FREE ISSUE 360 AUGUST 10, 2022
פרשת ואתחנן י”ג אב תשפ”ב
Helping the Klal, One Kosher Click at a Time
Riding the waves with
Little children making a big impact
The history and traditions of cholent
The monumental task of maintaining Monsey’s eruv
August 10, 2022
The Monsey View · 845.600.8484
The Monsey View
August 10, 2022 · 845.600.8484
The Monsey View
August 10, 2022 · 845.600.8484
The Monsey View
August 10, 2022 · 845.600.8484
The Monsey View
August 10, 2022 · 845.600.8484
The Monsey View
August 10, 2022 · 845.600.8484
The Monsey View
August 10, 2022 · 845.600.8484
זמנים לפרשת
// Talk of Town
7:34 9:12
7:29 8:53
all your needs.
7:41 9:10
הדלקת הנרות מוצאי שבת
356-mall 6
Monsey 27 Orchard Street Monsey, NY 10952 845-425-8010
(Re: FYI: Eagles, Issue 359) I really appreciate your magazine with its high-quality and informative Torah’dige articles. I would like to comment on the FYI article in which was written that “interestingly, the Hebrew term we associate with the eagle — nesher — is currently used to refer to vultures. The question is what the word “nesher” refers to in Tanach.” The answer to this question is that according to Tosfos Chulin 63a [d”h netz] the nesher is not the eagle. Also, Rav Saadiah Gaon translates nesher with the Arabic term nesr, which refers to the griffon vulture. Ibn Ezra does the same, noting that the Arabic language provides good evidence for the identity of the bird. Contemporary scholars in the field of Biblical zoology have likewise concluded that the griffon vulture is the nesher and the eagle is the netz that is mentioned in the torah in Parshas Shemini. However, Sefer HaItur, Chizkuni and Yalkut Me’am Loez state that the nesher is the eagle. Thanks, R.M. W E A T H E R
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The Monsey View
August 10, 2022 · 845.600.8484
81°/66° FRIDAY
(Re: Lest We Forget, Issue 359) It was really interesting to read about families who do not eat meat on Wednesdays as a zecher l’Churban. I never realized there was a reason behind it, although as far back as I can remember, our family would eat only dairy or pareve on Wednesdays. I always thought it was a convenience thing menu-wise, and only now learned that the tradition has its roots in the Churban. Thank you for this information. I wonder how many, like us, have kept this minhag without knowing its reason. Additionally, I’ve heard that there are people who do not purchase any homes, but will only rent their residences, which I assume is also related to the Churban. Is anyone familiar with this minhag? Perry K. Compiled by:
Concrete remembrances of the Home we lost
As Yidden in galus, the Churban is something we live with every day.
We feel the pain of the galus so intimately. We daven for Moshiach constantly, recall the glory of the Beis Hamikdash in our tefillos, and each day brings such aching reminders that we are a nation in exile. And yet, we also take remembering to the next level. Our chachamim have instituted many minhagim and practices that Yidden from all walks of life incorporate as a zecher l’Churban, a concrete reminder that we are in foreign lands and under hostile leaderships, and that our hearts yearn for home.
The Monsey View
August 3, 2022 · 845.600.8484
(Re: Tisha B’Av Nidche, Issue 359) Thank you for the clear guidelines of the halachos pertaining to Tisha B’Av nidche. I often find it so confusing to remember what is allowed before Tisha B’Av, before chatzos, and then on Motzei Tisha B’Av — which only gets more complicated when the setup is like this year’s — and this handy halacha primer was so appreciated. F.I.
(Re: Tisha B’Av Nidche, Issue 359) I wanted to mention one pointer that was omitted in the article about Hilchos Tisha B’Av. On a year like this one, when it is nidche, one should l’chatchilah take a shower on Friday before chatzos. A Reader
In Maseches Bava Kama (daf 54b) it says that if someone locks up his animals properly and an animal escapes and causes damage, then the owner is patur. However, if he doesn’t lock them up properly and they escape and cause damage, then the owner is chayiv. The mishnah tells us that having an improper fence is tantamount to not having
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August 10, 2022 · 845.600.8484
one. Reading the Gemara we may think, “What kind of person would install an improper fence? The animals could escape and cause so much damage! Lives could be put at stake!” Let’s try and apply this to ourselves in ways we can understand and that are relevant. Many of us and our children have “kosher phones,” or so we think. The truth is that no flip phone is kosher unless explicitly mentioned in product specifications or visibly certified by a reliable/known hechsher; otherwise, it is in the category of a regular smartphone with a keypad. A reliable filter will go into the innards of the phone and into the SD card and make sure the internet cannot be accessed, and that no matter what is done to the phone, one won’t succeed in getting the internet capabilities back. On the flip side, hundreds, if not thousands, of people have “non-filters” on their phones that did not go through the rigorous filtering proper kosher phones have. I once walked into a yeshivah where many, if not most, of the bachurim had such a “filter.” Here’s how to tell if the flip phone is improperly filtered: 1. If there are apps like Waze or Spotify. 2. If in settings there is an option in the main menu called “developers options” that can be accessed when pressed on. Here’s how you can tell if the phone is properly filtered: 1. External labels of name brand filters are great indicators. 2. When the phone is turned off and on, the logo of the filtering organization is displayed. 3. In settings, by “about phone, software information,” if you press “build number” five times, it should say, “You are a developer.” Upon returning to settings, click developer option, and you should not be able to access that option. If you can, it indicates that the filter is outdated, unreliable or simply not there. A primary goal should be to make rebbeim aware of the fallacies of false filters. My yeshivah requires a receipt from a reliable filtering organization that matches your phone. Every yeshivah should have a similar solution. Additionally, I happened to have heard from a very chashuv person that his “filter” for his kids’ phones means taking data off the phone plan. This pashut won’t work because every phone is also equipped with built-in Wi-Fi and Google, which means that it takes very little effort to land in the same hole you tried climbing out of. If someone has a garden of tomatoes, he’ll protect it with a small fence. This small fence wouldn’t cut it, however, if he’s trying to keep people out of a land mine. The greater the threat, the greater the fence needed. If this is true with minefields, how much more so about our ruchnius — and having a properly protected phone. After all, a fence with a hole is like no fence at all. Y.J. THE MONSEY VIEW WELCOMES YOUR COMMENTS, FEEDBACK AND LETTERS. FAX: 845-600-8483 MAIL: The Monsey View, POB 305, Monsey, NY 10952 EMAIL:
The Monsey View
August 10, 2022 · 845.600.8484
The Monsey View
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The Monsey View
August 10, 2022 · 845.600.8484
In this week’s parsha, Moshe Rabbeinu expresses the greatness of Klal Yisroel. He tells the Yidden that the nations of the world will praise them, saying, “Only this great nation is a wise and understanding people.” Moshe continues by saying, “Which great nation is so close to their G-d, that He is available whenever they call upon Him?” and, “Which great nation has such just statutes as the Torah…” (Devarim 4:6–8) Later, Moshe lauds Klal Yisroel again, stating, “For you are a holy people… Hashem has chosen you to be His treasured people… because of His love for you…” (ibid. 7:6–8). Why did Moshe Rabbeinu express this praise so many times, and in so many ways? ONE MORNING, Reb Baruch Ber Liebowitz of Kaminetz, zt”l, was walking on the street when he noticed the chimney cleaner. Thinking the man was a gentile, he wished him good morning in Polish. The cleaner replied in Yiddish, “Rabbiner! I am a Yid! Why not greet me in Yiddish?” When Reb Baruch Ber heard this response, he shuddered. “Reb Yid,” he said, “please forgive me! I made a mistake!” “It’s okay, Rabbiner,” answered the chimney cleaner with a smile. “It wasn’t such a bad mistake…” But Reb Baruch Ber was pained. This was not enough. He repeated his request for forgiveness: “I did you an injustice,” he said. Then he took a couple of moments to explain to the cleaner the chashivus of a Yid. “Do you know what a Yid is?” he asked. “A Yid is a different entity from a gentile. A Yid is kedusha, a Yid is taharah.” Reb Baruch Ber continued to point out the greatness of Klal Yisroel in a way that this man would understand. When he finished, he turned to the cleaner again and asked, “Reb Yid, are you sure you truly forgive me — with all your heart?!”
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“Rabbiner!” came the quick reply. “I said it before that I am mochel, and I mean it!” Reb Baruch Ber smiled and shared the following story: There was once a girl who received a gift from her grandmother. It was a pearl necklace, and the girl cherished it dearly. One day, she wore it while playing outside with her friends. Her friend, seeing the precious piece of jewelry, fingered it curiously. Suddenly the string tore, and all the pearls went flying. The girl was upset, but in time she calmed down, and when her friend asked for forgiveness, she calmly forgave her. When she arrived home, the girl told her mother what had happened. Her mother was very upset. “Do you know that these pearls were real?! They weren’t fake. And even more than that; these pearls were an heirloom, passed down for generations in our family!” The girl felt terrible. She ran back to her friend’s house and said, “The mechilah I gave you before wasn’t real! I didn’t realize then that the pearls were so precious. If I would have known they were so valuable, I would never have been able to
“Rabbiner! I said it before that I am mochel, and I mean it!” forgive you for losing them!” Reb Baruch Ber told the Yid, “True — you told me right away that you forgave me, but that was before I explained to you what a Yid is. Now that you understand the true value of a Yid, you surely realize that hurting such a holy being is wrong! Now I must ask your mechilah again. Please forgive me with all of your heart!” * * * * * Before Moshe Rabbeinu was niftar, he felt compelled to prepare Klal Yisroel for the major milestone ahead of them. Klal Yisroel was just about to enter Eretz Yisroel. Coming after 40 years of life in the Midbar, where the Yidden were protected by the Ananei Hakavod, fed on holy mann and water from Above, and led by a leader who spoke directly to Hakadosh Baruch Hu, things were about to change. The Yidden would need to work hard to place bread on their table. They would need to toil in learning Torah. They would be following the natural ways of the world, just like all of the nations. Klal Yisroel would work just as the rest of the other nations do, eat just as they do, and sleep just as they do. Moshe Rabbeinu repeated himself numerous times for he wanted to prepare Klal Yisroel and make sure they recognize our deep value and greatness. We may be doing the same things as the nations of the world — but we are an entirely different entity. We were chosen from among all of the nations and elevated to a point of extra closeness and connection to the Creator of the world. The Kuzari famously points out the four levels of creation: domem, tzamei’ach, chai and medaber. Yet there is another, higher level: Yisroel. The Yid is above all ma’alos. The Kuzari explains that an animal is not a greater form of vegetation, and vegetation is not a greater form of inanimate nature. The proof is that when the animal dies, it does not become vegetation, and vegetation never becomes inanimate. Rather, each level is a creation for itself. The difference between Jew and non-Jew is the same. A Yid is not like any gentile, just more special; a Yid is entirely different. Klal Yisroel is the chosen one from among all creations. Even the simplest Yid is on a greater level than the wisest gentile in the world. A talmid chacham once came to the Chazon Ish and complained that he was feeling down. “I don’t feel like I can make myself happy,” he said. The Chazon Ish replied, “Did you say the Birchos HaTorah today? When you said ‘Asher bachar banu mikol ha’amim,’ did you think into what you were saying, or did you merely mouth the words? If you think into it, you will have no choice but to be full of satisfaction and happiness all day!” Let’s recognize our special, inherent value. We aren’t “just people”; we are Yidden! 150
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The Monsey View
August 10, 2022 · 845.600.8484
Riding the Waves Streamlining the Shidduch Process
ClickShadchan — a concept whose time has come
Gitty’s eyes darted around the hall, In the center, the energetic nineteen-year-olds danced with gusto around the kallah. Further out, there were the subdued mechuteneste circles. Sprinkled in between sat the elter-bubbas drinking in the nachas on their chairs of honor. Out of the corner of her eye, she noticed her mother approaching Mrs. Dreiman. Quickly, she turned back to face Miriam.
re you teaching third grade in Bnos Liba?” “Yup! I enjoy it but I must admit that it’s getting a bit boring. I do some subbing in the afternoon but still…”
The Monsey View
August 10, 2022 · 845.600.8484
“Yeah. After two years, you’re more than ready for something bigger and better…” “Jobwise? Totally not.” “C’mon, you know I wasn’t talking about that. I meant
shidduchim.” “Exactly. C’mon, I’m only 20! Don’t know about you, but the phone hardly rings with suggestions.” “Actually, I get plenty of calls, thanks to my last name. But many of the shidduchim that are mentioned are so —” “Off the mark?” “Yeah. And often they’re supposedly so on the mark that people keep mentioning the same name over and over again —” “And each time, the shadchan thinks he struck gold. You hold your breath until he says the name and then you’re like, ‘Oh no, not again!’” A waitress passed by and took their empty plates. “Psst…Miriam, see Mrs. Dreiman there?” Gitty whispered, gesturing toward a petite middle-aged woman who was surrounded by several other women, engaged in a rousing conversation. “You mean the famous shadchante?” “Right. Did she ever call you?” “Ummm, actually she did — only once. Her suggestion was quite on target but we could not get through to her after doing our research. It was a boy from a different neighborhood and it was really hard to find out about him and the family. When we finally figured out that it had potential, we called her back and she never responded.” “I hear she needs at least another two phone lines. Her sister-in-law teaches with me, and even she can hardly reach her!” “They say Mrs. Dreiman really knows her stuff. I’m going to ask my mother to — hey, there she is coming right over to me.” “Miriam, come and meet Mrs. Dreiman, a famous shadchante. She wants to have a few words with you.” Miriam winked at Gitty as she approached the potential shaliach for her yeshuah. Meeting a shadchan once in six months was something, but couldn’t more be done? I wish there was another way to get my name out there. More shadchanim should get involved. The music stopped as a minyan Maariv was announced. Gitty stretched her tired legs and went over to the glowing kallah to wish her a happy life. Her mother joined her, stopping on the way to tell Mrs. Dreiman good night.
dump. Grabbing her dog-eared spiral, she started scribbling. Perel Gold: 21-year-old son, Dovid, working boy, very erlich Shaindy Pitterman: 19-year-old daughter, name maybe Miriam, tall and broad, teaching third grade Baila Blumenthal: 24-year-old daughter Gitty, average height, dresses well, works in a real estate office
Should I get a coffee now? Dina wondered. I must remember all the information. And maybe I can even call Eretz Yisroel to find out about Jacobs, the five-star bachur. Is he really the masmid they make him to be? I saw him recently during bein hazmanim and he didn’t give that impression. If coffee would do the trick, then coffee it would be. And there she sat, until the wee hours of the morning, scribbling, ruminating, and scribbling some more. At 4 a.m., Dina snuck into bed, hoping her husband would make sure she got up on time for work. * * * * *
“Quick communication? Automatic reminders? Detailed resumes? Organized files?” Dina savored the thought, as she heard the details from her co-shadchan, Malka. “Yes, ClickShadchan is a custom-made tool to make life easier for shadchanim and those looking for shidduchim. First of all, there’s a large database with names of hundreds of eligible boys and girls.” “Ach, you mean a dating site? Where each single is laid out for public display?” “No! This for our heimish crowd. Only approved shadchanim can sign up to view the listings and try to make matches based on the information written on the resumes” “How much detail do these resumes have?” “Obviously the name and age, education, whether the boy is working or learning, a general personality description, kehillah and also details about their physical appearance and family. Could be more — I don’t remember everything off the top of my head.” “You mean every shadchan can see a picture? And all the
* * * * * 1:30 a.m.
The stillness of the night was shattered by the sound of the door swinging on its hinges. Dina Dreiman loved attending simchas, especially when it was a close friend marrying off her child. But ever since immersing herself in the world of shidduchim, she could no longer indulge in a calm night out. And now, it was time for a brain August 10, 2022
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over in Mrs. Dreiman’s head like a pesky fly was, “Why wasn’t this created earlier?” Doctors have electronic medical files. Schools have programs to organize the tuition payments. Every selfrespecting business has a website. Finally, here’s a system to help us help the klal!
information?” “As much as the seeker allows. And the single can even choose to whitelist shadchanim — and only allow shadchanim they are comfortable with to see their info.” “What if a shadchan doesn’t want to see pictures?” “That’s also blockable.” “This sounds like a groundbreaking idea. But there are so many shadchanim out there who don’t have computers or devices at home.” “Like me! I called the office after hearing about this software from my friend and the manager said he’ll pay for a monthly kiosk membership as long as I use the system often enough. I also have the option of borrowing a tablet from the office.” “I have to check this out. What’s the web address again?” * * * * *
“So I put my daughter’s resume on file. It’s really not a big deal. Why not save my shadchan — and myself — so many phone calls? Believe it or not, one shadchan called me up already to get a better idea of who my daughter really is. And wait — here’s an email that just came in,” Mrs. Rosen shared with her sister. A suggestion has just been made for you. Please click on this link to access your portal.
