Issue 364

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ISSUEFREE 364 SEPTEMBER 7, 2022 אצת יכ תשרפ ב”פשת לולא א”י NEWCOMICSTARTINGTHISWEEK! Drumroll, Please! Upbeat Haven brings music into every child’s soulDICTIONARIESFYI:LOVING ADINA How a dedicated team made a little girl shine GOODIES IN THEIR BAGS Trademark bakery items made in your own home WHEN IT JUST DOESN’T COMPUTE Help your child overcome executive function delays BUILDBRAINYOUR This word-based workout will get your noggin jogging PUSHING PERFECTIONFOR Could failure be Batya’s achievement?

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(Re: Pack Your Snack, Issue 363)

LEMON CURD FRIDGE LIFE (Re: Sheet Cake Supreme, Issue 363)

I have a question regarding the lemon cake featured last week. After the lemon curd is cooled, does it have to be used right away, or can it be refrigerated for a day or two prior to using?

MONSEY, NY WEATHER FORECAST THURSDAY 77°/58° 4% FRIDAY 80°/60° 5% MONDAY 72°/53° 55% SHABBOS 80°/63° 40% TUESDAY 70°/51° 25% SUNDAY 73°/57° 55% WEDNESDAY 75°/55° 18% 130 845.600.8484 The Monsey View September 7, 2022

LIBBY GOLDBERGER RESPONDS: The lemon curd can last a week or two in the refrigerator once it’s prepared.

Dried fruit products with no sugar added qualify as health snacks. However, they do not count as the fresh fruit or vegetable that is to be included daily as part of the program. Hatzlacha with the contest!

My kids were wondering if pure dried fruit rolls or bites containing no sugar or unnatural ingredients are okay for this contest. We like to buy “fruit snacks” made of pressed dried fruit, and other such snacks that are PleaseShehakol.sharethe verdict with us! Thanks, Mrs P.

INBOX // Talk of Town תשרפל םינמז אצת יכ תורנה תקלדה ץינזיוואריווקס 6:506:456:57 תבש יאצומ8:288:098:26 356-mall6255845NUMBERONE needs.yourall Everest Equity Company , Inc. THE TwoExecutiveBoulevard,Suite201 Suffern,NewYork10901 845.357.6900 ResidentialandCommercialMortgages| Registered Mortgage Broker New York State Department of Financial Services. Mortgage Broker Licensed by the New Jersey Department of Banking and Insurance. Licensed Mortgage Broker CT, PA, FL and NC Banking Departments. Loans arranged through third party providers. NMLS ID 12484 Monsey 27 Orchard Street Monsey, NY 845-425-801010952 BORO PARK 4714 13th Avenue Brooklyn, NY 718-435-869711219 Williamsburg • Lakewood

We’re all very excited to participate in the school snack contest! (Next up, perhaps you can organize a no-talking-in-class contest with really good prizes for girls of all ages…)

MAIL: The Monsey View, POB 305, Monsey, NY 10952 2022

An avreich came to ask the Zviller Rebbe if he should consider becoming a melamed; he was a serious learner and was afraid his learning would be affected.TheZviller Rebbe answered him: THE MONSEY VIEW WELCOMES YOUR COMMENTS, FEEDBACK AND LETTERS.



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I ask that sensitivity should be used before publishing any article that may be hurtful — and misleading.

THE MONSEY VIEW RESPONDS: In reporting the news, we did not intend to make any recommendations in regard to whether or not to travel; we leave the decision to the traveler’s discretion.

FAX: 845-600-8483

AN WARNINGUNWARRANTED (Re: In and Around Ramapo, Issue 363)

I enjoy reading your articles. However, the news piece you featured this past week about the State Depart ment’s warning about the prepara tions people should make in the event of traveling to Ukraine seems to be a mistake, and a very disrespectful one at that.The war has been going on for six months already, and there hasn’t been a single Yid from the Bresolver chas sidim who traveled to Uman — whether via Hungary, Romania, Moldova or Slovakia — who was harmed in the tragic way the State Department warns. Uman is very far from the front line and life there goes on as usual.

Thank you for your consideration, A Local Breslov Chassid

On behalf of the hundreds of chil dren who want to start school on time and do not have teachers or assistants yet, I’d like to share a beautiful vort that I heard at the Amatz retreat for mechanchos



As a veteran teacher of young girls, I would like to raise an important point. It is truly heartwarming each year anew to watch my students being so well taken care of by their loving par ents. They (try to) remember to send healthy snacks, they put in effort to be on top of their children’s homework, and they make sure their kids are tidy and clean (and cute, of course). However, I noticed over the years that trimming children’s nails is some thing very often overlooked. This basic step in caring for your child’s hygiene is so very important. Nails carry so many germs and bacte ria, and it doesn’t take much time to trim them. A great idea is to do it every Erev Shabbos so your children see how excited you are to prepare for the heilige Shabbos. Once you get into the habit of doing so, it will become part of rou tine. In our home, on the short winter Fridays, I try to cut the kids’ nails even before they run off to school.

Wishing all teachers and students a year full of hatzlacha, A Local Mommy and Teacher

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“Do you think that this is a down grade? Do you know what teach ing Hashem’s children means?” He quoted Rashi, saying that when Moshe Rabbeinu had to instruct Yehoshua regarding leading the Yidden after his passing, the pasuk says that Moshe was to “take” (kach) Yehoshua. Rashi ques tions the term. Rashi then explains: Take him with words; explain to Ye hoshua the value of what he will be do ing. As Rashi says: “Ashrecha shezachisa l’hanhig banav shel Makom — Fortunate are you that you have merited to lead the children of Hashem.”

The Zviller Rebbe then told the av reich that a Bas Kol comes every day to the neshamos of all melamdim, teachers and anyone who is osek in chinuch and repeats this Rashi: “Ashrecha shezachisa l’hanhig banav shel Makom.”

Not everyone is in the position to be a teacher, but many people are. Some can still give it a year or two and be zoche to this lofty role, and get paid by the One who has no limits or boundar ies.

The scolding lasted a couple of minutes. While we don’t know what effect the words had on the child in question, we do know a different result that came about through them.

Battling the Enemy


Everyone in town knew Yossele Feimer. He was born with a brilliant mind, yet he had no concentration span whatsoever. Today he probably would have been labeled and treated, but in those days, there wasn’t much help or empathy for such children. Yossele couldn’t sit in class and turned to the streets instead. He knew full well what everyone thought of him, but hearing it straight out was painful.

When the Torah describes Klal Yisroel going out to war, the pasuk says, “Ki seitzei la’milchamah al oyvecha — When you go to war against your enemies,” and continues, “unsano Hashem Elokecha b’yadecha — and Hashem delivers him in your hand” (Devarim 21:10).

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It is interesting to note that the pasuk begins in plural — “oyvecha ” (your enemies) — and concludes in singular — “unsano ” (and He delivers him). Why the change?

Another young boy heard the shouting: Yossele the Trou blemaker himself. And they touched his very core.

“Which yeshivah do you want to go to?” Silence.“Volozhin.”Then came a roar of laugher. “What a good joke! If you would have named any other yeshivah, I would be lieve you — but Volozhin? Of all places, the mother of all ye shivos? The place where only a select few advanced talmidim are accepted?! What makes you think a child of twelve with absolutely no learning history could possibly allowed into Volozhin?”ButYossele was sure, and soon his father handed him a few coins so he could make the trip. After three weary days of travel, Yossele arrived in Volozhin and made his way to the Rosh Yeshivah, Rav Chaim. Yossele wasn’t the first young boy to try to get in to the elite yeshivah. Other brilliant youths had tread the path before him. The Rosh Yeshivah greeted him warmly and asked what he knew. “Nothing yet, but I really want to learn,” Yossele replied.

The Rosh Yeshivah saw the hunger to learn in the young boy’s eyes. There seemed to be great potential hidden be

One trait that was strongly ingrained in Yossele’s per sona was obstinacy. When he decided something, nothing in the world could shake him. And so, when he heard his name used as the example of what not to be, Yossele decided that something would change.

REB SHALOM SCHWADRON used to repeat the following story:One afternoon, on the outskirts of the town of Slutzk, the sounds of a sharp reprimand were heard as a father ad monished his son. “I will not tolerate such behavior,” he shouted. “I will not allow a child to grow up in my home and turn out as wild as Yossele the Troublemaker!”

He went home and informed his father that he wanted to go to yeshivah. His father laughed, yet Yossele did not let up. “I want to go to yeshivah. If you won’t permit me to go, I will go on my Yossele’sown.”father heard the determination in his son’s tone, and he knew that this time, the desire was real.

A person goes out to war against “oyvecha,” his many enemies, but once he emerges victorious, he will realize “unsano,” he was contending with just one enemy masked in various different guises all this time.

Adapted from the teachings of Rav Mordechai Freundlich, zt”l.

We are often faced by various deterrents to our avodas Hashem. In truth, we must recognize that each one is simply another attempt by the vicious yetzer hara to catch us in his net.

“If you would have named any other yeshivah, I would believe you — but Volozhin?”

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The Rosh Yeshivah continued to explain, “I realized right away that this was simply the Satan, who continuously tried to get you back after you left the world of troublemaking. He was given permission to burn down all the shops in Slutzk, just so that you would be enticed to leave the yeshivah walls. In fact, I recognized the Satan behind each letter you received, and tried to push you to overcome each nisayon.”

Yossele showed the letter to Rav Chaim, who told him to remain in yeshivah. Yossele replied to his mother with the Rosh Yeshivah’s advice and tucked some cash inside the envelope. A few weeks passed, and another letter arrived. “Tatty is unwell. The stress has made him sick.” Again, Yossele took the letter to his Rosh Yeshivah. “I cannot tell you anything, but if you do choose to remain in yeshivah, you won’t regret it!” Yossele returned to the beis midrash. Not long after, a third letter arrived. “Yossele, Tatty passed away.” Yossele sat shivah in yeshivah. He wrote his mother an emotional letter of con solation and again included some money to help her through these difficult times. Then he returned to his studies. A while later, a delegation from Slutzk visited Volozhin. Their rav had passed away, and they wanted a recommendation for a replacement.

hind this undeveloped mevakesh, even though the route would be a long one.

Rav Chaim accepted the young talmid, and he was set up with chavrusas who would teach him the basics, starting from Chumash. Three months later, Yossele was already learning Gemara. His intelligence was matched by his intense hasmadah, and he soon joined the elite “Shemoneh Esrei” group — boys who learned for eighteen hours straight. The years passed, and Yossele grew into a tremendous talmid chacham One day, he received a letter from his mother. “There was a great fire in Slutzk, and your father’s tailor shop was among the shops burned down. Please return home to help with the financial situation.”

How could Yossele forget?

As it turned out, Reb Yosef Feimer led the community of Slutzk for 35 years and was the author of Shailos U’teshuvos Rabbeinu Yosef M’Slutzk * * * * *

Rav Mordechai Gifter, zt”l, Rosh Yeshivah of Telz, expounded on the pasuk “Ki seitzei la’milchamah.” Many have explained that it refers to the milchemes hayetzer Indeed, the Rosh Yeshivah said, the yetzer hara tries to get at us in many different ways. To man, it may seem as though he is facing multiple battles and challenges. Yet in truth, the force behind each one is the same: the yetzer hara.

Rav Chaim summoned Yossele. As Yossele entered his room, Rav Chaim stood up to his full height. The delegation was impressed by this show of respect and ac cepted the endorsement. Before they parted, Rav Chaim turned to Yossele and said. “Remember when you came to me with the letter about the fire in Slutzk?”

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What if you could provide your child with a healthy and pleasurable outlet that would offer auditory, visual, and tactile stimulation as well as the chance to ac quire a real skill? What if your child could access the joy and benefits of music? Many parents and children in Monsey have already discovered the benefits of the immersive musical experience offered by the Upbeat Haven. In this heimish center, with a wide choice of instruments and an individualized approach tailored to the needs and personality of each child, mu sicians such as guitarists Chaim Hersh Brach and Ari Kohn work one-on-one to teach instrumental skill and technique. With eight music rooms in a beautiful building, your child can hold an instru ment of his or her own and learn to make music.“Our method uses a combination of playing by ear —which offers the children fast gratification as they learn to play their favorite tunes — followed by musical note reading and a more thorough grounding in musical technique,” explains Mr. Jacob, There are so many stressors in the lives of our children with behavioral, emotional, or medical challenges. There’s the scholastic part, the social realities that mystify them, and the inevitable changes which upset their equilibrium. And then there are the happy moments of simple peace and harmony. The moments when they can play, touch, smell, sing and just be to their hearts’ content, letting go of rules and expectations, pressure and stress. Those are the moments of joy in their childhood, the moments when Heaven touches Earth and the rainbow of delight dances across their faces.


What if those moments of sensory stimulation and fun could also be purpose ful and fulfilling, educa tional and engaging at the same time?

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Music has long been recognized as a method for heal ing. It neutralizes negative feelings, increases stress tolerance level and harmonizes inner peace. Bringing music to today’s children in a supported, suitable envi ronment can offer them not only moments of joy, but ac cess to their own reservoirs of strength and skill which provide fulfillment and increased lifetime energy.


the enthusiastic CEO of the new center. Studies show that music strengthens the areas of the brain related to speech, language, reading, focus, at tention and concentration, which are weaker areas for a child with learning disabilities. In addition, the re petitive elements of rhythm and melody help our brains form patterns that enhance memory. The Upbeat Haven works with HCBS government programs to provide doz ens of children in Monsey with the opportunity to reap the benefits of music, at prices every parent can afford. The new center, conveniently located on Ridge Avenue in Spring Valley, will now offer this to dozens more boys and girls from our community, aged eight to adult. Every parent wants their child to have a fun and healthy outlet in a suitable environment. Within the heimish surroundings of the Upbeat Haven, there is no need to worry about your child being exposed to possibly harmful outside influences. Male and female teachers are available in separate rooms. Mr. Jacob reports that many of the children love playing the drums, while oth ers enjoy the feel of blowing into a wind instrument. Pia no still reigns supreme as the most popular instrument, though, and also acts as a gateway to other skills. In the four fully-equipped recording studios at the Haven, children can sing their hearts out and record songs for their friends and family to enjoy. Voice lessons will be offered too, beginning this September. The pro cess begins with a private consultation with the parents of each child, to ascertain their child’s interests, so that the lessons can be tailored to their strengths. On aver age, lessons are forty-five minutes or an hour long. Once they have chosen their instrument, the HCBS funding ensures that a child enrolled in the program can take their guitar, flute or clarinet home to practice during the week. For larger instruments such as piano or keyboard, the child can use the rehearsal rooms on-site to ensure optimum progress.

