FREE ISSUE 384 FEBRUARY 1, 2023 חלשב תשרפ ג”פשת טבש ’י
they come from and what they taste like IN TIMES OF JOY
special occasions of Shehecheyanu A FRUIT-FILLED COOKIE FOR TU B’SHVAT
little hands busy making this basket of bounty
New York
Kosher Catering extends
hosting beyond
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תשרפל םינמז חלשב
Monsey 27 Orchard Street
Monsey, NY 10952 845-425-8010
BORO PARK 4714 13th Avenue Brooklyn, NY 11219 718-435-8697
Williamsburg • Lakewood
(Re: Who Rules the House?, Issue 383)
I’m reading the article about the difference between being a girl mom and a boy mom, and I can’t stop laughing! As a mother of boys only, I can attest that every word is true and that nothing was exaggerated! Is the author a fly on my wall? How does she know?!
I think it’s time for us mothers of boys to open a support group. I thought I was the only one who doesn’t get fazed (and is secretly glad) when my boys hang out on top of a flimsy-looking swing set or the roof of our shed. And stairs? Sooo overrated!
Thank you for the chizuk!
(Re: Who Rules the House?, Issue 383)
Thank you for an amazing publication every week!
This week’s article comparing a boy family to a girl family gave me a good laugh! It was adorably written.
I must say, though, that as a mom of girls, I think the responses from the girls’ side were understated. The boy’s side was more accurate! Another thing I’d like to point out is that girls are not only about frills and bows. My girls can be very wild at times, and I’m sure the opposite is true as well.
Here’s to appreciating all of our children, boys and girls!
INBOX // Talk of Town
תורנה תקלדה ץינזיוו אריווקס 4:57 4:45 4:50 תבש יאצומ 6:29 6:12 6:31 6255
ONE NUMBER all your needs.
356-mall 845
Another Mother
MONSEY, NY WEATHER FORECAST THURSDAY 36°/22° 6% FRIDAY 28°/-5° 5% MONDAY 33°/18° 0% SHABBOS 15°/10° 1% TUESDAY 37°/27° 2% SUNDAY 36°/31° 25% WEDNESDAY 39°/25° 0% The Everest Equity Company, Inc. Registered Mortgage Broker New York State Department of Financial Services. Mortgage Broker Licensed by the New Jersey Department of Banking and Insurance. Licensed Mortgage Broker CT, PA, FL and NC Banking Departments. Loans arranged through third party providers. Company NMLS ID 12484 8 4 5 3 5 7 6 9 0 0 • n f o @ e v e r e s t e q u t y c o m • e v e r e s t e q u t y c o m 2 E X E C U T V E B L V D S U T E 2 0 1 • S U F F E R N , N Y 1 0 9 0 1 128 845.600.8484 The Monsey View February 1, 2023
(Re: Who Rules the House?, Issue 383)
I so enjoyed the feature written by the mothers of the girl-only and boy-only families! I grew up in a girl family and raised a boy family. With almost zero boy experience, I really had to learn on the job. I’m wondering if this mother hasn’t yet discovered a bug collection in her home? Or had her boys take apart every electrical gadget because they needed to figure out how it works? Or had a week’s worth of matching outfits but hardly ever had her boys match because they each had a different favorite one?
But I have a word of encouragement to all of you young mothers of boys. More than half of my boys are married, baruch Hashem. By now they’re always matching — in a black suit and white shirt. And baruch Hashem, they really turned into wonderful people! So now, when I deal with my younger ones and I feel like they’re taking my breath away, I do something called “vision therapy.” I envision their older brothers in their shtreimlach and tell myself that these boys, too, will eventually grow up! Even if it comes along with lots of tefillos and sweat.
One last note: I think bochurim are the cutest people in the entire population. They fix everything around the house for you (for better or for worse), get your sukkah up in the middle of the night, and eat whatever you put onto their plates. And then, right when they become a total pleasure to have around, they enter yeshivah, b’siyata d’Shmaya, and are home less and less… Believe me, I really, really miss my bochurim!
For now, enjoy every moment with your energetic crew. May you see lots of nachas!
A Fellow Mother With Hindsight
(Re: A High-Class Display; Inbox, Issue 383)
This letter is for “A Middle-Class Reader”:
First, don’t consider yourself part of the lower class. On the contrary; with your priceless neshamos slipping china off your Shabbos table, you certainly belong to the higher class of society!
Second, in the beautiful pictures featured in the Shabbos spread, much effort obviously went into setting up the table. Did you really wish and expect to see paper plates and tissue boxes displayed? The people behind the tablescape created a beautiful presentation, and yes, silver is nicer than plastic.
In many homes, in fact, there is a minhag to use only “real” dishes, and they even pay money for cleaning help to wash the soiled dishes after Shabbos.
Of course, you’re absolutely right when you say that your kids are beautiful, but those photos are right too! Using china and silverware — if possible, of course — does result in a beautiful table.
A Mother of Three Under Three
THE MONSEY VIEW WELCOMES YOUR COMMENTS, FEEDBACK AND LETTERS. EMAIL: FAX: 845-600-8483 MAIL: The Monsey View, POB 305, Monsey, NY 10952 130 845.600.8484 The Monsey View February 1, 2023
(Re: Another Simcha Concern; Inbox, Isse 382)
I, among your many readers, appreciate your wonderfully crafted magazine. It is amazing how you keep finding so many items of interest to share week after week.
In your January 18 issue, a reader mentioned many frightening incidents that have taken place at simchos due to neglect. I want to add one that I personally experienced at a friend’s wedding. The daughter of my good friend came to the ballroom, white and shaking. She had gone to look for the coat room and had a frightening and potentially dangerous encounter. Needless to say, my friend did not enjoy the rest of the simcha
My friend and her husband approached the caterer, who spent time with the girl to see if she recognized anyone from the staff, but she didn’t. Please, parents, we’re still in galus, and consider it part of tzaar gidul banim that we can’t just sit back and have fun during simchos while ignoring our children and assuming that they are off playing somewhere safe. We must accept responsibility for our families even if it diminishes some of the fun, and we must know where our children are at all times. Indeed, we must do our hishtadlus, and Hashem will help us to prevent tragedies.
