Your Community Newspaper ~ Roxby Downs
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he Riverland Development Corporation is making a bold bid to help out its ailing fruit and wine industry by linking the region’s workforce into the state’s mining boom.
A delegation from the Corporation made a recent lightening visit to the heart of that boom, Roxby Downs and Prominent Hill trying to establish a connection between the centres. Th e C o r p o r at i o n’s E co n o m i c Development Officer, Barb Cowey told The Monitor the Riverland has the labor source, the mining companies are struggling to fill positions, so it could be a very worthwhile arrangement for everyone involved. “We have a large pool of skilled and unskilled workers now because of the massive impacts of the drought, the low levels of the Murray and the severe water restrictions imposed on our growers. “Even if there was a flood in the Murray tomorrow and the river and dams were all full, it will take at least 5 years for our region to recover full production,” she said.
“So we decided to think outside of the square on how we could help our growers keep their properties, and how we could get our passionate workforce employed in other areas. “It will give people a bit of hope. “It will give them a financial base so they don’t lose their farms,” she said. “Just to give you an idea how much impact this drought has had, we’ve lost 90 jobs in the past 6 weeks from processing companies. “The citrus season has been very short and the same applies to the vintage. “People are trying to survive on a lot less, their resilience is low or gone, and we’re not going to sit by and watch that happen. “That’s why we’re up here. “We want the mining companies like Oxiana and BHP Billiton to know they can tap into a willing, able and competent workforce that is available right now,” Ms Cowey said. The response from companies like Chandler McLeod that contract hire workers has been encouraging enough for the delegation to go back to the Riverland at least with some hope in their hearts. Continued on Page 4
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Volume 4, Thursday March 6th, 2008
Above: Dr Adam Bester gets hands on during Arid Recovery’s annual trapping program.
It was regarded as a very successful week out at Arid Recovery after their day and night vigil to record our endangered species. Photos P 7.
Monitor NEWS
Here’s a photo taken from a helicopter of what’s left of a Cessna light aircraft that crash landed on Lake Eyre in 1984
Gardeners warned on internet weeds The sale of plants and seeds through internet-based auction houses like eBay and Oztion is increasing in popularity but it has alarmed those fighting against Australia’s weed invasion particularly in fragile remote areas. Worldwide there are hundreds of mail-order websites through which people can purchase plants and seeds. However, according to the Cooperative Research Centre for Australian Weed Management (Weeds CRC), Australia’s expanding market in online sales is contributing to the nation’s $4 billion weed crisis, and undermining state and territory weed management laws. The Weeds CRC warns online buyers and sellers to beware of trading
in weeds, and points out that 65% of Australia’s weeds are garden escapes such as the Asparagus weed (pictured) which can devastate fragile native grassed areas in remote regions. “The difficulty is that a garden plant in one state may be a declared weed in another state,” Ms Sandy Lloyd, Research Officer with the Weeds CRC said. “But it is very difficult to regulate a burgeoning online, mail-order market which allows the legal purchase of a plant in one state that is illegal in another. “At the moment, however, weeds can easily cross state and territory borders, although new mail scanning powers have recently been proposed for Australia Post which will
help prevent weed spread through the post.” But if you are selling a plant which is a prohibited weed in your state or territory, watch out! Dr John Virtue, President of the Council of Australasian Weed Societies (CAWS), the home gardener doesn’t want to be unknowingly adding to Australia’s significant weed burden. “CAWS is also concerned about Australians buying weed seeds from overseas through the internet. “A quick scan reveals a range of weeds are available from sellers in the US and UK, including water hyacinth, scotch broom, Mexican feathergrass and Parkinsonia, all of which are prohibited entry into Australia.
Above: One of the weeds out of control in Australia, the Asparagus weed.
Taking the salt out of children’s diets
Parents are calling for more action to be taken over the salt levels in children’s foods after a recent consumer poll showed their deep concern. The poll was commissioned by the Australian Division of World Action on Salt and Health (AWASH). Recent research confirms that salt raises blood pressure in children, leading to hypertension when they become adults. AWASH Chair, Dr Bruce Neal, Senior Director at The George Institute said although the health problems associated with high blood pressure often don’t appear until later in life, they are strongly influenced by childhood health. Parent of two, Shalani McCray said: “I want to make the best health choices for my children. “Salt is added to so many foods and parents aren’t aware of just how much salt is in children’s food. “It’s hard to manage though,” she said. Dr Bruce Neal said parents in the poll reported that children are frequently eating salty snacks. “Many of the staple foods eaten by Australian children also have a lot of salt in them. “This can make it extremely difficult for parents to keep salt intakes at a healthy level.”
Ban the bag Free, single use plastic bags will soon be a thing of the past in South Australia, with the state government planning to ban such bags by the end of the year. “South Australia is leading the push for a national ban to rid our state of this environmental scourge,” Premier Mike Rann said. “The time has come to lead by example and I am urging all states to follow this important step in ridding our environment of these bags that contribute to greenhouse gases, clog up landfill, litter our streets and streams as well as kill sea life. “A ban in our state alone could see almost 400 million less plastic bags entering the SA waste and litter streams every year. “That’s an astonishing 1,600 tonnes of plastic,” he said. This ban will come as no surprise to readers of The Monitor, who would have learned about it last June. At that time The Monitor approached the Environment Forum to see if it would support the bag ban. “Plastic bags can have a significant im-
Page 2 – Thursday, March 6th, 2008
AWASH, which coordinates the Drop the Salt! Campaign, wants to work with the Government to make salt reduction a national health priority. Salt reduction is an extremely cost-effective disease prevention strategy, according to Dr Neal. “A comprehensive government strategy, including setting targets for salt levels in foods and raising awareness of the maximum recommended intake levels for children, is urgently required. “If Australians reduced their salt intake to recommended levels, we would prevent about one fifth of all strokes and heart attacks in Australia each year,” he said. Australian Fruit and Grocery Council (AFGC) CEO, Dick Wells said the AFGC supports raising awareness among consumers of the need to moderate their salt intake to 6grams per day and the food industry is continually exploring ways to reformulate products to better meet the needs of consumers including providing lower salt options. The Australian National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) recommends a maximum upper level of 3.5g salt per day for 4-8 year olds, and 5g for 9-13 year olds.
pact upon wildlife,” Environment Forum spokesperson Dr Adam Bester said. “They can also blow into water systems and cause stormwater blockages. “Plastic bags are unsightly, thus having a negative effect upon tourism. “However, the government needs to consider the alternatives if it goes down the plastic ban path. “Overseas many supermarket companies have resorted to using paper bags when faced with a plastic ban. “This results in more trees being chopped down and an increase in greenhouse emissions. “Many people in Roxby Downs use plastic shopping bags as a bin liner, which is a good recycling option. “Banning plastic bags may result in increased usage of plastic bin liners. “Any decision regarding such bans needs to be carefully thought out, so any alternative is not going to cause greater damage to our environment,” he said. Dr Bester suggested a levy of 10 cents a bag might encourage people to bring their own calico bag.
THE MONITOR – Your Community Newspaper
Monitor NEWS
Our rescue team is ready
A Mine rescue team from Olympic Dam will put their skills to the test at the New South Wales Mines Rescue Challenge in Cobar in the coming weeks. The NSW Mines Rescue Challenge is an opportunity for all Mines to send members of their mines rescue teams to participate in team scenarios, designed to test the knowledge, skills, leadership and teamwork ability of the teams’ members. An offer was extended to the Olympic Dam team to take part in this year’s event which is growing in stature nationally as the premier mining rescue challenge. A spokesman for BHP Billiton said competitions such as these bring the district rescue personnel together to compete and also to share learning and experience from the set exercises of the competition. “In times of mine emergency, Olympic Dam may be asked to provide assistance, or receive assistance from our local district neighbour mines,” Each team is made up of 7 members and a team manager. The Olympic Dam team is made up of members from the mine technical support, underground mining, the surface smelter department and emergency services. The BHP Billiton Olympic Dam team will take some specialised rescue equipment to the Challenge, including breathing apparatus, gas detection and first aid equipment, rope rescue equipment, and vehicle extrication equipment. The company spokesman said the team aims to learn from other teams, and in turn pass on their skills to others.
“This will lift the skills of every team competing, thus making the industry safer for all, which makes everyone a winner,” he said. During a rescue scenario on a mine site, teams may be called from many areas – meaning that squad members must all work as a team for the one common purpose. The Challenge is unique in Australian Mine’s Rescue events in that the most highly valued achievement is the “esprit de corps”, or the “Spirit” of the team during the Challenge. It is unique in this respect – in no other Australian Mines Rescue event are teams from different sites encouraged to coach and assist each other to successfully complete scenarios. There are no other Challenges of its kind in Australia, where teams act as they would in a true Mines Rescue situation, sharing equipment, experience, and providing support for each other. The concept of the “Challenge” is closer to the real-life situation that rescue teams will be faced with. Opening as a “Challenge” also allows for greater flexibility in the scenarios, more opportunities for teamwork mines to send “rookie” teams to the event. According to the organisers, the event is all about exchanging information, knowledge and skills that will help mine rescue teams keep on the cutting edge of their profession. It also keeps mine rescue teams fully trained on the latest machinery using the newest equipment.
Above: Hot steam flows strongly from Habanero 3
Hot Rocks gets a flow on One of the first ‘steam gushers’ has flowed from one of the nation’s most advanced geothermal hot rocks wells. Geodynamics says its Habanero 3 well has flowed steam as part of the well clean up program prior to flow testing at its hot rocks site near Innamincka. Coiled tubing was used to displace kill weight drilling fluid (used to contain the high well pressures) from the well using water which initiated flow from the main fracture. During this operation the hydraulic connection with Habanero 1 was reconfirmed with good indication of well productivity.
During the well clean up program the well flowed at approximately 23kg/ sec. Following the well clean up program, the open circulation flow test will formally commence and is expected to be completed to program within 20 days. This will be followed by a closed loop test to be commenced at the end of April. The Company envisages making a further announcement in approximately two weeks time when data from the flowing of Habanero 3 and pressure monitoring of Habanero 1 are available.
