Issue 357

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FREE ISSUE 357 JULY 20, 2022


‫פרשת פנחס‬ ‫כ”א תמוז תשפ”ב‬

Paying Price THE

BREAK THE LAW, BEAUTIFY THE TOWN How minor misdemeanors lead to cleaner streets

PENALIZED! A community member becomes part of community cleanup

WHY WE EMPTY OUR POCKETS TO FILL ‘ER UP Seeking the source of skyrocketing gas prices


The Monsey View

July 20, 2022 · 845.600.8484


‫זמנים לפרשת‬

// Talk of Town


7:57 9:36

7:52 9:17

all your needs.





8:04 9:34

‫הדלקת הנרות‬ ‫מוצאי שבת‬

356-mall 6





(Re: Cutlets on the Grill, Issue 356) I had to drop a line and share my thanks for the chicken cutlet recipes you featured. I am constantly on the lookout for cutlet ideas, and I was more than happy to get cooking with these recipes in hand. As we’ve come to expect, the recipes featured are both pleasing to the eye and to the palate. Thank you! Pleased Cook M&S SHOE REPAIR



Monsey 27 Orchard Street Monsey, NY 10952 845-425-8010

(Re: Emporiums of Yesteryear, Issue 355) I have several more “blasts from the past” to share with your readers: Alexander’s, The May Department Store Company, Woolworth’s, Pergament, Korvettes and Rickels. Alexander’s Department Store was founded by George Farkas of Brooklyn in 1928. He named the store after his father, Alexander. Their famous slogan was: “You’ll find Alexander’s has what you’re looking for; how lucky can you get?” Alexander’s primarily sold clothing and accessories, which could be paid for only by cash or check; credit cards weren’t accepted until 1972. The many-chained department store folded in 1992 after going bankrupt. W E A T H E R

BORO PARK 4714 13th Avenue Brooklyn, NY 11219 718-435-8697 Williamsburg • Lakewood

Everest Equity Company , Inc. THE

Residential and Commercial Mortgages Two Executive Boulevard, Suite 201 Suffern, New York 10901 845.357.6900 Email: | Web: Registered Mortgage Broker New York State Department of Financial Services. Mortgage Broker Licensed by the New Jersey Department of Banking and Insurance. Licensed Mortgage Broker CT, PA, FL and NC Banking Departments. Loans arranged through third party providers. NMLS ID 12484


The Monsey View

July 20, 2022 · 845.600.8484



93°/71° FRIDAY



















The May Department Store Company was founded by David May in 1877. The original store supplied miners in the town of Leadville, Colorado, with red woolen underclothes and copper-riveted overalls. After several expansions around the country and the transfer of the company’s presidency to David’s son Morton in 1951, to be succeeded by grandson Morton in 1967, May was in acquisition of famous stores such as David’s Bridal, Marshall Field’s, Target and Filenes, among others. By 2006, all locations that were not sold off were rebranded as Macy’s. Woolworth Co., founded by Frank Winfield Woolworth in 1879, was based on the concept of the five-and-ten shop. The first stores in Utica, New York, and Lancaster, Pennsylvania, were based on volume-buying, counter-display merchandising, and cash-and-carry transactions. By 1911, the new consolidated company was renamed F.W. Woolworth, and its company headquarters, the Woolworth Building in NYC, was the tallest skyscraper in the world until 1930. Woolworth closed its remaining variety stores in the U.S. in 1997, although it still operated in North America, Australia and Europe. In 2001, its name was changed to Foot Locker, Inc., focusing on sporting goods. Pergament was a home improvement store chain specializing in flooring, paint and wallpaper. The company, opened by Louis Pergament in Franklin Square, New York, in 1935, closed after facing competition from Lowe’s and The Home Depot. Korvettes was an American chain of department stores founded in 1948 in NYC (called E.J. Korvette initially) by Jewish founders Ferkauf and Zwillenberg. Its focus was on offering quality merchandise at discount prices, prompting several retailers to file fair trade lawsuits against them (none of which were successful). Its decline was due to inconsistent management and the inability to keep up with the rising consumer demand for furniture. In 1980 they declared bankruptcy. Rickels was first known as Rickel Brothers, Rickel Supermarkets, and Rickel Home Centers. It was a chain of home improvement centers based in New Jersey and first founded in 1953. Rickel was the leading hardware, plumbing, heating and electrical retailer in its region for three decades until competition forced its liquidation and closure in 1998. For Canadian readers, do you remember Eaton’s? Eaton’s was founded in Canada by Irish immigrant Timothy Eaton in 1869. He developed the “Goods Satisfactory or Money Refunded” policy in 1870. In 1952, Sears merged with Simpsons to create Simpson-Sears Ltd., which led to the bankruptcy of Eaton’s of Canada in 1999. R.S.


(Re: Excursions, Issue 354) Thank you for the beautiful and organized trips supplement. I want to publicize that the Spy Museum in Washington, D.C., is not a very appropriate place for a frum family. They have exhibits featuring both immodesty and violence. Thank you for your great publication! Y.B.


(Re: Wholesome and Heavenly, Issue 335) This is a long overdue thank you. Since the week the date truffles were featured in your recipe section, I have made them about twenty times! It’s a winning recipe in our house and is the perfect treat — healthy and delicious. We appreciate the work that goes into creating this masterpiece of a magazine. M. B. THE MONSEY VIEW WELCOMES YOUR COMMENTS, FEEDBACK AND LETTERS. EMAIL: FAX: 845-600-8483 The Monsey View, POB 305, Monsey, NY 10952



The Monsey View

July 20, 2022 · 845.600.8484


The Monsey View

July 20, 2022 · 845.600.8484

PARSHAS PINCHAS To Soak in the Sights

Moshe Rabbeinu was not destined to enter Eretz Yisroel; however, Hakadosh Baruch Hu instructed him to climb Har Ha’avarim, from where he could catch a glimpse of the Holy Land. This seems like a weak appeasement. What good was it to see Eretz Yisroel when Moshe so desperately pined to enter the land and be in it? REB YEHOSHUA OF BELZ, ZY”A, was not well. Weakened by illness, the Rebbe dropped hints to tell his chassidim that his passing was near. Still, they wished to try all they could to find a cure, and some of his trusted disciples traveled with the Rebbe to the large medical centers in Vienna, hoping that the top doctors would be able to help. After a thorough examination, the doctors said that the Rebbe required emergency surgery. For the Rebbe, the pre-op preparations meant writing out his tzava’ah, immersing in the mikvah, and passionately reciting Vidui. Then the Rebbe was wheeled into the operating room. Several surgeons were to conduct the operation. Among them was one fellow named Moses. Although there was no trace of Yiddishkeit in Moses’ appearance, with just one glance, the Rebbe recognized the doctor’s past. Indeed, Moses had been named Moshe Yitzchak at his bris. He was born into a frum family, yet was negatively influenced in his youth. To his parents’ chagrin, he’d left his family and heritage and enrolled in a prestigious university in Vienna where he went on to become a specialist in the field of medicine. The Rebbe turned to the doctor and said, “Moses, aren’t

you a Yid?” “Yes, Rabbi,” the doctor replied. “I am a Jew.” “Do you believe in the Creator of the world?” The doctor nodded in affirmation. “How about Moshiach? Do you believe in the Final Redemption?” Dr. Moses remained quiet for a while. Then he carefully said, “Yes, I believe our nation will be redeemed, but I don’t believe it will come through one person alone. It simply doesn’t make sense to me that a single person will be able to influence the entire world!” Now it was the Rebbe’s turn to be silent. He turned to the doctor and fixed his eyes upon him, his gaze intense. Moses tried to turn away. He wanted to deflect the fiery look that pierced something deep inside him, but he couldn’t. The Rebbe’s gaze magnetized him, and he was locked within it. Moses’ face turned white as a sheet and then crimson red. He felt goose bumps cover his skin. His hands began to tremble… After a few moments, the Rebbe looked away. Moses calmed down and broke out in a cold sweat. The Rebbe looked at him again, but this time his gaze was soft. “Do you now understand that an individual can impose

Did You Know? Another name for Har Ha’avarim is Har Nevo. This mountain is located in Moav, which is current-day Jordan. From its peak, one can see Yam Hamelech, the Yardein and Yericho. On a clear day, it is also possible to make out Yerushalayim.


The Monsey View

July 20, 2022 · 845.600.8484

Moses tried to turn away. He wanted to deflect the fiery look that pierced something deep inside him, but he couldn’t. his influence with just his eyes alone?” the Rebbe asked. Moses nodded humbly. The Rebbe continued, “This is how it will be when Moshiach will come. He will rule over the entire world, and everyone will return from their wicked ways.” Only after Moses verbally concurred did the Rebbe indicate that he was ready to begin the procedure. The surgery went well, and fifteen days later, the Rebbe and his chassidim boarded the train back to Belz. Sadly, while in transit, the Rebbe relinquished his holy neshamah to his Creator. He was surrounded by a minyan of his followers, the newfound “chassid” Moshe Yitzchak among them. The doctor had made a quick and complete U-turn and felt very close to his new teacher. Because with just gaze alone, it is possible to connect to kedushah. A holy gaze can yank a person out of the depths of impurity and raise him to spiritual heights. * * * * * This explains what Moshe Rabbeinu accomplished by gazing at Eretz Yisroel. When Moshe yearned to enter the Land, he was not craving to simply tour its breadth or eat its fruit. He genuinely wished to soak in its kedusha! Although he did not merit to absorb the full magnitude of kedusha he so desired, Moshe was able to absorb a measure of its holiness simply by ascending Har Ha’avarim and seeing Eretz Yisroel from afar. Thus, he was able to connect to its profound sanctity even though he did not merit treading on its soil. Adapted from the teachings of Rav Mordechai Freundlich, zt”l. 102

The Monsey View

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The Monsey View

July 20, 2022 · 845.600.8484

Business Expo Highlights Chassidic Commerce It was anything but business as usual last Wednesday, with 4,200 heading to Edison, New Jersey, to take part in the first-ever Satmar business expo. The event was hosted by Congregation Yetev Lev D’Satmar and Hisachdus Areivim D’Satmar in an effort to encourage community members to support Satmar-owned businesses. Over 300 booths representing a wide array of industries were set up at the New Jersey Convention and Exposition Center, giving attendees an opportunity to speak with people in businesses including health care, finance, real estate, construction, high tech, insurance, food, publishing and more. The full-day show also included multiple educational opportunities, with lectures given by prominent rabbanim who shared their knowledge on halachic matters, and well-known experts who discussed issues including insurance, liability, labor laws, taxes and compliance. Congregation Yetev Lev D’Satmar president Reb Avrum Ber Jacobowitz noted that the expo was just one of several initiatives being launched by the Satmar congregation to benefit its members and help their businesses thrive. Future educational events are being planned, as are communal resource centers in Boro Park, Williamsburg, Monsey and Kiryas Joel, while a directory listing Satmar contractors will give congregation members the opportunity to patronize Satmar businesses when expanding, renovating or building their homes. United Jewish Organizations of Williamsburg and North Brooklyn executive director Rabbi David Niederman said that he was amazed to see the breadth of the Satmar business community. “There isn’t a segment of the economy that our community is not involved in and doesn’t excel in,” said Rabbi Niederman. “Who would have ever believed that after we were almost wiped out during the war we would be able to rebuild our community, and that our great Rebbe, Rabbi Joel Teitelbaum, would have the foresight to recreate the shtetl in the melting pot of America?” Spring Valley resident and OJPAC co-founder Yossi Gestetner observed that, despite claims to the contrary, the expo drove home the point that members of the chassidic community often do well for themselves, and can be found in practically every industry. 108

The Monsey View

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Cat Who Attacked New Hempstead Residents Tests Positive for Rabies

Expo organizer Joel Braver said that ensuring his community’s economic health was a high priority to the Satmar Rebbe, who was known for encouraging people to give tzedakah generously. Seeing momentum grow for the expo took organizers by surprise, and they had to utilize additional areas of the convention center to accommodate the large number of booths and foot traffic. “Never in our wildest dreams did we expect to have such a turnout,” said Braver. “This was pure siyata d’Shmaya, and we have no doubt that the power of the Rebbe, who believed in people owning their own businesses, made this event the success it was.”

