The bygone era of Her Majesty’s monarchy in Britain
Take a peek inside the walls of the royal
Rulers and Royalty
From a fish shop in Zichron Yaakov to an empire
Rabbi Isaac Fried shares his story and invites us behind the scenes at Hidabroot

ISSUEFREE 365 SEPTEMBER 14, 2022 אובת יכ תשרפ ב”פשת לולא ח”י FYI: JEWELSCROWNTHE MAKECHANGESMEANINGFULLAST Tips for keeping kabbalos
TOV! Elegant meats for the many meals ahead
The Hidabroot Revolution and the Man Behind It
The exquisitely unique throne of Shlomo Hamelech

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MONSEY, NY WEATHER FORECAST THURSDAY 70°/51° 1% FRIDAY 71°/52° 6% MONDAY 75°/54° 1% SHABBOS 70°/59° 13% TUESDAY 73°/51° 0% SUNDAY 76°/53° 17% WEDNESDAY 74°/53° 0% 144 845.600.8484 The Monsey View September 14, 2022
As a do-it-yourselfer and word geek, I almost fell off my chair when I thought I was supposed to have primed my walls with something I was to pronounce primmer instead of primer. Upon checking the dic tionary, I saw that the word has two usages, and only one of them has the short i pronunciation (and that I haven’t been saying primer wrong all these years!).
INBOX // Talk of Town תשרפל םינמז אובת יכ תורנה תקלדה ץינזיוואריווקס 6:386:336:45 תבש יאצומ8:167:578:14 356-mall6255845NUMBERONE needs.yourall The Everest Equity Company, Inc. Registered Mortgage Broker New York State Department of Financial Services. Mortgage Broker Licensed by the New Jersey Department of Banking and Insurance. Licensed Mortgage Broker CT, PA, FL and NC Banking Departments. Loans arranged through third party providers. Company NMLS ID 12484 8 4 5 3 5 7 6 9 0 0 • n f o @ e v e r e s t e q u t y c o m • e v e r e s t e q u t y c o m 2 E X E C U T V E B L V D S U T E 2 0 1 • S U F F E R N , N Y 1 0 9 0 1 Monsey 27 Orchard Street Monsey, NY 845-425-801010952 BORO PARK 4714 13th Avenue Brooklyn, NY 718-435-869711219 Williamsburg • Lakewood
The letter y is a consonant only at the beginning of a word or as a syllable. In all other occurrences, the letter y is a vowel. Therefore, neither the word rhythm, nor any other words with a vowel y like it, qualify as words without a vowel.
VOWELS AND THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE (Re: School Smarts, Issue 364)
Keep more word features coming!
R. Horowitz
Chavi Hornig, MSEd

TWO WAYS TO LOOK AT IT (Re: School Smarts, Issue 364)
SHEVY HOLLANDER RESPONDS: Thank you for writing in! There actually is a word in the dictionary that has no vowels, including y. Crwth, pronounced krooth, is the name
I had to point this out, I loved the article and I nearly picked Scrabble tiles off the page!
Only primer — the guide book — has a short i, and thankfully, the primer I use for preparing my walls for a paint job is pronounced with a longThoughi.
Contrary to what you wrote in the article about different interest ing words and letter combinations, in the English language, every word must have at least one vowel.

KEEP THE MESSAGE LOVING (Re: The Heart Behind The Desk, Issue 363)

Thank you so much for being such an amazing resource and influencing my kitchen in so many ways.
THE MONSEY VIEW WELCOMES YOUR COMMENTS, FEEDBACK AND LETTERS. EMAIL: FAX: 845-600-8483 MAIL: The Monsey View, POB 305, Monsey, NY 10952 146 845.600.8484 The Monsey View September 14, 2022
of an ancient Celtic string instrument similar to a violin. Of course, in this case as well, the letter w serves as the vowel, but it is interesting to note that there are words in the English language containing no standard vowels.
Ruchy F.
It is not age-appropriate for a school-aged child to be afraid of doing an aveirah. I think we should be careful to not give the wrong messages, even if the story is a very emotional or powerful one. I shared this thought with many friends and family, and everyone had a story to add. These were stories that were told to create an interesting lesson or powerful message but instead created a wrong connection to mitzvos and Hashem. Let’s not create a monster of our Loving Father.
Mrs. C.L. Schwartz
Thank you so much for an amazing publication! It was with great excitement that we saw your new column written by Fayge Holtzberg. Fayge is an amazing, superb therapist who goes above and beyond. With her expertise, positivity and warmth she spreads rays of sunshine wherever she goes. We here at Spinka Cheder in Boro Park are so lucky to have her as our SI therapist. Fayge, we wish you much bracha and hatzlacha!
In the interview with several devoted teachers, a teacher mentioned a popular trend I want to comment on. She wrote that a student came over to her crying because of a shemiras halashon lesson they learned. Stories are a great teaching tool. Many teachers share inspiring stories to help students grow. Oftentimes, though, some stories not only fail to inspire, but actually hurt in the process. A second grader crying because of a story or lesson is not okay. I can only assume how scary the lesson was. The girl was probably more afraid of the pun ishment mentioned in the story than of the halacha.
THE GIFT THAT KEEPS GIVING (Fit for a King, Issue 163)
A SUPERB THERAPIST (Re: One Child at a Time)
Every year, come Elul, when I start to plan how many batches of Tishrei challahs to bake, I take out a few papers from the sheet protectors in which I store them from year to year.And every year, the round challah baking guide comes to such good use. The illustrated instructions and the easy methods you featured back in 2018 are so amazing, that what I soon put into the freezer are regal challahs indeed!

154 845.600.8484 The Monsey View September 14, 2022

In the palace itself, though, there were those who could not tolerate the shepherd’s rise to fame. The king’s other minis ters envied his success. They were especially irked by the fact that this new star was Jewish. They endlessly looked to tattle on him to Abbas the Great, but the king’s ears were closed. He would not accept a negative word about his beloved minister.
Heleader.asked the ministers accompanying him to trace the music, and they discovered a young lad, a shepherd mind ing a herd of sheep. So entranced was the king by the delicate trills that he asked for the young man to be brought to him for a talk.The shepherd found someone to tend to his herd before he turned to speak with the king. As enthralled as the king had been by the beautiful notes, he was even more captivated by the young man’s demeanor. He was smart, straightforward and pleasant to converse with. The king decided on the spot that he simply had to have him on his cabinet. Before long, the shepherd was invited to join the king’s staff and was given the position of finance minister.
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When Abbas the Great died and his son took over the throne, the ministers felt their time had finally come. They came up with accusations and presented them to the new king. The finance minister was summoned to the king, and the charges against him were announced. With a soft smile on his lips, the minister deftly deflected each and every allega tion.The other ministers were angry. Years of envy would not allow them to give up that quickly.
This piqued the ministers’ curiosity. They were sure they’d found their prize. Forcing the finance minister to open the locks, they looked inside — but the room was nearly empty. In one corner, on the floor, lay three items: a stick, a flute and a shepherd’s cloak. The king asked for an explanation.
“What’s this?” they asked.
It’s a Lease!
The shepherd turned out to be more capable than anyone could imagine, and he fulfilled his duties with wisdom and talent to the satisfaction of both the king and the populace. He suggested new ways of doing things that worked well both for the king’s treasury and the people’s pockets. As a result, the new minister was successful and well liked.
The king agreed. Accompanied by guards and ministers, the king showed up at the finance minister’s house one day. To their surprise, it was small and modest. It was clear he hadn’t taken advantage of his position to build himself a mansion. They searched every room, and not a trace of evidence against him could be found. Then the men noticed a locked room.
KING ABBAS THE GREAT had a favored pastime: He en joyed the thrill of hunting and took long excursions into the forests surrounding his palace. One day, as he was out in the open, he heard the sound of a soft flute playing in the dis tance. It was sweet, and it attracted the ears of the mighty Ara bic
“No, no!” the finance minister cried. “This room — don’t touch. No one ever enters it, not even my wife and children!”
“Perhaps the king should pay a surprise visit to the finance minister’s home,” they suggested, sure that there they would find some incriminating evidence.
On a number of occasions, when the Torah discusses mitzvos that would apply upon Klal Yisroel’s arrival in Eretz Yisroel, the language of “ ki yevi’acha — when Hashem will bring you in” is used. But in this parsha the Torah uses the lashon “ ki savo – when you will come” (Devarim 26:1). How can we explain the difference?
“Your Highness,” the finance minister said, “when your fa ther, Abbas the Great, decided to take me under his wings in the royal palace, I was afraid I would grow haughty. I placed these keepsakes of my past in this room, and every day, I close myself in this room and remember where I come from. I play

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the flute and remind myself that ev erything I have is only from Hashem, my G-d. The very fact that I found favor in the eyes of the king and was raised to my current position was not my own doing, but a gift from Above.”

The king was overtaken by the pu rity and humility of his finance min ister and planted a kiss on his fore head. “Rest assured,” he said, “that I will not accept the words of those who speak against you. I am so happy to have you on my staff so you can con tinue to fulfill your duties with loy alty.”
Rav Shlomo Ganczfried, zt”l, au thor of the Kitzur Shulchan Aruch, ex plains the mitzvah of bikkurim accord ing to meforshim
Bringing the first of our fruits to the Beis Hamikdash is meant to re mind us that the entire world belongs to Hashem. We are not more than workers, temporary leaseholders, who were given the opportunity to work the land and reap its fruits. Just like a sharecropper with an agricul tural lease shares his produce with the owner of the fields, so, too, must we share the fruits of our labor with the true Owner, bringing the first of our crop to His palace.
This is why the pasuk says, “Ve haya ki savo — And it will be when you will come.” When a person enters his field, he shouldn’t feel as if he him self, with his own toil and efforts, inherited the land and became its owner — even if it may seem that way. By offering the first of our fruits, we remind ourselves that we aren’t do ing it all on our own, but rather, it is Hashem Who gives us all.
* * * * *

162 845.600.8484 The Monsey View September 14, 2022

R’ Isaac Fried:
“They are called baalei teshuvah, but in reality, they are einiklach of the greatest tzaddikim.”
R’ Isaac, as someone involved in the business world, formerly of the diamond industry, who is now leading Hidabroot at the age of 60, can you look back on the last 20 years and tell us about how you came to this position?
R’ Isaac used to attend the seminars, and many baalei teshuvah who have beauti ful heimish families today say that what led them on the path to teshuvah was the warm smile they got from R’ Isaac. He created an incredible revo R’lution.Isaac owns a fish store, and when payroll time came and the checks for the Hidab
renowned talmid chacham, posek and mechaber seforim from an illustrious line of rabbanim. To day, he has five yeshivos and 2,000 kollel yungerleit under him.
From a fish shop in Zichron Yaakov to an empire transforming the teshuvah world

164 845.600.8484 The Monsey View September 14, 2022
Rabbi Isaac Fried shares his story and invites us behind the scenes at Hidabroot.

I’m originally from Bel gium, and when I was younger I wasn’t familiar with the world of baalei teshuvah at all. Years ago, my Rebbe, the Belzer Rav, approached me to do kiruv. I went to a seminar with the goal of learning how to reach out to the Jewish youth and bring them closer to Hashem. That was my very first exposure to kiruv
At one of the seminars, there was a speaker, Rav Zamir Co hen, who learned in a kollel in Beitar and had a yeshivah for baalei teshuvah. Rav Cohen is a

It turned out to be a good move, because he spread the word to many other potential donors and described to them how he had witnessed the behind-the-scenes work from the fish store. In the begin ning stages of Hidabroot, when
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R’ Isaac Fried:
One major donor from America had donated a mil lion dollars. I wanted him to buy our building. He asked me what my day job is, and I re plied that I own a fish store. He was taken aback. He asked me where it is located, and I told him it’s in Zichron Yaakov.
funds were low, I used to open the registers at the fish store and donate the funds to pay from there.
In fact, once when R’ Isaac had to go to America and had someone design busi ness cards for him, he figured that it would be a waste of money to make two sets of business cards. So he designed a doublesided card - one side ad vertised the fish store, and the other side advertised Hidabroot.
R’ Isaac Fried:
root employees needed to be signed by R’ Isaac, the administrator would meet him at the fish store. Not only that, but all the meet ings and discussions for Hidabroot took place there, even meetings with donors! As he went about doing his work at the fish store, dressed in his workclothes, he was running the opera tions of Hidabroot over the phone.
I used to lock up my fish store late Thursday night and travel to the seminar until after Shabbos, where I was hoping to bring more Yidden closer to Hashem. R’ Zamir Cohen also attended the seminars as a dis tinguished speaker. After the speeches ended, the rabbanim and speakers would stay up all night speaking with bachurim who approached them, inspir ing so many neshamos on the path of teshuvah.

One fine day, the donor himself popped into my fish store. I was flabbergasted to see him, and asked what brought him here all the way from America. He told me he could not believe that I’m leading a groundbreaking organization with a mufti-million-dollar budget that transforms so many lives, and at the same time, I run a fish store. He wanted to visit and see for him self if I was telling the truth.
One night at 10:30, R’ Zamir Cohen approached me and in troduced his idea, which would change the world. He told me that a baal teshuvah had sug gested that since every reli gious group is entitled to two hours of weekly broadcasting time, we should open a broad cast channel and run four halfhour sessions of our seminars each week. It could be a major opportunity to reach not-yetfrum people directly .

I remember it was on a Wednesday night, and the gabbai did not let me in be cause the Rav was learning. I told him, “I have a critical question, and it will be your responsibility if you don’t al low me to clarify it!” He went in to the Rav, and I was imme diately ushered inside.
When Rav Chaim Wosner, zt”l, came to Eretz

Yisroel from London and sat on Harav Wosner’s beis din, I went to show him the activi ties of RavHidabroot.Chaim Wosner re plied, “Do you think you need to show me these activities? I’m answering questions re garding Hidabroot on a daily basis; all your shailos are be ing addressed by our beis din!” But we told him that either way we wanted to take the op portunity to show him our ac tivities personally. We sat with Harav Chaim Wosner for over an Ashour!we were driving back to Yerushalayim, I got a phone call from Harav Wosner’s house, asking where we were. I told him we were about to enter Yerushalayim. He told us that Harav Wosner heard from his son Rav Chaim Wos ner what we had shared about Hidabroot, and he wants to hear about it from us first hand.The next day, we went over to Harav Wosner and gave him a full report of our actions and success stories. Suddenly, I saw tears stream ing out of his heilige eyes. When we fin ished our report, he told us tearful ly, “Halevai sheyihei chelki imachem.”
I immediately responded, “I’m a frum, heimish chassid! Why would you involve me in something like TV?!” But then I thought that this was clearly a question for daas Torah, so I set out to ask my Rebbe.
At that point R’ Isaac visited Gedolei Yis roel to get their bracha. Harav Wosner, zt”l, remarked, “Zu mitzvah gedo lah; gam ani mitztareif.” He was very emo tional about this new de velopment and its Yisroel.impactpotentialonKlal

R’ Isaac Fried:

After I posed the shailah to the Rav, he opened his eyes wide and responded, “Isaac! If what you are saying is true, then just do it! For 50 years we have been struggling to reach these people; now we have the opportunity to reach our brothers in the comfort of their homes! They won’t come to us; we have to go to them…”
םייחב םהילא רמאיו םעה לא דריו ד"סב 'תורבדיה' ןוגרא ןעמל א"טילש לארשי ילודג ןנברו ןנרממ שדוק תאירק תצפהל לארשי ילודג לש םתוחילשב לעופה תורבדיה ןוגרא לש הפנעה ותוליעפ םיבר תב רעשב עדונ רבכ יפלא תואמ ברקמו ,"ירצמה דימ תינחה תא לוזגיו" םינש הזמ ומצעב םייקמו .ולוכ םלועה יבחרב תודהיו הרות .'ה יארי םיצרמו םינבר י"ע ,םיימשבש םהיבאל לארשי ינב וניחא תומשנ אלול דבכה לטנב דומעל םילוכי םניאו רפסמ ןיא דע תובורמ תואצוההו דואמ בר םהיפתכ לע ץבורה יפסכה לועהשכ ולא םימיב .םיברה יוכיזב קלח לוטילו םנימיל דומעל הבר הוצמ ,בלה יבידנ ,חווירב הסנרפל ,םכידי השעמ לכב החלצהו הכרב עפשב ךרבתהל םכל דומעת םלועב םימש דובכ תלדגה לש וז תוכזש ןוצר יהיו .ו"ח רעצ םוש ילב תחנ בור ךותמ האריהו הרותה יכרדב םכיאצאצ לדגל וכזתו ה"יא םוקי ןכ יקסביינק םייח חקור בוד רכשי 'קה אזלעבמ ר"ומדאה צ"הרהב לארשי ה"הללוצזץינזיומי"מרהומ ןב ךלמילא יבצ 'קה ה"הללצז ר"ומדא ק"כ זנאצמ ר"ומדאה ראיירב בוד םוחנ ןאיובמ ר"ומדאה ןייטשלדא ןהכ םולשיכדרמיחרזאךורב בוד יקסרבופךורבללהשריההשמ ןועמשינדעב יבצןמגרבריאמ ןב רגאה לידנמ םחנמ י"מרהומ ר"ומאא ק"כ ה"הללצז ץינזיומ ר"ומאאלב ץיבוניבר אלאיבמ ה"הללקוצז צ"הרהומב השמ לארשי בקעי הרוגידאסמםהרבאר"ומדאה ק"הרהב באז הנרובדנמה"הללקוצזרזעילאר"ומדאה א"רהומ צ"ההב בקעי ה"הללצז ץינזיו טרעסמ ר"ומדאה צ"הרהב לואש םייח ל"קוצזץיזדאממד"ירהומ היאמ השמ רנייש קחציןהכ דוד הדוהירגניזלשהשמ ןייטשרבליזקחציר"ומאלב ףסוי דוד ףסוי ע"רגה זבלא ןבואר 166 845.600.8484 The Monsey View September 14, 2022
Harav Elyashiv, as well as many other Gedolei Ha dor encouraged us, and the empire we have built today is all in the zechus of their support. Currently Hidab root is based in a five-story building with 22 depart ments and over 320 employees. We see ourselves as a

On my way out, he called me back and asked for proof of what I said. The next day I brought him all the papers I had to sign: over 300 pages!

