Issue 374

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FREE ISSUE 374 NOVEMBER 23, 2022 תודלות תשרפ ג”פשת ןושח ט”כ FYI: AEROBATICS AN EMERGENCY MID-AIR When engines shut down and windows explode LETTING GO OF TERRA FIRMA How a frum pilot took to the skies REMEMBER THOSE PAPER TICKETS? Inside the travel industry revolution Community Outreach Center opens its senior-support division for Monsey families MASSIVE BLACK FRIDAY SALES TOWN SQUARE MALL SEE ADS STARTING ON PAGE 116 EVERGREEN UPTOWN MALL SEE ADS STARTING ON PAGE 62
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MEDICAL MARVELS (Re: Dr. Robot?, Issue 373)

Thanks for such an informative read! As a medical biller for an interventional urological radiologist, I really enjoyed reading all about robotic surgery. While growing in my field of coding and billing, I am fascinated each time anew when I learn about the wonderful interven tions that are being created to heal mankind. But ultimately, we all know it’s Hashem Who is behind every refuah Baila Berger really did a great job describing the latest medical interventions out there. Keep those articles coming!


NOT TO BE GLORIFIED (The Surgical Imposter, Issue 373)

Thank you for the informative and interesting reading material you provide. However, please refrain from printing features like that about the conman with a scalpel. Why glorify lying and stealing in a paper for frum Yidden? Evil sins like it are no laughing matter and definitely not fit for print.

INBOX // Talk of Town תשרפל םינמז תודלות תורנה תקלדה ץינזיוו אריווקס 4:12 4:00 4:05 תבש יאצומ 5:43 5:26 5:45 6255 356-mall 845 ONE NUMBER all your needs.
Williamsburg • Lakewood
Monsey 27 Orchard Street Monsey, NY
845-425-8010 BORO PARK 4714 13th Avenue Brooklyn, NY 11219 718-435-8697
MONSEY, NY WEATHER FORECAST THURSDAY 49°/38° 6% FRIDAY 52°/42° 91% MONDAY 41°/26° 12% SHABBOS 49°/37° 58% TUESDAY 39°/28° 0% SUNDAY 51°/30° 25% WEDNESDAY 41°/33° 4% The Everest Equity Company, Inc. Registered Mortgage Broker New York State Department of Financial Services. Mortgage Broker Licensed by the New Jersey Department of Banking and Insurance. Licensed Mortgage Broker CT, PA, FL and NC Banking Departments. Loans arranged through third party providers. Company NMLS ID 12484 8 4 5 3 5 7 6 9 0 0 • n f o @ e v e r e s t e q u t y c o m • e v e r e s t e q u t y c o m 2 E X E C U T V E B L V D S U T E 2 0 1 • S U F F E R N , N Y 1 0 9 0 1 154 845.600.8484 The Monsey View November 23, 2022


(Re: That Very First Patient, Issue 373)

As I walked into the house after a hospital stay of several days, I was pleasantly surprised to see a write-up featured in The Monsey View related to my recent experience.

About two months ago, I was diagnosed with appendi citis, but was sent home from the hospital since the doctors claimed that the pain was due to an infected lymph node. After experiencing extreme pain a week ago, I went back to the hospital, and the medical team admitted that they had made a mistake. I was immediately administered treatment and a day later went into surgery for an appendectomy.

After this painful and exhausting ordeal, it was so com forting to be validated with your beautiful articles! Thank you for addressing this topic just in time. Surely this was no coincidence!


(The Power of Positivity, Issue 372)

I immensely enjoyed the article by Ruchy Reese on posi tivity. I’m planning on snipping the article to read it again. It’s so well written and so practical! I immediately had to call my sister to make sure she read it too!


(Re: There’s Always a Story, Inbox, Issue 370)

I’d like to comment on the letters written in response the shopper who was frustrated regarding cutting lines in stores.

The Chofetz Chaim cites many halachos in regard to to’eles, one example being that it is permissible to discuss one’s wrongdoing if you are trying to teach others right from wrong. In fact, you are even allowed to specify in order to keep people from doing an aveirah! (E.g., “Technology is being used inappropriately in so-and-so’s home. Please refrain from continuing to visit.”) However, you should condemn the action as opposed to slamming the person. (Saying “Your friend is a baal averiah” would not be okay.)

The writer of the above-referenced letter wrote that writ ing negatively about a certain group in Klal Yisroel is lashon hara. That would be the case had the original letter-writer written, “The Monsey community cuts lines.” That would mean targeting a specific group of people.

However, raising general awareness about issues that need a tikkun always has been done and should continue being done, if only for the fact that Klal Yisroel truly is good and kind — yet many are simply unaware of how they might be hurting others. (Please note that the original letter had no names or identifying details!)

There is definitely to’eles in making people aware to

THE MONSEY VIEW WELCOMES YOUR COMMENTS, FEEDBACK AND LETTERS. EMAIL: FAX: 845-600-8483 MAIL: The Monsey View, POB 305, Monsey, NY 10952 156 845.600.8484 The Monsey View November 23, 2022

improve their middos via public (anonymous) platforms. Where would we be today without all the kol korahs and kinusim involving tznius, shmiras halashon and technology?

Additionally, the dan l’kaf zechus factor can just as well be attributed to the woman “seething” over her additional wait time. How would you know just how desperately she needed to be home herself — for all of the reasons you mentioned?

We can all use improvement, each in a different area. For some it may be dan l’kaf zechus; for others kavod habriyos, patience or care not to steal time from others. As tzaddimim used to say, klapei Shamayim, we are all righteous and holy; down here is where we are obligated to give tochacha so we can all improve in avodas Hashem

Many thanks,


(Re: Pack Your Snack)

The snack contest was amazing and just what we needed! But does anyone know what’s happening from the school’s side? Are parents aware of what food your children’s schools are serving? As a teacher, I am constantly surprised at the breakfast, lunch and snacks served.

I understand that schools want the students to eat as part of specific funded programs, but at what price? A lot of foods once considered “Shabbos treats,” like sweetened cereal, have become everyday breakfast at school, and the girls are expected to learn and focus after that. It is disappointing that the “fruits” served are oftentime juices containing more sugar than we’d like to think. Is yogurt with chocolate or candies what we want the kids to eat on a daily basis?

I want to extend a special thank you to all the schools out there who do make it their business to care about the whole child by serving food that’s good for them.


(Re: Pack Your Snack)

Thank you for the healthy snack contest! My kids loved it. They never took fruits or vegetables to school before, and we hope to continue this great habit they picked up. I got feedback from the mother of my son’s friend that her son, too, wants to bring healthy snacks like my son does.

Thank you!


An Appreciative Mother

I recently attended a class reunion, and while having an enjoyable time rehashing old memories and catching up with the latest goings-on, the topic of discussion traveled to The Monsey View. Everyone was raving about your great content and recipes and how they look forward to it every Wednesday. One woman mentioned that her husband knows he better come home Wednesday evening with The Monsey View, because otherwise his wife will not be pleased.

Keep up your great work!

158 845.600.8484 The Monsey View November 23, 2022
A Grateful Reader
YOU PACKED SNACKS PACKED FULL OF GOODNESS. IT’S TIME TO… DRUMROLL!... COME GET YOUR FANNY PACKS! Congratulations to the lucky winner of the personalized school package by Your Truly! CONTACT THE MONSEY VIEW TO CLAIM YOUR PRIZE! Rivky Weiss 845-XXX-2365 | BAIS TRANY The Great Big Fanny Pack Pickup! PICKUP DATES: Monday, November 28 Tuesday, November 29 Wednesday, November 30 AT TOYS 4 U IN THE SHOPPERS HAVEN MALL Please find and circle your name on the list, and bring it in to Toys 4 U to claim your prize. ANNOUNCING 165 845.600.8484 November 23, 2022 The Monsey View

Adina Tova Mendlowitz, xxx-0225, BYCC

Agi Levy, xxx-1213, Belz

Ahrela Leichtag, xxx-2710, Bobov

Aidy Brecher, xxx2553, Beis Esther

Aidy Eagle, xxx-2982, Bais Trany

Aigy Schwartz, xxx5383, Bais Trany

Avigayil Nahmani, 516xxx-6689, Ashar

Avigayil Sabri, xxx-6261, Bais Shifra Miriam

Avrohom Ginz, xxx0705, Bais Dovid

B. K., xxx-4393, Satmar

Baila Chaya Unger, xxx-3214, Skvere

Baila Eigner, xxx-0364, Satmar

Baila Horowitz, xxx-4781

Baila Kleinman, xxx-4608, Vien

Baily Berger, xxx-5514, Skvere

Baily Grunwald, xxx-1626, Pupa

Baily Rapaport, xxx-6585, Viznitz

Baily Rosenberg, xxx3906, Bobov

Baily Schwartz, xxx-0159, Skvere

Baily Ziffer, xxx-4843, Satmar

Bas-Sheva Weiss, xxx3454, Bas Mikroh

Bassy Farkas, xxx5239, Klausenburg

Bassy Mendlowitz, xxx-7586, Satmar

Bassy Tennenbaum, xxx-6374, Vien

Batsheva Herzl, xxx-5605, Skvere

Batsheva Weiss, xxx3454, Bas Mikroh

Beilu Meiseles, 347xxx-0985, Satmar

Bentzion Bluming, xxx5418, Skvere Monsey

Betty Spielman, xxx0633, Satmar

Bini Horowitz, xxx-4781

Blima Stern, xxx-1480, Pupa

Blima Tarkieltaub, xxx-3516, Viznitz

Blimi Apter, xxx-2615, Bais Trany

Blimy Dershowitz, xxx-0956, Satmar

Blimy Jaroslawitz, xxx-2212, Bais Rachel Blumenberg

Blimy Koth, xxx-2979, Belz

Blimy Kramer, 347xxx-3979, Satmar

Blimy Landau, xxx-6657, Satmar

Blimy Neuschloss, xxx-2368, Bobov

Blimy Neustadt, xxx2130, Bais Trany

Blimy Sternberg, xxx-5037, Belz

Blimy Teitelbaum, xxx0748, Bais Trany

Bluma Raizel Hoffman, xxx-0989, Vien

Bracha Ciment, xxx0577, Munkatch

Bracha Leah Joseph, 917-xxx-

1906, Bais Yaakov Elementary

Bracha Wicentowsky, xxx-3201, Bais Yaakov Elementary

Brachale Braun, xxx-0272, Skvere

Braindy Krausz, xxx-2680, Pupa

Braindy Rosenberg, xxx-0889, Viznitz

Brany Ganz, xxx-5314, Bais Rochel

Breindy Levy, xxx4256, Klausenberg

Brucha Goldy Zorger, xxx-5146, Satmar

Bruchy Blumenfeld, xxx-2080, Satmar

Bruchy Brotsztein, xxx-2972, Pupa

Bruchy Eger, xxx-2357, Satmar

Bruchy Felberbaum, xxx-0956, Skvere

Bruchy Rosenberg, xxx5750, Ateres Bunos

Bruchy Schwimmer, xxx-0328, Satmar

Bruchy Zwiebel, xxx0831, Satmar

C. Landau, xxx-5637, Satmar

Chaim Wicentowsky, xxx-3201, Yeshiva Ketana Toras Chaim

Chana Brana Weber, xxx-3729, Bais Rochel

Chana Gitty Keiser, xxx-0499, Bobov

Chana Klein, xxx3946, Bais Rochel

Chana Malky Wachsman, xxx-2101, Bobov

Chana Mindy Ungar, xxx-1324, Bais Trany

Chanie Sekulah, xxx-0009, Pupa

Chany Austerlitz, xxx-4717, Belz

Chany Braun, xxx-1279, Skvere

Chany Dresdner, xxx-0385

Chany Eidlis, xxx-1485, Sanz

Chany Grossman, xxx-6393, Skvere

Chany Klein, xxx3946, Beis Rochel

Chany Klein, xxx-2812

Chany Lungar, xxx-5953, Skvere

Chany Neiman, xxx-0036, Viznitz

Chany Nitzlich, xxx-5137, Skvere

Chany Stern, xxx-0802, Viznitz

Chany Wachsman, xxx2796, Bais Trany

Chany Wagschal, xxx1890, Satmar

Chany Wezberger, xxx-2923, Satmar

Chany Wolhendler, xxx-9723, Satmar

Chany Zabner, xxx0429, Bais Trany

Chany Zabner, xxx-2445, Skvere

Chava Kagan, xxx-2176, Bais Yaakov Elementary

Chava Rivka Zilberman, xxx-3064, Sanz

Chava Ruchela Guttman, xxx-0250, Vien

Chava Yitty Deutsch,

xxx-2858, Viznitz

Chavi Freund, xxx-3035, Bobov

Chavy Einhorn, xxx-5075, Skvere

Chavy Flohr, xxx-00113, Bais Shifra Miriam

Chavy Freund, xxx-3035, Bobov

Chavy Grunwald, xxx1307, Skvere

Chavy Matylas, xxx-1711, Skvere Chavy Schick, xxx-6973, Bobov Chavy Slomiuc, xxx-0674, Viznitz

Chavy Teitelbaum, xxx0748, Bais Trany

Chaya Baily Hass, xxx-3731, Viznitz

Chaya Bluma Kraus, xxx-6521, Bas Mikroh

Chaya Bruchy Pollack, xxx-3437, Viznitz

Chaya Dirnfeld, xxx-1691, Skvere Chaya Faigy Kohn, xxx-6240, Pupa

Chaya Faigy Lieberman, xxx-7304, Toras Emachu

Chaya Fischer, xxx3682, Bas Yisroel

Chaya Gitty Fogal, xxx6885, Bas Yisroel

Chaya Gitty Solomon, xxx-1306, Viznitz

Chaya Goldy Zeitlin, xxx-2350, PAS

Chaya Horowitz, xxx2968, Bais Trany

Chaya Miriam Breuer, xxx-1934, Skvere

Chaya Mittel, xxx-0665, Bais Yaakov Elementary Chaya Pessy Bixenspan, xxx-0809, Bobov

Chaya Rechy Binik, xxx-8235, Bobov

Chaya Rechy Erps, xxx-0048, Vien Chaya Rechy Horowitz, xxx-4871, Bobov

Chaya Rosenfeld, xxx0513, Skvere

Chaya Ruchelle Spitz, xxx-1348, Ateres Bunes

Chaya Schwartz, xxx4764, Viznitz

Chaya Shaindy Bleich, xxx-5398, Satmar

Chaya Shaindy Einhorn, xxx-7382, Bais Rochel

Chaya Sury Breines, xxx-9743, Bobov

Chaya Sury Schiff, xxx-3979, Pupa

Chaya Sury Walter, xxx4972, Ateres Bunos

Chayale Brach, 929-xxx6754, Ateres Bunes

Chayale Bretter, xxx6318, Bais Trany

Chayale Donenberg, xxx-1041, Belz

Chayale Eisenberger, xxx-5478, Skvere

Chayale Flohr, xxx-0013, Bais Shifra Miriam

Chayale Kaufman, xxx-0940, Pupa

chayale Ungar, xxx2047, Bais Trany

Chayele Weil, xxx-8491, Ateres Bunes

Chayele Bretter, xxx6318, Bais Trany

Chesky Felberbaum, xxx-1740, Klausenburg

Chevy Grossberg, xxx7635, Satmar

Chevy Neiman, xxx-0036, Viznitz Chini Nussbaum, xxx-3442, Bais Shifra Miriam

Chumy Schweitzer, xxx-5641, Belz

Devoiry Breuer, xxx0119, Bais Trany

Devoiry Eisenberg, xxx-0205, Skvere

Devoiry Lebovits, xxx6386, Viznitz

Devoiry Spira, xxx-1571, Skvere Devoiry Spira, xxx-1498, Viznitz

Dina Benjamine, 347-xxx6363, Bais Rochel

Dina Bloch, xxx-2217, Belz Dina Frankel, xxx-9192, Bobov Dina Rosenbaum, xxx0504, Bais Rochel

Dini Breuer, xxx-2252, Bais Trany

Dini Eisenberg, xxx-0205, Skvere

Dini Feig, xxx-0420, Viznitz Dini Ganz, xxx-6493, Viznitz

Dini Laufer, xxx-0399, Toras Emachu

Dini Lungar, xxx-6564, Skvere

Dini Schwartz, xxx4521, Bais Trany

Dini Silberman, xxx-0660, Skvere

Dini Spira, xxx-2572, Bais Shifrah Miriam

Dini Weisberger, xxx8254, Viznitz- Gibbers

Draizy Sabel, xxx-6588, Satmar Draizy Spitzer, xxx-0099, Skvere Duvid Schik, xxx-6973, Bobov