Chaverim Working With Ramapo PD as Multiple Route 306 Attacks Investigated A late-night walk through the heart of Monsey turned out to be anything but peaceful for several women and two men, all of whom were attacked by an unknown man driving a white pickup truck with no front license plates. Chaverim coordinator Yossi Margaretten told The Monsey View that the incidents took place on Motzei Shabbos between 12:30 and 12:40 a.m. Two women walking on Route 306 near Rita Avenue were shot at by a man driving by with a BB gun, with the same driver flinging eggs at two other women as he continued down Route 306 past Phyllis Terrace toward West Maple Avenue. A man walking on West Maple Avenue near Elyon Road was also targeted, with the driver shooting him in the face with a BB gun. The Ramapo Police Department is investigating the incident, with Chaverim of Rockland reviewing surveillance cameras in the area for additional information. Anyone with any information about the incident or who may have also been attacked by the same driver is asked to call police at 845-357-2400 or Chaverim at 845-371-6333. 110

The Monsey View

July 20, 2022 · 845.600.8484

Three days after a cat who went on a rampage in New Hempstead tested positive for rabies, area residents who might have interacted with the animal are being urged to contact the Rockland County Department of Health. VIN News reported that a Barrie Drive man was attacked on July 12 just after 8 a.m., and used his tallis bag to fend off the gray cat, which ran into the woods before police and animal control arrived. A second attack took place a short distance away at approximately 3 p.m., with the cat attacking two children near their Union Road home. Chaverim coordinator Yossi Margaretten said that hearing children screaming in the background when their mother called to report the incident had him calling Hatzolah and the Ramapo Police Department to respond to the scene. “She said she couldn’t get the cat away,” Margaretten told VIN News. “We had members there in a minute and a half because we gave this out as an emergency call, not like someone who needed help with a flat tire.” Chaverim members restrained the cat using special equipment. The animal was taken to High Tor Animal Shelter where it was observed for several days and ultimately tested positive for rabies, which can be transmitted through bites or scratches and is deadly if untreated. The Rockland County Department of Health is urging anyone living in the area between Brick Church Road and Grandview Avenue, and between Union Road and Barrie Drive, who came into contact with an aggressive gray cat to call them at 845-364-2594 during business hours, or at 845-364-8600 after hours or on weekends. Rabies is a viral disease that infects the brain and is most commonly found in the United States in raccoons, skunks, bats and foxes. The Centers for Disease Control recommends avoiding any wild animals, or those exhibiting unusual behaviors, to avoid the possibility of contracting rabies.

Tragedy Averted in Two Separate Airplane Fires It was a week of fiery incidents, but two pilots were able to walk away from the flaming airplanes they had just landed. The first fire took place on July 11, when Shmuel Judkovitz’s single-engine Sonex fixed-wing plane caught fire while taxiing at New Jersey’s Linden Airport. New Jersey 101.5 reported that the Boro Park resident had flown 77 miles to Cross Keys Airport in Monroe Township and had returned to Linden at 3:12 p.m. As he headed back to the hangar after refueling his plane, Judkovitz’s engine shut off without warning, and flames poured into the cockpit. “I whispered a quick tefillah, lifted the canopy, and miraculously exited the cockpit,” Judkovitz told Boro Park 24. “I put some distance between myself and the plane and watched it go up in flames.” Fire and emergency crews responded to the scene, and Judkovitz was taken to The Burn Center at Cooperman Barnabas Medical Center in Livingston where he was treated for serious burns on his arms and lower extremities. Judkovitz said he suspects that a fuel leak, combined with the heat of the plane and the weather conditions, sparked the fire. An eleventh-generation descendant of the Baal Shem Tov, Judkovitz said that he is grateful to have survived. “I give thanks to Hashem for everything that transpired, the not so good as well as the good,” said Judkovitz. Five days later, a 66-year-old Maine man escaped an emergency landing made in the middle of a well-traveled roadway in the Catskills without injury. Mid Hudson News reported that Mark Simmons was flying from Sussex, New Jersey, to White Lake’s Sullivan County Airport last Friday when his plane began having engine trouble. Simmons was able to bring his single engine Cessna 210 down on Route 42 at approximately 12:45 p.m. at the Thompson-Forestburgh border. Black smoke could be seen billowing from the plane, which caught fire after landing on the highway three miles south of Monticello. The Monticello, Rock Hill and Forestburgh fire


The Monsey View

July 20, 2022 · 845.600.8484

departments; Federal Aviation Administration; and State Department of Transportation and Mobile Medic Ambulance all responded to the scene, which shut down Route 42 for hours. Monticello Sheriff Mike Schiff, who is also a pilot, said that it was clear that Simmons’ skill and experience were evident at the scene.


The Monsey View

July 20, 2022 · 845.600.8484

July 20, 2022

The Monsey View · 845.600.8484



The Monsey View

July 20, 2022 · 845.600.8484

C H A P T E R 19 RECAP: Izzy is unable to find a direct flight to Lodz, which leaves him and Zach stuck in Dublin for a day. Zach takes Izzy for a tour of the city, and they end their day with a touching kumzitz at the picturesque cliffs of Moher.


ame?” “Yisrael Uriah Ginzburg,” Izzy declared to the tired-looking passport control officer. “What eez de purpose of your veezeet?” the officer asked. “What? Oh, um, we… received a letter.” The two days of travel had taken their toll on him. Izzy was having a hard time articulating what he knew. “There’s this manuscript that was just found. It belongs to my family, and —” “Purpose of your veezeet?” the man demanded. Izzy stared at the man dumbly. The official’s thick accent wasn’t helping any. He could barely understand the guy. And his gruff attitude only made it worse. “We, I mean, I and my friend. We came together, you see. He’s just —” “Sir!” the official barked. “Why are you here?” “To claim a manuscript,” Izzy explained heavily. “And also, to see some of the old

Jewish community. We’d like to get in touch with —” “Toureest,” the man growled, staring hard as if daring Izzy to contradict him. He stamped the passport in several places with unnecessary force before handing it back. “Welcome to Poland.” “Um, thank you.” Izzy left passport control and found Zach in the corridor just beyond. “What took you so long?” Zach asked. “I need a nap,” Izzy answered. “You fell asleep in line?” “No, it’s… the guy asked what we were doing here, and my brain just shut down completely.” “Always say you’re on vacation,” Zach advised. “Honestly, they don’t care why you’re here. As long as its not terrorism or something, they’re happy…” “Do terrorists say they’re terrorists?” Izzy asked as they walked through the terminal. “I wouldn’t know,” Zach said with a grin. “Never asked one. But I highly doubt it.”

They arrived at customs and took their places in line. “So everyone says they’re on vacation?” Zach winked. “Well, you didn’t.” “All right, everyone but me. And I’m not a terrorist, either. So what’s the point of them asking?” “Search me,” Zach said. A customs official looked up in confusion, and Zach quickly held up both hands in a placating gesture. “Sorry! I didn’t mean that.” The customs official said something that sounded “Moviwesh tzosh?” “Ah, uh, never mind…” Zach turned back to Izzy and grinned. “Lucky…” * * * * *

It took several hours for them to get out of the airport, find their hotel (Izzy strongly suspected the cabbie was driving in circles to hike up the price), and freshen up. Much to their surprise, night fell quite early. Looking out Izzy’s hotel window, Zach glanced at his watch in surprise. “Can’t believe the sun’s already setting. It’s only 3:38!” “What?” Izzy shot up from his bed and joined Zach at the window. “Gevalt!” he whispered. “I’ve got to daven Mincha!” Without another word, he threw on a hat and jacket and started Ashrei. From there, they had the hotel call another taxi and gave the driver the address printed in Chaim Simcha’s letter. As it turned out, the hotel wasn’t very centrally located, at least for their purposes. It was a long drive from there to Lodz City Hall. The cabbie drove way too fast, weaving through the traffic while conversing loudly in a terrible caricature of English. He also smoked heavily, which left the pair no choice but to leave the windows open and let in the icy wind. Streetlights, passing cars, and lights from shop windows blurred in Izzy’s vision as their driver turned on a hair, sliding frequently in the snow and talking (and driving) a mile a minute through the darkness. It was terrifying, and the quick motion was making Izzy queasy. They talked, or rather their driver talked, about football (Izzy only realized five minutes into the conversation that the man meant soccer, by which time he had moved on to other topics), politics, underground betting, politics, snow, and more politics, before moving on to

what seemed to be the driver’s favorite subject: his own allegedly encyclopedic knowledge of Lodz. “So I’m telling heem that he eez notso-smart, you know? Becaz I know dese streets. I was born dese streets. You know! I’m telling heem, eez not like Amereeca here. You cannot to find a ceegar shop on Armii Krajowej 60! Eez Retkinski King Barber Shop! My first cousin’s brother-in-law work dere twenty-five years! But does he leesen? No!” ““I’m sorry,” Izzy interrupted, clutching his stomach. “But would you mind slowing d—” “He eez beeg shot know-everysieeng Amereecan! He has read travel brochure!” the driver continued, ignoring Izzy entirely. He spun the wheel harshly and sent them careening around a corner, bumping briefly onto the curb. “So we go dere, and eez barbershop, course, just like I say. I tell heem, ‘Tenk you, charge eez 30 złoty.’ And he start yelling at me! Don’t want to pay. Tought eet would be something else. I say, ‘What am I? Meeneester of Commerce?’ But he —” “Please!” Izzy begged. His head was spinning. “Yeah, take it easy there!” Zach added in alarm as they swerved past a parked car at top speed. “He jahs keep yelling and saying, ‘I have taxi number! I have your number!’ So I say, ‘Good, tell your friends you have good driver! They call me too!’ He very angry, but he pay. What else he can do, eh?” The light in front of them turned yellow and the driver floored the gas, taking them through just in time. “Stop!” Izzy begged. “Please stop the car!” The driver slammed the brakes, and they were thrown violently forward. The cab came to a screeching halt at the curb of a large commercial street. Izzy unbuckled, slid out the door, and nearly fell down before catching himself. “I think,” he began, leaning a hand on the cab to steady himself, “I think we’ll walk the rest of the way.” The cabbie gave him a confused look. He pointed ahead. Half a block down, an impressive square building with a central tower stood apart from its surroundings. “Eez right there,” the cabbie told them. He paused, looking down at his dashboard, then shot them an ingratiating smile. “Eez 53 złoty!” July 20, 2022

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Zach paid the man while Izzy got his bearings. Izzy felt like he might be sick right there, but the cold ice slicing through his lungs was helping. “So dees man,” the cabbie continued, counting out change into Zach’s hand. “After he pay me, you know what he do? He go inside Retkiński King and got haircut!” With that parting shot, the cabbie hit the gas again and was gone in an instant. Zach, who was pretty close to the cab when it raced away, glared at the disappearing vehicle. “First thing tomorrow, we’re renting a car!” he snarled. Then he turned to Izzy. “You all right?” Izzy took a few more deep breaths of freezing air and waited for his head and stomach to calm. “That was the worst cab I’ve ever been in,” he said. “And I’m from New York!” “Come on,” Zach suggested. “Let’s get this taken care of.” They set off through the snow and arrived a few minutes later. Up close, the Lodz City Hall was large and imposing, if somewhat drab. It was a uniform brown color, with symmetrical windows lining the walls on each of its three floors. It looked like it might be a few hundred years old, some sort of local landmark. Izzy wondered if the interior matched its old-world facade, or if they’d modernized on the inside. Unfortunately, he wasn’t going to find out today. The building was locked. They knocked, peeked into windows, double-checked the address. But every light inside was turned off. The place was empty. “Oh, come on!” Zach wailed. He glanced at his watch and stopped short. “Look at that, it’s after five already! What did we think we’d find?” He clapped Izzy softly on the shoulder. “Come on, I’m starving. Let’s get some food and hit the sack. We’ll come back in the morning.” “There’s one other place I want to go first,” Izzy said. He hailed a passing taxi. The driver stopped in front of him and rolled down the window. “Do you speak English?” Izzy asked nervously. “No!” the driver said, and sped off. His wheel caught a small pile of slush and sprayed Zach and Izzy, soaking them completely from the waist down. Izzy turned to Zach, and the two of them looked at each other, dripping 120

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slush. Zach was wearing a fashionable wool coat, stylish and slick on top, but now sodden and filthy on the bottom. His expression was comically forlorn, eyes wide and sad, and Izzy was sure that he himself looked no better. They caught each other’s eyes, and suddenly, both burst out laughing. “You look like a lost puppy!” Zach said through snorts of teary-eyed laughs. “Well, you look like a — a — a…” Izzy was too tired to think of something clever. “A used towel!” he finally finished. Punch-drunk from weariness, they stood there giggling like little kids until the fit wore off and they were sucking in the cold air through aching ribs. Zach hailed another cab. Thankfully, this cabbie spoke English. Izzy gave him an address, and they were off. This driver even seemed to follow traffic laws, or at least acknowledge their existence. Izzy was dead tired. Back in New York it was a quarter to ten a.m., but that meant nothing to him right now. As the taxi hummed along, he felt his lids getting heavy, in spite of Zach’s attempts at conversation. It seemed like only a moment later that the cab pulled to a smooth halt, the driver said, “Here we are!” in a convincingly American accent, and Izzy had to pull himself back to the land of the living. “Oh, thanks,” he mumbled. “That’s 48 złoty, please,” the cabbie told them. Izzy found the money and paid, and they both got out. The building before them had three steep peaks arranged in a row. It was faced in weatherworn red bricks and shaped like a large rectangle, with a smaller one jutting out in front as an entrance room. A gothic black fence, about eight feet tall, separated it from the other buildings. Zach tailed curiously behind him as Izzy climbed the steps to the entrance. “What is this place?” Zach asked. Izzy gave him a tired smile. “This is where it all started,” he answered. “The original Lodz shtiebel. They still daven here every day.” He glanced at his watch. “And they should be starting Maariv in about fifteen minutes…” TO BE CONTINUED...