“Does it seem like it’s the right type of boy for Miriam?” “I know this boy. He’s a great boy but it’s not for her. He’s too leibedig. Let me press reject. Hey — there’s an option for notes. I’ll explain why it’s not for her. A mechaya! The next shadchan who looks at her file will get what type of boy not to even try redting..” “This sounds like a platform whose time has come. But is it really okay to use — I mean, according to daas Torah?” “There’s a haskama on the website from a big dayan in Williamsburg, HaRav Mann, shlit”a. And Rav Avrum Hersh Wosner, shlit”a, of Monsey, my husband told me, calls this website “his website.” I wouldn’t hesitate to make use of it!” * * * * *
The nagging thought that kept repeating itself over and
The Gold boy wants a girl with a covered sheitel. Let me put that into the search. Wow. There are 219 names that fit this description. Let me narrow it down by age. 132 names left. No smartphone. 79 names. So, the first one looks interesting. She’s 20, works as a secretary in an insurance office and is from his kehillah. Oh — I know her mother; she’s a Greenwald! Let me check the shadchan’s notes. “Girl is very idealistic. She wants a boy who learns part time and only went out to work once he got older. Must be careful with technology.” What shidduchim were already mentioned? I see… They seem pretty similar to the Gold boy but didn’t get too far. One was because he said no, another because of Dor Yeshorim, and a third because of an issue with names. Let me give this a try. Wait a minute - I think the Golds are out of town now for a wedding. I’ll put this in the “shortlist” file. What’s that? A new signup on the system! It’s Gitty Klein — that must be the girl I noticed at that chasunah a few days ago. I don’t get what she’s looking for but I hope I can help her. I’m gonna post a question on the shadchan’s group — maybe someone can clue me in. * * * * *
What are the other shadchanim saying? “I was about to take a break from shadchanus. It’s in your zechus that I’m going into it even more now.” “Well, what can I tell you? After I heard about it, I checked out ClickShadchan and it all clicked.” “I’m going to tell all my friends to get their children to sign up. And I won’t be surprised if the parents will decide to become shadchanim too…”
For more information, check out our website today! 158
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The Monsey View
August 10, 2022 · 845.600.8484
The Monsey View
August 10, 2022 · 845.600.8484
Concerns Mount as Polio Detected in Orange and Rockland Wastewater Samples Health officials are raising an alert after traces of polio were discovered in seven Hudson Valley wastewater samples, all of which were genetically linked to a previously reported case of paralytic polio in a Rockland County resident. Three positive samples were found in Rockland County wastewater in July, with four more detected in Harriman and Middletown in Orange County in June and July testing. The New York State Department of Health has said that the discovery underscores the importance of getting every adult and child statewide vaccinated against polio, which can be prevented, but not cured, and can lead to paralysis and even death. Health Department Commissioner Dr. Mary Bassett warned that every case of paralytic polio that surfaces may represent hundreds of others who have been infected with the virus. “Coupled with the latest wastewater findings, the department is treating the single case of polio as just the tip of the iceberg of much greater potential spread,” said Bassett. “As we learn more, what we do know is clear — the danger of polio is present in New York today.” Health department officials have said that the original Rockland County case was linked to polio that was discovered in both London and the greater Jerusalem area, reported CNBC. According to the Centers for Disease Control, all children should receive four doses of the polio vaccine between the ages
The Monsey View
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of six weeks to four months. Unvaccinated adults or those who aren’t sure if they were ever immunized should receive three doses of the polio vaccine, while those who have had one or two doses should get their total number of inoculations against the virus up to four doses. Department of Health statistics measuring vaccination rates among two-year-olds outside of New York City placed Orange County dead last in the state, with a vaccination rate of 58.68%, followed closely by Rockland with a 60.35% vaccination rate. Both of those numbers fall well below the statewide average vaccination rate of 78.96%. In New York City, where 86.2% of children ages six months to five years are fully vaccinated, Williamsburg holds the dubious honor of having the lowest numbers in the city at 56.3%, with Boro Park coming in in the 70% to 79% vaccination range.
Hoping To Head Off Future Issues, Lufthansa Creating Position To Prevent Anti-Semitism Two and a half months after refusing to allow more than 100 Kerestir-bound Jewish passengers to board their flight to Hungary, Lufthansa has announced the creation of a senior management position dedicated to preventing all types of discrimination and anti-Semitism. According to JTA, the airline said that an independent investigation it had commissioned found no evidence of “sentiments of anti-Semitism, prejudice or premeditated behavior by Lufthansa representatives.” It did acknowledge that some of its staff had handled the situation in a manner that was “insensitive and unprofessional,” but shifted at least some of the blame to several visibly Jewish passengers who it said were not complying with regulations, despite warnings from the captain on their original flight from New York to Frankfurt. Those actions, said Lufthansa, were the reason their staff barred over 100 passengers from boarding their connecting flight to Hungary, with one employee explaining that it was punishment for actions of a few. In addition to creating the new position, Lufthansa said that it would incorporate a focus on anti-Semitism into its staff training. The airline also said that it would adopt the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance’s definition of anti-Semitism, which describes eleven different scenarios that could be categorized as anti-Semitic. Lufthansa CEO Jens Ritter issued a formal apology, saying, “Lufthansa deeply regrets the denied boarding and the impact it had on our passengers.”
ris for treatment. The Sullivan County Bureau of Fire is continuing to investigate the cause of the fire.
Secular Media Outlet Highlights Chaverim in Dog Rescue Story
Monsey Hat Box and Private Donors Step Up After Bunkhouse Burns to the Ground A pre-Tisha B’Av fire that left a group of Camp Aliya boys with nothing but the shirts on their backs prompted Klal Yisroel’s chesed machine to kick into action, with a well-known Monsey store opening its doors as part of the effort. An email sent to parents informed them that despite being closed for the Nine Days, the Monsey Hat Box would accommodate their sons and would be giving a 50% discount on all items last Thursday night. A group of generous parents volunteered to cover the cost of the remaining purchases for those in the affected bunk, located on the Parksville grounds of Camp Rayim Mesivta. Hat Box brought in salespeople and tailors to ensure that the campers have suits to wear for Shabbos, as well as hats and shoes. The boys were taken from Hat Box to Walmart to fill in whatever other items they needed, with a second trip made on Friday morning to Apple Tree Supermarket in Liberty where each one was given $30 in credit to replenish their personal junk food stashes. The Liberty Fire Department said that it received a 911 call about the fire at 11 a.m., with volunteer firefighters arriving on scene to find significant flames in one bunkhouse, with flames spreading to two others, all of which were empty at the time. Campers helped firefighters stretch out hose lines to the fire, enabling volunteers to start dousing the flames almost immediately. Mutual aid for additional firefighters and tankers was supplied by White Sulphur Springs, Livingston Manor, Loch Sheldrake, Swan Lake and Jeffersonville fire departments, with Camp Rayim’s nearby lake used to resupply tankers. The Liberty Fire Department posted information and pictures of the fire on social media, with one user commenting, “Thank you to the ever careing [sic] first responders. BUT A BIG THANK YOU TO THE CAMPERS THAT HELPED GET THE HOSES QUICKLY TO THE FIRE! That was a very scary situation for them and they were todays [sic] true assistant hero’s [sic].” One firefighter who sustained an ankle injury was transported by Catskills Hatzolah to Garnet Health Medical Center in Har-
It was a feel-good story that actually felt good, for a change, with CBS News shining the media spotlight on Chaverim for its efforts that reunited a woman with her beloved dog four days after it had gone missing. Chaverim coordinator Yossi Margaretten told The Monsey View that he was first contacted by the dog owner on Friday when she reported that her dog, Ginger, had gone missing. Chaverim volunteers searched for the missing twelve-yearold corgi who suffers from health problems but came up dry. Three days later, a woman walking on East Willow Tree Road near Willows Road heard whimpering as she passed a sewer drain, and she called the number she had seen on the lost dog signs that dotted the neighborhood. Chaverim were called in again, contacting the Ramapo Police Department and the Ramapo Department of Public Works to pry up the heavy sewer grate that covered the drain. A DPW employee used a winch to lift the grate, and Chaverim member Tuli Adler climbed into the drain and rescued the dog, who was handed wet and shivering to her grateful owner. Tony Aiello of CBS News traveled to Wesley Hills to interview those involved, with Adler explaining that Chaverim members were afraid to lift the grate on their own because they were concerned that it might slip. “It’s really heavy and might injure the dog,” said Adler. While it isn’t unusual for Chaverim to be called in to search for someone who is lost, it is usually a human, not a dog, who is lost. Margaretten said that Chaverim was happy to help reunite Ginger with her owner. “That’s what we try to do, put some smiles on people’s faces,” said Margaretten.
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The Monsey View
August 10, 2022 · 845.600.8484
CHAPTER 22 RECAP: After Maariv, Izzy gets to talking with Velvel about Reb Menashe. Things are going great until, reliving some of his Holocaust experiences, Velvel becomes infuriated and tells Zach he’s a disgrace to the family. The next day, when Zach and Izzy arrive at city hall to claim the manuscript, the clerk tells them that someone else has already claimed it.
zzy stared at the woman in confusion. “Wait a minute. What? Are you saying another person was here to claim the manuscript?” The clerk nodded. “Yes, yes.” “Did you give it to them?” Zach demanded. She shook her head. “I say to you, it weel take few days.” “Great,” Izzy said. “We have time to work this out. Who was it?” At that, the woman held up her hands. “Sorry. I cannot to tell you.” “That’s ridiculous!” Zach exploded. “That manuscript belongs to me! Someone wants to steal my property, and you won’t tell me who it is?” “We not giving names to other peepel. I weel file your, eh, your —” She seemed to struggle for a word. “Your asking? Judge weel decide.” “But — but —” Izzy didn’t know what to say. “We traveled all the way from New York just for this manuscript! Your government asked us to come!”
The flustered clerk gestured to a line of people politely waiting their turns. “Sir, I give your papers in. Please next!” Zach raised both eyebrows. “Can I talk to your superior? Or anyone else who can help us figure this out? Please? That manuscript belonged to my great-grandfather, who was murdered in the Holocaust.” To Izzy’s surprise, it looked like Zach was about to cry. He locked eyes with the clerk and whispered. “It’s the last of his things we have,” he begged. “Please.” The woman looked even more agitated now. She made a swooping gesture, pointing them to the door, and loudly repeated, “Please next!” She turned away from them and gestured to someone in line. “Czy moge ci pomóc?” “I don’t believe this!” Zach growled as they left. “Who could have pulled something like this?” Izzy shrugged. “I have no idea. Maybe someone else thinks they’re the oldest relative?” Zach opened the door, and they braced
against the cold. “Don’t kid yourself, night.” Zach looked at him in confusion. pal,” he said with a snort. “This is theft. “And…?” It’s a con job, plain and simple.” Izzy’s face fell. “Just letting you “You were pretty emotional in there,” Izzy noted. “I thought you didn’t know,” he mumbled. After Zach left, Izzy dragged a sefer care about the manuscript.” Zach stopped suddenly, looking de- out of his bag. It was the zeide’s commenfensive. “I care about it.” He “BUT — BUT —” IZZY pushed a button on his keys, and the car alarm DIDN’T KNOW WHAT TO SAY. beeped. “He’s my great“WE TRAVELED ALL THE grandfather. This is my history, too.” Then he WAY FROM NEW YORK JUST gave Izzy a wink. “But to FOR THIS MANUSCRIPT! be honest, a little emotion always helps in situaYOUR GOVERNMENT tions like this. Greases the ASKED US TO COME!” wheels of government, if you know what I mean. Here, you drive,” he said, tary on Koheles, the one his brother had tossing Izzy the keys. “I need to think.” been teaching for the past few weeks. Izzy had promised himself he’d try to * * * * * keep pace with the shiur, but he hadn’t had a moment to spare until now. “Done thinking?” A thinly padded chair was pushed They were back at the hotel. Zach had kept silent during the drive, scan- against the desk across from his bed. ning his phone relentlessly. Now he Izzy pulled it out and sat down. He laid looked up in confusion. “What? Oh, the sefer on the desk, and cracked it yeah, sorry. I was just figuring out what open. “Havel havalim, amar Koheles. Havel to do with the rest of my day. We’ve got to wait this manuscript thing out, so havalim, hakol havel.” He looked at the Rebbe’s pirush and there’s time to kill.” Izzy sighed. “You want to go touring, forced himself to concentrate, translathuh? All right.” He stood up reluctantly. ing the words one at a time and then Zach shook his head. “Hold on there, stringing them together into sentences. cowboy. I want to go touring, yeah. But Hevel means “gas,” like the fumes at most of what I’m looking for isn’t gothe bottom of a pit in Bava Kamma ing to interest you in the slightest. How 50b. The meaning is of something about we split up for a few hours? We’ll you can’t touch and can’t see. meet for dinner this evening. Okay?” And people chase after all these “You sure?” Izzy didn’t know exhavalim in life, they reach out and actly what Zach had in mind, but anything that “wouldn’t interest Izzy in the grasp them, but the fumes slip out slightest” was probably something Zach between their fingers. shouldn’t be doing, either. Not that Izzy What does hevel do? It kills people, could do much about it. as the Gemara says above. People Zach laughed. “I’ll be home by bedspend their lives chasing one hevel time, Mom, I promise! You want me to after another, and not only doesn’t it drop you off anywhere before I go?” “I dunno.” What did Izzy want to help them, it destroys them! do? Learn, he supposed. Maybe Zach should take him to the Lodzer shul? No, That sounded familiar. How had Izzy the place was probably locked. Besides, ended up in this mess? He was 4,000 Izzy had more seforim in his suitcase miles from home, with no job when he than there were in the shul. “I’ll be fine returned. His shidduch prospects were here, I guess.” practically nonexistent. The whole rea“Suit yourself,” Zach said. “If you son he’d come here was now in jeopchange your mind, gimme a call.” ardy. And to top it off, whatever slight “Yeah. Hey, Chanukah’s tomorrow kesher Zach had been developing to YidAugust 10, 2022
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dishkeit seemed to be fading fast. What was Izzy chasing? Why was he here? Was this whole trip hevel? It didn’t seem that way. He’d come for a holy sefer. Wasn’t that l’Shem Shamayim? “You can still have ulterior motives, even when you’re involved in kodesh kodashim,” Chaim Simcha pointed out from behind Izzy’s shoulder. He leaned over slightly so he could read the words. “Heh. I love what he writes in pasuk gimmel.” “I guess so,” Izzy said wearily. “But what ulterior motive could I have for flying halfway across the world?” Chaim Simcha smiled. “A person travels for one of two reasons. Either you’re running to something, or you’re running away from something. Is there anything here in New York that you’re happy not to face?” Izzy frowned. “I don’t know. I can’t figure any of this out!” Then something clicked, and he whipped his head around in shock. “Hey! Aren’t you supposed to be in New York?!” “I am in New York,” Chaim Simcha said calmly. “You, however, are shluffing. On top of the Rebbe’s pirush, no less. You’re jet-lagged, and you need to rest.” His smile turned into a grin. “But you’re drooling. Maybe you should go to bed.” * * * * *
“She said someone else already claimed the manuscript. We asked who, but she wouldn’t tell us. The government is going to decide between our claims in the next few days. No telling who’ll win.” Chaim Simcha adjusted the phone against his ear, leaned back in his big leather chair, and frowned. “That’s… unexpected. Did they explain how they’ll choose who to give it to?” “No, just that ‘judge weel decide.’ She didn’t seem that interested in helping.” “Well, don’t give up,” Chaim Simcha said, more because his brother needed to hear it than anything else. “Hashem sent you there for a reason.” “I know, I know,” Izzy growled. “Are you okay? What’s going on over there?” “Nothing good,” Izzy told him darkly. “We went to the Lodzer shtiebel, but that was a disaster. And now this.” “You’re tired,” Chaim Simcha suggested. “Get some rest. It’ll look different in the morning.” 178
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“I got some rest,” Izzy said, sounding in Poland. vaguely entertained. “A few hours ago, I With a start, Chaim Simcha realized fell asleep on the Rebbe’s sefer. You came they already knew someone like that to me in a dream, by the way.” right here in New York. He picked up the “Really?” Chaim Simcha’s eyes phone and called Lenny Bergman’s offlashed with amusement. “Doubtless I fice. But the phone rang and rang until shared some brilliant insight into the the machine picked up. Next he tried human condition.” Lenny’s cell, but it went to voicemail. “You told me I was drooling on the “Lenny, this is Chaim Simcha,” he pages,” Izzy replied. “So yeah.” said into his phone. “I have an issue I’d Chaim Simcha chuckled. “You should like to ask you about. Please give me a record these pearls of wisdom for pos- call as soon as you can; it’s a little bit urterity.” gent.” It was urgent, after all. The manu“Why didn’t you tell me that while I script could disappear forever if they was sleeping?” “I’ll do my best next time,” Chaim Simcha promised SOMETIMES HE LOOKED with a laugh. DISTRAUGHT, SOMETIMES After wishing Izzy well, Chaim Simcha hung up and ANGRY. AT OTHER TIMES, A sighed. Someone was trying GLEAM OF SATISFACTION to snatch the manuscript. Well, there wasn’t much to do OR PRIDE MIGHT PEEK about it at the moment. He’d overnight a letter to Lodz toFROM HIS EYES. morrow morning, describing what had happened. Maybe the letter would reach someone better didn’t move quickly. placed than a front-desk clerk. If not, at Nothing more he could do on that least he’d have something document- front, was there? Lenny wasn’t likely to ed. He’d learned long ago (from Izzy, of be home right now. course) that creating a paper trail was Reb Menashe kept staring at him, important whenever there might be a looking worried. legal tangle in the future. Email. Maybe he was one of those His eyes turned to the giant portrait people who check their emails more ofof Reb Menashe. It was a curious like- ten than their phone calls Chaim Simness. The Rebbe’s expression seemed to cha turned on the computer and dashed change depending on how you looked off a quick message: at it. Sometimes he looked distraught, Lenny, please call me ASAP. Got a few sometimes angry. At other times, a important questions to ask. – Chaim gleam of satisfaction or pride might peek Simcha from his eyes. It wasn’t magic, not nevuah or ruach To his surprise, he received a rehakodesh. Chaim Simcha figured the ex- sponse almost immediately. With furpression was simply ambiguous enough rowed brows, Chaim Simcha opened the that it was open to interpretation. The mail. way the Rebbe looked at you, therefore, AUTO-RESPONSE: was a reflection of how you saw yourself at that moment. Hi, this is Lenny. I’m currently on vaWhich made it a kind of ruach hacation in Eastern Europe. I’ll be back kodesh after all… next Monday. For urgent enquiries, Right now, the Rebbe seemed to be please contact Yosef Baumgarden at imploring him, begging Chaim Simcha to do something, which meant Chaim Simcha himself felt that way. He wanted Chaim Simcha frowned. Eastern Euto act. But what could he do, from so far rope? Lenny hadn’t gone to Lodz, had away? He was hardly an expert in the he? Polish legal system. They needed a local guide, someone Izzy could hire to advise TO BE CONTINUED... them. There had to be someone like that
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Recap: Sebastian is finally reunited with his family, who, contrary to their opulent life in Spain, lives in poverty and is largely socially limited due to their conversos status. Rabbi Mendel Strasbourg offers to learn with Sebastian.