Thank you for this forum where we can express our concerns, and for putting out such an enjoyable magazine.
With wishes for continued hatzlacha,
I love playing Boggle with my parents every week. It’s so much fun to find words they can’t find! Last week, I was so excited to see that I won! We went to Nussy’s to pick up my prize, and the guy at the counter was so nice. He told me I’m the youngest person to ever win the game!
Thanks for the yummy treat!
A Reader
In last week’s “Week in Review,” pilot Boruch Taub was incorrectly named Binyomin Taub. We regret the error.
D. W., age 6
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Ammunition of Emunah
Among the wealth that Bnei Yisroel acquired as they left Mitzrayim was an arsenal of weapons. Still, when the Mitzriyim pursued them, they did not resort to arms and fight back. Instead, Hashem performed the miracle of Krias Yam Suf, avoiding battle and saving the Yidden.
Indeed, why did Bnei Yisroel not take out those weapons? Did they not arm themselves for protection so they could fight any attacker who came their way? Moreover, later in the parsha , we see that the Yidden did use those weapons to fight Amalek.
Why did the Yidden have to be miraculously saved at the Yam Suf if they could have followed a more standard route and engage in warfare?
BARUCH* WAS A SHREWD BUSINESSMAN, and he knew how to sniff out a good deal from afar. So it was that when he heard of a large plot of forest land for sale, he took serious interest in the property. The land was going for a ridiculously low price, as the heirs who had recently acquired the land were desperate to sell and move on, and Baruch was ready to sign on the deal then and there. But he was an ardent chassid, and he was accustomed to seeking the counsel and brachos of his rebbe, Reb Yehoshua of Belz, before finalizing a deal of such proportion.
Baruch soon set out to Belz. He would not skip this step even though time was of essence as there were others who showed interest in the property. After arriving in Belz, he headed straight for the Rebbe’s quarters and delineated the particulars of the deal.
“Rebbe, I could flip the property right away and earn a nice profit,” he said.
“Are there any risks involved?” the Rebbe asked.
“No, Rebbe! This is a secure deal, with definite profit.”
“If that’s the case,” the Rebbe replied, “I don’t recommend going ahead with the deal.”
Baruch was shocked. He had not anticipated this response. It simply did not make sense!
As he traveled back home, Baruch turned the matter over in his mind. There was no way he could ignore his Rebbe’s advice, but there was no way he could listen to it, either. This was the deal of a lifetime. It must be that I didn’t present the situation properly, he rationalized. Besides, the Rebbe didn’t tell me not to do it; he just said that he did not recommend it
With a quivering hand, Baruch signed on the dotted line.
That’s when his troubles began. A third party claimed that he had partial rights to the land of the deceased, and he took the matter to court. Until the matter would be settled, the court ruled that nothing could be done with the forests and property.
Baruch found himself in an extremely tight spot. He had borrowed money to purchase the land, thinking he would reap a great enough profit to return it all, but with everything in limbo, he had no way to pay up. Soon his creditors were on his back, and Baruch had no choice but to sell his share of the forests.
With the legal restrictions in place, the land’s value had plummeted, but Baruch saw no other way out! He despondently took whatever he could get from the sale, even if it was far from enough to pay up his loans, and over time, he sold off his other assets to wipe away his debts. Before long, successful businessman Baruch was no different than your typical pauper on the street.
Deep down, Baruch knew what had caused his downfall: He simply hadn’t heeded his Rebbe’s words! That knowledge hurt him even more than the loss of his money. Baruch was bothered by his lack of emunah, and that he hadn’t withstood the challenge.
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Normally, Baruch’s go-to response to such a crisis would have been to run to Belz, but he could not face the Rebbe now. Instead, he turned directly to Hashem, pouring out his heart in the hope that his financial wheel would take an upward turn.
Soon an offer came his way. Someone he knew well in his industry asked if he would take on a property management position. That fellow had too many forests to take care of and needed someone to take over the task of hiring and maintaining crews who would care for the trees.
Until now, Baruch was the one hiring such managers. For him to become one himself was degrading, and the profit margin was slim. But could he do better?
Baruch retraced his steps to Belz. Discomfort aside, he felt he could not make the move without a bracha. Head bowed, he entered the Rebbe’s room and discussed the proposal. “Take the job, and Hashem will help,” the Rebbe said.
Before long, Baruch saw the blessing come true. His profit exceeded all expectations. Baruch soon found himself with an opportunity to purchase chopping rights at a nearby forest, and the money he earned at the management position was enough to cover it. So it was that Baruch climbed the woodland ladder once again and regained his former affluence.
The next time Baruch was in Belz, he shared his amazement with the Rebbe. The definite deal had fallen apart, and the weak prospect had flourished!
“It is simple,” the Rebbe explained. “The first time, you were full of selfconfidence; you were so convinced that the deal would go through, that there was no need for siyata d’Shmaya. Such a deal cannot possibly succeed. That’s why I advised you to stay away.
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Normally, Baruch’s go-to response to such a crisis would have been to run to Belz, but he could not face the Rebbe now.
“But the second time you came,” the Rebbe said, “you yourself realized that you needed siyata d’Shmaya. You weren’t relying on yourself, but were hoping for bracha from Above. It was clear to me that such a deal could succeed.”
When one trusts in his talents and abilities to carry him through, he won’t merit the success of one who trusts solely in Hashem.
* * * * *
When Bnei Yisroel left Mitzrayim, their level of emunah was not yet fully developed. If they would have turned to weapons to solve their problems, they would have relied on them completely without realizing they needed Hashem in the picture. As such, they would not have succeeded.
Therefore, Hashem made it so they would avoid war and saved them through the miracle of Krias Yam Suf instead. This experience elevated them spiritually to the point where the pasuk testifies, “And they believed in Hashem and in Moshe, His servant” (Shemos 14:31). With their newfound level of emunah and bitachon, they were able to lift their weapons to ward off Amalek. They already realized that their victory was in the hands of Hashem, and they consequently stood a good chance of success.
*Not his real name.