Elka Zissy Ganz, xxx-2250, Vien

Ella Silverman, xxx1195, Klausenburg

Esta Chavy Wachsman, xxx-2101, Bobov

Esther Brach, xxx-5989, Bais Yakov Elementry

Esther Leah Zilberman, xxx-3064, Sanz

Esther Malka Marmelstein, xxx-2228, Bais trany

Esther Masha Griffel, xxx-3296, Bobov

Esther Rochel Morgenstern, xxx-2723, Bais Rochel

Esther Ruchy Meth, xxx-6881

Esty Bayer, xxx-6120, Bas Yisroel

Esty Berger, xxx-3125, Skvere

Esty Birnhack, xxx-3516, Belz

Esty Brandwein, xxx-6502

Esty Bransdorfer, xxx9033, Bais Trany

Esty Feder, xxx-8773, Skvere

Esty Felberbaum,

xxx-3147, Skvere

Esty Fogal, xxx-6885, Bas Yisroel

Esty Frieder, xxx-9619, Skvere

Esty Frieder, xxx-9619, Skvere

Esty Grunwald, xxx-1635, Pupa

Esty Hochhauser, xxx4065, Bais Trany

Esty Israel, 718-xxx-7042, Bobov

Esty Kagan, xxx-2176, Bais Yaakov Elementary

Esty Lebovits, xxx-0326, Satmar

Esty Lunger, xxx-7729, Skvere

Esty Polatsek, xxx-6305, Bnos Alte Faiga

Esty Rosenblum, xxx8028, Skvere

Esty Rosenfeld, xxx-0513, Skvere

Esty Schick, xxx-6973, Bobov

Esty Schwimmer, xxx0328, Satmar

Esty Teitelbaum, xxx1234, Bnos Alte Faiga

Esty Weber, xxx-6992, Pupa Esty Weisz, xxx-6715, Ateres Bunos

Esty Wertzberger, xxx-5447, Sanz Ettu Thalheim, xxx-3725, Bais Yaakov Elementary

Etty Bader, xxx-3865, Bais Yaakov Elementary

Etty Dirnfeld, xxx-1691, Skvere

Etty Gold, xxx-3772, Bais Trany

Etty Green, xxx-9095, Bais Trany

Etty Rosenberg, xxx-5916, Bobov

Faidy Grossman, xxx6393, Skvere

Faiga Libby Tauber, xxx1654, Bais Trany

Faiga Mindy Rosenburg, xxx-3643, Satmar

Faiga Rochel Green, xxx-5131, Beis Yakov Elementry

Faiga Ruchela Mandel, xxx-0502, Satmar

Faigale Breuer, xxx-1934, Skvere

Faigy Birnhack, xxx-1333, Skvere

Faigy Bixenspan, xxx0809, Bobov

Faigy Breuer, xxx2252, Bais Trany

Faigy Epstein, xxx-8473

Faigy Felberbaum, xxx-3147, Skvere

Faigy Gelber, 718-xxx8750, Bnos Bina

Faigy Gross, xxx-0126, Belz

Faigy Hershkowitz, xxx4533, Klausenberg

Faigy Karpfen, xxx-7928, Satmar

Faigy Miller, xxx-5853, Ateres Bunos

Faigy Perl, xxx-4990, Viznitz

Faigy Polatsek, xxx-5129, Satmar

Faigy Roizy Gross, xxx-3260, Pupa

Faigy Rosenblum, xxx-8028, Skvere

Faigy Schlissel, 201xxx-8837, Sanz

166 845.600.8484 The Monsey View November 23, 2022

Faigy Silberman, xxx9397, Klausenberg

Faigy Steinberger, xxx-3537, Viznitz

Faigy Taub, xxx-2714

Faigy Weinberger, xxx8798, Satmar

Faigy Weiss, xxx-2128, Satmar

Frady Kaufman, xxx1404, Bais Trany

Frady Margaretten, xxx0707, Bais Trany

Frady Oster, xxx-2192, Belz

Frady Weber, xxx-3418, Belz

Fraida Rivky Wertzberger, xxx-3436, Satmar

Fraida Yitty Glick, xxx3813, Viznitz

Fraidy Brull, xxx-2487, Pupa

Fraidy Glick, xxx-4666, Viznitz

Fraidy Honig, xxx-0421, Bobov

Fraidy Loeb, xxx-5032, Satmar

Fraidy Pfeifer, xxx-9370, Pupa

Fraidy Rosengarten, xxx-0614, Bais Trany

Fraidy Taubenfeld, xxx2112, Bais Trany

Fraidy Ungar, xxx-0543, Skvere

Frimmy Schwartz, xxx-1747, Viznitz

Frimy Kahn, xxx-4510, Satmar

Frimy Lebovits, xxx2936, Klausenburg

Frimy Schwartz, xxx-1747, Viznitz

Frumi Surkis, xxx-0946

Gella Siegel, xxx-2582, Bais Rochel

Gitty Daskal, xxx-7297, Sanz

Gitty Eagle, xxx-2982, Bais Trany

Gitty Grunwald, xxx-7897, Pupa

Gitty Grunwald, xxx-1626, Pupa

Gitty Herzog, xxx-3430, Bobov

Gitty Kleinman, xxx-4846, Viznitz

Gitty Lichter, xxx-3605, Satmar

Gitty Monheit, xxx-6806, Belz

Gitty Parnes, xxx-2078, Belz

Gitty Rottenberg, xxx2954, Toras Emachu

Gitty Rottenberg, xxx-1490, Bobov

Gitty Spitz, xxx-2369, Skvere

Gitty Tauber, xxx-9479, Viznitz

Gitty Teitelbaum, xxx4660, Satmar

Gitty Weinberger, xxx1307, Satmar

Gitty Weinberger, xxx-3609, Viznitz

Gitty Weiss, xxx-3407, Satmar

Goldy Schwimmer, xxx-0328, Satmar

Goldy Bineth, xxx-7639, Belz

Goldy Fogal, xxx-4783, Viznitz

Goldy Friedman, xxx5771, Satmar

Goldy Friedman, xxx2016, Satmar

Goldy Friedman, xxx4037, Satmar

Goldy Hochhauser, xxx4065, Bais Trany

Goldy Kaff, xxx-1696, Skvere

Goldy Loeb, xxx-1029, Satmar

Goldy Pfeifer, xxx-6051, Pupa

Goldy Rokach, xxx5306, Bais Rochel

Gtitty Ryba, xxx-6860, Bobov

Henchy Berger, xxx-2595, Skvere

Henchy Perl, 718-xxx-5054

Henchy Tannenbaum, xxx-1772, Bas Yisroel

Henchy Tennenbaum, xxx-7091, Viznitz

Hendy Fischman, xxx0954, Bais Rochel

Henny Luria, xxx-5926, Viznitz

Henny Rubin, xxx-0704, Bobov

Henny Wieder, xxx8536, Klausenberg

Hershy Farkas, xxx5239, Klausenburg

Hinda Goldy Silberman, xxx-0660, Skvere

Hinda Malky Lichter, xxx-1326

Hindy Bransdorfer, xxx9033, Bais Trany

Hindy Dancona, xxx-8952, Bobov

HIndy Deutsch, xxx-0419, Viznitz

Hindy Felberbaum, xxx-3147, Skvere

Hindy Frank, xxx-4143, Bnos Derech Yisroel

Hindy Friedman, xxx4398, Skvere

Hindy Friedman, xxx4037, Satmar

Hindy Friedman, xxx0709, Skvere

Hindy Friesel, xxx-3526, Skvere

Hindy Goldberger, xxx-4683, Satmar

Hindy Grossinger, 410-xxx5674, Kesser Bais Yaakov

Hindy Horowitz, xxx-4113, Viznitz

Hindy Silverman, xxx1195, Klausenburg

Hindy Ungar, xxx-1324, Bais Trany

Hindy Wachsman, xxx2796, Bais Trany

Hindy Wiznitzer, xxx-3089, Viznitz

Hindy Zabner, xxx0429, Bais Trany

Idy Dancona, xxx-8952, Bobov

Idy Frieder, xxx-1735, Kesser Bais Yaakov

Idy Krausz, xxx-2680, Pupa

Idy Schwartz, xxx-8293, Bnos Alte Faiga

Issy Tauber, xxx-3219, Bobov

Kaila Silber, xxx-5372, Pupa

Kaily Hass, xxx-4394, Viznitz

Kreindy Weber, xxx-6992, Pupa

Leah Berger, xxx-1840, Skvere

Leah Braun, xxx-1279, Skvere

Leah Breindy Gandl, 718-xxx-0190, Satmar

Leah Epstein, xxx-8473

Leah Feferkorn, 718xxx-8211, Viznitz

Leah Feile, xxx-0564, Bas Mikroh

Leah Feldman, xxx-9210, Viznitz

Leah Fogal, xxx-6885, Bas Yisroel

Leah Frankel, xxx-7468, Bobov

Leah Fuchs, xxx-1656, Viznitz

Leah Green, xxx-0640, Bais Shifra Miriam

Leah Helfgot, xxx4138, Bais Rochel

Leah katina, xxx-7055, Satmar

Leah Lebovits, xxx4894, Bais Rochel

Leah Miller, xxx-2165

Leah Rottenberg, xxx3216, Toras Emachu

Leah Schweitzer, xxx-5641, Belz

Leah Wagshal, xxx-5617, Satmar

Leah Wasserman, xxx-6712, Pupa

Leah Weissmandel, xxx2486, Ateres Bunos

Leah Zaidman, xxx-4055, Bobov

Leahle Benjamine, 347xxx-6363, Bais Rochel

Leahle Cullish, xxx-3847, Belz

Leahle Gefner, xxx-3192, Viznitz

Leahle Grunwald, xxx-8456, Pupa

Leahle Kagan, xxx-2176, Bais Yaakov Elementary

Lele Ross, xxx-0639, Sanz

Liba Zaiat, 347-xxx-1763, Bais Yaakov Pomona

Libby Itzkowitz, xxx-5819, Viznitz

Libby Lustigman, xxx-8107, Belz

Libby Mermelstein, xxx-6234, Vien

Lowy, xxx-8537, Skvere Machly Botnick, xxx-7767

Mali Nutovics, xxx5621, Bais Rochel

Malia Spitzer, xxx-8510, Pupa

Malka Raizel Rosenberger, xxx-4272

Malka Ruchy Steinmetz, xxx-5059, Pupa

Malka Yides Austerlitz, xxx-4717, Belz

Malky Berger, xxx-1840, Skvere Malky Beuer, xxx3108, Bais Trany

Malky Bineth, xxx-3935, Belz Malky Bloch, xxx-2217, Belz Malky Botnick, xxx-7767

Malky Deutsch, xxx-1532, Belz Malky Dirnfeld, xxx-1671, Skvere Malky Erps, xxx-0048, Vien Malky Feferkorn, xxx-0720, Belz Malky Felberbaum, xxx-2083, Skvere

Malky Frank, xxx-5024, bcg Malky Fuhrer, xxx-2588, Sanz

Malky G., xxx-7188, Ateres Bunos Malky Ginzburg, xxx3423, Bais Rochel

Malky Goldman, xxx-4714, Viznitz Malky Guttman, xxx1446, Toras Emachu

Malky Herzl, xxx-5605, Skvere Malky Karnoil, xxx1968, Klausenburg

Malky Kramer, 347xxx-3979, Satmar

Malky L, xxx-4703, Sanz

Malky Lichter, xxx1326, Bais Trany

Malky Lieber, xxx-4373, Sanz Malky Muller, xxx-

6805, Bas Yisroel

Malky Roth, xxx-3638, Bas Yisroel

Malky Rottenberg, xxx-8451

Malky Samuel, xxx-3739, Viznitz

Malky Satmin, xxx-6574, Belz

Malky Schwartz, 718xxx-6201, Viznitz

Malky Silber, 347-xxx1804, Viznitz

Malky Tauber, xxx-2548, Bobov Malky Weinstock, xxx3579, Toras Imechu

Malky Ziffer, xxx-4843, Satmar Matty Ungar, xxx-2047, Bais Trany Menachem Horowitz, xxx-4781

Mendel Ross, xxx-0639, Viznitz Mendy Felberbaum, xxx-1740, Klausenburg

Menucha Herzog, xxx-0016, Viznitz

Michael Aharonoff, xxx-0712, Bais Yaakov Elementary Milky Perlmutter, xxx4574, Satmar

Mimi Z., xxx-1293, Viznitz

Mindel Twerski, xxx-0115, Sanz

Mindy Dewick, xxx-6871, Zanz Mindy Frieder, xxx-9619, Skvere Mindy Frieder, xxx-9619, Skvere Mindy Ganz, xxx-2250, Vien Mindy Lunger, xxx1536, Bais Trany

Miri Linkenberg, xxx-8618, Viznitz Miri Mermelstein, xxx-6234, Vien Miri Pollack, xxx-6287, Sanz Miri Reich, xxx-1306

Miriam, xxx-4601, Satmar

Miriam Berger, xxx-2595, Skvere Miriam Braun, xxx-1279, Skvere Miriam Chana Stein, xxx-4310, Bais Rochel Miriam Einhorn, xxx-5075, Skvere Miriam Faigy Masri, xxx2337, Bais Rochel Miriam G., xxx-7188, Ateres Bunos

Miriam Golda Gefner, xxx-6280, Viznitz Miriam Griffel, xxx-3296 Miriam Israel, 718xxx-7042, Bobov Miriam Lamm, xxx4143, Klausenburg Miriam Lichtenstadter, xxx-1785, Bais Trany Miriam Pruzansky, xxx-2825, Satmar Miriam Shaindel Farkas, xxx-5239, Klausenburg Miriam Stauber, xxx-4109, Viznitz Miriam Steinberg, xxx-2879, Pupa

Miriam Wilhelm, xxx-0677, Bobov Miriam Zaiat, 347-xxx-1763, Bais Yaakov Pomona

Moishy Guttman, xxx0234, Viznitz

Moishy Pfeifer, xxx-6051, Pupa Moishy Teitelbaum, xxx-0748, Satmar

Mordche Glick, xxx-3813, Bobov Mordche Pfeifer, xxx-6051, Pupa

Moshe Austerlitz, xxx-4717, Belz Moshe Schwimmer, xxx-0328, Satmar

Moshe Wicentowsky, xxx-3201, Yeshiva Ketana Toras Chaim

Moshe Yitchok Feldman, 347-xxx-4175, Satmar

Nechama Joselite, 414-xxx9337, Bais Yaakov Elementary Nechama Rosenbaum, xxx-0504, Bais Rochel

Nechy Guttman, xxx-0234, Sanz Nissy Nutovics, xxx5621, Bais Rochel

Nitzlich, xxx-9005, Skvere Nitzlich, xxx-9005, Skvere

Noemi Sabri, xxx-6261, Bais Shifra Miriam

Ovadia Rosenfeld, 718-xxx6002, Cheder Beer Yeshaya

Perela Oster, xxx-2192, Belz

Perela Wolodarsky, xxx-1596, Skvere

Perele Haberman, xxx-5361

Perele Keiser, xxx-0499, Bobov

Perry Lefkovits, xxx4023, Satmar

Pery R., 718-xxx-1641, Satmar

Pessy Schwimmer, xxx-0328, Satmar

Pessy Mendlowitz, xxx-7586, Satmar

Pessy Schiff, xxx-3979, Pupa Pessy Tabak, xxx-7241, Klausenburg

Rachy Susholz, xxx2358, Bais Rochel

Raizale Leser, xxx-5705, Bobov Raizy Frankel, xxx-1587, Sanz

Raizy Friedman, xxx-4486, Bobov Raizy Friedman, xxx4037, Satmar

Raizy Friesel, xxx-0280, Skvere

Raizy Ganzfried, xxx-2639, Pupa

Raizy Gefner, xxx-6280, Viznitz

Raizy Itzkowitz, xxx-5819, Viznitz Raizy Klein, xxx-2812

Raizy Klughaupt, xxx8729, Viznitz

Raizy Pultman, xxx-4905, Belz

Raizy Rosenberg, xxx2574, Skvere

Raizy Rosenberger, xxx-1571

Raizy Stern, xxx-1227, Viznitz

Raizy Tevlovits, xxx3255, Bais Rochel

Raizy Weisberger, xxx-8254, Viznitz

Rechel Samet, xxx-1983, Toras Emachu

Rechy Tannenbaum, xxx-1772, Bas Yisroel

Reizel Zelik, xxx-7461, BYCC

Riki Leichtag, xxx-2710, Sanz

Rikki Benedikt, xxx3678, Bais Rochel

Rikki Ciment, xxx0577, Munkatch

Rikki Miller, xxx-5853, Ateres Bunos

Rishy Lieberman, xxx1895, Satmar

Rivka Aharonoff, xxx-0712,

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Bais Yaakov Elementary

Rivka Fraidy Lichter, xxx-1326, Bais Trany

Rivka Leah Tescher, xxx5683, Bais Rochel

Rivka Meltzer, xxx-7867, Bais Yaakov Elementary

Rivka Meltzer, xxx-8002, Bais Yaakov Elementary

Rivka Ratner, xxx-1052, Bais Yaakov Elementary

Rivka Rishy Friedman, xxx-2751, Vien

Rivky berger, xxx-1649, Skvere

Rivky Bineth, xxx-3935, Belz

Rivky Deutsch, xxx-2474, Viznitz

Rivky Eidlis, xxx-1485, Sanz

Rivky Feldman, xxx-0150, Skvere

Rivky Fuchs, xxx-4943, Satmar

Rivky Gross, xxx-3260, Pupa

Rivky Grunwald, xxx-0212, Pupa

Rivky Horowitz, xxx4263, Satmar

Rivky Kahana, xxx-2037, Belz

Rivky Klughaupt, xxx5382, Bobov

Rivky Kozicki, xxx-6029, Viznitz

Rivky Krausz, xxx-2501, Bobov

Rivky Krausz, xxx-0564, Belz

Rivky Lebovits, xxx-1151, Pupa

Rivky Lefkowitz, xxx-6784

Rivky Lowen, xxx-1254, Satmar

Rivky Moshel, xxx-1364, Skvere

Rivky Prinz, xxx-0902, Skvere

Rivky Reinhold, xxx-2442, Bobov

Rivky Rosenberg, xxx5750, Ateres Bunos

Rivky Schwimmer, xxx-0328, Satmar

Rivky Silberman, xxx1476, Skvere

Rivky Weber, xxx-3418, Belz

Rivky Weiss, xxx-2365, Bais Trany

Rivky Wertheimer, xxx8407, Bais Rochel

Rivky Wiznitzer, xxx-7109, Viznitz Rivky Zieg, xxx-1520, Viznitz

Rochel Bluming, xxx5418, Bais Trany

Rochel Tehilla Lavarus, xxx-0408, Beis Yakov Shiras Miriam Rochmi Matyas, xxx-1851, Belz

Roiza Blimy Ganz, xxx-6493, Viznitz

Roizy Feferkorn, xxx-0720, Belz

Roizy G., xxx-7188, Ateres Bunos

Roizy Herzog, xxx-5350, Pupa

Roizy Kohn, xxx-6240, Pupa

Roizy Moskowitz, xxx1914, Viznitz

Roizy Pollak, xxx-5086, Vien

Roizy Schwartz, xxx-1747, Viznitz

Roizy Teitelbaum, xxx0748, Bais Trany

Ruch Grunwald, xxx-0212, Pupa

Ruchale Donenberg, xxx-1041, Belz

Ruchale Eisebach, xxx5722, Klausenburg

Ruchale Posner, xxx5604, Satmar

Ruchela Gandl, 718xxx-6929, Satmar

Ruchela Hershkowitz, xxx-5712, Pupa

Ruchela Leichtag, xxx-2710, Sanz

Ruchelle Ringel, xxx3232, Beis Rochel

Ruchelle Ryba, xxx-6860, Bobov

Ruchoma Wegner, xxx-8614, Bais Yaakov Elementary

Ruchy Berger, xxx-3125, Skvere

Ruchy Einhorn, xxx7132, Bas Yisroel

Ruchy Friedman, xxx4486, Bobov

Ruchy Gefner, xxx-6280, Viznitz

Ruchy Kohn, xxx-1617, Skvere

Ruchy Miller, xxx-5853, Ateres Bunos

Ruchy Monheit, xxx-6806, Belz

Ruchy Morzel, xxx-2377, Peer BY

Ruchy Neiman, xxx5759, Bas Yisroel

Ruchy Perl, xxx-6352, Satmar

Ruchy pollack, xxx-6287, Sanz

Ruchy Schmeltzer, xxx2070, Bais Trany

Ruchy Schmidt, xxx-0480, Belz

Ruchy Schweitzer, xxx-5641, Belz

Ruchy Weiss, xxx-2365, Satmar

Ruvy Kohn, 347-xxx-5564, Yeshiva Ketana Toras Chaim

S.Kahana, xxx-2037, Belz

Sara Gitty Weizberg, xxx-6211, Bais Rochel

Sara Gradstein, xxx-1509, Bais Yaakov Elementary

Sarale Kagan, xxx-2176, Bais Yaakov Elementary

Shaina Moskowitz, xxx-1914, Viznitz

Shaina Wertzberger, xxx-5447, Sanz

Shaindy Feig, xxx-0056, Viznitz

Shaindy Fischer, xxx2023, Satmar

Shaindy Ginzburg, xxx3423, Bais Rochel

Shaindy Glick, xxx-4666, Viznitz

Shaindy Koenig, xxx-2473, Skvere

Shaindy Kohn, xxx-1453, Bobov

Shaindy Krausz, xxx-1972, Belz

Shaindy Monheit, xxx-6806, Belz

Shaindy Rosenberg, xxx-0889, Viznitz

Shaindy Rosenberg, xxx-1899, Bais Yaakov Elementary

Shaindy Rothchild, xxx0638, Bais Trany

Shaindy Sandel, xxx7521, Toras Emachu

Shauly Schwimmer, xxx-0328, Satmar

Shaya Farkas, xxx5239, Klausenburg

Shaya Horowitz, xxx-4781

Sheindy Koenig, xxx-3898, Keser Beis Yaakov

Sheindy Perlstein, xxx2770, Ateres Bunes

Shevy Bineth, xxx-7639, Belz

Shevy Meisner, xxx0066, Klausenberg

Shevy Ostreicher, xxx-2119, Belz

Shevy Taubenfeld, xxx2112, Bais Trany

Shiffy Greenfeld, xxx-1361, Pupa

Shiffy Koth, xxx-2979, Belz

Shiffy Laufer, xxx-0399, Toras Emachu

Shifra Bluming, xxx5418, Bais Trany

Shifra Ross, xxx-0639, Sanz

Shleemie Lichter, xxx3605, Satmar

Shulem Leichtag, xxx2710, Bobov

Shulem Meisles, 347xxx-0985, Satmar

Sima Leah Walter, xxx-3560, Skvere

Sima Ruchy Neiman, xxx-0036, Viznitz

Simi Goldmunzer, xxx-2360, Skvere

Simi Tiller, xxx-1452, Beis Rochel

Slavy Biston, xxx-3654, Skvere

Sora R. Kitay, xxx-3339, Tiferes Miriam

Sossy Fromowitz, xxx-9750, Viznitz

Sossy Wachsman, xxx2796, Bais Trany

Sossy Wertzberger, xxx-5447, Sanz

Sura Devoira Rosenburg, xxx-3643, Satmar

Sura Leah Lichter, xxx-8343, Pupa

Sura Rivky Blumer, xxx-1860, Pupa

Sura Rivky Lowen, xxx-1254, Satmar

Sura Yitty Schmidt, xxx-0480, Belz

Sury Biston, xxx-3654, Skvere

Sury Bloch, xxx-2217, Belz

Sury Cullish, xxx-3847, Belz

Sury Dresdner, xxx-0385

Sury Fischer, xxx-4582

Sury Ganzfried, xxx-1362, Viznitz

Sury Greenbaum, xxx-1913, Skvere

Sury Greenberger, xxx7201, Bais Trany

Sury Gross, xxx-0126, Belz

Sury Grunwald, xxx-1307, Skvere

Sury Horowitz, xxx-4781

Sury Kalisch, xxx-1620, Bais Trany

Sury Karpfen, xxx-7928, Satmar

Sury Kohn, xxx-3001, Pupa

Sury Koth, xxx-2979, Belz

Sury Krausz, xxx-0564, Belz

Sury Laufer, xxx-0399, Toras Emachu

Sury Loeffler, xxx0015, Bais Trany

Sury Pfeifer, xxx-9370, Pupa

Sury Polatsek, xxx-6305, Bnos Alte Faiga

Sury R., 718-xxx-1641, Satmar

Sury Rapaport, xxx-6585, Viznitz

Sury Ryba, xxx-6860, Bobov

Sury Schneebalg, xxx2334, Bobov

Sury Schorr, xxx-3162, Bais Rochel

Sury Schwartz, xxx-8450, Satmar

Sury Silber, xxx-5362, Bais Rochel

Sury Teitelbaum, xxx1234, Bnos Alte Faiga

Sury Wachsman, xxx2796, Bais Trany

Sury Weiss, xxx-3438, Pupa

Sury Wertheimer, xxx8407, Bais Rochel

Tilli Karpen, xxx-0598, Satmar

Toba Miriam Gold, xxx3772, Bais Trany

Toby Brandwein, xxx-6502

Toby Dershowitz, xxx0956, Satmar

Toby Gandl, 718-xxx0190, Satmar

Toby Green, xxx-9095, Bais Trany

Toby Gross, xxx-8563, Toras Emachu

Toby Grossman, xxx-0952, Belz

Toby Horowitz, xxx-4642, Bobov

Toby Klein, xxx-2607, Belz

Toby Knopfler, xxx-5862, Bobov

Toby Lefkowitz, xxx-5039, Satmar

Toby Ostreicher, xxx-2119, Belz

Toby Pollak, xxx-8086, Vien

Toby Reitzer, xxx-3497, Belz

Toby Rosenberg, xxx-1947, Bobov Toby Roth, xxx-4201, Klausenberg

Toby Tauber, xxx-1654, Bais Trany

Tova Gitty Ziffer, xxx4843, Satmar

Tova Sprei, xxx-7730, BYCC

Trana Perl Asia, xxx-1439, Bais Yaakov Elementary Trany B., xxx-9213, Skvere Trany Berger, xxx-3125, Skvere Trany Einhorn, xxx7132, Bas Yisroel

