FREE ISSUE 356 JULY 13, 2022
פרשת בלק י”ד תמוז תשפ”ב
The secret to a clean kitchen and well-fed kids
The rich history of the Brooklyn Bridge Park
A guide to grassy local spots
The Monsey View
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July 13, 2022
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The Monsey View
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The Monsey View
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The Monsey View
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זמנים לפרשת
// Talk of Town
8:02 9:41
7:57 9:22
all your needs.
8:09 9:39
הדלקת הנרות מוצאי שבת
356-mall 6
(Re: When Brands Ring Well, Issue 355) Thank you for the article you featured about slogans and taglines. I really enjoyed reading it. I can’t believe you forgot to include the famous “Only pay for what you need” by Liberty Mutual. That was the first one that came to mind! Additionally, I’d like to thank you for the beautiful and wellresearched Excursions book. There’s just everything in there that we need to know for planning our trips. It is so informative! R.W.
(Re: A List as Long as the Amazon, Issue 355) With the recent historical gathering against the internet, why are you printing an unnecessary article all about Amazon?! I feel it is in the realm of poretz geder. Please do not encourage internet shopping or usage. It will not bring you or Klal Yisroel any good. Thank you! A proud internet-free reader
(Re: Emporiums of Yesteryear, Issue 355) The article about department stores ends abruptly in the middle on page 182. Can you please continue the article in the coming issue? It is very interesting. Reba N. Monsey 27 Orchard Street Monsey, NY 10952 845-425-8010
THE MONSEY VIEW RESPONDS: We apologize for this issue. The last paragraph, most of which had W E A T H E R
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The Monsey View
July 13, 2022 · 845.600.8484
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been mistakenly cut off, reads: Macy’s bounced along with the currents, adapting to changing times, and they are still going as strong as ever. As of April 30, ‘22, Macy’s had 511 stores and 130,000 employees. As of 2017, Macy’s annual revenue was $24.8 billion.
(Re: It’s a New Day!, Issue 353) I clipped your article about Birchos Hashachar to peruse when life gets calmer during summer vacation. Thank you for the enlightening and inspiring information. I recorded the concepts to have them handy when I say the brachos. Hopefully, these deeper meanings will become my immediate thoughts. I thought of adding a few things I picked up here and there, which I also found insightful. A colleague of mine told me that when someone is in shidduchim (or if you’re davening for someone else who is in shidduchim), one should have that in mind when saying “Pokeach ivrim.” We need special siyata d’Shmaya to open our eyes to see that a shidduch is right. Once, at a nichum aveilim visit, I heard that the elderly woman who
passed away would have in mind by Pokeach ivrim that Hashem should open her eyes to see only good in people. A lofty goal and something we should all daven for! It’s interesting to note that all of the brachos are in present tense except for one: She’asa li kol tzarki, which is in past tense. We thank Hashem for all the gifts He bestows upon us in the present; it’s an ongoing thing. However, thanking Hashem for fulfilling all of our needs can only be done when looking back. While a person is going through life day by day, they don’t have the full clarity to acknowledge this. It’s only in hindsight that we can express our gratitude to our Father, after seeing how everything had fallen into place. Thanks for a wonderful publication. Name withheld upon request
This past Independence Day, my daughter came running home to tell me that a group of missionaries were
on the corner of West and Church streets in Spring Valley, trying to convert a group of Jewish children in exchange for a fireworks show. I ran over and found that this was correct. The missionaries were showing Yiddish translations of their propaganda via smartphone to a group of frum children. I am sharing this information to inform the public that missionaries are active in the area, targeting kids. Please watch your children, call Chaverim if you see them, and unless you are trained in anti-missionary activities, don’t engage with them. They are trained in manipulating the Torah to appear to support their agenda. Unless one has studied in depth, they can twist things to appear as they want it to appear. R.R. P.S. After doing research on the location, I found that the site has been leased to a missionary group in the last two months. It seems that they may be here to stay for a while. We should all be on the alert and communicate with our children about stranger danger and shmad. EDITOR’S BULLETIN We apologize for the inappropriate pictures that made their way into last week’s issue.
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July 13, 2022 · 845.600.8484
The Monsey View, POB 305, Monsey, NY 10952
The Monsey View
July 13, 2022 · 845.600.8484
The Monsey View
July 13, 2022 · 845.600.8484
PARSHAS BALAK For the Sake of a Mitzvah
Shabbos. The only way Reb Yosef Levi could send his paper was if When Bilam’s donkey miraculously opened his it was all loaded on Friday, before sunset. mouth, he asked, “What have I done to you that Reb Yosef Levi made the necesyou hit me these three times?” (Bamidbar 22:28). sary arrangements for the merchandise to arrive on time, but The donkey’s choice of words is not typical. things did not go as planned. The first bump was that the Arab Rather than using the more usual choice of words, workers who were meant to prepare the shipment began doing “Zeh shalosh pe’amim,” the donkey says, “Zeh so late in the day; after all, it was shalosh regalim.” Rashi points out that the donkey Friday, their day of rest. The caravan drivers, too, lazily took their was referencing Klal Yisroel, telling Bilam that he time, and when they arrived at the was attempting to uproot a nation that celebrates train station, they were stopped by the British police to make way three festivals, the Shalosh Regalim, every year. for a military convoy. By the time the wagons finally arrived, there Why did the donkey point out this attribute – that wasn’t enough time to load them this is a nation that celebrates the yamim tovim? onto the train before Shabbos. To Reb Yosef Levi, it was clear: What is special about the mitzvos of the Shalosh There was no way they could start the job. Chillul Shabbos was not an Regalim? option. But what was he to do with the lineup of wagons? The drivers refused to remain over Shabbos. HE WAS AN ASKAN AND A BUSINESSMAN with an old-time Reb Yosef Levi entertained the concept of dropping the merYerushalmi flavor. Living in Yerushalayim in the Old Yishuv, chandise into the Nile, but the drivers laughed. It was illegal Reb Yosef Levi Chagiz was just as meticulous in his Torah to throw anything into the water. He needed to come up with learning and mitzvos as he was in his business dealings. Hav- a solution fast. Just then, Reb Yosef Levi noticed a beautiful house with a ing inherited his father’s paper and printing company, Reb Yosef Levi was successful — but never at the expense of his Yid- large courtyard right around the corner of the station. He walked over and learned that it was the home of a senior Britdishkeit. It was post World War I, and the economy in Eretz Yisroel ish officer, one of the leaders of the town. Without thinking was just about rebounding. Reb Yosef Levi managed to strike twice, he instructed the wagon drivers to unload the goods in a deal in Cairo for a large supply of paper at a good rate. The that courtyard. The Arab drivers, for their part, assumed that their master main hurdle was getting the goods over to Eretz Yisroel. Although there was a train headed from Alexandria to Eretz Yis- had obtained permission for this move, and they quickly began to unload the paper onto the officer’s property. Just then, roel, the railways were still in use primarily for the military. Through his connections and funds, he managed to get the the British officer arrived. “What’s going on here?” he asked, surprised at the commonecessary permits to attach a railroad car with his merchandise to the train, but the train was set to depart on a Motzei tion on his private property. 102
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The Arab drivers pointed to Reb same question of his father, the Avnei Yosef Levi, who calmly explained his Nezer. The Avnei Nezer replied that predicament. The officer realized that Klal Yisroel gained the capacity to this was a great opportunity. This Jew sacrifice their money for the sake of was prepared to lose his entire stock in a mitzvah from none other than the either case… Shalosh Regalim. When the Yidden “I have a solution for you!” he said would go to be oleh regel, they left begleefully. “You can leave your goods hind entire properties along with all here, and we will transfer it to the government treasury.” their possessions, unprotected, because they were prepared to Within moments, a contract was created, and Reb Yosef Levi give up all they owned for the sake of Hashem’s mitzvos! signed on the dotted lines. He didn’t bother asking what the “This instilled within all the generations to come the power contract read even though he couldn’t understand the English to sacrifice our possessions for the sake of a mitzvah,” the Avnei words written there. He was simply happy to be relieved of his Nezer concluded. burden so he could welcome Shabbos peacefully. This is an attribute that cannot be fathomed by a non-Jew. Reb Yosef Levi experienced a particularly uplifting Shab- Thus, the Shalosh Regalim emphasize a demarcation between bos, feeling lightened by his great sacrifice. Only after Shabbos Jew and non-Jew. Are you prepared to give all you have for your did he take the contract over to a friend who understood Eng- Creator? lish. By alluding to the Shalosh Regalim, the donkey was pointThe translation of the agreement left him floored: “Permis- ing out to Bilam: “For just a sum of money, you are prepared to sion is granted to the bearer of this contract to store his mer- curse a nation that is ready to sacrifice all their means for their chandise in my courtyard. The merchandise must be removed Creator! Do you really think that you will be able to carry out at the first opportunity.” your plan?!” Reb Yosef Levi made the necessary arrangements for his transport and returned to the British officer’s home. The offi- Adapted from the teachings of Rav Mordechai Freundlich, zt”l. cer welcomed him with a broad smile. “To tell you the truth,” he said, “I don’t love Jews. But how can I cause harm to one who is so Did You Know? devoted to the commandment of his religion?” Bilam was a descendant of Lavan. According to the Gemara in SanThe officer lowered his voice. “Just one thing I ask… Explain! From where did you take the hedrin (105a), Bilam was Lavan’s son, and according to Tanchuma, he courage to forfeit so much merchandise just for was Lavan himself. the sake of your G-d’s commandment?!” Interestingly, the fence where the donkey pressed to the side, injurThe officer’s question hung in the air — with ing Bilam’s foot as he did, was made of stones that were placed there no quick answer in sight.
Reb Yosef Levi was successful — but never at the expense of his Yiddishkeit.
* * * * * In fact, the Shem MiShmuel asked this very
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by Lavan and Yaakov Avinu as a monument memorializing their covenant never to harm one another. As Bilam passed this monument on his way to breach the agreement, he was painfully reminded of it.
The Monsey View
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July 13, 2022
The Monsey View · 845.600.8484
Ukrainian Embassy Shuts Down All Rosh Hashanah Travel to Uman Spending Rosh Hashanah in Uman has become an annual ritual for some, but with the ongoing war in the Ukraine, officials have said that no visitors will be allowed to Rabbi Nachman’s kever this year. Ukraine’s Israeli embassy made the announcement on social media, acknowledging the importance of the annual pilgrimage even as it announced that no visitors or tourists will be allowed into the country amid security concerns. “Your prayers are important to us,” wrote Ukraine’s Israeli ambassador, Yevgen Korniychuk. “Please pray that before Rosh Hashanah, the war in the Ukraine, which broke out due to blatant and cruel Russian aggression, will come to an end, and pray for the victory of Ukraine. We hope that the prayers will be fulfilled and that Ukraine will once again be a country that generously receives visitors from Israel, and especially Jews who come to Ukraine to visit the graves of the righteous.” Meanwhile, Rosh Hashanah preparations are still moving ahead in the hopes that the situation can be resolved before Tishrei, reported The Times of Israel. Natan Ben-Nur, chairman of the Breslov Union in Uman, said that he wasn’t expecting crowds in Uman this year, but hopes that his predictions will be proved wrong. Hatzalah Ukraine director Shlomi Elisha also said that his agency was still moving ahead with arrangements, noting that 150 to 200 people are still coming to Rabbi Nachman’s tzion each Shabbos.
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July 13, 2022 · 845.600.8484
“Uman is very far from the frontline, and life is carrying on here as normal except for the nighttime curfew,” said Elisha. Travel to Uman could be more difficult than usual this year, even if the ban on visitors is rescinded in time for Rosh Hashanah. Currently, there are no commercial flights entering Ukraine, leaving trains and buses from neighboring countries the only options for those wishing to enter Ukraine.
Carpool Discounts Disappear as Cashless Tolling Goes Live at GWB Traffic may be moving more smoothly at the George Washington Bridge now that the crossing’s traditional tollbooths have been replaced by an overhead electronic tolling system, but for drivers who relied on a carpool discount to save a few dollars on their commute, the change is anything but welcome. The George Washington Bridge switched over to all-electronic tolling last Sunday. The overhead gantries that monitor traffic heading onto the bridge will collect tolls through E-Z Pass tags in vehicles passing below. Drivers without E-Z Pass will have their license plates photographed, with a toll bill mailed to the vehicle’s registered owner. No additional fees will be charged to those who pay their bills on time. While Port Authority chairman Kevin O’Toole hailed the system as quick and accurate, others were less than enthusiastic about the fact that the bridge’s carpool discounts are now relegated to the history books. As previously reported in The Monsey View, eliminating the carpool discount will have drivers shelling out an additional $9.50 each day to cross the George Washington Bridge, and with less incentive to carpool, will likely generate more pollution. “I’ve said it time and time again, but the Port Authority just won’t listen,” Congressman Josh Gottheimer told New Jersey 101.5. “We can have cashless tolls and a carpool discount lane, but the Port Authority would rather unnecessarily tax Jersey drivers. It’s extremely disappointing.” Gottheimer has been heavily involved in the fight to save the carpool discount for years, and he disagreed with the Port Authority’s contention that there is no ac-
curate way for an electronic system to count a vehicle’s occupants to verify that it is eligible for the savings. He noted that Massachusetts, California, Georgia, Tennessee and Virginia are all using technology to detect the number of passengers in a car. The systems are 95% accurate, while relying on toll takers to count passengers, which has long been done at the George Washington Bridge, has an accuracy rate of just 36%. Gottheimer also criticized the decision to eliminate the carpool discount at a time when high inflation and shocking gas prices have left consumers reeling, calling it “a loselose for absolutely everyone.”
