Issue 362

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ISSUEFREE 362 AUGUST 24, 2022 האר ב”פשתתשרפבא ז”כ At Home in the Big Apple FYI: NYCTHESKYLINEPUSHCARTS, PENNY PICKLES AND PLACES OF PRAYER A look at the Lower East Side of yesteryear THROUGH NONNATIVE GLASSES Newer New Yorkers weigh in on stereotypes WHAT COMETOURISTSTHEFOR NYC’s most popular places

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Thanks for the clear instructions for easy-to-make and so-muchfun slime. My daughter, Faigy, had a great time mixing the ingredi ents into great-textured slime, and the straw-blown balloons were a huge hit! Faigy’s Mother ONE FISH, TWO FISH (Re: Issue 361: Summer Memories in the Making)

Thank you for the informative and entertaining read titled “Care From Up Close.” The topic of tza’ar baalei chaim is an important one dur ing the summer, when many neighborhood children adopt “tempo rary” pets without thinking of the long-term well-being of the animals in question.Thiswas also mentioned in the short piece “Something’s Fishy,” but why do our kids still come home with goldfish? Sadly, the end of the story is always the same: Sooner or later, all the goldfish turn terribly intelligent and learn the upside-down trick mentioned by Mr. Safran. All For the Fish A CURL OF THE PAST (Re: FYI: Sneakers, Issue 361) At the risk of dating myself, the curly shoelaces brought me right back to sixth grade and my coveted multi-colored pair! It was the most MONSEY, NY FORECAST

THURSDAY 88°/67° 5% FRIDAY 86°/65° 43% MONDAY 77°/59° 2% SHABBOS 82°/67° 40% TUESDAY 79°/60° 55% SUNDAY 75°/57° 29% WEDNESDAY 74°/56° 55% 102 845.600.8484 The Monsey View August 24, 2022


INBOX // Talk of Town תשרפל םינמז האר תורנה תקלדה ץינזיוואריווקס 7:137:087:20 תבש יאצומ8:518:328:49 356-mall6255845NUMBERONE needs.yourall Everest Equity Company , Inc. THE TwoExecutiveBoulevard,Suite201 Suffern,NewYork10901 845.357.6900 ResidentialandCommercialMortgages| Registered Mortgage Broker New York State Department of Financial Services. Mortgage Broker Licensed by the New Jersey Department of Banking and Insurance. Licensed Mortgage Broker CT, PA, FL and NC Banking Departments. Loans arranged through third party providers. NMLS ID 12484 Monsey 27 Orchard Street Monsey, NY 845-425-801010952 BORO PARK 4714 13th Avenue Brooklyn, NY 718-435-869711219 Williamsburg • Lakewood

BUBBLE OF FUN (Re: Starring Slime, Issue 361)

COMMENTS, FEEDBACK AND LETTERS. EMAIL: FAX: 845-600-8483 MAIL: The Monsey View, POB 305, Monsey,

Dear Yidden, Rachmanim Bnei Rachmanim, So many of our brothers are sitting in the darkness of prison, and their situation has become only harder and more bitter over the last period of time. While COVID restrictions have been eased a while ago in our daily lives, it is only now that the prison system has lifted some of its restrictions. Finally, one can visit their fel low Yidden languishing in prison. With this letter, we are reaching out to those of you who want to be part of this special mitzvah. Please be in touch with Lishmoa Enkas Usir, and we will provide you with visi tor information as well as instructions. The process has be come fairly simple now, baruch Hashem, as the prisons can be visited daily and there’s no advance registration required.

I would like to call upon our local shop owners to provide us, your loyal customers, with an easier yom tov shopping experience.Insupporting your business, we are forfeiting the convenience of flexible return policies. We understand that your overhead is substantial and that inventory becomes stale after yom tov, and that is why we respect your policies. However, the fact that we have such a short time frame for returns pressures us to bring our kids right into the shop ping jungle so we can try on the clothes before purchasing them.Ifyou would be able keep your establishments open until later each evening from now until yom tov, it would allow us to bring the kids shopping without the need to make a mad dash to the store right when the kids come home from day camp or school. This would also give us a larger window of time for same-day returns.



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Brothers Who Care

Thank you for the nostalgic memory jog! N.G.

Call or text 860-365-2765 or email lishmoaenkasusir@



fun way to dress up a sneaker back in the day when an ex pensive pair of sneakers cost $40 and very rare was the girl who had a brand name on her pair. Unless you mean Keds, which was our brand name, indeed.

Thank you for doing your best to accommodate us and help us to shop with more ease. A Loyal Customer

106 845.600.8484 The Monsey View August 24, 2022

This week’s parsha begins with Moshe Rabbeinu repeating to Klal Yisroel the brachos they will receive if they fulfill the mitzvos, and the curse if they abandon them. “Re’eh anochi nosen lifneichem hayom bracha u’klalah ” (Devarim 11:26).

AFTER REB YONASON EIBISCHUTZ GOT MARRIED, he spent his days learning with his chavrusa in the local shul.

The news that the Yid had been released spread among the kehillah. Everyone was overjoyed — but perplexed. How had the entire sum been raised so quickly? When they learned that Reb Yonason had paid it all upfront, they ran to his door with the sack of money they had already managed to collect. They wanted Reb Yonason to take the communal con tributions as partial repayment. But Reb Yonason refused. “I gave the money with all of my heart. The captive was al ready released. There is no longer a need for the money that was collected,” he said. “That may be true,” argued the gabbai tzedakah. “You al ready gave the entire sum. But in the meantime, we collected what we collected. Why shouldn’t you accept what is coming to you? We all want a part in the mitzvah!”

“How “Threemuch?”thousand golden coins.” A large pidyon shevuyim campaign began. The community members gave as much as they could, but it seemed unlikely they would reach the required sum quickly enough to sneak the Yid out in time. When Reb Yonason heard about it, he realized that time was of essence. He ran home to bring the sack containing his dowry — which totaled the hefty sum of exactly three thousand golden coins. His wife was not home, so he had no chance to even discuss the matter with her. He quickly took the sack and ran to the guard. As promised, the guard un bolted the secret door and let the Yid out.

Interestingly, the pasuk begins in singular — “re’eh ” — and ends in plural – “ lifneichem .” What is the reason for that?

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The following morning, the townspeople discovered that Reb Yonason’s chavrusa was missing. No one knew where he’d disappeared to, and they began to search for him.

Together As One PARSHAS RE’EH

“There is a secret door behind the church,” he said. “I can smuggle out this Jew from there… at a price.”

One day, construction began across the street, just opposite the eastern wall of the shul, of what was to be a Christian house of worship. The obvious intention of the wily gentiles was to get in the Yidden’s way. Every time they looked up to the aron kodesh, they would see their large cross out the win dow.The new edifice truly was disturbing to the Yidden in shul. Its bell chimed while they davened and learned, serving as a constant reminder of its presence.

Reb Yonason’s chavrusa was particularly bothered by the new church. One night, he quietly climbed onto its roof, zeal ously smashed the tall cross that stood atop the building, and quickly slid down. Unfortunately, he was caught on his way down and was thrown behind bars in the bowels of the church. The priests ruled that he be burned to death.

The church guard came over privately to one of the wealthy community members and informed him that the Yid was languishing in the church prison, with a death pen alty on his head. He suggested a plan.

“I already gave the entire sum,” Reb Yonason insisted, “and the zechus of the mitzvah is mine. I don’t want to give it away.”Butlater, it dawned on him that he had not yet discussed the matter with his wife. Perhaps she’d be bothered that he

“The mitzvah was thrown back in my face!”

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Two days later, the runaway guard was discovered by the priests near a river, where he was drowned on the spot.

“I know everything,” she said before he had a chance to say a word. “And Hakadosh Baruch Hu repaid us in full!” She proceeded to tell him all about the guard’s treasure that now belonged to them. But Reb Yonason did not share her excitement. He burst into tears. “The mitzvah was thrown back in my face! If it would have been accepted on High, my reward would be re served for Olam Haba!”

After being promised bracha for completing the mitz vos, a person may think it is better if he does it all by him self, and receives the full, exclusive reward. Yet the Torah specifically says, “Re’eh — look deeper!” The Torah, and the accompanying bracha, was not given to you alone. It was given “lifneichem” — to all of Klal Yisroel as one. No person could claim exclusive ownership over any mitzvah… for the greatest nachas ruach for Hashem is when we do it together. Adapted from the teachings of Rav Mordechai Freundlich, zt”l.

had given away all of their savings. Reb Yonason decided it would be best if he left town for a few days. By the time he returned, she would certainly have calmed down. Before long, the priests discovered that their captive had disappeared. Furious, they vowed to bring the Jew’s death penalty upon the responsible party. Their suspicion was narrowed down to the guard. Feeling the noose tighten around his neck, the guard realized he must escape. On his way, he pocketed a collec tion of jewels from the church’s treasury. Once outside the church, he realized there was no way he could carry such a large fortune on himself as he escaped. He made a quick calculation that he could not leave the jewels with a fel low Christian. The only person in town whom he knew he could trust was the young rabbi, Reb Yonason Eibeschutz. If he was willing to give away his own fortune for a fellow brother, he could certainly be trusted to hold the guard’s fortune.Theguard knocked at the door, and was welcomed by Reb Yonason’s wife. He quickly told her what had happened and left behind his jar of jewels along with a familiar white cloth containing three thousand golden coins…

* * * *

In the meantime, Reb Yonason fretted over how to han dle his wife’s reaction. To his surprise, she was in good spir its when he returned home.

Ultimately, he understood that this was because he had excluded his fellow community members from having a part in his mitzvah. Because every individual is indepen dently commanded to carry out the mitzvos, yet there is special value to a mitzvah done as a group. *

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The automaker will begin notifying affected car owners on September 26, with dealers to inspect the rivets and replace buckle assemblies at no charge, if needed. General Motors has said that it has not received any reports yet of injuries related to the problem.

A recall issued on August 15 warned consumers that a safety strap located underneath 4moms’ MamaRoo baby swings and RockaRoo baby rockers could pose a strangulation hazard to crawling infants. According to the Consumer Product Safety Commission, 4moms received two reports of ten-month-old infants becoming entangled in the dangling safety strap of un occupied MamaRoo swings. One baby suffered bruising to his neck, while the other baby died.

Unusually Dry Summer Prompts Countywide Stage II Water Emergency

GM Vehicles and Baby Swings Both Recalled for Safety Belt Issues

County officials emphasized that the emergency declaration is a proactive measure to prevent a larg er shortage and applies even to those whose water comes from a private well. Officials have also asked Rockland residents to only run washing machines and dishwashers with full loads.

Consumers are advised to stop using affected swings and rockers and to contact 4moms at 877-870-7390 for a free re placement strap.

Monsey’s formerly verdant lawns will be getting browner now that mandatory water restrictions have gone into effect because of this summer’s abnormally dry weather.

Rockland’s Stage II water emergency kicked in last Thurs day in response to unprecedented flow levels in the Ramapo River, which is limiting usage of a significant county water source — the Ramapo Valley Well Field. The county’s latest watering restrictions apply equally to residents and businesses. Properties with odd-numbered ad dresses can water their grass on Mondays and Thursdays — and their flowers, vegetable gardens, trees, bushes and potted plants on odd-numbered days of the month. Proper ties with even-numbered addresses can water their grass on Tuesdays and Fridays — and their flowers, vegetable gardens, trees, bushes and potted plants on even-numbered days of the month. Watering is permitted only between 2 a.m. and 6 a.m. for those using in-ground irrigation systems and 5 p.m. to 9 p.m. for all others.

An August 11th National Highway Traffic Safety Administration announcement recalled nearly half a million General Motors 2021 and 2022 vehicles because of a possible third-row seat belt issue. Ac cording to General Motors, rivets used to attach buckles to left and right side mounting brackets in 484,155 Cadillac Escalades, Chevrolet Suburbans and Tahoes, and GMC Yukon vehicles may be improperly formed, which could lead to an injury in the event of the crash.

The water emergency also precludes washing down public or private paved surfaces such as streets, sidewalks, driveways, garages, tennis courts or patios, except for emergency situ ations. Restaurants can serve water by request only, and the drought emergency prohibits the use of fountains, artificial waterfalls and reflecting pools that don’t run on re cycled water systems.

The recall includes over 2.2 million swings and rockers sold in the United States and Canada. Only MamaRoo models with three-point harnesses are affected by the recall, which in cludes all version 1.0 swings; version 2.0 swings bearing model number 4M-005; version 3.0 swings bearing model number 1026; and version 4.0 models bearing model number 1037. RockaRoo rockers with model number 4M-012 on their bases are the only rockers affected by the recall.

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A pair of recalls were issued last week affecting items that are popular among Monsey residents — large Cadillac, Chevrolet and GMC SUVs and Ma maRoo and RockaRoo baby swings and rockers.

While the 9/11 Tribute Center is no longer open for visi tors, the national 9/11 Memorial and Museum located at Ground Zero remains fully operational.

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Sixteen years after it first opened its doors to serve as a support mechanism for victims’ families, the 9/11 Tribute Museum has closed for good due to pandemic-related finan cialStaggeringdifficulties.attendance drops have left the Lower Manhat tan museum struggling, reported ABC 7. Museum co-found er and CEO Jennifer Adams-Webb said that the Greenwich Street facility drew half a million visitors in 2011, a number that fell to just 26,000 last year.

“We’re millions of dollars in debt with our lease, and to try to make that up on top of our annual operating cost is almost impossible without visitors or some intervention from our government,” said Adams-Webb.