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As previously reported in The Monsey View, Ramapo sold mu nicipally owned parkland surrounding Fairway Oval to the Village of New Hempstead for $1.35 million in June. The vil lage said that it planned to use more than sixteen acres of the site for a park and to sell five acres for $1.2 million to Cheder D’Monsey, which agreed to finance road im provements that would include an access road into the park. New Hempstead also floated plans to build a new village hall on the parcel, a replacement for its current Old Schoolhouse Road location, according to The Journal News.

But the plan is facing opposition from neighbors, who have argued that Ramapo was not permitted to sell the land for development without the state legisla ture’s approval. The lawsuit also questioned the land’s sale price, noting that it had been appraised at $3.4 million five years ago.

The Town of Ramapo might have thought that New Hemp stead residents would welcome a new park on 22 acres of un used woodlands, but a lawsuit filed by neighbors of the pro posed recreation area seems to indicate otherwise.

Days after California moved to prohibit the sale of new gaspowered cars and trucks by 2035, well over a dozen Democratic states are considering enacting similar legislation.

Following California’s Lead, NY Among Seventeen States Considering Banning Gas-Powered Vehicles

Politico reported that seventeen states had previously ad opted California’s tailpipe emission standards, and most are expected to hop on the antigas bandwagon, which will require all new vehicles to be powered by either electricity or hydro gen by 2035. New York, Vermont, Washington and Oregon are likely to follow California’s lead, with Maine, Pennsylvania, Connecticut, Rhode Island, New Jersey, Maryland, Delaware, Colorado and Minnesota all considering their options. According to the Associated Press, Colorado and Pennsylvania are both likely to reject the mandate. Lawmakers in Virginia, a Republican stronghold, are rallying to oppose a push that would have the state adopting California emissions standards. California Governor Glenn Youngkin described the California plan as a “ridiculous edict.” “Virginia is not, and should not be, California,” said Speak er Todd Gilbert of the Virginia House of Delegates in an end of AugustColoradostatement.andPennsylvania are both likely to reject the Cali fornia ban, which is also receiving the cold shoulder in Min nesota.“The technology is such that the vehicles just don’t perform that well in cold weather,” said Scott Lambert, president of the Minnesota Auto Dealers Association. “We don’t all live in Southern California.” But a potential shift to all-electric vehicles could create oth er problems. Days after announcing the ban, California asked residents not to charge their electric vehicles between 4 and 9 p.m. in order to prevent power outages during a triple-digit heat wave last week. The announcement quickly caught the at tention of Republicans, who trounced it roundly on social me dia.“This is the reality of backward Democrat leadership,” tweeted Georgia Congressman Austin Scott. “Their ‘green en ergy’ infrastructure can’t even support their expensive electric vehicles.”Echoing those thoughts was House Republican Whip Steve Scalise of Louisiana, who wrote, “This is what Democrat con trol looks like, and they want it nationwide. What a joke.”

Three petitioners — a husband and wife who live on Fairway Oval and a Keri Lane resident whose property backs onto the woods — have asked a judge to annul the town’s categorization of the land as surplus, claim ing it was an arbitrary and capricious determination and that New Hempstead had no right to sell the park land. The suit also asked a judge to annul the town’s previous approval because it failed to meet the state’s requirement for a thorough review to study its impact

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New Hempstead Residents Sue To Prevent Park, New Village Hall and Yeshiva Expansion

on both the environment and the neighbor hood.Ramapo town attorney Itamar Yeger said that the town was reviewing the lawsuit. A New Hempstead resident, Yeger said that the park would enhance the quality of life for those living in the village and in Ramapo and that the lawsuit could “detrimentally impact all town and village residents.” Ramapo Supervisor Michael Specht also tried casting the sale as a win-win, explaining that the town would get $1.33 million for un needed land, while town residents would gain a new park. But activist Deborah Munitz, who was involved in the legal action, took a differ ent view, saying that Ramapo pushed the reso lution through to declare the land as surplus without following proper protocol.

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Faulty wheel brakes have had UPPAbaby recalling its RIDGE jogging strollers, with the company advising anyone in possession of the affected models to stop using them immedi ately.The Consumer Product Safety Commission announced the recall of upward of 14,000 strollers last Thursday, saying that a nonoccupant child could suffer a laceration or a fingertip amputation from the rear wheels’ disc brake mechanism. Af fected strollers have model numbers beginning with “1401RD GUS” and have an extendable canopy with a mesh window and zipper pocket, disc hand brakes, and an adjustable han dlebar with a wrist strap. The strollers were sold from October 2021 through August 2022 for approximately $600 at specialty stores nationwide as well as at BuyBuyBaby, Nordstrom, Neiman Marcus and Pot tery Barn Kids, and on Amazon. UPPAbaby said that it had re ceived a report of one child whose fingertip was amputated by theAnyonestroller. who has the affected UPPAbaby Ridge stroller, which was sold in white, charcoal or slate blue, should contact the company for free replacement wheels at 844-823-3132 or by emailing

Citing Potential Amputation Risks, UPPAbaby Recalls Jogging Strollers

Eight-Day-Long Fire at Minnewaska State Park Finally Under Control

A massive effort to control a fire that spread to 270 acres of the highly popular Minnewaska State Park in Ulster County has finally succeeded, thanks to a coordinated effort that in volved numerous local, county and state fire departments. The Journal News reported that the fire broke out on Au gust 27 and is believed to have been started by a lightning strike. This summer’s unusually dry conditions helped spread the flames, which burned for eight days in various sections of the park. More than 200 firefighters, bull dozer operators, pilots and other professionals and volunteers were brought in to stop the flames, and efforts included dumping buckets of water on the fire from helicopters and cutting breaks in the forest to contain the Sunday’sblaze.much-needed rain was a boon to firefighters, although smoke and heat are expected to continue in the area for some time. Minnewaska State Park reopened this week, with some sections expected to remain closed indefinitely as work continues to remediate the fire’s impact, mini mize erosion and prevent the intro duction of invasive species.

“If the land were surplus, it would need to be sold in a way that guaranteed the best return to the taxpay ers of Ramapo, and there would need to be a process for that as well,” said Munitz.

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RECAP: Izzy lights the menorah in the Lodzer shul. The next morning, Izzy and Zach go to City Hall to deal with Lenny’s claim. Lenny asks Chaim Simcha to pay for his flight in exchange for retracting his claim, but Chaim Simcha isn’t keen on that.

rived within the hour and listened care fully as she described the problem. He asked a few questions and then folded his large frame under the sink with surpris ing agility. Instead of a snake, he brought a flashlight and small black plastic object with tubes of liquid set inside it.

The advantage to Leon was that he was cheap, but Julia was beginning to feel it wasn’t worth it. They needed to get to the root of the problem.

“Your drain has back-pitch,” he told her, in a voice that sounded exactly like money flushed down a drain.

J ulia stared at her kitchen sink and tried not to scream. The sink was backed up again. Leon, her usual plumber, had al ready come and unclogged it at least six times. Once it had even clogged on Erev Pesach. She’d been stuck without a sink on the busiest cooking day of the year! Why did this keep happening? All Leon ever did was shove a snake into the trap under her counter. It opened the pipe again, but clearly did nothing to solve the actual problem. Each time, he charged her $50 for ten minutes of work that was no more than a band-aid repair. To top it off, his work wasn’t even guar anteed for a given amount of time.

Just great. “What does that mean?” she“Theasked.pipe’s tilted the wrong way. It doesn’t go straight down to the base ment; it travels along horizontally first. Now, it’s supposed to angle downward, so it naturally flows away from the trap. The direction of that angle is the pitch.

A moment later he popped out from under the sink with a grave expression.

Back-pitch means your pipes angle up ward, toward your sink instead of away from it. It’s gonna get clogged all the time, as long as it’s like that. There’s

Trying not to think what this would end up costing her, Julia called someone else, a plumber named Alan. Alan ar

What about the credit cards? Julia was pretty sure they were maxed out. This was insane. She was going to have to do it again, throw money away to get the pipe snaked just so they could get by. Maybe Alan would credit part of the snak ing fee toward the larger job? She could ask, but it didn’t seem likely he’d agree. There was just no way they could afford a big job like this at the moment.Come to think of it, how did Lenny pay for his ticket? Julia wasn’t see ing any large debits from the last few days. A ticket to Poland certainly cost more than $500; it should have been prettyShenoticeable.frowned.Where had he gotten the money? * * * * * Once again, Zach and Izzy found themselves facing the brown mono lith of Lodz Town Hall. “Think this’ll do it?” Zach asked. “I’m getting kinda sick of this place.” “If Lenny did his part, then this should be our last trip here,” Izzy growled. “That’s gotta be why they told us to come, right?” They entered the building and found someone not currently helping anyone.

“Excuse me,” Zach said, “Can you tell me where to find, ah, Lucjan Kowalski? Hope I pronounced that right,” he added under his breath. The way they’d heard it over the phone, it sounded like Loo-chian. The woman answered immedi ately in rapid Polish, and Zach held up his“Ihands.don’t understand you,” he said apologetically.Thewoman tried again, more slowly this time. “I still won’t speak Polish,” Zach said with a wry smile, “no matter how slowly you say it.” With a frustrated look, the woman turned and yelled, “Marysia! Pomóz tym Amerykanom!” A woman at another booth looked away from the person she was work ing with. “What do you need?” she asked.“We have a meeting with Lucjan Kowalski,” Izzy said. “Can you tell us where to “Downgo?”the hall, left,” the woman said, and turned back to her work.


Lenny Bergman was sitting in a chair and fiddling with a pen in his hand.

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Izzy’s heart skipped a beat. It was larger than most books, and at least three inches thick. The cover had no title and was peeling in the corners. Some effort had been made to clear the dust from it, but obviously not very Lucjaneffectively.wasaheavyset man with a short black beard. Izzy focused on him only briefly before turning to the oth er person in the room.

Lucjan’s office turned out to be large but sparsely furnished. Or may be it wasn’t his office, just a generic meeting room? Who knew? It had a large desk, a few uncomfortablelooking chairs, and a table in a corner. On the table rested a faded black book with thick, yellowed pages.

nothing you can do about it except re pipe the segment.” That definitely sounded like money disappearing down a drain. “What’s — how much would it cost to fix?”Inanswer, Alan opened the next cabinet of her lower counters, kneeled down and peeked inside. He made a disgruntled noise and stood back up. “The pipe enters the wall here, for some crazy reason. No way to tell what’s going on in there until we open it up. You’re talking at least $500. Very likelyJulia’smore.”eyes grew wide. Did they have $500? She thought they did. Un less Lenny had maxed them out with his Poland trip. “And it’s just going to keep getting clogged until we do this?” she asked desperately. Why“Yeah.”hadn’t Leon said anything? But she knew the answer to that. Leon always did the least he possibly could. You get what you pay for, apparently. At least, they did this time. if Leon had bothered to mention this the first time around, the job would have been done by now. They wouldn’t have thrown away hundreds of dollars just to have the same problem crop up again and again.She leaned against a counter and rubbed her temples. “I need to work out if we can afford this now.” “No problem,” Alan told her. “De cide what you want to do, and let me know. No charge for this visit if you bring me back to take care of this, even if you just want to snake the pipe clean for now. That would be $100,” he added, gathering up his tools. “But honestly, I don’t recommend it if there’s any way to avoid it. It’s just wasting good money.” A hundred dollars. Leon charged $50 for the same thing. What would Leon charge to repipe, she wondered. Maybe less. But again, you get what you pay for. This guy clearly knew what he was doing. Besides, if she didn’t hire him for the rest of it, she’d have to pay him for the consultation, which was sure to be more than she’d save.The mere fact that Alan would waive his fee today gave her a better feeling about hiring him, anyway. It was certainly more than Leon had ever“Thankdone. you,” Julia said. “No problem. Let me know what you decide.” Hefting a toolbox in each arm, Alan headed out the door. They couldn’t keep unclogging the drain forever. That made no sense. But did they have the money? Julia started checking. According to their computerized banking, they did have more than $500 in their pri mary bank account. But paying it all out would leave them dangerously close to zero, and bills came out au tomatically every few days. They had another account with a little bit in it, maybe enough for Friday’s shop ping. It wasn’t $500, though. And they needed to do the shopping…

“Hello,” Lucjan said, gesturing for them to take seats. “I’m Lucjan, as I’m sure you’ve figured out by now.” His English was superb, Izzy thought. Maybe that was why he’d been as signed to them. “Which of you is Zach?”“That’s me,” Zach said. “Pleased to meet you,” Lucjan told him. He turned to Izzy. “And you are…”“I’m Yisrael Ginzburg,” Izzy ex plained with a polite smile. “I’m not the heir, though I am from the fam ily. I’m just here to help.”

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“Is that it?” Zach interrupted, pointing to the book on the table. “That’s the manuscript?” Lucjan nodded. Izzy“Wow.”felt the same. They were mere feet from his great-grandfather’s se fer, Reb Menashe’s own handwriting teaching hitherto unknown chiddu shei Torah. It filled him with a sense of awe, the weight of history. He wondered how they’d get it home. They couldn’t just stick it in a carry-on. It was too delicate. This was a priceless treasure, after all. “Can I… pick it up?” Izzy asked reverently.Lucjanshook his head apologeti cally. “I’m afraid that will have to wait until it’s formally handed over to the“Well,heir.” that shouldn’t be a prob lem,” Zach said curtly. He shot a quick glare at Lenny, who refused to meet his gaze, and sat down. “I’m the heir, as our documents clearly showed. I can put you in touch with plenty of other family members who will corroborate my claim.”


“I understand your feelings, sir,” Luczan said carefully. “But another person has also presented us with ON THE

documents indicating that he is the heir.” Luczan gestured to Lenny, who seemed to hunch into himself. Izzy frowned. “Yes, we know. That’s our cousin, Lenny Bergman.”

“Claimed,” Zach said firmly. “Past tense. He didn’t realize we had the betterLucjan’sclaim.”eyebrows shot up. “I beg yourIzzypardon?”looked over at his cousin and scowled. Lenny sat woodenly. Tiny beads of sweat dotted his forehead. He clicked his pen open and closed, over and over again, and stared straight ahead. “Tell them, Lenny,” Izzy demand ed.“Tell me what?” Lucjan asked. “Mr. Bergman agreed to with draw his claim,” Zach said, looking to Lenny for confirmation. “He admit ted his own claim was a mistake. He was supposed to have already spoken to you.”Lucjan shook his head. “No, sir. This is the first I’m hearing of it.” Lucjan turned to Lenny calmly. “Mr. Bergman, is that true? Are you with drawing your claim?”

All eyes were on Lenny now. He was sweating even harder now, an expression of excruciating indeci sion on his face. The pen continued to click, open and closed. He said noth ing.Lucjan gave him a quizzical look. “Mr.“ComeBergman?”on,Lenny,” Izzy whispered threateningly.Zachstared at Lenny, his face a dark“Mr.mask.Bergman,” Jucjan tried again, speaking more firmly now. “Do you wish to withdraw your claim?”

