Issue 381

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FREE ISSUE 381 JANUARY 11, 2023 תומש תשרפ ג”פשת תבט ח”י INTO WELCOMING WALLS BEFORE THE MOVING TRUCK ROLLS IN Tips to get you from here to home with less stress Down Memory Lane in Williamsburg: THE CHAPTZEM TREND A sense of belonging permeated the streets DRAFTING A DREAM An innovative selection of home improvement ideas MINHAGIM ON THE MOVE Age-old customs for the new home FYI: CARDBOARD Vativa Decor makes sleep luxurious and every space a haven IT’S NOT JUST A DREAM Estate Planning Workshop BY HAAS & ZALTZ SEE PAGE 9 Looking for a career change? Swift Staffin g Call, text or 732.800.7633 SEE AD ON PAGE 33
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ANOTHER MUST-READ (Re: Chronicles of Courage, Issue 380)

The article about memoirs of WWII experiences is a must-read for all second- and third-generation survivors. May I suggest an additional book to add to your readers’ list? I’m referring to the book Dignity To Survive by Yona Emanuel, republished by Feldheim.

This is a story of the emunah of a Dutch family during the Holocaust, some of whom survived concentration camps in Holland and BergenBelsen.



(Re: The Early Days of Williamsburg, Issue 380)

We enjoy your weekly very much. It’s always so informative and in line with our hashkafos. Your article on Williamsburg was especially interesting.

There was another Williamsburg of the ‘40s, ‘50s and ‘60s, and I’m referring to the houses of the Tress, Wilhelm, Belsky, Hershkowitz, Gewirtz, Shain, Hess, Mendelowitz and Newmark families — the founding fathers who laid the ground for Yiddishkeit in the New World. It was a world of the establishment of Stolin, Mir, Vien, Mesivta Torah Vodaas; an era of Rav Gedalia Schor, zt”l, Rav Avrohom Neuhaus, the principal of the Bais Yaakov elementary school, the people who sent packages to the DP camps, Reb Chaim Gelb and Reb Yom Tov Ehrlich. It was the days of Yeshivas Chofetz Chaim, where Americanborn yungerleit learned day and night and lived with almost nothing under the leadership of Rav Dovid Leibowitz, zt”l, and his son Reb He-

INBOX // Talk of Town תשרפל םינמז תומש תורנה תקלדה ץינזיוו אריווקס 4:32 4:20 4:25 תבש יאצומ 6:04 5:47 6:06 6255 356-mall 845 ONE NUMBER all your needs.
Williamsburg • Lakewood
Monsey 27 Orchard Street Monsey, NY 10952 845-425-8010 BORO PARK 4714 13th Avenue Brooklyn, NY 11219 718-435-8697
MONSEY, NY WEATHER FORECAST THURSDAY 48°/46° 61% FRIDAY 54°/35° 91% MONDAY 36°/28° 0% SHABBOS 39°/19° 57% TUESDAY 40°/34° 25% SUNDAY 31°/25° 13% WEDNESDAY 43°/30° 80% The Everest Equity Company, Inc. Registered Mortgage Broker New York State Department of Financial Services. Mortgage Broker Licensed by the New Jersey Department of Banking and Insurance. Licensed Mortgage Broker CT, PA, FL and NC Banking Departments. Loans arranged through third party providers. Company NMLS ID 12484 8 4 5 3 5 7 6 9 0 0 • n f o @ e v e r e s t e q u t y c o m • e v e r e s t e q u t y c o m 2 E X E C U T V E B L V D S U T E 2 0 1 • S U F F E R N , N Y 1 0 9 0 1 90 845.600.8484 The Monsey View January 11, 2023

noch, zt”l, nephew and grand-nephew of the Chofetz Chaim, zt”l.

Let’s not forget the heilige teachers of Bais Yaakov charged with a mission from Sara Schenirer: Rebbetzin Kaplan, Rebbetzin Bender, Rebbetzin Cisner, Rebbetzin Goldstein, Rabbi and Rebbetzin Rottenberg, Rabbi and Rebbetzin Heller, and Rabbi and Rebbetzin Pincus, zt”l, among many other pioneers.

These people forged ahead at a time when yeshivos and bais yaakovs were not yet popular on this side of the ocean.

They deserve an article highlighting this outstanding, idealistic era.

A Reader



(Re: Not Takeout; Inbox, Issues 379 and 380)

While we’re on the topic, one that I did not introduce, what about the heilige, zeese neshamalech attending a simcha who empty a sweet table within moments of its grand reveal? At minis priced at a couple of dollars apiece, it’s almost painful to watch a little one take a taste and haphazardly put the glass cup right back. Have you ever begun to admire the souvenirs placed at your place and experienced a curious one snatching yours before you even sat down? How often have you felt that there were lives on the line when you watched mechitzos topple and children climb piles of chairs?

The reality is that young children sit at the “children’s” table for approximately five minutes and enjoy a nibble of a bilka before they look for more exciting entertainment.

Perhaps losing a treat for children, a babysitter or a spouse may be the better alternative than having little children come along to a simcha. And though I’ve yet to conduct a poll, I know that most baalei simcha want to

EMAIL: comments@ FAX: 845-600-8483 MAIL: The Monsey View, POB 305, Monsey, NY 10952

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see an empty dessert table at the end of the event.


(Re: With the Guests in Mind, Issue 380)

I’ve been following the letters in your inbox on the topic of taking home treats from simchas

I attended a cousin’s l’chaim this week. I didn’t even look at the miniatures, since I was going just in and out — and after reading your recent letters on the topic, I didn’t feel comfortable taking anything home. But guess what? The kallah’s siblings sent me home with three plates full of goodies. I would never have taken that much, but I gladly accepted the plates, knowing my kids will enjoy it.

So here I am, chiming in with my opinion on the matter: I totally agree with the letter Rivky S. wrote last week in response to the original letter.

Thanks for entertaining us week after week. Much hatzlacha, N. Weinreb



To My Fellow Drivers,

I want to make you aware that handicap parking is just for handicapped people. I often see others park in handicapped spots, and this trend needs to stop. Many people use it to pick up or drop off passengers, or even just to wait for someone. I’ve also seen people without handicap tags park and go into the stores. What blatant disrespect!

Furthermore, if someone is handicapped, there’s a big likelihood that it’s hard for them to get in and out of a car, so even if they do see a driver in the car, they can’t just get out to ask the driver to move.

Please, if you’re not handicapped, I’m asking you to be respectful and not to occupy spots designated for the handicapped for even a minute. And please make your family members aware of the same.

Thank you,

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A Concerned Local
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The Place Where You Stand

Moshe was grazing the sheep of Yisro in the desert when he saw from a distance a burning bush. Amazingly, it was not getting burned. He wanted to see the interesting phenomenon from up close, but as he neared, Hashem called, “Moshe, Moshe! Do not draw near. Remove your shoes from your feet, because the place on which you stand is holy soil” (Shemos 3:5).

Why was it necessary to stress “the place on which you stand”? It is selfunderstood that if Moshe was told that the soil was holy and he was to take off his shoes, it was referring to the place where he was standing!

THE HOLY REBBE OF KOTZK had an interesting minhag on Motzei Yom Kippur. Every year, he would announce to all the mispallelim in his shul that he knew for what each of them had davened, and he knew how each tefillah had been accepted Above.

His chassidim accepted this statement without question. They knew not to open their mouths when the Rebbe spoke of otherworldly matters. However, one year, there was a misnaged who joined their minyan for Yom Kippur. When he heard the Rebbe’s unusual announcement, he was puzzled.

He did not keep his surprise to himself and asked, “The Rebbe says that he knows what each of the mispallelim davened for… Can the Rebbe tell me what I asked for?”

“Let me tell you,” was the Rebbe’s reply. “You told Hashem, ‘Ribbono Shel Olam, You surely know that I run a little grocery, and that it provides me with my income. But the work in the grocery robs me of my menuchas hanefesh. It doesn’t allow me to work on my ruchnius the way I would like. For example, when it comes time to daven Mincha, I stop in the middle of work and stand up to daven Just then, a woman will walk in and ask to buy some sugar, and this interrupts my davening. Even though the woman will wait for me to finish, I’ve already lost my focus. Or it sometimes happens that I sit down to learn a bit, and customers will suddenly arrive, and I won’t get to complete my daily learning. This bothers me to no end! Ribbono Shel Olam, I want to make a deal with You. Until now, I earned twenty rubles each month. I am ready to earn just sixteen rubles and have less disturbances to my ruchnius.’”

The man stood, dumbstruck. That was exactly what he had davened for!

“So, what was the response in Shamayim?” he asked. “Was my tefillah accepted?”

The Rebbe explained, “The Ribbono Shel Olam replied, ‘Continue exactly as you’ve been doing until now. It is good this way! Even if you are not satisfied with your madreigah and would have liked to serve Me without disruption, that is not what I want. I specifically have a nachas ruach when you daven and learn even when it doesn’t come easily.’

“You may think it isn’t worth much,” the Rebbe concluded, “but in actuality, your serving Hashem under these preoccupied circumstances brings Hashem the greatest pleasure, and Hashem wants you to continue exactly in this way.”

The message this man received was that a person can reach elevated levels of kedusha from whichever place and whichever situation he is in. A person is not expected to do what is not possible; rather, he should do the best he could in his current situation.

Often, a person may feel that under the circumstances, he cannot merit to accomplish his tafkid in this world. The truth is just the opposite! Hashem wants us to grow specifically in our challenging positions. From there, we can reach our purpose in life.

* * * * *

This is how the Chofetz Chaim answered our question.

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Hakadosh Baruch Hu was pointing out to Moshe Rabbeinu: “The place on which you stand,” the position and level upon which a person is currently standing, that is holy ground. A person is not expected to be someone else or somewhere else. He isn’t expected to change the conditions in his life. Hashem simply wants each of us to do whatever we can, to the best of our ability, in our present circumstances. The pasuk says these words in present tense to emphasize this.

From here, from the spot where we are currently standing, we can reach higher levels and transform our position into holy ground!

Adapted from the teachings of Rav Mordechai Freundlich, zt”l.

Did You Know?

While tending his sheep in the wilderness, Moshe wandered for 40 days in search of greener pastures. Yet even without water or food, the herds miraculously survived.

This was a hint to Moshe Rabbeinu: “Just as you survived these 40 days in the desert, you will also be able to lead Klal Yisroel in the Desert for 40 years.”

Later, when Hashem revealed Himself to Moshe, Moshe hid his face, afraid to gaze directly at the Shechinah. Hakadosh Baruch Hu said that in the merit of the honor Moshe thus accorded to Hashem, he would be able to stay on Har Sinai for 40 days and nights without food, nourished solely by the glory of the Shechinah.

Hashem simply wants each of us to do whatever we can, to the best of our ability, in our present circumstances.
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From to

Luxury sleep is not something to only dream about


What do you dream about?

Relax your muscles, uncurl your toes, loosen your fingers, and let your shoulders drop. Join us on a trip to Vativa, where luxury sleep happens.

Because most people dream about… dreaming. Of allowing the day’s worries to disappear into nothingness and serenely drifting off to dreamland.

Vativa Décor is a company established with the goal of creating modern relaxation with timeless craftsmanship combined with personal beauty. With their signature touch, they’ve created countless wall panels, headboards, beds and benches that

No, you’re not dreaming…
108 845.600.8484 The Monsey View January 11, 2023

have transformed spaces into havens.

According to the latest research, only 8.8% of Americans are millionaires.

If you’re part of the remaining 91.2%, and you still appreciate luxury and beauty then you’re like most of us. Vativa caters to you! With so many options specifically geared to the majority of families seeking to create a unique corner of beauty in their home, you can start dreaming…

Myriad developments dot our neighborhoods. The houses may all look similar on the outside. But each family living inside is an entire world. A world where you seek to create warmth and memories. A world where you seek to fill up each corner and transform your house into a home. What will make yours unique? Which niches will create those nostalgic childhood memories for your family?

That is the mission of Vativa. To get your style, incorporate it into your home and transform each room from the mundane into spectacular, all within budget.

The world of upholstery is vast. And Vativa offers that entire world to you.

Upholstered Beds

If you are from the generation of mahogany bedroom sets with headboards that rattle with every toss or turn, you’ll know to appreciate a bed that

sleeps along with you. No creaks and shakes to awaken you more often than the baby.

Vativa custom-creates your upholstered boxboards and headboards. A modern base is upholstered with the fabric of your choice with quality that will outlast any wooden base, and the timeless beauty that will serve as your haven for years to come. The beds are finished off with headboards or wall panels with creative touches to make it your own.

Many kallahs choose a customdesigned Vativa bedroom as opposed to the traditional heavy pieces. Modern design, quality material and a custom make. Can sleep get any better?

Wall Panels

Vativa is most famous for their signature wall panels. The versatile designs can be incorporated into the focal point

of every room in the house. Gorgeous metallic accents easily elevate a panel into a dining room’s wow factor.

Commercial office buildings, too, create show-stopping conference rooms, lobbies and hallways with Vativa panels. It aids with sound-proofing while enhancing the decor.

“You cannot imagine how creative a wall panel can be,” says Mr. Ungar from Vativa Décor. “Regardless of how selective you are, we can make it happen.”