The Iron Blood disease A common hereditary disorder affecting 100,000 Australians is 30 times more likely to cause serious complications in men than women, according to new research from the Murdoch Childrens Research Institute. The HealthIron Study monitored 31,192 people aged between the ages of 40 and 69 for 12 years to determine those at genetic risk of the iron overload disease, haemochromatosis. The study, published in The New England Journal of Medicine, found that 28 per cent of men (but only one per cent of women) who were at genetic risk of haemochromatosis developed iron overload disease which causes damage to the liver and other organs. “Arthritis, chronic fatigue and liver disease can arise as a result of iron overload,” Associate Professor Katie Allen from the Murdoch Childrens Institute who led the research said.
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THE MONITOR – Your Community Newspaper
Move for our own register of JP’s The Roxby Downs Community Board has suggested that a register of current Justices’ of the Peace be established by the Council. This follows concerns that the Attorney General’s Department’s database of JP’s registered in Roxby Downs is not current. Board member Dave Kovac suggested that a red flag be attached to the electricity accounts of JP’s living in Roxby Downs so that when they leave or change address the red flag will be activated. “This will allow us to keep an up to date and accurate register of the JP’s living in town so we don’t have the problems we’ve had in the past,” Mr Kovac said. The Board will also invite the inaugural president or chair of the recently formed Youth Advisory Council to give a 5 minute presentation on the YAC’s activities at each monthly board meeting. This will give the YAC an opportunity to brief the Board on its strategies so the Board and Family and Youth Forum don’t duplicate the activities being pursued by YAC. The Youth Advisory Council will have a direct reporting process with the Roxby Downs Council and will not sit under the broad umbrella of the Board and its Forums.
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Ph: 8293 8411 Fax: 8288 0477 Thursday, March 6th, 2008 – Page 3
Monitor NEWS
Kidney screenings a hit
Riverland Economic Development Officer Barb Cowey
Riverland Mine Hopes They also had a good reception from Oxiana which is driving the big Gold and Copper open cut mine at Prominent Hill. “We’re going to plan a big open day back in the Riverland where we’ll publicly discuss the results of the visit and organize our labor pool,” Ms Cowey said. “Our next step will be to get the Mayors and the CEO’s from all of the Riverland Councils to visit Roxby Downs and Prominent Hill and see if we can make some beneficial arrangement with the companies and contractors. “If they’re not aware of the availability of a large skilled workforce that is willing to take on the jobs they have on offer, then they’ll be missing out on a great opportunity,” she said. “So we plan to put it before them and see where it goes.” The Corporation is not sitting on its hands. Already it has organized through Works SA a training program in min-
ing operations for 18 of its out of work growers and pickers. “We’re funding this initiative, and Works SA has been exceptional in its positive attitude towards it,” Ms Cowey said. “I estimate we’ll have an available pool of 150 skilled and semi skilled workers available to work in the state’s northern mines. “I would like to see the Riverland become the employment and supply base for Olympic Dam. “But we need to ensure if this idea goes off that we don’t see a permanent exodus of our population from the Riverland to Olympic Dam. “We have good airport facilities so flying-in flying-out is a great option. “We have hope in our hearts that something can be done. We have hope that our growers will not lose their life’s work or their properties because of this current predicament,” she concluded.
Only 2% of the people diagnosed with kidney disease knew they had it. One of the world’s leading authorities on Kidney Disease Professor Allan Collins said more than 500 million people worldwide - or about one adult in ten - have some form of kidney damage. Dr Collins who is the Director and Principal Investigator for the U.S. Renal Data System Co-coordinating Centre and a board member of the International Kidney Foundation Scientific Committee made the comments to The Monitor whilst in Roxby Downs. He said every year millions die prematurely of heart attacks and strokes linked to chronic kidney disease (CKD). “The biggest challenge for health authorities and the community was the fact that people can lose up to 90% of the use of the Kidneys without feeling a thing. “There are no warning signs which means it is vital that Governments’ worldwide develop programs for the screening of patients in high risk categories as part of their public health planning and strategies.” He praised BHP Billiton as a world leader in providing such screenings not only for its workforce in Roxby Downs but also the wider community. “This is remarkable for a company to undertake such a process in conjunction with Kidney Health Australia, it is visionary in its approach to invest directly in the health care of its workforce and its community,” Professor Collins said. “It’s a very responsible and positive Community exercise to look after your community and workforce in such a way. “I urge the company to consider expanding this type of screening program to other areas of health for its workforce because it is a true indication of loyalty towards its employees,” he said. Professor Collins was in Roxby Downs to watch first hand Australia’s first National screening program KEY - ‘Kidney Evaluation for You’ funded by BHP Billiton. He was energized about the success of the screenings in Roxby Downs, Andamooka and Woomera. “It is a testament to the program by the large numbers
of people who swamped the renal nursing staff at the screenings,” he said. “National Kidney Foundations of the US had tested over 100,000 high risk Americans for Chronic Kidney Disease in the past ten years through its Program. “Only six hundred people out of thirty thousand found to have Chronic Kidney Disease knew they were even at risk prior to attending a screening. “Without a national screening program of high risk patients for Chronic Kidney Disease Government Health Planners are flying blind on providing budgets and facilities,” Professor Collins said. “We now know that up to 15% of the Australian population suffer from some form of Kidney disease, which is way more than say diabetes which affects about 7% of the population. “It’s only been in the last four years that we have got a handle on the interaction between the big three, Heart disease, Diabetes and Kidney disease. “We now need to get heavily involved in the prevention of Kidney disease before the baby boomer generation gets much older and starts to cause a melt down in the dialysis and transplant areas of medicine,” he concluded.
Opal Festival comes of age at Easter
Coober Pedy will be holding its 21st Opal Festival on the Easter long weekend, and everyone is invited! “The Opal Festival Committee would like to invite people from all over the state to come to Coober Pedy and join in the fun,” Committee Spokesperson Katharine Micka said. “Come and help us celebrate Australia’s national gemstone and enjoy the start of the beautiful weather in the outback,” she said. Visitors to the ‘Opal Capital of the World’ during the celebrations will be able to enjoy a screening of the movie ‘Opal Dream’, which was filmed in Coober Pedy two years ago, take part in an opal walk, have a chance to win a $1,000 opal or buy a raffle ticket to win a gold nugget. There will also be tours of the town, a colouring in competition for the kids and an open art competition. “Our main day will be Easter Saturday,
which will start with a street parade,” Ms Micka said. “The oval will open at 1pm with marquees, refreshments, stalls, food, info, a children’s zoo and much more. “There will be entertainment all day with a clown, a band and novelty events like the outback dunny race, opal sack holding, tugo-war, toss the sausage competitions and a box car race. “The evening will wind down with a fireworks display at 8.30pm,” she said. And it doesn’t end there, there will be more to enjoy on Sunday with a Junior Football Carnival, a 12 hole Ambrose competition at the golf club and an ecumenical service for all denominations. The Coober Pedy Opal Festival will run from the 21st to the 23rd of March. For more information contact the Coober Pedy Opal Festival committee on 8672 3003.
AFL Umpires Tackle Back Injury
An increasing incidence and awareness of spinal-related injuries in umpires has promoted the Australian Football League Umpires Association (AFLUA) to form a 2year partnership with Bad Backs, Australia’s leading online destination for back pain relief resources and products. “While we do not have hard numbers or research to fall back on, anecdotal evidence strongly suggests that Australian Rules umpires suffer spine and joint pain significantly, as a direct result of their activity”, ex-AFL umpire and CEO of AFLUA, Bill Deller said. AFL Grand Final field umpire Scott McLaren missed the first four weeks of 2007 season due to injury and likewise colleague Matthew James missed a substantial amount of games throughout the season. AFL field umpire Justin Schmitt fared far Page 4 – Thursday, March 6th, 2008
worse, missing the entire season. The partnership will enable AFLUA members to receive specially-priced remedial spinal and joint pain products from Bad Backs, as well as access to their online resources, which includes a discussion forum, and multi-disciplinary medical information and research on spinal pain management. “We see this new partnership with Bad Backs as a way of supporting our members with their spinal pain problems,” Deller said. “Some of the guys have 20-30 year careers, so you can imagine they have clocked-up some running miles and spinal stress.” he said. As an example Boundary umpires run between 16 -20km per match (on average) whilst field umpires run between 12 -15km per match (on average).
THE MONITOR – Your Community Newspaper
Christmas comes early to stations In an effort to benefit every community member that falls under its jurisdiction the steering group of the Building Healthy Communities project has created healthy gift packs for station owners and managers in the region. “We decided to send these packs out so everyone in the area can benefit from the BHC project,” Allied Health Assistant Karen Russell said. “BHC is about preventing chronic disease. “By sending these packs out to the stations we can extend this service to the whole community and make sure everyone is included,” she said.
The packs were distributed to Pernatty Station, Purple Downs Station, Roxby Downs Station, Stuart Creek Station, Dulkaninna Station, Mulgaria Station, Muloorina Station, Parakylia Station, Andamooka Station, Anna Creek Station, Arcoona Station and Billa Kalina Station. They contained a pedometer, sunscreen, a water bottle, numerous booklets and brochures, a ‘Matters for Men’ book and a sheet of useful phone numbers. “The project steering group provided this small gift to station owners and managers as they are an important part of our surrounding community,” BHC Project Officer
Sue Houlson said. “Our project is one of 31 projects across rural and remote Australia and encompasses Roxby Downs, Woomera, Pimba and Andamooka. “Our goal is to improve participation in health promoting activity and behaviours for all people. “This initiative takes a preventative approach to chronic diseases and injuries which tend to be a greater problem in rural and remote communities. “The BHC project is proud to encourage people to enjoy a healthy lifestyle and enhance the physical activity of people within our region,” she said.