“N-no,” Lenny said finally. “I never agreed to that. I’m the rightful heir, and I want my property!”

TO BE CONTINUED... 168 845.600.8484 The Monsey View September 7, 2022

Lucjan turned to Izzy with confu sion. “Ah. And do you both know Mr. Bergman, or…” “We might have met,” Zach said thinly. “I don’t remember him.” Lenny said nothing. “I see.” Lucjan straightened a stack of papers on his desk and cleared his throat. “Well, Mr. Bergman here also claims to be the heir, and —”

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On a warm day in June 1682, Giscard Duvalier arrived unannounced on the doorstep of the Dominguez home in Metz. After they had shared a bottle of wine, he broke the news he had brought. “Mesdames et messieurs,” he began, “I have heard that you are flourishing here in Metz, and I am very pleased. As you know, we have also been making some progress toward recovering your properties in the French do mains. The government of Spain has opposed our claims, but we have made strong arguments to the courts in your favor. Our strongest argument, of course, has been that the King wishes that you recover your properties. That is a very persuasive argument. However, we have run into a snag.”“Asnag, Giscard?” said Dona Angelica. “What kind of a snag? Is it a serious snag?” “Well, yes and… yes. It is a serious snag. There have been developments in Spain. The news has just arrived. I came here immediately.” “What news?” said Dona Angelica. “What could have happened in Spain?” Duvalier cleared his throat. “Well, it seems that...” “Out with it, Giscard. Tell us. You poor dear, you can not bear to be the bearer of bad news.” “Yes, of course. It is rather unpleasant for me, but as 174 Monsey View



Eventually,crowds.Sebastian decided to pursue a business adventure on a grand scale. He procured letters of intro duction from Giscard Duvalier and presented them to M. Armand Giroux, the chief financial agent for Charles Leopold Nicolas de Vaudemont, Duke of Lorraine. The city of Metz was the capital of the region of Lorraine, which had been ruled since the end of the first millennium by a long line of hereditary dukes. When the French occupied Lorraine in 1670, the ruling family had fled. Charles Leo pold assumed the title in 1675 while living in Austria un der the protection of the Hapsburgs, to whom he was con nected by marriage. Nonetheless, he retained extensive estates and other financial holdings in Lorraine, which were managed in absentia by Giroux, the former min ister of finance. Sebastian offered to use his contacts in the Jewish community to arrange for some advantageous investments. Giroux promised to bring up the matter on one of his regular visits with the duke in Austria. As he left Giroux’s office, Sebastian hummed to him self and walked with a jaunty spring to his step. He did not notice the malevolent eyes staring at him from the shadows of a doorway across the street. * * * *

Recap: The Dominguez family is welcomed by the Metz community. Dona Angelica, Carolina and Felipe settle in and are doing very well in their new surroundings. S ebastian was the only one who had not quite found his rhythm yet. He went for long walks along the Moselle River, which ran through the city of Metz, his hands thrust into his pockets, his gaze fixed on the ground in front of him. He did not notice the dark-clad figures that often followed him at a distance. When he visited the offices of some of the Portu guese merchants to explore potential business opportu nities, he was not aware of the followers that blended into the jostling



“No, he is not, madame. But it seems to me that the king will not take on the entire Catholic establishment on your behalf, madame, even though your husband was exceedingly kind to his brother-in-law, the king of Spain, and even though you are related to him by blood. It seems to me that he does not stand to gain enough for himself and for France by undertaking such a battle.” “So is this the end, Giscard?” she said. “Is there nothing we can do? Are you telling me that the battle is over and we are slain?”

you say, I might as well tell you straight out.”

“Straight out.” “Very well, straight out. You and your children, madame, have been put on trial by the Holy Office of the Inquisition in Spain. After having made nu merous attempts to have you returned to Spain to stand trial in person, the Inquisition officially acknowledged that you would not be returning, espe cially since the King of France has extended his protection to you and guar anteed your safety. Therefore, the determination was made that you should all be tried in absentia.”

Dona Angelica twisted the handkerchief in her hands and gritted her teeth.“Just this month,” she said, “the King’s appointed Council of French Cler gymen has issued a historic declaration. The French church has broken away from the control of Rome. It is now controlled by the King. Is he subject to the rules of the Spanish Inquisition?”

“They made dummies in your likenesses and tied them to stakes. Then they burned the dummies as if they had been real people.”

“No, madame. We can argue in the courts that the rights of confiscation of the Spanish In quisition do not extend beyond the borders of Spain.”

“And what does that mean?” asked Sebastian. “What does it matter if we will not be returning to Spain?”

“It matters a great deal, Sebastian. You were all found guilty and con demned to be burned at the stake.” Dona Angelica shuddered and Carolina winced. Sebastian and Felipe sat stone-faced.“Goon,”said Doña Angelica. “Six weeks ago, there was a small auto-da-fé in Burgos,” said Duvalier. “You and your children, madame, were burned in effigy.” “I know what that means, Giscard, but can you be more specific?”

Dona Angelica took a deep breath. She knew what was coming, but she wanted to hear it anyway. “Go on,” she said, her voice barely above a whisper. “Go on, Giscard. Give us the news.” “According to the rules of the Inquisition,” he said, “the properties of the condemned are confiscated by the Inquisition. That is how the Inquisition fi nances“Anditself.”thatis why so many of its victims are the rich,” said Felipe bitterly. “That is correct, Felipe,” said Giscard. “If they don’t burn, they don’t eat. When they burned your father at the stake, they declared the confiscation of all his properties. But since you had escaped from Spain before his con demnation, our claim was that you had taken possession of the properties in France before the Inquisition could make any claim to them. It is a debatable point, but as I said before, the King is on our side. However, now that all of you have been burned in effigy, the Inquisition has laid claim to everything you possess in Spain, France or anywhere else in the world.”


“And would we succeed with such an argument?”

The mood in the Dominguez home changed from opti mism and even ebullience to gloom and doom. They were grasping at straws, and they knew it. But in the meantime, they had no other hope. If they failed, they would be desti tute. They could not count on the King of France to support them indefinitely. After all, it was quite amazing that he had been doing it for so long.

The lawsuits continued through the summer and into the autumn. The legal expenses were staggering, but for the time being, they were being borne by Giscard Duvalier, who could well afford them. Sebastian managed to secure sever al good investments for the Duke of Lorraine and turned a handsome profit for himself as well. He saved and reinvested all of his profits, denying himself even small extravagances, just in case Duvalier would stop paying their legal expenses and they would have to do it on their own.

Duvalier shrugged and threw up his hands. “As they say in Spain, quien sabe — who knows? It is rather bleak, madame. I cannot tell you otherwise.” * * * * *


* * * * *

There was one bright spot in their gloom, but even this had an edge of darkness. A young man named Uriel Pereira, from an excellent Portuguese family in Hamburg, had been suggested for Carolina. He was 28 years old and just recently returned from Istanbul, the capital of the Turkish Empire, where he had made some important contacts. The prospec tive couple had met one time and liked each other. A subsequent meeting was being discussed, but first there would have to be a meeting of the minds regarding the dowry. The Pereira family was prepared to give ten thou sand Reichsthalers, and they expected no less from the other side. The match had progressed on the assumption that the Dominguez family could provide such a dowry and even a much larger one once they recovered their properties in France. The people of Metz had gotten wind of this forthcom ing match, and the rumor had reached all the way to Am sterdam.Thedownturn in the Dominguez fortunes was not yet common knowledge, but Dona Angelica was beside her self, worrying whether she could achieve this advantageous match for her beloved daughter. If the match should fall through because of their destitution, the humiliation to the family would be unbearable.

In November, Sebastian was summoned to the palace in Versailles. His mother was expressly not invited. This was an

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The Marques sneezed. “As well as one can be in Paris during the win ter. Enough of this patter. Let’s get down to business. I am represent ing the Spanish Crown on this mat ter. I have come to Paris to conclude it once and for all. Your family has dragged us through the courts, and our patience has run out.” To be continued…

The door opened, and a heavy man in Spanish attire entered the room. It was Don Alejandro Qui nones, Marques de Murillo. “So we meet again, young Dominguez,” said the Marques. “You are a long way from Cordoba. I see that you have made it safely.”

“We will not burden the King,” said the minister, “with being party to our discussions. I believe we can conclude our business without im posing on his time. We are talking, of course, about the disputed prop erties. There is a gentleman who will be here shortly who has much to contribute on the subject. In the meantime, can I offer you a glass of wine?”“No, thank you,” said Sebastian, “but a glass of water would be very welcome.”Theminister gave him a quizzi cal look. “Is our wine forbidden?” he asked. “Or is it perhaps forbidden for a Jew to drink with a Christian?” Sebastian flushed a bright red. “I cannot allow myself the luxury of a glass of wine, monsieur. I need to keep my wits about me.”

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“Yes, thank you, Your Excellen cy,” said Sebastian, subtly remind ing the Marques that he had failed to report him to the authorities. “I hope you are well.”

ominous sign, but the family still refused to give up hope. When he arrived at the royal pal ace, Sebastian was shown into an office in the Ministry of Finance. Jean Baptiste Colbert, the dour old minister, was waiting for him.

“Indeed, you do.” There was movement outside the door. “Ah, here comes our visitor.”

“Monsieur Dominguez, thank you for coming,” said the minister. Sebastian inclined his head slightly but said nothing.

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BY: GITTY LURIA Back when bakeries were simpler, there were those same few cookies adorning their shelves. You could usually predict which few cookies you’d find on display behind the glass and surely grew to recognize the tempting melody of scents wafting out onto the street. Now the choices have expanded far beyond our imagina tions — but some cookies will always remain staples, and are still as loved today as they were back then. Here I bring you three of those timeless cookie recipes so that you can recreate the cookies you grew to love.

As a general rule, shorter baking times yield softer cookies, whereas longer baking times yield crispier cookies. Use baking times as a general reference to find your preferred texture. Ingredients should be at room temperature before mixing. Margarine should be softened, not melted (unless specified). Allow margarine to sit out at room temperature until it’s soft, or place it in a warm (not hot) area to speed up the softening. Flour measurements are based on pre-sifted flour. If the flour is sifted immediately prior to baking, additional flour may be required.

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Notes: Baking time may vary according to the oven and pan type. Hard, especially black, pans usually require less baking time than dis posable pans. Different pan types also yield slightly different textures.

COOKIESCHIPCHOCOLATESOFT-BITE 186 845.600.8484 The Monsey View September 7, 2022

Yield: approximately 45 cookies



2¼ cups flour 1 tsp. baking soda 1 tsp. baking powder ¼ tsp. salt 1 cup chopped hazelnuts 2 cups chocolate chips

2 sticks margarine, softened ¼ cup sugar ¾ cup packed dark brown sugar 1 package instant vanilla pudding mix, not prepared 2 eggs 1 T. vanilla extract

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Bursting with flavor, these soft cookies pack a punch with every delectable bite. Chopped nuts are optional, but I highly recommend this addition, as it lends the cookies a more wellrounded flavor and texture.


1. Preheat the oven to 350°. 2. Cream the margarine and sugars. 3. Add the package of pudding, and mix to combine. 4. Add the eggs one at a time, mixing after each addition. 5. Add the vanilla extract and mix again. 6. In a separate bowl, mix together the flour, baking soda, baking powder and salt. Add this to the batter, and mix until soft dough forms. 7. Add the nuts and chocolate chips, and mix until just combined. 8. Using a medium-sized (2-tablespoon) scoop, place scoops of dough onto parch ment-lined cookie sheets, leaving about two inches between the cookies. 9. Bake the cookies for 10 to 14 minutes, until the edges are slightly golden.

COOKIESJUMBO 188 845.600.8484 The Monsey View September 7, 2022

4 sticks margarine, softened 1½ cups sugar 1½ cups packed dark brown sugar

7. Melt the baking chocolate in a double boiler or in a Ziploc bag in steaming water.


5. Using a large (4-tablespoon) scoop, ar range scoops of dough onto parchment-lined cookie sheets in a zigzag placement, placing 4 to 5 scoops per pan to allow for spreading.

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TOPPING 5 oz. baking chocolate Sprinkles

3. Add the eggs, one at a time, mixing just to combine after each addition.

9. Allow the chocolate to harden, then pack age the cookies.

1. Preheat the oven to 350°.

6. Bake the cookies for 20 to 22 minutes, then allow them to cool.

2 T. vanilla sugar 4 eggs 5 cups flour 2 tsp. baking soda ¼ tsp. salt



8. Using a toothpick, create a hole at the cor ner of the Ziploc bag. Drizzle chocolate over the cookies, then immediately top them with sprinkles before the chocolate hardens.

4. Mix together the flour, baking soda and salt, then add this to the batter and mix to form a soft dough.

I’ve always loved these jumbo cookies for their light flavor. While other cookies can be overwhelmingly rich, these cookies are easy to make, easy to bake, and easy to eat.

Yield: approximately 26 cookies

2. Cream the margarine and sugars.

COOKIESCHINESE 190 845.600.8484 The Monsey View September 7, 2022


10. Drop a small amount onto each cookie. Allow the fudge center to dry before packaging. 191

3 sticks margarine, softened 1½ cups sugar 1 T. vanilla sugar 1 egg 3 cups flour 1¼ tsp. baking soda 3 T. cocoa 2½ T. margarine, melted

8. Melt the chocolate and margarine together in a double boiler, or in a Ziploc bag placed in steaming water.

3. Mix the baking soda into the flour, and add this to the batter. Mix to form a soft dough.


The traditional Chinese cookie recipe calls for refrigerating the dough for a few hours, and then slicing into shape. This recipe, by contrast, allows you to scoop the dough right out of the mixer! It also yields a slightly softer cookie. While recreating these cookies may seem daunting, their beauty belies their simplicity! Yield: approximately 36 cookies

1. Preheat the oven to 350°.

4. Mix the cocoa with the melted margarine until smooth.

6. Using a medium-sized (2-tablespoon) scoop, place scoops of dough onto prepared parchment-lined cookie sheets, leav ing two inches between the cookies to allow for spreading. Optional: For small cookies, use a mini (1-tablespoon) scoop.

7. Bake the cookies for approximately 12 to 14 minutes, or 10 minutes for small cookies. Allow the cookies to cool.


9. Once the chocolate and margarine have melted, add corn syrup and stir until well combined. (Do not add corn syrup while the mixture is on the heat source.)

1½ T. margarine ¼ cup corn syrup

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2. Cream the margarine, sugars and egg.