The Monsey View

July 20, 2022 · 845.600.8484


The Monsey View

July 20, 2022 · 845.600.8484

July 20, 2022

The Monsey View · 845.600.8484




Recap: Gonzalo smells trouble and escapes his brother’s home with Sebastian in the middle of the night — heading in the opposite direction he had revealed he’d be going. While the Inquisition mounts a massive search and follows the false trail, the pair arrives in Cordoba, banking on help from the Marques.


hey found the office of the Marques deep in the interior of an immense stone building. An aide made a note of the names they gave and asked them to wait. The Marques called for them nearly two hours later. He had obviously tried to ward off the heat with the help of a few bottles of wine. “What can I do for you, senores?” he said. Gonzalo looked around to make sure there was no one else in the room. “Your Excellency, this young man with me is Don Sebastian Dominguez, the son of your good friend Don Pedro Dominguez, Duke of Monteverde. Don Pedro once told me that if his family should ever be in need of funds, they could turn to you for help. Don Sebastian is fleeing for his life. With the help of the Almighty, he will reach safety and rejoin his family in Paris. They will need money to start a new life. They need your help.” The face of the Marques changed colors several times as Gonzalo was speaking. First, it was red from the wine, but as soon as Gonzalo revealed the identity of the visitor, the blood drained from his face and it turned white. Then, as the enormity of what was happening dawned on him, his face once again became red, but this time with a towering anger. “You are a madman,” he hissed, his earlier stupor completely gone. “How dare you bring a fugitive from justice — an unrepentant heretic of all things — into my domain? How dare you put me in a position where I must decide if I should report you to the authorities or perhaps to the In-


The Monsey View

quisition? The Holy Office is not far from here, you know.” Gonzalo and Sebastian sat there in silence. They did not move. “What an outrage!” fumed the Marqués. “Don Pedro was a good friend of mine, a very dear friend of mine, but he was not honest with me. He never told me that he was a secret Jew. What would he expect me to do? Jeopardize my position and my good standing for the sake of doing a favor for a dead man who does not deserve it? Absolutely not.” “I was under the impression, Your Excellency,” said Gonzalo, “that the money he wanted you to provide to his family was his own property, and that you would know how to access it.” “You insolent dog. Are you insinuating that I want to steal money that doesn’t belong to me?” “Heaven forbid, Your Excellency. I just —” “Be quiet! Not another word from you! Nor from you, young Sebastian. Don Pedro had no money of his own. He was not a merchant or a banker. Everything he possessed came from the crown and his princely estates. Everything he had was acquired under false pretenses. He was not entitled to any of it. If you ever make it out of this country alive, Sebastian, you will be penniless, as you should be. All I will do for you, for the sake of the friendship I thought I once had with your father, is let you leave here without reporting you. And don’t think I’m doing it for his sake alone. I don’t need to sully my good name by associa-

tion with a heretic who was burned at the stake and his fugitive son.” He stood up, trembling with rage. “Now, get out of here! And don’t you ever show your faces here again, either of you!” The Marques turned his back to them and placed his hands on his hips. Gonzalo and Sebastian bowed courteously and left. “This was a disaster,” said Sebastian after they had left the walls of the old city behind. “What do you think he’ll do, Gonzalo?” “I don’t know. I think he meant what he said about not reporting us, but we are in serious danger. He may have someone else report us so that he will not be connected with us. Who knows? We have to get out of Spain, and as quickly as possible.” “Should we head for Cadiz?” Gonzalo shook his head. “Too dangerous. They’ll be watching for us in every port city.” “So how do we get out?” “We swim. Are you a good swimmer, Don Sebastian?” “This is not a time for jokes, Gonzalo.” “I’m not joking. Are you a good swimmer?” “Fairly good.” “What does that mean? Can you swim for miles?” “I’m a strong swimmer. But I can’t swim all the way to Italy.” “We’re not going to swim to Italy. We’re going to swim to Morocco across the Strait of Gibraltar.” Sebastian stared at Gonzalo. “All right, I’m listening.” “We can’t go to any of the ports, even to fishing villages. The danger is too great. So we go south and find a spot on the coast from which we can see across to Morocco. And then we cross.” “And then we cross,” Sebastian repeated. “Just like that? We just cross?” “Well, I’m sure it’s not going to be simple, but we’ll figure it out when we get there. We may have to swim part of the way. The problem is how two men traveling together can get to the coast. Our descriptions have probably been circulated all over the country.” “You’re the master of disguise, Gonzalo. Do you have any ideas?” “Well, we could steal one of those Inquisition wagons, but that wouldn’t give us much time. Its absence would be noticed quickly.” Gonzalo stroked his chin. “So let’s see … hmm … what can we do? … Aha! I have it, Don Sebastian. You and I must get married.” Sebastian gave Gonzalo an odd look. “Have you completely taken leave of your senses? What kind of drivel are you talking?” “Look, Don Sebastian. They will be looking for two men. We will be a man and a woman, an old peasant couple. We’ll travel most of the way south through the mountains on horseback, but when we approach our destination, we will make the transformation.” A few days later, while they were still more than twenty miles from the coast, they caught sight of the Rock of Gibraltar, a massive limestone rock jutting up against the sky from the flat coastal plain. It was time to assume new identities. The next day, a small cart laden with vegetables rolled into the marketplace of the town of Gibraltar. An old peasant dressed in rags held the



reins and cursed the recalcitrant mule to which the wagon was hitched. The peasant’s wife, also shabbily dressed, with a black shawl draped over her head, sat beside him, chewing on an onion and berating the mule. The old peasant made some inquiries and found a trustworthy local boy to stand in for him while he and his wife went to look at the famous rock, something they had dreamed about all their lives. The rock was even larger up close than it had seemed from the distance, a veritable mountain where no mountain was to be expected. It took two long hours to climb to a high vantage point from which they could see across to Morocco. Before making any plans, however, they shared a loaf of bread. Gonzalo finished his bread quickly, but Sebastian was distracted by the beauty of the panorama that lay before him. Behind him was Spain, to his right the Atlantic ocean, to his left the Mediterranean Sea and directly in front of him, the continent of Africa. A large sailing ship was passing though the Strait of Gibraltar, and numerous fishing boats plied the coastal waters. He was nibbling at his bread and watching in fascination when suddenly he heard a shriek. He looked up and saw a miniature ape, with pale hair, pale eyes, and long gangly arms, shrieking and running straight at him. Startled, Sebastian jumped back and dropped his bread. The ape grabbed the fallen bread and ran off. “What was that?” cried Sebastian in bewilderment. Gonzalo laughed. “I should have warned you about the Barbary apes. They live here on the mountain. They’re just monkeys, not very dangerous.” “It gave me a fright.” “You can’t allow that to happen,” said Gonzalo, suddenly serious. “Who knows what may come at us before this is over? You cannot lose yourself. You have to be alert and prepared to deal with anything that happens. You cannot allow yourself to be startled. Expect the unexpected.” “Yes, of course, Gonzalo. I allowed my vigilance to lapse, and I deserve your reprimand. I gather you’ve been here before.” “Yes, I have. I was here with your father. The look on your face reminded me 128

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of his reaction the first time he was here. It is an awesome sight.” He pointed across the straits. “That is our destination.” “It doesn’t seem so far,” said Sebastian. “Do you really want to swim across?” “It is farther than it looks, my young friend. We will only swim as a last resort. So take a good look. From what point do you think we should leave?” Sebastian pointed to the west. “That village across the bay. I think that would be a good spot.” “That’s Tarifa. A good choice. I agree.” “So when do we go? Tonight?” “No, not tonight. We have to wait a few days until the moon is gone. We need the cover of darkness.” Sebastian looked out over the waters where the land of Morocco stretched out toward the horizon. “Do you think we’ll be safe in Morocco, Gonzalo?” “Safer than in Spain, that’s for sure. We won’t tell them that you’re Jewish. The Moroccans aren’t so friendly to the Jews these days. I hear that Moulay Ismail keeps threatening the Jews, and every time, it takes a big bribe to turn him away. They say there’s no end to the man’s greed. He’s a really nasty fellow. I hear that when Moulay Ismail took over the city of Marrakech about twenty years ago, he had the most prominent Jews burned in public.” Sebastian shuddered and didn’t say anything. “I am amazed at you Jews,” said Gonzalo. “The world certainly doesn’t make it easy for you. Exiles and expulsions and massacres and extortions. How do you people keep this up for so many hundreds of years? I mean, there’s a limit to stubbornness, you know.” Sebastian smiled. “It’s who we are. We have a covenant with the Almighty, and we are here in this world on a special mission. Our covenant and our mission are more precious to us than life itself!” To be continued…

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C . TA R K I E LTA U B Whether it’s Shabbos, a simcha or a special Shalosh Seudos, dips challah and rolls regularly grace our tables as menu staples. The onion rolls featured here are classic — and so are the spreads.

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The Monsey View

ONION RUGEL ACH While I often use my challah dough to make these — with delicious results — here I created a slightly sweeter, softer, more pliable dough. The results are tastier than ever! Note: If doubling the recipe, challah must be taken.

DOUGH 10 ½ 2½ 2½ 1½ 2 7

cups (3 lb.) WonderMills flour cup sugar T. dry yeast cups warm water T. kosher salt eggs oz. (⅜ cup) oil


large onions, chopped tsp. paprika tsp. salt Oil, for spreading


egg, beaten Sesame seeds Poppy seeds Everything challah topping or Additional chopped onions

D IR EC T I O N S 1. Sift the flour into a large bowl. 2. Form a well in the flour, and pour the sugar and yeast into the well. Pour warm water over the yeast, and allow to activate for 3 to 5 minutes. 3. Add the remaining ingredients, and knead them together until a soft dough forms. 4. Cover the dough, allow it to rest for 10 minutes, then knead it again for a minute or two. 5. Cover the dough again, and let it rise for 45 minutes. 6. Divide the dough into 8 pieces. 7. Roll each one into a 10” circle. 8. Spread a generous amount of oil over the dough. Distribute onion mixture over the dough, being especially generous around the rim. 9. Using a sharp knife or a parve pizza cutter, slice the dough into 12 wedges (pizza-pie style). 10. Start from the wide end: Turn in the corners and roll up each wedge into a crescent shape. 11. Brush the crescents with egg wash, and sprinkle them with your desired toppings. 12. Arrange the crescents on a lined cookie sheet. 13. Preheat the oven to 350°. Bake the crescents for approximately 25 minutes until golden.

V A R I AT I O N S : To make an onion board, roll out the dough into a rectangle. Spread with oil, and sprinkle with onions. Bake for 20 minutes. To make onion rolls, take 2 ounces of dough, and flatten it into a circle. Place approximately 1 teaspoon of onion mixture mixed with oil in the center. Pinch together the dough to form a ball. Place the ball, seam side down, in a greased muffin tin. Repeat these steps with the rest of the dough. Brush each roll with egg wash, and sprinkle it with chopped onion. Bake these rolls for 30 minutes. For plain (unfilled) crescents, roll the dough into a circle. Spread oil and a bit of salt over the dough, cut it into 12 wedges, then roll up each wedge into a crescent and sprinkle the top with everything challah topping.