Below: One of the packs sent to the stations by the BHC Project coordinators
Above : Long term Community Board Member Wendy Osborne left Roxby Downs last week
Another one bites the dust The much publicised departure of the Osborne family from Roxby Downs has left a hole in the Community Board. One of the longest serving members of the Board and the Education and Workplace Training Forum, Wendy Osborne’s enthusiasm and input will be sorely missed. And so it is that a scant month after swearing in a host of new blood to swell its ranks, the Community Board is once again calling for expressions of interest from the community. “The Roxby Downs Community Board acts as a voice for the community and is
responsible for the implementation of the Roxby Downs Community Plan,” Executive Officer Michelle Hales said. “Due to the recent resignation of Wendy Osborne the Community Board is seeking nominations from people interested in filling this vacancy. “If you are passionate about our community and wish to become more actively involved in community life we urge you to consider becoming a part of the Community Board,” she said. Nominations close on Tuesday, March 25, for more information contact Michelle Hales on 0418 833 818.
Fledgling group earns its wings
Cracking the tonne
Above: Last year’s clean up crew THE MONITOR – Your Community Newspaper
“We want to crack the tonne if we possibly can.” That’s the target Clean Up Australia Day coordinator Stephen Moss is aiming for in Roxby this year, 100 plus volunteers turning out to collect rubbish and clean up the town. “We are aiming to clean up the whole town this year, so we are trying to get as many volunteers as possible. “Some people just want to clean up their own neighbourhood, which is fine, but they need to come down to the Lions Park and register so they are covered by Clean Up Australia Day policies. “We have had some positive feedback from the council, apparently there will be more bins going in around town, which is great. “And the scouts will be joining us for the second year, we are expecting 40 odd kids and hopefully their parents, which will help a lot. “If anyone has any ideas or there are any companies in Roxby Downs willing to lend their support they should contact me ahead of the day,” he said. The Roxby Downs Clean Up crew will meet at 9.30am on Sunday, March 9 at the Lions Park. A barbeque lunch will be provided for all volunteers.
Twelve months ago the Roxby Downs branch of The Cancer Council SA was born. It was named the Red Sands Foundation to reflect Roxby’s unique environment. The early members were mostly female and varied in age but they all had one thing in common, each had been touched by cancer, either directly or indirectly. Every new organisation experiences a learning curve in the first twelve months and the Red Sands Foundation was no exception. Founding President Brett Atkins stood down soon after the group formed, family, work and other volunteering commitments demanding more of his time, leaving Vice-President Helen Edwards to step into the breach.
Though reluctant at first, Mrs Edwards has proven a most able leader, guiding the group with a sure, steady hand to raise over $5,000 for TCCSA in its first year. “President Helen Edwards has done a wonderful job in leading this proactive group of volunteers,” Community Development Officer and founding member Michelle Hales said. “We have now been operating for twelve months and we have been really pleased with the support we have received from the community. “We would like to invite all community members to our AGM as we are always looking for new members,” she said. The Red Sands Foundation AGM will be held at the Roxby Downs Community Library at 7pm next Tuesday.
Upcoming meetings... Education and Workplace Training
March 18
Community Board
March 31
Alcohol and Substance Abuse
March 17
Under discussion... Arts and Culture Forum
20th Anniversary
Sports and Recreation Forum
Establishment of a Community Bus
Environment Forum
Meetings held Community Board
Arts and Culture Forum
Family and Youth Forum
Environment Forum
Community members wishing to have input to discussions at Community Board meetings must notify Executive Officer, Michelle Hales on 0418 833 818 prior to the meeting date. Please note: Forums (Excluding Health and the Alcohol and Substance Abuse Partnership) are open to the general public. The Community Board encourage all members of the community to attend and participate. For further information on any of the Forums or Partnerships please contact Michelle Hales on 0418 833 818.
Thursday, March 6th, 2008 – Page 5
Monitor l a i r o The
t i d E
You have to take your hat off to those folk from the Riverland. Not a group to sit idly by waiting for the drought to decimate their communities, they’ve got off their backsides and are trying to do something to save them from its ravages. Some might think it’s an idea from ‘left field’ but when you look closely at what they’re trying to achieve it is that darn Aussie spirit that I thought lately was just one of those things people talked about over their lattes. But they’re wearing it on their sleeve. The delegation from their economic business unit, which was not only in Roxby Downs recently but the other big mining centre at Prominent Hill, is trying to secure a positive future for the citrus and grape growing communities that make up the Riverland. They know the drought and the severe water restrictions that are ravaging their farms and costing the communities millions of dollars will have an exacting end if they don’t do something about it. They might not be able to make it rain. They might not be able to
make the mighty Murray flood, but they are trying to secure work for their townsfolk and hopefully stave off those predating banks which could be drafting up foreclosure notices as you read this. They have a big pool of skilled and unskilled labour. BHP Billiton and Oxiana have a big need for workers because of the planned expansion at Olympic Dam and the gearing up to full production at Prominent Hill. So why not marry the two needs together. Now that’s exactly what the Riverland people are trying to do. It’s novel, it’s unusual and it just may work. I couldn’t help but feel admiration for this group of people who have banded together, going over the top of the trenches together not knowing what the result will be, but they’re doing it together. I’d just finished interviewing these great representatives of the Riverland community before going to a public meeting in Roxby Downs to discuss plans for the town’s 20th anniversary celebrations. I was full of adrenalin. The Riverland people made me feel pumped. But how disappointed was I at the turn out to our own public meeting. There were but a handful of people. The same old usual suspects that give their all on the various forums, clubs and community service organisations to which they belong. Where was the public, I thought. Where was the community spirit? Where were the people of Roxby Downs? Is it the transient nature of the town where most people only
come for the money and stay but a few years, on average 3-5 before heading off with their pockets full. What do they do whilst in town? There are some who come for the work and money who actually take part in the community. They get involved with sporting clubs and other organisations. But there are the others who work here, but don’t live here even though they reside here. By that I mean, they don’t take part in the community, they don’t seem to care much for it. They don’t have ‘roots’ or an afinity with the town. I’m not saying everyone is like that, but you all know the type of people I’m talking about. Where are the people that’d go over the top of the trenches with you? Crickey I thought. The handful that were there may as well have been standing in the middle of no-man’s land waiting to perish alone. Where were all of those Latte sippers? You know the ones. They always complain about next to everything and sometimes espouse the solutions but never ever put their hand up to volunteer or help out. If we had a public humiliation site with men and women in stocks, it would be the Latte sippers that would be first in line with ripe tomatoes in hand. Let us as a community reflect on those Riverland folk. They’re not looking for handouts. They’re not wanting others to fix their problems. They’ve rolled up their sleeves and are just getting on helping one another as a community should. So yeah, I’ve taken my hat off to them. They’re a great bunch and I hope it works out for them.
The Weather at a glance Minimum & Maximum Temperatures for the period 28th Feb - 5th March 2008
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Page 6 – Thursday, March 6th, 2008
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THE MONITOR – Your Community Newspaper
Monitor NEWS
Above: A Bearded Dragon keeps a close watch.
Above: The entry to the Arid Recovery Reserve
The bait was a delicacy Volunteers from around Australia and locally made their way to the Arid Recovery Reserve out on the Borefield road recently to take part in the annual trapping program. The volunteers gathered (see photos) preparing the bait, a cocktail of yummy oats and peanut butter, counting the Elliott traps and the wire mesh to be used to trap small reptiles. They went out early in the morning throughout the week to take the mammals and reptiles back to the Laboratory for measuring, weighing and gender identification. The program is an important step in monitoring the resilience of the mammals and reptiles especially in a period of drought. They all seemed to come away none the worse for wear.
Above: Volunteers checking the Elliott Traps
Above: All hands in the bait. Oats and peanut butter.
I’m watching you!
Catherine Moseby checking the vitals of a hopping mouse THE MONITOR – Your Community Newspaper
Above: Checking the gender and health, vital information
Above: An Elliott Trap set at dawn Thursday, March 6th, 2008 – Page 7
Monitor NEWS
Go-Karts saved Open 7 days a week 6am till 11pm $8.50 Schnitzels Sunday Night - 14 different toppings and a buffet of salad and vegies for $8.50 Best Steaks on the highway according to Erin from The Monitor as well as the best Steak sandwiches!! Great selection of wines to satisfy any wine connoisseur! Spend $40 in one transaction (excluding fuel and accommodation), keep your receipt and receive 8c per litre discount on your next fuel purchase!! • Bar and gaming facilities • Friendly staff Fill up your car and your belly or stay overnight at Spuds Roadhouse in Pimba!
The big end of town threw its weight behind a plea by the Roxby Downs Desert Kart club for clay to re-surface its track. The club has postponed its opening season until March 15th whilst the track gets prepared. The juniors will now be able to qualify for the State Titles this year because they’ll now have enough time to do so. The club and the juniors thank the contractors and companies that came to their rescue. Cathy Calligaris said this type of spirit only happens out in the bush. “We can’t thank them enough,” she said,. Those contractors who put their weight behind the call include BHP Billiton, Ken Lamb from Olympic Dam Transport, National Hire and Exact Mix. The club thanks all other contractors and volunteers who have worked tirelessly and given up their time and machinery to resurface the track and make it safe for the young drivers. Last weekend the club travelled down to the Yorke Peninsula and then finished up in Port Pirie for two competitions.
Now available at: Roxby Hourglass Jewellers Richardson Place Roxby Downs SA 5725
Page 8 – Thursday, March 6th, 2008
THE MONITOR – Your Community Newspaper
Housing shortage to continue Calling all entrepreneurs South Australia’s most comprehensive report card on the new housing industry highlights concerns of a shortage of new housing over the next few years. While the South Australian economy has performed reasonably well in recent times there are increasing pressures on housing stock as housing aordability issues mean that underlying demand is moving beyond the supply of new residential dwellings. Commenting on the release of the HIA South Australia State Outlook publication, Executive Director, South Australia,Robert Harding, said the prospect of further increases in interest rates provides some real concerns for new building activity.
