פרשת וירא ט”ו חשון תשפ”ג
Inside Joyful Walls CAPTURE THE SPARKS!
Home organization made easy
Designing a home takes more than just creativity
Can a negative nature be overcome?
ATTENTION PACK YOUR SNACK PARTICIPANTS: Call The Monsey View to join the list of prize claimers! D E TA I L S I N S I D E
The Monsey View
November 9, 2022 · 845.600.8484
The Monsey View
November 9, 2022 · 845.600.8484
The Monsey View
November 9, 2022 · 845.600.8484
The Monsey View
November 9, 2022 · 845.600.8484
The Monsey View
November 9, 2022 · 845.600.8484
זמנים לפרשת
// Talk of Town
4:15 5:54
4:10 5:35
all your needs.
4:22 5:52
הדלקת הנרות מוצאי שבת
356-mall 6
(Re: Sweet Motherhood Series) Thank you so much for your wonderful magazine. I look forward to it each week! I am writing in regard to the series of articles you are currently featuring about having children help out at home. While the kind of tasks and the way they are done are not what my family needs right now, these articles have brought an awareness to me that my children can and should help out. And it motivated me to encourage my kids to take on age-appropriate jobs. It may sound melodramatic, but the difference it made to our home is truly amazing! Thank you for the awareness; a clean and neat house equals less stress, which equals high-level choices in every other aspect of life. Keep the great content coming! Sury Green
Monsey 27 Orchard Street Monsey, NY 10952 845-425-8010
(Re: Pack Your Snack Contest) Our family really enjoyed and benefited from the healthy snack program. Packing healthy snacks and fruits or veggies was suddenly cool, as the entire school was up with the contest! I would love for the contest to continue throughout the school year to help motivate my kids to make good snack choices throughout the winter. Thank you, H.G. THE MONSEY VIEW RESPONDS: While the contest is, regretfully, coming to a close, we encourage all of our participants to continue with the healthy habits they picked up W E A T H E R
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November 9, 2022 · 845.600.8484
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You Packed Your Snack! You packed your bag with healthful and wholesome goodness. You filled up on smart food choices to feed your body and brain. You did so every day of the first 30 days of school. AND NOW IT’S TIME TO CLAIM YOUR PRIZE! ATTENTION CONTEST PARTICIPANTS: If you finished 30 days of healthy school eating, here’s what you have to do.
Call in to The Monsey View at 845-600-8484, ext. 811. Leave a clear message with your full name, phone number and school name before Sunday evening at 10:00 p.m. In next week’s issue, look out for a list of participants and for details on how the individuals who appear on that list can claim their fanny packs.
Check back, too, to find out the name of the lucky winner of the personalized school package!
these past few weeks. It is said that a habit is formed in 30 days, which is why we chose this amount of time for the contest duration. We’d be thrilled to hear that this is something local schoolgirls will take with them for the rest of the year.
(Re: Line Etiquette, Inbox, Issue 369) I recently called the IRS, got through immediately, and was placed 69th on the call waitlist. My estimated wait time was over an hour. During that time, I listened to lovely Muzak, did laundry, spoke to family members, prepped supper and completed multiple other tasks. Periodically, an anonymous voice updated me about my decreasing number status and wait time: “You are now caller number 43. Your estimated wait time is…” No one asked whether I had a crying baby, had a dental appointment, or I was under a time constraint for any other pressing matter. I patiently waited until I was number 1 in line and had an estimated wait time of 0 minutes (and was grateful that the phone didn’t disconnect at that moment, as is wont to happen). The ongoing conversation about lines, and the cutting of them, made me think: mi k’amcha Yisroel! In our local line scene, one can ask their line-partner permission to skip the line — no analysis required. It would never have dawned on me to redial IRS and question their non-humanitarian manner of belittling my being by placing me at caller number 69! We experience lots of actions we cannot comprehend. Remember that we’re just a cog in the wheel of life; patience and a smile will go a long way. R.S.
(Re: These Little Children, Issue 367) The article about going to Yizkor with little children posed a great opportunity for me to pen this letter. As a new “Yizkorgoer” myself, and a young mother of little kids, the author’s words simply hit home! Although the article finished with a beautiful takeaway lesson, it’s the ordeal of preparations and arrangements that I wish my dear neighbors would be aware of. Going to Yizkor is not something we choose to be in the position to do; in fact, how we wish we wouldn’t have to go, and how we long for our parent to still be here with us! To all of our caring neighbors out there, won’t you please look out for us? It’s by far not comfortable to go knocking on neighbors’ doors on Yom Tov, especially on a fast day like Yom Kippur, to ask for babysitting help. Yizkor is generally said in the closest shul possible and usually takes no longer than fifteen minutes. Please offer us the help, if you are in a position to do so, whether that would mean sending a daughter into our homes or taking our kids into yours for those few minutes. It would really make all the difference. Thank you, New to the Yizkor Club THE MONSEY VIEW WELCOMES YOUR COMMENTS, FEEDBACK AND LETTERS. EMAIL: FAX: 845-600-8483 The Monsey View, POB 305, Monsey, NY 10952
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The Monsey View
November 9, 2022 · 845.600.8484
PARSHAS VAYEIRA Humble Worthiness
“And who are the two men you are pursuing?” asked the Bach. “Those are Eliyahu Hanavi and his The parsha begins, “Vayeira eilav talmid, Elisha. One of the punishments we Hashem — And Hashem appeared to were given by Above is that we must constantly run after Elisha — even though we him” (Bereishis 18:1). Why does the Torah will never catch up to him.” (Geichazi was Elisha’s servant, who was reference Avraham with the term “him” corrupt and did not follow his master’s rather than spelling out Avraham’s name? wishes when he misused his authority to cheat Naaman, the general of the king of Aram.) The Bach’s curiosity was piqued. He had ONE DAY, the Rav of Krakow, Rav Yoel Sirkis, zt”l, famously one more question for the four men with blackened faces. known as the Bach, was walking down the street when he “Tell me, where were Eliyahu and Elisha going now?” spotted two men with glowing faces walking alongside him. Geichazi and his sons replied, “The neviim are on their Suddenly, he saw another four men running after the pair. way to the Megaleh Amukos, Rav Nosson Nota Spira.” One was elderly, and the other three looked young. It was The Bach didn’t spare another moment. He immediately strange, for clearly, they would never catch up. Stranger yet, rushed to the home of the Megaleh Amukos, a tremendous the foursome had blackened faces. talmid chacham and kabbalist who lived in Krakow at the time. The Bach realized that there was something more to this He knocked on the door, and it was opened by none other mysterious sight. He quickened his pace to catch up with the than the Megaleh Amukos himself. foursome and asked them to tell him what was going on. “I know that Eliyahu Hanavi is in your home now… and I They refused to reply. The Bach pressed further, “I am the have a question to ask him,” the Bach said. “Perhaps you can Mara d’Asra here, and if I ask a question, you must answer find out for me: How come Eliyahu doesn’t visit me, too?” me!” The reply was astounding. The Megaleh Amukos reThe men had no choice and replied, “We are Geichazi peated in the name of Eliyahu Hanavi: “Indeed, the Rav of and his three sons.” Krakow is a great man, yet as the rav of the city, his position
Did You Know? On that sweltering hot day, when Avraham sat under direct sunlight, distressed at the lack of visitors despite his physical pain, Hakadosh Baruch Hu decided He must pay him a visit. The purpose was bikur cholim, while simultaneously giving Avraham the opportunity to perform the mitzvah of hachnasas orchim he so deeply desired. This teaches us the importance of visiting the sick, for which the Gemara (Nedarim 40) promises will save one from the judgment of Gehinnom while providing reward in this world. When Avraham perceived the Shechinah above him, he wanted to rise immediately, but Hakadosh Baruch Hu told him to sit. “Just as you sit now,” Hashem said, “in the future your children will sit as they recite Krias Shema, while I hover above them.”
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“How come Eliyahu Hanavi doesn’t COME TO VISIT me, too?” leaves him with a smidgen of ga’avah. That’s why, even though he is indeed worthy, I cannot come visit him.” In order to merit seeing Eliyahu Hanavi, one must be humble to the utmost, purest degree. Even a hint of haughtiness will preclude one from coming face to face with Eliyahu. If that is the case for gilui Eliyahu, it is certainly true for gilui haShechinah. Hakadosh Baruch Hu would not reveal Himself to anyone who is not on the ultimate level of humility. * * * * * This can help us understand our original question, based on the explanation of the Kli Yakar. Why does the pasuk say, “And Hashem appeared to him,” rather than, “And Hashem appeared to Avraham”? The name “Avraham” denotes Avraham Avinu’s position as the “av hamon goyim,” the father of nations. If the pasuk were to spell out his name, it would seem to refer to the position to which his name alludes. It would imply that he merited having Hashem reveal Himself to him because of the greatness he attained through his position. Instead, the pasuk refers to Avraham simply as “him,” which reveals that he merited the appearance of the Shechinah because of his essence, because of who he was, and not because of his rank. Avraham earned it because of his deep humility, which was part of his very being, as Avraham himself expressed, “V’anochi afar v’eifar — I have begun to speak with Hashem, although I am dust and ashes” (Bereishis 18:27). He may have been in a position of fame and power, yet at his core, he was completely subservient to his Master, Hakadosh Baruch Hu. As Avraham’s children, may we all merit aspiring to such levels. Adapted from the teachings of Rav Mordechai Freundlich, zt”l. 128
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The Monsey View
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Law Enforcement Responds Quickly to Threat on New Jersey Shul
New York Opens Applications for Federal Heating Assistance Program
Law enforcement officials jumped into action on Thursday afternoon after the Newark FBI office warned of a credible threat against an unnamed New Jersey shul. A November 3rd Twitter post by the FBI’s Newark field office read, “The FBI has received credible information of a broad threat to synagogues in NJ. We ask at this time that you take all security precautions to protect your community and facility. We will share more information as soon as we can. Stay alert. In case of emergency, call the police.” The FBI noted that it was issuing the warning as a proactive measure while they investigated the possible threat, and were working closely with law enforcement and Jewish community leaders. The FBI tweet had Jewish communities in and around New Jersey on high alert, with the NYPD, the Lakewood Police Department and the Town of Ramapo Police Department all issuing statements that they were aware of the threats and were taking appropriate action to provide additional security. Hamodia reported that New Jersey officials conducted a conference call last Friday morning between Jewish community leaders, representatives of Governor Phil Murphy’s office, the U.S. attorney’s office and the New Jersey attorney general. FBI Special Agent in Charge James Dennehy explained that concern arose regarding a possible attack during prayer services or a school dismissal. Dennehy also said that the bureau had already identified and approached the person believed to be behind the threat on Thursday evening. “Throughout the next few hours, he expressed radical extremist views and ideology, as well as an extreme amount of hate toward the Jewish community,” said Dennehy. “It’s unfortunate that the Jewish community continues to receive these threats. We have a high level of confidence that this subject of interest is, in fact, the individual who posed the threat.” Another conference call held less than three hours later had New York City Mayor Eric Adams and NYPD Commissioner Keechant Sewell addressing nearly 400 Jewish community leaders on Zoom, saying that the suspect was no longer a danger and did not have the ability to carry out the threat that had been picked up by the FBI. NYPD Chief of Department Kenneth Corey said that increased police patrols would be placed around shuls at least through Shabbos to provide area residents with a sense of security. Sources told Hamodia that the unnamed suspect was placed in a mental facility where he underwent psychiatric evaluation. A Friday update by the FBI advised continued caution, saying, “As always, we would like to remind the public to remain vigilant, and if they observe suspicious activity to report it to law enforcement immediately.”
While the fall has so far been unseasonably mild, winter is just around the corner. New York State’s Office of Temporary and Disability Assistance is now taking applications for the federally funded Home Energy Assistance Program, which provides financial help to ensure that even those of limited financial means can stay warm when the cold weather finally hits. Known as HEAP, the heating program provides up to $976 in heating assistance to eligible families, which includes lowand middle-income households, as well as senior citizens. Those who qualify would receive one HEAP benefit per year, with eligibility based on income, household size, the primary heating source and the presence of a household member who is either under age six, over age sixty or permanently disabled. “The Home Energy Assistance Program is a vital lifeline for countless New York families, and I encourage all those who are eligible to apply for these benefits, which will provide muchneeded relief,” said Governor Kathy Hochul. A family of four with a gross monthly income of $5,485 would qualify for the program. That number increases to $7,570 for a family of eight and $8,778 for a family of thirteen, with an additional $590 increase for every additional household member. Hochul said that last year’s HEAP benefits, which were allocated to 1.7 million New Yorkers, were adjusted to reflect this winter’s expected higher heating costs. The program, which opened for applications on November 1, is running on a first-come, first-served basis, with applications for a second emergency benefit for those who are in danger of having their heat shut off accepted as of January 3, 2023. HEAP applications can be submitted through local social services departments and online at Assistance is also available at local social services departments for those whose heat is unsafe or malfunctioning, through HEAP’s Heating Equipment Repair and Replacement program, as well as for those who need to clean and maintain their heating systems to ensure that they are operating at peak efficiency.