The 9/11 Tribute Museum called on the public to ask their elected officials to help them through their financial crisis, with a petition asking Governor Kathy Hochul and New York City Mayor Eric Adams to help save the museum garner ing nearly 37,000 signatures. The museum shut its physical doors on August 17, although it will continue to provide edu cational resources and support to family members through its website.Manyof the museum’s guides were 9/11 survivors, rescue and recovery workers, and family members of those who died in the 2001 terror attack. More than 5 million people visited the museum, which offered guided walking tours of the 9/11 Memorial at Ground Zero and exhibits including personal perspectives, videos and artifacts from the Twin Towers. A significant amount of the museum’s physical col lection will be relocated to the New York State Museum in Albany.Museum guide Peter Bitwinski survived both the 9/11 at tack as well as the 1993 World Trade Center bombing. He re called the terrifying moments when the impact of the plane threw him onto his 69th floor office desk in 2001, as well as his fervent hope that he would live to share his story with others.“Everything we’ve done I’ve been proud of,” said Bitwin ski. “The amount of handshakes and tears I’ve experienced over the 13 years is what made it all worth it.”

Citing Low Admissions, 9/11 Tribute Museum Closes

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CHAPTER 24 RECAP: Zach’s tour of Lodz ends on a melancholy note at the Radegast train station, where Jews were shipped off to their deaths during World War II. Chaim Simcha visits Lenny’s wife, who confirms that her husband is “vacationing” in Poland. She gives Chaim Simcha a number where he can reach Lenny. “T hat you, Julia? Hi! How are the “Thiskids?”isn’t your wife, Lenny.” Lenny’s left hand, which was holding a forkful of pasta, stopped halfway to his mouth. “Rabbi Ginzburg? Hey! How you doing? Uh, how’d you get this number?” “Lenny, why are you in Poland?” Lenny swallowed hard. Rabbi Ginzburg wasn’t supposed to know about this trip, not until it was long over. Too much could still go “Justwrong.—just taking a vacation, is all.” He was sweating profusely now. “All that talk about Lodz and the old days got me in spired, you know? I wanted to see where it all began.” He glanced around his hotel room at the peeling wallpaper and the worn carpet and injected a false note of optimism into his voice. “I’m on one of those fancy five-star tours. Saw an advertisement, and I just jumped on it. It’s going great!” He shifted his weight on the bed and felt the springs creaking. “I’m really living it up here…” He stared at the forkful of pasta and finally shoved it into his mouth. “Really? That’s nice. What hotel are you at?”Lenny frowned. “That’s kind of a per sonal question. Does it matter?” “No, not really. It’s just that my broth er’s there, along with Zach Ganz. I thought maybe you guys could get together. Zach changed his mind about coming to claim the manuscript, you see.” “He what ?!” Bits of pasta sprayed out of Lenny’s mouth. With a low hiss, he got off the bed and grabbed a stiff towel from the bathroom. He began cleaning with one hand, his other still gripping the phone. “I mean, that’s — that’s great! It’s a big sur prise.”“I’ll say. Baruch Hashem, we’re moving in the right Lennydirection.”barelypaid attention to the rab bi’s words. He was too busy thinking. Zach was claiming the manuscript! What would Lenny do now? His whole plan hinged on being the only claimant. It had been easy to whip up a few documents showing himself to be the heir. He would hand them in, get the manuscript, and be back in the states with no one the wiser. It wasn’t like the

“I“Izzy“Fine.”—”saidfine!” Izzy growled.

Poles would have cared which Ginzburg they talked to. But with two separate claims, they’d have to look into everyone, which vastly increased the chances of them discov ering that Lenny’s documents were false. He could be arrested for fraud! But maybe he could still salvage this. “Has he, ah, gotten around to filing yet?” Could Zach be convinced to just drop it? It wasn’t like he had any skin in the game; Zach didn’t care about the manuscript, right? He was just there on behalf of the rabbi. If Lenny could talk to him“Lenny,alone...what are you up to over there?”Getout.

The entire operation, start to finish, was meant to rescue a holy work from the hands of the goyim. Lenny wasn’t doing anything wrong, chas v’shalom But he knew it looked bad, and it could very much blow up in his face. Why was Hashem making this so hard for him?! “Did you come to Lodz to try and claim the manuscript?” Chaim Sim cha’s voice was level, conversational, calm. But there was no mistaking the steelyLennyundertone.triedto think of something to say, some way to deny it. After a mo ment’s hesitation, his shoulders sagged. “Yes. But you gotta understand, Rab bi…” “He what ?!” Izzy shouted. “Calm down,” Chaim Simcha warned.“Calm d— Are you serious? He’s stealing our yerusha!” Izzy wanted to hit something, ideally Lenny’s pudgy face. Unfortunately, the only thing at hand was his phone. “We can’t let him get away with “Technically,this!” he’s stealing Zach’s yerusha, not ours,” Chaim Simcha re minded him. “And we won’t let him get away with it. You’ll have to go back to City Hall and tell them what’s up. Tell them you know who filed the other claim, and that it was all just a big mis take.”“Was it a mistake?” Izzy demanded. His brother didn’t answer. “Why are you trying to help this guy?” “I’d rather not cause a fellow Yid to go to jail,” Chaim Simcha said evenly. “And we’re not lying. It was a mistake. He shouldn’t have done it.”

Go back home. He could be back in the states long before the Polish realized what happened if he left right now. He’d be safe, he’d be home. He’d be broke. Less than broke, in fact. He hadn’t been able to afford this trip. And it wasn’t like he could get a business loan to help swindle a foreign country. So he’d dipped into the only fund he could find that wouldn’t say no — the dowry yerusha his mother-in-law had left for their daughter, Sheva. This wasn’t the first time. Lenny had borrowed sums from the dowry several times in the past. He’d always paid it back before Julia noticed. But if he came back empty-handed, there’d be no paying it back. Julia would find out, and she’d be livid. He didn’t want to think about what she might do. “Lenny? You still there?” “Yeah. Yeah, I’m here.” He’d meant this l’Shem Shamayim, too. Really! It had looked like Zach wasn’t willing to go. If he didn’t, Lenny knew the Polish government would keep the manuscript for themselves. A shanda! To let a Ginzburg family heirloom go to the people who had wiped out three mil lion Jews? No, that couldn’t be allowed to happen.WithZach seemingly out of the pic ture, Lenny was the only one who could prevent it from happening. Naturally, he deserved compensation for his work. He had to finance the trip, after all. Plus, he was taking considerable risks by forging the documents. He would have to sell the manuscript to recoup his expenses, but he’d make sure it was sold to a frum Yid, with the condition that the Lodzer shtiebel have both access to the material and the rights to publish it. And Lenny would give a large dona tion to the shtiebel from the proceeds.

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““Izzy…”“Whatever.” What ?” At the moment, Izzy had zero qualms about letting Cousin Len ny rot in a Polish prison. Not that he expected his brother to agree with him. “Will you do that, please? Just go in there and say it was a mistake. I’m pretty sure I can convince Lenny to withdraw his application, but only if we leave room for him to wiggle out of trouble. Give him a pesach to get out of this, and he’ll do the right thing. It’s helping him and us. Okay?”

* * * * *


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Zach bowed his head to the old man. “Thank you.” They made their way to one of the pews, and Zach gave Izzy a sly smile. “Those were some powerful words Velvel said,” he whispered. “Can you work that into the song?”

“Antshuldigs mir,” he told Zach as he approached. “What I said before wasn’t right.”“It’s fine,” Zach said, looking embar rassed.“ S’iz nisht fein,” Velvel insisted. “If there’s one thing I should have learned from Hitler, yemach shemo, it’s that a Yid bleibt a Yid, no matter what we do.”

AboutZachChanukah…”smiled.“Really? A Chanukah song? Like what? ‘The bad guys tried to take our land, it didn’t go the way they planned’?”Izzygrinned. “That’s great. And, uh, let’s see… ‘We smashed the Greeks and lit our lights, and now we celebrate eight nights. Go nuts with donuts, oil and cheer, ‘cause Chanukah’s coming, it’s al ready here!’ No, not like that,” he added as Zach burst out laughing. “Something serious. I thought maybe we could do a songTheytogether?”wereat the top of the stairs now, and Zach pushed the door open. “Like a song about freedom and independence? I didn’t see you for the patriot type.” Izzy was about to answer when Velvel saw them and shuffled over as quickly as his ancient form would allow.

“Thank you.” Izzy didn’t bother to answer. “Hey,” Chaim Simcha said, chang ing the subject. “Chanukah’s tonight. I don’t know how Zach feels about going back to the Rebbe’s shul, but it’d be nice if you could daven there. Both of you, if he’s willing.”Izzyrolled his eyes. “Sure thing, boss. Any other detailed instructions before I let you “Justgo?”one thing.” Izzy could tell Chaim Simcha was smiling back in New York. “Your performance review is in. You’ve been doing a great job so far, so we’re doubling your salary.” “Ah.” That would’ve been funnier if Izzy hadn’t just lost his job, but he decid ed to play along anyway. “Well, that’s not a whole lot. Two nothings is nothing, as the saying goes.” that case,” Chaim Simcha coun tered, “we’ll triple it…” are we doing this again?” Zach asked as they got out of the car. It was freezing cold. They were about a block away from the Lodzer shul, the closest they could find a place to park. They set out walking, their shoulders scrunched up inside their thick coats. It was snowing, great big gobs of snow spinning merrily in the wind and smacking against their faces when they least expected it. The ground was cov ered with a fresh layer, so thin that it shot up in tiny geysers wherever their boots slammed down. Izzy didn’t know how to answer Zach. He was about to suggest they go back to the hotel, but that seemed like a bad idea. “Chanukah is a special time,” he fi nally“Okay,managed.agreed,” Zach said. “But I still don’t see why we should spend it with the Lodzers. They don’t like me, remem ber?”“You said that didn’t bother you.” Zach stopped walking long enough to give his cousin a smoldering glare. “Come on,” Izzy said weakly, clapping his hands together to restore some circu lation. “At least it’ll be warm in there.” How would Chaim Simcha handle this situation? Certainly not by walk ing ahead of Zach, snapping at him and scowling.Izzyturned back around. “Look, my brother thought it’d be a nice idea for us. I don’t know why, but he’s usually right about these things in the end. Maybe we’ll build some bridges.” Zach rolled his eyes, but followed any way.They started walking again, and Izzy’s thoughts turned to the impromptu con cert Zach gave in his hotel room. “Do you ever write music with words?” “A little. Not very often. It’s not as easy for me to express myself with lyrics.” “Ah.” The shul loomed up in front of them. The light streaming from the win dows lit up beams of scurrying snow like searchlights.“Lightsare on. Velvel must have al ready arrived,” Zach said with a hint of apprehension.“Yeah.”They walked through the heavy black gate and approached the stairs. “So, uh,” Izzy began. “I’ve been known to write a few lyrics now and again. Something you were playing last night kind of touched something off.

* * * * * “Why


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Recap: In her audience with the King and Queen, Dona Angelica is told that while it would be best for her to abandon Juda ism, they will help her because of her husband’s devotion to King Charles II who misses him so.

R eb Mendel opened his mouth to speak, but no words came out. He tried again and finally managed a response. “Yes, Your Majesty. I have studied the Talmud for most of my life.” The Queen clapped her hands. “Good. You will answer our question.” She pointed to the red-clad dwarf. “Hanni bal, ask him the question. We will sit back and listen.” The dwarf bounded forward on his short legs until he stood almost face to face with Reb Mendel. “The question,” he said in an incongruously deep bari tone, “is in regard to a woman’s choice in choosing a mate. Someplace in the Talmud it states that a man may not marry a woman unless he sees her first because she may not find favor in his eyes and they will not have a happy marriage. But a woman may marry without ever seeing her prospective husband because of…” The dwarf pulled a piece of paper from his pocket. “Because tav lemeisav tandu milimeisav armelu. I don’t know if I got the pronunciation exactly right. The translation I was given is that it is better to live with someone else than to live alone. Is that right, Rabbi?”“Yes, that is the phrase,” said Reb Mendel. “Your pro nunciation was good. And so is your translation.” “That seems to mean that a man is concerned about the qualities of the person he marries, while a woman would be willing to marry anyone just so she shouldn’t have to live alone. Her Majesty wishes to know why the Talmud holds women in such low esteem and why Madame Dominguez, after having experienced life as a royal princess, would want to live in a society where she and her daughter would be so Thedemeaned?”dwarfglanced back at the Queen. She nodded, and he returned to his place. The King put his hand across his mouth to conceal his smile.

“That is our question, Rabbi,” said the Queen. “Do you have an answer?”

Rabbi Strausborg is then asked by the Queen if he is familiar with the Talmud.

Reb Mendel cleared his throat to give himself a moment to collect his thoughts.

“Your Majesty, I am familiar with that passage in the Talmud,” he said. “I have seen it many times. But I do not believe it is meant in the sense that Monsieur Hannibal suggests. There are undoubtedly some women who live in conditions of such distress and impoverishment that any marriage would be a welcome deliverance. But such women cannot be more than a tiny minority. None of the women in my family or in my wife’s family would ever have agreed to marry anyone at all just so they could be married. They always insisted on men of the highest per sonal quality and the finest prospects for success, men who would bring them honor, respect and wealth, men who would be good husbands and fathers. They would never settle for just anyone.”

The Queen nodded vigorously. “That is as it should be. But how do you explain those words in the Talmud?”

“Your Majesty, the Talmud is discussing someone who sends an agent to stand in at his or her wedding. A man is 136 The Monsey View

“Aha!” said the Queen. “That is exactly our point. What is the difference?” “Your Majesty, in both cases, a great deal of inquiry was made about the pro spective bride or groom. Information was gathered about the lineage of the fam ilies, their financial standing, the character of the prospective bride or groom, their physical appearance, their personalities, everything.” The queen nodded. “Yes, of course.”

