FREE ISSUE 355 JULY 6, 2022
פרשת חקת ז’ תמוז תשפ”ב
THE MAGIC IN THE METHOD How Amazon moves millions of items every day
PALACES OF PURCHASES Department store defuncts and die-hards
WORDS WORTH THEIR WEIGHT IN BUSINESS What makes some slogans go down in history?
The Monsey View
July 6, 2022 · 845.600.8484
July 6, 2022
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The Monsey View
July 6, 2022 · 845.600.8484
The Monsey View
July 6, 2022 · 845.600.8484
The Monsey View
July 6, 2022 · 845.600.8484
זמנים לפרשת
// Talk of Town
8:05 9:45
8:00 9:26
all your needs.
8:12 9:43
הדלקת הנרות מוצאי שבת
356-mall 6
(Re: Grilling With a Totally Talented Teen, Issue 354) Thank you for the article about grilling. What a resourceful teen the writer is! While it is true that keeping the grill open might choke the fire to some extent, before doing that across the board, those grilling should be aware that sometimes a lowered lid is the better option. With the lid closed, the heat gets trapped, thereby creating a convection, which means the interior of the food being grilled will get completely cooked through. When the lid is left open, the food exterior will get perfectly crisp and caramelized as a result of the stronger fire while the center gets less heat. Therefore, choosing whether to grill with the lid up or down will usually depend on the thickness of the food. And very often the very perfect method includes some convection for a cooked-through center and then a raised lid for proper searing. Like cooking, grilling is both a science and an art. N.G.
AN ART AND A SCIENCE Monsey 27 Orchard Street Monsey, NY 10952 845-425-8010
(Re: Grilling With a Totally Talented Teen, Issue 354) I was very pleased to find an indoor grill, as well as smaller-sized grills, included in your grilling guide. Living in a small apartment, W E A T H E R
BORO PARK 4714 13th Avenue Brooklyn, NY 11219 718-435-8697 Williamsburg • Lakewood
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July 6, 2022 · 845.600.8484
81°/65° FRIDAY
owning a full-size grill isn’t currently realistic, though we would love to barbecue the same as the next person! N.E.
(Re: Wild and Wonderful, Issue 354) In this past week’s paper, a feature on wildlife mentioned that birds will drown if they are given water to drink. This, to my knowledge, is incorrect. Jody B. CHANA GLUCK RESPONDS: Thank you for your comment! It reflects your interest in animal care. According to Ms. Wiltse of the Hudson Valley Animal Sanctuary, baby birds aspirate water. When one inexperienced with animals gives a baby bird to drink, there is a real danger of the bird aspirating it and drowning. Since our readership is primarily not very experienced in caring for young animals, this was the advice received. I apologize if this was not clear in the article.
(Re: Snake!, Issue 354) It was rather creepy to read about Chana Gluck’s experience with a snake both years back and now. It seems the author is in very good company with her ophidiophobia. I’m always telling my children who are upstate in the summer, as well as my tenants, to be mindful about keeping their doors closed, because we can never know what will crawl in with the door wide open! Something about snakes is super terrifying, and I hope never to be in the position of encountering one, because I don’t think my fear can be as easily assuaged. That being said, as disturbing as the encounter was, it was certainly entertaining to read about it! A Protective Mother
(FYI: Rainbows, Issue 353) I was disappointed by your coverage on rainbows. It was very interesting to read, but we have to remember that rainbows appear as a message for us. Rainbows are here to remind us to do teshuvah, and let’s not get lost in the scientific explanations of how they are formed. Speaking Up
(FYI: Rainbows, Issue 353) I wanted to share an awesome view we had of a double rainbow this past fall on our way home from the mountains on a cold, rainy day. Thanks for all of your interesting articles. They are much enjoyed! M. Marcus THE MONSEY VIEW WELCOMES YOUR COMMENTS, FEEDBACK AND LETTERS. EMAIL: FAX: 845-600-8483 The Monsey View, POB 305, Monsey, NY 10952
The Monsey View
July 6, 2022 · 845.600.8484
The Monsey View
July 6, 2022 · 845.600.8484
The Monsey View
July 6, 2022 · 845.600.8484
Parshas Chukas discusses the parah adumah, the red heifer whose ashes purify one who has become tamei. The parah adumah plays a prominent role in the well-known story of Dama ben Nesinah. After Dama gave up potential wealth because he would not wake his father, Dama was rewarded with the birth of a red heifer. Why did Dama receive this unique reward? Was there no other way to repay this non-Jew for his act of kibbud av?
ACCOMPANIED BY SEVERAL TALMIDIM, Reb Levi Yitzchak of Berditchev, zy”a, once traveled to a faraway town. When they arrived at the local beis medrash, they were warmly welcomed. Among the crowd was a Yid, Reb Shmuel, who was obviously well-to-do. Shmuel rushed over to invite the Rebbe and his entourage to stay at his home. “I recently built a new house, and it’s large enough for everyone!” he said. Reb Levi Yitzchak agreed. Indeed, Shmuel had not been exaggerating. His house was large and beautiful — a mansion designed more beautifully than any of the chassidim had ever seen. Shmuel showed them to their rooms and made sure they were comfortable. During his stay, Reb Levi Yitzchak turned to his wealthy host and said, “Sukkos is approaching in a number of days. Where do you plan to set up your sukkah?” Shmuel understood that the Rebbe was considering to stay over yom tov, and he was thrilled. “We can build the sukkah wherever the Rebbe wants! Maybe in the courtyard, maybe in the garden, or perhaps on the large balcony.” Reb Levi Yitzchok asked to be shown around the mansion to check out each corner for himself. Shmuel was only too proud to acquiesce. The two walked around, and Reb Levi Yitzchak finally stopped in the middle of the foyer. “Here! This is the best spot for the sukkah.”
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July 6, 2022 · 845.600.8484
Shmuel looked surprised. Making his entrance hall into a sukkah would mean breaking the roof. “But why work so hard and spend money for nothing?” he asked. “We can easily build a sukkah outside!” But Reb Levi Yitzchak remained firm. The foyer was the best spot for the sukkah. Shmuel felt funny about tearing apart the roof of his brand-new home, but he summoned workers to do the job. That same day, Reb Levi Yitzchak had another question for his host. “Shmuel, now that you have a beautiful sukkah of your own, don’t you think it would be fitting for you to make sure the poor townspeople have a sukkah too? That they should have food to celebrate the yom tov joyously?” The Rebbe then asked that Shmuel donate one hundred gold coins to tzedakah. In no time, Shmuel returned with a sack of money. Reb Levi Yitzchak gave it to his attendant and asked him to distribute it among the local poor. Two hours later, Reb Levi Yitzchak turned to his wealthy host yet again. This time, he wanted another one hundred golden coins. It wasn’t easy for Shmuel to part with so much so quickly, but he didn’t argue. As soon as the Rebbe received the second sack of money, he told Shmuel to invite the poor to his home. The Rebbe himself dispensed the coins to the long
This time, Shmuel didn’t immediately oblige. “I work hard for this money!” line of people that formed outside the mansion. Shmuel, as well, was present and took part in the distribution. At some point, the coins ran out. But the line of paupers was still long. For a third time, Reb Levi Yitzchak asked Shmuel for one hundred gold coins. This time, Shmuel didn’t immediately oblige. “I work hard for this money!” he said. “You should know,” Reb Levi Yitzchak replied, “that when you moved into this mansion, there was an outburst in Shamayim. Prosecutors claimed you would never spend on spiritual matters the kind of money you spent on your home. And so, it was decided that you would lose all your money. “That’s why I came here,” Reb Levi Yitzchak explained. “I wanted to prove to the Beis Din Shel Maaleh that you are also ready to spend great sums for mitzvos — not any less than you would spend on your personal pleasure. Perhaps we can turn the wheel in your favor and wipe away the decree.” Without another word, Shmuel rushed off to bring another large sack of coins for tzedakah. * * * * * The Chiddushei Harim explains Dama ben Nesinah’s reward along the same lines. When Dama, a non-Jew, sacrificed such a large sum of money out of respect for his father, a great storm broke out in Shamayim. Would Klal Yisroel also be prepared to invest so much money for spiritual matters? To clear the prosecution against Klal Yisroel, Dama was rewarded with a parah adumah. Consequently, the Yidden willingly spent just as much money as Dama had sacrificed in order to purchase the heifer and fulfill this mitzvah. This purchase proved the prosecution wrong. Dama lost a lot of money for the sake of a good deed that could be reasonably understood. But Klal Yisroel was prepared to spend just as much and more for the sake of a mitzvah that has no rational reasoning, but is a chok of our King. Adapted from the teachings of Rav Mordechai Freundlich, zt”l.
Did You Know? Throughout history, there were only nine red heifers. The first was brought by Moshe Rabbeinu, the second by Ezra, and another seven were brought until Churban Bayis Sheini. The tenth will be brought by Moshiach, may we soon be zoche! – Rambam (Hilchos Parah Adumah 3:5)
The Monsey View
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The Monsey View
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The Monsey View
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July 6, 2022
The Monsey View · 845.600.8484
Short-Term Sewer Project Closes Saddle River Road Drivers trying to make their way through Main Monsey will face some additional delays for the next two weeks or so, with a stretch of Saddle River Road remaining closed through July 22 because of ongoing roadwork. The closure runs from Grove Street north through Second Street and is due to a sewer main line replacement that is being done by the Rockland County Sewer District. Motorists are advised to use Route 306 as a detour through the area until the project is completed.
Massive Turnout at Chaverim Safety Day and Fun Fair More than 10,000 children and their parents flocked to Viola Park on June 26 for Chaverim’s annual Kids’ Safety Day, taking advantage of an opportunity to enjoy free snacks, drinks and ices while learning invaluable information about their well-being. The fair, which ran from 1 to 6:30 p.m., included ongoing demonstrations and opportunities to speak with members of the Ramapo and Spring Valley police departments, the Rockland County Sheriff’s Office Bomb Squad, the New York State Police Department, the United States Coast Guard, Chaverim of Rockland and Hatzoloh EMS of Rockland County. The day’s program included the distribution of over 5,000 free bicycle helmets, sponsored by Bikur Cholim and Dr. Steven Fessel; 10,000 swim bags, sponsored by Stern Physical Rehabilitation and Lion Security; and 3,000 reflectors, sponsored by the Town of Ramapo. Others who sponsored the funfilled afternoon included Rockland Kosher Supermarket, MedRite Urgent Care, Town of Ramapo, Village of Kaser, John to Go Inc., Klein’s Real Kosher, Affordable Doors & Windows, Chef’s Kingdom and Pyramid Plumbing.
Rockland County Sheriff Louis Falco with Menachem Margaretten, son of Chaverim coordinator Yossi Margeretten 122
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Adults and children alike brought hundreds of bikes, scooters and baby carriages to Chaverim members who etched identification numbers onto each one to facilitate their return should they be lost or stolen. In addition to being able to enjoy optional inflatable rides, cotton candy and slush, participants delighted in a helicopter flyover from the Rockland County Sheriff’s Office and watched demonstrations from the department’s K9 unit and Chaverim Search and Rescue’s allnew presentation. Numerous elected officials were on hand throughout the day, with Supervisor Michael Specht, Deputy Supervisor Brendel Logan and Councilmembers David Wanounou and Yehuda Weissmandl all representing the Town of Ramapo. Also present were Ramapo Police Chief Martin Reilly, Rockland County Sheriff Louis Falco, Assemblyman Mike Lawler and County Legislator Aron Wieder.
Trees Inspected and Removed on Palisades After Fatal Crash Hoping to avert further catastrophes, state road crews have been inspecting trees along a wooded stretch of the Palisades Interstate Parkway after a 48-year-old Orange County man was killed in a devastating accident. The Journal News reported that Anthony Apostolico, a former Rocklander and a popular business owner in West Haverstraw, died on June 19 when a large tree crashed onto his 2018 Ford pickup as it headed north on the parkway just before Exit 16. Stony Point Police Department, Stony Point Ambulance Corps, New York State Park Police, Town of Highland EMS, Rockland County EMS and Rockland Hatzoloh all responded to the scene of the accident, which left the Palisades closed for hours. While maintenance crews routinely inspect roadways to identify and possibly remove potential hazards, a New York State Department of Transportation spokesperson said that tree crews have been surveying the area between exits 15 and 16 out of “an abundance of caution.” Originally built for leisurely Sunday drives, the Palisades was designed to have a suburban feel with winding roads and a plethora of trees and foliage. But its usage has changed since it first opened in 1958, linking the George Washington Bridge with Bear Mountain State Park. The opening of the Tappan Zee Bridge brought residents to the area in droves, and the number of vehicles passing the highway’s New York State Thruway exits each day more than doubled from 1979 to 2008. “It was never designed for the use that it has now,” said Stony Point Supervisor Jim Monaghan, who together with Haverstraw Town Supervisor Howard Phillips is calling on the state and Governor Kathy Hochul to further scrutinize the Palisades for potential dangers. “When spring comes, the parkway looks beautiful,” said Monaghan. “But it’s just a danger. We saw it with this tragedy.”