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November 9, 2022 · 845.600.8484
Hatzalah EMS Expo Draws Over 1,000 Attendees Building on the success of last year’s well-attended event, this year’s Hatzalah EMS Expo headed to the Meadowlands, with Hatzalah volunteers from all over the world, first responders, and other EMS agencies taking part in the two-day event. The expo was held on October 30 and 31, with over 40 ven-
dors taking part in the event that also included informative lectures and symposiums that gave New York–based paramedics an opportunity to earn CME credits, reported Yeshiva World News. Hatzalah members from New York, New Jersey, Baltimore, Cleveland, Chicago, Houston, Dallas, Los Angeles and Ramat Beit Shemesh were able to view 50 ambulances on the show floor. Also on display was the Hatzalah Museum, which featured a wide variety of memorabilia, including jackets, license plates and lifesaving equipment dating back to the volunteer ambulance corps’ earliest days. Of special interest was the ambulance that carried the aron of Rav Moshe Feinstein to his levayah, which had been situated in a Lower East Side parking lot for more than 30 years before being restored for the museum. In addition to Hatzalah members, some of whom came with their children, both of Hatzalah’s founders attended the expo. Sitting in his wheelchair, Rabbi Hershel Weber greeted participants, some of whom asked him for brachos, while Rabbi Edgar Gluck wandered the show floor, shaking hands and giving detailed descriptions of many of the items in the Hatzalah Museum. Bentzy Lebovitz, Boro Park Hatzolah’s B-84 and a member of Chevra Hatzalah’s executive board, had high words of praise for this year’s expo. “I was so proud to witness everyone coming together with the common goal of saving a life,” said Lebovitz. “Ultimately, that’s what Hatzalah is all about and that’s why we’re here.”
Census Redistricting Gives Ramapo Additional County Legislator The Town of Ramapo may find itself with an additional representative in the Rockland County Legislature come January 2024, with new district maps drawn to reflect the results
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of the latest federal census. While both Clarkstown and Haverstraw saw modest gains of approximately 2,500 residents in the 2020 Census, The Journal News reported that Ramapo’s growth was nearly ten times that amount, with an additional 22,000 people residing in the town over the previous decade. By law, county governments are redrawn every ten years according to census data, balancing the districts according to the number of residents in each one, in keeping with the United States Constitution. The new legislative district map, which was approved by the legislature last week, will have nearly 20,000 people in each district, an increase of approximately 2,000 residents from the districts created from the 2010 census data. County Executive Ed Day has 21 days to approve the new boundaries, which increases the number of districts within Ramapo from five to six, while dropping Orangetown down to two legislators from its current three because of a slight population decrease over the last ten years. Chestnut Ridge, which was second only to New Square in the county’s population growth over the last ten years, will now have its own legislator. Rockland Daily reported that East Ramapo school board president Shimon Rose has already announced his intention to run for the new District 15 seat on the Democratic line. Rose said that having seen that mutual respect, dialogue and communication with governmental authorities can yield positive results, he hopes to be able to continue those efforts on a larger scale as a county legislator. Primary elections for the new legislative seat will be held in June. Redrawing districts is always a difficult process, and not everyone was happy with the new map. Preserve Ramapo leader Michael Parietti expressed concerns that redistricting will leave people of color underrepresented, suggesting an alternate map whose districts were formed by keeping groups with common interests together. Both Wilbur Aldridge, regional director of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, and Willie Trotman, president of the Spring Valley NAACP, said that they would have preferred seeing Spring Valley, Hillcrest and Nanuet assigned to a single district, while the new maps place Spring Valley and Hillcrest in the same district as Monsey. Two outside consultants were brought in to help the legislature with the redistricting process. Legislator Lon Hofstein of New City said lengthy discussion on the matter made it clear that there was no perfect plan that would have made everyone happy. “If I had to ask every sitting legislator, there’s no doubt in my mind every one of them would not be totally satisfied with how the map works out,” said Hofstein.
“This is a true compromise. I am sure on some points some people are happy with the map and other points feel it could be improved. It’s not perfect. We did the best we could.”
Senator Elijah Reichlin-Melnick Helps Ramapo Municipalities Secure $1.8+ Million in Grants Eleven Ramapo municipalities will be receiving substantial grant funding from New York State, giving them the opportunity to make capital improvements, undertake significant repairs and upgrades, and purchase much-needed equipment. Senator Elijah Reichlin-Melnick visited Ramapo Town Hall last week to announce the grants, presenting symbolic checks totaling more than $1,800,000. The villages of Airmont, Chestnut Ridge and New Hempstead will each be receiving $100,000
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for sidewalk improvements, while the villages of Pomona and Suffern will be receiving $100,000 and $235,000 respectively for upgrades and repairs to their village halls. Additional grants include $300,000 to the Town of Ramapo; $200,000 for the Village of Kaser and $110,000 for the Village of Spring Valley for the purchase of heavy-duty vehicles; $280,000 for capital EMS improvements for the Village of New Square; $100,000 for library improvements in the Village of Sloatsburg; and $100,000 for new park lighting for the Village of Wesley Hills. Having served in local governments, Reichlin-Melnick said that he understood the benefits of state grants, particularly their impact on local taxpayers. “Delivering state dollars to the municipalities in our district is one of the most direct ways that I can help Rockland residents,” said Reichlin-Melnick. The senator also presented symbolic checks last week to Good Samaritan Hospital, which included $60,000 for main elevator upgrades and $130,000 for additional capital improvements.
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The Monsey View · 845.600.8484
CHAPTER 34 RECAP: The woman who takes over the interrogator, informs Izzy of his release and that it’s up to him and Zach to find Lenny before he flees the country. If they don’t, the manuscript will either be lost or kept by the Polish government. Furthermore, Lenny will likely be arrested. When Izzy asks why she cares about this enough to intervene, she tells him that she used to go by the name Raiza Ginzburg.
ach was in the interrogation room, answering the same questions over and over again. The cop who’d been interrogating him earlier had been called off to some emergency. Apparently, they’d had some trouble finding a replacement. The officer speaking to him now, a red-faced man who seemed too big for the room, much less the tiny chair he dominated, kept yelling in a garbled, thick accent. Zach could barely make it out. “Wiedon you jas tell me zhe troot?” “What?” Zach said for the eleventh time. “Zhe troot! Zhe troot!” the cop demanded. He leaned in close, his face a bloated red mass, his thick mustache shaking angrily. “Tell. Me. Zhe. TROOT!” “Oh, the truth!” Zach rolled his eyes. “You know, I’ll bet you think I’m just pretending not to understand you. Is that
right? You think I’m messing with your head?” He snorted. “Here’s a truth for you, pal: Your English stinks. No offense. This isn’t an English-speaking country, after all. But don’t blame me for being confused.” He grinned suddenly. “Imagine if I tried talking to you in Polish…” The cop apparently didn’t find this amusing. Instead, he began speaking in Polish — at least, Zach assumed that’s what he was doing. It didn’t sound like he was asking about the manuscript. Zach would’ve said something, but he couldn’t get a word in. His interrogator was too busy yelling. The door opened. To Zach’s surprise, Izzy walked in, followed by an elderly woman and a small, nervous-looking man. As they entered, Izzy quickly took in the scene. He seemed amused. Zach winked in reply. The cop didn’t notice the newcomers,
but Zach’s wink seemed to spur him of glass doors led to the street. Some- and checked the clock on the dashboard to new heights of rage. He shouted, where, two telephones rang slightly out monitor. It showed 2:47 a.m.… His pounded the table, leaned in close to of sync, but nobody picked them up. brain ached. They made their way through the Zach. He even stood up to stomp his “No,” Izzy murmured. “I mean, yes, feet. At which point his head turned room, the old woman making no ef- she survived.” fort to hurry. When they got to the and he saw the people near the door. Trucks zoomed past across the meThe rage melted into nothing, re- front door, she pushed it open, waited dian, the wind resistance buffeting placed by a look of sheer panic, and he for Zach and Izzy, then closed it be- their small car. Puffs of snow splatted froze. For a moment he remained there, hind them, leaving her orderly inside. the windshield. Still, it was warm and right foot lifted into the air and mouth A black car with tinted windows was dry inside. wide open. Then he lost his balance parked in front. “Well, yeah, I know that now,” Zach “Back seat,” the woman told them. said. “Any change with Lenny?” and began to topple over. He dropped his foot and grabbed for the table at Zach looked questioningly at Izzy, but Izzy awkwardly manipulated the the same moment, and just barely kept his cousin nodded calmly. screen to zoom in. “Yeah,” he said after Once inside, the old woman pulled a minute. “He’s moving. Really slowly. himself upright. “Wynos sie stad,” the old woman said out a phone and issued an order in Probably on foot.” Polish. Her orderly emerged a few moto him in a witheringly pleasant voice. Zach nodded. “What should we do “Tak, prosze pani,” the cop said. “Prz- ments later and got into the driver’s when we catch up with him?” epraszam, prosze pani!” With an awkward seat. Without another word, he started Izzy shook his head. “Who knows if the car and began to drive. clatter, he rushed out of the room. we will? Did he keep his phone? Seems “Neither of you were actually under kinda dumb if we can track it. Then They all listened quietly as the sound of the cop’s boots faded away in the dis- arrest,” the woman said as they pulled again, maybe he doesn’t know about smoothly onto the road. “You were this stuff.” He sighed. “And we don’t tance. Zach chuckled. “That was… inter- brought in for questioning and would even know if he stole the manuscript in esting.” He studied the faces of the two have been released eventually in any the first place…” people who had entered the room, and case. I got you out faster, but it’s not like “He stole it, all right,” Zach growled. concluded that the man was just an orderly of some sort. But the woman… She held real THE RAGE MELTED INTO NOTHING, REPLACED BY power. “Well?” Zach asked finally. A LOOK OF SHEER PANIC, AND THE COP FROZE. “Who are you?” “Come,” the woman said this case is closed. The police will still quietly. “You are leaving.” “I don’t know what we’ll do if we find “Izzy?” Zach asked, frowning. be looking for you.” him,” Izzy said. There was a note of pet“Can we back up a second,” Zach ulance in his voice. “Invite him to din“What’s —” “I’ll explain later,” Izzy said quickly. asked. “What’s going on here? And who ner, I guess. I’m starving.” are you?” “Just come.” “True, dat,” Zach said. “If I don’t get “Hey, Zach,” Izzy answered with a some food in me soon…” She led them through a series of hallways, up one staircase and down smile. “I’d like you to meet our great“And a shower,” Izzy added. “And a another. They finally arrived at a large aunt Raiza…” warm bed.” set of double doors, behind which there “Oh, yeah.” Zach shook his head in was a busy hum of activity. Here, the amazement. “Shabbos was so restful. * * * * * woman gestured for them to pause, and How am I so tired? It seems like a hunsaid something in rapid Polish. Her as“Raiza!” Zach said in amazement. “I dred years since then.” sistant nodded and disappeared into didn’t even know she survived the war!” “You know what? I’m sick of this the room. They’d been driven back to the hotel, whole thing,” Izzy said angrily. “I just Zach could hear him shout some- Raiza bringing Zach up to speed as they want to sleep!” A thought struck him. thing. The hum ceased. Then he issued went. The Rebbe’s last surviving child He leaned his chair back and closed his some sort of command. Someone re- advised them to pack their bags and eyes. “In fact, wake me up when we get sponded, and the man interrupted an- check out of their hotel immediately, there.” grily. A moment later, his head popped and then she got back in her car and “Are you kidding me?” Zach prothrough the doorway and he nodded. tested. “I have to drive while you crash? disappeared. Zach had seen some unusual stuff in It was late at night and both were Who’m I gonna talk to?” his time, but this took the cake. A room- starving, but they dutifully piled into “Work on the song or something,” ful of people stood with their faces to their rental car, the trunk and back Izzy murmured. He began to drift, the the walls, or sat with their heads face- seats stuffed with suitcases, and began warmth in his coat and the car’s vibradown on their desks. One person had the hour-and-forty-five minute drive to tions working almost immediately to both hands covering her eyes. lull him off. Warsaw. It was a large room, with desks ar“You’re driving next time,” Zach Izzy looked up from the screen map ranged into small workstations. A pair that showed Lenny’s phone location grumbled. November 9, 2022
The Monsey View · 845.600.8484
But that was the last thing Izzy IZZY KEPT HIS EYES PEELED, SCANNING EVERY heard. Next he knew, Zach was LUMPY CLOTH SILHOUETTE, WONDERING IF HE’D shaking him awake, and time had passed. The clock read 3:22, EVEN RECOGNIZE LENNY IF THEY PASSED HIM. though it didn’t feel like it. “Whazzup?” Izzy mumbled. His cousin laughed. “You sound like the guy who was inter- lights continued to shine dully over the snow, and only an occarogating me. Listen, we’re almost in Warsaw, and I gotta eat sional car drove past. But that began to change as they entered something. Look for a 24-hour grocery.” the entertainment district. A few people were on the streets, But there were none. Everything they passed was closed. Af- staggering home after a night’s dissolution, bundled up so ter a fruitless ten minutes of searching, they pulled into a gas tightly they seemed like drunken shadows. More cars were on the streets, too: cutthroat businessmen station. The attendant spoke enough English to explain that most shops were closed on Sundays anyway. heading to work, night-shifters on their way home, the last They grabbed whatever the gas station had that was kosher of the all-nighters coming back from their parties. It was still (soda, candy bars and cookies) and got back on the road. If Len- mostly empty, but no longer a ghost town. ny didn’t go anywhere, they’d reach him in fifteen minutes. “We’re close,” Izzy said, checking the tablet once again. He The chase was almost over. pointed at a cross street in the distance. “Turn right there.” By now it was 4 a.m. The sky remained pitch black, the street They cruised the street slowly. Izzy kept his eyes peeled,
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scanning every lumpy cloth silhouette, wondering if he’d even recognize Lenny if they passed him. He checked the screen again, then turned back to the street. “He should be — there!” Izzy shouted. Across the street and just ahead, Lenny trudged through the snow, his back bent. He moved slowly, hands stuffed under his armpits, his shoulders scrunched together. Zach drove past and, with a careful look around him to make sure the streets were clear, made a wide U-turn. They pulled even with Lenny and Izzy rolled down his window. “Lenny. Hey, Lenny!” The huddled shape turned to them.