Trany Goldmunzer, xxx-7515, Skvere

Trany Greenwald, xxx0644, Skvere

Trany Grunwald, xxx-1307, Skvere Trany Pal, xxx-1797, Skvere

Trany Rosenberg, xxx2574, Skvere

Trany Rosenfeld, xxx-3070, Pupa Trany Schiff, xxx-8093, Skvere

Trany Schwartz, xxx-0159, Skvere

Trany Wolodarski, xxx-0910, Skvere

Trany Zabner, xxx-2445, Skvere

Tzippora Kagan, xxx-2176, Bais Yaakov Elementary Tzippy Strasser, xxx0426, Klausenberg

Tzirel Weinberger, xxx-7594

Tziri Hollander, xxx-1309, Satmar

Tziri Horowitz, xxx1597, Bas Yisroel

Tzivia Leahle Balaban, xxx-2255, Viznitz

Tzurty Binik, xxx-3509, Satmar

Tzurty Biston, xxx-3654, Skvere

Tzvi Hersh Schulman, xxx-2333, Skvere

Udy Wasserman, xxx-2128, Pupa Weiss, xxx-2462, Viznitz

Yachy Friedman, xxx-2215

Yachy Friedman, xxx-6050

Yachy Lissauer, xxx-9392, Viznitz Yakov Meir Lowen, xxx1254, Ahavas Torah

Yankel Feldman, 347xxx-4175, Satmar

Yanky Gandl, 718-xxx6929, Satmar

Yanky Lustigman, xxx-8107, Belz Yanky Unger, xxx-1541, Skvere Yehudis Padawer, xxx-6157, Bais Yaakov Elementary

Yenty Weber, xxx4416, Bais Rochel

Yiddes Goldmunzer, xxx-2360, Skever

Yidel Neiman, xxx-5759

Yidel Tarkieltaub, xxx3516, Viznitz

Yides Breuer, xxx-0748, Skvere Yides Diamant, xxx-0781, Skvere

Yides Diamant, xxx-0781, Skvere Yides Feldman, 347xxx-4175, Satmar

Yides Greenwald, xxx0644, Skvere

Yides Kalisch, xxx1620, Bais Trany

Yides Krausz, xxx-0564, Belz

Yides Silber, xxx-3550, Bobov

Yides Walter, xxx-3560, Skvere

Yides Wertzberger, xxx-5447, Sanz

Yisroel Meir Feldman, 347-xxx-4175, Satmar

Yisroel Neiman, xxx-5759 Yitty Ausch, xxx-7689

Yitty Bayer, xxx-6120, Bas Yisroel Yitty Braun, xxx-4918, Satmar

Yitty Eisenberger, xxx-0270, Viznitz

Yitty Frieder, xxx-9619, Skvere

Yitty Friesel, xxx-3526, Skvere

Yitty Grunwald, xxx-0212, Pupa

Yitty Hass, xxx-4394, Viznitz

Yitty Luria, xxx-5926, Viznitz

Yitty Lustigman, xxx-8107, Belz

Yitty Miller, xxx-6846, Viznitz

Yitty Moskowitz, xxx-1914, Viznitz

Yitty Rosenfeld, xxx-0513, Skvere

Yitty Weiss, xxx-3438, Pupa

Yitty Zeide, xxx-4667, Keser Beis Yakov

Yitzchok Mordechai Lowen, xxx-1255, Ahavas Torah

Yitzchok Neiman, xxx-5759

Zalmen Leib Felberbaum, xxx-1740, Klausenburg

Zissel Rosenberger, 347xxx-2806, Satmar

Zissy Berger, xxx-2595, Skvere

Zissy Ostreicher, xxx-2119, Belz

Zissy Ratner, xxx-1052, Bais Yaakov Elementary

Zissy Silber, xxx-1295, Pupa

Zissy Weinberger, xxx0975, Bais Shifra Miriam

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Hot on His Heels

Before Yaakov and Eisav’s birth, they both fought to be born first and earn the bechorah . When Eisav was born first, it seemed that he had triumphed in the struggle. Yet the pasuk says that Yaakov was born grasping Eisav’s heel. What gain did Yaakov have in holding on to his brother at that point? It was already a lost fight!

IT WAS IN THE TOWN OF PONEVEZH, Lithuania. Rav Yosef Shlomo Kahaneman, the Ponevezher Rav, zt”l, was looking for a place to set up his yeshivah. Soon an amazing deal came up. It was the sale of a perfect property that was worth a lot of money, yet since the seller was desperate for cash, he was ready to sell it at half price if the money could be put down soon.

This meant that the Rav could acquire the new building, at an estimated worth of 100,000 rubles, for just 50,000 rubles! The condition was, however, that 5,000 rubles down payment be given on the spot, with the remainder to be paid up within one month. If the Rav would not come up with the money in time, he would forfeit the non-refundable down payment.

The Ponevezher Rav gave the offer serious thought. On the one hand, it was too good to be true, yet how could he undertake the burden of coming up with this great sum on such short notice?

But the Rav was sincere in his desire. He was founding the ye shivah entirely l’shem mitzvah, and as such, he hoped to merit help from Above.

The Rav handed over the 5,000 ruble down payment and im mediately got to work raising the rest of the funds. He left no stone unturned and employed his best fundraising tactics, yet for some reason, his efforts did not reap success. The weeks were ticking by, and the Rav hardly managed to procure a few rubles. The date for the final payment was approaching, and he had nothing to show for it.

On the final evening before he had to hand over the money, the Rav, feeling lost and forlorn, rushed to his comfort corner: the beis midrash. He opened a Gemara and immersed himself in the calming depths of Torah.

It was about midnight when the Rav finally closed his Gemara and made his way home. Standing at his door were two well-

known businessmen.

“We’re waiting for the Rav for nearly two hours!” they blurted out, and then explained: “We are about to seal a shidduch between our children, and we would like to keep the dowry funds in the Rav’s possession as security until the time of the wedding.”

Remarkably, the amount of the dowry was exactly 45,000 ru bles!

The Rav was more than happy to comply, yet he made a stipu lation. “I will keep the money for you — but I would like to request permission to use the funds while they are in my possession.”

The two businessmen agreed that the Rav could use the mon ey, so long as he would repay them within three months. Soon the Ponevezher Rav wished the pair mazel tov, and they left.

At nine o’clock the next morning, the Ponevezher Rav knocked at the seller’s door with the entire remaining funds for the yeshi vah building in his hands.

A few days later, the businessmen returned to the Rav’s home. Sadly, they reported that the shidduch was off and that they wished to take back the dowry.

The Rav reminded them that they had given permission for him to use the funds in the interim, and then promised: “By the time we reach three months, you will receive the entire amount back — down to the last penny!”

Indeed, the second round of fundraising attempts was much more successful than the first, and the Rav managed to pay back the loan in time. Perhaps the entire almost-shidduch had only de veloped in order to help set up the Ponevezher yeshivah…

The Ponevezher Rav demonstrated a strong lesson with his approach. The Rav took upon himself a tremendous burden for the sake of Heaven, and indeed, he was blessed with special si yata d’Shmaya. When it comes to ruchnius and avodas Hashem, there

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is no place for calculations. One must jump right in! * * * * *

The Lelover Rebbe explains Yaakov Avinu’s actions.

Yaakov Avinu behaved in a simi lar fashion. He undoubtedly realized that Eisav had earned the bechorah the moment he entered the world. It was a lost fight! Yet sensing the deep con sequences dependent on the bechorah, Yaakov did not stop there. He contin ued to hang on to Eisav’s heel. Because when it comes to ruchnius, one should not stop and make calculations! Yaa kov may not have been able to reverse his older brother’s firstborn status, but he was still able to hold him back just a bit — and that is what he did.

Indeed, Eisav was the original bechor, yet in the end, Yaakov managed to obtain the firstborn right by buying it off Eisav. It may seem as if there is no connection between the two incidents, yet in truth, the hishtadlus that Yaakov made — then, as a newborn — ulti mately led to his acquiring the becho rah in the future.

Even when the battle seems lost, efforts in ruchnius are never superflu ous.

Adapted from the teachings of Rav Mordechai Freundlich, zt”l.

Did You Know?

The fact that Yaakov was born holding on to Eisav’s heel is symbolic of galus. While in galus, Eisav will be given supremacy over Yaakov, constantly looking to tread all over him. Ultimately, however, Yaakov will emerge victorious and be granted the higher position.

Yet how could he undertake the burden of coming up with this great sum on such short notice?
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Retirement. All of the nachas and none of the responsibilities. Social security checks and free health care. Warm Florida winters and summer at the children’s bungalow.

Ah, the Golden Years… Americans of all ages and back grounds work hard with the belief and confidence that it will pay off in their later years. Unfortunately, there is much that can and very of ten does derail these plans, leaving our elders at a complete loss, trying to navigate a cold, bureaucratic and unforgiving world.

From those who didn’t earn enough to be eligible for complete Social Security benefits to those who earned too much and have to use

their own assets before qualifying for home care, the roadblocks faced by senior citizens are many. And in a world dominated by technological advancements, their struggles are exacerbated by their lack of 21st-cen tury savvy.

There are many services and or ganizations doing wonderful work for these individuals, but without the recipients knowing about it they can’t actually take the opportunity to capitalize. Furthermore, while some offer truly invaluable solutions to certain dilemmas, their singu lar focus on one aspect makes them unable to see the entire picture and recommend alternative forms of as sistance.

You’ve waited all your life for it.
With the demand growing, a senior-support division comes to Monsey’s most senior community group, COC

For individuals and families who have dealt with such matters in the past, this is, of course, nothing new. But sooner or later everyone — or their loved one — will join the ranks of senior citizenry. And when they do, they will invariably have questions, concerns and worries, and will require the wisdom of guidance of someone who knows the landscape and can lead them through it — without bias and without seeking a profit.

Finally, Monsey Community Outreach Center (COC) has stepped up to the plate. And the early results are being lauded by community members of every age.


We spoke with Rabbi Hersh Horowitz, Executive Director at Community Out reach Center, about the new initiative and why he felt the need to add this niche service. “There is an entire generation of Monsey residents nearing or reaching retirement, and over the past few years we have been flooded with calls from families who were in a really tough spot, all due to a simple lack of knowledge and resources. There’s no reason this should happen in this day and age.”

One recent story illustrates this point well. Mr. H., a Monsey resident, is a de cade younger than his wife and never re ally paid much attention to seniorhood. A while back his wife went through a medical crisis and required home care assistance for months. He had private in surance that doesn’t cover home care ex penses, which meant that he was paying thousands of dollars out of pocket.

At some point during this ordeal, he was in touch with a COC caseworker to set up SSI (Supplemental Security In come, a Social Security program) for his special needs child. Seeing how much SSI was going to save him in medical costs, he asked if his wife may also be eligible. The caseworker quickly realized that Mr. H. was completely uninformed about the options available to him, so she took the time to review his finances and then advised him to do what’s called spousal refusal (it may sound bad, but it is a per

fectly acceptable method of protecting a spouse’s assets), so that Medicaid will pick up the tab and cover her many home care costs. This simple bit of advice enabled his wife to get the care she needed with out destroying the family financially.

There are many ways in which a word of advice can completely transform the livelihood — and often even the life — of a community member in need. Now, there is an address for all of it, and a respected one at that.


COC needs no introduction in our community. The outreach group has be come the preeminent liaison connecting individuals and families in the greater Rockland County area with the public agencies they rely on for support and im proved quality of life.

In fact, in the sphere of senior care specifically, COC has made a name for itself with the semi-weekly Senior Pro gram where elderly women are provided with nutritious meals, entertainment and an opportunity to socialize with likeminded peers. The program continues to grow in scope and size, with more to come, iy”H

The expanded Senior Support Ser vices will go where nobody has gone be fore in enabling each individual to take advantage of every opportunity available

to them. It would be impossible to cover every potential issue, but the range of concerns, from housing support to inher itance to Medicaid to taxes to home care, covers the entire spectrum of life after sixty-five.

It should be noted that this service will be provided free of charge, and due to its unbiased position will allow the agency to serve as an impartial referral center for care providers, attorneys, social ser vices and whatever else an individual or family may need. It is a community ser vice in every sense, and one that has been a long time in coming.

COC has dedicated a special desk to its new Senior Support Service division, and caseworkers have been assigned to han dle each case with diligence — for as long as needed. The organization is encourag ing families to get in touch before ser vices are already required, so that they can get out ahead of any issues, especially those related to care eligibility.

With the launch of this new program, COC is giving new meaning to the adage, everything old is new again. And Monsey res idents are increasingly grateful for it.

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Potential Tragedy Averted as Two Arrested and Weapons Recovered in Shul Attack Threat

Two men are under arrest in connection with a string of on line threats against a New York City shul, thanks to the collab orative efforts of the NYPD and the FBI.

CNN reported that 21-year-old Christopher Brown of Long Island and 22-year-old Matthew Mahrer of Manhattan were apprehended by Metropolitan Transportation Authority police last Shabbos morning. The two were taken into custody and turned over to the NYPD and the FBI.

A statement released by Manhattan District Attorney Al vin Bragg said that the two men had two guns, a high-capac ity magazine, ammunition, an eight-inch-long military-style knife, a swastika arm patch, a bulletproof vest and a ski mask, among other possessions. Both the guns and the bulletproof vest were recovered from Maher’s Upper West Side apartment after their arrest, according to the New York Post

Law enforcement is being credited with preventing an im minent attack against a Manhattan shul. Brown had allegedly been posting threats a week before his arrest, making specific reference to “shoot[ing] up a synagogue.” A six-second video posted four days later spoke graphically about murdering peo ple and was followed by a Friday post that read, “This time I’m really gonna do it.”

The two suspects’ pictures were circulated to thousands of police officers by late Friday along with a warning that they might be traveling from Long Island to either New York City or Pennsylvania. Offi cer Richie Taylor, com manding officer of the NYPD’s Community Affairs Outreach Unit, alerted Hatzalah about the threat, spreading word to its members to boost security at all New York City shuls.

Brown, who is re portedly schizophrenic, told authorities that he operates a white su premacist group on Twitter. He is being held without bail and is charged with six counts of criminal possession of a weapon as well as making a terrorist threat.

Mahrer was ar

raigned on Shabbos on weapons possession charges and is be ing held on $150,000 bail or $300,000 bond. His lawyer had asked that he be released on his own recognizance, noting that in addition to suffering from autism, bipolar disorder, anxiety and ADHD, Maher is also Jewish and is a part-time caretaker for his 93-year-old Holocaust survivor grandfather.

NYPD Commissioner Keechant Sewell praised members of law enforcement for uncovering and stopping the very real threat to the Jewish community, saying that the arrests in “Penn Station and weaposns seizures are proof of their vigi lance and collaboration that keeps New Yorkers safe.”

A statement released by Met Council CEO David Greenfield called on New Yorkers to stand up against anti-Semitism. “For too long, anti-Semitism has been allowed to fester to the point where there are constant attacks on Jewish New Yorkers on the streets and threats of terrorism against our houses of worship,” said Greenfield. “Enough is enough.”

Area Airports Fly High With Upgraded Terminals at

Newark, JFK

Air travel in the area is on its way to becoming an upgraded experience, with Newark opening its new Terminal A to pas sengers next week, while major future renovations were an nounced to JFK’s Terminal 6.

An effort that spanned more than four years, at a cost of $2.7 billion, Newark’s Terminal A will be open to passengers on De cember 8. ABC News reported that the terminal has 33 gates,

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and at more than 1 million square feet, is 20% larger than the previous terminal. Passengers can expect to see touchless se curity checkpoints and technology upgrades at the new termi nal, all big draws for Newark, which earned the dubious dis tinction of being named the worst large airport in the United States by The Wall Street Journal

Terminal A is expected to handle approximately 14 mil lion passengers each year and is currently slated to serve Air Canada, American, JetBlue and United, with Delta coming to the new facility in 2023.

Big changes will be taking place on the other side of the Hudson as well, with Governor Kathy Hochul announcing the construction of a new Terminal 6 at JFK last week, at a price of $4.2 billion. The 1.2-million-square-foot project will feature ten gates, nine of which will be able to accommodate wide body jets, and will offer touchless technology from check-in to boarding, streamlining passenger travel when its first phase opens in 2026.

The new Terminal 6 is part of a larger vision for JFK, which will have the airport’s aging Terminal 7 demolished and re placed by a new state of the art Terminal 8.

“JFK International — the nation’s door to the world — will soon be worthy of New Yorkers, providing an unparalleled passenger experience,” said Governor Hochul.

Haverstraw Facing Discrimination Lawsuit After Unexpectedly Rejecting Shul Plan

Three months after plans to turn a Haverstraw home into a shul were unexpectedly voted down, the town, its planning board and three of its members have been hit with a federal lawsuit, alleging that local Jewish residents were being denied their constitutionally guaranteed right to practice their reli


The Journal News reported that the lawsuit charged the board with religious discrimination by refusing to okay the shul’s plan, that decision coming just moments after the town’s land-use attorney read a resolution saying that it would be approved. The resolution made seven separate mentions of the federal Religious Land Use and Institutionalized Persons Act of 2000, known as RLUIPA, which has been used success fully to allow the building of multiple shuls and yeshivas in the area.

