ISSUEFREE 366 SEPTEMBER 21, 2022 םיבצנ תשרפ ב”פשת לולא ה”כ THE SHEEP IN THE CITY Meet the flock that once called Central Park home SIMPLY STUNNING Seasonal simanim decor A SERENADESOULFUL Tefillos and tunes that reach our very core ONE THREECHANCE,CHOICES He was before a three-way path in davening. Which would he choose? NOTESPURITYOF Reb Yom Tov Erlich’s legacy FYI: WOOL

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We deeply regret that in last week’s Inbox the concept of children being taught about avodas Hashem in a loving manner was expressed by the letter-writer in an extremely wrong way. Of course, we have to be mechanech our children about yiras Shamayim and to fear an aveirah We sincerely apologize, and as always, we will continue to screen our letters to avoid printing wrongful material in the future.
It’s true that we shouldn’t make a monster of our Loving Father and that it has to be taught that our Father is loving and ready to accept teshuvah and be mochel our aveiros with true ahavah. But an aveirah is a terrible thing, and it has to be taught that way. An aveirah is something to be afraid of. To write otherwise is wrong, and the wording was ter rible.I’m sure you will be more careful in the future.

MONSEY, NY WEATHER FORECAST THURSDAY 71°/50° 82% FRIDAY 61°/46° 1% MONDAY 67°/44° 65% SHABBOS 68°/52° 8% TUESDAY 65°/42° 55% SUNDAY 68°/50° 25% WEDNESDAY 62°/40° 25% The Everest Equity Company, Inc. Registered Mortgage Broker New York State Department of Financial Services. Mortgage Broker Licensed by the New Jersey Department of Banking and Insurance. Licensed Mortgage Broker CT, PA, FL and NC Banking Departments. Loans arranged through third party providers. Company NMLS ID 12484 8 4 5 3 5 7 6 9 0 0 • n f o @ e v e r e s t e q u t y c o m • e v e r e s t e q u t y c o m 2 E X E C U T V E B L V D S U T E 2 0 1 • S U F F E R N , N Y 1 0 9 0 1 םינמז שארלהנשה םיבצנ ש"רע ה"ר ברע ץינזיוואריווקס 6:33 6:30 6:21 6:18 6:26 6:23 םיבצנ ש"צומ ה"רד 'ב ליל ה"ר יאצומ 8:02 7:59 7:57 7:45 7:42 7:40 8:04 8:01 7:59 166 845.600.8484 The Monsey View September 21, 2022
I’d like to respond to the letter regarding instilling in children a fear of aveiros
The Monsey View
INBOX // Talk of Town 356-mall6255845NUMBERONE needs.yourall Monsey 27 Orchard Street Monsey, NY 845-425-801010952
A Mechanech
Here we present several letters from readers in response to the original letter.
YIRAS SHAMAYIM SHOULD BE TAUGHT (Re: Keep the Message Loving, Inbox, Issue 365)
What is yiras Shamayim if not being afraid to do an aveirah? And it absolutely is a concept to be taught to school-aged children. We must teach children that we have a Loving Father, but on the same note,

I will end with a great line I once heard from Rebbet izin Dina Fink, which she mentioned in the name of one of the rabbanim from Gateshead Seminary: “Yiddishkeit is always a privilege, but never an option.”
Thank you so much for a lovely feature on Queen Elizabeth II! It was fascinating to read, and its timing was superb.I’dlike to comment on the fact that those sitting around the queen’s table were to refrain from eating once the queen had finished her own portion. It is said that this was the reason the queen always kept a plate of salad at her elbow: Since she was always “in the middle of eating her salad,” this allowed all of her guests to eat to their heart’s content.
Wishing all of Klal Yisroel a kesivah v’chasimah tovah! C. Horowitz
Fascinated by Royalty

I am sure that you did not intend to write these words. I am sure you were just trying to bring across the point that teachers need to educate children with the wisdom to know what is and what is not age-appropriate.
I am sure that as a loving mother, you sternly disci pline your child when her behavior is not up to par. Love is about reward and about punishment. And every child should understand that. Omitting that information is misleading, as it makes Yiddishkeit seem optional.
Dear B.M.,
A Mother
Hashem is our Loving Father; He most certainly is! And any loving father showers love upon his child at the same time that he disciplines him.
However, it is actually integral and very age-appro priate for every school-aged child to be afraid of doing an aveirah! Reward and punishment are foundational concepts in Yiddishkeit and need to be taught to children starting from when they’re young.
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(Re: The British Crown, Issue 365)
they should also know that there are consequences for do ing wrong, chas v’shalom.

The longest word we hid in the Boggle board was “resolu tion,” though “monarchy” was another word we prepared for your enjoyment.
Several years ago, when sidewalks were being added to increase pedestrian safety, a temporary traffic light and crosswalk were placed at Requa Lane, leading to hope that a permanent change would be made, similar to the crosswalks created by Augusta Avenue and Spring Valley High School. Unfortunately that was not the case then, but now is the time to change that.
The fact of the matter is that the distance from crosswalk to crosswalk on that section of Route 59 is too great. People walking with children and packages unfortunately, but un derstandably, choose a more expedient, albeit quite danger ous, route far too often. In order to make the “Park and Shop” plan feasible, and to decrease the amount of dangerous jaywalking in that area year-round, an additional pedestrian crossing is needed.
We ask that our elected officials give this issue their im mediate attention and that a pedestrian crosswalk on Route 59 between Route 306/Main Street and Robert Pitt Road be installed as quickly as possible for the safety of all.
(Re: Of Rulers and Royalty, Issue 365)
The timing of your articles on the theme of royalty was impeccable. It’s almost as if you foresaw the passing of Queen Elizabeth!Regarding
Also, concerning the shortest sentences in the English language, an imperative sentence using a single word such as “Go!” or even the words “Yes.” or “No.” are acceptable be cause there is a subject and verb associated with the word.
K. Sloshay
THE MONSEY VIEW WELCOMES YOUR COMMENTS, FEEDBACK AND LETTERS. EMAIL: FAX: 845-600-8483 MAIL: The Monsey View, POB 305, Monsey, NY 10952 170 845.600.8484 The Monsey View September 21, 2022

the past week’s ten-letter Boggle word, which is apparently “monarchies,” I’d like to point out that I believe plurals are not allowed in this game. Unless, of course, there’s another word lurking among the letters.
There is a serious flaw in the “Park and Shop” campaign that recently went into effect. The arrows that are drawn show a direct and expedient route to the various shops mentioned. However, one would have to walk quite a bit out of the way from the Park and Ride, either to the intersection of Route 306/Main Street or to Robert Pitt Road, in order to safely cross the street, as the ads helpfully remind us, at the pedestrian crosswalks.

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That very week, Rav Yosef Shalom Elyashiv, zt”l, was hospi talized in the same hospital. On Shabbos morning, his family members arranged for a minyan to daven in his room, and they looked for a suitable baal korei who could lein the parsha for the rav
It was a simple mistake, but a source of true heartache. Chaim and his father decided to be mevater. Chaim would
To Give and Forgive
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Moshe Rabbeinu calmed them down, “Atem nitzavim hayom kulchem
Rav Elyashiv appreciated the clear leining and later thanked
— You are all standing here today” (Devarim 29:9). He explained, “You have provoked Hakadosh Baruch Hu plenty over the years, yet He has not destroyed you.”
Somehow, neither family had been aware that their bar mitzvah dates coincided. Chaim’s father was beside himself. Here were two boys who had invested heart and soul and untold hours of preparation for the leining, yet they could not both do the job! He approached the gabbai, who slapped his forehead in distress.
Moshe’s words are difficult to understand. Wasn’t the purpose of tochacha to frighten the Yidden to stop them from wrongdoing? If so, why is Moshe telling them that they always avoided these punishments in the past?
The Midrash says that after the Yidden heard the 98 klalos in the previous parsha , they turned pale with fright. Who could endure such challenges?
.Seventeen-year-old Chaim was no baal korei and was not going to offer his services, but then he suddenly realized that it was the very same parsha as his bar mitzvah week! He had practiced the leining for months and still remembered it clear ly! He approached Rav Elyashiv’s family and offered to lein.

PREPARATIONS for Chaim’s* bar mitzvah were underway. Besides ordering tefillin and selecting a hall for the occasion, Chaim and his father spent many hours preparing for krias haTorah. In their kehillah, bar mitzvah boys would lein the en tire parsha on the week of their bar mitzvah. It involved hours and hours of work, and at last, Chaim was familiar with every tropp in the parsha
As the Shabbos of the bar mitzvah neared, Chaim’s sib lings helped his father transport delicacies to the shul for the kiddush. There they discovered that they’d been in for a sur prise. The Feldman* family, also steady mispallelim of the shul, was bringing in food for their son’s bar mitzvah.
“How could it be?” he said. “Both you and Mr. Feldman let me know in advance about your upcoming simchas. Somehow, I forgot to mark them on the calendar… What should we do?!”
let his friend lein the Torah, and Chaim would prepare as much as he could to lein the following week. It was an im mense undertaking. He had practiced all winter long for this parsha, and now he’d have just a few days to prepare as much as he could for the new parsha. But Chaim just knew it was the right thing to do.
Time moved on, and the mitzvah of his bar mitzvah was,four years later, Chaim’s mother suddenly col lapsed. She was taken to the hospital where extensive testing was done to figure out the cause. Chaim was to take a shift and stay with his mother over Shabbos.

“We learn from here,” Rav Michel Yehuda explained, “that even if a Yid is destined to die, if he behaves toward others beyond the letter of the law, without holding them responsible for every little thing, he can merit being saved and living a long life.
It was his token of hakaras hatov to the boy who had given him such a beautiful krias haTorah.
Rav Papa once visited his fellow amora, Rav Huna, who was deathly ill. Seeing Rav Huna’s condition, Rav Papa in structed for tachrichim to be prepared. In the end, Rav Huna recovered, and Rav Papa was embarrassed to meet his friend. But Rav Huna calmed him down, saying: “Indeed, I was worthy of death, as you perceived. But in the zechus that I was a vatran all my life, regularly giving in rather than standing on my principles, I was forgiven on High, and giv en more years of life.”
When Klal Yisroel was frightened by the tochacha, Moshe Rabbeinu was able to placate them, for they were all stand ing together — “Atem nitzavim hayom kulchem.”
May we all be zoche to a kesivah v’chasimah tovah and be written in the Sefer Hachaim.
*Name has been changed.
Adapted from the teachings of Rav Mordechai Freundlich, zt”l.
When Rav Michel Yehuda Lefkowitz, zt”l, heard this sto ry, he shared in amazement that it paralleled an incident brought down in the Gemara (Rosh Hashanah 17a).
* * * * *
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“Chaim’s mother,” he finished, “merited a miraculous recovery, thanks to her son’s vatranus four years earlier!”
The professor reviewed all test results and was able to diagnose Chaim’s mother. He instructed the hospital team on a course of action, and to everyone’s delight, within a few days, she was discharged, hale and hearty.
The next morning, Rav Elyashiv was seen by a specialist who had been brought down to the hospital especially for him. After being checked, Rav Elyahshiv asked the profes sor to take a look at Chaim’s mother in the room down the hallway. It was his token of hakaras hatov to the boy who had given him such a beautiful krias haTorah
the boy. He inquired as to what brought him to the hospital, and Chaim explained that his mother was suffering badly, yet the doctors had no clue what her problem was. He gave Rav Elyashiv her name so the Rav could daven for her.
Surely, Klal Yisroel could suffer negative consequences if they were to be deserving of the klalos. But so long as they continued in the mode of giving and forgiving and living together as one, they would be forgiven in Shamayim.
In the merit that Klal Yisroel was together as one, at peace with each other, b’achdus, they would be granted mercy from Above. The klalos would not affect them.

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It is a daunting new reality for yeshivos in New York State, one that could see local boards of education deciding whether or not they are properly educating students.
Senator Mike Martucci of Or ange County took things one step further, noting that placing the substantial equivalency determi nation in the local school author ity’s hands will result in having chassidic candidates running for the school board, a situation that has been extremely tricky in nearby East Ramapo. He decried the regulations’ passage as “a huge mistake” and called on the New York State Education Depart ment and the Board of Regents to reverse the decision “because it’s wrong for our students and our community.”Martuccialso advised other re
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“Our people simply cannot abandon our religious values,” wrote the rabbanim. “With the help of G-d we will not permit it toEvenhappen.”assupporters of the regulations applauded the deci sion, saying that chassidic children are being deprived of a proper education, there were others who came out strongly supporting yeshivos. Gubernatorial candidate Lee Zeldin came out swinging last week on a visit to Monsey, slamming Gover nor Kathy Hochul for not standing up for yeshivos where stu dents receive a solid education on family values and the impor tance of helping others, reported Yeshiva World News.
“We had an opportunity here for so many in state govern ment to be able to speak up and defend everything that’s great about a yeshivah education,” said Zeldin. “But unfortunately, too many people were silent. Gov ernor Hochul was one of them. It’s important when you’re the gov ernor of the state of New York to speak up for what is right.”
Unanimous Board of Regents Vote Will Have Yeshivos Facing Curriculum Oversight
over yeshivah education has been raging for the last several years, calling into question the meaning of the substantial equivalency standard that had been set in the late 1800s but was never strictly defined. Under the new regula tions, all private schools in New York State will be required to have qualified teachers providing instruction in math, science, social studies and English, as well as other areas, including civics and health. All classes must be taught in English, with additional instruction provided to students who lack proficien
cy in the Whetherlanguage.ornot a school has fulfilled its legal obligation to teach secular studies is a decision that will rest in the hands of either a state-approved accrediting body or the local board of education for all schools that do not offer New York State Re gents examinations. Failure to abide by the new regulations could come at a significant cost — schools could lose their state funding, while parents could be fined or jailed for failing to educate their children as required under New York law.
New York State’s Board of Regents voted last week on a new set of regulations that had been crafted to ensure that yeshivos are providing students with a secular education that is sub stantially equivalent to that being offered by public schools, as required by state law. The new regulations passed by unani mous vote, as reported by Hamodia. The final vote on the regu lations took place two days after The New York Times released a front-page article trouncing yeshivos and suggesting that mil lions of dollars that should be spent on public school students are being covertly siphoned off to support yeshivos. A state ment released by the Agudah took The New York Times to task, describing the article as a one-sided hit piece that “is riddled withThebias.”battle

A joint letter to the New York State Department of Education by the Moetzes Gedolei HaTorah of America and the Vaad Ro shei Yeshiva of Torah Umesorah strongly denounced the regu lations, noting that the voices of rabbinic leaders and 300,000 state residents who submitted comments opposing the regu lations were ignored. The letter also made it clear that giving others control over yeshivos was simply impossible.

Drought Restrictions Lift, Saving County Residents From Rate Increase
“If we don’t start saying no, this will never stop,” said Martucci.

