, SA 5725
Being a small paper as the senior journalist the role includes generating news stories, interviewing, and photography. An understanding of newspaper layout will be highly regarded but not essential.
Applications close July 24, 2008
Sandvik Mining and Construction in Olympic Dam seeks
Contract Manager To oversee the contract specific requirements of the BHPB Crane Core Fleet, Sandvik is looking for an experienced contracts administrator to be based in Olympic Dam.
KEY PERFORMANCE AREAS - Management of crane implementation plan - Management of crane KRA framework - Management of crane action plan - Customer liaison - Monitor and implementation of training - Provide assistance to Crane Operations Manager as required
skills are essential to be successful in this role.
YOUR PROFILE You must have a proven background in contracts administration. Experience gained in a mining or construction environment will be highly regarded.
Raelene Wallis on 08 8671 0015.
Safety of self and team must be the highest priority of any applicant. CONTACT INFO/HOW TO APPLY For further information on this position, contact
To submit an application, click on the careers link at to Job Reference 1186.
You must have proficiency in Microsoft Project, and SAP experience will be an advantage.
The Monitor is a Community Owned business and has a charter to report accurate and relevant local news and information to the residents of Roxby Downs, Woomera and Andamooka and across the Far North. If you have experience and a strong sense of community coupled with a passion for Roxby Downs and the region you are encouraged to apply. The successful applicant will be outgoing and involved in the community and have competencies in using MS Word, email and researching via the web. This is a full time position with flexible hours that includes some evening and weekend work. This is a rewarding position in a busy and vibrant environment. Send resumes to , post to The Monitor PO Box 72 Roxby Downs SA 5725 or drop them into the Monitor office at 6 Richardson Place Roxby Downs (Council Building)
Applications Close Wednesday 30 April 2008. Read about Sandvik and apply at
A high level of planning and organisational skills, combined with strong administration Sandvik is a global industrial group with advanced products and world-leading positions in selected areas – tools for metal cutting, machinery and tools for rock excavation, stainless materials, special alloys, metallic and ceramic resistance materials as well as process systems and sorting systems. The Sandvik group has 46,000 employees in 130 countries.
THE MONITOR – Your Community Newspaper
Thursday, April 24th, 2008 – Page 13
Opal Road Landfill Opening Hours The Opal Road Landfill Opening
On Wednesday and Thursdays only between the hours of 9.00am and 4.00pm Council provides Transport Hours are 1pm – 6pm, seven days Services including Vehicle and Boat a week. Residents are encouraged Registrations and Licensing Transacto utilise this FREE service as the tions dumping of litter in reserves or lands surrounding the town attract Residents are reminded that there an expiation penalty fee of $315.00 as per the Local Government Act. is a limit of one bin per household for weekly rubbish collection and that it is the resident’s responsibility to ensure that bins are in serviceable condition with closable lids that prevent flies and birds from accessing rubbish. Please be diligent as littering attracts an ExAdvertising on Council infra- piation Penalty Fee of $315.00 – ie over structure such as light poles can flowing bins. attract expiation notices under the Local Government Act. If you spot any such advertising please notify the Council.
Rubbish Collection
Advertising on Council Infrastructure
Waste Oil Disposal
Council Office Hours – General
Council operates a waste oil collection facility at the Roxby Downs Landfill site. Disposal of all used motor oil at this facility is free. For Further information contact Monday to Friday – 9am to Council 8671 0010 or BSH Waste Solutions on 8671 1154. No cooking oils, coolants, 5pm For all after hours Emergendiesel, or diesel blended fuels (bio Diesel) are to be deposited into the unit. This Facil- cy’s please contact the Emergency Phone on 0419 892 870 ity is open 1pm -6pm seven days.
Opal Road Landfill Opening Hours Open days and hours on a magnet are
Dog Registration Dog Registrations for 2007/08
financial year are now overdue. Grace period for registration expired on 31 August 2007. Therefore an $80 expiation fee can apply, plus an expiation fee of $80 for every 14 days the dog remains unregistered.
The Third Instalment notices for rates were issued on 18/02/2008. The due date for payment was 17/03/2008. Please contact Bronnie Warren at the council on 86710010 with any enquiries.
Water Accounts for the 31st March
2008 quarter have now been issued and are due for payment on the 15th May 2008.
Quarterly accounts have been sent out and are due for payment on 7/5/08. Please pay by the due date to avoid late payment fees.