The Monsey View
November 9, 2022 · 845.600.8484
Recognition dawned, and he gasped. Zach leaned toward the open window with a welcoming smile. “Get in the car, man. You look frozen!” There was something in Zach’s eyes, though, Izzy thought, in spite of his friendly expression. Maybe Izzy was starting to notice when Zach pulled on his politician’s face; to him it seemed Zach’s smile was just skin-deep. Lenny said nothing. Fear had blossomed in his eyes. He took half a step backward. Izzy gritted his teeth in frustration. “Come on, Lenny! We’re not gonna bite your head off! We need to talk to you, okay? Trust me! It’s for your own good.” “Wh — what are you doing in War-
saw?” Lenny stammered. “How did you find me?” “Get in the car,” Zach ordered, all patience suddenly gone from his voice. “Do it right now!” Izzy shot Zach a warning look. “Not helping!” he hissed. He turned back to the window. “Please. We just want to talk…” Lenny’s eyes traveled to the inside of the car, the warmth and comfort it would mean after a night of walking through the snow and ice. But the fear won out. He turned and ran. “Don’t!” Izzy shouted. But it was too late. TO BE CONTINUED...
The Monsey View
November 9, 2022 · 845.600.8484
Recap: Dona Angelica, seeing her son’s determination to visit Rabbi Shlomo Strasbourg, gives Sebastian her blessings to visit Vienna, despite the dangers involved. The Ringels and Sebastian arrive in Vienna. During a sleepless night, Sebastian steps outside where Rabbi Strasbourg asks him why he is up so late.
’m actually very tired. But my mind is racing so fast that I simply can’t fall asleep. You know that I came here to meet you, don’t you?” “Yes, I do.” “Can we talk now for a little while? Unless you want to go to sleep, that is.” “I don’t sleep much these days. Sleep is another of the pleasures old age has taken from me. But old age also has its compensations, as you will find out one day. Yes, we can talk now. People are asleep inside. But the walls of the house are thick, and if we don’t raise our voices, no one will hear us.” “First of all, Rabbi Strasbourg, if it’s not too much of an imposition, I would like to hear about my father, particularly about the relationship you had with him. Other than the time spent in prison toward the end, my father was always part of my life, except for those two years he spent with you when we all thought he had died. He did speak to me about that time in his life, but he was always so reserved about personal matters. I was left feeling as if I had missed out on the experience with him, if you know what I mean. I was hoping I’d get a more personal picture from you. What was he like with you? How did he change? Was he excited? Was he frustrated by the language? What was Shabbos like for him? Did he speak about himself? About his family? What were his thoughts? His feelings? You know, those are the kind of things I was hoping to hear
The Monsey View
from you.” The old Rabbi nodded. “You want me to help bring your father back to life for a while by showing you new sides of him that you had never seen.” “Yes, I suppose I do. Actually, that’s exactly what my mother said to me before I left Hamburg.” “Then let’s do it.” For the next hour, while Sebastian listened without uttering a word, the Rabbi spoke about Don Pedro’s years in Poland. He described his sense of wonder at each new discovery, his deep spirituality, his unquenchable thirst for knowledge, and his curiosity about everything Jewish — even the mystical secrets of the Kabbalah. He spoke about Don Pedro’s transformation into a passionate scholar and his integration of his Jewishness into all aspects of his personality so that it became his very identity. The Rabbi also described Don Pedro’s behavior during the lighter moments. In Pulichev, he had been a free man, with no duties or pressures other than the demands of his own personal growth, and he was able to relax as never before. A new side of him emerged after a few weeks. He began to display a devastating sense of humor. He went for long leisurely walks in the forest and along the river. And when he was alone, he almost always hummed to himself. He was happy. When the Rabbi finished, Sebastian took a deep breath and let it out slowly. “This is exactly what I wanted to hear
from you, Rabbi. I can’t tell you how grateful I am. I never knew my father in this way. I did see some of his new sense of Jewish identity when he came back. But I never saw him in a state of carefree happiness. He was always harried and burdened by responsibilities and duties. It was always something. If it wasn’t one thing, it was another. I never heard him hum. I never heard him laugh out loud. But as you describe it, I can imagine it in my mind, and — this may sound strange — all this will become part of my memory of him.” “It is not strange at all.” “Rabbi, my journey here was worthwhile just to meet you and to spend this hour with you. It’s a precious gift, and I would gladly have gone to the ends of the world to receive it. But if I can beg your indulgence, I’d like to bring up one more subject. Or perhaps you would prefer that it wait until tomorrow.” “No, now is better. Tomorrow, there will be many people about. Now they’re all asleep. What is on your mind?” “It’s about inspiration,” said Sebastian. “When I was in Spain, I was excited about being Jewish. It was important to me. I was ready to give my life for it, and I almost did. But now, two years after my escape to freedom, I feel … so … lost … so … so …. ordinary. Yes, that’s the word: ordinary. I don’t know what I’m doing or where I’m going. And I thought that … perhaps … somehow … you could … you know …” The Rabbi smiled. “You think I can give you some magic formula, a powder you can swallow, and your problems will be solved.” “Naive, I admit. But I suppose that’s what I thought.” “Well, let me see,” said the Rabbi. “You spoke about your escape to freedom. That is such an enigmatic word. Freedom. Everyone wants freedom, but what exactly is freedom? Life, even under the best of circumstances, confines and restricts us on all sides. True freedom is achieved only when the spirit is liberated and rises above the trivial pursuits of the world, and we believe that this can only be achieved through Torah. Only one who is involved with the Torah, say our Sages, can be considered a free person. The yoke of Torah liberates. You may not understand it now, but someday you will.” “I hope.” “You will, Sebastian. If you want to understand it, you will. Our Sages say that if you seek you will find.” He paused for a moment. “Many years ago, there was a Jewish king named Rechavam. Have you ever heard of him?” “Yes. I think he was the son of Shlomo. He was a sinful man.” “It would seem so at first glance. The prophet says that he did evil in the eyes of the A-mighty. But what exactly does that mean? In Divrei Hayamim it says that when he finished building the fortifications of the country, he abandoned the Amighty, and all of Israel followed him. Seems awful, doesn’t it?” “It does.” “But if you look into the Midrash in Parshas Bo you will see that Rechavam was a good king, that his reign was an occasion for rejoicing. And there are many proofs from the text to support this view. So what did he do wrong? The answer is in Divrei Hayamim. We are told that ‘he did not prepare his heart to seek the Amighty.’ Inspiration, my dear Sebastian, comes from a relationship with the Amighty, a relationship that must be the single most-important factor in your life. It doesn’t matter how much time you have to spend plowing your fields or standing in the market. If your life is focused on your relationship with the A-mighty, you will be inspired.”
“But —” The Rabbi held up his hand. “Listen. When King Rechavam was building the fortifications, he was absorbed with the defense of the Torah, and he was inspired. He lived with the A-mighty every day from morning to night. But when the fortifications were complete and he returned to everyday life, his thoughts were no longer absorbed with the Amighty. Of course, he prayed and studied and performed all the mitzvos required of him, but he did not prepare his heart to seek the A-mighty. That was the evil thing he did.” “So why was he considered a good king and his reign an occasion for rejoicing?” “Because he did a lot of good, and his shortcomings were not his fault. But that’s a discussion for a different time. The point I am making is that you are very much like Rechavam.” “Me? How?” “When you were in Spain and being Jewish meant danger and risks, you were inspired. Just as Rechavam was inspired when he was building the fortifications to protect the Torah and the Holy Temple in Jerusalem. But it was an artificial inspiration. And when life returned to normal, it evaporated. Your inspiration was also artificial. It was a response to persecution and a desire to preserve old and treasured traditions. It did not come from an intimate relationship with the Torah. And when your life as a Jew was normalized, you lost your inspiration. But that is not your fault, just as it wasn’t Rechavam’s fault.” “So what can I do?” “You have to find inspiration in living as a Jew, not only in risking your life to be Jewish. Your father did it, and you can, too. But it may not necessarily be in the same way.” “So what would you suggest?” “I would suggest we go to sleep. I don’t know about you, but I’m tired already. There will be time to continue our discussion tomorrow. And you will be our guest for Shavuos. We will have plenty of time to talk.” The next day, however, a long stream of people passed through the house, some waiting for Rabbi Strasbourg’s advice and others seeking his blessings. After nightfall, when all the people had gone, the Rabbi was too exhausted to get into long and serious discussions, but he invited Sebastian to join Elisha Ringel and himself for a cup of tea and reminiscences of old times. Tanchum and Gonzalo were away making arrangements for the return journey, and Reb Mendel was in the shul, learning with a group of men. As the three men sat together in companionable conversation, there was a loud banging at the door. They looked at each other, puzzled by who would knock on the door like that. Perhaps there was an emergency of some sort. After a moment’s pause, the banging resumed, even louder and more insistent than before. The clatter in the kitchen stopped, and Miriam Strasbourg came running to the door. But she stopped at the last moment. “Should I open it?” she asked her father-in-law in a frightened voice. The banging resumed again, louder and harder than before, and the door trembled in its frame. “Open it,” said the Rabbi. To be continued…
The Monsey View
November 9, 2022 · 845.600.8484
The Monsey View
November 9, 2022 · 845.600.8484
LIBBY GOLDBERGER Ground meat is a blank slate that can be used in a plethora of dishes. Try these warm and comforting recipes, perfect for nutritious dinners on winter nights.
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The Monsey View
SPINACH AND GROUND BEEF STUFFED SHELLS Does it get any cozier than a pan of stuffed pasta shells filled with ground beef and spinach, smothered in marinara sauce? INGREDIENTS (12 oz.) box jumbo pasta shells lb. ground beef small onion, diced tsp. tomato paste cubes frozen garlic tsp. basil tsp. garlic powder tsp. oregano Salt and pepper, to taste 2 cups frozen chopped spinach 5–6 T. (parve) Caesar dressing 1½ cups marinara sauce 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1
D IR EC T I O N S 1. Cook the pasta shells according to package directions. 2. Heat a large pan. Add the ground beef (without oil) and mix to break up the pieces, browning for 2 to 3 minutes. 3. Add the diced onion, tomato paste, garlic and spices. Simmer for two minutes, mixing occasionally, then add spinach and simmer for another two minutes. 4. Preheat the oven to 400°. 5. Fill the shells with the beef mixture. Place them in a lined 10x16” pan, facing up. 6. Drizzle Caesar dressing on the shells. Pour the marinara sauce on top. 7. Bake for 15 minutes, uncovered.
November 9, 2022
The Monsey View · 845.600.8484
The Monsey View
O R I E N TA L CRISPY BREAD Spread a flavorful mixture of ground chicken on slices of sandwich bread, then dip each one in sesame seeds and pan-fry. Enjoy this amazing appetizer! INGREDIENTS 1 1 1 4 1 1
lb. ground chicken egg tsp. salt cubes frozen garlic package sliced square bread (about 20 pieces) (8 oz.) container sesame seeds Oil spray or ¼ cup oil, for frying
D IR EC T I O N S 1. In a bowl, combine the ground chicken, egg, salt and garlic. 2. Trim the bread crusts. Spread about 2 tablespoons of ground chicken mixture onto each slice. Cut each slice in half to form two rectangles. 3. Prepare a plate of sesame seeds. Dip the ground beef side of the bread into the sesame seeds, making sure it’s well covered all around. 4. Bake or fry, as per instructions below. Option 1 — to bake: Preheat the oven to 350°. Place the bread, meat side up, on a cookie sheet. Spray oil on top. Bake for 20 minutes, until golden. Option 2 — to fry: Heat about ¼ cup oil in a frying pan. On a medium flame, fry the bread until it’s golden. Flip over the slices so both sides are fried evenly. 5. Serve warm or at room temperature, with sweet and sour dipping sauce.