5. Drop this cocoa mixture in a random fashion over the dough, then mix for 3 to 5 seconds to marbleize.

DOLLOP: 6 oz. baking chocolate


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The bus will be arriving in five minutes, and Chavy is, of course, still looking for her shoes... The kids finally left for school, and Devorah’s signed homework is sitting on the dining room table… There’s some stale snack popping out of Yocheved’s briefcase, along with a hodgepodge of crumpled papers… And you, dear mother, stand there wondering: What is wrong with my daughter? Why can’t she get her act together?

The new school year has just begun, and you’ve run around town purchasing crisp uniform shirts and brand-new supplies, meticulously labeling each one. Your child is ready for school. Or is she? For many kids, some basic skills necessary to be a successful student are sorely lacking. Such kids find it a challenge to formulate goals and map out a plan on how to get there. In other words, they experience an executive functioning lag, which makes basic mental processes — like planning, focusing and juggling multiple tasks — a true challenge.

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Many of the issues facing executive-functionchallenged kids are linked to poor time manage ment.Chayala’s teacher told the class to bring a spe cific kind of notebook by the following Thursday. On Wednesday night, Chayala suddenly remembers that she hasn’t yet asked her mother to purchase one, but now it’s too late for her mother to go out and buy it. Chayala is lacking proper foresight. She doesn’t know how to predict her future needs or foresee the consequences of her actions (or inaction). A week ago, this week simply did not yet exist.

The opposite can also play out. With poor hind sight, a student with executive function delays does not learn from his mistakes, and keeps repeating the same mistakes over and over. He cannot keep track of what worked previously and what did not, so he doesn’t follow the strategies that worked, or figure out new ones instead.


In both of these situations, the child is living in the moment. Picture Liba, who is playing outside with her neighbors. It’s not that she doesn’t care to complete her homework — her homework simply doesn’t exist now. Tomorrow or next week is an ab stract concept that bears no weight in her frame right now.Time could drag on forever — or go by too quickly. Typically, children can gauge how much time has elapsed while performing an activity, even without checking the clock. But if their sense of time is fuzzy, five minutes or thirty minutes can feel the same.

Take Riki, a fourth grader who knows she should be using the bathroom during her recess break. But she has no clue how much time a bathroom trip will take her, and she has no idea how soon the teacher will be back in class. She worriedly skips the trip every singleSomerecess.other obstacles to proper executive func tioning include the inability to organize, plan and prioritize. Students like these may have difficulty paying attention, regulating emotions and self-mon

As a parent, it is essential to notice key points that are lacking, and be proactive. For example, you may want to keep a supply of pen cils at home, and place two new pencils in your child’s briefcase every Sunday. If a child doesn’t come over to you to ask you to sign her homework, be on top of it. Ask her, “Do you have any thing for me to sign?” Re mind her to sharpen her pencils or throw out stale snacks.Even if certain tasks seem age-appropriate for the child, if the child is not doing it, a parent can step in and find ways to support her child. True, this means you may be assuming some of the responsibilities you’d like your child to take on, and it isn’t teaching her the skills; however, in this way, your child has a chance to succeed now. Don’t let your child fall through the cracks! You can always teach the child the skills when he or she is ready. Be in touch with the teacher to discuss where the child is struggling in school so you know where to lend a hand at home until the child has acquired the necessary skills.Besides enabling the child to succeed, helping out with these little day-to-day tasks can prevent secondary issues. If Ruchy never knows if she’ll find a pencil to write with, she may develop anxi ety; it could be depressing for Sara, who spent hours on her math homework, to discover she had done the wrong page; and Tehilla may lose her confidence if she forgets to have her test signed too many times… A mother’s helping hand can help keep her child’s selfesteem intact.


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To help the here and now, we must create a supportive environment. Dr. Russell Barkley, Ph.D., an interna tionally acclaimed authority on ADHD and clinical psy chologist, calls this a “pros thetic environment.” It’s as if we are lending a prosthetic limb to enable the child to stand. This literally supports the child, but doesn’t help the child gain skills.

FOR FUTURETHE Short-term prodding does only half the job; it doesn’t empower a child to manage as an independent, NOT THAT SHE DOESN’T CARE TO COMPLETE HERHOMEWORKHER—HOMEWORKSIMPLYDOESN’TEXISTNOW.


itoring. This makes tran sitioning from one task to another a true hurdle, and super frustrating. It is sad to watch a child struggle on these fronts. But sadder yet is when miss ing skills hinder a student from doing well in areas that could have been a breeze. For instance, because Chany keeps neglecting her math homework, she begins to fall behind in math, even though she has a mathemat ical brain. A lack of executive function often impedes a child from being the best he or she could be. This makes it important to take a two-pronged ap proach.First, it is crucial to set the child up to be successful today. Then, it is important to teach the child the skills necessary for them to be a competent adult.


competent adult. That’s why it is essential to help your child develop good habits and good routines. Once a child has a supportive en vironment, we can begin to work on one thing at a time for the long term. Choose one skill that is practical and doable, such as preparing snacks or orga nizing a briefcase. Discuss it with your child and come up with ideas on how to conquer the challenge together. Then, follow an “I do — we do — you do” approach. The first few times, the adult models the action, talking about what he or she is doing while the child watches. After a couple of times, the adult does it to gether with the child. Then, allow the child to try and do it on her own. It is helpful to have a reward system in place to motivate the effort. In time, the positive habits will become second nature. At times, if a child sim ply cannot implement nec essary skills or is not ready to assume responsibility even with proper modeling, supplementary help may be needed. Discuss with your pediatrician whether medi cation may be in place to stimulate the requisite focus.

We don’t want to do too much for a child who is capa ble of doing more, and yet we don’t want to set standards out of reach. As a mother, you know what your child is capable of. Don’t be swayed by what peo ple consider age-appropriate or what your other children managed to do. Think about the child in front of you and what he or she is truly capa set a goal for your child, such as hanging up his coat or putting away his shoes, and he consistently underperforms, up the mo tivation a bit. Perhaps a more exciting chart or incentive will do it. If not, the expecta tion may be too high. When on-level goals are set, most children should be able to succeed most of the time. When a child develops an “I don’t care” attitude and doesn’t even try, it’s usually because the goal was set too high. The child is embar rassed that she cannot reach it, and gives up. It might be the right time to lower ex pectations and offer more support. When the standard is set at a level the child could achieve, she usually wants to try.At the end of the day, the most important point is to work along with your child. Be supportive and nonjudg mental. With a positive at titude and encouragement, the child will want to con tinue to Whenimprove.things get rough, cheer him up with hearten ing words, like, “Whenever we start something new, we don’t get it perfect,” or “Soon you’ll get so used to it, you won’t remember it used to be hard.” Notice your child’s achievements, and praise him for them, in detail. B’ezras Hashem, soon your child will begin to function the very best he or she can! WHAT YOUR CHILD IS CAPABLE OF. BE SWAYED BY WHAT


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Explain to your child that just as every person has a home, every object has a place where it belongs. And just as people may leave their house by day, but when night time comes they go back home, the same is true for our belongings. Take a briefcase, for example. Designate a “home” for every category. One pocket may be for Limudei Kodesh papers and another for English books. Snacks go inside a different “home.” When organizing your kid’s briefcase, ask, “Is everything home?” This language makes it simpler for the child to process what needs to be done. The same goes for shoes, coats, dirty laundry and so on.

No ment!thesearchingmorehouseforthesuppliesneededforthatassign-Ahandydeskorganizerkeepsallthesuppliesinplace.



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Kids don’t need to be able to tell time in order to follow this nifty clock. Great andtines,morningforrou-bedtimeschedules,evenclasstime.

Sarah Ward, MS, CCC/SLP, Co-Director of Cognitive Directions, designed a creative tool that is helpful for establishing great routines. Instead of repetitive reminders or setting a timer, this allows kids to pace themselves on their own. Take an old-fashioned clock, and block off parts using Expo markers. For example, color in the section from 7:00 a.m. until 7:10 a.m. in red. In this time frame, the child should be getting dressed. Block off the section from 7:10 a.m. to 7:15 a.m. in green, indicating that this is the time for making beds, organizing the room, pouring out the negel vasser, and so on. The clock’s handle should be visible through the colored glass, and so the child will know where she is at. This system allows a child to “see” the time, sense its passage, and stick to a schedule.

Because sorting and categorizing may be more difficult for an executive-function-challenged child, a label maker may prove invaluable.

Imagine if homework was an enjoyable, attainable activity. If you have the space, set up a “homework station.” This is the child’s private space, reserved especially for homework time. Make it cute and fun, playful and fresh, so homework becomes Keeptempting.asupplies organizer handy, loaded with pens, pencils, erasers or anything the child may need. For some children, getting an extra set of books, workbooks, or seforim to keep at home for homework can be a game-changer. A set time for doing homework can help, too. And setting a timer for intervals interspersed with breaks can make a big difference. The key is to remove as many obstacles as possible.

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206 845.600.8484 The Monsey View September 7, 2022

Who wants to be able to write well?” Every child’s hand shot up. “How many of you know how to use a pair of scissors?” Puzzled looks. “I’ll explain,” I said. “Do you remember learning how to use scissors?” I asked them to recall the struggle of learning to position the scissors correctly, and then to cut a straight line, and then to cut more complex shapes. “Writing letters is new for first grade,” I continued, “and it’s hard at the beginning. Your letters aren’t perfect, and that’s fine. That’s one of the steps of Mostlearning.”ofthegirls

The high-pitched sighs and groans of my first graders were spreading a gloomy air. Resolutely, I headed to my desk and picked up a ruler. Two taps. Most of the girls dropped their pencils in surprise.

“Morah, it’s not coming out good.” “Morah, can you show me how to write the beis again?”

What’ s Best Batya?for

Ilana’s shoulders sagged as I bent over to assist her in forming the new script letter.

“Girls, I know we’re in the middle of writing time, but I want to speak about something that will help you write better.

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thoughtfully bent over their notebooks after my pep talk. All except Batya. She was furiously writ ing and erasing, her mounting frustration evident with each stroke. * * * * * “What did Hashem create on the fourth day?” I held my breath for a brief second, waiting for either Sarah or Batya to clap their hands, the signal that they knew the an swer.Games and songs played a central role in our first grade classroom to engage the girls’ youthful spirits as we reviewed and drilled key concepts. Now all eyes were fixed on the final ists as they clapped their hands almost simultaneously. “The“Batya?”grass, flowers and trees,” she sputtered, eager to win theIround.didn’t like to do this to her, but fair is fair. I turned to Sar ah, who answered correctly. Batya’s shoulders slumped and she pouted. “It’s not fair!” she said. “Once I got the answer wrong, it was easier for her to answer…”

Attempting to defuse an escalation of even greater intensity, I hid my in ner tension and announced cheer fully, “Okay, so it looks like our parsha game is over! We have Sara as our winner, and Batya as our runner-up!” A few magnanimous souls clapped graciously as Batya stomped back to her desk, scowling and mumbling un der her breath. * * * * * “You’re out; the ball touched you!” Shevy opened her mouth to protest and then reconsidered. With a slight shrug, she leaned against the wall in the yard. A few minutes later, she found another defeated player, and they chatted and exchanged snacks. “Batya’s out!” Was it my imagination, or did Sh any’s proclamation contain a hint of glee? I held my breath. Batya glared at her classmate, her eyes flashing angrily. “It is not fair!” she cried. “They were standing in my way so I couldn’t run fast enough!” She motioned to Shevy and Sarah who stood, statue-like, amid the drama unfold ing. “I’m in. I’m playing.” Hands on her hips, Batya looked around at the growing circle of girls, daring anyone to chal lenge her stance.

Shany held onto her friend and marched away with a quick, “You’re cheating. We’re not playing anymore.”

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Every time I sensed that Batya was about to explode, my tension mounted. Her negative vibes and attitude un dermined my efforts to imbue the classroom with an up beat atmosphere. Additionally, the smooth running of the class was challenged by the fact that at any given moment, if something didn’t work exactly the way Batya wanted, we would all hear about it. And I, as the teacher, would have to clean up the mess! After giving the matter some thought, I came to a simple, yet penetrating conclusion. I resolved to separate the challenge Batya posed to my classroom management and focus on the child herself. If I was picking up on the tension, which hampered my efforts at teaching with joy, then certainly Batya herself was suf fering. I asked myself the question: Was there anything that could be done to help Batya? I picked up the phone and dialed. Batya’s mother picked up, and I introduced myself. “Hello,” I said. “This is Mrs. Katz, your daughter Batya’s

The ball rolled to the side of the yard just as the bell rang. Batya’s game was up — for now. * * * * *


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teacher. Batya is a very special girl,” I reassured her before she could worry.

“I just wanted to discuss something that seems to be bothering her.” Hesitant and slightly nervous, Batya’s mother said, “Okay.” I outlined Batya’s extreme perfec tionism and how it was detrimentally impacting her, both emotionally and so cially. I waited a moment for my words to sink in and sincerely hoped that I was not causing Batya’s mother undue pain. There was a long, awkward silence. Initially, I attributed it to the fact that hearing negative feedback on one’s child is uncomfortable and she was groping for a response. After a few moments, she lamely replied, “I hear what you are saying.” Then came more silence. Aiming for a tangible strategy, I prompted, “Is she like this at home, too? Can you tell me more about your daughter? How can we calm her down and show her that she is doing wonder fully even if she doesn’t win every game and know every answer? Batya’s mother sighed. Then she confided that Batya’s father awarded and encouraged perfection by granting monetary incentives for every 100% that his children brought home. Her tone of resignation clearly indicated that she felt there was nothing she could do to change this dynamic. I hung up the phone with a clearer understanding of where my student was coming from and a heightened sense of helplessness. Could I possibly bolster Batya’s delicate self-image when one of her primary sources of influence was working in an opposing direction? Frustration and cynicism replaced am bition and idealism. Guilt niggled at the sidelines. Should I just give up?

* * * * * I immediately scheduled a meeting with Mrs. Berger, special services liai son and coordinator. When we met soon after my phone call with Batya’s mother, Mrs. Berger nodded emphatically as listened intently to my every word. Her deliberate note-taking and thoughtful attention to the issue lent me a sense of support as well as tentative seeds of hope. * * * * * A soft rapping on the classroom door interrupted our animated parsha les son. Naomi introduced herself as a so cial worker who had come to work with Batya. This definitely warranted a break in our formal learning routine! In the hallway, I discreetly briefed Naomi as to the main issues and ex pressed hope that she could effect some change in Batya. * * * * * “Come, sit down, Batya.” Naomi pointed to a plastic chair in a cubicle of the school therapy/resource room. “As this is only the first time you’re here, I want to tell you that I have only two rules.”Batya eyed Naomi anxiously until she caught the therapist’s warm smile and twinkle in her eye. “One is that you can ask me or tell me whatever you want, as long as you say it nicely. And two… is to have fun!”