167 845.600.8484 September 14, 2022 The Monsey View
At the time, relations between the chareidim and the not-yet-frum were very strained. But over the last eigh teen years, many have warmed up toward Yid dishkeit. It’s now more accepted to embrace mitzvos and explore HidabrootYiddishkeit.provides the neighborhoods they serve with the resourc es to perform mitzvos For example, there is now mehadrin meat in all their stores, and Hi dabroot host selichos in over 40 locations. The same goes for matzos, mekomei tefillah, Cha nukah licht, etc. Hidab root empowers Yidden to do mitzvos through out all stages of life, from birth until 120.

There are extensive programs for chasanim and kallahs baalei te shuvah, who come to Hidabroot prior to mar riage to learn everything they need to build a Yiddishe home. They educate the couples together, as well as of fer separate lectures for chasanim and kallahs
The Israeli government has always worked hard to stop us from continuing. I was once fined 2,000 shekel for advertising a seminar. We tried pulling all kinds of strings, but in the end we were forced to pay the fine or face shutoff. Our program actually was shut down for a few hours dur ing that Manytime.baalei teshuvah have our channel as part of their routine; they can’t start the day without tun ing into Hidabroot. We have programs for women about cooking and recipes, all with the objective to bring them closer to Yid dishkeit. We changed their world and their future with an incredible revolution.
R’ Isaac Fried:
Countless baalei teshuvah asked how they can continue to follow us once they get rid of their television. We spent mil lions to create a kosher option that has access only to our
Hidabroot is, baruch Hashem, zoche to save so many Yiddishe do ros. They enter the terri tory of the not-yet-frum through their innovative programs, and once a neshamah gets a taste of Yiddishkeit, it wants more and more… Over 2,000 calls and emails come in to Hidabroot daily with all kinds of questions and re quests, and they never turn anyone away.
massive ship sailing amid the waves, with thousands of people and families con nected to us. In the taharas hamishpacha section alone, we have 80,000+ families whom we guide and stay in contact with.

Thursday night, Rabbi Zamir Cohen address es hundreds of not-yet-frum Yidden, and the answers are published on our channel. It began with seven or eight people gathered at someone’s house, and grew to hundreds of people attending, and thousands seeing it all over Eretz Yisroel, not to mention the impact we have world wide.As Hidabroot developed, we became like a father to these Yidden, by being there for them and helping in any way we can, even beyond the official scope of the organiza tion. We want to send a clear message that we are there to support them no mat ter what, and they can reach out to us for anything they need. From rescuing a child trapped by Arabs, to provid ing food during the coronavi rus, there’s nothing we won’t do to help bring them closer to Yiddishkeit. If a family needs someone to lead their Shabbos seudah, we send the right person… and on and on. Each call and each mitzvah leads to the next.
From the Viksharten Tefil lin initiative, which set up 600 booths all over Eretz Yisroel and gifted 950 te fillin sets to Yidden, to the Hidabroot magazine with 14,300,000 copies dis tributed annually in 400 cities and towns around Eretz Yisroel, to commu nity Shabbosos, to the Hi dabroot center in Petach Tikvah, which hosts semi nars, conferences and lec tures… the impact is tre Womenmendous.can

Today, Hidabroot reaches thousands of Yidden in Eretz Yisroel and world wide through their many divisions. The Hidab root channel receives 264,000 daily views.
Hidabroot’s website fea tures 5,000 articles in

benefit from shalom bayis support and chesed programs for those with financial or medical challenges. Et gar, the Hidabroot division for teenage girls, runs a 24/6 hotline; answers the needs of teenage girls in distress; hosts workshops and retreats regularly; and empowers parents with legal and professional guidance. And, of course, the Hidabroot channel, website and articles con tinue to inspire hundreds of thousands around the world every day.
program, and no other un kosher content. We also have an option for listeners to call us directly and ask any ques tions on their mind. Our suc cess lies in our approach — we offer thousands of people access to life-changing mes sages in the comfort of their ownEveryhome.

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fifteen languages. Semi nars take place annually in Eretz Yisroel, Los Angeles, New York and Brazil, with thousands of attendees.
join the Metch abrot division, which has inspired over 1,946 to take on the mitzvah of taha ras hamishpacha; the Ima Moms for Life program, which supports mothers as they bring children into the world; and programs that provide support against in Familiestermarriage.can

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Born and bred in Boro Park, Meyer was an everyman, gain ing his education at Yeshiva Karlin-Stolin, Yeshiva Ohel Yaa kov the Mir and Beis Medrash Govoha. He opened up a print ing business known as Paper Masters, which still operates today, but spent the vast majority of his time engaged in tzarchei tzibbur. Whether it was meeting with the NYPD to ensure that shuls were properly protected over the Yomim Tovim; coordi nating logistics of mass events, including the 2005 and 2012 Si yumei Hashas and the Skulener Rebbe’s levayah; helping craft legislation that would ensure speedy burials or dozens of other issues; Meyer would be there advocating for the Jewish com munity, his passion and determination underlaid by his softspokenAlwayshumility.looking to find ways to improve the lot of those go ing through difficult straits, Meyer founded Project Yedid to provide support to almanos and yesomim, which often fell by the wayside once shivah was over. Over the years, Project Yedid grew to become a massive operation and the largest chunk of Misaskim’s seven-digit budget, with an effort made to ensure that those who had suffered a loss would have a reason to smile on every Yom Tov. Project Yedid hosted massive chol hamoed out ings for its children and delivered flowers and cheesecakes for Shavuos. In recent years, Project Yedid upgraded its mishloach manos to a full-scale Purim seudah, with families able to choose the foods they liked best as well as their preferred hechsherim. The entire package, includ ing a full meal, paper goods and drinks, was then home-delivered by Misaskim volunteers. Chanukah was another op portunity to go all out for Project Yedid’s kids, who received toys, Chanukah gelt, and “gebentchte gelt,” a stack of ten one dollar bills, each one bearing the brachos of a different gadol.
It has become so much a part of the fabric of our society that it is hard to remember a time when Misaskim wasn’t just a phone call away, bringing chairs, sifrei Torah, siddurim, Chu mashim and other essentials to shivah homes in every major JewishMisaskimcommunity.wasthe brainchild of Rabbi Yankie Meyer, who passed away last Friday at the age of 59 at Maimonides Medi cal Center after battling an illness. A member of Chevra Hatza lah who volunteered with numerous other organizations and was a law enforcement chaplain for the New York City Police Department and the Port Authority Police Department, Meyer was a familiar face both to the Jewish community and to law enforcement, jumping in to offer his assistance wherever he saw a Goingneed.out on Hatzalah calls some twenty years ago, Meyer realized that there was an incredible void that existed when someone passed away. There was no central entity coordi nating the long list of arrangements that needed to be made, which could include anything from setting up a shivah house to expediting a burial and everything in between. A serial volun teer who grew up in a home dedicated to chesed, Meyer stepped up to pull those pieces together, founding Misaskim under the guidance of Rabbi Yechezkel Roth, shlit”a. In an interview with Mishpacha Magazine, Meyer said that Misaskim made its first delivery of shivah chairs when Rebbetzin Zahava Braunstein passed away in 2005. He described the response to Misaskim’s debut as “a runaway train.”
In no time at all, Misaskim became the address for needs of all kinds, and Meyer was all in, using his connections to pre vent autopsies and cremations and to work with government agencies to expedite burials. Whenever a crisis arose or trag edy struck, Meyer was there, and over time he earned the re spect of those he worked with who appreciated his profession alism and his calm demeanor, as well as his ability to get even the most difficult of jobs done.
Klal Yisroel Mourns Misaskim Founder Yankie Meyer
While Meyer had been battling an illness in recent months, it wasn’t un til last week that that information be came public. Tehillim groups were quickly formed to daven for his refuah, and Misaskim volunteers from differ ent communities traveled to Monsey to daven for Meyer at the tzion of the Rib nitzer Rebbe. News of his passing Friday morning shattered hearts everywhere,

and social media was flooded with tributes to Meyer from the NYPD and elected officials, including Mayor Eric Adams and New York State Attorney General Letitia James, as well as manyHisothers.levayah was held Friday morning in front of his 57th Street home in Boro Park, with thousands in attendance rep resenting every segment of the Jewish community. It was a fitting tribute to an individual who saw every Yid as a mem ber of his own family, and who advocated relentlessly on be half of acheinu Bnei Yisroel without ever once asking for any thing for Chaverimhimself.ofRockland coordinator Yossi Margaretten knew Meyer for more than 20 years. Magaretten originally volunteered for Misaskim when he lived in Boro Park, and when he moved to Monsey seventeen years ago, he made sure to find a house with a garage that would serve as Misaskim’s MonseyMargarettenwarehouse.recalled how Meyer would call him at all times of day or night with chesed opportunities, which in cluded serving as a driver for Rav Matisyahu Solomon, shlit”a.
As someone who is heavily involved in the local communi ty, Margaretten credited Meyer with being his rebbe in chesed.
Twenty-one years after the Twin Towers came crashing down to the ground, memorials were held nationwide to remember those who died in the unprecedented terror at tacks on United States soil. The Associated Press reported that President Joe Biden laid a wreath at the Pentagon on Sunday, while his wife Jill spoke at a ceremony in Shanksville, Penn sylvania, where the fourth plane crashed. While Vice Presi dent Kamala Harris spoke at the National September 11th Memorial in New York, no political speakers have ever spo ken at Ground Zero, where massive stone slabs list the names of all those who died.
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9/11 Anniversary Marked by Somber Ceremonies
As in previous years, the day was observed with read ings of the names of the nearly 3,000 people who died at the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001, after two passen ger jets flew directly into the towers. The first plane hit the north tower of the World Trade Center at 8:45 a.m., burning a gaping hole near the building’s 80th floor and trapping hun dreds in the higher floors of the 110-story building. The sec ond plane flew directly into the area of the 60th floor of the south tower just 18 minutes later, making it clear that what was thought to be a tragic accident was a deliberate attack.

“Whatever I do today, it is definitely from him,” said Mar garetten. “I spent so many years with him, and even now when I deal with law enforcement, I remember how Yankie did it, because he taught me how to deal with officials. He al ways told me that whatever I needed, he would take care of, and every now and then I would call him up when something new came up and he would guide me, telling me what to do and how to take care of it.”
“He would say to me, ‘Yossi, Rav Matisyahu needs to go somewhere; go pick him up,’” said Margaretten. “Every day with Yankie was always another experience.”

Misaskim’s Yankie Meyer was one of the many Hatzalah members who raced to Ground Zero on September 11, as re ported in Mishpacha, reaching the site just as the second plane struck. Meyer watched in horror as people leaped from the up per floors of the burning building, and a stranger pulled him to safety as the second tower came down. In the months that followed, Meyer was the person called to Ground Zero in the middle of the night every time a body was found, because he was the chaplain who lived closest to the site.
King Charles III is Britain’s New Monarch as Queen Elizabeth II Dies at 96
Britain is currently in a state of mourning, and Queen Eliz abeth’s state funeral is expected to take place at Westminster Abbey on September 19. King Charles’ coronation will take place at an unnamed date, with the Archbishop of Canterbury placing a solid gold crown on his head. Dating back to 1661, the 4.9-pound crown is studded with over 400 precious and semi precious stones and is the centerpiece of the Crown Jewels of the United Kingdom.
Shmuel Katz, who worked on the 85th floor of one of the towers, was one of the ones who miraculously survived. Ac cording to VIN News, Katz had asked his bosses to shift his schedule so that he could come in and leave the office two hours later than usual, in order to avoid traveling on rush hour trains filled with immodestly dressed women. Know ing Katz to be industrious and diligent, his supervisors agreed to his request, and Katz had yet to arrive at the World Trade Center when the planes struck on 9/11. He passed away this past week, with Rav Meilich Biderman sharing his story at his weekly shiur
In a brief address to mourners, an emotional King Charles expressed his gratitude to his mother and vowed to continue respecting British traditions while still embracing the changes that have taken place since she had become queen.
As in past years, Rabbi Mordechai Jungreis, the Nikols burger Rebbe, made his way to Ground Zero to pay his re spects, saying Kaddish and Tehillim at the site where multiple members of the Jewish community lost their lives.
Buckingham Palace sent out a statement on Thursday after noon saying that the Queen’s doctors were concerned for her health. CNBC reported that the 96-year-old Queen Elizabeth
It was the end of a royal era across the pond as Queen Eliza beth II passed away last Thursday, marking the end of a mon archy that spanned 70 years.
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had been on vacation at Bal moral, her Scottish estate, since last July, eight months after she started cutting back on public appearanc es, and that her health had been deteriorating in recent months. The Queen’s chil dren — then-Prince Charles, Princess Anne, Prince An drew and Prince Edward — all rushed to Balmoral, and her death was reported by Buckingham Palace at 6:31 p.m.
In an unexpected move, King Charles III spent his first day as Britain’s new monarch speaking with mourners in front of Buckingham Palace, where thousands had lined up to pay tribute to Queen Elizabeth. The Wall Street Journal reported that the crowd numbered in the thousands, with those who couldn’t get near the palace passing up bouquets of flowers to be placed at the gates. Others left flowers, symbols, stuffed an imals and handwritten notes of gratitude at the base of trees near the palace.
Two more planes were part of the terror effort — one hitting the Pentagon at 9:45 a.m. and another brought down by pas sengers in a Pennsylvania field after they learned of the attack by phone and were told by hijackers that they were being di verted to an unknown destination.


Tributes to Her Majesty poured in from the United King dom’s Jewish community, reported The Jewish Chronicle. Brit ain’s chief rabbi, Rabbi Ephraim Mirvis, said that the Queen represented the noble values of British society.
Elizabeth’s reign spanned fifteen prime min isters, starting with Winston Churchill and ending with Liz Truss, who was appoint ed by Her Majesty on Tuesday, September 6, to replace Boris Johnson.TheQueen’s death sets in motion a litany of new titles, with Prince Charles taking his mother’s place immediately upon her death as King Charles III. Charles’ older son, Prince Wil liam, is inheriting his father’s titles of Duke of Cornwall and Prince of Wales, and is now heir to the throne.
“Throughout her extraordinary reign she conducted her self with grace, dignity and humility and was a global role model for distinguished leadership and selfless devotion to so ciety,” said Rabbi Mirvis. “In an ever-changing world, she was a rock of stability and a champion of timeless values.”
“Our values have remained constant and must remain con stant,” said King Charles. “Whatever may be your background or beliefs, I shall endeavor to serve you with loyalty, respect and love, as I have throughout my life.”