Adapted from the teachings of Rav Mordechai Freundlich, zt”l.
Did You Know?
Chazal say that whoever says Shiras Hayam with joy is forgiven for all his sins! (Midrash Tehillim 18)
The Shelah Hakadosh expands on this thought and says that when one sings in gratitude after meriting a miracle, his sins are forgiven. Thus, if one says Az Yashir joyously, as if today was the day we were released from Mitzrayim, it is certainly a powerful segulah
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Sunshine and Service
One man’s vision to bring a taste of home down to Florida is changing the game for heimish locals and visitors
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This time of year, there are two types of people in New York: those who want to be in Florida and those who are lying to themselves. Flying down South has only become more common in recent years, further increasing during the lockdown periods when Florida was home to more lax policies.
Rising tourism and migration from the frum community has increased demand for everyday services we’ve all come to rely on back at home. Last year, Yoel (Lazer) Klein, regular Florida vacationer and owner of both Klein’s Photography and one of the widest grins in Monsey, set out to launch a service that had clearly been lacking, and the initial feedback has been overwhelmingly positive.
This week, we sat down for an always-fun conversation with Mr. Klein.
You’re well known around town for your infectious and upbeat personality, but can you please share a bit about your professional background?
I worked for many years at COC (Community Outreach Center) as the right hand to Reb Yankel Horowitz, a”h. I eventually joined my wife’s family in the photography trade, building a team that works with almost a dozen halls offering photography packages. I still take on jobs myself when customers specifically ask for me, and I actually enjoy being out there in the “real world.”
How does one go from photography into food service?
It’s a good question, but these fields are kind of related. I’ve had a front-row seat to hundreds of events as we set up our equipment alongside caterers and chefs. Both industries serve people during their most memorable moments.
Why Florida, though?
I discovered a need that wasn’t being filled, and decided to jump in and fill it. My family travels to South Florida often, and I realized that there is no catering service offering the full spectrum of wholesome, heimish food we are accustomed to, packaged and delivered where you need it.
Aren’t there dozens of kosher restaurants there?
I’m glad you brought that up. Why do you think there are so many restaurants in Miami? Because back home, you prepare your own meals, but when you’re on vacation, almost everything you eat is prepared by someone else. And while Florida does have a number of restaurants, none offer the heimish-style catering that we are bringing to the public.
What did non-restauranteating people do before you launched?
It was difficult. They were shlepping suitcases of frozen food, scheduling shipments that wouldn’t arrive for any number of reasons, double-wrapping and
microwaving things, cooking underwhelming dishes, and so on. It was hard to enjoy a proper Shabbos seudah if they wanted to relax during their getaway. That certainly put a damper on their vacation experience.
What are your most popular services?
Our Shabbos packages are huge here. They cover everything from before to’amehu until after a chasidish melaveh malkah. The weekday dinners, where we have dozens of options that you’d expect in any heimish home, are also very popular, and for the first time, available with a heimish hechsher
Another thing that has really picked up and that people really appreciate is our welcome package. Until now, people would arrive at their destination all cranky and sweaty, and they’d stuff themselves with mediocre food until they had a chance to finally sit down to a decent dinner. Now we have these packages that await them, and they’re full of delicious, nourishing dishes, drinks, and basic essentials. We’ve gotten great feedback on this, and it’s increasingly becoming a travel essential for many people.
I should also mention that we have an Airbnb that can be booked with or without food, and families are really enjoying it.
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So what does your catering service offer?
Everything the best balabusta can and does do, plus the option of catering larger events and simchos
How about your larger catering projects?
I’ve come to realize that lots of people hosting corporate events or simchos want to enjoy a catering experience like what they could find in New York. Every event is different, and we are always up to meeting the challenge. We also arrange for waiters as needed to take the entire burden off the hands of our customers.
How do you juggle your different businesses and living in two places?
Hey, Elon Musk ran a whole bunch of Fortune 100 businesses and still had enough time and resources to burn… It’s exciting, and baruch Hashem, I manage.
Where and how do you cook all the food?
We have a large kitchen down in Miami, with a top chef by the name of Shmili Ungar (no, not that one, although I know him as well). Shmili has the benefits of a heimish background along with professional culinary schooling.
We are also fortunate to have a terrific manager in the kitchen who makes sure that every order is meticulously prepared and packed.
You mentioned that there’s always something new happening. Can you share some examples?
Sure, but you’ll run out of space before I run out of stories... Just recently, I was contacted Friday afternoon by someone who had ordered a whole bunch of stuff from New York that never arrived. They were an hour away from us in West Palm
Beach, and our manager rushed out there with an entire Shabbos order, returning just five minutes before the zman
In another instance, there was a woman facing serious medical complications, and only one doctor in Florida was willing to operate. She was flown out on a moment’s notice, and we were able to provide her with everything she needed, all the way to a wonderful ending to her saga, baruch Hashem
What are your plans for the future?
If you’d have asked me such a question a couple of years ago, I wouldn’t have predicted this, so who knows... But to mention one thing, we are at the end stages of finalizing a contract with the heimish communities in parts of Vermont, Maine and New Hampshire, which are home to many travelers, for this upcoming summer. In fact, our connections came about through a referral from a family member who had a very positive experience with us.
I know Pesach is always a busy season in Florida, and it’ll be here before we know it. What are your plans?
Yes. We will be offering full Yom Tov packages for families so they don’t have to do anything but warm up the food and eat. It’s a major undertaking, so we will only be serving the first ten to fifteen families to book it.
Final words?
We are here to serve you with heimish, homestyle food, not only for your Shabbos and weeknights, but also for everything else, from kiddushim and bar mitzvahs to corporate events and boat parties. I invite your readers to try it for themselves.
Klein’s Kosher Catering can be reached at 305-564-5150 (texts answered 24/6) or at 152 845.600.8484 The Monsey View February 1, 2023
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Hatzalah Member Hailed for Treating Collapsed Passenger on JetBlue Flight
A Hatzalah member became a reluctant mid-air hero last week after providing emergency medical treatment to a fellow passenger who collapsed on a flight from New York to Florida.