Poised To Win Contest, Teen’s Unconventional Sticker Design May Prompt Voter Engagement An Ulster County Board of Elections attempt to engage teens in the voting process took an unusual turn, with an unlikely winner emerging in the second annual “I Voted” sticker contest, potentially drawing more voters to cast their ballots in November. Times Union reported that this is the second year that Ulster County has asked thirteen- to eighteen-year-olds to submit a design for the stickers distributed to voters after they cast their ballots on Election Day. Approximately fourteen designs were submitted by area teens, with the field narrowed down to six designs that were presented for a public vote on the Board of Elections’ website. While five of the voting stickers feature a traditional red, white and blue color palette and images including an American flag, a bald eagle and the Capitol building, the one that appears to be resonating most with voters is a psychedelic spider with a purple humanlike head and six turquoise legs. Designed by fourteen-year old Hudson Rowan of Marbletown, the undefinable image had garnered over 106,100 of the more than 113,400 votes cast as of last Friday. Ulster County Legislator Abe Uchitelle noted that Rowan’s design struck a chord with voters during a time when many people feel that democracy is in crisis. And while some have speculated that the sticker might increase voter turnout on Election Day, Board of Elections Democratic commissioner Ashley Dittus took a slightly different view of the spider-like sticker. “I think that no matter who our voters are coming out to vote for this fall, they will be leaving with something unique and different, and I hope it will put a smile on their faces,” Dittus told Mashable. “We want people, especially young people, to know that their vote counts and that their voice matters.” 112
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The Monsey View
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July 13, 2022
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C H A P T E R 18 RECAP: After a lonely Shabbos spent brooding, Izzy drives out to Zach to keep him company. Zach finally tells the media of his plans to leave town, but refuses to comment further.
zzy walked into Zach’s home at around 10 p.m., disheveled and confused thanks to the mob of reporters outside. Despite Zach’s warning, Izzy hadn’t been prepared for the bombardment of questions, the crush of people, the incessant pop of flashes. Well, few people were, the first time. He handled himself well enough, though, Zach thought. At least he pushed through the throng without saying anything troublesome. But as soon as he was inside with the door firmly closed, Izzy sagged against the frame with a haunted look. “I don’t know how you handle that.” “You get used to it,” Zach assured him. “Besides, they’re not always this bad. They smell blood…” “So we’re, what? Prey?” Izzy put his face up to the frosted glass panes surrounding Zach’s front door and gazed out numbly. “Ah, don’t worry about it. By tomorrow morning we’ll be 4,000 miles away, and nobody will even know our names.” Zach padded into the kitchen and flipped on a light.
“You want soda or beer?” he called over his shoulder. * * * * *
Zach’s suitcase, which he was carefully loading with a week’s worth of clothing, had a section for hanging garments as well as an open pouch for everything else. The bag, which lay open on Zach’s bed, was already packed with two suits and several pressed shirts. Zach was currently stuffing the main section while Izzy watched, leaning against a wall and sipping a beer. As it turned out, there was no direct flight to Lodz. They could fly to Warsaw and drive the 84 miles from there. But there weren’t that many direct flights to Warsaw, either, so what was the point? Izzy didn’t want a long drive in addition to a long layover. “So how are we getting there?” Zach asked for the third time. He didn’t really care at first, had only asked out of curiosity. But Izzy kept evading the question. “I didn’t really have a choice,” Izzy told
him, biting his lip. Zach raised an eyebrow. “Just tell me, Izzy. I’m not gonna bite.” Looking apologetic, Izzy said, “We’re flying Aer Lingus to Dublin at three in the morning. The flight’s six and a half hours long, and we’ll land at 2:30 p.m. local time.” “So?” Izzy flashed a weak smile. “Unfortunately, the only airline to Lodz, Ryanair, leaves at 9:35 a.m. So...” “So we’re spending Sunday night in Dublin.” Izzy inhaled. “Yeah. Believe me, I looked for other options! But practically everything had a huge layover somewhere, or other problems, and —” He was cut off when Zach started to laugh. “Izzy, have you ever been to Ireland?” “What? No.” Izzy looked at him in surprise. “Pretty much the only place I’ve ever been outside the States is Eretz Yisroel. Why?” Zach’s eyes lit up. “Oi, ‘tis a right lovely place to be marooned, laddie!” he exclaimed. “Yeh’ll lahve it dere!” Izzy burst into laughter. “That was, without a doubt, the worst fake Irish accent I’ve ever heard!” “Believe me, I know.” Zach grinned. “But it really is a beautiful place. We can make a little vacation of it, no worries. There’s this fantastic restaurant I know, down by the —” “Kosher,” Izzy reminded him. “Ahh, right.” Zach tossed another pair of socks into his suitcase. “Well, we’ll find something to eat. And I’ll show you around. The Dublin Castle is amazing.” He frowned. “I don’t suppose you’d want to tour the Cathedral?” Izzy shook his head. “Definitely not.” “What about a seven-hundred-yearold pub?” “Yeah, no thanks.” Zach chuckled. “Tough customer. All right, no problem. There’s plenty to see.” “Honestly,” Izzy told him, “I’m fine just crashing in a hotel. I don’t mind tagging along if you want to go somewhere, as long as there’s nothing inappropriate. But don’t do it for me.” “Everything will be 100% Jew-friendly,” Zach promised. He sat on his suitcase and zipped it closed. “Trust me, you’ll change your tune when we get there. It’s a wonderful city.” He stood up suddenly. “Speaking of changing
tunes…” He disappeared down the hallIzzy had to admit that Dublin really way and returned a few minutes later was beautiful, and there were plenty with a guitar in a case. of interesting things to see along the Izzy looked stunned. “You… play gui- way. The Ha’penny Bridge didn’t do tar?” much for him, though. It was literally Zach looked down at his guitar bag just a wooden bridge over a river. Zach contemplatively. “And bass, and a bit droned on about its history, and Izzy adof piano. But the guitar is my real pas- mitted it was pretty, but he couldn’t find sion.” He held out the guitar bag for Izzy. it in himself to get excited. New York “Do you want to try it?” had bridges too. Izzy held up his hands. “No, thanks. Dublin Castle, however, was a difI can pluck a few chords, but not more ferent story. Izzy couldn’t have cared than a little kumzitz music. I’m not really any good.” “What’s a kumzitz?” “EVERYONE’S ALWAYS “What? Oh, sorry. It’s sort SURPRISED WHEN A of like…” Izzy paused for a moment, then shrugged. “I POLITICIAN PLAYS MUSIC.” can’t really describe it. It’s ZACH SMILED. “GUESS really soulful Jewish music. Everyone sings together, THEY FIGURE WE DON’T that kinda thing. Maybe I’ll HAVE ENOUGH SOUL.” show you sometime.” “Sure.” “I gotta admit,” Izzy said, “I did not see you as a musician.” less for its history; how a bunch of Dark “Well, I don’t make a big deal of it, Ages anti-Semites killed each other but music has a big place in my heart.” wasn’t exactly a subject that interested Zach slung his suitcase over one shoul- him. But it wasn’t every day you saw an der and grabbed the guitar bag with the honest-to-goodness 800-year-old castle. other. “And I know why you didn’t think The sheer size of the thing, the way it of me that way. Everyone’s always sur- rose up like some sort of real-life fairy prised when a politician plays music.” tale, was extremely impressive. He turned to Izzy and smiled. “Guess Even more amazing were the Cliffs they figure we don’t have enough soul.” of Moher, a nine-mile stretch of picturesque greenery at the edge of a cliff that dropped several hundred feet straight * * * * * into the Atlantic Ocean. They arrived at the Cliffs just before The flight to Ireland was long and exhausting. Izzy slept fitfully and woke up sunset. Izzy made the bracha of “she’asa a few hours later for Shacharis. His body es hayam hagadol,” and Zach repeated the thought it was still late at night, but he words after him. Then, just as the sun knew the zman had almost passed. By dipped below the horizon, Izzy whisthe time they deplaned a few hours pered a fervent, “Mah rabu masecha Hashlater, Izzy was worn out and sticky and em!” under his breath. “What was that?” Zach asked. “More desperate for a rest. His ideal tour of the land at this point would have been blessing?” “Oh, just something we say when a warm shower and a bed, but Zach was excited to show him around, and Izzy we’re moved by Hashem’s world. It means, uh, ‘How great are Your deeds, didn’t want to disappoint. After Mincha, they grabbed lunch at Hashem!’ Comes from Tehillim.” They listened together to the sounds a kosher restaurant, and checked into the kind of fancy hotel Izzy would have of the ocean, and slowly, a great sense normally just rolled his eyes at. Then, of peace descended. As darkness began after a few minutes to freshen up, Zach to fall, Zach took out his guitar. Izzy was hired a taxi (“They have more taxis here a little nervous about what his cousin than in New York!”) and took him on a might choose to play, but Zach didn’t grand tour. They left their luggage at the sing anything. His fingers moved up hotel, but Zach insisted on dragging his and down the strings, and a melancholy tune of deep, soul-weary longing guitar along with them. July 13, 2022
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sprung up. Izzy, touched in a way he hadn’t expected, stared open-mouthed as his cousin filled the ocean with song. Zach’s fingers moved more quickly now, hardly seeming to touch the strings, and the deep regret in the melody changed. Calm replaced the mourning, then came acceptance, and there was even a hint of something hopeful hiding just behind the horizon. The song built up like the crashing of waves hundreds of feet below them, a stubborn insistence, a refusal to give in. And then, with no warning at all, it stopped, and Izzy was violently shaken out of his trance. It was so sudden, Izzy turned to his cousin, half expecting to find a reason for the interruption. Instead, he saw his cousin staring intently at the neck of his guitar. “I never could figure out the right way to end this,” Zach whispered. Izzy gaped. “You — you wrote that?” “Did you like it?” “It is... beautiful!” Izzy couldn’t understand it. In every way, Zach had seemed like the perfect politician at their first meeting — slick, smooth, in total control. Then had come a huge blow to his career, and he’d seemed to crumble into dust. And now, this deeply spiritual pintele Yid had poked its head up from the ashes. “You have such a talent! Why’d you ever go into politics?!” And just like that, the light in Zach’s eyes winked out, the shoulders shifted ever so slightly, and the pintele Yid once again dove into hiding. “You can’t make real money in music,” Zach said. “Not if you want to enjoy it. Keeping music as a hobby keeps it pure, I guess.” Stupid thing to say! Izzy berated himself. He wished his brother were there. Chaim Simcha always had the right words. Zach handed the guitar to Izzy. “Your turn. Teach me a kuzmitz.” Izzy laughed uncomfortably. “It’s kumzitz. Like, ‘come sit.’” He took the guitar and studied it. “This is a really nice guitar.” “Perks of politics,” Zach told him with a wink. “This was a gift from Oscar Peña. He’s a famous musician,” he added in response to Izzy’s blank look. “Oh.” Izzy tried a few chords. They sounded much better on this guitar than with the ancient, neglected one in his apartment. He wasn’t even sure he knew where it was; he only used it two or three times a year. “Okay,” he began. “Um, Chanukah is coming. And one of the Chanukah songs is Chasoif. It’s about — well, it’s about galus. And geulah. Exile and redemption. And how we’ve been waiting for so long, struggled for so long, but we know it’s only a matter of time before Hashem saves us.” Zach nodded. “Okay. Let me have it.” Izzy’s fingers moved clumsily over the fretboard. He felt extremely conscious of the difference in their skill. But a kumzitz was never about great music, he reminded himself. It was about neshamah, about heart. He would just have to put as much heart into this as he could, and let Hashem handle the rest. “Here goes, I guess…” he said. “Chasoif zeroa kodshecha…” TO BE CONTINUED...
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The Monsey View
July 13, 2022 · 845.600.8484
Recap: Gonzalo arrives at his brother’s door, where he plans to hide with Sebastian in the heart of Madrid. Their rationale is that the Inquisition is least likely to search for fugitives there. His brother and sister-in-law discuss the young Dominguez’s puzzling escape.
ait a minute!” said Carmello. “Didn’t you serve under Don Pedro Dominguez, the escaped prisoner’s father?” “That’s right,” added Graciela. “You named your own son in his honor. It must have come a great shock when you found out that all along he was a dirty Jew doing all kinds of horrible —” She stopped mid-sentence, and her hand flew to her mouth. Her eyes opened wide as saucers, and she stood up abruptly, spilling hot tea all over the tablecloth. Carmello looked from his wife to his brother and back, the light of comprehension dawning in his eyes. “Gonzalo?” he said, pointing at Sebastian. “Is this who I think it is?” Gonzalo laced the fingers of his two hands together, then put them behind his neck and leaned back. “I’m afraid it is, Carmello. And where should we turn for refuge if not to the safety of my brother’s house?” “Gonzalo, Gonzalo, what have you done?” said Carmello. He looked at Sebastian. “How could you let him do this, young fellow? How could you let him risk his life like this? How could you let him endanger the future of his son?” “What has he done?” said Sebastian. “I knocked on his door and asked him to help me find shelter for the sake of my father’s memory. He was honor-bound to help me. What else could he do?”