Calls To FailuresRamapoResoundModernizeasEastBusingAbound
Questions are being raised about the way the East Ramapo School District has been dealing with the daunting task of busing over 40,000 children to school on a daily basis,
Nearly one month after it was announced, Rockland County has lifted its water emergency, saving residents from higher water rates that were set to kick in last weekend.
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Veolia Water had warned that a 25% rate increase would go into ef fect on September 17 if the drought emergency remained in effect. While the restrictions have officially been lifted, area residents are still being asked to limit their water us age and to cut back on outdoor wa tering.Rockland County Executive Ed Day thanked local residents and businesses for taking the situation seriously and asked that the conser vation efforts remain in place for the time“Stayingbeing. out of the water emer gency largely rests with the contin ued cooperation of Rockland resi dents,” said Day.
The Journal News reported that re cent rainfalls led to increased water levels at the Ramapo River and Lake DeForest Reservoir, the county’s main water source. County resi dents also were also mindful of the drought restrictions, with water us age falling 15% in the last month.
ligious groups that they, too, could be targeted by those who choose to misuse their authority.

particularly its use of paper forms to submit busing requests.
Rockland Daily reported that while the East Ramapo website has a transportation request form in place on its website, it continues to rely on paper applications. The district has tried to lighten its workload as the student population has grown by tasking schools with the job of mail ing out transportation forms, an effort that had been handled at the district level for decades.
Speaking as a private citizen, school board member Harry Gross man noted that the transportation staff works hard to solve the busing puzzle, but is having trouble keep ing up with the demand.
“Acceptingelectronically.paper applications makes no sense when the number of students is increasing exponen tially,” added Grossman.
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East Ramapo’s annual trans portation budget has grown to $60 million, but the number of chil dren getting lost in the system has increased as well. Community Out reach Center director Rabbi Hersh Horowitz has heard from parents who submitted their transportation requests on time and have still not received bus passes for some of their children.EastRamapo is also struggling with the last-minute addition of 550 new students because of the ongoing border crisis, further adding to the stress at the district’s transportation office, which is second only to New York City in the number of students bused.“We must become more techno logically efficient in dealing with transportation,” said Grossman. “It’s the only way we can success fully deal with 40,000 students.”
“They are just so overwhelmed by the volume,” said Grossman. “We need to make everything easier to manage. It will be much more ef ficient to require that every parent submit their busing request elec tronically, so they’ll know they’re in theGrossmansystem.” suggested setting up kiosks in schools and in the district office so that parents who don’t have computers can still register their child

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zzy knocked on Zach’s door and en tered. He found his cousin sitting up in bed, plucking wistfully at his guitar. Zach nodded but said noth ing, so Izzy plopped down into the desk chair to wait.
The entire song changed. Hope re placed the fear, triumph sang sweetly.
RECAP: With Lenny sticking to his guns, both alleged heirs are told to return on Sun day with all of their documents in order. Julia Bergman visits Lenny’s best friend, Yossi Baumgarden, to ask how Lenny paid for his Poland trip. All Yossi can tell her is that Lenny had planned this trip for a while. But that’s not what he told Julia…

working on this piece. Several times he stopped, frowned, and changed the tune slightly. He definitely had the general structure worked out, though. Like ev erything Zach had played for him so far, this was a song that told a story without words.This tune seemed less melancholy than his previous compositions. Zach’s fingers danced up and down the fret board, and a complicated tale began to unfold. A mighty power, a merciless jug gernaut, filled the hotel room, its harsh notes evoking dread and danger. A small note of purity rose up to oppose the beast. They went this way and that for a bit, taking turns, struggling for domi nance. But slowly, the small note began to gain the upper hand.
Once again, this composition ended on a single note. But rather than the bit
Next to the window, a row of tea lights served as a makeshift menorah. Oppo site them, outside the window, a small drift of snow crouched precariously on the ledge. The candles were mostly burned down now, but they still man aged to shed a bit of flickering orange light. Zach faced forward, a weak shad ow of his profile thrown against the far wall. Rather than lighting up one side of his face, the candles seemed to cast the other side into shadow.
A horn beeped somewhere on the streetZachbelow.closed his eyes. He began to play more purposefully. Izzy was no con noisseur, but it seemed Zach was still
“The what?”
They left Zach’s room and entered the hall. Izzy frowned. “I never said that.”
Zach made a face. “Are those really the only kosher op tions around here?”
Zach asked as the final note died away. “What do you“Aboutthink?”the song? It’s great.”
“I just —” Izzy shook his head. “I dunno, I didn’t have the chance to really think it through. All I have so far are a few lyrics bouncing around. Nothing solid yet. And here you have this whole amazing composition already.”
“If you don’t think this is the right kind of —”
Zach lay his guitar down on the bed and gave Izzy a side long look. “It’s our Chanukah song.”
ter anguish Zach’s previous song had expressed, this note seemed to denote purity, simplicity. A world back to the way it should be.
Izzy held up a hand. “No, no, this is great. I just mean I’d better get moving on my end, is all.”
“The altar,” Izzy said, pushing open the door. “The place we brought offerings to Hashem.” A nasty gust of snow smacked them in the face. That and the howling wind stopped the conversation until they reached the safety of their car. Once inside, Izzy started the engine and contin ued. “They wanted to uproot Judaism, not the Jews. They were okay with Jews living in Israel. But they wanted us to adopt their culture. To abandon G-d. That’s what we fought against. That’s what Chanukah’s really about: giving Yid dishkeit back to the Yidden.” He paused. “You want pizza or fleishigs?”
Izzy’s eyes grew wide. “In this snow? Are you serious?”
“That’s why I’m here — I was going to ask when you wanted to leave.”
“I hear ya.” Zach stood up and stretched. “You ready for dinner? I’m starving.”
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“They were yesterday,” Izzy said. “There’s an in-house pizzeria in the community center, a canteen in the nursing home, and the restaurant we found that first day. That’s it. So pick.”“Iwant to go fishing,” Zach decided.
“Why not? You offered, I said yes…”

A great sense of peace stole over Izzy. The song was beau tiful.“So?”
“Right now.” Leaving the guitar on his bed, Zach slipped into a coat. “Hey, what were you saying before, that Chanu kah’s not about independence?”
“Only a little,” Zach conceded. “I don’t even know if it’s possible. But we should look into it. Buy a little hibachi grill and cook some fresh fish. Why not? They’re delicious. But
“Sure you did. We were talking about the song. In City Hall,Izzyremember?”shookhis head. “Nope. Be right back.” He disap peared into his room and emerged with his own coat. “I said it wasn’t about political independence,” he corrected, slipping his arm into the sleeve. “The fight was for religious freedom. The Greeks took over the Beis Hamikdash, they put an idol on the Mizbe’ach.” The descended the steps to the main floor and emerged in the lobby.
“Oh. Wow.” Izzy jumped up. “I didn’t realize we were ac tually doing that.”
“What is?”
The“I’masked.nothungry.”truthwas,Julia couldn’t af ford a café lunch, not when she had to figure out how to pay the plumber. But there was no way she’d tell her sister that.

“Right.” Izzy shifted into drive and pulled onto the street.
“Religious freedom,” Zach mused as the wipers fought valiantly against the snow. “It’s funny.”
Talia’s bright white teeth flashed as she grinned. “I’ll bet. But she’s a
“Don’t you want anything to eat?” Talia
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A divorced mother of two, Talia never appeared in looking less than perfect, down to her designer clothes. It drove Julia nuts sometimes. She herself usually looked like last week’s laundry.“I’vebeen… okay,” Julia hedged.
Zach grinned sardonically. “We’re celebrating the freedom to be reli gious Jews. Like that’s what we want in life, to be religious. But here we are…”
Zach took a deep breath, staring straight out into the dark streets. “Chanukah is probably the one thing secular Jews still keep. That and a Pesach Seder. I’ve lit the menorah my entire life, even though I barely do anything else. It’s just this thing we all do, you know? But it’s funny. Ironic.”“How’s that?”
“Suit yourself,” Talia said, study ing the menu. She got up, went to the front, and placed an order. When she returned, she said, “So why’d you call me? I haven’t seen you in ages.”
Julia played with her napkin, folding it into the swan shape she’d learned when they were both little. “That’s pretty much it. We haven’t seen each other in a while. We ought to catchTalia’sup.”lip curved into a tiny smile. “Okay, then. How’ve you been?”
for tonight?” He sighed. “Let’s hit the restaurant again.”
* * * * *
“David’s on the high school team. He’s doing well. Sheva’s gotten into drama lately — on and off the stage.”
Julia sat down across the table from her sister and sipped her coffee.

Talia came back, made Hamotzi, and took a huge bite of bagel. “So whatever’s bothering you isn’t the kids,” she said through a mouthful of food. “What is it?”
teen. It’ll pass. What’s up with Jes se?”Julia folded another napkin swan and shrugged. “He’s struggling with classes, as usual. They started giv ing him tutoring during a free pe riod. That’s helping. He hates it, but it’s making a difference, so…”
Talia’s food came, and she stood up to wash. On her plate was a pair of omelets, both in bagels, along with a side of salad. Julia’s mouth began to water. How could her sister eat so much and still be so thin?
“I could never —”
“You’ll pay for me next time,” Ta lia urged. “Eat, or I’ll throw it out. I got yours with onions. You know I hateJuliaonions.”stood up with a sigh.
When she returned, Talia was absorbed in her little pocket mirror.
Julia chewed her bagel slowly, considering. “When Jerry left you, you said you realized afterward that you should have seen it coming. What were the signs?”
Julia’s mouth tightened. “What makes you think something’s both ering“Oh,me?”please,” Talia said. She gave her sister a look. “You never shoot the breeze, Jay. When you call me to talk, there’s a reason. Besides, I can tell when you’re upset.” She gestured to her plate. “And I know when you’re hungry, too. Eat. I got this one for you.”
The mirror snapped shut loudly. Talia met her eyes, and all the play ful banter, the light amusement, disappeared. For the first time since they’d walked into the café, the façade of the pretty young mom dropped. In its place, Julia saw a harried, struggling woman with an iron-hard will, whose concern and sympathy for her were burn ing as hot as the sun. “What’s Lenny done?” she
“Nothing,demanded.nothing,” Julia said. “It’s just — well, he took a sudden trip to Poland. At least, he said it
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“You were gonna tell me what’s bothering you,” Talia continued without looking up.

TO BE CONTINUED... 208 845.600.8484 The Monsey View September 21, 2022
Talia spoke calmly, but there was fire burning in eyes. “I didn’t handle anything well when Jerry left,” she corrected. “I had a complete break down. But that’s not our problem now. We need to find out what’s go ing on.” She emphasized the we. “If he is running away, where did the money for his flight come from? You can check that, there are ways. Have you checked every single account you have access to? We might as well be sure before looking for other sourc es.”“Of course,” Julia said, trying not to cry“Savingsagain. accounts? Stocks and bonds?”“We don’t have anything like that.” Julia insisted.
Her husband had a tendency to make bad decisions, decisions he lat er regretted. Usually it had to do with money, “sure-fire” investments that slowly bled away all their capital and left them scrounging. Had he finally hit rock bottom, and decided to cut his“Youlosses?handled it so well when Jer ry left,” Julia said through her tears. “But I — I don’t know if I can do that!” she paused, wiped her eyes on a crumpled swan. “I don’t know what to do!”Her sister took her hand across the table, and waited. Something changed between them at that mo ment. Julia felt like she understood her sister for the first time. The tears slowed down and then stopped.
Talia looked directly at her sister. “What about for your kids? Noth ing?”
was sudden. But he told Yossi Baum garden that he’d been planning it for a while.” Something caught in her throat. “And we have a plumbing emergency that’s gonna cost us a lot. So I was checking our bank accounts, and I couldn’t find a charge for his flight. I think —” she stopped, caught her breath, started to talk some more, and her composure broke completely. Suddenly, she was crying. “I wondered if maybe he got himself into some money trouble. And started putting money away secretly. A-a-and now he’s running away!”

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Recap: Sebastian is summoned to the Marques. He learns that the lawsuits have been dropped and that royal support of the family has been suspended.
With their means dwindling, Dona Angelica approaches the matchmaker to inform her that they cannot provide the dowry ex pected for the Pereira match with Carolina that was quickly progressing. The matchmaker assures her that arrangements have been made, but they are not privy to any details.
The Pereira family was allowed a day to recover from the rigors of their winter journey. The nuptial agreement was signed the following day. Considering that the Pereira fam ily had a much broader circle of family and friends than did the Dominguez family, the wedding was set to take place in Hamburg in the spring, on Lag Ba’omer, the thirty-third day of the omer, about a month after Pesach. There would be plen ty of time for guests to arrive from near and far.
Three days after the Pereira family left for Hamburg, Car olina went out to the market to buy some vegetables. The sun was shining brightly. The snow on the ground was white and crisp, and it crunched deliciously under her feet. Her heart sang with joy as she hummed a merry tune under her breath. In the marketplace, she strolled from stall to stall, examining
the produce and exchanging pleasantries with the peddlers and some of the other customers.
Suddenly, there was an ominous rumble, and a large slab of ice came loose from alongside the chimney of one of the houses on the market square. The ice gathered speed as it slid down the roof and launched itself into the air. It struck a horse on the rump. Frightened more than injured, the horse reared up on its hind legs and whinnied wildly. Then it hur tled through the marketplace, turning over several carts that blocked its path. One of the carts struck Carolina in the back and sent her sprawling. As she fell, Carolina hit her head and lostPeopleconsciousness.camerunning immediately, and a doctor was summoned. When the doctor arrived, Carolina had already regained consciousness. She had no idea what had caused her to lose consciousness other than a vague recollection of a horse making panicky noises. She plied the bystanders with questions while she remained sitting on the ground in the snow.The doctor wanted to examine her, but she protested that she was just fine. She only needed a minute or two to recover from the shock and catch her breath. When she tried to stand up, however, her leg buckled under her, and she fell back to the ground. The doctor determined that, thankfully, nothing was broken, but her ankle was swollen and discolored. She had suffered a nasty sprain, and the doctor recommended
216 The Monsey View
nd happen it did. In the beginning of January 1683, two weeks after Chanukah, Uriel Pereira, his parents and one younger sister sailed from Hamburg to Rotterdam in Holland at the mouth of the Rhine. From there they sailed upriver in a small coast al vessel until they reached Bonn. From that point, the river climbed toward Basel in Switzerland, and sailing was no longer possible. They transferred to a light barge, which was pulled upriver by horses following a riverside path. The men on the barge also used long poles to push the barge along. The barge brought them all the way to Strasbourg, from where they traveled overland to Metz.
“She’s just fine,” said Doña Angelica. “In a day or two, she’ll be as good as new. Isn’t that so, Carolina?”
“First, we will choose some fabrics,” said the dressmaker. “Here, how do you like this chartreuse taffeta?”
Carolina looked at her mother, who shrugged in response.
“I’m just fine, Frau Klinger. Thank you for asking.”
Carolina’s appointments with the dressmakers had to be postponed until she could walk or at least stand in one place while she was being fitted. After a few days in bed, the swelling went down, and Carolina was able to walk gingerly on the ankle over short distances. The ankle continued to improve, and in a few more days, she was almost back to normal.
Carolina came down the stairs with the slightest of limps.
“Good morning, my dear,” said Frau Klinger. “How are you feeling?”
“Not too bad,” said Frau Klinger. “Stay off it for a few more days, just to make sure it heals properly. I know about these things. You’re not the first bride that sprained her ankle, you know. I could tell you stories —”
The swelling had indeed gone down considerably, but Carolina still winced when the matchmaker probed with her finger.
As Carolina took the bolt of cloth in her hand, it began to swim before her eyes. A moment later, she swooned and fainted away.
“Here I am,” Carolina declared. “What should I do?”
The dressmaker reached into her satchel and pulled out a bottle of smelling salts. She held it under Carolina’s nose, and the young woman stirred and opened her eyes.“Have I fainted again?” she said. “I’m so embarrassed.”