he door opened, and Carolina burst into the room. “Sebastian, Rabbi Strasbourg, dinner is ready. Oh, this is so thrilling. The whole family together — I mean, well, you know — and a guest at the table. It is almost like home.” Dona Angelica was waiting for them in the small dining room. She seated Sebastian at the head of the table with Reb Mendel to his right, and she herself took the seat at the opposite end with Carolina on her right and Felipe on her left. The table was set with fine china and cutlery. Two tapers in the center of the table provided candlelight, while oil lamps on the wall illuminated the room. A small vase of cut flowers stood near the tapers. The Norwegian housekeeper brought baskets of warm bread and platters of salads and laid them out on the table. “This is a really special occasion,” said Dona Angelica when everyone was seated. “Sebastian is here, and we are having a formal dinner, with everything prepared kosher exactly according to the rabbi’s instructions. Tonight I don’t feel quite like the widow that I am. Tonight I feel joyous and elated. So let’s have a wonderful evening. Let’s talk only about happy things and not about things that will make us sad.” “That, dear Mother,” said Felipe, “eliminates just about every topic of conversation we could have.” “Oh, shush, Felipe,” said Carolina. “Don’t be such a cynic. Let me tell you about the children I tutor. They are the most miserable group of troublemakers I have ever met, but I love them dearly.” The wine flowed freely as Carolina regaled everyone
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with story after story about the difficulty her students were having with the Spanish language. Her imitations of their butchered Spanish sentences delivered with a heavy French accent were so perfect that the dinner table erupted in laughter. Even Reb Mendel, who spoke no Spanish, was amused and laughed politely. The mood of the evening was mellowed by the wine, the food and the conversation, and everyone around the table contributed reminiscences and stories that amused, touched and sometimes brought tears to the eyes of the listeners. The last to speak was Sebastian who chose to retell the story of his escape from prison with the assistance of the holy hermit who would be transformed by legend into a hunchback with magical powers. There were many amusing parts to the story, but the graphic depiction of the mortal dangers he had faced brought a shudder to Dona Angelica’s shoulders and a tremor to her lips. “I am so sorry, Mother,” he said quickly. “I should not have told this story.” “No, it’s all right, Sebastian,” she said, quickly composing herself. But the mood was broken. “Listen, I have some good news,” she said with forced brightness. “At least, I think it is good news. I have been petitioning the King to help me recover our estates and properties in Alsace, Luxembourg, and Burgundy. My cousin Giscard Duvalier, Comte de Bonvilliers, came by this afternoon and told me that the King has decided to grant us an audience and hear what we have to say. It may not happen right away, but at least it has been put on the
calendar.” “That is wonderful news, Mother,” said Sebastian. “We have hope at last.” Carolina leaped from her chair and embraced her mother. “Oh, I will miss those little troublemakers and their absurd Spanish,” she said, “but I will learn to live without them.” “Giscard also asked that you come around to his cottage, Sebastian,” said Dona Angelica. “Giscard enjoys calling it a cottage, but it is at least forty times as large as this house. He says he may have something for you to do while we wait for the King to give us a hearing.” “That is good news, too, Mother. I was wondering what I would do with myself here in Paris. Perhaps he can find something for Gonzalo as well, although I think that Gonzalo can take perfectly good care of himself.” “That he can, Sebastian. And thank Heaven for his resourcefulness and the protection of the A-mighty that brought you back to us alive and well. Oh, yes, and one more thing. Very, very important. What could it be?” She put her fingers to her forehead as if trying to recall some elusive piece of information. “Ah, yes. Now I remember. Giscard said that when we come to our audience, we should bring Rabbi Strasbourg along.” Reb Mendel recoiled in shock. “The King asked for me? How can that be? He doesn’t even know who I am.” “My dear Rabbi Strasbourg,” she said. “My family is a bone of contention between France and Spain. The King extends his protection to us, not out of chivalry to a widow in distress, but because it embarrasses the Spanish crown. The French government knows everything about us, everywhere we go, every sou we spend, everyone who comes to visit us. Believe me, Rabbi Strasbourg, they know everything about you.” “But what do I have to do with your petition? Why does he want to see me?” Dona Angelica shrugged. “Who knows? We will find out.” “But I live in Metz,” said Reb Mendel, his agitation unrelieved. “It takes me days to get to Paris. Will I have to remain here until the audience?” “Royal palaces move slowly, Rabbi. We will be given notice many weeks in advance of the date of our audience. And even then, we may have to wait in attendance for several days, if not more, until the King will finally see us. You will have plenty of time to get here, Rabbi.” * * * * *
The summer passed by without any word from the palace. Autumn came softly to Paris. Gentle rains fell almost daily from the middle of September into October. The traffic in the fashionable districts and in the government center grew heavier as the families of the aristocracy returned from their summer homes. The leafy planes turned russet and gold before they shed their foliage onto the boulevard to be turned to mulch under the wheels of the elegant carriages. October melted into November, and in the Rue Parmentier, the Dominguez family still waited for the call from the royal palace that failed to come. Life continued in its tense and desultory fashion. Dona Angelica puttered and “TONIGHT I worried and read the latest French and German literary works. Carolina tutored, DON’T FEEL read and dreamed. Felipe worked at the QUITE LIKE THE library and studied with Reb Mendel at every opportunity. Sebastian was occuWIDOW THAT I pied with his duties at the chateau of GisAM. TONIGHT I card Duvalier and sat in from time to time half-distractedly when Reb Mendel and FEEL JOYOUS Felipe studied together. And all of them AND ELATED.” lived on the edge of high anxiety.
“DO WE NEED TO BE CONCERNED ABOUT YOUR HOUSEKEEPER WHO KEEPS PUTTERING ABOUT?” Finally, when the icy winds toward the end of November heralded the approaching winter, Duvalier, a florid man in his late thirties, with fashionable long hair and a mustache, appeared on their doorstep with specific information about the audience. He informed the family that the audience would take place on the morning of 16 December. He also asked that the rabbi from Metz be available in Paris a few days beforehand and that they all meet in the Rue Parmentier when the time of the audience drew closer. * * * * *
Two nights before the appointed time, they gathered in the Dominguez home. They all had a glass of white wine. Then Giscard Duvalier addressed them. “With your permission, Madame Dominguez, my esteemed kinswoman, let me explain the political situation in Paris right now, and then we will see how we can take the best advantage of it. By the way, do we need to be concerned about your housekeeper who keeps puttering about?” “Helga?” said Dona Angelica. “She is harmless. And besides, she only speaks Norwegian and a tiny bit of French. If we want to be absolutely sure she doesn’t understand what we are saying, we can speak Spanish or German. She does not speak a word of either language. Oh, yes, Rabbi Strasbourg doesn’t speak Spanish, so I suggest we converse in German tonight.” “That is perfectly fine,” said Duvalier. “Now, here is the situation. I do not need to describe to you the greatness of King Louis XIV. He has brought France to a level of power, prosperity and culture greater than perhaps at any time in our history. The whole world trembles before France. The whole world buys our products. The whole world reads the works of our writers. The whole world even imitates our fashions. The whole world fears and hates us but at the same time adores us. All this is to the credit of our King.” “Vive le Roi!” said Sebastian. “Long live the King!” The others quickly followed suit. “Yes, indeed,” said Duvalier. “Long live the King. He is in his prime now, at the height of his powers. Did you know that people have taken to calling him the Roi Soleil, the Sun King? Just as the planets revolve around the sun, so does the French court and all of France revolve around him, and increasingly, so does all of Europe. This is what our king is accomplishing. This will be his legacy. But there can only be one sun among the planets, and the King is competing with another sun. Do you know who it is?” There was a brief, somewhat uncomfortable silence. “No doubt you mean the Pope,” said Dona Angelica. “Yes and no,” said Duvalier. “It is not so much the Pope as a man, although Pope Innocent XI is certainly a formidable personality. It is even more so the ecclesiastical establishment of the Catholic Church in Rome. They project their 186
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“BUT THERE CAN ONLY BE ONE SUN AMONG THE PLANETS, AND THE KING IS COMPETING WITH ANOTHER SUN. DO YOU KNOW WHO IT IS?” power into France. They send in their Papal Legates at will, and this greatly displeases the King. Did any of you hear about what has been going on at the palace this last month?” Dona Angelica shook her head. There was no other response. “A year ago,” continued Duvalier, “the King convened an Assemble de Clerge, a conference of the most important churchmen in France. Under the guidance of the King, this group is on the verge of issuing a declaration that will severely limit the power of the Roman churchmen in France. Among a long list of other enactments, no Papal Legate will be allowed into France without the express consent of the King, and the King will now have the right to issue laws on ecclesiastical matters. It is a revolution, my friends. A veritable revolution.” “It is not surprising, then,” said Sebastian, “that we have not heard from the palace in such a long time.” “Yes and no,” said Duvalier. “The King and his councilors have had many other things on their minds besides the Dominguez family, but the conference of churchmen has certainly been one of them. In any case, let me not mislead you. You should in no way underestimate the importance of your petition. The King will not want to give in to the demands of the Pope and the Catholic Church outside France at this time. On the contrary, I think he may be inclined to look with favor on your petition simply as another act of defiance to reinforce the independence of the French Church.” To be continued…
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MOSHE GRUNFELD | INFO@MOSHEGRUNFELD.COM Adding spirit and sparkle to your Shabbos Nachamu desserts shouldn’t be a contradiction to ease of prep. Amp up your menu with these doable and delicious bourbon-inspired recipes. Stemware sponsored by JoyJolt and available on Amazon.
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The Monsey View
BOURBON HOT FUDGE AND PECAN ICE CREAM It’s amazing how store-bought vanilla ice cream can be raised so many levels when it’s paired with a homemade touch and an elegant glass. Serves 8
Vanilla ice cream
1 2 1 2 ½
oz. whip oz. semisweet dark chocolate cup sugar T. margarine T. bourbon
D IR EC T I O N S 1. Stir together the whip, chocolate and sugar in a pot over low heat. 2. Whisk the sauce until the chocolate is melted. Bring the mixture to a boil, and simmer for one minute. 3. Remove the sauce from the heat, and mix in the margarine and bourbon. 4. Serve hot. Keep on the blech until served.
cup pecans T. bourbon tsp. vanilla extract T. brown sugar tsp. cinnamon
D IR EC T I O N S 1. Preheat the oven to 350°. 2. Mix together all ingredients until the nuts are well coated. 3. Spread them on a lined cookie sheet. Bake for 20 minutes. 4. Separate the pecans so they don’t stick together. Allow them to cool before storing. TO A S SEMBL E 1. Place a scoop of ice cream in a dessert glass or bowl. 2. Top with a generous dollop of fudge sauce and a handful of pecans.
Serving Hot and Cold on Shabbos Warm sauce does not present a problem in terms of bishul. If the sauce is really hot, it should be poured onto the ice cream using a kli sheini.
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The Monsey View
S T R AWB E R RY DAIQUIRI DESSERT This dessert is an elegant play on the classic drink we all love. Serves 8 INGREDIENTS ½ 2 8
Vanilla ice cream cup strawberry jam T. vodka slices store-bought vanilla pound cake, cut into rounds
oz. frozen strawberries, thawed cup confectioners’ sugar cup rum or vodka Juice of 1 lime (2 T.)
D IR EC T I O N S 1. Blend together all sauce ingredients until the mixture is smooth. (This should be stored in the fridge or freezer until served.) 2. In a separate bowl, mix the jam and vodka until just combined. 3. Spread some of the jam mixture onto each cake round. 4. Assemble the dessert: Place each cake round into a glass or bowl, then top with ice cream and sauce.
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The Monsey View
BLOODORANGE CREAMSICLE SHAKE A dreamy, creamy and mighty elegant dessert. Serves 4 INGREDIENTS 8 ¼ 6 1 4
blood oranges, juiced cup grape juice T. vodka cup whip, unwhipped scoops vanilla ice cream
D IR EC T I O N S 1. Combine the juices, vodka and whip, and pour this into individual glasses. 2. Top each serving with a scoop of ice cream.
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It’s Shabbos afternoon; time moves in slow motion. Languid walks. Indulgent nods to requests for one more freeze pop. Relaxed observation of kids at play. But there, down that street, you pass a shul and the energy changes. The air is charged with purpose as the sweetest sounds pour out in supplication, in praise. Ethereal, they perfume the air with purity and drift heavenward. It’s the glorious sing-song of youngsters chanting Tehillim. It is a rare privilege, then, to hear from the shepherds of our tzon kedoshim, the Tehillim group leaders themselves, about their holy work.
REB SHAUL KATZ Asked to be referred to as Reb Shaul ben Gittel, this longtime mispallel of the Shinova shul led a chevras Tehillim in Monsey for years. His longtime work impacting youngsters began back in 1976.
HOW DID YOU GET STARTED? It all began when we found that the kids in shul were being rowdy at shalosh seudos. They were noisy, there were fights, and then they would be sent outside. It really wasn’t very pleasant. We knew then that the kids needed to be kept busy, so Reb Nochum Kornbluh and I gathered them together and sang zemiros with them. It was beautiful. Reb Baruch Glauber (of clothier fame) was a bachur then, and he began a chevras Tehillim, replete with stories and more, in addition to our shalosh seudos efforts. He was wonderful. When he was engaged and ready to move from Monsey, he asked me to take over.
HOW DID YOU REWARD THE KIDS? I was careful to only get treats that mothers would approve of: Captain Cool freezepops without food coloring, jello candies that don’t stick to the teeth (I still give them to my einiklach), and a variety of chips and snacks to ensure that every kid had what he liked. I would spend around $25 a week in those days.
WERE THE TREATS SPONSORED? After the generous discount that Reb Mordechai Klein of Motty’s gave me when I came to stock up on Fridays, 90% of the expenses were out of pocket. Occasionally, people threw in $20 to $25.