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The Monsey View

ONION DIP Creamy, sweet and flavorful, this dip makes a great accompaniment to fish and poultry. INGREDIENTS 2 ¼ 1 1 1 1 ¼

large onions, diced cup oil cup mayonnaise T. honey tsp. mustard tsp. salt tsp. black pepper Dash cayenne pepper (optional)

D IR EC T I O N S 1. Saute the onions in the oil in a large frying pan on a medium flame until the onions are soft and lightly golden. 2. Combine the sauteed onions with the remaining ingredients.

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PEPPER GARLIC CONFIT Pair this confit with some sourdough bread (or any challah) for an absolute treat. INGREDIENTS 2 2 ½ 2

heads garlic medium-size red peppers cup light olive oil tsp. salt Dash of crushed red pepper flakes

D IR EC T I O N S 1. Preheat the oven to 425°. 2. Peel, rinse and slice the garlic cloves. 3. Dice the peppers, and place them in a lined 5x7” pan along with the remaining ingredients. 4. Roast the veggies for 1 hour and 30 minutes until soft. Mix after 45 minutes and then again every 20 minutes.

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Detox DIY


These dips are all loaded with flavor, without the guilt.


The Monsey View


eggplant tsp. salt clove garlic T. monk fruit Pinch black pepper heaping T. mayo

D IR EC T I O N S 1. Preheat the oven to broil. 2. Wrap the eggplant in aluminum foil, and broil it for 1 hour. Let it cool. 3. Scoop out the inside of the eggplant, and place it in a food processor bowl with the rest of the ingredients. 4. Blend it all together.


pint cherry tomatoes jalapeno, minced cloves garlic, minced Salt and black pepper, to taste T. avocado oil

D IR EC T I O N S Mix all the ingredients together.

T O M AT O D I P INGREDIENTS 6–8 4–5 3 ½ 1 1

plum tomatoes green hot peppers (canned) cloves garlic cup avocado oil tsp. salt tsp. black pepper

D IR EC T I O N S Blend the ingredients for 5 to 7 minutes at high speed. July 20, 2022

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We’ve all been feeling pain at the pumps for the past several months. Gas prices have been skyrocketing out of control, causing financial distress for many people who need to pay extra for this essential item. The national average for gas during the month of June was over $5 a gallon! Filling up my minivan these days costs in the vicinity of $75, and I need to get gas several times a month for carpools, work commuting, shopping and errands. The pain can be felt at gas stations throughout the nation, but California residents have been the hardest hit. According to the AAA, the average cost for a gallon of gas in California, as of this writing, is $6.43! A Forbes poll found that the cost of travel, driven in part by gas prices, affects plans for 54% of summer vacationers this year. I personally know people curbing their travel plans this summer or traveling to closer destinations than they have in the past. Everything has gone up in price recently due to inflation, so it makes sense that gasoline would go up as well. However, the ratio of inflation on gasoline is much higher than on other items. What’s causing this mayhem? It has to do with several factors.


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Let’s Blame COVID First and foremost came COVID-19. When COVID shut down business and travel starting in March 2020, it put a huge dent in the demand for oil on a global scale, as millions of commuters and travelers remained home, and many businesses using gasoline shut down. This caused the demand for — and subsequently the price of

— crude oil to plunge. This, in turn, caused major gas and oilproducing companies to cut back on their operations, drastically reducing the supply. With people returning to the workplace and companies asking remote workers to return to the office, many more people are commuting again. Likewise, vacationers who held off on traveling are once again on the road, also requiring a greater supply of gasoline. All this requires oil producing

companies and refineries to ramp up production once again to meet increasing demand. It’s strange that so many of the oil production companies didn’t see this coming. More and more people have been moving on in a post-COVID world, with a desire to get back to working and doing things they were doing prior to the pandemic. Oil producers have been behind in production and short on staff from when they had to shut down or reduce operations during the height of COVID, when demand was low and supply was high. Current U.S. oil demand is similar to where it was prior to COVID — but supply is more limited, causing a spike in the pricing. Some speculate that the oil production companies have been intentionally slow to restart operations and are keeping supply low to ensure higher profit margins.

Let’s Blame the War Besides COVID, another important factor affecting gasoline prices is the war in Ukraine. Russia is the world’s third-largest producer of crude oil, pumping out roughly 10% of the world’s oil supply. With American and European sanctions against imports of Russian oil, the global supply has been additionally reduced, further stressing the global supply and causing a spike in gasoline prices along with additional market volatility.

Let’s Blame Biden A final compounding factor to the high gasoline prices relates to the Biden administration July 20, 2022

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policy. This administration, with its pro-environment agenda, is generally unfriendly toward oil and gas production and transport. This is especially critical at a time when markets are undersupplied. President Biden famously canceled the Keystone XL pipeline, citing environmental concerns. That pipeline would have carried more than 800,000 barrels of crude Canadian oil per day to oil refineries in the United States. Crude oil transport was significantly undercut by this measure, further reducing the ability to increase supply.

What Are We Up Against? Consumers note that there has been small-scale relief in the past few weeks, with prices dipping slightly. According to the AAA, the national average price of gas dropped to $4.78 during the first week of July. Perhaps this is related to the president authorizing the largest-ever release from the

U.S. Strategic Petroleum Reserves. Biden has also proposed suspending the collection of the federal gas tax over the summer, which would save drivers up to 18.4 cents per gallon. I certainly hope this trend of lower pricing continues, though it doesn’t seem that we’ll be going back to last year’s prices anytime soon. Every industry is still suffering from the recession, and there’s no end in sight to Russia’s war in Ukraine, which doesn’t bode well for things going back to normal in this industry. Perhaps Biden’s trip to Israel and Saudi Arabia will change things for the good. Until recently, he regarded Saudi Arabia as a pariah state for its human rights violation and the killing of Jamal Khashoggi, but he is now warming up to this oil-producing giant to get more favors and relief in the oil supply arena. For now, I’ll continue to cross the state line into nearby New Jersey and fill up on Route 17 in Mahwah or Upper Saddle River when I can. Gasoline prices are significantly lower there than where I live in Wesley Hills, where the two local corner stations are still selling gas at well over $5 a gallon.

Here is a quick tip I recently saw that may help you save a bit when filling your car. A recent survey by GasBuddy, which shows the cheapest gas prices in the area, found that gas is cheapest on Mondays in most states across the country. Wednesday, Thursday and Saturday were the most expensive days to fill your tank.


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global crude oil cost

Gas Cost Breakdown


14% federal and state taxes

refining costs distributing and marketing cost

Average Annual Gasoline Prices in the U.S. Regular unleaded — over the past 15 years

A Current Glance at Gas Costs (Regular Unleaded) Averages New York This week

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This month


July 12, 2022

Last month


June 17, 2022


Around the World The country where gasoline is the most expensive right now is Hong Kong, where a gallon currently costs $10.97 per gallon in U.S. dollars. The country where gasoline is the cheapest right now is Venezuela, where a gallon currently costs $0.08 per gallon in U.S. dollars. Gasoline is referred to as petrol in most locations out of the United States.

It takes a

42-gallon barrel of crude oil to make 19 gallons of refined oil.

Highest recorded average price for New York was on June 14, 2022:


for regular unleaded

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Lawbreakers, both in and out of prison, are kept busy by giving back to the communities they wronged. Ever wondered who cleans our public parks, washes the floors in the sanitation department, manufactures military uniforms, creates license plates, or is on the other end of the line at a call center? Surprise; it might very likely be a prisoner or an offender doing community service.

COMMUNITY SERVICE The thirteenth amendment in the United States Constituion bans slavery and servitude, but states that “work as punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted” is legal. This little clause was mostly ignored by the justice system until the 1960s, when judges began using community service — meaning, unpaid community work — as a sentence. In California in 1966, judges began giving work assignments as an alternative for offenders who couldn’t afford to pay their traffic ticket fines. Eventually they extended it as a punishment for other low-level crimes as well. The practice spread across the country in the late 1970s, as the federal Law Enforcement Assistance Administration (LEAA) pumped out funding to encourage it. Sentencing offenders to unpaid labor inspired some judges’ creativity as they combined community service with short jail time, a fine, or both.


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WHY COMMUNITY SERVICE? Why would a judge give someone community service rather than have them imprisoned? The most obvious reason is if the crime was a minor misdemeanor and not really deserving of prison. Some minor misdemeanors might be shoplifting, DUI, property damage, and some small white-collar crimes. These offenders don’t usually have a criminal record and going to prison and being surrounded by hardened criminals would only have a negative effect on them. Studies show that the people who get community service sentences are 67% less likely to commit a crime again than those who are incarcerated, since incarcerated criminals often come out worse than when they went in. The company in prison doesn’t exactly motivate personal growth, to put it nicely. Another reason that drives judges to give community service is the over-

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crowded prison system in America. American prisons are struggling with facilities that are at full capacity and have staffing shortages. It also takes a lot of tax dollars to fund each convict in the prison system. If a judge can keep another person out of prison, they will. Sometimes a judge even lets someone do community service instead of serving a short prison sentence. In those cases, the judge assigns six hours of community service per day in prison.


Community service can be done in any government or public agency. Usually these are jobs that either no one wants to do or for which there is no funding. Offenders can do low-level maintenance work like clearing garbage or raking leaves in public playgrounds or parks, cleaning housing projects or shelters, or working at charities such as soup kitchens. Community service hours usually must be done within a certain amount of time, and the offender is on probation during that time, with the threat of going to prison in the event they break the law again looming over them.

WORK IN PRISON While some lucky criminals get away with community service and never have to see the inside of a prison cell, there are roughly 2 million people currently incarcerated in the U.S. That’s 20% of the world’s prisoners. Yes, that’s not a typo; the world’s prisoners. Many of these prisoners are put to work while they’re in prison, and some of the things they do might surprise you.

UNICOR A combination of the words “unique” and “corporation”, UNICOR is the Federal Prison Industries Inc., which is the 164

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Unlike what many think, jails and prisons are two different types of facilities, and the words are not interchangeable. Jails are where offenders are held temporarily as they await trial or sentencing. Most people are there for up to 45 days, but some people with a prison sentence of up to one year might serve their time in jail as well. There isn’t much to do in jail besides sit around as the time passes by. Prisons, on the other hand, are designed as long-term facilities where inmates stay for more than a year. Once they’ve gone through trial and have been sentenced, they then serve their time in a prison. Prisons run like mini cities, with libraries, hair “salons,” medical wings, gyms, and more. All prisoners get a work detail doing things like laundry or working in the kitchen. They’re up early in the morning and work for many long hours. Some prisons also offer classes so inmates can complete their GED or learn skills. Part of what makes jails and prisons so different is that jails are run by the local county or city government, while prisons are run by the state or federal government.

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government program in charge of prison labor. UNICOR allows private companies and manufacturers to contract with inmates for cheap labor. (Very cheap labor. Prisoners are paid between 23 cents to $1.15 an hour.) It’s a win-win; companies keep their manufacturing costs low and local, and prisoners gain job skills so they can hopefully be employed and become law-abiding citizens once they’re released. Through UNICOR, inmates can also sell products that they make, which can be anything from socks to mattresses, road signs to office furniture, and so much more. UNICOR also produces a large amount of protective gear and uniform for the military and police. They are the gov-

DID YOU KNOW? • The longest sentence ever given to a criminal in the United States was 30,000 years. It might sound pointless to give a sentence the offender won’t be able to complete, but in cases of multiple offenses, such as someone murdering several people, judges often give a separate sentence for each offense to show the severity of the crime. • The United States prison system costs the country an estimated $80 billion per year. • The prison system is relatively new. The first prison established in America opened in 1891.


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ernment’s 39th largest contractor, and government agencies such as the military are required to buy some of their gear from UNICOR. There are 83 UNICOR prison factories spread out across the United States in which the inmates work and manufacture their products. Companies can also hire prisoners to provide call centers or do computer data entry.