“It is all right,” said the dressmaker. “It is perfectly normal for brides to faint dur ing their fittings. They are nervous, and it is a little warm in this house, you know. There is no cause for concern.”
“Well, I’m concerned anyway,” declared Dona Angelica. She summoned Helga and sent her off to fetch the doctor.
When the doctor arrived, he instantly noticed a slight rash on Carolina’s neck. After a brief examination, he determined that her fainting spell was not connected to the incident in the marketplace. It was triggered by a fairly common skin ailment that caused inflammations and chills. He gave Carolina a vial of powder and told her to spend the rest of the day in bed. There was no cause for concern. She would be fine. But there would be no more fittings that day.
“Can I look at your ankle, child?” said Frau Klinger.
“How is your ankle?” said Frau Klinger. “Can you walk around?”
“Frau Klinger, if I may,” interrupted the dressmaker. “I always love to hear your stories, but I have two other appointments today, so I must get started. Senorita Dominguez, are you ready to work with me?”
“Carolina!” cried Dona Angelica.
cold compresses and bed rest until the swelling went down.
When she was ready to resume her fittings, Dona Angelica made it easier for her and arranged to have the dressmaker come to the house. That same day, Frau Klinger came by to check on Carolina and reassure herself that there would be no impediments to a timely wedding. She had a substantial fee coming, and she was prepared to do whatever necessary to prevent any hindrance or delay.
“Even better than new, Mother.”
“Of course,” said Carolina.
“You? What can you do?”
“Why?”said. asked Doña Angelica. “It seems a fairly harmless affliction. The doctor did not seem the least bit con cerned. I was watching him carefully.”
“But “Becausewhy?”Ithink Carolina has fallen victim to an ayin hara, an evil eye.”

“Oh, terrible things can happen. They can get hurt or suffer a loss.”
“Absolutely. Oh, yes, absolutely. She is so happy and so radiant that people might look at her with jealousy and give her the evil eye. Look at it. A few days after she is engaged to a wonder ful young man from an excellent fam ily, a horse goes wild and knocks her down so that she sprains her ankle. Thank Heaven, it was nothing worse. And then, a few days later, she faints again, this time because of a skin rash. Something is going on, I tell you. Something is going on, and I don’t like it. This is not the first time I’ve come face to face with an evil eye.”
After the doctor and the dressmak er were gone and Carolina had gone to bed, Frau Klinger lingered to speak with Dona “SenoraAngelica.Dominguez, I am worried,” she
“We could,” said the matchmaker. “But what would he do? He would give you a blessing. Well, I can do better.”
“An evil eye? What are you saying?”
Frau Klinger leaned forward. “Have you never heard about the evil eye?”
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“He may not have been concerned, but I am. Oh, yes, I am.”
“A lot,” said the matchmaker, and she opened her eyes wide. “I have been trained in the art of removing the evil eye. Carolina must be saved from the forces of evil, and it is your good for tune that I am here to do it. Nothing will stand in the way of this match, I
“I have. But I’ve never taken it seri ously.”“Well, you should. The evil eye is a real thing. When people are jealous of what other people have, when people hate or resent other people, they can give them the evil eye. I don’t know exactly how it works, but it’s an estab lished fact. You can ask anyone. It’s in the Torah and the Talmud.”
“Really? And what happens when someone falls victim to the evil eye?”
Dona Angelica was becoming agi tated. “So what do we do?” she asked. “Should we go see the rabbi?”
“And you think Carolina has fallen victim to the evil eye?”

“Good. I prefer privacy. I’ll come back here maybe at ten or eleven o’clock. We’ll have the kitchen to ourselves then.”
The matchmaker lit a fire on the stove. She took two con tainers from her box, filled one of them halfway with water and placed both of them on the table. Then she took out a saucepan and placed it on the fire.
“No, they are in Strasbourg.”
“Where am I supposed to send her? No, I can’t do that. It’s impossible.”“Iunderstand,” said the matchmaker. “We’ll have to do it tonight then. Are your sons here?”
To be continued…
* * * * *
can happen without her. Tell her to take a good nap during the afternoon. And perhaps you should take one too.”
“So what are we supposed to do?” said Dona Angelica in a tentative voice. “I mean, how are you going to remove the evil eye?”“Listen, we need your kitchen. I have to go home and get a few things, and then we need to use your kitchen. Can you send your Helga away for the rest of the day?”
The matchmaker returned in the dead of night. She was carrying a mysterious wooden box. She knocked on the door, and when it opened, she looked about surreptitiously before entering the house.
“Yes, I suppose we will. Are you… I mean, will you… need Carolina for whatever it is that you intend to do in the kitch en?”“Absolutely. We can do nothing without her. The evil eye has attached itself to her, so she must be there. No, nothing
“My things,” she whispered conspiratorially. “Come quick ly.”She headed for the kitchen with Dona Angelica and Caro lina close behind.
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tell you. Not even the evil eye!’

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These personal place cards and settings flawlessly finish off any tables cape. The place cards require minimal effort, are super kid-friendly, create no mess, and the end results are absolutely stunning. Most of all, the per sonalized touches you add to the table will make every guest feel special!
Wishing you all a pressure-free, beautiful Erev Yom Tov, and a gut ge bentcht yahr!
Setting a gorgeous Yom Tov table is some thing I always look forward to. Before any Yom Tov even peeks around the corner, I’m already planning the tablescape in my mind.

I know that many of you would’ve loved to have the extra time to create something special l’kavod Yom Tov if only you could somehow add some extra time in the day. Therefore, I’m sharing some ideas that involve minimal effort on your part and will keep your kids enter tained and feeling so proud!
PHOTOGRAPHY BY: MOSHE GRUNFELD the marathon of coming home from the country, prepping and shopping for the new school year, and cooking and baking for Rosh Hasha nah and Sukkos, planning a tablescape sort of ranks at the bottom of everyone’s list. But personally, I find that the plan ning actually invigorates me.
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Step 3: Cut out the paper rectangles, place them under the acrylics, and display them flat on a napkin or in the center of each place setting.

Step 2: Trace the acrylic rectangle on the hard gold pa per. Repeat this step for each setting.
White or gold paint pen
These acrylic place cards will really elevate your Yom Tov table, and they’re super easy to paint or write on. If you make a mistake, don’t worry! You can remove the paint easily with a little rubbing alcohol or olive oil.
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Two pieces of gold cardstock (or color of your choice)
Acrylic rectangles
Step 1: Using the paint pen, write a name of a family member in the center of each acrylic rectangle. You can add a drawing of small apples and the like. Let it dry.
Step 2: Create a little “flower bouquet” on top of each apple by attaching the flowers on top using glue dots or a glue gun. Start with the bigger flowers, and then scatter the smaller flowers. Have fun as you go along, using whichever flowers you like and arranging them however you prefer. You’re the florist now!
Apples are synonymous with Rosh Hashanah. What better way to bring them to life than by creating this epic table setting by actually incorporating apples? Add dried flow ers and pretty name cards to make this setting an object of perfection!

Fake Driedapplesorfake flowers of your choice
Step 1: Cut the paper into small rectangles. On each rectan gle, write the name of one family member. Set these aside.
GlueScissorsdots or glue gun
Step 3: Stand each name card loosely between the flowers, so the flowers hold it up.
Thin Cardstockmarkerin a nice design of your choice
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Step 4: Weave jute or twine through the hole in the apple, and tie it around a rolled napkin. Place one at each place setting.

Wooden apples
In order for my table to look exquisitely beautiful and Yom Tov’dig, I reached out to Shevy from Ornate. These gorgeous tablecloths, napkins, dishes, stem ware and more are all from Ornate. Ornate has an ex clusive collection of so many exquisite items. Mention this ad to receive 15% off your order, with free delivery and free gift wrapping!
Step 1: Cover your working surface with a plastic tablecloth or garbage bag.
Painting has always been one of my favorite crafting activities. Your kids will have a grand time creating these gorgeous apple place cards, which take mini mal effort and yield stunning results. Use washable paint so it’s a win-win for the kids and their mommy, too.
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Step 2: Pour each color of paint into its own small bowl. Using a paint brush, paint the apples ac cording to the picture. Rinse the paintbrush in the cup of water before using a different paint color. Remember, the apples don’t have to be perfect!
To contact: Call Shevy Reisman at 718-552-5801 or email
Step 3: Let the apples dry for about ten to fifteen minutes, then write a name of a family member or the words “הבוט הנשל” in the center of each apple.
Red, brown and green paint
Cup of water
Small bowls
Small-size paint brush


½ cup sunflower seeds (optional, for those who consider them in the nut category)
¼ tsp. red pepper flakes (optional)
1 Granny Smith apple, chopped into bite-size pieces or thinly sliced
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Pinch of black pepper
1 clove garlic (minced)
2 tsp. lemon juice
1 cup cooked or canned chickpeas
4. Let the salad absorb the dressing for 15 min utes to develop better flavor, then serve.
The perfect Rosh Hashanah salad.

¼ tsp. salt
2 bags checked kale or spinach leaves, chopped
1 yellow pear, thinly sliced
1 T. maple syrup (or honey)
2. In a large bowl, arrange the chopped kale or spinach leaves, chickpeas, pears, apples, sun flower seeds (optional) and pomegranate seeds.
3 T. olive oil
1. In a jar or container, combine all the dressing ingredients. Close the container and shake well. Let the dressing rest in the refrigerator for 30 minutes.
½ cup pomegranate seeds
3. Shake the prepared dressing and pour it over the salad. Toss well, until the salad is coated evenly.
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1 T. WonderMills flour

3 red Cortland apples, peeled and finely diced 2 tsp. lemon juice
2. Place an egg-roll wrapper with the corners point ing up and down, like a diamond shape, on a clean surface. Place 2 tablespoons of apple filling in the center. Brush the edges of the wrapper with water. (The water acts like glue.) Fold the bottom of the wrapper upward, over the filling. Tuck in the sides, then roll to seal. Repeat these steps with the remain ing wrappers and filling.
5. To serve as a dessert, dust the egg rolls with the confectioners’ sugar, then drizzle with caramel sauce.

Note: Egg roles are best made fresh. These can be prepped and filled in advance, frozen, and then fried fresh.
These “egg rolls” can be served as a side dish or a dessert — they work great for either! For an easier ver sion, you can use ready-made apple pie filling.
⅓ cup sugar
Water, for brushing Oil, for deep frying
3. Heat the oil in a large pot over medium heat. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper.
1. In a large bowl, combine the apples, lemon juice, sugar, flour, cinnamon and salt, and toss until well combined. Let sit for 10 minutes.
1½ tsp. cinnamon ½ tsp. salt
¼ cup confectioners’ sugar, for dusting ½ cup caramel sauce, for drizzling
4. Working in batches, fry the egg rolls in the hot oil, turning occasionally, until they’re golden brown — about 4 minutes. Transfer them to the lined baking sheet, and let them cool for a few minutes.
12 refrigerated egg roll wrappers
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1½ sticks cold margarine, cubed
3. Lay the sliced apples on top of the custard in an even pat tern. Sprinkle them liberally with brown sugar.
4. Brush the edges of the dough with egg wash, then fold up the galette, adding a little egg wash between the folds at the corners to help them stick together.
5. Refrigerate the galette for 20 to 30 minutes while you pre heat the oven to 375°. Before baking, brush the galette once more with egg wash.
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4 to 5 red apples, sliced
1. Combine all the dough ingredients by hand, except the water.
2 cups WonderMills flour

Pinch of salt
1 container ready-made vanilla custard Brown sugar, for sprinkling
6. Bake the galette for 35 to 40 minutes, until the pastry is a deep golden brown. If the pastry puffs up in the oven and seems to have formed a bubble, puncture the bubble with a knife or toothpick to help deflate it.

2 tsp. sugar
7. Remove the galette from the oven, and leave it in the pan until it cools completely.
3. Wrap the dough in cling wrap, and refrigerate for 30 minutes.
1 egg, beaten, for egg wash
2. Spread the custard in the center of the rectangle, leaving a 2-inch border around the edge.
1. Remove the dough from the refrigerator. On a lightly floured parchment paper, roll out the dough into a rectangle measuring approximately 14x11”. Transfer this to a baking sheet.
Galettes for the win!
2. Add the water, one tablespoon at a time, until the dough holds together well.
5 T. ice-cold water
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The davening of the Yamim Noraim is full of poignant expressions, soul-stirring melodies and heart-filled entreaties.
In these auspicious days, when we draw ever closer to our Father Who is waiting for our tefillos, there are individual lines and powerful elicitations that make that connection especially felt. Here, several writers share the tefillos and the tunes that touch their very souls.

It is the prelude to the long prayer to come. It is the curtain slowly rising.
It’s the rush for Adon Olam.
I made it! Chairs are still scraping, machzorim opening. Then all is quiet. A shiver rips through the shul. The air is cold and pensive.
A throat clears. And then, a hum.
Adon Olam… That seemingly simple composi tion, sung from kindergarten, symbolizes the Ya mim Noraim for me. The coronation of our King. Proclaiming His eternity — past, present and fu ture, all intertwined, all amazingly, ethereally one.
Adon Olam presents the challenge of the day: If one concentrates during Adon Olam, I’ve heard it said in the name of Reb Yehudah Hachassid, his te fillah will be heard, and the Satan will not be meka treg on his prayer. A worthwhile exchange. I want to go for it.

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“Adon olam asher malach…”
Do I really say this every day? Do I know, really know, all of this? Now I know. I know that Hashem is the before and after, the beginning and the des tination, the only One.
I focus on the poignant words and feel a physi cal tug at my heart. Something is opening. Hash em is my King; He is One. He was, is and always will be. He is my rock in tribulation. He is my ref uge. I place my soul in His charge when I sleep. As long as my soul inhabits my body, Hashem is for me, and I shall not fear.
And now, I can daven.
t’s a mad rush. Wash sleepy eyes, dress in three minutes flat, grab machzor and tissues, and rush, rush, rush out the door and down the streets to shul.
The eerie tune remains low, humble. I sing along under my breath. It is not a desperate prayer, nor the grand proclamation of “Hamelech.” It is a slow, contemplative reflection on Hashem’s sover eignty.