HOW MANY KIDS WERE IN YOUR GROUP? When Reb Boruch formed the chevras Tehillim, there were about 20 to 25 boys in the group. In the summer, the crowds were big210
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TEHILLIM SALVATIONS After the passing of my father, a”h, my mother lived with us. When she got sick with congestive heart failure (CHF), Dr. Howard Friedman of NYU cautioned us, “Don’t let your mom be placed on a respirator!” But one Shabbos she had fluid in her lungs and was having trouble breathing, so she was rushed to the hospital. I hastily arranged for a yungerman to take the nosh stash from my basement and lead the chevras Tehillim. As it turned out, my mother was put on a respirator. When I asked when she’d be taken off, I got an incredulous, “Are you kidding? We just put her on! Not before 24 hours, at least!” As 5 p.m. came and I stood in the hospital without my group of sweet boys, I began saying Tehillim with them from afar, by heart. A moment after I finished, the nurse came to tell me that my mother was off the respirator. Furthermore, she was released from the hospital that very night! The power of Tehillim is tremendous. I caught COVID in the early stages of the pandemic and was in a coma on a respirator for seven weeks. I credit my survival to the Tehillim said by my wife and children, and to my chevras Tehillim years.
ger. Once I took over, there were some 80 to 90 boys in the group, sometimes over 100. And I made sure the boys came. I personally hung the flyers that stated the timing and promised nosh and prizes. At one point, the group was so successful that the girls wanted something too! My youngest daughter, then 14, started a group for them in our backyard. My son banged together some benches and tables, my daughter bought nosh, and she led that group of 25 to 30 girls for a couple of years.
DID YOUR GROUP FUNCTION ONLY DURING THE SUMMER OR ALL YEAR ROUND? I began leading the group in the summer. At the season’s end, I asked, “Kinderlach, would you come in the winter, too?” They yelled an enthusiastic “YES!” and I began doing a winter group, as well. The winter group was smaller than the summer group, though.
WHAT WAS YOUR “CURRICULUM”? We said Tehillim and sang Skulene songs. I also told the boys stories, and in the summer, we learned Pirkei Avos with the taitch.
HOW MANY YEARS HAVE YOU LED THE CHEVRAS TEHILLIM? Twenty-six years. Today, my biggest heartache is that I cannot lead the group anymore due to my health.
DID YOU EVER GET TO SEE THE IMPACT YOUR GROUP HAD ON ITS PARTICIPANTS? Many times. Two of my nephews who were in my group are living in Williamsburg now. They both lead Tehillim groups. I once ran into a bachur who shared that since he attended my group, he’s been saying the entire sefer Tehillim every Shabbos! 212
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REB YOSSEL RUBINSTEIN Fondly known as Fetter Yossi to his many Tehillim group graduates and the bachurim who have accompanied him on his uplifting Shavuos trips to Mezhibuzh, Reb Yossel of Williamsburg led his Tehillim group with a slightly different twist.
WHAT TIME DID YOUR CHEVRAS TEHILLIM START? At 8 a.m. every Shabbos morning. What, should we only say Tehillim when we’re all napped and rested? I believe that you should start your day with Tehillim. We even adjusted the timing to work for every yom tov, too. On Yom Kippur, when Shacharis began extra early, my chevrah began at 6:30 a.m. And you know what? The boys all came running! Fathers would complain to me that their sons would wake them at 7 a.m. to be accompanied to chevras Tehillim. I told them, “This is a great investment in their chinuch.”
WHAT INSPIRED YOU TO START THIS GROUP? I was in Tosh one Shabbos and watched as the Rebbe, zt”l, said the entire sefer Tehillim, as he did every Shabbos. When I saw him surrounded by kinderlach, all saying Tehillim together with such a bren, I knew I needed to start such a thing myself. At that time, I had three children in shidduchim. After I started the chevras Tehillim, I was zoche to marry them all off in one year!
WHAT WERE YOUR WEEKLY EXPENSES? I went all out with the nosh and gifts. (Years later, one of my “nosh gabba’im” told me, “Do you have any idea how much nosh I pilfered every week? I helped myself, I gave some to my friends…” I laughed. “I knew all about it,” I told the boy. “But why would I hurt your feelings for a bit of nosh?”) I also raffled off books and seforim. Those prizes alone cost me $100 per week. A father once told me that before I give his son another set of seforim I should buy him a seforim shrank!
WERE ANY OF THE REWARDS SPONSORED? Hardly; most of the expenses came out of my own pocket. Here and there, people gave some money if they had yahrtzeit or needed a refuah. I’d say that over all the years I 214
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ran my group, I must have spent tens of thousands of dollars on it.
WHAT WAS THE CHEVRAS TEHILLIM SCHEDULE LIKE? When it came to Tehillim, we first said kapitel kuf yud tes. I chose three pesukim that speak of the importance of Torah — Mah ahavti, Ner l’ragli, Se’afim Saneisi — and we chanted them three times, progressively louder as we went along. The kids would scream the words; there was nothing like it. They knew that with Torah, you can run from all your tzaros! We then said the fifteen Shir Hamaalos of Shabbos, and kapitel kuf mem daled, for which I had a special tune. We also sang songs and I told the boys stories.
DID YOU RUN YOUR GROUP IN THE SUMMER? Every week. I could have six kids because everyone else was up in the mountains, but I farbrenged with them all the same. Why should they feel bad that they were left in the city?
HOW MANY KIDS WERE IN YOUR GROUP? Sometimes 120 to 130, and sometimes 80, depending on the time of year.
WHO COULD JOIN? Anyone. And they all felt like VIPs because I believe that everyone’s a star. I’d call the struggling kids up to the bimah to say the Tehillim out loud.
HOW MANY YEARS DID YOU RUN YOUR GROUP? Twenty-five years. Some of the former group boys are grandfathers by now! Before I moved from Williamsburg, I gave over my parchment Tehillim to two yungeleit who would run the chevras Tehillim further.
MRS. SORA TAUBER* Unique in the field of Tehillim groups as a Mommy and then Bubby leader, Mrs. Sora Tauber of Monsey is still leading groups of our youngest treasures in heartfelt shevach v’hoda’ah to Hashem.
WHY TEHILLIM? I’ve loved Tehillim since I was a little kid. In fact, a boy I used to play with when we were small asked one of my siblings years later if I still loved Tehillim so much! You could say I was looking for a reason to start a chevras Tehillim group, and when my uncle was sick, I did. I’m still doing it 35 years later, baruch Hashem.
WHO JOINED? The neighborhood kids — even the two-year-olds. The first word one of my own children said was haleh-li. And her 21-month-old now says halleli too!
HOW DID YOU WORK OUT YOUR NOSH STOCK? My father included me in his Erev Shabbos shopping; he considered it a zechus to take part in this way. He’d bring snack bags from Klein’s grocery as long as his age permitted it. When he stopped, a neighbor of mine, wanting that same zechus, took over.
ry. On Shabbos Mevorchim, for our brachos siyum, I divide the room in half and have a bracha/amen exchange for each type of food. It’s precious!
WHEN IS YOUR GROUP IN OPERATION? At this point, it’s every day! I have a Tehillim line so kids can conference on the phone. I have 15 to 20 kids on the phone on a daily basis, and the siyumim attract around 50 to 60 kids. I also run an initiative to encourage families to say Tehillim on Shabbos Mevorchim. Families who divide and say the entire Sefer Tehillim get to pick up a prize at a local prize store. Likewise, during the Shovavim weeks, I also give out prizes to families who complete Sefer Tehillim. I have a closet full of prizes and books, and I keep running different Tehillim programs with whatever I have in it. Prizes for my weekly raffle also come from this closet of treasures.
DO YOU HAVE A SPONSOR? A relative of mine gives me $80 a month to help with the expenses, and I often get sponsors for prizes that I raffle off or distribute to the participants. Other times, I fundraise. I also make a brachos siyum every Shabbos Mevorchim, and that is sometimes sponsored.
WHAT DO YOU SAY AS A GROUP? We start with a beautiful Ribono Shel Olam tefillah, where we ask for a refuah sheleimah for the sick in the zechus of Shabbos. Sometimes I tell the kids a sto216
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My young neighbor was in Pre-1A when she overheard her mother on the phone mentioning a birthmark-removal procedure for a child. The girl knocked on my door, insisting that her sister had a big booboo and that we must say Tehillim now! Another time, a neighborhood boy was involved in a car accident, and several kids came running over so we could all say Tehillim together. -------------------------------------------------------------------------Author’s note: I grew up on Mrs. Tauber’s Tehillim group. She was a living legend, walking among us and chanting softly, radiating such love for us kids and for Tehillim. To this day, her sing-song accompanies me whenever I say Mi Yitein, and I can still taste those tri-colored wafers flavored with Shabbos afternoon sunshine.
REB ELIEZER SPITZER Tiferes Yonah, an organization that provides programs for boys ages eight to thirteen during and after school hours, and also during vacation, was founded and named for the legendary Harav Yonah Feurst, zt”l, from Nitra. Reb Eliezer Spitzer runs the chevras Tehillim, which is only one of its programs.
HOW DID YOU GET INVOLVED IN THE TIFERES YONAH CHEVRAS TEHILLIM? Reb Shloime Feldman, z”l, a tayere Yid, founded the organization in honor of Harav Yonah Feurst, who had raised him. Reb Shloime was niftar young, and his son reached out to me to take over.
HOW MANY YEARS HAVE YOU BEEN RUNNING IT? By now it’s 28 or 29 years, kein yirbu, and we run it at two locations. One of them is Reb Yonah’s old apartment.
WHAT’S INCLUDED IN THE CHEVRAS TEHILLIM PROGRAM? We started by having a speaker every week. Different mechanchim come down each week to speak to the boys and tell them a story. They’re all volunteers, by the way. Reb Shloime, z”l, was very persuasive when he fundraised, and no one said no to him. That’s how he ran his entire organization on a voluntary basis. The speech takes around an hour, and over the years we added the fifteen Shir Hamaalos of Shabbos. Two boys are chosen each week to stand at the bimah to recite the kapitlach as “chazan.”
have boys signed up from eighteen different yeshivos.
WHAT DOES YOUR REWARD SYSTEM LOOK LIKE? We’re the most conservative of all the groups out there; we give each child a couple of cookies. At the 13th Avenue location, snacks and danishes are distributed sometimes. At some point, a monetary system was introduced. Good attendance and behavior rewards a child with point cards each week, and our Otzar Hamatanos is open on set dates so the kids can buy prizes with their accumulated points.
HOW MANY BOYS ATTEND EACH WEEK? The crowd size fluctuates, depending on the time of year. Our 17th Avenue branch sees around 100 kids per week, and our 13 Avenue branch around 80. And summers see a lot of other groups close, so we have a rise in attendance then.
DID YOU RUN YOUR GROUPS IN THE SUMMER? The main site on 17th Avenue operates all year, and the 13th Avenue location is closed during the summer.
WHAT KIND OF CROWD DO YOU HAVE? We’re open for anyone to join. It’s mostly for Yiddish speakers, but even those who don’t speak the language enjoy it! We
The zechus of these selfless leaders is enviable. May it be a continued source of bracha for them, and may we all be zoche to harness our tefillos to the unparalleled power of tinokos shel beis raban. 218
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The Warmth of Shabbos by:
NESANEL YOEL SAFRAN For many, if there’s one food that spells “Shabbos,” it’s cholent. There’s something about the warm, bubbly, fragrant dish that sets the tone for the day of menucha. Like many Jewish foods, its origin is steeped in history and meaning.
n this case, it’s not so much about what is cooked as how it’s cooked: slowly, overnight, from before Shabbos begins until the following day. This isn’t only a culinary secret — as the world is increasingly chapping the geshmakeit of foods cooked low and slow — but it was actually initiated as a protest against the apikorsim known as the Tzedokim, who lived in the times of the Second Beis Hamikdash. These folks, consisting primarily of the wealthier and more modern element of the Jewish population, did not hold by the Torah Shebaal Peh, but only the written Torah (which is ridiculous, if for no other reason than if it wasn’t for an oral tradition, they wouldn’t even know how to read the words and letters of the written Torah). One of their meshugasim was that the Torah says not to light a fire on Shabbos (Shemos 35:3) — and that could, without Chazal’s interpretation, be read as not to have any fire in your house on Shabbos. Therefore, they claimed, a person may not have or eat any warm food on Shabbos day. For the same reason, they would sit in the dark on Shabbos night, with no candles burning. (Someone might think these folks were being “extra-frum,” and that halevai today we should have such apikorsim, who want to be more strict instead of less. But I say punkt farkert: They were trying to make Yiddishkeit so unpleasant and difficult that people would drop it altogether.) So, to show that they weren’t like them, but rather that they believed in the truth of Chazal, on Shabbos the Yidden davka served and ate hot food — food that had been cooking all night in a perfectly permissible way, aka cholent. The Rema advocates this in his gloss to the Shulchan Aruch. (A whiz kid who will remain nameless asked if nowadays we could
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accomplish the same thing by eating ice cream for the Shabbos day meal, which had sat all night in a freezer powered by electricity, which is a type of fire…) Unlike today, many people throughout history didn’t have their own private stoves and ovens, so the custom developed that before Shabbos each household would bring their sealed and marked cholent pots to the local baker, who put them all in his big oven to bake and bubble until the next morning, when the families would come to pick them up after davening. Now, this idea of an oven-baked cholent may sound like a quaint custom and maybe even culinarily interesting, but of course, it’s a relic from the past. Er… except for the cholent of yours truly. It could have been a malfunctioning stove top, a draw to our ancient ways, or maybe just a cook’s curiosity, I don’t remember, but one time I decided to bake my cholent in a pot in the oven — and I never looked back. The cholent came out
mamash amazing. I think part of the reason is the even cooking and the convection an oven creates. Also, because no part of the pot sits directly on the heat source, you can get away with putting in less liquid, and thus get a more intense, concentrated flavor. All I know is, it’s geshmak. “But what about a crockpot?” you’ll taaneh. “It also surrounds the pot with heat, and it also doesn’t burn easily.” I won’t deny it. There are some amazing crockpot cholents out there — just not mine. (Full disclosure: I do make crockpot cholent on Pesach — mainly because we have a teeny Pesach oven. When I do, I line the crockpot with a disposable aluminum pot of about the same size to keep it clean. A crockpot liner bag would also do, but this allows for noshing (more about that soon). I also cover the top of the ceramic part of the cooker with a sheet of aluminum foil before covering it with the glass lid, in an attempt to emulate the “total surround” heat of an oven.) August 10, 2022
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Of course, there are almost as many varieties of cholent as there are Yidden, and over our long galus, they have taken on different styles and flavors, depending on the cuisine and ingredient availability of our host countries. If you had to break it down, five of the general categories of cholent are schalet, chamin, skhina and dafina, osh savo and tabeet. Schalet is another word for the typical Eastern European Ashkenazi style of cholent generally that contains beans, barley, meat and potatoes, with little spicing, often with kishke inside. Chamin, meaning “hot” in Lashon Hakodesh, is the typical Sephardi style cholent, with roots in Spain, Portugal, North Africa and the Middle East. Generally chicken is used, not meat, and whole eggs are put inside. Moroccan cholent is called skhina. It includes chickpeas, rice, meat, potatoes, eggs and spices (often, each ingredient is placed in individual mesh bags within the pot and served separately for a nice presentation). Osh savo is served by Bukharan Jews, and it is a sweetand-sour rice dish. Tabeet is the Iraqi version of cholent and consists of a whole chicken stuffed with rice and lots of spices. Wherever it’s found, cholent has developed its own lore. Even its own humor. As the joke goes: Q. When do people eat cholent? A. Well, it depends. If you’re a bachur, Friday night. If you’re a yungerman, Sunday evening. While we’re on the subject of Friday night cholent snacking, I’m all for it — but there are some important things you have to know to make it permissible to return the crockpot to the heat source until Shabbos day (assuming you’ve left some for then). First of all, the cholent has to be fully cooked and ready to eat. If not, then returning the crockpot to its heating base would cause it to become more fully cooked, which is the prohibited Shabbos melacha of bishul. Also, the crockpot has to have a separation between the heating element and the ceramic part of the cooker. (This is similar to covering the fire or heating elements of a stove before Shabbos, in order to be able to return hot food to the fire.) This separation can be created by placing a piece of thick aluminum foil (some say it should be thicker than what you would use in order to keep the heating element
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clean of spills, or that it should be a few layers of regular aluminum foil) between the heating element and the ceramic bowl of the cooker. Some opinions hold that there needs to be a more significant space between the heating element and the ceramic crockpot insert, which can be created by placing a few balls of tin foil under the insert. (Even that opinion would agree that for a crockpot or slow cooker that isn’t surrounded on the sides by a heating element, but only sits upon the heating element, no spacing is necessary, and one need only cover the heating element with aluminum foil.) Whatever the case, some say that the knobs should preferably be removed or covered. To be able to return the pot to the heat, two additional conditions must be met: When you remove the pot from the heat, you have to keep the pot in your hand. It may be placed on a counter or table when you dish out the food, as long as your hand is still on the pot. (Some say that you need to support the pot in a way that if you would remove your hand, the pot would fall.) You also must intend to return it to the heat source. One more condition is that when putting the ceramic insert back onto the heating element, the food must still be halachically hot, or at least warm enough to be pleasant to eat. As always, for these and all halachic matters one should ask and follow the psak of their rav. So, did you think after all that talk about baked cholent I’d just leave you hanging? Of course not!
lb. of your favorite cholent meat, cubed large potatoes, peeled and cubed cup barley, optional (We have grainsensitive eaters, so I leave it out.) (14 oz.) cans baked beans in tomato sauce medium onions, peeled and chopped T. cooking oil lb. hot dogs, sliced into approximately 1-inch slices T. onion soup mix Water (more is needed if using barley) cup ketchup T. salt T. garlic powder
INSTRUCTIONS 1. Heat the oil in a large ovenproof pot, and saute the onions. When they have started to brown, turn off the stove — its job is done! 2. Add the other ingredients (except the water), and mix everything together well. 3. Add water to cover the ingredients, plus another 2 inches. (If using barley, add additional water, equivalent to three times the amount of barley being used.) 4. Place the covered pot in an oven set to 250°. The pot should be at least slightly raised from the oven floor. I use the convection setting to achieve even heating. Bake for 10 to 12 hours. (As every oven and pot cooks differently, I’d advise checking about halfway through to make sure there is still enough liquid to bubble. If not, add more water.) All the above is done before Shabbos — I do it Thursday, overnight. For Shabbos heating, reheat the pot in the oven until it bubbles, then place it on a standard hotplate or blech — or transfer it to a crockpot set to “low.” Enjoy your oven-baked cholent, for a real taste of Jewish history!