The Monsey View
“But didn’t he help you escape from prison?” “Who? Gonzalo? How would he do that? No, Gonzalo had nothing to do with it. The hunchback helped me escape. He just flew in and carried me off.” “The Devil’s henchman,” breathed Carmello. At the mention of the hunchback, Graciela let out a piercing shriek. She crossed herself several times and put her hands over her ears. “I can’t listen to this any more. Heaven have mercy on my soul. Carmello, you have to arrest them right now.” “My own brother, Graciela? Have you taken leave of your senses? I can’t do something like that.” “Carmello,” she wailed, “I don’t want my soul to suffer eternal damnation. I want to go to Heaven. If you don’t arrest them, I will turn them in first thing tomorrow morning.” “If you do that, Graciela, you will be in Heaven before tomorrow night, do you understand me? You will remain silent. You will not breathe one word of this to anyone. Not to anyone. Do you understand me?” Graciela nodded grudgingly. Carmello turned to Gonzalo. “How long do you intend to stay here?” “Maybe a week or two,” said Gonzalo. “Just until things quiet down.” “And then what will you do?” “We will head for Saragossa and then on to Barcelona. From there we should be able to get to Italy without too
much difficulty.” “Fine. Let’s make that one week, and not a day more. Agreed?” Gonzalo nodded. “Agreed.” Soon after the household was asleep, Gonzalo awakened Sebastian. He held his finger to his lips to ask for silence. “We are in mortal danger here,” he whispered to Sebastian. “We have to leave right now, and we have to get as far away from here as we can.” Fifteen minutes later, they were on the road, riding by the light of the silvery moon. But they were not headed for Saragossa, as Gonzalo had told Carmello. Instead, they headed south, deeper into the heart of Spain. They rode through the night, going as fast as the horses could manage. They gave Toledo a wide berth, going instead through Aranjuez and Ocaña. Before dawn, they stopped in a secluded spot in a wooded area near the Cedron River. * * * * *
Just as they settled down to catch a few hours of badly needed sleep, a drama was playing itself out far to the north. An Inquisition wagon rolled up to the door of Carmello Villablanca’s house. A priest in a black cassock and two men of the Hermandad in white robes and black cowl hoods emerged. The priest banged on the door several times before it was finally opened by the maid. Carmello appeared right behind her, rubbing his eyes. “We have come for Dominguez, the escaped prisoner,” said the priest in the black cassock. “While my men search the house, the two of you should remain here.” Carmello was stunned. “B-b-but … how? I mean … who?” “I told Father Jose in the church in the village,” said the maid. “He ran to the Holy office.” “B-but how did you know anything? Were you listening at the door?” “I certainly was,” she said, lifting her chin in defiance. “Suspicious things were going on, and someone had to report them if you and the senora didn’t.” “According to your maid,” said the priest, “you and your wife are innocent. If our investigation supports her testimony, you will not suffer any consequences for these fugitives appearing uninvited at your doorstep.” One of the men from the Hermandad appeared. “The fugitives are gone,” he reported. “They must have left in the night.” The priest turned to Carmello. “Did they say where they were going?” “Yes. They mentioned Saragossa and then Barcelona.” The priest looked to the maid for confirmation. She nodded. “Good, you are cooperating,” he said. “If you hear from them, you are to report to me immediately. And senor, there will be no retaliation whatsoever against your maid. Do you understand? If there is, she is to report to me, and I assure you, sir, it will not be pleasant for you.” “No, of course not,” stammered Carmello. “She was doing her sacred duty.”
“THE FUGITIVES ARE GONE,” HE REPORTED. “THEY MUST HAVE LEFT IN THE NIGHT.” “Why did they leave?” asked the priest. “Did they think you would report them?” “I don’t think so,” said Carmello. “But my wife and I made it perfectly clear that they weren’t welcome here. So I think they just ... decided to look for someplace else to stay.” “Do you have any idea where they might have gone tonight?” “None at all. Believe me, Father. I have no idea.” An hour later, a large search party set off in the direction of Saragossa, while a number of smaller search parties searched in a fifty-mile radius around Madrid. * * * * *
Many miles to the south, Gonzalo and Sebastian caught two hours of peaceful sleep, unaware of the closeness of their escape. They awoke while the sun was still climbing into the sky and breakfasted on a loaf of bread washed down with water from the river. “Just about now,” said Gonzalo, “they’ll notice that the horses are gone, and they’ll look in our room and see that we’ve left.” “Do you think they’ll report us?” “Carmello is a good man, and he’s my brother. He won’t want to report us. But Graciela will push him to do it for their protection. She’ll argue that since we’ve gone anyway, they might as well report us and stay in the good graces of the Inquisition. He’ll give in to her, but he’ll insist on waiting until later today or maybe tomorrow. He’ll try to give us some time to get far away. By the way, Don Sebastian, thank you for saying that I wasn’t involved in your escape. If they ever catch me, it will help me somewhat.” “They won’t catch you, Gonzalo. You lead a charmed life.” Gonzalo laughed bitterly. “A charmed life? You call mine a charmed life? A wife that dies in her prime. A son 128
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that I never see. My liege lord is burned at the stake, and I’m ward the Almodovar Gate. The sun beat down on their heads, and they felt as if the door of a furnace had opened and the air fleeing with his son, one step ahead of disaster every day.” “I am sorry, Gonzalo,” said Sebastian. “What are we going had blasted out into their faces. They entered the city and immediately plunged into the to do now?” warren of tiny streets that branched off from the central “We go to Cordoba.” square. It was like walking through a maze, but Gonzalo “What’s in Cordoba?” “Don Alejandro Quinones, Marques de Murillo, a dear old seemed to know where he was going. The streets were practifriend of your father. You and your family will need money cally deserted. Most of the shops were closed. “Where are we going?” asked Sebastian. when you start your new lives in Amsterdam or Constanti“I’m taking you to the old Juderia, the Jewish quarter. nople or wherever you decide to go. Your father once told me that if anything happened to him and if his family needed There used to be a Jewish community here. I’ll show you a money, they could turn to Don Alejandro. I didn’t understand synagogue. Would you like to see it?” “Of course.” what he meant at the time. Why would his family need to go They continued through the labyrinthine streets until to Don Alejandro for money? There is always money in the royal coffers for the kinsmen of the royal family. The truth of they came to a narrow street called the Calle des Judios, the the matter did not occur to me. Anyway, you will need money, Jews’ Street; it was more like an alleyway, ending at a building that blocked egress. so we will visit your father’s friend.” “That building was the synagogue,” said Gonzalo. “You Sebastian looked at Gonzalo doubtfully. “Do you think it is safe?” “Don’t worry. Don Alejandro will not betray you. Come, let us go to Cordoba.” “CARMELLO IS A GOOD MAN, AND HE’S It took them several days to get to Cordoba, MY BROTHER. HE WON’T WANT TO traveling mostly in the early mornings and the late afternoons. The heat during the middle of REPORT US. BUT GRACIELA WILL PUSH the day was so scorching that in many places the HIM TO DO IT FOR THEIR PROTECTION.” vegetation on the sides of the road caught fire and burned steadily. The old walled city of Cordoba lay on a flat plain along the Segura River between the Sierra Morena and probably imagined a large, impressive building. I am sorry to the Sierra Nevada mountains. The Marques de Murillo had disappoint you.” “It’s not what I expected,” Sebastian admitted ruefully, his baronial estates further up amid the wide open spaces and cool breezes of the mountains, but he kept an office in “but it’s still something. It is the most Jewish thing I’ve seen the walled city for the occasions when he had to perform his in public in my entire life. Thank you for bringing me here, obligatory duties for the crown. Gonzalo decided to seek him Gonzalo.” “And you’ll thank me for getting us away from here very out in the city, where they would draw less attention to themselves. They would go in the heat of the afternoon, when they quickly. If we linger in this street, we will attract attention. Not a good idea. Come, let’s see if we can find the Marques.” were less likely to meet people. They stabled their horses and walked through the fields toTo be continued…
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The Monsey View
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The Monsey View
July 13, 2022 · 845.600.8484
RIVKY FRIEDMAN There’s nothing like good, juicy chicken cutlets that are easy to make and delicious to eat. These grilled cutlet recipes are perfect quick and easy summer dinners.
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The Monsey View
GRILLED CUTLETS The spice rub gives these cutlets that perfect crispness, along with the perfect blend of flavor. INGREDIENTS 6–8 chicken cutlets 2 T. olive oil SPICE RUB: 4 4 1 1 1 1
tsp. brown sugar tsp. paprika tsp. onion powder tsp. garlic powder tsp. black pepper tsp. salt
D IR EC T I O N S 1. Heat the grill or grill pan to high heat. 2. Mix together the spice rub. 3. Brush the cutlets with olive oil, then sprinkle them generously with the spice rub. 4. Grease the grill pan with spray oil, or brush the grill with olive oil, then place the chicken cutlets on the grill. Grill the chicken for 2 minutes per side, then reduce grill heat to medium. Continue grilling the chicken for another 5 to 10 minutes until it’s cooked through. 5. Remove the chicken from the grill, and let it sit for a few minutes. Serve immediately. 6. Alternatively, you can bake the chicken in a preheated oven at 400° for approximately 20 to 25 minutes.
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The Monsey View · 845.600.8484
The Monsey View
S AVO R Y M A R I N AT E D CUTLETS The ingredients for the marinade might seem a bit lengthy, but trust me, you need to make this. The marinade is so delicious that it has become my weekly summer staple I always have handy in the fridge. INGREDIENTS 6
chicken cutlets
MARINADE: ½ ½ 3 3 1 4 4 2 ½ ½ ½
cup fresh lemon juice cup olive oil T. fish-free Worcestershire sauce frozen garlic cubes T. brown sugar tsp. dried parsley tsp. dried basil tsp. dried oregano tsp. paprika tsp. black pepper tsp. salt
D IR EC T I O N S 1. Combine the marinade ingredients. 2. Add the cutlets, and marinate them for a minimum of 1 to 4 hours in the refrigerator. 3. Heat the grill or grill pan to high heat. 4. Grease the grill pan with spray oil, or brush the grill with olive oil, then place the chicken cutlets on the grill. Grill the chicken for 2 minutes per side, then reduce the grill heat to medium. Continue grilling the chicken for another 5 to 10 minutes until it’s cooked through. 5. Remove the chicken from the grill, and let it sit for a few minutes. Serve immediately. 6. Alternatively, you can bake the chicken in a preheated oven at 400° for approximately 20 to 25 minutes.
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The Monsey View · 845.600.8484
The Monsey View
H O N E YM A R I N AT E D CUTLETS I like to serve this cutlet recipe on top of a salad — any summer salad of your choice. It’s a winner of a dinner! INGREDIENTS 6
chicken cutlets
MARINADE: ½ ¼ 3 2 2
cup brown sugar cup soy sauce T. barbecue sauce T. honey barbecue sauce garlic cubes Pinch of salt and pepper
D IR EC T I O N S 1. Combine the marinade ingredients. 2. Add the cutlets, and marinate them in the refrigerator for a minimum of 1 to 4 hours. 3. Heat the grill or grill pan to high heat. 4. Grease the grill pan with spray oil, or brush the grill with olive oil, then place the chicken cutlets on the grill. Grill the chicken for 2 minutes per side, then reduce the grill heat to medium. Continue grilling the chicken for another 5 to 10 minutes until it’s cooked through. 5. Remove the chicken from the grill, and let it sit for a few minutes. Serve immediately. 6. Alternatively, you can bake the chicken in a preheated oven at 400° for approximately 20 to 25 minutes.
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Detox DIY
There are multiple ways to prep the lean and versatile chicken cutlet. Here I opt for a colorful mix of greens and satiating veggie carbs to attain the perfect balance as a complete meal. For picky eaters, the cutlets can be served as a sandwich or with their favorite vegetable replacements. Tip: Avocado oil is so much easier on your digestive system than some of its counterparts. Fill a spray bottle with avocado oil to replace other spray oils, and use it as a handy staple during grilling (taking care not to spray on the open fire).
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lb. dark chicken cutlets T. avocado oil T. low-sodium soy sauce T. Montreal steak seasoning garlic cubes
D IR EC T I O N S 1. Combine the marinade ingredients, and marinate the cutlets in the refrigerator for at least an hour. 2. Preheat the outdoor grill to medium heat. Grill the chicken for approximately 5 minutes per side, confirming its readiness by inserting a thermometer to ensure the temperature is 165°. SAL AD INGREDIENTS 8 1
oz. checked baby kale butternut squash Frozen cauliflower florets Handful of sliced almonds Avocado oil Salt and pepper
DRESSING: ¼ ¼ ¼ 1
cup avocado oil cup rice vinegar cup raw honey garlic cube Salt and pepper
D IR EC T I O N S 1. Peel and cube the butternut squash. Place the cubes on a tray, and spray them with avocado oil. 2. Sprinkle them lightly with salt and pepper, then bake at 425° for 40 minutes, until they’re fork-tender. 3. Combine the dressing ingredients, and set aside. 4. Arrange the vegetables and almonds over a bed of kale. 5. Add the thinly sliced grilled chicken, and drizzle with dressing just before serving.
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The Monsey View
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The Monsey View
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Bollards and cleats dot the playground, evocative of the world that was. Spanning 1.3 miles along Brooklyn’s East River, this 85-acre coastal park is sure to catch the attention of water-lovers, New York skyline admirers, and, of course, good-old local New Yorkers looking for an enjoyable place to air out. Let’s flip the calendar pages some years back for a glimpse at the rich marine past of the Brooklyn Bridge Park.
Aerial view of the Brooklyn waterfront near Atlantic Avenue; September 19, 1956
t is the mid-1600s, and the East River is busy. The trade economy is growing, and this waterway is a prime mode of transport for boats and ferries hauling cargo. Flowing from the Atlantic Ocean through the New York Harbor, the East River connects the city to the world. Welcome to this site of vibrant commerce!