“So let us talk first about the man,” said Reb Mendel. “When he sends off the agent to marry his bride by proxy, he knows he will be getting a woman who is perfectly suited to be a wife to him and a mother to his children. But even though, based on the information, the woman sounds exactly right for him, when he sees her in person, it is possible that she will just not appeal to him. There are always intangibles. Logically, everything may seem right, but emo tionally, he may just not care for her. And then what happens? He finds himself married to her, and his dislike turns into resentment and then into hate, and the home becomes a hotbed of discord. That is why the Sages forbade a man to marry a woman unless he had seen her first and found her appealing.”

forbidden to do so if he has never seen the bride, but a woman is permitted to get married by proxy even if she has never seen the groom.”

“We certainly would be,” said the Queen. She turned back to Reb Mendel. “So what is the meaning of that phrase Hannibal read to us before?”

“Exactly! So what does she do?” said the Queen. “The woman is more practical than the man. If she has finally identified a man who meets all of her requirements, she will make the marriage work, even if in the beginning she does not find him so appealing. She will work at the mar riage with the knowledge that they will grow together, and that in time, as they strive together toward their common goals, they will achieve the closeness that she cherishes so much.”

The King smiled broadly and turned to the Queen. “That seems quite an ex cellent explanation, Your Majesty.” “Indeed, it does, Your Majesty,” said the Queen. “That is exactly how our royal marriages work. It is the women who are the practical ones, and the men have their heads in the sands and the stars.”


“The woman we are discussing has also done her research very thoroughly. She has learned that the man she is considering is a good person, a kind and caring person. She has learned that he is from a respectable and prosperous family and that he has excellent prospects in commerce or as a scholar. She has learned that he is of a good appearance, that his manners are gentle, and that he is always clean and dresses elegantly. According to what she has learned from her reliable sources, this man is perfectly suited to her. He will be an excellent husband and father to her children. She has chosen well. But then she sees him, and he does not quite appeal to her.”

“That is true,” said the Queen. She looked at the King. “Women are the practi cal ones, Your Majesty. Isn’t that true?” “They certainly are,” said the King fondly. “Without you, we would be lost.”

“The Talmud is explaining,” he replied, “why women are more practical than men when it comes to choosing a spouse. A woman is a natural mother and homemaker. Her sense of self is based on having children and running a house hold. But a man, on the other hand, is a warrior, a merchant, a scholar. His sense of self is not so connected to his home. Therefore, a woman is more motivated to get married, and she will be more clear-headed about it than a man.”

The King laughed. “Precisely,” he said. The Queen smiled at him, and then she turned back to face Reb Mendel. “We

“We understand,” said the Queen. “And what about the woman?”

The usually dour Colbert allowed himself a tiny smile. Hannibal and the dwarfs began to titter, but a sharp look from the Queen silenced them.

“Your words have the ring of truth. As we understood them before, they didn’t really make much sense. We are aware that Jewish women have an im portant position in your community. Your explanation seems much more reasonable to us. In fact, it reflects a pro found wisdom that we find enjoyable.”

“We will take the matter under consideration, Your Majesty,” said the Queen. “We have heard what we wanted to hear.”Colbert bent down and murmured something to the King, who nodded and turned to Dona Angelica.

bless you with a long life filled with glory and“Dosuccess.”notthink this is the first time we have received a Jewish blessing, madame. All prayers on our behalf are welcome, even the prayers of Jews. As for your claim to the properties of your husband, that will not be a simple mat ter. We understand that there are very substantial sums involved. It would be much easier if you embraced Christian ity, but as you are not inclined to do so, it will be difficult. Still, your husband did hold personal title to these properties. They were not part of the hereditary du cal estate. It is a matter for the lawyers and the judges. We have asked Monsieur Colbert to look into the matter and to do everything he can to recover all or at least a large part of your fortune.”

Dona Angelica burst into tears. “Thank you, Your Majesty,” she man aged to whisper. “Oh, thank you so much.”The carriage was ready and waiting for them when they emerged from the royal hunting lodge. By the time the car riage was rolling through the streets of Versailles, its passengers were absorbed in an excited review of the successful audience with the King and Queen. As they passed through the outskirts of the village, they did not notice the black cab with black curtains on its windows that emerged from a side street and followed them into Paris.

* * * * *

appreciate your coming here today and responding to our question.”

“It was one of the great honors of my life, Your Majesty,” said Reb Mendel.

“Your Majesty,” said the King, “should we invite the Rabbi to come regularly to the palace to tutor us in the Talmud?”

“We are most grateful, Your Majesty,” said Dona Angelica. “May the A-mighty

“We have given this some thought, madame, and this is what we are pre pared to do. There are two issues before us: the personal safety of your family and the recovery of your properties. We will guarantee your safety, the safety of your family, and the safety of your hus band’s cavalier, who has accompanied your son from Spain, for as long as all of you are in our domains. We cannot pro tect you if you leave to some Portuguese center such as Amsterdam or Hamburg. We also understand that it is not feasible for you to remain in Paris where there is no Jewish community. Therefore, we have decided that it would be best for you to settle in Metz. We will make the arrangements for you and provide you with assistance. We will also express our desire to the leaders of the Jewish com munity of Metz that you be given every courtesy and consideration.”

The move to Metz took place soon af ter the winter passed. In response to the King’s request that every courtesy and consideration be given to the Domin guez family, the community provided them with a handsome house near the synagogue. The house was well fur nished and considerably more spacious than the house on the Rue Parmentier. To be continued…

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ALL TABLEWARE AND LINENS SPONSORED BY: THANKQ | 845-425-9100 99 ROUTE 59, MONSEY YOM TOV BESTSELLER!CHECKSIMPLIFIEDCOOKING-OUTTHISBYLEAHSTERN! LAST LICKS OF SUMMER PICKS BY: LEAH STERN PHOTOGRAPHY BY: C. TARKIELTAUB Summer fruits are so delicious straight off the tree, though they can just as easily enhance and beautify desserts and other dishes. Summer is coming to an end; take advantage of its last licks. 147 845.600.8484 August 24, 2022 The Monsey View

CREAMICEANDPEACHROASTED 148 845.600.8484 The Monsey View August 24, 2022





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1. Preheat the oven to 350°. Combine all of the crumb ingredients in a bag, making sure the margarine is well incorpo rated. Transfer the crumbs to a lined 9x13” pan and bake for 18 to 20 minutes, mixing every few minutes. Allow to cool. Raise the oven temperature to 375°. Place the peach slices in a lined pan in a single layer. Top with a scant sprinkling of brown sugar. Roast the peaches for approximately 20 minutes, until they begin to brown. Allow to cool. To assemble: Place the crumbs in a des sert cup or plate. Place the ice cream over the crumbs, then top with strawberry sauce and peaches.


This grand finale is so simple to prepare. The crumbs can be made in advance and kept in the pantry for a few weeks in a tightly sealed ice cream in silicon pear- and domeshaped molds, but they can be scooped as well. Clip this recipe to use as a no-nut yom tov dessert! cups crushed graham crackers cup crushed pretzels cup rice crispies stick margarine (at room temperature) cup brown sugar T. vanilla sugar PEACHES peaches, sliced Brown sugar, for sprinkling ASSEMBLE Vanilla ice cream Strawberry dessert sauce













SOUPFRUITSUMMER 150 845.600.8484 The Monsey View August 24, 2022




10 cups water 1 cup sugar 1¼ cups sour cream 1. Combine the fruit, water and sugar in an 8-quart pot. Bring this to a boil, then lower the heat and simmer for 10 minutes. Place 2 cups of this liquid in a 32-ounce container along with the sour cream. Blend this with an immersion blender. Pour the blended mixture back into the soup, and stir to combine. Serve cold.


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Sweet, pink and creamy, fruit soup is always well received on a hot day when a standard bowl of steaming soup just won’t do. This can also serve as a great dessert! 4 quarts of soup


10 cups diced fruit (a combo of peaches, plums, apricots, nectarines and cherries works well)


PIESFRUITPRETTY 152 845.600.8484 The Monsey View August 24, 2022

FRUITPRETTYPIES These delicious and pretty pies get mixed by hand and baked in 3-inch flat disposable paper pans. You can also use smaller bakeware in various shapes. Yield: 12 pies INGREDIENTS ¼ cup oil ¾ cup sugar 2 eggs 4 T. orange juice 1 T. vanilla sugar 1½ cups WonderMills flour 1 tsp. baking powder FILLING 3 peaches 3 plums GLAZE 2 T. apricot jam 1 T. orange juice DIRECTIONS 1. Preheat the oven to 350°. 2. Using a fork, mix together the oil, sugar and eggs in a bowl. 3. Add the remaining ingredients, mixing until just combined. 4. Divide the batter among 12 pans. 5. Quarter the fruits. Discard the pits and slice the fruits thinly. 6. Keep the slices together as much as you are able, and arrange them on the batter — peaches on one half, plums on the other. 7. Combine the glaze ingredients. Using a pas try brush, brush the glaze over the fruit. 8. Bake the pies for approximately 22 to 25 minutes. 153 845.600.8484 August 24, 2022 The Monsey View

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Leaving Ellis Island to set foot on the Lower East Side meant stepping into a Jew ish world. Each synagogue, mutual-aid society, library, bank and store one passed was likely Jewish-owned. And for the new immigrants, the immersion into a famil iar world — albeit in a for eign land — with people who shared a common faith and background, was reassuring. The congestion, noise and cramped conditions were a haven from the virulent an ti-Semitic Russian and Ger man empires they had left.

Tenement housing, made up of low-rise buildings with multiple apartments, was the common choice for new immigrant families. The apartments were narrow, typi cally consisting of three to four poorly ventilated rooms with little to no sun, no heating and no hot water. The summer months were dangerously hot, with a window serving as a fire escape. Illnesses ran rampant and in cluded smallpox, typhoid fever and tuberculosis.

There was no electricity until after 1918. Instead, soapstone sinks were used for washing dishes and cloth ing (the earliest “washing machine” was a scrubbing board). The first electric-powered washing machine, the Thor, was introduced in 1908. In the 1920s, a wash ing machine cost approximately $80, while rent would be $20 monthly. (Four months’ rent spent on a luxury item? Highly unlikely.) The kitchen stove, heated by ei ther coal or gas, was kept on continuously during the cold winter months.

1908 photo showing a bit of the expansion of Delancey Street. Workers labor in the street while a Jewish boy looks on.

KKnown as Little Germany in the mid-1800s, the Lower East Side was considered “the world’s largest Jewish city” in the early 1900s. At the turn of the 20th century, up until 1924, the Lower East Side was the capital of Jewish America.


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Nearly 85% of Jewish immigrants from EuropeEasternsettled in New York City, and approximately 75% of those settled in the Lower East Side upon arrival.

New Jewish immigrants faced unique trials in their search for employment. In the “Old World,” they had been barred from many jobs, and therefore their skills were more limited than that of those born and bred in the U.S. Open racism also prevented them from entering many desirable professions. Many Eastern European working-class immi grants found employment in the garment industry, whose owners operated their businesses from their homes or small buildings. In these “sweatshops,” men, women and children toiled in airless rooms under unsafe, unsanitary conditions, and spent long hours cutting, sewing and finishing clothing for pennies per piece. Sweatshops were not only unpleasant and exploitative but also discriminatory. Although the Lower East The inside of aapartmenttenement


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Jewish immigrants on the Lower East Side

A peddler in New York (circa 1900s)

Side sported no restric tions on Jewish religion, many places of business allowed for a day off on Sunday; Shabbos was a day for work. Employees risked losing their job if they didn’t show up for work on Shabbos. And so many of them did lose their job, week after week.On the streets, trade was strong, and ped dlers hawked their wares from carts of ten pulled by horses. The first pushcarts ap peared along Hester Street in 1866. The Essex Street Market, an indoor market house with 475 stalls, opened in 1940 and is still in success ful operation today. Or chard Street, extending eight streets from Division Street in Chinatown to East Houston Street, was considered the center of the Lower East Side. The street was the neighborhood’s main marketing thoroughfare, known for its discount shopping. Its name traces itself to an actual orchard owned by James DeLancey, a wealthy landowner during the Revolutionary War. By the 1840s, the former orchard and farm were divided into lots to house new immigrants from Ireland and Germany. A few decades later, those residents were replaced by Russian and European newcomers who came to The garment trade was the primary industry.

Galvanized tub and scrub board of the early 1900s

the neighborhood due to its affordability and established Jewish presence. Orchard Street re mained notable well into the 1960s and 1970s, as uptown stores were not open for business on Sundays. (Bergen County, New Jersey, remains the only holdout in the country still upholding the ban on trade and many recreational activi ties on Sunday.)

Moishe Perlmutter’s bakery on 2nd Avenue by East 7th Street


Jewish landmarks on the Lower East Side in cluded Streit’s Matzo Co. at 150 Rivington Street. Founded in 1915 by Austrian immigrant Aron Streit on Pitt Street, the company recently relo cated to New Jersey. Schapiro Wine Company, founded by Sam Schapiro in 1899, owned and occupied 126 Rivington for nearly a century.

Moishe’s Kosher Bakery on Grand Street

Essex Street Market 164 845.600.8484 The Monsey View August 24, 2022

Ratner’s Delicatessen began as a kosher dairy restaurant in 1905 on Pitt Street and moved to Delancey in 1918, until shutting down in 2002. One of the foods introduced to New York by the Jewish immigrants of Eastern Europe was kosher dill pickle. Pickles, made with a brine of salt, water, dill and garlic, were cheap for sell ers to produce and for customers to purchase. In the late 1800s, you could get an entire cucumber pickle for a penny! Izzy Guss, a Russian immi

grant, started selling pickles from a pushcart, and by 1920, had opened a storefront on Hester Street. The pickle market was so huge that Guss was one of 80 other pickle shops! After moving to 85 Orchard Street in the early 2000s, in 2009, Guss’ Pickles left the Lower East Side for good. More recently, Moishe’s Bake Shop, an iconic kosher bakery, closed its doors after being in its original location at 115 Second Avenue, near Sev enth Street, since 1977. Owner Moishe Perlmut ter — whose hamantaschen, rugelach, babka and sugar kichel were legendary — closed his doors in 2019. Finally, Yonah Shimmel’s Knish Bakery began out of a pushcart in 1890. The store re mains family-owned, and its store on Houston Street, open for the past century, is the oldest “knishery” in the United States.