“Further increases in rates will serve to put further upward pressure on house prices and rents. “As a nation we are building at least 20,000 new dwellings less than what is required,â€? Mr Harding said. New house starts in 2007/08 for South Australia are expected to rise by 3 per cent to 11,510. Growth in residential building starts is forecast to be at over the next 3 years. Constraints on land supply and shortages in available trades are exacerbating the supply of the new homes situation. Renovation activity in South Australia has been strong recently and HIA expects that situation to continue for rest of the decade. Total investment in renovations hit a record $2.08 billion in 2006/07 and HIA expects growth of 6 per cent over the next three years. “The undersupply of new housing REAL ESTATE has led to a resurgence in renovation 24 Allan Street, Crystal Brook $330,000 activity,â€? Mr Harding said. Mr Harding said that it was imperative that policy proposals outlined by the Federal Government last year be implemented as soon as practical. “The policies of the Federal government rightly focus on increasing supply and stripping out some of the statutory charges and expensive redWell presented ready to move in. tape that is artiďŹ cially inating house Consisting of 4 bedrooms (main with ensuite and walk-in prices and constraining production,â€? robe), large family/dine/kitchen area, reverse cycle split Mr Harding said. system, evaporative ducted, slow combustion wood heater, “We are looking for improved codouble carport, BBQ area, 40’ x 20’ shed with cement oor operation between Federal, State and and power along with large games room, work shed and Local Government to deliver better storage area, two allotments, rain and mains water, oor housing outcomes.â€? coverings: carpet, slate, tiles in porch, timber oor, brick The good news is there is no sign veneer home very rarely for sale in Crystal Brook. of a collapse, however, HIA is conFor further information please contact cerned that further price pressures Martin Stringer and constraints to supply are inating house prices and rents. Phone 0417 897 159 This is evident when they rise Email: shortly after an increase in rates. 5–7 HILLVIEW CRESCENT, MAITLAND WHEN SPACE IS PARAMOUNT Prime location, ultra spacious 2 year home, built across 2 allotments, (2 Titles), Situated to take advantage of some of the best views of the Yorke Valley. Versatile floor plan, featuring 3/4 bedrooms, central 3 way bathroom. Main bedroom, ensuite, spa & WIR. Separate formal dining, massive casual living, 5 star kitchen, WI pantry. Provision to convert attached double garage into additional room. Ducted cooling, combustion heater, ceiling fans keep this home comfortable the whole year round. 50x30x10 garage/workshop, 3 Phase power, landscaping. Rare opportunity to buy in this prestigious location. Price Guide: $480,000 - $495,000. Agent: Wendy Burman 0407 708 742 10-12 COOPER STREET. PORT CLINTON Seaside hideaway. 4 bedrooms with spacious open plan lounge/ dining and good sized kitchen. Lovely outlook through picture windows. As new bathroom. Ducted evaporative cooling. Double lock up garage. Walk In/Walk out with quality furniture. Pretty, easy care native garden. Quiet stroll to waterfront and wide sandy beach. This whole area is full of interesting wildlife and rich with crabs. 2 Titles1720sqm Approx. Fabulous buy!!!! Price Guide: $230,000 - $250,000 Agent Name: Wendy Burman 0407708742 Internet ID: 104293176 WALLAROO 27 Owen Tce Wallaroo SA 5556 Phone: 8823 3955 Fax: 8823 3922
KADINA 21 Graves St Kadina SA 5554 Phone: 8821 4955 Fax: 8821 3371
Want to start your own business? Interested in becoming involved with Australian brand icon? Want the potential to make big money while working for yourself? Then a Solomons Flooring Mobile Franchise could be just what you are looking for. A motivated individual or couple interested in servicing the ooring needs of Roxby Downs and surrounding areas is being sought. “Solomons Flooring started in South Australia in 1890 and is the oldest ooring company in Australia,â€? General Manager Chris Taylor said. “We have 65 stores across Australia and are trying to set up a mobile franchise in Roxby Downs. “It is something the town deďŹ nitely needs, Roxby is a bit isolated.
Solomons Flooring is a rapidly growing franchised retail group with over 70 stores throughout Australia. Now, there is an incredible opportunity for a motivated individual or couple to start their own Mobile Franchise business with one of Australia’s leading retail brands. Why Solomons Roxby Downs could be right for you! s ,OW COST ENTRY GETS YOU OFF TO A ying start s ! BUSINESS THAT IS CASH mOW POSITIVE from Day 1 s 0ROFESSIONAL HIGH IMPACT ADVERTISING and promotions s %XPERT MANAGEMENT ADVICE AND SUPPORT s 3OLOMONS IS A .ATIONAL BRAND ICON s &RANCHISEES ARE NOT COMMITTED TO large stock holdings s &IXED AND KNOWN OVERHEADS s 3OLOMONS FRANCHISES HAVE PROVEN resale value If you are interested in operating your own business, be ďŹ nancially independent and backed by the security of being part of a successful national network, then 3OLOMONS 2OXBY $OWNS COULD BE FOR YOU ConďŹ dential Interviews will be held in 2OXBY $OWNS IN THE NEAR FUTURE For details of this exciting opportunity call: Chris Taylor - General Manager T: 0414 577 703 E:
Easy and cheap to install and almost invisible
Specialising in: Domestic Commercial Mining Drilling Sporting Clubs Caravan Parks Marine
“A mobile service allows people to shop from home, without travelling for hours to get to a store. “A mobile franchise enables the franchisee to oer a shop at home service to their local community. “And the right person would have the potential to earn $100,000 plus a year,â€? he said. With the current boom in housing at Copper Sands and the establishment of sub-division ‘B’ there’s ample opportunity to get in on the ground oor. With the planned expansion of the Olympic Dam mine and the need for more housing, it is expected a vast number of new sub-divisions will be needed. For more information, or to register your interest contact Chris Taylor on 0414 577 703.
Arid to Oasis Solutions Pty Ltd
For a FREE quote and design phone: Jim Bowe 0488 156 097 Neil Ludbey 0408 859 035 or email Ozzi Kleen domestic system is 2.7m high and 1.95m in diameter and weighs 350 kg, making for a quick, easy and economical installation. Use any household cleaners, disinfectants and bleaches with conÀdence that it will not affect the systems performance. We can design a waste water management system to suit any situation
Agents for Ozzi Kleen Waste Water and Sewerage Management Systems THE MONITOR – Your Community Newspaper
Thursday, March 6th, 2008 – Page 9
REAL ESTATEReview Home investors ‘Happy as Larry’
Mortgage Choice ran a survey to probe the minds of Australians who are property investors and found South Australian residents to be upbeat, knowledgeable and keen to add to their portfolio. The majority had not taken advantage of the ‘rental squeeze’ to glean more money from tenants, which was surprising given the hype surrounding the squeeze. Mortgage Choice National Manager Corporate Affairs, Warren O’Rourke said perhaps it is because their property portfolio strategies usually turn out to plan anyway. Almost two thirds owned one investment property (61%), 35% owned between two and five, 4% owned between six and ten and no one owned more. 84% also owned a home. ”It was pleasantly surprising to uncover such a high number of satisfied investors, with half of all respondents planning to grow their property cache in the next two years,” Mr O’Rourke said. “When you consider so many owned only one investment property, it was encouraging to find so many feeling positive and confident in their strategies. “Most managed to buy the type of property they wanted, in the area they wanted and have found their pre-purchase expectations being met. “This is great news,” he said. How do they research their investment goals? For this multi-answer question, in-
ternet was the most popular. 56% of respondents said the net helped them research, learn and understand the market and what the buying and managing process entailed. Newspapers came next at 48% then family (44%), friends (40%), mortgage broker (29%), accountant (21%), magazines (18%), seminars (16%), financial planner (15%), television (10%), lawyer (8%), other (8%), expos (8%) and radio (3%). Many believed their investment property market knowledge had improved since first purchase, with 6% considering themselves ‘very knowledgeable’ prior to buying and 30% considering themselves very knowledgeable since buying. As far as their most recent purchase happiness South Australia was way out in front. 93% bought their most recent investment property in SA, 4% bought in Queensland, 3% in Victoria and 1% in the Northern Territory. The other states and territory didn’t rate a mention. The majority of respondents (86%) bought the type of property they wanted, in the area they wanted (100% - the highest proportion for any state) and it has met their expectations (94% - again the highest). Happily, only 18% said owning it was more work than they expected. Almost half (49% - the highest again) bought in capital city suburbs while almost one fifth (19%) bought within 10km of the CBD.
106 & 107 Paltridge Avenue Stirling North Two New Homes – Relax and Enjoy Here’s your chance to buy one of two brand new homes in Stirling North, 3 bedrooms, main bedroom has ensuite & walk-in-robe, open plan living & kitchen, split system air con, carport and shed, low maintenance yards, one home with bull nose veranda. A fantastic opportunity to purchase a brand new home that has had everything done for you, no headaches, not time delays, no hidden costs, just move in and relax and enjoy. Price: By Negotiation. Mark Vardy 0428 993 301
7 Mill Street Pt Augusta - Location Location 3 bedroom home is located only a short walk to the waterfront and 10 min stroll to the city centre nestled in a quiet court. Updated kitchen with open plan dine and lounge to create a mood for entertaining. Slow combustion heating and r/c air conditioning for round year comfort. Large rear lifestyle deck with built-in bar, large garage and carport to fit 4 cars. Price: By Negotiation Web ID: SPA070207 Darren Sherriff 0418 851 163
10 Whiting Street Stirling North - Rent Now Develop Later Heres a fantastic opportunity to purchase a property with a home to rent out now and a 2049 m2 block, large enough for a possible sub-division. 3 bedroom timber frame attached carport, outside entertaining with 3 large sheds one with power, all in a quiet street, Brock Harcourts buy and rent out now while you take your time with your own Real Estate Port development. Price: $230,000 Web ID: SPA071103 Augusta Ph 8642 5777
Mark Vardy 0428 993 301
Fixed v Variable rates
In a year characterised, initially by very competitive discounting of fixed rates and in the second half of the year by an environment of rapidly rising fixed rates, demand for fixed rate loans in South Australia reached record levels in 2007. These loans commenced the year at 30% (32% nationally) of all approvals and grew to a record 33% (37% nationally) in November before it came back slightly, to 29%, by year’s end. Demand for fixed rate loans in South Australia picked up in late 2007. There is no doubt that borrowers chase rates when they are available especially when fixed rates are lower than the basic variable rate, like they were early in 2007. Also, when there is strong speculation about, or indeed, a rate rise or two, first homebuyers in particular will look for the certainty that a fixed rate loan will offer. With the second half of the year seeing fixed rates increasing almost weekly.