WHAT HAPPENS AFTER PRISON? What happens to criminals after prison? Going from prison — with its rules of when to sleep, when to eat and what to wear — straight to life in the outside world can be a

hard adjustment. Some prisoners are lucky and get out on parole. The New York State Board of Parole, an organization independent of the prison system, has interviews with most incarcerated people (other than those whose sentencing precludes the possibility of parole) and assesses whether they’re eligible for release before their sentence is over. Based on their criminal history, behavior in prison and other factors, the board might decide that an offender doesn’t have to complete their sentence in prison. But they’re not completely off the hook. When someone gets released on parole, they are under community supervision with the Board of Parole. They are given a set of conditions and assigned to a parole officer’s supervision. The board decides how often the offender needs to contact their parole officer; for some it might be weekly, and for others it could be monthly. The parole officer ensures that the released offender isn’t committing any crimes and is adhering to whatever conditions the board had given them, whether it is refraining from drug or alcohol use, or not possessing any weapons (even legal ones). Parole usually lasts for the remainder of what the sentence would have been, so if someone gets out a year early, their parole will last for a year. Sadly, more than 50% of offenders end up back in prison within three years of their release. This is why so many prison reform movements have started in the past few years. Many claim that jails and prisons only exacerbate a person’s previous mental or emotional challenges, and that prisoners are released without any support network. This makes it almost impossible for them to integrate into society again, without falling back into a life of crime. Ideally, prison should rehabilitate convicts, not turn them into worse criminals. As the world around us seems to melt into a mess of lawlessness, we should keep in mind that as the am hanivchar we are here to be an example to the world in morality, decency and kindness. It might be tempting to go above the speed limit or park illegally, but the world is looking to us to set an example and keep the world together just a bit longer until the coming of Mashiach. Stay safe out there! 168

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Serving With Dishonor Did you recently see someone wearing a yarmulke cleaning a street? No, your eyes were not deceiving you. The Monsey View has the backstory. BY: Y. BLOOMING


nterviewing and conversing with interesting personalities has got to be the most exciting part of this job. Don’t get me wrong; it’s still work! But the actual conversations feel a bit like schmoozing with a friend who has a fascinating story to


That’s not the case all the time, though. This week I spoke to a young man who ended up on the wrong side of the law and soon found himself working a public service job one wouldn’t want on their resume. During our conversation he would sometimes pause to chuckle at the absurdity of his predicament, but it didn’t feel right for me to join in his laughter. So I just nodded and continued taking notes. Yitzy* is a young driver who was pulled over for speeding a few months ago. When he showed up for his court hearing, he couldn’t have fathomed in his wildest dreams what awaited him in that chamber. When he left an hour later, it took him some time to completely wrap his mind around the fact that he had been assigned four weekends of community service. He knew no one who had experienced it before — he still doesn’t — and never imagined he would be in such a position. But there he was, on a spring Sunday morning not long thereafter, waking up early and dressing for a day of cleaning and serving — the type of work an undocumented immigrant would find mildly appealing, at best. Yitzy enjoyed no part of this ordeal. But speaking with him, one gets the sense that he has accepted the madness and embraced this embarrassing story as just another chapter in his life. And instead of hiding from it, he was kind enough to tell us about what transpired that day.

Tell us what happened. How did you find yourself cleaning a New City street on a beautiful Sunday morning?

I was pulled over for speeding on the Palisades. I won’t share how fast I was going, but it was fast. At the hearing, the judge did not go easy on me, and to my absolute shock, he offered me four days of community service as appropriate punishment for my misdeeds. That sounds extreme. Why do you think he was so harsh?

He just may have been having a bad day, for all I know. The only thing I can think of is that when he asked me if I had anything to say, presumably expecting to hear some remorseful words, I shook my head that I did not. Why didn’t you say something, even something insincere?

My attorney had told me before we walked in not to say anything. I

handful of people. I got to speaking with one individual, and it was curious to see that while his crime was much worse than mine, we were still doing the same teshuvah together, for some reason. Are you allowed to bring along personal items, or are you like a prisoner for those hours?

think he figured it would show humility, but it backfired. Regardless, it’s easy to be upset at the judge or the lawyer, but I could have avoided all this by not speeding, y’know…

You can bring along a lunch bag and some select essentials such as sunglasses. You are allowed to have your phone with you, but you are not supposed to use it. Enforcement, however, depends on the police officer overseeing the shift.

Did you consider appealing or somehow fighting the ruling?

Did the work feel rewarding in any way? After all, it is a public service.

No. You have to understand that this was a plea deal. The actual ticket comes with a bunch of points and a suspended license, which is a far worse situation. Once the judge made his decision, all that was left for me was to put on my sneakers and get to work.

Not at all. It is meant to be a punishment, and that’s exactly what it is. I have zero allegiance to the game of golf, and I don’t live in New City. Even if I did, there are hundreds of streets in that town; how does my work on one block make any difference?

Many people who are assigned community service receive a note from an organization or public service that they put in the required hours. Why are you cleaning streets?

Did you find the actual work to be difficult?

The judge went all out, giving me what’s called “Sheriff’s Community Service,” where the guilty party is supervised by a police officer during their designated hours. Could you at least choose in what area to work?

Not in such a case. Since the court was in New City, that is where I had to serve. Please take us through what the actual process of performing community service was like.

Were you afraid of being recognized?

Totally. But once one Yid saw me, I felt much more at ease… What can other people learn from you?

I guess that they shouldn’t speed. But they shouldn’t do that anyway — not just because they might get a cranky judge, but because it’s dangerous. And also, what’s the rush?

I was required to work four weekends. I was able to choose whether to work on Saturday or Sunday, so of course, I took Sunday. I was required to show up at a predesignated spot at 7:30 a.m., where they told us what our first job responsibility was. That first week, we were first directed to a country club where we were helping clean up after an event that was held, I believe, for veterans. After that, we were taken to a nearby street where we did simple cleanup work. In the weeks that followed, we cleaned a camp for blind people and did other exciting chores like that…

Now to the big question: Did you learn your lesson?

Do you work on your own or as part of a team?

(Chuckles…) I’m happy for all of them. Except that judge, of course.

I was part of a very small team, with never more than a 176

It’s plenty humiliating but not difficult. Having to go to sleep on a summer Motzei Shabbos shortly after the zman because you have to be up fartugs, now that was the difficult part.

The Monsey View

July 20, 2022 · 845.600.8484

I guess you’ll have to check back in with me. But one lesson I did learn clearly is that sometimes things are out of our control. A different judge on a different day could have meant a reduction to a parking ticket and a short lecture on responsibility, but this is just something I was supposed to go through. Thank you for talking to us. On behalf of our New City readers, I do want to also thank you for serving the community so loyally.


The Monsey View

July 20, 2022 · 845.600.8484

July 20, 2022

The Monsey View · 845.600.8484


July 20, 2022

The Monsey View · 845.600.8484


What is a highway? A public way, especially a main direct road, says Merriam-Webster. Deceptively simple, dear reader. Deceptively simple. For what are freeways, parkways, expressways, thruways and turnpikes, to name a few? To take this all the way back, the term highway, also from Merriam-Webster, predates the 12th century. But highways as we know them, all nice and smooth and wrapped in tar, are relatively recent.

With cars for run-of-the-mill citizens gaining popularity in the early twentieth century, the mud-packed roads of yesteryear just didn’t cut it. Which led to one shining gem in the trove of highways around the world: The Interstate Highway System. (Its full name? The Dwight D. Eisenhower National System of Interstate and Defense Highways.) This network of highways links all major American cities and is credited to President Dwight D. Eisenhower, who encouraged, signed a bill about, and raised funds for it. This elaborate system of controlled-access roads allows traffic across the United States to flow widely, smoothly and quickly. I mean, just picture traveling city to city or state to state in the start-and-stop manner of local roads… You’ve heard enough, right? More pros of the IHS include accessibility to all ends of the country and pollution diverted from local roadways. With the system up and zooming, American culture got its set of wheels too. The cargo trucking industry boomed, gas stations and truck stops and suburbs sprang up, and the concept of a “road trip” suddenly became possible.


The Monsey View

July 20, 2022 · 845.600.8484

July 20, 2022

The Monsey View · 845.600.8484


By: Chana Gluck

Interstate in Numbers Ever ponder the numbers on those white, red and blue shield-shaped signs that represent the interstate highways? In a nutshell, interstates with even numbers run from east to west, while the odd ones go north to south. Interstates with one or two digits (think I-95) connect several regions, while those with three digits (I-285) serve single cities and are dubbed auxiliary interstate highways as they connect to longer, two-digit highways. The last two digits of the interstate’s number match its parent highway.

Did you know? One of Dwight Eisenhower’s major considerations for developing the Interstate Highway System was the ability to evacuate major cities in event of a nuclear attack. Remember, his were the brrrr times of the Cold War with Russia. Rumble strips, those bumps along the side of the road that rattle your teeth along with the car? They’re there to shake and wake tired drivers, preventing accidents before they happen. During the years of building the IHS, many freeway routes were drawn up without considering local interests. The result? Freeway revolts. Some unfinished and unused “ghost roads” in parts of the U.S. bear witness to those. If your sense of congruence was severely upset when you happened to notice that the line marking the right edge of the highway lane is white and the left lane is yellow, be happy you’re not seeing the yellow line on your left. That would tell you you’re traveling the wrong way, a hazard on wheels if I ever saw one. Is it overpass or underpass? Lay off the old argument because there are both, and they carry traffic over and under freeways to allow for less traffic — and thus, quicker travel. Highways? They’re called “motorways” in the UK. Highway rest stops were planned right along with the Interstate highways. Following a layout standard set by the planners of the Interstate, no commercial business is allowed at rest stops, as they are meant to be a place for motorists to stretch their legs and enjoy the landscape.


The Monsey View

July 20, 2022 · 845.600.8484

Highway Trivia The world’s first modern highway was built 175 years ago. The longest international highway, the Pan-American, stretches 30,000 miles and passes through fourteen countries from Canada to Argentina. Chandler Highway in Australia is considered the world’s shortest, coming in at just .87 miles (1.4 km). Katy Freeway in Texas is the widest, with 26 lanes at some points. The busiest highway, surprisingly, has nothing to do with New York. It’s Highway 401 in Ontario, Canada, and upward of 500,000 vehicles travel it daily. The fastest highway (and road) in the world is the Autobahn in Germany. There are no speed limits on parts of it, and cars and motorcycles can rip through at 200 mph if they so choose. Compare that to the highest speed limit in the U.S., also in Texas: 85 mph.

Myth Smash Here’s a fascinating myth about the IHS: One of every five miles of highway must be straight so an airplane can land in an emergency. But it may not be a bad idea!

Get in the Way Let’s not mix oranges and apples, but get all of our ways straight. A parkway is a landscaped thoroughfare. You know the type: trucks and heavy vehicles are excluded, and grass and handsome trees abound. A freeway is a controlled-access highway designed for high-speed traffic by omitting all traffic signals, intersections and property access. Rev those engines! Expressways and thruways are variations of the same. A turnpike is actually a toll road.

Match the Idiom! My way or the highway Middle of the road

Average, just about To do the (unpopular, unnoticed, unsung) right thing

Kick the can down the road

A quaint way to make your life sound oddly fascinating by talking about its twists and turns figuratively

Take the high road

Just another summer day in the city

Highway robbery

An utterance by those who drop nonnegotiable opinions left, right and center

Highways and byways

Road hog

To put off that decision another day, just like yesterday That driver who will not let other motorists pass, if it’s the last thing he does

Road rage

The incredulous reaction of the consumer with a severe case of sticker shock

Hot as highway blacktop

The reaction of that driver when a wily vehicle manages the impossible

July 20, 2022

The Monsey View · 845.600.8484


Hint: Each Boggle board hides a word of nine let ters or more!

Once you have a winner, fill out the form below in its entirety


Email the form to comments@ or fax to 845600-8483 by Sunday at 9:00 p.m.

4. Two winners will be drawn each week, each of whom will win a pastrami sandwich and a can of soda!

PLAYING RULES: Find words on the board containing four letters or more. Letters of a word must be connected in a chain (each letter should be adjacent to the next either vertically, horizontally or diagonally), and each letter can only be used once in a given word. The following are not allowed in Boggle: Adding “s” to a word • Proper nouns • Abbreviations • Contractions • Acronyms

POINTS 4-letter words: 2 points | 5-letter words: 3 points | 6-letter words: 5 points | 7-letter words: 7 points | 8-letter words: 9 points | 9+ letters: 12 points




Gather round the table to play a family game of Boggle, using this Boggle board.








Family name: _________________________________ Phone: __________________ Full mailing address: ____________________________________________________ Full name of winner: _________________ Amount of points: __________ Full names of competing players:

List some words only the winner found:











The longest word found on the board: _____________________________ A new word you learned from the board: __________________________ Only complete forms will be entered into the drawing.