VIN News reported that the incident took place on JetBlue Flight 571 from LaGuardia to Fort Lauderdale International Airport in the early morning hours of January 26. The flight had been delayed by an hour and a half because of heavy rains and was cruising at 36,000 feet when a woman collapsed in the aisle as the flight attendants were serving drinks.
Passenger Naftuli Schischa, a member of Williamsburg, Rockland and South Florida Hatzalah, provided medical assistance to the passenger, saving the plane from having to make an emergency landing to obtain treatment for the woman. Pictures emerged of Schischa on the floor tending to the passenger, who was wearing an oxygen mask, with medics meeting the plane on the tarmac when it landed in Fort Lauderdale at 2:36 a.m.
Within hours, the story had gone viral, but Schischa downplayed his actions, saying that Hatzalah members have helped fellow passengers on many an occasion, a sentiment that was also shared by Chevra Hatzalah CEO Rabbi Yehiel Kalish.
“This is what we do,” said Rabbi Kalish just hours after the JetBlue flight landed. “When people call Hatzalah, we ask two questions: What’s wrong, and where can we find you? This is what this member was trained to do, and that’s what he did on last night’s flight.”
Lawler Expresses Support for Yeshivas in Congressional Address
Congressman Mike Lawler came out strongly in favor of parents’ right to decide what kind of education their children receive as he spoke in the House of Representatives during National School Choice Week, urging fellow lawmakers to appreciate that institutions
outside the public school system provide quality education.
Lawler praised New York’s private schools, mentioning yeshivas by name even as he acknowledged that his personal public school experience was a positive one.
“As we recognize school choice week, I think it’s important to recognize the quality of education that’s provided in our public schools, yes; but in our private schools, our religious schools, our parochial and yeshivas,” said Lawler, “they provide an important, important education.”
Lawler spoke forcefully about protecting parents’ rights when it comes to educating their children, saying, “Parents, not bureaucrats, certainly not teachers’ unions, have a say over their child’s education.”
Lawler noted that going to college isn’t a prerequisite to success, with many who attend vocational schools going on to own and operate their businesses that contribute significantly to the economy and can have as many as hundreds and even thousands of employees.
“As someone who graduated at the top of my class, I believe in a college education, but it is not necessary for everyone,” said Lawler.
Rockland Gets Second Chasidic Legislator
A Chestnut Ridge man who was appointed to fill a vacant seat on the County Legislature is looking forward to serving area residents as Rockland’s second chasidic lawmaker.
Joel Friedman won the right to become Rockland’s newest legislator on January 19, winning the seat by a nine-to-five vote. He is replacing John McGowan, who was elected to the New York State Assembly in November and represents District 15, which currently covers parts of Chestnut Ridge, Pearl River and Nanuet. County redistricting taking effect next January will have district lines changing, with District 15 to include Ramapo, Chestnut Ridge and most of Airmont.
In addition to overseeing operations for a retail
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bakery with multiple locations, Friedman has been a regular at village government meetings and has volunteered locally to help residents with election and voting questions. He was nominated for the position by Legislator Aron Wieder, a move that was seconded by Legislator Toney Earl of Spring Valley.
“It’s obvious that Joel Friedman cares deeply for the community and has worked hard to get to this point,” said Earl. “He’s demonstrated the passion and commitment one needs to be able to serve the public.”
Friedman said that he is looking forward to giving his all to serving the county.
“I have long admired the work the County Legislature does for all residents of Rockland, so I am honored and humbled to serve alongside great public residents,” said Friedman.
With Friedman, a Democrat, taking the seat that had previously been held by a Republican legislator, Democrats see their majority growing by another vote in the Legislature, but they still remain two votes shy of the twelve they need to be able to override the county executive’s veto of any legislation proposed.
All seventeen of Rockland’s legislators, including Friedman, are up for reelection in November.
Suspect Arrested in Road Rage Attack and Held on $10K Bail
A 30-year-old woman was sent to the Rockland County jail after allegedly striking a Monsey man’s car with a baseball bat, stealing his cell phone and other items, and then fleeing the scene.
The Ramapo Police Department said that the incident occurred at approximately 12 noon on January 22 in the area of Route 306 and Maple Avenue. According to police, the Monsey resident pulled into a parking lot after an aggressive female driver cut him off on the roadway. The woman followed the man into the parking lot and began hitting his car with a baseball bat, taking off with his cell phone and other items as he called 911.
Police responding to the emergency call spotted the woman’s car and pulled her over on Melnick Drive just west of the Junee storefront and took her into custody. Footage of the arrest shows police pulling the woman out of her car and handcuffing her on the ground, and she can be heard saying, “I’m being persecuted and judged for nothing. I ask that you come into my mind, my heart, my body and my soul,” as she was sitting in a police cruiser.
Ramapo Police declined to identify the woman, who was charged with two felonies and eight misdemeanors, including robbery, criminal possession of a weapon in the third degree, resisting arrest and aggravated unlicensed operation in the third degree. Her bail was set at $10,000 at her arraignment, and she was taken to the Rockland County jail in New City.
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RECAP: Zach loses his temper with Lenny’s self-justification. Meanwhile, Raiza is involved in a very different confrontation. Bagdi Lewandowski tries to blackmail her for control of her department and threatens to expose her handling of the manuscript situation. But Raiza has more than enough dirt gathered on Bagdi to make him reconsider.
They parked on a random block in a random quarter, facing a house that looked older than time. Nestled among the newly renovated homes on one side, and a minimall built on the corpses of old general stores and shoemakers’ stalls on the other, the house clung stubbornly to the past as it sunk into oblivion.
Its face was warped wood, so faded that you could no longer make out its original color. The roof was a crazy mix of shingled slopes, and though you couldn’t see it under the snow, the “yard” was nothing but dirt. Raiza emerged from her vehicle alone, leaving the driver behind. She tramped up to the front porch slowly, leaving the first footprints in otherwise-untouched snow. She unlocked the door and went inside without waiting for her great-nephews to catch up. It was better this way, anyway. She needed to adjust to being here, needed a chance to feel everything this house meant to her before the others invaded the place. Here was the thick, heavy table, rude
planks nailed together and rounded smooth with age. There were the simple wooden chairs. And the oven — oh, that oven! You could heat the whole house with that oven, Raiza knew.
