ISSUEFREE 361 AUGUST 17, 2022 בקע ב”פשתתשרפבא ’כ MEMORIES Making Summer IN THE FYI: SNEAKERS THE GOLDEN WIN Who ever thought of handing out fish at a carnival?! DIY! A SLIME PRIMER DAYSSALAMANDEROFSUMMER Pet projects that keep the kids busy YOURPROTECTPETS How to teach children about tzaar baalei chayim

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INBOX // Talk of Town תשרפל םינמז בקע תורנה תקלדה ץינזיוואריווקס 7:247:197:31 תבש יאצומ9:028:439:00 356-mall6255845NUMBERONE needs.yourall Everest Equity Company , Inc. THE TwoExecutiveBoulevard,Suite201 Suffern,NewYork10901 845.357.6900 ResidentialandCommercialMortgages| Registered Mortgage Broker New York State Department of Financial Services. Mortgage Broker Licensed by the New Jersey Department of Banking and Insurance. Licensed Mortgage Broker CT, PA, FL and NC Banking Departments. Loans arranged through third party providers. NMLS ID 12484 Monsey 27 Orchard Street Monsey, NY 845-425-801010952 BORO PARK 4714 13th Avenue Brooklyn, NY 718-435-869711219 Williamsburg • Lakewood A SHABBOS TAAM (Re: The Warmth of Shabbos, Issue 360) Thank you for the article on cholent. It was interesting to read about both the history of this Shabbos stew and the different minhagim of the Yiddish communities around the world. And the writing was “gesh mak!” I think I make a pretty delicious-tasting cholent, and personally, I found that cholent is always the tastiest when cooked in a pot — as op posed to an oven or crockpot. Other tricks I use that give my cholent a true Shabbos flavor is adding a bit of chicken stock to it, and sauteeing a lot of onions. L’kavod Shabbos Kodesh! T.M. SWEET NOSTALGIA (Re: I Will Sing Your Praises Forever, Issue 360) Thank you so much for the beautiful article featuring Shabbos afternoon Tehillim groups. It brought back warm memories of myself scooping ice cream for all the rowdy boys who used to say Tehillim in my father’s dining room. Having seen firsthand the love and effort that goes into keeping a large group of rambunctious boys occupied and motivated to connect to Hashem, I truly appreciated reading about the people who put in all that work to provide tinokos shel beis rab ban with these beautiful experiences. M.G. MONSEY, NY WEATHERFORECAST THURSDAY 80°/62° 80% FRIDAY 84°/65° 14% MONDAY 74°/58° 60% SHABBOS 85°/67° 30% TUESDAY 76°/59° 55% SUNDAY 71°/59° 55% WEDNESDAY 78°/59° 74% 112 845.600.8484 The Monsey View August 17, 2022

A while back, I read an article about customer service in your publication. The article discussed how effectively written letters of complaints can help one get reimbursed for damaged goods. A few weeks ago, I purchased a pair of water shoes for my daughter, and I was quite upset when it slit at the side just two weeks after its purchase. I decided to follow the advice in your article and sent the company an email. Within 24 hours, they had refunded my credit card! I also would like to make people aware that when Floafers, Natives, Crocs and shoes like these stretch, they can be put into the dryer to shrink. A Woman in the Country YOUR VOICE
MAIL: The Monsey View, POB 305, Monsey, NY 10952
FAX: 845-600-8483
About a week ago, my daughter choked while I was feeding her supper on the porch. We quickly called Hatza lah as we helplessly watched her struggle and turn a terri fying shade of blue. Hearing the commotion, my neighbor quickly ran out. He’d just completed a CPR course, and he got right to work. He deftly performed the Heimlich Maneuver, and baruch Hashem, dislodged the food from my daughter’s throat. I am so grateful to Hashem and to His shaliach, this yungerman, who saved my daughter’s life. The experience made me think that it would be beautiful if I, too, took a course on CPR so there can be more people who are pre pared for emergencies like these. I also wanted to reach out to others to share this idea.
Dear mothers, fathers and whoever is able to, please educate yourself on these lifesaving skills. They truly save lives. A Grateful Mother
After spending a half-hour at Toys 4 U selecting that perfect little Playmobil set-in-a-case he’d earned, my son eagerly ripped the packaging open and puckered his mouth as he concentrated on putting the pieces together. But, “Can it be?” he wondered. “There’s a piece missing!” Now, if anything can shatter the innocence of a child, it’s this: a perfectly closed package he’d worked up points for that has a gaping hole. A Playmobil scene that is just incomplete. We looked under the box and under the couch and all around. Surely it was somewhere! But it seemed that the piece had never been packaged.Protective mother that I am, wasn’t going to take this sitting down. I looked up the number of Playmobil, ready to make my case! called the company. Within minutes was connected to repre sentative, who didn’t even wait to hear my passionate “my son is de jected speech. He went right down to business, asking me which piece was“Providemissing.your address, and we’ll mail it to you,” he said. “It’ll arrive within five to ten business days.” And just like that, peace was restored. A week and a half later, the micro-mini plastic leaf arrived, well packaged in a small envelope. The postage cost Playmobil almost $5. (The complete set had cost onlyWere$10.99.)the rest of the pieces still intact? I didn’t even want to know. handed the envelope to my tickled-pink son, and Playmobil gained lot of respect in our eyes. Often, it’s that simple. Customer service is a huge aspect of business. Brands know that they need to keep customers happy to keep customers at all. Sometimes, all you have to do is ask.
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AN EASY REIMBURSEMENT (Re: All You Have To Do Is Ask, Issue 332)

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SHIMON WAS A SILVERSMITH. In the good days, he was the proprietor of a large factory in his hometown in Tunisia. He had some 30 workers, and the revenue was ample and flowed in easily. Shimon knew he could live prosperously for the rest of his life. Yet, in his heart, he had a dream. He wanted to live in EretzFinally,Yisroel.the day came when Shimon liquidated his fac tory and packed his bags. The family boarded a ship head ed for Eretz Yisroel. They had nearly reached their destina tion when, to their chagrin, their ship was forced to make a U-turn. It was during the days of the British Mandate, and the British officials at the port denied them entry. For a number of months, they were held in a refugee camp in Europe. As Pesach of 1948 neared, they were able to return to the shores of Eretz Yisroel and settle there at last. The beginning was hard. Shimon tried his hand at blue-collar work, the only option available to support his family. Life conditions were primitive, and it was a very difficult adjustment for the family. When the opportunity arose for Shimon to return to his craft, he grabbed it with two hands. He rented a small shop in the center of Yerushalayim and began to fashion jew elry and silver pieces. It was clear he was an expert crafts man, and soon customers began to frequent his shop. The selection and quality were great, the designs breathtaking, and his clients were satisfied. At last, there was light at the end of the tunnel. Shimon would be able to support his family comfortably, after all. The years passed, and his family grew. However, Shi mon did not see his business grow along with it. Times were hard in Eretz Yisroel, and few had the cash to treat themselves to lavish “extras” such as those sold in Shi mon’s store. Soon life grew difficult for his family once again.One day, a relative came up with practical advice. “Per haps you should go to Canada. There is a real demand for your work there,” he said. But Shimon refused. He had toiled so much until this point to live in the Holy Land. He wasn’t ready to give it up. Yet as time passed, and their privation grew, he began to warm up to the idea. With mixed feelings, Shimon and his Chazal say (Brachos 21a) that our obligation to recite Birchas Hamazon after a meal is sourced in this week’s parsha , where it says, “V’achalta v’savata u’veirachta — you will eat and be satiated, and you shall bentch Hashem,” (Devarim 8:10). In the third bracha of Birchas Hamazon, we ask not to come to the gifts or loans of man, rather to Hashem’s Hand directly — “ liYadcha hamelei’ah, hapesucha, hakedosha, v’harchavah .”
It is easy to understand why we ask to be nourished generously, but why do we ask that it be from “Yadcha hakedosha — Your holy Hand”? If it comes from Hakadosh Baruch Hu, it is obviously holy!
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family packed their bags and left for a new prospect of success.
Did You Know? “Children who grow up in a home where the mother bentches aloud, from inside the siddur, merit special protection — in ruchnius and in gashmius.” – The Steipler, zt”l
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In Canada, Shimon set up shop, but once again, customers were few and far between. One morning, a priest walked in with a long list of items he wished to purchase. According to Shimon’s quick calculations, this commission would earn him enough profit to last a couple of months! In his racing mind, he pictured himself being able to return to Eretz Yisroel peacefully, with this income tiding them over for a long time. Yet as the priest continued to run through his list, Shimon’s consternation grew. It was clear that these silver pieces would be used to adorn a church! His instinct told him there was simply no way he could fashion silver for this purpose, yet how was he to forfeit so much income? Perhaps this was Hashem’s way of sending him the parnassah he so desperately needed!
Shimon’s father-in-law, who had accompanied the family to Canada, hap pened to be sitting in the shop that day. He overheard the conversation and couldn’t help but intervene. He was in the middle of reviewing Parshas Yisro from inside the Chumash, and he called out loud, “Elokei kesef v’Elokei zahav lo sa’asu lachem — G-ds of silver and g-ds of gold you should not make for yourselves” (Shemos 20:20).
Adapted from the teachings of Rav Mordechai Freundlich, zt”l.
It was an unbearably hard move, but the very next morning, Shimon received a wink from Above, telling him that he had made the right decision. A man walked into his shop, introducing himself as Mr. Rubin from New York. He was looking for a couple of silver atzei chaim and yadayim for Sifrei Torah, mezu zah cases, and candlesticks. The order was on a similar scale to the one from the day before — only these pieces would be used to adorn a shul! That order helped Shimon and his family scale that stressful period, and it put them back on their feet. From that point on, business began to boom. * * * *
Indeed, it isn’t enough to hope and daven for plentiful parnassah. We must also hope that our pipeline draws from a pure well, unclogged and untainted by un questionable sources. That is what we ask in Birchas Hamazon: “Ribbono Shel Olam! It isn’t enough for us to receive Your abundance! We want it to be coming from Your pure, holy Hand, without a trace of negativity or impurity.” May we all be zoche!
His instinct told him there was simply no way he could fashion silver for this purpose, yet how was he to forfeit so much income?
Shimon got the hint and turned to his potential customer. “I’m so sorry,” he said, “but my work schedule is full through the end of the year.”

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Hoping to curb traffic while also benefiting the environ ment, the Metropolitan Transportation Authority announced its dreaded congestion pricing plan last week that has driv ers facing anywhere from $9 to $23 in additional tolls to enter Manhattan south of 60th Street. The tolls have yet to be finalized, and the MTA will hold six public hearings on the plan at the end of August, with several possible options to be presented to its newly formed Traffic Mobility Review Board for its approval, reported the Associated Press. The MTA has said that the additional $1 billion it collects from the tolls, which will go into effect sometime after the end of 2023, will be used to upgrade New York City buses and sub ways.Congestion pricing would have higher tolls in effect during the peak periods, which would run from 6 a.m. to 8 p.m. on weekdays and 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. on weekends. Discounts would possibly be offered to drivers who already paid tolls to enter Manhattan, and some of the options being considered would limit the number of times a car or truck could be tolled during the same day. While the plan is being praised for potentially limiting pol lution and traffic in Manhattan, experts are concerned that those issues will be shifted to other areas as drivers look for al ternate routes to avoid the proposed tolls. NBC News reported that traffic could be severely impacted in Brooklyn, Queens and the Bronx, with one infrastructure specialist noting that the already overburdened Cross Bronx Expressway would like ly become even more clogged with trucks. MTA chairman Janno Lieber hailed the plan as being good for the environment, public transit, New York and the entire region, but others disagreed. Gubernatorial candidate Lee Zeldin slammed it as “a horrible idea,” saying that politicians are “grabbing another $1 billion out of the pockets of New York ers who can’t afford it.”
Prior to the vote, Haverstraw land use attorney Christie Addono read a resolu tion detailing the shul’s responsibilities
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Suburbanites and New Jersey residents have been equally vocal about their opposition to the plan, with many Rockland ers driving to Manhattan because of the limited mass transit options available. Train service out of Rockland County is pro vided by New Jersey Transit under a contract with the MTA’s Metro North, but the county receives minimal funding from the agency, and train service has decreased even as fares have climbed. County Executive Ed Day noted that other than im provements made at the Nanuet train shelter, the MTA has done nothing to enhance any facility, equipment or service in years. Adding insult to injury, none of the members of the MTA board that will be reviewing the congestion pricing plan represent the area west of the Hudson River, leaving Rockland County with no voice in the process. “The MTA is happy to take our money but loath to provide service, which is both insulting and disrespectful to the people of Rockland County,” said Day.
The Journal News reported that the shul had been seeking permission to double the size of the Riverglen Drive home in Thiells, create a 27-space park ing lot, and build a retaining wall into a Riverglen Wilderness conservation area located at the rear of the property. Mul tiple hearings have been held over the past year, and it seemed likely that the plans would be approved, particularly after one area resident told the planning board that if he hit any Jewish residents walking to shul, he would back up and hit them again. His comments went viral and earned the condemnation of Governor Kathy Hochul.
Tolls of up to $23 Looming for Midtown Drivers
Haverstraw’s Surprise Rejection of Shul Plan Sets Stage for RLUIPA Lawsuit
An expected approval for plans that would have converted a single-family Haverstraw home into a shul never materialized last week, with the Haverstraw Planning Board surprising area residents by rejecting K’hal Bnei Torah’s plans without comment.