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RECAP: Julia Bergman needs to find cash to pay for a big plumbing job, which leads her to start looking into their recent banking history. She discovers that apparently, her husband didn’t pay for his Poland ticket from any of their personal bank accounts. Where did the money come from? Meanwhile, at a tense meeting in Lodz city hall, Lenny refuses to withdraw his claim to the manuscript.
his seat. “I’m afraid you’ll have to prove that before I can give you the manu script. Mr. Bergman, the same goes for you. I’ll give you both a few days to as semble your documents. To consult with your lawyers, if you want. At that point, I’ll review whatever you give me and make a decision. I’ll either give the manuscript to one of you, summon you to trial at a later date, or retain custody of the manuscript on behalf of the Pol ish government, until such time as more reliable information becomes available.”
Lenny jumped up and shook his head angrily. “You just want to keep the man uscript for Lucjan’syourselves!”smiledisappeared in an in stant. “We’re going to do what we think
zzy had never had the urge to hit someone before. Even when Kenny Borden had treated him so awfully, Izzy hadn’t wanted to strike the old oisvarf. But Lenny’s betrayal hurt more. He was Jewish. He was family. And he’d stabbed them in the back twice.

“Mr. Kowalski,” he said, “whether or not Mr. Bergman knew, when he filed his paperwork, that he wasn’t the right ful heir, he certainly knows it now. This is a deliberate lie.”
It took everything Izzy had in him not to slap that weaselly look clean off Len ny’sZachface.must have realized how Izzy felt, because he laid a restraining hand on Izzy’s shoulder. His own face was devoid of emotion.“Howdare you?!” Izzy hissed, but Zach cut him off.
Lucjan Kowalski shifted nervously in
“What? No fair!” Lenny exclaimed. “I filedLucjanfirst!”smiled subtly. “That’s not how it works here, sir.”
“Thanks,” Julia said into the phone, and hung up. She turned to Josie and smiled daggers. “No need to show me theTheway…”conference room was immedi ately behind her. Walls of thick glass ran floor to ceiling, making it per fectly visible to the rest of the office.
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Zach shrugged, rolled up the win dow, and hit the gas.
Lenny Bergman stood there, shiv ering and looking at them in confu sion.Zach leaned closer to the passenger door and spoke loudly above the wind. “Need a lift?”
They cruised along slowly, the wip ers working overtime to keep the ac cumulating snow at bay. Suddenly, Zach pulled off to the side of a road, stopping at a bus stop where a lone man stood waiting, bundled up in a green long coat and woolen hat.
Lucjan nodded curtly. “Very well, then. Have a nice day.”
“Just let him know I’m here,” Julia said, ignoring the contemptuous look Josie gave her frumpled and overworn outfit.“Mr. Baumgarden’s very busy,” Josie insisted. “Unless you have an ap point—”“I’m not a client,” Julia snapped. “He works with my husband. Would you please just tell him I’m here?”
is right — whether you like it or not.” He turned to his computer and moved his fingers rapidly over the keyboard. “I will see you all… Sunday morning at 10 o’clock? Can you both make it then?”“It’s fine with me,” Zach said even ly. “Lenny?”Looking only at Lucjan, Lenny nodded slightly. “I’ll be there.”
“What are you doing?” Izzy asked.
Zach held out his hand to Lucjan. “Thanks for your help,” he said. “I know you’re just doing your job.”
Yossi’s office was on the twentyfifth floor of the Nelson Tower. Enor mous glass windows showcased a breathtaking view of the city, while the office itself was spacious, wellequipped and immaculately clean.
This is Julia Bergman,” Julia said. “I’m in your office. I wanted to talk to you about something, but your secretary—” here she shot a venomous glare to Josie “— refused to buzz you. Do you have a few minutes?”Therewas a thud and then some fumbling over the line. “Sorry, dropped my phone,” Yossi said quick ly. “Yeah, that’s fine. I’ll meet you in the conference room in five.”
offer help to the man who had just betrayed them?
Julia didn’t bother to answer. She hadn’t wanted to call ahead, didn’t want Yossi to have time to prepare for this visit. But that didn’t matter now. Besides, it was time to put this woman in herSheplace.pulled her phone from her purse and dialed a number, switching the phone to speaker.
She walked into the chic front of fice and asked Josie, the new secre tary, to tell Mr. Baumgarden she was there.Josie studied her manicured nails carefully. “Do you have an appoint ment?” She had a high-pitched, nasal tone, like a badly tuned violin.
The secretary looked down her very considerable nose at Julia and raised a delicate eyebrow. “I’m sor ry,” she said. “But he’s just not avail able at the moment. I’ll be happy to book you an appointment for another time. His next available slot is—” she paused, and the corners of her mouth twitched into the barest hint of a cruel smile. “A week from Tuesday.”
Instead of answering, Zach tooted the horn and rolled down the passen ger window. Izzy winced as snow and cold assaulted them.
In short, Julia thought to herself, it was everything Lenny had aspired to, and everything he’d failed to achieve.
Izzy watched Lenny jump out of his seat and scurry out the door. It oc curred to him that, during their en tire interview, Lenny had never once met their eyes.
Yossi Baumgarden was Lenny’s best friend. A successful real estate agent of fifteen years, Yossi had been the one who first pushed Lenny into the field after his disastrous stint as a contractor. Yossi showed Lenny the ropes and passed along a few clients to help get Lenny established.
Izzy didn’t get it. Was Zach hoping his manbigZachhere?gamesomeWasny’sweakengesturefriendlywouldLenresolve?theredeepergoingonOrwasreallyaenoughthathecould
Lucjan took the hand and shook it. “I appreciate that, sir.”
Outside, it had begun snowing heavily. They pushed through icy wind, little puffs of snow attacking them on all sides. The wind chattered angrily and warned them to go back indoors.Izzy’s face began to feel numb. He regretted that he hadn’t put on his earmuffs when they were inside. He didn’t want to pull his hood off now, though.They slogged through the snow to the car. Izzy hit unlock and tossed the keys to Zach. He wasn’t in the mood to driveTheyanywhere.satinto the car and waited for the motor to heat up. Zach ran the wipers and cleared the wind shield enough to allow for some vis ibility. When the vents finally began to breathe out a little warmth, Zach shifted into gear and started driving.
The man turned to them, and a cold that had nothing to do with the weather turned Izzy’s veins to ice.
If so, Izzy thought, Zach was a big ger man than he.
Whatever Zach’s intention, it didn’t work. Lenny stared longingly at the warm, dry car. But after a moment, he shook his head sadly and turned away.
Within moments, Lenny had faded into the snow and was gone.
* * * * *
They stood up to leave, Izzy shak ing with suppressed rage. Zach led him out to the entrance, and they put on their coats in silence.
“I didn’t misunderstand anything!” Julia said quietly.
Julia nodded. “Do you know of any separate bank accounts he might have kept secret from me? I’m not seeing the debit for the ticket in any of our bank ac counts. How did he pay for it? A business account, maybe?”
Yossi held up both hands in surrender. “I’m not gonna get in the middle of what ever this is,” he said. “I like Lenny, and we’ve always liked your family. If you guys are having trouble, please don’t throw that on us, okay? I’m happy to help, but I’m not going to take sides.”
Yossi was true to his word. He walked in with a harried smile within a few minutes.

“First of all,” she said, outwardly calm but inwardly shaking, “I don’t think it’s a vacation at all. It’s not Lenny’s style. Did he tell you another reason he might be leav ing the Yossicountry?”appeared to consider for a moment. “Nope,” he told her. “He just said he’s been planning a Poland vacation for a while, and can I handle his clients while he’s gone.”“Right.”
Yossi looked profoundly uncomfortable all of a sudden. “Maybe you misunder—”
Julia smiled thinly. “He told you he’d been planning this trip for a while, but I didn’t hear about it until the day he flew out. And he said he’d booked the ticket that day, made it sound like the whole idea had only just come up. Would you say there’s a good explanation for that, too?”
“Thanks,” Julia said unhappily. “Thank you for your time.”
Julia“How’sabout.”that?”studiedhim, trying to decide if his innocence was just an act. He certainly looked sincere, if a bit confused. Then again, she’d always taken Lenny for his word, and how many times had that turned out to be a mistake?
“How are you?” he asked, taking a seat directly across the“Fine.table. Thank you. Yourself? The“We’refamily?”both great,” Yossi said with genuine warmth. “Kids are giving us a run for our money, of course, but that’s life. What about Lenny? Is he enjoying his vacation?”
“That’s not what I’m asking!” Julia said. “All I’m asking is if you know why he re ally went to Poland, or if you know how he paid for the ticket.” She forced her voice to remain level. “That’s all. I just need to know what’s going on.”
“Look, it sounded a little weird to me, too, him going on vacation to Poland like that. But people change, they suddenly get interested in their heritage. It happens.” Yossi stood up. “I have to get back to work,” he said lamely. “Lenny didn’t tell me any thing else about this trip. And I don’t know about how he paid for it.” He walked to the door and stood there uncertainly. “That’s all I can say.”
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Yossi frowned. “Look, not that it’s any of my business, but you should trust him more. Lenny’s a good guy. He’s not a liar. If you can’t see the debit, that doesn’t have to mean something. I’m sure there’s a good explanation.”
“You wanted to talk about...?” “Sorry.” She couldn’t think of a good way to phrase this. “I’m a little concerned about this trip, to be honest.”
Julia pushed open the glass door and took a seat at the dark wood table that spanned the length of the room.
Why did this have to be so hard?
Yossi leaned back in his chair. “How so?”
“He’s fine,” she said, though she really didn’t know. “That’s actually what I came to talk
So Yossi thought the trip was a vacation too. Or maybe he just wanted Julia to think that. She shook her head.

Yours?” sputtered the Marques. “How dare you! Who worked for this money? Did your father sell perfumes or cattle for a profit? Did he engage in commerce of any sort? He amassed his wealth from the coffers of the Crown. He got whatever he had from the taxes and revenues that the Crown collected from the good people of Spain. And all the time, he was a secret Jew, an impostor posing as a good Christian, a faithful child of the holy Church. Everything he ever had he acquired under false pretenses. Would he have re ceived a single franc if it were known that he was a Jew? Answer that question, young Dominguez. Look me in the eye, and answer it. Would he have received a single franc?”Sebastian sat in silence. He did not say a word.
er has gained his sympathy, but this outrage must come to an end. The Spanish government is prepared to bring this matter before every court in the land and in Chris tendom. We will do anything to ensure that your family does not succeed. We will not rest until the properties are recovered and returned to the Spanish Crown, the Span ish Church and the Spanish people, even if the expense of recovering the properties is greater than the value of the properties themselves. We will drive your kinsman Giscard Duvalier, the Comte de Bonvilliers, into ruin. We will drive you into such deep ruin that you will not recov er for
“That is somewhat unkind, monsieur,” interrupted the minister, who had remained silent throughout the ti rade. There was a malicious twinkle in his eye that he did not try to conceal.
The Marques grunted and turned back to Sebastian. “In any case, that is what I want from you, young Domin guez. Enough of this foolishness. Enough of these frivo

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Recap: Sebastian flourishes financially in Metz. The Dominguez family soon gets word that an auto-da-fe with dummies in their likeness had been performed in Spain, and as those condemned by the Inquisition, their properties have been confiscated by the Inquisition.
Sebastian is summoned to the Royal Court where the Marques, representing the Spanish Crown, informs him that the family’s lawsuit has caused them to lose patience.
“Whatgenerations.”doyouwant, Your Excellency?” said Sebastian. “Why did you call me here? What is it that you want from me?”“I want you to desist from this foolishness,” said the Marques. “It is humiliating for the Spanish Crown to be dragged through the courts by a family of renegade Jews. I know that the French King is enjoying it —”
“You are silent, because you have nothing to say,” said the Marques. “What can you say? Nothing! Your lawsuits are scandalous. Why should money taken from the royal coffers support a Jewish woman and her children, people who are renegades from Spanish justice and from the Holy Office of the Inquisition, the defenders of the purity of the Holy Church? The King has been protecting you because he is a gallant French gentleman and your moth
our Excellency,” said Sebastian, “we are only trying to recover what is rightfully ours.”“Yours?
“I believe you have, monsieur,” said the minister.
“Because the Crown needed him,” said Sebastian.
“If he were alive,” Sebastian repeated bitterly.
“Say it,” said the Marques. “Why didn’t he leave?”
“We are not here to discuss whether or not your father deserved to die,” said the Marques. “But I will tell you one thing. Your father could have fled from Spain for years before he was arrested. And do you know why he didn’t leave? Do you know, young Dominguez?”
Dona Angelica was concerned about one thing above all. The match between Caroli na and Uriel Pereira was becoming very se rious. They had met again, and it had gone very well. The Pereira family had indicated to the matchmaker that they were just about ready to finalize the match. But what would happen when the Pereiras discovered that the Dominguez family could not provide the couple with even one hundred Reichsthal ers, let alone ten thousand? Their interest would quickly evaporate. The glamor of the
In a strange way, it was somewhat of a relief. It liberated them from the past and allowed them to face the future and make a completely fresh start. They were talented and resourceful people, and they felt confident that somehow they would survive and even prosper. They had sacrificed everything for the Amighty, and in turn, He had shielded and protected them thus far. They trusted in Him that He would continue to do so. The support of the A-mighty, they told themselves, was more important than the support of the king of France.
* * * * *
“Call it what you wish,” said the Marques. “I call it a fair warning for the sake of your father, whom I once considered among my good friends.”
Sebastian nodded.
“So do you think he would countenance what you are doing?”
“Since he was so loyal to the Crown,” said Sebastian, “that he gave up his life, isn’t he owed something in return?”
“I see,” said Sebastian. “So that is it. We have lost.”
lous lawsuits. They are an embarrassment to the Spanish Crown, which your father would never have tolerated if he were alive, and they will bring you down to everlasting ruin.”
The effect of the discontinuation of the lawsuits was immediate. Within a few weeks, all the properties were liquidated, and the proceeds were transferred to the Inquisition. The Dominguez family was effectively destitute, but it did not come as a total shock. Their prospects had been in steep decline ever since they had been burned in effigy.