She turned slowly in a circle, remembering, and welcomed the tears that gently dripped from her face to the raw wood floors.
The door opened behind her, and the others filed in. Something of the atmosphere of the place must have caught them, for they said nothing. Or maybe they were just too cold. The oven could have heated the house, yes, but it was never lit. This house hadn’t been warm in two generations.
It was Zach who broke the silence. He waited the right amount of time — trust a politician to be respectful — and then softly said, “Okay, we’re here. What is it you wanted us to see?”
“Isn’t it obvious?” Raiza was surprised to hear Lenny reply. She turned and saw him standing transfixed. “This is — this is it, isn’t it? Where the Rebbe lived.” His voice
was a husky, almost reverent whisper. “Where you…”
Raiza turned and nodded. “Where I grew up, yes. I worked very hard to restore it. After the war, a Polish family had moved in. Many of my father’s — of our possessions had been thrown away. But I rebuilt it as best I remembered.”
“But you don’t live here, surely,” Izzy said in disbelief. “Not without central heating.”
“We had no central heating when I was a child, either,” Raiza pointed out. “But no, I am too much a coward to face this home on a daily basis.”
“A coward?” Izzy asked. “What are you afraid of?”
“Of being comfortable,” Zach suggested. “She doesn’t want this place to lose its meaning.”
That was a nice answer, Raiza thought. It made her actions seem noble. Sacred, perhaps. The truth was, sometimes she couldn’t bear it here. Tatte had put Hindi and Anschel in her care. Trusted her with their lives. And she had failed them. It was too much, standing at the table where Tatte used to learn, knowing that two of his children were gone because of her.
Getting the house was in itself a story. The family that had moved in would not leave, not even for money. There are other ways to motivate people, though, besides love of money. Self-preservation, for instance. She wasn’t sure Tatte would have approved of it, but a vast network of unscrupulous people who didn’t balk at violence could come in handy sometimes.
So she reacquired the house, and redecorated to bring it back to the way it had looked before the war. But she could never live here. It was a shrine, a place to visit on occasion, but it could never be her home while Hindi and Anschel hung over her. She’d come in, cry a little, sit down at the table and think, and she would hope and pray that the life she had made didn’t put to shame the values she’d learned at this table.
And then, cried out and full to the brim of ancient guilt, she would leave.
But how could she explain all of that to these people? Zach, Izzy, Len-
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ny — they’d all faced challenges and adversity, all seen triumph and pain. But nothing they’d encountered was remotely similar to a life where death clung to you like a rash, where it was safer to lie among the wolves of the forest than to trust the monsters that slept in warm houses.
There was no way she could explain the burden she carried. At best, they would cluck knowingly and tell her that it wasn’t her fault, there was nothing she could do, she was too young. What good was that? She didn’t want understanding or comfort. She wanted Hindi and Anschel.
So she nodded solemnly to Zach, as if she agreed with him, and then turned hastily to Izzy, who was clutching the Rebbe’s manuscript tight. “May I have it?”
For a moment, Raiza could do nothing but hold it and stare. Eighty years or more in the past, her father had held this very book, had scratched his soul onto its pages. Holding it was like having Tatte reach out across the decades to hold her hand once more, the way he’d done when he would walk with her to shul.
When she’d gotten control of herself again (mustn’t cry on the book, it might cause damage), she carried the manuscript to the front of the table, where the only padded chair in the house sat. It was a large, rebbishe chair that the chassidim had forced upon the Rebbe’s grandfather.
For three generations, it sat in this house, and no one had dared to touch it besides the Lodzer Rebbe himself. And then the Polish family stole it. They apparently let their children play with it, too. Its pristine, royal red padding was torn, its polished wood scratched and dented. But it was still the Rebbe’s chair, and it still sat where the Rebbe had sat, humming sweetly as he studied.
Raiza set the sefer down on the table and opened it slowly, lovingly. Standing just to the side of the chair, she looked down at words her father had written, traced letters with her fingers, and imagined him sitting in that chair and writing away while she played with a doll in the corner.
Then the tears came, and this time, the book was safe on the table.
She wept and wept.
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The cousins squirmed, hunched down to keep warm. But they didn’t interrupt. Izzy looked like he might, at one point, but then he changed his mind.
Zach was glad for that. He knew they had things to take care of, but what was happening here couldn’t be interrupted. Whatever Raiza was thinking and feeling needed to be allowed to happen, Zach felt sure of it.
Lenny seemed fascinated by everything in the room — grotesquely fascinated, in fact. It was as if everywhere he looked caused him pain, and yet it was pain he welcomed. Zach wondered idly what that meant.
Lenny had acted very differently since their shouting match in the office near the ABW building. He’d always held his head low, slinking from one place to another as if afraid to be discovered. But it was a different kind of droop to his shoulders now, less furtive and more… resigned? Despairing? Ashamed?
Whatever it was, it didn’t make Lenny any easier to be around. But Zach found himself less infuriated with this Lenny, more willing to feel sorry for the guy. For what it was worth.
The silence stretched on, like a piece of painfully exquisite music. At first, Zach was lost in it, stuck in the moment without a thought. Then, he began to deconstruct, to think about its meaning, or perhaps to create his own meaning. Then he began to wonder just how long it would last.
It was somewhere during that endless moment that Zach made an important decision. Ever since that attack ad had come out in The Times, he’d been wrestling with how to salvage his career. He wasn’t old, but he didn’t have quite the energy of a young man anymore. What to do, who to talk to, everything involved in the enormous task of rebuilding his shattered empire haunted his days and invaded his dreams.
Truth be told, he didn’t know if he had the heart for it anymore. He was sick of buttering up supporters, sick of slick dinners with strangers he pretended to like, sick of the endless screams of constituents who didn’t understand how the system worked or why the things they constantly de-
manded were impossible.
There were parts of politics that he loved, but not those parts. He didn’t want those parts. The thought of going back to all that churned his stomach.