No surprises there. With so many years in the home-design business, Mr. Ungar doesn’t get fazed. In fact, he gets excited. The more creative, the better.

Niche Benches

Fixer-uppers are great. It’s these preloved (or pre-abused) homes that serve as wonderful canvases with limitless potential. Homeowners learn to appreciate the many unused crannies by utilizing space in creative manners.

“Upholstered benches are the new favorite around here,” Mr. Unger says. “So many people are buying homes in the outlying areas, and they make it work for their families.” Vativa loves working in these homes. “Many people think that in order to call Vativa you need a new home, but that’s not the case at all.” Strategically placed mirrors within the panel design create the mirage of a much larger room and add air and space to a small area.

Glancing through the Vativa portfolio, the benches are what warm the heart.

Private reading niches, pretend play corners and mini libraries are created with that under-the-steps, over-the-steps or behind-the-steps corner transformed by the installation of an exquisitely upholstered bench.

Sitting benches are also popular in odd corners next to radiators, windows or dinettes. The ceiling is the limit! It’s a memory creator, guaranteed.

109 845.600.8484 January 11, 2023 The Monsey View

The Process

It’s a seamless operation with Vativa! From the initial choosing process all the way to precise installation, the only way you’ll know they were there is by the beauty they leave behind.

Their team of designers comes down to your home, and they listen to your hopes and dreams. Together, you will choose the colors, textures and fabrics. That process is not done until you are perfectly satisfied with your choice.

Then the real work begins. At the Vativa factory, the craftsmanship happens. All the products and work happens on premises. No cheap alternatives or mass-production at Vativa. Everything is custom-made for you!

It takes about three to four weeks for

the project to be complete.

Unless… you’re part of the R. Family.

One day, Mr. Unger got a request for a rush job. He offered to work really quickly and have it done in less than three weeks.

Hmmm… they wanted an entire

bedroom with beds, wall panels and accents done for the next day! The family had planned to surprise their parents with a new bedroom while they were away overseas.

And they were to be home the next evening.

“We did it!” says Mr. Ungar. “They chose materials we had in stock, and the crew worked through the night. By the time the afternoon rolled around, you could not tell that there had been workers in the house. The place looked magnificent.”

But don’t try it! Rather, appreciate the process, the endless options, and the guidance throughout the way.

Contact Vativa at: 845.319.3600 | | | @vativadecor

FAQs With Vativa

What are the fabric options?

For the timeless leather look, marine vinyl is your choice. It looks like leather, but is strong like vinyl. It’s easy care and easy wash and lasts for years. The unsurpassed quality makes this vinyl an easy favorite. It’s also used a lot for commercial spaces for its long-lasting quality.

Velvets and suedes create a rich and homey feel and work for many bedrooms. It’s also easy care, requiring just a microfiber cloth to dust it.

What makes each project unique?

Accents! Depending on your budget, we’ll offer you gold, copper, nickel and brass strips. Accents are often used for living rooms, family rooms and master bedrooms.

No two projects are the same. Just like no two families are the same.

Do I need a new home for this?

No! We work with all homes. These embellishments are used in any home that will enjoy an upgrade. Old beds can even be upholstered for a new experience

Do I need a designer for this?

No. We have a team of designers to guide you through the process. However, designers are welcome! The give and take adds to the final product, and that’s our goal.

Do you only service Monsey clients? We serve the entire tri-state area.

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Eichenstein Appointed to Leadership Position in NYS Assembly

The 2023 legislative session started off on a positive note, with New York’s first chasidic assemblyman recognized for his efforts by being named to a prestigious position.

Assemblyman Simcha Eichenstein, a Democrat, was appointed to serve as assistant majority whip for the legislative body. Announcing Eichenstein’s new position, Assembly Speaker Carl Heastie described Eichenstein as a “valued member of the Assembly and an asset to our leadership team,” noting, “It is critical to me that our team be representative of the communities we serve.”

Eichenstein said that he looked forward to uniting the city’s diverse communities as well as advocating for the constituents who have voted him into office for three consecutive terms.

“I am committed to working together with all members of the State Assembly to ensure a better and brighter future for all New Yorkers,” said Eichenstein. “Only by working together as a unified force can we successfully accomplish our goals for the people of this great state. Together we can achieve greatness.”

davening times was halted in its tracks as members of the House of Representatives chose not to act on the measure.

As previously reported in The Monsey View, Senate sponsors managed to pass the Sunshine Protection Act last March through a process known as unanimous consent, which allows an unopposed bill to pass without being subject to vote or debate. Several senators said last spring that they would have opposed the bill had they known of its existence.

With DST in effect year round, some of the country’s northern states would see the sun rising as late as 9 a.m. during the winter months, with children waiting for their school buses in the morning in utter blackness. Ramifications of the change would have been even more significant for the nation’s Jewish communities, with zmanei tefillah coming after 8 a.m. in seventeen major cities on over 100 winter mornings, leaving an untold number of people unable to daven Shacharis with a minyan before going to work.

While Senate sponsors of the bill had hoped to push it quickly through the House of Representatives so that it could be signed into law, Agudath Israel of America spearheaded a behind-thescenes effort to prevent the bill’s passage for months, bringing to light the potential hardships that it could create. That advocacy effort had Representative Frank Pallone, chairman of the House Energy and Commerce Committee, agreeing to hear all the issues before moving on the legislation, ultimately deciding that with no consensus reached on the topic, no vote would take place.

Rabbi Abba Cohen, the Agudah’s Vice President for Government Affairs and Washington Director, hailed the bill’s non-passage as a victory, at least for now.

Proposed legislation that could have made Daylight Saving Time a permanent reality and created significant problems with

“We hope the issue has been put to rest, but we will continue to monitor the legislative docket and, if necessary, let our voice be heard, as there is much at stake here in regard to Orthodox Jewish life,” said Rabbi Cohen.

Polio Vaccinations Still Crucial, Even as Rockland Wastewater Finally Tests Virus-Free

It was a step in the right direction for beleaguered Rockland County, with recent wastewater testing showing no traces of polio for the first time since July.

According to the New York State Department of Health, no traces of the poliovirus were reported in Rockland and Sullivan counties in November and December, after several months of the virus showing up in local wastewater. Still, the United States will remain on the Global Polio Eradication Initiative’s list of countries where polio is circulating until there have been no reported detections of the virus for a full twelve months.

Problems With Zmanei Tefillah Averted as Congressional Push for Permanent Daylight Saving Time Fizzles Out
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This is unlikely to happen for at least another year, with Orange County wastewater still showing traces of the virus over the past two months. After a single sample was found to contain the virus in November, a pair of samples showed up positive in December, one coming from the Harriman Sewage Treatment Plant and another from the Middletown Sewage Treatment plant. Both of those samples were genetically linked to that strain of polio that was detected in a Rockland County man last July, leaving him paralyzed.

Experts in the field are warning Rockland residents not to become lax about polio vaccinations, reported The Journal News, noting that wastewater testing is relatively new and its significance is not yet fully understood. Historically, polio outbreaks often surged in the summer, while the colder months were often quieter.

“The signal has died down for the winter,” observed Dr. Eli Rosenberg, deputy director of science for the New York State Department of Health’s Office of Public Health. “Is polio doing its typical seasonal thing? We don’t know.”

A total of 12,603 polio vaccinations were given since July in Rockland County, with more than three-quarters of that number given to children ages four and under. Nearly 22,000 children in Rockland and Orange counties remain unvaccinated, a fact that is troubling to Rosenberg, who said that a warm weather surge or an international traveler could bring more polio to the area.

“We haven’t moved the needle enough in vaccination,” said Rosenberg.

New FDA Requirement To List Sesame on Labels Prompts New Woes for the Allergic

The Food and Drug Administration’s decision to classify sesame as a major allergen as of January 1 appeared to be a victory to 1.6 million people in the United States who suffer from sesame allergies, but the move may have backfired, with some companies finding it easier to add sesame to their recipes than to follow the FDA’s strict regulations for ensuring that products are sesame-free.

CBS News reported that food producers, particularly bakers, found the FDA requirements to be costly and complicated. Manufacturers whose breads appear on supermarket shelves and in school cafeterias and several large restaurant chains are among those who now include sesame in their products, including the seeds in their allergen labeling as required by law.

Advocates who spent years lobbying Congress to add sesame to the list of major allergens whose presence must be included on store labels, which include milk, eggs, fish, wheat, peanuts, tree nuts, soy and shellfish, are none too pleased to see sesame now being intentionally added to foods. But food manufacturers have said that they were left in a difficult position by the new regulations, which require them to follow stringent guidelines in order to prevent cross-contamination.

“It’s as if we’ve suddenly asked bakers to go to the beach and remove all the sand,” noted Nathan Mirdamadi, a food safety consultant with Com-

mercial Food Sanitation.

Officials at Olive Garden restaurants said that concerns about potential cross-contamination led them to adding a small amount of sesame flour to its breadsticks. Similar actions were taken in 2016 when Kellogg’s added trace amounts of peanut flour to certain products, changing their labels to display the inclusion of the allergen. Public school bread supplier Pan-O-Gold Co. said that the company felt that it had no choice but to add sesame to its products and label them accordingly.

“The unfortunate reality is that our equipment and bakeries are not set up for allergen cleanings that would be required to prevent sesame cross-contamination and was not an option for us,” said Bob Huebner, a food safety and quality assurance manager for the company.

While sesame can be easy to spot on bread and rolls, it can appear inconspicuously in many items including ice cream, sauces, dips, salad dressing and spices.

A Day Before Satmar Rebbe’s Visit,


Springs Shul Rammed by Drunken Driver

Mispallelim at Chabad of Palm Springs have much to be grateful for, after a car plowed through the wall next to the aron kodesh just twenty minutes after davening came to an end last Shabbos.

Hamodia reported that the Nissan Altima was traveling at approximately 60 miles per hour when it rammed into the wall of the shul on East Palm Canyon Drive. None of the two adults and two children who were in the shul when the incident occurred sustained any injuries. While the aron kodesh was not damaged, the impact threw an adjacent amud across the shul.

The Satmar Rebbe, Rabbi Aaron Teitelbaum, shlit”a, davens in the shul during his annual winter visits to Palm Springs and was due in town the next day. According to Yeshiva World News, the car struck the shul in the exact spot where the Satmar Rebbe normally stands.

The crash knocked out the shul’s electrical system, with generators brought in after Shabbos to power the refrigerators and freezers that were stocked with large amounts of food.

The driver was not seriously injured in the crash, which is not believed to be intentional.

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Over 2000 attendees and 75 exhibitors under one roof.

For people in the process of building a new home, or those moving or renovating their homes, The Homeowner’s Show is a must-visit. Back for the second year, after the inaugural expo held in January of last year was a resounding success, this year’s show will be held on Sunday, January 22, at the Lifeplex Center, in Monsey, NY.

The exhibitors at this unique expo are from all different home and buildingrelated industries and will be offering products and services geared to the new homeowner - furniture, appliances, cleaning services, and more.

Compass Conferences, a division of Compass, is the brain behind this exciting new convention. Some of the events they’ve organized in the past year include The Boss Summit, an event for business owners, The Sales Seminar, a full-day educational and networking seminar for salespeople, J2C (Job to Career), for employees looking to grow in the business world, and more.

With their finger on the

pulse of the heimish community’s needs, Samuel Stern and his Compass team have identified the void faced by first-time homebuyers, those seeking to invest in real estate, or families in the process of renovating their home. He partnered with The Everest Equity Company, a leading commercial and residential mortgage broker, to bring us an expo that is bigger and better than any we’ve seen before.

Everest Equity is the exclusive mortgage sponsor at this event, and sees The Homeowner’s Show as the perfect venue to showcase many of the mortgage options available to the heimishe homeowner and homebuyer. Everest’s team of highly professional loan officers are passionate about educating the community about mortgages. Mrs. Brooke Jacob, CEO and Chief Loan Officer at Everest tells us, “This show will be especially relevant to people who are unsure if it’s doable for them to buy a home in this environment. Rents have been rising, it’s very tough for renters with grow-

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ing families, so I’m excited about showing the public that they can qualify and that it pays to take control of your homestead by owning versus renting.”

Exhibitors look forward to The Homeowner’s Show all year, knowing that it’s a place where people serious about making a purchase all come together under one roof. In the spirit of healthy competition, all the vendors offer special sales and one-of-a-kind deals, exclusive to customers of the expo.

Yoel Weiss, of Clearview Glass, chose to attend The Homeowner’s Show last year because it’s a very targeted way of reaching end-users and buyers directly. “We came laser-focused with what we want to offer our clients, and were b”h extremely successful.” This year, he’ll be in attendance again. “It’s a no-brainer,” he says.

He describes the atmosphere at the show as unlike any you’ve ever seen before. It’s calm and pressure-free, allowing vendors to spend as much time as necessary with all the attendees. “No one is pushing anything, there’s no quota to reach, the goal is to educate the consumers and answer their questions.” There are also no window shoppers in attendance. Whoever is there, says Weiss, is a serious buyer.