Time to cash in on the property boom. Call Reg or Erin on 86712683. The Monitor gives you more readers.
FOR SALE 20 METRE BY 20 METRE LARGE INDUSTRIAL SHED Approximately five years old, has three roller doors one side and one roller door on the end. It is all steel with green colourbond sheets. It is currently still not pulled down but we will discount the purchase price if you pull it down. Its valued around $50,000. It is easy to pull down and easy to re-errect, a very straight forward shed. It is approximately 5.3 metres high at the highest point, for details and pictures phone 0418 858 641. Asking price if we pull it down and deliver $25,000, if buyer pulls it down $23,000. Original cost new was $90,000 all up. We are looking for a quick sale as we have sold the property it is located on, new owners want vacant land only. Will consider aluminium cabin Cruiser as part trade. Please phone 0418 858 641 between 6-8pm Monday to Friday and anytime on weekends.
ESTATE MERVYN WILLIAM TWIGDEN FRIDAY 4TH APRIL 2008, 10AM ON SITE 16 WEST TCE ORROROO SA • Cement brick construction home situated close to schooling and walking distance to Main Street with double access to the block. • 5main rooms with a/conditioning, 3 bedrooms the main with built-in wardrobes and renovated kitchen leading into the open living dining area. The bathroom is in very good condition. • Combustion heating supplies the lounge which is linked to the dining area by sliding doors • 49,0000l of rain water supply the house ,with the toilet on mains • Outside there is an attached car port, patio area, Avery, garden, shed, car shed, and main workshop shed on power. Remarks: Great opportunity to purchase a lovely solid open living house in the growing township of Orroroo, Southern Flinders Ranges at a price city people can only dream of. Just move in, little to be done! ID 311158
Terms 10% at the fall of the hammer Settlement April 30, 2008 or 14 days after granting of probate, which ever is the latter. Inspections by Elders Orroroo Ph 08 86581002 Barry Gent 0427 390 520 or Graeme Jones 0428 863 243
% p.a.
for 6 months on balances of $25,000 or more.
䡵 Or earn 7.35%p.a. for 3 months on balances of $25,000 or more
Lot 2 Dyer Road
䡵 Make the most of your extra cash 䡵 Feel good in knowing that your money stays here in Australia 䡵 Take advantage now - our term deposits are available to all Australians.
Beautifully position ranch style home ‘BARAKEE’ Views, peace and tranquillity, stately mature gum trees. 3.354ha (approx 8.5 acres) divided into 6 paddocks, stables, grassed working arenas, ideal for the horse lover or small herd owner. Sheds include large workshop, hayshed, 2 car garage. Approx 34,000 gallons of rainwater providing the house & garden while the bore supplies stock water and emergency fire fighting water. Surrounded by low care native gardens and established fruit trees this really is a place to sit back and relax, all of the hard work has been done for you! 2 bedrooms, study, 2 bathrooms, modern kitchen, RCAC, oil & wood heaters and with ample opportunity to extend this is a property ideal for a growing family. Inspect: 2-2.45pm Sunday 9th March For Sale: Offers over $549,500 Details: Fiona Sappenberghs 0423 617 645
Page 10 – Thursday, March 6th, 2008
For more information please contact your local Elders branch, call 1300 ER BANK (1300 37 2265) or visit
Interest rates are correct as at 8 February 2008 and subject to change. This information has been prepared without taking into account your personal circumstances, objectives, financial situation or needs. Terms, conditions, fees and charges may apply and are available by phoning our Customer Service Centre on 1300 660 115, online at, or by visiting your local branch. Products are issued by Elders Rural Bank Limited and distributed by Elders Limited. Elders Rural Bank Limited ABN 74 083 938 416 AFSL 238042. Registered office: 27 Currie Street, Adelaide SA 5000.
ERB243192/c 2/08
THE MONITOR – Your Community Newspaper
ACROSS THE REGION SPORT Karate 6pm -8.30pm Squash 7pm - 9pm
Friday March 7th Roxby Downs Bowls Club Night Owls 8pm Roxby and Districts Cricket Association Preliminary Final Saturday March 8th 8.30am Rogues v Wanderers at Roxby Downs
Come along and catch up for Easter!!! All current ABA members attending will receive a gift. (for membership details please phone Melissa on 8671 0877) Jen’s Place 17b Wilaroo Street
Nippy Gym - Auditorium 9.30am - 11.30am Doctors’ New Specialised Drug Telephone Number for Medicare Use. 1800 700 270
Roxby Downs Desert Dirt Circuit Car Club night meeting Saturday April 12th Night meeting
Monday, March 10th Karate Auditorium Colts (Age 5-12) 6pm Juniors/Adults 6:45pm Contact Tracey Fouet 0400 894 429
Roxby Downs Dirt Kart (go-karts) Club night meeting March 15th
Indoor soccer 6 -7pm
Roxby Downs Family Practice Phone 8671 3231 Roxby Downs Medical Practice Normal hours 9:00am-5:00pm Saturday morning by appointment only. Phone 8671 1900
Tuesday, March 11th Squash 7pm - 10pm
Crisis Care Counselling Uniting Care Wesley Port Augusta Regional Women’s and Children’s Support Services call 1800 655 716 or call the crisis care line on 13 16 11. For immediate response if feeling stressed call 0428 326 529 to speak with a counsellor 24/7
Every Week Visitor Information Centre 8.30 - 5.00 Mon-Fri 9.00am - 3.00pm Sat 9.00am - 2.00pm Sun Phone 8671 2001
Andamooka Thursday 3rd April Roxby Downs Wednesday 2nd April and Thursday 3rd April Woomera Wednesday 2nd April
indoor soccer 6pm - 7pm
Wednesday, March 12th Karate Auditorium
Child Adolescent Mental Health Services For appointments phone 1800 819089
Colts (Age 5-12) 6pm Juniors/Adults 6:45pm Contact Tracey Fouet 0400 894 429
Thursday, March 13th Indoor Soccer Leisure Centre Social matches from 6pm All welcome Contact Kenton Maloney 0408 797 158
Roxby Downs Girl Guides meet at the Christian Community Church Monday nights 6-8pm. More leaders required. Call Kristie 0427072710 Roxby Downs Childcare Monday - Friday 6.30am-5.30pm Phone 8671 0911 for details
Hearing Services March 17th - 9.00am - 2.30pm For an appointment call 1800 006 303
Women’s & Mixed netball 6pm - 9.30pm
Roxby Downs Community Health Swimming Group for Mums With Prams every Friday morning Swimming pool 9am - 10am Australian Breastfeeding Association Roxby Downs Branch Monday, 17th March 2008 1:00pm to 2:30pm
Playgroup St Barbara’s Parish School Phone Jakki 86712323 Roxby Downs Health Services Coffee Mornings, Thursdays 9.30am to at the Dunes Café.
Mt Dare Hotel Open every day 8:00am -9:00pm, 7 days.
Term 1 Jan 29th - April 11th Term 2 April 28th - July 4th Term 3 July 21st - Sept 26th Term 4 Oct 13th - Dec 12th Events in the Far North: William Creek Bronco Branding – 15th March 2008 Oodnadatta Races May 17th
Coffee Mornings for Families Meet and chat for all families. New comers especially welcome.
Marla Bronco Branding April 26th
Every Friday Playgroup
Oodnadatta Bronco Branding 12th July
Roxby Downs Kindergarten Phone 86710455
Roxby Downs Lutheran Church
Every Sunday Raptors Cycling Club Social Bike riding group from 8am at the Stuart Road roundabout
Cultural & Leisure Precinct Movies Friday, Saturday, Sunday, Tuesday (see schedule below) Phone 8671 2001
Visiting Allied Health Service Occupational Therapist Speech Pathologist Dietician Podiatrist
ladies Social Basketball 8.45am - 10am
GENERAL INFORMATION Toddlers Story Time Fun for young children and mums Roxby Downs Library Richardson Place Tuesdays 9:30 am – 10:30 am
Eyebus Come-n-try soccer 3.30pm -5.30pm
8671 0010
School Terms 2008
Volleyball 7pm - 9pm
Monday to Friday 8.30-5.00pm Saturday 9.00-12pm. Phone 8671 0660 for more information.
Roxby Downs Market Days 2008 March 15th May 17th June 21st August 16th September 20th October 18th November 15th
COMMUNITY MEETINGS Gym Cultural & Leisure Precinct Mon, Wed & Friday 6 am - 12pm & 2pm - 9pm Tues & Thurs 6am - 12pm & 4pm - 9 pm Saturday 8-12pm Sunday 11-2pm Phone 86710500 Roxby Downs Community Library
Community members welcome to attend any meeting of the Roxby Downs Community Board. March 13th - 9.30am- 11:00am Normal weight gains Roxby Downs Health Seminar Room
Sunday school 9.30am every sunday during school terms Roxby Downs Netball Association Registrations close February 29th Season starts April 4th Bingo every Sunday 1.30pm Tuckerbox in Andamooka. All proceeds go to the community Clean Up Australia Day everyone to meet at 9.30am March 9th at the Lions Park Bbq lunch provided. Soul Food A gathering of like minded people Sunday 16th March at 11am at the Culture Centre. 20th Birthday Celebrations Public meeting 7pm March 18th at the Dunes Cafe. If you want to celebrate then come along and help put it into action.