Sloatsburg Mincha Area Now Open for Summer Travelers Thursday-night travelers heading upstate can look forward 124
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to having a safe place to stop and catch a minyan now that the Tefilos Mordche Mincha Area has opened on the New York State Thruway. Located just past Monsey between exits 15A and 16 in Sloatsburg, the Mincha Area is open each week on Thursday from 5 to 11 p.m. It was originally created in the late 1980s by Rabbi Edgar Gluck after state troopers noticed a large number of travelers pulling over on the side of the road after the Harriman toll booths to daven Mincha on their way up to the Catskills, with their children playing on the side of the roadway until it was time to continue on their travels. As a special assistant to the superintendent of the New York State Police, Rabbi Gluck triumphed over strong opposition to create a designated minyan spot, the location changing over the years until it finally found its current home in Sloatsburg in 1993. It was renamed the Tefilas Mordche Mincha Area in 2010 in memory of police chaplain Rabbi Mordche Friedman, who would come to the rest stop each week to supervise the goings-on, an effort that his sons Rabbi Abe Friedman and Rabbi Joel Friedman have continued for the last twelve years. The Mincha Area has been operational every summer since its initial launch, with Rabbi Abe Friedman working closely with the Thruway Authority to ensure that it remained open even during the summer of 2020 during the height of COVID. As always, travelers utilizing the Mincha Area are asked to park on the upper level of the garage and to refrain from selling items or collecting tzedakah, with Thruway personnel on hand each week to ensure that rules are being followed. Kosher snacks are available at the upper-level vending machine, and children must be supervised at all times at the Mincha Area. Rabbi Abe Friedman expressed his gratitude to the Thruway Authority and the New York State Police for the Mincha Area’s June 20th opening and wished all travelers a “safe summer season.”
Former KJ Doctor Whose COVID Protocol Caught National Attention Passes On Dr. Zev Zelenko, a former Kiryas Joel doctor whose threepronged COVID protocol gained presidential approval in the early days of the pandemic, passed away last Thursday at the age of 48 after a four-year battle with a rare cancer. Zelenko’s Z-Freedom Foundation said that he had treated approximately 7,500 patients with what he called the Zelenko protocol — a regimen of hydroxychloroquine, antibiotics and zinc — with just three patient fatalities. Zelenko reached out to President Trump in late March 2020 when the pandemic was claiming lives at an alarming rate, claiming that his treatment was saving lives. Both Trump and former New York City mayor Rudolph Giuliani, a top presidential adviser, praised Zelenko’s work and when Trump contracted COVID in October 2020, he took hydroxychloroquine to fight the virus. Zelenko believed that his terminal cancer diagnosis prepared him for COVID, spurring him to search for solutions that others said didn’t exist. The Z-Freedom Foundation described him as “a man of profound faith” who “believed until the end that G-d had created a special mission for him on this earth, and that the prayers of millions had kept him alive long enough to fulfill that mission.”
C H A P T E R 17 RECAP: Izzy’s boss, Kenneth Borden, has been building a false paper trail to make Izzy look unreliable. It’s nothing personal – Kenny does this to all his employees. It’s his way of ensuring their absolute loyalty. Kenny says he’ll fire Izzy if Izzy goes to Poland. In a fit of anger, Izzy decides to leave anyway.
he next day was Shabbos. Chana had canceled with their guests in light of Chaim Simcha’s illness, but Izzy popped in after davening anyway. “Gut Shabbos,” he called as he entered the bedroom, a Kiddush cup and a bottle of grape juice clutched precariously in one hand. “You up to making Kiddush?” “Sure,” Chaim Simcha said. His throat was raw from coughing. “It’ll do me good.” “Great.” Izzy returned shortly with a plate of cookies. “Apparently, the diet fairy gives the day off on Shabbos.” “Don’t worry, they’re not for me,” Chaim Simcha said. “My neshamah yeseirah is going to eat them.” He turned to his brother with a grin, but there was no answering smile. “What’s wrong?” “Nisht in Shabbos geredt,” Izzy told him. “Just a bit stressed about work. We’ll talk
about it at another time...” * * * * *
Izzy was surprised to discover how boring it was to be unemployed. He usually enjoyed free time. But he quickly realized that, short of booking the actual tickets (which took all of twenty minutes), he had nothing to do. He’d spent most of Friday driving aimlessly around, alternately fuming at Kenny and wondering about his future. But by the time davening was over Friday night, he realized that he had much more immediate concerns. His brother was sick, and Izzy hadn’t been interested in finding another lastminute invite. So he’d made a simple pot of chicken and rice, which he’d planned on eating for both meals. But with nothing to do and nowhere to go, he felt strangely
lethargic and stimulated at the same time. It was like he desperately wanted to be doing something, but couldn’t muster the energy to move. He’d visited Chaim Simcha after davening in the morning, but the rest of the day there was nothing but an empty apartment. He spent most of it brooding. Things did not look good for him. It had made so much sense at the time, throwing it all in Kenny’s face, getting the last laugh. But it turned out not to be very funny. What would he do now? He couldn’t work for another attorney. Any future employer would undoubtedly call Kenny for a testimonial, and Kenny would be sure to sabotage his future. If he wanted another job like this, he’d be starting from square one again. His shidduch prospects were only marginally better. A single shidduch had come his way recently, but he’d pushed off looking into it until after the Poland trip. Who knew what might happen between now and then, now that Izzy was unemployed and maybe unemployable? Would she even still be interested? He tried not to think about work over Shabbos, but that hadn’t helped at all. Now, after making Havdalah for himself, the full weight of it all hit him again. He needed to get up, find a job, find something to do. But there was nothing to do, not now, not with a flight to Poland tomorrow. He felt bored. Stifled. He needed to eat melaveh malka, but the fridge looked as uninteresting as the rest of his life. Some leftover pasta, the remains of his chicken and rice. A package of pastrami. None of it appealed. The restlessness was driving him nuts. He hadn’t been faced with 24 hours of nothing in a very long time. Izzy looked around the living room. The new bookshelf was finished. He’d been thinking about making a dining room table next, but he didn’t have the energy to start on it just now. What else? His eyes settled on a paperback he’d tossed down a few days ago. Snatching it from where it lay on the floor, he plopped onto the lumpy, thirdhand easy chair he’d bought for $15 at a garage sale. He settled in, found his place, and began to read.
But it was useless. He couldn’t focus Zach hoped Izzy wouldn’t have too on the story of the author’s life when his much trouble when he arrived. This own life was so topsy-turvy. And he still kind of thing could be disorienting needed to eat melaveh malka. even to a pro, and Izzy had probably Zach, Izzy thought suddenly. Maybe never seen anything like it before. Mayhe would pack a bag and drive to Mor- be Zach ought to telephone ahead to ristown, hang out with Zach until their warn him about what was coming. flight. Zach could use the company, and Zach had ignored the reporters thus the drive would do Izzy good. far, taking his hot dog back to his car He snatched up a phone and dialed. and rolling up the windows to shut “Hey,” Izzy said when his cousin an- out the noise. But it was time to make a swered. “Do you want any help pack- statement. His earlier press conference ing? I’m just sitting around here anyway.” “No, thanks. I’m fine,” Zach IT HAD MADE SO MUCH told him. “I’ll see you at the airSENSE AT THE TIME, port.” There was a moment’s hesitation on the other end, THROWING IT ALL IN then: “You know what? Come KENNY’S FACE, GETTING by, if you really want to. It’ll be nice.” THE LAST LAUGH. BUT “Sure. See you in an hour or IT TURNED OUT NOT so.” May as well pack first, Izzy TO BE VERY FUNNY. decided. He went into the spare bedroom, found his suitcases, and threw in a week’s worth of clothes and toiletries, his tefillin, a few had been a simple denial. In deference books, and seforim. It wasn’t much, but to Marty, he’d held off on indicating it was really all he needed. what he would do next. But he’d made Leaving the suitcases just inside the his decision, and the press deserved to front door, he locked up and went for hear it. Even if they buried him for it. his car. “Guys! Guys!” Zach shouted to the Shawarma. On the way he’d pick up mob. shawarma. The crowd went silent. Flashes popped and recording devices were thrust in his face as everyone pressed * * * * * in eagerly. Zach blinked. He was normally pret“Mr. Ganz? Mr. Ganz? What do you ty good with situations like this. But say to the recent allegations of —” “…Any of the money ever end up at the crowd felt different tonight. Sure, they were hanging on his every word. Fund the Force?” But there was a harshness to them that “…Accused of taking bribes for —” Zach sighed. With Rabbi Ginzburg he’d rarely experienced before. Tosick, he’d had no reason to spend the night, they were carrion birds, circling weekend with the Lodzer crowd. But him and waiting for the moment when, he wasn’t ready to go back home yet, through some careless statement, he so he’d booked a hotel in New York and would destroy himself, turn himself spent the weekend with friends. It was into another carcass for them to gorge a pleasantly quiet break from all his on. “First of all,” Zach said into the sitroubles. But it was only a moment’s respite. lence, “you’re blocking my path.” The assembled crowd stared at him, A flood of paparazzi had attacked him almost as soon as he’d arrived back in but nobody moved. Zach’s lips twitched into a smile. Morristown late Saturday night. They’d followed him to his house, peppering “Really? I’m going to have to push my him with questions. He hadn’t even way through?” A few people shuffled, shamefaced, been able to buy a hot dog from a street vendor without questions being fired at out of the way, and then the whole group parted. Zach walked through the him from all sides. July 6, 2022
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Sea of Tweeds to his porch, then turned as the crowd began another round of questions. “I’ve decided to keep silent to face them again. “I have a few announcements to for the moment, let the law and other make,” Zach said. He kept his voice low instruments of justice do their job unso his audience leaned in and kept qui- hampered. If I’m summoned to court, et. It was a trick he’d learned from old of course, I’ll come and defend myself. Governor Slidell. He allowed himself But otherwise, I’ll wait until the dust a brief moment of self-pity, wondering settles. A lot is being hurled against me what the governor would think of all right now, and it doesn’t make sense to this, then wrestled it back down. A FEW PEOPLE SHUFFLED, “I was recently asked to support SHAMEFACED, OUT OF THE Vincent Cardone’s bid for the new deWAY, AND THEN THE WHOLE velopment off the GROUP PARTED. ZACH WALKED 124,” he began. “I refused. Vinnie is THROUGH THE SEA OF a known con-man, TWEEDS TO HIS PORCH, THEN and I made it clear that I’d have nothTURNED TO FACE THEM AGAIN. ing to do with him.” He surveyed the audience and knew they didn’t believe keep playing catch-up with my attackhim. But he didn’t care. “I believe this ers. When they’re finished spewing, smear campaign — and that’s exactly we’ll respond to everything in an orgawhat it is — is an attempt to discredit me nized fashion. In the meantime, I leave the ferreting of facts up to you guys. I’m so Vinnie can win the contract.” sure that, with all the resources at your “But what about the —” “I’m not taking questions at this disposal, you’ll find more proof than I time,” Zach cut in smoothly. He opened ever could.” He was feeling melancholy now. his mouth to continue, then spotted Rick Moncharch on the edge of the Rick’s obvious discomfort no longer degroup, watching listlessly. At least the lighted him. He just wanted to go into guy had the decency to feel bad, he the house and be left alone. “Meanwhile,” he said more quietly, “I feel I’m thought savagely. “I know who arranged this, too,” Zach wasting my time sitting around here. So continued, raising his voice a notch. I’m leaving town for a spell. Doubtless “People I thought were my friends.” Rick some of you will assume that I’m runwinced, and Zach felt a nasty twinge of ning away from my problems. It’s obvipleasure. “I won’t say their names. It’s ously unpleasant for me around here at undignified. But I’m sure it’ll come out the moment, so why stay if it’s not going eventually if they continue in this way. to accomplish anything. I’m not guilty, The truth has a way of coming out — but I don’t see the point in sticking around to be gawked at. It’s clear as day whether we like it or not.” “Speaking of the truth, Mayor, the that I could use a vacation. “So that’s that,” Zach concluded. “My claims —” “As to the actual claims made against office will answer any follow-up quesme,” Zach emphasized, raising his voice tions you may have, but don’t be sura little more, “let me be clear: I’m not prised if you get a lot of ‘no-comments’ perfect and I’ve made mistakes. But until everything has calmed down. these allegations, saying I’m guilty of I wish you all the best, and G-d bless things like graft, theft, corruption… America.” With that, he opened his It’s all smoke and mirrors. Anyone who door. “Mr. Ganz! One last question,” someknows me knows I’m a stickler for ethics and the law, and I’d never do anything one shouted. “Where are you going?” Zach turned around with a tightlike this. Most of the claims are based on real facts, but those facts have been lipped smile. “‘No comment.’ And you twisted all out of shape to imply wrong- can quote me on that.” doing. Time will prove that. “However,” Zach added hurriedly, TO BE CONTINUED... 132
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July 6, 2022
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The Monsey View
July 6, 2022 · 845.600.8484
Recap: Deep in the forest in the middle of the night, as they get ready for a scant few hours of shut-eye before the morning light makes their hiding place a dangerous one, Don Sebastian asks Gonzalo why he was risking his life for him.