One Arrested in UPS Warehouse Robbery
The Clarkstown Police Department said that they received a call at about 4 a.m. on Sunday, August 7, from a secu rity guard who said that he saw several
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With approximately one-third of the country’s Holocaust survivors living in poverty, Senate sponsor Senator Zell nor Myrie called on all state-chartered banks to waive their transaction fees for survivors.“Wecan’t heal the trauma that elder ly Holocaust survivors have endured, but we can take steps to help them make ends meet,” said Myrie.
to the town in its expansion, including complying with all requirements for permits and other approvals. Addono’s resolution explained why the planning board would approve K’hal Bnei Torah’s plans and included multiple references to the federal Religious Land Use and Institutionalized Persons Act, which has been successfully used multiple times to allow the construction of religious enti ties including shuls and eruvim Despite Addono’s statements, three out of the planning board’s five mem bers voted no on the plan, and Journal News reporter Nancy Cutler wrote on so cial media that Addono’s shock was evi dent, noting that “she sat silently with her head in her hands.”
Among those who opposed the shul’s application was Abe Niederman, who said that he was slapped with $200 in fines for removing four dead trees that were located in the conservation area behind his home several years ago. Sev eral residents have raised similar points in meetings held over the past year, not ing that the town had denied even small variances involving the conservation area and calling on the planning board to enforce the rules equally among all townWhetherresidents.or not K’hal Bnei Torah will decide to file an RLUIPA lawsuit remains to be seen. Shul attorney Ira Emanuel said that he and his clients are considering their next move, but he has made mention of RLUIPA in the past, explaining that state and federal law require municipalities to find solutions when land use rules bar or limit reli giousTheusage.resolution read by Addona warned that an RLUIPA lawsuit could have the town facing serious finan cial penalties, a burden that would be passed on to taxpayers.
Holocaust Education and Support for Survivors To Be UnderImplementedNewLaw
The governor said that New York is united in its commitment to Holocaust survivors.“These are individuals who have en dured unspeakable tragedy but none theless have persevered to build lives of meaning and purpose right here in New York,” said Hochul. “We owe it to them, their families and the six million Jews who perished in the Holocaust to honor their memories and ensure future gen erations understand the horrors of this era.”The bill was sponsored in the Assem bly by Assemblyman Simcha Eichen stein, who described Holocaust survi vors as a precious gift. “Our elderly survivors who have en dured so much should not be charged corporate transaction fees for payments that are rightfully theirs,” noted Eichen stein. “They deserve better.”
Under the new law, schools will be required to incorporate Holocaust stud ies into their curriculums. The New York State Department of Education will be responsible for ensuring that those standards are met and is being tasked with devising strategies to ensure how noncompliant schools will be brought up to par. The legislation also requires museums to properly acknowledge any art in their possession that was stolen by the Nazis and will have the New York State Department of Financial Services publishing a list of banks that volun tarily waive fees for reparation pay ments made to Holocaust survivors.
In a show of support for Holocaust survivors, Governor Kathy Hochul signed legislation last week that will put into play several initiatives to ensure that the horrors of World War II will not be soon forgotten.
A Philadelphia man was arrested last week for taking part in a robbery at the UPS warehouse in Nanuet.

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With polka-dotted wings that range from gray to black, they are among the more attractive bugs, but experts are advising that the best thing to do when encountering a spotted lanternfly is to stomp them into oblivion. Also known as a Chi nese blistering cicada, the spotted lanternfly made its way from Asia to Pennsylvania in 2014. The first discovery of spotted lanternfly in New York was made in Staten Island in 2020, but infestations have now been reported locally in the five bor oughs and in Nassau, Suf folk, Westchester, Rock land, Orange and Ulster counties. According to the New York State Depart ment of Agriculture, the spotted lanternfly poses a threat to a variety of plants and trees, includ ing apples, grapes, blue berries, stone fruits and hops, as these bugs use their mouths to suck sap out of leaves, stems and tree trunks.
A statement released by New York City’s Department of Parks and Recre ation charged residents with doing their part to stop the spread of the spotted lanternfly.“Harming our city’s wildlife is broad ly prohibited, but in an effort to slow the spread of this troublesome species, the current guidance remains: If you see a spotted lanternfly, please squish and dispose of this invasive pest.”
Dr. Jessica Ware, assistant curator in invertebrate zoology at the American Museum of Natural History, told Time Out New York that squishing a spotted lanternfly isn’t quite the same as step ping on an ant. “Since they drink plant juice, it’s like squishing a grape,” said Dr. Ware. “There’s gooey liquid inside of them. It’s a juicy insect, so just be prepared for that.”According to NBC News, those who are more squeamish can also do their part in killing spotted lanternflies by spraying them with vinegar or a solu tion of a quarter cup of Dawn dish soap mixed with a quart of water and a table spoon of vegetable oil.
individuals burglarizing the UPS facil ity. Officers arriving at the scene dis covered one individual sitting in a darkcolored car outside the warehouse and detained him. A search of the building revealed no further suspects, and po lice safely extricated the security guard, who had barricaded himself inside the warehouse after discovering the bur glars.Nineteen-year-old Amadou Fall was charged with third-degree burglary and released on bail. It is unclear if he returned to court last week as instruct ed by the Clarkstown Justice Court. Police continue searching for his ac complices who made off with shoes, electronics and pocketbooks.
Stomp SpreadSpottedLaunchedCampaignToLimitLanternfly’s

The visit concluded with a gala luncheon, attended by Board mem bers, staff members and providers, many of whom had the opportunity to speak of their experience working at Monsey Health Center as well as explain their roles and the need for expansion in their departments.
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Monsey Health Center Welcomes Senator Elijah Reichlin-Melnick in Honor of National Health Center Week
The Senator first toured Monsey Health Center’s Mobile Medical Unit, which goes out to various facilities in the county to make sure that those who are homebound or nonambulatory get the clinical care they need. He then toured the facility itself, which included the OB/GYN, Adult & Specialty Medicine, Dental, Pediatric, Lab, Infusion Center, OT and Be havioral Health departments. Guiding him on the tour was Medical Di rector Dr. Sarah R. Vaiselbuh, who introduced him to many of the Health Center’s outstanding staff of providers and explained the need for expan sion in all areas of the treatment facility so that the growing population of patients can be better served and have additional access to much-needed diagnostic testing and medical care.
The senator was widely receptive to the work that is being done on be half of the community and expressed a great interest in partnering with Monsey Health Center to help facilitate the necessary funding needed for their expansion plans.
In honor of National Health Center Week (August 8 to 13), Senator Eli jah Reichlin-Melnick, along with his Chief of Staff Max Cordella, paid a visit to Monsey Health Center at 40 Robert Pitt Drive to tour the facility and gain a better understanding of the services provided to the commu nity as well as the need for the expansion of services.

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RECAP: Izzy falls asleep over a sefer, feeling sorry for himself. Chaim Simcha tries to get in touch with Lenny Bergman to ask for more help, but Lenny’s out of the country — on a “trip to Eastern Europe.” “I ’m Zachback.” stepped into Izzy’s room and sat down on the bed. Izzy was learning at the desk again. After a few hours’ rest, he’d updated Chaim Simcha by phone, then tried again to make his way through the Rebbe’s pirush on Koheles. Not surprisingly, he’d made much better progress now that he was well rested. He’d gotten in a little more than an hour when Zach returned. “Had a good time?” Izzy asked, still buried in the sefer. There was no response. “Zach?” he asked, looking up. His cousin sat on the bed, brow creased, looking blankly at his hands. “I went to a museum,” he said finally. “The… Textile Museum. You know, it was the very first textile museum in the world. They have the biggest collection anywhere. You’d think fabric was boring —” “That is what I think, yes,” Izzy said with a Zachgrin.didn’t crack a smile, though. Slow ly, Izzy’s own smile disappeared. “Are you okay?” he asked. “I just…” Zach didn’t look up. “I was walking through the place, this beautiful, giant building, and I loved it. And then it suddenly occurred to me that this could be the exact spot our zeide stood, during his final years, when he was forced to sew Nazi uniforms…”“Oy…”Izzy said quietly. “I didn’t think it would hit me so hard,” Zach“Yeah.”continued.Izzy turned his chair so he could face Zach. “I remember someone saying once — maybe in a play or some thing? — it’s a good thing Jews don’t be lieve in ghosts. ‘Cause if we did, every thing would be haunted.” “Heh. It felt that way, yeah.” Zach looked up finally, his face a mask. “I figured, af ter the museum, I’d go to the markets and eateries. I like to get a feel for the local scene, you know? Try some local food. But I wasn’t in the mood, so I drove to the train station.”“The train station?” Izzy frowned.

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* * * * *
“Were you planning to go some—” “The Radegast Train Station,” Zach explained. “It’s a memorial nowadays. It’s where they used to ship truck loads of people to the camps. You can see the cattle cars they stuffed people into.” Zach paused, took a deep breath. “They’ve got these… these giant grave stones, with names on them. Stutthof, Gross-Rosen. Auschwitz-Birkenau. With handprints in the concrete.” “I“Wow.”mean, they only made the memo rial like seventeen years ago,” Zach add ed quickly. “The train tracks, the build ing, those are real, but the gravestones are just a piece of art.” “But it drove the point home,” Izzy said for him. “I guess so.” Zach stared at the ground.Izzywas suddenly reminded that he hadn’t eaten since breakfast. He didn’t want to disturb his cousin’s reverie, but he was “Hey,”starving.hesaid hesitantly. “I’m gonna go grab dinner. I’ll bring it back here. Anything in particular you want?” Zach shook his head silently and tossed over the keys. Izzy“Thanks.”wasgone for about forty min utes. He returned carrying a steaming pizza and a bottle of soda and made his way through the lobby to the stairs. Their hotel was elegant, but past its prime. The steps were carpeted in faded red, a painted-gold handrail chipped white and brown. At the top of the stairs, he turned the corner and made his way to their rooms. He was about to knock on Zach’s door when the sound of guitar music caught his attention. He paused, trying to catch the tune, but the heavy wooden door distorted the sounds too much. Quietly, so as not to disturb, he turned the handle and went inside. Zach was sitting on the floor in a corner, shoes off and eyes closed. His hands danced across the fretboard, sometimes slow, sometimes fast. It was a hollow, melancholy tune that seemed to start and stop at whim. After each twist of Zach’s fingers, his right hand darted back to a single string and played it open, over and over. That one string began to shout discordantly, a wail of pain that refused to be drowned out by the larger melody of grim accep tance.Unlike Zach’s earlier composition at the Cliffs of Moher, this tune didn’t rise up in hope at the end. Instead, the wail grew louder, the rest of the strings slow ly falling silent, until it was just that one string, playing over and over and over again, defiant, despairing, crushed. Then the note faded into darkness, and the room was still. Zach’s eyes snapped open, and he gave a weak smile. “Hey,” he said. “I didn’t realize you were back.” He leaned the guitar against a wall and stood up, brushing invisible dust from his tailored pants and clearing his throat with embar rassment. “Sorry. Didn’t mean to be such a “Painkilljoy.”and joy are two sides of the same coin,” Izzy answered. “You can’t have one without the oth er.”Zach stared at him in surprise. Slowly, his low er lip twisted into a tiny smile. “I like that. Who said it? Some Indian mys tic or Izzysomething?”blushed.“I don’t remember,” he mumbled. “Must’ve heard it somewhere…” “Mrs. Bergman?” Julia Bergman looked at the man be hind her door through a narrow crack. He looked young, maybe in his low 30s, with a long, black, rebbishe beard. He seemed vaguely familiar. She nodded. “That’s me. Do I know you?”The man smiled from behind large glasses. “I think so. Chaim Simcha Ginzburg — I run the Lodzer shtiebel?” “Oh, of course.” She closed the door, drew back the chain, and threw it open, ignoring the gust of winter air. “How can I help you, Rabbi? Lenny’s out of town.”Chaim Simcha nodded. “Yes, I heard. Do you know when he’ll be back? I really need to speak with him.” Was this about business? If so, Len ny would be sorry to have missed him. They desperately needed a sale right now.“Yossi Baumgarden is handling his clients while he’s gone,” Julia said. “But if you can wait, he’ll be back pretty soon.”The Rabbi cocked his head to one side and thought. “Where’d he go?” Julia frowned. What difference did that make to him? “He’s on a vacation. In Poland. He wanted to see some of the oldShe“Lodz?”world.”nodded. “And Warsaw, and Kra kow.” She stopped suddenly, wonder ing why she was telling him all this. She barely believed it, herself. “Did you want Yossi’s number?” “No, thank you,” the rabbi told her. “I’d really rather deal with Lenny.” There was something in the way he said that that sounded ominous. “Is there a problem?” Was that what this was about — had Lenny done some thing so bad he had to flee the coun try? It made no sense; that wasn’t her husband’s style. But nothing ever made sense with Lenny. You never knew what he’d get himself into. Rabbi Ginzburg smiled again. “No, no, there are no problems. Sometimes things are complicated, but they’re never problems.” And with that cryptic comment, he turned to go. A moment later, though, he stopped and turned back. “Is there a number I could reach him“It’sat?”a vacation,” Julia protested dul ly. “He didn’t want to be disturbed.” At least, that’s what she told herself. It’s why he hadn’t called her since he left on Thursday. She hadn’t called him be cause she was furious with him, but he definitely should’ve called her. “I know, but it really is urgent that I speak with him.” Julia bit her lip. They needed a sale so badly. Lenny had no right to shut himself off like this, rushing halfway across the world on a lark, when clients were literally knocking on their door! Assuming Rabbi Ginzburg was a client. This could be a family issue, after all. Why shouldn’t their cousin the rabbi call Lenny to chat now and then? “Okay,” she said. “The country code is 48, and…” “PAIN AND JOY ARE TWO SIDES OF THE SAME COIN,” IZZY ANSWERED. “YOU CAN’T HAVE ONE WITHOUT THE OTHER.”
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Rabbi Ginzburg took down the information, thanked her politely, and left. Julia closed the door and leaned against it, waiting as the central heating fought the winter draft she’d let in. But a full minute passed, and she was still shivering. She went to the kitchen and made a cup of chamomile tea, flavored it with too much honey, and sat down to brood. She‘d been too angry to speak once Lenny broke the news. He’d burst into the house just after Mincha, talking rapidly into his Bluetooth and pausing only to wash and wolf down the sandwiches she’d made for him.
“I can’t help it,” Lenny’d said to his ear. “I’m leaving this evening.”“Where are you going?” she’d asked in alarm. Lenny made a quick gesture of quiet, his brows furrowed in concentration. “It’ll have to wait,” he finally said. “Tell them I can show them around… next Thursday. I should be back then. You know what? Stall ‘em ‘til then. Don’t even tell them I’m out of town; just tell them they’re my next available ap pointment.”“You’regoing out of town?” Julia asked, frowning. “I hope this isn’t another trip to Detroit — we can’t afford to throw good money after bad!” “You tell ‘em that,” Lennny continued into his phone. “Do whatever you need to, just keep them waiting. Thanks. You’re a lifesaver!” He hung up the phone and scowled. “Figures that the minute I’m not available something big would fall in my lap.”“Where are you going?” Julia asked again, hands on her hips.“Warsaw,” Lenny said, gulping down the last of his food. “I’ve gotta get packing.” “On a Thursday night? Are you crazy?! What if you’re de layed?”“I’ll make it, don’t worry,” Lenny promised. “It’s a direct flight. Found a special at nine tonight, it’s landing at 11:20 a.m., their time. So even if they’re three hours late, I’ll make it.” “Planes can be delayed more than three hours,” Julia said darkly.“Julia, I’ll be fine!” Lenny insisted. “I have to go now, this is urgent!”“Urgent why?” “Well, there’s this —” Lenny stopped suddenly. To Julia’s horror, he had that look in his eye that she’d come to associate with all of his worst ideas. “What is it?” she demanded. “What have you gotten your self into this time, Leonard?” Lenny stared at her for another moment, then dropped his eyes to the floor. “It’s nothing,” he said quickly. “Just a vacation. I — I’ve been stressed at work. I need a break. I thought I’d visit the old Julia’scountry.”eyeshad hardened. She’d snatched his empty plate and went into the kitchen, but she said nothing. When, hours later, he was ready to fly, she’d obligingly driven him to New ark. But she still wouldn’t talk to him, or even meet his eye. He was lying. She was certain of that. And if not, that was evenWhy,worse.she asked herself tearfully, would he book a vaca tion in Europe, on the spur of the moment, and not take her with him?