November 9, 2022
The Monsey View · 845.600.8484
The Monsey View
November 9, 2022 · 845.600.8484
PA S TR A M I SHEPHERD’S PIE Shepherd’s pie is a savory dish of cooked minced meat topped with mashed potatoes and baked until crisp. The addition of pastrami in this recipe makes for an all-around perfect comfort food! INGREDIENTS 1½ 3 3 5 5 3
lb. ground beef eggs cubes frozen onion T. bread crumbs T. ketchup cubes frozen garlic
1 (8 oz.) package pastrami 4–5 large potatoes, cooked and mashed, mixed with salt and mayonnaise to taste D IR EC T I O N S 1. Mix together the ground beef mixture ingredients. Spread this in a 9x13” pan lined with parchment paper. 2. Arrange the pastrami pieces on top of the ground beef. 3. Top with mashed potatoes, covering all the meat. 4. Bake at 350° for 1 hour, uncovered.
November 9, 2022
The Monsey View · 845.600.8484
The Monsey View
November 9, 2022 · 845.600.8484
The Monsey View
November 9, 2022 · 845.600.8484
It’s the month where the Greatest Excusers grapple with an existential crisis. It’s not Erev Purim (unless it is, for you. Then you have no business reading this, anyway). It’s not Erev Pesach (see previous parenthetical comment); it’s not Erev Shavuos; it’s not the summer; and there are no Yamim Tovim coming up. It’s not even Isru Chag anymore, and it’s not Chanukah yet.
Did I cover all Jewish excuses? So November is the month you were referring to all those excuse-full months… “I’ll get to it after the summer, after Yom Tov, after routine sets in,” with “it” meaning The Great Diet and The Great Organization, of course. Well, I hate to break the news to you: “After” has arrived. So on this Novel November Noon, take a sip from the fruit smoothie you prepared in honor of the post-Yom-Tov diet and crack open your closets. What do you see? Ten points for every closet that still has summer clothing hanging inside. Twenty points if there are still some summer hosiery stuffed in along with the winter ones. And no points at all if your closets are as organized as Queen Elizabeth’s funeral procession. Because the more points you have, the more fun you’ll have shopping at Sparks! 176
The Monsey View
November 9, 2022 · 845.600.8484
tep into Sparks, a housewares and electronics shop in New Square, visit their exclusive home organization department, and breathe in the scent of canvas and plastic, acrylic and mesh. Close your eyes, and envision your perfectly organized home. Open your eyes, and see your vision displayed in their home organizing
aisle. As Rivkah from Sparks says, “We cater to every Jewish woman who wants an organized home. Not only those with unlimited budgets. We also make it possible for every woman to organize her home on her own.” True to her word, the merchandise at Sparks is attractively displayed, with the many options lined up neatly for easy viewing. You’re bound to find the perfect organizing solution for your hard-to-fit drawers and closets, while staying within your budget. The Sparks team is legendary for their unparalleled customer service. They have a passion for an organized home and are glad to offer guidance to all shoppers. Of course, there’s hype about having magazine-like closets. But have you tried it with a family? Sparks will help you figure out how to balance the two by offering you maintainable, affordable and beautiful organizing solutions. Do it now — before the next excuse sets in... and before the Sparks November sale ends! As this is official organization month, Sparks will make it easier for you by offering 15% off all organizing solutions. A word of advice: Rivkah says it’s advisable to measure all of your closet depths and widths before coming in so that your sales rep can guide you in meeting all your organization needs.
BIN BASICS There are four popular bin types:
I asked Rivkah for a quick overview of these options.
Mesh Bins
Canvas Bins
Most often used for: Pantry and kitchen drawers
Most often used for: Bedroom and coat closets
Pros: Dirt doesn’t accumulate in them.
Pros: They come in various depths and widths so you can mix and match for all shelf and drawer sizes. Also looks pretty in drawers.
Cons: None! Average price for average-size bin: $14.00
Average price for average-size bins (set of 2): $18
Acrylic Bins
Plastic Bins
Most often used for: Pantry, fridge, freezer
Most often used for: Toy closets
Pros: Classy and pretty. You can see all the items stored in the bin.
Pros: Plastic bins come in many styles to fit your needs. They are also affordably priced and dishwashersafe.
Cons: Needs to be cleaned more often, and some options are pricey. Price for bin is approximately: $6–$18
Cons: Covers or clips can break. Average price for average-size bin: $13
November 9, 2022
The Monsey View · 845.600.8484
BIN BUYING, HOME ORGANIZING Home organizer Liba Knopfler from In Order shares her professional take with some FAQs.
Which containers/bins do you enjoy working with most? There are so many great choices. Lately I’ve been using a lot of the Idesign acrylic bins for the kitchen pantry. There offer many size options, and they look really pretty.
What’s your trusty rule when it comes to organizing? Declutter! This is the single most important rule when organizing your home. Getting rid of stuff you don’t use or need will free up valuable space.
Any advice for organizing on a budget? Organizing is not all about containers and bins; it’s about finding a home for every item in your house. That has nothing to do with budgets and pricing. There are limitless ways to do that, but the goal is always the same.
The Monsey View
November 9, 2022 · 845.600.8484
I asked Rivkah who her customers are and what each one usually purchases, and here’s what she shared:
Kallahs! There’s something so gratifying about a fresh start. “It sets them up for success,” she says emphatically. “A kallah often uses these organizers for years, and they help her house run smoothly.” So many chasan-kallah apartments are minuscule, and the right organization solutions can spell the difference between calm and chaos. Take the gorgeous turntables, for example. It’s a game changer for laundry detergents or for those tremendous corner cabinets. Mesh bins, too, make cleanup and organization so much simpler.
Schools! This is where children spend so much of their day, and neat classrooms create a calm atmosphere. Dedicated teachers and secretaries come into Sparks before and during the school year for solutions. The acrylic turntable crayon organizer is probably the brainchild of a dedicated teacher. It’s a musthave in a classroom. They also carry great paper organizers and supply containers for schools on a budget.
Someone like you! Women who want to create a seamless organization system in their home.
AND YES, after you’ve tackled those closets, you deserve a cheesy, cinnamony Danish with a large cup of coffee. Forget the calories for a moment, and savor the new, organized order you’re creating.
The Monsey View
November 9, 2022 · 845.600.8484
November 9, 2022
The Monsey View · 845.600.8484
The Monsey View
November 9, 2022 · 845.600.8484
Nature is nature, right? I always felt that people are either born optimists or pessimists. I certainly wasn’t endowed with a heavy dose of natural optimism (I assume I’m not alone in this nisayon), but after some especially rough bumps in life, I decided that I wanted to rise above my nature and embark on a mission to bring real positivity into my home. And while I certainly don’t have a PhD in positive thinking, I have learned some things along the way.
Rewiring the Brain to “Tracht Gut” The first thing I set out to do was demystify the statement attributed to the Tzemech Tzadik of Lubavitch: “Tracht gut, vet zein gut — Think good, and it will be good.” What does that even mean? How can the power of my thoughts have any bearing on reality (other than making me less miserable to be around, of course)? My research led me to Sefer HaTanya, which explains that, in truth, everything is good, but that there are two types of good: revealed goodness — the type that we openly perceive as goodness — and concealed goodness — which can feel pretty awful. It is only our limited vision and our humanness that cause us to perceive events in life as “bad.” Moreover, the Baal HaTanya wrote that the painful sufferings we experience are us interacting with Hashem on a more profound and intimate level, and though we may not understand how, they are actually blessings in disguise. That said, it is only rare tzadikim who can truly appreciate when pain comes their way. The rest of us? With our narrow scope of vision and human emotions, we often find that sort of “goodness” too difficult to bear. Such goodness can, in fact, feel quite bad. As humans, we want our goodness to actually feel good. The great news is, there’s a way to make that happen. We often can, with Hashem’s help, transform concealed good into revealed good. You see, reality is far more complex than we re-
alize, and though many things in the world happen according to Divine calculations that we simply can’t fathom, some laws of nature have been explained by our sages. Dovid Hamelech wrote in Tehillim, “Hashem tzilcha — Hashem is your shadow” (121:5). The Baal Shem Tov explained this to mean that Hashem’s actions follow ours, as a shadow follows a moving object. Behavior mimics behavior. Similarly, the Maggid of Mezeritch, the Baal Shem Tov’s successor, commented on the verse in Sefer Yechezkel that upon a throne “was a likeness like the appearance of a man upon it above — demus k’mareh adam alav mi’lmaalah” (1:26). The Maggid explained that the Divine “face” is “mareh adam” — a reflection of humanity down below, which mirrors us who are here on earth. The Maggid also explained the phrase in Pirkei Avos “Da mah l’maalah mimcha” (2:1) to
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November 9, 2022 · 845.600.8484
mean, “Know that what is above, comes from you.” According to the Zohar, the Upper World feeds into this lower world according to the state of the lower world. In other words, whatever we make this world to be is what we see mirrored back to us. When we are b’simcha, we create simcha above, which in turn, trickles down to us. The reverse is also true, rachmana litzlan. For this reason the Gemara relates that Rav Hamnuna chastised Yehudah bar Nassan for sighing, saying, “Do you wish to bring suffering upon yourself?” (Brachos 60a) Through the power of our thought, speech and actions, we open conduits for Divine activity to descend into our world. Positivity enables His goodness to descend in ways
Practical Tip: It’s not easy to always “tracht gut,” but the Baal HaTanya offers a practical solution for getting rid of intrusive thoughts: Push them away “with two hands.” This implies that one shouldn’t actively tell oneself not to think about something; instead, he should completely replace the thoughts with something else. As the brain can concentrate on only one thought at a time, replacing the undesirable thoughts with something else helps to discourage them from returning.
that we experience as positive. Negativity, however, opens the door for difficult mazel, and can put an obstacle before the door of great possibilities… And no one wants to do that! Once I learned about what my thoughts can actually do, I made the firm decision to counterbalance negative thoughts with positive ones. And while I don’t always succeed, life is truly looking a whole lot brighter.
Helicopters Don’t Belong at Home One of the lessons that has been years in the learning is that of the worst killers of peace and positivity is the Micromanaging Monster. When he comes in, rationality checks out. That’s because nobody appreciates having someone look over their shoulder, telling them everything they’re doing wrong. The great news is that we have eyelids, which enable us to not see that which doesn’t need to be seen. It took some time, but I’ve learned that it’s okay for kids to mess up, it’s okay for kids to experiment, and it’s even okay for them to throw temper tantrums and sometimes do things that we’d rather they not do. It’s not just okay; in fact, it’s healthy. It’s part of growing up. Once I was able to let go of the need for behavioral perfection, my kids began to thrive, baruch Hashem, because all the stress and “performance anxiety” went out the
Practical Tip: Don’t see everything, don’t nitpick, and don’t lose yourself in the moment. (Getting proper sleep and nutrients helps tremendously in keeping the Monster away!)
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November 9, 2022 · 845.600.8484
window. Our job as parents isn’t to get our children to behave at the moment; it’s about equipping them with the tools they need to handle the nisyonos of life that will surely come their way. A parent who loses herself to stress and the need to micromanage isn’t going to properly guide her child.
Enthusiasm, not Preaching Even with reducing the stress levels that came with micromanaging and “trachting gut,” I can’t claim that my home became an instant bastion of positivity. Because despite my internal changes, there was no guarantee that my kids would jump on the positivity bandwagon. To that end, I reached out to world-renowned lecturer Rabbi Manis Friedman for some words of wisdom. “How do you raise children to be positive, especially when you struggle with positivity?” I asked. “If you want to raise positive kids, don’t preach positivity,” he cautioned. “What’s very healthy is that children should see that you don’t do things half-heartedly. Whatever you do, do it enthusiastically. That’s better than simcha, better than positivity. It’s alive, and it’s so doable.” He explained that being enthusiastic requires no change in emotion or character, making it a far more likely goal to achieve. “You’re saying, ‘Whatever you do, do it leibedig!’ In other words, don’t get into a habit of half-living.” “But what if a child is enthusiastic about negativity?” I asked. “Compliment her! As she gets more mature, it will switch to better things,” Rabbi Friedman answered. “Enthusiasm is a very good thing and
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The Monsey View · 845.600.8484
you should never dampen it — you should switch it. You move it to where it belongs. But you never want to have any less enthusiasm at all.” What’s the difference between positivity and enthusiasm? Rabbi Friedman answered that, too. “Positive means ‘everything is positive.’ That’s hard! Enthusiasm means ‘not doing things half-heartedly.’ This habit of being half-alive is terrible. If you’re alive, live! In what? In whatever you’re doing.” “What about something you don’t like?” I pressed. “What if something is really hard?” “There’s nothing wrong with saying you don’t like something. If you fake liking everything, then kids will come to the
“Wow! You are so full of koach!” I got into the habit of saying, “When you use that koach for mitzvos, you’re going to accomplish great things!” Within three days, the temper tantrums had largely abated. The child was running to do good things.