After the first ferry landing opens in 1642, a small town called “het Veer,” or “the Ferry,” develops around the pier area. This spot becomes famous during the American Revolutionary War: On the night of August 29, 1776, George Washington and his troops flee the British Army by escaping from het Veer across the East River to Manhattan. Soon, travel and trade between Brooklyn and Manhattan pick up steam with the start of Robert Fulton’s steam-powered Fulton Ferry company in 1814. However, the goods delivered The Union Ferry Company’s ferryboat Faralong the shoreline ragut on the Fulton Ferry route; circa 1900 need to be trans152
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Map from 1847 showing the route of the Fulton Ferry
ported further inland, and so railroad lines begin to crop up. The tracks lead up directly to the piers, where storage warehouses are built to house the products until they can be moved along the tracks. Multiple finger piers run along the East River by now, and each one has its specialty. Pier 3, for instance, is prominent for its stowage of lumber and building supplies. Three piers down, Pier 6 is one of the busiest coffee ports in the country, with rows and rows of huts storing raw coffee as it is imported. Interestingly, raw coffee doesn’t smell quite as pleasant as its brewed counterpart. In the late 1800s, the Empire Stores pop up. These seven adjoining four- to five-story landmark warehouses hold a
Train tracks on cobblestone road in Dumbo area of Brooklyn, with the Brooklyn Bridge tower in background
Lumber and building supplies company that occupied Pier 3
American Stevedoring Coffee at Pier 6 154
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Empire Stores; circa 1880
variety of merchandise, from sugar and molasses to animal hides, wool and rubber from around the world. The shipbuilding industry is fully active as well. The East River is a turbulent, narrow waterway, yet at this point it is one of the busiest and most important channels in the world, crammed with boats and bustling with commerce.
Slowing Down In 1883, the New York skyline is punctuated with a new landmark: the Brooklyn Bridge. For the first time, Manhattan and Brooklyn are linked. While the completion of the bridge heralds a new era of economic opportunity and resolves Manhattan’s housing shortage, it also signals the twilight of the East River sea trade. With the bridge bypassing the
The East River is a turbulent, narrow waterway, yet at this point it is one of the busiest and most important channels in the world, crammed with boats and bustling with commerce.
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waterfront, people begin to focus more on inland development, and the demand for ferries sees a sharp decline. A few years later, when the Manhattan Bridge joins the scene in 1909, the piers are further devalued. There is less of a need for boats to help people make their way from Brooklyn to Manhattan and back. The ferry trade industry slows further, and it isn’t smooth sailing at all for the Brooklyn waterfront. Soon the once-dynamic center of commerce is largely neglected. By 1924, the Fulton Ferry Landing closes down. For several years, the East River waters are relatively still. Then, along with the construction of the BQE — the Brooklyn Queens Expressway — in the 1950s, comes an attempt to revitalize the harbor. The narrow finger piers that jut out from the dry land are replaced with wider piers, and now larger ships and cargo vessels can dock comfortably. Yet this renewal is shortlived. By the 1970s, the Brooklyn waterfront is once again largely desolate and abandoned. Cargo operations officially grind to a halt in 1983.
Manhattan Bridge (top) and Brooklyn Bridge (bottom); Manhattan is on the left, Brooklyn on the right (1981)
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A Public Space Of course, it is a tremendous shame for such a prime location to remain idle, especially since it is a prominent site with such a glorious past! The first mention of a new use for the waterfront comes in 1984, when the Port Authority announces plans to sell the piers for commercial development. The public is less than enthusiastic. The community prefers to reserve the space for public use. Soon there is a public movement pushing for the creation of a park on the site. It is amazing to think what a grassroots campaign, endorsed by communal support, can accomplish. After much lobbying of government officials across local, city and state levels, there seems to be hope. In 1998, planning begins. By September 2000, a conceptual framework for the park is drawn up. In May 2002, Governor George Pataki and Mayor Michael Bloomberg sign a memorandum approving state and city funding for the park, and a corporation is appointed to direct its design and construction. The architects of the park are on a 160
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mission: to create an exceptional public space that connects people, nature and the waterfront through innovative and sustainable management and design. One caveat is that the park is required to be financially self-sufficient for maintenance and operations. The long-term funding must include revenue-producing plans. This opens the door to various options. The Port Authority pushes for a riverside residential development with several thousand housing units surrounded by a 20-acre park. The Brooklyn Heights Association prefers that the park occupy most of the space, with some hotels and restaurants dotting the length of it. In the end, a 108-unit condominium development, the Pierhouse, as well as a 194-key hotel, 1 Hotel Brooklyn Bridge, are erected. Both are designed to blend in with the park design. Finally, in 2010, after years of planning and preparation, the first section of parkland is complete. In the following decade, other areas of the park gradually open to the public.
New Site, Old Spice The Brooklyn Bridge Park fosters close interaction with the water. Strolling on the waterfront promenade and lingering on grassy lawns on this parkland that juts out into the river provide an authentic marine experience. Water activities include boating and fishing. The Brooklyn Bridge Park Boathouse offers a kayaking
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program and public seining events, where marine biologists use a seine net to catch and display various organisms living in the water (most seining events take place on Shabbos). In season, a ferry chugs from the pier to Governors Island and back. There are things to do and sights to see for visitors of all ages — from bike paths, soccer fields, basketball courts, picnic tables and playgrounds, to sprawling lawns planted with grass, trees and flowers… and of course, unparalleled views of the famous Lower Manhattan skyline. One exciting attraction in the park is Jane’s Carousel in the Empire Fulton Ferry section of the park. Built in 1922, it was restored and donated by David and Jane Walentas as a gift to the park. There are hints to Brooklyn Bridge Park’s rich industrial history everywhere. At Pier 3, you may notice an original pier label sign. Old railroad ties that were discovered during construction are to be refurbished and mounted alongside kaleidoscope mirrors in an inventive play feature. Throughout the park area, restored bollards and cleats, once used to moor boats to the piers using thick ropes, are scattered playfully. The Park Conservancy does its utmost to ensure no one forgets what an active, prominent part these piers played in the New York port that was, and every visitor means one more person who doesn’t forget. 164
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An Impromptu Picnic BY: DASSI LEVI
The kitchen is clean. The chairs are smear-free. You managed to make just one frying pan dirty while preparing supper. And now it’s suppertime. You look around at the clean surfaces one more time, and invite the troops in. But the thing is that even though you’re willing to sacrifice orderliness for a well-fed crew, it’s not happening. Because no one is coming. The outdoors is just too tempting to be forsaken. What do you do in such a case? Let the food congeal into sorry cold globs while your kids run around in the great outdoors on empty stomachs? Go out and fetch kids from random points on the block, only to have the others disappear each time you arrive back to the kitchen with another reluctant fellow? Keep the kids hostage indoors until supper is served so you don’t have to do the scavenger hunt to begin with? Here’s what I do: I start to pack my picnic bag.
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WHERE TO? I’m lucky to live just a hop and skip away from a public school with gorgeous grassy grounds. And public schools ‘round these parts are accessible to the public after school hours. (After all, it’s our tax money that backs its maintenance and very existence!) Check if that’s the case in your area, too. But that’s by far not the only one of my picnic options. Local parks make great picnic grounds, and in a pinch, even a park bench does. A stretch of grass in any bungalow colony, or your or your mother’s/ sister’s/friend’s yard, even with just a bit of grass, work too — and even the back porch can host a picnic. Spread a picnic blanket on the floor, and any space gets instantly transformed to something fun enough for kids to actually consider joining. On rainy days we’ve even picnicked on the dining room floor!
ON WHAT? A very amazing thing I have on hand is a zippered picnic blanket like this one. It has water protection, which keeps those sitting on it dry in case of dew-dappled grass. It’s also cheerful and inviting (a very important factor when trying to feed my crew), and it compactly folds up into a neat little tote that the kids love to carry. After each use it goes straight into the washer, then dryer, and then is ready for the next picnic. If you really get to love picnics that much, you can even get two pieces, for fleishig and milchig respectively. You can pick up picnic blankets like these in most big-box, department or closeout stores. And while this is super convenient, a large blanket works too, as do disposable plastic tablecloths, whether clear or colored.
Cut-up fruits (watermelon especially) always work for picnics. They’re refreshing and hydrating and sweet. I take along toothpicks to aid in clean(er), germ-free(er) consumption.
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The Perfect Picnic List Tablecloth or picnic blanket Food in individual containers or pans Drinks/cups/ straws Napkins/wipes Cutlery Extra bag for garbage
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July 13, 2022 · 845.600.8484
HOW TO PACK Oh, but you didn’t cook with a picnic in mind… Of course you didn’t. You were hoping that today was the day when those kids will hungrily show up at the table at 5:30 and sweetly ask, “What’s for dinner? I’m starved!” But most meals can be converted to picnic material in a jiffy, no sectional containers required. (If you cook five-course meals every night, replete with soup and steak, and your preschoolers eat with knives and forks, well, I already lost you way back at the beginning, so I don’t mean you.) The trick is to prepare individual portions for each kid. Depending on the menu, and how my paper good stock looks, here’s how I’d pack up the stuff. If there’s chicken cutlets on the menu, I will often slice them up, throw together a salad (pasta works beautifully in a salad and makes this a balanced one-bowl meal), and put tiny containers of dressing into each one. If I have flatter containers, I use them, but 16-ounce plastic containers are perfect. They close snugly and tightly and pile up beautifully. Containers are also perfect for portions of meatballs and spaghetti, soups and anything that needs the drip-protection a good seal offers. Sometimes I will opt to thread cutlet strips onto skewers (you can do it once it’s fried or baked) so that the kids have the option of finger food they don’t actually touch. Cut-up veggies and skewers are also a great picnic pair.
If it’s a meal like chicken and potatoes (or fish and rice, or meat and quinoa), I use 5x7inch pans with lids and place a portion in each. Once we spread out the blanket, I hand each kid their meal. Does your kid not let anything she eats touch anything else she eats? We know those types too! A piece of silver foil folded over several times makes a perfect partition, or that kid gets three pans — and more space on the blanket. Cue the fights. I usually have some kind of reusable or paper bag with a flat bottom on hand, which is great for holding the containers or pans. After putting in all the food, I add a stack of napkins, a paper towel roll, or a tissue box (wipes are especially helpful!). Drinks are not something I ever like to forget, so I’ll either throw in water bottles or just a large bottle of water or juice and a stack of plastic cups.
TO EACH ITS OWN For me, this works. I find that in the outdoors my kids are calmer, I am calmer, and cleanup is a cinch. But if you prefer to plan your picnics in advance and not rattle your schedule with something as impromptu as this — by all means, plan it. But don’t come back to complain when an unexpected downpour rains on your parade, or all of the family members back out before you can even pack up the skewer-only supper!
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Fly a DIY Kite Think of this as triple fun: Shop for the supplies, build it, and then go fly a kite!
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3 wooden dowels (12 to 15 inches)
Roll of thread
String (thicker than thread)
2 colors plastic tablecloths
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Align the three dowels, and tie them with the thread in the center. Roll the thread around the dowels several times. 1
Spread the dowels to create a hexagon shape. 2
Hold the center tightly, and continue wrapping the thread between all six spaces until the dowels are tightly in place. 3
Wrap the thread along one dowel to reach the tip. 4
Roll the thread around the tip a couple of times. Then pull the thread to the next tip, roll it around, and continue in this manner until all six tips are covered. 5
At the last tip, tie a knot and cut the thread.
Cut a piece of plastic to roughly fit half of the kite. Align it along the length of one of the dowels. 6
Attach it to the dowels by wrapping a piece of thread over the plastic tucked around each tip. Make sure to secure the thread with a knot on the first tip, and then wrap and pull it to the next three dowels. 7
At the fourth dowel, make a tight knot and cut the thread.
10. Cut off the extra plastic. 8
Repeat steps 7 to 10 on the other side with a different color plastic, making sure to overlap the two plastics a bit. 9
July 13, 2022
The Monsey View · 845.600.8484
12. Attach a piece of string to each of two opposite “triangles” of the kite. The two ends of each string should be wrapped and tied to the tips of the dowels on either side of each “triangle,” and the center of each string should reach the opposite end of the kite. Measure the length before you cut the string, and attach each one. 10 13. Gather the very center of each of these tied strings, and tie a knot on each one. 11 14. Poke two tiny holes in the plastic, as shown. 12 15. Thread the open end of the roll of string through the holes, and make a knot. (This will be the string you use to fly your kite.) 13 16. Pull the top looped string down, align it with the string you just pulled through, and attach the two. 14 17.
Create the kite tail with the extra plastic: Cut one long strip and small pieces of the contrasting color.
18. Tie the small strips onto the longer one 19. Attach the tail to the bottom looped string. 15
The Monsey View
July 13, 2022 · 845.600.8484
July 13, 2022
The Monsey View · 845.600.8484
The Monsey View
July 13, 2022 · 845.600.8484
Let’s Go To the Park BY: CHAYA BLUSTEIN
To romp or relax, to picnic or play, a trip to the park is an integral part of summer fun. Especially when you’re not traveling to the mountains for picturesque grassy fields and pretty hikes, it’s good to know that there’s plenty of scenic beauty and recreational space ever so close to home. PLEASE NOTE: ON WARMER DAYS, YOU MAY WANT TO AVOID PARKS LOCATED NEAR WATER.