The Monsey View

July 20, 2022 · 845.600.8484


9 3 1

2 9

WINNER 1 Family name: Rosenblum, 845-xxx-0591 Name of winner: Akiva Amount of points: 80 Names of competing players: Rut Some words only the winner found: crude, ruder The longest word found on the board: cursed

WINNER 2 Family name: Spira, 718-xxx-9156

6 8 2

5 6 1 3 7 5 6

5 1 2 4

9 4

7 1 2

5 1 2 4 6 9

Name of winner: Perry Amount of points: 90 Names of competing players: Mommy, Leah Some words only the winner found: boxed, lisp, rite, site A new word learned from the board: curio



Last week’s bonus word: EXCURSION

1 To claim your prize, tear out this sheet (on which your name appears) and bring it in to Nussy’s Cuisine.


8 2 1 5 3

3 4

8 7


7 9 8


3 2 5 5 7 2 9 9 6 8 1

July 20, 2022

The Monsey View · 845.600.8484



The Monsey View

July 20, 2022 · 845.600.8484

July 20, 2022

The Monsey View · 845.600.8484


Classifieds FOR SALE MUSTY STROLLERS Brand new, limited amount of Mutsy European strollers (no bassinets) at the close-out price of $165 (Regular $400) Please text/call - 845-5216871 NEOCATE/BABY FORMULA

Neocate $46.99 per can. Kendamil $38.99. Similac L’Mehadrin $28.99!! We also buy off any extra formula for a good price. Call for other types of formulas. Formula Trade 347.369.4886 DOONA STROLLER Doona Stroller, multiple colors avail.cll/txt 1-201-6144045 RESTAURANT FOR SALE Local Monsey Working Restaurant for sale. Call or text +18453934516 Email: Monseyrestaurnt@gmail. com

Attention Therapists:

MONSEY RESTAURANT FOR SALE Fully equipped. 40k. Call 8457214218 ANTIQUES ‫דורכברוך! האט איר אנטיק‬ ‫בריוון און חפצים פון‬/‫ספרים‬ ‫גדולים וצדיקים? מיר צאלן די‬ ‫ אויך‬.‫בעסטע פרייזן דערויף‬ ‫ לאזט‬,‫פארקויפן מיר אנטיק‬ 845-379-4825 ‫מעסעדש‬ YOYA /BABY PRIDE STROLLERS Now on sale, available in beautiful colors, ASTM standards, company backed warranty. Free delivery. Please call 845-263-2737 DRESSER FOR SALE Beautiful 3 door Italian dresser with mirror for sale. High sheen mahogany. Brand new condition. Best offer, pictures available, txt only 8457460486 JOOLZ AER Brand new in closed box. Selling for $360, In stores $449. 8455385693

for sale N real estate N

PLAYGROUP SALE Expensive new 1 year used toys-cots-cozy coops-kiddy tables-Learning materialskitchen sets-supplies-and much more... for great price!call/text 845-507-3801 reserve quickly!it won’t last DRUM SET FOR SALE Beautiful Full Pearl Drum Set For Sale Excellent condition. For picture email to: For additional information text 914-420-2447 FOR SALE Almost brand new black suede beautiful l couch with gold legs 5 seater selling at great price 3473516304

REAL ESTATE MONSEY SHABBOS GETAWAY Spacious house in Concord available for Shabbosim. 7+ bedrooms, 19 beds, large deck, linen & Shabbos essentials provided. Call 845548-6478.

Do you have an extra hour in your day?

HCS is seeking special ed, speech/feeding, OT and Kranial therapists as well as social workers to work with children at home and in the community. Fill those extra house bringing joy to a child’s life.


The Monsey View

July 20, 2022 · 845.600.8484

APT FOR RENT Newly renovated apt avail immed : 2 bedrooms: stunning bathroom: spacious kitchen: quartz counters; fancy lights: elegant flooring: Spacious Storage Shed: Very big backyard. TEXT ONLY. (917)830-6341 2 BDRM RENTAL 2 Bdrm Rental - beautiful, walk-in apt Chestnut Ridge. Ideal for Chosson & Kallah. Avail 8/1. Call/text: 848-5255508. FOR RENT House for rent in Dexter Park. 4 BR, 2 full BATH, recently renovated. New Kitchen. Call/text: 929-9280402 APT FOR RENT Spacious 3 Bed 2 Bath Apt available immediately. Main Street Area. 347-946-5381 FREE PROPERTY GIVEAWAY building / land in Madera PA, must pay small trasnfer fee . 212-470-1708 lv msg

Flexible hours

Great pay

Apply at: Or call: 845.426.2199 Ext. 1605

Classifieds FOR RENT 5 bedroom house rental on Trails End in New City asking $3950 call Shayndel Moore @ 845-608-0538 SHOR TERM RENTAL 4 bedroom house in concord area fully furnished weekly or shobbos rental. Please call or or text 646-864-8638 SHORT TERM RENTAL Beautiful campgrounds in the poconos available to rent for shabbatons or overnight stays Please contact poconosmanagement@ 917 494 4422” SHORT TERM RENTAL Montebello House for weekend rental. 7 bedrooms. Amazing for family reunion. Lots of privacy. Contact 347.356.0511 SHORT TERM RENTAL Weekly rental - Montebello House. 5 Bedrooms + basement. Resort like private backyard with pool and playground. Contact 347.356.0511


The Monsey View

July 20, 2022 · 845.600.8484

STORE RENT Store for rent in Spring Valley near Bingo. 3000 square ft. Email MONSEY RENTAL Lovely center-hall-colonial 4BR 2.5Bath quality: granite+hardwoods+2story entry+bay windows, eat-in-kitchen+walkout basement+vaulted ceilings master bedroom - suite jacuzzi, deck+more. large property. + Appliances. Central location. $4,800 text (845)-219-1084 SUMMER RENTAL Private house on gorgeous property. Up the hill area on Cul-de-sac 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, porch. Please call 845-538-7778

HELP WANTED GREAT OPPORTUNITY Seeking a secretarial position? We are here to help you get to the company that will appreciate you. text 3474219345, email eva@

real estate N help wanted N

GREAT OPPORTUNITY If youre good with numbers and want flexible hours , Heres a great opportunity for a mother that wants to work a few hours. Send your resume to GREAT OPPORTUNITY Have some Amazon experience? Large heimish growing company seeking your experience, where you will have the ability to grow. Send your resume eva@ EXCELLENT OPPORTUNITY! Bais Yaakov School seeking First grade Assistant teachers. Superb opportunity in a great environment! Email resume to resumes@ ASSISTANT TEACHER Ashira seeks an assistant teacher for the upcoming school year. Looking for a highly motivated individual looking to enter the field of special education. Please email resume to office@ or call 845-502-4646


Neshomah School, A small special-ed school in Monroe is seeking a passionateskilled individual with leadership qualities to teach a special-ed class. Individual must have a minimum of 2 years experience as a classroom assistant or previous teaching experience. No degree necessary. Training provided. Neshomah has on-site daycare. Email: Manager@neshomah. org. Phone: 845-751-9300 #104. Fax:845-414-3933 SEEKING BABYSITTER Looking for a warm and responsible babysitter to babysit in my house in Airmont 8:30-4 daily an adorable 4 month old. Please call 8454993305 BOOKKEEPING ASSISTANT Seeking female bookkeeping assistant. eturnheim@

Classifieds EXCELLENT OPPORTUNITY! Bais Yaakov School seeking Permanent Substitutes and teachers for in-class mentoring. Terrific opportunity in a great environment! Email resume to resumes@ BABYSITTER JOB Do you love children? Great opportunity to watch two very playful and adorable childreN. Three days as week from 2:45-5:15. Great pay. Chestnut Ridge area with transportation provided. Please call (845) 219-1362 F/T BOOKKEEPER Full-time Female bookkeeping position in monsey available. Please send your resume to jobatbpg@ TEACHER Ashira seeks high school teachers for the upcoming school year. Masters and experience required . Email resume to office@


The Monsey View

July 20, 2022 · 845.600.8484

TEACHING POSITIONS Yeshiva Spring Valley (boys) of Monsey is now accepting resumes for the General Studies department for September 2022 - ‘23 School Year. Following Positions available: • Lower Elementary School Teacher (M-TH 12:45-4:00); • Title1 English Language Arts (ELA) Teacher • Teacher’s Assistants (M-TH 12:45-4:00) Teaching experience a must. Professional atmosphere and competitive salary. Please include references and email to gss@yeshivaspringvalley. org or FAX to 845-356-8551 JOIN US! Yeshiva of Spring Valley Preschool is seeking coteachers to work alongside experienced teachers for the 5783-2022/2023 school year. Opportunity to learn from exceptional preschool teachers. Excellent compensation for qualified individuals. Please email your resume to preschool@ or call 845-356-1400 ext. 226, or 848-525-0943.

help wanted N

BAS MIKROH GIRLS SCHOOL is seeking qualified staff for the ‘22-‘23 school year, to join our dynamic, talented team: middle grades Hebrew Moros, 1st Grade English teacher, Junior High Math Teacher, Hebrew and English Permanent Substitutes, Hebrew and English Remedial Teachers, assistants, and daycare staff. Please email resume to hr@ Bas Mikroh has on-site daycare for Staff children. TEACHER WANTED Come join our dynamic team! Looking for elementary school teachers for the upcoming school year. Excellent working environment. Email your resume to: pfriedland@ PRESCHOOL Bnos Binah is hiring dedicated assistants, join a great inviroment 94-5210118 or email dernster.

PLAYGROUP ASSISTANT A New York State certified playgroup located in Pomona seeks an assistant for the upcoming school year. Must have previous experience with early childhood and be very dedicated, loving and caring. Must have own transportation. Serious inquiries only. Please contact: 347-524-3860 F/T POSITION Full time female worker for bookkeeping/data entry position. Flexible hours; some prior office experience required. No working remotely. Call/text 718-8124639 or email bestdeals102@ PRESCHOOL MORAH Wonderful Teaching Opportunity in the Gan of Monsey: The Gan of Monsey preschool looking to hire experienced, warm & loving Morahs and assistants for the upcoming school year. Excellent pay. Please send resume to Theganofmonsey@


The Monsey View

July 20, 2022 · 845.600.8484

Classifieds JOIN OUR WONDERFUL TEAM! Bnos Leah Prospect Park of Monsey is seeking positive, warm and experienced teachers for the 2022-23 school year. Preschool and elementary school positions open. Send your resume to TEACHERS & ASSISTANTS Looking to work in a growing school and a warm and friendly environment? Cheder Chabad of Monsey is seeking part time teachers and assistants in the elementary and middle school grades, as well as secretaries, for the upcoming school year. We offer competitive pay and flexible hours. Please call 612 408 1775 or email ygoldberg@ for more details. TITLE 1 DIRECTOR Cheder in Monsey is looking for an experienced Title 1 Director to run the Title 1 Program. For more information or to apply, please call: 718-450-2528


The Monsey View

July 20, 2022 · 845.600.8484

PRESCHOOL MORAH/ ASSISTANTS Preschool looking for a Kindergarten Morah and assistants. Great pay! Call or text 845-587-2945 JOB OPPORTUNITY Seeking full day assistant, 8:30-3:10, Tuesdays & Thursdays. Learn from positive, experienced Morahs in warm, supportive environment. Email Bmlevit@cliftoncheder. org with resume and two references. SCHOOL POSITIONS AVAILABLE Seeking Pre1A teacher, preschool assistant, and school office secretary. Warm, friendly, and professional environment. Excellent opportunity for growth. Please email office@ DAYCARE DIRECTOR Monsey Office is looking for a Director for their Daycare. Great pay. Hours are 8:454:30. Please call/text 845517-8655

help wanted N

BAS MIKROH GIRLS SCHOOL Is seeking qualified staff for the ‘22-‘23 school year, to join our dynamic, talented team: Kindergarten Morah, 4th Grade English Teacher, Hebrew and English Permanent Substitutes, Hebrew and English Remedial Teacher, and assistants. Please email resume to hr@basmikroh. org Bas Mikroh has an on-site daycare for Staff children KINDERGARDEN TEACHER Seeking dynamic Kindergarten teacher, high compensation, training provided, positive working atmosphere, part-time email chedermonseyeducation@ BAS MIKROH GIRLS SCHOOL Bas Mikroh Daycare is seeking the following staff for the ’22-’23 school year. 2 year old morning morah, rotating teacher/permanent sub, Daycare assistants. Please email resume to hr@

SEEKING TEACHER’S ASSISTANTS Cheder Chabad of Monsey Girls is looking for teacher’s assistants. Perfect job for a high school / seminary graduate who is warm and patient. An Opportunity to work with master teachers, while supporting the classroom atmosphere. Please email crosenbluh@ JOB OPPORTUNITY *Pomona Gan seeks teachers and assistant teachers for upcoming school year 20212022 Email pomonagan@ include resume with references. Must have transp. *Preschool seeking head teacher half day/ full day in Passaic. Must have min 1yr classroom experience and HS diploma. Email passaiccliftonplaygroup@ P/T SECRETARY Local girls high school looking for secretary from 8am-2pm. Basic Microsoft knowledge required. Email:

Classifieds SUMMER Chasidishe day camp in Lakewood seeking fun loving staff and head staff. Accommodations, meals, and transportation will be provided. For more information please call: Mrs. Kiserman-732-604-3668 Miss Krybus- 732-597-3677

OFFICE MANAGER Busy office in the construction industry in the Monsey area seeking a motivated, experienced office employee. Good pay for the right candidate. Please send resume to chsh13579@

TUTOR POSITION Heimishe cheder seeking tutors for the upcoming school year: man for the older grades, and lady/girl for the younger grades. Reading and math skills. Afternoon hours. Please send resume to or fax to 845-208-0440.