Whether they’re looking to start building their new home from the ground up, or they’re just shopping for those finishing touches: be it that perfect chandelier or to

finally replace those paper window shades that are always left for last, The Homeowner’s Show is the place to be.

Everest Equity tells us about some other exciting mortgage products they will be showcasing at the expo, such as renovation loans, and programs for people looking to access the equity of their homes. For clients who would rather focus on investing, there will be plenty of information on investment property mortgages including commercial real estate like warehouses, office space, multi-family, retail, and mixed-use properties.

Another new area they will highlight are beautiful new housing opportunities for people of retirement age that are going up in multiple locations. There are lots of financing options, especially government-insured funding for people aged 62+, and Mrs. Jacob would like those who qualify, or their children, to look into these incredible but little-known options. Whether it’s buying a new home, or refinancing their existing home, for couples who are growing older, and with inflation, today’s unstable economy, and lowered retirement funds, many of our seniors are worried about outliving their savings.

“When people come to the show, they’ll leave with so much more than they expected. They’ll be educated, and armed with more than just basic information about buying a new home. It really pays to come to the show, you’ll go home with a lot.”

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RECAP: Bagdi Lewandowski, who heads another department in the same organization Raiza works for, becomes suspicious about Raiza’s activities and decides to look into it.


ell, we’re back in Lodz. Now what?”

Izzy looked out the window at the sparse foot traffic and the cars moving past them. “Now nothing,” he said. “Raiza hasn’t gotten back to us yet. We’ve got nowhere to go. It’s almost dark, and we haven’t had a real meal since Shabbos. Let’s stop to daven and eat. I vote fleishigs.”

“Amen to that, brother,” Zach said immediately. “I could eat a whole cow.”

Lenny colored slightly but said nothing.

Izzy noticed Lenny’s look. “Great,” he said. “Burgers all around, my treat. Let’s go.”

They davened unobtrusively in a corner of the restaurant, then struggled through the process of ordering. Nothing fancy, just burgers, fries, onion rings, and soda to wash it down. The man who took their orders spoke barely any English. Yet somehow, his contempt for their “American food” came through clear as day.

“Where do you think Lucjan took the manuscript?” Izzy asked once they’d sat down.

“The cops, I guess,” Zach suggested. “Or

his house. Maybe he’ll bring it back to City Hall tomorrow?”

“I bet he wants to sell it,” Lenny suggested glumly. “Now that it’s stolen, nobody would trace it back to him.”

Izzy snorted. “Not likely.” All Lucjan seemed to care about was his job. Then again, the book was worth a lot of money…

The waiter brought their food and plunked it unceremoniously on the table. Izzy’s mouth was already watering. He was ravenous. He stood up to wash, and his phone rang.


“It’s Raiza. I’ve set up a phone trace for Lucjan. You need to manually enter the data into your tablet to see it.”

Izzy’s lips pressed together. “Is this urgent?”

“What do you think?”

“We were about to eat,” he protested. “For, like, the first time since last night.”

“Eat in the car.”

Zach shifted a little to get Izzy’s attention. “What is it?” he mouthed.

Izzy rolled his eyes. “Raiza wants us to get moving again.” He gestured elegantly at all the steaming food at the table.


Zach sighed. “I’ll get it wrapped up.” He signaled, and the waiter returned with a sour look.

“Are you there?” Raiza asked in Izzy’s ear.

“Yeah, sorry,” Izzy said. “I got distracted.”

“Don’t. Now, listen carefully. Take out the tablet. Do you see the button in the far left corner?”

* * * * *

Lucjan arrived at City Hall after dark. He had had a blowout argument with his brother before coming here, and finally left Filip to stew in his apartment. Frankly, Filip was starting to annoy him.

It was ironic. His brother had always been a problem child, and Lucjan had always been straight as an arrow. Lucjan had always hated the wildness, the chaos and the trouble Filip carried with him. Yet now that Filip seemed to have flipped, displaying a timidity and conservative streak Lucjan would never have imagined, that annoyed Lucjan too.

a dim glow. There was another switch somewhere, but Lucjan didn’t bother. He knew the way.

Well, Antoni. Had a nice weekend? Me? Oh, nothing much. I tracked down a gang of thieves, you see. Confronted them myself, got the stolen property back. Nothing too exciting.

Tell me, Antoni. What would you have done in my place? Hmm? I know what you would do. You’d sit in your little apartment and do nothing. Let the police find the criminals. And when the police came back and said the thieves got away, you’d stroke that little beard of yours and say, “Well, I’m sure they did all they could.”

moves. Zach had a friendly smile plastered on his face, hoping Lucjan didn’t notice it waver.

Once, during his tenure as mayor, a group of armed insurgents had taken over a delicatessen and demanded to see him. With eight people hostage, the situation was serious. On a megaphone, Zach asked what they wanted.

They answered that they spoke for the rhesus macaques.

The what ?

Macaques! Monkeys used in lab experiments! Two of them in the Oregon National Primate Research Center had died when they were accidentally left inside a cage as it was cleaned. It was intolerable abuse, and the Primate Liberation Army wouldn’t stand for it any longer. All lab monkeys in the country must be


City Hall was locked, but that was all right. There was a side door, and Lucjan had a key to that. They gave them out to practically anyone who worked weekends more than once a year.

Maybe I’ll always be annoyed with him, Lucjan thought as he turned the key, then punched the code to disable the alarm system. Maybe it was never about his behavior at all. Maybe Filip is just an irritating person.

Lucjan felt exhilarated today, more alive than he’d ever been, and Filip had been nothing but a wet blanket. And today of all days, Lucjan didn’t need that negativity. Today an emergency had struck, and Lucjan had risen to the challenge. Today he’d proven his mettle.

Antoni would never have been able to do this. Antoni, with his sneering wit and his fantastic stories. “Did you have a good vacation, Lucjan? Visited your mother? I went skiing in Bulgaria…” “I passed the holiday in London. I have a distant cousin there.” “I spent two weeks in the wild. Not another human being for ten kilometers!”

He stood now in a long hallway carpeted in unadorned gray. Lucjan flipped a light switch, and the recessed lighting near the ceiling cast the hallway in

He wished Antoni could see it when he slipped the manuscript back into the drawer in his office. When he saved the day.

But of course, Antoni couldn’t see it. Nobody could know that Lucjan had recovered the manuscript by intimidating car dealership employees, and by threatening the thieves with an illegal weapon. It all had to seem innocuous.

He’d claim the manuscript had been moved by the cleaning crew, that it had only been misplaced, never really stolen after all. It was a lame excuse, but it was the best he could think of. And besides, who would question it with the manuscript back in his possession?

I did something more daring today, more manly, than you ever will, you old charlatan. And you’ll never know.

Oh, well.

He was almost at his office now. Another few minutes, and it would be over.


Lucjan spun around in alarm. “YOU!”

* * * * *


Zach watched Lucjan carefully. Izzy and Lenny stood uncertainly behind him. They’d followed Lucjan here, and then suddenly realized they had no idea what to do once they confronted him.

The three of them walked down the hallway slowly, making no sudden

With the eyes of the world upon him, Zach was asked what he could say to these kids before police and SWAT teams moved in.


Yes, college students. “You know the kind,” a cop had told him contemptuously. “Read a few books and think they know everything…”

Zach was terrified. But they’d asked for him, and he might just be the only thing standing between these naïve, stupid children and their own self-imposed deaths.

And so Zach had gone inside to chat. He didn’t have the authority to demand the release of the monkeys, he said. But he did have enough authority, just barely, to maybe prevent a bloodbath. If they would let him.

He didn’t remember everything he’d said, or what he’d promised. But in the end, everyone inside that deli made it out in one piece. It was his crowning moment as mayor, the one thing he’d ever done that he felt unmitigated pride in.

Dealing with Lucjan now, a man who’d already shown himself to be dangerously unpredictable, Zach tried to channel his younger self, the smooth, confident politician who’d proved that day that sometimes words could defeat

did you get in here?”
immediately released and repatriated!
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But it wasn’t as easy this time. He’d had nothing to lose back then. No stake in the game. And people had trusted him, looked up to him for guidance. Oddly, he found that that mattered.

It was strange how much his selfworth seemed to depend on the adoration of people he’d never met. It made him feel small. Petty.

“We saw you walk in,” Zach said in his Calm Adult voice. “You left the door unlocked.”

“Lucjan, listen,” Izzy said intensely. “There’s more going on here than you think. You need to hand over that manuscript.”

Wrong approach, Izzy! Zach thought. But it was too late.

Lucjan’s eyes narrowed. “You are thieves. I’m returning stolen property.” A second later he had his gun out. “Don’t try to stop me.”

Zach shot a warning look behind him before turning back to Lucjan. “We’re not going to stop you,” he said firmly. “And you’re not going to shoot us. Put that thing away.”

Lucjan’s jaw moved forward. “Why should I? You will ruin me!”

That’s right, ask questions. Talk to me. Think about what I’m saying, Zach silently begged. Don’t be an idiot.

“Because shooting us really will ruin you. And you know it.” Zach took a small step forward. “You can’t cover that up.”

“I won’t let you take the manuscript,” Lucjan replied stubbornly.

“And we’re not leaving without it,” Izzy answered just as stubbornly. “It belongs to my family!”

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Lucjan’s hand shot forward, and he pointed the weapon directly at Izzy. The muzzle wavered, but Lucjan’s eyes were hard as granite. “Get out of here!”

Zach took another step forward and slightly to the side, putting himself between Lucjan and Izzy. He kept his face frozen. “You’re smarter than that, Lucjan. You won’t shoot anybody. Put the gun down.”

“Stop talking like you’re the burmistrz!” he shouted.

It was a stalemate. Lucjan didn’t want to harm them, but they couldn’t take the manuscript from him by force, either.

“Listen,” Zach tried again. He took yet another tiny step. Another three or four to go… “We have a contact in your government. Maybe we can talk to her and —”

“NO!” Lucjan glared at him. “You’re not calling anyone. And STAY BACK!”

Zach stopped moving.

“I want you all to go away now!” Lucjan roared. “Do you hear me? Leave!”

Zach smiled and took one more step forward. “No.” He was in control now, and he knew it. Lucjan could do nothing but shoot, and he wouldn’t do that. “Lucjan, you —”

It happened so fast he didn’t even have a chance to be afraid. Lucjan’s hand flicked upward, and a tiny explosion of fire and sound erupted from the little revolver’s nose. Zach ducked, too late, but Lucjan had fired wildly in any case, betrayed by his own anxiety. The bullet splintered into a wall somewhere behind him.

Lucjan froze in terror, his eyes fixed on the thin strand of smoke rising lazily from the gun. It slipped from his frozen fingers and fell to the ground with a clatter.

Zach lunged forward and kicked the gun as far as he could before clutching Lucjan’s extended arm. With a deep, shuddering breath, he pointed toward the exit and said, “I think you’d better come with us.” TO BE

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Potatoes are a staple — and they’re here to stay. You can’t help loving this tasty and versatile vegetable that is the star of so many comfort foods. Enjoy these three additional reasons to love them.

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Adding mayonnaise and cooking liquid to the potatoes is the secret to perfect mashed potatoes.


6 large potatoes

6 cloves garlic

2 tsp. salt, divided water

½ cup mayonnaise

Black pepper, to taste


1. Chop the potatoes, and place them in a large pot along with the garlic and 1 teaspoon salt.

2. Fill the pot with cold water to cover two inches above the potatoes. Bring to a boil over high heat, and continue cooking until the potatoes are fork-tender. Reserve one cup of the cooking liquid, and set aside.

3. Drain the potatoes, then add the reserved liquid, mayonnaise, 1 teaspoon salt, and pepper to taste.

4. Mash this with a potato masher until completely smooth and creamy.

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This recipe is admittedly more of a patchke than a simple potato side dish, but it is incredibly tasty and comforting, and certainly worth the effort!


6 large potatoes

2 T. oil

1 large onion, sliced

¼ cup flour

¼ cup mayonnaise

1 tsp. salt

1 T. onion soup mix

1¾ cups water

Paprika, for sprinkling Black pepper, for sprinkling


1. Slice the potatoes into ¼-inch-thick rounds. Place these in a large pot. Fill the pot with water to cover two inches above the potatoes.

2. Cook on high heat until the water reaches an almost-boil, then remove the pot from the heat. Drain the potatoes and set aside.

3. Meanwhile, heat the oil in a frying pan. Add the onions and saute for 5 to 10 minutes, mixing occasionally.

4. Add the flour, mayonnaise, salt, onion soup mix and water. Continue to cook, stirring, until the sauce starts to bubble and thicken.

5. Preheat the oven to 350°.

6. In a 9x13” pan, layer the potatoes and sauce as follows: Spread a thin layer of sauce, then top that with a layer of potatoes, making sure they don’t overlap. Repeat these steps until you have three layers of potatoes. Top with a layer of sauce.

7. Sprinkle with paprika and black pepper.

8. Bake, covered, for 2 hours.

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Bring your potato side dish to a whole new level by way of cute mini potatoes and a unique application.