“I would like to add something,” said the minister. “This lawsuit is certainly an embarrassment for the Spanish Crown, but it is also becoming somewhat unpleasant for the French Crown as well. The King, therefore, has asked me to inform you that you may pursue this lawsuit to the fullest extent, but that the Crown will no longer explicitly or implicitly support your claims. The royal sup port you and your family have enjoyed in this matter is not canceled, but it is suspended for the foreseeable future. The royal protection for your personal safety, of course, remains in place.”
“So is this a threat?” said Sebastian.
“Owed something? What was he owed? The queen offered him the opportu nity to return to the Church and keep all of his titles and estates. I think that was a very generous offer. The Crown owes him nothing beyond that. And it cer tainly owes you nothing at all.”
“Oh, I’m sure I would believe them.”
“Yes, I suppose you would. And you really should. People tell me so many things, and then they turn out to be so far from the truth that you cannot even see it in the distance. One mother told me that her daughter was so talented that she could sew a wedding dress in a single day.”
“Of course, Senora Dominguez. Everyone does. The Por tuguese Jews know all about these things, and they told the rest of us. No one mentioned anything to you, because no one wanted to cause you pain, but we are all aware of your pre dicament. Everyone in Metz holds you and your family in the highest esteem, and we all pray for you. The A-mighty will help you. You will see.”
“Ah, that is wonderful,” said the matchmaker. “I wish all my clients were forthright with me. You would not believe some of the stories I could tell you.”
”And she couldn’t?” said Dona Angelica.
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Dominguez name and legend would not provide Uriel with the capital to enter international trade markets in a serious manner. The match would never take place, and Carolina would be humiliated and heartbroken. But no matter how much she racked her brain, Dona Angelica could think of nothing to do. She understood full well that according to the customs of the middle and upper classes in both Jewish and gentile society of the times, both families were expected to provide substantial dowries to the new couple. But there was no way in the world she could secure the sum of ten thou sand Reichsthalers or even a significant fraction of it.
One day, she decided to pay the matchmaker a visit.
“Frau Klinger, I have to be forthright with you,” she said.
“That is an amazing story. Why, I can hardly believe it. In any case, getting back to what we were discussing, I have to tell you that our financial situation has deteriorated. We thought we would be able to recover our holdings in Alsace, Luxembourg and Burgundy, but it appears it will be impos sible.”“Because of the effigies?” asked the matchmaker.
“You know about that?”
The matchmaker grabbed her head from both sides. “A wedding dress in a single day! It would take five angels to do it. I don’t know how I could have been so foolish as to believe such a thing. Well, it turns out that the girl was able to take out the seams and adjust the dress for a heavier person. And it took her a whole day to do it!”
Dona Angelica felt her eyes mist over. “I am so grateful. I really am. You have all become my family. Your sympathy and support mean so much to me, but there are some things that you simply can’t … I mean … I don’t see how the match can go through. I mean, ten thousand Reichsthalers! I would be hard-pressed to raise a hundred. I don’t want to pretend that we can do what we said we would. I don’t want to mis lead them. The Pereira family will have to find a better pros pect.”“A better prospect? Is there a better prospect than your lovely daughter? I’ve come to know that young woman well,

“Well, to tell you the truth, I don’t understand either. I’m just repeat ing what I read in the letter. But one thing I’ve learned in my long career as a matchmaker. When there are no problems, you don’t look for prob lems. If the Pereira family is happy with the so-called arrangements, then so am I. And so should you be. Now is not the time to probe. Do you know what I’m saying?”
“None whatsoever. And I don’t want to think about them anymore. There are other matters to discuss. This match is going to happen. I feel it in my bones.”
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To be continued…
and she is a rare catch, so intelligent, so full of life and joy. Every moment of her life is a celebration, isn’t that so?”Dona Angelica smiled through her tears. “Yes, that’s my Carolina. I don’t know where she gets it. Her fa ther was such a serious person, and so am“Well,I.” it doesn’t matter,” said the matchmaker with a wave of her hand. “She has it, and that’s what counts. She will bring her husband many long years of happiness. I think that’s more precious than a few“SoReichsthalers.”doI,butwill the Pereiras be willing to forgo the considerable dowry they were expecting?”
The matchmaker leaned forward and placed a hand on Dona Angeli ca’s arm. “There has been a develop ment,” she said, lowering her voice for dramatic effect. “I have received a letter from Uriel Pereira’s father. He has heard about your troubles, and he is still prepared to go for ward with the match. Apparently, arrangements have been made, and the sum expected from your fam ily has been secured elsewhere. The children will not be lacking for capi tal when they start out their new life together.”“What are you saying?” said Dona Angelica. “What do you mean by ar rangements? I don’t understand.”
Dona Angelica took a deep breath and let it out slowly. “Yes, I think I do. But just for my own curiosity, do you have any idea whatsoever about the nature of these arrangements?”

MOSHE GRUNFELD INFO@MOSHEGRUNFELD.COM This selection of fine meats, with recipes ranging from turkey to roast, offers something to please every taste and grace every table. 209 845.600.8484 September 14, 2022 The Monsey View

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5 T. boiling water
10. Line a 9x13” pan with parchment paper. Spread the remaining sautéed onions in the pan.
2 onions, finely diced
2 T. apricot jam
3 T. apricot jam
¼ cup oil
½ cup craisins
1 tsp. fresh ground ginger
2 cups pastrami, diced
3. Dice the onions and sauté them in oil over me dium heat until they’re slightly golden.
5. Add the water, salt, honey, garlic and pepper, and cook until the water is absorbed.
6. Cut the apricots in half, and check for infesta tion. Quarter each half.
2 cups rice
1½ cups chicken soup
7. Combine the apricots, craisins, diced yellow pepper, diced pastrami and a ½ cup sauteed onion with the rice.
11. Place the turkey in the pan, seam side down.
3 cloves garlic, crushed
3 T. oil
2 cloves garlic, crushed Pinch of pepper
1 tsp. soy sauce
3 boneless turkey thighs
5 T. oil
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¼ tsp. black pepper
1 T. kosher salt
1 tsp. honey
A plethora of flavors tucked into moist turkey — truly a Yom Tov specialty!
½ cup sautéed onion
12. Combine the sauce ingredients, and pour this over the turkey. Cover the pan tightly, and bake at 300° for 2½ hours.
The filling recipe yields enough for either twice the amount of meat, or to serve some as a side dish.
2 tsp. cornstarch, dissolved in 1–2 T. cold water
2. Combine the marinade ingredients in a Ziploc bag. Add the cutlets and mix, then refrigerate for approximately one hour.
1 yellow pepper, diced
9. Spread a layer of rice mixture over the cutlet, and roll it up.
1. Cut the turkey in half through the thickness of the meat to obtain either two large thin cutlets, or one large and two small cutlets (the bottom part of the turkey may split in two).
1½ tsp. kosher salt
4. Heat the oil and rice in a four-quart saucepan until the rice begins to toast.
10 dried apricots
8. Remove the cutlets from the marinade. Lay each cutlet on a flat surface.
212 The Monsey View

1 cup water
7. Using an immersion blender, blend the mixture until it’s smooth.
1 tsp. salt
6 medium parsnips, cut into chunks
2 T. oil
Pelleh Poultry pulled turkey confit
2 T. cornstarch
1. Sauté the onion in oil until it’s soft and slightly golden. Set this aside.
5. Add the water and salt, and continue cooking for 30 minutes.
½ cup water
1 tsp. salt
½ cup oil
6. Add the milk substitute and mix.
1 tsp. salt
½ cup pareve milk
1 egg, beaten
4 dark chicken cutlets
½ cup sautéed onion
A festive dish of battered dark cutlets over smooth parsnip puree, topped with pulled turkey confit.
1 cup flourWonderMills

2 onions, diced
1 tsp. honey
8. Top with pulled turkey confit. (Alternatively, use any pulled meat or topping of choice.)
Note: Pulled turkey can be substituted with sautéed onions and/or roasted mushrooms.
213 845.600.8484 September 14, 2022 The Monsey View
¼ tsp. pepper
6 T. sautéed onion
3. Heat approximately 1” of oil in a large frying pan. Combine the batter ingredients, and dip the cutlets in the batter. Fry the cutlets for approximately 6 to 7 minutes per side, until golden. Set aside.
2. Combine 6 T. sautéed onion, salt, honey and pepper. Cut the chicken cutlets in in half in the width, and marinate them in this mixture for 1 hour.
4. Prepare the puree: Heat a 3-quart saucepan. Add the oil, sautéed onion and parsnips. Sauté for 10 to 15 minutes over a medium flame.
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Lovingly known as Bubby Kamenetzky’s recipe, this unique cooking method doesn’t disappoint. Baked low and slow, yet uncovered, the meat retains a vibrant pink color on the inside while leaving you with meat that’s soft and delicious.
1. Season the meat with spices, herbs and garlic on all sides. Add the oil, and thoroughly massage it into the meat.

1 tsp. black pepper
2. Place the meat in a deep pan and bake, uncovered, at 200° for 10 to 12 hours. Baste the meat every few hours by spooning the cooking liquid over the meat.
Note: Serve this the same day for peak moisture and juiciness. Place it in the oven first thing on Erev Yom Tov, and serve it at that night’s seudah for a main that has all of the wow factor, zest and flavor. Alternatively, you can put it in an oven set to 200° on Yom Tov night and serve it at the next day’s meal.
1 handful fresh, checked parsley
¼ tsp. dried rosemary
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3. Remove the meat from the oven and allow it to rest for at least 15 minutes. Slice it right before serving.
2 tsp. kosher salt
If rewarming, reheat gently until just heated through.
1 medium-large French roast
10 large cloves garlic, crushed
¼ cup olive oil
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2 T. olive oil
4. Place a marrow bone beside each piece of meat.
6 marrow bones
1 T. kosher salt
1. Arrange half the onions evenly in the bottom of a deep 9x13” pan.

6. Cover tightly with parchment paper, then silver foil.
This recipe is foolproof and fabulous, creating a Yom Tov delight of epic proportions. Special thanks to Sury Lebovitz for this one!
4 onions, sliced into half-rounds
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2. In a pot, sauté the rest of the onions until they’re browned.
7. Bake at 275° for 6 to 8 hours.
3. Season the short ribs on all sides with oil, garlic, salt and pepper. Place the short ribs on the bed of onions.
6 square flanken (short ribs)
1 head garlic, peeled and crushed
1 tsp. black pepper
5. Top the meat with the sauteed onions.
8. Sprinkle with additional kosher salt, if desired.

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222 845.600.8484 The Monsey View September 14, 2022

ASHIONED FROM IVORY, OVERLAID WITH gold and studded with precious gems, Shlomo Hamelech’s throne was an absolute pleasure to be hold. Extreme beauty, however, was but one attribute of the king’s throne; its spiritual endowments and brilliant mechanical functions also contributed to the absolute splendor of the royal seat. It was further enhanced by the tzaddik, king and navi who sat upon it while judging the cases that were brought before him.Six steps led to the actual seat, and as Shlomo Hamelech began walking up those steps, golden ani mals stretched forth either paw or wing to aid the king in his ascent. These animals flanked the steps on either side, and were brilliantly designed to me chanically move in response to Shlomo Hamelech’s footsteps.Eachstep featured both a predatory animal and a non-predatory animal, perhaps alluding to the days in which “a wolf shall lie down with a lamb” and Dov

Never has there been a man as wise as Shlomo Hamelech. Nor has there been a throne as wondrous as the one he sat Uniquelyupon. and exquisitely designed, it was the envy of kings and the marvel of the masses.
Throne Legendsof

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SHLOMO HAMELECH’S THRONE was so resplendent in beauty and function that kings the world over were filled with envy when they heard of it. One king was especially overcome with envy: the Egyptian King Shishak, who was also the father of one of Shlomo Hamelech’s wives. Ever since the throne was crafted, Shishak lusted for it, and when Shlomo Hamelech was niftar, Shishak raided the palace and carried away the throne, together with other booty. When he attempted to sit on the throne, however, one of the mechanical lions maimed him, for the Heavenly Hand prevented him from ascending. From then on, Shishak was also known as “Pharaoh Necho” — Pharaoh the Lame.Astime went on and power changed hands, Shlomo Hamel ech’s throne was passed from one non-Jewish king to the next, from Nevuchadnetzar all the way to Achashverosh. Only Ko resh, who had allowed the Yidden to rebuild the Beis Hamik dash, was granted permission from Heaven to sit safely upon
it. It was majestic to behold the gathering of men who held the highest positions in the nation. It was so marvelous that when the court was in session, the witnesses who came to present their cases were so fearful of the sages, the king, and the me chanical genius that caused the golden animals to roar and leap about, that they were simply terrified to lie.
When Shlomo Hamelech reached the throne itself and was seated, a golden bird lowered his crown to rest lightly upon his brow. The crown’s heavy weight was supported by the bird and the scepter upon which it was perched. At that point, a golden dove “flew” to the nearby aron kodesh and returned with a small Torah scroll. The dove then placed the scroll upon the king’s lap — a reminder that he must always be guided by the Torah in his Divine mission of ruling over the earthly realm of Hashem’s kingdom.Above the throne stood a golden menorah with the names of Adam, Noach, Shem, Avraham, Yitzchok, Yaakov and Iyov engraved upon it. On the other side were the names of Levi, Ke has, Amram, Moshe, Aharon, Eldad, Medad and Chur. A can opy of golden vines covered the entire structure of the throne.
The first step featured a lion on one side and an ox on the other. On the second was a wolf and lamb. The third featured a tiger and a camel, and on the fourth was an eagle and peacock. The fifth held a cat adjacent to a rooster, and on the sixth and fi nal step rested a hawk and a dove. Many additional golden lions and eagles surrounded the entire structure, as well.
id Hamelech’s descendant Moshiach will rule the world.
On the two sides of this great throne stood golden chairs for the Kohen Gadol and the Segan Kohen Gadol, with 70 more golden chairs for the members of the Sanhedrin surrounding

These days, the whereabouts of Shlomo Hamelech’s throne is not known, though it has been said that frag ments of it have been found in Rome.

On the fifth, “You shall not show favoritism.”
On the sixth, “You shall not take a bribe.”
Six Steps to the Throne
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The six steps to Shlomo Hamelech’s throne were more than just design elements; they were a physical reminder of the six mitzvos that pertain to Jewish kings. As Shlomo Hamel ech ascended each step, a herald would call out the corresponding mitzvah.
We pray for the day that all Jewish treasures will be returned to Am Yisroel, and the rightful descendant of Shlomo Hamelech will be seated upon the throne — where he will “speak peace to the nations, and his rule shall be from sea to sea and from the river to the ends of the earth” (Zecharya 9:10).
On the fourth, “You shall not pervert judg ment.”
On the third step he proclaimed, “Neither shall he acquire much silver and gold.”
By the time Achashverosh took possession of the throne, he’d heard enough of its history to know it would be foolish to try to sit upon it himself. Instead, he in structed artisans to build a replica of Shlomo Hamelech’s throne. When it was ready, he instructed the workers to bring the look-alike to the capital city of Bavel, but due to its massive weight and elaborate design, the throne suf fered damage during transport. To preserve it, Ahash verosh ordered that it remain where it was in Shushan, and because of his great love for the throne, Shushan became the capital city. For this reason the Megillah speci fies that Achashverosh “sat on the throne of his kingdom, which was in Shushan the capital.” It was the throne of his kingdom — not Shlomo’s — in the new capital of Shushan.

On the first step he proclaimed, “He shall not take many wives for himself.”
the throne; anyone else who tried was harmed.
On the second the herald said, “He shall not take many horses for himself.”
When Shlomo Hamelech reached the seat proper, the herald proclaimed, “Know before Whom you use it; before Him through Whose word the world came into being.”

230 845.600.8484 The Monsey View September 14, 2022

Gowns and crowns? Castles and palaces? Servants and maids?
Let’s have a look at the legacy Her Majesty has left behind and learn what’s in store for the new monarch, King Charles III.
When you hear people talking about “the queen,” what comes to mind?

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Nowadays, monarchies are not nearly as common as they were in the olden days — but they do still exist. The most popular and well-known queen was the Queen of England , Queen Elizabeth II.
The passing of Queen Elizabeth marks the end of an era.

hough the queen may have held only a few special and specific powers, some of them were important ones. For example, she had the power to appoint the prime minister, the highest-ranking official in British government. That said, she wasn’t al lowed to pick any random Joe Shmoe; she had to follow a formal set of rules found in the Cabinet Manual.
When her father died in February 1952, Elizabeth — then 25 years old — became the queen and remained on the throne until her death on September 8, 2022 — a mere few days ago! The queen was 96 years old.
Duties of the Queen
Contrary to popular belief, Queen Elizabeth II didn’t have complete rule of the country — not by a long shot! The power to govern resides with Parliament, which has a prime minister, House of Commons, and House of Lords. It’s similar in many ways to what we have here in the United States, with a president and two houses of Congress.