hat is your question, Don Sebastian?” Gonzalo asked. “Why are you asking me why I am doing this for you?” “It is because we are Jews. Did you know all along that my father was a secret Jew?” “No, I did not. He never told me.” “You must have been shocked when you found out.” “I was. Very.” “But that didn’t affect your feelings of loyalty?” “No, Don Sebastian. It did not.” “Are you a Christian, Gonzalo?” “Absolutely.” “Then didn’t you feel a conflict between your loyalty to my father and your loyalty to the Church?” Gonzalo nodded. “So that is your question.” “Yes, that is my question.” “It is a good question.” Gonzalo stood up and began to pace back and forth in the moonlight as he gathered his thoughts. Sebastian rose to his feet as well. “I consider myself a Christian,” Gonzalo said at last. “I consider myself a very good Christian. I try to live by its highest principles and ideals, many of which are inherited from Judaism. But I do not accept a lot of what the Church does. The Church has become like a tyrannical regime. It wants to control people and make sure that everyone that lives in its domain is under its power. So the Church behaves like a tyrant. It frightens people into submission by claiming that anyone who does not become a Christian will never have salvation and that his immortal soul is condemned to eternal
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damnation. And it destroys people who refuse to accept its teaching and its authority.” “And you don’t agree with that?” “I believe that the Almighty cherishes good people. I believe he loves people who are kind and generous to others, people who are devoted to their families and their communities, people who are true to their convictions and obligations and to their heritage. I do not believe that the immortal souls of such people are doomed to eternal damnation.” “Even Jews?” “Especially Jews,” said Gonzalo. “The Jewish people are descended from Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph, Moses and so many other people whom we admire and revere. The Jewish people championed the honor of the Almighty for over a thousand years before Christianity came along. For that they deserve everlasting honor and respect. That is what I think. Your father was a great man, a good person. His loyalty to his religion only made him that much greater in my eyes.” Sebastian stepped forward and embraced Gonzalo. “I am honored to know you, my friend,” he said. “The world would be a better place if there were more people like you in it.” “The honor is mine, Don Sebastian. Now I think we should go to sleep.” * * * * *
The next morning, they rose early and were ready to ride before the sun had climbed over the horizon, but the sound of hoofbeats gave them pause. Sebastian climbed to the top of a tall tree from which he could see the road to Saragossa. It
was swarming with cavalry. When he had predicted that half the country would be looking for him by morning, he had been exaggerating somewhat. But now it seemed that he had not been so far from the truth. Gonzalo had planned to make a run for Barcelona on the Mediterranean coast where a fisherman friend of his had promised to hide them in his boat and take them to Italy. But that plan no longer seemed feasible. People throughout the entire countryside would be looking for two fugitives, the escaped Sebastian Dominguez and the mad old friar who had been his accomplice. The searchers would have realized by now that the friar was in disguise and that they could not be sure of his description, but there was no question about Sebastian’s description. The scrutiny of all unknown travelers would undoubtedly be intense, and two men traveling together would arouse all the more suspicion and questions. Splitting up was not an option. Sebastian would never survive without Gonzalo at his side. Staying where they were was also not an option. With so much manpower invested in the search, all the byways and trails would almost certainly be investigated. In the end, Gonzalo decided to do the opposite of what was expected of them. The fugitives would be expected to try to get as far away from the Inquisition as quickly as possible. They would be expected to seek avenues of escape from Spain by heading for one of the borders or for the coast. The searchers would not be expecting the fugitives to head toward Madrid, the seat of the Inquisition. Therefore, that was exactly what Gonzalo intended to do. But in the beginning they would have to avoid all roads. They set out into the open country to the south of the road to Saragossa. After a hard day of riding across difficult terrain, they camped for the night on a high ridge in the southwestern Guadarrama Mountains, not far from the town of Las Navas. In the morning, they both dressed as royal cavaliers and descended to the road that ran from Avila to Madrid. They rode at a steady pace eastward in the direction of the capital. Along the way, they passed more than one troop of cavalry riding hard toward Avila. No one paid them any attention. In the late afternoon, they rode into the mountain village of San Lorenzo to the northwest of Madrid. “Where are we going, Gonzalo?” asked Sebastian. “We need to disappear for a while. There is a man here in San Lorenzo named Carmello Villablanca. We will hide out in his house. We should be safe there at least for a little while.” “Who is this man?” “He is the constable of San Lorenzo.” “What are you saying, Gonzalo? That we should hide out in the home of a constable? I should think that’s one of the last places we’d want to hide.” “Don’t be concerned, Don Sebastian.” The constable’s house was on a quiet stretch of road just outside the village. It was larger than most of the village homes, but other than in size, it was indistinguishable from the rest. A maid showed the two travelers into a central courtyard that was open to the sky. A small table and four chairs stood in the shade of a portico. The maid invited them to sit while she went off to fetch the mistress. A heavyset middle-aged woman presently appeared. The two men stood up and removed their hats. She took one look at Gonzalo, and her face broke into a
broad smile. “Gonzalo!” she declared. “It is such a pleasure to see you. Carmello and I had given up on seeing you ever again.” “The pleasure is all mine, Graciela. You and Carmello have never been far from my mind.” She gave Sebastian a coy look. “And who is your young friend?” “Where are my manners? I have forgotten to make the introductions. I am so sorry. Graciela, this is Luis Alvarez. He is my new aide. Luis, this is my sister-in-law Graciela Villablanca.” The name by which Gonzalo had introduced him, Luis Alvarez, caught Sebastian by surprise. They had neglected to discuss an alias, and on the spur of the moment, Gonzalo had used the alias that Sebastian had chosen for himself years earlier when he had joined a group of clandestine Jews in Toledo. The name brought back painful memories for Sebastian, but he recovered quickly. He swept his hat aside in a broad flourish and bowed deeply from the waist. “Encantado de conocerle,” he said. “I am pleased to meet you, señora.” She smiled at his gallantry. “Mucho gusto,” she replied. “A pleasure. Are you married, Señor Alvarez?” “No, I am not, señora.” Sebastian laughed lightly and sought to change the subject before it became too personal. “I did not know that Señor Sanchez had a sister-in-law. He never mentioned you.” “If he would ever think about us,” she said, “he might actually have thought of mentioning us.” “You judge me too harshly, señora,” said Gonzalo. “I always think about you. You are just about my only family.” He turned to Sebastian. “Her husband Carmello and I have the same mother. He is somewhat older than I am, but we are the best of friends and brothers.” “It’s easy to be the best of brothers,” snorted Graciela, “when you never see each other. We haven’t seen you in almost three years. How’s Pedro?” “Pedro?” asked Gonzalo, suddenly on guard. 142
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“Your son. Pedro.” “Oh, Pedro. Of course, Pedro. Yes, Pedro is just fine. He is with his regiment in Badajoz in Extremadura.” “Extremadura,” she repeated. “That’s brutal country. Hot and dry.” “Yes, but he gets into Cadiz on his furloughs. I spent a week with him there a few months ago. Cadiz is beautiful, and the sea breezes are heavenly. He’s almost twenty-one.” “It’s so sad about your wife, Gonzalo. You should remarry, you know.” “Who’s getting married?” said a voice from the portico. A moment later, the voice was followed by a large man with a florid face and small twinkling eyes. He caught sight of the visitors, and his mouth dropped open. Without another word, he ran to Gonzalo and grabbed him in a bear hug. Over dinner, the conversation flowed as freely as the wine. Graciela spoke incessantly about the latest French fashions in dresses and the most popular new productions on the French stage, while Carmello kept reminding her that the French were killing Spanish soldiers in the Spanish Netherlands and the Rhineland. Sebastian contributed no more than a word or two here and there just to be polite, but otherwise, he thought it safer to remain silent. “Did you hear the news from Avila?” said Graciela after the maid had cleared away the dinner dishes and served strong tea. “They’re still trying to figure out how that young Dominguez managed to escape. I heard that a horrible hunchback got into the prison on a flying donkey. They say he used a magic formula to put the warden and all the prison guards to sleep, and then he flew off with the prisoner and vanished.” Carmello cackled. “Oh, the things you believe, Graciela. I’m surprised there were no wizards and witches and goblins in the story. The only part you got right is that they vanished. No one can find a trace of them. What do you think, Gonzalo?” Gonzalo shrugged. “No one vanishes. I expect they’ll find them sooner or later.” To be continued…
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MIRIAM PESSY WERCBERGER A quality spice rub is a magic tool in the kitchen. It does all the heavy lifting to provide amped-up flavor with minimal effort. Try these spice rubs, and let the results do the talking.
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ROBUST BARBECUE CHICKEN SALAD There’s something addictive about this bright and summery supper-in-a-salad. INGREDIENTS 4 1 3 4 ½ ½
chicken cutlets Robust BBQ Seasoning, to taste T. olive oil fresh peaches, sliced cups salad greens of choice red onion, sliced cup honey slivered almonds
DRESSING ¼ 2 1 1 ½
cup olive oil tsp. lemon juice tsp. mustard tsp. honey tsp. Robust BBQ Seasoning
D IR EC T I O N S 1. Season the cutlets liberally with the seasoning. Add the oil, and mix until the chicken is evenly coated. 2. Preheat the grill to medium-high heat. Grill the chicken until it’s cooked through and tender. Set aside to cool slightly. 3. Place all the salad ingredients in a bowl. 4. Place all the dressing ingredients in a container and shake until smooth. 5. Slice the cutlets and place them on top of the salad. 6. Drizzle with dressing.
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SMOKY SAUTEED ONION SALMON The first thing I do when I start Shabbos prep is to start a large pot of onions frying. Since I’m making enough for the cholent, the liver and whatnot anyway, it’s easy to sneak some off for a gourmet baked salmon that’s succulent both when served warm Friday night and Shabbos day from the fridge. INGREDIENTS 4–6 2 2 2 2
slices salmon large onions T. oil tsp. Cedar Plank Salmon Rub, plus more for topping T. mayonnaise
D IR EC T I O N S 1. Saute the onions in oil over medium heat, mixing occasionally until golden. 2. Place the onions in a bowl along with the seasoning and mayonnaise, and mix to combine. 3. Spread this mixture over the salmon, and bake at 375° until the fish flakes easily with a fork but isn’t overbaked, approximately 20 to 30 minutes. 4. Remove the fish from the oven, and sprinkle it with some more of the spice.
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ROASTED VEGGIES WITH DIPPING SAUCE Adding more seasoning to your vegetables after they are roasted really brings the flavors home! INGREDIENTS 12 12 1 1 1 2 2
oz. frozen broccoli oz. frozen cauliflower acorn squash, cut into strips red pepper, cut into strips red onion, cut into strips T. olive oil T. Supreme Steakhouse Seasoning, divided
D IR EC T I O N S 1. Preheat the oven to 425°. 2. Place the vegetables on a sheet pan, and season them with oil and 1 tablespoon of the spice blend. Mix until the vegetables are coated evenly. 3. Roast for 45 to 60 minutes. 4. Remove the pan from the oven, and season the vegetables with the remaining spice blend. 5. Serve with dipping sauce.
cup mayonnaise cloves garlic, crushed Juice of ½ lemon (2½ T.) tsp. Supreme Steakhouse Seasoning
Mix together sauce ingredients until combined.
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WELCOME TO DETOX DIY! While the goal of Faigy at Detox in a Box is to give people a chance to lose weight on a healthy track without any meal prep, The Monsey View is happy to launch Detox DIY, an at-home series of meals and snacks you can incorporate into your daily diet. Whether you’re on a weight loss journey or a mindful path to clean eating, simple home hacks and staple swaps can make all the difference.
On those long Fridays that seem to last forever, choose to barbecue your meats while loading up on healthy, fresh veggies. Use lean meats, and up the game with antioxidant-rich ingredients. This meat board can be prepped early and is just as delicious when eaten at room temperature, making it a hassle-free addition to your Erev Shabbos or weekday menu. My favorite part of barbecuing food is the ability to infuse some of the most robust flavors organically, without adding calories or additives. Just make sure you stick to spices and sauces with limited sodium and fat!
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All of the recipes in this column are Detoxapproved and best when created with the freshest produce and highestquality ingredients. In the upcoming weeks, look out for suggested kitchen staples to purchase and brands to choose along the way. Let’s cook cleaner!
T. ground coriander T. monk fruit T. paprika tsp. garlic powder tsp. onion powder tsp. black pepper tsp. kosher salt tsp. ground mustard powder
D IR EC T I O N S Gently combine all ingredients, and store the spice rub in an airtight container.
lb. London broil
D IR EC T I O N S 1. Preheat your outdoor grill to medium-high heat. Season the steak generously with spice rub. 2. Grill the meat for 6 to 7 minutes per side for medium results, confirming the readiness by inserting a thermometer to gauge the temperature. 3. Allow the meat to rest for 2 minutes, then slice it against the grain. Rare: 125° Medium: 135° Well done: 145°
Broccoli Cauliflower Baby corn Mushrooms (with stem) Avocado oil spray Salt and pepper, to taste
1 2 2
D IR EC T I O N S 1. Preheat your oven to 450°. 2. Check and rinse the vegetables. Line a baking tray with parchment paper, and spread the vegetables across the length of the sheet. 3. Spray avocado oil to cover the vegetable tops. Season with salt and pepper. 4. Bake at 450° for 18 minutes.
lb. mini peppers tsp. avocado oil cubes crushed garlic Salt and pepper, to taste
D IR EC T I O N S 1. Preheat your oven to 450°. Rinse the peppers and set them aside. 2. Combine the oil with the remaining ingredients to form a glaze. Pour the glaze over the prepared peppers. 3. Bake the peppers for 25 minutes, or until the peppers blister slightly.
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The rise and fall of famous department stores BY: SHEVY HOLLANDER
pparently, branding wasn’t a thing in the nineteenth century, though shopping in style sure was. But that doesn’t keep us contemporaries from trying to assign creativity to the top-hat-wearing entrepreneurs of yesteryear. One example is the name Lord and Taylor, which legend has it that it was founded by a Jewish tailor who wanted to have a Divine partnership along with the blessings it would bring… Such a tale would have been very nice, had it been true! But frankly, nothing of that sort happened when naming stores two centuries ago. So how did founders choose names for their business, specifically those big department stores that became the stuff history is made of? Oh, it was very simple.
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The Arnold Constable buildings at 307-311 Canal Street, with the red-brick Mercer Street facade.