Nesanel Yoel Safran is a writer, chef and student of Torah and life. You can read about all of this and more on his blog Soul Foodie ( and contact him at 228
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Carrying Those living in Monsey are accustomed to enjoying certain perks. Large properties with abundant lawns. Plenty of space for the kids to play. Getting up close and personal with deer, rabbits and chipmunks. And being able to carry on Shabbos, because everyone knows that Monsey has an eruv, right?
ell, not exactly. The vast majority of Monsey is within the Monsey Eruv, whose twelve fully independent sections connect in almost all areas, and cover an impressive 42.3 square miles
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of land. But there are areas in some of the eruv’s outer sections where carrying is permitted on one block, or on one side of the street but not the other, making it crucial to understand exactly where the eruv is and where the eruv isn’t.
One Community, One Eruv Eruvim have existed in Monsey for decades. When I moved to New Hempstead in 1990, I was grateful to have the ability to take my baby out on Shabbos, although our rav insisted on an annual no-eruv Shabbos to ensure that everyone appreciated the fact that carrying on Shabbos was permitted only within a kosher eruv. Still, there were times when my daughters would go to a friend’s house for Shabbos, and I’d warn them to make sure that their pockets were empty because our rav had advised us not to use the eruv in that area. All that changed in 1995 when The Monsey Eruv Association was formed to oversee the Monsey and Spring Valley eruvim, creating a single entity to ensure the kashrus of the eruvim in all the covered areas. As Monsey has grown by leaps and bounds in every direc-
A dedicated Eruv member placing a cap on a pole that will be part of the new Rambam’s Eruv
tion, its eruv has expanded as well, stretching from as far north as Pomona and Haverstraw, and south through Airmont, Chestnut Ridge and Pearl River, with Nanuet and Suffern just recently added. Currently the largest eruv in the world, the Monsey eruv affords thousands of families the luxury of being able to carry outside their homes on Shabbos. But ensuring that the eruv’s nearly 3,000 poles and over 120 linear miles of boundaries are intact each week is no small task. The Monsey Eruv Association relies on a team of approximately 70 bodkim to check the entire structure each week to benefit area residents, with eight to twelve repairs performed in an average week. “By Thursday, we send all of our bodkim reminders to do their work and let us know if there are any problems,” explained Rabbi Yosef Chaim Feig, who oversees the entire team of checkers. “Each bodek calls in their report on a messaging system, and I then give the person in charge of any repairs or changes a single sheet listing everything that needs to be done.”
An Eye for Detail A member of The Monsey Eruv team using a chainsaw in a remote, wooded area of Pomona to remove a tree that had smashed a fence that was part of the eruv.
Rabbi Menachem Meir Weissmandel (center), Nitra Dayan, clarifying a particular matter about the eruv’s construction with Rabbi Chaim Meir Steinmetz (left) and Rabbi Moshe Yehuda Steiner (right).
The Monsey Eruv staff working together to install a pole across a small creek for the Rambam’s Eruv
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Rabbi Feig has been involved with the Monsey eruv for the past eighteen years. Even with its recent growth to accommodate newer communities, he feels confident that he knows the entire eruv and its incredibly complex list of borders by heart. Typically, bodkim go out by car in pairs toward the end of the week for a detailed eruv check, with one team member keeping his eyes on the road while the other focuses completely on the many components that make up the eruv. While much of the eruv consists of PVC strips attached to the poles known as lechis and their existing overhead wires, other areas use special string instead. Checkers keep their eyes open for a variety of potential problems — including broken poles, wires or strings; lechis that aren’t perfectly straight; and protruding branches that can affect the overhead lines. In more wooded areas, checking has to be done on foot, and bodkim can find themselves trudging through heavy snowdrifts and tall grass to verify the eruv’s kashrus. “People think that the eruv is just a Friday thing, but we’re busy all week long,” Rabbi Moshe Yehuda Steiner says. He brought many years of high-level eruv experience from Eretz Yisroel when he joined The Monsey Eruv Association five years ago. “The bodkim who go pole by pole all week are just as important, if not more so, as those who do the faster check on Friday to make sure that no changes have occurred. If the lechi is not 100% under the wire, the eruv is not kosher. If the wire popped out a quarter of an inch from the lechi, the eruv isn’t kosher. An eruv that is 99.9% okay is still 100% pasul.” Because much of the eruv uses existing Verizon poles, it is important for bodkim to make sure that any work done by the utility company doesn’t impact the eruv’s kashrus in any way. Similarly, fencing on both sides of the Thruway as well as fencing along the Palisades Parkway need to be inspected, and recent projects on the Scotland Hill, Hun-
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The Monsey Eruv workers monitoring traffic and safety as work is performed on a telephone pole being used as part of the eruv.
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gry Hollow and College Road bridges, which are all part of the eruv, required careful handling over a two-year period. “Every week, we had to go and find the contractor to find out what was going on and what changes had been made,” says Rabbi Steiner. “Because they work all day on Friday, we had to replan every week to figure out how to make things work. It was a challenge for us, week after week.” In addition to the weekly checks, the entire eruv is subject to another layer of more detailed scrutiny twice a year. Rabbi Chaim Braun estimates that he can inspect a linear mile in about an hour, and he can log five hours a day on foot. Checking the entire eruv to ensure that The Monsey Eruv Association’s high standards are upheld is a process that takes more than just a few weeks. Not surprisingly, heavily wooded Pomona is the most challenging section of the eruv to check, although the area next to Good Samaritan Hospital also presents certain difficulties. “There are a lot of wires running together where the eruv crosses Route 59, and it can be hard to pinpoint exactly which wire I am looking for,” Rabbi Braun says. “I try to find some kind of siman — like looking for the wire that has a thin silver wire wrapped around it — and sometimes I can stand there for six or seven minutes, trying to locate that siman so I know I’m looking at the right wire.” Keeping track of the goings-on within the eruv’s boundaries is also crucial. The recent opening of the u-pick West Maple Farm near Viola Park presented a halachic issue: having a field that’s larger than a specific size within an eruv can invalidate the kashrus of that eruv. The problem
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was solved by closing the farm’s openings on Shabbos; together with the fence around its perimeter, this halachically “removed” the farm from the eruv. Within the Monsey and Spring Valley areas, The Monsey Eruv Association has also constructed what is known as a “Rambam eruv” in the area bordered by Viola Road to the north, Route 59 to the south, Route 306 to the west and Union Road to the east. The Rambam eruv is constructed with extra hidurim to accommodate those who might not otherwise use an eruv. Plans are in place to expand this to cover an even larger swath of Monsey.
What It Means for You What does it take to be an eruv checker? A lot of heart, says Rabbi Feig, as well as an eye for detail. Each checker undergoes an hour of training before being taken out to see the actual eruv, providing them with a better understanding of the many details that could render an eruv kosher or pasul. With Monsey growing exponentially with every passing year, it comes as no surprise that new bodkim are always needed. Finding a replacement for a bodek who is unavailable for their weekly check can take as long as two to three hours. Rabbi Feig notes that the biggest thing people can do to help keep the eruv up and running is to make a donation to The Monsey Eruv Organization to defray the cost of this communal asset that benefits all of Monsey on a weekly basis. In addition to understanding the complexities of the eruv, perhaps the most important thing for anyone spending Shabbos in Monsey is to know whether they are located within the eruv’s boundaries or not, either by checking the eruv map or asking people who are in the know. “People who grew up in Monsey are accustomed to carrying on Shabbos, but there are sections in Haverstraw, Chestnut Ridge, Airmont and in Suffern near Mahwah where there is no eruv,” Rabbi Feig says. “You can’t carry anything, not even a tissue in your pocket — so before you go out, make sure to ask if it is covered.”
reserving the eruv’s integrity is a herculean task that takes place week after week, come rain, snow, sleet, Arctic temperatures or blistering summer heatwaves. “Baruch Hashem, the eruv is very mehudardik,” Rabbi Braun says. “We have to make sure that everything is done properly because thousands of Yidden rely on it.” For questions regarding the eruv or for more information, call the Monsey eruv hotline at 845-444-3788. Partner with The Monsey Eruv Association by sending a donation to P.O. Box 1118, Monsey, New York 10952, or visit them online at www.
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What makes a bean a bean? Beans are a subcategory of legumes, which are plants that bear fruit that grow inside a pod. Under the legume umbrella are pulses, which are dried beans — including lentils, dry beans, and dry peas. The word pulse stems from the Latin word puls, which means seeds that can be made into a thick soup. Beans are also a subcategory of seeds (yes, they are everyone’s cousin). Unlike other seeds, beans are seeds you can eat (say that quickly three times), and they are also more often used as food rather than to grow more plants. So beans are legumes and seeds, but not all legumes and seeds are beans. Confused yet? Great. History of Beans Beans are one of the longest cultivated foods in history. They played a major role in Egyptian agriculture, and Egyptians are credited with being the first ones to cook beans. Beans were an important source of protein and vitamins in the BCE time period as well as the Middle Ages, since they were cheap and easy to grow. More bean types were later developed in Central and South America, including our favorite cacao bean. In fact, Christopher Columbus brought those over to Europe in the late 16th century after he saw them in South America.
Cacao and Coffee Beans Some of the small pleasures in life can be found in a freshly brewed cup of coffee or a piece of chocolate. But did you know that coffee beans and cacao beans are not beans at all? Coffee grows on bushes in clumps of bright red cherries, and the “coffee bean” is the seed of these cherries. As for cacao beans, while they do technically grow inside pods on the cacao plant, they are classified as the seeds of the fruit of the cacao tree. To add further confusion, cacao seeds are also considered nuts, which makes chocolate… a fruit.
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By: Toby Diamant
Favorite Bean Dish The most popular bean dish in Jewish cuisine is… cholent. Cultivated over many years and in kosher kitchens all over the world, cholent is the comfort food of every Shabbos afternoon (and evening, for those of us who have a taste Friday night. And Thursday night. And…). It started with Yiddishe balabustes who would take their pot of beans, meat and other ingredients and put it in the local baker’s oven until Shabbos morning so there would be warm food on Shabbos. There’s a machlokes over where the word cholent originates. Some say it’s a compound word of the French chaud (“hot) and lent (“slow”), or of chaudes lentes (“hot lentils”). Others say it’s the present tense of the Latin word calentem, meaning “that which is hot,’’ via Old French chalant (present tense of chalt, from the verb chaloir, “to warm”). Wherever the name comes from, I’ll have a full serving, thank you.
Chickpeas and Peanuts
The Navy Bean — Or Is It? Navy beans got their name from the American Navy forces in the early 1900s, when these beans became a staple for American forces. Providing meals that were both economical and nutritious quickly made these beans a star. During World War II, in fact, when many forces were stationed in Australia, navy beans were produced for the very first time in “the Land Down Under” to great benefit and success. Though navy beans are among the smallest types of beans, they are great energy-boosters and help lower cholesterol as well.
I don’t know who was in charge of naming different foods, but whoever it was must have been very confused by the time they got to chickpeas and peanuts. Although their names would suggest otherwise, chickpeas aren’t peas, and peanuts aren’t true nuts. Peanuts and chickpeas are both considered beans. Chickpea comes from the Latin word cicer, referring to the plant family of legumes, Fabaceae, that chickpeas grow on. As for peanuts, they are considered part of the legume and bean family since they grow in a pod, though they do share many characteristics with tree nuts.
Beans in Language
Full of Beans
Spill the beans
Full of beans, meaning full of energy, originates from 14th century Europe when horses were fed beans. After getting fed, the horses would be energetic and giddy, hence “full of beans” becoming the way to describe their liveliness and energy.
The phrase spilling the beans means to tell a secret or share something you shouldn’t. This idiom originates from ancient Greece, where different colored beans were used for voting. If someone would literally spill the beans, the proportion of yes to no would be seen, prematurely revealing the results of the vote.
The Monsey View
August 10, 2022
The Monsey View · 845.600.8484
Hint: Each Boggle board hides a word of nine let ters or more!
Once you have a winner, fill out the form below in its entirety
Email the form to comments@ or fax to 845600-8483 by Sunday at midnight.
4. Two winners will be drawn each week, each of whom will win a pastrami sandwich and a can of soda!
PLAYING RULES: Find words on the board containing four letters or more. Letters of a word must be connected in a chain (each letter should be adjacent to the next either vertically, horizontally or diagonally), and each letter can only be used once in a given word. The following are not allowed in Boggle: Adding “s” to a word • Proper nouns • Abbreviations • Contractions • Acronyms
POINTS 4-letter words: 2 points | 5-letter words: 3 points | 6-letter words: 5 points | 7-letter words: 7 points | 8-letter words: 9 points | 9+ letters: 12 points
Gather round the table to play a family game of Boggle, using this Boggle board.
Family name: _________________________________ Phone: __________________ Full mailing address: ____________________________________________________ Full name of winner: _________________ Amount of points: __________ Full names of competing players:
List some words only the winner found:
The longest word found on the board: _____________________________ A new word you learned from the board: __________________________ Only complete forms will be entered into the drawing.
The Monsey View
August 10, 2022 · 845.600.8484
WINNER 1 Family name: Volvovitz, 845-xxx-3032 Name of winner: Avigayil Amount of points: 34 Names of competing players: Yitzy Some words only the winner found: drop, glad, nest, storm, trap
9 3 7
4 2 8 4 2 1 3 5
The longest word found on the board: maiden
5 8 1
8 9 7
A new word learned from the board: clad
1 6 4
9 2 7 5
7 1 8
WINNER 2 Family name: Herbst, 845-xxx-6884 Name of winner: Mommy Amount of points: 126
Names of competing players: Miriam, Dassie Some words only the winner found: dirt, maiden, shirt The longest word found on the board: destroyed A new word learned from the board: dame Last week’s bonus word: DESTROYED
To claim your prize, tear out this sheet (on which your name appears) and bring it in to Nussy’s Cuisine.
2 9
6 8
1 5 4 2 9 6 7 7 2 8 8 7 2
7 6 9 7 5 8 1 6 2 3 1
August 10, 2022
The Monsey View · 845.600.8484
Chaya’la Bayer, 9, Skvere
Udy Wasserman, 8, Pupa
Bassy Tannenbaum, 10, Vien
Leah’la Reiss, 10, Bobov
Dovy Braun, 7, Skvere
Bassy Kolman, 10, Vien
Basha Ruchy Breines, 9, Bobov
Devoiry Weinberger, 11, Satmar · 845.600.8484
A $5 credit was issued at Toys4U on the account of the phone number listed on your submission.
Sury Neuman, 8, Bais Rochel
Chaim Royde, 9, Belz
Thank you to the hundreds of readers who sent in beautifully colored pages! Keep coloring!