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hen that is good,” said Dona Angelica. “There is hope for us.” “Well, yes and no,” said Duvalier. “It would be much easier for the King if you were a good Christian widow being persecuted by the Spanish Church. But you are a Jew, and that presents a bit of a problem. Now, don’t get me wrong. I am not one of those bloodthirsty hatemongers of a darker age. I consider myself an enlightened man, a student of science and phi losophy. While I am a Christian, I do not follow it in the old superstitious ways. In fact, in a certain way, I admire the Jews. And I certainly admire you, my esteemed kins woman.” He bowed gallantly toward Dona Angelica. “Our blood connection means much more to me than a small matter like your connection to the tribe of Moses. But you have to understand that in the world at large, a Christian is a Christian and a Jew is a Jew.” “So are we going to suffer once again because we are Jews?” said Sebastian. “Is it a serious problem?” “Again I have to say, yes and no. The King has shown himself to be a friend of the Jews in his own way. He has signed letters patent several times confirming and even increasing the privileges of the Jews of Metz. You know, about ten years ago a Jewish peddler in Metz, a fellow named Raphael Levi — strange that I should remember the name — was accused of killing a Christian child for some silly reason. The man was arrested, condemned and tortured to death. Did anyone hear about this?” “I did,” said Reb Mendel quietly. “Yes, of course. You would know about it, wouldn’t you? In any case, an enlightened clergyman named Rich ard Simon brought the case to the King. The King ordered his council to investigate the records of the Metz Parlia ment, and based on this investigation, he concluded that judicial murder had been committed. He then decreed that any criminal charges against a Jew must be brought directly to the King.” “So it seems,” said Dona Angelica, “that he is sympa thetic to the Jewish people?” “Well, madame…” “Yes and no?” “Exactly. Yes and no. He seems personally sympa thetic, but the Jewish people are still forbidden to settle in France, although the government turns a blind eye to many of them who live here unofficially. The Jews have a natural talent for making money, you know. They are the perfect bourgeois, and they contribute a lot to the econo my. So we stuff our pockets with the money, and we make believe they don’t exist. Now, if you will excuse me, my mouth is dry.” He poured himself another glass of wine and took a long“Wheresip. will we be going for the audience?” asked Dona Angelica.“Ah,yes, of course. You need to know that, don’t you? You will come to the Chateau de Versailles. The King and the Queen will both receive you.”
Recap: Giscard Duvalier, who was working on a petition for the Dominguez family before the King of France, tells them about the issues between the Royal Court and the Papal Legate and how it may work in favor of their petition.
Carolina clapped her hands and squealed with delight. “I hear it is being made into the most spectacular palace ever built.”
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The carriage entered the village of Versailles, its passengers unaware that they had been followed. The stately trees with their snow-laden branches and the snow-covered bed of leaves on the road created a muffled silence through which they rode. Presently, the silence was broken by ragged sounds of bang ing, hammering and shouting that grew increasingly louder. Then the royal hunting lodge came into view. The building had been massive to begin with, but now that the King had chosen to make it his principal palace and the seat of the French government, it was being expanded to mammoth proportions.
King Louis XIV was a man in his early forties with long dark hair, a long nose and imperious, intelligent eyes. Queen Marie Therese was the same age, a pale, dwarfish woman with the protruding upper lip of the Hapsburg fam ily. To the right of the King stood his powerful minister of finance, Jean Bap tiste Colbert, a cold-faced man in his low sixties. Three dwarfs stood beside the Queen, dressed respectively in outfits of red, green and blue. Their eyes danced with merry mischief. The Dominguez party bowed deeply to the King and Queen. “Madame Dominguez,” said Colbert, “BUT YOU ARE A JEW, AND OFPRESENTSTHATABITAPROBLEM.”
The skeletal outer wings, which stretched out almost as far as the eye could see, were covered with scaffolding and tarpaulins. Hundreds of laborers hurried back and forth bringing materials from the piles of bricks and planking that sat like a miniature mountain range on the endless front lawn. And the noise wasTheceaseless.Dominguez family was shown into a waiting room that smelled of new paint. After about two hours, they were led into a lavish sitting room. The King and Queen were sitting in richly upholstered armchairs. An unoccupied highbacked chair stood directly in front of them.
“So basically, what are you saying, my dear Giscard?” said Dona Angelica. “What are we to expect?”
“Do you have any idea, monsieur,” said Reb Mendel, “why I have been sum moned to this audience?”
“It will be my pleasure, mademoiselle,” said Duvalier. “Unfortunately, you will not be coming to Versailles this time. Only your mother, your brother and the Rabbi are invited. I will come by in my carriage an hour after dawn and take you there. The King has asked that I accompany you to the audience.”
“It is all that and more, young lady,” said Duvalier. “But don’t get me started on Versailles and the importance of the place to the King’s plans. Otherwise, we will be sitting here all night.” Carolina laughed. “Perhaps another time, monsieur.”
On the morning of the appointed day, Paris was covered with a blanket of snow that had fallen during the night. Giscard Duvalier’s carriage was at the Dominguez home well before dawn to ensure that they would not be late for the audience with the King. As the carriage pulled away, a black horse-drawn cab with black curtains drawn across its windows pulled around a corner and followed in its tracks. The black cab stayed well back as it followed the carriage. From time to time, the curtains would part ever so slightly, and a glint of watchful eyes would flash in the cab’s interior shadows. The cab followed the carriage until the out skirts of Versailles. Then it pulled into a side street and disappeared from view.
“Madame Dominguez, I haven’t the faintest idea.” * * * *
“No, I do not, Rabbi. We will find out in due course, I am sure. In any case, I think we have covered all the important points about this audience. I hope I have made myself clear.”

Dona Angelica curtsied and took her seat. Sebastian stood two steps back to her right, with Reb Mendel beside him, and Giscard Duvalier stood two steps back to her “Madame, understand that we are in a difficult position here,” said the King. “We understand that you are liv ing on a stipend from our government and that you want to recover the proper ties of your husband in the lands that are in our domain. We are sympathetic to your situation. We also understand that the Spanish Crown and the Spanish In quisition are demanding that we return you and your children to Spain. “Your husband was our kinsman. His great-grandfather King Philip II of Spain was also our great-grandfather and Her Majesty’s great-grandfather. Therefore, we feel obligated by blood and honor to come to your assistance. If you should agree to disabuse yourselves of this no tion of following the Jewish religion, it would make matters much easier for us. Would you consider that?”
“out of deference to you, a lady and a royal kinswoman, Their Majesties have granted you permission to sit in their presence. The chair is for you.”
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“Your Majesty,” he said to the queen, “this is Rabbi Menachem Mendel Stras bourg. He is a teacher of Jewish texts in Metz.”“That is precisely what we need,” said the Queen. “Someone who knows some thing about the Jewish texts. Are you fa miliar with the Talmud?” To be continued…
The Queen leaned back and whis pered to one of the dwarfs who stood be side her. The minister motioned to Reb Mendel to step forward.
“We asked that your Rabbi accom pany you,” said the Queen, “because we have a curiosity about a certain Jewish belief. It would be unseemly to invite a Rabbi to the palace just for that purpose, but in this situation ….”
“Your Majesty, my husband lived and died for his faith,” said Dona Angelica. “We would dishonor his memory if we even considered abandoning it.” “Yes, of course. We do not approve of your choices, but we admire your gal lantry. Still, it is rather odd to be such a close relative to a Jewish family. We have been good friends to the Jews who have settled in our domain. We have found their presence beneficial to the motherland, but they are an alien tribe. They are not our countrymen, and we have never felt any sort of kinship for them whatsoever. This is a strange and extraordinary situation. But we are in clined to help you and your family, ma dame.”“Thank you, Your Majesty,” said Dona Angelica.“Wehave not yet decided exactly how to help you,” said the King. “Her Majesty wished to hear from you.” The Queen spoke in a high piping voice. “Madame, we are distressed that our kinswoman and her family should have turned their backs on the truths of Christianity. We are distressed that they should choose to jeopardize their im mortal souls by clinging to heretical and blasphemous beliefs. At the same time, we are deeply grateful to your husband for his pure devotion to our brother, King Charles II of Spain. We believe he was the only one in the entire royal pal ace of Madrid who truly cared about our brother and considered his welfare and his happiness. Our brother loved your late husband. He was very upset that he had to witness the death of your hus band in the Plaza Mayor, and we believe that he has never recovered from his grief.”The Queen dabbed at her eyes with a lace“Becausehandkerchief.ofour deep gratitude, we would advise His Majesty to help you and your family even if your late hus band had not been our kinsman. We en courage him to do so even more because of the royal blood that flows in the veins of your“Thankchildren.”you,Your Majesty,” said Dona Angelica. In a perverse way, it occurred to her at that moment that the Queen’s French with her heavy Spanish accent was probably just as bad as the Spanish of Carolina’s students with their heavy French accents. But she did not find the thought amusing.

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FOR THE KIDS, BY THE KIDS BY: LEAH STERN PHOTOGRAPHY BY: C. TARKIELTAUB From a very young age, kids enjoy helping with food preparation. Let the little ones thread their food onto skewers, and then cook everything in a pizza maker to make it ultra-easy for everyone involved.


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1. Combine the marinade ingredients in a bag, and place the chicken and franks in the marinade. Seal the bag and refrigerate it for 1 to 2 hours.
3. Thread the franks and chicken pieces (and French fries, if using) onto the skewer. Spray the pizza maker with cooking spray, and cook them for 8 to 10 minutes. Push a tiny sour pickle onto the end of each skewer before serving.
ANDFRANKSCHICKEN,FRIES A supper favorite on a stick. INGREDIENTS 2 chickencutlets,cutintobite-size pieces 6 frankfurters,quartered 2 largehandfulsofsteak-cutFrench friesorbabypotatoes Tinysourpickles,oneforeachskewer MARINADE 2 T.oil 1 T.honey 1 T.ketchup 1 tsp.mustard
2. If using baby potatoes, thread 3 po tatoes onto the skewer and push them to the bottom part of the skewer. Drizzle the potatoes with oil and salt. Heat the pizza maker and cook the potatoes for 10 min utes, then let them cool for a bit.