Batya grinned and swung her legs back and forth under the table. That day, Batya won every game. She wondered how it was possible that someone who looked just as old as her teacher could lose each time, but she promptly pushed the thought aside. How wonderful it was to win and be the very best! * * * * *

One day, during lunchtime, Naomi was sipping a coffee at a side table in the lunchroom. My students were seated calmly, enjoying their lunch. Here was my opportunity!

I turned to smile at Batya, and she turned to face me. I could hear the breathless joy in her voice even before I pro cessed her words: “Naomi loves me.”

Lunchtime, two weeks later. Our rotation of “who gets to sit near Morah” provided my students with one-on-one at tention every month or so, and today it was Batya’s turn.

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“I am sorry for disturbing your break; could you spare a minute?” I asked Naomi. I glanced at Batya, who was jiggling her leg in eager antic ipation. I caught the gleam in her eye that appeared when ever she saw her mentor. I lowered my voice. “It’s regarding Batya. I feel like we’re pouring water into a cup that has a hole. As long as her par ent is pressuring her to seek perfection, what can we hope to accomplish by feeding her an entirely different message? “ Naomi nodded. “It is difficult.” She filled me in on the work she was doing, which was gradually sensitizing Batya by allowing her to lose some games and providing the girl with reassurance as she did so. The plan seemed sound… in theory. Inwardly, I doubted there would be any lasting gains.But then Naomi said simply, “We do what we can.” That’s all? That concept required a 180-degree mindset shift for me, the teacher! * * * * *

“Wow,” I said gently. “That’s wonderful to hear. How do youScarcelyknow?” did I have time to run the possible responses through my curious brain cells. She gives me prizes. We have fun together. Batya’s answer came in an instant, and it was none of those.“Iknow that she loves me because when I make a mis take, she says that it’s okay.” And it was.

Huh? How intriguing! Their relationship, while growing, was still very much a budding one.

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How about this? Some words contain four times as many vowels as consonants: au dio and eerie and queue and adieu, which means goodbye. What an overload of vowels, right? But wait, there are plenty of words without vowels too. The longest word without vowels: rhythms Can you think of some other words that have no vowels?

beginalmost fortyempty ghost

FACETIOUS Though not in alphabetical order, there are some other English words that include all five vowels too. Here are three: education, automo bile and misbehavior Can you come up with more? Let us know!

All’s in Order

Heavy on Vowels

There are a number of words that have all of their letters in alphabetical order. Here are some. Can you think of more?

September’s arrived! Here we take a good look at the words of our language. Pack this knowledge under your belt as you head to a new year of school.

Here’s a word that includes all five vowels — in alphabetical order!


220 The Monsey View

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Most commonly mispronounced English words — there’s a list for that, too. Ironically one of the most common words people mispronounce is: pronunciation! But there’s more. Have a dictionary handy? Repeat each one ten times. arctic — no, it’s not a silent c! ˈärk-tik cupboard — ˈkə-bərd epitome — i-ˈpi-tə-mē espresso — you knew that’s not an x, right? e-ˈspre-(ˌ)sō etcetera — a longer word than most think: et-ˈse-tə-rə primer — no, this is not pronounced like prime: ˈpri-mər remuneration — for some reason, most people think this is related to “numeral” and switch up the m and the n: ri-ˌmyü-nəˈrā-shən segue — the Segway would be no Segway without this pronunciation:ˈse-(ˌ)gwā victuals — a chunk of letters are not pronounced here: ˈvi-tᵊl


The white stringy piece of the egg is a chalaza The protective point of an um brella is a ferrule

An indentation at the bottom of a molded glass bottle is a punt

You name!thisdidn’tprobablyknowhada

The tittle is the dot over an i or Where’sj. your glabella? It’s that space right between your two’s a useful one: The day after tomorrow is called overmorrow. Oh, but the day before yesterday has a name too: ereyesterday. Some consider these usages obsolete, though. What a pity. Did you think using a question mark together with an exclamation mark is grammatically incorrect? But it even has a name. It’s called an interrobang The cup holder you wrap around a hot drink is called a zarf 222 The Monsey View

where the mistakes happen These are the ten most commonly misspelled English words. Get practicing them and make sure you change that! definitely receiveoccurredseparategovernment unnecessaryparallelaoccasionaccommodatelot

223 845.600.8484 September 7, 2022 The Monsey View

Do you know any words that have two u’s in a row? You think not? Well, how about vacuum and con tinuum? What about a double h? Hitchhike, bathhouse and withhold, but there are more of these. Can you name them? A double v? Hm, can you think of any? Meet savvy, divvy and bevvy Can you think of any more? A double x? Well, there actually is one word that has that interesting combi nation: anti-vaxxer

WordsIrresistible Each c in the Pacific Ocean is pronounced differently! And while we’re on proper nouns, every e in Mercedes is pronounced differently too. The longest word that does not repeat any letters is the fifteen-letter uncopyrightable

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The shortest sentence in the English language has three letter: I am

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he students began arriving at 9:00 a.m., escort ed by their parents. Today was the first day of kindergarten. There was a feeling of anticipa tion in the air. The hopes and dreams of a bright new year stretched ahead. The pleasant atmosphere came to a halt when Adina appeared. She walked in by herself. Adina’s old brown shoes and messy hair were a sharp contrast to her classmate’s shiny loafers and perfectly braided hair. Her eyes, framed in round, crooked spectacles, appeared slightly eager and sad at the same time. Adi na’s face was unwashed and her clothes were rumpled. As I looked down at Adina, I noticed she was clutch ing a doll tightly for safety and security. The doll was


– Tehillim 27:10

“For my father and my mother have forsaken me, but Hashem gathers me in.”

The Broken Doll


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Week 2:

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torn and missing an arm. Anyone with a heart would take pity on Adina. She was at a disadvantage even before she opened up her mouth to speak.

S ometimes the child that’s the most difficult to love is in need of the most love of all. If one is able to look past the outer veneer of a person and see the soul shining inside, they can tap into their ability to emulate the A-mighty. People walk behind different facades and in different cloth ing in this world in order to fulfill their tafkid, their unique task here on earth. We don’t know which souls are from an el evated, lofty place. It takes an open mind and an understand ing heart to love and connect to all people.

THE TENDER AGE OF FOUR. 232 845.600.8484 The Monsey View September 7, 2022

I was enlisted by the di rector of the school to work as a therapist with Adina. Though she had no formal evaluation or diagnosis, there were a series of con cerns from the previous school year. Adina’s aunt and uncle were influential mem bers of the board of the school, and the school wanted to keep Adina at all costs. Adina had a difficult life at home. The director told me that Adina’s mother, who had been a very vibrant and ca pable woman just two years prior, was now helplessly unable to care for Adina. Her father was older and broken. Sadly, he, too, could not care for Adina. Though she had older siblings, they were busy fending for themselves. It seemed like Adina was left to face the big world on her own at the tender age of four. T he importance of a child’s physical needs being prop erly met are paramount. This is demonstrated in Maslow’s Hierarchy of needs. At the very bottom of the triangle are basic physiological needs: food, water, warmth, rest. The school made their supply room and kitchen avail able to their staff at all times, and the generous resources that were provided made it easier to work with Adina. Every morning when Adina would arrive, she would run to the table where breakfast was provided and eat hungrily. Throughout the remainder of the day, there was also an abundance of food provided by the school. Additionally, her teacher encouraged her to rest on the couch in the library cor ner if she felt tired. The library corner was full of soft, fluffy pillows and stuffed animals. Adina would doze off sitting on a bean bag, hugging her doll. It was obvious that there were many sleepless nights in Adi na’ individual’s physi ological needs are satisfied, the need for security and safety be comes salient. Children want to experience order, predictability and control in their lives. Adina lacked that, and as a result, she lacked safety aware ness. This became sharply apparent early in the year. It was a cool fall day with gray skies and light rain. In the middle of a music activity, without warning, Adina ran out of the classroom and into the hallway. She headed straight for the front door of the school, and without looking back, Adi na opened the door and ran outside. She walked to the gate of the school and luckily stopped there. She was getting wet from the rain, but Adina didn’t seem to mind. She opened her mouth so that she could taste the rain and had a small smile on her wet face. She was obviously happy there. Later, it was clear that Adina saw nothing wrong with what she had done. I was going to have to deal with her be havior and make her aware of the lack of safety involved in leaving the school building. I would have to bring her back to reality and to her classroom. After physiological and safety needs are filled, the third level of human needs is social and involves feelings of be longingness. Belongingness refers to an emotional need for interpersonal relationships, connectedness and being part of a group.Things were not going well for Adina in this area. It was apparent that she had a social issue. First, Adina went every where with her doll. She refused to be separated from it. She also had animated conversations with the doll, but never with her peers. Adina also had quirky behaviors that put everyone on edge. For example, she loved to eat paper. She would lit erally ingest the papers that her teacher gave her! (This was a sign of pica, an eating disorder that involves having crav ings for things that are not edible.) Other times, Adina would stare out the window for long periods of time and refuse to move. The other kids sensed that Adina was different and WAS LEFT TO FACE THE BIG WORLD ON HER OWN AT

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The bigger issue with Adina was that she bordered on en gaging in aggressive behaviors and often called other chil dren names. She would often pull other children’s hair and refuse to let go. Oddly, she would go after certain children more than others. She was especially triggered by a girl with a high-pitched voice and another girl who would cry often. It soon became apparent that there were auditory sensitivities, among other Complaintsissues.from parents that Adina was bullying their children started coming in. The school had a strong stance on bullying, as many children and their potential have been crushed by bullies. A delicate balance of helping Adina, while also protecting the other students, was necessary.

The teacher and I had prepared a present for Adina. It was a beautiful doll with braids, dressed in a pink gown. We gave it to Adina’s mother to present to Adina. Adina took the doll and hugged it tightly. She took the old broken doll and left it on the table. Each member of the staff gave Adina a hug, and then she took her mother’s hand.

The doll was a perfect gift. But perhaps the greatest gifts that we gave to Adina were love and understanding.

Fayge Holtzberg, M.S.Ed., is a certified bilingual special educator. She has been working in the community as a consultant, evaluator and therapist for over twenty years. Mrs. Holtzberg can reached at

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Adina needed to learn social skills and proper social norms so that she could integrate into classroom society. After careful thought, I purchased a full set of puppets and became an instant puppeteer. We would play out different scenes, and I encouraged Adina to respond appropriately to each one. We wrote social stories together and reviewed them daily. We explored a variety of emotions and feelings. I collaborated with the school social worker to set up the therapy room with beautiful dolls and a dollhouse for Adina to play in. We added miniature play figures, vehicles and a playground to complete the pretend world. Adina was also seen outside school by a child psychologist to help her pro cess the trauma she was living through. We also needed to work on Adina’s self-esteem and selfactualization so she could begin to have a sense of accom plishment and the ability to reach her potential. This would be the result of many months of work and efforts on behalf of the entire team. Most of all, we would need Adina‘s coop eration and commitment, even at her young age, to reach goals set for her. It was a long process; there were good times and there were other times. All the while we tried to remain upbeat and encouraging. And then, Adina’s birthday neared. We called her mother and asked if it was possible for her to come to school for the party. Arrangements were made, and we began to prepare for the party. The day of the party arrived. Adina arrived in a nice dress and a bow in her hair. Her teacher had also prepared a beau tiful crown for her. Balloons were blown up, and the room was decorated with streamers. Staff members from through out the school came to join in the party, and Adina’s mother arrived with her aide. The girls sang and danced with Adina sitting on her mother’s lap in the middle of the circle. It was the most emotional birthday party I ever attended.

kept their distance.

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I’m sure your pencils are labeled and sharpened, your looseleafs and folders color-coordinated and stacked in your sleek leather bag. But have you packed your snacks?

Let me guess: In honor of the first day of school, your dream idea of what to munch on includes a jumbo sprinkle cookie, barbecue chips, and falafel Bissli. Am I right? No, I was not peeking into your wagon as you were strolling down the aisles of the grocery. You do have great taste, but… Do you really want food coloring, an abun dance of sugar, and MSG to carry you through your school day?

Eating healthy snacks — such as fruit, protein, or starches high in fiber — will feed your brain the nutrients it needs to help you succeed in school. So, ditch your old-fashioned ideas on how to fill your back pack, and instead, let’s think of some tasty treats to keep you fortified throughout the day.

HEY, KIDS: READY FOR A LENGE?CHALSNACKHEALTHY238 845.600.8484 The Monsey View September 7, 2022


Mothers: Make it doable for your children by stocking your fridge and pantry with a variety of yummy, grab-n-go options. Bonus points if you cut back on purchasing junk foods to minimize temptation!

A MINIMUM OF ONE FRUIT OR VEGETABLE A DAY WHEN YOUR CHART IS ALL FILLED IN, you’ll get rewarded by feeling so much better — and hopefully, succeeding academically like never before! And if that’s not motivation enough, we’ll help you along: Bring your filled-out chart to Toys 4 U, and be gifted with an exclusive, limited-edition The Monsey View fanny pack! In addition, one winner will be drawn to receive a personalized briefcase, pencil case, water bottle and keychain of their choice!

240 845.600.8484 The Monsey View September 7, 2022


Program sponsor:

Slice a kiwi in half and pack it tightly into a sandwich bag. At snack time, grab a spoon and dig in. Behead and deseed several mini peppers in a variety of colors. Bake a batch of oatmeal cookies, and grab several straight from the freezer on your way out the door. Whole-wheat pretzels make for a wholesome, filling snack. (Regular pret zels are just fine, too. Whole-wheat just sounds so much more virtuous.)


THE FIRST 30 DAYS OF SCHOOL WITH HEALTHY FOOD CHOICES! Name: Age:School:___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Phonenumber:____________________________________________________________Signyourinitialsforeachdayyoupackedonlyhealthysnacks. SCHOOL DAY #1 SCHOOL DAY #2 SCHOOL DAY #3 SCHOOL DAY #4 SCHOOL DAY #5 SCHOOL DAY #6 SCHOOL DAY #7 SCHOOL DAY #8 SCHOOL DAY #9 SCHOOL DAY #10 SCHOOL DAY #11 SCHOOL DAY #12 SCHOOL DAY #13 SCHOOL DAY #14 SCHOOL DAY #15 SCHOOL DAY #16 SCHOOL DAY #17 SCHOOL DAY #18 SCHOOL DAY #19 SCHOOL DAY #20 SCHOOL DAY #21 SCHOOL DAY #22 SCHOOL DAY #23 SCHOOL DAY #24 SCHOOL DAY #25 SCHOOL DAY #26 SCHOOL DAY #27 SCHOOL DAY #28 SCHOOL DAY #29 SCHOOL DAY #30 242 845.600.8484 The Monsey View September 7, 2022

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248 The Monsey View

Dictionary Defined How would you define the word dictionary? Perhaps “a book that defines words.” Good thinking, but nope! According to those in the know, “Dictionaries describe how words are used by a community at a specific time and place.” Which is why there is not only one dictionary and why they evolve over time. The Oxford English Dictionary (OED) is said to be the most complete record of the English language ever assembled. Bearing in mind English’s exuberantly perplexing tendency to spew tens of synonyms per word, one must admit that that is quite some feat. Merriam-Webster comes in as another widely trusted source.