By the 1950s, quality of life had improved, but the younger generation had begun to branch out into Brooklyn or farther afield. As a result, the Jewish community of the Lower East Side began to decrease. Co-op buildings along the East Riv er allowed for larger apartments and green park space. Still, the personal access to Rav Moishe Feinstein (b. 1895 – d. 1986) remained a central motivation for staying in the neighborhood. By the 1960s, most Eastern European Jewish immigrants moved out of the Lower East Side due to increased crime. According to Mrs. C. Koenig, the daughter of Rabbi Moishe Zev and B. Feuerstein, her parents settled on the Lower East Side af ter marrying in 1956, and their two-bedroom apartment on Grand Street soon contained their mishpacha and a stream of guests. Reb Moishe Zev, a”h, was a devoted rebbi for many years and gabbai to the Boyaner Rebbe. Reb Moishe Zev would regularly drive Rav Moshe Feinstein from his home on FDR Drive to the Boyaner Rebbe and to Talmud Torah Tiferes Yerushalayim on East Broadway. Mrs. Koenig recounts that at one time, there were eighteen shuls on East Broadway between Clinton Street and Grand Street! She re calls that during her youth, the neighborhood had a kosher grocery, pizza shop and fish store. Rent prices were low, and so tenants used their savings to later move out and buy houses in less congested neighborhoods. By the 1980s, many of the apartments were con verted to co-ops, and the number of Jews in the areaMaydwindled.wesoon be zoche to be gathered from the far corners of the earth to greet Moshiach Tzid keinu, and be transport ed to the one central hub of our nation in Yerush alayim.

Yonah Shimmel’s Knish Bakery Guss Pickles Streit’s Matzos 166 845.600.8484 The Monsey View August 24, 2022


SHULS ON THE LOWER EAST SIDE 168 845.600.8484 The Monsey View August 24, 2022

Beis Knesses Chasam Sofer, located at 8–10 Clinton Street, is the second-oldest syna gogue building in New York. Constructed in 1853, it is the oldest con tinuously running shul. For a hundred years, Chasam Sofer hosted two minyanim, nusach Ashkenaz and nusach Sefard. When it became unable to support two minyanim daily, Rav Dovid Feinstein, zt”l, advised hosting the minyanim one at a time. Weekdays are devoted to nusach Ashkenaz, while Shabbo sos and yamim tovim the nusach is Sefard.

The Bialystoker congregation, organized in 1865 on the Lower East Side, still hosts several daily minyanim. The historic build ing on Willet Street was purchased in 1905 and was composed mainly of Polish immigrants from the province of Bialystok, in northeastern Poland.

Bialystoker shul: 7–11 Bialystoker Place (formerly Willett Street) First Warschauer Congregation

The address 58–65 Rivington housed a Romanian syna gogue called First Warschauer Congregation.

Beis Chasam Sofer

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Beth Hamedrash Hagadol Boyaner Kloiz: 247 E. Broadway Mesivta Tiferes Yerushalayim

The Boyaner Kloiz, an island of sanctity on the teeming streets of New York City, was led by Reb Mordechai Shlomo Friedman, the Boyaner Rebbe of New York, for over 40 years. In 1927, he left Europe to become one of the first chassidish rebbes of New York, establishing his court on the Lower East Side. The kloiz at 247 East Broadway still has daily minyanim

This shul was the first to be named a New York City landmark. Founded in 1852, it was the oldest Russian Jewish Orthodox congregation in the United States (most of its members had fled the Russian pogroms of 1840 to 1841). The shul closed in 2007.

Announcement of Talmud Torah Tiferes Yerushalayim’s opening Talmud Torah Tiferes Yerushalayim, founded in 1807 at 87 Eldridge Street, eventually made its home at 145–147 East Broadway on the Lower East Side. In an era when nearly 100% of public schools students were Jewish, assimilation rates were soaring. A group of visionary laymen banded together to provide a unique educational oppor tunity for Jewish children to connect with their religion and cul ture. In 1937, Rav Moshe Feinstein, zt”l, the ityhalachicleadingauthorofhistime, became the dean of this institution — a position he retained until his petirah in 1986. 170

The large number of synagogues shown here illustrate that the Jewish immigrants were the predominant group on the Lower East Side during this time.

Eldridge Street Synagogue 172 845.600.8484 The Monsey View August 24, 2022

The Eldridge Street Synagogue was built in 1887 during mass immigration to the United States. It was the first shul in the United States purposely built by immigrants from Eastern Europe as a spiritual home for immigrants fleeing Russia, Poland, Lithuania and other Eastern European countries. However, an exodus to the outer boroughs caused the congregation’s numbers to dwindle; by the 1950s, the shul had closed as a makom tefillah. It currently houses a museum.

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The people of the world have a lot to say about us New Yorkers. Is there truth to the stereotypes heaped upon our heads? Are New Yorkers really so fast-paced that we do not stop for a moment to experience life at the pace others do? Is our social scene really that different? What about our roads and our shops?


We interviewed a group of people who have moved to New York from all over the world to hear their take, and to see if we have some easing up to do. What do you think? Meet the New Yorkers Mina Hess* Hails from Beitar Illit, Eretz Yisroel Years in New York: close to 1 Shulamis Brody* Hails from Los Angeles, California Years in New York: 8 NaomiHailsWeisberg*fromEngland Years in New York: 3.5 Sara YearsMontreal,HailsBernstein*fromCanadainNewYork:23 Rochel Rosen* Hails from Texas, Minnesota, Oregon, Pennsylvania,Washington,Colorado,EretzYisroel...YearsinNewYork:19 Tova YearsDetroit,HailsFogel*fromMichiganinNewYork: 2 180 845.600.8484 The Monsey View August 24, 2022

New Yorkers don’t make eye contact.

SARA: I do find that New Yorkers are always in a rush, to the point that they don’t have time to stop and look around them. They’re always moving on to the next thing.

SHULAMIS: Though it’s not something I realized myself, when I discussed it with my mother, who also moved here, she admitted it’s something she’s noticed. She blames it on the fact that the rush-rush-rush doesn’t allow for the luxury to look a person in the eye and give them the time and patience they deserve.

SHULAMIS: Indeed, they’re always in a rush, always run ning from place to place. That’s a very accurate descrip tion of the typical New Yorker.

ROCHEL: Yes, at least when they’re on the street. I see so much cutting off other people in traffic, so much bustle on the streets! But once you’re sitting with someone indoors, then you don’t generally feel the rush. (Unless you happen to be talking about the rush to the school buses... Oy vey !)

New Yorkers are always in a rush.

NAOMI: They are, indeed, always rushing, whether it’s an employee running to work, or a businessman to close another deal, or just a mom heading out to get matching clothes for all her kids before they’re sold out. I find many New Yorkers don’t know what it means to just sit and enjoy the moment, whatever it is.

SARA: I agree that they don’t have time; they’re always running from one thing to the next, and this results in no eye contact with other people.

ROCHEL: I don’t think the lack of eye contact has anything to do with the rush; I think it’s social awkwardness. People here just didn’t grow up greeting other people, in general. Saying gut Shabbos on the street to a stranger just feels weird... I know, because now it feels weird to me, too, even though I know it shouldn’t.

MINA: I find the opposite — that New Yorkers do make eye contact. Sometimes I even get stared at.

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NAOMI: They are always up to something and cannot slow down to just look at a person. Even on their lunch breaks they are too busy to breathe.

MINA: This may be true about New Yorkers, but I think Israelis are in an even greater rush! What’s true across the board is that you make time for whatever is impor tant to you.

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SARA: New Yorkers speak fast since they’re rushing to have it said and move on.

New Yorkers speak fast.

TOVA: There’s definitely some truth to it. I was with my brother in the car, and he remarked how everyone honks but no one pays attention or takes it seriously. In Detroit, when someone honks, people take note — and it rarely happens.

NAOMI: This is very true. You can never be too careful when driving around New York; cars can appear out of nowhere, with the drivers thinking they are the only ones on the road.

SARA: I believe that drivers appear rude on the road be cause there’s always a lot of traffic, which makes drivers very anxious and annoyed. So the driver doesn’t really pay attention to other drivers or pedestrians — he’s just trying to get to his destination the fastest way possible.

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New Yorkers are rude on the road.

SHULAMIS: I am not denying this. Drivers here don’t yield the right of way — an offense that’s always ticketed in LA. Here, drivers seem to get away with not stopping at stop signs and skipping other drivers who have the right of way.

MINA: I wouldn’t call it rude but instead unprofessional. It sometimes seems like the road is full of drivers who don’t really have a driver’s license!

MINA: This may be true for someone who doesn’t speak the language. I think anyone hearing someone talk a language they don’t know finds that it sounds very fast to them.

SHULAMIS: Not only do the people of New York speak fast, but their thought processes are also so fast. They think fast, and always have a ready immediate response, which sometimes makes it hard to keep up in a conversation.

NAOMI: I think it’s because their their minds are always on the next thing or thinking what they could do next, which busi ness deal, which party…. Like I said, they don’t know how to just be in the moment.

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NAOMI: At this point, for sure. The New Yorkers are going to buy the merchandise anyway because many people need to keep up with everything. It allows retailers to put practically any price on their products and still have customers.

SARA: Yes, New York has top-rated restaurants! And so many choices. However, the obesity rates are higher too!

SARA: I disagree with this one. Many American-made products are more expensive in Canada. Additionally, shopping in Canada is less convenient, and time is money, after all. In New York there are a lot more places to shop, and it’s easier to get your shopping done.

SHULAMIS: Life here is expensive, but compared to LA, where housing is double in price, it doesn’t seem that expensive to us. However, a new-for-me expense that we never had in California is tolls. There we get to travel all the highways and bridges for free.

MINA: While New York may feature the best steaks, I’ll take simple Israeli foods — pita, falafel, juicy shawarma, salty potato bourekas — over New York’s, anytime!

MINA: A lot of things are double the price than in Eretz Yisroel. But since you earn more here, it just makes sense that every thing is more expensive.

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NAOMI: The food here is mostly very good, and the people here have high standards for food. The fast food here, though, isn’t my favorite. It’s too commercial and too junky, but in the steakhouses they do a good job! I’ll still take Israeli fast food over New York’s, though.

ROCHEL: Does it? Food is food.

SHULAMIS: Compared to LA, not necessarily. There’s really good food there, and the eateries offer high-class foods and beverages. Overall, the experience is more high-end than we find here.

Everything in New York is expensive. New York has the best food.

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SHULAMIS: Oh, yeah! You always have to get dressed. We get judged by what we wear and how we look. Out of town, you work with your own taste, and people don’t mind. You wear what you want to wear, not what society dictates.

Potholes are all over our roads.

New Yorkers are obsessed with style and materialistic concerns.

MINA: I don’t find that to be true compared to the conditions in Eretz Yisroel, though some roads do feel like Third-World roads.

ROCHEL: There just isn’t a way to deflect this stereotype. Sorry, New York, but your materialistic leanings shine forth. (It’s time to grow up and stop living for the Joneses! Or maybe the Weisses…) In general, I think we could be less cookie-cutter and embrace diversity more.

NAOMI: Yes. Here people need the newest, best, biggest cars. And with clothing…. It’s like before you even enjoy the clothing for the season, you’re already shopping for the next season.

MINA: Oh, yes, big time!

SHULAMIS: Yes, it’s true. The salt for snow-re moval causes them — an issue we didn’t have back in California. Driving here is really bumpy.

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SARA: I don’t remember the roads in Canada to compare, but surely there are similar issues with the snow and the salt there, too.

NAOMI: I think part of New York driving education should be how to safely avoid potholes. Cars are doomed over here, and if you drive a car and not an SUV, expect your car to get bashed up.

SARA: I agree that many people are extremely materialistic. Many people live in congested areas where you see a lot of your neighbors’ goings-on, so the peer pressure is higher.

Before you get away with only judging us here in New York, is there anything you admire about those who have become your neighbors? I would like to share that there are so many benefits to living in New York. The Yiddish commu nity is so large, and the tzedakah and chesed that New Yorkers do for one another is unparalleled.

MINA: New Yorkers are so smiley and helpful. In gen eral, I think New York is full of opportunities, color and life, like no other place!

ROCHEL: With so much hustle and bustle it’s easy to feel lost, but the truth is that if you ever have a need, there’s nothing like the New York Jewish community! Organizations exist for just about everything. There’s always a helping hand just around the corner.

189 845.600.8484 August 24, 2022 The Monsey View

SHULAMIS: New Yorkers are always looking to help others and do chesed. And so many great ideas and so much talent originate in New York.

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What do these tourists come for? And how many of these attractions have you, New York native, visited? Here we explore major Big Apple attractions, landmarks and hot tourist spots, and you might just find that this list is for you, too!

The city of New York is one of the hottest tourist spots in the world. In 2019, NYC attracted 66.6 million visitors. Then, when the coronavirus reared its ugly head, those numbers drastically dropped.

Now New York tourism is back on the rise, with 33 million visiting in 2021 as opposed to the 22 million in 2020. So far, 2022 looks quite promising, with an expected number of 56 million tourists.

196 The Monsey View


WHY IT WAS BUILT: It was built by France and gifted to the U.S. in honor of their centennial of independence and to celebrate the friendship between the two countries.