Bear Mountain State Park It’s hard to believe these stunning, mountainous grounds were once designated as the location for a prison, but in the early 1900s, that’s exactly what the government wanted to build here. Instead, wealthy locals worked together to donate the lands and funds necessary to build Bear Mountain State Park, which opened in 1910. Today, this is one of the most popular parks in all of the United States — and with good reason. You can take your pick of hiking, biking, picnicking, fishing, visiting the museum and zoo, or riding on a merry-go-round. The park is located on the west side of the Hudson River, which gives visitors the tranquility of a waterside spot. Its gorgeous Hessian Lake also presents a wonderful boating opportunity, and you can choose a row boat or a paddle boat in which to explore it. There’s no need to worry about overcrowding: Although Bear Mountain State Park can draw close to 2 million visitors every year, the park grounds extend over 5,000 acres, giving everyone plenty of room for their nature expeditions. Visit:
The Monsey View
July 13, 2022 · 845.600.8484
Route 9W North, Bear Mountain, NY 10911
High Tor State Park With its claim to fame of having the most magnificent views of the Hudson River, High Tor State Park is a wonderful destination for wooded hiking trails. The nature trails in this park are mostly of moderate difficulty and can be completed in an hour or two. Try the High Tor via Long Path trail, a popular trail through the woods that will take you up a somewhat rocky route to a scenic point at the top where you can enjoy the breathtaking 360-degree views. Visit:
415 South Mountain Road, New City, NY 10956
The Monsey View
Haverstraw Bay County Park Enjoy the gorgeous green spaces in Haverstraw Bay County Park for a picnic, hike along its nature trails, and savor the joy of being out in unadulterated nature. In addition to all the outdoor recreation activities possible on the grassy fields, children can enjoy the playground inside the park as well. Located on the Hudson River shoreline, this 27acre park features a boat launch on the river for those who’d like to get a close-up view of the water, though there aren’t actually any boats for rent. Bring along your own boat to take advantage. Visit:
21 Gagan Road, Haverstraw, NY 10927
July 13, 2022
The Monsey View · 845.600.8484
Rockland Lake State Park This park is built around the lake, with a 3.2-mile paved trail circling around it. You can bring your bike, scooter or rollerblades for a fun ride around the lake, or you can simply stroll down the wide path and take in the scenery. For more serious hikes, check out the park’s hiking trails that will take you to views of the Hudson River. With plenty of picnic and grilling areas to choose from, plus a playground for little kids, spending the day at Rockland State Park makes a fun family outing. Visit:
299 Rockland Lake Road, Valley Cottage, NY 10989
Manny Weldler Park As a local park, Manny Weldler Park has everything you need for low-key family entertainment. There’s a children’s playground, ball courts, fields and a bike path. This park is the perfect place to go to spice up a lazy summer afternoon for the family. Visit:
148 West Maple Avenue, Monsey, NY 10952
Children’s Park of Ramapoo Named most aptly, this park is truly childfriendly. Kids of all ages, even those under five, can frolic in its well-equipped playgrounds, which includes slides and monkey bars. The grounds are pretty and green, so you can simply take a walk around the pond, or bring a Frisbee to play with on the grass. Nature trails through the wooded area are easy to hike or bike through, allowing for a great family activity as well. Visit:
11 Grotke Road, Spring Valley, NY, 10977
The Monsey View
July 13, 2022 · 845.600.8484
Eugene Levy Memorial Park In 1995, a flag-raising and color-guard ceremony marked the dedication of this park to Senator Eugene Levy, a Jewish Republican who served three terms in the New York State Senate for Rockland County. You’ll find a children’s playground and picnic areas in the park, plus walking and jogging trails. If you’d like to visit the park in the middle of the winter, the trees may be bare, but you can enjoy sledding on the accumulated snow. Visit:
920 Route 45, New City, NY 10956
Willow Tree Park Hiking doesn’t have to be a strenuous workout. Try the easy looping trail around the lake in this park for a hike that takes under ten minutes and gives you a view of the water and the waterfowl that enjoy hanging around in it. You can also try your hand at fishing in the lake, or simply unwind in the nature areas. Make a stop to pose at the gazebo, and bring along your own balls, Frisbees and kites to play with in the fields. Visit:
The Monsey View
121 Willow Tree Road, Monsey, NY 10952
Gregory R. Sikorsky Children’s Park Dedicated to a fireman who lost his life on 9/11, Gregory R. Sikorsky park features a beautiful pond and gravel walking trail. It’s made to be a family-friendly park, with a fun playground for the kids to romp around in. Though there is shade in the park, the playground is sunny. You can also make use of the park’s picnic grounds and pack a family lunch basket. Visit:
37 Lime Kiln Road, Suffern, NY 10901
Nyack Beach State Park
Demarest Kill County Park When you’re looking to escape the busy streets, strolling around a pretty lake sounds like a wonderful outing. In Demarest Kill County Park, you can enjoy a 15- to 20-minute walk around a pond with a view of the water. It’s possible to follow the path with a stroller, though there are some tree roots to bump over. Check out the waterfall in the lake and listen to the birds chirping along your nature trail, and then find a shady spot on the picnic grounds to rest and have a bite Visit:
57 New Hempstead Road, New City, NY 10956
The Monsey View
July 13, 2022 · 845.600.8484
This peaceful space at the bottom of Hook Mountain boasts 61 miles of waterfront along the Hudson River. That gives you spectacular views along its nature trail, plus you can find interesting rock formations and see unique birds like hawks and raptors. (Just don’t let the big birds get too close!) Hiking this trail can be done by the inexperienced, too, as it is mostly flat, plus it features benches to sit on at frequent intervals. A little further along, toward the end of the trail, the elevation does begin to rise, making it tricky to navigate. Keeping to the flatter part of the trail is recommended, especially if you have kids on bikes that aren’t made for all-terrain riding. Visit:
698 North Broadway, Nyack, NY 10960
Lorna Lane Park Sometimes you just need to get out of the house and get to a park — any park! Lorna Lane Park is a local neighborhood park that’s small but still enjoyable. It features a playground, jungle gym and basketball court. Kids can enjoy a fun afternoon of play, whether it’s a ball game or climbing on the jungle gym equipment. And all you have to do is sit and watch. Visit:
Lorna Lane, Airmont, NY 10952
Clark Recreation Center For family get-togethers or just an afternoon out with the kids, Clark Recreation Center offers a fun playground with novel equipment, as well as a ball court. There’s a big grassy field that is not always perfectly maintained but fun to romp around on. The picnic area is large and can accommodate a crowd. Visit:
The Monsey View
59 Campbell Avenue, Airmont, NY 10901
July 13, 2022
The Monsey View · 845.600.8484
The tree stump tells the story of a life cut short, of a flourishing tree felled in its prime. The fresh lumber smell and roughly cut edge don’t last long; soon the stump weathers and decays. Should you let it be or have it removed? Read on for some ins and outs of existing tree stumps. Up a Tree?
7% TO 19% The amount by which strategically planted mature trees can increase your property value.
Trees that are unhealthy or rooted too close to the house decrease the property’s net worth.
Tree stumps fall in the second category. They are typically unattractive in your yard and negatively affect the resale value of your home.
A May 2021 survey assesses that the average stump removal in the United States costs between $175 and $516.
Why remove? Stumps are a hazard and may cause passersby to fall. This, in turn, poses a liability risk if others stumble over them. When mowing the lawn, a stump is an obstacle that can potentially harm the lawn mower. New sprouts or little saplings may begin to grow around the stumps. Stumps attract wood-boring insects such as beetles, termites and ants.
Home-grown ideas for DIY stump removal If you’ve got time on your side, you can try prompting an unwanted stump to naturally decay more quickly. Spray it with vinegar.
Drill holes in it and fill with salt.
Build a compost pile on top.
Turn it into a flower pot, filling it with soil and seeds.
The Monsey View
By: T. Gestetner
Branching Out Stumps need not remain an eyesore. Should you decide to keep that stump in your yard, here are some ways to make it stand out attractively. Think chess, checkers, tic-tac-toe… Design it as a board game base!
Regrowth Some trees, like oak, maple, hazel and ash trees, regenerate naturally. When these are cut down, new shoots spring up from the stumps. In an attempt to maintain a sustainable supply of timber, foresters chop such trees to the ground in a method known as “coppicing,” which stimulates growth.
Carve a chair or table out of it to provide a nice place to sit down. Use it as a planter or bird bath. Take it up a notch by painting garden art or chisel an appealing carving on it.
Is It a Myth? Tree-ring dating, or dendrochronology, is a method used to date trees. Trees grow wider every year, growing one ring wider each growing season. There are loads more environmental particulars that specialists can glean from this scientific method, which, in fact, is not a myth at all.
Pioneering Expressions in the U.S. As early settlers moved westward, they looked to clear their land to make for better farmland. The pioneers cut their way through difficult terrain, chopping down many trees in the process. Stumps became one of their greatest obstacles. With a wide ax, they’d dig around the stump, severing its roots. When that didn’t help them easily get the stump out, they would hook chains to the roots and have oxen or horses tug them out. Some stumps were so big that two or three horses were used to get them out. Finally, these pioneers also tried burning or blasting stumps out of the way. It was common for one settler to ask another if his land was cleared. “Nope, I’m still stumped,” would come the reply. And that was the seedling that yielded the popular saying of our day. Confused? Blocked? Don’t know what to say? “I’m stumped!” Soon the idiom garnered political implication. Legend has it that George Washington would rise on large tree stumps to address his colonial troops back in 1775. It was a natural, practical platform that both served a great purpose and opened the stage for “stump speakers,” or political or passionate orators wishing to support a cause. Until today, when politicians travel the length and breadth of the country on speaking engagements during their election campaigns, they’re said to be “on the stump.”
The Monsey View
Stump by Stump The Big Stump Trail in Kings Canyon National Park, California, boasts a winding trail that passes huge sequoia stumps. Most notable is the Mark Twain Stump, the remnants of a Giant Sequoia that was 16 feet in diameter. It was cut down by the army in 1891 in order to be shown to incredulous crowds in New York and London, who couldn’t believe a tree could grow so large.
Stumped by the Ban In his classic verse style, Dr. Seuss penned “The Lorax” in 1971. It is a whimsical tale of stumps and tree-chopping. His message focused on saving the environment. In 1989, the book was banned in California, a state with an iconic logging industry, out of fear that kids would protest the tree-chopping rampant in their area.
The Monsey View
July 13, 2022 · 845.600.8484
Hint: Each Boggle board hides a word of nine let ters or more!
Once you have a winner, fill out the form below in its entirety
Email the form to comments@ or fax to 845600-8483 by Sunday at 9:00 p.m.
4. Two winners will be drawn each week, each of whom will win a pastrami sandwich and a can of soda!
PLAYING RULES: Find words on the board containing four letters or more. Letters of a word must be connected in a chain (each letter should be adjacent to the next either vertically, horizontally or diagonally), and each letter can only be used once in a given word. The following are not allowed in Boggle: Adding “s” to a word • Proper nouns • Abbreviations • Contractions • Acronyms
POINTS 4-letter words: 2 points | 5-letter words: 3 points | 6-letter words: 5 points | 7-letter words: 7 points | 8-letter words: 9 points | 9+ letters: 12 points
Gather round the table to play a family game of Boggle, using this Boggle board.
Family name: _________________________________ Phone: __________________ Full mailing address: ____________________________________________________ Full name of winner: _________________ Amount of points: __________ Full names of competing players:
List some words only the winner found:
The longest word found on the board: _____________________________ A new word you learned from the board: __________________________ Only complete forms will be entered into the drawing.
The Monsey View
July 13, 2022 · 845.600.8484
4 7
Family name: Braun, 718-xxx-2863 Name of winner: Mommy
Amount of points: 54 Names of competing players: Ruchy, Perry Some words only the winner found: chose, sear, soul The longest word found on the board: department
WINNER 2 Family name: Herzog, 845-xxx-0633
3 6
2 5
9 4 5
2 1 8
3 7 4
9 3
5 2
Name of winner: Mommy Amount of points: 52 Names of competing players: Ruchie Some words only the winner found: binge, clog, clout, fish, wrap A new word learned from the board: clout Last week’s bonus word: DEPARTMENT
To claim your prize, tear out this sheet (on which your name appears) and bring it in to Nussy’s Cuisine.
5 6 7 3 4 8 2 1 6 2 8 9 3 8 9 5 5 9 4 5 6 3 3 9 1 4 3 6
July 13, 2022
The Monsey View · 845.600.8484
Miriam Tauber, 7, Bais Rochel
Yides Zissy Ostreicher, 7, Belz
Goldy Weiss, 9, Pupa
Shmily Osteicher, 5, Ahavas Sholom
Schneur Zalmen Lungar, 4, Skvere
Chaim Stein, 11, Bobov
Beily Rapaport, 13, Viznitz
Nechama Rosenbaum, 7, Bais Rochel · 845.600.8484
A $5 credit was issued at Toys4U on the account of the phone number listed on your submission.
Suri Neiman, 8, Vien
Henny Pollak, 6, Viznitz
Thank you to the hundreds of readers who sent in beautifully colored pages! Keep coloring!
July 13, 2022
The Monsey View
Send your colored page to The Monsey View to enter a drawing for a chance to have your artwork featured in our pages and win $5 at Toys4U! Ten lucky winners will be announced each week! To enter the raffle, email your colored page to, or mail it to 365 Route 59, Suite 239, Airmont, NY 10952. Submissions will be included in the drawing only if all information is filled in. Name:_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Phone:______________________________________________ Age:____________________
July 13, 2022
The Monsey View · 845.600.8484
Feel free to photocopy this coloring page for the entire family.