For details on Community matters call Michelle Hales on
ROXBY DOWNS CULTURAL & LEISURE PRECINCT REGULAR SCHEDULE Cultural Precinct Visitors Information centre Dunes café Art Gallery
At the gallery
Monday Volleyball 7pm - 9pm
The Arid
Karate - 6pm - 8:30pm Tuesday
Open Mon – Fri 8.30am – 5pm
Ladies Social Basketball 8.45am - 10am
Sat - 9.00am - 3.00pm
Come-n-try Soccer 4.00 - 6.00pm
Sun - 9.00am – 2.00pm
Squash 7pm - 10pm
Leisure Centre
Mon, Wed & Fri – Fri 6am
Karate 7pm - 8:30pm
– 12pm, 2pm - 9pm
Tues & Thurs - 6am - 12pm, 4pm
Nippy Gym – Auditorium
Sunday 11am - 2pm
Pool Opening Hours General Public Mon - Fri: 3pm - 6pm Weekends: 10am - 7pm
9.30am - 11.30am Squash 7pm-9pm Indoor Soccer 6pm - 8pm Karate 6pm – 8.30pm
Creche for patrons of the centre
Touch Football 7.30pm (town oval)
Mon –Fri 8.45am-12pm
Page 11 – Thursday, March 6th, 2008
exhibition March
Women’s & Mixed Netball 6-9:30pm
Saturday 8am - 12pm
Indoor Soccer 6pm - 7pm
- 9pm
Phone: 8671 2001 Fax: 8671 2021 EVENTS OUTBACK CINEMA
Indoor Hockey 5pm - 9.30pm
Lap Swimming Mon, Wed & Fri: 6am - 8am Mon - Thurs: 6pm - 7pm Weekends: 9am - 10am
MARCH FOOL’S GOLD Rated: M Duration 107 mins This February True Love Takes a Dive. A new clue to the whereabouts of a lost treasure rekindles a married couple’s sense of adventure - and their estranged romance. Sat 8th March - 12pm & 7.30pm Sun 9th March - 12pm
3.10 TO YUMA Rated: MA Duration 120 mins Time waits for one man. A small time rancher agrees to hold a captured outlaw who’s awaiting a train to go to court in Yuma. A battle of wills ensues as the outlaw tries to psych out the rancher. Starring Russell Crowe, Christian Bale and Vinessa Shaw. Fri 7th March - 7.30pm Sat 8th - 3pm Tues 11th - 7pm
THE MONITOR – Your Community Newspaper
Arts & Youth News Red sand and wild things The gallery at the Cultural Precinct will celebrate a uniquely local institution this month, when it hosts an exhibition for the Arid Recovery. “This exhibition will celebrate Arid Recovery’s 10 year anniversary,” Manager, Adam Bester said. “We want to put on a display for the community and for tourists showing a timeline beginning when we began in 1997 right up to present day. “The exhibition will showcase the Arid Recovery quilt, which was made by a local quilting group, lots of photos and newspaper clippings, including the very first article ever written about Arid Recovery, and some of the awards we have won. “This exhibition will give us a chance to put some of our archive items on display and will coincide with our ten year reunion celebrations,” he said. The Arid Recovery exhibition will run throughout March.
Above (photo courtesy Arid Recovery) : A Bearded Dragon, typical of the species at Arid Recovery
Come on Roxby, Be Active!
Call in and see the team at the new look Raine & Horne Roxby Downs Office If you are looking for • Free Appraisals • Property Management • Sales Enquiries
Raine & Horne Roxby Downs Shop 4/14 Tutop Street Roxby Downs SA 5725 Ph 08 8671 3355 Fax 08 8671 3366
Craig Sumsion (Sales) 0408 366 614
Local artist Dave Kovac
“Lake Mary”
la ai
$325 unframed $525 framed
Limited Edition Giclee Prints This professional quality printing is done with high tech printers using archival inks & papers. EFTPOS available
Contact Dave on 0409 726 252
PH: 8671 2545, SMS: 0407 979 918 Programs may change without notice
Last year Roxby Downs students helped smash previous reading challenge records, with more than 160 of our youngest community members taking part in the Premier’s Reading Challenge. Now the state government is hoping the Premier’s Be Active Challenge will do for exercise what the Reading Challenge has done for literacy. “We know that children are reading more books as a result of the Premier’s Reading Challenge and we hope that, over time, we will see positive results from this new challenge,” Minister for Education and Children’s Services Jane Lomax-Smith said. “The healthy habits we teach children when they are young can help to reduce their risk of many serious obesity-related health conditions in adulthood. “We want children to turn off the television and computer games and turn on to physical activity. “Nearly 7,500 students completed the challenge in its inaugural year and we want even more children, their families and teachers to get involved in 2008,” she said. The challenge involves taking part in at least one hour of physical activity five days a week for up to ten weeks. Four weeks of logged daily activity will earn the participant a medal or prize and ten weeks of daily activity could win the student’s school $1,000 worth of sporting equipment. The state government is offering 200 grants of $500 to schools to help them get started, application forms can be obtained at in the resources and downloads page. The benefits of an active childhood in later life is very well documented as it prevents many chronic diseases such as Diabetes, heart disease and kidney failure. Getting children out into the playground is picking up momentum around the country.
Arts Matters Written by Rodney Mitchell Thanks to JD Murray for sharing his great photographs with us. As the Café emerged from the hot January months of dust and renovation, it was Jonathan and his photographs that graced the gallery walls. This week the photographs give way to an exhibition brought together to celebrate 10 years of Arid Recovery. It is such a luxury to have a well appointed gallery space. Over the last two years we have seen a passing parade of local and visiting artists. In terms of sheer volume sold last year’s Roy Fryer exhibition has been the most successful. The South African connection has been strong. There was an exhibition by Anne Marie Beukes. She showed some of the works she had developed as an art student in Africa. Then there was Shep from Kangaroo Island. He set up his easel right there in the gallery. Richard Elliot, lately from New Zealand, shared his stencil making skills with us in his first exhibition and Sharon Wasley from Woomera turned heads with her richly decorative work. We have seen quilting from the Scrapbaggers and from other independent quilters. We have played host to quite a few exhibitions from Country Arts SA’s visual arts touring program. There was Pictures in my Heart. This was work made by refugee Afghans who had resettled in Murray Bridge. There were Kym Needle’s excellent cubist landscapes. We are waiting on another exhibition from Alisa Teletovic. She is a very well celebrated artist who moved to Roxby Downs early last year. Her work is exquisitely delicate and tells the story of her adjustment to life in her new home. She came to us via Bosnia and Melbourne. The annual South Australian Living Arts Festival (SALA) is on again this year in August. Last year the Red Earth Festival was registered as part of SALA. This year I have asked Alisa to do something special for us. It is the ability to showcase local artists that makes this part of my job so interesting. We can showcase special events like Arid Recovery’s birthday but we can also hone in on individual artists. One that I’m keenly anticipating is the debut of young Baden Felton’s work. Baden is one of our own and he will be the featured artist during Youth Week. There are early indications that we may be able to get Germain Art Focus to do an exhibition here. GAF are artists that live around Port Germain. Apparently Port Germain is something of a refuge for artists. I travelled to Hummock Hill Station last week to see their latest show. I hope to finalise details of their visit soon. We are also taking an exhibition in September called Perceptions of Distance from the Country Arts Touring Program. It’s a group show curated by Lucia Pichler. It’s an initiative of the Regional Galleries Association of South Australia. I think our little regional gallery is breaking new ground, and that is largely due to the generosity of our own artists.
Monday 7 - 9am 9am 11am - 12pm 12 - 1pm 1 - 3pm 3 - 5pm 5pm 5 - 8pm
Easy listening music JOB BOARD Easy listening music AUSTRALIAN COUNTRY with Wendy Easy listening music ROXFM’S YOUTH PRESENTERS JOB BOARD Easy listening music
Thursday 8 - 9am 11.30 - 1pm 3 - 5pm 4pm 5pm 5 - 6pm 6 - 7pm 8 - 10pm
Tuesday 9am 11.30 - 12pm 12 - 1pm 1 - 3pm 3 - 5pm 5pm 5 - 7pm 7 - 8pm
Friday 4am 9am 7am - 1pm 1 - 2pm 2pm 3 - 5pm 5 - 6pm 8 - 10pm
Wednesday 7 - 9.30am 10-12pm 1 - 2pm 2 - 3pm 3 - 5pm 5 - 6pm 7 - 8pm
Saturday 8am - 12pm GAUD-MORNING with Gordon 1 - 8pm Easy listening music 8pm - 12am Easy listening music Sunday 8 - 12pm 12 - 1pm 8 - 10pm
YOUR STANDING IN IT with Geoff NEW AUSSIE MUSIC with Fin & Murray SUNDAY MELTDOWN (Heavy) with Sam & Steve
COMMUNITY RADIO “LOCAL, LIVE AND LOVIN’ IT” Page 12 – Thursday, March 6th, 2008
THE MONITOR – Your Community Newspaper
Where does the time go? Answer:- We’re working longer We’re spending less time playing, sleeping and eating or drinking, but working longer, according to the latest Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) survey on how Australians use their time. In 2006 Australians slept for an average of 8 hours 31 minutes a day, five minutes less than in 1997. Time spent eating and drinking also decreased by 4 minutes a day to 1 hour 29 minutes. Time spent on recreation and leisure activities has decreased by 1 hour 45 minutes per week since 1997 (to 29 hours 31 minutes a week). We’re spending on average an extra hour a week on activities such as watching television and using the Internet than we did in 1997 (16 hours 20 minutes a week spent on audio/visual activities). However, time spent on sport and outdoor activity has decreased by nearly an hour compared to an average week in 1997 (to an average 2 hours 13 minutes a week in 2006). Men and women spent a similar amount of time on both paid work and unpaid work (such as domestic activities, child care, purchasing, and voluntary work and care), with 51 hours 55 minutes a week for men and 52 hours 58 minutes for women. This is around 2 hours more than in 1997. Men spent 31 hours 51 minutes a week on paid work in 2006 (up 5% on 1997). This was nearly double the amount of time that women spent on paid work (16 hours 27 minutes a week for women, up 7% on 1997). More people were employed, contributing to the higher average hours of paid work. However, men spent much less time on unpaid work (20 hours 4 minutes) than did women (36 hours 31 minutes). Domestic activities made up just over half of the time spent on unpaid work by both men and women. Time spent by women on domestic activities has decreased nearly an hour a week from 1997, while men spent the same amount of time as in 1997. Other findings include: People aged 15 years and over, on average, spent 3 hours 30 minutes a week on education activities in 2006, 15% higher than in
1997. For parents of children under 15 years of age, the time spent on child care as the main activity undertaken at any given time, averaged 2 hours 8 minutes a day in 2006 (3 hours 5 minutes for women). When a parent of children aged 15 years and under was mainly involved with another activity, the time spent on child care as a secondary activity was 4 hours 13 minutes taking the total time spent on child care to 6 hours 21 minutes a day for parents (8 hours 31 minutes.