Arnold Constable & Co. One of New York’s first, and once very famous, department stores was Arnold Constable & Co. It had been going strong for 150 years before closing down, and for a while was the oldest department store in the U.S. The business was opened as a small dry goods store in 1825 by a man named Aaron Arnold (starting to get the gist?) who partnered with his nephews George and James Hearn. Until 1842, the business was called Arnold, Hearn & Co., after which the Hearns branched out on their own. The business was then renamed A. Arnold & Co. When an employee at the store, James Mansell Constable, married his employer’s daughter and was taken as a partner, the store name changed to the recognizable Arnold Constable & Company. The company had an elite history, at first occupying the large five-story Marble House on Canal Street, and then later establishing its flagship store in the Ladies’ Mile Shopping District in New York, which was widely referred to as the Palace of Trade. The Ladies’ Mile shopping area ran between Broadway
1903 photo of the Arnold Constable & Company dry goods establishment in the Ladies’ Mile
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Most Popular Department and Big-Box Stores in the U.S. in 2022
1,934 locations in the U.S.
833 locations in the U.S.
1,156 locations in the U.S.
4,742 locations in the U.S.
669 locations in the U.S.
Arnold, Hearn & Co. in 1827
and Sixth avenues — including the notable Fifth Avenue between them, of course — between 10th and 23rd streets. That is where the luxurious carriages of the wives of Grover Cleveland, Thomas Edison, J.P. Morgan, John D. Rockefeller, Cornelius Vanderbilt and the likes would pull up so their occupants could fill their closets and furnish their homes with New York’s finest offerings. Even within that elite mile Arnold Constable was said to be “one of the largest business establishments in the world.”
A.T. Stewart & Co. A.T. Stewart & Co. was opened at around the same time by Alexander Turney Stewart. The family lived right behind the tiny shop; only a thin wall separated their living area from the store. Stewart had his own ideas of advertising and placed his dry goods store several blocks away from his competitors, confident that his customers would literally go the
Stewart’s Iron Palace at Astor Place
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511 locations in the U.S.
Dollar Tree
15,115 locations in the U.S.
Big Lots
1,400 locations in the U.S.
Sam’s Club
600 locations in the U.S.
TJ Maxx
1,271 locations in the U.S.
extra mile for the goods he was offering. Another tactic he used was that upon the store’s opening, Stewart laid out cases full of his merchandise in front of his shop as a form of advertisement. He thought the messy sight of crowds pushing in front of his shop perusing goods out in the open would attract customers. He must’ve been at least somewhat on target, because by 1848 his shop was relocated to the brand-new four-story Marble Palace at 280 Broadway, the first commercial U.S. building with an extravagant exterior, earning it a place as America’s most successful retailer. By the 1850s, A.T. Stewarts & Co. had outgrown this magnificent building, and Stewart leased 29 lots in the area of the Ladies’ Mile upon which he constructed his second palace, a six-story magnificent — and mammoth! — building, the Iron Palace, which took up an entire square block.
Lord and Taylor
Lord and Taylor’s flagship location from 1914 until 2019
It was also in the 1820s that Lord & Taylor, a name we are more familiar with on a personal level and an enterprise that has only recently gone the way of the dodo, opened. Its founder was English immigrant Samuel Lord, who invited his cousin George Washington Taylor to join him in the venture, making the naming pretty straightforward. After several smaller starts, Lord and Taylor, too, moved to the Ladies’ Mile, later opening its massive Lshaped eleven-story flagship store on Fifth Avenue and 38th Street, which would be its flagship location for over 100 years. It was the first major commercial building on Fifth upward of 34th Street, but many were quick to follow to what became a major retail area in the early 20th century. Other popular department stores that eventually joined the Ladies Mile were B. Altman and Company, Best and Co., and Bergdorf Goodman, all, obviously, with their founders as namesakes. But in 1857, even before some of the stores above were in existence, came the most iconic department store of all: Macy’s.
Macy’s Founded as R.H. Macy & Co., by founder — you guessed it! — Rowland Hussey Macy, Macy’s was a business that kept growing, and it’s growing today even in the face of the threat online shopping and COVID posed to so many department stores that went under from the pressure. To most of the world, Macy’s is the symbol of retail in NYC, and it’s no wonder. Its flagship location at Herald Square is the largest department store in the U.S., boasting 2.5 million feet of retail space.
Before Lord & Taylor moved to Fifth Avenue, it opened a formidable store in 1854, at Grand and Chrystie streets on the Lower East Side 178
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“The Million Dollar Corner” before the iconic Macy’s shopping bag was put up
Oh, but if you think that’s their only claim to fame, far from the truth be it. They were the ones to introduce colored towels to the bath scene! Before their debut in 1932, there was no such a concept as anything but a white bath towel. The name Straus is synonymous with Macy’s, and for good reason. In 1895, Macy’s was acquired from the Macy family by the Straus brothers, Isidor and Nathan. Sadly, the name Straus is also synonymous with the tragic sinking of the Titanic, since Isidor Straus and his wife Ida were from its famous casualties. Under Straus ownership, the flagship store made a daring move uptown to Herald Square in 1902, the place it is still today. Since it was a significant distance from the dry goods emporia that the Ladies’ Mile boasted, Macy’s initially offered steam wagon transport for customers to get to their uptown location from the main area. Macy’s soon expanded from their one building, annexing building by building until it occupied almost the entire square block bounded by 7th and Broadway avenues, and 34th and 35th streets. There is one building on the corner that was purchased by a fellow named Smith who was acting on behalf of Siegel-Cooper — which at that point held the designation as the largest retail
Macy’s Herald Square flagship location is listed as a National Historic Landmark
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Macy’s Department Store
building in NYC — in an attempt to curb Macy’s growth and nab that title from them. This corner until today is not under Macy’s ownership and bites a chunk out of their flagship store. The property is known as the “Million Dollar Corner,” because it was sold for that then-record price in 1911. Undeterred, Macy’s found a way around it, quite literally, by getting the rights to build around that building, and their famous shopping bag is even on that spot. Over the years, a great many retailers were absorbed by the Macy’s brand.
Originally it was the Federated Department Stores, Inc., a holding company founded by Xavier Warren in 1929 that owned many regional department stores chains, who took over Macy’s in 1994. In 2007, though Federated itself was renamed Macy’s, Inc. Macy’s operates Bloomingdale’s, and brands that folded into Macy’s, and completely went extinct when renamed Macy’s, include Abraham and Straus, Bamberger’s, the Stern’s chain store, and Kaufmann’s Macy’s bounced along with the cur-
Macy’s Department Store and Surrounding Herald Square in 1905
Department Store Customers Beware • You probably noticed that department stores generally have neither windows nor clocks. That makes you lose track of time and get stuck shopping. • In multi-level department stores, the restroom will usually not be on the first floor, which forces customers to pass displays they wouldn’t otherwise check out — which too often translates to impulse purchases. • The elevators in department stores are usually well hidden in the most inconspicuous places, and the escalators are in full display. That’s because in those seconds on the escalator, your attention will be grabbed by interesting items and displays, which means more income for those big retailers. (No, it’s not a mistake that the most tantalizing displays are around the escalators, either!)
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Blast From the Past There’s a burst of nostalgia in remembering these shopping haunts that have long gone the way of history.
Filene’s and Syms
Defunct as a retail in 2011
Defunct in 2002
Stern’s Brothers
Mostly folded into Macy’s in 2001
Defunct in 1999
Folded into Macy’s in 1986
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Contemporary Casualties
rents, adapting to changing times, and they are last stilltwenty going as strong as department ever. As In the years or so, stores have taken a major hit from the move to online shopping, a reality that was of April 30, ‘22, Macy’s had 511 exacerbated stores greatly by COVID, which had stores closing for months on end. and 130,000 employees. As of 2017, Macy’s annual revenue was $24.8 billion. CENTURY 21 declared bankruptcy in September 2020 and announced that it will close its thirteen stores. It was with a pang that their fans came to grab the last few bargains and bid it goodbye. But that ache is soon to be stilled, as a comeback of their NYC flagship store is in the cards for spring of 2023…
LORD & TAYLOR, the oldest U.S. department store then in operation and a once-integral part of the retail scene, filed for Chapter 11 in August 2020. Soon thereafter, they began liquidating all 38 of their stores, leaving huge spots bare and haunted. Their flagship location was eventually acquired by Amazon, who plans to open an office there in 2023.
JCPENNEY, which had been operating at billions of dollars in losses, declared bankruptcy in May 2020, and while it isn’t entirely defunct, they liquidated a great many of their stores.
BARNEYS NEW YORK, the luxury department store, filed for bankruptcy in August 2019 and launched a liquidation of 15 of its 22 locations. By February 2020, they had ceased operations. In 2021, Barneys reemerged on a low scale inside Saks Fifth Avenue as Barneys at Saks.
SEARS, once a retail giant, filed for bankruptcy in October 2018. There were many closings and liquidations since then, and at this point there are only 23 full-line Sears in operation in the U.S. Only one of them is located in New York (in Newburgh).
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magine a world in which one has to wait more than two whole days for their shampoo to arrive. Or vacuum cleaner bags, or a new phone, or ponytail holders… Imagine life without Amazon! In fact, when Jeff Bezos was planning his enterprise, he almost called it “Cadabra,” a hint to the magical word “abracadabra.” The big, mighty Amazon actually started out as… an online book shop. In 1997, Jeff Bezos had the novel idea of opening a website to sell products with a focus on books. He named it Amazon after the Amazon River — the longest in the world —since he was planning to build the world’s largest online bookstore. Less than two years later Amazon already had over a million customers, and in 1999 they expanded to sell a host of products besides books. At that time, other sellers also started to use Amazon as their selling platform.
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WHAT EXACTLY DOES IT MEAN TO SELL ON AMAZON? We all know the story: A young man wants to open a business, he starts selling on Amazon, and boom, he’s “doing well.” It’s not as easy or simple as it sounds. Selling on Amazon is complicated, since Amazon has many rules and regulations for their third-party sellers. In addition, Amazon is saturated with millions of items (over 353 million!) on their website, so sellers need to strategize to make their items rank higher and appear more often in searches. These strategies are called search engine optimization (SEO). One popular method is including many keywords in the product title or description so that it appears in many different searches. Having a lot of positive reviews also boosts product visibility. Another factor Amazon sellers need to consider is whether they are able to store, pack and ship their items on their own. This would include renting a warehouse as well as hiring staff to pack items and prepare them for shipping. If
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THE LOGO Amazon’s logo is quite simplistic yet brilliant. The arrow under Amazon goes from the A to the Z to imply that they sell everything from “A to Z.” The arrow also creates a hint of a smiley face, because they’re “delivering smiles” to customers’ doorsteps.
a seller doesn’t want to deal with the headache, they can go the FBA, or Fulfillment by Amazon, route. This means that for a fee, their items are stored in Amazon warehouses and Amazon takes care of fulfilling their orders. Utilizing FBA means that your items are available on Amazon Prime, which is sure to boost sales. As you can imagine, storing and packing millions of items take up a lot of space. A typical Amazon fulfillment warehouse measures between 600,000 to a million square feet, and there are 110 active fulfillment centers in the United States alone!
SERVICE AT ITS PRIME The next best thing for customers since Amazon itself is the magic of Amazon Prime, a subscription that guarantees two-day shipping on orders of Prime-eligible items. Besides that, Amazon also has a selection of items that can be delivered within 24 hours or next-day shipping. Amazon actually loses money on its Prime program, but the losses are subsidized by the 196
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seller and membership fees they charge. A major benefit Amazon gains from Prime is that it gives them a solid customer base. The option of Prime definitely causes many a customer to make more orders than they would otherwise… ahem. Moving along.
HOW DOES AMAZON SHIP SO QUICKLY? The question still remains: How does Amazon manage to ship thousands of orders a day, and within two days to boot? With a fleet of 400,000 drivers worldwide, 40,000 semi-trucks, 30,000 vans, and more than 70 planes, I think we can understand how the magic happens. Since Amazon has its own shipping system and vehicles, they don’t need to rely on the USPS, UPS or any other shipping company to move their products. With their huge network of warehouses, more often than not the item you order will be located in the same state as you, which speeds up shipping time as well. Each warehouse employs an average of 1,500 full-time employees, some including robots, who box and ship orders 24 hours a day. In 2013, Amazon unveiled plans for Amazon Prime Air: delivery by drone within 30 minutes of the order being placed. If that sounds right out of a science fiction novel and a little too good to be true, that’s probably because it is. It’s nine years later, and so far drones aren’t anywhere on the Amazon horizon (both literally and figuratively). Since completing one successful drone delivery in the United Kingdom in 2016, Amazon has encountered lots of complications with drone deliveries, like drones falling from the sky, losing propellers and, in one case, falling and causing a brush fire. Thank you, but I’ll wait another 23 hours and 30 minutes for my package to arrive in one piece.
REVIEWS Product reviews are one way that Amazon was groundbreaking in its early days. At first, other companies thought the people at Amazon had lost their minds. Why would a company let customers leave negative reviews on their products for other customers to see? But Amazon stood their ground and said they wanted to take a different approach and let customers share their opinions. A few decades and 250 million reviews later, I would say the masterminds at Amazon had a point. People will more readily buy an item if they can hear how another person’s experience was. Especially since Amazon was one of the first online marketplaces, people weren’t used to buying products online as opposed to in-store, where they were able to see it in person. Alas, Amazon reviews have had a few hiccups along the way. For a while, Amazon allowed sellers to give away their items for free or at a discounted price in exchange for the customer to leave a review, as long as the customer stated in their review that they had received the item at a discounted rate. Amazon actually banned this in 2016, but it hasn’t stopped sellers from finding other creative ways to get reviews in order to boost their product.