UPGRADES: The torch, its most fragile part, has been renovated and redesigned several times over the years, and it was converted to electric power in 1916.



YEARS BUILT: The Statue of Liberty was built in France between 1876 and 1884, disassembled, and shipped. It was then assembled on Liberty Island (then called Bedloe’s Island) in 1866.

CLAIM TO FAME: This icon of freedom was a welcoming symbol to immigrants who arrived in the U.S. by sea. FUN FACT: It’s well-known, but still interesting. The statue of liberty is made of copper and was originally bronze-colored. Over the years it has oxidized and now boasts its familiar coat of green patina. The Monsey View

PEOPLE VISIT FOR: the exhibits, tours, sights and the boat ride, but mostly to get a picture in front of the Statue!


CENTRALPARK AVERAGE VISITORS PER YEAR: 42 MILLION YEARS BUILT: 1858–1872 WHY IT WAS BUILT: As Manhattan was rapidly growing urban-like and crowded, this area was earmarked for a country-like oasis for city dwellers. UPGRADES: Restoration and maintenance of this most-visited urban national park is ongoing. DESIGNATED A NATIONAL HISTORIC LANDMARK in 1963 PEOPLE VISIT FOR: the scenic hills, meadows, playground and fields. Popular attractions include the Central Park Zoo, Belvedere Castle, Loeb Boathouse and the Carousel. CLAIM TO FAME: Central Park was the first public landscaped park in the U.S. FUN FACT: This massive park has more than 9,000 wooden benches dotting its landscape. 198 845.600.8484 The Monsey View August 24, 2022

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CLAIM TO FAME: Considered the most photogenic bridge, there’s a reason this majestic bridge with its granite towers stars in artwork and photos.

200 The Monsey

UPGRADES: In 1948, the bridge was renovated to double its capacity, and its trolley tracks were removed. The 21st century saw the city reinforce and renovate the bridge to ensure its safety.

FUN FACT: When the Brooklyn Bridge opened, there was a toll charge, unlike today when crossing is completely free. Back in the day it cost a penny to cross by foot, 5 cents to cross by horse, and 10 cents to cross by horse and buggy. And no living creature got away for free — crossing a cow cost 5 cents and a sheep or hog 2 cents. View

DESIGNATED A NATIONAL HISTORIC MONUMENT in 1964 PEOPLE VISIT TO: walk across the bridge for sights of the NYC skyline and river views, as well as for the great photo opps it presents.

BROOKLYNBRIDGE AVERAGE VISITORS PER YEAR: 1 MILLION YEARS BUILT: 1869–1883 WHY IT WAS BUILT: Prior to its constructions, commuters between Manhattan and Brooklyn had to take a ferry from one place to the other. The Brooklyn Bridge provided a thoroughfare for both vehicular and pedestrian traffic between the two boroughs.

201The Monsey View

CLAIM TO FAME: At 1,776 feet, One World Trade Center stands as the tallest building, not only in New York or in the U.S., but in the entire Western Hemisphere.

FUN FACT: The core of One World Trade Center is made of the strongest concrete ever poured in New York (14,000 psi, if that means anything to you).

202 The Monsey View

WHY IT WAS BUILT: After the devastating terrorist attacks of 9/11, this building, once upon known as The Freedom Tower, was constructed as a symbol of freedom and a sign of resistance against terrorism. Its height (1,776) is symbolic of independence and its spire a nod to the torch of the Statue of Liberty.


PEOPLE VISIT FOR: One World Observatory on the 102nd floor of One World Trade Center.


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204 The Monsey View

CLAIM TO FAME: Until the construction of the Twin Towers in 1970, the Empire State Building stood as the tallest building in the world. After the Towers’ collapse, it was the tallest building in New York until 2012.

UPGRADES: Restoration work that began in 2019 recently gave the 90-year-old building a much-needed facelift.

205The Monsey

FUN FACT: The construction of the Empire State Building was completed in a record-breaking 1 year and 45 days. View

EMPIREBUILDINGSTATE VISITORS PER YEAR: 4 MILLION YEARS BUILT: 1930–1931 WHY IT WAS BUILT: It was built as an office building, and the original plan was for it to be 50 stories high. But as the “Race to the Sky” heated up, with buildings vying for the place as the “world’s tallest building,” the plans were revised for The Empire State building to beat the then-inconstruction Chrysler Building.


DESIGNATED A NATIONAL HISTORIC LANDMARK in 1986 PEOPLE VISIT FOR: the observatories on the 102nd and 86th floors; before its closure in 2015, the Skyride was a famous attraction.

206 The Monsey

DESIGNATED A NEW YORK CITY LANDMARK in 1967 PEOPLE VISIT FOR: The most popular reason is the transportation access it provides, though under Grand Central Terminal’s opulent roof is 60 shops and 35 eateries, and something’s always happening there.

CLAIM TO FAME: Its $20 million clock is the most recognized decor in the Terminal. So much so that New Yorkers always know that “meet me at the clock” means that a train ride is in plan.

FUN FACT: There are secret train tracks hidden in the bowels of this terminal. Its original purpose was to clandestinely ferry the rich and famous to and from the WaldorfAstoria Hotel. The most famous rider of the underground train was indisputably President FDR, who didn’t want the country to know that he’d become paraplegic. View

TERMINALCENTRALGRAND AVERAGE VISITORS PER YEAR: 67 MILLION YEARS BUILT: 1903–1913 WHY IT WAS BUILT: A central hub was needed for the various train lines departing from and arriving in Manhattan. UPGRADES: Most recently, 2020 saw major upgrades in the Terminal to provide more accessibility and modernization of systems.

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211 845.600.8484 August 24, 2022 The Monsey View

In addition, instead of looking at the ground for space that doesn’t exist, contractors are turning to the endless possibilities found in the skies. Many apartment developments at the height of luxury (pun intended) are being built in skyscrapers. Why is the NYC alwaysSkylinelitup?

While it may seem like a huge waste of energy, the Federal AdministrationAviation requires buildings higher than 200 feet to be lit up at night. On some of Manhattan’s larger towers, you can see a red light blinking atop a long antenna.This is to ensure that planes don’t unknowingly cause a second September 11. Con Edison, which provides power to New York, estimated that 5,200 megawatthours of electricity keep Manhattan lit overnight. Most of it is necessary, as people are living and working during the night, while some is for purposes.aesthetic

During the progressive era of the early 1900s, New York City was, well, progressing. Businesses grew, immigrants immigrated, millionaires were made, and NYC thrived. More businesses meant that more commercial and residential space was needed, and many industrialists took the opportunity to build memorable buildings. Thanks to their efforts, New York City has an exquisite skyline, made up of some of the most iconic buildings in the world.

The Evolving Skyline

Over the last century, the NYC skyline has undergone quite a transformation. In the early 1900s, a few skyscrapers were sprinkled around Manhattan, but with the advancement of technology and engineering capabilities, skyscrapers have become more common and easier to build. For example, the base of a skyscraper used to take up the better part of a block, and the building couldn’t be too tall. Now, a better understanding of aerodynamics (how to build things so that they work with the wind and airflow around them) has enabled the possibility of skinnier towers that can safely sway with the wind.

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Woolworth Building

213 845.600.8484 August 24, 2022 The Monsey View

By: Toby Diamant Iconic Skyscrapers of the NYC Skyline

One of the oldest buildings in the Manhattan skyline, the Woolworth Building was completed in 1913 and stands at 792 feet. It was commissioned by Frank W. Woolworth and was to be the tallest building in the world. The project cost 13.5 million dollars — an exorbitant amount in those days — and Woolworth paid it all in cash. With its architectural design and modern features, including exterior lighting and an electric elevator, the building was groundbreaking. It remained the tallest building in New York for seventeen years.

The Woolworth Building framed by the Twin Towers, 1973

The Chrysler Building, an architectural icon in Manhattan, is named for Walter P. Chrysler, a competitive industrialist who bought the building plans and revised them to build the tallest building in the world. It was part of a three-way race with the Empire State Building and what’s now known as the Trump Tower, all of which were under construction at the same time, and all of which were vying for the title of “tallest building in the world.” The building plans for each skyscraper were top secret, and the Chrysler’s 185-foot spire was built at a separate location and put together inside the building to hide its final height until it was actually installed. When the building was completed in 1928, it stood at 1,048 feet and became the first manmade structure to stand at over a thousand feet tall. It held the title of the tallest building in the world for a grand eleven months — until the Empire State Building was completed. The Chrysler Building is still the tallest brick building made with a steel structure.

Chrysler Building

The World Trade Center

Empire State Building

A famous, historical building in the NYC skyline that can be spotted from far away, the Empire State Building stands at 1,454 feet at its tip and was completed in 1930. It functions now mainly as a corporate building, but also has exhibits and observation decks for the public. The exterior tower lights often change colors to acknowledge special occasions throughout the year.

Aka the Freedom Tower, this is currently the tallest building in the United States and in the Western Hemisphere. It was completed in 2014 as a remembrance to the Twin Towers that stood in the same spot until September 11, 2001. The Twin Towers were a landmark of New York from 1971, when they were spearheaded by David Rockefeller in order to revitalize Lower Manhattan. They were the tallest buildings in the world until 1974, when the Sears Tower in Chicago surpassed them. The Freedom Tower now houses many offices, restaurants and, of course, the famous One World Observatory, where you can see a panoramic view of New York City. It stands at exactly 1,776 feet tall, a wink to the year the Declaration of Independence was signed.

214 845.600.8484 The Monsey View August 24, 2022

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Family name: _________________________________ Phone: __________________ Full mailing address: ____________________________________________________ Full name of winner: _________________ Amount of points: __________ Full names of __________________________________players:competing List some words only the winner found: The longest word found on the board: _____________________________ A new word you learned from the board: __________________________ Only complete forms will be entered into the drawing. hidesBoggleHint:Eachboardawordofninelettersormore! HOW TO PLAY: 1. Gather round the table to play a family game of Boggle, using this Boggle board. 2. Once you have a winner, fill out the form below in its entirety 3. Email the form to themonseyview.comcomments@orfaxto845600-8483 by Sunday at midnight. 4. Two winners will be drawn each week, each of whom will win a pas trami sandwich and a can of soda! PLAYING RULES: Find words on the board containing four letters or more. Letters of a word must be connected in a chain (each letter should be adjacent to the next either vertically, horizontally or diago nally), and each letter can only be used once in a given word. The following are not allowed in Boggle: Adding “s” to a word • Proper nouns • Abbreviations • Contractions • Acronyms POINTS 4-letter words: 2 points | 5-letter words: 3 points | 6-letter words: 5 points | 7-letter words: 7 points | 8-letter words: 9 points | 9+ letters: 12 points RA IG MCL B NJ OUNF PM L H T ALIWEN 216 845.600.8484 The Monsey View August 24, 2022

ADVANCEDINTERMEDIATEBOGGLE WINNERS To claim your prize, tear out this sheet (on which your name appears) and bring it in to Nussy’s Cuisine. WINNER 1 Family name: Herzog, 845-xxx-4569 Name of winner: Rivky Amount of points: 58 Names of competing players: Ruchy Some words only the winner found: mane, sane, skating, task The longest word found on the board: bowling A new word learned from the board: bode WINNER 2 Family name: Stauber, 845-xxx-1507

Name of winner: Mommy Amount of points: 88 Names of competing players: Tatty, Hershy Some words only the winner found: aspire, bowl, longest word found on the board: new word learned from the board: Last week’s bonus word:


SALAMANDER 5431524673157476267458198262485769321782194695784157 217 845.600.8484 August 24, 2022 The Monsey View

salamander A

spider The

WINNERSTENTHETOCONGRATULATIONSTOYS4U!ATCARDSGIFT$5THEOFsubmission.youronlistednumberphonetheofaccounttheonToys4Uatissuedwascredit$5Acoloring!Keeppages!coloredbeautifullyinsentwhoreadersofhundredsthetoyouThank Viznitz10,Kellner,Zlaty Skvere8,Feder,ZissyLeahGross,9,SatmarViznitz13,Adler,Gitty BinahBnos9,Gruenbaum,EstyKlausenburg5,Fischer,Yossi Viznitz8,Ganz,YaakovViznitz5,Kozicki,Chany Satmar7,Gertner,BassySkvere4,Braun,Sury 218 845.600.8484 The Monsey View August 24, 2022

family.entiretheforpagecoloringthisphotocopytofreeFeelBy: Faigy Jacobowitz Send your colored page to The Monsey View to enter a drawing for a chance to have your artwork featured in our pages and win $5 at Toys4U! Ten lucky winners will be announced each week! To enter the raffle, email your colored page to, or mail it to 365 Route 59, Suite 239, Airmont, NY 10952. Submissions will be included in the drawing only if all information is filled in. Name:_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Phone:______________________________________________ Age:____________________ School:_________________________________________________________ 219 845.600.8484 August 24, 2022 The Monsey View

Yossi and Shimshi Mandel, Tisha B’Av Table Mendy Schweid Leiby Munkatch,Gruenbaum,bunnycage Yanky Twerski and Yossi Kalish Mantzy Itzkowitz Roizy G., Kosel Chesky and Shlomo Zalman Grinberger Motty Tessler Ari Spitzer, piano Chili Weber and Shimon Hass To have your child’s creation featured here, email a picture to or mail it to 365 Route 59, Suite 239, Airmont, NY 10952. Where every entry is a Talentwinner!Show 220 845.600.8484 The Monsey View August 24, 2022