SKEWERSCHICKENPRETZEL Soft and delicious, and so easy to serve and enjoy! INGREDIENTS 4 chickencutlets,cutinto4to6 pieceseach 1 cupcrushedpretzels MARINADE ½ cupmayo 2 clovesgarlic,crushed 2 T.honey 1 T.soysauce 1 T.ketchup 1 T.mustard DIRECTIONS 1. Combine all the marinade ingredients, and marinate the cutlets for 1 hour. 2. Coat the cutlets with pretzel crumbs, then stick each one onto a skewer. 3. Heat the pizza maker, and cook the cut lets for approximately 8 minutes. 161 845.600.8484 August 17, 2022 The Monsey View


SKEWERSCHICKENFRESHGARDENFor kids who prefer their vegetables raw, don’t marinate the vegetables. Instead, add the uncooked veggies to the cooked chicken on the skewers before serving. INGREDIENTS 1 lb.darkchickenstew 8 minipeppers 16 grapetomatoes MARINADE ½ cupducksauce 2 T.mayo 2 tsp.sweetchilisauce(optional) DIRECTIONS 1. Marinate the chicken and vegetables in the marinade for 1 to 2 hours. 2. Heat the pizza maker. Thread the chicken and vegetables onto skewers, and cook for 10 to 12 minutes. 163 845.600.8484 August 17, 2022 The Monsey View

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CARE FROM UP oncaringforyourpetwithkindness


H owever, unlike a hoverboard or such, which can simply be shoved into the back of the garage when the child loses interest (or when a better model comes out about two weeks later), bringing an animal into the home is a real responsibility and cannot be taken lightly.
The prohibition of tzaar baalei chaim applies to just about any ani mal one would choose as a pet — and even if it wouldn’t, cruelty or mistreatment of any creature can instill children with these nega tive middos, chas v’shalom. Tzaar baalei chaim means inflicting pain, even unintentionally. Simple lack of awareness of what an animal needs for food, shelter and more can inadvertently cause it tzaar. This doesn’t mean one has to be on shpilkes about it; he should just do a normal hishtadlus to find out what the pet would need to live. Usually, this information can be obtained from the owner of the pet shop. After considering all of this, once the decision is made to pur chase a small pet, the next step is to choose which type of animal to get. Some of the factors to consider, in addition to personal preferences, are what type of upkeep it will require and how long of a commitment you’re making — meaning, how long the crea ture can be expected to live.
As Yidden, we have to remember that according to halacha, a person who owns or cares for a pet may not eat before feeding it. (There’s nothing like a growling stomach to remind someone to feed his animals and avoid causing them tzaar.)
Even in this age of sophisticated games and toys that are higher-tech than topsecret niflaostheircompassion,themsmallcaringcomeplaychild’slongequipmentgovernmentofnotthatago,oneofamostrewardingexperiencescanfromowningandforareal,livepet.ItcanteachresponsibilityandandopeneyestoappreciatehaBoreifromupclose.
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Birds tend to be highly intelligent animals and make popular pets, especially if you don’t mind their chirping and talking. Some birds, such as finches, have an average life expectancy of four to five years, while parakeets and canaries can be expected to live about six and eight years, re spectively. (However, if you have an annoying bird, don’t start counting the days; many pet birds have been known to live as much as three times longer than their expected life span.)
Many rodents can make excellent, low-mainte nance and short-lived pets. They are easy to care for, and many can be social and friendly creatures. Hamsters are a popular first pet and tend to be easy to care for. They generally live about two years. Mice, which are smaller, live approximately three years, while gerbils live three to four. Guinea pigs are active and social animals that sleep only about four hours each day, so they’ll likely be up and ready to play when the kinderlach are. They live a bit longer, with a life expectancy of about five or six years.
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Rabbits are cute, docile and rela tively low-maintenance, as they can be litter-box trained. But they can be a bit nervous and have a ten dency to chew on things, which can lead to problems if they gnaw on something that’s bad for them (or for you). Generally, rabbits live for five to eight years, although with proper care and good health, they can live more than twice that.
Here’s a brief rundown on the natures and life expectancies of some common small pets.

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FISH Fish tend to be very low-maintenance and are beautiful to watch. While you need to keep their environment clean and feed them daily, there is little other care needed. Depending on the spe cies, fish can live just a year or two, or more than twenty years.
If you are looking for a pet with a long life span, a turtle or tortoise may be a good option. A map turtle’s life expectancy, for instance, is fifteen to twenty years, while a red-eared slider lives twenty to forty years, or more. So, l’maaseh, if your kids insist on a turtle, tell them to be prepared to take it with them to their own bayis neeman (if not with their yerusha).
Although pet reptiles are generally kept in aquari ums, this doesn’t mean they are easy to care for. In fact, many reptiles are challenging to keep healthy due to their specific environmental needs. There is a wide variety of pet lizard species from which to choose. Some lizards, such as chameleons and bearded dragons, live for five to ten years, while other species, such as the leopard gecko, can live twenty years or more.

I f you follow all of these instructions, your children’s first pet experience will hopefully be more positive than mine was as a child… I still remember them, so many decades later: four little goldfish. Only three were orange-gold, while one was black with orange accents. I acquired them when my sum mer day camp let them loose in a wading pool and then let us campers chase and catch them, with some of the water, in sandwich bags. I’d proudly brought my bounty home, and my parents had dutifully purchased one of those classic, rounded gold fish bowls and all the tchochkes that went with it. Each day my father would call me over to watch as he sprinkled a few
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O nce you’ve picked out your small pet and brought it home, the following tips will help to make this into a positive experience for both you and the kinderlach. Give the pets a couple of days to adjust and acclimate before handling them or letting children handle them. During this adjustment period, encourage your kids to talk to their pet, offer them food, and gently stroke their pet’s head while they eat. But don’t force the re lationship. If small pets hide in their cage, give them some space and don’t force them out. They’ll come around even tually.It’s important to remember that although this may of ficially be your child’s pet, an adult should always assume the primary responsibility for any pet’s health, feeding and well-being. Ask your kids to speak softly and move gently around their pet, and remind them that they’re responsible for making sure their friends do the same. Be sure your children do not take the pet out of the cage without adult supervision. It’s also kedai to establish a rule that they not put the pet on any high surface from which it mightChildrenfall. from about eight years of age are mature enough to try holding a small pet. Be sure to first demon strate how to do it properly: Use two hands to pick it up, holding it firmly but gently, and close to your chest or lap so the pet feels secure. Kids who are too young to hold small pets can still interact with them. They can pet or groom the animal while you hold it.

flakes of fish food into the bowl, which they’d gobble happily. At first, all went well. Then little me begged to take over the job (or maybe just took it over? I for get). To me, those few little flakes seemed far too little food for those poor, hungry fish. Don’t they say that pas Shacharis is essential to health and well-being? Why not for fish? With great mesirus nefesh, I saved them half of my breakfast toast. Well, dissolved bread is great for turning clear water milky white, and, as we know, fish and milk don’t go together. Fortunately, my mother found them in time, changed the water, and gave me an official “vacation” from my fish-feeding job. I claimed the morning bread had indeed made them smarter, as by that evening, one of them had learned how to swim upside-down at the top of the fishbowl, and by the next morning, had even learned how to become invisible! Then there was the day I de cided the fish would be much happier if their bowl was on the sunnier side of the room. The fishbowl wasn’t that big, and I was sure that I could carry it eas ily. But I guess it was bigger — or I was smaller — than I had thought, because about halfway across the room, it somehow slipped out of my hands and went CRAAASH onto the floor. I was shocked and burst into tears, watching the poor fish flopping pitifully amid the glass shards on the linoleum floor.My parents rushed in. I sup pose they were relieved to see that the yelling wasn’t due to damage to their bechor but rather to his pi scine pets. They did their best to transfer the fishelach to a pitcher of water, but later that day, they were all doing the swimming up side-down trick, and this time my parents gently broke it to me that this meant the fish had died. My immediate request to get more was cryptically met with the dual refrain: “Maybe when you’re a little older....” However, assuming that you’re as patient as my parents were, and your kids are a little better behaved than yours truly was, having a small pet or two in the house can be rewarding, educa tional and fun.
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Summer fun is all about living in the lush greenery of the world in bloom. That enjoyment grows tenfold when kids are introduced to adorable (to them!) little creatures who thrive in that environment.
Summer’s a great time for kids to get initiated into owning their very own pets — especially ones that do perfectly well outdoors!
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I t’s amazing how something that takes so little planning can be so much fun for kids. Rivky, a mom who takes her brood up to a beautiful bungalow colony every summer, shares that her kids’ favorite Sunday activity is… going salamander hunting!
“It became a shtick in the whole bungalow col ony,” she says. The intrepid expedition goes out every Sunday to the pretty man-made duck pond across the road from the colony’s premises, along with all of their important equipment. There are nets, repurposed from the pool, used to fish the little orange reptiles out of the water. Gloves for the finicky kids who won’t touch anything dirty. And, of course, plastic containers with holes at the top to serve as the salamanders’ new homes. Then an adult helps the kids cross the road, where they all (yes, the girls too!) fish salaman ders out of the lake, letting their nets trail deep into the water and retrieving them full of crawl ing reptiles. Any frogs get thrown back, while the salamanders are carefully placed into the con tainers along with some grass and leaves.
The entertainment lasts all week, with many kids naming each salamander and spending time decorating the salamanders’ homes. Many salamanders in the colony live in terrariums, acrylic boxes sold as reptile homes, though the

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You can buy salamander feed (included in some salamander kits) or let the braver kids catch some earthworms and slugs for the salamanders to eat. It’s best to feed salamanders at night, which is when they’re up and about. COST: Well, salamanders can usually be found for free. Terrariums can run between $10 and $25 apiece.
salamanders do still manage to escape sometimes! But even when that does happen, there’ll be anoth er hunting trip next Sunday to replenish the sala mander stash.
Salamanders are amphibians. That means they need water, or a moist environment, to survive. You can therefore find salamanders near lakes, creeks or ponds. Salamanders also like to hide un der rocks or logs, especially rotting wood. The best time to find salamanders in these places is after a rain, when the ground is muddy. Also, salaman ders are more likely to come out at night, when it isn’t too sunny for them.
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HOW TO CARE FOR SALAMANDERS: To create a home for these little pets, you can prepare any clean plastic container and drill holes in the cover so the salamanders can breathe. Oth erwise, you can purchase a special reptile cage. Some of these come in bright colors, others are made for you to decorate, and then there are those that come with all the supplies you need to create a comfortable habitat for the creatures: moss, peb bles and soil. If you’re creating a habitat for the salamanders without a useful kit, try putting in pieces of bark, moss, rocks and moist soil. You’ll also want to keep a little dish of water in the salamanders’ home, so the salamanders can keep their skin wet. Change the water and clean the dish as often as possible, preferably once daily. It’s important to keep the salamanders cool, so keep the boxes away from direct sunlight, prefer ably in a room that’s between 55 and 65 degrees Fahrenheit. Touching salamanders can also be hard on their delicate skin, so handle them as little as possible.

Gitty, mother of a preschooler, heard about the idea for the first time when her son came home chattering excitedly about the egg with his name on it. When the chick that hatched out of her son’s egg was strong enough, it was sent home to Gitty’s family so her son could enjoy his little pet. He loved holding the little fuzz ball in his hand and watching the chick eat and drink.
H atching eggs into chicks has been a preschoolpopular educational project for years. It’s
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The miraculous process of chicks hatching is one that captivates both kids and adults alike.

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Once your chicks are hatched, you’ll want to transfer them to a brooder with a heat lamp and a water dish for them. Transfer the chicks there once they are fully hatched, and introduce them to the water by dipping their tiny beaks in softly. Then, one they are a few hours old, you can teach the chicks to feed by putting a little feed onto easy-to-reach flat papers.
Chick-hatching can be a fun learning experience to try at home, too. Hatching eggs is a process that takes about three weeks. An in cubator keeps the eggs at the right temperatures and humidity levels, plus it can also turn the eggs back and forth, an important part of egg incubation.Atday21, you can expect your eggs to start hatching! Let the chicks hatch on their own. It takes a couple of hours, sometimes up to 24, un til the chick is fully hatched. Then the chick will start cheeping, which encourages the rest of the eggs to hatch as well.
For the best hatching rate, buy fresh eggs from a farm. Other wise, you can order packages of hatching eggs, but be prepared: Their hatching rate is around 50%, because shipping negatively affects the eggs.If you just want to get chicks, instead of hatching them from eggs yourself, you can order them from a mail-order catalog. Yes, they will be sent in the mail! Chicks can survive for three days after hatching without food or water. That’s how farmers can send chicks in special envelopes to customers within 72 hours of hatching.
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HOW TO CARE FOR CHICKS: For really tiny baby chicks, like the ones just hatched or arrived in the mail, you’ll want a brooder pen. You can order one or make one yourself. It needs a heat lamp to keep the chicks warm (at 92 degrees Fahrenheit), a red light bulb, waterers and feeders. You’ll also want to cover the floor with absorbent wood shavings, so if you’re making a DIY brooder, get a pack of that too. As the chicks grow, they need less heat (5 degrees less per week.) Keep the red light bulb on, as it makes the chicks peck each other less.
WHAT TO FEED CHICKS: The easiest thing to do is buy some chicken feed; especially at the beginning, chick starter feed can be helpful. Later on, you can try things like watermelon, tomatoes, oatmeal, lettuce and even hardboiled eggs. But be careful, because the chicks will eat anything you give them, so don’t feed them anything dangerous. Surprisingly, foods like chocolate and onions are toxic for chicks, so do your re search before feeding your chicks all of your treats. COST: Eggs sell at different prices, depending on the breed. You can get mixed-breed eggs, without exotic or rare breeds, at $20 to $40 a doz en. Day-old chicks shipped in the mail sell for $3 to $5 each (depend ing on the size of the order). Incubators and brooders for eggs and chicks start at $50 each; of course, the more amenities you’d like, the more you will pay.