But then chazan v’kahal would launch into a fullthroated “Yisgadal v’yiskadesh, ay yay yay yay yay…” and I’d be feel my throat close up all of a sudden, soul ach ing with the beauty of those eternal words, looking for wings to soar because I was so overcome.
Nothing can describe the transcendence of joy that dances hand in hand with holiness. This, then, is true simcha
Maybe because Kaddish binds us in its inclusiveness. You can be deeply involved in tefillah or just swishing by to drop a mazel tov at an aufruf; deep in the middle of saying Tehillim or passing the window. No matter. We stop and stand and answer the call of Kaddish — b’rov am hadras Melech. We are all beholden. Kaddish pulls at the gossamer threads that tie us all as one.

addish has always choked me up. Maybe be cause they never taught us to cry during Kad dish?
And always, when the men sing the uplifting Ya mim Noraim tune, “Aha, aha, ahay yay yay..” the words touch me like little else does, and if not for a drop of reticence, I might cry forever.
Maybe because Kaddish straightens your spine at once, makes your heart brim with the happiness of belonging to a nation of kings and priests. There is a profound joy in those words, and untold majesty, and a call to action. Stand tall, you members of a holy peo ple, and do what fiery angels cannot: crown our eter nal King.
A divine joy. The way I feel at weddings, as the kal lah sweeps in, aglow, and dances with her mother, then his mother, and then as she tenderly embraces her grandmothers, and exhilarated tears sparkle like diamonds as songs of gratitude pulsate in the air.
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During Unesaneh Tokef, they cried. Kol Nidrei, of course. I’d sit in shul dry-eyed, scanning weepy faces and counting tears and shining virtues. Never mind the fact that I was only thirteen or so, with a heart young and light and free of the aching need to court a siddur in the swelling sea of life.

While we work on that issue all year, when Tishrei rolls around, these feelings surface more intensely than ever.
But while it’s often difficult to “feel it” with much of the Yom Kippur davening, there was al ways that one tefillah that speaks to me. One line that speaks for me.
What do we do then, when we don’t feel guilty?Then
Therefore, Avinu Malkeinu, bestow Your chesed upon me, and be with me in my moments of doubt. Imbue Your kindness within me, so that I may be kind to myself. Be charitable in Your deal ings with me, and help me feel okay with myself when I feel that I have nothing to show for myself.
For me, Yom Kippur brings up many thoughts and feelings of incompetence, and not just about that which requires teshuvah, but also about tes huvah itself. Such as: “I didn’t do teshuvah right”; “I’m not doing Yom Kippur right”; and just gen eral thoughts about how not only have I messed up the year, but even Yom Kippur itself, the one day I have to make up for all those failures, I’m also messing up!
keit, guilt ranks high on the list.
I stand before the King of Kings and ask for more when I am not even doing my part?
More thoughts surface: I’m just not feeling it with the davening. I’m too overwhelmed by the go ings-on around me to properly focus. I say Al Cheit but don’t feel anything. I feel like I’m not even do ing the bare basics, the bare minimum of tefillah and teshuvah that Yom Kippur calls for. How can
When I cannot call out to You with any other tefillah — aneini, answer even my unspoken words.
we feel guilty for not feeling guilty.
e’re all familiar with the proverbial Jewish guilt. Along with the many sa cred values we hold dear in Yiddish
How can I ask for good judgment when I can not even do that for myself?
260 The Monsey View
Avinu Malkeinu, chaneinu va’aneinu, ki ein banu maasim…AvinuMalkeinu
, I have no maasim from through out the year or from Yom Kippur that make me feel worthy. As I stand before You, I am ashamed to even request a sweet year when I’m squander ing the very opportunity You have given me to day! I feel like I don’t have anything to show for myself in my request for good judgment.


Year after year, time and again, this scene unfolds in varying forms. By the time I graduate high school, I can say it with certainty: My mother’s emotions, her connec tion to tefillah, is about something greater. Yes, she trem bles along with the rest of the shul as we are reminded about our vulnerability, life and mortality. But my moth er is just as connected to our Creator, His greatness. It’s not that my mother cries out of fear of being mortal and the unknown that awaits; she sheds tears of awe at the greatness of our Creator as she sings His praises.
It’s been years since then, and the entourage of girls surrounding my mother at the mechitzah has been re placed by a new, younger generation. Yet as I desperately try to whisper a few hurried tefillos from my home, my mind wanders back to my mother’s Ein Kitzvah tears, and I know my aspirations.
Unesaneh Tokef has me buried in my machzor, and when I finally look up, I feel relieved. I’m doing it; I’m master ing Yamim Noraim in shul. Sit, stand, daven, repeat. My back is straighter, my shoulders more upright as I finger all the pages we’ve already said. Twirling a loose strand from my ponytail, I feel a sense of accomplishment.

“Hashem, these tefillos are not just about me, my family and my life… They’re about You.”
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Ein kitzvah lishnosecha — There is no timespan to Your years… V’ein l’faresh eilum shemecha — nor is it possible to explain the inscrutability of Your Name…
Suddenly, my eyes travel to my mother, who is stand ing regally at the mechitzah. She’s crying as she whispers along with the chazan. Confusion reigns — am I supposed to be crying now?
he drifts of cool air coming from the vent beside me tickle my crimson cheeks. I’m trying to keep up with the tefillos, with the crowd. As I peek over my shoulder at my mother and sisters around me, I des perately hope that no one notices that I’m not all that flu entIyet.shift the weight of my brand-new interlinear machzor from hand to hand, its crisp pages so unused, awaiting a relationship. Slowly I allow my twelve-year-old self to feel, to cry, as my surroundings take less prominence and the chazan’s words begin to penetrate.
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I was standing there, pounding my heart
Today, when I say Vidui, I feel loved, not shunned.
I’d start Vidui repentant, but as I’d bang, bang, bang on my wayward heart — al cheit shechatanu lefanecha — the banging would soon numb me into despair. I was so ashamed that I’d turn to stone, and the rest of the confession was lip service.
idui is something I’ve always needed to hide from, both as a young girl and as a grown woman.
So this is what Yom Kippur is about. About being forgiven. It’s an opportunity to turn all those confessions over to Hashem and leave Him to erase the stain.

V’al kulam.... The notes were slow and re morseful, but with a lilt of hope. Eloka seli chos.... My heart thawed a bit as the crowd intoned each syllable slowly and emotionally. Selach lanu. Mechal lanu. Kaper lanu… Hashem, please forgive us?
No longer was the emphasis only on every thing I was doing wrong, but into focus came this: For all of this — for every misdeed and mistake and aveirah — You are a forgiving G-d, and I’m asking you to forgive me, to forgive us.
How utterly shameful it was to face all that; it was just too much at once. It was so humili ating to admit my misdeeds that it would leave me feeling hopeless.
It was the part of the Yamim Noraim I most dreaded, most feared. And I’d entirely discon nect when faced with the dire reality that I was so sinful.Andthen we switched to a new shul.
together with the rest of the congregation, turning to ice and feeling the despair of ev erything I’d done wrong — when suddenly, the crowd burst into a soul-stirring song.
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Ashamnu, bagadnu, gazalnu, dibarnu dofi. I’d switch back and forth from the translation to the words, whispering each one with dread.
And something in me shifted..

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The baal tefillah’s emotion-laden voice halts my rumina tions. I focus on my machzor, trying to hush my inner dia logue. This is the tefillah I chose to spend in shul, and I’m going to be on babysitting duty for most of the day tomor row. I want to enjoy every minute.

I sway along as the words wash over me like warm, soapy water, removing the layers of tarnish on my ne shamah, allowing me to feel the intense connection, the longing for closeness. The fears about what the new year might bring, the enormity of the task of rectifying myself, fade into the background. All that matters is the fact that I’ve returned to the welcoming embrace of my Father’s love.As
sit down after Shemoneh Esrei and wait, conflicting thoughts swirling through my mind. I wonder if the kids are behaving mingles with, I can’t believe it’s Yom Kippur already. Inadequacy fills my young self as I listen to the swishing of talleisim in the solemn silence. Yom Kip pur always catches me off guard, despite its predictable arrival. Can one ever feel truly prepared?
I feel like the proverbial simpleton who has been granted one full day to take what he wishes from the king’s treasury. Standing at the entrance, he stops just to bask in the glow radiated by thousands of luminous jew els and golden ornaments. For a long moment, he casts away the pressure of the task ahead and allows his eyes to feast on the riches that can soon be his.
Slow, stirring notes resonate through the room. Yaaleh tachanuneinu mei’erev… May our entreaties rise from the evening… The melody soars around me, a tune of pure yearning that gently pries open the rusty lock on my heart’s door. I close my eyes to wrap myself in its mes sage. V’yavo… miboker… ad arev Mei’erev ad erev, a full day in which our tefillos rise straight up, yielding the promised forgiveness. Every second that passes is a gem, an oppor tunity to acquire eternity. Suddenly, my anxieties melt away, and I am filled with the promise of the precious 24 hours ahead.
I leave shul with murmured wishes of g’mar chasi mah tovah, I feel content. It was worth it to choose Maariv, I muse.Iknow it won’t be an option for me to attend Maariv in shul every year. And today, even as I sing it to myself in an empty dining room, the melody of Yaaleh Tachanuneinu is the one I can rely on to fill me with the sacred spirit of Yom Kippur.

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As they sat, about six of them, cramped into the tiny rented apartment in Uman — back then, at about a dollar a bed — his host made a comment concerning the special prayer you could say during Kedusha in the repetition of the morning Amidah, choosing during that holiest of mo ments to ask for either parnassah tovah, ruach hakodesh, or good and ehrlich children. You could ask for only one of these at that
But despite himself, he heard the prayer for good children spill out of his mouth. And he’d done the same ever since. During the years when their refrigerator had a perpetual echo; during the years when buying even bathroom tissue was a financial shvitz…
He’d been invited to a night meal by an American Rav, a hidden tzaddik who acted like he didn’t know much, until someone opposed something Rebbe Nachman had said. Then the quiet tzaddik would quote Tosafos from all over Shas to prove how wrong the argument was.
The next day, the moment arrived, and it was time to choose. He and his young family had been living on air, and he’d walk the streets of Jerusalem with overdue, un paid bills bulging out of his shirt pocket like a dagger in his heart. His thirst for Hashem was even greater — he’d come so far and given up so much for this life, yet for as long as he could remember, he’d felt spiritually dry as bone.Wealth
or spiritual inspiration? Which of these two desperate needs would it be? As he weighed the options in his mind, his host’s words of the previous night came back to him. He swatted them away. His kids were still hardly more than babies; how much spiritual help could they need at the moment?
Choose One
It was Rosh Hashanah in Uman — in the early ’90s, be fore it became a thing. Maybe 800 people had shown up, though they claimed it was a thousand.
During the years when the Gemara looked to him like a sheet of matzah and seemed just as dry; during the years when his prayers felt like they were bouncing off the roof of the shul… And more.

Nowadays, he doesn’t get to Uman, though he has a son-in-law who does. Things are thankfully a little better in the wallet and under the tallis. Still, wealthy or Divine ly inspired, no one could accuse him of being.
And it could be — it just could be — that the advice he’d heard one Rosh Hashanah long ago, and the counterin tuitive stubbornness that somehow allowed him to keep on taking it, might have helped move things along.
His kids, like all kids, are gifts min haShamayim. Their choices are their own. And he knows full well he is not a dust-speck better or worthier than anyone else. But na chas, baruch Hashem, he has…
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“Personally,time.Ialways daven for my kids,” the host said with a chuckle. “Income is up to the Eibishter, and as for ruach hakodesh, He’ll find a way to speak to me when He has something to say.”

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he stirring notes filled the room of the Yiddish radio station, WEVD. Eyes closed, heart open, Reb Yom Tov Ehrlich sang his classic song about a captain who returned to Yiddishkeit after hearing Kol Nidrei. It was Erev Yom Kippur, and Reb Yom Tov would have liked to be anywhere but at this spot. Yet, upon the instruction of his Rebbe, the Rebbe of Karlin-Stolin, he did not pass this opportunity to spread his bitachon-infused tunes for the general Jewish public — even on this holy day.
Indeed, the gate of music is closest to the gate of teshuvah.
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A seventh-generation Karliner chassid, Yom Tov grew up with the fire of the chas sidus burning within. That fire expanded in his heart and spilled forth to kindle the hearts of others.
When Yom Tov was a child, his father, Reb Moshe, gave him a violin. Indeed, the violin had saved Reb Moshe from fighting on the battlefront, as his musical prow ess placed him on the military orchestra instead. As his father hoped, music saved Yom Tov from spiritual and physical dan gers,Thetoo.winds of the Haskalah were rag ing, and many young boys were unfortu nately getting caught in the storm. When Yom Tov immersed himself in music, he would become lost in a world of his own. Perhaps it was this insulated cocoon that empowered him to stay strong and far away from winds of change.
When the song was done and Reb Yom Tov opened his eyes, he saw tears streaming down the faces of the secular Yiddishspeaking Jews working in the radio station. His soul-stirring melody had touched some more Yiddishe neshamos, acting as the key that unlocked even the most distant hearts.

His father, Reb Moshe Ehrlich, had been conscripted to the military before his birth, and only returned to the fam ily eight years later, when Yom Tov was already a mature little child. That was the first time Yom Tov saw his father! Most of Yom Tov’s childhood was spent in the lap of his maternal grandfather, known in town as Reb Dovid the Shochet. When Reb Dovid moved to the neighboring town of Davidhorodok to serve as shochet at the Karliner Rebbe’s request, Yom Tov and his mother moved along as well.
The start of Reb Yom Tov Ehrlich’s legendary music takes us back to a little town, not far from the border of Poland and Russia, near Karlin. There, in Kodz nahorodok, little Yom Tov Simcha Ehrlich was born. The year was 1914.

markand, uplifting many in that hopeless state. At war’s end, when Yom Tov found himself in Paris along with the Novardok Yeshivah, he once again took his role of gratifying the simcha of many young couples who were wed in those turbulent, post-war times.
His songs uplifted and inspired. Many of them conveyed a strong theme of longing for the Yiddish shtetl of old. His antipathy for modern technology, com munism, and Zionism clearly came through in his artful lyrics.
It was still long before Reb Yom Tov was to become a formal badchan, but he was already singing and entertaining at weddings in Sa
In those days, there were no Jewish bands, and people would use non-Jewish or non-frum musicians at their simchos. At one point, Reb Yom Tov was asked by Yidden who wanted a more ehrliche atmosphere at their weddings if he would come play. On the consent of his Rebbe, Reb Yom Tov’s career broadened. Soon, he es tablished the first frum band in America, known as Der Stoliner Orchestra.