Companies in China have been known to create fake reviews with what’s called “brushing.” They duplicate a legitimate customer’s account and create orders that they ship to the customer. They are then able to leave a review for their product through the duplicated account, as the purchase actually appears on the customer’s account. Customers have been known to receive multiple packages in the mail that they didn’t order. When Amazon was made aware of this practice, they stated that they weren’t able to do anything about it. Other sellers use third-party websites to communicate with their customers and offer a rebate or gift card in exchange for a positive review. Amazon has been able to track and shut down some of these companies, but the practice is still widespread. All this causes Amazon customers to be extremely wary and distrustful of product reviews and ratings. According to stats, barely 16% of customers fully trust product reviews. Despite that, around 50% of customers still take reviews into consideration. There are some ways that you can check to see if a review is real or fake. First, take a look at the spelling and grammar. If it sounds like an Indian sitting in his basement wrote it, chances are an Indian sitting in his basement probably did write it. If the review is very short, choppy, or extremely enthusiastic — ding, ding, ding, proceed with caution. A good little trick you can use is to filter the reviews by the dates they were posted. If a big chunk of them were posted within a few days, they’re probably reviews paid for by the company right after the product launched. In general, the best reviews to look at are the ones that have 2 to 4 stars, since those are more likely to be from real people.
July 6, 2022
The Monsey View · 845.600.8484
AMAZON IN NUMBERS • Amazon ships approximately 1.6 million packages per day. That works out to more than 66 thousand orders per hour, and 18.5 orders per second. • Amazon sells over 12 million products. If you take into account all products sold on the Amazon marketplace by third-party sellers, that number rises to more than 353 million products. • In 2021, Amazon employed 1,608,000 full- and part-time employees. One out of every 153 American workers is an Amazon employee. • In 2022, Amazon will make up 39% of U.S. ecommerce sales. To give some context, the next 14 biggest retailers together make up just 31% of the total U.S. sales. Of the $1 trillion in U.S. ecommerce sales, around $400 billion is from Amazon alone.
The Monsey View
July 6, 2022 · 845.600.8484
July 6, 2022
The Monsey View · 845.600.8484
July 6, 2022
The Monsey View · 845.600.8484
Words are funny things. We can all rattle off a bunch of wisdom-laden adages and witty puns on the topic, but the common thread tying them all together is that while words are easy to produce and even easier to absorb, they carry disproportionate weight in their reach and potency. Marketing giants and powerful brands know this, and they fly with it. They harness words to bring life to their product and emotion to their mission, and when they succeed in creating a tagline that sings, they know consumers will hear the music.
July 6, 2022
The Monsey View · 845.600.8484
Tagline or Slogan? Are taglines and slogans one and the same? What’s the difference between the two? Taglines are phrases that express a company’s mission. That’s why taglines stick; they’re permanent. They’re as characteristic of a brand as the brand’s name itself because if the name is a title, the tagline is the subtitle. It isn’t going anywhere. Slogans, on the other hand, are noisy catchphrases designed to promote their respective campaigns or products. While slogans are chosen and designed for relatively short-term use, and will be recognizable for as long as a campaign lasts, they do not have the same staying power as the tagline, which will remain relevant for as long as the brand is around. Here are some popular examples of both.
A Diamond is Forever This tagline is probably even more popular than its brand. And it’s the truth! A diamond is forever. Branded by De Beers, a South African company that is the largest producer and distributor of diamonds, this is a tagline that is simply just right.
Did you know? According to researchers, this is the most recognized tagline of the twentieth century. In fact, a whopping 90% of Americans will recognize these words.
The Monsey View
July 6, 2022 · 845.600.8484
Do What You Can’t What a great slogan for a technology company that, by the very nature of its business, will consistently mark the passage of time with ever newer technologies. Here Samsung is cementing itself as a brand known for its inventions and solutions that will always deliver what was recently impossible.
You’re in Good Hands Allstate. Of course. These words establish a warm feeling of trust, which is just what’s needed for an insurance company that wants their policyholders to know that in the event of a fender-bender, fire or any other misfortune — they’re in good hands.
Did you know?
This tagline was coined in the 1950s by a top Allstate sales executive who used to reassure his wife with the same words when she took their children to the pediatrician.
There are some things money can’t buy. For everything else, there’s MasterCard. In a campaign that soon reached 200 countries around the world, MasterCard told its consumers that all they needed when making a purchase was… MasterCard. If money could buy it, they could help.
Move the way you want. What says personalized cab service better than this line? Uber chose this slogan to replace their previous “Everyone’s private driver,” and the difference in tone between the two is exactly what they were after. While having a private driver may imply luxurious service at your fingertips, Uber’s promise to move the way their clients want puts the reins in their clients’ hands.
The Monsey View
July 6, 2022 · 845.600.8484
Just Do It. This trademarked tagline screams action, just like Nike’s logo, a wide sweep roughly in the shape of a check. What better words to evoke that feeling of movement and athletics?
Did you know? This catchy tagine actually has a pretty gory past, for it was inspired by a criminal’s last words when facing capital punishment.
What’s in your wallet? This slogan makes a person stop to actually check what’s in their wallet. Is whatever is in there good enough, or can they do better? According to the subtle peer pressure applied by Capital One, yes, they can do better!
That was easy. For anyone intimidated by the actual nuts and bolts of stocking and maintaining a business office, and making sure everything from paper clips to high-speed computers is provided and available, Staples promises to… make it easy. And you can bet their customers will be back soon for more.
The Monsey View
July 6, 2022 · 845.600.8484
July 6, 2022
The Monsey View · 845.600.8484
Snap! Crackle! Pop! This slogan has been around for a remarkable 90 years. Its sheer brilliance lies in the simplicity of what Kellog is promoting; we all know the satisfying sizzle Rice Krispies produce when milk is added to the bowl. As they say, “If you’ve never heard food talking, now is your chance.”
Did you know?
The three sounds are represented by the three elven figures featured on their Rice Krispies cereal boxes. Of course, their names are Snap, Crackle and Pop! At one point in the 1950s, a fourth figure by the name of Pow joined the trio, but unlike the others, he wasn’t a bother; he was a family friend who hung around for a short while.
Can you hear me now? Good. Set to a large variety of different backgrounds, Verizon made it clear that no matter the setting, there’s no such thing as a spot with bad service. Yes, we can hear you now.
Betcha can’t eat just one. We all know what it’s like to eat one chip. Or do we? When was the last time you ate just one? Lay’s counts on that very human experience when marketing their chips, and you can be sure there’s no better way to do it! This slogan is still going strong after 60 years at work.
Save money. Live better. This slogan took the place of “Always low prices” when Walmart rebranded and focused on the benefits of what they’re selling instead of simply what they have to offer. And if any potential customers were previously scared off by too-low prices, now they’re assured: Low prices will help them live better, so why pay more?
The Monsey View
July 6, 2022 · 845.600.8484
July 6, 2022
The Monsey View · 845.600.8484
Pro tip:
When crafting your slogan or tagline, it’s always worthwhile to keep your logo in mind to make sure they work seamlessly together to create the brand personality you’re looking for. Nike is a great example. Their swooping logo just begs to be paired with the words “Just do it”!
Let’s go places. This new tagline inspires a wonderful sense of adventure. With these words, Toyota includes its customers in this new experience, unlike their old tagline of “Moving forward.”
Don’t live life without it. Some brands know just how to cause FOMO. With this slogan, American Express is making sure that no one ever leaves home without an Amex in their pocket.
The Monsey View
July 6, 2022 · 845.600.8484
July 6, 2022
The Monsey View · 845.600.8484
July 6, 2022
The Monsey View · 845.600.8484
July 6, 2022
The Monsey View · 845.600.8484
The Meaning of a Mall The original concept of a shopping mall began with two parallel rows of stores that had a strip of grass between them. That strip of grass is called a “mall,” and by extension, shopping centers began to be referred to by this name.
MINNESOTA: MOTHER OF MALLS Both America’s first indoor mall and America’s largest mall were born in Minnesota. THE FIRST INDOOR MALL Victor Gruen was a Jewish architect from Vienna who escaped the Nazis and resettled in America. When he got here, he was greatly bothered by the outdoor strip malls frequently found in suburbia, which he called “avenues of horror ... flanked by the greatest collection of vulgarity — billboards, motels, gas stations, shanties, car lots, miscellaneous industrial equipment, hot dog stands, wayside stores — ever collected by mankind.” Gruen set out to create an upscale shopping experience that would disrupt the seedy standards of suburbia. To that end, he designed and built the first fully enclosed, climate-controlled shopping center in history. Located in Edina, Minnesota, the mall featured a 42-foot tall eucalyptus tree, orchids, an aviary of exotic birds, and a goldfish pond — all of which were things not frequently seen in frigid Minnesota. People flocked to the mall in droves, setting off a new standard in shopping. Unfortunately, Gruen eventually came to regret his invention because shopping malls went against his vision, becoming major magnets for other suburbian shops that sprouted in malls’ vicinities and leeched off their successes. “I am often called the father of the shopping mall,” he lamented. “I would like to take this opportunity to disclaim paternity once and for all... They destroyed our cities!”
The Monsey View
July 6, 2022 · 845.600.8484
By: Ruchy Reese
THE MALL OF AMERICA Even though Victor Gruen came to despise shopping malls, Americans fell in love with them — especially in Bloomington, Minnesota, which prides itself on being home to the Mall of America, the largest mall in the country. With more than 5.5 million feet of retail space, a single loop around one floor of the mall is greater than a mile… and there are four floors to explore! Inside the mall you’ll find: • More than 500 stores • An amusement park • An aquarium with sharks and other aquatic wildlife, including a walk-through glass tunnel around which the fish swim on all sides • 11,000 year-round employees • 12,550 parking spaces • 400 live trees (in the amusement park) • A Lego play area The Mall of America is so large that it has its own zip code! (The zip code is 55425, in case you’re wondering.) Surprisingly, this gigantic mall doesn’t use heating; the spaces are kept warm with skylights, lighting, and body heat. With so many stores packed together, the heat remains contained in the building, and even the freezing temperatures of the Minnesotan winter don’t stand a chance. Sometimes the air conditioning system even has to be activated!
Runner Up The newly opened American Dream Mall in East Rutherford, New Jersey, is owned by the same Jewish family that owns the Mall of America. At 3 million feet of retail space, the Mall of America’s baby brother is nothing to snub one’s nose at!
July 6, 2022
The Monsey View · 845.600.8484
World’s Most Massive Mega Mall The Iran Mall (located in Iran, of course) wins the award for being the world’s largest shopping center. With seven floors and more than 2,300 stores spread out over 7 million feet of space, it’s a giant of a building. But that giant rested well for more than a decade, remaining practically empty due to its location in a low-income area; there simply were no shoppers who could afford to pay mall prices! The Iran Mall was dubbed the “ghost mall” by locals until its fortune eventually changed. Now the mall is booming, with many shops, restaurants, and tons of extras. Some of the fascinating features of The Iran Mall are its: • Mirror Hall: A room made of thousands of mirrors • Musical fountain: A fountain that “dances” to classical music • Multiple gardens • Architecturally beautiful library • Car show
Mall Mentality So much goes into designing and maintaining malls — and most of it has to do with getting you, the shopper, to spend as much money as possible. Here’s a bit of mall psychology: • Malls are usually “anchored” by major department stores, such as Macy’s or Nordstrom, specifically for the purpose of getting mall-walkers to go from one end to the other, passing smaller stores they might otherwise overlook. For this same reason, stairs, escalators and elevators are often not located in the center of the mall. • Many malls are around 1,000 feet in length because the average shopper feels a need to head back to their starting point once they’ve walked about 1,000 feet. (This may be rooted in the fear of never again finding your car…) • Mall design highlights the merchandise on display by using glass wherever there is a need for railings. Glass doesn’t obstruct the line of vision, allowing shoppers to see stores on other levels. • Skylights are popular in malls, but are designed in a way that sunlight doesn’t reflect off storefronts, which would cause a glare. • Stores are carefully placed next to one another to complement their neighbors; you won’t typically find a high-end dress store next to a low-end shoe store, for instance, or a luxury jewelry store next to a fast-food joint. • It’s very rare to find a store that sells perishables, because the shoppers who come for items such as milk or meat just grab and go, heading home to pop their things into the fridge. No mall seeks such shoppers!
The Monsey View
July 6, 2022 · 845.600.8484
July 6, 2022
The Monsey View · 845.600.8484
Hint: Each Boggle board hides a word of nine let ters or more!
Once you have a winner, fill out the form below in its entirety
Email the form to comments@ or fax to 845600-8483 by Sunday at 9:00 p.m.
4. Two winners will be drawn each week, each of whom will win a pastrami sandwich and a can of soda!
PLAYING RULES: Find words on the board containing four letters or more. Letters of a word must be connected in a chain (each letter should be adjacent to the next either vertically, horizontally or diagonally), and each letter can only be used once in a given word. The following are not allowed in Boggle: Adding “s” to a word • Proper nouns • Abbreviations • Contractions • Acronyms
POINTS 4-letter words: 2 points | 5-letter words: 3 points | 6-letter words: 5 points | 7-letter words: 7 points | 8-letter words: 9 points | 9+ letters: 12 points
Gather round the table to play a family game of Boggle, using this Boggle board.
Family name: _________________________________ Phone: __________________ Full mailing address: ____________________________________________________ Full name of winner: _________________ Amount of points: __________ Full names of competing players:
List some words only the winner found:
The longest word found on the board: _____________________________ A new word you learned from the board: __________________________ Only complete forms will be entered into the drawing.
The Monsey View
July 6, 2022 · 845.600.8484
WINNER 1 Family name: Teitelbaum, 845-xxx-3055 Name of winner: Malky Amount of points: 30 Names of competing players: Toby Some words only the winner found: date, gate, prick The longest word found on the board: black
4 8
9 8 4 5 4
5 7
Family name: Brull, 718-xxx-2346
3 8
5 7
3 5
6 8
Name of winner: Sury Amount of points: 61 Names of competing players: Mommy Some words only the winner found: black, dire, grip, prick, stead The longest word found on the board: stoical A new word learned from the board: kale Last week’s bonus word: PREDATORY
To claim your prize, tear out this sheet (on which your name appears) and bring it in to Nussy’s Cuisine.