OFFICE POSITION A local Monsey office is looking to hire Girls for the following positions, Purchasing Deportment / Customer Service. Great, Heimish Office environment. Please email resume to Hr@ / Jstern@unitedsupplycorp. com

JOB OPPORTUNITY Seeking Registered Nurse for OPWDD day programs. Valid NYS RN license required. Flexible hours. Excellent pay. Call 845-304-5579 Email

AUGUST PLAYGROUP ASSISTANT Looking for 2 8th or 9th graders to assist in a yummy settled 2 1/2-3 yr old playgroup from august 1-17. Pls call 845-537-1960

help wanted N

AMAZING OPPORTUNITY! Local property Management Company is looking for a f/t secretary. office Experience required. Great environment, Great pay. Please email resume to BOOKKEEPING DEPARTMENT Looking for a knowledgable, organized and responsible candidate for the bookkeeping department. Ideally Monday-Thursday 9-5. Please call 845-642-7525 JOB OPENINGS FT Office Positions available in a Spring Valley Healthcare Office. Immediate fulltime job openings. Payroll processor and A/P Reception positions. Computer knowledge a must. Friendly environment, Benefits and great team. Email resumes to

TITLE INSURANCE Title insurance company in Monsey is looking to hire a full time employee. Must be detail oriented and organized. Please email resume to monseyresume123@gmail. com SECRETARY WANTED Looking for a full time female secretary position in a multi girl office in the chestnut area. Knowledge of QB a plus. Graduates welcome. please email resume to jobsat750@ OFFICE POSITION Office in Monsey is seeking a capable individual for an open position within the finance department. Great opportunity with potential, good pay and Heimish environment. Please email resume to chaimm@

Classifieds OFFICE WORK Property Management company looking for reliable person to join our office in Spring Valley, NY. Experience a must. Email resume to OFFICE POSITION Office located in Monsey looking to hire PT / FT secretary, quick learner, energetic, able to multi task, very nice environment, please email resume hb@ or call 845-274-2492 JOBS AVAILABLE

Part-time & Full-time jobs available. Email TopPartTimeJobs@ F/T POSITION Looking to hire 2 responsible girls for office work. Must have good phone skills and computer knowledge. Will train. Email your information to positioninmonsey123@gmail. com or text 347-687-1216 FEMALE LIFEGUARD Looking for female lifeguard in Monticello exit 106, no bungalow provided. Monday - Friday 3 hours per day in the afternoon.. Call or text 2129603182


The Monsey View

July 20, 2022 · 845.600.8484

help wanted N

OFFICE JOB Graduates! P&C Insurance office in a Heimishe building near Monsey is looking for employees. Great pay, calm environment, transportation provided. We will train. Please email your resume to insuranceoffice220@gmail. com

JOB OPPORTUNITY Construction/RE industry office seeking an experienced P/T secretary, bookkeeping & general office work ,basic accounting & bookkeeping, A/P, A/R, Knowledge in QB & Excel. flexible hours and well paid. Submit your resume to

EARN MORE RIGHT OUT OF SCHOOL! Good Potential. Looking for a organized PT secretary and a project manager good paid for the right candidate with good English phone skills 917-239-5275

LOAN PROCESSOR Heimish office in Monsey seeking F/T female loan processor. Exp a plus. Candidate needs to have office experience,communication & organizational skills, be computer savvy & quick learner. Email resume: officepositioninmonsey@

GROCERY OFFICE OPERATOR Seeking full time 9-5 secretary-operator girl great pay in Heimish grocery office in monsey 845-319-9168 SECRETARY JOB Real Estate/Management office looking to hire a full time secretary, must have good phone skills and be able to multitask. Will train. send resume to office@ SECRETARY JOB Office located near Main St is looking for a PT female secretary. Please email resume or call 845-444-2006.

DATA ANALYST Growing Ecommerce company on Robert Pitt Dr seeks a capable Data Analyst to join the team. Candidate will review potential products for opportunities rocklanddistribution10952@ GREAT SALES POSITION Be Your Own Boss! “Be in business for yourself not by yourself” best training + support provided, great benefits and retirement package. Please email or call 845-639-5216

AMAZON BUYER An E-commerce company located in Monsey NY is looking to add additional full-time Buyers to its team. No prior amazon experience needed. 1-3 years prior office experience required. Required skill: Multitasker (enjoy running a few projects at once) Creative and Problem solver (eye for design) Pro-active and fearless initiator. Computer Savvy. Ability to reach goals. Straight and Honest. Please send your resume to zaphumanresources@gmail. com SEEKING SECRETARY

Looking for female secretary to manage light-construction office.Knowledge in QuickBooks a plus, be organized and efficient. Email resume to SALESHELP WANTED Clothing store in Monsey is looking for a motivated woman/girl for saleshelp. Pls call 845-642-7965 SWIFT STAFFING is seeking to hire additional recruiters. Part-time & Flexible hours. Email your resume to Info@

Classifieds JOB OPENING Looking for a female skilled worker for real estate business. Talented individual should know quickbooks and have good organisational skills, excellent pay. Time is flexible, 15-20 hours a week. Email to: 2468jobmonsey@ WE’RE HIRING! Upscale jewelry store in monsey is looking to hire a part time energetic sales lady. Sunday’s included. Please email resume: SEEKING SALES LADY Fast paced wig salon looking to hire a very talented sales lady. Needs to have great people skills, multi tasker, and be detail oriented. Great pay for the right individual. Please email your resume to Or leave a message 8454183334 JOB AVAILABLE Small colony in liberty seeking 2 capable girls as counselors & HC for second half. Please call 1347-3041328 TUTOR WANTED Chassidishe cheder looking for a male tutor for title one. 3:30-5:30. Please call 8452637445


Stop wasting your time going through all the jobs classifieds. Simply email your resume to Info@ to explore your options & maximize your career. Or Call/Text/ WhatsApp 732-800-7633 Strictly confidential & completely free. TITLE I TUTOR POSITION Heimishe cheder seeking tutors for the upcoming school year: man for the older grades, and lady/girl for the younger grades. Reading and math skills. Afternoon hours. Please send resume to or WAREHOUSE fax to 845.208.0440. CREWS ON DEMAND

MANAGER WANTED Full time for yingerman to manage the cashier’s / orders department email to hire@

help wanted N

F/T SECRETARY A busy construction office in the Monsey area is looking for a full-time secretary. Must have good phone skills and knowledge in computers. Willing to train the right candidate. Please send your resume to MBerger@ GREAT JOB OPPORTUNITY Young boys Yeshiva is seeking a dedicated and devoted assistant for Sept. 2022 in a warm, supportive environment. Many growth opportunities. Great pay! Hours: 8:45 – 4:15. Please call 845-558-6699 or email COUNSELORS AND MORAHS Seeking counselors and morahs for a day camp in Monticello. Fabulous WAREHOUSE environment! Married WAREHOUSE CREWS and unmarried staff. CREWS ON DEMAND No bungalow provided. ON DEMAND Transportation provided. Please call 917.474.6826.

OFFICE POSITION Seeking to fill administrative office position. Candidate should be experienced, detail oriented, computer proficient, responsible with good communication skills. Great working environment, opportunity for growth. Transp. not available.

PRE-NURSERY TEACHER Heimishe playgroup looking for a teacher for September for a yummy settled pre-nursery English speaking class. Well paid and extremely easy terms. Pls call 845-537-1960 CAMP MANAGER Camp in Pennsylvania Looking for a Experienced Camp Manager Immediatly -Free Bungalow and well paid. Please Call and leave clear message 347-537-2004 SECRETARY JOB Heimishe Mosad is looking to hire full time administrative secretaries. Training provided. Great pay! Please email resumes to secretary@ PRESCHOOL MORAH Cheder Chabad Preschool is looking to hire assistants for WAREHOUSE the 2022-2023 school year. If you areCREWS interested, please ON DEMAND contact Yehudice Bialestock @ 718-207-9589. WAREHOUSE CREWS ON DEMAND

Whether a container's arrived and needs unloading fast, or it's high season, and you need extra staff, we've got you covered. Whatever the situation, whatever the job, our licensed, experienced, and on-demand workers will get to you ASAP and only leave when the job is complete.

Open Sun. - Fri.

WAREHOUSE Whether a container's arrived and needs unloading fast, or it's high season, and you CREWS Whether a container's arrived and needs unloading fast, or it's high season, and need you extra staff, we've got you covered. ON DEMAND need extra staff, we've got you covered.Whatever the situation, whatever the job,

T. 917.618.4163 E.

our licensed, experienced, and on-demand Whatever the situation, whatever the job, workers will get to you ASAP and only leave our licensed, experienced, and on-demand when the job is complete. workers will get to you ASAP and only leave

Our experienced workers will get to you ASAP and only leave when the job is complete. when the job is complete.

Open Sun. - Fri.

T. 917.618.4163 845.250.ASAP E. T. 917.618.4163 E.


The Monsey View

July 20, 2022 · 845.600.8484

Open Sun. - Fri.

T. 917.618.4163 E.

Open Sun. - Fri.

Open Sun. - Fri.

T. 917.618.4163 E.

July 20, 2022

The Monsey View · 845.600.8484



Heimishe office in Monsey looking to hire for multiple full-time positions, graduate/ entry level ok. Please email resume: sammy@ or call 845-603-8206 JOB OPPORTUNITY ABA Riders is looking for a female ABA para to work with a 6 year old in a mainstream classroom starting September. Driving and having a car is required. Paid travel time and gas! Well paid! Contact Rikki at 347930-9736/info@abariders. com. MUSIC TEACHERS Jumpstart your musical career. The Music School is seeking capable piano and guitar teachers for our various courses. Flexible schedule. Professional curriculum and training provided. Contact themusicschool@outlook. com . 845.682.1231

SERVICES SINGER/GUITARIST Will perform at your chuppah, Sheva Brachos, or any 2-3 hour event. Moshe Klaver 845-746-0925


The Monsey View

July 20, 2022 · 845.600.8484

help wanted N services N

WELLNESS COACH Anxiety, Fears, Phobias, Feeling Stuck? Wellness Coach - Torah Approach. Enjoy Life - Feel Free (For Men and Boys) Call 845-2320248

MUSIC LESSONS ON THE PHONE Mr. Wertzberger’s Music School offering music lessons on the phone, ages 9-15 boys and girls. Try it free! 718-4351923

TORAHANYTIME.COM On demand Torah lectures Video-Audio-download All for free Computer or App for iPhone/Android Or Hotline 718-298-2077. Yiddish Hebrew - English

ARROWSMITH Is your child still in the same place after all that tutoring?Join Arrowsmith, a research based program that strengthens the brain and eliminates learning disabilities. Call Mrs Feuer 914-260-6449

KRIAH TUTOR Kriah tutor available with 25 years experience teaching Kriah in early elementary grades. Will come to you. Please call 845-608-7870. CRANIAL SPECIALIST PLUS

Release blockages, pain & trauma through cranial sacral therapy! Schedule your appointment today to ensure your spot, with S. Steiner. Booking now for the beginning of September Please call 845-608-7624 if no answer leave a message

ELECTRICIAN Experienced electrician for all your electrical work, reasonable prices, prompt and honest service. call 347345-5636.