The lawsuit was filed by members of K’hal Bnei Torah of Mount Ivy and refers to comments made exactly a year ear lier by a Haverstraw resident who addressed a planning board meeting and said that if he were to hit Orthodox Jews with his car as they were walking in the street, he would, “of course, back over them again.” The comment drew criticism from lo cal and state officials and made national headlines, with the resident banned from Haverstraw Town Hall. Other town res idents who opposed the shul plans took a far less disturbing view of the matter, noting that it was unfair that the shul was being granted a variance that allowed it to use part of a con servation easement abutting the property while others in the area were not given the same latitude.

The lawsuit charges the defendants with conspiring to block K’hal Bnai Torah’s plans to build a shul at 62 Riverglen Drive, singling out the three board members who voted down the plans with succumbing to “toxic anti-Semitic rhetoric from an angry group of their neighbors in response to Plain tiff’s efforts to establish a house of worship in the Town of Haverstraw.”

Spring Valley Police Warn About Tech Support Renewal Scam

Multiple complaints about an email scam have led the Spring Valley Police Depart ment to warn area residents about fake messages that ap pear to be coming from Best Buy’s technical support divi sion known as Geek Squad and have led to losses totaling thousands of dollars.

According to police, the fraudulent emails inform recipients that their Geek Squad service plan is being auto-renewed at a cost of sev eral hundred dollars, with a customer support number provided for those who have questions. Those who call the number are typically asked for remote access to their computers and their bank ing information to refund the supposed technical support charges, giving scammers the opportunity to install

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spyware on their victims’ computers in order to drain money from their bank accounts.

Spring Valley Police cautioned area residents to contact them before giving banking information in response to any suspicious emails, texts or calls. Anyone with any informa tion regarding a Geek Squad issue is asked to call Detective Fantasia at 845-721-9562.

Best Buy’s website advises consumers that well-known companies are often targeted by scammers and recom mends that they call Best Buy directly at 1-888-BEST-BUY if they receive any unusual calls or emails.

Carter’s Recalls Baby Sleepers, Citing Potential Lacerations

Those yellow fleece Carter’s footies certainly look cute, but according to the Consumer Product Safety Commission, they might also pose a danger to your baby.

The CPSC warned that small pieces of metal wire, which can potentially cause lacerations, have been found in the zip up sleepers, whose yellow background is sprinkled with white hearts and features a pink applique. While no injuries have been reported to date, Carter’s is recalling 50,800 of the footies that were sold for approximately $22 at United States retailers, including Kohl’s, Macy’s, Belk and Boscov’s, as well as on Carter’s website and at its brick-and-mortar stores, from July through September. An additional 200 sleepers are also being recalled in Canada.

The affected pajamas were sold in size 12, 18 and 24 months and have the style number 10102410 printed on the front of the care tag, which is sewn inside the garment. For those who still have the item with a price tag attached, it can further be identified by UPC numbers 195861313861, 195861313878 and 195861313885.

Consumers who have an affected sleeper should stop us ing it at once and should return it to their nearest Carter’s store or can contact the company at 877-333-0117 for a free return label and envelope, with a full refund issued in the form of an electronic gift card.

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RECAP: Chaim Simcha’s quiet family evening is interrupted by a call from Izzy. Izzy fills him in on the frustrating developments. After they hang up, Zach and Izzy finally manage to corner Lenny behind a supermarket.

Julia lay down on the couch and stared at the ceiling.

It had not been an easy Shabbos. David was away for Shabbos, but Sheva and Jesse were home. She hadn’t told her children what was going on with their father, but they knew she wasn’t happy. Her mood colored the whole day, left them all feeling gloomy and tired. They were eager to get away when Shabbos finally ended.

And that caused a huge fight, of course. All of fifteen, Sheva insisted she was an adult, could take care of herself, and why did she need to be home by eleven o’clock?!

Julia stood in front of the door, hands on her hips. “One: Fifteen is not an adult. It’s not safe to be out that late! And two: You have school tomorrow.” She set her jaw firmly. “Either you promise to be back by eleven, or you’re staying home.”

Sheva raised such a racket, Julia was sure the neighbors heard. But she was past car ing. It wasn’t the first time this had hap pened.

Then there was Jesse, who cried bloody murder over the fact that his sister got to hang out when he had to stay home and study.

“Well,” Julia replied with acid sweetness, “when you get the kinds of grades she gets, you can handle your own study schedule, too. Until then —” her eyes narrowed dan gerously “— hit the books.”

Much later, when all the kids were in their rooms, and the house was as close to quiet as it ever was, Julia abandoned the dirty dishes and collapsed on the couch. She was too tired to go to bed and too depressed to cry, wishing she was too numb to care.

There was a knock at the door, and Julia eyed the offending slab of wood. Who would come knocking this late at night? It was ob scene.

The knocks came louder. Still, Julia re fused to budge. Let them think nobody’s home. Nobody was home. Nobody who wanted a visitor, at least.

Now they knocked on the window be


hind the couch, right by Julia’s head. She jumped. Spinning around, she threw open the curtains, her mind full of vague threats about police and pep per spray. But seeing who it was, she stopped, gaping.

Talia stood outside, in a chic puffer and gossamer scarf, hunching over a little in the cold. She had a mischievous grin on her face, and in one delicately gloved hand was a tray of delectablelooking brownies.

“Hey, sis!” Talia called through the glass. “I got a sitter. You gonna open up, or should I eat these myself on the porch?”

* * * * *

cepted the work, and used the work, so it was too late to negotiate my price for the work. I also told her that ‘exposure’ was something I tried to avoid in win ter. After all, people die from exposure every year.” She snorted. “So I take my payment in cash, thank you very much.”

“Ridiculous.” Swallowing her last bite of brownie, Julia stood up and massaged her lower back.

“No, what was really ridiculous was thinking they had any exposure in the first place. These ‘influencers’ get a few hundred people following them, they think they own the world. More people see my dresses in the store than would ever see this lady’s referral…”

“Yeah.” Julia balled her fist and knuckled the sore spot harder.

with excitement.

Julia hadn’t seen eyes like that in the mirror in a long time.

“What are you doing here, Tal?” she asked quietly.

Across the table, in the half-light of the living room lamp, Julia’s sister smiled playfully. “What? I can’t pop by to see my favorite sister without an in terrogation?”

“Talia —”

“As I recall, you invited me for brunch not too long ago…”

“Talia!” Julia sat back down and glared. “Why does everything always have to be a game with you?”


Lucjan slammed a fist against the wall of his home. His job was on the line, the police had two prime suspects in for questioning, and now they were just… gone. No apology, no explanation.

“Can’t you find them?” Lucjan de manded.

“Probably. But we’ll need a warrant for their arrest.”

“So get one!” Lucjan bel lowed.

“Yes, sir, but it’ll take time.”

Lucjan hadn’t bothered to respond. He just stomped out of the police station and drove straight home, where he poured three fingers’ of straight vodka into a cup and gulped it down, wincing as the burning sensa tion hit his throat. He set the glass down on the table, and that was when he started hitting his own wall.

It wasn’t fair. Lucjan was a good, up standing citizen. Why should he be on the verge of a huge public disgrace like this?

His lip curled. Filip.

Stumbling and half-drunk, he reached for his phone and dialed. It was time his brother bailed him out of some thing for once.

* * * * *

“Oh my,” Julia said, her mouth a per fect O of shock. “What do you even say to that?” She had brought out a pot of wa ter and tea to go with Talia’s brownies, along with a few wafers that neither of them had touched.

Talia took another sip of tea and winked. “I told her she’d already hired me for the work, critiqued the work, ac

Talia stared at the wall, grinning. “You know, I sold this one dress… Stun ning. Shimmering green with pretty white lace around the wrists. Your style, actually, I should bring you one. Any way, my customer came back a few days later to tell a story. Someone had seen the dress and said to her, ‘Oh, that’s gor geous! Hold on to that, honey. Lace will

“Because it’s more fun that way, silly.” It was the argument they’d been having since childhood, in almost the same ex act words. But then Talia had mouthed the line airily, like everything was a joke. Now there was real steel behind the words. Like the laughter was something Talia clung to, something she fought for.

“Do me a favor and talk straight with me,” Julia said. “For once. Why did you really come?”

Talia cocked her head to the side.


be back in style soon…’” She picked up a brownie with a ladylike thumb and fore finger, then plunged the whole thing in her mouth at once.

Julia rolled her eyes. “Can’t stand those back-handed little jabs.”

“Yup. But my customer said, ‘This dress comes from Talia. Whatever she makes is the new style…’ So ha!” Talia laughed in triumph. “How’s that for ex posure?”

“Good for you.” It was always tense right there. Then again, Julia was gener ally so tense everywhere that she gener ally barely noticed. Ironically, her sister had helped her relax enough to hurt.

“What are you doing?” Talia asked.

“Hmm? Oh, sore back. I’m getting old, that’s all.”

“We’re all getting old.”

That may have been technically true, but Talia still had plenty of bounce in her step. Her eyes still twinkled and danced

“Isn’t it obvious? You’re going through a rough time. So I popped by to bring the fun back.”

“Oh.” Julia’s eyes widened. Julia never would have pegged her sister as the sup portive-friend type. But then, Julia had never really reached out to her before, had never wanted to appear vulnerable. Maybe that was a mistake.

“So…” Talia said, sipping her tea and slurping like a child. “What do you do for fun around here?” She flashed an impish grin. “Y’know, besides moping around and lying on the couch?”

The telephone rang.

Julia glanced at the clock in surprise as she answered.


“Mrs. Bergman? This is Chaim Sim cha Ginzburg.”

“Rabbi Ginzburg? I —”

“I’m terribly sorry for calling this late, but there’s a bit of an emergency. It’s

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about your husband.”

Julia’s breath caught in her throat. “What happened to Lenny?” she asked hoarsely.

“Something happened to Lenny?” Talia asked, alarmed. “What’s going on? Who’s on the phone?”

“It’s… complicated,” Rabbi Ginzburg answered. “Can you come to my shul?” * * * * *


Lucjan could barely understand the single mumbled word. “Filip, it’s me.”

“Lucky?” Filip said more clearly, though obviously still drowsy. “Do you have any idea what time it is?”

“It’s six-thirty,” Lucjan answered testily. “And that’s a per fectly reasonable time to wake up. Now wake up!”

Lucjan heard muffled sounds of movement and the phone clattering to the floor. A moment later, it was picked up again. “What’s gotten into you, Lucky?”

“What’s gotten into me is the desire to keep my job,” Lucjan declared. “And seeing as how it’s your fault I might lose it, I need your help to fix things.”

There was a long pause before Filip answered. “Lucky, what are you talking about?”

“Where are you now?”


“Really?” Lucjan was taken by surprise. “What are you do ing there?”

“I got a buddy here. I needed a place to sleep tonight.”

Lucjan highly doubted that, but he decided he didn’t care to ask more. “Fine. That’s close enough. I’m coming to pick you up.”

There was another long pause. “Wait! Just a minute, Luc jan. I don’t think I can help you with this.”


“It’s just that I don’t really know anything about… about municipal stuff or whatever this is. And it seems like a really boring time, and I —”

“NOW YOU LISTEN TO ME, BROTHER! ” Lucjan suddenly shouted. He had helped Filip with every stupid thing for

years, and this was how his brother was repaying him? He was out of control now, a burning fire of anger like nothing he’d ever experienced before. He couldn’t have stopped it if he wanted to. “I’LL BE THERE IN FORTY-FIVE MINUTES. IF YOU AREN’T READY AND WAITING WHEN I GET THERE, I’LL TELL MAMA EVERYTHING — INCLUDING ABOUT THE DOG! ”

He ended the call on that note, breathing heavily and wishing phones still had a base you could slam them into.

* * * * *

“What do you want from me?! Let go!” Lenny shouted. “I’ll call the police!”

Zach stood up, one fist tightly gripping Lenny’s coat, and brushed snow off his shoulders. He laughed. “You do that, Lenny. Call the cavalry, raise the alarm! I’m not gonna stop you.”

The back door of the grocery opened, and a few workers filed out. Someone growled something in Polish, and Zach smiled at them.

“Sorry, fellas, this was a big misunderstanding. We got him, don’t worry. We’ll keep him out of your store from now on!”

“You leave now!” someone said thickly.

“We’re leaving, don’t worry,” Izzy said, hands up placating ly. He and Zach led Lenny around the corner and back toward the front of the store.

“I notice you didn’t run when those guys were out there,” Zach pointed out. “Even though they probably would’ve helped you. Maybe even called the cops!” He spun Lenny around in the snow so they were face to face, and his eyes nar rowed. “But you didn’t want that, did you? We know you stole the manuscript, Lenny. We’re trying to keep you out of prison! So instead of leading us on a marathon, how about we just have our little talk now?”

Lenny stood there a minute, then his resolve broke. “Fine. But let’s get to your car first. I’ve been out here freezing all night.”

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Recap: Sebastian is arrested while in Holland. After the Marques denies ever having laid his eyes upon the man, M. Armand Giroux, who has dealt with Sebastian in Metz, coldly identifies him. Sebastian is locked up indefinitely until the Spanish authorities will make their move.

Sebastian languished in his cell for weeks before he heard anything at all about what was hap pening with his case. He had not expected it to be otherwise. Just to send a message to Madrid and receive a response would take weeks, and then the wheels of the hidebound governments of Spain and Aus tria would begin to grind slowly and deliberately.

There would be no urgent demands to send him back to Spain with all possible haste. Sebastian was no longer in a backwater prison in Avila run by illiterate soldiers. He was now incarcerated under heavy guard in an Austrian prison in the Imperial City, and there would no longer be any dar ing escapes orchestrated by holy hermits. As long as the prisoner was securely confined, the Holy Office of the In quisition would wait patiently for his return. Patience was a trait that the Inquisition possessed in abundance.

Sebastian went back to the prison routines he had de veloped back in Avila to keep himself in good condition physically and mentally. This time, as he marched back and forth across his cell, he reviewed many of the new prayers that had lodged themselves in his memory dur ing the previous three years. He also reviewed to the best of his ability some of the Torah he had learned: verses from the Chumash as explained by the commentaries and a few passages from the Talmud.

Most of all, he struggled against despair. During his year in the prison of Avila, he had resigned himself to his fate. In a way, the prospect of dying as a martyr to sanctify the Name of the A-mighty did not lead him to despair. On

the contrary, it filled him with pride. But this time, it was different. After that midnight conversation with the Rabbi, the prospect of living rather than dying for the sake of the A-mighty had become so tantalizingly real. He had hun gered for the experience, and now, just when it was almost in his grasp, it was about to be snatched away from him. The thought of returning to Spain and dying at the stake no longer filled him with pride. It filled him with a dreadful regret.

On a hot day in early July, Sebastian had his first visitor. Sebastian heard the key turn in the lock, a sound he had not heard since the magistrate had sent him back to pris on. He braced himself for the worst.

A guard opened the door, and a middle-aged priest in a white cassock and with a shock of thick white hair entered the cell. A second guard stood behind him, holding a chair in his hands.

The priest sniffed delicately and held a handkerchief to his nose as a barrier against the stench of sweat and excre ment. Then he shuddered.

“I cannot sit in this place,” he said to the guard. “I need a clean and decent room. Put the prisoner in irons and bring him to me. And for Heaven’s sake, pour some water over him before you let him come near me.”

The guards took the priest literally. They poured several buckets of water over Sebastian’s head. He was still soaking when they brought him to the priest, and in his mind, he thanked the A-mighty for the pleasure of the cool water on his sweat-encrusted skin.

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“Sit down, Dominguez,” said the priest. “I am Leopold Karl von Kollonitsch, Bishop of Wiener Neustadt not too far to the south of the city. I am adviser to His Imperial Majesty Leopold I, Holy Roman Emperor. Have you ever heard of me?”

Sebastian shook his head. “I’m afraid I haven’t.”

“That’s quite all right. I knew your father. He was in Vienna in 1668 and again in 1670 when we expelled the Jews.” Kollonitsch chuckled. “At the time, I thought he was on our side, but one never knows, does one? I was shocked to find out that he was a…”

“A secret Jew?” prompted Sebastian.

“No, no. He wasn’t a Jew. Nor are you. He was a duly baptized Christian, and you cannot just resign from membership in the Christian community. The Church is not a club that you join or leave at will. No, my friend. Your father was a Christian, but he was also a heretic. And the same goes for you.”

He paused to give Sebastian the opportunity to respond, but Sebastian re mained silent.

“I want to make you an offer,” said Kollonitsch. “You’ve been condemned and burned in effigy in Spain. If you go back there, you haven’t a chance. The best you can expect is to be strangled before you are burned at the stake so that you won’t suffer the agonies of being burnt alive. It is very painful, I hear. Do you know that?”

“Do I know what, that it is painful or that I haven’t a chance?”

Kollonitsch smiled. “You’ve spent too much time with your Jewish friends. You’re beginning to sound like one of them. Anyway, here’s my offer. If you repent and ask to be taken back into the loving embrace of the Church, you will be set free, and some of your titles and privileges will be restored. I will have this offer guaranteed by the Pope. I don’t know if you will be welcomed back in Spain, but I can assure you that the Inquisition will never be able to touch you again.”

Sebastian gave the bishop a speculative look. “Why are you making me this of fer? Why don’t you just ship me back to Spain to face my sorry fate?”

“Aha! You think I am trying to trick you. But I’m not. When we expelled the Jews from Vienna thirteen years ago, I was younger and much more hot-blooded. But I’m older now, and I see things more clearly. Harsh measures don’t work. Just look at our own city. We expelled the Jews, and now they’re back in full force. Mark my words, soon they’ll be buying houses inside the walls. I’m convinced that we’d do much better with them if we smothered them with love. And that certainly goes for our unfortunate Christian brothers and sisters who have stumbled into heresy. We shouldn’t burn them at the stake. We should treat them with love and compas sion.”

“A very commendable point of view,” said Sebastian.

“Ah, you are being ironic, but you are correct. It is a commendable point of view. I want to demonstrate the folly of the methods of the Inquisition, and I want you to help me do it. I’m not threatening you. I just want to tell you that my heart is full of love for you, and that if you repent, not only will you save your immortal soul from eternal damnation, you will also make me a very happy man. So what do you say?”

“I must decline your kind offer,” said Sebastian.

“Oh, so fast? You didn’t even give it two minutes of thought.” Kollonitsch stood up. “I certainly don’t expect a quick answer from you, Dominguez. I’ll be back in about a week or so. That should give you enough time to really give some serious thought to my offer.”

“Nothing will change,” said Sebastian. “I decline your offer.”

“I understand. But don’t be so obstinate. I’m not asking you for commitments or promises. Just say you will think about it. That’s all.”

“If I said I would think about it,” said Sebastian, “it would be an affront to the


A-mighty. I am a Jew, and that’s all there is to it.”

Kollonitsch walked to the door and opened it.

“Just think about it anyway,” he said, and he left.

Kollonitsch’s offer seemed genuine to Sebastian, and for a few days, he gave some thought to how he could exploit it to his advantage. Nothing, however, came easily to mind. But then a new development captured his thoughts.

The atmosphere was changing in Vienna. There was a new energy flowing through the city. He could feel it even in the depths of the dungeon. His meager meals were being tossed in impatiently, and sometimes, they were even forgot ten altogether, as was his chamber pot. Guards were running back and forth, shouting to one another. Doors were clanging. Something was happening, and there could be only one expla nation.

Yes, he was sure of it. The Turkish army had arrived at the gates of the city. Vienna was under siege. But what did this mean for him? Would a Turkish conquest of the city be his sal

vation? Would the Austrians execute their prisoners if the city was on the verge of falling to the enemy?

The next day, Sebastian’s suspicions were confirmed as the bombardment of the city began. Even from his cell, he could hear the explosions, and in his mind, he imagined blocks of buildings collapsing under a barrage of cannonballs. One ex plosion sounded like a thunderclap, and he was certain that a munitions arsenal had been struck. From time to time, he also felt slight tremors in the dungeon as cannonballs struck the outer walls of the city.

Exactly a week after his first visit, Sebastian was once again taken from his cell in irons and brought to Kollonitsch.

“So, young man,” said the Bishop, “have you given some thought to my generous offer?”

“There’s no doubt that it is a generous offer, but I can’t even consider it, as I told you last time.”

“You know, of course, that our beautiful city is under siege by the infidel.”