August 10, 2022
The Monsey View
Send your colored page to The Monsey View to enter a drawing for a chance to have your artwork featured in our pages and win $5 at Toys4U! Ten lucky winners will be announced each week! To enter the raffle, email your colored page to, or mail it to 365 Route 59, Suite 239, Airmont, NY 10952. Submissions will be included in the drawing only if all information is filled in. Name:_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Phone:______________________________________________ Age:____________________
August 10, 2022
The Monsey View · 845.600.8484
Feel free to photocopy this coloring page for the entire family.
By: Faigy Jacobowitz
The Monsey View
August 10, 2022 · 845.600.8484
August 10, 2022
The Monsey View · 845.600.8484
Classifieds FOR SALE ANTIQUES דורכברוך! האט איר אנטיק בריוון און חפצים פון/ספרים גדולים וצדיקים? מיר צאלן די אויך.בעסטע פרייזן דערויף לאזט,פארקויפן מיר אנטיק 845-379-4825 מעסעדש
RESTAURANT FOR SALE Local Monsey Working Restaurant for sale. Call or text +18453934516 Email: Monseyrestaurnt@gmail. com DOONA STROLLER Doona Stroller, multiple colors avail.cll/txt 1-201-6144045
Neocate $46.99 per can. Kendamil $38.99. Similac L’Mehadrin $28.99!! We also buy off any extra formula for a good price. Call for other types of formulas. Formula Trade 347.369.4886 YOYA /BABY PRIDE STROLLERS Now on sale, available in beautiful colors, ASTM standards, company backed warranty. Free delivery. Please call 845-263-2737
LIGHT BLUE GOWN Looking to sell a medium/ light blue gown size 10-12 kids for a very good price. Please call 845-356-4141.
MONSEY RESTAURANT FOR SALE Fully equipped. 40k. Call 8457214218 PLAYGROUP SALE Expensive new 1 year used toys-cots-cozy coops-kiddy tables-Learning materialskitchen sets-supplies-and much more... for great price!call/text 845-507-3801 reserve quickly!it won’t last JOOLZ AER Brand new in closed box. Selling for $360, In stores $449. 8455385693 JOOLZ HUB PLUS Black, brand new in box. Selling for $590, in store $730.00. 8455385693
for sale N real estate N
SHTREIMEL FOR SALE As new. $1500 516-273-2748 DRUM SET FOR SALE Beautiful Full Pearl Drum Set For Sale Excellent condition. For picture email to: For additional information text 914-420-2447 DRESSER FOR SALE Beautiful 3 door Italian dresser with mirror for sale. High sheen mahogany. Brand new condition. Best offer, pictures available, txt only 8457460486 FURNITURE FOR SALE! Selling beautiful, brand new D&W furniture set. Master bedroom set, curious, buffet, dining room set, seforim shank & couch. 845-5403584 If no answer, please leave message. Pictures available.
REAL ESTATE HOUSE FOR RENT NEW HEMPSTEAD, 3-4 bedroom, 3 baths, great family neighborhood, flat backyard, centrally located. Avail Sept 1 $3700.00 845290-1630 RETAIL SPACE 2000 sqft retail Space available on Chestnut Ridge Rd in Spring Valley. Call 845202-2010
The Monsey View
August 10, 2022 · 845.600.8484
FOR SALE BY OWNER Fracis / Charles area extended high ranch, 6 bedrooms, 3 baths , 2 kitchens, built in sukkah, $1.2 million 845-608-6050 FOR RENT 3302 Parkview, Spring Valley $3,000. Beautiful 2100+ sqft townhouse-style (2 floors) condo. 4 bdrms. 3 bthrms. Many upgrades. Great location. Close to shopping. Please call Leon Klein 845 774-9052. Leon@ APT FOR RENT Newly renovated apt avail immed : 2 bedrooms: stunning bathroom: spacious kitchen: quartz counters; fancy lights: elegant flooring: Spacious Storage Shed: Very big backyard. TEXT ONLY. (917)830-6341 JERUSALEM SALE In Romema! 135-meter beautiful apartment. Great condition in prime location - Shamgar, spacious Dining room, En-suite bathroom, Large Sukkah porch. Shisha Realty 718-408-8070 sales@ ROOM AVAILABLE 1 bedroom available in a 3-bedroom house in Airmont to share with a modern SS/kosher mom and child. (shared bathroom) if interested please call or tx 201-305-3462.
CHANIE GENUD Certified laser hair removal specialist
845.323.8886 Book your appointment
Classifieds OFFICE SPACE New offices located on Collins Ave-Next to Hatzluchah grocery include: desk, chair, internet, closet, window. For women/ girls only. Call 718813-4265 MONSEY SHABBOS GETAWAY Spacious house in Concord available for Shabbosim. 7+ bedrooms, 19 beds, large deck, linen & Shabbos essentials provided. Call 845548-6478. SHABBOS NACHAMU RENTAL Nachamu rental Chestnut ridge 5 Bdr House 13 beds updated kitchen and DR Gas grill close to Mikva Handicap Accesibile Text 5703132200
SUMMER/SHORT TERM RENTAL Big 8 bedroom colonial + finished basement on private property available for summer and/or yumim toivim. Stephens/West side area. Please call 845-5332892. Please leave message if no answer.
HELP WANTED BAS MIKROH Is seeking qualified staff for the ‘22-‘23 school year, to join our dynamic, talented team: Hebrew and English Permanent Substitutes, English Remedial Teacher, and assistants. Please email resume to hr@basmikroh. org Bas Mikroh has an on-site daycare for Staff children
real estate N help wanted N
Seeking a position where you will get recognition? We have Many job opportunities in Heimishe environments to choose from. Let us guide you to the right position. text : 3474219345 email: eva@ BEHAVIORAL SPECIALIST Looking for a clinical behavioral specialist to help identify behavioral issues, create and monitor behavioral plans, as well as train staff on implementation. Must have a Masters in Social Work or Education and experience working with individuals with special needs. Salary commensurate with experience. Call 845-3543233 ext.1120 or email DAYCARE MORAH Looking for a warm and loving Morah for our day care class age 0-24 months. Monsey Area. Great pay. Call 347-406-1663
The Monsey View
August 10, 2022 · 845.600.8484
EXCELLENT OPPORTUNITY! Bais Yaakov School seeking Permanent Substitutes and teachers for in-class mentoring. Terrific opportunity in a great environment! Email resume to resumes@ BABYSITTERS WANTED Are you warm loving and playful? Care for the cutest babies & also get to interact with other babysitters throughout the day. Enjoy brand new equipment and toys and clean spacious premises. Hot meals. Excellent Pay. Call: 845-503-0186 tgross@ LEAD BABYSITTER WANTED Seeking experienced competent woman to lead a group of babysitters. Great environment. Excellent pay. Call: 845-503-0186 tgross@ BOOKKEEPING ASSISTANT Seeking female bookkeeping assistant. eturnheim@
Classifieds EXCELLENT OPPORTUNITY! Bais Yaakov School seeking First grade Assistant teachers. Superb opportunity in a great environment! Email resume to resumes@ BOOKKEEPER Looking for a detail oriented, Well organized female with good communication skills and QuickBooks/Accounting knowledge. Please email Resume to hello@ NOW HIRING A chassidish local Monsey office is looking to hire a bookkeeper and entry level customer service reps. Great opportunity, Email Nechamacanhelp@gmail. com for more info. BOOKKEEPER Bookkeeping firm looking to hire a full time female worker. Should have experience in qb, word and excel. must have good phone skills. Email resume to
DRIVER WANTED Yeshiva Rabbi SR Hirsch is looking for a driver to transport students round trip Monsey to Washington Heights 6 days a week. Please email applications to info@ For questions please call 212-568-6250 TEACHERS & ASSISTANTS Looking to work in a growing school and a warm and friendly environment? Cheder Chabad of Monsey is seeking part time teachers and assistants in the Preschool, Elementary and Middle School grades, as well as secretaries, for the upcoming school year. We offer competitive pay and flexible hours. Please call 612408-1775 or email ygoldberg@ for more details. MALE MANAGER Construction company looking for male office project manager. please email resume to officejobs4832@ or contact 3479093879
help wanted N
JOB OPPORTUNITY Seeking full day assistant, 8:30-3:10, Tuesdays & Thursdays. Learn from positive, experienced Morahs in warm, supportive environment. Email Bmlevit@cliftoncheder. org with resume and two references. TUTOR POSITION Heimishe cheder seeking tutors for the upcoming school year: man for the older grades, and lady/girl for the younger grades. Reading and math skills. Afternoon hours. Please send resume to or fax to 845-208-0440. JOIN US! Yeshiva of Spring Valley Preschool is seeking experienced kindergarten teachers for AM. and PM. Professional and warm environment. Well paid positions. Please email your resume to preschool@ or call 845-356-1400 ext. 226, or 848-525-0943.
PRESCHOOL MORAH Wonderful Teaching Opportunity in the Gan of Monsey: The Gan of Monsey preschool looking to hire experienced, warm & loving Morahs and assistants for the upcoming school year. Excellent pay. Please send resume to Theganofmonsey@ JOIN US! Yeshiva of Spring Valley Preschool is seeking coteachers to work alongside experienced teachers for the 5783-2022/2023 school year. Opportunity to learn from exceptional preschool teachers. Excellent compensation for qualified individuals. Please email your resume to preschool@ or call 845-356-1400 ext. 226, or 848-525-0943. SEEKING TEACHERS Chassidish girls school looking for Mid-Elementary English techers. Email info to or call 929-244-9193.
For Monsey Pre-School Program TEACHERS SIGN ON BONUS!
Great Salary and Benefits Warm & Caring Environment
Attention Therapists:
Do you have an extra hour in your day?
HCS is seeking special ed, speech/feeding, OT and Kranial therapists as well as social workers to work with children at home and in the community. Fill those extra house bringing joy to a child’s life.
The Monsey View
August 10, 2022 · 845.600.8484
Flexible hours
Great pay
Apply at: Or call: 845.426.2199 Ext. 1605
August 10, 2022
The Monsey View · 845.600.8484
Classifieds TEACHING POSITIONS Yeshiva Spring Valley (boys) of Monsey is now accepting resumes for the General Studies department for September 2022 - ‘23 School Year. Following Positions available: • Lower Elementary School Teacher (M-TH 12:45-4:00); • Title1 English Language Arts (ELA) Teacher • Teacher’s Assistants (M-TH 12:45-4:00) Teaching experience a must. Professional atmosphere and competitive salary. Please include references and email to gss@yeshivaspringvalley. org or FAX to 845-356-8551 P-1A CO-TEACHER Excellent opportunity to learn the foundations of English reading from an experienced Pre-1a Teacher. Hours 1-4, with high compensation. Email resume to chedermonseyeducation@ PRESCHOOL ASSISTANT Preschool in Monsey looking for assistant. Great atmosphere, excellent pay! Call or text 845-476-1305
The Monsey View
PLAYGROUP ASSISTANT A New York State certified playgroup located in Pomona seeks an assistant for the upcoming school year. Must have previous experience with early childhood and be very dedicated, loving and caring. Must have own transportation. Serious inquiries only. Please contact: 347-524-3860 JOIN US! Yeshiva of Spring Valley Preschool is looking to hire capable co-teachers / assistants to work alongside very experienced teachers for the 5783-2022/2023 school year. Well paid positions. Please email your resume to preschool@ or call 845-356-1400 ext. 226, or 848-525-0943. SEEKING MORAHS Bais Yaakov in Washington Heights seeking Moros grades 6-7-8. Experience preferred, also seeking school secretary with good computer skills f/t p/t. Email resume to
August 10, 2022 · 845.600.8484
help wanted N
JOIN OUR WONDERFUL TEAM! Bnos Leah Prospect Park of Monsey is seeking positive, warm and experienced teachers for the 2022-23 school year. Preschool and elementary school positions open. Send your resume to TEACHER NEEDED Local Chasidish girls school seeks a 8th grade math/literature teacher. 3 afternoons/week. Departmental. Great working environment, great pay! 845402-6118 BOOKKEEPING DEPARTMENT Looking for a knowledgable, organized and responsible candidate for the bookkeeping department. Ideally Monday-Thursday 9-5. Please call 845-642-7525 ASSISTANT POSITIONS Cheder is seeking male and female Teachers assistants for the upcoming school year. Please email resume to
GENERAL STUDIES TEACHER Cheder D’Monsey seeks an experienced 1st grade General Studies teacher for the coming 22-23 school year. Mon.-Thrs., 1:30-4. Great pay, wonderful work environment. Send resume to: or call (845) 826-6718. PLAYGROUP ASSISTANT WANTED This is not your typical neighborhood playgroup. Brand new equipment and toys. Clean spacious premises. Multiple classes so you get to interact with others. Small Groups. Hot meals. Excellent Pay. Perfect for the responsible devoted candidate. Call: 845-503-0186 tgross@ SECRETARY JOB Real Estate/Management office looking to hire a full time secretary, must have good phone skills and be able to multitask. Will train. send resume to office@
Classifieds ENGLISH DEP. *lower elementary coteacher *permanent substitute. Warm supportive environment and great opportunity to train under excellent teachers. send resume to monseyelementary@gmail. com
WE ARE HIRING Property Accountants, conveniently located in Montvale, NJ. Warm & friendly working environment. Competative Salary and excellent benefits. Apply now:
SECRETARY Full-time and part-time secretaries needed for a medical exam office. Basic computer skills required. Flexible hours, good pay. Please call 845-659-6826 / 917-440-2734
OFFICE POSITION Office in Monsey is seeking a capable individual for an open position within the finance department. Great opportunity with potential, good pay and Heimish environment. Please email resume to chaimm@
F/T SECRETARY Looking to hire an experienced secretary for a full time position at a property management office in Monsey. Please email resume to managementmonsey@gmail. com
MOTHER HELPER Seeking Mother helper Pomona. Looking for 18+ female. W2. Familiar with gentle parenting modality. Caring for 3 children, cooking, tidying up. Full or Part time 8 - 11am. 3-6pm. 8-11pm. 347-654-4559
The Monsey View
August 10, 2022 · 845.600.8484
help wanted N
JOB OPPORTUNITY Looking for a warm dedicated boys nursey co- teacher for boys nursery. Excellent Pay. Please call 8453564138 ext.2 AMAZING OPPORTUNITY! Local property Management Company is looking for a f/t secretary. office Experience required. Great environment, Great pay. Please email resume to OFFICE JOB A credit card processing company is seeking someone to help with customer service and office tasks. mmprocessing10952@gmail. com JOBS AVAILABLE
Part-time & Full-time jobs available. Email TopPartTimeJobs@
JOB OPPORTUNITY Bas Mikroh Daycare is seeking the following staff for the ’22-’23 school year. Morah for 18-24 month group, 2 year old morning morah, rotating teacher/permanent sub, Daycare assistants. Please email resume to hr@ JOB OPPORTUNITY Construction/RE industry office seeking an experienced P/T secretary, bookkeeping & general office work ,basic accounting & bookkeeping, A/P, A/R, Knowledge in QB & Excel. flexible hours and well paid. Submit your resume to P/T POSITION Part time female secretarial position available at a Real Estate/Management office. Some prior experience required. Please call 347 528 8957.
Classifieds JOB OPPORTUNITY Looking for a girl in the Grove street Remsen area to work with 2 sweet children in the afternoon hours. 845426-2199 ext. 1631 RARE POSITION Local growing e-commerce and wholesale business looking to hire a project manager with great pay and Tremendous growth opportunity. No experience is needed. The Company is willing to train. Candidates need the drive to learn and the ambition to execute various projects. If this sounds like something you would be interested in please Send your resume to JOB OPPORTUNITY ABA Riders is looking for a female ABA para to work with a 6 year old in a mainstream classroom starting September. Driving and having a car is required. Paid travel time and gas! Well paid! Contact Rikki at 347930-9736/info@abariders. com.