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The royal family fully acknowledges that its role is mainly ceremonial, though the queen did possess a great many respon sibilities and powers, some of which were allowed to be exercised without the consent of any other member or agency of the government.
Although Queen Elizabeth II was commonly re ferred to as “the Queen of England” she actually wasn’t only the queen of England. She was also the queen of Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland, which join Eng land to compose the United Kingdom. Additionally, she was also queen of the fourteen other nations that currently make up the “Commonwealth realm,” which include Canada, Australia, New Zealand, the Bahamas and Jamaica.
Elizabeth was born in Mayfair, London, as the first child of the future King George VI and Queen Eliza beth. Her father became king toward the end of 1936, when she was eleven years old. In November 1947, she married Philip Mountbatten, a former prince of Greece and Denmark, and their marriage lasted 73 years, un til his death in 2021. They had four children together: Charles, the newly proclaimed king; Anne, Princess Royal; Prince Andrew, Duke of York; and Prince Ed ward, Earl of Wessex.
So let’s explore some of what the queen did, shall we?
Her Majesty the Queen
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art of royal tradition was the queen’s annual opening of Parliament for its lawmaking session. And as much as it was within her prerogative, the queen has never willfully delayed Parliament’s opening.Before Parliament was ever able to get down to business, the queen had to make a speech that was used as a starting point for House discussions and debate. The ironic twist: The annual “Queen’s Speech” at the opening of Parliament was always written by members of Parliament!
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Ready for another fun one?
T he queen was allowed to break the law without prosecution (yikes!). The reason for this is because she had sovereign im munity; since all British legal cases are in the name of the mon arch versus the defendant, the queen was obviously unable to take legal action against herself!
That’s because the queen was not legally required to possess a driver’s license in order to drive to her heart’s content. Why’s that? Well, technically speaking, all driver’s licenses are issued in the monarch’s name.
Nevertheless, the queen is said to have carefully ensured that all of her personal activities were lawful. Indeed, Queen Elizabeth II left behind a squeaky-clean reputation!
The coronationroyalcoach

Some of these privileges may sound very boring and technical, but here’s where it gets a little more exciting.
oung Queen Elizabeth never had to take a driving test.
Throughout her lifetime, she was never issued a ticket for a moving or parking violation, and she never had to take a fivehour class to help reduce her car insurance premiums. Simi larly, the queen stood exempt from having to display a license plate on her state car.
he queen didn’t have to pay taxes, but she did anyway — some of them, at least. The queen volunteered to pay income tax and capital gains tax, and since 1993, she has been paying taxes on her personal income just like all other taxpayers — ex cept her taxes were paid on a voluntary basis (minor detail!).
A nother special privilege the queen carried is that she was able to choose the justices who make the decisions in the Supreme Court. Her decisions were based on the advice of a panel of legal experts from each of the U.K.’s nations.
Aerial view of London and the Buckinham Palace

I t’s a millennia-old tradition for the British monarch to recognize those who have shown great “service, loyalty or gallantry” by bestowing gifts. At one time, these gifts were physical, such as money or land. Today they are in the form of official honors, including knighthoods and peerages. Recipients of these honors are announced twice a year: on New Year’s Day and the second was, until recently, on the queen’s official birthday. Although “anyone can nominate anyone else for an honor,” as the government’s regulations specify, until now, all such honors were required to be ap proved by the queen. The prime minister was tasked with making recommendations to the queen, and before her ap proval was formalized, the proposed honoree must accept.
In 2005, Queen Elizabeth bestowed Britain’s Chief Rab bi Jonathan Sacks with the title “Knight Commander of the British Empire.” Queen Elizabeth, marking her 79th birth day, granted the title “Sir” on Jonathan Sacks in recognition of his services to the Jewish community!
ast (at least for the sake of this article) and very impor tantly, Queen Elizabeth owned all of the dolphins in the United Kingdom. Yep, you read that right! A bizarre statute states that the king (or queen) of England has ownership of “whales and sturgeons taken in the sea or elsewhere with in the realm.” The law, which is still in existence today, covers dolphins in U.K. waters as well. If you think that wasn’t quite enough wildlife for the queen, you’ll be happy to know she owned the swans in the Thames, too!
Windsor Castle

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Royal Rituals & Rules
Did you know that businesses in the United Kingdom need permission to use the word “Royal” in their marketing? Ac cording to the British government, the word has to be treated with care to avoid misleading patrons who may believe the
business in question has been endorsed by the royal family. You’ve probably heard about the Changing of the Guard, and while that’s a pretty significant and beautiful ceremony that occurs daily (in some months), it’s not the only major royal ceremony the Queen’s Guard participated in. Every

The Imperial State Crown, passed down English royalty for generations

strict rules about what she was allowed to wear — which may sound very similar to the dress code of frum Jewish girls. The royal family must wear high necklines, they must cover their knees, and they may use only light makeup!
This is probably one of the silliest (and least strictly en forced) rules on the list, but reportedly, the queen banned the royals from playing the board game Monopoly! The rea son? The game makes the family a little too competitive.
Royals don’t sign autographs — can you guess why? Royal protocol prohibits fam ily members from offering their signature to fans, lest someone try to forge it. Just picture a class of 5th grade girls sending out letters announcing that school has been permanently closed, signed, Her Royal Highness. Some of these rules are clever!
Can you imagine how beautiful a scene this birthday celebration must’ve been? I can’t help but imagine, l’havdil, what the service of the kohanim in the Beis Hamikdash must have looked like. And while there are historical reasons for the monarch’s birthday ceremony, which originated with showing off the power of the army during wartime, I think the true reason it exists is to remind us that this is but a frac tion of what we will have one day when we are taken out of this galus!
Looking up The Mall toward Admiralty Arch during preparations for the Queens Platinum Jubilee celebrations

Unsurprisingly, there are many rules of etiquette to fol low when dining with the monarch. One of the most impor tant rules is that dinner companions must echo His Majesty’s behavior throughout the meal. They may only start eating when the king starts, and when he puts down his knife and fork to complete his meal, they must be done eating too.
June, as part of the queen’s birthday celebration, the uni formed guards paraded along the Mall in London. Fourteen hundred guards strong, the parading soldiers were accompa nied by 200 horses and 400 musicians to create a massive patriotic spectacle.
It’s not all fun and games, though. A more sobering rule is that two direct heirs to the throne cannot fly together in a plane in case something tragic happens en route. This means that when 9-year-old Prince George turns 12, he will no longer be allowed to fly with his father, Prince William.
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As per a longstanding royal tradition, women in the royal family wear hats to formal events. In fact, the queen had

Mrs. Miriam Levi, a resident of the United Kingdom, says that as a subject of the queen, she had constant reminders of the true power and might of the Melech Malchei Hamela chim.She vividly remembers attend ing the very first Jubilee of the queen when she was just a young girl. She recalls how the entire country was decorated in the queen’s honor, and how everyone dressed up and went out to celebrate. The young school children sang the national anthem ( our gracious queen…”), and the celebrations were palpable in the air.Mrs. Levi reports that while she doesn’t like to think she had any real emotional connection to the queen, growing up with a monarch definite ly helped portray the idea of how to serve our King with true honor and respect.Maywe be zoche to the day where we can serve Him in all His rightful glory very, very soon.
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Royal Riches & Properties
The queen’s private income was called the Privy Purse.

That money came from the Duchy of Lancaster, a portfolio of land and other assets that’s been in the royal family for hundreds of years. It contains $715 million (£548.6 million) worth of net assets and is made up of residential, commercial and agricultural properties. The unknown total value of Her Royal Highness’ property makes it difficult to estimate what her total net worth equaled.
From PerspectiveTheofOneofOurs
Every year, the queen received a chunk of cash called the Sovereign Grant. It came from the treasury, and was funded by taxpayers. The basic agreement was that the queen gets the grant in exchange for surrendering all profits from the Crown Estate — the family’s massive portfolio of proper ties — to the government. Every year, the queen was given an amount of money equivalent to 25% of the Crown Estate’s profits. The Grant totaled $107.1 million (£82.2 million) in 2019.The Sovereign Grant pays for the family’s travel expenses, palace upkeep and utilities, and the royal employee payroll, according to official royal family financial reports. But the grant doesn’t cover the costs of security and royal ceremo nies; that money comes from a few other places.

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For some, living the “good life” means living in a palace. Of course, being a royal has obvious perks, and living in a lavish, ornate palace designed to impress may be one of the highlights.

Palaces are imposing structures, boasting priceless artwork, extravagant accessories and picturesque gardens meant to emphasize the wealth and aristocracy of their residents. In addition, many palaces are popular tourist attractions that offer visitors a glimpse into the past and present of royalty. Read on for several examples of “working” palaces worth dropping in on.
What makes a castle a castle, and a palace… not? If you want to protect yourself from outsiders, then a fortified castle, preferably on a hill or near a river, is what your contractor would suggest. He may offer peepholes through which to shoot arrows, a moat complete with a drawbridge, spi ral staircases, and crenellations for pointing cannons or pouring boiling oil. On the other hand, if you desire to live in elegance, luxury and extravagance, in an abode from which to flaunt your priceless artwork, opulent rooms and beautiful gardens, building a palace is your best option.
For a novel idea on how to add a bit of privacy to your home, visit the intriguing “confidence” dining room. Its dining table was lowered underground and set with the meal before being raised to the dining room again. Thus, royals ate in private without servants overhearing their conversations.
In no way should you assume that knocking on the front door will gain you entry. The nineteen rooms in the south wing are reserved as the permanent residence of King Carl XV Gustaf and Queen Silvia. The rest of the palace and its majestic baroque gardens, replete with statues and fountains, are open to the public all year round. Don’t miss the royal library, dripping with crystal chandeliers, or the pretty pink Chinese Pavilion, filled with lacquered panels, china and vases.
The Drottningholm Royal Palace
The Drottningholm Royal Palace in Stockholm, Sweden, contains 600 rooms. (That’s a lot of dusting!) Drottningholm, built from 1662 to 1686 by King Johan III, has been the Swedish royals’ permanent residence since 1981. It is the best-preserved royal palace constructed in the 17th century and is one of Stockholm’s three heritage sites.

The castle gardens include an English-style park with lawns, chestnut trees, avenues of lime trees, ponds, a canal, bridges and leafy boulevards.
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The Royal Palace of Morocco, Dar al-Makhzen, located in the Touarga com mune of Rabat (Fez, Morocco), is the of ficial residence of the current monarch of Morocco. The palace is home to His Majesty King Mohammed VI, his family and the Moroccan Royal Guard.
The palace was built in 1864 during Sultan Mohammed ben Abdallah’s reign while Morocco was under the control of France. France wanted the sultan to move there to show his support and ac ceptance of the new regime. After Mo rocco gained independence in 1956, the palace remained the home and working palace of the king. The palace, spanning an area of 195 acres, is closed to visitors and surrounded by lofty defensive walls.
The PalaceRoyalof Morocco

The Royal Palace of Madrid

The Royal Palace of Madrid, Spain, is the official private residence of King Felipe VI, Queen Letitia and their family, and it is the largest palace in Europe. The Royal Palace is shaped as a square surrounding an inner courtyard. It contains 3,418 rooms as well as galleries. Construction began in 1738, and the building was completed in 1751. Most of the palace is used for official administrative affairs and state functions.
To name just a few of the rooms, there’s the Throne Room, the Porcelain Room, the Music Room, the Hall of Columns, the Gala Dining Room, a two-story Royal Library, the Small Dining Room, the Room of Mirrors, the Tapestry Room, the Royal Pharmacy, the Royal Armory (with one of the largest collections of armor in the world), and over 3,400 more! Changing of the guards oc curs twice weekly (every Wednesday and weekend).
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Tours of the palace are available, but due to its size, only a selection of rooms is on the visitor route at one time (the route changes every few months).

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The Tokyo Imperial Palace is located at the very center of the city of Tokyo, and it’s the official residence of the Emperor of Japan. It has served as the residential palace of successive emperors since 1869.

The Imperial Palace occupies the site of Edo-jo, which was once considered the largest fortress in the world. What remains today of the original fortress are the moats and massive stone walls.
The Tokyo Imperial Palace
The original building was destroyed in World War II but has been fully restored in a similar style. Two bridges form an entrance into the palace grounds: Eyeglass Bridge (thus called for its looks) and Double Bridge (a wooden bridge with two levels). Although the palace is open only twice a year for the public, the Imperial Palace East Garden, Kitanomaru Koen Park and the Kokyo Gaien National Gardens are open year-round.
Visitors can view the cherry blossoms during peak season while enjoying more than three miles of jogging trails. With a total area of 44 miles, during the Japanese real estate “bubble” (1986–1991), the palace grounds were valued at more than any real estate in California!

The palace, originally built as a private home in 1722, contains 365 rooms, including the Salon Murat and the Hall of Festivities. Chandeliers, tapestries, rare porcelain, and an antique collection of pendulum clocks adorn the palace. Approximately 800 staff members keep every inch of the court gleaming. The centerpiece of the palace is the ballroom, which hosts about 160 yearly state banquets, receptions and other annual events.
The Élysée Palace (Palais de Élysée) located in the heart of Paris, France, has been the official residence of French presidents since 1873. Élysées takes its name from the nearby iconic shopping district of the Champs-Élysées.

The Élysée Palace

To ensure its security, European Heritage Days (a week of celebrations in September) is the only time the public is allowed into the main building.
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The Kremlin
The Kremlin of Moscow is the symbol of Russian (formerly Soviet) power and authority. It was built between 1485 to 1495 by Italian architects; therefore, the current fortress resembles the castles of Northern Italy. From the time of the Bolshevik seizure of power in 1917, to the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991, the Kremlin had been a symbol of communist dictator
has housed the official residence (The Grand Krem lin Palace) of the president of the Russian Federation since 1991. The Kremlin stands high on Borovitsky Hill (one of the seven hills of Moscow) above the Moscow River.

“Kremlin” is the Russian word for fortress or citadel, and indeed, it is a fortress within a city. It is the largest fortress in Europe and includes five palaces forming a rectangular inner courtyard.

The Kremlin’s red brick walls and 20 towers were built at the end of the 15th century by Ivan the Great (Ivan III), who dreamed of building a capital that would rival Constantinople in grandeur and importance. He called his dream “Third Rome.” Much of the Kremlin is open to tourism, except for the presi dent’s offices and the barracks of the president’s regiment. While Russia may not be a world favorite right now, tourists of the past would visit the following sights: The Armory Museum, with its collection of royal crowns, thrones and carriages; The Diamond Fund, boasting unique diamonds, rare precious stones, and gold and platinum nuggets; and Ivan the Great’s Bell Tower, which offers magnificent views of the Kremlin.
262 845.600.8484 The Monsey View September 14, 2022

China’s Forbidden City complex in Beijing is the world’s largest imperial palace. The palace was considered a holy place and forbidden to ordinary people. Construction took over fourteen years (1406–1420), and it was built by over one million workers, including 100,000 artisans. It became one of the world’s largest cultural museums, hosting 14 million visitors annually after the last emperor left in 1925.

There are no trees in the outer court because emperors thought it would overshadow the majesty of the atmosphere. This lack of vegetation gives assassins nowhere to hide. The absence of birds is due to the particular architecture of the rooftops, which preserves the Forbidden City’s cleanliness. As one of the best-preserved wooden complexes in the world, it has 94 underground hydrants, 4,866 fire extinguishers, and a special fire brigade dedicated to fire prevention. Its daily visitor count is 80,000, and as the palace contains 9,999 and a half rooms (it seems the number 10,000 is considered bad luck in China), it shouldn’t be too crowded when you visit.
China’s Forbidden City
264 The Monsey View

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Buckingham Palace
Its surrounding area is magnificent as well. Boast ing over 200 trees, a three-acre lake, and more than 350 species of wildflowers, its palace garden has been called “a walled oasis in the middle of
Buckingham Palace, in the city of Westminster in central London, is one of the most photographed buildings on earth. It has long been the home of British monarchs. The palace has remained the queen’s official residence and office for much of Her Majesty’s 70-year reign. It is a working royal palace that was first constructed in 1703 as a siz able townhouse and has gradually grown and un dergone changes in style. The palace boasts 775 rooms and is replete with exquisite furnishings. Most famous are the nineteen decorated State Rooms for receiving guests and hosting official functions, the Throne Room, and the magnificent Grand Staircase. The rooms are open to the pub lic for ten weeks each summer.
Changing of the Guard ceremony takes place every Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Sunday (the schedule is subject to change). And yes, it is frowned upon for Buckingham Palace guards to smile for tourist selfies.

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Schonbrunn Palace

Schonbrunn Palace, located on the outskirts of Vienna, is Austria’s most visited tourist attraction. The palace has 1,441 rooms, 45 of which are avail able for free viewing all year round. The palace was constructed in 1711 as the summer palace of the Hapsburgs of Vienna (one of the imperial families).
The 18th-century palace includes gardens, gor geous staterooms, a zoo, a carriage museum, a maze, impressive fountains, a children’s museum (for a taste of life as a mini archduke or archduch ess!) and a greenhouse, the last of which contains exotic and Mediterranean plants, a vineyard and a growing collection of rare apple varieties.
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Live like royalty and stay for a night at Schonbrunn Palace! At a starting price of $960 per night per person, one can rent the Schloss Schonbrunn Grand Suite. The fee includes two bedrooms, one salon, a kitchenette and two baths. For full impe rial grandeur (and a hefty additional charge), one can reserve such amenities as a personal butler, a horse-drawn carriage, and an en-suite chef.
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270 The Monsey View
Umaid Bhavan Palace
Umaid Bhavan Palace, India, is the world’s sixth largest private residence and is home to the royal family of Jodhpur. It is said to be the only palace constructed in the 20th century. The magnificent yellow sandstone palace was built between 1928 and 1943 and is spread over 26 acres of gardens. The construction was commissioned as a relief project to provide work for thousands of famine victims in the area. The royal residence complex includes a throne room, vaulted banquet hall, private dining rooms, ballroom, four tennis courts, two squash courts and a private museum.