The bunnies were all play and pleasure — until one day, Chana discovered that one of the bunnies had had baby bunnies. Eight baby bunnies, to be exact! That was the end of the bunny fun, as Chana quickly contacted a farm located an hour away and begged them to adopt her little herd of bunnies. Luckily for her, they agreed.
But if you do want to house a bunny for the summer, your kids might be as thrilled as Chana’s were. Bunny rabbits love to hop, run around, and play with toys. They have lots of energy and need to be stimulated, which makes for a great kid-rabbit pair.
If you’re buying a bunny rabbit for the short-term, buying from a farm with an option to return the bun nies is a good idea. Any pet store will also sell bunny rabbits as pets, and if you’re in the neighborhood of an animal shelter, you might be able to adopt one from there.
C hana, a young mother I know, once did her neighbor a favor and adopted two bunnies her neighbor was looking to give away. They were small, cute and furry, quickly becoming her kids’ favorite entertainment. All the kids in the neighborhood came to visit Chana’s house regularly, the attraction being their adorable bunnies.
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HOW TO CARE FOR BUNNY RABBITS: Bunny rabbits need a lot of space to run around, which makes keep ing them outdoors a great choice. You want to make sure that preda tors won’t get to your bunny, though. Buying a good-quality rabbit hutch and/or putting up a strong wire enclosure is important. For neater cleanup, you can also get a bunny litter box and some bedding. Your pet bunnies will also need toys. Giving the rabbits toys de signed to gnaw on is a good idea, as is a soft blanket to lie on.
WHAT TO FEED BUNNY RABBITS: Rabbits eat mostly hay. Get a big supply so you don’t run out, and refill the feeding tray frequently. They also enjoy fresh vegetables (but avocado, iceberg lettuce and chard are poisonous for them!) and, if you’d like, you can also get them some rabbit-food pellets. You’ll also need to purchase a water bottle designed for small pets; these can be attached to the side of the hutch.
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COST: Buying a bunny from a farm or store costs around $20 to $50 a rab bit. If you adopt one from a shelter, it’s a lot cheaper, even going down to as little as $5. Rabbit hutches and wire enclosures can be expensive, starting at approximately $150. Hay will also cost around $20 a month per bunny, unless you buy them at a farm.

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“M ommy, look what I won!”
My six-year-old proudly holds up his trophy: a plastic bag filled with water and three little gold fish. My heart sinks. “Where did you get these adooorable fishies?” I ask through gritted teeth. He’s thrilled with his catch, and no, I will not ex cuse this awful pun. I’m not in the most generous of moods at the moment. In fact, I’m about to tell him, “Flush that down the toilet! Pronto!” But his shin ing eyes and tanned face studded with little freckles soften my heart a little. “Take it to the deck right now!” I order instead. “If you want them to stay alive, take them out of the house!”Helooks alarmed at my not-so-subtle reference to fish-slaying, and hurries to do my bidding. Soon he’s closing the sliding door carefully behind him and dashing to the kitchen, where I can make out the sounds of cabinets opening. Once again, I rush to do damage control. I find him sitting cross-legged on the floor, tongue caught in the spaces where his baby teeth used to be, holding a container cover and a pair of scissors. “What are you doing ?” I demand. “I’m making them a container house to live in,” he explains in all seriousness. “But they need air to breathe, so I needa make holes.”
Suppressing a snort, I instead take the scissors from him to complete the job before he makes holes in… other things, by mistake. He grabs the con tainer (which I now realize is full of water) and the cover-turned-sieve out of my hands. I follow his water trail with a rag and watch through the open door as he rips a hole in the plas tic bag and not-so-gently tips the fish into their new home. With such treatment, I daresay he’ll be lucky if they survive the day, which is more than okay with me.He’s not the first to have brought home carnival friends. My three older sons did the same shtick for years. Isn’t there some other cheap item people run ning the carnival can raffle off? Poor goldfish; what did they do to earn such horrible deaths? Death by flushing is still humanitarian. I shud der as I remember waking up one Friday morning to a too-quiet house. With three rambunctious boys, that spelled DANGER. And indeed, the sight that greeted my bleary eyes was too grisly to contem plate. Consider yourself warned. My pajama-clad boys were standing by the coun tertop, each wielding a plastic knife. “Mommy, look!” one of them announced. “We’re making fish for Shabbos!” Gulp. At the time, I thought it couldn’t get worse. Naive soul that I was. Now, after watching the fish swim excitedly around their mansion-cum-prison, my son grows tired of this sport. Additionally, gleeful shouts com ing from the direction of our neighbor’s sprinkler beckon enticingly. Leaving his pets carefully parked under the shade of our awning, he races back into theFinally,sunshine.the house is quiet again… for about five minutes, after which my toddler awakens from her late nap, crabby and irritable. Thankfully, I know exactly what is needed to turn her mood around. I greet her at her crib with a freeze pop, and all is rosy again. She wanders around, sucking her treat and touching everything with her sticky hands. But, hey! For some peace of mind while I cook, it’s totally worthDinnerit. done, I head out to gather my chevrah Again, freeze pops work their magic, and I’m able to get the kids inside within a record-breaking fifteen minutes. Still soaking wet, my son makes a beeline for the deck. His cry of dismay and subsequent loud sobbing prompts me to see what the matter is. My son, still crying noisily, vigorously points out the door. My toddler is lounging on the wooden slats, a guilty expression on her face. The now-uncovered container is still mostly filled with water, but the fish… are gone. Were the poor little fishies more appealing to my daughter than the frozen treat puddling at her side? We’ll never know...
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Because slime does take years off. Creating hours of entertainment with a few household ingredients and flexing those creative muscles to find fun add-ins give a nod to simpler times. So here’s to giving our young ones the good life, even if our defini tion of that has evolved into coffee breaks. Kick aside the adulting, won’t you, and join me in starring at slime and unleashing a force unpar alleled: the collective imagination. Step this way. Recipes, instructions and invaluable troubleshooting coming up. For starters, here’s a treat of a three-ingredient recipe. You’ll be up and squishing in no time at all.
Well. Watching those little fingers go slipetty-sloop through delightful gook, all I can say is, “I’ll understand when I get younger.”
• 1½–2 T. saline solution (like those used for contact lenses)
• 1 T. baking soda
• 1 (8 oz.) bottle of Elmer's School Glue (clear slime is best!)
Now, hair. Hair goes away, every last strand of it. Tie it back and away to avoid the inevitable when long locks swing into eager Here’sAnd,faces.go!a gem of a recipe to use as a base, then add what your crew’s hearts desire.
• Food coloring (optional) Monsey
FIRST:PREP Knowing how well fingers bond with the stuff, make sure to wash all hands well.
SLIME: It’s cost-effective, it’s hours of fun, it’s a wee bit messy. Cover your entire work surface in plastic, and here’s a pro tip: Slime play works best on a plastic placemat.
If I’d run a poll on kids’ most hated phrases, chances are that the pat answer to their plaintive, “But why?” would win by a landslide: “You’ll understand when you get older.”
212 The

4. Stir the slime until you no longer can, then knead it with your hands. It’ll be sticky at first; don’t run for the hills! Keep moving it with your hands until the stickiness is gone and the desired consistency is reached.
2. Mix in the baking soda.
1. Place the glue into a bowl. If you plan to use food coloring, add it now and adjust until you’ve got the perfect shade.
PULL IT APART, AND LET THE FUN BEGIN! Store your slime in a thatatbacteriafridgecontainerairtightcompletelybagorinthetokeepgrowthbay.Slimelooksor smells off should be tossed. Slime that went a bit hard can be re vived with a few drops of water.
YOURFEWYOURANDHIKEADD-INSAMAZINGUPTHESENSORYVISUALAPPEALOFSLIME.GRABAIDEASORCOOKUPOWN! Food coloring • Scented oils • Glitter • Plastic beads for crunchy slime • Sparkly stars • Mini styrofoam balls Buttons • And whatever else floats your boat, seriously 213The Monsey View
3. Add the saline solution and mix until combined. If it’s too sticky, add half a tablespoon more at a time. The more you add, the thicker it’ll get. The less you add, the slimier it’ll remain.

SNOW IT! White slime with silver glitter added is perfect for forming snowpeople. Create an entire snow family, and work your creative juices by scavenging for the perfect little household items to create limbs, clothes and hats.
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DIG IT! Make black slime for tar, and turn it into a construction site. Bring on the shovels and tractors; your boys will have an absolute blast driving, digging and dumping the stuff.
BLOW IT! Form a slime ball, stick in a straw firmly and securely, and try for a huge bubble.
KIDS ALL GOT THEIR HANDS FULL? LEAD THE WAY WITH GAMES OF HEARTY, INTERACTIVE FUN. SHAPE IT! Have one and all take turns forming shapes, and then have everyone guess and call out what they see. WRITE IT! Use letter magnets to imprint initials, letters and special messages, too.
FLOAT IT! Make your slime a gor geous shade of blue, and bring on the rubber duckies and any mini waterthemed accessories you can find.
ERUPT IT! This is fun. Use green or brownish slime for your erupting volcano mountain. Form an inden tation on top, and add at least 3 tablespoons of baking soda. Mix this into the slime until it’s stiff, then form a mountain shape with an indentation at its peak. Use a medicine dropper to drip vinegar into the hollow on top of the mountain, and enjoy the eruption.
IS BABY JEALOUS of all the senso ry fun? For a child who still taste-tests whatever he sees, slip some slime into a bag (or two). As with all slime ac tivity, stick around to supervise your munchkin having his very own blast.

SLIME ON THEIR CLOTHES? Saturate the slime with distilled white vinegar or rubbing alcohol, and rub it in with a scrub brush or toothbrush. Let tougher stains sit with the vinegar for a few minutes before rubbing. Rinse the clothing in warm water, working out any residue as you do. Rub any remaining stickiness with dishwashing liquid, then rinse again.
PROSLIMYHOWSUPPOSEDONEEEEK!TROUBLE-SHOOTINGSLIMESNUCKWHEREIT’SNOTTO?HERE’STOGETOUTOFSITUATIONS.TIP: Remove the slime when it’s still wet, as dried out slime is a new monster. (Rubbing an ice cube over dry, caked-on slime is a great removal aid.)
SLIME IN THEIR HAIR? Mas sage a cup of coconut or olive oil into the scalp, really working it through with your fingers. Once you’ve loosened the slime, give the child a nice, hot bath, sham pooing twice to remove the oil.
SLIME ON YOUR COUCH? Use a spoon to remove as much excess slime as you can. Dampen a towel with distilled water, and blot the stain until it’s gone.
SLIME ON YOUR CARPET? Lift as much excess slime as you can, and then grab a spray bottle. Mix one part warm water and two parts vinegar, and spray the slimy area. Let it sit a bit, then brush gently with a cleaning brush. Blot with a towel damp ened with distilled water to get out the vinegar.
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The Little Invention That Could Many, many years ago — on March 27, 1790, to be exact — there lived a man in England who created an invention that was so useful, it is still used today, over 200 years later! His name was Harvey Kennedy, and his claim to fame was the aglet. Oh, you don’t know what those are? Just look down at your laces. See that plastic/metal tip surrounding the end of each lace, making it cinch to thread those strings? You can thank him for those. They’re worn by nurses and plumbers and hairdressers. They’re an athlete’s closest companions, but they’re not exclusively for the pros. You’ll find them on the looking-to-livehealthier mommy who sneaks out for her precious half-hour early morning walk, too! Comfy and in vogue, they appeal to anyone from the casual dresser to the designer consumer. You’ll find them in styles as varied as the people who wear them. Ready to sneak a peek into your favorite footwear? Let’s hit the ground running!
Plimsolls of Olde Have you ever seen a sneaker from the 19th century? The very first sports shoes ever to be made, they were the brainchild of John Boyd Dunlop of the Liverpool Rubber Company. Known as plimsolls, they were basically paper-thin canvas shoes with even thinner rubber soles.
Robber Soles Boy, have these rubber-soled shoes made a name for themselves. They were just begging to be called something, well, sneaky. Say it. Sneak-er. It’s the perfect onomatopoeia and personification all rolled into a furtive, stealthy, surreptitious combination. And they’re quiet — er, quite — effective. Many unscrupulous people have taken advantage of that…
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3. Some mommies thought these were shoes for themselves, and their daughters secretly agreed. Founder Blake Mycoskie most certainly could not have intended them for athletic use! But still, fashion is fashion, and so the summer of 2006 found the feet of the young ones adorned by flimsy (and, truthfully, ugly) highly impractical Toms. The Deets About Cleats Cleats, for the uninitiated, are spikes on the bottom of footgear, and their purpose is to give the wearer traction, protection and support while playing sports. Molded (plastic cleats with rubber studs), Metal, Turf (a tread pattern instead of actual spikes), and Interchangeable (which can be switched from rubber to metal depending on the surface conditions) are the three types of cleats mainly used today, though metal is often prohibited for youth due to safety concerns.
Retire the Pair When you’ve used your sneakers for six to eight months, or when their mileage hits 300 to 500 miles, it’s time to break open a new box and bid your comfortable, worn pair adieu. If you’re a very active person, you may need to do so as often as every three months. (Personal trainers and exercise instructors, you know who you are!) Running about in sneakers that are past their prime may cause pain and injury, because your joints bear the brunt of the impact instead of your sneakers.
What is a Sneakerhead? A what? No, this is not an insulting nickname that children use when they get upset. It’s actually slang for a sneaker enthusiast. (Yes, really. That is a thing.) Sneakerheads go crazy over sneakers, amassing them for their personal collection or to sell them further. There are sneaker histories, up to date on the history of sneakers and their current market.
2. Lelli Kelly — the sneakers that stole every little girl’s heart. Their debut in 1992 brought sparkles and sequins onto little feet, and equally sparkly smiles on their faces.
223The Monsey View
Sole Secrets
Guinness Record-holding sneakerhead Jordan Geller earned his distinction with a collection of nearly 2,400 pairs!
One of the most expensive — possibly the most expensive — pair of sneakers around is the Solid Gold OVO x Air Jordans. Don’t let the Air in the name fool you, as these sneakers are by no means lightweight. Coated in 24-karat gold, they weigh a whopping 50 pounds each!
Created by artist Matthew Sena, these sneaks were a collaboration between Nike and a young millionaire.
By: Sara Scharf
Something’s ugly about some expensive sneakers, and I don’t mean (only) the style. Would you ever imagine that something you may pay hundreds of dollars for was manufactured by a… kid? In some third-world countries, children as young as eight spend their days stitching shoes, applying adhesive, and packing them in boxes. They don’t go to school, and they work in abysmal conditions. There is a lack of awareness about child labor, and not enough has been done to stop big companies from exploiting kids. Try to put yourself in their shoes… if they’re lucky enough to own a pair. A Jog Down Memory Lane
1. Curly shoelaces — remember those? If you’re stumped, you were probably born after the turn of the century. Brightly colored, tightly coiled laces were all the rage in the ’80s and ’90s. They’re still around today, for a fun look and a great way to get out of tying your sneakers.
Walking the Walk