“It would be impossible not to know.”

“Yes, no doubt,” said Kollonitsch. “Our Emperor has re moved his family from the city and taken them to Linz, further up the Danube. But before he left, I told him of my offer, and he was in favor of it. He is ready to reinstate you, if only you repent and return to the holy Church.”

“As I said, I must decline.”

“Even if it costs you your life?”


“Perhaps you think that if the Turks capture the city you will be set free. Do not deceive yourself. Your only hope for salva tion is my offer.”

“I understand.”

“Think about it some more,” said Kollonitsch. Then he stood up and left.

To be continued…

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I love having a freezer stocked with healthy treats that satisfy the sweet tooth. The school snacker, the after-school snacker, and the coffee drinkers will all reap the benefits.

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COOKIE-DOUGH BITES 224 845.600.8484 The Monsey View November 23, 2022


It’s hard to remember that these indulgent treats are healthy!


1¾ cups Grain Brain oat flour

¾ cup nut butter (I used half peanut butter, half almond butter)

¼ cup honey

¼ cup Grain Brain coconut oil, melted

1½ tsp. pure vanilla extract

½ tsp. cinnamon pinch of salt

¼ cup Shufra 48% cacao chocolate chips

¾ cup roasted salted nuts, chopped


1. In a large bowl, mix together all of the ingredients by hand, except the chocolate chips and nuts.

2. Once a dough has formed, add the choc olate chips and nuts, and mix to incorporate.

3. Form the dough into balls.

You can dip these cookie-dough bites into chocolate that’s been melted with a bit of coconut oil in the microwave, if desired.

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NUT-FREE GRANOLA BARS 226 845.600.8484 The Monsey View November 23, 2022


You will love having a batch of these in the freezer to pull out before, during and after school.


1 cup unsweetened shredded coconut

4 cups quick oats

⅔ cup sesame seeds

⅔ cup pepitas

2 tsp. cinnamon

½ tsp. sea salt

⅔ cup honey

½ cup Grain Brain coconut oil

2 tsp. pure vanilla extract

1 cup craisins

1 cup Shufra 48% cacao chocolate chips


1. Line a 9x13” pan with parchment paper, and set it aside.

2. Place the coconut in a skillet over me dium heat. Stir the coconut occasionally until it’s light-brown and toasted. Watch it carefully so it doesn’t burn.

3. Pour the toasted coconut into the prepared baking pan along with the oats, sesame seeds, pepitas, cinnamon and salt.

4. Pour the honey and coconut oil into the skillet. Bring this to a boil and simmer for one minute.

5. Remove the honey mixture from the heat, and mix in the vanilla extract.

6. Pour the honey mixture over the dry ingredients, and mix well.

7. Allow this mixture to rest for 5 minutes, then mix in the craisins and chocolate chips.

8. Place another sheet of parchment paper over the granola, and press down firmly.

9. Cover and refrigerate the granola for at least 2 hours before cutting it into bars.

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CHOCOLATE-CHIP COOKIES 228 845.600.8484 The Monsey View November 23, 2022


A chewy and addictive treat!


2 cups almond flour

½ tsp. baking powder

¼ tsp. sea salt

⅓ cup maple syrup

5 T. tahini paste

1 T. almond milk

⅓ cup Shufra 48% cacao chocolate chips


1. Preheat the oven to 350°. Line a cookie sheet with parchment paper, and set it aside.

2. In a bowl, add all the ingredients except the chocolate chips. Mix everything togeth er with a spoon, until a dough forms.

3. Add the chocolate chips, and mix to incorporate.

4. Form cookies by rolling the dough into small balls, then flattening each one. (These cookies do not grow during baking).

5. Bake for 12 to 15 minutes.

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ave you booked a flight lately? Whether it was a simple call to your travel agent or a quick booking on your own, the process was probably easy.

Imagine if you had to leaf through a big, fat book with a list of flights in order to find one that matches your dream trip. Picture being dependent on a slip of paper in order to be allowed onto a flight. How about driving to the airport for a last-minute standby attempt? That was the setting in which Main Street Travel of Monsey opened its doors. Let’s hear from Mr. Weber, CEO, what travel booking was all about, starting in 1983.

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“Computers were still a new thing when we opened our business,” says Mr. Weber. “For the first few years, we had no computer. Instead, we used a thick phonebook-style manual and called the airline to hear if there was availability and to book tickets.”

The book, printed bimonthly by Official Airline Guide or OAG, listed the upcoming flight schedules in tiny print. It had arrival and departure times for every flight with all registered airlines, and you had to look through all options to find one that worked. Now, try to imagine what happened when there was a schedule change!

“Basically, when a client called, I recorded the relevant dates and their personal details on an index card,” Mr. Weber says. “Then I got to work flipping through the flight schedules and calling the airlines for availability and quotes. Nothing was au tomatic.”

After two years in in the line, the business got its first com puter. Mr. Weber and his wife traveled to Florida, where a com pany offering travel agencies an innovative reservation book

ing program was headquartered. There they learned the ins and outs of the newest, “modern” booking system. Finally there was a way to see flight schedules in real time and receive live updates when airlines made changes! Everything was accessed through codes and acronyms on a blue and white screen — a far cry from current travel sites.


Even with updated booking programs, things were hard ly automatic. To get onto a flight, you needed to have a paper ticket. For those born after paper ticket days, we’ll explain: This meant you needed to hold an actual slip of paper that was like a receipt of sorts, which allowed you to take your seat on the flight you paid for.

It sounds rather simple, but the implications were far-reach ing. It made buying last-minute tickets complicated and posed

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a challenge for those who didn’t live nearby. And that’s not to mention the frazzled traveler who misplaced their ticket or for got to pick it up before heading to the airport.

But physical tickets were the way of the world, the way things worked in those non-automatic days. In fact, when pa per tickets were replaced by e-tickets, people worried that their purchase was not valid. “Are you sure the airline will let me onto the flight? How can I prove I have a ticket?”

As a travel agent, electronic ticketing lightened the load drastically. Besides allowing for a more global clientele and for the ability to assist clients even at the last minute, e-tickets cir cumvent many booking woes of old.

“When we first opened our doors,” says Mr. Weber, “we did not have our own travel agency license. All of our tickets were is sued in Manhattan. Every day, we’d have our designated messenger pick up our tickets and bring them to Monsey.”

deliver them to the pas sengers, or they would miss their flight!

Mr. Weber went down to that messen ger’s home and stuck notes on the front door, back door and garage door to make sure the message got through: Please leave the tickets in your mailbox!

“I couldn’t sleep all night,” Mr. Weber remembers. “At five o’clock in the morning, I drove down to the messenger’s house and checked his mailbox. Baruch Hashem, the tickets were there, and I took them directly to my customers, who made their flight, unaware of the tension I had gone through on their behalf.”

Another time, two brothers purchased tickets to London. They wanted to make it to the tzion of the Shotzer Rebbe, zt”l, on his yahrtzeit. The tickets were issued in Manhattan, and Mr. Weber was in touch with a messenger who would place them on


Mr. Weber recalls times when these physical paper tickets were left behind, and he had to arrange for someone to send them with the Monsey Trails bus, which he would meet once it arrived in Monsey. Other times, Mr. Weber would drive down to Manhattan just to pick up such forgotten tickets.

“The gas and toll cost me more than the minimal commis sion I earned on the tickets! But I was building my servicebased business and was prepared to do all it takes to have my customers’ needs met,” he says.

One incident that stands out in particular was the time Mr. Weber had someone bring tickets from Manhattan for a trip that was scheduled for the next morning. But he had a problem! Somehow, that mes senger went to a wed ding before he had a chance to deliver the tickets. It was precellphone days, and Mr. Weber had no way to contact him. The customers were due to leave their home at six o’clock the next morn ing, and he simply had to get the tickets from the messenger and

the Monsey Trails bus. Time was ticking, and the two needed to leave to the airport, but their tickets hadn’t yet arrived. They sat in the office, waiting tensely, and nearly gave up on the trip. At the very last minute, the tickets arrived. There was no time to spare. Mr. Weber immediately got into his car and drove the passengers to JFK airport, where they made their flight by a hair.

Such were the pressures when paper tickets were issued re motely…

After five years in business, in 1988, Main Street Travel got its own license and began issuing paper tickets in-house. Work ing their way up, the agency obtained direct contracts with the airlines, basically eliminating the need to pick up tickets in

A handwritten flight coupon for Biman Bangladesh Airlines
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A sample Northwest Airlines ticket, computer-printed on ARC-style stock.


But paper tickets were still the way of the world. And that continued to pose complications, left, right and center. All too often, clients forgot to pick up their tickets, remembered them at the very last minute, or needed new tickets thanks to eleventh-hour changes. In those cases, Mr. Weber would drive across town or down to the airport to hand over these muchneeded tickets. Many a time, the entire office was turned up side down as staff combed through piles of paperwork and even garbage cans looking for lost tickets. When passengers lost their tickets after having picked them up, there was an exhausting “Lost Ticket Application” process to follow.

Every day, a Main Street Travel team member would go through the ticket box and call clients to remind them that their tickets were ready to be picked up. To serve customers who weren’t local, every day also found an employee mailing out or shipping stacks of envelopes containing tickets. Another member of the team was assigned the task of “putting together tickets,” which meant separating the coupons that were meant to remain at the agency from those that needed to go to the cli ent.

Then electronic ticketing popped up on the scene, and the hands-on work associated with paper tickets came grinding to a halt.

Sometime around then, another old-fashioned kind of ticket — handwritten tickets — became obsolete as well. These were tickets with several red carbon coupons that were actually filled out by hand!


Mr. Weber has watched many other changes take place in the travel world in his nearly four decades in business.

“For one,” he says, “there were no cheapo fares with ancil lary charges for seat selections, carry-on bags and drinks on board.”

Once upon a time, you were able to pack many more belong ings and gifts into the two overstuffed suitcases, weighing up to 70 pounds each, which were included free with a regular economy ticket purchase. Meals were offered even on domes tic flights, and milder security meant no one needed to be at the air port three hours before their flight.

Then there was the fun of standby trav el. Standby basically meant going down to the airport to try and get on a flight that was technically sold out. If there were last-min ute cancellations or no-shows, the airline would accept standby

Air China’s ticket for Domestic Service 238 845.600.8484 The Monsey View November 23, 2022
An exterior night view of the Pan Am Terminal at Idlewild Airport, later renamed John F. Kennedy Airport, in New York City in 1961



A: That is perhaps the most-asked question by potential clients of 2022! And the answer is manifold. First, there is a faction in our community that has limited or no online access, and our services fill that gap.

But even for those who can technically purchase tickets on their own, the primary reason people look for a good travel agent is because they want the expertise that comes along with one. They want someone with the relevant know-how to guide them and make sure they’re getting the very best deal. They want to know that they are being taken care of from A to Z, worry-free. For some, when they’re booking a trip involving multiple destinations, complicated itineraries, or heavy travel dates, they want that reassurance. For oth ers, it is simply the personal guidance they seek.

“As wholesalers, we carry contracts directly with the airlines, which enables us to pass the savings on to our clients,” Mr. Weber says. “We also partner with car rental agencies, travel insurance companies and hotel chains, which gives us the ability to plan every detail of the trip. Similarly, there are times when we hold blocks of seats at discounted rates — most often when we arrange group flights for students, yamim tovim or other events — which

means the customer gets a cheaper deal that is not avail able anywhere else.”

But above all, it is the advocacy that people want. There’s nothing like a loyal travel agent when things go wrong.

“We often have more options to reschedule passengers when their flight is canceled or delayed,” says Mr. Weber. “Recently, a young family was denied boarding on the first leg of their stopover flight to Israel. Our devoted agent arranged for an Uber to transfer them to another airport where they took a nonstop flight – all expenses taken care of!”

Another story happened this month, with a bachur travel ing alone to yeshivah in Eretz Yisroel. His flight made an emergency landing in Dublin, and the airline offered to accommodate him on a connecting flight two days later. Then our agency stepped in and got him rebooked on a flight two hours later.

Recently, another client was running late for his flight, and our agent had the airline wait for him! They kept the checkin counter open an extra fifteen minutes until he arrived and safely made his flight.

Q: Now, for the million-dollar question! Why should I book with a travel agent?
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passengers at very reasonable rates. Sometimes it worked, and sometimes it didn’t. When it did, it was a bargain!

Mr. Weber recalls one amusing exchange that occurred when he suggested to a client that she travel standby.

“I’m an old lady,” the woman said. “I cannot stand the whole way. My feet are no good!”

It took repeated explanations — and the omission of the word “standby” — to calm her down enough to head out for the airport on a chance.

Another entertaining aspect of bygone travel was the ap pearance of Tower Air.

“They started out using a ticketing system different from standard airlines, and I worked with them right away — soon becoming one of their biggest agents,” says Mr. Weber. “Tower Air was a ‘heimishe’ airline, and it was almost like a flying bus. One of the owners was shomer Shabbos. The stories I had with Tower Air were many…

“Once, a client went to the airport without his paper ticket,” Mr. Weber relates. “I was in touch with the airline reps and

promised to bring the ticket as soon as I could. It was in the evening, and by the time I arrived at the airport, the passenger was already seated on the plane! Such was the trust we had!”


When Mr. Weber first hung his sign above his brand-new storefront at 22 Main Street in April 1983, he was kind of afraid of the first few clients who would arrive. With limited training, it was a courageous leap, but there was no turning back… Mon sey needed a travel agency, and his company filled the void. Soon the customers began coming.

At the start, Mr. Weber worked full time, and his wife joined him part time. By that summer, there was already the need for another worker. Luckily, the new employee had been previous ly employed at a travel agency in Brooklyn, and he was able to share the expertise he gleaned there. Before long the staff ex panded again, and again, and again, soon growing to a team of more than 25 travel experts.

But perhaps the greatest change from those early days is related to a comment one of the first clients made: “Your desk looks so clean; it doesn’t look like a travel agent’s office!”

“Ever since that day,” Mr. Weber laughs, “it’s been hard to see the sur face of my desk…”


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Passenger ticket for Eastern Air Lines in the

It’s part thrill, part skill and part science. Why would someone be inclined to lift off terra firma, and what’s the process like? Here The Monsey

View set out to hear all about it from a frum yungerman who’s had a driver’s license and a private pilot’s license tucked into his wallet.


There is nostalgia in Dov Ber’s voice when he speaks of his early years of flying. But first, how did his cross-country flying journey begin?

“There was a double catalyst behind my getting into flying,” he says. “At the time, I was working in Connecticut once a week, and a friend of mine, who’s a private pilot, suggested I get license to make the commute simpler.”

The second reason was more personal. It had been a difficult year for Dov Ber, and various stresses were lying heavy on his heart. “Put plainly,” he says, “I needed a distraction.”

With his mind made up, Dov Ber signed up for training.


As per the FAA (Federal Aviation Administration), pursu ing a pilot’s license involves two-pronged training. There’s the actual training that takes place in the pilot’s seat and includes

flying solo, and additional classroom learning, which covers theory, laws, rules and airplane mechanics.

When a student is ready, they are administered a written test, and finally, the flight examination (called a checkride).

But the very first step is getting an instructor.

“As it happened, I switched instructors after getting start ed,” Dov Ber says. “My first teacher had an awful temper, which made me quickly look for a replacement.”

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Flying over George Washington Bridge

He then continued with his second teacher, who served to complete most of his training.

“Legally,” Dov Ber continues, “a license may only be granted to a student who’s received 40 hours of flight instruction, but on average, flight students receive 60 to 80 hours of training before getting their license.”

Those 40-plus hours include instruction on maneuvers: how to do a steep turn, how to fly in figure-eights, how to complete a chandelle (which is a banking, climbing turn), how to fly around a point without getting closer or farther, how to get the plane to stall, and more importantly, how to get the plane out of a stall so it doesn’t simply fall to the ground.

“This is all taught in the actual airplane,” Dov Ber says. “Small aircraft boast two pilot’s seats in the cockpit, so both front passengers can take the wheel — or yoke, in flying terms.”

Then, of course, there’s learning how to take off — which is rather simple — and how to land. According to Dov Ber, every thing a student learns comes together at the moment of land ing. It’s as complex as taking off is simple. And because there’s no stepping out of the plane onto the road in case of an emer gency, student pilots also learn what to do in the event of en gine failure.

“This means instruction on how to glide successfully to safety, and how to land safely, even if it isn’t on a runway,” Dov Ber explains. “It’s pretty hard to teach, because there’s no way of knowing where that can potentially happen! In training, the instructor cuts the engine near an airport, and the student then glides to the runway.”

Gliding is very tricky, way harder than flying, because inten tionally gaining speed by pointing down the nose of the plane down means losing altitude too fast. Lifting the nose to slow the plane down, on the other hand, can easily lead to a stall. Thus, there is a very specific angle and speed a plane needs to main tain to successfully extend the glide.

“I also learned the role weather plays during flight, as well as how to navigate,” Dov Ber says. “Then I learned a bit of IFR, or instrument flight reference, which means how to use the instruments in the cockpit instead of looking out the window in order to navigate. This is important in case of extremely cloudy con ditions during which a pilot can get no visuals from look ing out the window.”

Dov Ber also learned how to complete night landings, how to communicate with the tower and air traffic control, and how to read the signs and markings at airports.


“Soon I was ready to fly solo,” says Dov Ber. “Flying solo is a watershed moment in every pilot’s career. When meeting up with fellow students, the first question is, ‘Have you already so loed?’ Because that’s a huge rite of passage. Having gone solo means you’ve reached a certain point in training.”

A student pilot’s first solo flight is always a memorable ex perience. Sometimes the student’s family joins to watch from below, and it turns into a celebration of sorts in honor of this milestone reached.

“My instructor,“ Dov Ber shares, “did things differently. After one routine training session, in which we completed a bunch of takeoffs and landings, he simply got out of the cockpit while we were still on the taxiway and said, ‘Go enjoy yourself.’

“I was in complete shock. I hadn’t known this was coming; it wasn’t like he’d told me I’d be doing it the next day, or the fol lowing week. Suddenly, I was going to fly solo. The plane was all mine.”

Dov Ber flew solo. And flew solo once more. And again after that.

“My first landing was a bit messy; I was excited,” he admits. “But the landings after that one were great. I kept telling my self, ‘Speed and altitude. Speed and altitude.’ Those are the two things that are essential to keep in mind while landing. You don’t want to go down too fast and get low too soon, and you don’t want to stay too high and overshoot the runway.”

At first, solo flying means taking off, turning around to en

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Bird’s-eye view of Long Island

ter a pre-landing pattern, and then landing back in the same airport. Eventually, Dov Ber progressed to cross-country solo flying, which means flying to three airports, with the farthest one being a minimum of 150 nautical miles away.

At the same time, he was still continuing to take instruction, but had decided to complete his training with a Jewish pilot, and it was this frum instructor who actually got Dov Ber to the finish line.

When he was ready, Dov Ber scheduled his written text, which would be administered in a private room in an air port certified to administer this test. He studied for this test for hours, repeatedly poring over the possible questions he’d be asked. There were 800 questions in total, and 100 of them would be on his test.

At the actual test, Dov Ber was given a seat in front of a com puter, where he was presented with the 100 randomly select ed multiple-choice questions. He was not allowed to leave the room at all until one of the staff members would come get him. His anxiety was high.

“The questions were confusing, and many of them were similar,” Dov Ber says. “At the end, I was stuck with one ques tion I thought I’d already answered. The answer could have

Sure enough, Dov Ber was one of 3% to 5% of student pilots to receive a perfect score on their test.

Finally it was time for the checkride, the examination given by a FAA-certified examiner. As rumor had it, the examiner tended to be easier on students who scored 100% on their writ ten text. Indeed, the checkride went well. Dov Ber had to an swer oral questions as well as demonstrate safety checks and a variety of maneuvers.

And then? Then Dov Ber became the proud owner of a pri vate pilot’s license.


Communicating with the tower or air traffic control seems intriguing, and Dov Ber shares more.

“While large airports have their own traffic towers, smaller airports have radio frequencies for pilot-to-pilot communica tion so pilots taking off or inbound for landing can announce their intention and position.”