The sky-blue vaulted inner dome rises to 103 feet and is capped by a 43-foot outer dome. Of the 347 rooms currently used by the Maharajah of Jodhpur, 70 rooms have been converted into hotel suites (with themes including Historic Suite, Royal Suite, Grand Royal Suite and Maharajah Suite).

272 845.600.8484 The Monsey View September 14, 2022
Iolani Palace

Honolulu, the tropical city known for its historical landmarks, is home to the only official state residence of royalty in the United States. Constructed in 1882 by King Kalakaua, downtown Hono lulu’s Iolani Palace was the home of the king and his sister and successor, Queen Lili’uokalani.

The palace, influenced by European architectural styles, included Hawaii’s first electric light system (beating the White House and Buckingham Palace!), flush toilets, and in-house telephones.
In 1893, opposition forces overthrew the Hawaiian government, and the Hawaiian Islands were annexed to United States territory in 1898. Hawaii became the 50th state in 1959, and the palace served as her state capital until 1968.
Iolani Palace commemorated Hawaii’s monarchical history and opened to the public in 1978 after a nine-year restoration proj ect. Crimson and gold colors dominate the ten-room, four-floor building, which includes the Throne Room, the State Dining Room, the Grand Hall, the Blue Room (yes, entirely blue) and the Music Room. For a mere $99.95, visitors can enjoy the 90-minute White Glove Tour, where guests slip on a pair of keepsake white gloves for the unique opportunity to view and handle items in the palace collection (located in the attic) that they wouldn’t see in the public
Asdisplay.thepalace has retained its former glory and cultural and histori cal importance after renovation, footwear is required. The palace provides cloth booties, which visitors slip over their shoes to pro tect the expensive koa flooring (wood from the Hawaiian Koa tree). E komo mai — Welcome!

275 845.600.8484 September 14, 2022 The Monsey View

“Theentreaty.power of one little kabbalah!” An inspiration.
We know this so deeply; it’s been ingrained by our teachers, our mentors, the people of influence in our lives.
“Growth happens in small steps.” A precaution.
276 845.600.8484 The Monsey View September 14, 2022
But how to keep the flame of this desire alight while the embers of Tishrei burn low? How to embed this small change within us so we might progress to another, and then another, step on our ladder to improve ment?

2Stick to specific.
Research has shown that approach-oriented goals are keepers more often than avoidance-oriented goals. So go for the good and grand — how expansive that sounds! This year, I will bentch in a siddur/smile in the morning/keep a gratitude journal; as opposed to, this year I won’t daven without a siddur/snarl in the a.m./complain too much.
No, really specific. And then, a bit more specific than that. Give your kabbalah complete focus and ask: Is it concrete? Measurable? Achievable? Does it look like, “This year I will daven better/exercise more/be better with my kids,” or rather like, “This year I will focus on one part of tefillah per month/ work out three times a week/enforce for myself a no-yelling hour”?
Years of reinforcement have molded this core belief: Slow means steady. Small steps lead to greatness. And so in those days of closeness and awe, we rein in our burning desire to attack every last flaw at once so we can sparkle before our Creator. The one small kabbalah we choose must encompass all of our yearning, and so we run, hearts in hand, to share our fervent promise with Him.
“One thing at a time so you won’t fall.” An
1Go for the good.
3Plan it well.
4Scratch the sameness.
Choosing the same kabbalah each year and somehow still need to work on it on the same level? Not what the doctor ordered, morale-wise. Because you’ll be making that promise with a sinking feeling in your gut already. For some rea son, this isn’t working for you. But if you do want to undertake that same kabbalah, analyze the plan to see why it hasn’t worked then and alter it so it can work now.
Write it out. Temporarily shake the stars from your eyes and think of what will hap pen if you slip. What steps will you take to keep yourself in check? Will you need reminders? How will you incorporate those? Avoiding this step may cause you to pack up shop as soon as you hit your first obstacle.

Make it someone who is at least as motivated as you and who will not flatter you when you fail. If you can team up with someone who loves you hard enough to not let you lose your way, run with it. Competition and having to answer to someone is a great motivator.
Now, perseverance is something I learned from my adorable neighbor when she slept over the other night. The four-year-old is trying to kick her pacifier habit, and charts and prizes abound. Before settling in for the night, she asked me proudly and importantly to let her mother know in the morning that she’d slept paci-less. Come an hour later, and of course, the room of giggling girls was no closer to sleep. And the little princess of a guest had crept out of bed to rummage in her bag for her security plug. “I won’t be able to tell your mother that you slept without one,” I told the mess of curls mournfully. Chocolate eyes stared me down wordlessly as the girl popped the paci in her mouth and scampered off. But was I blown away fifteen minutes later when I saw her tiptoe back to her bag and drop the pacifier back in! I was awed at her strength. This, my friends, is the embodiment of “v’kam ” in “sheva yipol tzaddik.” Take it with you.
8Eye on the goal.
The word itself carries a great load of terror for some of us. We’ll do anything from baking wafer cake to cleaning our food processor with toothpicks to avoid it.
Daven! Having a setback? Hashem is at your side, and He wants your success more than you do. He’s not waiting and watching to catch your failure, chas v’shalom! Tell Him every thing.
Writing about change is humbling. Every small thought of a small step builds worlds. May all of us, with all of our little deeds, be zoche to see the fruits of our labor in tikkun hamidos, tikkun ha’olam, in the arrival of Moshiach, amen.
Cut your commitment into bite-sized pieces of twenty days, thirty, sixty. Invigorate yourself with refreshing bits of triumph as you add more and more, until you realize that you’re holding your breath for nothing and the lumbering fear has long moved on.

Commitments, Commitments
278 845.600.8484 The Monsey View September 14, 2022
It took years for that undesirable behavior to develop. How can you execute a presto chango in a matter of days or weeks to eradicate it? The key is to expect and embrace setbacks as they come. Make them your friends, because they’re here to help you grow. That’s for patience.
Keep your eye there and not on the way to get there. Is this method not working? Fine, but I still want the results, so I will tweak my approach or find a new way. Remember: some activity is better than none.
You can charm that fear, though. Like the recommended step when meeting a black bear, kind of go around it.
Give yourself evidence of exactly why you’re embarking on this small, significant step. At the time of making your kab balah, write a description, and write a reason. Get on your soapbox in elaborating on all the positive effects of this undertaking. Read it aloud when your spirits flag.

“Finishing a 64-ounce bottle of water a day.” – Rochel
What are small steps to a better and healthier self? Aspiring women share:
“Listening to Rabbi Da vid Ashear on Chazak every night has given me a more accepting and positive attitude to carry me through the daily grind.” – Tzirel
“Saying the yom l’chodesh of Tehillim every DAY.” – Tova
siddur.” – Perry
“Drinking water before each meal.” – Chanie
“Saying ‘Thank You, Eibishter!’ for anything that just works out, even seem ingly mundane things. For finding my sons’ shirtsleeves rolled down in the hamper to not tripping over a stone to just checking out at the grocery store. This has really enriched my life.” – Sossy

“As a busy, working mother, doing something for self-care at least once a day.” – Shaindy
“Waking up before my kids.” – Ellie
“Standing still while saying Asher Yatzar.” – Sury
“Davening in my tefillah b’kavanah siddur so I can look at the translation under each word.” – Sury
“Staying focused on one task at a time.” – Miriam
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Week 3:
t was a beautiful mix of children laughing and loud music booming; of the smell of chlorine and the smell of freshly baked fudge. I felt lucky to be working as a therapist in such an exciting day camp. It meant endless sunny hours at the pool and play ground, and working with Tully. The latter proved to be a bit challenging. Though he was cute in appear

ance, he was always on the run — which meant that I wasTullytoo. seemed to have his own camp schedule. He’d think of where he wanted to be and begin to run in that direction. His counselor, on the other hand, had a rigid schedule and expected all of the campers to fol low it. But because Tully had difficulty with verbal ex
284 845.600.8484 The Monsey View September 14, 2022
“Keep your face to the sunshine, and you will never see the shadows.”
– Helen Keller
285 845.600.8484 September 14, 2022 The Monsey View

Now that his passion was revealed, I set out to create a list of goals for Tully to accomplish over the summer. Reaching these goals would help prepare Tully for school in September, and fire trucks would be one of the means to achieve these goals together.
ssessing all areas of functioning necessitated my spending a lot of time at Tully’s home to deter mine what type of plan he needed. I spoke with his mother at length to find out what behaviors were occurring at home, and on what level his overall skills were. However, Tully’s mother seemed stressed and overwhelmed with a
play. A similar scene would manifest itself during free play, when Tully would hold the fire truck and refuse to share. Okay, now I got it… Tully was passionate about fire trucks.
Play is paramount to development. First, child-directed play would give Tully the tools to make decisions, plan and execute an activity. Additionally, the physical play would pro mote good gross and fine motor skills, as well as balance and coordination — all areas in which Tully needed strengthen


I would joke with fellow therapists that Tully was a flight risk. In addition to his being on his own program, at any given moment, Tully could break into a run and zoom off anywhere, as if he were trying to escape. I found this par ticularly unnerving. Though I pride myself on being young and fit, there was no way I could keep up with Tully. The list of “what ifs” began to nag at me. The awesome responsibil ity for a child’s health and safety lay on my shoulders, and it wasn’t a light load. I take my job seriously, and this kid was no exception.Tullyalso had little interest in his peers and seemed to find them annoying. He would often slap or push kids who were in his way. On particularly challenging days, he would try to bite the other kids. This could have led to a mini disaster of crying kids, and later, irate parents. At the time, I would encourage Tully to breathe in and out slowly in an attempt to calm himself enough to deal with the situation. When I did, his big brown eyes would register sadness and confusion. Eyes have been described as windows to the soul. Beneath Tully’s tough veneer was a gentle soul, wishing to be loved and understood.
eaching Tully in the most effective way became the number-one objective. I decided that in order to identify what Tully was passionate about, I would observe him throughout the day and discover what activities excitedSoonhim.Ifound that whenever we went on the rooftop play ground, Tully would immediately rush to the fire truck struc ture and remain there throughout the entire time of outdoor
Ultimately, my evaluation determined that Tully showed weaknesses physically, as well as difficulty with socialization, communication and sensory regulation.
new baby and a set of younger twins. She also had the disadvantage of being a foreigner, away from home, family, and all that was familiar to her. She really wanted to help Tully, but felt she lacked adequate time and resources to do so. I encouraged her to be as present as possible, physically and emotion ally, so Tully could form a strong attachment to his mother, as secure attachment has been linked to many positive outcomes. To help her along, I provided mate rial for her to read on parenting and child development.
pression, it was hard to communicate with him. He also had an ironclad will. Once he decided on an activity, there was no turning back.
286 845.600.8484 The Monsey View September 14, 2022
I set to work right away. First, the proper toys and mate rials were necessary to motivate Tully. There was an extra room in the camp building that was used for storage. The di rector allowed us to clear it out, and we created a virtual fire station for Tully and his friends to play in. It was a magical wonderland of whimsy and adventure, and it became a safe and happy place where Tully could just sit, relax and play.
I really love kids, and my job is very rewarding. But in this case, as I worked with Tully, I felt the tension building inside me. I didn’t want to stress out when Tully decided to act out or run loose. But the conventional methods of positive rein forcement, praise and rewards were not working. Tully was in need of an effective treatment plan, ASAP. We would need a non-confrontational, loving and accepting way to draw him in. We would have to find a way to reach him — a way to solve this puzzle called Tully.
287 845.600.8484 September 14, 2022 The Monsey View

’d love to say the process was smooth sailing and easy. But it was not. Tully needed a lot of prompting, remind ers and overall assistance to learn to function properly in a group setting. He grappled with impulsive behavior and spirited feelings of independence. He also continued to resist routines. Routines are paramount to a child feeling safe and secure. We used music, a medium that Tully found sooth ing, to ease him through transitions. Though Tully resisted initially, he came to love daily routines, and camp became a fun and happy place for him.
ing. Finally, creative play would give Tully the opportunity to let his imagination run wild and control the world.
Fayge Holtzberg, M.S.Ed., is a certified bilingual special educator. She has been working in the community as a consultant, evaluator and therapist for over twenty years. Mrs. Holtzberg can reached at
As the sun-filled days of camp came to a close, a feeling of peace swept over me. With the proper guidance, help and bucketloads of Divine intervention, Tully was able to shine ever so brightly.
While playing at the firehouse, we worked on a journal. This journal was a portfolio of Tully’s progress. We used dif ferent mediums of art to create a new page each day. We would write down any victories, large or small, that Tully achieved that day, and we included pictures of Tully engaged positively in different activities. This served as an important camp/home connection tool. Tully’s mother reported that the first thing that Tully took out of his briefcase when he walked through the door was his journal. It created a sense of pride and connection, and he’d bask in the glow of positiv ity and his accomplishments.
Perhaps the most heartwarming accomplishment was that Tully developed positive relationships with his peers. He went from being the bully from whom the other kids would run away, to being part of the gang. He developed real friendships and enjoyed engaging in activities together with friends. As the summer drew to a close, I no longer had to run through the whole building to catch up with Tully. I watched him splash in the pool, share sand toys and actually exchange a few words with friends.
Tully’s peers would serve as an important part of the pro cess. Research has shown that children learn best from their peers. Tully would learn to communicate through the backand-forth lingual experiences, and he would be prompted to focus on facial expressions and understand body language. Both symbolic and pretend play are unique modes of early communication.Tullyreveledin the glory of being a “real fireman,” with a hat, jacket, boots and so many trucks! The lights, sirens and radios also added a real feel to the play experience. While engaged in play, Tully’s eyes shone with happiness and he ra diated joy. He was able to unwind and let his toughness melt away. He enjoyed spending time alone in the firehouse, but he eventually invited friends to join him, too. It was during those moments that sharing was most difficult, but also very rewarding. Put to the test, though it was challenging in the moment, Tully emerged as a real hero, stronger and braver, time and time again.
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291 845.600.8484 September 14, 2022 The Monsey View

I’m sure your pencils are labeled and sharpened, your looseleafs and folders color-coordinated and stacked in your sleek leather bag. But have you packed your snacks?
A LENGE?CHALSNACKHEALTHY292 845.600.8484 The Monsey View September 14, 2022
Eating healthy snacks — such as fruit, protein, or starches high in fiber — will feed your brain the nutrients it needs to help you succeed in school. So, ditch your old-fashioned ideas on how to fill your back pack, and instead, let’s think of some tasty treats to keep you fortified throughout the day.

Mothers: Make it doable for your children by stocking your fridge and pantry with a variety of yummy, grab-n-go options. Bonus points if you cut back on purchasing junk foods to minimize temptation!
Let me guess: In honor of the first day of school, your dream idea of what to munch on includes a jumbo sprinkle cookie, barbecue chips, and falafel Bissli. Am I right? No, I was not peeking into your wagon as you were strolling down the aisles of the grocery. You do have great taste, but… Do you really want food coloring, an abun dance of sugar, and MSG to carry you through your school day?

294 845.600.8484 The Monsey View September 14, 2022
WHEN YOUR CHART IS ALL FILLED IN, you’ll get rewarded by feeling so much better — and hopefully, succeeding academically like never before! And if that’s not motivation enough, we’ll help you along:
AGES 10 AND UP: You’re on your canyourself.snackPrepareown!yourallbyYoudoit!
Bring your filled-out chart to Toys 4 U, and be gifted with an exclusive, limited-edition The Monsey View fanny pack!

Fill a Ziploc bag with a generous handful of washed grapes. Make an easy fruit salad by mixing canned pineapple and some chopped kiwi and apple. Transfer to in a leak-proof container for transport.
Program sponsor:
There are brands with entire lines of snacks free of MSG. Those are a great, easy choice.
In addition, one winner will be drawn to receive a personalized briefcase, pencil case, water bottle and keychain of their choice!

Cherry tomatoes can be found packaged in attractive, single-serve con tainers, making them so much fun to eat.
295 845.600.8484 September 14, 2022 The Monsey View

Name: Age:School:___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Phonenumber:____________________________________________________________Signyourinitialsforeachdayyoupackedonlyhealthysnacks.
296 845.600.8484 The Monsey View September 14, 2022


In 1660, Charles II, who had been in exile, returned to England and reclaimed the monarchy. New artifacts were created for his coronation, based on records of the lost items. These pieces are the center of the Crown Jewels collection today, and have been displayed in the Tower of London since.