6 1 9 9 1 5 3 8 5 2 8 7 9 3 7 6 5 1 5 6 9 6 1 3 5 3 2 1 8
July 6, 2022
The Monsey View · 845.600.8484
Hindy Goldman, 9, Satmar
Shia Fekete, 8, Satmar
Esther Malky Polatsek, 8, Satmar
Sara Kaplan, 7, Bas Mikroh
Ruchy Kleinman, 7, Viznitz
Breindy Glancz, 11, Skvere
Baily Ungar, 9, Skvere
Hindy Krohn, 5, Bais Yaakov · 845.600.8484
A $5 credit was issued at Toys4U on the account of the phone number listed on your submission.
Sheva Mendlowitz, 4, Satmar
Esty Polatsek, 10, Bnos Alte Faiga
Thank you to the hundreds of readers who sent in beautifully colored pages! Keep coloring!
July 6, 2022
The Monsey View
Send your colored page to The Monsey View to enter a drawing for a chance to have your artwork featured in our pages and win $5 at Toys4U! Ten lucky winners will be announced each week! To enter the raffle, email your colored page to, or mail it to 365 Route 59, Suite 239, Airmont, NY 10952. Submissions will be included in the drawing only if all information is filled in. Name:_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Phone:______________________________________________ Age:____________________
July 6, 2022
The Monsey View · 845.600.8484
Feel free to photocopy this coloring page for the entire family.
By: Faigy Jacobowitz
The Monsey View
July 6, 2022 · 845.600.8484
Classifieds FOR SALE ANTIQUES דורכברוך! האט איר אנטיק בריוון און חפצים פון/ספרים גדולים וצדיקים? מיר צאלן די אויך.בעסטע פרייזן דערויף לאזט,פארקויפן מיר אנטיק 845-379-4825 מעסעדש NEOCATE/BABY FORMULA
Neocate $46.99 per can. Kendamil $38.99. Similac L’Mehadrin $28.99!! We also buy off any extra formula for a good price. Call for other types of formulas. Formula Trade 347.369.4886
SILVER CROSS CARRIAGE Great condition/Extra new seat, bassinet with option to make into double. $875 OBO. Pictures available. 845-4226187 BUGABOO DONKEY TWIN Black/Grey Melange hood. Excellent condition! Bugaboo kiddie board included. $4,000. Please call 845-3620372
YOYA /BABY PRIDE STROLLERS Now on sale, available in beautiful colors, ASTM standards, company backed warranty. Free delivery. Please call 845-263-2737
DRESSER FOR SALE Beautiful 3 door Italian dresser with mirror for sale. High sheen mahogany. Brand new condition. Best offer, pictures available, txt only 8457460486
RESTAURANT FOR SALE Local Monsey Working Restaurant for sale. Call or text +18453934516 Email: Monseyrestaurnt@gmail. com
DINING ROOM FURNITURE Beautiful dining room table with 10 chairs, 2 curios / buffet. 4 door china closet with table only $500. 845248-5949
DOONA STROLLER Doona Stroller, multiple colors avail.cll/txt 1-201-6144045
COUCH FOR $500 Couch for sale, 3 seater reclining, Taupe color, almost new for $500. Please call 845425-5889
MONSEY RESTAURANT FOR SALE Fully equipped. 40k. Call 8457214218
The Monsey View
REAL ESTATE OFFICE SPACE An over 1000 sq ft indoor space + a d double garage with a bathroom a good price for rent call 376-0906
BABY CRIB brand new in box: mini convertible crib with mattress. 8455385693
KYOCERA FLIPS Selling Kyocera DuraXV LTE E4610 phones, refurbished looks brand new. Great Price. Free Shipping. For information call/text 347 380 4025.
July 6, 2022 · 845.600.8484
for sale N real estate N
APT FOR RENT Newly renovated apt avail immed : 2 bedrooms: stunning bathroom: spacious kitchen: quartz counters; fancy lights: elegant flooring: Spacious Storage Shed: Very big backyard. TEXT ONLY. (917)830-6341 SHABBOS RENTAL Large 8 bdrm 7 bthrm over 4000 sq ft colonial with large private heated pool available for Shabbosim in Monsey/ New City. 845 270 8922
PRIVATE HOUSE IN NEW HEMPSTEAD Beautiful private hi-ranch on large property in New Hempstead for rent. 4 beds, 3 baths, central AC, Call/Text 347-461-4990. OFFICE FOR RENT Newly renovated very large 1 room office for rent. Size (22/15). Separate entrance, kitchen net and bathroom. College Rd Area. Please email to: 2468jobmonsey@gmail. com
Classifieds APARTMENT FOR RENT Chestnut Ridge (Spring Hill) - Beautiful, very spacious, above ground, one bedroom apartment for rent. Possible option for additional bedroom. Lots of windows, storage, closet space, privacy, and upgrades. Call 845.290.9409 LOOKING TO RENT HOUSE Looking to rent a house in Lakewood /Monsey /New york or exchange with an apartment in bayit vegan jerusalem. 3 bedrooms Living room and mehadrin kitchen. Beautiful and peaceful garden. Option to exchange a car as well. From 25.07 to 14.08 (25 Tammuz - 17 Av) +972548483302
IDEAL SPACE FOR KOLLEL! Fully-appointed Beis Medrash available for lease to kollel in quiet setting in beautiful Pomona. Main room with Aron Kodesh, Torah scrolls and many seforim. Size is approx. 70’x30’ with 30 tables and 90 chairs. Side room approx. 30’x20’. Includes a tea kitchen with refrigerator and stove, men’s and women’s bathrooms. Local chevra to support with minyanim. Plenty of parking. Reasonable price. For inquiries and viewing, kindly contact Moishe Rosman (917-9408582).
HOUSE WITH A POOL Seeking to rent a house with a pool in August. 8455178409
OFFICE SPACE New high end private offices space available in a female atmosphere next to hatzlacha grocery. Included Desk, Chair , Internet, Closet Please call 845-499-5690
SUMMER RENTAL Big, spacious 6 bedroom house in Chestnut Ridge available for rent from July 26-Aug 24. Quiet, private, kid-friendly.347-628-7763.
SHORT TERM RENTAL / WESLEY HILLS Hi ranch, (unfurnished) for rent. 6 months - year. Central AC col-d-sack please call 845538-5784
The Monsey View
July 6, 2022 · 845.600.8484
real estate N help wanted N
MONSEY SHABBOS GETAWAY Spacious house in Concord available for Shabbosim. 7+ bedrooms, 19 beds, large deck, linen & Shabbos essentials provided. Call 845548-6478. SUMMER/SHORT TERM RENTAL Big 8 bedroom colonial with many upgrades on private property available for summer and yumim toivim. Stephens/West side area. Please call 845-587-4467. DELUXE SUITES ON COLLINS A beautiful new 2 bedroom apartment avail to rent for the week, weekend or a few days. Fresh Linen and towels provided. 3472632779 9 BEDROOM HOUSE Beautiful spacious 9 bedroom house on park like property available from Monday evening August 1 to Sunday evening August 14 th. Please text 917-613-0644
LOOKING FOR HOUSE Looking to rent a house in Airmont / Chestnut Ridge are for the week / weekend. 8 adults, nice grounds, must be near shul. 347-563-4136. If no answer leave msg. STORE RENT Store for rent in Spring Valley near Bingo. 3000 square ft. Email
HELP WANTED BABYSITTER WANTED Looking for a fun energetic woman (or girl) to babysit. *Old Nyack area.* Mon-Thur, 3pm-5:30pm $18 per hour. Drivers licence is a plus. Please call/text: *845-4999388* (please leave message if no answer) MOROS WANTED Bais Yaakov in Washington Heights seeking Moros grades 6-7-8. Experience preferred, also seeking school secretary with good computer skills f/t p/t. Email resume to
Classifieds BOOKKEEPING POSITION Local office is looking to hire girl/women for an entry level position in the finance department. Lots of potential. Full time. Competitive pay. Send resume to apply1554jobs@ SCHOOL BABYSITTER Local Heimisha girls school is seeking a qualified individual to oversee our babysitting service provided to our teachers. Great pay Please call 845-243-0493 BOOKKEEPING ASSISTANT Seeking female bookkeeping assistant. eturnheim@ ENGLISH TEACHERS & TITLE 1 MENTORS Cheder looking for (male) English Teachers and Title 1 mentors. Supportive environment. Easy to follow curriculum plan. Excellent discipline program in place. Competitive Pay. Teachers: 718-450-2538 Title 1: 914589-5371
The Monsey View
July 6, 2022 · 845.600.8484
DASH CABINETRY Looking to hire part/full time bookkeeping position. Located on Main St. Email or call 845-818-7373 TEACHING POSITIONS Yeshiva Spring Valley (boys) of Monsey is now accepting resumes for the General Studies department for September 2022 - ‘23 School Year. Following Positions available: • Lower Elementary School Teacher (M-TH 12:45-4:00); • Title1 English Language Arts (ELA) Teacher • Teacher’s Assistants (M-TH 12:45-4:00) Teaching experience a must. Professional atmosphere and competitive salary. Please include references and email to gss@yeshivaspringvalley. org or FAX to 845-356-8551 CURRICULAR ASSISTANT Heimish school looking for an extra curricular assistant with experience in graphics and Yiddish/Hebrew typing. Please email your resume to
help wanted N
FULL TIME BOOKKEPING POSITION Business located in UpperNyack is Looking for a Yingerman for a fulltime bookkeeping position, must be experienced in QB, please call 845-293-0956 and leave a detailed message or fax resume to 845-913-9595 JOB OPPORTUNITY *Pomona Gan seeks teachers and assistant teachers for upcoming school year 20212022 Email pomonagan@ include resume with references. Must have transp. *Preschool seeking head teacher half day/ full day in Passaic. Must have min 1yr classroom experience and HS diploma. Email passaiccliftonplaygroup@ AMAZING OPPORTUNITY! Local property Management Company is looking for a f/t secretary. office Experience required. Great environment, Great pay. Please email resume to
JOIN US! Yeshiva of Spring Valley Preschool is seeking coteachers to work alongside experienced teachers for the 5783-2022/2023 school year. Opportunity to learn from exceptional preschool teachers. Excellent compensation for qualified individuals. Please email your resume to preschool@ or call 845-356-1400 ext. 226, or 848-525-0943. OFFICE POSITIONS IT company seeking Level 2 technician. Pay starting at $75k/yr (monsey,lakewood,bp) *Tax Manager CPA, Are you experienced with taxes, tax planning, and have management and leadership skills? Monsey office $150k/yr *Loan Agency looking for an executive assistant. Motivated, detailed oriented, able to multitask and work well in a fast paced environment. Pay starting at $50k/yr. Please email resumes to resumes@
Classifieds BAS MIKROH GIRLS SCHOOL is seeking qualified staff for the ‘22-‘23 school year, to join our dynamic, talented team: middle grades Hebrew Moros, 1st Grade English teacher, Junior High Math Teacher, Hebrew and English Permanent Substitutes, Hebrew and English Remedial Teachers, assistants, and daycare staff. Please email resume to hr@ Bas Mikroh has on-site daycare for Staff children.
JOIN OUR WONDERFUL TEAM! Bnos Leah Prospect Park of Monsey is seeking positive, warm and experienced teachers for the 2022-23 school year. Preschool and elementary school positions open. Send your resume to AUGUST PLAYGROUP ASSISTANT Looking for 2 8th or 9th graders to assist in a yummy settled 2 1/2-3 yr old playgroup from august 1-17. Pls call 845-537-1960
The Monsey View
July 6, 2022 · 845.600.8484
help wanted N
PRESCHOOL ASSISTANTS Seeking full day/afternoon preschool Assistants. Learn from positive, experienced Morahs in warm, supportive environment. Email Bmlevit@cliftoncheder. org with resume and two references.
TEACHER WANTED Come join our dynamic team! Looking for elementary school teachers for the upcoming school year. Excellent working environment. Email your resume to: pfriedland@
TEACHERS & ASSISTANTS Looking to work in a growing school and a warm and friendly environment? Cheder Chabad of Monsey is seeking part time teachers and assistants in the elementary and middle school grades, as well as secretaries, for the upcoming school year. We offer competitive pay and flexible hours. Please call 612 408 1775 or email ygoldberg@ for more details.