Once in flight, however, a pilot will switch frequencies and request advisory from an air traffic controller, or ATC, in charge of that area.

Whenever in communi cation with a tower or ATC, Dov Ber says there’s strict etiquette to follow. “First the pilot is required to announce their model aircraft and tail number, and then wait for acknowledgement. Once the tower or ATC replies, the pilot can again name their aircraft and tail number, and then communicate their intention, position, altitude and destination.”

gone both ways, and I had no idea which one to choose. After puzzling over the question for ten minutes, I chose the answer I thought — I hoped — was correct, and with that, I completed the test.”

Soon he was called out of the room, and that’s when he heard the murmuring: “... a hundred! He got a hundred!”

Air traffic controllers, for their part, are the ones in charge of safely shepherding pilots across the area under their purview. In pilot’s lin go, this is called flight follow ing. Flight following includes a traffic advisory in which the air traffic controller alerts pilots to the presence of other aircraft in the sky. An ATC may say, “Skyhawk 3267 lima, traffic 5 miles to your 3 o’clock, altitude 5,000.”

Then the pilot will identify himself and reply, “Skyhawk 3267 lima, looking.”

When the pilot spots the other aircraft, he’ll tell the ATC,

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“Skyhawk 3267 lima, traffic in sight.”

And what if he can’t find the other aircraft? Then he’ll say, “Skyhawk 3267 lima, no joy,” which is slang adopted from the air force.

Once the aircraft has gone off and is no longer of concern, the ATC may say, “Skyhawk 3267 lima, traffic no longer a fac tor.”

Similar communications happen during takeoff or landing, but that’s with the tower or pilots in the area instead of air traf fic control.

“I once had something strange happen while flying to Orange County Airport. As I approached the runway, I an nounced my intention and position on the pilots’ frequency, and suddenly the mic crackled and another pilot said, ‘Dov Ber,

is that you?’ When I confirmed that it was indeed me, he asked, ‘Did you get your license?’”

Dov Ber laughs. “It turned out to be my very first instruc tor, who heard me on the radio and decided to check in. This was a tremendous breach of etiquette; this frequency wasn’t intended for casual chatting. In any case, I told him that, yes, I’d received my license, and he said, ‘Very good, very good.’”

Apparently, he had no hard feelings for having been re placed by another instructor, which Dov Ber appreciated.


A large part of pilot responsibility is safety checks. According to law, this includes checking in with a special flight weather advisory before planning a flight, as well as physical checks of the actual aircraft.

“On the actual aircraft, a pilot has to make sure that the ai lerons, flaps and elevator can move freely; that there’s enough fuel; that the fuel tanks aren’t leaking fuel; and that there’s no water mixed into the fuel — this is essential! Then the pilot


Any conversation taking place over the radio is bound to strict rules and regulations. As they say, when communicating over the radio, “Brevity is the call of the day.”

There is no unnecessary speaking on the radio. Everything’s short, to the point, and crystal clear. Additionally, since tail numbers include letters, and letters are notorious for being misheard, flight announcements use the NATO phonetic alphabet to communicate (see chart). Therefore, a Cherokee airplane with the tail number 1367K will be identified over the radio as “Cherokee one three six seven kilo.”

Numbers are also pronounced differently. A three will be “tree,” a five “fife,” and a nine will be pronounced “niner.” The reason for the last is twofold: both so the “nine” shouldn’t be mixed up with “five,” which may sound similar, and to prevent mix-ups in the international arena, where “nine” can be con fused with the German “nein,” which means “no.”

Orange County Airport
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makes sure that there’s enough air in the tires, and that there are no nicks on the propeller.” Dov Ber laughs. “Even the tiniest nick on a propeller means very shaky flight.”

Before takeoff, there’s another list of checks, and these in clude making sure all the instruments in the cockpit are work ing, that the heading is correct, and that the plane is aligned with the runway.

Then comes takeoff. All of a sudden, buildings shrink to mere toys, and cars are ants crawling along on the roads.

“Flying over Connecticut, the landscape was unbelievable,” Dov Ber says. “There’d be differently colored soil, farmland… it was like out of a storybook. Bodies of water from the sky are also awesome to behold. And when I’d fly with my kids, we’d head to areas we know to spot landmarks, like our house. This was super fun for them, and they’d take pictures. Which kid gets to see a bird’s-eye view of their home?”

Dov Ber tried to make it so that no more than two weeks would pass between flights.

“Any longer than that,” he explains, “and I noticed that I’d be stricken with anxiety before taking off. When I was flying on a regular basis, on the other hand, it was tre mendously enjoyable.”


After a few years of flying, Dov Ber gave it up. He’d done it, and done it well, and then it was time to stop. What was the reason?

“There were a few reasons,” he says. “One was the expense. The other was the safety factor. And then there was the fact that the maintenance of the plane, of which I was part-owner, fell on me, since I was the one flying most often.”

But the straw that broke the cam el’s back was an incident that took

place on a cloudy day.

Dov Ber elaborates. “A seasoned pilot I knew wanted to go flying with me. We’d each be in our own planes, but our routes would be similar. In any case, the weather advisory warned me that there would be low clouds present, but my friend didn’t seem to be concerned at all. And since he was a tremendously experienced pilot, I trusted his judgment.”

That turned out to be a mistake. This flight is one Dov Ber will never forget. Midway, clouds entirely blocked his vision, and the sensation of being completely lost in the air was ter rifying. At one point, he set his plane to kind of fly around a nonexistent point to keep safe while digging into the backseat for his flight map, which listed information of the highest ob structions in every area. When clouds are low, pilots want to fly even lower to regain visuals, but there are many regulations to take into account. As one example, aircraft need to clear any obstructions by a minimum of 500 feet.

“Flying onward,” Dov Ber continues, “I sang Kah Ribon Olam on top of my lungs to keep me calm. I sang it once, and

To illustrate the importance of making sure no water is mixed in with the fuel, Dov Ber shares the following story: An extremely experienced instructor in his seventies whom Dov Ber knew met his end after doing a preflight check the night before a flight. It was winter, and once everything looked good, he parked the plane in the hangar so no more water would get into the tank and so the motor would be warm enough the next morning. The next day, he took off, and after climbing to 300 feet, suddenly crashed. It was devastating. What happened was that when the instructor checked to ensure that there was no water mixed into the fuel, the water was ice and didn’t appear as water floating on top of the fuel. Only in the heated hangar did the water melt, immediately prompting tragic results.

Single engine cockpit
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again, and again. And finally, the airport was in sight.”

Baruch Hashem, he made it back home safely, but Dov Ber admits that he needed a few minutes on the runway after landing before taxiing off to the side.

“My adrenaline was pumping, and I simply couldn’t move. All’s well that ends well,” says Dov Ber now, “but that trip cemented my decision. I wanted out. I flew a few more times after that, and then I was done.”

Would he recommend learning how to fly for others wanting to take on an interesting hobby?

Dov Ber thinks. “I’m happy that I did it, and I’m happy that I stopped. Both of these things are true. If someone close to me would ask me wheth er or not to take flying lessons, would I recom mend it? No. I wouldn’t.

“I’ve heard all these things — that cars are more dangerous, and so on and so forth — but the fact is that flying takes tremen dous skill, and any tiny error can be devastating. It just isn’t worth it.”

Once Dov Ber was ready to bid the skies farewell, the plane

was sold, with Dov Ber receiving only $2,000 less than he’d paid for his share.

“That was great,” he says. “It was well worth it in the long run, and I was glad I made most of my money back.”

And thus, a fondly remembered era in his life came to an end. Now Dov Ber mostly keeps his feet on solid ground, right where he likes them to be.


As Dov Ber once remarked to his instructor, an airplane is incredibly simple, yet incredibly complex at the same time. It’s all basic physics and perfectly logical, yet there’s an endless amount of skill and know-how that’s required to actually har ness that power.

In short, when air rushes over the wings of an airplane, it creates something called “lift.” This lift is what gets an airplane to lift off the ground and fly. One way to recreate lift in your own house is to hold the folded edge of a napkin just below your mouth, and blow. You’ll find that the napkin gets lifted upward. The propeller in front of the plane is what gives the plane the thrust — the force of air that then rushes over the wings. The more power delivered via the throttle in the cockpit, the faster the propeller turns, the more thrust and lift the airplane has.

After rushing over the wings, the air hits the elevator, which is a movable piece of the tail extending outward. Fold the elevator down ward, the air will push the tail up, and down the plane will go. Fold the elevator upward, the air will push the elevator down, and up the nose will go. Then there are additional components like the flaps on the wings, which can slow the plane down when they’re folded downward, as well as the ailerons on the wings and the rudder on the tail, which all help the plane turn to either side.

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We’re all so accustomed to flying these days that many people barely consider that there are risks involved. And while those risks are certainly minimal, with high-tech safety measures and computerized piloting, we know that all travelers need siyata d’Shmaya to make it to their destination safely.

The pilot of your aircraft is not just a silverhaired guy in a crisp uniform who smiles at you when you disembark. He is highly skilled and well trained, with at least 1,500 hours of flying time and two years of intensive training under his belt. We’ve come a long way from the Wright Brothers, for sure. But it still takes considerable expertise and knowledge to fly an airplane, not to mention self-confidence and the ability to remain calm under pressure.

Roughly 100,000 flights take off and land at airports all over the world every single day, and over 600 million people fly each year. Those are huge numbers, and mishaps are certainly rare. But things can happen. And at the end of the day, it’s an astute pilot, good fortune and, of course, hashgacha that make for a happy ending.

Here are some incredible emergency landings that ended well against all odds.

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In one of the most bizarre and miraculous episodes in aviation history, the pilot of a plane was sucked out of the cockpit and somehow survived.

On June 10, 1990, British Airways Flight 5390 was headed from Birmingham, England, to Malaga, Spain. All seemed fine until about 27 minutes into the flight, when two of the cockpit windows literally blew out. This depressurized the cabin, and that loss of air pressure could cause oxygen de ficiency. But the flight crew had a more serious emergency to deal with. As soon as the windows blew, the plane’s pilot, Captain Tim Lancaster, was immediately sucked out of the cockpit.

Chaos followed. As rushing winds and air pressure dif ferences caused the cockpit door to fly off its hinges, Flight Attendant Nigel Ogden focused on the pilot. Thinking quickly, Ogden was somehow able to grab onto Lancaster’s legs and literally keep him from getting lost in space. He is clearly the hero of this bizarre story.

“All I could see were his legs,” Ogden said later in an in terview. “I jumped over the control column and grabbed him round his waist to avoid him going out completely. His shirt had been pulled off his back, and his body was bent upward, doubled over round the top of the aircraft.”

Meanwhile, the cockpit door crashed into the controls, disconnecting the autopilot features and sending the plane hurtling downward at the speed of nearly 400 miles per


While copilot Alastair Atchinson struggled to regain control of the aircraft, two more crew members joined Og den in a desperate attempt to keep the captain from flying away. They were trying to save his life, of course. But they also recognized the danger to everyone else on board if Lancaster’s body would become entangled in the airplane’s engine.

It took 20 long minutes for Atchinson to maneuver the aircraft to a runway and to safely conduct an emergency landing at Southampton, the closest available airport.

All 87 passengers were instructed to brace themselves for an emergency landing, but amazingly, the plane landed smoothly and no one was injured.

Even Lancaster, who had spent twenty harrowing min utes hanging outside of an airplane. thousands of miles up in the air, survived the ordeal. He broke some bones and had a severe case of frostbite, but he survived.

And — he did not quit. Five months later, after recovering from that trauma, Lancaster resumed working with British Airways all over again, until he retired in 2003.

What caused the cockpit window to just fly away? Even tually, it was discovered that it was all about bad screws. Yes, that’s right. The UK Air Accidents Investigation Branch learned that the maintenance crew who worked on this plane had used the wrong size bolts to replace the window panels on the plane. The bolts were just a bit too small for the window and could not withstand the pressure.

It was a happy ending for ev eryone involved — certainly for Captain Lancaster, who probably thought he wouldn’t survive those terrifying twenty minutes. But it also illustrates that when we fly, we’re not only trusting the pilot in the cockpit. We’re also trusting the maintenance guys, and hoping they can recognize when bolts are just a minuscule smaller than they should be.

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Inspecting the damage after the remarkable incident
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Have you ever run out of gas while driving? It’s not just embarrassing, it’s also annoying. You have to figure out how to refill your tank when you’re in the middle of no where.

But at least you’re on level ground.

Not so for Air Canada Flight 143, which took off from Montreal and was supposed to land in Edmonton, Alberta, on July 23, 1983.

While the Boeing 767 was cruising at an altitude of 41,000 feet, the cockpit’s warning signal began to beep, in dicating a problem with the fuel pressure. At first, the pilots turned off the alarm, but when it began to beep in earnest a second time, it was clear that something was wrong. Pilot Bob Pearson and copilot Maurice Quintal remained calm. They requested an emergency landing at a Winnipeg air port and began a gradual descent.

Within minutes, a sharp “bong” sound was heard, and everyone in the cockpit knew they had a huge problem on their hands. In short, they simply ran out of fuel in both en gines. In an airplane. Up in the sky at 26,500 feet, and 75 miles from the nearest airport.

To make matters worse, the plane’s electric system shut down and all the cockpit indicators went dark.

As Pearson said later, “Circumstances then began to build fairly rapidly.”

Pearson began gliding the plane, while Quintal searched the instruction manuals on the proper procedures for deal ing with the loss of both engines. There were none. And neither pilot had been trained on how to deal with this. They were on their own.

Making their own calculations, the pilots realized they would not make it to Winnipeg. The only possible location for a crash landing was Gimli, the site of an abandoned Royal Canadian Air Force Base that was 45 miles away. Luckily, Quintal had trained at Gimli and knew it well. The runway at Gimli was now being used as an auto racing strip — but the pilots didn’t know that yet. In any event, it was their only chance.

The pilots maneuvered the massive 412,000-pound air craft toward Gimli, doing their best to descend slowly but steadily. When it became clear that the plane was coming down too quickly, the pilots performed a unique maneuver called a sideslip, positioning the aircraft sideways to slow it down.

Focused on airspeed, altitude and the plane’s ability to descend safely, the pilots were unaware that there was lots of activity on the ground. Go-cart races were being held on the runway, and the area was full of men, women and children. None of these people had any clue that a massive aircraft was hurtling through the sky and coming straight

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at them.

When the people on the ground finally re alized what was happening, they ran in every direction. According to one report, “The gigan tic Boeing was about to become a 132-ton silver bulldozer.”

Miraculously, nobody was hurt. When the plane landed, two tires blew out, and the nose of the aircraft slammed against the tarmac, bounced, and then began throwing sparks. When it finally came to rest, the airplane land ed less than a hundred feet from the sports car spectators, all of whom managed to get away just in time. Two young boys who were riding their bikes just as the airplane appeared in front of them had a good scare, but were other wise unharmed.

Seventeen minutes after running out of fuel, the aircraft landed. The plane’s fuselage remained intact, and all 61 passengers cheered and applauded. A small fire broke out in the nose of the aircraft, and an emergency evacu ation was ordered. Because of the awkward position in which the plane landed, ten pas sengers were injured when exiting the aircraft. Fortunately, none of those injuries was serious.

The airplane became known as the “Gimli Glider,” and the two pilots were heralded as heroes. Much of the credit was given to Captain Pearson, who was an experienced glider pilot. He applied that knowledge in this emergency situation and landed the huge aircraft safely.

Investigators later determined what had caused the problem. The plane’s fuel gauges were out of service, and the plane’s tanks were measured manually. Pilots and ground crew made the proper calculations, but they worked the numbers using an incorrect “yardstick.” When converting the volume and weight of fuel, no one noticed one basic error: The fuel on the 767 should have been measured in kilo grams, but instead it was measured in pounds.

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The electronic flight instrument system went black when the engines lost power


Thirty-nine-year-old Darren Harrison is the vice presi dent of an interior design company and an avid fisherman. He is many things, but he is not a pilot. Still, when a medi cal emergency rendered the pilot of a Cessna 208 private plane unconscious, Harrison had no choice but to take over.

Harrison and one other passenger were flying from Marsh Harbour airport in the Bahamas to Florida’s Fort Pierce International Airport after a fishing trip on May 10, 2022. The plane was cruising comfortably at 12,000 feet, and the flight was expected to last an hour and twenty min utes.

About an hour into the flight, the pilot came on the inter com complaining of a headache — and apparently lost con sciousness immediately afterward. Despite the two passen gers trying to get his attention and attempting to wake him up, the pilot did not respond and remained slumped in his seat. Harrison quickly noticed a dramatic drop in altitude and understood that the plane was taking a nosedive. The ocean was coming straight toward him.

Instead of panicking, Harrison remained remarkably calm. Realizing that he didn’t have much time, he reached over the pilot’s shoulders, grabbed the control wheel, and started pulling it back gently. In this way, he managed to level the aircraft wings. As a frequent passenger on a small airplane, he knew he had to pull back gently or the airplane would stall.

Once the plane was stabilized, Harrison and his fellow passenger moved the unconscious pilot toward the back of the plane. Harrison then climbed into the pilot’s seat and reached out for help. He put on a pair of headphones and

managed to contact the tower at Fort Pierce, alerting them to the emergency. Frequent flier that he was, Harrison was somewhat familiar with how the radio worked.

Communication with Fort Pierce was spotty, but air traf fic controllers were able to hear Harrison’s calm and level voice saying, “I’ve got a serious situation here. My pilot is in coherent, and I’ve no idea how to fly an airplane.”

Personnel at Fort Pierce helped direct Harrison toward Palm Beach International. There, air traffic controller Rob ert Morgan was able to guide Harrison to a smooth and un eventful landing.

Morgan was the right man for the job. In addition to twenty years of experience as an air traffic controller, he’s also a certified flight instructor. But there was one glitch in the plan. Morgan did not have experience with this partic ular aircraft, the Cessna Caravan. That problem was solved when several other controllers made him a cardboard copy of the layout of the Cessna cockpit to use as a guide. Saving the Cessna became a team effort.

Morgan realized that since Harrison had no pilot expe rience, he couldn’t use technical air traffic lingo. He used short, simple phrases instead. He told Harrison to keep the coastline to his right and to keep flying north. He also directed Harrison to descend to 2,000 feet. Palm Beach turned out to be the perfect airport for Harrison to land, because its runways are long and wide. Morgan coached him well.

“I knew I had to keep him calm,” said Morgan, “show him the runway, and tell him how to reduce the power and how to descend and land.”

At one point, Morgan asked Harrison what his position was. The answer? “I have no idea.”

All air traffic in the area was stopped for the duration of the incident, until the Cessna landed. Harrison did a remarkable job easing the plane onto the runway, showing incredible skill and re silience. Emergency medical personnel came on board as soon as the engines were turned off to tend to the pilot, who had apparently suffered a major heart attack but ultimately survived.

Harrison and Morgan were both considered heroes and were interviewed on local and nation al media. When asked how he was able to land an airplane with no experience, Harrison, who is not Jewish, said, “The hand of G-d was on that plane. That’s the only thing I can attribute it to.”

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One hundred and fifty-five lives were depending on the pilots to make the right call.

In perhaps the most celebrated story in aviation history, a pilot landed an aircraft safely on the Hudson River.

US Airways Flight 1549 was scheduled to fly from New York’s LaGuardia Airport to Charlotte, North Carolina. In the cockpit were Captain Chesley Sullenberger and First Officer Jeffrey Skiles. There were 150 passengers on board the Airbus A-320.

The takeoff began normally, and there was nothing to indicate that things would go wrong. The flight climbed northeast and then turned south toward Charlotte. The aircraft was in the air for about a minute and a half when a flock of birds suddenly appeared nearby. “All of a sudden there was this gigantic boom,” one passenger remembers. “It seemed like we just stopped in midair, like we hit a brick wall.”

The left engine caught fire immediately. Soon, both engines lost thrust and began to idle. The plane started to struggle, and Captain Sullenberger called air traffic con trol, saying, “Mayday, mayday, mayday,” in an even voice.

The pilots had to figure this out, and there wasn’t much time. They attempted to restart the engines, but that didn’t work. The flight was just 1,400 feet off the ground, and Sul lenberger realized he wouldn’t make it to any airport, not even Teterboro, in time. The plane was dropping fast.