Family name: _________________________________ Phone: __________________ Full mailing address: ____________________________________________________ Full name of winner: _________________ Amount of points: __________ Full names of __________________________________players:competing List some words only the winner found: The longest word found on the board: _____________________________ A new word you learned from the board: __________________________ Only complete forms will be entered into the drawing. hidesBoggleHint:Eachboardawordofninelettersormore! HOW TO PLAY: 1. Gather round the table to play a family game of Boggle, using this Boggle board. 2. Once you have a winner, fill out the form below in its entirety 3. Email the form to 600-8483themonseyview.comcomments@orfaxto845-bySundayatmidnight. 4. Two winners will be drawn each week, each of whom will win a pas trami sandwich and a can of soda! PLAYING RULES: Find words on the board containing four letters or more. Letters of a word must be connected in a chain (each letter should be adjacent to the next either vertically, horizontally or diago nally), and each letter can only be used once in a given word. The following are not allowed in Boggle: Adding “s” to a word • Proper nouns • Abbreviations • Contractions • Acronyms POINTS 4-letter words: 2 points | 5-letter words: 3 points | 6-letter words: 5 points | 7-letter words: 7 points | 8-letter words: 9 points | 9+ letters: 12 points TAI LG A YNR BOI S KWFVPDN ME LSA 224 845.600.8484 The Monsey View August 17, 2022

ADVANCEDINTERMEDIATEBOGGLE WINNERS To claim your prize, tear out this sheet (on which your name appears) and bring it in to Nussy’s Cuisine. WINNER 1 Family name: Brull, 845-xxx-2346 Name of winner: Mommy Amount of points: 86 Names of competing players: Yiddy Some words only the winner found: carp, diet, ounce, port, riot The longest word found on the board: tradition WINNER 2 Family name: Friesel, 845-xxx-3526 Name of winner: Hindy Amount of points: 68 Names of competing players: Mommy Some words only the winner found: acid, carp, must, pitch, torch The longest word found on the board: optical A new word learned from the board: prior Last week’s bonus word: TRADITION 97 716 46928 9317 26 8394 36549 793233 27489 43957 961 52 324 92468 63198 8 225 845.600.8484 August 17, 2022 The Monsey View

WINNERSTENTHETOCONGRATULATIONSTOYS4U!ATCARDSGIFT$5THEOFsubmission.youronlistednumberphonetheofaccounttheonToys4Uatissuedwascredit$5Acoloring!Keeppages!coloredbeautifullyinsentwhoreadersofhundredsthetoyouThank BSM11,Weinberger,Zissy Satmar4,Polatsek,MoisheleDovidBais10,Tendler,YossiBinaImrei6,Tenenbaum,Kalman RochelBais11,Shain,Chana’laEstherKlausenburg10,Kohn,EstyandSury YRSRH8,Margoliot,SaraPupa6,Herzog,Chayala Skvere6,Neustadt,AvrumiMunkatch7,Engel,Motti 226 845.600.8484 The Monsey View August 17, 2022

family.entiretheforpagecoloringthisphotocopytofreeFeelBy: Faigy Jacobowitz Send your colored page to The Monsey View to enter a drawing for a chance to have your artwork featured in our pages and win $5 at Toys4U! Ten lucky winners will be announced each week! To enter the raffle, email your colored page to, or mail it to 365 Route 59, Suite 239, Airmont, NY 10952. Submissions will be included in the drawing only if all information is filled in. Phone:______________________________________________Name:_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Age:____________________School:_________________________________________________________ 227 845.600.8484 August 17, 2022 The Monsey View

Esty and ZeldyYidyJacobowitzGoldberger Yisroel Chaim Kritzler Moishy Franczoz Yidy Goldberger ןאמדירפ עשוי ןאטסיב ישמ אריפש ידנעמ ןאטסיב קחצי To have your child’s creation featured here, email a picture to or mail it to 365 Route 59, Suite 239, Airmont, NY 10952. Where every entry is a Talentwinner!Show 228 845.600.8484 The Monsey View August 17, 2022

Sruly and NeugartenMoishy Etty Barzeski BentziHillelWeinbergerSimon DovyTzviBergerEinhorn Yanky Klein Zishe and Usher Zelig Horowitz ,דוד דלאוונירג,םייחיזייר Miriam Zaiat 229 845.600.8484 August 17, 2022 The Monsey View

230 845.600.8484 The Monsey View August 17, 2022

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235 845.600.8484 August 17, 2022 The Monsey View

FOR SALE YOYA /BABY PRIDE STROLLERS Now on sale, available in beautiful colors, ASTM standards, company backed warranty. Free delivery. Please call 845-263-2737 NEOCATE/BABY FORMULA Neocate $46.99 per can. Kendamil $38.99. Similac L’Mehadrin $28.99!! We also buy off any extra formula for a good price. Call for other types of formulas. Formula 347.369.4886Trade RESTAURANT FOR SALE Local Monsey Working Restaurant for sale. Call or text +18453934516 comMonseyrestaurnt@gmail.Email: DOONA STROLLER Doona Stroller, multiple colors avail.cll/txt 1-201-6144045 MONSEY RESTAURANT FOR SALE Fully equipped. 40k. Call 8457214218 JOOLZ AER Brand new in closed box. Selling for $360, In stores $449. 8455385693 JOOLZ HUB PLUS Black, brand new in box. Selling for $590, in store $730.00. 8455385693 LIGHT BLUE GOWN Looking to sell a medium/ light blue gown size 10-12 kids for a very good price. Please call 845-356-4141. WIG CONSIGNMENT Human hair wigs for sale. All colors, lengths, and textures. Many gently used, some brand new! Lots of high end wigs for fraction of original price. Make money by selling your gently used wigs. please reach out for more details call/txt (845)218 1799 Instagram @ thewigconsignment FOR SALE Dining room table + 10 wooden back chairs. * Magnificant Canadian 48” master bedroon set 845-2485949 MYUNISHELL Attention High school & seminary girls. Selling popular MYUNISHELL. White, l. blue, white & blue striped. Call for appointment 845-356-2428 DRESSER FOR SALE Beautiful 3 door Italian dresser with mirror for sale. High sheen mahogany. Brand new condition. Best offer, pictures available, txt only 8457460486 REAL ESTATE OFFICE SPACE New offices located on Collins Ave-Next to Hatzluchah grocery include: desk, chair, internet, closet, window. For women/ girls only. Call 718813-4265 APT FOR RENT Newly renovated apt avail immed : 2 bedrooms: stunning bathroom: spacious kitchen: quartz counters; fancy lights: elegant flooring: Spacious Storage Shed: Very big backyard. TEXT ONLY. (917)830-6341 FOR SALE BY OWNER Fracis / Charles area extended high ranch, 6 bedrooms, 3 baths , 2 kitchens, built in sukkah, $1.2 million 845-608-6050 FOR RENT 3302 Parkview, Spring Valley $3,000. Beautiful 2100+ sqft townhouse-style (2 floors) condo. 4 bdrms. 3 bthrms. Many upgrades. Great location. Close to shopping. Please call Leon Klein 845 774-9052. greentriangleteam.comLeon@ SHORT TERM RENTAL Montebello House for weekend rental. 7 bedrooms. Amazing for family reunion. Lots of privacy. Contact 347356-0511 Classifieds for sale N real estate N 236 845.600.8484 The Monsey View August 17, 2022

FOR RENT 5 bedroom New city full house rental on trails end near Muldaver’s Yeshiva call 845-608-0538 for details FOR RENT Several Sizes Office space for rent in 306/ Blauvelt Area 845-219-1586. JERUSALEM SALE In Romema! 135-meter beautiful apartment. Great condition in prime location - Shamgar, spacious Dining room, En-suite bathroom, Large Sukkah porch. Shisha Realty 718-408-8070 sales@ HAVERSTRAW For sale/rent brick office building 4800 sq ft good for medical/ offices etc. Great investment. 718 757 9862 SHORT TERM RENTAL Montebello House. 5 Bedrooms + basement. Resort like private backyard with pool + spa and playground. Contact 347-356-0511 MONSEY GETAWAYSHABBOS Spacious house in Concord available for Shabbosim. 7+ bedrooms, 19 beds, large deck, linen & Shabbos essentials provided. Call 845548-6478. HELP BOOKKEEPINGWANTEDASSISTANT Seeking female bookkeeping assistant. bikurcholim.orgeturnheim@ BOOKKEEPER Looking for a detail oriented, Well organized female with good communication skills and themadisonbooks.comemailknowledge.QuickBooks/AccountingPleaseResumetohello@ SEEKING BOOKKEEPER Bookkeeping firm looking to hire a full time female worker. Should have experience in qb, word and excel. must have good phone skills. Email resume monseyhiring@gmail.comto JOB OPPORTINITY Maximize your strengths!!! Job opportunity in accounting firm in the financial department with a heimish and kosher environment, Send resume to or call 845-573-3000. BOOKKEEPING ASSISTANT Busy companymanagementlookingfor a f/t bookkeeping assiatant. Please email resume DRIVER WANTED Yeshiva Rabbi SR Hirsch is looking for a driver to transport students round trip Monsey to Washington Heights 6 days a week. Please email applications to info@ For questions please call 212-568-6250 ASSISTANT POSITIONS Cheder is seeking male and female Teachers assistants for the upcoming school year. Please email resume menahel@chedermonsey.orgto TEACHERS & ASSISTANTS Looking to work in a growing school and a warm and friendly environment? Cheder Chabad of Monsey is seeking part time teachers and assistants in the Preschool, Elementary and Middle School grades, as well as secretaries, for the upcoming school year. We offer competitive pay and flexible hours. Please call 612408-1775 or email details.chedermonsey.orgygoldberg@formore SEEKING SECRETARY Local management office looking to hire secretary for customer service position. Please send your resume to P/T POSITIONBOOKKEEPING Looking for a capable individual, that is detail oriented, well organized and has experience in bookkeeping and finance to manage our AP and AR. Potential for growth. Email your resume to info@ Classifieds real estate N help wanted N 238 845.600.8484 The Monsey View August 17, 2022