And somehow, as he shivered and froze and watched Raiza Ginzburg cry over a book, Zach realized that he didn’t have to have it.
He didn’t have to stay in politics. He could just… leave. Start over. Do something else.
They would say it meant he was guilty, even though the courts would prove otherwise. They would say he was a fair-weather friend to the city, running at the first hint of trouble. They would say he was weak.
But who cared? Quitting the game would pull the teeth out of that viper. Their words, their feelings, didn’t have to matter to him anymore.
Zach felt so light, all of a sudden, he thought he might jump for joy, right there in the Rebbe’s living room. It was like he’d been carrying a heavy duffel bag through an airport for hours, and finally checked it in. Now all that was left to do was settle into his first-class seat and soar away.
Marty would hate him for it. Marty had managed Zach’s campaigns for years, and he’d expected to ride Zach’s coattails all the way to Congress, or even the White House. It was a shame to disappoint the man. Marty had been a good friend. But Zach didn’t owe his life to his campaign manager.
It was decided, then. Effective immediately, Zach Ganz was out of politics. For good.
Well, that felt great. But it raised a few questions. Specifically, what was he going to do instead? He was comfortably well off, but not nearly so rich that he could retire.
Well, that was a question for tomorrow. He had few expenses and plenty of savings. He could always stock shelves at the local Target, or work in a shoe store. Or maybe he’d go into music, like he’d planned so many years ago? He smiled. The media would eat that up.
It didn’t matter. None of it mattered. The point was that his life of scrambling for votes was well and truly over. Zach was turning over a new page in his life, starting today.
And he could not be happier.
* * * * *
TO BE CONTINUED... 170 845.600.8484 The Monsey View February 1, 2023
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Galettes are humble. They’re rustic. They’re also delightful, impressive and easy to make! They include all the good stuff you want in a pie, without the hassle. Try these versions to bejewel your Tu B’Shvat table.
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You will love working with this quick, easy and versatile no-fail dough.
2 cups plus 2 T. WonderMills flour
¼ cup sugar
½ tsp. salt
2 sticks cold margarine
¼ cup ice water
1. In a mixer or food processor, mix the flour, sugar and salt.
2. Cut the margarine into half-inch cubes. Add these to the mixture, and pulse a few times until just combined.
3. Add the ice water gradually, and mix until a slightly shaggy dough forms. Do not overmix.
4. Refrigerate for 30 minutes.
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CRANBERRY BURST GALETTE 180 845.600.8484 The Monsey View February 1, 2023
The combination of the sweet, smooth custard and the tart burst of flavor from the cranberries makes for a magical combination.
1 16 oz bag frozen cranberries
2–3 T. custard
Beaten egg, for glaze Sugar, for sprinkling
1. Place the dough between two sheets of parchment paper, and roll it out to about ¼-inch thick, adding flour if needed. Remove the top sheet of paper.
2. Spread the custard in the center of the dough, leaving a 1.5- to 2-inch border around the edges. Scatter the cranberries on top.
3. Fold in the sides.
4. Glaze the galette with beaten egg, and sprinkle it with sugar
5. Bake at 400° for 45 to 50 minutes.
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RUSTIC APRICOT GALETTE 182 845.600.8484 The Monsey View February 1, 2023
A fruity delight in galette form, this pairs perfectly with a scoop of ice cream for a fruity ending to a Tu B’Shvat meal.
2 15 oz cans apricot halves
2–3 T. apricot jam
Beaten egg, for glaze
Sugar, for sprinkling
Coconut flakes, for decorating
1. Place the dough between two sheets of parchment paper, and roll it out to about ¼-inch thick, adding flour if needed. Remove the top sheet of paper.
2. Spread the jam on the dough, and top it with the apricot halves, leaving a 1.5- to 2-inch border around the edges.
3. Fold in the sides.
4. Glaze the galette with the beaten egg, and sprinkle it with sugar.
5. Bake at 400° for 45 to 50 minutes.
6. Decorate with coconut flakes.
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CHOCOLATE PECAN GALETTE 184 845.600.8484 The Monsey View February 1, 2023
Gooey and chocolaty, this is a nut lover’s dream!
2 cups pecans
½ cup chocolate, chopped, or chocolate chips
2 T. margarine
2 T. brown sugar
2 T. corn syrup
Beaten egg, for glaze
Sugar, for sprinkling
1. Place the dough between two sheets of parchment paper, and roll it out to about ¼-inch thick, adding flour if needed. Remove the top sheet of paper.
2. Combine the margarine, brown sugar and corn syrup. Spread this over the dough, leaving a 1.5- to 2-inch border around the edges. Place the pecans and chocolate on top.
3. Fold in the sides.
4. Glaze the galette with beaten egg, and sprinkle it with sugar.
5. Bake at 400° for 45 to 50 minutes.
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The Occasional Blessing
The ethereal, flickering light of the Chanukah menorah. The rich ruby wine and starched white kittel of the Seder. Yom Kippur night. Kiddush on every Yom Tov. A delicious first bite of summer watermelon. Wearing a new gown.
Okay, I don’t think I even need to ask the question: What do all of these have in common? Shehecheyanu , of course!
All of these occasions are times of gratitude to Hashem.
Shehecheyanu directs the excitement of doing a mitzvah and the delight in eating or wearing something new toward Hashem, Who gave us life to enjoy. Isn’t that the most wonderful way to express our happiness?
Here are all the special occasions for which you can make a Shehecheyanu:
• Yom Tov: Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur, Sukkos, Shemini Atzeres, Pesach, Shavuos
• Seasonal mitzvos: tekias shofar, sukkah, lulav and esrog, lighting the menorah, reading the megillah
• Unusual mitzvos: pidyon haben, kisui hadam, bris milah
• The birth of a baby girl A new fruit in season
• New significant clothing or household items
Each of these is a time to say a heartfelt, “Thank You, Hashem!” Here are some specifics on Shehecheyanu occasions.
Because every Yom Tov happens just once a year, celebrating each one brings with it fresh excitement — and a Shehecheyanu.
But does each Yom Tov really only happen once a year? We have two days of Sukkos, two days for Shemini Atzeres… That’s twice a year, isn’t it?