More Hot Rocks results north of Port Augusta Torrens Energy has announced that final temperature ploration drilling are higher than reported in preliminary results returned from recently completed “hot rock” ex- results on its lease near Parachilna. Final heat-flows recorded from exploration drilling Woomera Districts Football have increased, with modelled temperatures at 5000m League have the following depth being upgraded to 247-248°C. positions available for the Drilling was conducted just 230 metres from the Na2008 season: tional Power Grid and 4 kilometres from Parachilna. • Bar Tenders and Canteen tenders High modelled temperatures were recorded over a continuous area of at least 500 square kilometres, . • Umpire coordinator and umpires both Junior and Senior umpires •
Gate takers
Score board attendants for the Woomera & Districts Football League Inc season of 2008
Due to the recent resignation of a Board member leaving town, the Community Board is seeking nominations from people interested in filling this vacancy. If you are passionate about our community and wish to become more actively involved in community life please contact Michelle Hales on 0418 833 818 or for further information and a nomination form.
Call Regina or Erin on 8671 2683 to advertise here
Monitor The
Your Community Newspaper ~ Roxby Downs
The successful applicant will be outgoing and involved in the community and have competencies in using MS Word, email and using the web.
All applications / tenders close on the 31st March, 2008
The Roxby Downs Community Board Inc. was incorporated as a non profit Association on 29 December 2006. The Board acts as a voice for the community and is responsible for the implementation of the Roxby Downs Community Plan.
Whether you do Pilates, use a Physio distributors in Malaysia, United Kingdom, Ball or your health care professional has USA, UAE and Canada. advised you to strengthen your core staIt could have widespread benefits not bilising (trunk) muscles, we all know the only to the community but workers emfrustration of finding the time tAo do our ployed on 12 hour shifts who are on their exercises in our busy schedules. feet for most of the time. A new patented, Adelaide invention It could help reduce the large amount of called Strength Soles is helping to allevi- money business loses each year through ate this problem. back related workers compensation claims Using a scientifically designed and test- that are filed. ed shoe insert, we can now turn on these important core stabilising muscles when we are on our feet greatly assisting our existing exercise regimes. At a recent presentation in Adelaide, Dr. Michael Parnell of Backassist Technologies explained “Strength Soles allow people to strengthen their spinal stabilising muscles. “By simply inserting them in your shoes it is designed to help improve posture, balance and reduce lower back pain”. Adele Davies, Real Time Ultrasound Physiotherapist who recently undertook Please help in getting the 2008 Junior Ultrasound testing on clients standing both on and Football season underway, we are calling for: off the Strength Soles reported that “The Strength Mini Colts (U10s) coaches Soles appear to enhance Junior Colt coaches the recruitment of Multifidus in the majority of testSenior Colt coaches ing movements”. “When squatting and AusKick Coordinator/s picking up a 5kg box from the floor it was also obPlease note: This year the AusKick program served that there was imwill be run for the under 7yo age group (as of proved and appropriate Transversus Abdominus the 1st Jan 2008), for the 10 week duration and Internal Oblique acof school term 2 only. tivation when using the Strength Soles” To nominate for these positions please Interest in Strength Soles contact Brian Hombsch on 0417 867 093, has been overwhelming with export discussions before the 31st March. currently taking place with
Roxby Downs community owned paper The Monitor has a position vacant for a Journalist. Previous experience in journalism or complimentary positions will be highly regarded but not essential. If you have good listening and writing skills coupled with a passion for Roxby Downs you are encouraged to apply. On the job training is provided in journalism and photography.
Please send all correspondence to: The Secretary PO Box 330 Roxby Downs 5725
Strengthening your back
Tax refunds in 14 working days at a great price *
Hours are 20 – 25 per week and can involve some after hours and weekend work. This is a rewarding position in a busy and vibrant environment. Send resumes to:, post to The Monitor PO Box 72 Roxby Downs SA 5725 or drop them into the Monitor office at 6 Richardson Place Roxby Downs (Council Building)
Visiting Roxby Downs all year round.
1 Tax Return from $130 2 Tax Returns from $205 * Subject to ATO process.
Roxby Downs
Phone during of¿ce
Nominations close 25 March 2008
hours on 1300 785 313 or 08 8382 9364
Know something we don’t? Call us on 8671 2683 THE MONITOR – Your Community Newspaper
Thursday, March 6th, 2008 – Page 13
It’s all about community
FOR SALE SOLID Annexe 7 x 3 metres, As new – still flat packed, Includes flooring & joists, 1 x sliding window, White, $4,000 ono Ring Ian on 0439 287 205 CARAVAN For Sale 27ft fully contained triaxle (6 wheeled) caravan. Separate bathroom and toilet. Reverse cycle airconditioning. 6 solar panels, 2 TVs, Bose surround sound systems, heaps of extras. Phone Barry on 0427 375 891 Massage PROFESSIONAL Masseur Sports and Therapeutic phone Les 0417 639 150
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CCI seeks Happiness For Lonely Country People At CCI we help lonely country gentlemen in finding their soul mates and romantic partners. We specialise in introducing couples the old-fashioned way, the only way that assures a high rate of success! To find your special partner call:
Above: Some of the children who will benefit form IVS Transpacific’s generous donation.
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Roxby’s contracting firms have shown they have big hearts in the past, contributing everything from manpower to money to support the community. Now, IVS Transpacific has proven it is up there with the best, donating $800 to the Roxby Downs Area School’s Out of School Hours Care (OSHC) program. “The money was donated by IVS Transpa-
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Copper Coast Removals Furniture Removals to or from Roxby Downs, Leigh Creek, Port Augusta, Coober Pedy and surrounding areas, now available by Copper Coast Removals.
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cific’s heath and safety committee,” Director Diane Stanton said. “We needed a new fridge to make sure the children’s food was kept cold at all times, which is a health and safety issue, so I wrote to them asking for funds which they kindly provided. “The OSCH program would like to thank IVS Transpacific very much,” she said.
Feeling powerless Roxby residents will be powerless in June, when the Roxby Downs Council cuts electricity to the township to perform routine maintenance. “Council has arranged with our contractors to undertake township high voltage equipment maintenance in June,” Electrical Services Manager for the Roxby Downs Council David Hallett said. “There will be a number of planned outages while this work is being undertaken. “Just as car must be serviced regularly, council must regularly check its transformers and switches.
“Each outage will be approximately four hours long and there will be up to three outages a day in different areas. “These outages are scheduled so that residential areas are affected during the day, as this is when most people are at work. “Commercial outages are scheduled at night as that is when businesses are usually closed,” he said. The power outages will take place between June 11 and 17. A schedule of outages will be published and distributed to all households in May.
COUNCIL SNIPPETS Opal Road Landfill Opening Hours The Opal Road Landfill Opening Hours are 1pm – 6pm, seven days a week. Residents are encouraged to utilise this FREE service as the dumping of litter in reserves or lands surrounding the town attract an expiation penalty fee of $315.00 as per the Local Government Act. Advertising on Council Infrastructure Advertising on Council infrastructure such as light poles can attract expiation notices under the Local Government Act. If you spot any such advertising please notify the Council. Dog Registration Dog Registrations for 2007/08 financial year are now overdue. Grace period for registration expired on 31 August 2007. Therefore an $80 expiation fee can apply, plus an expiation fee of $80 for every 14 days the dog remains unregistered. Rates The Third Instalment notices for rates were issued on 18/02/2008. The due date for payment is 17/03/2008. Please contact Bronnie Warren at the council on 86710010 with any enquires. Water Payments for the December 2007 Quarter are now overdue late fees have been applied. Please pay immediately to avoid further action Electricity Electricity Billing Notices for Quarter ended 31st December 2007 are now overdue and disconnection notices have been issued with late fees applied. Please pay by the due date to avoid disconnection. Parking Please be aware that there has been an increase in the expiation fee for parking in a bus zone, it has gone up to $73 from $47. Local Website Visit your local website. Read what’s new at Service SA On Wednesday and Thursdays only between the hours of 9.00am and 4.00pm Council provides Transport Services including Vehicle and Boat Registrations and Licensing Transactions Rubbish Collection Residents are reminded that there is a limit of one bin per household for weekly rubbish collection and that it is the resident’s responsibility to ensure that bins are in serviceable condition with closable lids that prevent flies and birds from accessing rubbish. Please be diligent as littering attracts an Expiation Penalty Fee of $315.00 – ie over flowing bins. Waste Oil Disposal Council operates a waste oil collection facility at the Roxby Downs Landfill site. Disposal of all used motor oil at this facility is free. For Further information contact Council 8671 0010 or BSH Waste Solutions on 8671 1154. No cooking oils, coolants, diesel, or diesel blended fuels (bio Diesel) are to be deposited into the unit. This Facility is open 1pm -6pm seven days. Opal Road Landfill Opening Hours Open days and hours on a magnet are available at the front counter upon request. Hours are as follow 1pm – 6pm seven days a week. - see www. Council Office Hours – General Monday to Friday – 9am to 5pm For all after hours Emergency’s please contact the Emergency Phone on 0419 892 870
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Ph 8671 1234 Fax 8671 2823 Mob 0407 711 234 Shop 5/14 Tutop Street, Roxby Downs, SA THE MONITOR – Your Community Newspaper
Monitor SPORT
Basketball Semi-final results UNDER 12 GIRLS 36ers 21 points defeated Red Devils 20 points. Wildcats 22 points defeated White Pointers 12 points. 36ers go to the grand final on the 15th March. Next week the 8th 9th 10th March the under 12’s and under 14’s Country Carnival is in Adelaide. UNDER 12 BOYS Storm 20 points defeated Cruisers 9 points. Wildcats 46 points defeated Spirits 14 points Storm go into grand final UNDER 14 GIRLS GWA 30 points defeated Slam Dunks 20 points. Phoenix 52 points defeated Wizards 32 points.