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The tale of lonely Yakov Potash sitting on his tractor there, in Uzbekistan, made one of Reb Yom Tov’s biggest hit niggunim. With the characteristic emotion and passion infused in his songs, Reb Yom Tov allows listeners to feel the sadness of a boy on his own and then the elation of his triumph, as he determines, “Ich bin a Yid! ” The refrain, “Yakob!” rings in the ears of anyone who has heard the song.
Reb Yom Tov’s post-war journey eventually led him to America, where he got married and raised a family.
He was determined not to blend in to the American melting pot and clung tenaciously to his roots. Yom Tov intentionally did not learn English and con tinued to compose his lyrics in his delightfully accented Yiddish, punctuated by much feeling and expression. He had the potential to become a rising star among the general populace, but Reb Yom Tov favored a simpler, shtetl-like ex istence.Oneof his popular works is the song, “Williamsburg!” which charmingly de scribes Williamsburg of old, through Reb Yom Tov’s astute immigrant glasses. He also ridiculed the materialism rampant on the “golden shores’’ of America in his song, “Ameritchka.”Byprofession, Reb Yom Tov was a diamond polisher, yet he polished souls more than any thing else. The fervent heart and pure hashkafos that ring through clearly in his pleasant tunes have impacted generations of Yidden. Indeed, his goal in America was simply to instill yiras Shamayim in those traversing this galus
As a newcomer in Brooklyn, Reb Yom Tov Ehrlich was understandably attracted to the court of the Karlin-Stolin Rebbe in New York, where he became the ba’al tefillah and ba’al tokei ah for the Rebbe. Eventually, he formed a group of klezmorim who played in Karlin.
When Reb Yom Tov Ehrlich began publish ing his music, things were very different than they are Remarkably,today. he played numerous instru ments, all of which inspired his compositions. He began recording on an old-fashioned record player and later switched to a big, clumsy tape
When World War II broke out, the area of Poland where Yom Tov lived was annexed by Russia, and soon the family made its way to Samarkand, Uzbekistan, along with many other Yidden. Life in Uzbekistan was strange to Yom Tov. He had much to say about the unusual ways of the locals, and composed several songs expressing his commentary on their lifestyle. Many of these were later com piled in his album, Chevlei Mashiach.

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There he continued to disseminate his lighthearted depictions and sharp wit through his trademark lyrics. Many of his niggunim contain a note of sad ness, touching the heart with a tip of yearning that brings listeners to intro spection. And many a song concludes with resounding, uplifting triumph.

The Satmar Rebbe, Rav Yoel Teitelbaum, zy”a, held Reb Yom Tov in high re gard. He greeted him with a cheerful, “Git Yom Tov,” and even contributed to ward the expenses of his albums. The Rebbe famously summed up Reb Yom Tov’s core with a play on his name: “Wherever he goes, it becomes a Yom Tov; and wherever he is, there is Simcha; and all of his deeds are Ehrlich.”
Oftentimes, Reb Yom Tov would record himself saying a couple of lines as an introduction or explanation to the lyrics that followed. Some of them were messages to himself or exchanges with his children and grandchildren. They perfectly punctuate his innermost desire to spread the mindset that came through in his music.

Many of Reb Yom Tov Ehrlich’s songs express longing for Eretz Yisroel, and in time, he indeed made the move to the Holy Land.
Thirty-six albums of his compositions were published in his lifetime. His songs have been sung and recorded by world-famous Jewish singers such as Avraham Fried, Mordechai ben David, and Reb Yermiya Damen.
recorder. As the songs piled up, he began compiling them into albums. He himself took those albums around and distributed them by foot.

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Central Sheep Roamed When the Park

Flocks of sheep used to roam the grounds of the wealthy to keep the lawns around their mansions trimmed. For example, William Rock efeller’s estate in Rockwood Hall in North Tar rytown, New York, used one hundred sheep to “mow” his expansive 1,000-acre lawn.
Central Park has lost her sheep and can’t tell where to find them...
To cut groundskeeping costs during World War I, 28th President Woodrow Wilson incor porated the use of a flock of sheep to graze on the White House grounds. If you think that an odd choice of pet, bear in mind that our 26th president, Theodore Roosevelt, had a family of pets that included a bear; sixth president John Quincy Adams kept an alligator; and 27th presi dent William Howard Taft’s cow, Pauline, was a source of fresh milk.
In the United States, there are more than 5.2 million head of sheep. Of the top ten states with the most sheep, Texas ranks first, Iowa ranks tenth, and New York does not rate at all.
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The Central Park Act of July 21, 1853, made
Sheep — those domesticated, cud-chewing, short-tailed mammals raised for their milk, meat and wool — were once an integral part of Central Park’s scenery. Although the average layman is familiar with sheep as wooly farm animals that bleat “baaa,” these sheep lazed around all day in New York City.
the park project official. Park commissioners of Central Park encouraged competition to solicit design proposals. The $1.5 million ($58 million in today’s dollars) budget for the park’s 843 acres was to include a parade ground for military reviews drills and practice, three ballfields, an area for winter skating, a grand fountain, an obser vatory, playgrounds, a flower garden, a music hall, and four roads traversing the park (to facilitate travel across theOutcity).of 33 entries, landscape architects Frederick Law Ol msted and Calvert Vaux submitted the winning Greensward Plan design. Their design ideas included sweeping lawns, pic turesque woodlands, winding streams, expansive lakes, encir cling paths, a carriage drive, and a bridle path (this 4.2-mile gravel path, once used as an equestrian trail, is currently used for runners). Since military use conflicted with the vision of a quiet and serene atmosphere, the park commissioners later de
When raising sheep, suitable pasture for grazing is essen tial, as feed for the sheep flock is one of the principal expenses. They are ruminant animals (which means they chew their cud), feeding predominantly on pasture and hay. In the era be fore motorized lawn mowers, sheep performed grassland maintenance quite effectively.
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Jacob sheep are small and horned (sometimes double horned), with brown and white patches.
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Another pen held a resting ram, whose cropped wool had grown long and curly by the end of sum mer. After shearing, the wool of these sheep is discarded. Akiva noted that for sheep whose wool will be used, a specific sheep blanket keeps the fleece clean and protected from sun and flies (please check for shaatnez). While the animals at West Maple Farm spend most of their time out doors, in wintertime the pens are enclosed, and their drinking water is heated. Don’t forget — their long coats retain warmth, too!
I’d like to thank Akiva, of West Maple Farm in Monsey, New York, who was kind enough to give me some sheep specifics and intro duce me to several of the farm’s freshly shorn sheep.


Farm-bred sheep can be bought for $250 to $450, with prices fluc tuating according to breed, and they live for about ten to twelve years. You can purchase a lamb, bottle-feed it, and treat it as a pet, but it will thrive best with its own kind. Still, from what I saw, the ani mals enjoyed the company of the zeese sheifelach visiting the farm.
cided to eliminate the parade ground.
of sheep was kept on the meadow grounds. During that time, your City of New York tax bill may have in cluded a charge for the upkeep of the Southdown and Dorset sheep kept in New York’s Central Park, along with a wage for the attending shepherd and dog.The purpose of the wooly creatures, aside from fertilizing and manicuring the park’s lawn, was to elicit tranquil images of traditional English pas tures. Visitors were entertained and appreciated the area of serene green space in the heart of New York City.
From 1864 until 1934, a flock
The two co-designers, wanting the park to have a rustic feel, introduced 200 pedigreed Southdown and Dor set sheep originating from the val leys and lush pastures of Southwest ern England (these sheep had yichus!) in 1864. Borrowing from the concept of the traditional English garden, where polite society communed with nature, the plan specified that a flock of sheep should graze in the fifteen-acre mead ow on the west side of Central Park. In 1864, these 200 sheep called the park home.Trimming the grass and fertiliz ing the lawn were done expediently on the fifteen-acre property, Sheep Meadow, in Manhattan’s Central Park. Although Sheep Meadow in Central Park is now best known as the place to bring a book and a blanket, it was sheep that once grazed there, giving the meadow its name.
Sheepfold, a building designed to house the sheep and their shepherd, was built in 1871 to house the flock; the sheep inhabited the bottom floor of the barn, and the shepherd with his family lived on the second. The ends of the building were used as a pavilion where children could learn about the sheep in an interactive environment.
At precisely 5:30 each morning, the
Upon my visit in August, the first pen, at approximately twenty by twenty-five square feet, held four sheep. Several were Jacob sheep — named for the spotted sheep given to Yaakov Avinu by Lavan.


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Before the park’s construction, and even after it opened, nearby farmers would let their animals roam freely on the land. It became so populated with ani mals that they had to be constantly rounded up and re turned to their owners. This issue continued after the park opened. In 1872 alone 44 pigs, 35 goats, 18 cows and 23 horses were impounded!
The sheep remained a Central Park fixture for 70 years. With the appointment of Robert Moses as Parks Commissioner in 1934, changes were implemented to the city’s Sheep Meadow. Moses preferred parks for ac tive play rather than picturesque vistas. He wanted to turn the Victorian style Sheepfold into a restaurant. Moses’ decision to send the sheep packing may also have had to do with the Great Depression and the valid fear that homeless New Yorkers might consider the ani mals a source of free food and turn the sheep into lamb stew. The 49 remaining pure-bred Dorset sheep were transferred to Brooklyn’s Prospect Park. They joined a flock of hornless Southdown sheep that had already been working in the 90-acre Long Meadow (a nearly mile-long stretch of unbroken meadow) section of Pros pect Park since at least 1922.
Lest you think the sheep did not have a seder hayom, think otherwise. From April until November, in decent weather, the flock was herded from their holding pens at 8 a.m. to graze on the grassy knolls. At noon the sheep were brought back to get a drink and then returned to pasture until 5 p.m. Other than grass, they needed no additional sustenance in the warmer months. During the winter, hay, bran and cracked corn were added to their diet.
A head-keeper and two Scotch collies ranged near the sheep. Guarding them meant keeping the flock from straying (by nipping at their heels) and repelling Brooklyn dogs that might pose a threat. Long Meadow was kept cropped and fertilized, serving aesthetic and practical purposes.


shepherd and his collies stopped traffic on West Drive and herded the 200 pedigreed English sheep over a crossing toward the meadow. At 6:30 p.m., the return ing sheep disrupted the stream of horse-drawn car riages (and, soon, automobiles). The lambs roaming the grass were reported to be “so tame that they ate from children’s palms.” Once yearly, the wool gathered from the sheep was auctioned off, with the proceeds benefit ing the city.
Until the 1930s, the sheep provided a rustic ele ment and practical lawnmower power at Long Meadow. Parks Commissioner Robert Moses ordered these sheep removed, too, at some point during the decade. Trim ming the lawn with machinery and imported labor had
Prospect Park, boasting the same talented designer duo, opened in 1867, offering city dwellers an urban retreat. In 1866, while still under design, the Prospect Park Commissioners proposed “to enclose with a suffi cient iron paling and make use of as a pasture ground for deer, antelopes, gazelles, and such other grazing an imals as can be satisfactorily herded together in sum mer upon it.”
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So, are you thinking of saving time and fuel costs and mak ing this planet a cleaner place to live? Using sheep as mini mow ers, fertilizers, weed eradicators, and soil aerators is cost- and energy-efficient. Still, while sheep do not require gasoline or oil changes, they’re not maintenance-free. They need shelter, health care, fencing, vaccinations, clean water and food, hoof trimming, deworming and shearing. They are flock animals, which means they will be happiest with at least one other of theirCheckkind.the livestock laws in your county. Part 11 General Leg islation, Article 111 concerning Harboring Pets and Animals in the Village of Spring Valley states: “All animals and pets other than those permitted are prohibited. Prohibited animals and pets include but are not limited to horses, sheep, alpacas, goats, donkeys and similar creatures. Prohibited birds and fowl in clude, but are not limited to, chickens and roosters.”
In the border country between Scotland and Eng land, the black-and-white, long-coated dogs became known as “border” collies.
Is there an odd-looking animal within your flock of sheep? It may be a wolf in sheep’s clothing. Best get him Wantout.totell
become cheaper and more efficient, and the sheep moved to a farm near Otisville in the Catskill Mountains.
Have insomnia? Try counting sheep (in bed with closed eyes, of course). Better yet, imagine them jumping over a fence, one by one. Farmers in the medieval ages would count their sheep before leaving them; it must have been a tiring task.
Are you feeling ashamed or embarrassed? You’re probably wearing a sheepish grin.

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want to get lost? Then follow the tour guide as he “leads you around like sheep.”
A lamb is a baby sheep. Have you been called a sheif ele? Please take it as a compliment because it’s a term of endearment.

someone you’ve almost arrived? “I’ll be there in two shakes of a lamb’s tail.” I’m not sure how long it takes for a lamb to shake its tail, but it must be Don’tquick.
Also, be aware: While some neighbors might applaud your creativity, others will consider you a nuisance.
Are you exceptionally patient, humble and mild in demeanor? Well then, not only do you have particu larly spectacular middos, but you may also be meek as a lamb
A shepherd is a person who herds flocks or groups of animals. The word shepherd originates from the Old English sceaphierde: sheepherder. A shepherd’s dog, usually a “working” collie, was exempt from dog taxes.

A young aide opened the door and motioned for me to come inside. I followed her dutifully. My eyes widened as I walked into a child’s wonderland. Virtually every toy and gadget a kid could ever dream of was in the basement. There

walked up the tree-lined path and admired the land scaping. It was beautifully manicured and surround ed an expansive house. I rang the doorbell. A woman opened the door and looked surprised to see me. She asked me to go around to the back of the house and enter through the basement. This must be Malky’s mother, I thought. The agency had prepared me for possible challenges with this
case. I was the fourth provider to be assigned to Malky in a short span of time. I quickly made my way to the back of the house and knocked.
Photos of Malky
Week 4:
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“If you judge people, you have no time to love them.” – Unknown

Malky looked up at her mother, her head cocked slightly to the side. There was a yearning, a longing, in Malky’s eyes. They seemed to say, “I’m trying my best. Please accept me the way I am.”Malky’s mother turned to address me. She lowered her voice almost to an icy tone and said, “What kind of therapy is this, anyway? We have plenty of toys. Malky just needs to play with them instead of roll ing around on the floor all day. There is a parade of people coming in and out for Malky every day. I’m looking for results, and frankly, I’m tired. I’m losing patience.”
loud footsteps interrupted our serene play area. Malky’s mother had arrived. She spoke loudly and almost ac cusingly to Malky.
was a chalkboard and an easel with every color of paint. Brandnew books sat in a small bookcase, waiting to be read. A large pink car (the electric type that can really be driven) was parked next to a mini black Jeep. And in the middle of the basement sat Malky, a sweet little girl all of two years old, with rosy cheeks, soft, downy blond hair and slightly slanted blue eyes. Malky didn’t seem to notice me when I walked in. She was chewing on a foam block.
The aide picked Malky up gently and placed her next to me on the floor. Malky’s posture was poor, and she was observed to “W” sit. (“W” sitting refers to a position in which the child has their knees in front of them, but their ankles and feet to ei ther side of their hips, creating a classic W shape.) This sitting position could be indicative of low muscle tone. Malky allowed me to adjust her feet into a cross-legged sitting position. Then I opened up my bag and took out a jumbo knob puzzle with farm animals. I handed Malky the cow, and she held the piece clum sily.Suddenly,
As soon as I got to my car, I called the coordinator assigned to Malky’s case. I explained the drama that had unfolded just moments earlier. The coordinator assured me that I was lucky that the mother hadn’t dismissed me yet. She had a knack for telling therapists at the first session to please not return again. The coordina tor then told me that Malky’s mother had come a long way in the last few months. She was learning to be more accepting of Malky, was interested in being more of a hands-on mother, and wanted to help her. But this piece of news was surprising to me, as the impression I had gotten was almost completely different.
he next time I arrived for a session with Malky, I headed straight to the back door. Thankfully, the aide let me in, and Malky’s mother was nowhere in sight. Malky seemed to like toys, though she did a lot of mouthing and bit ing. It appeared that Malky needed a lot of stimulation and in put in her mouth. Perhaps she was biting objects out of frustra tion?Malky
was far behind in reaching many developmental milestones. She would need a lot of carryover and repetition in order to reach goals that were set for her. She tried hard and was eager to please, but despite her efforts, Malky’s fine motor skills inhibited her from really playing functionally with toys. I reinforced every effort and accomplishment, no matter how small. Malky loved to hear a jovial “Hurray!” It came to a point where Malky would “cheer” for herself by raising her arms up to the sky and making a noise, even before she completed an
She said, “Come on, why can’t you just place the piece on the board? I showed you how to do this so many times!”
I opened up my mouth to respond, but Malky’s mother had already left the room and was heading back upstairs.
Malky’s head and posture seemed to droop even more after that encounter. Her eyes now registered a blank stare. Perhaps this was a detachment coping mechanism. We muddled through the rest of the session. I encouraged
Malky to push buttons, pull pegs apart and build towers. But I could feel Mal ky’s heart wasn’t in it. No matter how developmentally delayed a child is, they need to feel loved and accepted by their mother. They may not understand con cepts; they may be missing foundational problem-solving skills; their motor skills may be severely lacking; but they “get” the unspoken language of love and ac ceptance. I sympathized with Malky’s feelings of failure and rejection. After all, she was only a toddler, even if she wasn’t the “perfect child.”