The Monsey View
JOB OPPORTUNITY Popular Womens telecourse seeks dynamic enthusiastic individual with excellent yiddish/english communication skills, responsibilities will include marketing, advertising, upgrading line to a high level of professionalism, if you feel you may be the right candidate please email P/T POSITION Busy mortgage office seeking p/t receptionist. Must be super organized, peoples person, hardworking, computer savvy, detail oriented and outgoing. Email resume to saram@ SEEKING FINANCIAL CONTROLLER Real estate office in Monsey is looking to hire a financial controller. Experience in real estate financials is a must. offering in the range of 200k + medical insurance and benefits. Please send your resume to jobhiring845@
August 10, 2022 · 845.600.8484
help wanted N
HELP WANTED A Heimish Daycare center is looking to hire a secretary, and an office position available, call 347-460-0204 and leave a message. ATTENTION GRADUATES Mortgage office is seeking fulltime candidates. Nice environment, professional office, excellent pay, potential for growth, training provided. Please email: themortgageoffice@gmail. com DATA ANALYST Growing Ecommerce company on Robert Pitt Dr seeks a capable Data Analyst to join the team. Candidate will review potential products for opportunities. rocklanddistribution10952@ GRAPHIC DESIGNER Office looking for in-house Graphic Designer. Must be experienced in Adobe Illustrator. Located near Monsey, NY. Please email graphicdesigner10952@
OFFICE POSITION Entry Level Office Position available for Afternoon Hours, Mon-Thurs. No experience necessary, will train. Great communication skills required. Please email resume to perlmansquare@ or fax to 845-5170735. JOB OPPORTUNITY Come work in a wonderful environment! Insurance office seeking a f/t qualified secretary to process insurance applications and assist with office duties. Hours: Monday-Thursday 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Friday: 9:30 to 12:30. Candidate must be bright, responsible, with excellent interpersonal skills. $300 bonus upon signing contract! Please send your resume to BCBA / ABA Looking for a BCBA or an ABA with experience to run a special need classroom. Fax: 845-352-3375 Phone: 845-352-3307 ext.119
Classifieds F/T SECRETARY Seeking a full time entry level secretary for construction company. please email resume to officejobs4832@ or call 8452632621 SALESHELP WANTED Clothing store in Monsey is looking for a motivated woman/girl for saleshelp. Pls call 845-642-7965 SEEKING SECRETARY Local management office looking to hire secretary for customer service position. Please send your resume to OFFICE ASSISTANT:
Busy medical facility in Monsey is seeking a F/T Office Assistant who is responsible, organized, and computer literate. Benefits package, paid vacation/holidays, and opportunities for growth. Willing to train the right candidate. Please send resume to hrmonseyjob@gmail. com
The Monsey View
MONSEY F/T Online Luxury Retail Company seeks motivated young man to assist with sales, order processing & customer care. This is a full time in-office position. Pleasant environment with plenty of potential, great pay for the qualified individual. Excellent written & spoken English necessary. Must be computer literate. Social media knowledge a plus. Please email resume SEEKING SALES LADY Fast paced wig salon looking to hire a very talented sales lady. Needs to have great people skills, multi tasker, and be detail oriented. Great pay for the right individual. Please email your resume to Or leave a message 8454183334 FEMALE LIFEGUARD Looking for female lifeguard in Monticello exit 106, no bungalow provided. Monday - Friday 3 hours per day in the afternoon.. Call or text 2129603182
August 10, 2022 · 845.600.8484
help wanted N
SPECIAL ED ASSISTANCE Assistants and aides needed for special needs classrooms. Fax: 845-352-3375 Phone: 845-352-3307 ext.119 P/T COACHES Part time job coaches to work with special needs population. jobresume613@ Fax: 845-352-3375 Phone: 845-352-3307 ext.119 TUTOR WANTED Chassidishe cheder looking for a male tutor for title one. 3:30-5:30. Please call 8452637445 SWIFT STAFFING is seeking to hire additional recruiters. Part-time & Flexible hours. Email your resume to Info@ STREIT’S MATZOS Mashgiach Jobs. Must be responsible, punctual and Shomer Torah & Mitzvos. Orangeburg NY, 20 mins from Monsey. jobs@
SPECIAL ED TEACHERS Special Education Teachers needed. New York State certification required. Experience with ABA preferred. Full Time position. Fax: 845-352-3375 Phone: 845-352-3307 ext.119 150+ JOB OPENINGS!
Stop wasting your time going through all the jobs classifieds. Simply email your resume to Info@ to explore your options & maximize your career. Or Call/Text/ WhatsApp 732-800-7633 Strictly confidential & completely free. TITLE I TUTOR POSITION Heimishe cheder seeking tutors for the upcoming school year: man for the older grades, and lady/girl for the younger grades. Reading and math skills. Afternoon hours. Please send resume to or fax to 845.208.0440.
Classifieds GROWING OPPORTUNITY Boys yeshiva seeking an administrative assistant. Should be responsible, organized, love children and enjoy being part of an environment of hatzlacha with varmkeit. Excited? Please call 845-825-7174 and leave a detailed message.
SECRETARY POSITION Looking to fill a full time secretary position in a school. Great Opportunity! Good computer, phone and interpersonal skills. required. Call: 845-352-1003 ext. 119 Fax; 845-352-3375 Email: jobresumes613@
PROPERTY MANAGER Looking to hire a property site manager in Newark NJ. must have prior experience. Pay 80-100k Email Nechamacanhelp@gmail. com for more info
BEHAVIOR MANAGEMENT SPECIALIST Two males needed to address the behavioral needs of adolescent males in a school for special needs students. Must be able to de-escalate behaviors and apply restraint techniques if needed. Appropriate restraint training is a plus but will be provided. jobresume613@ Fax: 845-3523375 Phone: 845-352-3307 ext.119
P/T SECRETARY Local girls high school looking for secretary from 8am-2pm. Basic Microsoft knowledge required. Email: GREAT SALES POSITION Be Your Own Boss! “Be in business for yourself not by yourself” best training + support provided, great benefits and retirement package. Please email or call 845-639-5216
The Monsey View
TITLE ONE Girls middle school seeking a mentor to join our title one program. If interested please call 9178917208 or email your resume to mklyne@
August 10, 2022 · 845.600.8484
help wanted N babysitting N services N
Heimishe office in Monsey looking to hire for multiple full-time positions, graduate/ entry level ok. Please email resume: sammy@ or call 845-603-8206
BABYSITTING NIGHT BABYSITTER Need a warm and loving home for your kids while you’re away? For overnight babysitting reach out 845426-1209
SERVICES STRUGGLING WITH DISORDERED EATING? Repair your relationship with food, improve your body image and uncover your selfworth. Miriam Shurpin MS RD CDN, Registered Dietitian – Nutritionist. 347 480 1670. rd@miriamshurpin. com / In-person and Telehealth consultations
WELLNESS COACH Anxiety, Fears, Phobias, Feeling Stuck? Wellness Coach - Torah Approach. Enjoy Life - Feel Free (For Men and Boys) Call 845-2320248 TORAHANYTIME.COM On demand Torah lectures Video-Audio-download All for free Computer or App for iPhone/Android Or Hotline 718-298-2077. Yiddish Hebrew - English ARROWSMITH Is your child still in the same place after all that tutoring?Join Arrowsmith, a research based program that strengthens the brain and eliminates learning disabilities. Call Mrs Feuer 914-260-6449 PETTICOATS FOR RENT!
Enhance your gown with just the right petticoat! Kids and adults petticoats for rent! In the Bates area. Please Call or text between 8:30-10pm 845-746-7248
August 10, 2022
The Monsey View · 845.600.8484
Classifieds MUSIC LESSONS ON THE PHONE Mr. Wertzberger’s Music School offering music lessons on the phone, ages 9-15 boys and girls. Try it free! 718-4351923 PROFESSIONAL PIANO LESSONS and music theory by Miriam Ungar. Now accepting Children’s Waiver. Please call 845.502.1971 KANGEN WATER “Change your Water.. Change your life” Alkaline - AntiOxidant - Super Hydrating Call for FREE supply and feel AMAZING! 917-681-0003 PROFESSIONAL HAIRCUTS & STYLING Great prices. Call Miri 845426-7561
The Monsey View
CALL/TEXT SARAH @845-596-1373 Craniosacral Therapy InHome Sessions FLY HIGH BALLOONS Biggest selection of balloons for all occasions in the Weiner drive area call 8454223988/ Flyhighbal@ CUSTOM CLOSETS For all your custom closets, doors or mouldings call or text 1347.522.4872 KEYBOARD LESSONS Keyboard lessons By Miri. Great Prices! Call 845-4267561 or 845-263-6437 VAN & TRUCK Van & Truck Delivery and Shlepping Service Call Izzy: 845-263-0420
August 10, 2022 · 845.600.8484
services N
PICK UPS 845-461-3084 SINGER/GUITARIST Will perform at your chuppah, Sheva Brachos, or any 2-3 hour event. Moshe Klaver 845-746-0925 HANDYMAN Professional carpet cleaning. Painting, Drywall, Electric, Plumbing, All handyman jobs. Security cameras. R.O. water filter system. call 917378-3194 DONATE YOUR VEHICLE (Car, truck, van, Suv) Help build children. Get $1,500 tax deduction + $2,400 Gift book (shopping) or we pay cash for cars too. 718-974-9429
PLUMBING REPAIR For all your plumbing repair needs. Specializing in Heating & Hot Water. Now servicing the greater Monsey area. Wetworks Services 718-569-5577 Ari Glucksman אפשר לתקן EARPIERCING 12 years experience. Wide selection. Call/text: 845-5387986 RUSH ROAD TEST In the next few days for only $60. Get $5 off by mentioning this ad. Call / text 646-9958467 DEBT RELIEF having trubble with finances? join Debtors Anonymous Tuesday night @ 19 Robert Pitt # 113 , 7:30-8:30pm. visit www.
August 10, 2022
The Monsey View · 845.600.8484
GEMACHIM Baby Layettes (845) 213-3646 Layettes Text 718-551-1732 Doula 845-587-1649 Labor Bag 347-604-3274 Pidyon Haben Accessories 845-642-7256 Pidyon Haben 845-659-6704 Pidyon Haben Gemach 845356-3568 Formula 347-267-3640 Or 216-889-3643 Neocate Formula 718-8534090 Carseats, Bassinet & Pack N Plays. 425-1202 Carseats, Pack N Plays, Strollers, Pumps 845.425.6826 Doona Car Seat 845-445-7474 Brass Iron Bassinet 917-2804559 Preemie Clothing 845-5200475 The Preemie Box 845.664.5768 Or 718.688.5814 Baby Scale 845-578-5639 Baby Headphone 845 356 6797 Or 845 558 9370 Baby Scales 845-694-8985 Easy birth from Koznitzer Maggid 917-514-9461
Brissim Bris Accessories 617-9553630 Bris Accessories 845 425 8359 Bris Accessories 425 3873 Bris Accessories 425-6574 Bris Accessories 356-6215 Blue Light 845.425.1919 Poya and bris outfit w/ tefillos 845-425-0672 Pillow/Benchers 845-2130602 Knife Sharpening For Mohalim 718-384-6214 Segula Stone 347-699-6418 Preemie Outfit 845.558.7065 Krias Shema Board With Stand 425-4540 Free Mohel 347-383-5696
Simcha Gowns 845-517- 8808 Mother & Sister Gowns 845426-7496 Or 845-352-3031. Gown And Petticoats 347278-1278 White Dresses 845-371-1765 Floral Bisomim 845-629-2785. Hats $25. 347-351-1604 Elegant Hats 845-517-0838. Bands & Berets 845-371-3556 Tichel 845-548-0014 Mechitza’s, Tables, Chairs Etc. Call 845-445-8015 Hot Water Urns 845-425-9211 Ear-Plugs 845-202-0105. Toys 845-578-6513 Toys 917-538-3453. Clics 845-352-5820 Tablecloths (845) 371 2105 Tablecloth 352-8292 Tablecloths 352-8292
The Monsey View
Gold Chargers 845-573-9772 shelves, stands, trays & centerpieces 845-425-1721 Siddurs. Sfard: 845-608-7830 Ashkenaz: 845 352 1756 Or 845-826-6718 Siddur/Chumash 558.4774 Benchers 845-642-0910 Bentchers 347-404-2204 Bechers 845-377-5671 Becher, Challah Deklich, Zemiros 845-425-0498 Coat Rack And Hangers 845356-9841 Chuppa Cards 347-278-1278 Chupah Cards 845.222.0456 Chuppah Tefillos Booklets. 845-213-0602. Wedding Kit 845-425-2036 Wedding Kit 845-371-2947 Simcha Powder Room Kit 845-263-4342 Accessories Basket 845-3716857 Children Hair Pieces 3473001679 Portable Chuppah 845-4254790 Umbrellas 216-470-9841 Sound System 917-382-8809 Evening Bags 845-549-2929 Shmiras Halashon Cards 537-0069 Earplugs for Simchos 845328-1071 22 qt crockpots, big hot plates, big pots, perculator 8453238570
Kallah Yom Hachuppah Cd 845352-2560 Crowns, veils, shoes, capes 426-0767 Headpieces, Tiaras, Veils 845425-4221 White Sneakers 917-613-6579 White Shoes 845-200-0211 Kallah Hand Bouquet 845459-3567 Dress your kallah stress free. Book 1 week in advance 518306-1167 Bridal Shower (845) 248-4218
Misc Ribbis Question? 347-9770628 Notary Public 347-228-8825 Fix necklines 845-238-6691 Hairstyling 845-540-3731 Hair styling 845-502-6558 Haircuts & Styling 845-3528101/ 845-499-3218 Haircutting/Styling 845-2637057 Haircutting & Styling 845422-5337 Hospital Supplies 746-8293 Hospital Gown 845-425-8687 Hospital Gown 845-426-4695 Hospital Gowns 845-3565364 Medical Equipment Email DVDS & players for Cholim/ Homebound 425-2660
August 10, 2022 · 845.600.8484
Simcha Maternity 845-4251725 Bed Rest? Laundry Help. 213-7437 Maternity Clothing 845-4459687 Maternity Coat Text Only 8455212912 Twin Boppy Pillows (845) 445-9298 Proposal Gemach 347-2774072 Gps & Waze 845-352-2588 (Minimal Fee) Kosher Waze 845.587.1708 Roof Carriers 845-659-1863. Pack N Play Sheets Included. Text: 845-216-4885 Pack n plays 845-426-1177/ 347-631-8183 Beautiful nishmas cards 845729-7390 Poya (outfit, hat, booties) 845425-0672 Help-a-mom. to volunteer call 347-977-6816 Phones For Emergencies. 845-213-8664 Reflectors 845-356-0815 Reflectors 347-977-6816 Feeding Supplies 845-3666398 Mezuzos 587-4533 Boxes (845) 641-5536 Boxes 845-425-6826 Or 845608-7830 Boxes 845-642-5286 Boxes Text (845) 641-5536 Heaters 845 362 8666 Air Mattresses 9176537170 Air mattress gemach Text/ WhatsApp 9087831676 Pack n Plays 845-426-1177 Suitcases 845-371-9121 Bike Racks 845-659-1863. Opwdd Sd Advice Email Computer Advice (862) 248-1931 Loans 347-385-1408 Moving Help packing/unpacking 845-281-5900 Digital Cameras 8264062 Phone With Service 845445-7422 Eczema Cream 845-274-7858 Single parent? Help with shopping etc. 516-203-2616 Yiddish & English Poems 845587-3018 Shabbos lamps (914) 3913787 Lev Simcha music groups/ visits 8456082676 sefer torah 347-598-0357 Free-shalom bayis 845-2130602 Mezuzos 845-540-1802 Drop in babysitter - (845) 445-9391 laminators & paper cutters msg 845-263-7115 Kendamil formula 914-5230592 Costume Used or new 8455380990
BEHAVIORAL SUPPORT FOR SPECIAL NEEDS Psychology major experienced working with the special needs population. Offering one to one services for individuals with special needs in home and in the community. For more information please contact Shmuel at 857-287-9033 PHOTO ALBUMS Custom designed luxury photo albums from all your Events, Simchas, Photoshoots, Baby albums, Chuson albums etc. Leather- Glass top- Fabric- Hard &soft cover. Call/txt 845213-6177 ART CLASSES Experienced artist available for diy resin & art classes, activities, groups, for camps camp etc. website ORDER YOUR CUSTOMIZED GIFTS Challah boards, candle trays, key chains, book barks and more. rates available for wholesale and bulk pricing. visit our website @ HAIRCUTS & STYLES Haircutting & Styling for all occasions. Located in the Calvert area. Call 845-376-4595 MURRAY POOL Large, heated, sparkling, w/ waterslide, dressing rooms & restroom. Open for ladies: Fri & Sun 8-11am. Mon-Thurs 8am -3pm. Groups please call 347-526-0615 NEW CITY POOL Beautiful big heated pool for rent. Buena Vista area. Privacy. $65 hour. 845 538 6411 GARTLECH we fix knitted & crochet Gartlech & make beautiful professional fringes. We also teach how to knit & crochet. call: 917-414-3281
ODDS & ENDS ELECTRIC SCOOTER RENTAL א פאר עלעקטריק סקוטער צו פארדינגען אויפן 845-587-6940 שעה ביטע רופט SEEKING DONATIONS Of toys, arts & crafts, or supplies, in good condition, for a Heimishe Moised. Call 845.500.3100 ELECTRIC SCOOTER RENTAL Electric scooters for rent by the hour 845-5876940
August 10, 2022
The Monsey View · 845.600.8484
Classifieds GRAPHOLOGY WORKSHOP Fun & Informative, treat your staff, employees & campers to an unforgettable experience! Call 845-642-3213 SWITCH APPOINTMENTS Seeking to switch Aug 23rd appointments at the London eye doctor for after the yomin tovim. Please call 845-4923823
GOWNS FOR SALE 3 Beautiful lace gowns, 2-4 navy, size 4&6 black.Up untill $700. 845-425-1949 GOWN FOR RENT
Silver/Grey colored gown size 2-4 8455380391
MOTHER OF BRIDE Beautiful mother of bride gown for sale. Black and white. Size 10-12. Great price. Call/text 347-760-4649.