PLAYGROUP ASSISTANT A New York State certified playgroup located in Pomona seeks an assistant for the upcoming school year. Must have previous experience with early childhood and be very dedicated, loving and caring. Must have own transportation. Serious inquiries only. Please contact: 347-524-3860
PRE-NURSERY TEACHER Heimishe playgroup looking for a teacher for September for a yummy settled pre-nursery English speaking class. Well paid and extremely easy terms. Pls call 845-537-1960
OFFICE ASSISTANT Busy medical facility in Monsey is seeking a F/T Office Assistant who is responsible, organized, and computer literate. Benefits package, paid vacation/ holidays, and opportunities for growth. Willing to train the right candidate. Please send resume to
POSITIONS AVAILABLE Yeshiva Bais Mikroh is seeking the following positions: Experienced Preschool Morah, Excellent salary. Pre 1A General Studies teacher, 4th Grade General Studies teacher, Upper Grades General Studies teachers, full and half day lower grade teacher assistants. Please email or call 845-425-4880 PRESCHOOL MORAH/ ASSISTANTS Preschool looking for a Kindergarten Morah and assistants. Great pay! Call or text 845-587-2945 HELP WANTED Looking for a girl / lady to be a teached in a cheder on Sundays. Great pay. 845-5876111. TITLE 1 DIRECTOR Cheder in Monsey is looking for an experienced Title 1 Director to run the Title 1 Program. For more information or to apply, please call: 718-450-2528
Classifieds HEAD MORAH Pomona Gan , seeks Head morah for upcoming school year 2022 2023. Must have min 2 year in a classroom setting hours 9-3 excellent salary with benefits. Email include resume with 2 references 973-580-8436 PROJECT MANAGEMENT Monsey based developer is looking to hire a project manager to oversee and manage a commercial construction project. Experience in commercial construction required. Please email your resume to; constructionposition350@ SECRETARY A small accounting firm is looking to hire a secretary for part-time, flexible hours. Please email your resume to
BOOKKEEPING DEPARTMENT Looking for a knowledgable, organized and responsible candidate for the bookkeeping department. Ideally Monday-Thursday 9-5. Please call 845-642-7525 WOMENS OFFICE Full time Ecommerce office position available in a woman only environment. Located in Spring Valley. Payroll + Commission, Great potential for the right candidate. Email JOB OPENINGS FT Office Positions available in a Spring Valley Healthcare Office. Immediate fulltime job openings. Payroll processor and A/P Reception positions. Computer knowledge a must. Friendly environment, Benefits and great team. Email resumes to
help wanted N
PT POSITION Back from Seminary and starting towards your degree? Elon Property Management, office located in Chestnut Ridge, has a part time in-office position for the hours between 10AM and 2PM. Great office environment, flexible hours and competitive salary. Email resume to hr@elonmgmt. com. JOBS AVAILABLE
Part-time & Full-time jobs available. Email TopPartTimeJobs@ SECRETARY WANTED Looking for a full time female secretary position in a multi girl office in the chestnut area. Knowledge of QB a plus. Graduates welcome. please email resume to jobsat750@
POSITIONS AVAILABLE Growing Nursing Home Pomona based back office with multiple positions available: Payroll, Finance, Accounting, AP Reps, AR Reps, Treasury Reps. Great environment and pay. OFFICE POSITION Office in Monsey is seeking a capable individual for an open position within the finance department. Great opportunity with potential, good pay and Heimish environment. Please email resume to chaimm@ OFFICE WORK Property Management company looking for reliable person to join our office in Spring Valley, NY. Experience a must. Email resume to
Classifieds PT/FT POSITION Local Monsey office is looking for a PT/FT secretary. Bookkeeping/QB/Excel knowledge a must. Please email resume to yossip845@ SECRETARY WANTED Local management office looking to hire secretary for customer service position. Please send your resume to TITLE INSURANCE Title insurance company in Monsey is looking to hire a full time employee. Must be detail oriented and organized. Please email resume to monseyresume123@gmail. com OFFICE POSITION A local Monsey office is looking to hire Girls for the following positions, Purchasing Deportment / Customer Service. Great, Heimish Office environment. Please email resume to Hr@ /
The Monsey View
July 6, 2022 · 845.600.8484
Jstern@unitedsupplycorp. com OFFICE POSITION Local office seeking someone to fill secretarial position. Must be a great people person and detail oriented. Please send resume to leah@ or call 845-391-9298. SECRETARIAL POSITION Well-established office in Monsey is looking to hire a secretary (Yiddish-speaking) for a full-time or nearly full time position. Enjoyable environment, great benefits, and lots of opportunity for growth. Send resume to joboffersmonsey58@gmail. com ATTENTION GRADUATES Are you looking for an office job? Large company in Monsey has many open office positions, and we are conducting interviews now, to begin training, and full schedule after the summer. Apply now! Send resume to:
help wanted N
PRESCHOOL SECRETARY Secretary job available in a fantastic preschool atmosphere, great pay call / leave a message / text 5872945 for more inforation DAYCARE DIRECTOR Monsey Office is looking for a Director for their Daycare. Great pay. Hours are 8:454:30. Please call/text 845517-8655 FULL TIME SECRETARY Seeking a full time secretary for a fast growing insurance company. Candidate must be responsible, bright, and motivated. Graduates welcome. Please send your resume to workopp1234@ F/T BOOKKEEPER Full time female worker for bookkeeping/data entry position. Flexible hours; some prior office experience required. No working remotely. For inquiries call/ text 718-812-4639 or email
REAL ESTATE POSITION A Real estate office in the Monroe area is hiring. Fantastic potential for the right candidate. Will compensated for travel. Please call: 845-388-1216 or send your resume to: ADMINISTRATIVE/ SECRETARIAL Heimishe investment company in Montvale (15 minutes from Monsey). Pleasant low-pressure, professional environment. 9:30 – 5:00 (3 hours on Friday). Well-organized, good computer & communication skills, knowledge of MS Word, Outlook preferred. Graduates welcome – will train qualified individual. Please e-mail resume to jobs@psiinvest. com SECRETARY Looking for a full time female secretary in a busy real estate office great pay for the right candidate please email resume to trustmngmt@
July 6, 2022
The Monsey View · 845.600.8484
Classifieds SHADOW NEEDED Looking for an afternoon shadow for an adorable, physically challenged, mainstreamed 3rd grader in Bais Rochel for the upcoming school year. Needs academic support, some one on one teaching and physical help. Well paid and extremely rewarding! Please call 845406-8030 PREMIUM HEALTH IS HIRING! Are you looking to join a great team where your meticulous nature, attention to detail, and analytical skills will be appreciated? A full-time position (30+ hours per week) is available in our finance office, located at 365 Route 59. Graduates are welcome. Competitive pay and full benefits package! Premium Health is an equal opportunity employer. Please email your resume to ebrull@
POSITION AVAILABLE Looking for a female skilled worker for real estate business. Talented individual should know quickbooks and have good organisational skills, excellent pay. Time is flexible, 15-20 hours a week. Email to: 2468jobmonsey@ WAREHOUSE CREWS
AMAZING OPPORTUNITY ON DEMAND Seeking counselors 11th grade & up to work in upstate camp second half with visually impaired or disabled girls. Also seeking girl to fill position of technical director. Excellent opportunity! Pls call 347 962 9028 AMAZING OPPORTUNITY Are you looking to work from home and build a business in the wellness industry? Earn supplemental income!! Flexible hours. Online access required. Contact 845-6821624
help wanted N
OFFICE POSITION Fast paced, multi girl office, looking to hire energetic, good phone skills, multi tasking, quick learner female. Graduates welcome. Great pay. Pleasant working environment. OFFICE POSITION Office located in Monsey looking to hire PT / FT secretary, quick learner, WAREHOUSE energetic, able to multi task, WAREHOUSE CREWS CREWS ON DEMAND very nice environment, ON DEMAND please email resume hb@ or call 845-274-2492 GREAT SALES POSITION Be Your Own Boss! “Be in business for yourself not by yourself” best training + support provided, great benefits and retirement package. Please email or call 845-639-5216
Whether a container's arrived and needs unloading fast, or it's high season, and you need extra staff, we've got you covered. Whatever the situation, whatever the job, our licensed, experienced, and on-demand workers will get to you ASAP and only leave when the job is complete.
OFFICE POSITION Busy real estate office looking to hire young energetic male agent. Candidate must be able to multitask and have excellent communication skills. Earn salary+ commission! Email your resume: officejrkhomes@ SALESHELP WANTED Clothing store in Monsey is looking for a motivated woman/girl for saleshelp. Pls WAREHOUSE call 845-642-7965 CREWS ON DEMAND
RECEPTIONIST & CUSTOMER SERVICE WAREHOUSE Do you enjoy meeting new CREWS people? The Surgical Shop ON is DEMAND hiring! Both receptionist and customer service positions available. Wonderful upbeat atmosphere . All female office. Email: jobopportunities120@gmail. com or Call 845-425-2617 ext# 108
Open Sun. - Fri.
WAREHOUSE Whether a container's arrived and needs unloading fast, or it's high season, and you CREWS Whether a container's arrived and needs unloading fast, or it's high season, and need you extra staff, we've got you covered. ON DEMAND need extra staff, we've got you covered.Whatever the situation, whatever the job,
T. 917.618.4163 E.
our licensed, experienced, and on-demand Whatever the situation, whatever the job, workers will get to you ASAP and only leave our licensed, experienced, and on-demand when the job is complete. workers will get to you ASAP and only leave
Our experienced workers will get to you ASAP and only leave when the job is complete. when the job is complete.
Open Sun. - Fri.
T. 917.618.4163 845.250.ASAP E. T. 917.618.4163 E.
Open Sun. - Fri.
T. 917.618.4163 E.
Open Sun. - Fri.
Open Sun. - Fri.
T. 917.618.4163 E.
Open Sun. - Fri.
T. 917.618.4163 E.
The Monsey View
July 6, 2022 · 845.600.8484
Classifieds FEMALE LIFEGUARD Looking for female lifeguard in Monticello exit 106, no bungalow provided. Monday - Friday 3 hours per day in the afternoon.. Call or text 2129603182
Neshomah School, A special-ed school in Monroe is seeking a passionate-skilled individual with leadership qualities to teach a specialed class. No degree necessary. Neshomah has on-site daycare for staff children. Email: Manager@neshomah. org Phone: 845-751-9300 #104. Fax:845-414-3933
P/T SECRETARY Local girls high school looking for secretary from 8am-2pm. Basic Microsoft knowledge required. Email: HOSIERY SALESLADY A hosiery store is looking for an energetic young saleslady/ girl. Great pay! 845-579-5512
ABA THERAPIST Amazing opportunity to further your behavioral skills under the guidance of a highly skilled BCBA. ABA Talks is looking for an energetic individual with good play skills to work with a 10-year-old girl 1-2 afternoons a week 4:006:30 and Sundays 1:00-4:15. 30-minute drive from Monsey, Passaic or Teaneck. No experience necessary. High starting salary rate. Email: Call:845-579-6080ext.101
WIG SALON HIRING Tzippy’s wigs is now hiring !looking for talented Individual to wash and style wigs must be focused, detailed oriented & very responsible. Workdays ,Sunday Tues & Thursday. Please call 845-352-7158 & leave a message with hours your avail to work TITLE I TUTOR POSITION Heimishe cheder seeking tutors for the upcoming school year: man for the older grades, and lady/girl for the younger grades. Reading and math skills. Afternoon hours. Please send resume to or fax to 845.208.0440.
GREAT OPPORTUNITY Yeshiva Bais Dovid is looking for Heimishe, Geshmake counselors and lifegards for the month of August. Applications can be picked up in our office or you can call 845-521-8752
5”,6”,7” Gutters Copper and aluminum gutters Over 30 colors 845-782-4473
Fully Insured Free estimates
The Monsey View
Gutter Guard Installation Cleaning and Repirs
July 6, 2022 · 845.600.8484
help wanted N
SWIFT STAFFING is seeking to hire additional recruiters. Part-time & Flexible hours. Email your resume to Info@ TUTOR WANTED Chassidishe cheder looking for a male tutor for title one. 3:30-5:30. Please call 8452637445
COMMUNITY AND FAMILY LIAISON Chai Lifeline is looking for an experienced individual who is a multi tasker and has good communication skills to assist families with needs and various services. Competitive pay. Yiddish Speaking required. Flexible hours. Send resume to jobs@
SPECIAL-ED TEACHING POSITION Special-ed school in Monroe is seeking a passionateskilled individual with leadership qualities to teach a special-ed class. No degree necessary. Email: Manager@ Phone: 845751-9300 #104 Fax:845-4143933
OFFICE POSITION Seeking to fill administrative office position. Candidate should be experienced, detail oriented, computer proficient, responsible with good communication skills. Great working environment, opportunity for growth. Transp. not available.
TITLE DIRECTOR Heimishe Mosod is looking to hire a Title Director for the upcoming school year. Please send resume to secretary@
ACCOUNTING A fast growing company is looking to hire someone for account receivables and collections, the candidate should have great communication skills. Please email resume to
Heimishe office in Monsey looking to hire for multiple full-time positions, graduate/ entry level ok. Please email resume: sammy@ or call 845-603-8206
NEED LIFEGUARDS Boys and girls lifeguards-one each. Early evening hours. Monday-Thursday. Private pool. Easy job. Forshay area. No transportation. Leave clear message: 845-362-2261.
July 6, 2022
The Monsey View · 845.600.8484
Classifieds COORDINATION POSITION Seeking to hire a responsible worker for coordination position. Requires networking, communicating, and creativity skills. Flexible schedule. Great pay. Send resume to recruitmentdepartment845@ PART TIME JOB Hosiery site looking for worker approx 12 hrs/week & more in busy season. Chestnut Ridge. Text 845445-8213 OFFICE WORK FROM HOME Non profit organization in Monsey is looking for secretary. Work from home. Must be proficient in Microsoft office, able to send emails, flexible hours. 3-4 hours per day or night. Seasonal employment. Text 718-536-0361 150+ JOB OPENINGS!
Stop wasting your time going through all the jobs classifieds. Simply email your resume to Info@ to explore your options & maximize your career. Or Call/Text/ WhatsApp 732-800-7633 Strictly confidential & completely free.