By: Faigy Jacobowitz
Yides Green
Yiddy Goldberger
Zishe and Usher Zelig Horowitz
מיכל גאלד,ל- מיכא,מרים
The Monsey View
Zishe Horowitz
יצי און זיסי בערגער
Malky Fischman, 5
רייזי ראזענבלום, נחום,חני
July 13, 2022 · 845.600.8484
Akiva and Noami Mashinsky
Families Lebowitz and Firth
Shloimy Handler and Nuti Markowitz
Klein Family
Chaim Reisman, 4
מתתי קויפמאן
Shimon Spira and N. Cole neighbors
Shlomie Twerski
Mendy Schweid
Yosef Dovid Teitelbaum
Moishy Friedman
Hillel Reuven Kupczyk
Zishe Horowitz and Avrumy Glauber
Zishe Horowitz
Meilich Klein
July 13, 2022
The Monsey View · 845.600.8484
The Monsey View
July 13, 2022 · 845.600.8484
The Monsey View
July 13, 2022 · 845.600.8484
Neocate $46.99 per can. Kendamil $38.99. Similac L’Mehadrin $28.99!! We also buy off any extra formula for a good price. Call for other types of formulas. Formula Trade 347.369.4886
DRESSER FOR SALE Beautiful 3 door Italian dresser with mirror for sale. High sheen mahogany. Brand new condition. Best offer, pictures available, txt only 8457460486 YOYA /BABY PRIDE STROLLERS Now on sale, available in beautiful colors, ASTM standards, company backed warranty. Free delivery. Please call 845-263-2737
The Monsey View
July 13, 2022 · 845.600.8484
for sale N real estate N
CAR FOR SALE Black sonata 2019, great condition, 34K asking $20k negot. call/text (551) 4866570
FORD EXPEDITION 2016 Ford Expedition XLT EL 8 passenger 128,000 miles very well maintained for sale 347-423-2335
BABY CRIB brand new in box: mini convertible crib with mattress. 8455385693
KYOCERA FLIPS Selling Kyocera DuraXV LTE E4610 phones, refurbished looks brand new. Great Price. Free Shipping. For information call/text 347 380 4025.
ROLEX Brand new rolex date just 41mm. Oyster steel / white gold. Black dial fluted bezel. Jubilee band. Text 718-9285834 BUGABOO FOX Almost new black bugaboo fox bassinet and stroller seat w/ rain cover $800 negotiable. pls call and lve msg 8454928538 DOONA STROLLER Doona Stroller, multiple colors avail.cll/txt 1-201-6144045
SILVER CROSS CARRIAGE Great condition/Extra new seat, bassinet with option to make into double. $875 OBO. Pictures available. 845-4226187 RESTAURANT FOR SALE Local Monsey Working Restaurant for sale. Call or text +18453934516 Email: Monseyrestaurnt@gmail. com
MUTSY STROLLERS Brand new, Mutsy European strollers (not travel). Closeout price of $160 (Regular $400). Many satisfied customers already. Text/call 845-521-6871
MONSEY RESTAURANT FOR SALE Fully equipped. 40k. Call 8457214218
ANTIQUES דורכברוך! האט איר אנטיק בריוון און חפצים פון/ספרים גדולים וצדיקים? מיר צאלן די אויך.בעסטע פרייזן דערויף לאזט,פארקויפן מיר אנטיק 845-379-4825 מעסעדש
2 BDRM RENTAL Beautiful, walk-in apt Chestnut Ridge. Ideal for Chosson & Kallah. Avail 8/1. Possible for summer rental w/pool. Call/text: 848-5255508.
Classifieds APT FOR RENT Newly renovated apt avail immed : 2 bedrooms: stunning bathroom: spacious kitchen: quartz counters; fancy lights: elegant flooring: Spacious Storage Shed: Very big backyard. TEXT ONLY. (917)830-6341 2 BDRM RENTAL Beautiful, walk-in apt Chestnut Ridge. Ideal for Chosson & Kallah. Avail 8/1. Possible for summer rental w/pool. Call/text: 848-5255508. APT FOR RENT 3 Bedroom 1.5 bathroom in the Concord area 845-3564230. Call after 11 a.m. HOUSE WITH A POOL Seeking to rent a house with a pool in August. 8455178409 OFFICE SPACE New high end private offices space available in a female atmosphere next to hatzlacha grocery. Included Desk, Chair , Internet, Closet Please call 845-499-5690
ATTN ALL WIG AND MAKEUP ARTISTS! Gorgeous Wig & Makeup room available for rent in local monsey beauty salon. Contact Aleeza 917-721-0158 SUMMER RENTAL Big, spacious 6 bedroom house in Chestnut Ridge available for rent from July 26-Aug 24. Quiet, private, kid-friendly.347-628-7763. 9 BEDROOM HOUSE Beautiful spacious 9 bedroom house on park like property available from Monday evening August 1 to Sunday evening August 14 th. Please text 917-613-0644 SUMMER - LONDON Ideal location-Lordship Rd. Stamford Hill. Can sleep up to 12 + cribs. Ideal for families w/children. Large garden+access to communal playground. Available Aug 22-Sept 4.(possibility of taking it before Shabbos). For more info or pics please email citronaug22@gmail. com 011-4477-563-1442
real estate N help wanted N
STORE RENT Store for rent in Spring Valley near Bingo. 3000 square ft. Email SUMMER RENTAL House for rent for summer Sophia area. Please text 646864-8638 CHESTNUT RIDGE SHABBOS RENTAL 6 Bedrooms - 13 beds, private house 3 full bathrooms. Near Kaliv Beis Medrash. Linen & towels provided. Swimming option available from Friday 12 pm, Sunday 2 pm. $1250. Serious inquiries only please text 646-932-1763 MONSEY SHABBOS GETAWAY Spacious house in Concord available for Shabbosim. 7+ bedrooms, 19 beds, large deck, linen & Shabbos essentials provided. Call 845548-6478.
HELP WANTED BOOKKEEPING ASSISTANT Seeking female bookkeeping assistant. eturnheim@ F/T BOOKKEEPER Full-time Female bookkeeping position in monsey available. Please send your resume to jobatbpg@
The Monsey View
July 13, 2022 · 845.600.8484
BOOKKEEPING POSITION Local office is looking to hire girl/women for an entry level position in the finance department. Lots of potential. Full time. Competitive pay. Send resume to apply1554jobs@ BABYSITTER JOB Looking for babysitter to play with adorable and playful 6 and 4 year old from 2:455:00 daily. Chestnut Ridge area. Please call or text (845) 219-1362 TEACHING POSITIONS Yeshiva Spring Valley (boys) of Monsey is now accepting resumes for the General Studies department for September 2022 - ‘23 School Year. Following Positions available: • Lower Elementary School Teacher (M-TH 12:45-4:00); • Title1 English Language Arts (ELA) Teacher • Teacher’s Assistants (M-TH 12:45-4:00) Teaching experience a must. Professional atmosphere and competitive salary. Please include references and email to gss@yeshivaspringvalley. org or FAX to 845-356-8551 MOROS WANTED Bais Yaakov in Washington Heights seeking Moros grades 6-7-8. Experience preferred, also seeking school secretary with good computer skills f/t p/t. Email resume to
Classifieds BAS MIKROH GIRLS SCHOOL is seeking qualified staff for the ‘22-‘23 school year, to join our dynamic, talented team: middle grades Hebrew Moros, 1st Grade English teacher, Junior High Math Teacher, Hebrew and English Permanent Substitutes, Hebrew and English Remedial Teachers, assistants, and daycare staff. Please email resume to hr@ Bas Mikroh has on-site daycare for Staff children.
JOIN OUR WONDERFUL TEAM! Bnos Leah Prospect Park of Monsey is seeking positive, warm and experienced teachers for the 2022-23 school year. Preschool and elementary school positions open. Send your resume to PRESCHOOL MORAH/ ASSISTANTS Preschool looking for a Kindergarten Morah and assistants. Great pay! Call or text 845-587-2945
The Monsey View
July 13, 2022 · 845.600.8484
JOIN US! Yeshiva of Spring Valley Preschool is seeking coteachers to work alongside experienced teachers for the 5783-2022/2023 school year. Opportunity to learn from exceptional preschool teachers. Excellent compensation for qualified individuals. Please email your resume to preschool@ or call 845-356-1400 ext. 226, or 848-525-0943. ENGLISH TEACHERS & TITLE 1 MENTORS Cheder looking for (male) English Teachers and Title 1 mentors. Supportive environment. Easy to follow curriculum plan. Excellent discipline program in place. Competitive Pay. Teachers: 718-450-2538 Title 1: 914589-5371 SECRETARY WANTED Local management office looking to hire secretary for customer service position. Please send your resume to
help wanted N
PRESCHOOL ASSISTANTS Seeking full day/afternoon preschool Assistants. Learn from positive, experienced Morahs in warm, supportive environment. Email Bmlevit@cliftoncheder. org with resume and two references. JOB OPPORTUNITY *Pomona Gan seeks teachers and assistant teachers for upcoming school year 20212022 Email pomonagan@ include resume with references. Must have transp. *Preschool seeking head teacher half day/ full day in Passaic. Must have min 1yr classroom experience and HS diploma. Email passaiccliftonplaygroup@
TEACHERS & ASSISTANTS Looking to work in a growing school and a warm and friendly environment? Cheder Chabad of Monsey is seeking part time teachers and assistants in the elementary and middle school grades, as well as secretaries, for the upcoming school year. We offer competitive pay and flexible hours. Please call 612 408 1775 or email ygoldberg@ for more details. TITLE 1 DIRECTOR Cheder in Monsey is looking for an experienced Title 1 Director to run the Title 1 Program. For more information or to apply, please call: 718-450-2528
The Monsey View
July 13, 2022 · 845.600.8484
Classifieds ATTENTION GRADUATES Are you looking for an office job? Large company in Monsey has many open office positions, and we are conducting interviews now, to begin training, and full schedule after the summer. Apply now! Send resume to: PLAYGROUP ASSISTANT A New York State certified playgroup located in Pomona seeks an assistant for the upcoming school year. Must have previous experience with early childhood and be very dedicated, loving and caring. Must have own transportation. Serious inquiries only. Please contact: 347-524-3860 SEEKING HEAD TEACHER Pomona seeking head teacher for nursery class.Must have own transportation hours 9:00-3:00 or part time. Bring your own - 3yr pre school age child free generous compensation warm supportive work environment. Email resume to
The Monsey View
July 13, 2022 · 845.600.8484
JOB OPENINGS FT Office Positions available in a Spring Valley Healthcare Office. Immediate fulltime job openings. Payroll processor and A/P Reception positions. Computer knowledge a must. Friendly environment, Benefits and great team. Email resumes to PRE-NURSERY TEACHER Heimishe playgroup looking for a teacher for September for a yummy settled pre-nursery English speaking class. Well paid and extremely easy terms. Pls call 845-537-1960 POSITIONS AVAILABLE Yeshiva Bais Mikroh is seeking the following positions: Experienced Preschool Morah, Excellent salary. Pre 1A General Studies teacher, 4th Grade General Studies teacher, Upper Grades General Studies teachers, full and half day lower grade teacher assistants. Please email or call 845-425-4880
help wanted N
TEACHER WANTED Come join our dynamic team! Looking for elementary school teachers for the upcoming school year. Excellent working environment. Email your resume to: pfriedland@ KINDERGARDEN TEACHER Seeking dynamic Kindergarten teacher, high compensation, training provided, positive working atmosphere, part-time email chedermonseyeducation@
SEEKING TEACHER’S ASSISTANTS Cheder Chabad of Monsey Girls is looking for teacher’s assistants. Perfect job for a high school / seminary graduate who is warm and patient. An Opportunity to work with master teachers, while supporting the classroom atmosphere. Please email crosenbluh@
P/T SECRETARY Local girls high school looking for secretary from 8am-2pm. Basic Microsoft knowledge required. Email:
PROJECT MANAGEMENT Monsey based developer is looking to hire a project manager to oversee and manage a commercial construction project. Experience in commercial construction required. Please email your resume to; constructionposition350@
TEACHERS WANTED Yeshiva Bais Hachinuch seeks male General Studies teachers for grades 6-8 for the upcoming school year. • Small class size • Positive work environment • Competitive salary. Please email resume to
OFFICE MANAGER Busy office in the construction industry in the Monsey area seeking a motivated, experienced office employee. Good pay for the right candidate. Please send resume to chsh13579@
Classifieds AMAZING OPPORTUNITY! Local property Management Company is looking for a f/t secretary. office Experience required. Great environment, Great pay. Please email resume to
BOOKKEEPING DEPARTMENT Looking for a knowledgable, organized and responsible candidate for the bookkeeping department. Ideally Monday-Thursday 9-5. Please call 845-642-7525
SECRETARIAL POSITION Well-established office in Monsey is looking to hire a secretary (Yiddish-speaking) for a full-time or nearly full time position. Enjoyable environment, great benefits, and lots of opportunity for growth. Send resume to joboffersmonsey58@gmail. com
TITLE INSURANCE Title insurance company in Monsey is looking to hire a full time employee. Must be detail oriented and organized. Please email resume to monseyresume123@gmail. com
PT/FT POSITION Local Monsey office is looking for a PT/FT secretary. Bookkeeping/QB/Excel knowledge a must. Please email resume to yossip845@
The Monsey View
July 13, 2022 · 845.600.8484
OFFICE POSITION Multi-girl office seeking a full-time energetic female employee, with good communication and phone skills, is able to multi-task and is a quick learner, Graduates are welcome, pleasant working environment, well paid for the right individual. Please email your resume to JOBS AVAILABLE
Part-time & Full-time jobs available. Email TopPartTimeJobs@
F/T POSITION Looking to hire 2 responsible girls for office work. Must have good phone skills and computer knowledge. Will train. Email your information to positioninmonsey123@gmail. com or text 347-687-1216
help wanted N
SECRETARY WANTED Looking for a full time female secretary position in a multi girl office in the chestnut area. Knowledge of QB a plus. Graduates welcome. please email resume to jobsat750@
OFFICE POSITION A local Monsey office is looking to hire Girls for the following positions, Purchasing Deportment / Customer Service. Great, Heimish Office environment. Please email resume to Hr@ / Jstern@unitedsupplycorp. com OFFICE WORK Property Management company looking for reliable person to join our office in Spring Valley, NY. Experience a must. Email resume to SEEKING SECRETARY Looking to hire a secretary who is organised and knows excel. Well established and growing company. Will train. Excellent pay Contact 646784-6013
CHANIE GENUD Certified laser hair removal specialist
845.323.8886 Book your appointment
Classifieds REAL ESTATE POSITION A Real estate office in the Monroe area is hiring. Fantastic potential for the right candidate. Will compensated for travel. Please call: 845-388-1216 or send your resume to: OFFICE POSITION Office located in Monsey looking to hire PT / FT secretary, quick learner, energetic, able to multi task, very nice environment, please email resume hb@ or call 845-274-2492 GREAT SALES POSITION Be Your Own Boss! “Be in business for yourself not by yourself” best training + support provided, great benefits and retirement package. Please email or call 845-639-5216
The Monsey View
July 13, 2022 · 845.600.8484
DAYCARE DIRECTOR Monsey Office is looking for a Director for their Daycare. Great pay. Hours are 8:454:30. Please call/text 845517-8655 F/T POSITION Busy real estate office looking for a full time employee. Must be computer literate, able to multi-task, well organized and detail oriented. Excellent pay. Opportunity with growth potential. Please email resume to prz2636@ SALESHELP WANTED Clothing store in Monsey is looking for a motivated woman/girl for saleshelp. Pls call 845-642-7965 SECRETARY POSITION Looking to fill a secretary position. Great opportunity! If interested please email
help wanted N
OFFICE POSITION Professional insurance office seeking a f/t secretary. Candidate must be bright, responsible, and motivated. Kosher office environment. Please send your resume to OFFICE POSITION Office in Monsey is seeking a capable individual for an open position within the finance department. Great opportunity with potential, good pay and Heimish environment. Please email resume to chaimm@ SEEKING SECRETARY
Looking for female secretary to manage light-construction office.Knowledge in QuickBooks a plus, be organized and efficient. Email resume to
OFFICE POSITION Office in Monsey NY is seeking an individual with strong researching skills to join their product research department. The role includes: Determining best selling products, and pricing them accordingly. This is a Full time position. Email: SWIMMING INSTRUCTORS
Seeking competent male and female swimming instructors. contact pereld@
OFFICE JOB Graduates! P&C Insurance office in a Heimishe building near Monsey is looking for employees. Great pay, calm environment, transportation provided. We will train. Please email your resume to insuranceoffice220@gmail. com
July 13, 2022
The Monsey View · 845.600.8484
The Monsey View
July 13, 2022 · 845.600.8484
Classifieds SWIFT STAFFING is seeking to hire additional recruiters. Part-time & Flexible hours. Email your resume to Info@ GREAT JOB OPPORTUNITY Merchandise Analyst position available for a thriving E-commerce business in Monsey NY. The role includes creating profitable bundles & special product packages, calculating pricing, and collaborating with listing department. Must enjoy numbers & researching. E-mail :Esther@ SHADOW POSITION Looking to hire a shadow for Pre1A girl in a Chassidishe school for the upcoming school year. Afternoon hours 845-570-7503 TUTOR WANTED Chassidishe cheder looking for a male tutor for title one. 3:30-5:30. Please call 8452637445
The Monsey View
July 13, 2022 · 845.600.8484
EARN MORE RIGHT OUT OF SCHOOL! GOOD POTENTIAL Looking for a organized PT secretary and a project manager good paid for the right candidate with good English phone skills 917-2395275 150+ JOB OPENINGS!