GOLD GOWN Adorable gold gown by Dassy available to buy or rent. Toddler size 4. Call 422-5596 for more info
EXCLUSIVE GOWNS Beautiful costume made light color kids gowns for sale, size 3 till 14 6 pieces, please call 845-2747188 or 845-6592000
GIRLS CHASUNAH GOWN Very Elegant, Winter White trimmed with Black Velvet, girls size 12/14 for sale. Please Call 845-709-7161.
LOST Lost something? Found something? The Daily Return: Call/text:
odds & ends N gowns N lost & found N free giveaways
845-538-0193, Email: monseydailyreturn@gmail. com
FOUND camera on ARC grounds. please call 8453236001
FREE GIVEAWAYS Rowenta iron lightly used in excellent condition text only 845-587-3578
LATE ADS COM HAB COORDINATOR Seeking a caring, outgoing, people-person who can coordinate access to services and supports which will make a difference in the lives of individuals with special needs. The ideal candidate should have strong communication and management skills, be organized and professional with good computer skills. Also, should be able to hire, supervise and train staff to work with adults and children with developmental disabilities. Call Karen Fireman 845-354-3233 ext.1120 or send resume to JOIN US Come join our amazing staff. Looking for warm, capable co-teachers to work alongside our experienced Morahs. Please call 845-270-8796 or email your resume to pfriedland@chedermonsey. org.
The Monsey View
August 10, 2022 · 845.600.8484
OFFICE + GARAGE Beautiful airy and fresh office with brand new bathroom / sunlit windows double car garage available for rent immediately , Prime Spring valley area Call: 845445-5162 ADMIN ASSISTANT Seeking ADMIN ASSISTANT Full or Part time. Great incentives. Email Or call 845-267-8851 PLAYGROUP ASSISTANTS Looking for 2 high school girls to assist in a yummy playgroup. Well paid and easy terms. Call 845-537-1960 SEEKING TEACHER Looking for a teacher for a turning 3 yr old group for September. Pls call 845-5371960 CLASSIC DRYER VENT SERVICE Dryer vent cleaning & installation safe & reliable 845.376.4283 FOUND A picture of an upsherin boy in a zirs taxi 845-262-1019 P/T JOB An organization is looking for a P/T worker from 3-6 Monday -Thursday, with great office and organizational skill. Please call 9174394526 FOR SALE French door fridge & oven due to moving, in excellent condition 347-331-4131
August 10, 2022
The Monsey View · 845.600.8484
P H O T O C R E D I T: J D N
גאר סוקסעספולע ‘באסס סאמיט’ קאנפערענץ אראנדזשירט דורך די בארימטע ‘קאמפעס גרופע’ מיטן באטייליגונג פון העכער 600היימישע ביזנעסלייט בליעה"ר
The Monsey View
עצרת הספד לפטירת כ"ק מרן גאב"ד ירושלים זצוק"ל בביהמ"ד סאטמאר מאנסי
הרבני הנגיד ר' חיים מרדכי אינזליכט ביים אפקויפן די זכות פון די שמחה זאלן אין דעם נייעם בנין ''בית אסתר'' דסאטמאר מאנסי
P H O T O C R E D I T: J D N
הרה"ג ר' מרדכי טרויבע רב דבהמ"ד תפארת יעקב בקביעת מזוזה אצל הרבני הנגיד ר' יוסף יוזפא ראזענבערג
הרה"ג ר' יעקב יוסף פעלדמאן -סופר סת"ם ווייזט פאר די אינגעלייט פון כולל עמק הלכה וויאזוי מען מאכט תפילין
P H O T O C R E D I T: J D N
יארצייט פון הרה"ק ר' יהושע העשיל מחנטשין זי"ע הי"ד אצל נכדו הגה"צ אב"ד חנטשין בביהמ"ד חנטשין מאנסי
האדמו"ר מסאטמאר בביקור בבית מדרשו יטב לב סאטמאר שכונת יוניאן
האדמו"ר מפארשעי באזוכט אין די נייע חסידישע ישוב אין טעמפע פלארידע
The Monsey View
תושבי מאנסי פאראייניגט צום מאסיוון 'גומרים קאמפיין' צו פארענדיגן דעם בנין החדש והמפואר פון 'ישיבה בית הילל' אין שטאט 36שעה | מיטוואך -דאנערשטאג עקב | א מיליאן דאללער
וועט בעז"ה גומר זיין די שווערע טלטולים ופיזורים וואס די ישיבה איז אריבער אין די לעצטע 17יאר ווי שוין היינט ברייט באקאנט פונקציאנירט אין א באשיידענעם ווינקל דא אין שטאט מאנסי די הערליכע ישיבת 'בית הילל' מיט שיין און פראכט וואו עס ווערן נתחנך בחורי חמד אויפן הייליגן אויסגעטרעטענעם דרך מיטן חסידישן חן ,ממש ווי אויפן אמאליגן שטייגער שוין ארום 17יאר כולם שווין לטו"בה ,און היינט שוין ארויסגעגעבן קרוב צו טויזנט תלמידים בליע"ה, תלמידי חכמים יראים ושלמים ,מסלתה ומשמנה פונעם ערליכן אידנטום. ישיבת בית הילל איז נתייסד געווארן חודש אלול תשס"ה דורך די חשוב'ער ראש ישיבה מחנך נפלא ומרביץ תורה רבות בשנים הגה"צ המפורסם רבי יעקב משה לעבאוויטש שליט"א אב"ד וראש הישיבה, פאר בחורים מצויינים יראי ה' ולומדי תורה וועלכע האבן געוואלט נתחנך ווערן אונטער די השפעה פונעם חשוב'ן ראש ישיבה שליט"א וועלכער איז מאציל מהודו פאר זיינע תלמידים חביבים מיט א פאטערליכן ליבליכקייט וואס באגלייט זיי פאר זייער גאנצן לעבן. מיט די יארן ווען די צאל בחורים האבן זיך פארמערט איז דער פלאץ געווארן היבש ענג און שוין נאכן פרובירן יעדן סארט פארברייטערונג איז סוף זומער שנת תש"ע העעל"ט אנגעקומען די אינספעקטורן פון די שטאטישע סקול-בארד באאמטע און זיי האבן באויפטראגט שוין זאפארט צו פארלאזן דעם לאקאל צוליב מאנגל אין פלאץ. מיט פארשידענע שתדלנות האט מען דעמאלטס באוויזן נאך צו ענדיגן דעם זומער זמן מיט די בחורי חמד ווען צום נייעם ווינטער זמן שנת תשע"א האט מען געפלאנט אפצוקויפן א ריזן בנין מפואר אין צענטער פון שטאט מאנסי וואס האט געזאלט דינען אלס אכסניא של תורה
פאר די הייליגע אימפעריע. למעשה אבער האט די רבוש"ע אנדערש געוואלט ,און שטייענדיג בלויז צוויי טאג פונעם אנהייב צום נייעם זמן האבן די מוכרים צוריקגעצויגן פונעם פלאן און פארקויפט דעם בנין פאר א צווייטן ,איבערלאזנדיג 'ישיבה בית הילל' אן קיין דאך איבערן קאפ פאר די אריבער הונדערט בחורי חמד וועלכע האבן דעמאלטס געלערנט אין די ישיבה. די גאנצע ווינטער זמן אין יענעם יאר שנת תשע"א איז אריבער מיט גאר שווערע טלטולים און מיטמאכנדע פיזורים .נאכן אויסזוכן יעדן לעכל אין שטאט איז בסייעתא דשמיא געלונגען פאר די עסקנים צו טרעפן א פאסיגן לאקאל אויף א גרויסן שטח אין שטאט וועלכע זאל זיין דער פאסיגע אכסניא של תורה פאר די תלמידי הישיבה ,האפנטליך ביז משיח'ס טאג. למעשה אבער ,זייענדיג געצווינגען מחמת גודל הלחץ זו הדחק אריינצושפרינגןע אינעם גמר המקח אן קיין חשבונות ,איז די ישיבה גאר שטארק פאר'חובות'ט געווארן אין יענע תקופה, וואס האט געפירט אז נאך עטליכע יאר ,סוף זומער תשע"ה ,איז מען געצווינגן געווארן זיך אפצולאזן פונעם גאנצן מקח און דער גאנצער שטח איז אריבער אינטערן בעלות פון א געוויסע ספרד'ישע ישיבה וועלכע האט אפגעקויפט דעם שטח פון די פריערדיגע בעלים און איבערגענומען דעם גאנצן ישיבה קאמפלעקס. ווידער האבן די ארום הונדערט בחורי הישיבה גענומען דעם וואנדער שטעקן און מען איז ארויס אויפן יארכע צו דינגען א לאקאל פארן ישיבה ,ווען אין די זעלבע צייט האבן זיך מסירות נפש'דיגע עסקנים אריינגעווארפן אינאיינעם מיט די הנהלת הישיבה צו טרעפן א נייעם פאסיגן שטח אפצוקויפן ,וואו מען זאל קענען פלאצירן די ישיבה איינמאל פאר אלעמאל, מיט אן אייגן דאך איבערן קאפ ,און שוין קומען אל הנחלה ואל המנוחה .אזויווי אלע מומחים האבן אנגעוויזן אז א ישיבה אין מאנסי איז ממש אוממעגליך צו רענטן א פלאץ ,און די איינציגסטע ברירה איז אפצוקויפן און בויען א געהעריגן בנין ,וואס איז געאייגנט פאר א ישיבה. מיט אויסטערלישע סייעתא דשמיא און אן אפענע יד ה' איז אין יענע טעג אינטערגעקומען פאר די עסקנים אפצוקויפן א פאסיגע שטח אויף די 'קאלעדזש ראוד' אין שטאט מאנסי וועלכע האט געשיינט אלץ פאסיגסטע אפציע צו קענען אויפבויען דערויף אן אייגענעם ווינקל ,א פראכטפולן בנין אדיר לה' ולתורתו. מיט די הילף פון געטרייע עסקנים איז די הנהלת הישיבה אריינגעשפרינגען אין די מולטי מיליאן דאלאר'דיגע פראיעקט ,און אין גאר א קורצע תקופה ארויפגעצויגן דעם פראכטפולן בנין המפואר ,וועלכע וועט בעז"ה דינען אלץ אכסניא של תורה פאר די טויזנטער בחורי חמד וועלכע וועלן אין לויף פון די קומענדיגע יארן זוכה צו זיין א טייל פון אט דעם הייליגן מקום תורה לה' ולתורתו. ווי יעדער פארשטייט איז אזא אונטערנעמונג נישט קיין ביליגע מעשה ,אבער ב"ה מיט די הילף פון די טייערע נדיבי לב ותומכי תורה און די חשוב'ע אברכי תלמידי יוצאי הישיבה איז דער ישיבה שוין אנגעקומען ביז אהער ,ווען דער בנין שטייט שוין מיט פראכט על תילה בנוי' לשם ולתפארת ,כמעט גענצליך פארענדיגט און גרייט צו אנטפאנגען די בחורי הישיבה וועלכע זענען נאך אין די יעצטיגע טעג פלאצירט ברוב לחץ ודחק אין איינע פון די בתי מדרשים אין שטאט. צו דעם כמעט פארענדיגטן פראיעקט פעלט אבער נאך אריבער א מיליאן דאלאר דאס צו קענען פארענדיגן בשלימות אן דארפן אריינפאלן אין א פרישע בארג פון חובות ,זענען די עסקנים אריינגעשפרינגען אינעם מאסיוון מיליאן דאללער 'גומרים קאמפיין' אין וועלכע גאנץ כלל ישראל וועט מיט א פאראייניגטן כח ענדיגן דעם פראכטפולן בנין הישיבה ,און מיט דעם בעז"ה ענדיגן דעם שווערן לאגע וואס די ישיבה איז אריבער ווען מען איז אין לויף פון די לעצטע 17יאר שוין געווען צוזייעט און צושפרייט אין אזויפיל ווי )!(23פלעצער ומקומות התורה ,וועלכע איז געווען א דירעקטע שטער פאר די אויסנאמליכע הרבצת התורה וואס גייט ארויס פון דעם הייליגן ישיבה. תושבי מאנסי וועט נישט לאזן דעם הייליגן מקום תורה מיט קיין דאלאר חובות! תושבי מאנסי וועט פארזיכערן אז די אויסנאמליכע הרבצת התורה פונעם ראש ישיבה שליט"א זאל ווייטער קענען אנגיין אומגעשטערט מיט הרחבת הדעת! תושבי מאנסי אינאיינעם מיט גאנץ כלל ישראל וועט ברענגן א גאנצע מיליאן דאלאר פאר די הייליגע ישיבה און מיט דעם פארזיכערן איר עתיד! מיר זענען גומר אינאיינעם דעם בנין החדש און גלות הישיבה! צו גומר זיין רופט שוין 845.280.3777
The Monsey View
August 10, 2022 · 845.600.8484
P H O T O C R E D I T: J D N
ניחום אבלים על פטירת כ"ק מרן גאב"ד ירושלים זצוק"ל
The Monsey View
P H O T O C R E D I T: J D N
תלמידים פון כתה ד' פון בעלזא חדר אין מאנסי ביים אהערשטעלן א שיינע סוכה פראיעקט לויט די משניות וואס זיי האבן געלערנט
The Monsey View
P H O T O C R E D I T: J D N
תלמידים פון כתה ד' פון בעלזא חדר אין מאנסי ביים אהערשטעלן א שיינע סוכה פראיעקט לויט די משניות וואס זיי האבן געלערנט
The Monsey View
P H O T O C R E D I T: J D N
תשעה באב אצל אדמור"י ורבני מאנסי
הצדיק רבי מרדכי שטיינער
סאטמאר מאנסי
הרה"ח ר' אלימלך קליינמאן מ'ארשיווע
סקווירא The Monsey View
P H O T O C R E D I T: J D N
הגאון רבי בצלאל טובי’ וועטענשטיין שליט’’א דומ”ץ בעלזא מאנסי ומח"ס בצל הטוב במעמד קביעת מזוזה בביהמ’’ד החדש בעלזא ברחוב דיקעיטער
הר’’ר אברהם הוכהייזער שליט’’א במעמד קביעת מזוזה בביהמ’’ד החדש בעלזא ברחוב דיקעיטער
תלמידי שיעור א' מישיבת תורת אפרים נבחנים במסכת בבא קמא אצל הרה"ג ר' שמעון זאב מייזליש רב דקהל ישמח משה קרית יואל
תלמידי מחנה שערים בביקור אצל האדמו"ר מסקווירא
The Monsey View
August 10, 2022
The Monsey View · 845.600.8484
// Inside
FREE ISSUE 360 AUGUST 10, 2022
פרשת ואתחנן י”ג אב תשפ”ב
Helping the Klal, One Kosher Click at a Time
Riding the waves with
Little children making a big impact
The history and traditions of cholent
The monumental task of maintaining Monsey’s eruv
YOEL ITZKOWITZ Editor in Chief:
D. GORALNIK Content Editor:
Associate Editor:
136 //
148 //
156 //
Riding the Waves
166 //
Week in Review
176 //
The Last Rebbe of Lodz
184 //
The Long Road to Freedom
195 //
208 //
I Will Sing Your Praises Forever
224 //
The Warmth of Shabbos
234 //
Carry On
244 //
248 //
Fun Pages
260 //
286 //
Food Editor:
M.P. WERCBERGER Creative Director:
AJ WACHSMAN Project Coordinator:
THE MONSEY VIEW P.O. Box 305 Monsey N.Y. 10952
845-600-8484 845-600-8483 Website:
MISSION STATEMENT: The Monsey View is a weekly publication designed for every segment and age group of our diverse community. Under rabbinical guidance, we bring Monsey’s top talent together to provide high-quality, informative and current reading material, keeping you up to date on sales, events, news and issues of concern and import happening right now in the Monsey community. DISCLAIMER: We do not endorse any ad found in this publication. We are not responsible for typographical or grammatical errors. COPYRIGHT: All content found in The Monsey View is copyright and may not be reproduced, published, distributed or duplicated for public or private use without written permission from The Monsey View. Limit one (1) per family
The Monsey View
August 10, 2022 · 845.600.8484