The oldest jewel in the Crown Jewels is the St. Edward’s Sapphire, an octagonal rose-cut stone. It is said to have been taken from the ring of Edward the Confessor, who ruled from 1042 to 1066, making it the oldest item in all of the Crown Jewels.
What Are the Crown Jewels?
The Crown Jewels are the collection of ceremonial objects belonging to the British royals. This variety of crowns, scepters, silver trumpets, jewels and ornaments are worn or used at major events, such as coronations and the annual State Opening of the Parliament.
The Crown Jewels collection currently consists of 142 objects, set with 23,578 precious and semi-precious stones. The entire Crown Jewel collection is worth between $4 and $6 billion.

Ever feel the urge to carry five pounds on your head — in front of a few hundred thousand people? No? Being a king or queen might look like a lot of fun, but the responsibilities (and crowns) they carry are pretty heavy.
Queen Elizabeth was the second longest reigning monarch in world history. She ruled for 70 years, from February 6, 1952, until her death on September 8.
300 The Monsey View
Did You Know?
Until 1649, the Crown Jewels were kept at Westminster Abbey, where the coronations have always taken place. A large part of the collection was lost after the British Civil War in 1649, when Charles I was executed. Once the monarchy was abolished, Parliament was in need of funds and sold some royal pieces. Then they removed the diamonds and pearls from the remaining artifacts and melted the gold into coins. Heartless, I agree.
The scepter used during coronation is also from Charles II’s coronation. It’s around 3 feet long and set with 333 diamonds, 31 rubies, 15 emeralds, and 7 sapphires. In 1910 it was reset with the largest cut diamond, the Cullinan I, cut from the Cullinan diamond, the largest rough diamond ever discovered.

301The Monsey View
The Imperial Crown is worn from the beginning of the coronation ceremony until the moment of crowning. This crown is also worn at a government ceremony called the State Opening of Parliament, which is the first day of a new parliamentary session or soon after a general election. The gold, silver and platinum crown is decorated with purple velvet, 2,868 diamonds, 273 pearls, 17 sapphires, 11 emeralds and 5 rubies, and weighs around 2 pounds.
The Cullinan Diamond

This crown was crafted for Charles II in 1661 for his coronation, and it is used only at the crowning of an incoming monarch. The St. Edward’s Crown is embellished with 444 precious stones and has a heavy gold base, making it weigh nearly 5 pounds. Due to its weight, some kings and queens chose to have it displayed (and not on their heads), but since 1911, it has been worn at every coronation.
By: Toby Daimant
St. Edward’s Crown

The most significant and famous pieces of the Crown Jewels are objects of the Coronation Regalia — the ornaments used during the coronation ceremony when a new king or queen is crowned. These traditional pieces were first made for William the Conqueror in 1066 CE and were replicated for Charles II’s coronation in 1661. These are still used at coronations today — most recently, at the coronation of Queen Elizabeth II in 1953. In the near future the Coronation Regalia will be used once again, this time at the coronation of King Charles III.

At an astounding 3,106 carats, the Cullinan diamond was the largest uncut diamond ever found. The stone was discovered near South Africa in 1905 in the wall of a mine. The two largest stones cut from it were named the Cullinan I and the Cullinan II. They are set in the Sovereign’s Sceptre and in the front band of the Imperial State Crown.
When the original diamond was shipped from South Africa to England, there was obviously some concern about thieves and smugglers getting hold of it. In order to fend off potential thieves, a replica stone, guarded by detectives, was sent to the mining company’s office in London, while the real diamond was shipped in an ordinary package in the mail. Thankfully, both made it to London without a hitch.
Imperial State Crown
Full name of winner: _________________ Amount of points: __________
A new word you learned from the board: complete forms will be entered into the drawing.
4. Two winners will be drawn each week, each of whom will win a pas trami sandwich and a can of soda!
Find words on the board containing four letters or more. Letters of a word must be connected in a chain (each letter should be adjacent to the next either vertically, horizontally or diago nally), and each letter can only be used once in a given word.
4-letter words: 2 points | 5-letter words: 3 points | 6-letter words: 5 points | 7-letter words: 7 points | 8-letter words: 9 points | 9+ letters: 12 points RF MIQ F COHT KG L E S RONBAA

The longest word found on the board: _____________________________
Family name: _________________________________ Phone: __________________
__________________________ Only
List some words only the winner found:
2. Once you have a winner, fill out the form below in its entirety
302 845.600.8484 The Monsey View September 14, 2022
Hint:Each Boggle board hides a word of nine letters or more!
The following are not allowed in Boggle: Adding “s” to a word • Proper nouns • Abbreviations • Contractions • Acronyms
Full names of players:competing
1. Gather round the table to play a family game of Boggle, using this Boggle board.

Full mailing address: ____________________________________________________
3. Email the form to 600-8483themonseyview.comcomments@orfaxto845-bySundayatmidnight.
Family name: Miller, 845-xxx-0031
Some words only the winner found: bone, fake, hale, harm, smock
27 485 9567 21 8 9361 859 6931 582 1 4 9381 8 4 52 346 8137 523 28 9 2 6978 303 845.600.8484 September 14, 2022 The Monsey View
Amount of points: 62
Names of competing players: Moishy
Name of winner: Rivky
The longest word found on the board: smock
Amount of points: 37
Last week’s bonus word: EDUCATION

The longest word found on the board: smock
Name of winner: Yisroel
Family name: Adler, 845-xxx-7469
Names of competing players: Mommy
Some words only the winner found: bike, cuff, duck, hard, heard
To claim your prize, tear out this sheet (on which your name appears) and bring it in to Nussy’s Cuisine.
A new word learned from the board: feud
have your artwork featured in our pages and win $5

Send your colored page to Monsey View to at lucky will each week!
By: Faigy Jacobowitz
Name:_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Phone:______________________________________________ Age:____________________ School:_________________________________________________________ 304 845.600.8484 The Monsey View September 14, 2022
To enter the raffle, email your colored page to, or mail it to 365 Route 59, Suite 239, Airmont, NY 10952. Submissions will be included in the drawing only if all information is filled in.
be announced
to enter a drawing for a chance
Toys4U! Ten
305 845.600.8484 September 14, 2022 The Monsey View

306 845.600.8484 The Monsey View September 14, 2022

308 845.600.8484 The Monsey View September 14, 2022

311 845.600.8484 September 14, 2022 The Monsey View

Seeking frum girl to rent room in my Boro Park apt. Private bed/bath W/D inc. Good location Available immediately /347-314-5040718-755-8402
Local Monsey Working Restaurant for sale. Call or text +18453934516

Fully operational, new equipment, dine in take out, kosher, shawarma, low rent, growing community, great opportunity, low price call/ text 845-222-1272
Newly renovated apt avail immed : 2 bedrooms: stunning bathroom: spacious kitchen: quartz counters; fancy lights: elegant flooring: Spacious Storage Shed: Very big backyard. TEXT ONLY. (917)830-6341
1 bedroom apartment for rent in Pomona / Haverstraw area. Ideal for single. 201.290.1208 / 917.803.8300
High end knives for Rosh Hashana.Wusthof and Zwilling chefs ,carving ,bread knives and 598-2408prices,limitedmore.Wholesalesupply.848-
Brand new in closed box. Selling for $360, In stores $449. 8455385693
Black, brand new in box. Selling for $590, in store $730.00. 8455385693
Brand new 2 apartememt.berdoomNosection 8. Roberts, Suffern area. Call 845-422-7127. If possible please text.

NEOCATE/BABY FORMULA Neocate $46.99 per can. Kendamil $38.99. Similac L’Mehadrin $28.99!! We also buy off any extra formula for a good price. Call for other types of formulas. Formula 347.369.4886Trade

Classifieds sale
All pre-owned in excellent condition. Uppababy cruz $200. Uppababy vista double, black $575. Joolz geo2 with footmuff $500. Babyzen yoyo original $180. Bugaboo cameleon w/bassinet $200. City miniGT double, black new, $350. Call/txt (845)5585446
Sukkos rental available near Monsey. 5+ bedrooms (17 beds). Amazing for family reunion. 5 minutes from Shul. Lots of privacy. Contact 347.356.0511
Beautiful 3 door Italian dresser with mirror for sale. High sheen mahogany. Brand new condition. Best offer, pictures available, txt only 8457460486
DEXTER PARK 2 bedroom house available for rent starting October. Please text only 845.304.7090
Doona Stroller, multiple colors avail.cll/txt 1-201-6144045
Sunbeam Kosher Cellphone with text. Can be used with any service. Orig $200 Selling for $150. (Almost new) Call 845-642-2214
Now on sale, available in beautiful colors, ASTM standards, company backed warranty. Free delivery. Please call 845-263-2737
Exclusive brides gown costume made-affordable price.2 sisters gowns.Also 4 king size BEDS excellent condition, can fold to a couch $199 each.Call 845-304-1792
N real estate N
Black velvet long coat size small 8452937369

Yerushalayim apt for simchas torah. A one bedroom apt with large sukka available from erev Shabbos chol hamoed till after simchas torah for a great price. Pninat chemed hotel. 5 minutes from kiryas belz. 845-6595525
Yeshiva Spring Valley (boys) of Monsey is now accepting resumes for the General Studies department for September 2022 - ‘23 School Year. Following Positions available: • Lower Elementary School Teacher (M-TH 12:45-4:00); • Title1 English Language Arts (ELA) Teacher • Teacher’s Assistants (M-TH 12:45-4:00) Teaching experience a must. Professional atmosphere and competitive salary. Please include references and email to orggss@yeshivaspringvalley.orFAXto845-356-8551

BAS MIKROH is seeking qualified staff for the ‘22-‘23 school year, to join our dynamic, talented team: Hebrew and English Permanent Substitutes, English Remedial Teacher, Co-Teachers and assistants. Please email resume to hr@ Bas Mikroh has an on-site daycare for Staff children.
Bnos Leah Prospect Park of Monsey is seeking positive, warm and experienced teachers for the 2022-23 school year. Preschool and elementary school positions open. Send your resume jobs@prospectmonsey.orgto
Local school looking for mature gmail.comsubmitadministrativeschoolhire.assistantadministrativeforimmediateJobincludeshandlingprogramsandgeneraltasks.Pleaseresumetojob410977@
4 bdrm home w/pool in Hollywood FL available for rent monthly. Sleeps up-to 16 people. House equipped with everything. Quick walk to shul and in eruv. Please contact Michael at 914.719.7607
Bnos Leah Prospect Park of Monsey seeking assistant teachers for grades K -4. Full and half days available. Opportunities for jobs@prospectmonsey.orggrowth.

Studio apartment in airmont for rent. Contact: 845-2829158
real estate N help wanted N
314 845.600.8484 The Monsey View September 14, 2022
House available in Wesley Hills for rent, for First Days Sukkos. Please call 845-5877535

Freshly renovated office with private entrance and kitchenette, now available on College Rd. Please call 845-290-6033 or
Do you have a property for rent? Are you looking to rent an apartment or a house in the monsey area? Call us at 917-903-7379
Beautiful villas with pool on gorgeous property in Casa Grande, Arizona, available for rent. Reasonable 5574gmail.comArizonakoshergetaway@rates!call/text347-224-
LEAD BABYSITTER WANTED Seeking competentexperiencedwomanto lead a group of babysitters. Great environment. Excellent pay. Call: 845-503-0186 comforthealthrc.orgtgross@
Looking for drivers to do morning and afternoon trips for employees. Phone: 845-205-9862. Email: commhealthcare.comMGrunwald@

316 845.600.8484 The Monsey View September 14, 2022

Local property Management Company is looking for a f/t secretary. office Experience required. Great environment, Great pay. Please email resume rcmanageoffice@gmail.comto
318 845.600.8484 The Monsey View September 14, 2022
Office in Monsey is seeking a capable individual for an open position within the finance department. Great opportunity with potential, good pay and easterndrayage.comresumeenvironment.HeimishPleaseemailtochaimm@

Local management office looking to hire secretary for customer service position. Please send your resume to
Looking for para/tutor for 8 year old boy. M-T 11:00-3:30 Sunday 11:00- 2:30. Great pay. Call or text (347)651-7382
Monsey Insurance office on Robert Pitt Drive seeks part time experienceBookkeeper,preferred. Please email resume to trustevergreen.comjobs@
Looking for full-day & afternoon co-teachers. Work with great teachers and gain experience. Please call or text 845-270-8796.
Part-time & Full-time jobs available. gmail.comTopPartTimeJobs@Email
Bnos Leah Prospect Park of Monsey is looking for a morning secretary great working environment. Must be organized, flexible, responsible and knowledgable in Microsoft office. Graphics and Hebrew word processing a plus. jobs@
Seeking female bookkeeping assistant. bikurcholim.orgeturnheim@
Seeking a mother’s helper, great pay! Please call: 845614-2500 ext. 104
Fast paced insurance office looking for capable secretary to handle applications, rating & client review. office exp preferred but not needed email resume growth4you@gmail.comto
Yeshiva of Spring Valley Preschool is callyeshivaspringvalley.orgyourpositions.environment.ProfessionalteachersexperiencedseekingkindergartenforAM.andPM.andwarmWellpaidPleaseemailresumetopreschool@or845-356-1400ext.226, or 848-525-0943.
help wanted N
This is not your typical neighborhood playgroup. Brand new equipment and toys. Clean spacious premises. Multiple classes so you get to interact with others. Small Groups. Hot meals. Excellent Pay. Afternoon hours. Perfect for the responsible devoted candidate. Call: 845-503-0186 comforthealthrc.orgtgross@
Clothing store in Monsey is looking for a motivated woman/girl for saleshelp. Pls call 845-642-7965
Bais Yaakov School seeking Permanent Substitutes and teachers for in-class mentoring. baisayaakovelementary.orgresumeenvironment!opportunityTerrificinagreatEmailtoresumes@

Preschool in Monsey looking for assistant. 9:00-3:00 part time option. Also looking for assistant from 2:00-3:00. Great pay! Call/text 845-4761305
GREAT OPPORTUNITY Female Secretary Wanted. Perfect Position for Graduate! Monday-Friday Full Time gmail.comgr8opportunityforjob@toProficiencyComputeramust.Willingtrain.EmailResumeto

Real estate office looking for a secretary, good pay, willing to train, email your resume to or fax to 7182439997
Yeshiva of Spring Valley Preschool is looking to hire capable co-teachers / assistants to work alongside very experienced teachers for the 5783-2022/2023 school year. Well paid positions. Please email your resume to callyeshivaspringvalley.orgpreschool@or845-356-1400ext.226, or 848-525-0943.

Real Estate/ Construction office hiring an experienced secretary for bookkeeping & general office work. Flexible hours and well paid with roof for growth. Submit your resume to rpiliving@gmail. com
Chassidishe cheder looking for a male tutor for title one. 3:30-5:30. Please call 8452637445
We are looking to add to our sales team an additional inside salesperson who will be working in our showroom to serve our clients with selections and kitchen/ laundry room layout in 2020 Design Program. Great attitude, kitchenlion.comorplus.Experiencetomulticommunicationenthusiastic,skills,talking,andabilitymeetdeadlinesamust.inAutoCADaPleasecall347-504-1899emailresumetogoldie@
SALES LADY kids Shoe Store Sales Lady or Girl Wanted, For More Info. Please Call 845-709-8360

320 845.600.8484 The Monsey View September 14, 2022
Local Monsey office is looking to hire a full time secretary now or after Succos. Office experience preferred. Great pay for the right candidate. Please Call 845-205 -0910 or Email: monseyhire@gmail. com.

Upscale Jewelry Store In Monsey Is Looking To Hire A Part Time Energetic Sales Lady. Sunday’s Included. Please Email ComJewelrypersonal@Gmail.Resume:
Online Luxury Retail Company seeks motivated young man to assist with sales, order processing & customer care. This is a full time in-office position. Pleasant environment with plenty of potential, great pay for the qualified individual. Excellent written & spoken English necessary. Must be computer literate. Social media knowledge a plus. Please email job4fulltime@gmail.comresume
help wanted N
Office in Suffern NY is looking for a F/T Office Assistant with good Computer and CSR skills. QuickBooks experience a must. Great Compensation. Email resume to: sales@
Busy mortgage office seeking f/t,hardworking,organized,manager.receptionist/officeMustbesuperpeoplesperson,computerdetailorientedandEmailresumeto
is seeking to hire additional recruiters. Part-time & Flexible hours. Email your resume to SwiftStaffingGroup.comInfo@
150+ JOB OPENINGS! Stop wasting your time going through all the jobs classifieds. Simply email your resume to completelyStrictlyWhatsAppcareer.&toSwiftStaffingGroup.comInfo@exploreyouroptionsmaximizeyourOrCall/Text/732-800-7633confidential&free.