What’s a collegiate dictionary? With fewer entries and fewer definitions per word, collegiate editions aim to please college students with the biographical and geopolitical information they include. A learner’s dictionary contains even fewer entries and is outfitted for the learner, with helpful notes on word usage, sentence examples and pronunciations. Definitions also use simpler language than is expected of a native speaker. And while we’re at it, why do Americans and Brits spell the same English words differently? Like, hello, can we settle our differences and decide on the one right way to spell color/ colour, among too many others? According to Noah Webster of Webster fame, quite not. This pro-independent raised a ruckus after the Revolutionary War, claiming that as its own country, the U.S. of A. must have its own unique spelling. This thinking soon led him to decry the Brits’ overly pedantic way of spelling words with superfluous letters. Not all of his proposed changes became reality, though. I mean, he campaigned for “tongue” to become “tung.” In his dictionary,eighteenth-centuryDr.SamuelJohnson defined pastern as “the knee of a horse,” when it is in fact lower down on a horse’s leg. A dictionary by Webster in 1930 featured dord, a bogus word born of a simple clerical error in the Atpublishing.leastJohnson was honest. In his words: “Dictionaries are like watches; the worst is better than none, and the best cannot be expected to go quite true.”

Some things are infallible. A ruler. A computer. The neighbor’s mother. So set in stone that they cannot be challenged. Like the dictionary, which is always correct. Right? Ever Wonder?

As far as errors, there are deliberate ones, too. Dictionary editors think it hilarious to plant fake words here and there to weed out plagiarists who may be stealing their work instead of compiling their own research. Such was the ghost word hink, defined as “to think hopefully and unrealistically about something.” (You know something? I like it!)

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Isn’t it ironic that the most misused word is “ironic”? I get it. We sound so worldly when we stand around with our arms folded, expounding on the ironies of this or that. The next time this important-sounding word snaps on your tongue, make sure it jives with the definition: “happening in the opposite way to what is expected, and typically causing wry amusement because of this.”

Okay, so you invented a word par excellence that the rest of the world simply cannot do without. How can you get it into the dictionary? Before running to update the nearest lexicographer (that’s your bookworm neighbor you never knew compiles dictionaries), know that a word makes it into the dictionary if it is used by many people who agree on its meaning. So use your word. Spread it far and wide. Watch it take off. And you never know; it just might catch the attention of some word-geek with dictionary power! Did you know?

Sloth Well Known Back in the eighteenth century, you were expected to use your head. Lexicographers assumed everyone knew common things on their own and saved their elbow grease for truly hard words. So if you’d open a dictionary with a hankering to know the meaning of the word “butter,” you’d find “a food well known.” Benjamin Norton Defoe showed himself very proficient at this type of slacking; in his 1735 A New English Dictionary, he bestowed the dubious honor of “well known” to no less than 68 words! Laugh and sneeze? “An action well known.” Bull, ox, horse and cow? “A beast well known,” the whole lot of them. And tree — wait for it — “a thing well known.” It almost makes one hope that his paychecks bounced.

The Irony of It

Do you associate dictionaries with long, sophisticated words? Check out the recent additions sitting cozily in there, including but not limited to meh, schmoozefest and hangry That’s because we, the people, a dictionary make, and not the other way around. So as of 2022, because is a conjunction defined as “by reason of.” Now you can comfortably say, “I hate school because tests,” and have the dictionary itself back you.

Evolution of an Entry Lexicographers have a great job. These people get to read tons — think publications with wide national readership; all manner of journals, from medical to tech; comic strips; and more. They’re looking for changes in language and terms that have snuck into mainstream life. Those people behind the book also receive word suggestions from all over the place, each one of which is turned into a citation to be Lexicographersresearched.look for words that meet three criteria: frequent use, widespread use and meaningful use. Words that check all those boxes are slated for fame.

The current word with the most meanings is “set,” coming in with 430 separate definitions. But the next edition of the OED, slated to hit the shelves in 2037, will boast a new candidate, and it may just be “run,” with 645 meanings for the verb form alone. The longest word in English has 189,819 letters, would take 12 full pages to write, and is understandably omitted from most Thedictionaries.longestword in common usage is said to be “incomprehensibilities.”

By: Chana Gluck

Along the same lines, amirite is the official combo of “am I right?” and whataboutism is the act of responding to an accusation by pointing out the same or worse offense in somebody else! New-age abbreviations abound as well; think TBH (to be honest) and FTW (for the win). My Word!

Get Today In stats, upward of 1,000 words can be added to the dictionary each year. And yes, old words are given honorable burials.

So be a scholar, and enjoy impressing your peers with your dictionary-correct lexicon. Although if you go current, you may end up being just… meh.

Family name: _________________________________ Phone: __________________ Full mailing address: ____________________________________________________ Full name of winner: _________________ Amount of points: __________ Full names of __________________________________players:competing List some words only the winner found: The longest word found on the board: _____________________________ A new word you learned from the board: __________________________ Only complete forms will be entered into the drawing. hidesBoggleHint:Eachboardawordofninelettersor more! HOW TO PLAY: 1. Gather round the table to play a family game of Boggle, using this Boggle board. 2. Once you have a winner, fill out the form below in its entirety 3. Email the form to 600-8483themonseyview.comcomments@orfaxto845-bySundayatmidnight. 4. Two winners will be drawn each week, each of whom will win a pas trami sandwich and a can of soda! PLAYING RULES: Find words on the board containing four letters or more. Letters of a word must be connected in a chain (each letter should be adjacent to the next either vertically, horizontally or diago nally), and each letter can only be used once in a given word. The following are not allowed in Boggle: Adding “s” to a word • Proper nouns • Abbreviations • Contractions • Acronyms POINTS 4-letter words: 2 points | 5-letter words: 3 points | 6-letter words: 5 points | 7-letter words: 7 points | 8-letter words: 9 points | 9+ letters: 12 points OC MS DRE J PB FFTK LA A O I VHENGU 250 845.600.8484 The Monsey View September 7, 2022

A new word learned from the board: fester


WINNER 1 Family name: Katz, 845-xxx-3904

Name of winner: Mommy Amount of points: 70 Names of competing players: Sury, Blimy Some words only the winner found: fester, gruel, honest, muter, wagoner

To claim your prize, tear out this sheet (on which your name appears) and bring it in to Nussy’s Cuisine.

Names of competing players: Totty Some words only the winner found: gruel, muster, pester, strung, wagon


The longest word found on the board: western, redoing

Name of winner: Mommy Amount of points: 97

The longest word found on the board: underset A new word learned from the board: underset Last week’s bonus word: PEDAGOGUE

65 483 2189 8635 876 2964 8415 319 28 5 68 862 39 94 1 3297 7 63 72 649 24 5 251 845.600.8484 September 7, 2022 The Monsey View

WINNER 2 Family name: Friedman, 845-xxx-1997

WINNERSTENTHETOCONGRATULATIONSTOYS4U!ATCARDSGIFT$5THEOFsubmission.youronlistednumberphonetheofaccounttheonToys4Uatissuedwascredit$5Acoloring!Keeppages!coloredbeautifullyinsentwhoreadersofhundredsthetoyouThank SkvereGreenberg,Yitzy Belz11,Oshry,SuriFriedman,7,BaisRochelYSV9,Yuhanan,Esther Satmar10,Zwiebel,BruchieRochelBais9,Kohn,Sarala Vien4,Kolman,MeirViznitz11,Roth,Avrumy DovidBais11,Greenwald,BinyominAvrahamKlausenburg7,Schwartz,Genendy 252 845.600.8484 The Monsey View September 7, 2022

Send your colored page to The Monsey View to enter a drawing for a chance to have your artwork featured in our pages and win $5 at Toys4U! Ten lucky winners will be announced each week! To enter the raffle, email your colored page to, or mail it to 365 Route 59, Suite 239, Airmont, NY 10952. Submissions will be included in the drawing only if all information is filled in. Phone:______________________________________________Name:_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Age:____________________School:_________________________________________________________ 253 845.600.8484 September 7, 2022 The Monsey View


By: Faigy Jacobowitz

Sruly Lowy Gitty5,Wertheimer,Satmar Leibish and Zevi Sekula Goldy and Yossi Lunger, Shabbos table Shimon Schreiber ,6 Zisha and Usher Zelig Horowitz Moshe Duvid Fisher Simchy and Ari Spitzer To have your child’s creation featured here, email a picture to or mail it to 365 Route 59, Suite 239, Airmont, NY 10952. Where every entry is a Talentwinner!Show ןירג 'ימחנ םהרבא טדאטשיינ יביר 254 845.600.8484 The Monsey View September 7, 2022

256 845.600.8484 The Monsey View September 7, 2022

258 845.600.8484 The Monsey View September 7, 2022

259 845.600.8484 September 7, 2022 The Monsey View

JOOLZ HUB PLUS Black, brand new in box. Selling for $590, in store $730.00. 8455385693




FOR SALE YOYA /BABY PRIDE STROLLERS Now on sale, available in beautiful colors, ASTM standards, company backed warranty. Free delivery. Please call 845-263-2737 NEOCATE/BABY FORMULA Neocate $46.99 per can. Kendamil $38.99. Similac L’Mehadrin $28.99!! We also buy off any extra formula for a good price. Call for other types of formulas. Formula Trade 347.369.4886

in take out, kosher, shawarma, low rent, growing community, great opportunity, low price call/ text 845-222-1272 DRESSER FOR SALE Beautiful 3 door Italian dresser with mirror for sale. High sheen mahogany. Brand new condition. Best offer, pictures available, txt only 8457460486 VELVET COAT Black velvet long coat size small 8452937369 COUCH FOR SALE Gray genuine leather couch, perfect conditition, used for a year. 848-525-4251 FURNITURE SALE Beautiful 48”master

APT. FOR RENT Brand new 2 apartememt.berdoomNosection 8. Roberts, Suffern area. Call 845-422-7127. If possible please text. ROOM FOR RENT Private room available for dates/beshows with separate entrance. Located in New city area call 845-263-0699 for more info. HOUSE FOR RENT 5 bedroom single family house rental in new city near muldaver’s yeshiva GREAT PRICE call 845-608-0538 or 845-282-4667 for more details HOUSE FOR RENT Furnished home for rent in Pomona or term bdrms bath asking 9k call 3474514245

DELUXE SUITES ON COLLINS A Sparkling 2 bedroom apartment avail to rent for the week, weekend or a few days. Fresh Linen and towels provided. 3472632779 Classifieds for sale N real estate N LASER IS NOW EXPERIENCE.PAINFREEPOSITIVE,A CHANIE GENUD Certified laser hair removal specialist 845.323.8886 Book appointmentyour GET REAL. THERE’S A BETTER WAY TO DO LASER. 260 845.600.8484 The Monsey View September 7, 2022

JOOLZ AER Brand new in closed box. Selling for $360, In stores $449. 8455385693


SUKKAH PANELS Sukkah Depot panels like new for sale, great price, delivery possible, 718-7535450 RESTAURANT FOR SALE Local Monsey Working Restaurant for sale. Call or text +18453934516 comMonseyrestaurnt@gmail.Email: DOONA STROLLER Doona Stroller, multiple colors avail.cll/txt 1-201-6144045 MAJOR SALE Exclusive brides gown costume made-affordable price.2 sisters gowns.Also 4 king size BEDS excellent condition, can fold to a couch $199 each.Call 845-304-1792 RESTAURANT Fully operational, new equipment, dine bedroom set, 4 door china closet & table. If interested please call 845-662-2571 REAL ESTATE APT FOR RENT Newly renovated apt avail immed : 2 bedrooms: stunning bathroom: spacious kitchen: quartz counters; fancy lights: elegant flooring: Spacious Storage Shed: Very big backyard. TEXT ONLY. (917)830-6341 ROOM BP Seeking frum girl to rent room in my Boro Park apt. Private bed/bath W/D inc. Good location Available immediately /347-314-5040718-755-8402

Looking to Hire a babysitter/ Mothers helper in my house for 2 Hours a day, in the afternoon, if you are a girl looking for a afternoon job, reach out to 845-521-6339


Yerushalayim apt for simchas torah. A one bedroom apt with large sukka available from erev Shabbos chol hamoed till after simchas torah for a great price. Pninat chemed hotel. 5 minutes from kiryas belz. 845-6595525

HAVERSTRAW For sale/rent brick office building 4800 sq ft good for medical/ offices etc. Great investment. 718-757-9862


Fast growing logistics company is looking for a capable individual that is detail oriented and has bookkeeping experience to join our HR and finance department. Email your resume to sagewaylogistics.cominfo@ DRIVERS NEEDED SHARE 24/7 is looking for drivers in the evenings 6-8pm Mon – Thurs. Potential to become full time. Good pay. Call Mr Green 856 596 5080

Yeshiva Spring Valley (boys) of Monsey is now accepting resumes for the General Studies department for September 2022 - ‘23 School Year. Following Positions available: • Lower Elementary School Teacher (M-TH 12:45-4:00); • Title1 English Language Arts (ELA) Teacher • Teacher’s Assistants (M-TH 12:45-4:00) Teaching experience a must. Professional atmosphere and competitive salary. Please include references and email to orggss@yeshivaspringvalley.orFAXto845-356-8551


JOIN WONDERFULOUR TEAM! Bnos Leah Prospect Park of Monsey is seeking positive, warm and experienced teachers for the 2022-23 school year. Preschool and elementary school positions open. Send your resume jobs@prospectmonsey.orgto



Classifieds real estate N help wanted N 262 845.600.8484 The Monsey View September 7, 2022

Busy companymanagementlookingfor a f/t bookkeeping assiatant. Please email resume BOOKKEEPING POSITION Seeking a kfireman@chesed247.orgext.1120Firemanincluded.withSalaryflexibilityfor-profitenvironmentpredominatelyinwhoexperiencedself-motivated,bookkeepercanworkindependentlyafriendly,high-paced,allwomen’sforanot-agency.Someinhoursworked.commensurateexperience.BenefitsCONTACT:Karen845-354-3233orsendresumeto



Heimishe playgroup looking for a teacher for September for a yummy settled pre-nursery English speaking class. Well paid and extremely easy terms. Pls call 845-537-1960 ASSISTANT Looking for a preschool assistant in Monsey area school. Hours are 9:00-3:00. Supportive environment, great pay! Call: 347-406-1663

MONSEY RENTALS Do you have a property for rent? Are you looking to rent an apartment or a house in the monsey area? Call us at 917-903-7379 BUILDING FOR RENT 4000 sf building for rent in haverstraw + 15 parking spots. Call 845.203.1120

BOOKKEEPING ASSISTANT Seeking female bookkeeping assistant. bikurcholim.orgeturnheim@

FOR RENT 4 bedroom house in Cameo Ridge area immediately.available845-274-0803

264 845.600.8484 The Monsey View September 7, 2022

PARA/TUTOR Looking for para/tutor for 8 year old boy. M-T 11:00-3:30 Sunday 11:00- 2:30. Great pay. Call or text (347)651-7382

WEBSITE MANAGERSPROJECT Seeking multiple entry-level website project managers. Work with large brands. Growth opportunity. Monsey area remote and in house. Call/Text 917-685-7675

PLAYGROUP TEACHER & ASSISTANT Playgroup looking for a teacher and an assistant WELL PAID 845-428-9438

ENGLISH TEACHER Cheder in Monsey is looking for experienced English Teacher (male) Supportive environment. Easy to follow curriculum plan. Excellent discipline program in place. Competitive Pay. For more information or to apply please call: 718-450-2538

BAS MIKROH is seeking qualified staff for the ‘22-‘23 school year, to join our dynamic, talented team: Hebrew and English Permanent Substitutes, English Remedial Teacher, Co-Teachers and assistants. Please email resume to hr@ Bas Mikroh has an on-site daycare for Staff children.