1 (1.5 lb.) bag mini Yukon gold or red potatoes

3 T. oil

3 cloves garlic, crushed, or 1 tsp. garlic powder plus 1 tsp. onion powder

¾ tsp. kosher salt

1 tsp. dried dill

2 tsp. honey

Dash of black pepper


1. Place the potatoes in a pot, and fill it with cold water to cover two inches above the potatoes.

2. Cook the potatoes on high heat for 30 minutes, until they’re fork-tender. Drain the water, and place the potatoes on a parchment-lined cookie sheet.

3. Preheat the oven to 400°.

4. Use the bottom of a glass to flatten each potato.

5. In a bowl, combine the oil and spices. Brush this evenly over the tops of the potatoes.

6. Bake for 40 to 45 minutes, uncovered.

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This past

Tishrei, we moved.

Between one Yom Tov and another, we packed dozens of boxes in our old place and unpacked dozens of boxes in our new home. (Confession: There are still some stray boxes hiding in the corners.) Through a haze of permanent markers, cardboard boxes and packaging tape, we made decisions, decisions and more decisions, and many, many technical arrangements.

Now, we’ve moved before, so I didn’t feel terribly overwhelmed at the thought of doing it again, but this time, it was different. Perhaps the difference lay in the accumulation of more than ten years’ worth of things, the addition of a couple of children to the picture, or the fact that our new home was only 90% ready for us from a construction standpoint. Whatever the reason, I was unprepared for the blessedly exciting, emotional, sentimental, gratifying, dizzying overwhelm. The much-anticipated expansion of our quarters was simultaneously special and challenging, and somewhat of an ongoing affair.

So when I was asked whether I was up to taking on a piece on moving minhagim, my response was a definite “Yes!” This topic is one I’m still passionate about, for even though it’s two months later, I’m still wondering how long it’s meant to take for the dust to settle, for every pitchifke to fall into place, and for every family member to make new neighbor-friends…

That being said, if you’ve ever moved, you can certainly relate to the myriad of things that must fall into place. There is so

much to daven for, so many steps that we can only hope will go smoothly. And as with many significant transitions that crop up in a frum, Yiddish life, there are many segulos and minhagim associated with a new home. Right foot forward!

Welcoming the Shechinah

As the moving truck drives off, it is only normal to feel disoriented. How are these strange walls and floors, these unfamiliar nooks and crannies, new fixtures and perhaps new furniture and appliances, meant to feel “yours”?

The first thing to remember is the famous Gemara (Sotah 2a) that mentions that a home is just as much a part of a person’s destiny as his shidduch. “Bayis ploni l’ploni” — 40 days before creation, the home in which you were meant to reside was decided for you. Take each bump or adjustment in stride… this place is meant for you!

Of course, our first step is to bring the Shechinah in. It is brought down that one should verbalize that he is building his new home so he can better serve Hakadosh Baruch Hu. In this zechus, he is granted Heavenly assistance and invites kedushah into his home.

Designating a special spot in the house for Torah learning is also a means to invite the Shechinah into your new abode.

Before You Enter

There are certain objects people customarily place inside the home even before moving in.

The sefer Abiah Segulos says that bringing into the new home some sugar, flour and oil is a harbinger of bracha. Others bring a ready-made version: bread and salt. The reason is unknown, but we can infer that bread, the symbol of basic sustenance, represents our hope that our new home will be a place of peace and prosperity. Similarly, salt never spoils or loses its flavor, indicating the stability of the new abode.

Some make sure to put seforim and a pushkeh or other objects of kedushah inside the home before moving in, to establish a tone of Torah, tefillah and chesed from the onset.

Another practice that some keep is to bring a group

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of children to learn inside the home before the move. This starts the home off as a haven of kedushah

Preparing the House

Rav Chaim Palagi, in his sefer Mo’ed L’chol Chai, says that for the shemirah of the home, one should leave an unwhitened space measuring about 19 by 19 inches above the entrance door. This is zecher l’Churban. It reminds us that even though we have a roof over our heads, sadly, the Shechinah does not yet have a home.

There are varying customs when it comes to the icon of a Jewish home: the mezuzah. While in chutz la’aretz it is commonly acceptable to nail in the mezuzos up to one month after moving into a new home, in Eretz Yisroel, one should not sleep even the first night without mezuzos. (Some are equally stringent in chutz l’aretz. As with other minhagim, always ask your rav.)

Parenthetically, one is not meant to remove the mezuzos from the home he is leaving, as this is said to be a source of danger. (If one invested in costly or precious mezuzos, he may take them along with him, but should replace them with other mezuzos at the same time, making sure not to leave the old home’s doorposts bare.) Of course, this is only in the event a fellow Yid will be moving into the old place, and not a non-Jew.

The mezuzah is a segulah for Hashem’s loving protection. It is a symbol of the spirituality that permeates our homes and accompanies us as we walk out.

The Big Day

Finding a new dwelling is no simple feat. Whether renting or buying, selecting a new home can be downright taxing. But once you’ve found the location and made all necessary arrangements, you need to find the right time to move. (Not that the general time frame is always in our hands, as many been-there-donethat people will argue. Especially when it comes to construction or renovations.)

There are varying customs as to which day is considered an auspicious time to move. Some aim for a Tuesday, the day on which “ki tov” was said twice. Others have the minhag to move in time for Shabbos. Then there are days of the month that some consider more auspicious than others. These minhagim vary by community and are worth looking into before setting a moving date.

The Chida cites that one should celebrate a chanukas habayis on the very first day in the new home.

Upon entering a new apartment or house, there is an inyan to give tzedakah and say, “Baruch atah b’vo’echa.” The sefer Bris Olam mentions additional pesukim that can be recited.

There is no particular bracha to recite for this milestone other than Shehecheyanu. When saying the bracha, it is customary to have special fruits on the table and to have in mind that the bracha applies to both the new home and the fruits.

Dealing with the Demons

We want to keep our homes perfectly secure and pure… thus the multitude of minhagim associated with banishing mazikim from our midst.

The sefer Segulos L’Yisroel quotes a minhag to recite the letters

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the klipah of destruction.

If during the renovation process a window or doorway is closed up, it is fitting to leave a hole in its place, according to the tzava’ah of Rabbi Yehuda Hachassid (more on this later). This open space is meant to leave an avenue of escape for sheidim

Moroccan custom suggests that before moving into a new home, one should place a specific dish of sweet couscous in the corners of the home. This, too, is a measure against demons. It is intended to appease them and encourage them to move out.

The source of this custom has not been tracked, but according to Russian lore, people would bring a cat into the house before moving in. Cats are known to offer protection from such mazikim and drive them away.

Tzava’as Rabbi Yehuda Hachassid

Many of the lifestyle customs we keep today can be attributed to the tzava’ah of Rabbi Yehuda Hachassid. Moving into a new home is no different.

There are guidelines regarding two brothers living together, two people with the same name in the same home, a home built from stone, and building a mikvah or merchatz in one’s home.

Rav Yehuda Hachassid instructs us not to build a home taller than the local shul. He writes that if one decides to move back into a home from which he previously moved out of, he must make sure that at least seven years

have elapsed in the interim. Additionally, if a house is constructed on a spot where a building never stood before, he should wait at least one year before moving in.

As with all minhagim, actual practice varies by community and should be evaluated accordingly.

To anyone gearing up to make a move, here’s to much hatzlacha and siyata d’Shmaya at every step; may your new home always be filled with joy, bracha and simcha!

And if you’re a few steps behind, still dreaming, looking and hoping to find your new home, here’s to hoping the blessed state of overwhelm that’s part and parcel of the moving process will be yours really soon!

mem, yud, shin, ayin and reish in Chapter 119 of Tehillim, as they form the name of
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Moving. The word strikes fear in the most fearless of hearts. Indeed, transferring your whole life — almost — can shake your very foundations. Not for naught do wise people say that moving is one of the primary human traumas.

Our homes are precious to us. They contain the things we worked hard to purchase, the things we chose and designed, and, of course, the space for us and the people most precious to us.

Indulge me for a moment as I pontificate that, in truth, our house is not our life, and our possessions are not us. We are so much more than the sum of our belongings. A woman who watched a fire devour a large portion of her house shared that she didn’t think for a moment then about the losses this would cost her; she was filled only with immense relief and gratitude that every one of her family members was safe. So just a bit of perspective before delving into this all-consuming issue.

When speaking to people who have recently moved, I iden-

tified two distinct categories: the people who do things in an extremely organized and punctilious manner, and the ones who are laid back in approaching the experience. Those in the first category talk of taking a home organizer and compiling careful lists. The others believe that people take things too hard.

Henny, who is in between two moves right now, is unfazed. “So, something won’t be in the right box,” she says. “Big deal!”

If you belong in that second camp, the tips below might not all be for you.


Fill those trash bags. This was the most common tip men-

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tioned. Take the opportunity to sort and throw away things that are not useful, or, as some organizers say, whatever you haven’t used in the last year. Ahhh… the freedom in traveling light!

Dina says she purchased new cardboard boxes rather than collect a haphazard collection. This helped things be more pleasant and efficient, as the boxes stacked easily on top of each other.

Goldy advises packing the boxes according to their new destination. For example, if your new house has a playroom, pack toys in separate boxes, and not with the knickknacks from the girls’ room, where the toys used to

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be stored. This will save on organizing later.

Label those boxes. Several good ideas were mentioned: You can color-code the boxes so that the movers can automatically transfer all boxes of one color to the same room — for example, all boxes with a green sticker go to the kitchen. You can also label each box with a number and keep a list of the contents of each box. This way you can consult the list and locate things even before you’re set up.

Think out of the box. Garbage bags have their purpose too. Boxes are bulky and cumbersome, and some more lightweight objects can be more easily transferred when bagged.

Dassi, who recently moved to Eretz Yisroel, used shrink wrap to keep things together. The home organizer with whom she worked promised that Dassi would bentch her when she arrived. Although it was a bit of a job when packing, the organizer was right. Things didn’t move around in the luggage, and Dassi could easily transfer, say, all the fleishig spoons to the drawer in one move. Clothing packed in shrink wrap stayed neatly folded and was similarly a breeze to transfer to its new location.


“We’re going on a trip!” This is the prep mode useful to adopt the week before moving. Prepare bags for each child with everything they’ll need for the next few days so there’s no searching for this or that every night when you’re smack in the midst of the mayhem. Each kid who is old enough can be responsible for their own things.

Dina recommends hiring a professional to dismantle and assemble furniture, or using movers who have furniture experts on their team. Her family was in for rude surprises when some furniture was damaged, as it was being assembled by a non-professional.

On the morning of moving day, roll up each family member’s bedding into a garbage bag. Include sheets, blankets, pillows, pajamas, teddies and all, and write a name on each bag. After a full day of unpacking, you deserve an easy trip to slumberland. Just unroll, tuck in the sheet edges, and you’re there!


The day of moving is hectic and overwhelming. Know this in advance, and prepare for this day so things can go as smoothly as possible. Most importantly, remember that food is fuel; buy a good breakfast, and sit down to eat!

On moving day, prepare the house so it can be minimally functional even before things are set up. Make sure to have two chairs to sit on, tissues in the bathrooms, hangers for the coat closet, and window shades that can be hung up before night.

Accept help. Whether it’s meals or babysitting, accept whatever help it takes to get you through this project in one piece. You’ll need it!

Finally, remember that your family is going through a transition with this move, and that it’s normal to find it difficult. You’ll get through this!

Bravo! You got there. May your new home become a space of love, joy and laughter, and may it be a gutten yishuv!

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Taking a tour of a new home, whether as the future homeowner or as a visitor, opens new vistas of potential to anyone walking through the still-fresh space. The smell of paint, the echoes of possibility — it all presents the thrill of a fresh start, and for a balabusta, the inspiration for many homemaking solutions.

As a nation prizing eternity and robust family life, our homes and loved ones take prime spots on our list of priorities. That’s why a spacious house that offers convenience and practicality is every homemaker’s dream, to the point of remaining a topic of interest even to those fortunate enough to already live in their dream space.

Here is a sampling of some features homes of today can boast. Some are budget-friendly, some are more pricey and have been listed for interests’ sake, but all can be a springboard for discussion and possibility.

The Gemara lists a spacious home as one of the things that give a person harchavas hadaas — “Shlosha marchivin da’ato shel adam, eilu hein: dirah na’ah…” (Brachos 57b) — for it is in a spacious space where the spirit can soar. Here’s to dreams come true!

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Large sheets of glass are certainly beautiful, but no one can deny the disadvantage of having one’s privacy violated. Enter self-tinting windows. These adjustable highend windows automatically gain a layer of tint or frost as the sun dips, allowing for opaque glass when a home is well-lit at night. Similarly, sophisticated window treatments of this era have also harnessed technology to ensure the privacy of a home. Contemporary smart shades automatically drop into place when night falls, which means there’s no need for anyone to make their rounds to manually do the task.

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Kitchens nowadays are designed with the efficient balabusta in mind. From clever drawer dividers to upper cabinet shelf inserts that can be pulled downward for easy access, today’s kitchens are an art of the mind just as much as they are of design.

Under-sink cabinets can be pulled out in the fashion of drawers, and outlets can be mounted under cabinets for a neat, streamlined look. Similarly, large pantry cabinets can boast an entire mini kitchen, replete with a small countertop and the space for small appliances like a percolator or microwave, which can be neatly hidden away once not in use.