activity.Onsome days, Malky’s siblings would join the session for a few minutes. They would come in, and no matter what Malky was in the middle of doing, they would scoop her up and hug her, maybe a little too tightly. Though this was disruptive, I realized the need for Malky to connect to her siblings. She seemed to like being around them, though she was also a bit overwhelmed by their roughhousing. Siblings naturally cre
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I comforted myself with the pasuk in Tehillim 27:10: “Though my father and mother forsook me, Hashem will gather me in.” Surely Hashem’s carry over could not be compared to that of a person. Whenever I felt despair due to Malky’s situation, I kept repeating to myself, “She is in Hashem’s hands.” With this realization, I was encour aged to move forward and continue to help Malky.
ate a child’s first peer group, and it was very important for Malky to learn how to socialize properly. Hopefully, Malky’s interactions with her siblings would pave the way for future mean ingful interactions and friendships.
I called the other members of Malky’s therapy team, and we set up a time to meet. Because the provid ers had changed so often, no provider had ever requested for Malky to re ceive more than the minimal amount of services that she had originally got ten when she was a small baby. Each of us submitted reports with a request for increases in each discipline. We also made up to form a text group in order to keep each other updated on Malky’s progress, challenges, and small tidbits of information that could be helpful.WhenMalky‘s mother heard about the group, she requested to join. Ini tially we were surprised, because up until then, she appeared to have little interest in being part of the team in any way. But Malky‘s mother ended up being the most prominent mem ber of this group. She almost always joined the “therapy conversation,” and every Friday, right before Shab bos, she would post a nice thank-you message to us.
This was an interesting twist, as our face-to-face communication with Malky’s mother had never been too
302 845.600.8484 The Monsey View September 21, 2022
I tried to encourage Malky’s sib lings to learn certain techniques in order to be involved in carryover, but they were always in a rush and had little time or patience for any type of guidance or coaching. I accepted that, though I felt this was crushing for Malky’s development. Malky was al ready at a disadvantage in all develop mental areas (cognitive, social-emo tional, motor, speech and adaptive); lacking familial support was another hindrance in her path.

positive. Perhaps she felt more com fortable communicating via text. Whatever the reason was, we certainly weren’t going to question it. We em braced her involvement.

Malky’s mother returned a few min utes later, holding Malky and hugging her tightly. With tears in her eyes, she told me that I was the first person to take pictures of Malky. She told me that she would cherish this album along with the rest of the family’s albums.
The flames of the menorah shone brightly on that first night of Chanu kah and for the seven nights that fol lowed. Perhaps it was the flame of the Chanukah candles that helped Mal ky find a place within her mother’s heart. With each milestone that Malky worked so hard to achieve, her mother now stood behind her and whispered, “I knew you could do it.”
Fayge Holtzberg, M.S.Ed., is a certified bilingual special educator. She has been working in the community as a consultant, evaluator and therapist for over twenty years. Mrs. Holtzberg can reached at
304 845.600.8484 The Monsey View September 21, 2022
rom our initial session, and each session after that, I would take pictures whenever Malky accomplished something, big or small. When her siblings came down, they were more than happy to join a pic ture with Malky, usually with Malky ensconced in a tight wraparound hug withAsthem.theweeks turned into months, the weather turned colder, and Cha nukah was fast approaching. I printed the pictures that I had taken of Malky and placed them in a small album. Fac ing each photo was a blank page. On this page, I encouraged Malky to use crayons, markers and paint to do free art. She scribbled and colored, at first struggling to hold the crayon or marker on her own. As time went on, she man aged to hold each instrument with a tight grip and really enjoyed coloring andOnpainting.thefirst night of Chanukah, I wrapped up the album. Before com pleting the session, I asked Malky’s siblings to bring her upstairs and have Malky give the album to her mother. I waited quietly in the basement for Mal ky to present this gift to her mother. I silently prayed that Malky’s gift would be accepted with a full heart.
305 845.600.8484 September 21, 2022 The Monsey View

I’m sure your pencils are labeled and sharpened, your looseleafs and folders color-coordinated and stacked in your sleek leather bag. But have you packed your snacks?
Let me guess: In honor of the first day of school, your dream idea of what to munch on includes a jumbo sprinkle cookie, barbecue chips, and falafel Bissli. Am I right? No, I was not peeking into your wagon as you were strolling down the aisles of the grocery. You do have great taste, but… Do you really want food coloring, an abun dance of sugar, and MSG to carry you through your school day?
Mothers: Make it doable for your children by stocking your fridge and pantry with a variety of yummy, grab-n-go options. Bonus points if you cut back on purchasing junk foods to minimize temptation!
HEY, KIDS: READY FOR A LENGE?CHALSNACKHEALTHY308 845.600.8484 The Monsey View September 21, 2022
Eating healthy snacks — such as fruit, protein, or starches high in fiber — will feed your brain the nutrients it needs to help you succeed in school. So, ditch your old-fashioned ideas on how to fill your back pack, and instead, let’s think of some tasty treats to keep you fortified throughout the day.

AGES 10 AND UP: You’re on your canyourself.snackPrepareown!yourallbyYoudoit!
Program sponsor:
Bring your filled-out chart to Toys 4 U, and be gifted with an exclusive, limited-edition The Monsey View fanny pack!

WHEN YOUR CHART IS ALL FILLED IN, you’ll get rewarded by feeling so much better — and hopefully, succeeding academically like never before! And if that’s not motivation enough, we’ll help you along:
Do you have any other good healthy snack ideas? Please share it with your fellow health-conscious students! E: | F: 845-600-8483
In addition, one winner will be drawn to receive a personalized briefcase, pencil case, water bottle and keychain of their choice!

trail mix with nuts, pretzels and some healthy cereal. Add some sugar-free dried fruits for a tasty energy-booster.
Melba toast comes packaged in perfect serving sizes. Consider pairing a package with string cheese for added protein. Stuff a handful of baby carrots into a Ziploc bag for a super-crunchy
310 845.600.8484 The Monsey View September 21, 2022
Blend frozen strawberries and mangoes with some orange juice for a tasty, filling smoothie.

THE FIRST 30 DAYS OF SCHOOL WITH HEALTHY FOOD CHOICES! Name: Age:School:___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Phonenumber:____________________________________________________________Signyourinitialsforeachdayyoupackedonlyhealthysnacks.
Clip andsave the chart,and send it in assoon as you have mas-tered your 30 first daysof excellent eatinghabits! (The chart willnot be again.)featured 312 845.600.8484 The Monsey View September 21, 2022


Animal hairs are harvested, woven into yarn, and then into fabric. Some animals bear wool once every year; others grow enough wool to be shorn multiple times a year.

No synthetic fiber boasts these qualities.
Sheep to You
Hashem, in His kindness, creates a natural “coat” to keep animals warm during the winter months, and the shornoff wool maintains that thermally insulative property in the fabrics derived from it.

It’s supple! Woolen fiber can bend 20,000 times without breaking.
DECATING The wool isproofed.shrink-
Durable and Thermal
This interlocking of fibers is permanently set with the crabbing process.

You’ll see woolen fabrics used more in the winter months than in the summer. That’s because we take advantage of the natural properties these animal hairs are endowed with: insulation.

It’s waterproof! The cellular structure of wool allows it to absorb vapor but repel liquid.
Once woolen fibers are cleaned, they are carded, or formed into long strands.
316 845.600.8484 The Monsey View September 21, 2022
The Process
Resilient and Elastic
Do you think “sheep” when you hear “wool”? That’s the association most people have with this durable, warming textile. Nonetheless, many types of wool are derived from animals other than sheep. And there’s a variety of reasons as to why this natural textile is an all-time favorite.
The natural waviness of wool is known as its crimp. The more crimp, the more insulative a woolen textile will be.
Wool textile is then immersed in water to make its fibers interlock.

dawned, wool production spread throughout InEurope.theColonial Era, Europeans began to export wooly sheep to other continents.
Most woolen garments should stay away from the washing machine and dryer. Check the label to see if the manufacturer advises dry cleaning only. Still, many woolen fabrics can be washed by hand. Here are some handy tips:
In 2007, a Japanese company invented a kind of wool suit that can be washed in the shower, and dries within a matter of hours.
3. Rinse thoroughly and then squeeze gently, being careful not to wring the garment.

4. Lay the garment on a flat surface to dry, and reshape if necessary. Never hang dry, which may cause the fabric to stretch. Don’t use a dryer, either, as it can cause shrinkage.
By Any Other Name
Clothing Care
By: T. Gestetner
Wool has traditionally been used in garments ever since the beginning of time. Follow its trajectory until it reaches our modern-day purposes:

During the Middle Ages, wool became more of a central textile. Wool production was a major component of the Italian economy, and people built entire fortunes by doing business in this Asindustry.theRenaissance
The global wool industry shifted when the British introduced sheep to Australia. The vast expanse of grazing land on that continent helped the sheep population explode. Within a few decades, Australia became the largest wool producer in the world.
1. Place the garment in water and soak for three to five minutes.
Know this: If your garment is labeled cashmere, fleece, fur, hair, or tweed, it is made of woolen fabric. But only wool derived from sheep is an issue in terms of shatnez
2. Use cool water only. Add some mild detergent.
Price per kilogram of clean Australian wool
The rare benefits of wool over cotton and synthetic fibers justify its significantly higher cost.
Who supplies most of the world’s wool?
Tracing Wool’s Popularity
Australia 25% China 18% United States 17% New Zealand 11% 317 845.600.8484 September 21, 2022 The Monsey View
One of the most expensive and luxurious kinds of wool
Wool consists of 97% protein and 3% fat.
Less durable than most wools
Different Kinds, Different Purposes
Highly flame-resistant, wool chars and self-extinguishes fire.
Merino wool is very fine and more resistant to pilling. Originally bred in Spain, merino sheep today are more commonly raised in Australia.
Mohair is derived from angora goats, which have very thick, wavy wool. Mohair wool was at the height of fashion in the 1970s and 1980s, but talk of animal abuse in the mohair industry curbed the passion.

Derived from a lamb’s first shearing
Contains no lanolin, making it hypoallergenic
Very insulative yet relatively rough, camel wool is not suited for garments that have direct skin contact.
Virgin wool is also known as lamb’s wool. This term is also used to refer to wool that was never recycled.

Can be itchy when worn directly on the skin
A rare, sought-after variety
This wool comes from a special breed of rabbit and is super-fine, fluffy and soft. It is expensive and valuable, for these rabbits are not commonly found in civilized areas.

318 845.600.8484 The Monsey View September 21, 2022
No wonder it’s a popular textile used in firefighter gear!
As a fiber that can withstand pressure and retain durablechoicewoolappearanceitslong-term,makesagreatforbeautiful,carpets.
Traditionally bred in South America, alpaca provide wool that is warmer than most varieties. Alpaca wool roughens as the alpaca age, making the wool from younger alpacas more prized. Most manufacturers mix alpaca wool with cheaper varieties to keep the costs down.
The name “cashmere” originates from the Kashmir region of India, where the furry goats that supply cashmere come from. Each cashmere goat produces about 150 grams of wool each year, making it a limited, sought-after commodity.
One of the most common kinds of wool

2. Once you have a winner, fill out the form below in its entirety
The longest word found on the board: _____________________________
Family name: _________________________________ Phone: __________________
List some words only the winner found:
Hint: letters or more!
hidesBoggleEachboardawordof nine
Find words on the board containing four letters or more. Letters of a word must be connected in a chain (each letter should be adjacent to the next either vertically, horizontally or diago nally), and each letter can only be used once in a given word.
4-letter words: 2 points | 5-letter words: 3 points | 6-letter words: 5 points | 7-letter words: 7 points | 8-letter words: 9 points | 9+ letters: 12 points
A new word you learned from the board: __________________________
The following are not allowed in Boggle: Adding “s” to a word • Proper nouns • Abbreviations • Contractions • Acronyms

1. Gather round the table to play a family game of Boggle, using this Boggle board.
Full mailing address: ____________________________________________________
4. Two winners will be drawn each week, each of whom will win a pas trami sandwich and a can of soda!
Full name of winner: _________________ Amount of points: __________
Only complete forms will be entered into the drawing.

Full names of
320 845.600.8484 The Monsey View September 21, 2022
3. Email the form to 600-8483themonseyview.comcomments@orfaxto845-bySundayatmidnight.

Names of competing players: Shiffy
Family name: Traube, 845-xxx-2683
Some words only the winner found: arch, crab, fast, more, tire
Family name: Herbst, 845-xxx-6884
Names of competing players: Chaya R.
Last week’s bonus word: RESOLUTION
The longest word found on the board: stair
Some words only the winner found: among, monarchy
and bring it
Name of winner: Suri
Amount of points: 25
A new word learned from the board: nori
The longest word found on the board: resolution
To claim your prize, tear out this sheet which your appears) in to Nussy’s Cuisine.
A new word learned from the board: ration
78 426 134 9712 5 4 3876 568 813 12 5497 4 86 1 59 4 2 7 1 1 4 81 4 76 3 3129 321 845.600.8484 September 21, 2022 The Monsey View
Amount of points: 74
Name of winner: Bassie
WINNERSTENTHETOCONGRATULATIONSTOYS4U!ATCARDSGIFT$5THEOFsubmission.youronlistednumberphonetheofaccounttheonToys4Uatissuedwascredit$5Acoloring!Keeppages!coloredbeautifullyinsentwhoreadersofhundredsthetoyouThank D’MonseyCheder10,Kerstein,Yosef TranyBais5,Neustadt,RivkySatmar6,Eisdorfer,YittyBinahImrei9,Goralnik,ShimonDovid ChaimToras7,Krohn,DovidYSV7,Belsky,Yehuda Viznitz8,Gottlieb,YachetVien7,Klein,YedidyaChaim Skvere7,Reichman,BruchyKoloshitz8,Weiss,Shloimy 322 845.600.8484 The Monsey View September 21, 2022

Send your colored page to The Monsey View to enter a drawing for a chance to have your artwork featured in our pages and win $5 at Toys4U! Ten lucky winners will be announced each week!