KANGEN WATER “Change your Water.. Change your life” Alkaline - AntiOxidant - Super Hydrating Call for FREE supply and feel AMAZING! 917-681-0003 GARTLECH we fix knitted & crochet Gartlech & make beautiful professional fringes. We also teach how to knit & crochet. call: 917-414-3281


Enhance your gown with just the right petticoat! Kids and adults petticoats for rent! In the Bates area. Please Call or text between 8:30-10pm 845-746-7248 PROFESSIONAL HAIRCUTS & STYLING Great prices. Call Miri 845426-7561 CALL/TEXT SARAH @845-596-1373 Craniosacral Therapy InHome Sessions CUSTOM CLOSETS For all your custom closets, doors or mouldings call or text 1347.522.4872 CRANIOSACRAL THERAPY Homevisits in craniosacral therapy for babies, kids and women- emotional and physical issues. Monsey, Brooklyn, Monroe, Lakewood 201-281-8704

July 20, 2022

The Monsey View · 845.600.8484


Classifieds PEARLS BY CHUMI SILBER Genuine freshwater pearl necklaces and earrings priced to suit your budget .We come down to the comfort of your house. We also offer free pickup and delivery for your pearl restringing. Call 845-352-5013. VAN & TRUCK Van & Truck Delivery and Shlepping Service Call Izzy: 845-263-0420


PICK UPS 845-461-3084 FARINA STATION Enjoy a delicious nourishing farina for all your events, ‫ מלוה מלכה‬,‫ברית‬, breakfast, ‫אפשערן‬, etc. with nice warmers & free delivery 845274-3992 DEBT RELIEF having trubble with finances? join Debtors Anonymous Tuesday night @ 19 Robert Pitt # 113 , 7:30-8:30pm. visit www. PLUMBING REPAIR For all your plumbing repair needs. Specializing in Heating & Hot Water. Now servicing the greater Monsey area. Wetworks Services 718-569-5577 Ari Glucksman ‫אפשר לתקן‬


The Monsey View

July 20, 2022 · 845.600.8484

PHOTO ALBUMS Custom designed luxury photo albums from all your Events, Simchas, Photoshoots, Baby albums, Chuson albums etc. LeatherGlass top- Fabric- Hard &soft cover. Call/txt 845-213-6177 FACE PAINTING Face painting for your simcha and parties. Shayna 917.710.3967. $100/hour KEYBOARD LESSONS Keyboard lessons By Miri. Great Prices! Call 845-4267561 or 845-263-6437 DONATE YOUR VEHICLE (Car, truck, van, Suv) Help build children. Get $1,500 tax deduction + $2,400 Gift book (shopping) or we pay cash for cars too. 718-974-9428 DAY TRIP Beautiful day trip in the Poconos mountains hiking swimming bbq in a Haimishe environment starting at 14$ Please contact poconosmanagement@ 917 494 4422 CAR TO BORROW/RENT 20 year old looking to borrow/ rent a car for August. Text/ call/whatsapp 917-567-6138 EARPIERCING 12 years experience. Wide selection. Call/text: 845-5387986

services N gowns N

DRIVER IN ISRAEL Heimishe driver in Israel with updated, luxury vehicles available for all driving jobs. All size vehicles with room for 4, 6, 8, 10, 16 or 20 passengers. Please call Yair Rashevsky at 972-50405-0150. HAIRCUTS & STYLES Haircutting & Styling for all occasions. Located in the Calvert area. Call 845-3764595

MURRAY POOL Large, heated, sparkling, w/ waterslide, dressing rooms & restroom. Open for ladies: Fri & Sun 8-11am. Mon-Thurs 8am -3pm. Groups please call 347-526-0615 PERSONALIZATION Personalized design for notebooks, mugs, cards, kallah countdowns, and more. 845-521-8283



Daycamp in Monticello now accepting campers for second half. Please call 917.474.6826. NEW CITY POOL Beautiful big heated pool for rent. Buena Vista area. Privacy. $65 hour. 845 538 6411

GOLD GOWN Adorable gold gown by Dassy available to buy or rent. Toddler size 4. Call 422-5596 for more info NAVY GOWN Magnificent navy gown for rent. Size 2-4. 845-721-9265

Sarno Coach One on one for women ‘’Helping you free yourself from pain’’

Headaches, back aches, fatigue, insomnia, and more. Learn the tools you need to be PAIN FREE in two sessions.

Call or text: 917-830-3807

July 20, 2022

The Monsey View · 845.600.8484



Silver/Grey colored gown size 2-4 8455380391 GIRLS CHASUNAH GOWN Very Elegant, Winter White trimmed with Black Velvet, girls size 14/16 for sale. Please Call 845-709-7161. MOTHER OF BRIDE Beautiful mother of bride gown for sale. Black and white. Size 10-12. Great price. Call/text 347-760-4649.

ODDS & ENDS SEEKING DONATIONS Of toys, arts & crafts, or supplies, in good condition, for a Heimishe Moised. Call 845.500.3100 ESTATE SALE Everything must go to the bare walls, including furniture, fixtures, antique pieces, office furniture, household items and seforim. Bo. 354-5523 FREE PRESENTATIO AVAILABLE

Show this inspirational presentation to your neighborhood, staff, camp, friends, bungalow colony… featuring Rubashkin & a personal story by world renowned founder of Boee Beshalom Erev Shabos Program. Amazing feedback! Call 845-426-6551

LOST Lost something? Found something? The Daily Return: Call/text: 845-538-0193, Email: Gold colorful pin with 2 birds 201-348-6069 Lost a small diamond tennis bracelet 3 weeks ago 845-502-2236

FOUND Found in shoppers haven childs scooter / white shirt 659-9482 Found a mans garment bag on 18th Ave corner 50th St by bus stop on 07/14 929271-1837

FREE GIVEAWAYS Window shades, slightly used, mint condition Assorted sizes. Text or call. 845.304.1610 Clothing store wall hooks for displays. Multi tier. Chrome color. Slightly used in New condition. Text or call. 845.304.1610 Hospital bed 845-323-9448


The Monsey View

July 20, 2022 · 845.600.8484

July 20, 2022

The Monsey View · 845.600.8484



Save for your down payment. Rare opportunity to save money on rent and living expenses. New girls dormitory in Rockland County seeking responsible caring live-in couple. Job role includes light caregiver duties. CALL 845-208-0447 & LEAVE YOUR CONTACT DETAILS JOB OPPORTUNITY Growing Property Management Company looking for a full-time female, on site OR remote Executive Assistant. Providing administrative assistance, such as communicating with clients, tenants, via phone and email. Maintaining records on all tenant related matters Rent Collections Maintenance Scheduling Performing minor accounting duties. Data entry as well as organizing and


The Monsey View

July 20, 2022 · 845.600.8484

maintaining a proper file system for sec 8, leases, etc. For seriously interested please email hire.starmanage@ or call and leave a message 845-502-6717 SEEKING ENGLISH TEACHER Local Cheder is looking for an English teacher for the upcoming year from 2:45 to 4:30. Great and on time pay plus benefits. Please send resume’ to english6105@ or call 845-4501489 and leave a msg. JOB OPPORTUNITIES *Tax Manager CPA, Are you experienced with taxes, tax planning, and have management and leadership skills? Monsey office $120k/ yr *Commercial insurance brokerage looking to grow a sales team. Pay starting at $50k + commission. Please email resumes to resumes@ CHESTNUT RIDGE SHABBOS RENTAL 6 Bedrooms - 13 beds, private house 3 full bathrooms. Near

Kaliv Beis Medrash. Linen & towels provided. Swimming option available from Friday 12 pm, Sunday 12 pm. $1400. Shabbos Nachamu $1800. Serious inquiries only please text 646-932-1763 BOOKKEEPING POSITION Local office is looking to hire girl/women for an entry level position in the finance department. Lots of potential. Full time. Competitive pay. Send resume to COORDINATION POSITION Seeking to hire a responsible worker for coordination position. Requires networking, communicating, and creativity skills. Flexible schedule. Great pay. Send resume to recruitmentdepartment845@ SECRETARIAL POSITION Well-established office in Monsey is looking to hire a secretary (Yiddish-speaking) for a full-time or nearly full time position. Enjoyable environment, great benefits,

and lots of opportunity for growth. Send resume to joboffersmonsey58@gmail. com ABA THERAPIST Amazing opportunity to further your behavioral skills under the guidance of a highly skilled BCBA. ABA Talks is looking for an energetic individual with good play skills to work with a 10-yearold girl 1-2 afternoons a week 4:00-6:30 and Sundays 1:004:15. 30-minute drive from Monsey, Passaic or Teaneck. No experience necessary. High starting salary rate. Email: Call:845-579-6080ext.101. ATTENTION GRADUATES: Are you looking for an office job? Large company in Monsey has many open office positions, and we are conducting interviews now, to begin training, and full schedule after the summer. Apply now! Send resume to:


‫חנוכת הבית לבית המדרש החדש בעלזא ברחוב דיקעטאר בראשות הרה"צ ר' אהרן מרדכי רוקח בן האדמו"ר מבעלזא‬

‫‪The Monsey View‬‬


‫האדמו"ר מסטאניסלאוו בביקור בארה"ק‬

‫שמחת הבר מצוה בבית סקולען ‪-‬‬ ‫טשערקאס ‪ -‬טאלמיטש‬


‫‪The Monsey View‬‬

‫שמחת התנאים של נכד האדמו"ר משינאווא‬

‫מסיבה לטובת בית לפליטות אין די‬ ‫פראכטפולע 'מעיבל' געשעפט אין שיכון סקווירא‬

‫אסיפת רבנים המומחים בעניני כשרות במאנסי לבדוק מאכלים מחשש תולעים‬

‫מעמד כבוד התורה ברינה יקצורו לכבוד התלמידים המצטיינים בהלימודים במשך השנה‬ ‫ולכבוד יומדה"ק של האדמו"ר מצאנז זי"ע בת"ת דרכי אבות צאנז מאנסי‬


‫‪The Monsey View‬‬





‫במסיבה בבית הרבני הנגיד ר' מענדל גליק במאנסי‬

‫בתפילת שחרית ומסיבת לחיים בביהמ"ד החדש תורת חכם מאנסי‬

‫‪The Monsey View‬‬


‫המקובל ר' יצחק מאיר מארגענשטערן בביקור בניו יארק‬

‫בתפילת שחרית ומסיבת לחיים בביהמ"ד החדש תורת חכם מאנסי‬


‫‪The Monsey View‬‬


// Inside



FREE ISSUE 357 JULY 20, 2022


‫פרשת פנחס‬ ‫כ”א תמוז תשפ”ב‬

Paying Price THE

BREAK THE LAW, BEAUTIFY THE TOWN How minor misdemeanors lead to cleaner streets

PENALIZED! A community member becomes part of community cleanup

WHY WE EMPTY OUR POCKETS TO FILL ‘ER UP Seeking the source of skyrocketing gas prices


YOEL ITZKOWITZ Editor in Chief:

D. GORALNIK Content Editor:


Associate Editor:

E.M. NEIMAN Food Editor:

M.P. WERCBERGER Creative Director:

92 //


100 //


108 //

Week in Review


119 //

The Last Rebbe of Lodz


126 //

The Long Road to Freedom


135 //


148 //

Pain At the Pump

160 //

Community Service

174 //

Serving With Dishonor

182 //


186 //

Fun Pages

192 //


216 //


AJ WACHSMAN Project Coordinator:


THE MONSEY VIEW P.O. Box 305 Monsey N.Y. 10952

845-600-8484 845-600-8483 Website:

MISSION STATEMENT: The Monsey View is a weekly publication designed for every segment and age group of our diverse community. Under rabbinical guidance, we bring Monsey’s top talent together to provide high-quality, informative and current reading material, keeping you up to date on sales, events, news and issues of concern and import happening right now in the Monsey community. DISCLAIMER: We do not endorse any ad found in this publication. We are not responsible for typographical or grammatical errors. COPYRIGHT: All content found in The Monsey View is copyright and may not be reproduced, published, distributed or duplicated for public or private use without written permission from The Monsey View. Limit one (1) per family


The Monsey View

July 20, 2022 · 845.600.8484

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