The Right Awareness Part of positive thinking is having your head on straight and not getting caught up in self. So let’s face this fact: Life is work. We’re here on a mission. The sad part is that we of-
Practical Tip: Appreciate enthusiasm in any form, whether it comes from experimenting and making a mess or even a full-blown tantrum. It means your child is alive! Savor the possibilities of your child’s future. Compliment their vitality.
conclusion that you’re faking other things. If you faked liking one thing, then maybe you faked liking them, too! That’s a terrible thing. And then it spreads to everything else. So, emes is always best.” Let’s just say that I put this advice into action, complimenting one unnamed child on their high-volume displays of unhappiness. 190
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ten get distracted by our own perceived needs and very many wants, and when our needs aren’t met and our wants aren’t had, it becomes easy to stew in self-pity. So how do we make peace with reality? “You’re needed, not needy!” Rabbi Friedman is wont to say. “If you go deep enough, you’ll find that at your very core, you don’t truly need anything.” Of course, we have to eat and sleep to function, but we should view those as “handicaps,” he says — because, after all, we’d function so much better if they weren’t in the way!
“Better than telling a child he’s loved is telling him he’s needed,” Rabbi Friedman says, explaining that many people who feel loved but unnecessary fall into depression. A powerful way to banish negativity is to explain to oneself and one’s family how extremely needed they are — both on a personal level within the family, and on cosmic level, as an essential part of Hashem’s plan. I tried this approach with a child who often bemoaned their lot in life. I explained that Hashem needs them to partner in making this world a little more heilig. Hashem created each of us because He needs us, individually and specifically, to fulfill His Will for creation. This message spoke loudly to that child, and though it’s a message that sometimes needs to be repeated, that child has begun to be more thoughtful in their actions and a whole lot less needy.
Practical Tip: Think every day about how needed you are, and how much everyone else is, too. Think of your strengths and what you can contribute to the world. Speak about this message, and ingrain it into your family to watch them shine.
The Monsey View
November 9, 2022 · 845.600.8484
The Monsey View
November 9, 2022 · 845.600.8484
November 9, 2022
The Monsey View · 845.600.8484
The Monsey View
November 9, 2022 · 845.600.8484
November 9, 2022
The Monsey View · 845.600.8484
RENDER ME A HOME Interior design is all about understanding aesthetics and creating beautiful spaces, one room at a time. But what’s it really like for the designer? Here is a candid conversation with Rivka Fleischman of GLI Designers.
Rivka smiles when she thinks back to what she thought she’d do “when she grows up.” “I thought I’d do graphics,” she says. “Or makeup.” But even though her dreams were still hazy when she was young, Rivka knew with certainty that when she’d grow up, she’d do something creative as a career. Soon her dreams developed color and shape, and it eventually crystallized into interior design. But it took seven years for her to take the leap. Along the way, with the intention of gaining experience in the construction field, she joined a millworks team that provides doors and trimmings to new constructions. What she learned was invaluable. “Everything in construction is so precise, so intentional,” she says. “There’s no allowance for half-developed ideas, half-planned designs. Half-inches matter, and any tiny error can cost thousands.” In sum, “You really, really need to know what you’re doing.” Once Rivka was certain interior design was the direction she wanted to take, it took her but a few days to sign up for schooling. And then began over a year of controlled chaos. “I was commuting an hour to and from work,” Rivka shares, “and then at night, I had to sit right back down for night school.” This schedule lasted a full fourteen months, made no easier by teachers who weren’t understanding about Rivka’s Shabbos and Yom Tov schedule. But November 9, 2022
The Monsey View · 845.600.8484
with no children yet, and a commitment that broke through all barriers, she was in it until the end. “It was actually this difficulty, this feeling that I was doing the impossible, that gave me the push to give it my all,” Rivka says. “Thinking back, I smile at the memories, at the fantastic feeling of accomplishment. It was a hectic time, but a wonderful time.” At the end of the day, this doubleduty schedule gifted Rivka with one of her greatest assets today: her experience in the construction line. “It can often be frustrating for contractors to deal with designers,” she explains, “because designers often try for the impossible, only they don’t know it. Their dreams are often only 50% possible! Of course, contractors appreciate the end result designers deliver, but when it comes to construction, trying to work along with a plan that is neither possible nor practical isn’t fun.” ON THE ROSTER
Currently, most of Rivka’s clients reached out to her in advance of a residential renovation project. Either they’re moving, or they’re renovating the home they already live in. The rest of the jobs on her roster are either com200
The Monsey View
November 9, 2022 · 845.600.8484
WHAT’S TRENDING NOW? In hardwood, Rivka says, natural red oak is taking leave to make place for weathered oak, which is very beautiful. “In paint colors, pretty whites like Chantilly Lace, which is more stark, and China White, which is a warmer white, are very popular,” she continues. Throw pillows, artwork and other elements can then be brought in to brighten the space against the white. “Also coming back in are chunky moldings that extend from the ceiling, instead of softer, more modern silhouettes that frame the room,” Rivka says. “Another thing that’s huge right now is lighting of all kinds, which is gorgeous. Customers used to meet with the electrician, decide on spots and how many, and then be done. Nowadays, full lighting plans are requested much more often.”
mercial spaces — think a restaurant and two health care facilities — or new constructions. “New builds are lots of fun,” Rivka says. “Those projects give me the chance to intentionally put in exactly what the customer wants, starting from the concept. That’s very rewarding.” The first step for any project necessitates a meeting with the client to hear exactly what it is they have in mind. A designer needs to understand a family’s lifestyle — or a business’ model and actual needs — before planning the details. “I sometimes ask people the weirdest questions so I can understand what it is they need in their home,” she admits. “I also have to remember not to be judgmental or wonder why people do things differently than what I’m used to doing. I can’t push my opinions onto my customers; I simply need to understand what it is they need.” When it comes to businesses, it’s the same thing. Rivka needs a lot of information before designing the layout and incorporating the details that matter. Who will be visiting the office, which area they would visit, and where the actual work takes place are all factors she needs to address. The same goes for a retail business. Understanding the business model is the first step in the process. Whoever the client is, and what-
ADVICE FOR CUSTOMERS When it comes to homeowners planning a reno or new construction, Rivka has three words of wisdom to share. The first is in regard to expectations from subcontractors. “When it comes to getting quotes from subcontractors,” she says, “and one comes in significantly lower than the others, it’s smart to be suspicious. I had a customer who chose to go with a plumber who gave the lowest quote by far, and midway through, he had to call in another plumber to fix the first plumber’s work and take over the job. This client ended up suffering a huge loss as a result.” And if you choose to go ahead anyway because that’s what your budget allows, Rivka says that’s okay, but you shouldn’t expect things to go as perfectly as they would have otherwise. In other words, if you choose a cheaper subcontractor, expect a cheaper job. That’s not to say it’s not an option; it only means that you should adjust your expectations accordingly. The second word of wisdom Rivka has to say is in regard to allocating too much value to one element of construction. It’s essential to budget wisely, even when the budget is very generous. “Many people choose to pour tons of money into tiles, for instance, or into their kitchen and bathrooms, and then, when it comes to finishing the house with pretty fixtures or furniture, they’ve drained their funds. I often see beautiful dining rooms, with gorgeous moldings and lighting connections, but on the ceiling is a bare bulb. “Make no mistake,” Rivka clarifies. “It’s more than okay to purchase fixtures and such down the road — the excitement over it is much greater then! But if you’re building a luxury house, and your budget would have allowed for finishing touches, it’s a pity when the money is all poured into early construction.” What Rivka is saying is that if you want your house to have a certain look, be committed to it from the beginning. And if you can’t afford that look, then that’s perfectly okay. Choose a more budget-friendly plan, and stick to it. Better a completed but less opulent design than half-done but more expensive work. In her own words, “Don’t go halfway to the top. Aim for lower, and hit the top.” Rivka’s third piece of advice is to keep large furniture pieces neutral so they don’t go out of fashion by the time they’re installed. “Use throw pillows and artwork to create a contemporary mood. The large furniture pieces should be timeless.”
The Monsey View
November 9, 2022 · 845.600.8484
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ever the job is, every customer has to feel like they’re the designer’s sole focus. This can often be super hard, especially when clients call with every half-constructed brainstorm whenever the inspiration hits them, but it is very necessary, Rivka says. “This is a special time in their life,” she explains. “Renovating or building a home isn’t something that happens in people’s lives every day. And if I’m not fully there for them throughout the process, then my advice isn’t worth half as much. The support comes with the territory.” This support means that Rivka must have a superb 3D memory. When she gets a call during a meeting with an urgent question about the placement of an emergency exit sign in a specific room in a specific office, she has to mentally whip out that folder and remember the elements in the room so she can answer on the fly. “Details matter,” Rivka repeats, “and I have to remember them
The Monsey View
November 9, 2022 · 845.600.8484
ADVICE FOR FUTURE DESIGNERS to avoid messing up. Something like the swing of a door, for instance, is very important. When I get a call about the placement of an electric box, and I know there’s a door right there, I need to make sure we won’t have one bumping into the other when the door opens.” This all means Rivka’s visual imagination must be functioning in top form at all times, even when the space in question is still a conceptual vision drawn on paper. THE NITTIES AND THE GRITTIES
When it comes down to it, Rivka says the most difficult part of the job is the research the planning entails. Research may mean finding out whether a tile used in a bathroom can serve as the door for a hidden medicine chest, or reaching out to a door company to find out whether the hardware a client chose is compatible with the door it’s meant to fit. A client requiring more information, on a designer’s part, means being in touch with a bunch of people to track down that information, getting quotes, and then passing that information back to the client. “Clients are often in a hurry to get their plans done,” Rivka remarks, “but I can’t finalize plans before I know the 206
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“First,” Rivka says, “know what you’re getting yourself into. I’m a mother, baruch Hashem, a wife, and also a business owner. I used to think being my own boss would be amazing, but it’s not that grand!” She laughs. “Don’t get me wrong — I love being my own boss, and I am grateful for it every single day. It’s a dream come true! But it can get heavy, especially when personal life gets hectic and the business can’t feel it.” Besides logistics, being on one’s own means there’s no one else making decisions, taking care of administrative tasks, and steering the business where it needs to go. That’s a lot to carry single-handedly. “At one point, I hired a junior designer to help me with the workload, and that’s where my second piece of advice comes in: Only hire someone who can fill the gaps in your strengths. Hire someone who can do everything you’re terrible at.” For Rivka, this meant hiring someone who is great at keeping track of details she misses. “My assistant joins me at consultations, which are crucial,” Rivka explains, “and takes notes. Personally, I was unable to keep track of what a client was saying while putting it all on paper. Having a designer at my side to help me with that is a lifesaver and organizes me from the start.” Rivka then ends with another piece of wisdom that every designer (or individual providing services, for that matter) would do well to remember: “Yes, you have clients, and try your best to make them all happy, but sometimes two people just don’t click. When that happens, don’t beat yourself up for it! Some clients will turn out to be dead-ends, and that’s perfectly okay. A business relationship that doesn’t work out does not reflect your value as a person or even as a professional, and it’s important to remember that.”