222 845.600.8484 The Monsey View August 24, 2022

225 845.600.8484 August 24, 2022 The Monsey View

226 845.600.8484 The Monsey View August 24, 2022

FOR SALE YOYA /BABY PRIDE STROLLERS Now on sale, available in beautiful colors, ASTM standards, company backed warranty. Free delivery. Please call 845-263-2737 RESTAURANT FOR SALE Local Monsey Working Restaurant for sale. Call or text +18453934516 comMonseyrestaurnt@gmail.Email: DOONA STROLLER Doona Stroller, multiple colors avail.cll/txt 1-201-6144045 JOOLZ AER Brand new in closed box. Selling for $360, In stores $449. 8455385693 NEOCATE/BABY FORMULA Neocate $46.99 per can. Kendamil $38.99. Similac L’Mehadrin $28.99!! We also buy off any extra formula for a good price. Call for other types of formulas. Formula 347.369.4886Trade JOOLZ HUB PLUS Black, brand new in box. Selling for $590, in store $730.00. 8455385693 VELVET COAT Black velvet long coat size small 8452937369 MAJOR SALE Exclusive brides gown costume made-affordable price.2 sisters gowns.Also 4 king size BEDS excellent condition, can fold to a couch $199 each.Call 845-304-1792 DRESSER FOR SALE Beautiful 3 door Italian dresser with mirror for sale. High sheen mahogany. Brand new condition. Best offer, pictures available, txt only 8457460486 NEW COUCH New 3 seater reclining couch for sale, Taupe color, microfiber. Please call 845425-5889 OFFICE FURNITURE Lots of Office Furniture for sale in Monroe. Discounted price. Almost new condition. For more information email: FOR SALE 12 beautiful brand new dining room chairs from Accentuations. Never used, in boxes. Great price. Text 845-642-9386. REAL ESTATE APT FOR RENT Newly renovated apt avail immed : 2 bedrooms: stunning bathroom: spacious kitchen: quartz counters; fancy lights: elegant flooring: Spacious Storage Shed: Very big backyard. TEXT ONLY. (917)830-6341 FOR RENT 3302 Parkview, Spring Valley $3,000. Beautiful 2100+ sqft townhouse-style (2 floors) condo. 4 bdrms. 3 bthrms. Many upgrades. Great location. Close to shopping. Please call Leon Klein 845 774-9052. greentriangleteam.comLeon@ FOR RENT 4 bedroom house in Cameo Ridge area available as of Sep 1. 845-274-0803 Classifieds for sale N real estate N LASER IS NOW EXPERIENCE.PAINFREEPOSITIVE,A CHANIE GENUD Certified laser hair removal specialist 845.323.8886 Book appointmentyour GET REAL. THERE’S A BETTER WAY TO DO LASER. 228 845.600.8484 The Monsey View August 24, 2022

HAVERSTRAW For sale/rent brick office building 4800 sq ft good for medical/ offices etc. Great investment. 718-757-9862 OFFICE FOR RENT Beautiful private office for rent, lots of windows, Collage area. 917-676-6576 MONSEY GETAWAYSHABBOS Spacious house in Concord available for Shabbosim. 7+ bedrooms, 19 beds, large deck, linen & Shabbos essentials provided. Call 845548-6478. SHORT TERM RENTAL Montebello House. 5 Bedrooms + basement. Resort like private backyard with pool + spa and playground. Contact 347-356-0511 SHABBOS HOUSE RENTAL Weekends only,Thurs afternoon - Sunday afternoon. Stoney Point, NY. Excellent location & references. Please call Avi 845-558-4027



Yerushalayim apt for simchas torah. A one bedroom apt with large sukka available from erev Shabbos chol hamoed till after simchas torah for a great price. Pninat chemed hotel. 5 minutes from kiryas belz.




One Resources is looking for a babysitter for Monday evenings in the Parker St., Spring Valley Area. Nice pay. For Inquiries, please call 845414-5555 #309. DRIVER WANTED Looking for a driver to do routes for a daycare morn. from 8:30-9:45 and aft. 2:454:15. $175 per child - Call/text 845-263-2307

SEEKING BABYSITTER Looking for babysitter in my home for 2-3 babies 9-3 M-Th. Friday 9-12. Located in Wesley Hills. Please only.interested.bhblanche@gmail.comemailifSeriousinquiriesReferencesrequired. BOOKKEEPER Looking for a detail oriented, Well organized female with good communication skills and themadisonbooks.comemailknowledge.QuickBooks/AccountingPleaseResumetohello@ BOOKKEEPING ASSISTANT Busy companymanagementlookingfor a f/t bookkeeping assiatant. Please email resume JOB OPPORTUNITY Bookkeeping firm looking to hire a full time female worker. Should have experience in qb, word and excel. must have good phone skills. Email resume monseyhiring@gmail.comto TEACHING POSITIONS Yeshiva Spring Valley (boys) of Monsey is now accepting resumes for the General Studies department for September 2022 - ‘23 School Year. Following Positions available: • Lower Elementary School Teacher (M-TH 12:45-4:00); • Title1 English Language Arts (ELA) Teacher • Teacher’s Assistants (M-TH 12:45-4:00) Teaching experience a must. Professional atmosphere and competitive salary. Please include references and email to orggss@yeshivaspringvalley.orFAXto845-356-8551 TEACHERS & ASSISTANTS Looking to work in a growing school and a warm and friendly environment? Cheder Chabad of Monsey is seeking part time teachers and assistants in the Preschool, Elementary and Middle School grades, as well as secretaries, for the upcoming school year. We offer competitive pay and flexible hours. Please call 612408-1775 or email details.chedermonsey.orgygoldberg@formore Classifieds real estate N help wanted N 230 845.600.8484 The Monsey View August 24, 2022

Montebello House for weekend rental. 7 bedrooms. Amazing for family reunion. Lots of privacy. Contact 347356-0511


232 845.600.8484 The Monsey View August 24, 2022

BAS MIKROH is seeking qualified staff for the ‘22-‘23 school year, to join our dynamic, talented team: Principal’s Secretary, Office Secretary, Hebrew and English Permanent Substitutes, English Remedial Teacher, CoTeachers and assistants. Please email resume to hr@ Bas Mikroh has an on-site daycare for Staff children

ASSISTANT POSITIONS Cheder is seeking male and female Teachers assistants for the upcoming school year. Please email resume menahel@chedermonsey.orgto

SEEKING TEACHER Heimishe playgroup looking for a teacher for September for a yummy settled pre-nursery English speaking class. Well paid and extremely easy terms. Pls call 845-537-1960 F/T SECRETARY Local heimishe office looking to hire full time secretary. Basic computer knowledge. Will train. 845-533-3061

JOIN OUR WONDERFUL TEAM! Bnos Leah Prospect Park of Monsey is seeking positive, warm and experienced teachers for the 2022-23 school year. Preschool and elementary school positions open. Send your resume jobs@prospectmonsey.orgto TUTOR POSITION Heimishe cheder seeking tutors for the upcoming school year: man for the older grades, and lady/girl for the younger grades. Reading and math skills. Afternoon hours. Please send resume faxsecretary@vienmonsey.orgtoorto845-208-0440.

JOIN US Come join our amazing staff. Looking for warm, capable co-teachers to work alongside our experienced Morahs. Please call 845-270-8796 or email your resume

Classifieds help wanted N 234 845.600.8484 The Monsey View August 24, 2022

DRIVER WANTED Yeshiva Rabbi SR Hirsch is looking for a driver to transport students round trip Monsey to Washington Heights 6 days a week. Please email applications to info@ For questions please call 212-568-6250

BOOKKEEPING POSITION Local office is looking to hire girl/women for an entry level position in the finance department. Lots of potential. Flexible schedule. Great benefits and competitive pay. Send resume gmail.comemployeeslovetoworkhere@to

JOIN US! Yeshiva of Spring Valley Preschool is callyeshivaspringvalley.orgyourpositions.environment.ProfessionalteachersexperiencedseekingkindergartenforAM.andPM.andwarmWellpaidPleaseemailresumetopreschool@or845-356-1400ext.226, or 848-525-0943.

PRESCHOOL ASSISTANT Preschool in Monsey looking for assistant. Great atmosphere, excellent pay! Call or text 845-476-1305

DRIVER WANTED Stars night program seeking a driver for three hours* daily in the evening. Monday - Thursday *one hour break between shifts. Call: 845503-0140

PLAYGROUP ASSISTANT A New York State certified playgroup located in Pomona seeks an assistant for the upcoming school year. Must have previous experience with early childhood and be very dedicated, loving and caring. Must have own transportation. Serious inquiries only. Please contact: 347-524-3860

JOIN US! Yeshiva of Spring Valley Preschool is looking to hire capable co-teachers / assistants to work alongside very experienced teachers for the 5783-2022/2023 school year. Well paid positions. Please email your resume to callyeshivaspringvalley.orgpreschool@or845-356-1400ext.226, or 848-525-0943.


Chassidish girls school looking for mid elementary english teachers. Great environment. Email info orenglishdept@cutamonsey.orgtocall929-244-9193.

ENGLISH DEP. Come join our fantastic team! Looking to hire a (first grade) assistant, permanent sub and extracurricular staff. Please send in your resume bschwartz@bnosbinahm.orgto

GENERAL STUDIES TEACHER Cheder D’Monsey seeks an experienced 1st grade General Studies teacher for the coming 22-23 school year. Mon.-Thrs., 1:30-4. Great pay, wonderful work environment. Send resume to: or call (845) 826-6718.

environment and great pay ontime. Please send resume to principal@ or call 845269-0588. GREAT JOB OPPORTUNITY Great job, great atmosphere, great role models, great experience. Become a preschool assistant in our school and have a GREAT year to remember forever. שידיא speaking- please call now 845-270-0602 GREAT JOB OPPORTUNITY טימ לוקס עשימייה א סאוו ,ס‘ןירערעל עטנכייצעגסיוא ,ייז ןופ ןייז הנוק ליפ ןעק ןעמ עמעראוו ענעבעגעגרעביא טכוז preschool assistants יד ראפ ןוא טפור עטיב .ראי עגידעמוק א טזאל message 845-2700602 SEEKING TEACHER Seeking 4th Grade English Teacher.,preferred.ExperienceSupportiveGoodpay.emailresumeto:Fax to 845-694-6485 EXCELLENT OPPORTUNITY! Bais Yaakov School seeking Permanent Substitutes and teachers for in-class mentoring. baisayaakovelementary.orgresumeenvironment!opportunityTerrificinagreatEmailtoresumes@ F/T POSITION Seeking a yungermanqualifiedtobea one to one for a child in a cheder. Full time. Excellent pay. Please call 347-452-4816 SEEKING A BUYER Are you a driven person who loves making things happen? This job is for you! Zap Imports is a fast growing e-commerce company located in Monsey NY. As we expand our expanding our product line, we are seeking to hire a capable individual to facilitate in purchasing locally sourced products. No prior experience is necessary. Lots of room for growth! Great office environment with an inviting team! Responsibilities: *Product research *Locating suppliers *Supplier comContactwithResponsible,Resourceful,andGreat*Purchasing.negotiationsRequirements:communicationnegotiatingskills.andfast-paced.self-motivateda‘can-do’attitude.Kayla@zapimports.formoredetails AMAZING OPPORTUNITY! Local property Management Company is looking for a f/t secretary. office Experience required. Great environment, Great pay. Please email resume rcmanageoffice@gmail.comto Classifieds help wanted N 236 845.600.8484 The Monsey View August 24, 2022



DAYCARE MORAH Looking for a warm and loving Morah for our day care class age 0-24 months. Monsey Area- transportation provided. Call/Text 347-4061663 ASSISTANT Playgroup in Pomona looking for assistant for age 0-12 months. 845-422-6043 P-1A ASSISTANT Excellent opportunity to learn the foundations of English reading from an experienced Pre-1a Teacher. Positive working environment and high compensation. Call 845694-6015 or email resume to gmail.comchedermonseyeducation@ OPPORTUNITY Looking for a fifth grade teacher from 3:50 till 5;10. Easy working

238 845.600.8484 The Monsey View August 24, 2022

MOTHER HELPER Seeking Mother helperPomona. Looking for 18+ female. W2. Familiar with gentle parenting modality. Caring for 3 children, cooking, tidying up. Full or Part time 8 - 11am. 3-6pm. 8-11pm. 347-654-4559 MANAGER WANTED Full time yingerman to manage in busy grocery the cashier’s / orders department 8453199168 OFFICE POSITION Office in Monsey is seeking a capable individual for an open position within the finance department. Great opportunity with potential, good pay and easterndrayage.comresumeenvironment.HeimishPleaseemailtochaimm@ SECRETARY Full-time and part-time secretaries needed for a medical exam office. Basic computer skills required. Flexible hours, good pay. Please call 845-659-6826 / 917-440-2734 PROJECT MANAGER Monsey based developer is looking to hire a project manager to oversee and manage a gmail.comconstructionposition350@PleaseconstructionExperienceconstructioncommercialproject.incommercialrequired.emailyourresumeto; BOOKKEEPING ASSISTANT Seeking female bookkeeping assistant. bikurcholim.orgeturnheim@ P/T RECEPTIONIST Local mental health office seeking a part time evening receptionist. Candidate should have great phone and computer skills. Please email resume to hr@daaswellness. com. JOBS AVAILABLE Part-time & Full-time jobs available. gmail.comTopPartTimeJobs@Email F/T SECRETARY Hemishe local Insurance office looking for full time secretary openings in personal and commercial dept salary plus commission email resume werosenbauminsurance.comzev@willtrainonthejob. OFFICE POSITION Real estate firm looking for a full time secretary in a girls only office well paid graduates welcome please email resume Trustmngmt@gmail.comto or fax to 7182439997 SECRETARY Secretarial assignments including scheduling service calls, maintaining daily phone calls , emails and code calling . Great Commission for the right office..Experiencedindividualonly.Sufferncall8452705781 SUNDAY SECRETARY Cheder D’Monsey is looking for a secretary to work on Sundays during the school year from 9:00-2:30. If interested email ystein@ or call 845362-7700 ext. 102. JOB OPPORTUNITY Seeking full time secretary for all womens officeexperience in marketplace operations. Please call (646) 481-9655 SECRETARIAL POSITION Well-established office in Monsey is looking to hire a secretary (Yiddishspeaking) for a full-time or nearly full time position. Great environment and lots of opportunity for growth. Competitive pay. Send resume HELP WANTED A Heimish Daycare Center is looking to hire a secretary and an office position is also available, call 347.460.0204 and leave a message. SECRETARY POSITION Full time secretarial position available in the monsey area, must have good phone skills and able to multi task. Great pay! monseyjob10901@gmail.comEmail: MEDICAL PHLEBOTOMISTASSISTANT/ Part-time position for Monsey medical office. Pleasant working comMonseyMedAssist@gmail.preferred.Excellentenvironment.phlebotomyskillsEmailresumeto COORDINATOR POSITION We are seeking an energetic and passionate candidate as an Office Coordinator in the Kochavim Organization office. Please send your resume to SALESWOMEN WANTED Looking for SECRETARY WANTED Construction company looking for highly motivated individual with great management skills. please email your resume officejobs4832@gmail.comto Classifieds help wanted N 240 845.600.8484 The Monsey View August 24, 2022