Residents should be aware of significant expiation fees for parking in a bus zone $73 and parking in a disabled zone $227.
Local Website
Visit your local website. Read what’s new at www.roxbycouncil.
Section 33 Road Trafc Act 1961 Is hereby given that the Administrator of the Roxby Downs Council on 12th March 2008 made the following orders; That the Administrator of the Council exercises the power vested in the Administrator under the Roxby Downs (Indenture Ratication) Act 1982 and section 33 of the Road Trafc Act 1961 and clause F of the instrument of General Approval of the Minister 28 November 1999. Pursuant to section 33(1) of the Road Trafc Act 1961 declare that the event described below is to take place on the road described below is an event to which section 33 of the road trafc act 1961 applies; and Pursuant to section 33(1)(a) of the Road Trafc Act 1961, make an order directing that the road on which the event is to be held and any adjacent or adjoining roads specied below can be closed to all trafc except police and emergency vehicles and vehicles involved in the event for the period commencing 10.00 am Friday 25 April 2008 and expiring 12 noon Friday 25 April 2008. ROAD: EVENT:
Richardson Place Roxby Downs ANZAC DAY CEREMONY
ADJACENT / ADJOINING ROADS: Burgoyne street, Arcoona street, Norman Place, Tavern Road, Roxby Downs Pursuant to section 33 (1) (b) of the Road Trafc Act 1961 make an order directing that persons taking part in the event be exempted in relation to the road, from duty to observe the Australian Road Rules specied below subject to any conditions described below and attached to the exemption.. All of Richardson place and Adjacent/Adjoining roads to be closed to all trafc from 10.00 am 25 April 2008 until 12 Noon 25 April 2008. Australian Road rules Exemption and Conditions Rule 230: Crossing the road Rule 234: Crossing the road on or near a crossing for Pedestrians Rule 238: Pedestrians travelling along the road. W. J. Boehm Administrator
Antique & Household Removals Local, Interstate & Country Storage & Delivery Specialists
Ph: 0427 716 173 Roxby Downs À Pt Augusta À Pt Pirie
Monitor The
available at the front counter upon request. Hours are as follow 1pm – 6pm seven days a week. - see
Notice of Road Closure
Pt Pirie & Adelaide Depots
Your Community Newspaper ~ Roxby Downs
NO 1 in readership in Roxby Downs Woomera Andamooka and across The Far North YOUR BUSINESS
Senior First Aid 1 or 2 Day Courses Roxby Downs Nationally accredited HLTFA301B
$150.00 per person Highly experienced local trainer Other emergency training also available Contact Steve Moore 0429 883 842
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Ph 8671 1234 Fax 8671 2823 Mob 0407 711 234 Shop 5/14 Tutop Street, Roxby Downs, SA Page 14 – Thursday, April 24th, 2008
All welcome. We’ve got something to offer
Sunday Worship: 10am
Monday: Prayer - 7.30pm Tuesday: Mens Fellowship - 7.30pm Wednesday: Ladies KYB - 7.30pm Wednesday: Bible Study - 7.30pm Sunday Kids Church - during worship time
Corner Burgoyne St and Tutop St
Uniting and Angilcan sponsored. ph: 0409 68 67 68 A Protestant faith community A fun, non-competitive learning environment for all ages: newborns, children and adults! Come down and learn the joys of music, dance and other dramatic arts.
Everyone in Roxby Downs can enjoy the benets of banking with Big Sky.
Visit us in Tutop Street or call 8671 2555
J&R HEWITSON wardrobes BLD 192291
For quotes call
Craig 0409 559 183 Our venue is The Community Church on the corner of Tutop Street and Burgoyne Street, Roxby Downs.
All enquiries please call Kirstie on: (08) 8672 7385 or fax: (08) 8672 7385 or email
Jarrad 0417 826 803
Jarrad Hewitson & Craig Harris Fax: 08 8287 2392
THE MONITOR – Your Community Newspaper
Monitor SPORT The
Flying Karts The karts were really flying around the local track last Friday night at a shortened meeting of the Roxby Downs Dirt Kart Club. Despite a loss of light when one of the light towers faded it was great night of racing. Four rounds of races were completed which was enough for the points earned to be official. With the State Finals coming up on May 3rd and 4th May Friday was an important practice for the main event. The Winners Juniors 1st Place Jack Laurance 2nd Place Nick Calligaris 3rd Place Jayden Dawson
KT’s Open 1st Place 2nd Place 3rd Place
Mark Davis Darren Laurance Mario Calligaris
J Open 1st Thomas Wilson 125 cc’s 1st Place Peter Davis 2nd Place Mark Davis The Club would once again like to thank all their supporters and spectators who contribute so much too the club and the great atmosphere on the night. A special big thanks to Les Rochester for his support and encouragement in getting the track up to racing standard again.