Looking for a friendly and organized Sales Associate and Showroom Manager at our glamorous state-of-the-art tile showroom in Monsey, great potential for the right candidate, please email resume to
Office in Lyndhurst NJ, Approx 45 min from Monsey, looking for Bright, responsible, motivated individual, to Join our Office Team Full Time. Beginners Welcome. Multitasking, Communication & organizational skills required. Nice growth potential & Great pay! Please call (347)678-2670 or email resume
A.M. secretary in BY high school. Hours begin at 8:30 am. Candidate will have minimum 3 yrs experience, be computer proficient, detail oriented, quick learner. Email resume to admin@
A professional and heimish, all female office in Chestnut Ridge is looking to hire additional full time employees. Great pay and benefits package. Send your resume to

Cheder in Monsey is looking for experienced English Teacher (male) Supportive environment. Easy to follow curriculum plan. Excellent discipline program in place. Competitive Pay. For more information or to apply please call: 718-450-2538

322 845.600.8484 The Monsey View September 14, 2022

323 845.600.8484 September 14, 2022 The Monsey View


Do you have extensive Adobe Photoshop stvyc@hotmail.comRoutein-officeflexiblewephotographyourproductseeksdetails?DoExperienceknowledge?inimageediting?youhaveagoodeyesmallMonseybusinessyoungwomenforimageediting.Joingrowingteam!BasicskillsA+butcantrain.Parttimeorhours!Thisisanpositionlocatedon59.Emailresumeto
CCHF is seeking a driven salesperson to bring Shmiras Haloshon projects to shuls, schools and
Be Your Own Boss! “Be in business for yourself not by yourself” best training + support provided, great benefits and retirement package. Please dglick@newyorklife.comemail or call 845-639-5216
Baby Boutique in New Square is looking for part time afternoon sales lady. Please call 845-558-0030

324 845.600.8484 The Monsey View September 14, 2022

Requires interpersonalexcellentand phone skills, computer savviness, and organizational skills. Ad-hoc administrative duties. Please email talent@ or call 718304-9977 ext 125
Commercial kitchen in Pomona area is Looking to hire a girl or woman with basic cooking experience. Lots of potential for the right candidate. Please call 845293-2107 and leave a message
ABA Riders is looking for an ABA para for a case in New City from 3:30 to 6:30 Mon. thru Thurs. Well paid. Contact Rikki: info@abariders.com347-930-9736/
our spacious state-of-the-art tile showroom in Monsey, great potential for the right candidate, please email resume to
A growing;toresponsible,andpossesscommunicationCandidatesassistdepartmentforadministrativeislocatedmanagementpropertycompanyinSpringValleylookingtohireaF/Tassistantthemaintenancetodirectlysitemanagers.shouldhavegreatskills,andstrongmultitaskinginterpersonalskills,beandabletokeepdeadlines.Toapplypleasepropertym319@gmail.

A fast-growing company is looking to hire someone for account receivables and collections, the candidate should have great communication skills. Please email your resume to
We are seeking a talented designer to join our expanding team! Full-Time position. Please email your resume to jobs@upgradeny. com
Heimishe office in Monsey looking to hire for multiple full-time positions, graduate/ entry level ok. Please email resume: orsammysconsulting.comsammy@call845-603-8206
help wanted N
We are looking for a highly motivated, energetic and friendly Retail Sales person with a flair for design, at
Join our Monsey Office! Receive full training in Nursing Home Financials. Competitive salary and free health insurance. Located at Rela, moving shortly to Rober Pitt. Send resume monseyjobs@fcc-corp.comto
Are you a self-motivated, creative individual, looking for an opportunity to grow and develop your skills?
325 845.600.8484 September 14, 2022 The Monsey View

Looking for young, energetic, reliable young men willing to engage with developmentally disabled high-functioning men in planned activities and Inspiring programs. Your role will be one of leadership and oversight. Must be comfortable driving the agency van as needed. Nice pay plus excellent perks and pluses after 6 months of employment. Email Resume to: or Call: 845-354-3233 ext.1218
of 18 - 25, and a warm and friendly personality. Please email all resumes or inquiries to supershevi36@
Mr. Wertzberger’s Music School offering music lessons on the phone, ages 9-15 boys and girls. Try it free! 718-4351923
Detail oriented office assistant needed with good computer skills, including Excel. Flexible hours. Email Resume to: 596-2487share-247.orgdhalberstam@orCall:845-
help wanted N babysitting N services N 326 845.600.8484 The Monsey View September 14, 2022
Well established business Seeking comresumecommunicationandtrain.forwithexcel.mustExperienceAccountAmazon,eCommerce/eBay,WalmartManager.necessary,beproficientwithGreatopportunitytremendouspotentialgrowth.WillingtoMustbeorganizedmotivatedwithgoodskills.Sendtodavid@ahdealsinc.
For timekeeping and record keeping of various inhouse departments. Will train. Computer knowledgeable, quick learner, some experience with OPWDD regulations helpful. Excellent opportunity for growth and advancement. Great work environment in all women office. Good pay. Email resume to: kfireman@ or call 845354-3233 ext. 1112
Earn up to $10,000 per month + bonuses working from home and helping Frum students earn their college degrees in a Kosher environment in their own home. Skills necessary: A good working knowledge of gmail, a desire to help students between the ages
One slot available, 3 months+. 9:45-3:00. 845-826-2185

For all women’s office. Experience in bookkeeping and finance to assist in both accounts payable and receivable department. Required: attention to detail and accuracy. Nice potential for growth. CONTACT: Karen Fireman 845-354-3233 ext.1120 or send resume kfireman@chesed247.orgto
On demand Torah Hebrew718-298-2077.iPhone/AndroidforVideo-Audio-downloadlecturesAllfreeComputerorAppforOrHotlineYiddish--English
Is your child still in the same place after all that tutoring?Join Arrowsmith, a research based program that strengthens the brain and eliminates learning disabilities. Call Mrs Feuer 914-260-6449
Looking to hire care managers to assist families in need of support. BA or Talmudic Degree required. Great side job/part time job. Send resume,tocall347.362.0794.


and music theory by Miriam Ungar. Now accepting Children’s Waiver. Please call 845.502.1971
327 845.600.8484 September 14, 2022 The Monsey View

Van & Truck Delivery and Shlepping Service Call Izzy: 845-263-0420
VAN SERVICE Minivan service. Specializing in shopping trips, including Bingo. $30 door to door, up to 7 boxes. Call David 917-5414852
Dryer vent cleaning & installation safe & reliable 845.376.4283

Magnificent navy gown for rent. Size 2-4. 845-721-9265
Great prices. Call Miri 845426-7561

Keyboard lessons By Miri. Great Prices! Call 845-4267561 or 845-263-6437
Looking for an Aide in Israel for succos? Frum Aides available for elderly and individuals with special needs. Please text/ whatsapp Yehuda at: 862 247 3411

Help your toddler reach language 8662English.sessions.availableInterventionExperiencedmilestones.Earlyspeechtherapisttodoin-homeBilingualYiddish/Call/text718-687-
we fix knitted & crochet Gartlech & make beautiful professional fringes. We also teach how to knit & crochet. call: 917-414-3281
If I went ahead of you at the Chase ATM on Aug4 please be mochel me, it was my mistake.
12 years experience. Wide selection. Call/text: 845-5387986
Craniosacral Therapy InHome Sessions
Your child can’t say “S,” “SH,” “CH” correctly? Get SPEECH THERAPY home visits, covered by Fidelis. Yechiel Erps 845- 521-6782
Get your professional resume within 48 hours! comempiricalresumes@gmail.Email/call845-445-9227
PICK 845-461-3084UPS
Biggest selection of balloons for all occasions in the Weiner drive area call 8454223988/ Flyhighbal@
Adorable gold gown by Dassy available to buy or rent. Toddler size 4. Call 422-5596 for more info
Enhance your gown with just the right petticoat! Kids and petticoatsadultsforrent! In the Bates area. Please Call or text between 845-746-72488:30-10pm
Of toys, arts & crafts, or supplies, in good condition, for a Heimishe Moised. Call 845.500.3100
“Change your Water.. Change your life” Alkaline - AntiOxidant - Super Hydrating Call for FREE supply and feel AMAZING! 917-681-0003
CALL/TEXT @845-596-1373SARAH
For all your custom closets please call or text 1347.522.4872
services N odds & ends N gowns N 330 845.600.8484 The Monsey View September 14, 2022
having trubble with finances? join Debtors Anonymous Tuesday night @ 19 Robert Pitt # 113 , 7:30-8:30pm. visit debtorsanonymous.orgwww.
DONATE YOUR VEHICLE (Car, truck, van, Suv) Help build children. Get $1,500 tax deduction + $2,400 Gift book (shopping) or we pay cash for cars too. 718974-9428
PSYCHOLOGIST Licensed Ph.D.Sundays.MotzeiavailabilityImmediateadolescentspsychotherapyprovidingPsychologistindividualwithandadults.telehealthonweekdays,Shabbos,andJonathanKeigher,Call/text212-729-1080
331 845.600.8484 September 14, 2022 The Monsey View

3 bedroom Apt for rent In Yerushalayim heart of Geula, from Y”K to after Sukkos. Sukkah provided. Call from 7am to 3pm. 718-416-6287 and from 3pm-10pm 845-425-9511
BLACK MATERNITY GOWN Size XS gown for rent/sale. Call/text 646334-6582
2 beautiful mauve sister of bride dresses, size 2 & 8. Mother of bride gray / blue dress. Great price. Negociable. 845-5781885
High quality 4ft led linkable lights. Delivery available. Please call 845244-0678
Beautiful mother of bride gown for sale. Black and white. Size 10-12. Great price. Call/text 347-760-4649.
5 Drawer wood color chest 845-709-4069. Complete master bedroom set with 44” beds 845-425-1937
Very Elegant, Winter White trimmed with Black Velvet, girls size 12/14 for sale. Please Call 845-709-7161.
Boys suit from Glaubers size 14M double breasted excellent condition 347-243-1143
Local Monsey office is looking for a PT/FT office secretary. Please email resume to
Beautiful white elegant tulle gown size 6 for sale or rent. Call or text 646-257-0755
332 845.600.8484 The Monsey View September 14, 2022
Silver/Grey colored gown size 2-4 8455380391
Beautiful girls off white children’s lace gowns 2 styles for rent multiple sizes please call / text 845-558 -0276

333 845.600.8484 September 14, 2022 The Monsey View

Need a wig before Yom Tov? Lots of beautiful preowned wigs only human hair. Discounted prices! Txt/Watsapp 845218-1799 Instagram thewigconsignment@
A building for Yeshiva in BloomingGrove for rent. Accomodates around 25 bachurim. Please call 845219-1095
2020 Mitsubishi Outlander 20,000 miles. $20,000.
Magnificent Ivory/white size 3 party dress for sale. Please call 845-499-5717
MIAMI BEACH Carriage Club North. Beautiful 2 Bedroom, 2 bath, ground floor. Available for Sukkos & winter season. Call: 347.499.0031
Do you have some Human Resources experience , get the job you deserve! send your resume to eva@
Perfect condition! Call/text 845-558-9470
and willing to pay a fantastic SALARY for the candidate with the right experience. send your resume to eva@
4 bedroom house in Cameo Ridge area 845-274-0803immediately.availableRent$3500.
Has 2 Slots left. Hours are 9-3. Nutritious lunch provided. Warm atmosphere. Very Loving teachers. Please call for more info 845-248-9610

Do you have a few years of Accounting experience? A Successful Company that will appreciate your talent

Dabbled a bit on Amazon and know how to do Amazon listings? A growing company is seeking to expand their team, get the job youre looking for in a heimishe environment. send your resume to eva@
Seeking a position where you will get recognition? We have Many job opportunities in Heimishe environments to choose from. Let us guide you to the right position.text : 3474219345 email: eva@
free giveaways N late ads N 334 845.600.8484 The Monsey View September 14, 2022

JDNCREDIT:PHOTO וצ א"טילש רודה ירואמו ילודג ןופ תומיתח ןוא שדוק תכרב ןעמוקאב ןוא אקירעמא ןיא ךוזאב א ןטאטשפא םייב ןויצמ רזע דסומ ר"וי קלו'צ היננח ברה טלעוו רעראג יד רעביא העושיל םיפצמה י"בחא טעוועטאר סאוו SWAB TEST עגיטכיוו ראג יד ןעמענ ןטימ ןויצמ רזע ןציטש יסנאמב ושרדמ תיבב ק"שצומ ליבאנרעשטמ ר"ומדאהרוקיבב לאירטנאמ - ץאשמ ר"ומדאה ראמטאסמ ר"ומדאה ליהעווזמלצא ר"ומדאה ח"לחבהל לצא ליהעווזמ תקידצה תינברה לש העבשה תולככ םייחל גרובגנימולב בל בטי תירקב סנה לעב ריאמ יבר תקדצל תומוחה ירמוש ללוכ תבוטל רעניד 336 The Monsey View

JDNCREDIT:PHOTO יסנאמב אזלעב הקבונחמ שדחה ד"מהיבל הזוזמ תעיבק דמעמ לצא אזלעב הקבונחממ ר”ומדאה יסנאמד אתביתמהב אתכסמה תמלשה תלבק דמעמ רעפייל ׳ירא לאומש ’ר ג”הרה ודכנ ןופ ץיפש ןיא וידכנ תושארב ק”הרא ןיא ןראוועג טעווארפעג ל"צז קסנעזילמ ר"ומדאה ןופ טייצראי עטשרע 342 The Monsey View

JDNCREDIT:PHOTO ה"ע ליהעווזמ תינברה פ"ע םילבא םוחינב םינברו ם”ירומדא 346 The Monsey View

348 845.600.8484 The Monsey View September 14, 2022

Editor in Chief: D. GORALNIK
Project Coordinator: R. ITZKOWITZ
352 845.600.8484 The Monsey View September 14, 2022

Contents // Inside 144 // Inbox 156 // Parsha 164 // The Hidabroot Revolution 174 // Week in Review 186 // The Last Rebbe of Lodz 198 // The Long Road to Freedom 209 // Food 224 // Thrones of Legends 232 // The British Crown 250 // The Grand Palace Tour 276 // Realistic Resolutions 284 // One Child at a Time 292 // Pack Your Snack 298 // Ricochet 300 // FYI 302 // Fun Pages 312 // Classifieds 336 // Pictures ISSUE 365 SEPTEMBER 14, 2022 ב”פשת לולא ח”י FYI: JEWELSCROWNTHE MAKECHANGESMEANINGFULLAST Tips for keeping kabbalos GET READY FOR YOM TOV! Elegant meats for the many THRONE OF WISDOM, THRONE OF ENVY The exquisitely unique throne of Shlomo Hamelech PICTURESQUEPALACES Take a peek inside the walls of the royal OF ROYAL RIGHTS AND RITES The bygone era of Her Majesty’s monarchy in Britain Rulers and Royalty The Hidabroot Revolution and the Man Behind It From a fish shop in Zichron Yaakov to an empirethetransformingteshuvahworld story and invites us behind THE MONSEY VIEW P.O. Box 305 Monsey N.Y. 10952 Telephone: 845-600-8484 Fax: 845-600-8483 E-mail: Website: MISSION STATEMENT: The Monsey View is a weekly publication designed for every segment and age group of our diverse community. Under rabbinical guidance, we bring Monsey’s top talent together to provide high-quality, informative and current reading material, keeping you up to date on sales, events, news and issues of concern and import happening right now in the Monsey community. DISCLAIMER: We do not endorse any ad found in this publication. We are not responsible for typographical or grammatical errors.
Content Editor: R. REESE
All content found in The Monsey View is copyright and may not be reproduced, published, distrib uted or duplicated for public or private use without written permission from The Monsey View. Limit one (1) per family
Associate Editor: E.M. NEIMAN

Food Editor: M.P. WERCBERGER
Creative Director: AJ WACHSMAN