people don’t have visual imagination. They need to actually concept is possible to bring to fruition in the first place.” But then Rivka changes her mind. “Actually,” she says, see it to understand what I’m describing.” Most of the drawing happens on AutoCAD, though on oc“you know what the absolute most difficult part of the job is? Keeping on top of the construction process and what ev- casion, Rivka has to pull out a pen and paper to sketch to a eryone has to do. If things don’t go as planned, it can cost the client the basics of what she’s visualizing. “Whatever the medium, it’s important to immediately customer a lot of money.” A recent example she shares is the case of a master bath sketch out any new ideas. Otherwise they can get lost, and tub that was installed by a plumber without allowing for even when I’m sure I’ll remember it, the idea drifts away unspace near the wall where a frame was to be placed. The til it’s just out of reach, and I can’t do anything about it.” plumber neglected to read the plans, and the tub had to be ripped out and reinstalled. “This wasn’t devastating in the grand scheme of things,” ALL IN A DAY’S WORK Rivka says, “but it messed up the plan and cost the customer Once a designer is in the line long enough, there are goanother tub.” ing to be individual projects that stand out for their interest She gets calls about issues like these all the time. “I can or backstory. be in a meeting, and I get a frantic call from someone who’s One example would be a sunroom that was to be turned asking, ‘Is it supposed to be like that?!’ And then I have to into a dining room. How to take a sunroom, which has more quickly redirect my brain to that project and take action. windows than you can count, and close it up while heeding It’s a very difficult position to be in, but I won’t say I hate it.” tzeva’as Reb Yehuda Hachassid? Rivka laughs. “It’s constant planning, and then allowing for “My client said that if we use about an inch from each change, and replanning. That’s the nature of the business.” “THERE’S NO ALLOWANCE FOR HALFWhat she loves most of all are site visits and seeing her ideas come alive. On the serDEVELOPED IDEAS, HALF-PLANNED vice front, however, it’s that excited yell she DESIGNS. HALF-INCHES MATTER, AND gets from a customer who absolutely loves what they see. ANY TINY ERROR CAN COST THOUSANDS.” “When they’re blown away by a rendering or an idea,” Rivka adds, “it’s incredible to see my work have such an effect.” existing window, and place a window or door there, we’d be The longest part of the process definitely involves the good. So I had to sit and figure out an aesthetically pleasing drawing of the plans, says Rivka. This includes the floor plan of windows and doors that would allow for that.” plans, the elevation of the home when relevant, the lighting Another memorable element Rivka once planned in a difplans, and furniture plans. ferent house was a built-in bookcase that framed the doorway “Renderings are very important,” she says, “because many between a dining room and living room. 208
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The Monsey View · 845.600.8484
“It was so beautiful, and it was visible from the front door of the home,” Rivka remembers. “The client loved it, and it set the tone for the whole house.” One really fun project was designing an indoor shared play area under a multi-family building. “It featured two huge trees that were actually built onto the wall and ceiling, and we had climbing bars installed on one of them so the tree was actually climbable!” The trimmer was going to print out the trees in life size, and trace them to create the actual trees. This necessitated Rivka finding out where to print in life size to begin with, but the final result is stupendous. “Then, of course, there are clients who have design ideas I need to take into consideration,” Rivka says, “but which I personally find either unappealing or impractical. This needs a balancing act to work around, but if it’s something that really can’t work, the client will understand that sooner or later.” One client, for example, thought that it would be beautiful for her family room to have three doors leading outside. “I had a feeling it wouldn’t work, both for practical purposes and otherwise, but I couldn’t just disregard her idea; clients have to be taken seriously, no matter the case.” They scratched that idea in the end. But when it comes to important needs, then no matter how strange an idea is, it has to be implemented. In one home, this meant a private bathroom on every floor for the mom of the house. In another home, this meant that just like in a kid’s plate, nothing was allowed to touch anything unless it came that way. Curtains couldn’t touch nearby door frames, and furniture couldn’t extend an inch past what would have been ideal. “But that’s what makes work fun.” Rivka concludes with a smile. “There’s nothing like a challenge, and there’s nothing better than a healthy dose of good humor to get us through it!” RIVKA FLEISCHMAN IS A MONSEY-BASED INTERIOR DESIGNER WHO IS PASSIONATE ABOUT BREATHING NEW LIFE INTO SPACES THAT MATTER. SHE CAN BE CONTACTED AT RIVKA@GLIDESIGNERS.COM.
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November 9, 2022 · 845.600.8484
The Monsey View
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The Monsey View
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November 9, 2022
The Monsey View · 845.600.8484
The Monsey View
November 9, 2022 · 845.600.8484
as told to:
FA I G Y K .
SUNDAY FUNDAY There are myriad differences between families of boys and families of girls. For starters: If you are the mother of a boy family, this article is not for you! Turn the page. Go look for the ads offering shiurim, exercise classes and Sunday spa days. If you have a girl family, this is for you. Not on Sunday, though. You won’t have time to read this on Sunday. Unless you want everyone reading right along with you and nibbling the one measly sugar-free square of pareve chocolate you wanted to have with your coffee. Hey, we’re not complaining. In fact, we love our girls. Besides, it’s common knowledge that girls help. Yeah, that’s why we’re all on the recliner on this rainy Sunday morning with a crew of girls at our beck and call. So we’ve established that we wouldn’t trade our girls for anything in the world. But we would trade Sundays for some-
thing sensible, like Mondays or Tuesdays or Wednesdays. (I think Sunday was invented by a mother of boys.) So while compiling the Sweet Motherhood series and seeing firsthand how it transformed the long summer Fridays into pleasant bonding days, I realized that Faigy’s system works. They’re practical and doable. When deciding which topics to cover, winter Sundays came to mind right away. Truthfully, as mothers, we want to be present. We want to create pleasant memories for our children without giving them vibes of, “I wish you’d be in school today.” That’s why my criteria for Sunday activities are as follows: It has to be manageable and affordable and leave me with some breathing room. It should not require me to take on the role of head counselor every week or require me to run November 9, 2022
The Monsey View · 845.600.8484
to and from the percolator dozens of times to prepare noodle soup. Here I hit pay dirt! Faigy has a family of many, many young girls, ka”h. There’s one boy sandwiched between more than a half dozen little girls. So if Fridays don’t frazzle Faigy and every chore in the house becomes a fun activity, Sundays are right up her alley. With her trademark wisdom and spunk, she set up a system that truly is my wish come true. Sundays are officially scrapped; they’re called Fundays. And it’s not corny when done her way.
TRANSFORMING YOUR SUNDAYS INTO FUNDAYS Who heads Sunday Funday? The oldest girl home becomes the official Sunday Counselor. As long as she’s in elementary school, she qualifies. On Motzei Shabbos, the Sunday Counselor plans activities and runs them past Mommy. As Faigy points out, it’s all in the packaging. If the Sunday Counselor announces an activity, it’s more exciting than if Mommy does.
IMPORTANT POINTERS: • It’s extremely important to have all supplies necessary to set the counselor and kids up for success! • Every exciting activity is followed by a simpler one. The children know to expect excitement, so they’ll happily color, create with Clics, and play board games as the “sandwich activity.”
WEEKLY EXCITING ACTIVITIES: • Musical chairs. (Kids never tire of this activity, and the “counselor” will love the feeling she gets when turning on and off the music.) Supplies: chairs, and lively music • Collages. Every child gets a theme, such as a season, Yom Tov, place, color and the like. Then they each make a collage from a weekly magazine or circular or from coloring books by cutting and pasting. All collages are hung up until the following week. Supplies: circulars, coloring books, scissors, construction paper, coloring supplies • Downtime! All the fuzzies and pillows can be brought into the playroom. Lights are turned off, and the kids listen to a story CD. Supplies: fuzzies, pillows, CD, CD player
The Monsey View
November 9, 2022 · 845.600.8484
• Letter writing! This forgotten art can make a comeback every few weeks. Letters can be written to a lonely relative or to grandparents living in a different city. (This activity is a winner! The effects are everlasting, and both parties enjoy it immensely.) Mothers might need to be on hand for spelling/grammar help. Supplies: addresses, envelopes, stamps, papers, pencils • Reading Rotation. Divide your book collection into three equal parts. Hide two parts and rotate the selection every week or two. The children will be way more excited about old favorites than they are with tired, overused ones. • Tri-colored cookies. This is a new twist on cookies. It’ll need a bit more prep and is more of a mess, but it’s totally worth it. Depending on the counselor’s age, prepare a basic cookie dough. Divide the dough in thirds, and add a different food coloring to each. The possibilities will be endless! Once baked, these cookies will serve as the special Sunday snack.
The incentive for such a successful day is actually another chore off your list. After a successful afternoon of fun, Mommy joins the Funday by sitting down and writing the weekly mitzvah note for each child. Together, the family should list all of the mitzvos each child did over the weekend, creating a superlong note for each one! This will also remind the kids that you’ll be adding any additional Sunday mitzvos to the note. It will be the perfect ending to a perfect (okay, that might be stretching it) day! So, appoint your counselor and get the fun started! Faigy K. is a motherhood consultant who personalizes her method to your individual needs and home. She can be contacted at 845-579-5567.
November 9, 2022
The Monsey View · 845.600.8484
I invite you to take a seat and learn all about the chair types out there — or at least the fraction that we can cover in one sitting…
Wingback Chair
Club Chair A solid armchair, originally upholstered in leather but today sporting a choice of more contemporary materials, has a lower back than that of a wingback chair. This wide, enveloping classic chair is known to be super comfortable.
Often referred to simply as a “wing chair,” this classic, tall-backed accent chair was originally designed to protect its occupant — with the wings or extensions on either side — by keeping out drafts and trapping the heat from the fireplace to keep things toasty.
Barrel Chair Falling under the club chair category and suggestive of a barrel, with a high, circular back that embraces its occupant, these accent chairs are used in modern casual decor and are often paired with matching ottomans. Many of them swivel. Their small footprint, compared to other bulkier upholstered chairs, makes them ideal for for rooms in which space is constrained. Some even provide extra space in the form of a removable seat that hides a storage tub.
The Monsey View
November 9, 2022 · 845.600.8484
Tulip Chair Designed as dining chairs to match complementary tables, these two-piece molded units (the base is separate from the seat, and they’re made of different materials) became popular in the middle of the twentieth century. With their clean, line-free sleekness, they were more recently reintroduced to the modern design scene.
By: Shevy Hollander
Chesterfield Chair This classic British leather armchair (though now you’d see them in more contemporary upholstery) is identified by its rolled arms and deep button tufting. It was originally designed at the behest of Lord Philip Stanhope, the fourth Earl of Chesterfield, which explains this chair’s regal name. Quickly earning popularity with the rich and famous, it became an iconic design of the Victorian era and never entirely went out of vogue. Sigmund Freud, the first psychiatrist, had his patients recline on a leather Chesterfield sofa, soon making it the symbol of psychoanalysis, too!
Windsor Chair Now rustic and old-fashioned, and once upon standard dining chairs, Windsor chairs have a wooden seat, legs splayed slightly outward and a back made of spindles. Think of rocking chairs of old, and the same Windsor style comes to mind.
True to their name, these are built in a permanently reclined position and paired with an ottoman for the picture of leisure. At this point in time, the term has become a bit muddied, and many comfy chairs, reclined or not, now go by this name. You’ll find outdoor varieties at the pool too. One popular lounge chair design is the tufted Barcelona chair, praised for its extreme comfort.
Lounge Chairs
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The Monsey View · 845.600.8484
Vegetal Chair An echo to nature, this side chair (though there are armchairs of this design too) has a plant-like structure, which makes it fit right into natural surroundings and rustic decor. Their stackability is a reason some public venues go for this style.
Pod-like chairs like the Egg chair abound Egg Chair in modern decor, with variants like nest chairs, globe chairs and bubble chairs allowing the sitter to be cradled in the hollowed-out area. Often on a hanging frame or floating from the ceiling, these add a touch of whimsy to the right room, while providing a cozy escape.
The Monsey View
November 9, 2022 · 845.600.8484
009 AP
Hint: Each Boggle board hides a word of nine let ters or more!
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Email the form to comments@ or fax to 845600-8483 by Sunday at midnight.
4. Two winners will be drawn each week, each of whom will win a pastrami sandwich and a can of soda!
PLAYING RULES: Find words on the board containing four letters or more. Letters of a word must be connected in a chain (each letter should be adjacent to the next either vertically, horizontally or diagonally), and each letter can only be used once in a given word. The following are not allowed in Boggle: Adding “s” to a word • Proper nouns • Abbreviations • Contractions • Acronyms
POINTS 4-letter words: 2 points | 5-letter words: 3 points | 6-letter words: 5 points | 7-letter words: 7 points | 8-letter words: 9 points | 9+ letters: 12 points
Gather round the table to play a family game of Boggle, using this Boggle board.
Family name: _________________________________ Phone: __________________ Full mailing address: ____________________________________________________ Full name of winner: _________________ Amount of points: __________ Full names of competing players:
List some words only the winner found:
The longest word found on the board: _____________________________ A new word you learned from the board: __________________________ Only complete forms will be entered into the drawing.
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November 9, 2022 · 845.600.8484
5 6 3
WINNER 1 Family name: Schon, 845-xxx-3158 Name of winner: Miriam Amount of points: 98 Names of competing players: Esti Some words only the winner found: mouth, spoon The longest word found on the board: equipment A new word learned from the board: raft
9 5
8 4 2 8 3 7 9 4 7 5 3 1 8 8 7 2 9 8 5
WINNER 2 Family name: Feldman, 845-xxx-6384 Name of winner: Yidis
Amount of points: 93 Some words only the winner found: month, senate, slip, tempo, wrath The longest word found on the board: equipment A new word learned from the board: enate Last week’s bonus word: EQUIPMENT
4 9 6 2 1
To claim your prize, tear out this sheet (on which your name appears) and bring it in to Nussy’s Cuisine.
7 8
6 4 5 4 1 9 5
4 2 9 8
8 1 6 9 6 8 3
November 9, 2022
The Monsey View · 845.600.8484
Roiza Blima Tarkeltaub, 9, Viznitz
Lali Halperin, 4, Bnos Derech Yisroel
Gitty Lichter, 11, Satmar
Sarah Wiener, 9, YSV
Shloimy Teitelbaum, 4
Chaya Hindy Grunwald, 13, Bas Yisroel
Bruchy Beck, 6, B.C.H.
Aron Tzvi Halberstam, 6, Bobov · 845.600.8484
A $5 credit was issued at Toys4U on the account of the phone number listed on your submission.
Gitty Paskesz, 8, Bais Rochel
Moshe Freisel, 9, Bais Dovid
Thank you to the hundreds of readers who sent in beautifully colored pages! Keep coloring!