241 845.600.8484 August 24, 2022 The Monsey View

FT/PT OPPORTUNITY A heimish (845)ajob10952@gmail.compleasepaylearn,yiddish],andcommunicationneeded:ourorganizedandcomputergreatjoinfororganizationYiddish-speakingislookingamalereceptionisttoourteam.Musthavephoneskills,basicknowledge,beresponsibleandandworkwithexistingteam.Skillsgoodlistening&skills,oralwriting[englishandwillingnesstoandeasytoteach.Niceandtrainingprovided,sendyourresumetoorcall320-2986andleavemsg OFFICE POSITION Female office seeking f/t bookkeeper and secretary. Candidates must be organized, communicate well and be proficient in qb/ excel. Knowledge in ID/AI a plus. Great pay! Apply joboffer4561@gmail.comat SEEKING SECRETARY Local management office looking to hire secretary for customer service position. Please send your resume to

POSITION –AFTER SUCCOS Local Monsey office is looking to hire a full time secretary starting after Succos. Office experience preferred. Great pay for the right candidate. Please Call 845-205 -0910 is looking for potential Please call 845-293-2107

or Email: monseyhire@gmail. com. NOW HIRING Professional insurance office looking to hire for executive assistant and admin brokerscentral.comPleaseforTremendouspositions.potentialtherightcandidate.sendresumetohr@ GROCERY SECRETARYOFFICEGIRLNEEDED Full time 9-5 secretary girl great pay in Heimish grocery office in monsey 8453199168 JOB OPPORTUNITY Commercial kitchen near Monsey


RECEPTIONIST Busy medical office in Suffern is seeking F/T Receptionist who is organized, responsible and computer literature. Willing to train right person. Please send resume

for the right candidate.

and leave a message P/T SECRETARY Office near Main St looking for PT female secretary, hours 10-3. Please email resume to or contact 845-400-2006. SALESHELP WANTED Clothing store in Monsey is looking for a motivated woman/girl for saleshelp. Pls call 845-642-7965 WE’RE HIRING! Upscale Jewelry Store In Monsey Is Looking To Hire A Part Time Energetic Sales Lady. Sunday’s Included. Please Email ComJewelrypersonal@Gmail.Resume: P/T COACHES Part time job coaches to work with special needs population. jobresume613@ Fax: 845-352-3375 Phone: 845-352-3307 ext.119 SALES HELP WANTED Looking to hire a young, friendly, passionate with a flair for fashion. P/T morning hours. The Genuine Shop 845-425-0735 Leave message Classifieds help wanted N 242 845.600.8484 The Monsey View August 24, 2022

JOB OPPORTUNITY Come work in a wonderful environment! Insurance office seeking a f/t qualified secretary to process insurance applications and assist with office duties. Hours: Monday-Thursday 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Friday: 9:30 to 12:30. Candidate must be bright, responsible, with excellent interpersonal skills. $300 bonus upon signing contract! Please send your resume workopp1234@gmail.comto

a girl or woman with basic cooking experience. Lots of

INSURANCE ADMIN Fast paced insurance office looking for capable secretary to handle applications, rating & client review. office exp preferred but not needed email resume growth4you@gmail.comto

GEMACHIM Baby Layettes (845) 213-3646 Layettes Text 718-551-1732 Doula 845-587-1649 Labor Bag 347-604-3274 Pidyon Haben Accessories 845642-7256 Pidyon Haben 845-659-6704 Pidyon Haben Gemach 845Formula356-3568347-267-3640 Or 216Neocate889-3643Formula 718-853-4090 Carseats, Bassinet & Pack N Plays. 425-1202 Carseats, Pack N Plays, Strollers, Pumps 845.425.6826 Doona Car Seat 845-445-7474 Brass Iron Bassinet 917-280Preemie4559 Clothing 845-520-0475 The Preemie Box 845.664.5768 Or 718.688.5814 Baby Scale 845-578-5639 Baby Headphone 845 356 6797 Or 845 558 9370 Baby Scales 845-694-8985 Easy birth from Koznitzer Mag gid 917-514-9461 Brissim Bris Accessories 617-955-3630 Bris Accessories 845 425 8359 Bris Accessories 425 3873 Bris Accessories 425-6574 Bris Accessories 356-6215 Blue Light 845.425.1919 Poya and bris outfit w/ tefillos 845-425-0672 Pillow/Benchers 845-213-0602 Knife Sharpening For Mohalim 718-384-6214 Segula Stone 347-699-6418 Preemie Outfit 845.558.7065 Krias Shema Board With Stand Free425-4540Mohel 347-383-5696 Simcha Gowns 845-517- 8808 Mother & Sister Gowns 845426-7496 Or 845-352-3031. Gown And Petticoats 347-2781278 White Dresses 845-371-1765 Floral Bisomim 845-629-2785. Hats $25. 347-351-1604 Elegant Hats 845-517-0838. Bands & Berets 845-371-3556 Tichel 845-548-0014 Mechitza’s, Tables, Chairs Etc. Call 845-445-8015 Hot Water Urns 845-425-9211 Ear-Plugs 845-202-0105. Toys 845-578-6513 Toys 917-538-3453. Clics 845-352-5820 Tablecloths (845) 371 2105 Tablecloth Tablecloths352-8292352-8292 Gold Chargers 845-573-9772 shelves, stands, trays & center pieces 845-425-1721 Siddurs. Sfard: 845-608-7830 Ashkenaz: 845 352 1756 Or 845-826-6718 Siddur/Chumash 558.4774 Benchers BechersBentchers845-642-0910347-404-2204845-377-5671 Becher, Challah Deklich, Zemiros 845-425-0498 Coat Rack And Hangers 845Chuppa356-9841Cards 347-278-1278 Chupah Cards 845.222.0456 Chuppah Tefillos Booklets. 845213-0602. Wedding Kit 845-425-2036 Wedding Kit 845-371-2947 Simcha Powder Room Kit 845263-4342 Accessories Basket 845-371Children6857 Hair Pieces 3473001679 Portable Chuppah 845-4254790 Umbrellas 216-470-9841 Sound System 917-382-8809 Evening Bags 845-549-2929 Shmiras Halashon Cards 5370069 Earplugs for Simchos 845-3281071 22 qt crockpots, big hot plates, big pots, perculator 8453238570 Kallah Yom Hachuppah Cd 845-352Crowns,2560 veils, shoes, capes Headpieces,426-0767 Tiaras, Veils 845425-4221 White Sneakers 917-613-6579 White Shoes 845-200-0211 Kallah Hand Bouquet 845-4593567 Dress your kallah stress free. Book 1 week in advance 518306-1167 Bridal Shower (845) 248-4218 Misc Ribbis Question? 347-977-0628 Notary Public 347-228-8825 Fix necklines 845-238-6691 Hairstyling 845-540-3731 Hair styling 845-502-6558 Haircuts & Styling 845-3528101/ Haircutting/Styling845-499-3218845-2637057 Haircutting & Styling 845-4225337 Hospital Supplies 746-8293 Hospital Gown 845-425-8687 Hospital Gown 845-426-4695 Hospital Gowns 845-356-5364 Medical Equipment Email Simcha Maternity 845-425-1725 Bed Rest? Laundry Help. 213Maternity7437 Clothing 845-445Maternity9687 Coat Text Only 8455212912 Twin Boppy Pillows (845) 445Proposal9298 Gemach 347-277-4072 Gps & Waze 845-352-2588 (Minimal Fee) Kosher Waze 845.587.1708 Roof Carriers 845-659-1863. Pack N Play Sheets Included. Text: 845-216-4885 Pack n plays 845-426-1177/ Beautiful347-631-8183nishmas cards 845729-7390 Poya (outfit, hat, booties) 845Help-a-mom.425-0672 to volunteer call Phones347-977-6816ForEmergencies. 845213-8664 Reflectors 845-356-0815 Reflectors 347-977-6816 Feeding Supplies 845-366-6398 Mezuzos 587-4533 Boxes (845) 641-5536 Boxes 845-425-6826 Or 845Boxes608-7830845-642-5286 Boxes Text (845) 641-5536 Heaters 845 362 8666 Air Mattresses 9176537170 Air mattress gemach Text/ WhatsApp 9087831676 Pack n Plays 845-426-1177 Suitcases 845-371-9121 Bike Racks 845-659-1863. Opwdd Sd Advice Email Slfy Computerdhm@Gmail.comAdvice (862) 248-1931 Loans 347-385-1408 Moving Help packing/unpacking 845-281-5900 Digital Cameras 8264062 Phone With Service 845-445Eczema7422 Cream 845-274-7858 Single parent? Help with shop ping etc. 516-203-2616 Yiddish & English Poems 845587-3018 Shabbos lamps (914) 391-3787 Lev Simcha music groups/visits 8456082676sefertorah347-598-0357 Free-shalom bayis 845-213Mezuzos0602 845-540-1802 Drop in babysitter - (845) laminators445-9391 & paper cutters msg 845-263-7115 Kendamil formula 914-523-0592 Costume Used or new 8455380990 243 845.600.8484 August 24, 2022 The Monsey View

JOB OPPORTUNITY Sparks Electronic and Housewares is looking for an energetic girl or lady to work in our store. Please contact us at fax# 845-362-6282 or email us at info@sparksforyou. com SECRETARY Salon secretary position available, Monday to Thursday and every other Sunday 9:30 to 4:00, organization and people skills a must, please email your resume to gittyhechel@ TUTOR WANTED Chassidishe cheder looking for a male tutor for title one. 3:30-5:30. Please call 8452637445 F/T SECRETARY Looking to work in a stimulating Real Estate Office? Here is your chance! Must have communicationexcellentskills, and work well under pressure. Send your resume hoperivky@aol.comto SALES LADY kids Shoe Store Sales Lady or Girl Wanted, For More Info. Please Call 845-709-8360 BEHAVIOR SPECIALISTMANAGEMENT Two males needed to address the behavioral needs of adolescent males in a school for special needs students. Must be able to de-escalate behaviors and apply restraint techniques if needed. Appropriate restraint training is a plus but will be provided. BCBA / ABA Looking for a BCBA or an ABA with experience to run a special need 845-352-3307Fax:jobresume613@gmail.comclassroom.845-352-3375Phone:ext.119 SPECIAL ED ASSISTANCE Assistants and aides needed for special needs 845-352-3307Fax:jobresume613@gmail.comclassrooms.845-352-3375Phone:ext.119 SPECIAL ED TEACHERS Special Education Teachers needed. New York State certification required. Experience with ABA preferred. Full Time 845-352-3307Fax:jobresume613@gmail.composition.845-352-3375Phone:ext.119 SWIFT STAFFING is seeking to hire additional recruiters. Part-time & Flexible hours. Email your resume to SwiftStaffingGroup.comInfo@ TITLE I TUTOR POSITION Heimishe cheder seeking tutors for the upcoming school year: man for the older grades, and lady/girl for the younger grades. Reading and math skills. Afternoon hours. Please send resume faxsecretary@vienmonsey.orgtoorto845.208.0440. FEMALE LIFEGUARD Looking for female lifeguard in Monticello exit 106, no bungalow provided. Monday - Friday 3 hours per day in the afternoon.. Call or text 2129603182 150+ JOB OPENINGS! Stop wasting your time going through all the jobs classifieds. Simply email your resume to completelyStrictlyWhatsAppcareer.&toSwiftStaffingGroup.comInfo@exploreyouroptionsmaximizeyourOrCall/Text/732-800-7633confidential&free. GREAT SALES POSITION Be Your Own Boss! “Be in business for yourself not by yourself” best training + support provided, great benefits and retirement package. Please dglick@newyorklife.comemail or call 845-639-5216 GROWING OPPORTUNITY Boys yeshiva seeking an administrative assistant. Should be leavePleasewithenvironmentandorganized,responsible,lovechildrenenjoybeingpartofanofhatzlachavarmkeit.Excited?call845-825-7174andadetailedmessage. Classifieds help wanted N 244 845.600.8484 The Monsey View August 24, 2022