JOIN OUR WONDERFUL TEAM! Bnos Leah Prospect Park of Monsey is seeking positive, warm and experienced teachers for the 2022-23 school year. Preschool and elementary school positions open. Send your resume jobs@prospectmonsey.orgto RARE POSITION Local growing e-commerce and wholesale business looking to hire a project manager
JOB OPPORTUNITY Looking for a warm dedicated boys nursey co- teacher for boys nursery. Excellent Pay. Please call 8453564138 ext.2
TEACHING POSITIONS Yeshiva Spring Valley (boys) of Monsey is now accepting resumes for the General Studies department for September 2022 - ‘23 School Year. Following Positions available: • Lower Elementary School Teacher (M-TH 12:45-4:00); • Title1 English Language Arts (ELA) Teacher • Teacher’s Assistants (M-TH 12:45-4:00) Teaching experience a must. Professional atmosphere and competitive salary. Please include references and email to orggss@yeshivaspringvalley.orFAXto845-356-8551
with great pay and Tremendous growth opportunity. No experience is needed. The Company is willing to train. Candidates need the drive to learn and the ambition to execute various projects. If this sounds like something you would be interested in please Send your resume monseyjob123@gmail.comto PLAYGROUP ASSISTANT A New York State certified playgroup located in Pomona seeks an assistant for the upcoming school year. Must have previous experience with early childhood and be very dedicated, loving and caring. Must have own transportation. Serious inquiries only. Please contact: 347-524-3860 TUTOR POSITION Heimishe cheder seeking tutors for the upcoming school year: man for the older grades, and lady/girl for the younger grades. Reading and math skills. Afternoon hours. Please send resume faxsecretary@vienmonsey.orgtoorto845-208-0440. JOIN US! Yeshiva of Spring Valley Preschool is callyeshivaspringvalley.orgyourpositions.environment.ProfessionalteachersexperiencedseekingkindergartenforAM.andPM.andwarmWellpaidPleaseemailresumetopreschool@or845-356-1400ext.226, or 848-525-0943. P-1A CO-TEACHER Excellent opportunity to learn the foundations of English reading from an experienced Pre-1a Teacher. Hours 1-4, with high compensation. Email resume to HELP WANTED A Heimish Daycare Center is looking to hire a secretary and an office position is also available, call 347-460-0204 and leave a message. SEEKING MORAHS Bais Yaakov in Washington Heights seeking Moros grades 6-7-8. Experience preferred, also seeking school secretary with good computer skills f/t p/t. Email resume hgottesman@yrsrh.orgto JOIN US! Yeshiva of Spring Valley Preschool is looking to hire capable co-teachers / assistants to work alongside very experienced teachers for the 5783-2022/2023 school year. Well paid positions. Please email your resume to callyeshivaspringvalley.orgpreschool@or845-356-1400ext.226, or 848-525-0943. PRESCHOOL ASSISTANT Preschool in Monsey looking for assistant. Great atmosphere, excellent pay! Call or text 845-476-1305 GENERAL STUDIES TEACHER Cheder D’Monsey seeks an experienced 1st grade General Studies teacher for the coming 22-23 school year. Mon.-Thrs., 1:30-4. Great pay, wonderful work environment. Send resume to: or call (845) 826-6718. Classifieds help wanted N 240 845.600.8484 The Monsey View August 17, 2022
BAS MIKROH is seeking qualified staff for the ‘22-‘23 school year, to join our dynamic, talented team: Principal’s Secretary, Office Secretary, Hebrew and English Permanent Substitutes, English Remedial Teacher, CoTeachers and assistants. Please email resume to hr@ Bas Mikroh has an on-site daycare for Staff children

241 845.600.8484 August 17, 2022 The Monsey View

MOTHER HELPER Seeking Mother helperPomona. Looking for 18+ female. W2. Familiar with gentle parenting modality. Caring for 3 children, cooking, tidying up. Full or Part time 8 - 11am. 3-6pm. 8-11pm. 347-654-4559 JOIN US Come join our amazing staff. Looking for warm, capable co-teachers to work alongside our experienced Morahs. Please call 845-270-8796 or email your resume
JOB OPPORTUNITY Bas Mikroh Daycare is seeking the following staff for the ’22-’23 school year. Morah for 18-24 month group, 2 year old morning morah, rotating teacher/permanent sub, Daycare assistants. Please email resume to hr@
WE’RE HIRING! Upscale jewelry store in monsey is looking to hire a part time energetic sales lady. Sunday’s included. Please email jewelrypersonal@gmail.comresume: AMAZING OPPORTUNITY! Local property Management Company is looking for a f/t secretary. office Experience required. Great environment, Great pay. Please email resume rcmanageoffice@gmail.comto
P/T POSITION Busy mortgage office seeking p/t receptionist. Must be super organized, peoples person, everestequity.comEmailorientedcomputerhardworking,savvy,detailandoutgoing.resumetosaram@ JOBS AVAILABLE Part-time & Full-time jobs available. gmail.comTopPartTimeJobs@Email OFFICE POSITION Office in Monsey is seeking a capable individual for an open position within the finance department. Great opportunity with potential, good pay and easterndrayage.comresumeenvironment.HeimishPleaseemailtochaimm@ SEEKING TEACHER Heimishe playgroup looking for a teacher for September for a yummy settled pre-nursery English speaking class. Well paid and extremely easy terms. Pls call 845-537-1960 TEACHER NEEDED Local chassidish girls school seeks a 8th grade math/literature teacher. 3 Departmental.afternoons/week.Great working environment, great pay! 845402-6118 SPECIAL ED ASSISTANCE Assistants and aides needed for special needs 845-352-3307Fax:jobresume613@gmail.comclassrooms.845-352-3375Phone:ext.119 SECRETARY Full-time and part-time secretaries needed for a medical exam office. Basic computer skills required. Flexible hours, good pay. Please call 845-659-6826 / 917-440-2734 OFFICE ASSISTANT: Busy medical facility in Monsey is seeking a F/T Office Assistant who is responsible, organized, and computer literate. Benefits package, comhrmonseyjob@gmail.Pleasethegrowth.andvacation/holidays,paidopportunitiesforWillingtotrainrightcandidate.sendresumeto PLAYGROUP ASSISTANT Playgroup in Pomona looking for assistant for age 0-12 months. 845-422-6043 F/T SECRETARY Local heimishe office looking to hire full time secretary. Basic computer knowledge. Will train. 845-533-3061 Classifieds help wanted N 242 845.600.8484 The Monsey View August 17, 2022
ENGLISH DEP. Come join our fantastic team! Looking to hire a (first grade) assistant, permanent sub and extracurricular staff. Please send in your resume bschwartz@bnosbinahm.orgto

CONSTRUCTION MANAGER Looking for a supervisor to oversee a construction crew. Please call 646-784-6013 OFFICE POSITION GREAT OPPORTUNITY!! Fast Growing Therapy Office near Monsey seeking PART Time secretary. Office experience a must. Flexible hours (with option to work part of the time from home). Responsibilities include: scheduling appointments, overseeing evaluations, ensuring client satisfaction, collecting payments. Much room for growth! Competitive pay for the right candidate. Email resume SALESHELP WANTED Clothing store in Monsey is looking for a motivated woman/girl for saleshelp. Pls call 845-642-7965 OFFICE MANAGER Looking to hire a female office manager. Should be organized, efficient, and have experience in excel. Excellent communication skills neccessary. Well established and growing company. Will train. Generous pay. Contact 8450422-7292 or moshe@aaaleadpro.comemail SWIFT STAFFING is seeking to hire additional recruiters. Part-time & Flexible hours. Email your resume to SwiftStaffingGroup.comInfo@ JOB OPPORTUNITY Real estate office in Monsey is looking to hire a financial controller. Experience in real estate financials is a must. offering in the range of 200k + medical insurance and benefits. Please send your resume to gmail.comjobhiring845@ PROJECT MANAGER Construction Company looking to hire a secretary/ project manager. willing to train the right candidate. Lots of growth potentail. Please email your resume officejobs4832@gmail.comto PROJECT MANAGER Monsey based developer is looking to hire a project manager to oversee and manage a gmail.comconstructionposition350@PleaseconstructionExperienceconstructioncommercialproject.incommercialrequired.emailyourresumeto; P/T RECEPTIONIST Local mental health office seeking a part time evening receptionist. Candidate should have great phone and computer skills. Please email resume to hr@daaswellness. com. SECRETARY WANTED Looking to work in a stimulating Real Estate Office? Here is your chance! Must have communicationexcellentskills, and work well under pressure. Send your resume hoperivky@aol.comto TITLE 1 TUTOR Heimishe Cheder looking to hire Title 1 tutors male/ female to teach young boys English Reading 3:00-5;30. Please call 347-268-7029 if interested. BACK OFFICE POSITION Bowtique is looking for a Lady/Girl back office worker. (845) 579-5512 CHILDREN’S OUTLET, NOW HIRING Looking for a responsible Girl / Lady for the Cashier. Call, 845-323-6933. Classifieds help wanted N

OFFICE POSITION –AFTER SUCCOS Local Monsey office is looking to hire a full time secretary starting after Succos. Office experience preferred. Great pay for the right candidate. Please Call 845-205 -0910 or Email: monseyhire@gmail. com. MONSEY F/T Online Luxury Retail Company seeks motivated young man to assist with sales, order processing & customer care. This is a full time in-office position. Pleasant environment with plenty of potential, great pay for the qualified individual. Excellent written & spoken English necessary. Must be computer literate. Social media knowledge a plus. Please email job4fulltime@gmail.comresume SALESWOMEN WANTED Looking for SALES HELP WANTED Looking to hire a young, friendly, passionate with a flair for fashion. P/T morning hours. The Genuine Shop 845-425-0735 Leave message F/T SECRETARY Hemishe local Insurance office looking for full time secretary openings in personal and commercial dept salary plus commission email resume werosenbauminsurance.comzev@willtrainonthejob. BEHAVIOR SPECIALISTMANAGEMENT Two males needed to address the behavioral needs of adolescent males in a school for special needs students. Must be able to de-escalate behaviors and apply restraint techniques if needed. Appropriate restraint training is a plus but will be provided. JOB OPPORTUNITY Sparks Electronic and Housewares is looking for an energetic girl or lady to work in our store. Please contact us at fax# 845-362-6282 or email us at info@sparksforyou. com P/T COACHES Part time job coaches to work with special needs population. jobresume613@ Fax: 845-352-3375 Phone: 845-352-3307 ext.119 150+ JOB OPENINGS! Stop wasting your time going through all the jobs classifieds. Simply email your resume to completelyStrictlyWhatsAppcareer.&toSwiftStaffingGroup.comInfo@exploreyouroptionsmaximizeyourOrCall/Text/732-800-7633confidential&free. JOB OPPORTUNITY ABA Riders is looking for a female ABA para to work with a 6 year old in a mainstream classroom starting September. Driving and having a car is required. Paid travel time and gas! Well paid! Contact Rikki at com.930-9736/info@abariders.347TUTOR WANTED Chassidishe cheder looking for a male tutor for title one. 3:30-5:30. Please call 8452637445 TITLE I TUTOR POSITION Heimishe cheder seeking tutors for the upcoming school year: man for the older grades, and lady/girl for the younger grades. Reading and math skills. Afternoon hours. Please send resume faxsecretary@vienmonsey.orgtoorto845.208.0440. SPECIAL ED TEACHERS Special Education Teachers needed. New York State certification required. Experience with ABA preferred. Full Time 845-352-3307Fax:jobresume613@gmail.composition.845-352-3375Phone:ext.119 BCBA / ABA Looking for a BCBA or an ABA with experience to run a special need 845-352-3307Fax:jobresume613@gmail.comclassroom.845-352-3375Phone:ext.119 FEMALE LIFEGUARD Looking for female lifeguard in Monticello exit 106, no bungalow provided. Monday - Friday 3 hours per day in the afternoon.. Call or text 2129603182 P/T SECRETARY Local girls high school looking for secretary from 8am-2pm. Basic Microsoft knowledge required. Email: FULL TIME POSITIONS Heimishe office in Monsey looking to hire for multiple full-time positions, graduate/ entry level ok. Please email resume: orsammysconsulting.comsammy@call845-603-8206 Classifieds help wanted N 246 845.600.8484 The Monsey View August 17, 2022

247 845.600.8484 August 17, 2022 The Monsey View

JOB OPPORTUNITIES Growing media company seeking manager to plan, develop, and implement social media content. Two years of experience required. $65k/yr. *Clinical Director seeking clinical assistant to assist with organizing$120k/yrandinseeking+representatives.motivatedInsurancestaff.collaborationandmanagingresearchingdocumentation,clinicaltopics,clinicaltrainings,coordinationandwithother$50k/yr.*CommercialBrokerageseekinganddrivensales$50k/yrcommission.*CPAFirmCPAwithexperiencetaxplanningtocollaborateleaddepartment.*InsuranceAgencydetail-orientedassistanttowithorganization,relations,andoveralloperations.$50k/yremailresumesto PHOTO EDITING Do you have extensive Photoshop knowledge and experience with image editing? Local Monsey Business seeks young women for product image editing. Join our growing team! Basic photography skills A+ but we can train. Part Time & Flexible hours! This is an inoffice position. Email resume to SECRETARY POSITION Looking to fill a full time secretary position in a school. Great Opportunity! Good computer, phone and interpersonal skills. required. Call: 845-352-1003 ext. 119 Fax; 845-352-3375 Email: gmail.comjobresumes613@ HOUSEKEEPING Looking for FULL TIME housekeeping assistance for lovely family with little kids, in Woodbury-Junction area. Please call 845.232.1068 MONSEY F/T Online Luxury Retail Company seeks motivated young man to assist with sales, order processing & customer care. This is a full time in-office position. Pleasant environment with plenty of potential, great pay for the qualified individual. Excellent written & spoken English necessary. Must be computer literate. Social media knowledge a plus. Please email job4fulltime@gmail.comresume GRAPHIC DESIGNER Office looking for in-house Graphic Designer. Must be experienced in Adobe Illustrator. Located near Monsey, NY. Please gmail.comgraphicdesigner10952@email GREAT SALES POSITION Be Your Own Boss! “Be in business for yourself not by yourself” best training + support provided, great benefits and retirement package. Please dglick@newyorklife.comemail or call 845-639-5216 GROWING OPPORTUNITY Boys yeshiva seeking an administrative assistant. Should be leavePleasewithenvironmentandorganized,responsible,lovechildrenenjoybeingpartofanofhatzlachavarmkeit.Excited?call845-825-7174andadetailedmessage. JOB OPPORTUNITY Join our Monsey Office! Receive full training in Nursing Home Financials. Competitive salary and free health insurance. Located at Rela, moving shortly to Rober Pitt. Send resume monseyjobs@fcc-corp.comto BEHAVIORAL SPECIALIST Looking for a clinical behavioral specialist to help identify behavioral issues, create and monitor behavioral plans, as well as train staff on implementation. Must have a Masters in Social Work or Education and experience working with individuals with special needs. Salary commensurate with experience. Call 845-3543233 ext.1120 or kfireman@chesed247.orgemail CREATIVEREMOTE/INHOUSE:OPPORTUNITY Seeking multiple entry-level marketers, social media managers, copywriters & graphic designers. Work with large brands. Growth opportunity. Monsey area remote and in house. Call/ Text 917-685-7675 POSITION OPEN Looking for a stimulating position in a mainsttravel.comSendMultipleskills.computerenvironment?fast-pacedUseyourandinterpersonalKosherenvironment.positionsavailable.resumetosales@ OPEN POSITIONS We are a fast paced, growing Property Management Firm seeking individuals to fill F/T positions within our Accounting Team. Previous experience is not necessary, but candidate should be comfortable working with numbers and enjoy performing as part of a Team. Competitive pay and lots of potential for growth for the right individual. Monsey Based. Please email Resume to: Classifieds help wanted N 248 845.600.8484 The Monsey View August 17, 2022