November 9, 2022
The Monsey View
Send your colored page to The Monsey View to enter a drawing for a chance to have your artwork featured in our pages and win $5 at Toys4U! Ten lucky winners will be announced each week! To enter the raffle, email your colored page to, or mail it to 365 Route 59, Suite 239, Airmont, NY 10952. Submissions will be included in the drawing only if all information is filled in. Name:_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Phone:______________________________________________ Age:____________________
November 9, 2022
The Monsey View · 845.600.8484
Feel free to photocopy this coloring page for the entire family.
By: Faigy Jacobowitz
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November 9, 2022 · 845.600.8484
The Monsey View
November 9, 2022 · 845.600.8484
November 9, 2022
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CHANIE GENUD Certified laser hair removal specialist
845.323.8886 Book your appointment
Classifieds HOUSE FOR RENT Beautiful spacious house with pool Airmont\Suffern area call Monsey Realty at 845-376-0906 FREE PROPERTY Free Property giveaway building / land in Madera PA, must pay small trasnfer fee . 212-470-1708 lv msg GARAGE RENTAL Large 2 car garage with heating and electricity available in Dexter Park. $550 per month. Please call / text 347-853-4308 ARIZONA KOSHER GETAWAY Beautiful villas with heated pool on gorgeous property in Casa Grande, Arizona, available for rent. Reasonable rates! Arizonakoshergetaway@ call/text 347-2245574
HELP WANTED GREAT OPPORTUNITY FOR THE RIGHT CANDIDATE Looking to hire a Full-Time Coordinator/Secretary for a variety of administrative and coordination tasks. Heimishe office, enjoyable environment, PTO and Yom Tov benefits. Send your resume to employeeslovetoworkhere@
The Monsey View
POSITION AVAILABLE Bookkeeping company looking for an experience and organized individual for an implementation position with the ability to develop and maintain new systems efficiently. Min. 3 years bookkeeping experience. hrofficeposition386@gmail. com EMPLOYEE NEEDED A multi-girl office is looking for a full-time energetic female employee with good communication and phone skills, the ability to multitask, and the ability to learn quickly. Bookkeeping experience is a must. A pleasant working environment and well-paid for the right individual. Please email DRIVER WANTED Looking for a driver to do trips for employees with a 15-passenger van. Must be available from 8:00 am - 9:30 am and 5:00 pm - 6:30 pm. Phone: 845-2059862 Email: MGrunwald@ ENJOY TEACHING? Join us! Local Cheder is looking to hire an ELA/ Math teacher for 7th grade from 3:45-5:25. $2,000+ monthly. Email resume to or call/text 845-450-1489 and leave a msg.
November 9, 2022 · 845.600.8484
real estate N help wanted N
TEACHING POSITIONS Yeshiva Spring Valley (boys) of Monsey is now accepting resumes for the General Studies department for September 2022 - ‘23 School Year. Following Positions available: • Lower Elementary School Teacher (M-TH 12:45-4:00); • Title1 English Language Arts (ELA) Teacher • Teacher’s Assistants (M-TH 12:45-4:00) Teaching experience a must. Professional atmosphere and competitive salary. Please include references and email to gss@yeshivaspringvalley. org or FAX to 845-356-8551 BAS MIKROH is seeking qualified staff to join our dynamic, talented team: Hebrew and English Permanent Substitutes, Co-Teachers and assistants. Please email resume to hr@ Bas Mikroh has an on-site daycare for Staff children. JOIN US Looking for capable, warm, & dedicated assistant teachers to work with master teachers. Please call 845-270-8796 or email your resume to pfriedland@chedermonsey. org. SWIFT STAFFING is seeking to hire additional recruiters. Part-time & Flexible hours. Email your resume to Info@
DO YOU LOVE BABIES/ TODDLERS? Bas Mikroh Daycare is seeking a full day assistant, a permanent sub, and an afternoon babysitter. Please email resume to hr@ IMMEDIATE OPENING Seeking General Studies teachers for upper elementary grades for the 22-23 school year. Experience preferred. Please submit resume to resumes@ YESHIVA SPRING VALLEY GIRLS Seeking the following Staff for the 22-23 school year: *Teachers’ Assistants for grades 1-4. *Title I Remedial Teacher *1st Grade Title I Inclusion mentor. M-Th PM hours. Competitive salaries, warm supportive and growth oriented environment. Email resume: treitzer@ and call (845) 356-1400 ext. 223 THE PLEASURE WITHOUT THE PRESSURE The pleasure of working with special needs children without the pressure of preparing & coordinating. Join our dedicated staff as a special needs playgroup assistant. Small Groups. Hot meals. Excellent Pay. FT and PT options available. Reach out monseyplaygroup@
Classifieds TITLE ONE MENTORS Cheder Chabad of Monsey is seeking title one mentors daily from 2:00pm till 4:00pm. Growing school and a warm and friendly environment. Please call 612 408 1775 or email ygoldberg@ for more details.
OFFICE POSITION Office in Monsey is seeking a capable individual for an open position within the finance department. Great opportunity with potential, good pay and Heimish environment. Please email resume to chaimm@
TEACHERS WANTED Monsey Bais Yaakov is looking for Preschool co-teachers/ assistants, Title 1 Teacher, and 6th Grade ELA and Science Teacher. Excellent pay and amazing environment! Apply today! Email resume to: or call: 845.362.3166.
EXECUTIVE SALES ASSISTANT A Heimisha Financial services office in Spring Valley NY is seeking a full time female to join our female team. Responsibilities include scheduling, client relations, etc. Candidate must have excellent verbal (telephone), & writing skills, mathematics, Quickbooks, computer proficiency and ability to multi-task. For more information please email your resume to
SALES HELP New women’s clothing store looking for F/T P/T salesgirls. Well paid, great opportunity! Sunday a must! Please text/ whatsapp 347.388.6427 JOBS AVAILABLE
Part-time & Full-time jobs available. Email TopPartTimeJobs@
The Monsey View
TUTOR WANTED Chassidishe cheder looking for a male tutor for title one. 3:30-5:30. Please call 8452637445
November 9, 2022 · 845.600.8484
help wanted N
EVENING RECEPTIONIST Seeking to fill an Evening receptionist and medical billing position. Great working environment. Please email your resume and specify which job you’re applying for. HR@ RECEPTIONIST AND DATA MANAGEMENT Tech-based office is looking for an energetic & mature individual for client assistance and data management. Must be a quick learner, possess strong multi-tasking and interpersonal skills, and be proficient in English and Yiddish. Tech-savvy is a plus. Email tm8455384712@gmail. com, fax 845-209-3145, or leave a message at 845-3931824. ABA THERAPIST Seeking ABA therapist to work Monday - Thursday 10:30am -3:30pm and Friday 10:00am-12:00pm. Yiddish speaking preferred. Call/Text (603) 403-7332
CUSTOMER SERVICE REP Insurance company seeking Customer Service Rep. Well paid position with excellent potential for growth. Office experience and insurance knowledge a plus but not required. Please email resume to rlevine@ SEEKING SECRETARY Experienced bookkeeper/ executive assistant wanted for local real estate office understanding of basic accounting & bookkeeping, A/P, A/R, Knowledge in QB & Excel. Flexible hours and well paid. Submit your resume to EMPLOYEE NEEDED A multi-girl office is looking for a full-time energetic female employee with good communication and phone skills, the ability to multitask, and the ability to learn quickly. A pleasant working environment and well-paid for the right individual. Please email
The Monsey View
November 9, 2022 · 845.600.8484
Classifieds F/T POSITION Full time position operating printing and finishing machines. Great benefits package. Basic computer skills a must. Willing to train. Send resume to jobs@ or for more info call 845-499-4057. AMAZING OPPORTUNITY! Local property Management Company is looking for a f/t secretary. office Experience required. Great environment, Great pay. Please email resume to OFFICE POSITION Local Women’s office is looking to hire a full time secretary. Office experience preferred. Great pay for the right candidate. Please Call 845-205 -0910 or Email: P/T OFFICE POSITION Office in Chestnut Ridge looking to hire a part time worker for basic office work. Prior office experience required. Please email resume to reinys10@gmail. com ADMINISTRATIVE SECRETARY. A local girls school is looking for an administrative secretary. Please send in your resume to monseyschool1213@gmail. com WE’RE HIRING! Upscale jewelry store in monsey is looking to hire a part time energetic sales lady. Sunday’s included. Please email resume:
The Monsey View
HELP WANTED עס ווערט געזוכט א היימישע אינגערמאן צו לערנען מיט א יעדן6:30-5:00 אינגל אין ישיבה פאר אינטערסירטע ביטע.טאג 646-938-2374 רופט HELP WANTED עס ווערט געזוכט א היימישע אינגערמאן צו ארבעטן מיט א אדער1:00-9:00 אינגל אין חדר פאר. מוז האבן א קאר5:00-1:00 646- אינטערסירטע ביטע רופט 938-2374 GREAT SALES POSITION Be Your Own Boss! “Be in business for yourself not by yourself” best training + support provided, great benefits and retirement package. Please email or call 845-639-5216 JOB OPPORTUNITY Creative Problem Solving Job Opportunity. Software company located in Monsey looking to hire a full time assistant/project manager. Great opportunity for the right candidate, beginners welcome! email resume: hr@ BOOKKEEPING POSITION Monsey Insurance office on Robert Pitt Drive seeks Bookkeeper, 25-30 hours a week, experience preferred but not required. Please email resume to jobs@ SECRETARY JOB Lighting company with growing office in Airmont looking to hire fast-learning secretary/admin assistant, full time position, female office. Please email resume to
November 9, 2022 · 845.600.8484
help wanted N
PROJECT MANAGER Insurance company seeking Project Manager. Well paid position with excellent potential for growth. Insurance knowledge a plus but not required. Please email resume to rlevine@ FULL TIME POSITIONS
Heimishe office in Monsey looking to hire for multiple full-time positions, graduate/ entry level ok. Please email resume: sammy@ or call 845-603-8206 SUPERVISOR WANTED We are looking to hire a full-time employee for a supervisory position to oversee a team of Care Managers providing individuals with services. Excellent pay and benefits. Supervisory experience required. Send resume to myofficejobmonsey@gmail. com. MALE COORDINATOR WANTED We are looking to hire a responsible yingerman to be a coordinator in our busy office. Heimishe environment. Excellent pay and growth potential. Send your resume to AMAZON JOB OPP. An Amazon company in Monsey is looking to hire a female, Basic Amazon Experience / Knowledge is a *MUST*. flexible hours. great pay for the right candidate. Email resume to TheDesk43@
DO YOU HAVE A BA DEGREE? We are looking for a competent employee to coordinate services. Candidate should be organized, quick learner, with good communication skills. BA required. Send resume to Jobopening142@ POSITIONS AVAILABLE Local behavioral office is seeking licensed social workers or MHCs for various openings. Please email your resume to hr@daaswellness. com SEEKING EMPLOYEE We are looking to hire a parttime/ full-time employee for a variety of coordinating tasks. Individual should be a quick learner and detail oriented. Paid holidays, Yom Tov, vacation, sick leave. Please send resume to: joboffersmonsey58@gmail. com. JOB OPPORTUNITY Seeking to hire an employee who has a working knowledge of training software or minimal experience with the compliance process. Excellent pay with lots of growth potential. Paid holidays and sick leave. Great opportunity for the right candidate. Please send your resume to recruitmentdepartment845@gmail. com. OFFICE POSITION Heimishe local business is looking to hire a fulltime office secretary with excellent communication & office skills. Send resume to
The Monsey View
November 9, 2022 · 845.600.8484
Classifieds LOOKING FOR HOME Looking for a heimishe, warm, chassidishe home in Monsey willing to host a 12 year old healthy, heimishe girl for approximately 1 year. Very well paid. Call 917-2951353 TEACHERS’ ASSISTANTS Local Elementary Girls’ school looking for capable Teachers’ Assistants. Good pay. Please fax resume to: 845-352-6571. 150+ JOB OPENINGS!
Stop wasting your time going through all the jobs classifieds. Simply email your resume to Info@ to explore your options & maximize your career. Or Call/Text/ WhatsApp 732-800-7633 Strictly confidential & completely free. EXCELLENT OPPORTUNITY! Are you looking to start working again part time, in an excellent environment with children? BY Elementary looking to hire an afternoon, (or full day) co-teacher for first grade, to assist with struggling students and classroom needs. Great hours, following the school calendar (no Fridays, Sundays, YT or summer) and great pay (comparable to secretary’s) but no computer skills required. Fantastic opportunity for the right person! Please send in your resume to resumes@… or call 845 368 2247 and leave a message on ext 106.
The Monsey View
JOB OPPORTUNITY Join our Monsey Office! Receive full training in Nursing Home Financials. Competitive salary and free health insurance. Located at Rela, moving shortly to Rober Pitt. Send resume to PURCHASING/ ACCOUNT ASSISTANT Office in Suffern NY is looking for an P/T-F/T Purchasing/Account assistant with good Computer and CSR skills. Good compensation package. Email resume to BOOKKEEPING ASSISTANT Seeking female bookkeeping assistant. eturnheim@ LOW VOLTAGE Company looking to hire ambitious individual, no experience needed. Should be handy and comfortable in construction environment. Email resume1621@gmail. com. CUSTOMER SERVICE POSITION Seeking motivated and organized girl for customer service position. Beginners welcome. Great pay for right candidate! Email resume to
BABYSITTING BABYSITTING Age: Newborn babies- 6 months old. 3 babies only. Located on Calvert Drive. Hours: 9:15-3:15. Please call/ text 845-641-9009.