OD to face its hoodoo as it finishes top Wanderers easily defeated the Woomera Redbacks at Woomera oval on Saturday night despite another improved batting performance by the home side. The Swaggies held their hosts to 8/126 in the allotted forty overs and openers Ryan Selkirk and Damien Smith were rarely troubled in achieving victory in 21 overs without losing a wicket. Wally Broome, Andy Fyfe and Vince Berkelaar all made 23 runs for the Redbacks and Mitchell Blackie continued to live up to his potential with a well made 17 and a cameo bowling spell of three overs for five runs. Tim Authur claimed the wickets of Fyfe, Blackie and Joey Payne in three overs while conceding seven runs to lead the bowling figures for the visitors. Although wicketless Joey Blatchford performed well with the new ball for Woomera in what may well be his swan-song for the Redbacks after many years of fine service. Woomera Redbacks Pillar run out (Grimston) 14, Broome c Carroll b Thomson 23, Staines c & b Smith 6, Fyfe b Authur 23, Berkelaar run out (Moyle) 23, Couzens b Wilson 8, Blackie c Smith b Authur17, Payne st Briggs b Authur 0, Martin not out 0, Ingold not out 1, Extras 6, Total 8/126. Carroll 8-1-0/18 Selkirk 7-1-0/17 Smith 8-21/16 Gow-Smith 2-0-0/12 Wilson 7-0-1/29 Authur 3-0-3/7 Thompson 5-0-1/19 Wanderers Selkirk not out 75, Smith not out 41, Extras14,Total 0/130. Blatchford 5-0-0/13 Payne 4-0-0/26 Staines 2-00/21 Ingold 3-0-0/14 Blackie 3-0-0/5 Couzens 2-0-0/31 Martin 1-0-0/6 Fyfe 1-0-0/11 Olympic Dam finished the minor round with a five wicket win over Roxby Rogues at Roxby Downs oval on Sunday morning to record a 11-4 win loss sheet for home and away matches in season 2007-08. Roxby Rogues were without skipper Paul Trotta and Travis Uma and Steve Westlake was a late withdrawal due to work commitments while the Devils were missing Scott Prior, Joel Nicholson and Nigel Shinnick. The Rogues won the toss and batted in ideal conditions for cricket and made a shaky start to be 3/32 after 13 overs before posting a final tally of 8/135 from their forty overs. Opener Randall Wyatt top scored on 68 and Wayne Moroney took his season wicket tally to 22 wickets with the figures of 4/43 off eight overs. Wyatt received some support from Rick Walker (21), Mick “poddy” Howard (13) and Dave Barnes (11) but generally the Olympic Dam attack supported by the fielders held sway after Charl Botes and Alan Woolford had given away only 28 runs in their sixteeen overs. The Devils were cautious in the run chase against good bowling from their opponents until Botes with his third consecutive half-century cut loose in the concluding stages to give his side the points with four overs to spare.
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Call today for inspection & advice 8346 7388 or 0408 815 282 THE MONITOR – Your Community Newspaper
GWA go into grand final. UNDER14 BOYS Bullets 42 points defeated And 1 25 points. Sonics 60 points defeated Pistons 23 points. Bullets go into grand final UNDER 16 BOYS Rockets 54 points defeated Benchwarmers 35 points. Celtics 52 points defeated Hornets 39 points. Rockets go into grand final UNDER 17 GIRLS Jets 61 points defeated Steelers 35 points. Devils 30 points defeated Cougars 20 points. Jets in the grand final UNDER 18 BOYS East 57 points defeated West 50 points. East play Central in the grand final.
Roxby Rogues Daley c Moroney b Botes 1, Wyatt c Woolford b Hoffmann 68, Martlew c Nichols b Woolford 0, Barnes run out (Woolford) 11, Walker c Nichols b Moroney 21, Howard c Woolford b Moroney 13, Heit c D McEvoy b Moroney 2, Ferguson not out 10, B Dadleh c Woolford b Moroney 2, Nethery not out 1, Extras 6, Total 8/135. Botes 8-2-1/12 Woolford 8-1-1/16 Mill 8-0-0/29 Hoffmann 8-0-1/33 Moroney 8-1-4/43 Olympic Dam Moroney b Daley 27, Wellington b Nethery 11, Nichols c Daley b Martlew 29, D McEvoy b Ferguson 4, Botes c Ferguson b WyS att 52, Woolford not out 0, SPECIAL F Leonard not out 0, Extras13, Total 8/135. F O % 10% - 2A0RING Barnes 8-3-0/18 Ferguson 8-0-1/20 Nethery 8-1LE C 1/29 Daley 8-1-1/35 Martlew 4-0-1/30 Wyatt 2-0-1/9 MODELS Next week is the Preliminary Final between Roxby 12” and 16”Dkids bikes, bmx, mountain bikes, road and Rogues and Wanderers and it is to be played at 12” and 16” kids bikes, bmx, mountain bikes, road and comfort bikes. O‘Donoghue Oval in Woomera as day-night fixture with comfort Sub bikes. Brands: Avanti, Specialized, (womens) Raleigh, ABD 4.30pm mooted as a start time because of less daylight Brands: Avanti, Specialized, (womens) Raleigh, ABD and Sub Tarini available at this time of the year. and Baskets, Tarini Pack Racks, Helmets, Accessories: Trainer wheels, In the corresponding game last season at this venue it Accessories: Trainer wheels, Pack Racks, Helmets, Glasses, Gloves, Shoes, Top Baskets, Brand Clothing and much more was the Swaggies who prevailed and they went on to take Glasses, Gloves, Shoes, Top Brand Clothing and much more Service workshop - Victoria Parade, Port Augusta out the shield but on general season form Roxby Rogues ServiceDelivery workshopto- Roxby Victoria Parade, Port Augusta Downs arranged should take this one out and move into their first Grand Delivery to Roxby Downs arranged Final appearance which will be against Olympic Dam. Ph: 8641 1128 Fax 8641 1129 OPEN 6 DAYS Rogues have strengthened their team since that time with the addition of Barnes, Ferguson and Daley while Wanderers have lost several good players and may struggle to repeat the dose. It is however a danger game to the Rogues aspirations of a premiership Coffin Bay has had a week of and they will have to be on Crabs and more Crabs are their guard against Selkirk, whiting captures recorded from abundant most evenings from The Ledge. Small tinny anglers Smith, Carroll, Briggs, AuGrange Jetty. The odd squid is thur, Watkins and Thomp- can get amongst the 33 – 35cm also there for the taking so don’t Have a Photo or Fabulous Fishy Tale son to name a few but with fish that are present. Calm days forget a jag. Pt Turton Jetty has are by far the most productive the likes of Wyatt, Trotta, squid and tommies. Daly Head Email Uma, Nethery, Clafton for these taste sensations. Squid has Salmon Trout. Nora Creina in the side along with the are also present towards Kelidie in the south-east has salmon recruits they look the winBay. Drifting over the weed FishWatch trout and mullet being burled ners. patches should produce some up in the early mornings. St Umpires for this game nice specimens. 1800 065 023 Kilda has small salmon trout are to be supplied by the and the odd tommie. Woomera Redbacks Cricket Club. South Australian Illegal Fishing The Roxby Districts Cricket Association will Hot Line hold its Trophy Dinner at KI multi day trips are producing bucket loads of multi species the Oasis Restaurant this coming Friday evening captures. Snapper, Whiting, (March 7th) thanks to the Snook and Salmon have been kind intervention of Clint bagged out upon. The big Reds fill A large Gow-Smith and his staff the KI Bays up in March to May variety of after last year‘s venue be- and a big season is on the way. captures came unavailable due to Neptune Island has tuna filtering in waters untimely renovations. through. Scale Bay boaties found of The Roxby Club Team of nice Nannygai and a few Blue Kangaroo the Year will be announced Morwong. North Haven boaties Island along with the presenta- report Snapper close to shore and tion of playing awards and tommies as well. it will be hosted by the vice-president Graham Warren with proceedings starting at 6.30 and while bookings are not essential cricketers and supporters can get finer details from Club captains or association president Gerard Secker on 0409677619. The Grand Final between Olympic Dam and the winner of this week‘s game will be at Roxby Downs oval on Saturday Affordable ‘Single Day’ & ‘Multi-Day’ Blue Chip Fishing Adventures March 15th with a time yet to be set but the status quo is a 10.30am start. “KI Kapers” 2 Day & 1 Nt Adventures – Sole Charters - W/Ends Avail It should be a great Snapper, KGW, Shark, Blue Morwong, Snook, Salmon game especially if Wanderers get through. 4-6p MAX - $600p/p - All Inclusive - Spa Beachfront Resort Accommodation
If you’ve got sports results, we’d love to print them. Send them into us at the monitor.
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Thursday, March 6th, 2008 – Page 15
Monitor SPORT The
Your Community Newspaper ~ Roxby Downs
Basketball Preliminary Final results
Phone (08) 8671 2683
Fax (08) 8671 2843
UNDER 12 GIRLS Wildcats 26 points defeated Red Devils 20 points. Wildcats into the Grand Final. UNDER 12 BOYS Wildcats 21 points defeated Cruisers 13 points. Wildcats into the Grand Final. UNDER 14 GIRLS Phoenix 29 points defeated Slam Dunks 27 points. Phoenix into the Grand Final. UNDER 14 BOYS Sonics 48 points defeated And 1 30 points. Sonics into the Grand Final. UNDER 16 BOYS Celtics 60 points defeated Benchwarmers 31points. Celtics into the Grand Final. UNDER 17 GIRLS Devils 50 points defeated Steelers 32 points. Devils into the Grand Final The grand final is on the 15th March starting at 9am. Presentations for the under 12 girls and boys will be at 10am Presentations for all other grades will start after the under 18 boys game at approximately 4.15pm. All team members of that age group should attend the presentations. The Senior basketball grand finals are played from 6pm on the same night. The minis presentation is 3.30pm on Friday the 14th March and under 10 girls presentations will be on Friday 14th March at approximately 5.50pm on Court 1 after the 5pm game. The Under 10 boys will be on Court 2 after their final game at approximately 6.40pm.
Page 16 – Thursday, March 6th, 2008
THE MONITOR – Your Community Newspaper