Then there are chopping boards, with a hole for cleanup, that take the place of drawers and are placed above trash cabinets. Pull out the chopping board, pull out the trash can, and slide the mess straight into the garbage. Easy, breezy.

A more zany addition to the kitchen is a slide down the basement. Kids hanging onto your skirt or getting in the way of your cooking marathon? Ship ‘em down to the playroom, and have them enjoy the ride on the way.

182 The Monsey View


Have you ever seen vanity lights with half their bulbs missing or burnt out? That won’t happen with an LED-lit mirror that puts the light right where you need it. Some of these models have lights around the mirror itself, while others have their light source in the back, which means the wall behind the mirror emits a soft glow.

Other handy bathroom additions are towel warmers, which need no description, and fans that triple as light and heat sources, which means a warm bathroom without raising the temperature of the entire floor or house.

In terms of aesthetics, a shower today has the option of a linear drain, which is a long, rectangular drain discreetly placed near one shower wall. This results in a more level shower floor with no round drain interrupting it.

184 The Monsey View


An interesting feature that’s mostly used in commercial spaces is finding its way to residential homes in search of partition solutions. Whether to avoid closing off a Pesach kitchen with clumsy doors, or to create any other divider where necessary, more and more homes are seeing room dividers that descend from the ceiling to do their job. One contractor even reported using such a partition in a bedroom used by both a teenager and a very young child who was a light sleeper. The teen was frustrated at the extreme care she had to take to avoid waking her sibling, and with this new partition, bingo! Each kid had her own space in their shared bedroom.

A more typical way homeowners deal with the lights-on/lights-off argument in shared rooms is by installing spots or other pendant lights near each occupant’s bed, which serve as reading lights that are connected to separate switches. No more fighting for the switch or lamp on the night table!

Room dividers aren’t the only place the ceiling comes into play in the design of homes placing convenience above all. Think drop-down chandeliers that, with the flick of a switch, can be lowered to arm’s reach for accessible cleaning, and laundry racks that can be suspended from the ceiling. The latter provides many feet of hanging, without the price of prime floor real estate!

186 The Monsey View


Lighting is a big one nowadays, with luxury homes designed to be bathed in light. From light sources above wall art and fireplaces to cove lighting in ceilings, nothing sets the tone like well-lit spaces do. One fresher, more custom design today is lighting installed in the floor around the perimeter of a room. Think of that high-end simcha you attended, with the light being thrown from the bottom up, then add in some subtlety and sophistication, and that’s the floaty look being targeted. Sink into that sofa right there, and bask in the light…

The same idea can be applied to kitchens, with LED lighting installed in the toe kick. This results in a glowing look that can elevate any woman’s cooking space.

Another interesting idea is a wall design inspired by floating walls. Instead of base moldings protruding outward from the bottom of the wall, the wall is indented inward near the floor, creating a mock floating wall that is sure to serve as a conversation starter.

188 The Monsey View


For those living in cold climates that get their fair share of snow once winter rolls around, heated driveways, walkways and outdoor stairs are a blessing. No snow maintenance necessary, no slippery ice remnants. That’s a win-win if there ever was one.

For homes where children reign, and the sky’s the limit, the rolling lawn in the spring may be the place for more than just a swingset. An in-ground trampoline or backyard zipline, anyone?

And if you’re on the market for a pergola, there’s always the option of designing one that can double as a sukkah. In those cases, the walls are shades that can be pulled down, and the roof can also open and close. How’s that setting for a beautiful seudas mitzvah?

While indoor sukkahs are all the rage, some like to have their indoor sukkah nice and comfortably placed right in the bedroom area of the house. In those cases, some choose to place a skylight in a master bedroom walk-in-closet, though, of course, that always comes at the risk of having some rain fall on your neatly hung or folded stacks of clothes.

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The 1970s was the decade of the chaptzem. New York City, once the most enviable place to live, had become riddled with crime. “Every four minutes,” newspapers reported, “a violent crime is committed.” Unemployment was rampant. And many of the unemployed, desperate to feed and clothe themselves, had made a career out of mugging people. It seemed that New York City, with its iconic buildings and famous skyline, was slowly crumbling to pieces. And in our own Williamsburg community, we were feeling the effects.

Hence, the chaptzem. We would not allow our community to crumble.

Born from the ashes, our community had been built by a group that understood in their very marrow, by their own horrific experiences, that small crimes could escalate to big ones in a matter of moments. They knew that we Jews have to stick together and stick up for each other, or the consequences could be dire.

And so, the chaptzem trend was created. If a Yid was held up, attacked, or otherwise approached by hoodlums in a menacing manner, he or she would shout “Chaptzem! ” (an amalgamation of the Yiddish “Chapts ehm! ” which translates to “Catch him!”) Instantly, the rallying cry would be taken up by anyone within earshot — people would shout it on the street or out of the windows of their homes — and Yidden would come running to protect the victim.

The areas surrounding the Williamsburg in which we chassidim lived were filled with gutted, decrepit buildings, their windows boarded up (or not), some with squatters sleeping inside. On the streets, homeless people lay on dirty coats, surrounded by multiple plastic shopping bags. And as we rode to the Beis Ruchel school on Patchen Avenue in Bedford Stuyvesant, the windows of our yellow school buses would often be pelted with eggs or stones.

And yet, I do not recall feeling unsafe. I cannot speak for everyone, of course, but my impression of those years is not one of a community in fear. Nor do I recall a feeling of pow-

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erlessness. On the contrary; my memory of those times is of a community with a sense of authority and pride. We were by now firmly entrenched in Williamsburg. The institutions we needed had all been established and were growing, and we had become as much a part of the landscape as the buildings and streets in which we lived and shopped. More importantly, we felt confident enough — with Hashem’s help — to protect

those streets, buildings and the people who lived in them. Looking back, it seems to me that much of that sense of safety and pride came not only from our families, but also — perhaps, mainly — from our schools and talmud Torahs. I remember a song I learned in the second grade in Beis Ruchel during the last week of school. That year, the second grade was composed of three parallel classes: U, T and A (for United Talmudical Academy). In this last school week, the teachers combined the classes so that one of the teachers — a Holocaust survivor by the name of Mrs. Weinstock — could teach us the song. (Later, I heard that Mrs. Weinstock composed the song, but I have never verified whether that was true.)

The lyrics of the song were simple:

The words roughly translate to: Be well, be well Beis Ruchel, dear Im yirtzeh Hashem, next year We’ll see each other again….

The melody accompanying the words was soft and poignant, imbued with a haunting quality that still, to this day, moves me. But what I remember most is that as I was

ראי סאד רעביא ,םשה הצרי םא ...לאמאכאנ ןעז ךיז רימ
טנוזעג סטביילב ,טנוזעג סטביילב
לחר תיב

sitting in that classroom surrounded by my cohort of sevenyear-olds singing these sweet, simple words, I was struck with an unnamable feeling: a sense of homesickness mingled with sadness, mingled with quiet joy. It was strange. We hadn’t even left the school building, and already I was homesick for it. I was already missing these girls and this classroom, rife with that papery-inky smell that classrooms always seem to produce. I was already missing the daily rou-

tine of davening and learning and recess time fun. I was already missing — what? I did not realize it then, but part of what I was feeling was grief. I was learning what it means to mourn a time — to miss a time — that would never come back. I was learning what it means to grow older.

It took years for me to truly unpack the different nuances of that feeling. The knowledge came with the passage of time, with the ability and maturity to process such complex emotions and develop more acute self-awareness. And one of the things I understood was that the very same sensation that had made me feel sad and homesick when I sang that song in my second grade classroom was also the sensation that had made me feel safe.

Because at its core, the sensation came from a feeling of belonging.

Belonging: an anchor that holds you to a place, that holds you to a group, that holds you to a lifestyle. “Here,” this feeling is telling you, “here is where you fit. Here is where you feel safe.” That is what the Williamsburg community spelled for me, and for countless others as well. Beis Ruchel, our school, the school our community had built from scratch, was not a mere building to us, but a

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living thing, one we wished farewell to as if it were a person. And I believe this was true for those who attended other schools, too.

It was not only such songs, of course, that engendered this feeling of pride and belonging. Williamsburg — our Williamsburg — had really come into its own, as I said, and our confidence was evident in other areas as well. Take Purim, for example. The Purims of the ’70s and ’80s were raucous, exciting affairs — which is as Purim should be, and as Purims are today, in most places with sizable Jewish communities. But the Purims of the ’70s and ’80s were more than just loud celebrations; they saw a complete takeover of the streets.

The hub was Lee Avenue and Hewes Street. On the night of Taanis Esther, after our parents broke their fast and we all ate a seudah, we kids would dress up, and our families would head out en masse to the avenue, toward Hewes Street. For a certain number of years — I think it was up to the late ’70s, but I may be wrong — a stage of

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some sort was set up on the Lee-Hewes intersection. I recall dressed-up men and bachurim standing on a platform, loud music, and merry dancing. People milled about, showing off their costumes, and though many more non-Jews lived in Williamsburg then than do now, it seemed as though the entire town was filled with us, belonged to us.

To people of today’s generation, there may be nothing remarkable about this description. After all, this is a generation that has grown up with the sight of huge billboards featuring faces of chassidish men, of bus stops featuring larger-than-life ads of items catering to our community. This is a generation that never doubted that the streets on which they live belong to them. Every house on their block is filled with a family just like them, every store sells items for them. We expect streets to be police-blocked when we go to Tashlich, we take it for granted that at our hachnasas sefer Torahs, the police department will make sure our streets are car-free.

And that’s beautiful. That was the dream. It’s precisely what the Williamsburg pioneers of the late ’40s and early ’50s had hoped for.

But it also dilutes some of that pride and fierce protectiveness that the earlier genera-

tion felt. For today’s generation, the secure, confident community is what they were born into. For the earlier generation, their community was what they themselves had created and achieved. They achieved it through chaptzems Through their establishment of strong schools and chadarim. And through haunting, beautiful songs that assured the children that this — this place, this group — was where they belonged.

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Dear Teens,

For all of us, the Holocaust is a black, gaping hole in our nation’s history. And for so many of us, World War II and its effects are an integral part of our family’s personal history, as well.

We are products of grandparents and great-grandparents who rose from the ashes of a war that was designed to destroy them. Against all odds, they picked themselves up and rebuilt their lives in this country they called home after having lost so much.

The communities we hold dear — our schools, our shuls, life as we know it — are products of a generation determined to rebuild Yiddishkeit.

Today we have precious few survivors left. Yet we want their triumphs, the strength they displayed, the sacrifices they made — we want their stories to live on.

We, as a nation, don’t want to forget where we come from, and we don’t want to forget about the kind of strength our ancestors exhibited in the face of total devastation. We want to continue living their mission, and we want to remember.

In this contest, we invite you to write a true story that happened to one of your grandparents or great-grandparents during the Holocaust era and share it with our readers.


The story should be between 225 and 275 words long.

Poems will not be accepted.

Submissions must be typed, and emailed or faxed to or 845-600-8483.

Your full name, phone number, grade and school must be included.

Submission deadline: January 18.

OUR TEAM OF JUDGES WILL REVIEW ALL ELIGIBLE SUBMISSIONS, AND FOUR WINNERS WILL BE SELECTED, ONE FROM EACH AGE GROUP: GROUP 2: 8TH TO 9TH GRADE GROUP 4: 12TH GRADE GROUP 1: 6TH TO 7TH GRADE GROUP 3: 10TH TO 11TH GRADE EACH WINNER WILL BE ABLE TO CHOOSE A $100 GIFT CERTIFICATE IN ONE OF THE FOLLOWING STORES — AND HAVE THEIR STORY PUBLISHED IN THE MONSEY VIEW TIP TOP 42 MAIN STREET 845.356.8414 PERSONALIZED TRENDS 27 ORCHARD STREET 845.425.5453 PRIM 59 ROUTE 59 845.356.0003 BAIS HASFORIM 59 ROUTE 59 845.371.1495 Please note: We have received requests from writers of different ages who are seeking to join this contest. While The Monsey View would have liked to accommodate more contestants, for this contest, our panel of judges will only review entries submitted by writers from the grades listed below. 215 845.600.8484 January 11, 2023 The Monsey View

Mind + Mindfulness

The majority of us have a tendency to dwell on the past or future, stressing about what occurred yesterday or worrying how tomorrow’s events will unfold. As a result, feelings such as insecurity and incompetence, as well as an insatiable hunger for the reassurance of others engulfs us.

Rest assured that there are definite ways to successfully rise above this challenge. Learn to keep your focus laser sharp by engaging in some of the exercises outlined below.

By being attentive to your surroundings, you hone your ability of focusing and being present at any given moment.

Think about the last time you sat comfortably, with your eyes closed, inhaling deep breaths of fresh air, and then permitted yourself to open your eyes for a soft gaze at surrounding objects? For some, the answer might be never. Society’s constant demand for you to remain overly occupied at all times gives you a rare chance to perform an exercise of such. Thus, it is important to make some time for yourself in your hectic schedule to allow a few precious minutes of Self-care.

