Issue 227

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BOGGLE Round 2! FREE ISSUE 227 DECEMBER 11, 2019

‫פרשת וישלח‬ ‫י”ג כסלו תש”פ‬

AN ART OF THE HEART Recipients share the most heartwarming gestures they’ve received

GATHER AROUND THE TABLE A DIY paint party to create lasting memories ֵ ‫ֶג‬ ְ ‫עהי‬ ְ ‫ימ ִנ‬ ‫יספו ֶּלער‬ ֶ ‫ִא ְינ ְס ְטרו‬ ְ ‫ּמ‬ :‫ענט‬

‫ֵלי ְינט ִדי‬ ֶ ‫ְד ַרא ַמא ִטי‬ ‫ׁשע‬ !‫ֶע ְנ ֶדע‬

FUN & FRIENDLY This milchig party is doable and delicious

ILLUMINATING THE PROCESS Ner Mitzvah sheds light on their Chanukah products and productions

THE PRESENTS PRESENCE OF PARENTS The most meaningful gifts are the ones only you can provide FYI:


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