In chutz la’aretz every Yom Tov lasts two days. Still, we make a Shehecheyanu on both days of Yom Tov. That’s because of s’feika d’yoma. Sukkos is really only one day, as are Shemini Atzeres and Shavuos. However, in Chutz La’aretz, we don’t know which day is the correct one. Therefore, we say Shehecheyanu both days because both of them may just be the once-a-year occasion.
So when should we actually make the Shehecheyanu?
Shehecheyanu on Yom Tov is different for men and women. Women make the bracha when doing their first mitzvah of the day, which is hadlakas neiros. Men make the bracha when they say Kiddush. But like all rules, there are exceptions to this one, too, of course.
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When Pesach arrives, the women bentch licht and say Shehecheyanu with elation. But in many families, the women also join in making Kiddush at the Seder. What to do while the men say Shehecheyanu? Because Shehecheyanu is said only once for the Yom Tov, the women wait quietly while the men say their Shehecheyanu at Kiddush, and they don’t say the bracha along with the men.
Another Pesach question: Why don’t we make a Shehecheyanu on the mitzvos of matzah, marror and the reciting of the Haggadah at the Seder? All of these, plus the other mitzvos of
the Seder, are once-a-year mitzvos. Why do we make only one Shehecheyanu?
The Abudraham says that perhaps all the mitzvos of the Seder are included in the first Kiddush. Interestingly, every other time that a Shehecheyanu includes more than one occasion, the Mishnah Berurah writes to have in mind that the bracha is being said for all the included mitzvos. But when it comes to the Seder, there’s no such mention, possibly because the whole Seder together is considered one unit, requiring only one Shehecheyanu.
Rosh Hashanah is the only Yom Tov that is two days long in Eretz Yisroel as well. Why is that?
The answer goes back to when Rosh Chodesh was decided by a beis din in Eretz Yisroel. During the times of the Beis Hamikdash, Rosh Chodesh was determined according to eyewitnesses. When two witnesses saw the new moon, they would come to the beis din, and the dayanim were mekadesh the day as Rosh Chodesh.
So let’s say that it was lamed Elul, or 30 days since Rosh Chodesh Elul. It was very likely that it would be Rosh Chodesh that day — but until the witnesses showed up, no one knew if lamed Elul would actually turn into alef Tishrei or not.
Imagine if the witnesses showed up at ten o’clock in the morning on a Monday that was lamed Elul. Thanks to these witnesses, that day became Rosh Chodesh — or alef Tishrei. But alef Tishrei is Rosh Hashanah! So that would mean that all the melacha that was done on Sunday night and Monday morning was actually done on Rosh Hashanah!
To prevent this from happening, the chachamim declared that Rosh Hashanah would always fall on lamed Elul,
even if witnesses didn’t show up right away.
That’s the reason Rosh Hashanah is always two days long, even in Eretz Yisroel.
So how does that change our Shehecheyanu?
The two days of Rosh Hashanah are considered a yoma arichta, one long day. It’s not like Yom Tov Sheini shel Galuyos, in which only one day is the “real” one. Here, both days are considered one long day of Yom Tov together.
So can we make a second Shehecheyanu on the second day of Rosh Hashanah when it’s really just part of the first day?
The short answer is yes, we can. Although it’s a machlokes, we pasken that the second day of Rosh Hashanah does get its own Shehecheyanu. But because of the machlokes, many poskim hold that it’s a good idea to eat a new fruit or wear a new, significant item of clothing. The reason for that is that in case the Shehecheyanu is not warranted for Rosh Hashanah, you can have in mind that the bracha is for the fruit or clothing instead.
What kind of fruit or clothes warrant a Shehecheyanu? Read on.
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Back in the good old days, when people ate what grew in their backyard, there was no such thing as having fruit all year round. Fruit were available only when they were in season. When a fruit came into season again, it was a time of joy, warranting a Shehecheyanu.
Imagine that you have an apple tree in your backyard, and every year, you wait for the fall and the new crop of apples to ripen. But for most of us today, apples come from the supermarket all year round. That’s why we don’t get especially excited when it’s apple season once again.
If you’re lucky enough to get your fruit from fruit trees, then the excitement you feel when you see that first fruit on the tree or actually bite into its luscious sweetness definitely feels like the perfect opportunity to say Shehecheyanu. That excitement isn’t there, though, when you can buy the fruit all the time, both in or out of season. Therefore, most poskim say not to make the bracha on any fruit that is sold in grocery stores all year round, even if it has a specific growing season.
Likewise, Shehecheyanu was never made on any fruit that grow all year round. That’s why vegetables aren’t included in Shehecheyanu, because they are available all the time. It’s only seasonal fruit that get Shehecheyanu.
You might say, “Come on! Are you comparing winter watermelon to summer watermelon? Summer watermelon is so much sweeter, tastier and juicier!” If that’s true, and the fruit really is distinctly better when it’s in season, then many poskim say that you can go ahead and make a Shehecheyanu.
If you’re not sure whether or not your fruit warrants a Shehecheyanu, it’s better to eat it for the first time that year together with a fruit that does need a Shehecheyanu, and have both in mind. What kinds of strictly seasonal fruits might need a Shehecheyanu? There’s the lychee, loquat, mango, marula, mangosteen, mulberry, raspberry, per-
simmon, guava, cherry, goji berry and nectarine.
There are two kinds of fruit that don’t get a Shehecheyanu: dried fruit and hybrid fruit.
The reason dried fruit don’t get a Shehecheyanu is obvious: Drying fruit makes them available all year round, removing the newness of the experience.
Hybrid fruit, on the other hand, really might be a seasonal experience. The reason they don’t get a Shehecheyanu is because they’re grown through kilayim. Mixing together two different fruits to create a new fruit is prohibited. (Eating hybrid fruit grown by a non-Jew is permitted.)
Although we’re allowed to eat the product of kilayim, we don’t make the special bracha of Shehecheyanu on a hybrid
fruit, which came about only through doing something against the Torah.
What about new clothes?
Many poskim say that today, people get new clothes so often that it no longer brings a rush of joy to the wearer.