You will agree with me that it’s difficult to live in the present when you’re constantly juggling multiple responsibilities. While focusing entirely on one activity at a time can seem overwhelming, giving it a quick shot is strongly recommended. Those who have, were pleasantly surprised at

their level of efficiency.

Beware that finding oneself wandering off track is expected and normal. As you settle more comfortably into the practice, you learn to slowly veer back to your current task.

Human nature has us engaging in many different activities while we’re eating. At your next meal, try to focus on your food. Does it have a smell? What does the smell remind you of? How does it taste? Have you ever tasted that before? Is the feeling or taste in your body familiar? Which sounds surround you whilst you are having lunch- Phone calls, traffic noises from outside, soft playing music. Tune in to those sounds and let them soothe you.

You will agree with me that it’s difficult to live in the present when you’re constantly juggling multiple responsibilities.
Society’s constant demand for you to remain overly occupied at all times gives you a rare chance to perform an exercise of such.
218 845.600.8484 The Monsey View January 11, 2023
Joy resides in the present. They key is to learn how to derive the immense tranquility of mindfulness

Mindfulness- Meditation is a fascinating practice that increases your conscious awareness of your thoughts and feelings. By practicing it regularly, your present focus is sharp and your brain alert.

As a result, you get to set aside more time for important tasks, and complete minor tasks efficiently, thus increasing your level of productivity.

On a slightly different note, preconceived expectations can hinder your desired level of satisfaction.

Occasionally, life will take an unexpected turn, placing you in a foreign territory. Letting go of what is beyond your control and making room for something bigger to happen in your life, will help you achieve that what you are really yearning for, true joy and peace of mind.

Most importantly, take a few moments each day to appreciate yourself. Reflect on where you have been, where you are coming from, and who you are now. Cherish the people who are with you on this journey, your family, friends, and supporters. Be thankful for all the blessing and constant shower of goodness bestowed upon you.

The light in your life will increase and you’ll be embraced with a sense of ease.

(If you need assistance with this process, it might be beneficial to reach out to a qualified therapist for support and guidance.)

You can reach Moshe Klein by phone, text or WhatsApp at 845.244.9066, or by email at
219 845.600.8484 January 11, 2023 The Monsey View
Letting go of what is beyond your control and making room for something bigger to happen in your life, will help you achieve that what you are really yearning for, true joy and peace of mind.


Cardboard, like paper, is made of fibers from trees. Many different kinds of thick paper are included under the cardboard umbrella — like paperboard, for example. Paperboard is similar to paper in that it’s also just one layer of material, but paperboard is heavier and thicker than regular printing paper.


Ever notice crinkles on the inner layer of most cardboard boxes? Then you’re looking at corrugated cardboard. Corrugated cardboard is made of three layers of cardboard, with the middle layer being a crinkled or ruffled fiber. This acts as a cushion to protect the products inside the box and makes the cardboard more durable and strong enough to carry more weight.

Corrugated cardboard was first invented in 1856 by two Englishmen, Edward C. Healy and Edward E. Allen. They created what was then called “pleated paper” to line the inside of their top hats.

Today, corrugated cardboard is used mostly for shipping and packaging, while regular cardboard is used in other products such as board games, juice cartons, paper towel rolls and cereal boxes.


Sustainability is the big word thrown around these days by activists working to protect the environment. Cardboard has one of the lowest environmental impacts since it’s a highly recyclable material — with over 70% of it actually getting recycled. That’s why you see so much of it around. When cardboard is recycled, it’s usually made into huge rolls and then recut into new cardboard products. Cardboard is also biodegradable, so if it doesn’t get recycled, it naturally decomposes in less than a year. Win-win!

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Since cardboard refers to all types of thick, durable paper, some argue that the papyrus sheets created in fifteenthcentury China would be considered the first type of cardboard. Officially, however, in 1817, the first paperboard box was invented in England by the firm M. Treverton & Son. The first pre-cut, foldable box like the ones we have today was created as most great inventions are: by mistake! Robert Gair, a Brooklyn printer and paper-bag maker, was printing some paper bags in 1890 when the ruler that creased the bags malfunctioned and cut the bag down the middle. Mr. Gair realized that by cutting and creasing, he could create pre-cut paperboard that could be folded into boxes. When corrugated cardboard became widely available a few years later, Gair’s method was applied to create the good ol’ boxes we have now.


Whenever there are Olympic games, the host country sets up an Olympic Village, where all the athletes live throughout the duration of the games. At the last Olympic games held in Tokyo, Japan, in 2021, all the beds in the Olympic Village were made of… cardboard! Tokyo wanted to build a sustainable and environmentally friendly village and had the genius idea to craft cardboard beds.

The beds were made of very thick cardboard and were capable of supporting up to 440 pounds. Their creators claimed that the beds were as strong and sturdy as any wooden bed would be, and while some athletes reportedly jumped on the beds to see how much abuse they could withstand, it seemed the guests slept well enough throughout their stay in Japan. (And if you’re wondering, no, the mattresses weren’t made of cardboard!)

Cardboard furniture wasn’t a totally new idea, though. There have been people who used cardboard as their art or building material of choice.

Frank Gehry, a Canadian-American designer and architect known for using unusual materials, created a cardboard furniture collection in 1969 when he was asked to redecorate a studio on a very low budget. He designed chairs, stools and desks entirely out of cardboard. He also created the famous “Wiggle Side Chair,” which is made of very thick cardboard folded back and forth in a unique design.

And on a whole ’nother level of ingenuity, there have even been complete structures and architectural projects built completely from cardboard. Japanese architect Shigeru Ban has used cardboard tubes to build shelters in low-income countries, temporary schools in areas that were hit by earthquakes, and even a temporary concert hall in Italy!


• In the U.S. alone, more than 80 BILLION corrugated cardboard boxes are used per year.

• The Kellogg Company, IN 1906, was one of the first to use cardboard boxes as cereal cartons.

• One tree can produce around 151 CARDBOARD BOXES

Tsunami Reconstruction Project, Sri Lanka, 2007
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by: YONAH KLEIN illustration: JACKY YARHI
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Each Boggle board hides a word of nine letters or more!


1. Gather round the table to play a family game of Boggle, using this Boggle board.


2. Once you have a winner, fill out the form below in its entirety

3. Email the form to comments@ or fax to 845600-8483 by Sunday at midnight.

4. Two winners will be drawn each week, each of whom will win a pastrami sandwich and a can of soda!


Find words on the board containing four letters or more. Letters of a word must be connected in a chain (each letter should be adjacent to the next either vertically, horizontally or diagonally), and each letter can only be used once in a given word.

The following are not allowed in Boggle:

Adding “s” to a word • Proper nouns

• Abbreviations • Contractions • Acronyms


4-letter words: 2 points | 5-letter words: 3 points | 6-letter words: 5 points | 7-letter words: 7 points | 8-letter words: 9 points | 9+ letters: 12 points





Family name: _________________________________ Phone: __________________

Full mailing address: ____________________________________________________

Full name of winner: _________________ Amount of points: __________

Full names of competing players: __________________________________

List some words only the winner found:

The longest word found on the board: _____________________________

A new word you learned from the board: __________________________

Only complete forms will be entered into the drawing.

D I 224 845.600.8484 The Monsey View January 11, 2023





Family name: Ganz, 845-xxx-6493

Name of winner: Roiza Blima

Amount of points: 28

Names of competing players: Dini, Brucha Elky

Some words only the winner found: bird, hare, hung, tart, tire

The longest word found on the board: poster

A new word learned from the board: hare


Family name: Ungar, 845-xxx-3517

Name of winner: Esty

Amount of points: 52

Names of competing players: Totty

Some words only the winner found: firm, name, some

The longest word found on the board: tired

A new word learned from the board: tarp Last week’s bonus word: POSTERITY

To claim your prize, tear out this sheet (on which your name appears) and bring it in to Nussy’s Cuisine.

5 82 7523 69 35841 6 45387 29 4852 15 8 372 9 89473 36 2 1539 4 86 53218 9 851 225 845.600.8484 January 11, 2023 The Monsey View



Thank you to the
pages! Keep coloring!
A $5 credit was issued at Toys4U on the account of the phone number listed on your submission.
hundreds of readers who sent in beautifully colored
Hindy Kalish, 8,
Etty Ehrnfeld, 14, Belz Etty Kaufman, 8, Pupa
Malky Biston, 7, Skvere
Esty Hershkowitz, 6.5, Bobov
Imrei Bina
Bais Malka 226 845.600.8484 The Monsey View January 11, 2023
Malky Steinmetz, 9, Viznitz Devoiry Zalik, 10, BYCC Shaina Friedman, 6, Pupa Anshi
Sury Hershkowitz, 10,

Send your colored page to The Monsey View to enter a drawing for a chance to have your artwork featured in our pages and win $5 at Toys4U! Ten lucky winners will be announced each week!

To enter the raffle, email your colored page to, or mail it to 365 Route 59, Suite 239, Airmont, NY 10952. Submissions will be included in the drawing only if all information is filled in.

Feel free to photocopy this coloring page for the entire family.

Age:____________________ School:_________________________________________________________ 227 845.600.8484 January 11, 2023 The Monsey View
9, Yanky, 5, Devoiry, 3,
Ari Surkus, 6 Yitzchok,
Weber, 4
To have your child’s creation featured here, email a picture to or mail it to 365 Route 59, Suite 239, Airmont, NY 10952. Where every entry is a winner! Talent Show
Fischer, 5, Meir Fischer, 2 Chaim Shimmy Globerman, 7
Kalman and Nesanel getting ready for chanukah Yaakov Shulem Spitzer Shia Rosenberg, 6
228 845.600.8484 The Monsey View January 11, 2023
Family Lowenstein Meir and Avrum Elya Ehrenfeld Mendy Fried, 7 Shaindy Goldberger, 5 MalkaWeinstockBlyma Naftuli Chaim Fischer, 10 Leibel Friedman, 5 Sruly Fisch Tziry Goldberger
229 845.600.8484 January 11,
Kalmen Kahan, 8 Yides, 8, Malky, 6, Galandauer
230 845.600.8484 The Monsey View January 11, 2023
236 845.600.8484 The Monsey View January 11, 2023
237 845.600.8484 January 11, 2023 The Monsey View




Toyota Avalon 2016 Limitedfull trim (keyless/leather/ traffic gps/heat/cooling seats) 114k miles, great condition-scratchless! $17,350 8453762307 call/txt.


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Brand new beautiful office space for rent, 500-700 square ft. in a very quiet cul de sac (viola area), private entrance ideal for practice that prefers privacy, clean and very airy. Serious inquiries please email,


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Yeshiva Spring Valley (boys) of Monsey is now accepting resumes for the General Studies department for September 2022 - ‘23 School Year. Following Positions available: • Lower Elementary School Teacher (M-TH 12:45-4:00); • Title1 English Language Arts (ELA) Teacher • Teacher’s Assistants (M-TH 12:45-4:00) Teaching experience a must. Professional atmosphere and competitive salary. Please include references and email to gss@yeshivaspringvalley. org or FAX to 845-356-8551


Airmont/Monsey Area. M-Th 1p-8p and Fri 10a-6p or 11a-7p. Includes Light Housekeeping, No Cooking. Preferred applicant will have own car. Call (201) 663-3767


Nursery co-teacher position available for current school year. Warm positive working environment, high compensation, centrally located. Please send your resume to chedermonseyeducation@ or call (845)6946015 ext. 208


Gan Simcha is looking for an assistant for a 2 year old playgroup for September 2023. Contact Rikki 347-9309736.


Part-time & Full-time jobs available. Email TopPartTimeJobs@


Office in Monsey is seeking a capable individual for an open position within the finance department. Great opportunity with potential, good pay and Heimish environment. Please email resume to chaimm@


Full time position operating printing and finishing machines. Great benefits package. Basic computer skills a must. Willing to train. Send resume to jobs@ or for more info call 845-499-4057.

help wanted N


Local property Management Company is looking for a f/t secretary. office Experience required. Great environment, Great pay. Please email resume to


TAG Rockland is looking for an FT energetic & mature individual for client assistance and data management. Must be a quick learner, possess strong multi-tasking and interpersonal skills, and be proficient in English and Yiddish. Tech-savvy is a plus. Email, fax 845-209-3145, or leave a message at 845-393-1824.


Local heimish office is looking to hire a fulltime female employee. Responsible & professional communication skills. Great opportunity for the right candidate. Email your resume to: officegc12@gmail. com


Administrative assistant position available in a heimish, male local e-commerce business. Stimulating work, Beginners welcome, Training Provided, Great pay and big potential for growth and other great benefits email resume:


Monsey office looking for person full time to answer phones and do various office tasks.experience a plus but full training will given. Great oppurtunity for a beginner who wants to learn a trade.rewarding and challenging job.good pay.all jewish and legal holidays are paid as well as two vacation weeks per year.please send resume or your info to jobofferinmonsey@gmail. com or call(973)462-6891


Looking to hire a female purchaser for ecommerce company. Needs to be punctual, data entry skills. Located 5 minutes from The Palisades Mall. Please send resume to officej348@gmail. com


Design consulting firm looking for a secretary for project management in a multi girl office. prior office work experience required, well paid with room for growth. email resume to


Office in monsey needs a person to answer phones and do some light office work 5 till 8(9)till pesach.good pay.great for a student after or email jobofferinmonsey@

240 845.600.8484 The Monsey View January 11, 2023

Classifieds help wanted N


Zee Care is looking to hire a Customer Service Representative with great communication and phone skills. Please send resume to or call 8452632631


Office in Monsey is seeking a capable individual for a job in a back office of a busy business. Great potential. Please email your resume to


Insurance office looking to hire for a FT case management position. Candidate needs to be detail oriented and quick learner. Tremendous growth potential. Send your resume to


Upscale jewelry store in monsey is looking to hire a part time energetic sales lady. Sunday’s included. Please email resume:


Women’s Clothing store looking for a sales lady, F/T or P/T. Sunday a must, Great pay. Call/Text/Whatsapp 347.388.6427


Established luxury travel concierge hiring account managers to provide white glove service to clients. Competitive salary & benefits. Text 646-440-4485.