Stop wasting your time going through all the jobs classifieds. Simply email your resume to Info@ to explore your options & maximize your career. Or Call/Text/ WhatsApp 732-800-7633 Strictly confidential & completely free. TITLE I TUTOR POSITION Heimishe cheder seeking tutors for the upcoming school year: man for the older grades, and lady/girl for the younger grades. Reading and math skills. Afternoon hours. Please send resume to or fax to 845.208.0440.
help wanted N
TITLE DIRECTOR Heimishe Mosod is looking to hire a Title Director for the upcoming school year. Please send resume to secretary@ FEMALE LIFEGUARD Looking for female lifeguard in Monticello exit 106, no bungalow provided. Monday - Friday 3 hours per day in the afternoon.. Call or text 2129603182 OFFICE POSITION Seeking to fill administrative office position. Candidate should be experienced, detail oriented, computer proficient, responsible with good communication skills. Great working environment, opportunity for growth. Transp. not available. JOB OPPORTUNITY Looking for a girl to do homework with a 9 year old boy in the Herrick area nice pay please call 845-426-2199 ext. 1607
F/T SECRETARY A busy construction office in the Monsey area is looking for a full-time secretary. Must have good phone skills and knowledge in computers. Willing to train the right candidate. Please send your resume to MBerger@ COORDINATION POSITION Seeking to hire a responsible worker for coordination position. Requires networking, communicating, and creativity skills. Flexible schedule. Great pay. Send resume to recruitmentdepartment845@ YESHIVA ADMINISTRATOR Yeshiva – Monsey Area seeking Associate Administrator/Director Facility Management, Alumni, Special Projects and Events. Must be organized, responsible, and want to work in a Yeshiva. Great Opportunity for someone looking to get into the field. Email Resume to
Heimishe office in Monsey looking to hire for multiple full-time positions, graduate/ entry level ok. Please email resume: sammy@ or call 845-603-8206 GREAT JOB OPPORTUNITY Young boys Yeshiva is seeking a dedicated and devoted assistant for Sept. 2022 in a warm, supportive environment. Many growth opportunities. Great pay! Hours: 8:45 – 4:15. Please call 845-558-6699 or email HEAD COUNSELORS Looking fo a energetic pre school head counselors for secoond half 845-659-0645 AUGUST PLAYGROUP ASSISTANT Looking for 2 8th or 9th graders to assist in a yummy settled 2 1/2-3 yr old playgroup from august 1-17. Pls call 845-537-1960 HOUSKEEPER WANTED
Houskeeper wanted, $100 per day + tip, residential cleaning, 646-904-124
F/T POSITION Master Faster is looking to hire a male full time para to work in a camp setting starting immediately till August 17th. If interested please reach out to m.friedrich@masterfaster. org or at 845-477-5000 extension 127. JOB OPPORTUNITY
Seeking a live-in couple for a new adult girls dormitory home in Rockland County. Excellent perks & pluses. Interested candidates please reach out: 1845395-8879 zkepetch@
The Monsey View
July 13, 2022 · 845.600.8484
HEAD COUNSELORS Lookinfg for counselors for second half for a chassidish day camp 845-659-0645
Reliese blockages, pain & trauma through cranialsacral therapy! Schedule your appointement today to ensure your spot, with S. Steiner. Booking now for the beginning of September Please call 845-608-7624 if no answer leave a messaage KRIAH TUTOR Kriah tutor available with 25 years experience teaching Kriah in early elementary grades. Will come to you. Please call 845-608-7870.
help wanted N services N
PROFESSIONAL PIANO LESSONS and music theory by Miriam Ungar. Now accepting Children’s Waiver. Please call 845.502.1971 ELECTRICIAN Experienced electrician for all your electrical work, reasonable prices, prompt and honest service. call 347345-5636. MALE TUTOR Is your son not getting “enough” in cheider? Licensed NYS teacher with years of experience, available to teach your son in the evening. Reading, writing, math and financial literacy. Will come to you, reasonable rates. Satisfied references available. Call/Text 845.263.9530. Leave message if no answer. PETTICOATS FOR RENT!
TORAHANYTIME.COM On demand Torah lectures Video-Audio-download All for free Computer or App for iPhone/Android Or Hotline 718-298-2077. Yiddish Hebrew - English
Enhance your gown with just the right petticoat! Kids and adults petticoats for rent! In the Bates area. Please Call or text between 8:30-10pm 845-746-7248
KANGEN WATER “Change your Water.. Change your life” Alkaline - AntiOxidant - Super Hydrating Call for FREE supply and feel AMAZING! 917-681-0003
PROFESSIONAL HAIRCUTS & STYLING Great prices. Call Miri 845426-7561
ARROWSMITH Is your child still in the same place after all that tutoring?Join Arrowsmith, a research based program that strengthens the brain and eliminates learning disabilities. Call Mrs Feuer 914-260-6449 MUSIC LESSONS ON THE PHONE Mr. Wertzberger’s Music School offering music lessons on the phone, ages 9-15 boys and girls. Try it free! 718-4351923
SINGER/GUITARIST Will perform at your chuppah, Sheva Brachos, or any 2-3 hour event. Moshe Klaver 845-746-0925 CALL/TEXT SARAH @845-596-1373 Craniosacral Therapy InHome Sessions
CUSTOM CLOSETS For all your custom closets, doors or mouldings call or text 1347.522.4872 PEARLS BY CHUMI SILBER Genuine freshwater pearl necklaces and earrings priced to suit your budget .We come down to the comfort of your house. We also offer free pickup and delivery for your pearl restringing. Call 845-352-5013. KEYBOARD LESSONS Keyboard lessons By Miri. Great Prices! Call 845-4267561 or 845-263-6437
PICK UPS 845-461-3084 PHOTO ALBUMS Custom designed luxury photo albums from all your Events, Simchas, Photoshoots, Baby albums, Chuson albums etc. All sizes available. Leather - Glass top - Fabric - Hard & soft cover. Call/txt 845-213-6177 VAN & TRUCK Van & Truck Delivery and Shlepping Service Call Izzy: 845-263-0420 FACE PAINTING Face painting for your simcha and parties. Shayna 917.710.3967. $100/hour GARTLECH we fix knitted & crochet Gartlech & make beautiful professional fringes. We also teach how to knit & crochet. call: 917-414-3281
July 13, 2022
The Monsey View · 845.600.8484
Classifieds LADY DRIVER Lady driver available for long distance trips evenings and weekends. Please call Chavi: 845-659-8207 CRANIOSACRAL THERAPY Homevisits in craniosacral therapy for babies, kids and women- emotional and physical issues. Monsey, Brooklyn, Monroe, Lakewood 201-281-8704 FARINA STATION Enjoy a delicious nourishing farina for all your events, מלוה מלכה,ברית, breakfast, אפשערן, etc. with nice warmers & free delivery 845274-3992 MURRAY POOL Large, heated, sparkling, w/ waterslide, dressing rooms & restroom. Open for ladies: Fri & Sun 8-11am. Mon-Thurs 8am -3pm. Groups please call 347-526-0615 15 PASSENGER VAN Local and long distance. Airports, mountains etc. Call 845-274-6819 DEBT RELIEF having trubble with finances? join Debtors Anonymous Tuesday night @ 19 Robert Pitt # 113 , 7:30-8:30pm. visit www. DRIVER IN ISRAEL Heimishe driver in Israel with updated, luxury vehicles available for all driving jobs. All size vehicles with room for 4, 6, 8, 10, 16 or 20 passengers. Please call Yair Rashevsky at 972-50405-0150.