Above Left: Nick Calligaris waiting at start line. Above Right: Plenty of work to be done in the pits
Post Ofce & Motel
Port Augusta Ph 8642 5777
18 Fourth Street Quorn - Family Retreat
This cosy but spacious home is ideal for families or rst home buyers alike, 3 bedrooms main with built-ins, large country style kitchen with separate dining + study area, good size bathroom with bath + separate shower. Outside there is an attached carport, undercover entertaining, large billiard or rumpus room, 20 x 40 approx fully enclosed garage, separate storage shed with cool room, extra outside toilet for those entertaining days all on 1011m2 land. Call and arrange your private inspection today.
Price: By Negotiation WEB Id: 080404 Mark Vardy 0428 993 301
Behind the Famous Bottle House
Opal Creek Boulevard, Andamooka & after hours by appointment
Ph: (08) 8672 7007 Fax: (08) 8672 7062 Email:
Monitoring the SA Fishing Scene Land Based
Local Hotspot
Smooth Pool on the Eyre Peninsula has Salmon to 4kgs and drunner from the rocks. Unweighted half pilchard baits are accounting for the Salmon. Cape Jervis ferry terminal and jetty has seen there first decent tommy schools passing through. Calm evenings should be productive for the next few months.
The River Murray has good Callop near Big Bend. Fish in the 1-2lb bracket are being caught on live shrimp and green prawns. The trick for catching live shrimp at this location is to set the traps at predawn. After sunrise they disappear. The cliffs to the north of Big Bend are also productive for the boaties.
Boaties Racecourse Bay on the limestone coast has whiting past in the deeper waters. Snapper are also about but check the 38cm size limits. St Kilda has salmon trout at the end of the breakwater – trolling soft plastics or metal lures in close will result in good hook-ups. Western KI has 4-5kg Sweep, Snapper and acres of Bluefin Tuna rolling into the West Bay anchorage. Ardrossan Barge has some nobber Snapper coming from it early in the mornings
Have a Photo or Fabulous Fishy Tale Email
FishWatch 1800 065 023
Above: Each driver puushes for the advantage
Friday 16th - Saturday 17th - Sunday 18th of May
10% off storewide and a massive 15% off power tools Excluding catalogue lines and already discounted stock
THE MONITOR – Your Community Newspaper
Get your sports results into the Monitor
South Australian Illegal Fishing Hot Line
Kangaroo Island Snapper.
Fishing Charter Brokers Australia
0405 063 233
Affordable ‘Single Day’ & ‘Multi-Day’ Blue Chip Fishing Adventures “SA Rocky Island Night Charter” 4 days May 19th – 22nd 2008
Full Moon Fishing – Kingies, Tuna, Samson, Snapper, Blue Groper 5 spots only - $1750p/p – Meals, Tackle, Equipment, Live-Aboard
Thursday, April 24th, 2008 – Page 15
Monitor SPORT The
Your Community Newspaper ~ Roxby Downs
Phone (08) 8671 2683
Fax (08) 8671 2843
Par Event Draws and Enthusiastic Field Twenty seven golfers entered the MPR Services PAR Event hosted by the Roxby Downs Golf Club last weekend. Conditions were good and some keen golf was played with the overall winner being Geoff Darling +7 with Adele Wallace +3 heading the ladies division. Division one winner Tony Holbrook +6 Division two winner Dan mien Flavel +6 Division one sweepstakes winners Glen
Mungur +5 Don Shields +4 Division 2two sweepstake s winners Xavier Spokes +5 Robert Paxton +3 Ladies Division Sweepstakes winner Andrea Freeth +2 Thanks to all who participated and the Sponsors MPR Services
Above: Tee off for the men’s. Below: Adele Wallace looking very handy.
Above: A pressure put! Below: Sally Been teeing off for the women.
Page 16 – Thursday, April 24th, 2008
THE MONITOR – Your Community Newspaper