To enter the raffle, email your colored page to, or mail it to 365 Route 59, Suite 239, Airmont, NY 10952. Submissions will be included in the drawing only if all information is filled in.
Phone:______________________________________________Name:_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Age:____________________School:_________________________________________________________ 323 845.600.8484 September 21, 2022 The Monsey View
By: Faigy Jacobowitz
324 845.600.8484 The Monsey View September 21, 2022

326 845.600.8484 The Monsey View September 21, 2022

327 845.600.8484 September 21, 2022 The Monsey View

House available in Wesley Hills for rent, for First Days Sukkos. Please call 845-5877535
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A building for Yeshiva in BloomingGrove for rent. Accomodates around 25 bachurim. Please call 845219-1095
West Maple Area. One of a kind 8 bd. Huge Succah Dining room. In-law suite w/ separate entrance Michelle Tendler RE Associate Broker, Q Home Sales C:914-906-2701
Seeking an apartment for Chusson Kallah in the Homestead, Albert & Augusta area. Please Call 845-3202657
Brand new, Mutsy European strollers (not travel). Must remove the seat to fold. Price of $120 (Regular $400). Many very satisfied customers already. Text/call - 845-5216871
Yom Tov rental available near Monsey. 5+ bedrooms (17 beds). Amazing for family reunion. 5 minutes from Shul. Lots of privacy. Contact 347.356.0511
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Studio apartment in airmont for rent. Contact: 845-2829158
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Brand new two bedroom apartment available for rent on Church St, Spring Valley. Call 845-662-3970
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High end knives for Rosh Hashana.Wusthof and Zwilling chefs ,carving ,bread knives and 226-0456prices,limitedmore.Wholesalesupply.848-
Doona (imitation), carriage bag, and rain cover included Yom Tov special $295call 646.838.4459

Local marketing firm seeking female secretary. Computer knowledge and great phone/ writing skills required. Email resume to office@admarkny. com

Boys school looking to fill a Kriah position. Willing to train. Please email your resume to schools613@gmail. com
Local school looking for mature gmail.comsubmitadministrativeschoolhire.assistantadministrativeforimmediateJobincludeshandlingprogramsandgeneraltasks.Pleaseresumetojob410977@
Great location, beautiful 1 bedroom with
Looking to rent a private 3 bedroom house, up to 3k / month. Starting Nov / Dec. 845-652-3149.
Cheder in Monsey is looking for experienced English Teacher (male) Supportive environment. Easy to follow curriculum plan. Excellent discipline program in place. Competitive Pay. For more information or to apply please call: 718-450-2538
Private Pool. Furnished, private yard. 4 Bedrooms. 5 min walk to shul. Nearby parks and attractions. Text/ call and lv message: (520) 276-8490
Apartment for rent on Shamgar in Yerushalayim available October 6-24th.
Utilize your talents and office experience with flexible hours. Send your resume to

Looking for full-day & afternoon co-teachers. Work with great teachers and gain experience. Please call or text 845-270-8796.
real estate N help wanted N 330 845.600.8484 The Monsey View September 21, 2022
Bnos Leah Prospect Park of Monsey is looking for a morning secretary great working environment. Must be organized, flexible, responsible and knowledgable in Microsoft office. Graphics and Hebrew word processing a plus. jobs@
Clothing store in Monsey is looking for a motivated woman/girl for saleshelp. Pls call 845-642-7965
Seeking mother’s helper in my house daily from 3 or 4 until 6:30, New County Rd area. Please Call 845-6085159.
Looking for drivers to do morning and afternoon trips for employees. Phone: 845-205-9862. Email: commhealthcare.comMGrunwald@
Yeshiva Spring Valley (boys) of Monsey is now accepting resumes for the General Studies department for September 2022 - ‘23 School Year. Following Positions available: • Lower Elementary School Teacher (M-TH 12:45-4:00); • Title1 English Language Arts (ELA) Teacher • Teacher’s Assistants (M-TH 12:45-4:00) Teaching experience a must. Professional atmosphere and competitive salary. Please include references and email to orggss@yeshivaspringvalley.orFAXto845-356-8551
Bnos Leah Prospect Park of Monsey seeking assistant teachers for grades K -4. Full and half days available. Opportunities for jobs@prospectmonsey.orggrowth.
Sukkos & All Year Round.
is seeking qualified staff for the ‘22-‘23 school year, to join our dynamic, talented team: Hebrew and English Permanent Substitutes, English Remedial Teacher, Co-Teachers and assistants. Please email resume to hr@ Bas Mikroh has an on-site daycare for Staff children.
Newly renovated large room for rent; private entrance w/ kitchenette & bathroom, size 22/15. Suitable for office or playgroup / babysitting. Location: College, Dolson Rd. area. Call 845-690-2033
Looking for a female French teacher for two girls 10 and 12. Please call 845- 327-9321 and leave a message
Seeking female bookkeeping assistant. bikurcholim.orgeturnheim@
Beautiful villas with pool on gorgeous property in Casa Grande, Arizona, available for rent. Reasonable 5574gmail.comArizonakoshergetaway@rates!call/text347-224-
331 845.600.8484 September 21, 2022 The Monsey View

332 845.600.8484 The Monsey View September 21, 2022

Well established investment firm in Montvale, NJ looking to fill Secretarial / Client Services position. Candidate should be motivated, well organized with good communication skills, and comfortable with numbers. Opportunity to gain knowledge of portfolio investing in a pleasant, low-pressure environment. Excellent pay for qualified individual. Email resume to
Busy mortgage office seeking f/t,hardworking,organized,manager.receptionist/officeMustbesuperpeoplesperson,computerdetailorientedandEmailresumeto
Fast growing insurance Firm is looking to hire a F/T female administrator assistant position. Candidate should be proactive and have great communication skills, office experience and knowledge in excel preferred, email resume to: jobmonsey123@
Insurance company seeking F/T assistance. Well paid position with excellent potential for growth. Office experience and insurance knowledge a plus but not required. Please email resume to
Sheitel macher company is looking for a coordinator/ secretary. For more details pls call 845-662-3004
Female Secretary Wanted. Perfect Position for Graduate! Monday-Friday Full Time gmail.comgr8opportunityforjob@toProficiencyComputeramust.Willingtrain.EmailResumeto

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ABA Riders is looking for an ABA para for a case in New City from 3:30 to 6:30 Mon. thru Thurs. Well paid. Contact Rikki: info@abariders.com347-930-9736/
Classifieds wanted

N 334 845.600.8484 The Monsey View September 21, 2022
Real Estate/ Construction office hiring an experienced secretary for bookkeeping & general office work. Flexible hours and well paid with roof for growth. Submit your resume to rpiliving@gmail. com

Office in Lyndhurst NJ, Approx 45 min from Monsey, looking for Bright, responsible, motivated individual, to Join our Office Team Full Time. Beginners Welcome. Multitasking, Communication & organizational skills required. Nice growth potential & Great pay! Please call (347)678-2670 or email resume
Office in Monsey is seeking a capable individual for an open position within the finance department. Great opportunity with potential, good pay and easterndrayage.comresumeenvironment.HeimishPleaseemailtochaimm@
Upscale Jewelry Store In Monsey Is Looking To Hire A Part Time Energetic Sales Lady. Sunday’s Included. Please Email ComJewelrypersonal@Gmail.Resume:
Part-time & Full-time jobs available. gmail.comTopPartTimeJobs@Email
Local property Management Company is looking for a f/t secretary. office Experience required. Great environment, Great pay. Please email resume rcmanageoffice@gmail.comto
is seeking to hire additional recruiters. Part-time & Flexible hours. Email your resume to SwiftStaffingGroup.comInfo@
A Heimisha Financial services office in Spring Valley NY is seeking a full time female to join our female team. Responsibilities include scheduling, client relations, etc. Candidate must have excellent verbal (telephone), & writing skills, mathematics, Quickbooks, computer proficiency and ability to multi-task. For more information please email your resume Molanservices@gmail.comto


Seeking detail oriented & motivated young man to assist with sales, order processing and customer care. Excellent written & spoken English necessary, must be computer literate. Interesting and fast paced industry with lots of potential for growth for the right employee. Please note this is an in office position located in Airmont NY on Route 59 and we prefer someone who lives local. Email Job4fulltime@gmail.comresume:
Full time Female Sales Position. A עשידיסח עשימייה Company in NJ is now hiring. Located Approx 30-Min from Monsey, transportation provided. Good pay with benefits. Please email resume to Orjobs6224222@gmail.comcall718-622-4222#602

Heimishe office in Monsey looking to hire for multiple full-time positions, graduate/ entry level ok. Please email resume: orsammysconsulting.comsammy@call845-603-8206
Looking for a respite worker in the Pomona area to work with an adorable 6 year old boy that needs someone to come in to his home or take him out and do homework. Male or Female is fine. Hours needed between 4:30 and 6:30pm 2-4 times a week. Please reach out to 845-4262199 ext. 1653
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Stop wasting your time going through all the jobs classifieds. Simply email your resume to completelyStrictlyWhatsAppcareer.&toSwiftStaffingGroup.comInfo@exploreyouroptionsmaximizeyourOrCall/Text/732-800-7633confidential&free.
Chassidishe cheder looking for a male tutor for title one. 3:30-5:30. Please call 8452637445
Join our Monsey Office!
Looking for a lady driver to drive an 8 year old girls once a week to Therapy from school on Saddle River Rd. to Route 59- about a 5 minute drive. If you are interested, please reach out to 845-4262199 ext. 4637
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Looking for a mother’s helper to help serve supper, organize, help out with the kids. In the main Monsey area. Please call 845-426-2199 ext. 1653 or email c.adler@
Local Women’s office is looking to hire a full time secretary starting after Succos. Office experience preferred. Great pay for the right candidate. Please Call 845-205 -0910 or

Receive full training in Nursing Home Financials. Competitive salary and free health insurance. Located at Rela, moving shortly to Rober Pitt. Send resume monseyjobs@fcc-corp.comto

340 845.600.8484 The Monsey View September 21, 2022

341 845.600.8484 September 21, 2022 The Monsey View

Earn up to $10,000 per month + bonuses working from home and helping Frum students earn their college degrees in a Kosher environment in their own home. Skills necessary: A good working knowledge of gmail, a desire to help students between the ages of 18 - 25, and a warm and friendly personality. Please email all resumes or inquiries to supershevi36@
PSYCHOLOGISTSERVICES Licensed Ph.D.Sundays.MotzeiavailabilityImmediateadolescentspsychotherapyprovidingPsychologistindividualwithandadults.telehealthonweekdays,Shabbos,andJonathanKeigher,Call/text212-729-1080 PETTICOATS FOR RENT! Enhance your gown with just the right petticoat! Kids and petticoatsadultsforrent! In the Bates area. Please Call or text between 845-746-72488:30-10pm
Looking for someone to take out a 9 year old boy every day at 2:30 to play sports with him. Tree Top area. Please reach out to 845-426-2199 ext. 4637
Looking for a mothers helper the hrs. between 2-6:30 to help with light housework. Please reach out to 845-4262199 ext. 1684.
Well established business Seeking comresumecommunicationandtrain.forwithexcel.mustExperienceAccountAmazon,eCommerce/eBay,WalmartManager.necessary,beproficientwithGreatopportunitytremendouspotentialgrowth.WillingtoMustbeorganizedmotivatedwithgoodskills.Sendtodavid@ahdealsinc.
Looking for a respite worker to work with a 4 year old boy, starting September. Twice a week in the afternoon- one hour between 3:15-6:30. Please reach out to 845-4262199 extension: 1653.
Hiring dynamic chess teachers nationwide: Monsey, Brooklyn, 5T, Queens, Florida, LA, other cities. Virtual also. Generous pay. Apply at
An Amazon company in Monsey is looking to hire a female, Basic Amazon Experience / Knowledge is a must. flexible hours. great pay for the right candidate. Email resume to TheDesk43@
Full time yingerman to manage the cashier’s / orders department 8453199168
Looking for a mothers helper in the afternoons in the Chestnut Ridge/Monsey area. Please reach out to 845-4262199 ext. 1664.
Looking to fill a Assistant / Aide Position. Great Opportunity! Call: 845-3521003 ext. 119 Fax; 845-3523375 Email: jobresumes613@
Seeking women with a BA for a flexible and rewarding job. Well paid. Please call 347452-4816
Looking for a girl to do homework with a developmentally delayed 5 year old boy in Airmont. 845426-2199 ext. 1607.
Looking for someone to teach a 5 year old boy to ride a bike on Sundays. Either go down to his house in the Hilltop Place area, or he can come down to your house. Please reach out to 845-426-2199 ext. 4637
Chofetz Chaim Heritage Foundation seeks an experienced administratordatabasetomanage the Salesforce database and cchfglobal.orgresumeCompetitive(Salesforceteamdevelopment/maintenancetheintheirMonseyoffice.experienceaplus)salary.SendtoMRothschild@
Insurance company seeking Controller. Well paid position with excellent potential for growth. Accounting Experience Required. Insurance knowledge a plus but not required. Please email resume to
help wanted N babysitting N services N 342 845.600.8484 The Monsey View September 21, 2022
One slot available, 3 months+. 9:45-3:00. 845-826-2185

Looking for a heimishe, warm, chassidishe home willing to host a 13 year old healthy, heimishe girl for approximately 1 year. Very well paid. Call 917-295-1353
Looking for an OT and PT Therapist for a 5 year old boy in the Hilltop area. Please reach out to 845-426-2199 ext. 4637

Biggest selection of balloons for all occasions in the Weiner drive area call 8454223988/ Flyhighbal@
SHAIMOS PICK 845-461-3084UPS
DEBT RELIEF having trubble with finances? join Debtors
and music theory by Miriam Ungar. Now accepting Children’s Waiver. Please call 845.502.1971
Looking for an Aide in Israel for succos? Frum Aides available for elderly and individuals with special needs. Please text/ whatsapp Yehuda at: 862 247 3411

We fix LG vn220 Phones for very good prices call\text 8455778701
On demand Torah Hebrew718-298-2077.iPhone/AndroidforVideo-Audio-downloadlecturesAllfreeComputerorAppforOrHotlineYiddish--English