The Monsey View
July 6, 2022 · 845.600.8484
Seeking competent male and female swimming instructors. contact pereld@ PHOTO ASSISTANT Looking for WEDDING Photographer’s Assistant. No photography knowledge necessary. Jobs in Monsey/ Monroe. Great potential. Min 2x week. 8452321271 |
F/T OFFICE POSITION Procurement firm in Rockland looking to fill a full time office position. Part time is an option. Candidate must have minimum of 1 year office work experience, be organized, familiar with Microsoft Office, have great communication skills, and effective time management. Experience in Quickbooks is a plus. Please send resumes to MUSIC TEACHERS Jumpstart your musical career. The Music School is seeking capable piano and guitar teachers for our various courses. Flexible schedule. Professional curriculum and training provided. Contact themusicschool@outlook. com . 845.682.1231
help wanted N babysitting N services N
F/T SECRETARY A busy construction office in the Monsey area is looking for a full-time secretary. Must have good phone skills and knowledge in computers. Willing to train the right candidate. Please send your resume to MBerger@
BABYSITTING BABYSITTER ON BATES Available slot for September. Please call 845-826-2185 BABYSITTER Babysitter available on Spruill (off Melnick drive). Reasonable rates, drop ins are welcome, space is limited. 406 479 BABYSITTER AVAILABLE Heimishe lady available to watch your children evenings in the comfort of your own home. Rivkah Zwiebel 347374-0770 references available
SERVICES PROFESSIONAL PIANO LESSONS and music theory by Miriam Ungar. Now accepting Children’s Waiver. Please call 845.502.1971
ARROWSMITH Is your child still in the same place after all that tutoring?Join Arrowsmith, a research based program that strengthens the brain and eliminates learning disabilities. Call Mrs Feuer 914-260-6449 MALE TUTOR Is your son not getting “enough” in cheider? Licensed NYS teacher with years of experience, available to teach your son in the evening. Reading, writing, math and financial literacy. Will come to you, reasonable rates. Satisfied references available. Call/Text 845.263.9530. Leave message if no answer. PETTICOATS FOR RENT!
Enhance your gown with just the right petticoat! Kids and adults petticoats for rent! In the Bates area. Please Call or text between 8:30-10pm 845-746-7248 PEARLS BY CHUMI SILBER Genuine freshwater pearl necklaces and earrings priced to suit your budget .We come down to the comfort of your house. We also offer free pickup and delivery for your pearl restringing. Call 845-352-5013.
July 6, 2022
The Monsey View · 845.600.8484
Classifieds TORAHANYTIME.COM On demand Torah lectures Video-Audio-download All for free Computer or App for iPhone/Android Or Hotline 718-298-2077. Yiddish Hebrew - English MUSIC LESSONS ON THE PHONE Mr. Wertzberger’s Music School offering music lessons on the phone, ages 9-15 boys and girls. Try it free! 718-4351923 KANGEN WATER “Change your Water.. Change your life” Alkaline - AntiOxidant - Super Hydrating Call for FREE supply and feel AMAZING! 917-681-0003 PROFESSIONAL HAIRCUTS & STYLING Great prices. Call Miri 845426-7561 ELECTRICIAN Experienced electrician for all your electrical work, reasonable prices, prompt and honest service. call 347345-5636. TABLECLOTH RENTAL Exclusive starched linen toppers and runners to enhance your Simcha or event, matching napkins available. call 845-558-9623.
PHOTO ALBUMS Custom designed luxury photo albums from all your Events, Simchas, Photoshoots, Baby albums, Chuson albums etc. All sizes available. Leather - Glass top - Fabric - Hard & soft cover. Call/txt 845-213-6177 CALL/TEXT SARAH @845-596-1373 Craniosacral Therapy InHome Sessions CUSTOM CLOSETS For all your custom closets, doors or mouldings call or text 1347.522.4872 KEYBOARD LESSONS Keyboard lessons By Miri. Great Prices! Call 845-4267561 or 845-263-6437
PICK UPS 845-461-3084 FACE PAINTING Face painting for your simcha and parties. Shayna 917.710.3967. $100/hour GARTLECH we fix knitted & crochet Gartlech & make beautiful professional fringes. We also teach how to knit & crochet. call: 917-414-3281
services N odds & ends N
SINGER/GUITARIST Will perform at your chuppah, Sheva Brachos, or any 2-3 hour event. Moshe Klaver 845-746-0925 CRANIOSACRAL THERAPY Homevisits in craniosacral therapy for babies, kids and women- emotional and physical issues. Monsey, Brooklyn, Monroe, Lakewood 201-281-8704 SARNO METHOD Are you in pain? Learn the sarno method from an experienced coach that has helped many people by getting to the source of whats causing the pain and therefore was able to help eliminate the pain. Call now 347-351-4299 INSPIRATIONAL PRESENTATION AVAILABLE (SPONSORED AS A ZECHUS) show this heartwarming presentation to your neighborhood, staff, camp, friends, bungalow colonies … featuring Rubashkin and a personal story by world renowned founder of “boee Beshalom” Erev shabbos program. Call 845-426-6551 DRIVER IN ISRAEL Heimishe driver in Israel with updated, luxury vehicles available for all driving jobs. All size vehicles with room for 4, 6, 8, 10, 16 or 20 passengers. Please call Yair Rashevsky at 972-50405-0150. LADY DRIVER Lady driver available for long distance trips evenings and weekends. Please call Chavi: 845-659-8207
The Monsey View
July 6, 2022 · 845.600.8484
VAN & TRUCK Van & Truck Delivery and Shlepping Service Call Izzy: 845-263-0420 15 PASSENGER VAN Local and long distance. Airports, mountains etc. Call 845-274-6819 HAIRCUTS & STYLES Haircutting & Styling for all occasions. Located in the Calvert area. Call 845-3764595 MURRAY POOL Large, heated, sparkling, w/ waterslide, dressing rooms & restroom. Open for ladies: Fri & Sun 8am-11pm. Mon-Thurs 8am-3pm. Groups please call 347-526-0615 MONTEBELLO POOL Private, clean pool available to rent for $75 per hour in the Montebello area. Also available for daycamps. Please call or text 845-5458454. POOL Large, private heated pool available 845 270 8922 DEBT RELIEF having trubble with finances? join Debtors Anonymous Tuesday night @ 19 Robert Pitt # 113 , 7:30-8:30pm. visit www.
ODDS & ENDS ELECTRIC SCOOTER RENTAL א פאר עלעקטריק סקוטער צו פארדינגען אויפן שעה ביטע 845-587-9640 רופט
July 6, 2022
The Monsey View · 845.600.8484
LITTLE TIKES NURSERY Yiddish speaking nursery on Roberts road has 2 available slots for upcoming school year. Many happy references available. Extended hours available from 9 to 4:30. Call 845 587 8300
GOWNS LIGHT BLUE GOWNS 2 Beautiful light blue gowns, miss size 2 - 8 for sale or rent. Please call 845-596-4843 GOLD GOWN Adorable gold gown by Dassy available to buy or rent. Toddler size 4. Call 422-5596 for more info GIRLS CHASUNAH GOWN Very Elegant, Winter White trimmed with Black Velvet, girls size 14/16 for sale. Please Call 845-709-7161. MATERNITY GOWN Beautiful Custom made very slenderizing, Off White and Silver Beaded Maternity Gown for Rent. Call, Text or Whatsaap 845-325-9722.
Inteam Solutions is looking to hire
FULL TIME EMPLOYEES at our Monsey / Chestnut Ridge office. Available Positions: Customer Experience Project Manager Resume can be emailed to: (.co without the M)
Silver/Grey colored gown size 2-4 8455380391
CHILDRENS WHITE GOWNS 11 gorgeous white gowns sizes ranging from 2-12. To rent/ sell, very reasonable price. Please call 347-693-9672 MOTHER OF BRIDE Beautiful mother of bride gown for sale. Black and white. Size 10-12. Great price. Call/text 347-760-4649. OFF WHITE CHILDREN’S GOWNS Beautiful girls off white children’s lace gowns for rent multiple sizes - 9 pieces call / text 845-558 -0276 GOWNS Adorable Kids Tulle Gowns, Off White, very fresh, worn once . sizes 7-8, 9-10, 9-10,and 10-12. Great deal for all four. Please call: 845-587-8979 EXQUISITE DRESS Beautiful exquisite black/ white dress size 0-2 for sale or rent. Please call 845-3238744 for more info.
LATE ADS APT FOR RENT Spacious 3 Bed 2 Bath apt main Street Area available immediately 347 946 5381 CRANIAL SPECIALIST PLUS
WHITE GOWN Gorgeous vintage style white gown size 0-2 for sale/rent. Call 845-425-6148 for more info. BLACK MATERNITY GOWN Size XS gown for rent/sale. Call/text 646-334-6582 NAVY GOWN Magnificent navy gown for rent. Size 2-4. 845-721-9265
Release blockages, pain & trauma through cranialsacral therapy! Schedule your appointement today to ensure your spot, with S. Steiner. Booking now for the beginning of September Please call 845-608-7624 if no answer leave a message
Looking to hire a graphic designer for one or possibly two days a week. Great pay for the right candidate. Please email resume and portfolio to:
The Monsey View
July 6, 2022 · 845.600.8484
Request for Proposal United Talmudical Academy is a school in Rockland County Area and is now accepting proposals to find a qualified source to provide us with Dry Food, Spices, cereals, Beans, ETC. For the upcoming School year start date 07/01/2022 Finish date 06/30/2023 U.T.A. is serving approximately 3,200 Children. Submission Deadline: June/14/2022 by the end of the day. To receive a Bid Package please contact our office via email at
In accordance with Federal civil rights law and U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) civil rights regulations and policies, the USDA, its Agencies, offices, and employees, and institutions participating in or administering USDA programs are prohibited from discriminating based on race, color, national origin, sex, disability, age, or reprisal or retaliation for prior civil rights activity in any program or activity conducted or funded by USDA. Persons with disabilities who require alternative means of communication for program information (e.g. Braille, large print, audiotape, American Sign Language, etc.), should contact the Agency (State or local) where they applied for benefits. Individuals who are deaf, hard of hearing or have speech disabilities may contact USDA through the Federal Relay Service at (800) 877-8339. Additionally, program information may be made available in languages other than English. To file a program complaint of discrimination, complete the USDA Program Discrimination Complaint Form, (AD-3027)(link is external) found online at: https:// is external), and at any USDA office, or write a letter addressed to USDA and provide in the letter all of the information requested in the form. To request a copy of the complaint form, call (866) 632-9992. Submit your completed form or letter to USDA by:
mail: U.S. Department of Agriculture Office of the Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights 1400 Independence Avenue, SW Washington, D.C. 20250-9410;
fax: (202) 690-7442; or
email: sends e-mail).
This institution is an equal opportunity provider.
July 6, 2022
The Monsey View · 845.600.8484
The Monsey View
July 6, 2022 · 845.600.8484
חומש סעודה בישיבה תורה ויראה דרבינו יואל דסאטמאר מאנסי
The Monsey View
גאב''ד זכרון מאיר בביקור בניו יארק
July 6, 2022
The Monsey View · 845.600.8484
חומש סעודה בת"ת דרכי אבות צאנז מאנסי
The Monsey View
חומש סעודה אין ת"ת אמרי שפר
מעמד קביעת מזוזה ע"י הרה"צ ר' מענדל האגער בן האדמו"ר מוויזשניץ מאנסי
במשרד החדש של הנגיד ר' הערשי לעבאוויטש Paramount Plumbing and Heating
תלמידי כיתה ז' בת"ת דרכי אבות צאנז מאנסי בסיום על פרק המפקיד ובחינה אצל אב"ד טאשנאד
The Monsey View
מעמד לחיים בת"ת סאטמאר מאנסי בראשות גאב"ד סאטמאר מאנסי לרגל תגלחת הנכד אצל חתנו הרה"ג ר' שלום יחזקאל רובין בהשתתפות האדמו"ר מבית חיים יושע
בלב מלא שמחה הננו בזה לברך ברכת מזל טוב לידידינו וידיד כל בית ישראל ,מרבה להטיב ,אוהב צדקות ,איש אמונות ורב תבונות
מזל טוב!
הרה”ג ר’ יעקב יוסף שפיצער שליט"א
מנהל מפעל עיני ישועה
לרגל הכנסת בנו הבחור שלום אלי’ נ”י לעול התורה והמצוות יהא רעווא מן קדם אבוהון דבשמיא להתברך בשפע ברכה והצלחה ותראה רב תענוג ונחת ,ובכל אשר תפנה תשכיל ותצליח עד בלי די, עדי נזכה מתוך רינה ודיצה לראות בנין בית הבחירה בב"א.
The Monsey View
July 6, 2022
The Monsey View · 845.600.8484
// Inside
FREE ISSUE 355 JULY 6, 2022
פרשת חקת ז’ תמוז תשפ”ב
THE MAGIC IN THE METHOD How Amazon moves millions of items every day
PALACES OF PURCHASES Department store defuncts and die-hards
What makes some slogans go down in history?
YOEL ITZKOWITZ Editor in Chief:
D. GORALNIK Content Editor:
Associate Editor:
104 //
114 //
122 //
Week in Review
130 //
The Last Rebbe of Lodz
140 //
The Long Road to Freedom
153 //
160 //
Summer Barbecue Board
170 //
Emporiums of Yesteryear
192 //
208 //
When Brands Ring Well
224 //
228 //
Fun Pages
238 //
264 //
Food Editor:
M.P. WERCBERGER Creative Director:
AJ WACHSMAN Project Coordinator:
THE MONSEY VIEW P.O. Box 305 Monsey N.Y. 10952
845-600-8484 845-600-8483 Website:
MISSION STATEMENT: The Monsey View is a weekly publication designed for every segment and age group of our diverse community. Under rabbinical guidance, we bring Monsey’s top talent together to provide high-quality, informative and current reading material, keeping you up to date on sales, events, news and issues of concern and import happening right now in the Monsey community. DISCLAIMER: We do not endorse any ad found in this publication. We are not responsible for typographical or grammatical errors. COPYRIGHT: All content found in The Monsey View is copyright and may not be reproduced, published, distributed or duplicated for public or private use without written permission from The Monsey View. Limit one (1) per family
The Monsey View
July 6, 2022 · 845.600.8484