245 845.600.8484 August 24, 2022 The Monsey View

246 845.600.8484 The Monsey View August 24, 2022

247 845.600.8484 August 24, 2022 The Monsey View

GRAPHIC DESIGNER Office looking for in-house Graphic Designer. Must be experienced in Adobe Illustrator. Located near Monsey, NY. Please gmail.comgraphicdesigner10952@email SECRETARY POSITION Looking to fill a full time secretary position in a school. Great Opportunity! Good computer, phone and interpersonal skills. required. Call: 845-352-1003 ext. 119 Fax; 845-352-3375 Email: gmail.comjobresumes613@ PHOTO EDITING Do you have extensive Photoshop knowledge and experience with image editing? Local Monsey Business seeks young women for product image editing. Join our growing team! Basic photography skills A+ but we can train. Part Time & Flexible hours! This is an inoffice position. Email resume to JOB OPPORTUNITY Join our Monsey Office! Receive full training in Nursing Home Financials. Competitive salary and free health insurance. Located at Rela, moving shortly to Rober Pitt. Send resume monseyjobs@fcc-corp.comto MONSEY F/T Online Luxury Retail Company seeks motivated young man to assist with sales, order processing & customer care. This is a full time in-office position. Pleasant environment with plenty of potential, great pay for the qualified individual. Excellent written & spoken English necessary. Must be computer literate. Social media knowledge a plus. Please email job4fulltime@gmail.comresume FULL TIME POSITIONS Heimishe office in Monsey looking to hire for multiple full-time positions, graduate/ entry level ok. Please email resume: orsammysconsulting.comsammy@call845-603-8206 OPEN POSITIONS We are a fast paced, growing Property Management Firm seeking individuals to fill F/T positions within our Accounting Team. Previous experience is not necessary, but candidate should be comfortable working with numbers and enjoy performing as part of a Team. Competitive pay and lots of potential for growth for the right individual. Monsey Based. Please email Resume to: ACCOUNTING A fast-growing company is looking to hire someone for account receivables and collections, the candidate should have great communication skills. Please email your resume to JOB OPPORTUNITIES Growing media company seeking manager to plan, develop, and implement social media content. Two years of experience required. $65k/yr. *Clinical Director seeking clinical assistant to assist with organizing staff.collaborationandmanagingresearchingdocumentation,clinicaltopics,clinicaltrainings,coordinationandwithother$50k/yr.*Commercial Insurance Brokerage seeking motivated and driven sales representatives. $50k/yr + commission. *CPA Firm seeking CPA with experience in tax planning to collaborate and lead department. $120k/ yr. Please email resumes JOB OPPORTUNITY Large school in Brooklyn seeks male administrator. Excellent compensation and work environment. Prefer someone who speaks Yiddish. Call or text 516-234-5475 HOUSEKEEPING Looking for FULL TIME housekeeping assistance for lovely family with little kids, in Woodbury-Junction area. Please call 845.232.1068 Classifieds help wanted N 248 845.600.8484 The Monsey View August 24, 2022

249 845.600.8484 August 24, 2022 The Monsey View

P/T SECRETARY Local girls high school looking for secretary from 8am-2pm. Basic Microsoft knowledge required. Email: AFTERNOON POSITION Entry Level Office Position available for Afternoon Hours, MonThurs. No experience necessary, will train. Great communication skills required. Please email resume 0735.comperlmansquare@gmail.toorfaxto845-517ATTENTION GRADUATES: Are you looking for an office job? Large company in Monsey has many open office positions. Great pay and benefits. Apply now! Send resume HAIRCUTSPROFESSIONALSERVICES&STYLING Great prices. Call Miri 845426-7561 GARTLECH we fix knitted & crochet Gartlech & make beautiful professional fringes. We also teach how to knit & crochet. call: 917-414-3281 PETTICOATS FOR RENT! Enhance your gown with just the right petticoat! Kids and petticoatsadultsforrent! In the Bates area. Please Call or text between 845-746-72488:30-10pm TORAHANYTIME.COM On demand Torah Hebrew718-298-2077.iPhone/AndroidforVideo-Audio-downloadlecturesAllfreeComputerorAppforOrHotlineYiddish--English ARROWSMITH Is your child still in the same place after all that tutoring?Join Arrowsmith, a research based program that strengthens the brain and eliminates learning disabilities. Call Mrs Feuer 914-260-6449 SINGER/GUITARIST Will perform at your chuppah, Sheva Brachos, or any 2-3 hour event. Moshe Klaver 845-746-0925 STRUGGLING WITH DISORDERED EATING? Repair your relationship with food, improve your body image and uncover your selfworth. Miriam Shurpin MS RD CDN, Registered Dietitian – Nutritionist. 347 480 1670. rd@miriamshurpin. com / consultationsIn-personmiriamshurpin.comandTelehealth MUSIC LESSONS ON THE PHONE Mr. Wertzberger’s Music School offering music lessons on the phone, ages 9-15 boys and girls. Try it free! 718-4351923 KANGEN WATER “Change your Water.. Change your life” Alkaline - AntiOxidant - Super Hydrating Call for FREE supply and feel AMAZING! 917-681-0003 CUSTOM CLOSETS For all your custom closets, doors or mouldings call or text 1347.522.4872 PASSPORTS Need a passport renewal, first time passport or same day passport? Call now: 929356-9911 RUSH ROAD TEST In the next few days for only $60. Get $5 off by mentioning this ad. Call / text 646-9958467 VAN & TRUCK Van & Truck Delivery and Shlepping Service Call Izzy: 845-263-0420 DONATE YOUR VEHICLE (Car, truck, van, Suv) Help build children. Get $1,500 tax deduction + $2,400 Gift book (shopping) or we pay cash for cars too. 718974-9428 FLY HIGH BALLOONS Biggest selection of balloons for all occasions in the Weiner drive area call 8454223988/ Flyhighbal@ Classifieds help wanted N services N odds & ends N 250 845.600.8484 The Monsey View August 24, 2022

251 845.600.8484 August 24, 2022 The Monsey View

CALL/TEXT SARAH @845-596-1373 Craniosacral Therapy In-Home Sessions KEYBOARD LESSONS Keyboard lessons By Miri. Great Prices! Call 845-426-7561 or 845-263-6437 EARPIERCING 12 years experience. Wide selection. Call/ text: 845-538-7986 HAIRCUTS & STYLES Hair & Makeup for all occasions. Located in the Calvert area. Call 845-376-4595 NEW CITY POOL Beautiful big heated pool for rent. Buena Vista area. Privacy. $65 hour. 845 538 6411 POOL FOR RENT Large, clean pool available for rent in Montebello by the hour. Please call or text 845-545-8454. HANDYMAN Professional carpet cleaning. Painting, Drywall, Electric, Plumbing, All handyman jobs. Security cameras. R.O. water filter system. call 917-378-3194 SHAIMOS PICK 845-461-3084UPS DEBT RELIEF having trubble with finances? join Debtors Anonymous Tuesday night @ 19 Robert Pitt # 113 , 7:30-8:30pm. visit www. ODDS & ENDS SEEKING DONATIONS Of toys, arts & crafts, or supplies, in good condition, for a Heimishe Moised. Call 845.500.3100 HELIUM BALLOONS Helium balloons & more. We deliver! Call / whatsapp 929-224-2181 BABYSITTING NIGHT BABYSITTER Need a warm and loving home for your kids while you’re away? For overnight babysitting reach out 845-426-1209 GOWNS ELEGANT GOWN Beautiful white elegant tulle gown size 6 for sale or rent. Call or text 646-257-0755 GOWN FOR RENT Silver/Grey colored gown size 2-4 8455380391 GIRLS CHASUNAH GOWN Very Elegant, Winter White trimmed with Black Velvet, girls size 12/14 for sale. Please Call 845-709-7161. GOLD GOWN Adorable gold gown by Dassy available to buy or rent. Toddler size 4. Call 422-5596 for more info MOTHER OF BRIDE Beautiful mother of bride gown for sale. Black and white. Size 10-12. Great price. Call/text 347-760-4649. EXCLUSIVE GOWNS Beautiful costume made light color kids gowns for sale, size 3 till 14 6 pieces, please call 845-2747188 or 845-6592000 LOST Black & white Tannary & Co blanket. Between Whoopi & shoppers haven Aug 16. Camera354-8374in la familia taxi 845-354-1197 Lost an earring last week Wednesday 845Yarmulka828-0922 in Sloatsburg rest area 845-4220277 FOUND Found silver tennis bracelelt in Robe Gallery Bracelet845-304-6460byBrim-Kramarsky wedding. Money845-356-3990inshoppers haven 845-425-3549 Black Bugabee carriage in La Familia taxi, on Aug 14. 845-376-3036 Found open box with mechandise, that was supposed to be returned, on floor next to UPS box. 845-352-4015 Leave message. Ladies full band on Park Lane 845-3522868 FREE GIVEAWAYS Used bugaboo bee to gave away plus additional hoods. Please call 845-425-4717 Boys bekitsha sz 20x to giveaway call 347432-6669 LATE ADS TEACHER NEEDED Local Chassidish Girls School Seeks A 8th Grade Math/Literature Teacher. 3 Afternoons/Week. Departmental. Great Working Environment, Great Pay! 845402-6118 252 845.600.8484 The Monsey View August 24, 2022

JDNCREDIT:PHOTO ףסוי תרופ תבישי שאר ל"צז ןהכ םולש םכח לודגה ןואגה לש 'יולה עסמ יסנאמ ראמטאס לודגה ד"מהיבב השעמל הכלה דמעמ יסנאמב ל"צז םילשורי ד"באג ןרמ ק"כ תריטפל דפסה תרצע 254 The Monsey View

255 845.600.8484 August 24, 2022 The Monsey View

JDNCREDIT:PHOTO אזלעבמ ר”ומדאה מ”מ לצא ע"יז אזלעבמ א"רהמ ק"הרה תלוליה יסנאמ ראמטאס ד"באג ק"כ לצא רוקיבב םילשורי ץאשמ ר"ומדאה ץינזיו - אריווקס תורצחב תוכרב עבש תבש יאצומ 256 The Monsey View

JDNCREDIT:PHOTO עשוהי םייח תיבמ ר"ומדאה ןינו יסנאמ ראמטאס ד"באג ק”כ דכנ לש תירבו טכאנ ךאווה תחמש 258 The Monsey View

JDNCREDIT:PHOTO 260 The Monsey View

ןופ גנונעפע םוצ הזוזמ תעיבקו תיבה תכונח דמעמ CARE 365 NORTH םינברו ם”ירומדא ןופ גנוגילייטאב יד טימ עטמאאב עשיטאטש ןוא 261The Monsey View

JDNCREDIT:PHOTO שזדיר ק"דבאו העושיה יניעמ ק”דבא צ”הגה י”ע DOUBLE’U JEWELERS שדחה תונחב הזוזמ תעיבק יסנאמ ראמטאס ד”מהיב ןיא יעושעש ךתרות ןוא הרותה ידוסי תרובח ןופ תוניחב יד ןעמענ םייב טיילעגניא רעגילדנעצ אלעסיטנאמ ןיא הרותה תודסומ עגיראי ץנאג יד ןופ רעדניק ערעייט יד ןופ הדועס שמוח 264 The Monsey View

JDNCREDIT:PHOTO ק”הראב רוקיבב ןעלוקסמ ר”ומדאה ןעלוקסמ ר"ומדאהל םינפ תלבק דמעמ םע דחיב ל"צז םילשורי ד"באג ןרמ ק"כ נ"זל הרות רפס תביתכ תלחתה דמעמ 266 The Monsey View

JDNCREDIT:PHOTO ץישפאר - ליבאנרעשט - יעשראפ תיבב הנותחה תחמש ק”הראב רוקיבב ןעלוקסמ ר”ומדאה ןעלוקסמ ר"ומדאהל םינפ תלבק דמעמ םע דחיב ל"צז םילשורי ד"באג ןרמ ק"כ נ"זל הרות רפס תביתכ תלחתה דמעמ 268 The Monsey View

JDNCREDIT:PHOTO ראמטאסמ ר”ומדאה דכנ לש הנותחה תחמש ץאש - ץילעמ - קחצי םהרבא תודלות תיבב תוכרב עבש תבש תחמש תונוזמ תכרב ןענרעל ייז סאוו םעד דובכל יירעקעב סרעדנאס ייב עשוהי רוא הרות דומלת ןופ רעדניק יד 270 The Monsey View

Contents // Inside 102 // Inbox 110 // Parsha 118 // Week in Review 126 // The Last Rebbe of Lodz 136 // The Long Road to Freedom 147 // Food 158 // The Capital of Jewish America 178 // Typical New York! Or Not? 194 // Where the Tourists Teem 212 // FYI 216 // Fun Pages 228 // Classifieds 254 // Pictures ISSUE 362 AUGUST 24, 2022 ב”פשת בא ז”כ At Home in the Big Apple FYI: NYCTHESKYLINEPUSHCARTS, PENNY PICKLES AND PLACES OF PRAYER A look at the Lower East Side of yesteryear THROUGH NONNATIVE GLASSES Newer New Yorkers weigh in on stereotypes WHAT COMETOURISTSTHEFOR NYC’s most popular places THE MONSEY VIEW P.O. Box 305 Monsey N.Y. 10952 Telephone: 845-600-8484 Fax: 845-600-8483 E-mail: Website: MISSION STATEMENT: The Monsey View is a weekly publication designed for every segment and age group of our diverse community. Under rabbinical guidance, we bring Monsey’s top talent together to provide high-quality, informative and current reading material, keeping you up to date on sales, events, news and issues of concern and import happening right now in the Monsey community. DISCLAIMER: We do not endorse any ad found in this publication. We are not responsible for typographical or grammatical errors. COPYRIGHT: All content found in The Monsey View is copyright and may not be reproduced, published, distrib uted or duplicated for public or private use without written permission from The Monsey View. Limit one (1) per family Publisher: YOEL ITZKOWITZ Editor in Chief: D. GORALNIK Content Editor: R. REESE Associate Editor: E.M. NEIMAN Food Editor: M.P. WERCBERGER Creative Director: AJ WACHSMAN Project Coordinator: R. ITZKOWITZ 272 845.600.8484 The Monsey View August 24, 2022

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