JOB OPPORTINITIES Bas Mikroh Daycare is seeking the following staff for the ’22-’23 school year. Afternoon Babysitter and Daycare assistants. Please email resume to hr@


JOBS AVAILABLE Part-time & Full-time jobs available. gmail.comTopPartTimeJobs@Email

Rita’s of Monsey is looking to hire an in store manager. Part time position, 20-30 hours per week. Afternoons, evenings, and weekends. Great opportunity for part time students. Please OPERATIONS MANAGER Chofetz Chaim Heritage Foundation cchfglobal.orgresumeCompetitive(SalesforceteamdepartmentmanagerexperiencedseeksoperationstorunthecomputerandmanageaintheirMonseyoffice.experienceaplus)salary.SendtoMRothschild@

AMAZING OPPORTUNITY! Local property Management Company is looking for a f/t secretary. office Experience required. Great environment, Great pay. Please email resume rcmanageoffice@gmail.comto

SEEKING SECRETARY Local management office looking to hire secretary for customer service position. Please send your resume to EXCELLENT OPPORTUNITY! Bais Yaakov School seeking Permanent Substitutes and teachers for in-class mentoring. baisayaakovelementary.orgresumeenvironment!opportunityTerrificinagreatEmailtoresumes@

P/T ASSISTANT Seeking yiddish speaking helper for various jobs in Kindergarden. Very P/T, not daily. Some months busy, some quiet. Good pay. 845746-8635 GREAT OPPORTUNITY Female Secretary Wanted. Perfect Position for Graduate! Monday-Friday Full Time gmail.comgr8opportunityforjob@toProficiencyComputeramust.Willingtrain.EmailResumeto

TEACHERS & ASSISTANTS Cheder Chabad of Monsey is seeking assistants in the lower elementary grades. We offer competitive pay and flexible hours. Growing school and a warm and friendly environment. Please call 612 408 1775 or orgygoldberg@chedermonsey.emailformoredetails.

JOIN US! Yeshiva of Spring Valley Preschool is callyeshivaspringvalley.orgyourpositions.environment.ProfessionalteachersexperiencedseekingkindergartenforAM.andPM.andwarmWellpaidPleaseemailresumetopreschool@or845-356-1400ext.226, or 848-525-0943.

JOIN US! Yeshiva of Spring Valley Preschool is looking to hire capable co-teachers / assistants to work alongside very experienced teachers for the 5783-2022/2023 school year. Well paid positions. Please email your resume to callyeshivaspringvalley.orgpreschool@or845-356-1400ext.226, or 848-525-0943.

PLAYGROUP ASSISTANT Playgroup in Pomona looking for assistant for age 0-12 months. 845-422-6043


help wanted N 266 845.600.8484 The Monsey View September 7, 2022

FULL TIME POSITION Busy tax accounting office is looking to hire a multi-tasking, detail oriented, and responsible female. Experience a plus. Email resume

F/T POSITION Busy mortgage office seeking f/t,hardworking,organized,manager.receptionist/officeMustbesuperpeoplesperson,computerdetailorientedandEmailresumeto

F/T SECRETARY Local heimishe office looking to hire full time secretary. Basic computer knowledge. Will train. 845-533-3061

OFFICE ASSISTANT Office in Suffern NY is looking for a F/T Office Assistant with good Computer and CSR skills. QuickBooks experience a must. Great Compensation. Email resume to: sales@

P/T RETAIL HELP Local Wine and Liquor store looking for part time help. Need to be avaialble on Fridays and some evenings during the week. Please call 914-806-5796.

Local mental health office seeking a part time evening receptionist. Candidate should have great phone and computer skills. Please email resume to hr@daaswellness. com.


INSURANCE ADMIN Fast paced insurance office looking for capable secretary to handle applications, rating & client review. office exp preferred but not needed email resume growth4you@gmail.comto

JOB OPPORTUNITY Office in Lyndhurst NJ, Approx 45 min from Monsey, looking for Bright, responsible, motivated individual, to Join our Office Team Full Time. Beginners Welcome. Multitasking, Communication & organizational skills required. Nice growth potential & Great pay! Please call (347)678-2670 or email resume

PART TIME BOOKKEEPER Monsey Insurance office on Robert Pitt Drive seeks part time experienceBookkeeper,preferred. Please email resume to trustevergreen.comjobs@


OFFICE POSITION Mortgage Office in Monsey has position available for a FT female mortgage processor. Experience a plus. Candidate must have good phone and organizational skills. Be detail oriented and have gmail.comofficepositioninrockland@knowledge.computeremailresume:

Looking for young, energetic, reliable men willing to engage with developmentally disabled high-functioning men in planned activities and Inspiring programs. Your role will be one of leadership and oversight. Must be comfortable driving the agency van as needed. Nice pay plus excellent perks and pluses after 6 months of employment. Email Resume to: or Call: 845-354-3233 ext.1218



Heimish, only girls office in Monsey, is looking to hire a full time secretary. willing to train. Great pay for the right candidate. Lots of growth potential. email resume jobopeningabkl@gmail.comto


Classifieds help wanted N 268 845.600.8484 2022

The Monsey View September 7,

OFFICE POSITION Office in Monsey is seeking a capable individual for an open position within the finance department. Great opportunity with potential, good pay and easterndrayage.comresumeenvironment.HeimishPleaseemailtochaimm@

150+ JOB OPENINGS! Stop wasting your time going through all the jobs classifieds. Simply email your resume to completelyStrictlyWhatsAppcareer.&toSwiftStaffingGroup.comInfo@exploreyouroptionsmaximizeyourOrCall/Text/732-800-7633confidential&free.

A busy construction office in the Monsey area is looking for a full-time secretary. Phone skills and basic computer knowledge preferred. Willing to train the right candidate, Graduates are welcome. Please send your resume COORDINATOR WANTED Looking for a full/ parttime coordinator to assist individuals with their services, network with staff and family, and oversee payroll reimbursements and service approvals. Prior office experience a plus. Email re sume to

270 845.600.8484 The Monsey View September 7, 2022

SEEKING SECRETARY Real Estate/ Construction office hiring an experienced secretary for bookkeeping & general office work. Flexible hours and well paid with roof for growth. Submit your resume to rpiliving@gmail. com

OFFICE POSITION Blitz Auto is looking to hire an office employee (bookkeeping, customer service, inside sales) please email your resume to onnowblitzautony.comeli@weareacompanyrunningEOS WE’RE HIRING! Upscale Jewelry Store In Monsey Is Looking To Hire A Part Time Energetic Sales Lady. Sunday’s Included. Please Email ComJewelrypersonal@Gmail.Resume: SALESWOMEN WANTED Looking for


We are looking for a highly motivated, energetic and friendly Retail Sales person with a flair for design, at our spacious state-of-the-art tile showroom in Monsey, great potential for the right candidate, please email resume to

SWIFT STAFFING is seeking to hire additional recruiters. Part-time & Flexible hours. Email your resume to SwiftStaffingGroup.comInfo@

KITCHEN DESIGN Local heimishe kitchen company looking to fill a layout design and pricing position. Great potential for the right candidate, will train. sam@empiresupplier. com / 718-930-2918

SALESHELP WANTED Clothing store in Monsey is looking for a motivated woman/girl for saleshelp. Pls call 845-642-7965

OFFICE POSITION Local Monsey office is looking to hire a full time secretary now or after Succos. Office experience preferred. Great pay for the right candidate. Please Call 845-205 -0910 or Email: monseyhire@gmail. com. SALES LADY kids Shoe Store Sales Lady or Girl Wanted, For More Info. Please Call 845-709-8360

Classifieds help wanted N 272 845.600.8484 The Monsey View September 7, 2022

P/T POSITION Busy mortgage office seeking p/t receptionist. Must be super organized, peoples person, everestequity.comEmailorientedcomputerhardworking,savvy,detailandoutgoing.resumetosaram@

LUXURY SALES F/T Online Luxury Retail Company seeks motivated young man to assist with sales, order processing & customer care. This is a full time in-office position. Pleasant environment with plenty of potential, great pay for the qualified individual. Excellent written & spoken English necessary. Must be computer literate. Social media knowledge a plus. Please email job4fulltime@gmail.comresume

SECRETARY Organization looking for an experienced secretary with good communication and organizational skills. please email efraim.kaybe@gmail. com

NOW HIRING ATT LOAN PROCESSORS: Are you looking for a future in a growing insurance company? Professional insurance office looking to hire for Executive Assistant and admin brokerscentral.comPleaseforTremendouspositions.potentialtherightcandidate.sendresumetohr@

Classifieds help wanted N 274 845.600.8484 The Monsey View September 7, 2022


JOIN OUR TEAM! Looking for full-day & afternoon co-teachers. Work with great teachers and gain experience. Please call or text 845-270-8796.

KITCHEN DESIGNER Are you a self-motivated, creative individual, looking for an opportunity to grow and develop your skills? We are seeking a talented designer to join our expanding team! Full-Time position. Please email your resume to jobs@upgradeny. com SALES ASSOCIATE Looking for a friendly and organized Sales Associate and Showroom Manager at our glamorous state-of-the-art tile showroom in Monsey, great potential for the right candidate, please email resume to

INTEGRATOR Blitz Auto is looking to hire an integrator (CEO) please email your resume to blitzautony.comeli@We are now a company running on EOS JOB OPPORTUNITY Looking to pay a yidishe companian for a few hours a week for elderly lady call 845-425-8747

TUTOR WANTED Chassidishe cheder looking for a male tutor for title one. 3:30-5:30. Please call 8452637445

GREAT SALES POSITION Be Your Own Boss! “Be in business for yourself not by yourself” best training + support provided, great benefits and retirement package. Please dglick@newyorklife.comemail or call 845-639-5216

SECRETARY WANTED Sheitel macher company is looking for a coordinator/ secretary. For more details pls call 845-662-3004 COORDINATOR WANTED Seeking a com.joboffersmonsey58@gmail.experience.orNursingandwithCoordinatorServiceforindividualsTraumaticBrainInjuryforindividualsinHomeTransition.BAMArequired,plusrelevantsendresumeto looking to a hire a girl or young lady till yom tov. during the day and after hours sundays etc. for more details text 347-489-0386 with your name and number and will call you back.

FULL TIME POSITIONS Heimishe office in Monsey looking to hire for multiple full-time positions, graduate/ entry level ok. Please email resume: orsammysconsulting.comsammy@call845-603-8206

276 845.600.8484 The Monsey View September 7, 2022



ACCOUNTING A fast-growing company is looking to hire someone for account receivables and collections, the candidate should have great communication skills. Please email your resume to




We are looking to hire a responsible yingerman to be a coordinator in our busy office.

JOB OPPORTUNITY Local school looking for experienced registrar for immediate hire. JL experience a plus. Flexible hours. For inquiries, please contact: job410977@gmail. com SEEKING SECRETARY:COORDINATOR/ Looking to hire a,environment.yourresumeto Seriously inquiries only please. BABYSITTER AVAILABLE Warm babysitter, slot available, Grandview. 9:003:00 option till 4:15. Call 732-600-5708 Hebrew718-298-2077.iPhone/AndroidforVideo-Audio-downloadlecturesAllfreeComputerorAppforOrHotlineYiddish--English place after all that tutoring?Join Arrowsmith, a research based program that strengthens the brain and eliminates learning disabilities. Call Mrs Feuer 914-260-6449 theory Miriam Please call


P/T PHOTOSHOP Do you have extensive Adobe Photoshop


TITLE 1 DIRECTOR AND MENTORS Cheder in Monsey is looking for an experienced Title 1 Director to run the Title 1 Program and Title 1 Mentors. For more information or to apply, please call: 718 450 2528 BABYSITTERBABYSITTINGAVAILABLE: Small babysitting group opening! Located in central monsey, 0-6 months. Hours 9:15-2:45. 845-641-9009.

JOB OPPORTUNITY Join our Monsey Office! Receive full training in Nursing Home Financials. Competitive salary and free health insurance. Located at Rela, moving shortly to Rober Pitt. Send resume monseyjobs@fcc-corp.comto

We are looking to hire a full-time employee for a supervisory position to oversee a team of Care Managers


We are looking for a competent employee to coordinate services. Candidate should be organized, quick learner, with good communication skills. BA required. Send resume to


ARROWSMITH Is your child still in the same

845.502.1971 Classifieds help wanted N babysitting N services N 278 845.600.8484 The Monsey View September 7, 2022

Ungar. Now accepting Children’s Waiver.