Women’s clothing store seeking sales help. Great environment, well paid. Please call 845 274 6826


ABA Riders is looking to hire an ABA para to work with a 6 ear old boy in a mainstream classroom, beginning February. The position can be full-time/part-time or an option to sub for 6 weeks. Must have a car. Well paid. Contact Rikki 347-930-9736.


Seeking a female ABA para for a high-functioning 8 year old boy in the evenings in the Forshay area. Candidate should be fun and friendly and able to follow a protocol. Please contact 845-367-9222 ext. 202 or email resume to


Chassidishe cheder looking for a male tutor for title one. 3:30-5:30. Please call 8452637445


Stop wasting your time going through all the jobs classifieds. Simply email your resume to Info@ to explore your options & maximize your career. Or Call/Text/ WhatsApp 732-800-7633 Strictly confidential & completely free.


Be Your Own Boss! “Be in business for yourself not by yourself” best training + support provided, great benefits and retirement package. Please email or call 845-639-5216


ABA Therapist in Monsey NY. 12:30-3:30 or evening hours. Yidish Speaking preferred. Great Pay! For more details call/text 603-403-7332. Email: danielle.betesh@


Real Estate management company is looking for a full time employee for the billing department. Please call 773-365-1818 Ext. 107 or send an email to ibraun@


Candidate will be responsible for maintaining personnel records, managing HR documents, updating internal databases etc. Our ideal candidate must be able to work independently, be self-motivated with a focus on accuracy and be detail oriented. Full training, generous PTO, pleasant team environment, part-time, flexible hours (in office). Please send resumes to HR@


Earn your BA or Masters degree from a prestigious university, in CASE MANAGEMENT AND HUMAN SERVICES, from home. Yeshiva and Seminary credits accepted. FAFSA and student loans available to cover tuition. For more information please contact us at: 18182065859 or email:


Bas Mikroh Daycare is seeking a full time or morning assistant for its 1824 month group. Please email resume to hr@basmikroh. org. Join our Daycare sub list for day-to-day or weekly subbing. No commitment necessary. Call 8484594669

242 845.600.8484 The Monsey View January 11, 2023
243 845.600.8484 January 11, 2023 The Monsey View
244 845.600.8484 The Monsey View January 11, 2023



Busy mortgage office seeking f/t receptionist/office manager. Must be super organized, peoples person, hardworking, computer savvy, detail oriented and outgoing. Email resume to


Are you looking to join a great team where your analytical skills, meticulous nature, and attention to detail, will be appreciated? A full-time position (30+ hours per week) is available in our finance office, located at 365 Route 59. Experience preferred. Competitive pay and full benefits package! Premium Health is an equal opportunity employer. Please email your resume to ebrull@


Excellent Opportunity!!

Looking for a young energetic individual to work with high school students. Great pay. Flexible hours. Call 845-2413102


YSV seeking a 7th grade English Language Arts teacher. Available from MidJanuary. Job requires passion for teaching and subject matter. Mondays through Thursdays 12:50pm- 4 pm. Contact Mrs. Cohen 8453561400 x 215


Seeking a Magento 2 Professional Web Developer to join our team in our Airmont office. Advance knowledge of the following languages and frameworks: PHP, SQL, JavaScript, jQuery, CodeIgniter, WSDL, SOAP/ XML. Basic understanding of HTML, CSS, Bootstrap. Please email


ABA Riders is looking for a male ABA para to work in a school with a 4 year old boy. Contact Yisroel 917-586-5797.


ABA Riders is looking to hire a BCBA. Well paid! Contact Rikki 347-930-9736.

help wanted N


Tzedeka organization in Monsey is looking for a computer saavy female with excellent phone skills and interpersonal skills. 24 hours a week. Must know Xcel. Yiddish speaking and a car is a plus. Send resume to


A busy company is seeking an experienced night shift warehouse manager. Must have experience in warehouse management and leading a team. Great potential for the right candidate!! text 845-642-7126


Home Care Agency based in Monroe seeking Case Coordinator to assist and coordinate services, follow up on patient care, and provide support to both providers and patients. $55k/yr+. Will pay for travel. resumes@


IT Services company seeking tech-savvy IT Support to provide technical support to Girls’ School. Position includes working a few days a week onsite. $55k/yr+.


Seeking capable individuals for HCBS coordinators. no experience needed! contact chany@theprimestaffing. com


A medical billing company is seeking an experienced credentialing coordinator. Competitive pay. Option for hybrid/remote. Please send your resume to info@

א טאה דסומ עשימייה available Day Camp Director position .לוקס לדיימ א ןיא ,טנאסערעטניא ביוא א קיש עטיב Fax 1845027731 :וצ, Or email 2023daycamp@
246 845.600.8484 The Monsey View January 11, 2023
247 845.600.8484 January 11, 2023 The Monsey View

Classifieds help wanted N


Location: Lyndhurst, NJ Approx 45 min from Monsey (Full-Time)We are seeking a responsible and motivated individual to join our orders and customer service department. Strong communication and organizational skills are required. No prior experience is necessary. This is a great opportunity for growth with competitive pay. To apply, please send your resume to lyndhurstjob07071@gmail. com or call (347) 678-2670.


Polished Resumes written by a certified copywriter, 200+ satisfied customers. Also writer for web content and letters. Proofread by a college educated editor. Resumes standard: 48 hour turnaround. Express available. Contact Sarah Menczer, ccs at call/text 347-409-5182


Established agency in Monsey is looking for a Male QA Supervisor. Individual should be professional, have Leadership experience, and be an effective communicator in teamwork. Willing to train the right candidate. Great pay and benefits. Please send your resume to


Are you looking for a job that’s more than just paperwork? A job that requires head work and HEART work? We are looking to hire qualified male and female care managers to join our growing team. Willing to train the right candidate. Paid holidays and vacation. Please send your resume to


Well-established office in Monsey looking for female candidate to join our Finance team. Individual must be detail oriented, organized, and quick to learn. Great benefits and potential for growth. please email resume to myofficejobmonsey@


Looking for a female bookkeeper. Candidate must be available full time. Beginners are welcome. contact chany@


Looking for a part-time/ full-time coordinator with relevant experience to coordinate services for babies/ toddlers with developmental delays and their families. Willing to train the right candidate. Paid Yom Tov, Holiday and Vacation. Please send your resume to:


We are looking for a competent employee to coordinate services. Candidate should be organized, quick learner, with good communication skills. BA required. Send resume to joboffersmonsey58@gmail. com.


Established agency in Monsey is looking to hire a secretary/ coordinator to join our growing team. Individual must be detail oriented, organized, and quick to learn. Great benefits and lots of potential for growth. Willing to train the right candidate. Please send your resume to employeeslovetoworkhere@


Want to make a difference in someone’s life? We are looking to hire a female to work with 18+ year olds with special needs. email resume to jobresumes613@gmail. com or call 845-828-2423.


Want to make a difference in someone’s life? We are looking for someone to work with special needs teenagers. email resume to or call 845-828-2423.


Want to make a difference in someone’s life? We are looking for a part-time title one teacher. email resume to or call 845-828-2423.


Do you enjoy to understand business and the coach individuals for the job that’s right for them? Then recruiting might be an option for you. Call 845-238-0498 for more info


A very professional company is seeking a capable individual to serve as a female executive assistant to personally aid the executive. contact 845-502-2062


A busy showroom is seeking a full time female saleslady. Very heimish environment with lots of potential! contact chany@theprimestaffing. com


A busy agency is looking for a female supervisor in the HR department. contact 845502-2062


Great position available in a busy insurance company. Female position. Very heimish environment! contact 845-502-2062

248 845.600.8484 The Monsey View January 11, 2023
249 845.600.8484 January 11, 2023 The Monsey View



An insurance agency is seeking a capable individual to do outside sales! Lots of support provided! Call 845-317-7463 ext 102 leave a message


A busy back end bookkeeping office is seeking an experienced male office manager. Responsibilities include: leading a team as well as making reports for investors. Must have good number skills.Lots of potential! contact zelig@


A yeshiva is seeking a building manager to oversee the maintenance of the building as well as making sure the kitchen runs smoothly. Call 845-317-7463 ext 102 leave a message


Seeking someone with experience in low voltage to do service calls for a security systems company. Lots of potential for the right candidate! Call 845-317-7463 ext 102 leave a message


Female bookkeeper position is available in a busy office. please call 845-317-7463 ext 106


Full time 9-5 secretary girl great pay in Heimish office in monsey np internet 8453199168


A company in Chestnut Ridge is seeking an accountant to work full-time. Salary $80,000. Email officecrny@


Seeking a real go-getter for a female office position. Great pay! Please contact blimiew@


Busy Monsey dental practice is looking to hire a full time front desk associate as well as a part time dental assistant. The right candidate for front desk should have strong computer and phone skills, follow instruction and be a team player. Medical or dental scheduling is a plus, but not a must. We are willing to train the right candidate. Dental assistant must have experience as a dental assistant for at least one year. Send resume to judy@rocklandsmilebuilders. com or call 845-362-7645 for additional information


Monsey based property management company looking for a responsible and driven assistant asset manager. The position is a full time position and would include assisting with the implementation of new systems & projects throughout the portfolio along with some financial analytics. There is growth opportunity within the position. Experience is a plus, however, ambition and reliability are key. Please sumit your resume


A busy service provider agency is seeking a female supervisor to manage and oversee all coordinators. Must have experience with HCBS enrollments and services. contact 845-5022062


A busy office is seeking a detail oriented office assistant to run the entire office. must be knowledgeable in quickbooks. Flexible hours contact 845-502-2062


A Service provider agency is seeking a capable

help wanted N babysitting

female to serve as a school coordinator. Must have excellent communication skills. contact chany@


Monsey based property management company looking for a responsible and driven regional property manager. The position is a full time position that requires being out in the field(properties based in NJ) in addition to some office work. The position is high energy and requires multi tasking, organization, & management skills. There is growth potential within this position to take on more properties and grow with a growing organization. Experience, ambition, and reliability are essential.


Do you have several years of work experience but can no longer work full-time? We have several amazing flexible schedule career opportunities! Email your resume to TopCareerNY@gmail. com


Do you have your degree? Very flexible job with great working environment. Please call 347-452-4816



Babysitter with lots of Experience now available for all your babysitting needs. Day and nights, last minute drop ins, overnights etc. Call Simi hoffman 845 406 3199 845 537 1960



On demand Torah lectures Video-Audio-download All for free Computer or App for iPhone/Android Or Hotline 718-298-2077. YiddishHebrew - English


Is your child still in the same place after all that tutoring?Join Arrowsmith, a research based program that strengthens the brain and eliminates learning disabilities. Call Mrs Feuer 914-260-6449


Mr. Wertzberger’s Music School offering music lessons on the phone, ages 9-15 boys and girls. 718-435-1923


Professional albums for all occasions at great rates. / 845-587-9286.

N 250 845.600.8484 The Monsey View January 11, 2023
N services
251 845.600.8484 January 11, 2023 The Monsey View
252 845.600.8484 The Monsey View January 11, 2023


Baby Layettes (845) 2133646

Layettes Text 718551-1732

Doula 845-587-1649

Labor Bag 347-6043274

Pidyon Haben Accessories 845-642-7256

Pidyon Haben 845659-6704

Pidyon Haben Gemach 845-3563568

Formula 347-2673640 Or 216-8893643

Neocate Formula 718853-4090

Carseats, Bassinet & Pack N Plays. 4251202

Carseats, Pack N Plays, Strollers, Pumps 845.425.6826

Doona Car Seat 845445-7474

Brass Iron Bassinet 917-280-4559

Preemie Clothing 845520-0475

The Preemie Box 845.664.5768 Or 718.688.5814

Baby Scale 845-5785639

Baby Headphone 845 356 6797 Or 845 558 9370

Baby Scales 845-6948985

Easy birth from Koznitzer Maggid 917514-9461


Bris Accessories 617955-3630

Bris Accessories 845 425 8359

Bris Accessories 425 3873

Bris Accessories 425-6574

Bris Accessories 356-6215

Blue Light 845.425.1919

Poya and bris outfit w/ tefillos 845-425-0672

Bris outfit poya, also tefilla cards 845 3564859 Ralph area Pillow/Benchers 845213-0602

Knife Sharpening For Mohalim 718-3846214

Segula Stone 347699-6418

Preemie Outfit 845.558.7065

Krias Shema Board With Stand 425-4540

Free Mohel 347-383-

5696 Simcha

Gowns 845-517- 8808

Mother & Sister Gowns 845-426-7496 Or 845-352-3031.