November 9, 2022 · 845.600.8484
help wanted N babysitting N services N
BABYSITTER AVAILABLE Experienced babysitter in Oak Glen area has few slots available. Hours 9-4. 5+ hours only. Call/text 347-988-0333
SERVICES REGISTERED DIETITIAN – NUTRITIONIST Is your weight constantly on your mind? Repair your relationship with food. Improve your health and body image. Uncover your self-worth. Miriam Shurpin MS RD CDN, Registered Dietitian – Nutritionist. 347 480 1670,,, In-person and Telehealth consultations TORAHANYTIME.COM On demand Torah lectures Video-Audio-download All for free Computer or App for iPhone/Android Or Hotline 718-298-2077. Yiddish Hebrew - English ARROWSMITH Is your child still in the same place after all that tutoring?Join Arrowsmith, a research based program that strengthens the brain and eliminates learning disabilities. Call Mrs Feuer 914-260-6449 NIFLAOS HABORAI Daily Niflaos Haborai shiur 1-2 minutes. Shiur calls you (Choice of 8:45 AM- 1:15 PM- 2:45 PM- 6:15 PM- 7:45 PM- 9:15 PM) Also available on WhatsApp. To Join: Call or text: 313-NIFLAOS (313-6435267) Sample: 908-280-4488
MAKEUP BY DEVOIRY GROSS Specializing in eidele natural makeup. Making u look like yourself but beautiful!! For appt 917-776-1045 KEYBOARD LESSON Keyboard lessons over the phone. Call or text Mrs. S. Rosenberg 732-364-1531 MUSIC LESSONS ON THE PHONE Mr. Wertzberger’s Music School offering music lessons on the phone, ages 9-15 boys and girls. Try it free! 718-4351923 PETTICOATS FOR RENT!
Enhance your gown with just the right petticoat! Kids and adults petticoats for rent! In the Bates area. Please Call or text between 8:30-10pm 845-746-7248 !מזל טוב כלה And dear yiddishe mother. Give your daughter the gift of a lifetime of happiness & שלום ביתwith the marriage summit, 18 life changing classes with top marriage experts. For less than the price of a שבע ברכותoutfit, have the peace of mind knowing that your daughter has the tools, & השקפה resources to be happily married. Call 929-286-9900 #2 or www.chanyfelberbaum. com FLY HIGH BALLOONS Biggest selection of balloons for all occasions in the Weiner drive area call 8454223988/ Flyhighbal@
November 9, 2022
The Monsey View · 845.600.8484
The Monsey View
November 9, 2022 · 845.600.8484
November 9, 2022
The Monsey View · 845.600.8484
Classifieds KANGEN WATER “Change your Water.. Change your life” Alkaline - AntiOxidant - Super Hydrating Call for FREE supply and feel AMAZING! 917-681-0003 KEYBOARD LESSONS Keyboard lessons By Miri. Great Prices! Call 845-4267561 or 845-263-6437
PICK UPS 845-461-3084 LOW VOLTAGE We install Security Camares, Intercoms, Speakers, phone & internet wiring, and everything low Voltage 845664-3148 MASSAGE THERAPY --In The Comfort of Home-*Swedish *Deep Tissue *Lymph *Craniosacral Therapy Call Sarah: 845596-1373 GARTLECH we fix knitted & crochet Gartlech & make beautiful professional fringes. We also teach how to knit & crochet. call: 917-414-3281
The Monsey View
PROFESSIONAL HAIRCUTS & STYLING Great prices. Call Miri 845426-7561 CUSTOM CLOSETS For all your custom closets please call or text 1347.522.4872 EARPIERCING 12 years experience. Wide selection. Call/text: 845-5387986 PHOTO ALBUMS Professional photo albums for all occasions at a great rate. Reach out to: 845-587-9286 / DEBT RELIEF having trubble with finances? join Debtors Anonymous Tuesday night @ 19 Robert Pitt # 113 , 7:30-8:30pm. visit www.
ODDS & ENDS WOODWORKING Spacious well-equipped woodworking shop available for use. Pay on a monthly basis. Call for details 845290-5852
November 9, 2022 · 845.600.8484
services N odds & ends N gowns N
SEEKING DONATIONS Of toys, arts & crafts, or supplies, in good condition, for a Heimishe Moised. Call 845.500.3100
CHASUNAH DRESS Gorgeous off white and black Elegant Chasunah Dress size 8-10 for sale/rent. Call 845422-6868
FEMALE AIDE free room and board. Allowance too. 718-576-4511
KALLAH/GIRLS WHITE GOWNS Pristine lace Kallah gown size 4 to sell. 2 White lace girl’s gowns sale/rent size 10-12 & 14-16. Call 845-587-1408
GOLD GOWN Adorable gold gown by Dassy available to buy or rent. Toddler size 4. Call 422-5596 for more info
WHITE GOWN Magnificent Rumpler white gown size 2 to sell. Worn once. Call 845-425-3168/929617-2596
OFF WHITE GOWNS Magnificent off white gowns sizes 0-2 and 6-8 for mature teenage girls for sale or rent. Please call 845-263-5650.
Silver/Grey colored gown size 2-4 8455380391 GIRLS CHASUNAH GOWN Very Elegant, Winter White trimmed with Black Velvet, girls size 12/14 for sale. Please Call 845-709-7161. MOTHER OF BRIDE Beautiful mother of bride gown for sale. Black and white. Size 10-12. Great price. Call/text 347-760-4649. BLACK MATERNITY GOWN Size XS gown for rent/sale. Call/text 646-334-6582
MOTHER OF BRIDE Beautiful mother of bride gown for sale. Black/white, size 2 petite. Call/text 347645-2913 WHITE LACE GOWNS Beautiful white, all lace children’s gowns sizes 4-5, 8 and 12 for sale or rent. Please call 845-263-5650.
November 9, 2022
The Monsey View · 845.600.8484
The Monsey View
November 9, 2022 · 845.600.8484
November 9, 2022
The Monsey View · 845.600.8484
Classifieds CHILDREN GOWNS Stunning Children Gowns for rent, from size 2 up to size 16, Best Prices! call 845-2744748, Located in New Square.
LOST Lost something? Found something? The Daily Return: Call/text: 845-538-0193, Email: monseydailyreturn@gmail. com diamond bracelet at the Harvest Ct. shul Oct 20. 347461-4938 Baby blanket 845-587-9838
FOUND Camera case with SD cards in Lafamila 845-826-0764 Gold bracelet with name Pessy (in Yiddish) in my Doona carriage 845-4253042 Wrap porch of Bais Medrash Elyon 425-3255
Ateres Chaya Sara Hall August 16 a bracelet by Kramarsky-Brim wedding. 845-356-3990 Pink baby bib’s pacifier with clip in Marshall Oct 26. 845356-3074 Grey baby shoe Francis Y’’T time 845-352-1539 Gray TeddyBear Security Blanket on Ellish and Crochet hat near 269 ADAR CT pls lv msg 845-535-9040 White/gold tablecloth with fringes on edges Grove Street R”H. Call 845-709-4106
FREE GIVEAWAYS Black wool coat single breasted sz 14 excellent condition 347-243-1143 4 drawer metal file cabinet. Call or text 7184379638 Bekitche in good condition. Size 16M. Call/text 845-7094069. Dryer from previous owner 323-528-1122
few weeks ago, a Yiddish comics book in a La Familia taxi 845-352-2217 gold and diamond loop earring on 306 Calvert/ Blauvelt area before yt. 845352-2542 Grey fringed baby shoe near Kiviosh Shul West Central 3711765
The Monsey View
LATE ADS LIFEGUARD Looking for a lifeguard to give swimming lessons (indoor pool) to a 7 year old girl. Please reach out to 845426-2199 ext. 1637.
November 9, 2022 · 845.600.8484
gowns N lost & found N free giveaways N late ads N
DRAFTING POSTION Growing Construction company is looking for an Individual with CAD/ REVIT experience to join our Detailing & Drafting team. We will provide industry specific training. Active environment. Please call or email 845-774-8647 Ext 103, MOTHER’S HELPER Looking for a mother’s helper to help with light housework; serving supper; doing homework and playing with the children. Afternoon hours. Get paid while doing chessed! Rewarding opportunity! Please call 845426-2199 ext. 1653. 5 BEDROOM APT Beautiful 5 bedroom apartment for rent available immediately! Call/text 845377-6751 PROJECT MANAGER Construction company looking for a full time in office Project Manager. Male/ Female. Send resume to
APTS FOR RENT We can help you find the perfect Apt/House for your family. 845-243-0333 GOWN FOR RENT/SALE Magnificent black trimmed with white married sister of bride gown for rent/sale. Size 4-6. Call/text 845-598-3433. 2 BEDROOM APT Brand new 2 Bedroom walk-in apartment for rent available immediately in New Hempstead. Washer/dryer, fridge and oven included. Great for chassan/kalah. Contact (845)262-9009 HELP WANTED Looking for girl or woman to work very part time with an individual in an engaging manner at a dayhab program. Please call Haddasa Yankovitch at 845-354-3233 ext. 1158 MUTSY STROLLER SALE Brand new, Mutsy EVO strollers (not travel). Sale Only $100! (Regular $400). Many satisfied customers already. For more info/pics Text/call - 845-521-6871
P H O T O C R E D I T: J D N
הכנסת ספר תורה לביהמ”ד דחסידי באבוב במאנסי ע”י הנגיד ר’ אהרן אונגער לע”נ חותנו ר’ אברהם גוטמאן ע”ה מנכ”ל גשמי ישיבת עטרת שלמה באבוב במאנסי
קינדער אין תלמוד תורה דמאנסי לערנען די מצוה פון הכנסת אורחים
The Monsey View
P H O T O C R E D I T: J D N
Groundbreaking event at Yeshivah Ohr Naftoli in New Windsor
The Monsey View
P H O T O C R E D I T: J D N
שמחת התנאים בבית סקווירא -זוועהיל -קרעטשניף
סיום על מסכת כתובות במתיבתא שערי ארזים ע”י הבה”ח יעקב זאב קרייזער בהשתתפות גאב”ד טאהש מאנסי
האדמו”ר מצאנז זוועהיל בדרשת פתיחת הזמן בישיבה גדולה והיכל הכולל
The Monsey View
מעמד אהבת התורה וסיום מסכת כתובות שע״י קהל קנין תורה עירמאנט מוצש״ק פרשת נח
מעמד "חלקינו" סיום מסכת יבמות והתחלת מסכת כתובות
שנלמד ע"י חבורות ובהם נהגה דק"ק וויען מאנסי בהשתתפות כ"ק אדמו"ר מוויען שליט"א
אחד מבני החבורה
הרבני הנגיד ר' הערשל שפיטץ הי"ו
התחלה מסכת כתובות
הרבני הנגיד ר' מנחם מארקאוויטש הי"ו
יושב ראש
הרב עזריאל מנחם ליכטמאן שליט"א
סיום מסכת יבמות
הרב שלמה ברוך פרענקל שליט"א יושב ראש ובהם נהגה מאנסי
The Monsey View
Contents FYI: CHAIRS
// Inside
פרשת וירא ט”ו חשון תשפ”ג
Inside Joyful Walls CAPTURE THE SPARKS!
Home organization made easy
Designing a home takes more than just creativity
Can a negative nature be overcome?
ATTENTION PACK YOUR SNACK PARTICIPANTS: Call The Monsey View to join the list of prize claimers! D E TA I L S I N S I D E
YOEL ITZKOWITZ Editor in Chief:
D. GORALNIK Content Editor:
118 //
126 //
134 //
Week in Review
144 //
The Last Rebbe of Lodz
154 //
The Long Road to Freedom
163 //
174 //
No Mess, No Distress
184 //
In Pursuit of Positivity
198 //
Render Me a Home
217 //
Sweet Motherhood
222 //
226 //
228 //
Fun Pages
236 //
260 //
Associate Editor:
E.M. NEIMAN Food Editor:
M.P. WERCBERGER Creative Director:
AJ WACHSMAN Project Coordinator:
THE MONSEY VIEW P.O. Box 305 Monsey N.Y. 10952
845-600-8484 845-600-8483 Website:
MISSION STATEMENT: The Monsey View is a weekly publication designed for every segment and age group of our diverse community. Under rabbinical guidance, we bring Monsey’s top talent together to provide high-quality, informative and current reading material, keeping you up to date on sales, events, news and issues of concern and import happening right now in the Monsey community. DISCLAIMER: We do not endorse any ad found in this publication. We are not responsible for typographical or grammatical errors. COPYRIGHT: All content found in The Monsey View is copyright and may not be reproduced, published, distributed or duplicated for public or private use without written permission from The Monsey View. Limit one (1) per family
The Monsey View
November 9, 2022 · 845.600.8484