Passengers understood that something had gone wrong, but when they heard the Captain on the intercom instruct

ing them to “brace for impact,” they knew he was preparing for a crash landing.

Weighing his options, Sullenberger made a stunning decision. “We’re gonna be in the Hudson,” he told air traf fic controllers. The Hudson River was really the only pos sible option for landing the airplane — but with its multiple bridges, it wasn’t a good one or a tried one, and everyone knew it. After it was all over, one air traffic controller ad mitted, “I just assumed there weren’t going to be any sur vivors.”

The aircraft hit the river full force. “All we saw was water cascading over the windshield,” First Officer Skiles remem bers.

“It was like a tornado,” said a passenger.

Water landings are notoriously difficult, and the re sults can be catastrophic. But Captain Sullenberger skill fully kept the nose of the aircraft high and the wings level. He had maneuvered the tail to hit the water first, and that slowed the aircraft considerably.

Incredibly, the airplane stopped moving and began to float, rocking gently in the waves of the river. The $75 mil lion plane turned into a giant life raft for everyone aboard.

“We were all in shock,” said one passenger, “and we were waiting for what’s next.”

US Airways Flight 1549 was in the air for just five minutes and eight seconds before it splashed down into the Hudson. The landing was remarkable, but the passengers and crew now faced a new crisis. Ice-cold water began pouring into

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the cabin, and they knew they had to get out — and fast.

Passengers opened the emergency exit doors while the crew began the evacuation process. Some passengers had on their life jackets, while the crew distributed them to others. About six or eight people actually jumped into the freezing water, but the others pulled them back onto the plane. In the middle of the Hudson, 155 very cold people stood on the wings of the plane, waiting for help to arrive.

First on the scene were passenger ferries. They were eventually joined by the Coast Guard and crews from the FDNY. The entire world watched with bated breath as every single passenger and crew member was brought to safety.

By evening, the plane was almost entirely underwater.

Investigators were on the scene almost immediately, and they determined that both the Captain and the First Officer had acted properly and professionally. Even Mayor Michael Bloomberg said in a press conference that the “US Airways pilot made an incredibly skillful landing in the Hudson River.”

Captain “Sully” Sullenberger became an instant celeb rity.

How can birds cripple a highly advanced airplane? When an aircraft strikes a bird, not much is left of the bird, but most of the remains are found inside the engine. In this case, 29 samples of muscle, tissue, and bone fragments were found in one of the Airbus’ engines, and fourteen in the other. Evidence on the airplane’s wings and fuse lage indicate that many birds were hit. The birds were identified as large Canadian geese, each weighing about ten pounds.

Bird strikes are a huge problem in aviation. Over the past twenty years, about 210 aircraft have been destroyed because of collisions with birds. And over 200 people did not survive bird strike ac cidents.

Rarely does a flock of birds manage to disrupt the entire system of an airplane, but it happened here. Incredibly, everyone on the plane lived to tell the gripping tale.

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Know the feeling of the quick twist at the top of a roller coaster, of being unable to shut your gaping mouth because of the sheer speed? Imagine flying like that for a living — but in the cockpit of a small plane, flipping and spinning in the sky, thousands of feet above the earth! Welcome to the life of a stunt pilot. Whether it’s carrying out sensitive military missions, showing off for the sake of publicity, or taking a joyride just for the thrill of it, stunt pilots hang out in an upside-down world far more often than the most enthusiastic amusement park guest.

Airs and Graces

Being a stunt pilot may be a cool job, but surprisingly, it’s not a new one. Frenchman Adolphe Pegoud was the first stunt pilot to fly inverted — a feat that took place on September 1, 1913. A short while later, in the Roaring Twenties, air shows were the height of fashion. They were aptly named flying circuses. Many stunt pilots took to the skies in that era, showing off their newly minted maneuvers, which they called “barnstorming.”

Look At Her Go!

It’s certainly a feather in her cap. The U.S. National Aerobatic Champion is a woman named Patty Wagstaff (Patricia Rosalie Kearns Combs). Ironically, this celebrated pilot was born on 9/11 (1951), the date on which planes would later bring death and mayhem upon the “home of the brave.” She currently resides in Florida.

A Career in the Air

Despite the terror they strike in the hearts of the flying-phobic, stunt pilots claim to really enjoy their line of work. They say that the stunts are as much fun as they look, a claim that most of us will never have a chance to debunk.

With their average wages, though, they’d better be enjoying themselves! Stunt pilots get paid just $50,000 to $70,000 a year. For such a risky career, it is a measly salary. Of course, the wage varies tremendously based on skill and fame, and some celebrated stunt pilots do earn many times that amount.

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Fearless or Careless?

It took them ten years to plan it. And it ended in a few minutes – badly. On April 24, 2022, cousins Luke Aikins and Andy Farrington were out on an insane publicity mission for Red Bull, their sponsor. Drones captured the mind-blowing moments in which the pilots hurled themselves out of their respective Cessna 182s and aimed for the narrow cockpit door of their partner’s plane — at 130 miles an hour! Incredibly, Aikins made it. Farrington failed, deploying a parachute to land safely. The plane crashed into the desert sands below. In response to the shocking footage (the two were repeatedly warned by the Federal Aviation Administration not to proceed), their pilot licenses were revoked.

Flying Colors

Ever wonder what to call the impressive and colorful emissions streaming behind perfectly coordinated planes? That’s aerosmoke. Appearing in the wake of brightly colored stunt planes in the sky, the custom-colored smoke adds a thrilling edge… and helps spectators follow the action, too! The smoke comes from a highly atomized mist of paraffinic oil and dyes, which is then ejected into the hot exhaust of a jet or piston engine aircraft.

Risk-Free With RC

You don’t have to get your feet off the ground to enjoy planning and executing aerobatic maneuvers!

A radio-controlled (RC) aircraft can afford you the opportunity to perform stunts without risking life and limb.

This Hobbyzone Aeroscout S 2 1.1m RC Airplane costs about $230.

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For Those With Higher Standards

The largest air show to date is the EAA AirVenture Oshkosh, which attracts some 500,000+ spectators a year. Daily and nightly shows feature top civilian stunt pilots as well as military supporters. It must be pretty amazing to twist and plunge in the sky by day. At night? Talk about fearless!

Five Basic Moves
The five basic moves are: Top Four Stunt Planes horizontal and vertical lines rolls Zivko Edge 540 $320,000 This plane can climb 3,700 feet in a minute! Aviat Pitts S-2C $223,000 Sukhoi Su-29 $185,000 The Extra 330SC $295,000 loops spins hammerheads
in Stunt-Flying
(stall turns, which are the most challenging)
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by: YONAH KLEIN illustration: JACKY YARHI


Each Boggle board hides a word of nine letters or more!


1. Gather round the table to play a family game of Boggle, using this Boggle board.

2. Once you have a winner, fill out the form below in its entirety

3. Email the form to comments@ or fax to 845600-8483 by Sunday at midnight.

4. Two winners will be drawn each week, each of whom will win a pas trami sandwich and a can of soda!


Find words on the board containing four letters or more. Letters of a word must be connected in a chain (each letter should be adjacent to the next either vertically, horizontally or diago nally), and each letter can only be used once in a given word.

The following are not allowed in Boggle:

Adding “s” to a word • Proper nouns

• Abbreviations • Contractions • Acronyms


4-letter words: 2 points | 5-letter words: 3 points | 6-letter words: 5 points | 7-letter words: 7 points | 8-letter words: 9 points | 9+ letters: 12 points






Family name: _________________________________ Phone: __________________

Full mailing address: ____________________________________________________

Full name of winner: _________________ Amount of points: __________

Full names of competing players: __________________________________

List some words only the winner found:

The longest word found on the board: _____________________________

A new word you learned from the board: __________________________

Only complete forms will be entered into the drawing.

R O 288 845.600.8484 The Monsey View November 23, 2022




Family name: Grossman, 845-xxx-5541

Name of winner: Libby Amount of points: 57

Names of competing players: Leah’la

Some words only the winner found: faced, farmer, female, raced, tubing

The longest word found on the board: female

A new word learned from the board: brute


Family name: Tauber, 845-xxx-0931

Name of winner: Mommy Amount of points: 143

Names of competing players: Esty, Rifky

Some words only the winner found: cork, fame, leap

The longest word found on the board: female

A new word learned from the board: kelp

Last week’s bonus word: PROCEDURE

To claim your prize, tear out this sheet (on which your name appears) and bring it in to Nussy’s Cuisine.

62451 64 4376 84 7 5 28 1639 68 57913 236 481 6 5 389 5 8 615 4 2 182 589 289 845.600.8484 November 23, 2022 The Monsey View
CONGRATULATIONS TO THE TEN WINNERS OF THE $5 GIFT CARDS AT TOYS4U! A $5 credit was issued at Toys4U on the account of the phone number listed on your submission. Thank you to the hundreds of readers who sent in beautifully colored pages! Keep coloring! Leah Stern, 10, BYCC Devorah Davidgoleh, 10, YSV Faigy Loeffler, 8, Skvere Malky Kraus, 6, Bais Rochel Chana Leah Tessler, 7, Klausenberg Miriam Rosenfeld, 8, Viznitz Bruchy Reichman, 7, Skvere Rivky Lefkowitz, 10, Vyoel Moshe Ahuva Ramboo, 3 Rochele Cohen, 9, Bais Rochel 290 845.600.8484 The Monsey View November 23, 2022

Send your colored page to The Monsey View to enter a drawing for a chance to have your artwork featured in our pages and win $5 at Toys4U! Ten lucky winners will be announced each week!

To enter the raffle, email your colored page to, or mail it to 365 Route 59, Suite 239, Airmont, NY 10952. Submissions will be included in the drawing only if all information is filled in.

Feel free to photocopy this coloring page for the entire family.

Age:____________________ School:_________________________________________________________ 291 845.600.8484 November 23, 2022 The Monsey View
Nochum Laskin,
Etty Barzeski Zisha and Usher Zelig Horowitz Lipa Stern and Moishy Landau
Anshi Braun, 6 Yonesan Braun, 4
Shloimy Taub, 6
To have your child’s creation featured here, email a picture to or mail it to 365 Route 59, Suite 239, Airmont, NY 10952. Where every entry is a winner! Talent Show 292 845.600.8484 The Monsey View November 23, 2022
Nuti Markowitz, 7, piano and mic
אריווקס ,ג התיכ ,דלעפנאש יכדרמ
Fradel Surkis, boat ride Zisha and Usher Zelig Horowitz Pinchas Kacenberg, 5
הכוס יונ - אריווקס ,11, דלאוונירג יכדרמ םהרבא ןירפלאה .י ןוא קיאוד .ז
Ginsburg Family Moshe and Leibala Lebovits Idy Frieder, 6
אריווקס ,ו התיכ ,דלעפנאש םירפא
293 845.600.8484 November 23, 2022 The Monsey View
Surala Oberlander, 5 Yodef Mordechai Pollak
294 845.600.8484 The Monsey View November 23, 2022
296 845.600.8484 The Monsey View November 23, 2022
297 845.600.8484 November 23, 2022 The Monsey View




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Classifieds help


Cheder Chabad of Monsey is seeking title one mentors daily from 2:00pm till 4:00pm. Growing school and a warm and friendly environment. Please call 612 408 1775 or email ygoldberg@ for more details.


Monsey Bais Yaakov is looking for Preschool coteachers/ assistants, Title 1 Teacher, and 6th Grade ELA and Science Teacher. Excellent pay and amazing environment! Apply today! Email resume to: 44camphillroad@thejnet. com or call: 845.362.3166.


Looking for capable, warm, and dedicated assistants for immediate hire.

Please call 356-1400 ext. 226 or email preschool@ We’re looking forward to hear from you!


Property Management Company looking for a full time secretary, with good communication skills, will train, well paid, email resume to Admin@ or fax to 7182439997


Local property Management Company is looking for a f/t secretary. office Experience required. Great environment, Great pay. Please email resume to


Part-time & Full-time jobs available. Email TopPartTimeJobs@


Office in Monsey is seeking a capable individual for an open position within the finance department. Great opportunity with potential, good pay and Heimish environment. Please email resume to chaimm@


Looking to hire a Morah for September 2023 for a 2 year old playgroup. Well paid. Contact Rikki 347-930-9736.


Full time position operating printing and finishing machines. Great benefits package. Basic computer skills a must. Willing to train. Send resume to jobs@ or for more info call 845-499-4057.




A Heimisha Financial services office in Spring Valley NY is seeking a full time female to join our female team. Responsibilities include scheduling, client relations, etc. Candidate must have excellent verbal (telephone), & writing skills, mathematics, Quickbooks, computer proficiency and ability to multi-task. For more information please email your resume to


A well paid Executive Assistant position is available in a professional real estate office. Organization and great communication skills required. Great pay for the right individual. Email resume to: newpositionhiring@gmail. com


A multi-girl office is looking for a full-time energetic female employee with good communication and phone skills, the ability to multitask, and the ability to learn quickly. A pleasant working environment and well-paid for the right individual. Please email


Frum import company seeks organized, responsible and efficient individual to work in our Secaucus, NJ office, near Passaic, Teaneck, Edison, Monsey. Experience with word, excel and MS office a plus; room to grow. Great opportunity for the right applicant. Email resume :


Busy office is looking for an experienced office manager with knowledge of Quick books and to support the crews outside in the field. Please email resume to:


Looking for a detail oriented person for a office position. Candidate must have good customer service.General computer skills is required. Quick Books knowledge a plus. For more info email: HR@QAHVAC.COM


Looking for a part-time receptionist at Nutrition by Tanya. When: Sundays: 10 am-2 pm in Monsey and Monroe. Tuesdays: 6 pm-10 pm in Monroe. Call or text 718-594-7995 or email tanya@

304 845.600.8484 The Monsey View November 23, 2022



Looking for a female to fill an office position in a fast-growing business, must have great multi-tasking and problem-solving skills. Please email your resume to


Ramapo Cheder Preschool seeking long term sub for co-teacher position. Great work environment, excellent pay, flexible hours, training provided. call 8453627701 x102


Upscale jewelry store in monsey is looking to hire a part time energetic sales lady. Sunday’s included. Please email resume:


New women’s clothing store looking for F/T P/T salesgirls, we’ll paid, great opportunity! Please call / text / whatsapp 347.388.6427


Chassidishe cheder looking for a male tutor for title one. 3:30-5:30. Please call 8452637445


Stop wasting your time going through all the jobs classifieds. Simply email your resume to Info@ to explore your options & maximize your career. Or Call/Text/ WhatsApp 732-800-7633 Strictly confidential & completely free.


Seeking a people person to make a difference in the life of an individual with disabilities. Serve. as a liaison to the families of these special needs individuals. Great pay * good computer skills * excellent oral and written communication skills. Send resume to Or call 845-354-3233 ext. 1120


Experienced Bookkeeper 10-4 to work in a friendly , supportive environment. Excellent benefits, competitive salary. 2-3 years experience in basic accounting duties. Send resume to kfireman@ Or call 845354-3233 ext. 1120


Manager, Tuesdays And Fridays (Until 2pm) In Local Office. Good Phone Skills And Computer Literacy Necessary, Will Train. Respond 4257655 Or Thalerorthodontics@ Gmail.Com



*Assist in developing and scheduling program activities *Provide guidance and direction for all individuals in the program leading to personal development *Provide transportation by driving Agency van as needed. Excellent perks and pluses after 6 months employment. Call for interview to learn more about this excellent opportunity. Send resume to or call 845-354-3233 ext.1218

help wanted N


Heimishe local business is looking to hire a fulltime office secretary with excellent communication & office skills. Send resume to


Be Your Own Boss! “Be in business for yourself not by yourself” best training + support provided, great benefits and retirement package. Please email or call 845-639-5216


Seeking a self-motivated, experienced bookkeeper who can work independently in a friendly, high-paced, predominately all women’s environment for a notfor-profit agency. Some flexibility in hours worked. Salary commensurate with experience. Benefits included. CONTACT: Karen Fireman 845-354-3233 ext.1120 or send resume to


Sheitel macher company is looking for a coordinator/ secretary. For more details pls call 845-662-3004


Middle -aged woman or young man to work as Secretary to Men’s Department Head for young Developmentally special needs young men. 9-4, Excellent salary and benefits. Diversified workload. Good computer skills, phone skills, graphics (if possible) , Help in planning and organizing programs and activities. Send resume to kfireman@ Or call 845354-3233 ext. 1120


Looking for an organized, driven individual with some knowledge of graphics and social media. Needs to have phone skills and light paperwork. Email resume to Assistantposition22@gmail. com

306 845.600.8484 The Monsey View November 23, 2022
307 845.600.8484 November 23, 2022 The Monsey View
309 845.600.8484 November 23, 2022 The Monsey View



Seeking a full time HR associate to process new employees, help in transitioning into a new HR system , help oversee compliance with the state regulations and assist with the conversion to a paperless system. Send resume to Or call 845-354-3233 ext. 1120


Bookkeeping Firm seeking Operations Manager to direct company operations, establish efficient workflows, manage team, onboard new clients, and effectively communicate with clients and internal team. $70k/yr+.


Heimishe office in Monsey looking to hire for multiple full-time positions, graduate/ entry level ok. Please email resume: sammy@ or call 845-603-8206


A school is looking for a part time secretary 4 days a week Must work Sundays. Please call 845-356-4138 x 2


Local Heimishe company is looking to hire a full time employee to design layouts. Will train 718-930-2918


Office in Suffern NY is looking for an P/T-F/T Purchasing/Account assistant with good Computer and CSR skills. Good compensation package. Email resume to


Seeking two female employees for a busy multigirl CPA accounting office. Must be responsible, detailoriented, and computer efficient. Multi-tasker a plus. Excellent pay and training included for the right individual. Central Monsey location. Send resume to:

help wanted N


Earn your BA or Masters degree from a prestigious university, in CASE MANAGEMENT AND HUMAN SERVICES, from home. Yeshiva and Seminary credits accepted. FAFSA and student loans available to cover tuition. For more information please contact us at: 18182065859 or email:


Join our Monsey Office! Receive full training in Nursing Home Financials. Competitive salary and free health insurance. Located at Rela, moving shortly to Rober Pitt. Send resume to


Looking for passionate and friendly graphic designer for weekly ads, branding and possibly web design. Email your work and application to hummingbirdtransforma Talented beginners welcomed.


Seeking a people person to make a difference in the life of an individual with disabilities. Serve. as a liaison to the families of these special needs individuals. Great pay * good computer skills * excellent oral and written communication skills. Send resume to Or call 845-354-3233 ext. 1120


An office in Monsey (Robert Pitt) is looking to hire an Executive Assistant. Hours 9-4 Monday – Thursday. Pls call 845-642-7126


Seeking a capable organized and friendly store manager for local monsey judaica store. Email resume to kkmanagement14@gmail. com


Construction company looking for a full time in office Project Manager. Male/ Female. Send resume to

310 845.600.8484 The Monsey View November 23, 2022
311 845.600.8484 November 23, 2022 The Monsey View
312 845.600.8484 The Monsey View November 23, 2022




*Assist in developing and scheduling program activities *Provide guidance and direction for all individuals in the program leading to personal development *Provide transportation by driving Agency van as needed.

Excellent perks and pluses after 6 months employment. Call for interview to learn more about this excellent opportunity. Send resume to or call 845-354-3233 ext.1218


Do you have several years of work experience but can no longer work full-time? We have several amazing flexible schedule career opportunities!

Email your resume to TopCareerNY@gmail. com


Very good management skills needed. Pls contact yehudis@ or call 845-317-7463 ext 106


Deli in Monsey is looking for a responsible worker to work behind the counter, open and close the store. (manager style). Well paid. Serious inquiries. please call or text to 845-535-1614.


Full Time showroom sales position with tremendous potential for growth!! Please email greatjob7126@gmail. com


Boutique Doctors’ Office seeking Accounts Receivable Specialist to review and input all charges into software system, process payments, reconcile charges, and assist patients with claims. Great benefits including generous PTO, health insurance, and 401k. $60k/yr+. Located in Hackensack. Resumes@


Small Back Office seeking organized and motivated Lead Bookkeeper to onboard new clients, manage bookkeeping team, and oversee clients’ financial data. Min of 3 yrs Quickbooks experience required. $70k/ yr+. Resumes@careerlyny. com.