The Monsey View
July 13, 2022 · 845.600.8484
PROFFESIONAL ALBUMS Order now and have it ready for שבת נחמו. Get your magnificent Kallah, Baby… Album Professionally done. great prices. Samples Available Please call 845-2745972
services N odds & ends N gowns N lost & found N
MATERNITY GOWN Beautiful Custom made very slenderizing, Off White and Silver Beaded Maternity Gown for Rent. Call, Text or Whatsaap 845-325-9722. GOWN FOR SALE Magnificent high end mother of the bride gown, size 6-8 (off-white/gold) 347-415-2444
SEEKING DONATIONS Of toys, arts & crafts, or supplies, in good condition, for a Heimishe Moised. Call 845.500.3100
CHILDRENS WHITE GOWNS 11 gorgeous white gowns sizes ranging from 2-12. To rent/ sell, very reasonable price. Please call 347-693-9672
ELECTRIC SCOOTER RENTAL א פאר עלעקטריק סקוטער צו פארדינגען אויפן שעה ביטע 845-587-6940 רופט
NAVY GOWN Magnificent navy gown for rent. Size 2-4. 845-721-9265
GREAT YESHUOS I lit a candle for 40 days לעלויות נשמת ר’ מנחם מנדל בן יוסף מ’רימנובas a סגולהand saw a great ישועה. It’s said that he asked to publicize seeing a ישועהthrough this. ESTATE SALE Everything must go to the bare walls, including furniture, fixtures, antique pieces, office furniture, household items and seforim. Bo. 354-5523
GOWNS GOLD GOWN Adorable gold gown by Dassy available to buy or rent. Toddler size 4. Call 422-5596 for more info GOWN FOR RENT
Silver/Grey colored gown size 2-4 8455380391
GIRLS CHASUNAH GOWN Very Elegant, Winter White trimmed with Black Velvet, girls size 14/16 for sale. Please Call 845-709-7161. MOTHER OF BRIDE Beautiful mother of bride gown for sale. Black and
white. Size 10-12. Great price. Call/text 347-760-4649. GOWN FOR SALE Girls Size 12, pink floral lace magnificant wedding gown call/text 347-228-2252
LOST Lost something? Found something? The Daily Return: Call/text: 845-538-0193, Email: monseydailyreturn@gmail. com Gold colorful pin with 2 birds 201-348-6069 Lost a bag of clothing a few weeks ago 845-642-7842
FOUND Found a gold bracelelt in Willow Tree Park. Text or call 845-664-3504 Pidyon Haben gemach found gold diamond watch 845356-3568
July 13, 2022
The Monsey View · 845.600.8484
GEMACHIM Baby Layettes (845) 213-3646 Layettes Text 718-551-1732 Doula 845-587-1649 Labor Bag 347-604-3274 Pidyon Haben Accessories 845-642-7256 Pidyon Haben 845-659-6704 Pidyon Haben Gemach 845356-3568 Formula 347-267-3640 Or 216-889-3643 Neocate Formula 718-8534090 Carseats, Bassinet & Pack N Plays. 425-1202 Carseats, Pack N Plays, Strollers, Pumps 845.425.6826 Doona Car Seat 845-445-7474 Brass Iron Bassinet 917-2804559 Preemie Clothing 845-5200475 The Preemie Box 845.664.5768 Or 718.688.5814 Baby Scale 845-578-5639 Baby Headphone 845 356 6797 Or 845 558 9370 Baby Scales 845-694-8985 Easy birth from Koznitzer Maggid 917-514-9461
Brissim Bris Accessories 617-9553630 Bris Accessories 845 425 8359 Bris Accessories 425 3873 Bris Accessories 425-6574 Bris Accessories 356-6215 Blue Light 845.425.1919 Poya and bris outfit w/ tefillos 845-425-0672 Pillow/Benchers 845-2130602 Knife Sharpening For Mohalim 718-384-6214 Segula Stone 347-699-6418 Preemie Outfit 845.558.7065 Krias Shema Board With Stand 425-4540 Free Mohel 347-383-5696
Simcha Gowns 845-517- 8808 Mother & Sister Gowns 845426-7496 Or 845-352-3031. Gown And Petticoats 347278-1278 White Dresses 845-371-1765 Floral Bisomim 845-629-2785. Hats $25. 347-351-1604 Elegant Hats 845-517-0838. Bands & Berets 845-371-3556 Tichel 845-548-0014 Mechitza’s, Tables, Chairs Etc. Call 845-445-8015 Hot Water Urns 845-425-9211 Ear-Plugs 845-202-0105. Toys 845-578-6513 Toys 917-538-3453. Clics 845-352-5820 Tablecloths (845) 371 2105 Tablecloth 352-8292 Tablecloths 352-8292
The Monsey View
Gold Chargers 845-573-9772 shelves, stands, trays & centerpieces 845-425-1721 Siddurs. Sfard: 845-608-7830 Ashkenaz: 845 352 1756 Or 845-826-6718 Siddur/Chumash 558.4774 Benchers 845-642-0910 Bentchers 347-404-2204 Bechers 845-377-5671 Becher, Challah Deklich, Zemiros 845-425-0498 Coat Rack And Hangers 845356-9841 Chuppa Cards 347-278-1278 Chupah Cards 845.222.0456 Chuppah Tefillos Booklets. 845-213-0602. Wedding Kit 845-425-2036 Wedding Kit 845-371-2947 Simcha Powder Room Kit 845-263-4342 Accessories Basket 845-3716857 Children Hair Pieces 3473001679 Portable Chuppah 845-4254790 Umbrellas 216-470-9841 Sound System 917-382-8809 Evening Bags 845-549-2929 Shmiras Halashon Cards 537-0069 Earplugs for Simchos 845328-1071 22 qt crockpots, big hot plates, big pots, perculator 8453238570
Kallah Yom Hachuppah Cd 845352-2560 Crowns, veils, shoes, capes 426-0767 Headpieces, Tiaras, Veils 845425-4221 White Sneakers 917-613-6579 White Shoes 845-200-0211 Kallah Hand Bouquet 845459-3567 Dress your kallah stress free. Book 1 week in advance 518306-1167 Bridal Shower (845) 248-4218
Misc Ribbis Question? 347-9770628 Notary Public 347-228-8825 Fix necklines 845-238-6691 Hairstyling 845-540-3731 Hair styling 845-502-6558 Haircuts & Styling 845-3528101/ 845-499-3218 Haircutting/Styling 845-2637057 Haircutting & Styling 845422-5337 Hospital Supplies 746-8293 Hospital Gown 845-425-8687 Hospital Gown 845-426-4695 Hospital Gowns 845-3565364 Medical Equipment Email DVDS & players for Cholim/ Homebound 425-2660
July 13, 2022 · 845.600.8484
Simcha Maternity 845-4251725 Bed Rest? Laundry Help. 213-7437 Maternity Clothing 845-4459687 Maternity Coat Text Only 8455212912 Twin Boppy Pillows (845) 445-9298 Proposal Gemach 347-2774072 Gps & Waze 845-352-2588 (Minimal Fee) Kosher Waze 845.587.1708 Roof Carriers 845-659-1863. Pack N Play Sheets Included. Text: 845-216-4885 Pack n plays 845-426-1177/ 347-631-8183 Beautiful nishmas cards 845729-7390 Poya (outfit, hat, booties) 845425-0672 Help-a-mom. to volunteer call 347-977-6816 Phones For Emergencies. 845-213-8664 Reflectors 845-356-0815 Reflectors 347-977-6816 Feeding Supplies 845-3666398 Mezuzos 587-4533 Boxes (845) 641-5536 Boxes 845-425-6826 Or 845608-7830 Boxes 845-642-5286 Boxes Text (845) 641-5536 Heaters 845 362 8666 Air Mattresses 9176537170 Air mattress gemach Text/ WhatsApp 9087831676 Pack n Plays 845-426-1177 Suitcases 845-371-9121 Bike Racks 845-659-1863. Opwdd Sd Advice Email Computer Advice (862) 248-1931 Loans 347-385-1408 Moving Help packing/unpacking 845-281-5900 Digital Cameras 8264062 Phone With Service 845445-7422 Eczema Cream 845-274-7858 Single parent? Help with shopping etc. 516-203-2616 Yiddish & English Poems 845587-3018 Shabbos lamps (914) 3913787 Lev Simcha music groups/ visits 8456082676 sefer torah 347-598-0357 Free-shalom bayis 845-2130602 Mezuzos 845-540-1802 Drop in babysitter - (845) 445-9391 laminators & paper cutters msg 845-263-7115 Kendamil formula 914-5230592 Costume Used or new 8455380990
Found denim blue jewelz travelling carriage in la familia taxi a few months ago 845-4250294 Found a few weeks ago a key from a Nissan car with Key Food card by Sam Braen Field Address: Airmont Ave & Airmount Rd, Mahwah, NJ 07430 please call 347-977-1993 Found a sefer chovos halvovos with the name Mordechai feldman please call 7189385537 Found at the kinus in Prudential Center: Umbrellas, black sweatshirt with the name Batsheva, 2 pacifiers in a bag with a receipt from Hosierama, Brooklyn, jewelry, Cash, Car Key. Call TAG Rockland: 845-371-1TAG(1284) #4 Found a siddur on refuah shuttle 425-6148 Found childs white shirt / neck fan 659-9482 Found little lad and lady bag on Rt 59 with size 6 boys t-shirt 845-352-0720
FREE GIVEAWAYS Fridge - please leave message 845--397-7980 Boys’ pull-ups 3T-4T 274-3531 24’’ white gas range in good condition with compatible pesach stovetop & grates. Please call 845-237-2428 Free give away Ladies pull ups. Call or text 914-688-5042 Leshame mitzvah. Leftover Pesach matzo? Don’t throw out. 347-482-4125
LATE ADS SHOR TERM RENTAL 4 bedroom house in concord area fully furnished weekly or shobbos rental. Please call or or text 646-864-8638 TEACHER Ashira seeks high school teachers for the upcoming school year. Masters and experience required. Email resume to office@ ASSISTANT TEACHER Ashira seeks an assistant teacher for the upcoming school year. Looking for a highly motivated individual looking to enter the field of special education. Please email resume to or call 845-5024646 PROGRAM LEADERS Looking for young, energetic, reliable young men willing to engage with developmentally disabled high-functioning men in planned activities and Inspiring programs. Your role will be one of leadership and oversight. Email Resume to: or Call: 845-354-3233 ext.1218
Looking to hire a graphic designer for one or possibly two days a week. Great pay for the right candidate. Please email resume and portfolio to:
Heated Pool for rent in Chester Please call: 646-789-1967 or 845-537-5280 July 13, 2022
The Monsey View · 845.600.8484
חומש סעודה אין ישיבה בית דוד
The Monsey View
האדמורי"ם והרבנים מסקולען בעלי' לציון אמם הרבנית מסקולען ע"ה לרגל היארצייט
יומא דהילולא של הרה"ק בעל שפע חיים גרויסע ניסים האט פאסירט ווען א באס האדמו"ר מטענקא בטענערסוויל למנוחה ביחד עם נכדו דומ"ץ זוועהיל מאנסי זי"ע בצל חתנו האדמו"ר מצאנז זוועהיל פון א היימישע מוסד אין מאנסי האט אנגעפאנגען צו ברענען גלייך נאך די לעצטע קינד איז אראפ פון די באס
תלמידים פון 'מתמידים הכנה לבר מצוה' באזוכן ביים סופר ר' יחיאל ראזנער צו זעהן ערשטהאנטיג וויאזוי מען שרייבט תפילין
The Monsey View
Hamesivta of Monsey 2nd Annual Siyum Dinner Event
חומש סעודה אין תלמוד תורה צאנז קלויזענבורג אין מאנסי
האדמו"ר מבאסטאן ביתר בביקור במאנסי
The Monsey View
ברכת מזל טוב בלב מלא שמחה הננו בזה לברך ברכת מזל טוב לידידינו ,שייף עייל שייף נפיק, יושב ולן בעומקה של הלכה ,אוצרו יראת ה' טהורה ,מוכתר במדות מזוהבות
הרב ר'
מאיר מאשקאוויטש שליט"א ובני ביתו שתחי'
חתן הרב פישל מארגענשטערן
לר‚ל ˘‰מח ‰במעונו ב‰ול„˙ בנו למז"ט יהא רעווא מן קדם אבוהון דבשמיא להתברך בשפע ברכה והצלחה ,ותראה רב תענוג ונחת דקדושה מכל יוצ"ח לגדלם ולחנכם לתורה ועבודה ויראת שמים ,ובכל אשר תפנה תשכיל ותצליח עד בלי די ,עדי נזכה מתוך רינה ודיצה לראות בנין בית הבחירה בב"א.
יואל איצקאוויטש וצוות ’די מאנסי וויו'
ג"א מצטרף לוי יצחק נוסענצווייג
July 13, 2022
The Monsey View · 845.600.8484
הרה"צ ר' אהרן מענדל טווערסקי בן האדמו"ר מסקווירא בביקור באנטווערפן
חומש סעודה בתלמוד תורה באבוב מאנסי
חומש סעודה בתלמוד תורה קאלאשיץ במאנסי
The Monsey View
הרה"צ ר' אהרן מרדכי רוקח בן האדמו"ר מבעלזא בביקור בלעיקוואד לרגל שבת התאחדות והתעלות
The Monsey View
יארצייט פון הרה"ק מצאנז קלויזענבורג זי"ע ביי בנו ומ"מ האדמו"ר מצאנז קלויזענבורג
מעמד סיום מסכת כתובות ע"י משתתפי השיעור של הרה"ג ר' משה יוסף אשכנזי במסגרת יסודי התורה בבית הרבני הנגיד ר' אהרן אדלער
הרב ר' אברהם בנימין פריעדמאן בריח התיכון פונעם שיעור ביי זיין דרשה
The Monsey View
דער בעל אכסני' ר' אהרן ביים מאכן דעם סיום
ניחום אבלים אצל האדמו"ר מניקלשבורג ע"פ אחיו ז"ל
The Monsey View
האדמו"ר מסאטמאר באזוכט ביי די בוי ארבעט אין די נייע בנינים פון די סאטמארער מוסדות אין מאנסי ביים נייעם בנין בית רחל אויף טשערי לעין
ביים נייעם בנין הת"ת אויף מאנסי בולעווארד
כולל סקווירא מאנסי ביים זיך פארהערן הוראה ביי די גדולי הרבנים
The Monsey View
ערשטע קאנפערענץ פון 'סגול פאראיין' וואס באשטייט פון היימישע ביזנעסלייט וועלכע פונקציאנירן אן קיין סמארטפאון
July 13, 2022
The Monsey View · 845.600.8484
// Inside
FREE ISSUE 356 JULY 13, 2022
פרשת בלק י”ד תמוז תשפ”ב
The secret to a clean kitchen and well-fed kids
The rich history of the Brooklyn Bridge Park
A guide to grassy local spots
YOEL ITZKOWITZ Editor in Chief:
D. GORALNIK Content Editor:
Associate Editor:
94 //
102 //
110 //
Week in Review
119 //
The Last Rebbe of Lodz
126 //
The Long Road to Freedom
137 //
150 //
Spanning the Centuries
168 //
An Impromptu Picnic
176 //
Fly a DIY Kite
184 //
Let’s Go To the Park
198 //
202 //
Fun Pages
212 //
236 //
Food Editor:
M.P. WERCBERGER Creative Director:
AJ WACHSMAN Project Coordinator:
THE MONSEY VIEW P.O. Box 305 Monsey N.Y. 10952
845-600-8484 845-600-8483 Website:
MISSION STATEMENT: The Monsey View is a weekly publication designed for every segment and age group of our diverse community. Under rabbinical guidance, we bring Monsey’s top talent together to provide high-quality, informative and current reading material, keeping you up to date on sales, events, news and issues of concern and import happening right now in the Monsey community. DISCLAIMER: We do not endorse any ad found in this publication. We are not responsible for typographical or grammatical errors. COPYRIGHT: All content found in The Monsey View is copyright and may not be reproduced, published, distributed or duplicated for public or private use without written permission from The Monsey View. Limit one (1) per family
The Monsey View
July 13, 2022 · 845.600.8484