See our ad inside! Call us to schedule the build and takedown of your sukkah. A professional and reliable company. Momo: (845) 3008538 Dovid: (718) 541-8983
Is your child still in the same place after all that tutoring?Join Arrowsmith, a research based program that strengthens the brain and eliminates learning disabilities. Call Mrs Feuer 914-260-6449
בוט לזמ
תוכרב עבש
Mr. Wertzberger’s Music School offering music lessons on the phone, ages 9-15 boys and girls. Try it free! 718-4351923
And dear yiddishe mother. Give your daughter the gift of a lifetime of happiness & תיב with the marriage summit, 18 life changing classes with top marriage experts. For less than the price of a outfit, have the peace of mind knowing that your daughter has the tools, הפקשה & resources to be happily married. Call 929-286-9900 #2 or www.chanyfelberbaum. com
--In The Comfort of Home-*Swedish *Deep Tissue *Lymph *Craniosacral Therapy Call Sarah: 845596-1373
Great prices. Call Miri 845426-7561

we fix knitted & crochet Gartlech & make beautiful professional fringes. We also teach how to knit & crochet. call: 917-414-3281
services N 346 845.600.8484 The Monsey View September 21, 2022
For all your custom closets please call or text 1347.522.4872
Minivan service. Specializing in shopping trips, including Bingo. $30 door to door, up to 7 boxes. Call David 917-5414852

12 years experience. Wide selection. Call/text: 845-5387986

Get your professional resume within 48 hours! comempiricalresumes@gmail.Email/call845-445-9227
“Change your Water.. Change your life” Alkaline - AntiOxidant - Super Hydrating Call for FREE supply and feel AMAZING! 917-681-0003
Keyboard lessons By Miri. Great Prices! Call 845-4267561 or 845-263-6437
Your child can’t say “S,” “SH,” “CH” correctly? Get SPEECH THERAPY home visits, covered by Fidelis. Yechiel Erps 845- 521-6782
347 845.600.8484 September 21, 2022 The Monsey View

Single parent? Help with shop ping etc. 516-203-2616
Bris Accessories 425-6574
DVDS & players for Cholim/ Homebound 425-2660 Simcha Maternity 845-425-1725
Phone With Service 845-445Eczema7422 Cream 845-274-7858
Reflectors 845-356-0815
Gown And Petticoats 347-278White1278 Dresses 845-371-1765
Krias Shema Board With Stand Free425-4540Mohel 347-383-5696
Ribbis Question? 347-977-0628 Notary Public 347-228-8825 Fix necklines 845-238-6691 Hairstyling 845-540-3731 Hair styling 845-502-6558 Haircuts & Styling 845-352-8101/ 845-499-3218
Toys 917-538-3453.
Mezuzos 587-4533
Bris Accessories 425 3873
Tichel Mechitza’s,845-548-0014Tables,Chairs Etc.
Clics Tablecloths845-352-5820(845)371 2105
Chuppah Tefillos Booklets. 845Wedding213-0602.Kit 845-425-2036 Wedding Kit 845-371-2947 Simcha Powder Room Kit 845Accessories263-4342 Basket 845-371Children6857 Hair Pieces 3473001679 Portable Chuppah 845-425Umbrellas4790 216-470-9841 Sound System 917-382-8809 Evening Bags 845-549-2929
Bed Rest? Laundry Help. 213Maternity7437 Clothing 845-445Maternity9687 Coat Text Only Twin8455212912BoppyPillows (845) 445Proposal9298 Gemach 347-277-4072
Feeding Supplies 845-366-6398
Pack N Play Sheets Included. Text: 845-216-4885
Loans 347-385-1408
Hospital Gown 845-426-4695
Bris Accessories 845 425 8359
Yiddish & English Poems 845Shabbos587-3018lamps (914) 391-3787
Mother & Sister Gowns 845-4267496 Or 845-352-3031.
Knife Sharpening For Mohalim Segula718-384-6214Stone347-699-6418
Air mattress gemach Text/ WhatsApp 9087831676
Pack n Plays 845-426-1177 Suitcases 845-371-9121
Easy birth from Koznitzer Maggid 917-514-9461
Tablecloth shelves,GoldTablecloths352-8292352-8292Chargers845-573-9772stands,trays¢er
Ear-Plugs 845-202-0105.
Medical Equipment Slmw50@Gmail.comEmail
Haircutting/Styling 845-263Haircutting7057 & Styling 845-422Hospital5337 Supplies 746-8293
Bris Accessories 356-6215
Floral Bisomim 845-629-2785. Hats $25. 347-351-1604
Hot Water Urns 845-425-9211
Pack n plays 845-426-1177/ 347Beautiful631-8183 nishmas cards 845729-7390
Doona Car Seat 845-445-7474
Pidyon Haben Gemach 845Formula356-3568347-267-3640 Or 216Neocate889-3643Formula 718-853-4090
Carseats, Bassinet & Pack N Plays. Carseats,425-1202PackN Plays, Strollers, Pumps 845.425.6826
Bris Accessories 617-955-3630
Toys 845-578-6513
Preemie Outfit 845.558.7065
Reflectors 347-977-6816
Opwdd Sd Advice Email Slfy Computerdhm@Gmail.comAdvice (862) 248-1931
Elegant Hats 845-517-0838.
Gowns 845-517- 8808
Bike Racks 845-659-1863.
Hospital Gowns 845-356-5364
Pidyon Haben Accessories 845Pidyon642-7256Haben 845-659-6704
Baby Layettes (845) 213-3646
Blue Light 845.425.1919
Bands & Berets 845-371-3556
Hospital Gown 845-425-8687
Lev Simcha music groups/visits 8455380990Costume347-415-1525HachnosasKendamil845-263-7115laminators9391DropMezuzosFree-shalom8456082676sefertorah347-598-0357bayis845-213-0602845-540-1802inbabysitter-(845)445-&papercuttersmsgformula914-523-0592KallahloangemachUsedornew
pieces 826-6718Ashkenaz:Siddurs.845-425-1721Sfard:845-608-78308453521756Or845-
Baby Scales 845-694-8985
Poya and bris outfit w/ tefillos 845-425-0672
Or BabyBaby718.688.5814Scale845-578-5639Headphone845356 6797
Pillow/Benchers 845-213-0602
Siddur/Chumash 558.4774 Benchers ChupahChuppa356-9841Coat845-425-0498Becher,BechersBentchers845-642-0910347-404-2204845-377-5671ChallahDeklich,ZemirosRackAndHangers845-Cards347-278-1278Cards845.222.0456
Kallah Hand Bouquet 845-459Dress3567 your kallah stress free. Book 1 week in advance 518Bridal306-1167Shower (845) 248-4218 Misc
Doula 845-587-1649
The Preemie Box 845.664.5768
Roof Carriers 845-659-1863.
Poya (outfit, hat, booties) 845Help-a-mom.425-0672 to volunteer call Phones347-977-6816ForEmergencies. 845213-8664
Labor Bag 347-604-3274

Moving Boxes Text (845) 641Boxes5536 845-425-6826 Or 845AirHeatersBoxesBoxes608-7830845-642-5286Text(845)641-55368453628666Mattresses9176537170
Moving Help packing/unpacking Digital845-281-5900Cameras 8264062
Kosher Waze 845.587.1708
Shmiras Halashon Cards 537Earplugs0069 for Simchos 845-328221071qt crockpots, big hot plates, big pots, perculator 8453238570 Kallah Yom Hachuppah Cd 845-352Crowns,2560 veils, shoes, capes Headpieces,426-0767 Tiaras, Veils 845White425-4221Sneakers 917-613-6579 White Shoes 845-200-0211
Or 845 558 9370
Brass Iron Bassinet 917-280Preemie4559 Clothing 845-520-0475
Gps & Waze 845-352-2588 (Minimal Fee)
Layettes Text 718-551-1732
Call 845-445-8015
348 845.600.8484 The Monsey View September 21, 2022
349 845.600.8484 September 21, 2022 The Monsey View

Beautiful mother of bride gown for sale. Black and
Accounting office in Monsey seeking to hire Bookkeeper/ Junior Accountant. Great potential for growth. Email resume to cbconsultingco.comHn@
2 beautiful mauve sister of bride dresses, size 2 & 8. Mother of bride gray / blue dress. Great price. Negociable. 845-578-1885
Natural color big crib without mattress and matching chest and headboard for daybed Natural845-425-3371wood crib in excellent condition 502-2827 Grocery boxes 845-356-3990
Baby girl’s and girls size 16 wardrobe 845-537-1169
Barely used Ecotric Seagull Mountain bike in great condition for sale. Powerful 1,000 W Motor. Large capacity, 48 V Battery. $1,000 (accessories included). Please call 718-309-5348.
Size XS gown for rent/sale. Call/text 646-334-6582
Large gold woman’s earring in Evergreen parking lot 845money694-2768in the wiener butterman area...Pls call 845 356 4256
Of toys, arts & crafts, or supplies, in good condition, for a Heimishe Moised. Call 845.500.3100
A nice newly renovated studio apartment with a gorgeous kitchen On Keith in Chestnut Ridge [no smartphones] Call 845-376-0906
“down to earth” girl. Pls call, 845.521.6871
white. Size 10-12. Great price. Call/text 347-760-4649.
Looking for daily ride from Lkwd to monsey in the morning and back in the afternoon. Willing to pay nicely. pls call 347-328-3177
GOWN FOR RENT Silver/Grey colored gown size 2-4 8455380391
bag with 6 pairs of black butterfly school collection tights near shoppers haven Keys425-1937inBingo parking lot 845-304-3567
gowns N lost & found N free giveaways N late ads N 350 845.600.8484 The Monsey View September 21, 2022
Turn your old camera into zechusim.... Support a local yeshiva by donating your old or unused camera!! Please call 8452630611 and leave a message with pickup info! Tizka L’mitzvas!!
Beautiful girls off white children’s lace gowns 2 styles for rent multiple sizes please call / text 845-558 -0276

Silver-gray velour 44 inch dust ruffles 845-356-3990 8x8 schach 845-709-4069
I know of an erliche chassidishe bochur (higher 20s), working, VG family. Looking for a traditional,
Very Elegant, Winter White trimmed with Black Velvet, girls size 12/14 for sale. Please Call 845-709-7161.
Adorable gold gown by Dassy available to buy or rent. Toddler size 4. Call 422-5596 for more info
Magnificent navy gown for rent. Size 2-4. 845-721-9265
Lost something? Found something? The Daily Return: busshapeBabyclothing,F&F587-2796BabysweaterWhoopi354-5746Greytaxi6BlackNewLostcommonseydailyreturn@gmail.845-538-0193,Call/text:Email:agartelwithasimaninSquare356-3959floralbabybubbleSepinShoppersHavenorRush356-2350/845-548-9107WristletShoppershavenbagwithredbabyinside.845-274-3784baginLafamilia845-bagwithbrandnewboystzitzis845-794-3516brownpacifiermoonclipEvergreenorLoop19174745011
Anonymous Tuesday night @ 19 Robert Pitt # 113 , 7:30-8:30pm. visit debtorsanonymous.orgwww.
351 845.600.8484 September 21, 2022 The Monsey View

JDNCREDIT:PHOTO ה”ע ליהעווזמ תינברה ותב פ”ע אריווקסמ ר”ומדאה לצא םילבא םוחינ 354 The Monsey View

360 845.600.8484 The Monsey View September 21, 2022

361 845.600.8484 September 21, 2022 The Monsey View

JDNCREDIT:PHOTO יסנאמ זנאצ תובא יכרד ת”תל ב”בו דונעג ’ילא בקעי ’ר ח”הרה י”ע הרות רפס תסנכה דמעמ 362 The Monsey View

JDNCREDIT:PHOTO ראמטאסד הרות יכרד הנטק הבישיב ןיטיג תכסמ לע םויסו יבמופ תניחב אריווקסמ ר”ומדאה ןינל ןבה ןוידפה תחמש ליהעווזמ ר”ומדאה לצא תוחילס ’א 366 The Monsey View

JDNCREDIT:PHOTO אריווקס שדוקה רצחב תוחילס ’א ’תוטילפל תיב‘ תודימלת רובע ה”רל ’שבדו חופת’ה תא ךרבמ ןרהא תודלותמ ר”ומדאה יסנאמב ק”שצומ ילעהאדרעסמ ר”ומדאה 370 The Monsey View

373 845.600.8484 September 21, 2022 The Monsey View

JDNCREDIT:PHOTO טייקכילטנפע יד ןיא ןראוועג טרעהראפ לאמארעדיוו ןענעז ,ץענ םיללוכ ןדיא ס”ש רעטמיראב יד ןופ ,םינואג טיילעגניא טרעדנוה ס”ש ץנאג ףיוא רעהראפ ןגיטראסיורג םייב יסנאמב ןוצרהו םימחרה ימיל הנכה תחישב לגס ןד ’ר ןואגה חיגשמה יסנאמ ןיא םייחה רוא ד”מהיב ןיא םארגארפ ’הכלהכ החנה‘ 374 The Monsey View

JDNCREDIT:PHOTO אזלעב ידיסחד תדה יקיזחמ הרות דומלתב הדועס שמוח ןרהא תלחנ – אקניפס יבצ תודלות תיבב הוצמ רבה תחמש 378 The Monsey View

Contents // Inside 166 // Inbox 180 // Parsha 190 // Week in Review 202 // The Last Rebbe of Lodz 216 // The Long Road to Freedom 230 // Simanim and Settings 254 // Notes That Pierce the Heavens 270 // Choose One 274 // Music of the Soul 286 // Sheep Roamed Central Park 298 // One Child at a Time 308 // Pack Your Snack 314 // Ricochet 316 // FYI 320 // Fun Pages 328 // Classifieds 352 // Pictures ISSUE 366 SEPTEMBER 21, 2022 ב”פשת לולא ה”כ THE SHEEP IN THE CITY Meet the flock that once called Central Park home SIMPLY STUNNING Seasonal simanim decor A SERENADESOULFUL Tefillos and tunes that reach our very core ONE THREECHANCE,CHOICES He was before a three-way path in davening. Which would he choose? NOTESPURITYOF Reb Yom Tov Erlich’s legacy FYI: WOOL THE MONSEY VIEW P.O. Box 305 Monsey N.Y. 10952 Telephone: 845-600-8484 Fax: 845-600-8483 E-mail: Website: MISSION STATEMENT: The Monsey View is a weekly publication designed for every segment and age group of our diverse community. Under rabbinical guidance, we bring Monsey’s top talent together to provide high-quality, informative and current reading material, keeping you up to date on sales, events, news and issues of concern and import happening right now in the Monsey community. DISCLAIMER: We do not endorse any ad found in this publication. We are not responsible for typographical or grammatical errors. COPYRIGHT: All content found in The Monsey View is copyright and may not be reproduced, published, distrib uted or duplicated for public or private use without written permission from The Monsey View. Limit one (1) per family Publisher: YOEL ITZKOWITZ Editor in Chief: D. GORALNIK Content Editor: R. REESE Associate Editor: E.M. NEIMAN Food Editor: M.P. WERCBERGER Creative Director: AJ WACHSMAN Project Coordinator: R. ITZKOWITZ 382 845.600.8484 The Monsey View September 21, 2022