249 845.600.8484 August 17, 2022 The Monsey View

NIGHTBABYSITTINGBABYSITTER Need a warm and loving home for your kids while you’re away? For overnight babysitting reach out 845426-1209 BABYSITTER AVAILABLE Babysitter on Spruill is available now and for the upcoming year from Monday - Thursday for all ages 4064799 HAIRCUTSPROFESSIONALSERVICES&STYLING Great prices. Call Miri 845426-7561 TORAHANYTIME.COM On demand Torah Hebrew718-298-2077.iPhone/AndroidforVideo-Audio-downloadlecturesAllfreeComputerorAppforOrHotlineYiddish--English ARROWSMITH Is your child still in the same place after all that tutoring?Join Arrowsmith, a research based program that strengthens the brain and eliminates learning disabilities. Call Mrs Feuer 914-260-6449 MUSIC LESSONS ON THE PHONE Mr. Wertzberger’s Music School offering music lessons on the phone, ages 9-15 boys and girls. Try it free! 718-4351923 STRUGGLING WITH DISORDERED EATING? Repair your relationship with food, improve your body image and uncover your selfworth. Miriam Shurpin MS RD CDN, Registered Dietitian – Nutritionist. 347 480 1670. rd@miriamshurpin. com / consultationsIn-personmiriamshurpin.comandTelehealth PIANOPROFESSIONALLESSONS and music theory by Miriam Ungar. Now accepting Children’s Waiver. Please call 845.502.1971 SINGER/GUITARIST Will perform at your chuppah, Sheva Brachos, or any 2-3 hour event. Moshe Klaver 845-746-0925 KANGEN WATER “Change your Water.. Change your life” Alkaline - AntiOxidant - Super Hydrating Call for FREE supply and feel AMAZING! 917-681-0003 HANDYMAN Professional carpet cleaning. Painting, Drywall, Electric, Plumbing, All handyman jobs. Security cameras. R.O. water filter system. call 917378-3194 PETTICOATS FOR RENT! Enhance your gown with just the right petticoat! Kids and petticoatsadultsforrent! In the Bates area. Please Call or text between 845-746-72488:30-10pm Classifieds babysitting N services N 250 845.600.8484 The Monsey View August 17, 2022

251 845.600.8484 August 17, 2022 The Monsey View

FLY HIGH BALLOONS Biggest selection of balloons for all occasions in the Weiner drive area call 8454223988/ Flyhighbal@ CUSTOM CLOSETS For all your custom closets, doors or mouldings call or text 1347.522.4872 CALL/TEXT @845-596-1373SARAH Craniosacral Therapy InHome Sessions KEYBOARD LESSONS Keyboard lessons By Miri. Great Prices! Call 845-4267561 or 845-263-6437 GARTLECH we fix knitted & crochet Gartlech & make beautiful professional fringes. We also teach how to knit & crochet. call: 917-414-3281 SHAIMOS PICK 845-461-3084UPS FOR RENT א ראפ גיסאפ רעייז ץאלפ א טימ) ,םידימלת 100 ןיפ הבישי ןעגידראפ וצ (ירטרעמאד א זומת שדוח זיב לולא שדוח ןיפ ס‘נעטנאמ יד ןיא ק“פל ג“פשת עטיב .גרעבגנימולב ןופ טונימ 10 845-206-9862 טפור HAIRCUTS & STYLES Haircutting & Styling for all occasions. Located in the Calvert area. Call 845-3764595 RUSH ROAD TEST In the next few days for only $60. Get $5 off by mentioning this ad. Call / text 646-9958467 MURRAY POOL Large, heated, sparkling, w/ waterslide, dressing rooms & restroom. Open for ladies: Fri & Sun 8-11am. Mon-Thurs 8am -3pm. Groups please call 347-526-0615 NEW CITY POOL Beautiful big heated pool for rent. Buena Vista area. Privacy. $65 hour. 845 538 6411 VAN & TRUCK Van & Truck Delivery and Shlepping Service Call Izzy: 845-263-0420 EARPIERCING 12 years experience. Wide selection. Call/text: 845-5387986 POOL FOR RENT Large, clean pool available for rent in Montebello by the hour. Please call or text 845545-8454. DEBT RELIEF having trubble with finances? join Debtors Anonymous Tuesday night @ 19 Robert Pitt # 113 , 7:30-8:30pm. visit debtorsanonymous.orgwww. ODDS & ENDS SEEKING DONATIONS Of toys, arts & crafts, or supplies, in good condition, for a Heimishe Moised. Call 845.500.3100 Classifieds services N odds & ends N gowns N 252 845.600.8484 The Monsey View August 17, 2022

253 845.600.8484 August 17, 2022 The Monsey View

HELIUM BALLOONS Helium balloons & more. We deliver! Call / whatsapp 929224-2181 GRAPHOLOGY WORKSHOP Fun & Informative, treat your staff, employees & campers to an unforgettable experience! Call 845-642-3213 GOWNS GOLD GOWN Adorable gold gown by Dassy available to buy or rent. Toddler size 4. Call 422-5596 for more info FOR SALE Beautiful gowns! 1 Size 4 ladies off white worn once, 2 size 6&10 children off white 845-558-4000 GIRLS CHASUNAH GOWN Very Elegant, Winter White trimmed with Black Velvet, girls size 12/14 for sale. Please Call 845-709-7161. MOTHER OF BRIDE Beautiful mother of bride gown for sale. Black and white. Size 10-12. Great price. Call/text 347-760-4649. GOWN FOR RENT Silver/Grey colored gown size 2-4 8455380391 EXCLUSIVE GOWNS Beautiful costume made light color kids gowns for sale, size 3 till 14 6 pieces, please call 845-2747188 or 845-6592000 LOST Lost something? Found something? The Daily Return: 917-653-1317shoppingLostcommonseydailyreturn@gmail.845-538-0193,Call/text:Email:anewRowentaironinareainMonsey א ןיא לקער א טזאלעגרעביא 9194419332 ש“צומ שטיה FOUND In a gas station in the Catskills a silver thunderbirds pin 845-422Camera0913 case + SD card in La Familia taxi 845-826-0764 Aug 14, baguboo carriage in La Familia minivan no. 445. Gold845-376-3036necklace w name in Yiddish, charm from other necklace on it, Saddle River 845-304-9383 FREE GIVEAWAYS Track lighting fixture 3 led bulbs Monsey 718-851-7066 Like new black shoes block heel, size 6.5. 845-274-5266 Many egg boxes for moving 845-274-3220 (New Square) Natural wood table + 4 chairs. 3x3 ft, extendable to 5 ft. Shed352-1213measures 90 x 120. 845641-1603 254 845.600.8484 The Monsey View August 17, 2022

255 845.600.8484 August 17, 2022 The Monsey View

JDNCREDIT:PHOTO העד הרוי םויס - הרוי הרוי הרותה דובכ דמעמ עכילרעה יסנאמ ןיא אריווקס ףסוי בקעי תודלות ללוכ ןופ טיילעגניא 19 הארוהל טרעהראפ ךיז ןבאה סע יוו 256 The Monsey View

257 845.600.8484 August 17, 2022 The Monsey View

JDNCREDIT:PHOTO 258 The Monsey View

עקיגאט ייווצ עשיראטסיה 'ןייפמאק גנונעפאה םלוע ינוב' טכיירגרעד ה"ב טאה סאוו עמוס עשימאנארטסנא יד רעללאד ןאילימ ןעצ ןופ י"בחא העושילןפלעהוצסיוראםיפצמה 259The Monsey View

JDNCREDIT:PHOTO יסנאמ בובאב ץ"מודל בובאבמ ר"ומדאה ןתח ןאמסקאוו דוד םייח 'ר ג"הרה לש הרתכה דמעמ 260 The Monsey View

JDNCREDIT:PHOTO עינישזדריוו טסעוו ןיא העד הרוי הנחמ שילזיימ לאקזחי השמ ברה תיבב הזוזמ תעיבקב ליהעווזמ ר"ומדאה ראטיעקיד תנוכש - אנרובדאנ ד"מהיבב הוקמה תורוב תקיצי יסנאמ אזלעב ידיסחד םיריעצל הבישיד 'ג רועיש י''עש וניפב תרובח יסנאמ שטאקנומ ץ''מוד דלעפשריה אדוי דוד 'ר ג''הרה לצא םיחספ תכסמ לכ לע ונחבנ Assemblyman Mike Lawler honoring RSK for their amazing work 262 845.600.8484 The Monsey View August 17, 2022

JDNCREDIT:PHOTO ראמטאסמ ר"ומדאה תושארב יסנאמו לאוי תירקמ הרובחה ידמולל ראמטאס תליהק י"עש 'השמ תרות ורכז' תרובחב םיחבז תכסמ םויס דמעמ 264 The Monsey View

JDNCREDIT:PHOTO גאטנוז ןדעי העש יירד ןענרעל םיתב ילעב יוו 'אריווקס ןוכישד ללוכ גאטנוז' יד ןופ תודסייתהל הנש תאלמ לגרל הרותה קוזיח תביסמ יולה תיב ד"בא רענזאוו לאוי יבר צ"הגה תואישנב הרות ייח הנטק הבישי ןיא הרותה דובכ דמעמ ראמטאסמ ר"ומדאה תושארב יסנאמו לאוי תירקמ הרובחה ידמולל ראמטאס תליהק י"עש 'השמ תרות ורכז' תרובחב םיחבז תכסמ םויס דמעמ 266 The Monsey View

JDNCREDIT:PHOTO פ"עב םיחספ תכסמ לכ לע ונחבנש רחא יסנאמ אזלעב ידיסחד 'ג רועיש י"עש וניפב תרובחל הנשה ףוס םויס ןעלוקס שדוקה רצחב ומחנ ק"שצומ האדוה תדועס 268 The Monsey View

JDNCREDIT:PHOTO ץאש - ץילעמ - קחצי םהרבא תודלות תיבב הנותחה תחמש גרובסלאפ טואס ןיא ירטנאק ילארק ןיא ךוזאב א 270 The Monsey View

Contents // Inside 112 // Inbox 120 // Parsha 128 // Week in Review 140 // The Last Rebbe of Lodz 148 // The Long Road to Freedom 157 // Food 168 // Care From Up Close 184 // Little Creatures Lots of Fun 206 // Something’s Fishy 212 // Starring Slime 222 // FYI 224 // Fun Pages 236 // Classifieds 256 // Pictures ISSUE 361 AUGUST 17, 2022 בקע ב”פשתתשרפבא ’כ MEMORIES Making Summer IN THE FYI: SNEAKERS THE GOLDEN WIN Who ever thought of handing out fish at carnival?! DIY! A SLIME PRIMER DAYSSALAMANDEROFSUMMER Pet projects that keep the kids busy YOURPROTECTPETS How to teach children about tzaar baalei chayim THE MONSEY VIEW P.O. Box 305 Monsey N.Y. 10952 Telephone: 845-600-8484 Fax: 845-600-8483 E-mail: Website: MISSION STATEMENT: The Monsey View is a weekly publication designed for every segment and age group of our diverse community. Under rabbinical guidance, we bring Monsey’s top talent together to provide high-quality, informative and current reading material, keeping you up to date on sales, events, news and issues of concern and import happening right now in the Monsey community. DISCLAIMER: We do not endorse any ad found in this publication. We are not responsible for typographical or grammatical errors. COPYRIGHT: All content found in The Monsey View is copyright and may not be reproduced, published, distrib uted or duplicated for public or private use without written permission from The Monsey View. Limit one (1) per family Publisher: YOEL ITZKOWITZ Editor in Chief: D. GORALNIK Content Editor: R. REESE Associate Editor: E.M. NEIMAN Food Editor: M.P. WERCBERGER Creative Director: AJ WACHSMAN Project Coordinator: R. ITZKOWITZ 272 845.600.8484 The Monsey View August 17, 2022