Full time office receptionist position yehudis@ or call 845-317-7463 ext 106


Bookkeeper position avail. Email: womansoffice7@


Full time position in a stimulating environment. Do you have any real estate, mortgage, title, or management experience?

Looking for full time female employee who is responsible, detail oriented, able to multi task and detail oriented. Prior experience required. Please email resume to prz2636@ with title JOB RESUME in the subject.


We are seeking to hire additional female recruiters, flexible schedule & unlimited income potential. Work from or office. Email TopCareerNY@gmail. com



Experienced babysitter in Oak Glen area has few slots available. Hours 9-4. 5+ hours only. Call/text 347-988-0333


Warm and loving babysitter available on Wednesdays on Decatur. Hours 9:30-3:00. Please call 845-659-4478



Is your weight constantly on your mind? Repair your relationship with food. Improve your health and body image. Uncover your self-worth. Miriam Shurpin MS RD CDN, Registered Dietitian –Nutritionist. 347 480 1670,,, In-person and Telehealth consultations


On demand Torah lectures Video-Audio-download All for free Computer or App for iPhone/Android Or Hotline 718-298-2077. YiddishHebrew - English


Is your child still in the same place after all that tutoring?Join Arrowsmith, a research based program that strengthens the brain and eliminates learning disabilities. Call Mrs Feuer 914-260-6449


And dear yiddishe mother. Give your daughter the gift of a lifetime of happiness & תיב םולש with the marriage summit, 18 life changing classes with top marriage experts. For less than the price of a תוכרב עבש outfit, have the peace of mind knowing that your daughter has the tools, הפקשה & resources to be happily married. Call 929-286-9900 #2 or www.chanyfelberbaum. com


Daily Niflaos Haborai shiur 1-2 minutes. Shiur calls you (Choice of 8:45 AM- 1:15 PM- 2:45 PM- 6:15 PM- 7:45 PM- 9:15 PM) Also available on WhatsApp. To Join: Call or text: 313-NIFLAOS (313-6435267) Sample: 908-280-4488


Specializing in eidele natural makeup. Making u look like yourself but beautiful!! For appt 917-776-1045


זנטעש תקידב Shatnez Testing. Moved to 8 Bristol Ln Sprinv Valley. We pickup and drop off. Call 845.262.8502. Text 845.825.6209. ג“הרה תחגשהב קעשטאלאפ


בוט לזמ
בוד םלושמ ‘רה Vaa’d L’mishmeres
N 314 845.600.8484 The Monsey View November 23, 2022
help wanted N babysitting
315 845.600.8484 November 23, 2022 The Monsey View
316 845.600.8484 The Monsey View November 23, 2022



Mr. Wertzberger’s Music School offering music lessons on the phone, ages 9-15 boys and girls. Try it free! 718-4351923


“Change your Water.. Change your life” Alkaline - AntiOxidant - Super Hydrating Call for FREE supply and feel AMAZING! 917-681-0003


Enhance your gown with just the right petticoat! Kids and adults petticoats for rent! In the Bates area. Please Call or text between 8:30-10pm 845-746-7248


--In The Comfort of Home-*Swedish *Deep Tissue *Lymph *Craniosacral Therapy Call Sarah: 845596-1373


having trubble with finances? join Debtors Anonymous Tuesday night @ 19 Robert Pitt # 113 , 7:30-8:30pm. visit www.


Biggest selection of balloons for all occasions in the Weiner drive area call 8454223988/ Flyhighbal@


Great prices. Call Miri 845426-7561


For all your custom closets please call or text 1347.522.4872


Keyboard lessons By Miri. Great Prices! Call 845-4267561 or 845-263-6437

SHAIMOS PICK UPS 845-461-3084


12 years experience. Wide selection. Call/text: 845-5387986


Customer email data extraction for FBM sellers. 6 cents per email. Contact to get started!



Professional photo albums for all occasions at a great rate. Reach out to: 845-587-9286 /


We can help you find the perfect Apt/House for your family. 845-243-0333


Websites starting at $995, call 845-600-2030 or email hey@


Beautiful party props for rent in white/glass color. Vases, cake stands trays etc. Call or text 845-202-2583


we fix knitted & crochet Gartlech & make beautiful professional fringes. We also teach how to knit & crochet. call: 917-414-3281



Beautiful sister/married sister, off white gown with colored beadings for sale. Size 6-8. Height 5.1. $350. 845248-6340 Can send picture


Beautiful black maternity gown size xs worn once, exquisite black and white gown adult size 2 worn once, Nellystella mauve girls gown size 6-8 call/text 845-5487282


Adorable gold gown by Dassy available to buy or rent. Toddler size 4. Call 422-5596 for more info


Very Elegant, Winter White trimmed with Black Velvet, girls size 12/14 for sale. Please Call 845-709-7161.


Beautiful mother of bride gown for sale. Black and white. Size 10-12. Great price. Call/text 347-760-4649.


Gorgeous off white and black Elegant Chasunah Dress size 8-10 for sale/rent. Call 845422-6868


9 exquisite mauve color gowns for sale. Size 2-16. Worn once. Reasonable price. Call 718-986-9064

N 318 845.600.8484 The Monsey View November 23, 2022
services N
319 845.600.8484 November 23, 2022 The Monsey View
320 845.600.8484 The Monsey View November 23, 2022
321 845.600.8484 November 23, 2022 The Monsey View


Layettes (845) 213-3646

Layettes Text 718-551-1732

Doula 845-587-1649

Labor Bag 347-604-3274

Pidyon Haben Accessories 845642-7256

Pidyon Haben 845-659-6704

Pidyon Haben Gemach 845-3563568

Formula 347-267-3640 Or 216889-3643

Neocate Formula 718-853-4090

Carseats, Bassinet & Pack N Plays. 425-1202

Carseats, Pack N Plays, Strollers, Pumps 845.425.6826

Doona Car Seat 845-445-7474

Brass Iron Bassinet 917-280-4559

Preemie Clothing 845-520-0475

The Preemie Box 845.664.5768 Or 718.688.5814

Baby Scale 845-578-5639

Baby Headphone 845 356 6797 Or 845 558 9370

Baby Scales 845-694-8985

Easy birth from Koznitzer Maggid 917-514-9461


Bris Accessories 617-955-3630

Bris Accessories 845 425 8359

Bris Accessories 425 3873

Bris Accessories 425-6574

Bris Accessories 356-6215

Blue Light 845.425.1919

Poya and bris outfit w/ tefillos 845-425-0672

Pillow/Benchers 845-213-0602

Knife Sharpening For Mohalim 718-384-6214

Segula Stone 347-699-6418

Preemie Outfit 845.558.7065

Krias Shema Board With Stand 425-4540

Free Mohel 347-383-5696


Gowns 845-517- 8808

Mother & Sister Gowns 845-4267496 Or 845-352-3031.

Gown And Petticoats 347-2781278

White Dresses 845-371-1765

Floral Bisomim 845-629-2785. Hats $25. 347-351-1604

Elegant Hats 845-517-0838.

Bands & Berets 845-371-3556

Tichel 845-548-0014

Mechitza’s, Tables, Chairs Etc. Call 845-445-8015

Hot Water Urns 845-425-9211

Ear-Plugs 845-202-0105.

Toys 845-578-6513

Toys 917-538-3453.

Clics 845-352-5820

Tablecloths (845) 371 2105

Tablecloth 352-8292

Tablecloths 352-8292

Gold Chargers 845-573-9772

shelves, stands, trays & center pieces 845-425-1721


Siddurs. Sfard: 845-608-7830

Ashkenaz: 845 352 1756 Or 845826-6718

Siddur/Chumash 558.4774

Benchers 845-642-0910

Bentchers 347-404-2204

Bechers 845-377-5671

Becher, Challah Deklich, Zemiros 845-425-0498

Coat Rack And Hangers 845356-9841

Chuppa Cards 347-278-1278

Chupah Cards 845.222.0456

Chuppah Tefillos Booklets. 845213-0602.

Wedding Kit 845-425-2036

Wedding Kit 845-371-2947

Simcha Powder Room Kit 845263-4342

Accessories Basket 845-371-6857

Children Hair Pieces 3473001679

Portable Chuppah 845-425-4790

Umbrellas 216-470-9841

Sound System 917-382-8809

Evening Bags 845-549-2929

Shmiras Halashon Cards 5370069

Earplugs for Simchos 845-3281071

22 qt crockpots, big hot plates, big pots, perculator 8453238570

Simcha table centerpieces 8456087715


Yom Hachuppah Cd 845-3522560

Crowns, veils, shoes, capes 426-0767

Headpieces, Tiaras, Veils 845425-4221

White Sneakers 917-613-6579

White Shoes 845-200-0211

Kallah Hand Bouquet 845-4593567

Dress your kallah stress free.

Book 1 week in advance 518306-1167

Bridal Shower (845) 248-4218

Kallah Dresser 845-300-5767


Ribbis Question? 347-977-0628

Notary Public 347-228-8825

Fix necklines 845-238-6691

Hairstyling 845-540-3731

Hair styling 845-502-6558

Haircuts & Styling 845-352-8101/ 845-499-3218

Haircutting/Styling 845-263-7057

Haircutting & Styling 845-4225337

Hospital Supplies 746-8293

Hospital Gown 845-425-8687

Hospital Gown 845-426-4695

Hospital Gowns 845-356-5364

Medical Equipment Email

DVDS & players for Cholim/ Homebound 425-2660

Simcha Maternity 845-425-1725

Bed Rest? Laundry Help. 213-7437

Maternity Clothing 845-445-9687

Maternity Coat Text Only 8455212912

Twin Boppy Pillows (845) 4459298

Proposal Gemach 347-277-4072

Gps & Waze 845-352-2588 (Minimal Fee)

Kosher Waze 845.587.1708

Roof Carriers 845-659-1863.

Pack N Play Sheets Included. Text: 845-216-4885

Pack n plays 845-426-1177/ 347631-8183

Beautiful nishmas cards 845729-7390

Poya (outfit, hat, booties) 845425-0672

Help-a-mom. to volunteer call 347-977-6816

Phones For Emergencies. 845213-8664

Reflectors 845-356-0815

Reflectors 347-977-6816

Feeding Supplies 845-366-6398

Mezuzos 587-4533

Moving Boxes Text (845) 6415536

Boxes 845-425-6826 Or 845608-7830

Boxes 845-642-5286

Boxes Text (845) 641-5536

Heaters 845 362 8666

Phone Gemach 845-445-7422

Air Mattresses 9176537170

Air mattress gemach Text/What sApp 9087831676

Outfit and pillow 914-715-2672

Suitcases 845-371-9121

Bike Racks 845-659-1863.

Opwdd Sd Advice Email Slfydhm@

Computer Advice (862) 248-1931 Loans 347-385-1408

Moving Help packing/unpacking 845-281-5900

Digital Cameras 8264062 Phone With Service 845-4457422

Eczema Cream 845-274-7858

Single parent? Help with shopping etc. 516-203-2616

Yiddish & English Poems 845587-3018

Shabbos lamps (914) 391-3787

Lev Simcha music groups/visits 8456082676

sefer torah 347-598-0357

Free-shalom bayis 845-213-0602

Mezuzos 845-540-1802

Drop in babysitter - (845) 4459391

laminators & paper cutters msg 845-263-7115

Kendamil formula 914-523-0592

Hachnosas Kallah loan gemach 347-415-1525

Heimish Chicken soup 845-3523959

Costume Used or new 8455380990


Silver/Grey colored gown size 2-4 8455380391


Magnificent black maternity gown for rent please call 845-352-1838


Stunning Children gowns for rent, size 2 to 18, best prices! Call 845-2744748 or Text 845-293-2839, Located in New Square.


2 stunning, light blue, sister of the bride gowns for sale. size 2-4. Call 845-352-0480



Of toys, arts & crafts, or supplies, in good condition, for a Heimishe Moised. Call 845.500.3100


Lit a lecht for 40 days for R’ menachem mendel ben R’ yosef m’riminov and saw a gevaldige yeshuah.


Lost something? Found something? The Daily Return: Call/text: 845-538-0193, Email:

diamond bracelet at the Harvest Ct. shul Oct 20. 347-461-4938

part of a gold earring in the new Park & Ride or town square area 845-6081254

Green Card name Sussman possibly at Good Sam Motzei Shabbos Oct. 22 - 347-831-6104

Mutzusi Lost And Found 718.365.2400 x Lost 5678

SX730 camera in white case Y’’T time 354-1444

Light pink shopping bag with fax report Nov 17, 845-659-9482

exchanged black wool jacket Medium by Goldman/Klar wedding in Satmar hall 845-828-0573

322 845.600.8484 The Monsey View November 23, 2022
323 845.600.8484 November 23, 2022 The Monsey View



Camera case with SD cards in Lafamila 845-826-0764

white bluetooth airbuds Francis 845-352-3751

key near Yeshivah Shar Afraim on Maple Ave 845 517 8871

child’s gold earring with red heart and gold balls near Westside 845-354-7944

boys shabbos coat, black baby hat, Stuffed toy Torah, Mens Scarf found by Greenfield on Herrick 845-426-0307

Necklace on Horton Dr. Shabbos Nov 12 call 347-5468235/845-425-0475

earrings 845-213-7361

Usb 32 GB in Lafamilia with upsherin pics 845-642-7576

off white baby hat in zara by palisades mall. 347 300 6053

Silver ring with name Shaina Brocha 845-304-9771

black/white umbrella surgical shop 659-9482

hanging Teen earring with diamond on loop and pendant in center in Town Square few months ago 354-1444

black size 8 Zara jacket chol hamoed 845-783-4784

Initial מ necklacefew years ago in Mike taxi 845-4006208


Mattress 845-352-2938

Dining room table almost perfect condition 845-3546613

Light grey young Mechteniste or Sister of Bride dress size 0, 845-357-4580

2 pairs black ARA shoes size 7, worn twice, middle aged woman 845-357-4580

box of Yiddish reading material 4251937

Fax machine 426-0864

large sturdy formica kitchen table with two extending leaves 845 587-4159

2 Step-It-Up dance pads not sure if in working condition, can probably be fixed call/ text 845-274-7508

Giving away a Used Samsung Dishwasher 845-426-3869

TRUCK FOR SALE 2004 Kenworth box truck with liftgate, 29 footer, 272k miles. Truck runs and drive great. $15,000 OBO. Please call 718-536-1930 324 845.600.8484 The Monsey View November 23, 2022
lost & found N free giveaways N
סליקסטעקב קראי וינמ ןרהא תודלות ירוחבל תודעוותה תבש 326 The Monsey View
PCS FDU Masters in Accounting Graduation Dinner in Monsey
PHOTO CREDIT: JDN ןיטאלעד ד”בא ייב ארמג ךיז ןרעהראפ ’יעשי ראב רדח ןופ םידימלת ןרהא תיב - ץאש - אקווירטסימחאר - אריווקס תיבב םיאנתה תחמש יעשראפמ ר”ומדאה ןבל תוכרב עבשה תחמשו ע”יז ןאסאקמ םישלש ינבה ק”הרה תלוליה יסרעשזד וינ ןיא בוריע טנאמריע יד ןטכערראפ םייב בוריע יסנאמ ירבח ליהעווזמ ר”ומדאה לצא ליהעווזמ השמ ’ילדג ’ר ק”הרה לש אלוליה תדועס לצא רוקיבב וואלסינאטסמ ר”ומדאה ןאדנאל ץינשזיוומ ר”ומדאה 328 The Monsey View
PHOTO CREDIT: JDN יסנאמ שהאט’ד שייפ םלושמ תדובע הרות דומלתב רוקיבב שהאטמ ר”ומדאה קראי וינב רוקיבב ק”הרא ליהעווזמ ר”ומדאה 330 The Monsey View
הניפה ןבא יד ןסיג םייב א’’טילש יסנאמ ראמטאס ד’’באג ד’’בא צ’’הגה םידימלתה רבד א’’טילש יסנאמ בובאב יכדרמ ריאמ ברה דמעמה ר’’וי א’’טילש שטיוואקרעב םשב ףיוא טערט ו’’יה אנהכ ליוונאז לאומש ’ר ח’’הרה ןינבה םש ינבדנ אנהכ תחפשמ קחצי רואמ י’’ר א’’טילש ןאמסקאוו םירפא ’ר ג’’הרה דובכה םאונ א’’טילש רעגרעב בייל ריאמ ברה הבישה ל’’כנמ עיירטעג יד ןיא ו’’יה שטיוואלורטס לאוי ה’’ומ דיגנה ינברה ךרוד טיילגאבסיורא טרעוו א’’טילש הבישי שארה ןרמ דמעמה אשמ ןטימ ףיוא ףיוא טערט הבישי שארה ןואגה ןרמ 332 The Monsey View
תראפת תבישי ןופ ראופמהו שדחה ןינב ן’ראפ הניפה ןבא תחנה דמעמ א’’טילש קעב יכדרמ יבר ןואגה ןרמ תואישנב יסנאמ ןיא השמ א’’טילש הבישי שארה ןרמ טימ דוקיר א ןיא א’’טילש ןעלוקסמ ר’’ומדא ק’’כ דמעמ םייב א’’טילש יסנאמ ראמטאס ד’’בא דמעמ םייב א’’טילש ןעלוקסמ ר’’ומדא ק’’כ הניפה ןבא יד ןסיג םייב א’’טילש ןעלוקסמ ר’’ומדא ק’’כ הניפה ןבא יד ןסיג םייב א’’טילש קעב יכדרמ יבר ןואגה ןרמ 333 The Monsey View
PHOTO CREDIT: JDN יסנאמ בקעי תראפת ד”מהיבב ק”שצומ ב”ב בולעלמ ריעצה ר”ומדאה דלעפנירג השמ :רעדליב שזדיר טאנטסעשטב בקעי ןורכז להקל הנפה ןבא תחנה דמעמ עוואנישמ ר”ומדאה דכנ לש הנותחה תחמש 334 The Monsey View
Contents // Inside 154 // Inbox 165 // The Great Big Fanny Pack Pickup! 176 // Parsha 184 // For Old Time’s Sake 196 // Week in Review 206 // The Last Rebbe of Lodz 214 // The Long Road to Freedom 223 // Food 234 // Wings of Change 246 // At Home in the Cockpit 264 // Mayday! 282 // FYI 286 // Ricochet 288 // Fun Pages 298 // Classifieds 326 // Pictures ISSUE 374 NOVEMBER 23, 2022 תודלות תשרפ ג”פשת ןושח ט”כ FYI: AEROBATICS AN EMERGENCY MID-AIR When engines shut down and windows explode LETTING GO OF TERRA FIRMA How a frum pilot took to the skies REMEMBER THOSE PAPER TICKETS? Inside the travel industry revolution Community Outreach Center opens its senior-support division for Monsey families MASSIVE BLACK FRIDAY SALES TOWN SQUARE MALL EVERGREEN UPTOWN MALL THE MONSEY VIEW P.O. Box 305 Monsey N.Y. 10952 Telephone: 845-600-8484 Fax: 845-600-8483 E-mail: Website: MISSION STATEMENT: The Monsey View is a weekly publication designed for every segment and age group of our diverse community. Under rabbinical guidance, we bring Monsey’s top talent together to provide high-quality, informative and current reading material, keeping you up to date on sales, events, news and issues of concern and import happening right now in the Monsey community. DISCLAIMER: We do not endorse any ad found in this publication. We are not responsible for typographical or grammatical errors. COPYRIGHT: All content found in The Monsey View is copyright and may not be reproduced, published, distrib uted or duplicated for public or private use without written permission from The Monsey View. Limit one (1) per family Publisher: YOEL ITZKOWITZ Editor in Chief: D. GORALNIK Content Editor: R. REESE Associate Editor: E.M. NEIMAN Food Editor: M.P. WERCBERGER Creative Director: AJ WACHSMAN Project Coordinator: R. ITZKOWITZ 336 845.600.8484 The Monsey View November 23, 2022

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