MUSIC LESSONS ON THE PHONE Mr. Wertzberger’s Music School offering music lessons on the phone, ages 9-15 boys and girls. Try it free! 718-4351923 PETTICOATS FOR RENT! Enhance your gown with just the right petticoat! Kids and petticoatsadultsforrent! In the Bates area. Please Call or text between 845-746-72488:30-10pm HAIRCUTSPROFESSIONAL&STYLING Great prices. Call Miri 845426-7561 CALL/TEXT @845-596-1373SARAH Craniosacral Therapy InHome Sessions FLY HIGH BALLOONS Biggest selection of balloons for all occasions in the Weiner drive area call 8454223988/ Flyhighbal@ HELIUM BALLOONS Helium balloons & more. We deliver! Call / whatsapp 929224-2181 CUSTOM CLOSETS For all your custom closets, doors or mouldings call or text 1347.522.4872 KEYBOARD LESSONS Keyboard lessons By Miri. Great Prices! Call 845-4267561 or 845-263-6437 VAN & TRUCK Van & Truck Delivery and Shlepping Service Call Izzy: 845-263-0420 KANGEN WATER “Change your Water.. Change your life” Alkaline - AntiOxidant - Super Hydrating Call for FREE supply and feel AMAZING! 917-681-0003 SHAIMOS PICK 845-461-3084UPS SUCCOS AIDE Looking for an Aide in Israel for succos? Frum Aides available for elderly and individuals with special needs. Please text/ whatsapp Yehuda at: 862 247 3411 RESUME WRITER Get your professional resume within 48 hours! comempiricalresumes@gmail.Email/call845-445-9227

FIX THAT LISP Your child can’t say “S,” “SH,” “CH” correctly? Get SPEECH THERAPY home visits, covered by Fidelis. Yechiel Erps 845- 521-6782 EARPIERCING 12 years experience. Wide selection. Call/text: 845-5387986 DEBT RELIEF having trubble with finances? join Debtors Anonymous Tuesday night @ 19 Robert Pitt # 113 , 7:30-8:30pm. visit debtorsanonymous.orgwww. SPCL SHIDDUCHIM High / low functioning spec. needs Shidduchim. With or without live-in support through Self Direction. Email: gmail.comspecialsomeone613@

Classifieds services N 280 845.600.8484 The Monsey View September 7, 2022

281 845.600.8484 September 7, 2022 The Monsey View

282 845.600.8484 The Monsey View September 7, 2022

283 845.600.8484 September 7, 2022 The Monsey View

GOWNS FOR SALE 2 beautiful mauve sister of bride dresses, size 2 & 8. Mother of bride gray / blue dress. Great price. Negociable. 845-578-1885

DRESS FOR RENT Beautiful off white Dior, midi length dress to rent size 8/10. Also Valentino off white dress size 6. Perfect for tenoyim, bar mitzva, wedding. Call 718-810-9654

GIRLS GOWNS Beautiful girls off white children’s lace gowns 2 styles for rent multiple sizes please call / text 845-558 -0276

NAVY GOWN Magnificent navy gown for rent. Size 2-4. 845-721-9265

GOLD GOWN Adorable gold gown by Dassy available to buy or rent. Toddler size 4. Call 422-5596 for more info


GARTLECH we fix knitted & crochet Gartlech & make beautiful professional fringes. We also teach how to knit & crochet. call: 917-414-3281 GOWNS GIRLS CHASUNAH GOWN Very Elegant, Winter White trimmed with Black Velvet, girls size 12/14 for sale. Please Call 845-709-7161.

ELEGANT GOWN Beautiful white elegant tulle gown size 6 for sale or rent. Call or text 646-257-0755

284 845.600.8484 The Monsey View September 7, 2022

VAN SERVICE Minivan service. Specializing in shopping trips, including Bingo. $30 door to door, up to 7 boxes. Call David 917-5414852 HAIRCUTS & STYLES Hair & Makeup for all occasions. Located in the Calvert area. Call 845-3764595 NEW CITY POOL Beautiful big heated pool for rent. Buena Vista area. Privacy. $65 hour. 845 538 6411 POOL FOR RENT Large, clean pool available for rent in Montebello by the hour. Please call or text 845545-8454.

GOWN FOR RENT Silver/Grey colored gown size 2-4 8455380391

MOTHER OF BRIDE Beautiful mother of bride gown for sale. Black and white. Size 10-12. Great price. Call/text 347-760-4649.

Social Skills training/ classes while having fun. $150 an hour. Chana Malka Geldzahler MS Ed BCBA. 917923-7913

285 845.600.8484 September 7, 2022 The Monsey View

SEEKING SHIDDUCH I know of an erliche chassidishe bochur (higher 20s), working. Looking for a traditional, “down to earth” girl. Pls call, 845-521-6871 LOST Lost something? Found something? The Daily Return: Hallcamera200-1689FamilyHeart4751LevAtriumG9X4557MonseyGoldgmail.commonseydailyreturn@845-538-0193,Return:something?Lostgmail.commonseydailyreturn@845-538-0193,Call/text:Email:something?FoundTheDailyCall/text:Email:chainbraceletonBus845-376-blackcamerainHallatBeck/wedding845-502-necklaceatfunFarm845-intaxi/Atrium845-664-5799

APT. FOR RENT 1 bedroom apartment to rent in Pomona / Haverstraw area. Ideal for single. 201-290-1208 / 917-803-8300

FOUND Yellow gold tennis bracelet in the parking lot of the Monsey hub 845-356-1297LaBugaboo659-9482childsLadies845-503-0201whitedickey/pinkscooterraincoverinFamiliataxiAug25.


Bechers 845-377-5671 Becher, Challah Deklich, Zemiros 845Coat425-0498Rack And Hangers 845-356-9841 Chuppa Cards 347-278-1278 Chupah Cards 845.222.0456 Chuppah Tefillos Booklets. 845-213-0602. Wedding Kit 845-425-2036 Wedding Kit 845-371-2947 Simcha Powder Room Kit 845-263-4342 Accessories Basket 845-371-6857

Poya and bris outfit w/ tefillos 845-425Pillow/Benchers0672 845-213-0602 Knife Sharpening For Mohalim 718-384Segula6214 Stone 347-699-6418

36” natural wood cabinet, text 845-821Dining4462 room lamp + shelve. 3 draw filing cabinet. Call / text 845Fairly213-8847new dryer in good condition to giveaway for free at 16 margetts rd on the driveway. 3472325174 Master bedroom set, dark wood. 347-683natural0991 color toddler crib 499-5991inc.giveawayShabbos845-213-8847Tableforfree8feetby45Pleasecall845-

ODDS & ENDS SEEKING DONATIONS Of toys, arts & crafts, or supplies, in good condition, for a Heimishe Moised. Call 845.500.3100

Bed Rest? Laundry Help. 213-7437 Maternity Clothing 845-445-9687 Maternity Coat Text Only 8455212912 Twin Boppy Pillows (845) 445-9298 Proposal Gemach 347-277-4072 Gps & Waze 845-352-2588 (Minimal Fee) Kosher Waze 845.587.1708 Roof Carriers 845-659-1863. Pack N Play Sheets Included. Text: 845Pack216-4885nplays 845-426-1177/ 347-631-8183 Beautiful nishmas cards 845-729-7390 Poya (outfit, hat, booties) 845-425-0672 Help-a-mom. to volunteer call 347-977Phones6816 For Emergencies. 845-213-8664 Reflectors 845-356-0815 Reflectors 347-977-6816 Feeding Supplies 845-366-6398 Mezuzos 587-4533 286 845.600.8484

Set of 5 rings in parking lot of say cheese 352-7163internationalBlubelle29.continentalPair352-2880inBlackorShopper’sfoundpicturesMemory347-693-1292cardwithofbochuriminfrontofHaven.Calltext845-263-4709cybexcarriagelafamiliataxi845-ofglassesintaxiAug347-423-3954briefcaseintaxi845-

Preemie Outfit 845.558.7065 Krias Shema Board With Stand 425-4540 Free Mohel 347-383-5696 Simcha Gowns 845-517- 8808 Mother & Sister Gowns 845-426-7496 Or Gown845-352-3031.AndPetticoats 347-278-1278 White Dresses 845-371-1765 Floral Bisomim 845-629-2785. Hats $25. 347-351-1604 Elegant Hats 845-517-0838. Bands & Berets 845-371-3556 Tichel Mechitza’s,845-548-0014Tables,Chairs Etc. Call 845Hot445-8015Water Urns 845-425-9211 Ear-Plugs 845-202-0105. Toys 845-578-6513 Toys 917-538-3453. Clics Tablecloths845-352-5820(845)371 2105

PLAYGROUP SUBBING Experinced playgroup teacher, yiddish & english 587-3780Pleaseavailablespeaking,forsubbing.textorcall845-

GEMACHIM Baby Layettes (845) 213-3646 Layettes Text 718-551-1732 Doula 845-587-1649 Labor Bag 347-604-3274 Pidyon Haben Accessories 845-642-7256 Pidyon Haben 845-659-6704 Pidyon Haben Gemach 845-356-3568 Formula 347-267-3640 Or 216-889-3643 Neocate Formula 718-853-4090 Carseats, Bassinet & Pack N Plays. Carseats,425-1202 Pack N Plays, Strollers, Pumps Doona845.425.6826CarSeat 845-445-7474 Brass Iron Bassinet 917-280-4559 Preemie Clothing 845-520-0475 The Preemie Box 845.664.5768 Or BabyBaby718.688.5814Scale845-578-5639Headphone845356 6797 Or 845 558 Baby9370Scales 845-694-8985 Easy birth from Koznitzer Maggid 917514-9461 Brissim Bris Accessories 617-955-3630 Bris Accessories 845 425 8359 Bris Accessories 425 3873 Bris Accessories 425-6574 Bris Accessories 356-6215 Blue Light 845.425.1919

Tablecloth BentchersBenchersSiddur/Chumash845Siddurs.845-425-1721shelves,GoldTablecloths352-8292352-8292Chargers845-573-9772stands,trays&centerpiecesSfard:845-608-7830Ashkenaz:3521756Or845-826-6718558.4774845-642-0910347-404-2204


Children Hair Pieces 3473001679 Portable Chuppah 845-425-4790 Umbrellas 216-470-9841 Sound System 917-382-8809 Evening Bags 845-549-2929 Shmiras Halashon Cards 537-0069 Earplugs for Simchos 845-328-1071 22 qt crockpots, big hot plates, big pots, perculator 8453238570 Kallah Yom Hachuppah Cd 845-352-2560 Crowns, veils, shoes, capes 426-0767 Headpieces, Tiaras, Veils 845-425-4221 White Sneakers 917-613-6579 White Shoes 845-200-0211 Kallah Hand Bouquet 845-459-3567 Dress your kallah stress free. Book 1 week in advance 518-306-1167 Bridal Shower (845) 248-4218 Misc Ribbis Question? 347-977-0628 Notary Public 347-228-8825 Fix necklines 845-238-6691 Hairstyling 845-540-3731 Hair styling 845-502-6558 Haircuts & Styling 845-352-8101/ 845Haircutting/Styling499-3218 845-263-7057 Haircutting & Styling 845-422-5337 Hospital Supplies 746-8293 Hospital Gown 845-425-8687 Hospital Gown 845-426-4695 Hospital Gowns 845-356-5364 Medical Equipment Email Slmw50@ for Cholim/Homebound Simcha425-2660Maternity 845-425-1725

The Monsey View September 7, 2022

JDNCREDIT:PHOTO ךרוד אשידק אלוליהד אמויב ט”וי ’סות ןגילייה םענופ ’קה ןויצ ןפיוא ןראוועג טלעטשעג ןענעז ךעלטיווק ןוא תולבק 20,000 וצ בורק בוט םוי תופסות ןרק לעפמ ןטמיראב טלעוו ן'כרוד טלעטשעגוצ תועושיה העיסנ םייב שדוקה יחולש יד 288 The Monsey View

JDNCREDIT:PHOTO גרובסלאפ טואס י”ר לגיופטכאוו רעב 'ילא 'ר ןואגה י"ע יסנאמב הרותה תראפת תבישיב לולא שדוח החיתפ ירבד םינומא ירמוש םייח יקוח הלודג הבישיב הרותה דובכ דמעמו םינומא ירמוש תבישי שאר צ"הגה ודכנ לצא ע"יז םינומא ירמושמ ק"הרה תלוליה אריווקסמ ר"ומדאה תדכנל ןיסוריאה תחמש 290 The Monsey View

JDNCREDIT:PHOTO יסנאמ הרותה רוא שדחה ת"תב םייחל תביסמו הזוזמ תעיבק דמעמ סליקסטעק יד ןיא טכוזאב ןידלעז יל טיעטס קראי וינ ןופ ראנרעוואג ראפ טאדידנאק רענאקילבופער 292 The Monsey View

295 845.600.8484 September 7, 2022 The Monsey View

JDNCREDIT:PHOTO 296 The Monsey View

'יולה אריווקסמר"ומדאהתבליהעווזמר"ומדאהתשאתינברהעסמלשה"עא"טילש 297The Monsey View

JDNCREDIT:PHOTO אריווקסמ ר"ומדאה תב א"טילש ליהעווזמ ר"ומדאה תשא ה"ע תינברה לש 'יולה עסמ 298 The Monsey View

JDNCREDIT:PHOTO יסנאמ ראמטאס ד”מהיבב ע”יז בל בטיי לעב ק”הרה תלוליה לגרל רוהטה ןחלושו להק תלבקב ראמטאסמ ר”ומדאה 300 The Monsey View

JDNCREDIT:PHOTO יסנאמ ראמטאס ד”מהיבב ע”יז בל בטיי לעב ק”הרה תלוליה לגרל רוהטה ןחלושו להק תלבקב ראמטאסמ ר”ומדאה 302 845.600.8484 The Monsey View September 7, 2022

MISSION rabbinical in

responsible for

Contents // Inside 130 // Inbox 140 // Parsha 148 // A Haven of Joy 156 // Week in Review 164 // The Last Rebbe of Lodz 174 // The Long Road to Freedom 185 // Food 196 // Functioning At Their Best 210 // What’s Best for Batya? 220 // School Smarts 230 // One Child at a Time 238 // Pack Your Snack 244 // Ricochet 248 // FYI 250 // Fun Pages 260 // Classifieds 288 // Pictures ISSUE 364 SEPTEMBER 7, 2022 ב”פשת לולא א”י NEWCOMICSTARTINGTHISWEEK! Drumroll, Please! Upbeat Haven brings music into every child’s soulDICTIONARIESFYI:LOVING ADINA How a dedicated team made a little girl shine GOODIES IN THEIR BAGS Trademark bakery items made in your own home WHEN IT JUST DOESN’T COMPUTE Help your child overcome executive function delays BUILDBRAINYOUR This word-based workout will get your noggin jogging PUSHING PERFECTIONFOR Could failure be Batya’s achievement? THE MONSEY VIEW P.O. Box 305 Monsey N.Y. 10952 Telephone: 845-600-8484 Fax: 845-600-8483 E-mail: Website:

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The Monsey View. Limit one (1) per family Publisher: YOEL ITZKOWITZ Editor in Chief: D. GORALNIK Content Editor: R. REESE Associate Editor: E.M. NEIMAN Food Editor: M.P. WERCBERGER Creative Director: AJ WACHSMAN Project Coordinator: R. ITZKOWITZ 304 845.600.8484 The Monsey View September 7, 2022

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