Gown And Petticoats 347-278-1278

White Dresses 845371-1765

Floral Bisomim 845629-2785.

Hats $25. 347-3511604

Elegant Hats 845-5170838.

Bands & Berets 845371-3556

Tichel 845-548-0014

Mechitza’s, Tables, Chairs Etc. Call 845445-8015

Hot Water Urns 845425-9211

Ear-Plugs 845-2020105.

Toys 845-578-6513

Toys 917-538-3453. Clics 845-352-5820

Tablecloths (845) 371 2105

Tablecloth 352-8292 Tablecloths 352-8292

Gold Chargers 845573-9772

shelves, stands, trays & centerpieces 845425-1721

Siddurs. Sfard: 845608-7830 Ashkenaz: 845 352 1756 Or 845-826-6718

Siddur/Chumash 558.4774

Benchers 845-6420910

Bentchers 347-4042204

Bechers 845-3775671

Becher, Challah Deklich, Zemiros 845425-0498

Coat Rack And Hangers 845-356-9841

Chuppa Cards 347278-1278

Chupah Cards 845.222.0456

Chuppah Tefillos Booklets. 845-2130602.

Wedding Kit 845-4252036

Wedding Kit 845-3712947

Simcha Powder Room Kit 845-263-4342

Accessories Basket 845-371-6857

Children Hair Pieces 3473001679

Portable Chuppah 845-425-4790

253 845.600.8484 January 11, 2023 The Monsey View



“Change your Water.. Change your life” Alkaline - AntiOxidant - Super Hydrating Call for FREE supply and feel AMAZING! 917-681-0003


Enhance your gown with just the right petticoat! Kids and adults petticoats for rent! In the Bates area. Please Call or text between 8:30-10pm 845-746-7248


Great prices. Call Miri 845426-7561 !הלכ

And dear yiddishe mother. Give your daughter the gift of a lifetime of happiness & תיב םולש with the marriage summit, 18 life changing classes with top marriage experts. For less than the price of a תוכרב עבש outfit, have the peace of mind knowing that your daughter has the tools, הפקשה & resources to be happily married. Call 929-286-9900 #2 or www.chanyfelberbaum. com


--In The Comfort of Home-*Swedish *Deep Tissue *Lymph *Craniosacral Therapy Call Sarah: 845596-1373


Biggest selection of balloons for all occasions in the Weiner drive area call 8454223988/ Flyhighbal@


For all your custom closets please call or text 1347.522.4872


Keyboard lessons By Miri. Great Prices! Call 845-4267561 or 845-263-6437

SHAIMOS PICK UPS 845-461-3084


having trubble with finances? join Debtors Anonymous Tuesday night @ 19 Robert Pitt # 113 , 7:30-8:30pm. visit www.


Love your home once again! Will declutter and organize your closets, kitchen, or your entire home! Reasonable ● Experienced ● Flexible. We work with practical spacesaving techniques matching the right containers to your belongings. Call/ text: (845) 533-2898 Email: upstatehomeorganizers@ Call now to lock in your pre-Pesach slot.

services N odds & ends N gowns N late ads


Wholesome baked goods delivered to your door. Gluten free, sugar free, egg free, nut free options. Text/ leave message 845-304-5805


12 years experience. Wide selection. Call/text: 845-5387986


Carpet cleaning. Painting, Drywall, Electric, Plumbing, All kinds of handyman jobs. Security cameras/intercome. R.O. water filter. call 917 378 3194


Email your written sheets and have it typed up for a minimal fee. For more info Email


Heimishe IFS Practitioner. Deep Inner Work/Parenting. Sessions on Phone/Zoom. Call/Text 9173009944


ZC’s car service. Female drivers, Long distance only, Fast, safe, & convenient 845642-3833


we fix knitted & crochet Gartlech & make beautiful professional fringes. We also teach how to knit & crochet. call: 917-414-3281



Of toys, arts & crafts, or supplies, in good condition, for a Heimishe Moised. Call 845.500.3100


I scratched your car mirror on Monday Dec 5 at Redelicious parking lot. If you have any questions please call me 845-540-1094



Adorable gold gown by Dassy available to buy or rent. Toddler size 4. Call 422-5596 for more info


Silver/Grey colored gown size 2-4 8455380391


Very Elegant, Winter White trimmed with Black Velvet, girls size 12/14 for sale. Please Call 845-709-7161.

BLACK MATERNITY GOWN Size XS gown for rent/sale. Call/text 646-334-6582


Gorgeous ivory gown sister of bride to sell size 0-2, call 845 213 7897


Gorgeous black sister of the bride gown size 2 for sale or rent. Call or Text 845-5960022


Exclusive Mauve and black gown for sale size 4-6. 845659-9050



Luxurious 3 bedroom lake house villa in Case Grande Arizona. Private pool fully stocked kosher kitchen. 520.251.4459


Retail Space for Rent on the 59 Prime Location Approx. 1250SF please call 845-5845060


Beautiful 48”master bedroom set, 4 door china closet & table, Fleishig gas range. If interested please call 845-662-2571

בוט לזמ
254 845.600.8484 The Monsey View January 11, 2023
255 845.600.8484 January 11, 2023 The Monsey View
PHOTO CREDIT: JDN ןוא םינקסע ןופ גנוגילייטאב יד טימ טיעטס קראי וינ ןופ רענעשימאק טלעה יטויפעד יד טימ ראמטאסמ תינברה ןופ בוטש ןיא לאוי תירק ןיא גנוציז רעלעטיפש עקראי וינ יד ןיא ךיז ןענופעג סאוו ןטנעיצאפ ראפ ןכאמ רעגנירג ןוא ןרעסעבראפ רעביא הלצה הרבח יסנאמב ליבאנרעשט ד”מהיבב דאסקיב - ליבאנרעשט תיבב ליפשראפה תחמש יסנאמ - בל בטי ת”ת ןופ ןרעטלע יד ראפ ךוניח תפיסא לוש ןיא לוקב ןמא תיינע ןייז וצ קזחמ טקעיארפ ’הנעא ינא‘ יד ןופ תולרוג עגיטכעמ עכילטנעכעוו יד ןופ סרעניוועג עכילקילג יד 256 The Monsey View
PHOTO CREDIT: JDN יד ןעוועג םייסמ ןבאה סאוו הארוהה יגוה 210 יד ראפ לארשי ץרא ןיא ושרד ןוגרא ךרוד ’הארוהל ךליח דוה דמעמ‘ הכלה ןינק הארוה תרובח תרגסמב םידומיל ךאלבאנק המלש ’ר תיבב הזוזמ תעיבקב ליהעווזמ ר”ומדאה זאג ’טיזקענס‘ יד ןיא תבטב הרשע החנמ יזרעשזד וינ ןיא 4 טור ן’פיוא עיצנאטס ןשיה ךוניח תיב תודסומ תבוטל יתנשה רעניד םע דחיב םייח חיש לעב ל”קוצז יושאקמ ר”ומדאה לש אלוליה תדועס - ’םימייקו םייח‘ דמעמ הכונחה ימי יד ןיא בוטה תרכה תביסמ םייב ףתתשמ ךיז ןענעז תומוחה ירמוש ללוכ סנה לעב ריאמ יבר תקדצ ןופ םיאבג רעדניק 1,000 וצ טנאנ 260 The Monsey View


Why is Dor Yeshorim focusing on hearing loss?

We have seen a steady and concerning increase of families suffering from unexplained hearing loss. As the number of families across all ancestries continued to grow, it became exceedingly clear that there was a vital need for immediate and extensive research. There are currently almost one thousand families experiencing hearing loss and in need of Dor Yeshorim’s ongoing research expertise.

What has Dor Yeshorim’s research uncovered?

Using cutting edge genetic technology and working with laboratories and research groups across the globeincluding our top-of-the-line R&D lab - with Hashem’s help, we successfully identified over 20 genes and more than 60 genetic mutations causing genetic hearing loss. Our research continues, but we cannot waste any time bringing this new panel to the public.

I have no family history of hearing loss. Is this panel still for me?

Absolutely. The genes that cause hearing loss are very common. In fact, most of the families currently experiencing hearing loss have no prior history. Testing for hearing loss is no different than testing for Cystic Fibrosis, for example. Anyone can be a carrier, and the chances of being a carrier for hearing loss are actually higher than many other genetic diseases.

What steps do I take if I DO have a family history of hearing loss?

Please call our office with more information so we can ensure that you are tested for the exact genetic mutation in your family. (A list of the genes and mutations can be viewed on our website). If the genetic cause has not yet been identified or confirmed, Dor Yeshorim’s extensive research department can provide cost-free

answers and guidance. Please do not hesitate to reach out for these and all other unidentified/unexplained serious symptoms or issues that are potentially genetic in nature.

Is the panel a guarantee against hearing loss?

The cause for hearing loss is not always genetic; therefore, the panel does not provide a full guarantee. It is, however, a comprehensive test that will, with Hashem’s help, prevent most cases of recessive, genetically inherited hearing loss.

Rabbanim across the spectrum highly recommend that everyone be screened. If you were already screened by Dor Yeshorim, please contact the office or visit our website to add the Hearing Loss panel to your profile. Results take two weeks due to the intricacy of the testing involved. All future screening will offer the opportunity to add the Hearing Loss Panel.

262 845.600.8484 The Monsey View January 11, 2023
יד ןיא הזוזמ תעיבק דמעמ לצא ליבאנרעשטמ ר”ומדאה
Showroom of MM Hardwood and Window Shades עיינ
םירוחב ןוא רעדניק ראפ סרוק עגידנעמוק יד תארקל סעסיפא ’אטשפ‘ יד ןיא תונכה עגיטפאהרעביפ אריווקס ידיסחד הרות ידומלת לש ר”בשת ידמלמל ’םימחרב ונדקפיש‘ דמעמ םידמלמל תודעוותה תבשה תארקל דאווקיעלו יסנאמ ,גרובסמאיליוו ,קראפ אראב ,אריווקס ןוכיש - אריווקס ת”ת ידמלמל תונתמ תקולחב אריווקסמ ר”ומדאה 264 The Monsey View
Supervisor Michael Specht distributing safety reflectors to residents and businesses throughout the town
266 845.600.8484 The Monsey View January 11, 2023
PHOTO CREDIT: JDN ה”ע םמא פ”ע אריפש תחפשמ לצא אריווקס ןוכישב םילבא םוחינ זנאצ תבישי שארו ב”הראב זנאצ ד”באו בר םאטשרבלה בוד השמ ףסוי ’ר צ”הגה ונבל ןב זנאצמ ר”ומדאה דכנ לש הוצמ רבה תחמש יסנאמ ןיא ךאוו םעד ענעצס רעייפ א ייב יסנאמ ןופ שא יליצמ הרבח 268 The Monsey View
Contents // Inside 90 // Inbox 100 // Parsha 108 // From Space to Haven 116 // Week in Review 122 // The Homeowner’s Show 128 // The Last Rebbe of Lodz 143 // Food 156 // Marking the Move 168 // Moving Along 176 // Dream Houses 198 // The Streets of Williamsburg 214 // Recorded for Posterity 220 // FYI 222 // Ricochet 224 // Fun Pages 238 // Classifieds 256 // Pictures ISSUE 381 JANUARY 11, 2023 ג”פשת תבט ח”י INTO WELCOMING WALLS BEFORE THE MOVING TRUCK ROLLS IN Tips to get you from here to home with less stress Down Memory Lane in Williamsburg: THE CHAPTZEM TREND A sense of belonging permeated the streets DRAFTING A DREAM An innovative selection of home improvement ideas MINHAGIM ON THE MOVE Age-old customs for the new home FYI: CARDBOARD Vativa Decor makes sleep luxurious and every space a haven IT’S NOT JUST A DREAM Estate Planning Workshop Looking for a career change? Swift Staffing Call, tex 732.800.7633 Info@swiftstaffingg THE MONSEY VIEW P.O. Box 305 Monsey N.Y. 10952 Telephone: 845-600-8484 Fax: 845-600-8483 E-mail: Website: MISSION STATEMENT: The Monsey View is a weekly publication designed for every segment and age group of our diverse community. Under rabbinical guidance, we bring Monsey’s top talent together to provide high-quality, informative and current reading material, keeping you up to date on sales, events, news and issues of concern and import happening right now in the Monsey community. DISCLAIMER: We do not endorse any ad found in this publication. We are not responsible for typographical or grammatical errors. COPYRIGHT: All content found in The Monsey View is copyright and may not be reproduced, published, distributed or duplicated for public or private use without written permission from The Monsey View. Limit one (1) per family Publisher: YOEL ITZKOWITZ Editor in Chief: D. GORALNIK Content Editor: R. REESE Associate Editor: E.M. NEIMAN Food Editor: M.P. WERCBERGER Creative Director: AJ WACHSMAN Project Coordinator: R. ITZKOWITZ 272 845.600.8484 The Monsey View January 11, 2023

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