But most people don’t get a new shtreimel, sheitel or expensive fur coat very often. Many poskim say that these types of garments do warrant a Shehecheyanu. Some even hold that any new, full outer garment will require a Shehecheyanu, too. If that’s you, then every new Shabbos robe is the perfect time to say, “Thank You, Hashem!”
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When people talk about their favorite Yomim Tovim, I have to hold back from mentioning Tu B’Shvat — first of all, because Tu B’Shvat isn’t isn’t exactly a Yom Tov, and also because it’s a little embarrassing. But just between you and me…
Our Tu B’Shvat transformed dramatically from just a “no-Tachanun day” to an all-out festival when we discovered the custom of making a Tu B’Shvat seder. Without getting into the details, one of its prerequisites (in my mind, that is) is to wow the participants by serving them at least one fruit they’d never heard of — or at least, never eaten. Here’s a list of potential candidates that I’d like to share.
I have to admit, I was drawn to this fruit primarily because of its Jewish-sounding name. But then I discovered that the mangosteen is more than just a Yiddishe mango. In fact, it’s a tangerine-sized fruit from the Malay Peninsula, with purple skin and four to eight segments of white pulp. Many call this the most delicious fruit of all, and it’s known for its unique flavor that contains hints of banana and peach. It can be eaten fresh, juiced or as a jam, and it is rich in antioxidants besides having — in my opinion —“the crown of a good name.”
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The durian, a fruit native to Malaysia and Borneo, has been called the fruit you either love or hate. People usually either love it for its nutty, caramel, custard-like flavor or hate it due to its intensely unpleasant smell. Some Asian businesses even ban the consumption of the fruit indoors, and it’s banned on Singapore’s subways.
These oval, spiny fruit, available in Asian markets, are 6 to 12 inches long and can weigh up to 18 pounds. Eat the durian fresh, or use it in desserts like ice cream. Our Sages describe the lulav (or more precisely its fruit, the date) as having a taste, but no smell. Perhaps the durian could do well to learn a lesson from the lulav !
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Dragon Fruit (Pitaya)
I first discovered this fruit at Yerushalayim’s Machane Yehuda shuk Tu B’Shvat time several years ago. Since then, it has been a yearly star at our Tu B’Shvat seder table. This dragon-looking fruit grows on a cactus and originates in Central and South America. The inedible skin is yellow or pink, and scaly (like a dragon’s). Scoop out and enjoy the crunchy, shocking-pink or white flesh with a spoon. It’s full of tiny black seeds and tastes like kiwi or pear. Dragon fruit has lots of fiber, vitamins and minerals, and may even have probiotic properties. Incidentally, on the fifth day of Creation, when, as the pasuk says, “And Hashem created the great sea monsters,” some say it might have been a dragon-like creature. So when eating pitaya, consider the miracles of Bereishis.
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Cherimoya is considered one of the best-tasting fruit in the world. Mark Twain once called it “the most delicious fruit known to man,” and I have to agree. The first time I tried a cherimoya, I wasn’t expecting much. Between its dull, bumpy skin and boringly white flesh that sort of resembles flaked fish, it doesn’t look like a delicacy, but it sure was yum!
The heart-shaped cherimoya, native to Peru, Ecuador and Colombia, is generally between 4 to 8 inches long and weighs up to five pounds. It has a creamy texture and tastes like a combination of other fruits, including banana, strawberry and pineapple. It has a very short shelf life, though, which is why it may be hard to find. The cherimoya is a living example of the words of Chazal: Don’t look at the vessel, but at what’s contained within it.
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This football-sized fruit, native to the South Pacific, gets its name from the bread-like texture it gets when roasted. It can be found in Caribbean markets and farmer’s markets. An interesting thing about the breadfruit is that it can be eaten in multiple different stages of development. When the fruit is ripe, it can be eaten raw and has a sweet and creamy taste. When less ripe, it makes a good substitute for most starchy vegetables and can actually replace potatoes in many recipes.
As I was writing this article, I didn’t have a chance to ask a sheilah as to whether you have to wash on breadfruit and whether it is chometz on Pesach, so you’ll have to ask your own.
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Since we already have falshe bread, we may as well also have falshe wine. Jabuticaba is an unusual fruit that looks just like grapes and grows directly from the trunk of its tree instead of its branches. Jabuticaba is native to Brazil, Bolivia, Paraguay and parts of Argentina. The round fruit, which vary in size from ¼ inch to 1½ inches, range in color from green to dark purple. The pulp inside is white or pink.
The fruit is often used in a manner similar to grapes, which is why some parts of the world also have jabuticaba wines and liqueurs. Chazal tell us that when wine goes in, secrets come out, so maybe the secret of this wine would be that it isn’t really wine at all.
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Black Sapote
The black sapote, or chocolate pudding fruit, has the texture, taste and color of chocolate pudding. Native to Southern Mexico, black sapotes are 3 to 4 inches long and green on the outside with a brown-black pulp when ripe.
The black sapote may just be the ideal pesharah between the kid who wants to have chocolate and his health-conscious mother (as long as they both make sure that the father doesn’t get wind of the price). About this fruit it could rightly be said, “I am black and comely” (Shir Hashirim 1:5).
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The jackfruit is the largest edible tree fruit in the world. It grows in Bangladesh and Sri Lanka, among other places in southern India. This humongous fruit can weigh up to 120 pounds, and can measure up to 35 inches in length and 20 inches in diameter! The spiky skin is yellow-green; the pulp inside is yellow. The jackfruit is also a distant relative of the fig tree.
The good news is that one doesn’t have to buy a whole mango-tasting jackfruit to enjoy it. It’s more often sold by the pound as a vegan alternative to pulled meat. I have yet to determine if the jackfruit is called the “Yankel fruit” in Yiddish.
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Jujube (joo-joo-be)
As you might have guessed, I was drawn to this fruit because of its name. Native to China, the red drupes are about 1 to 2½ inches long and taste similar to apples or dates, depending on how ripe they are. (A drupe is a fleshy fruit with thin skin and a central stone containing the seed, like peaches, plums… and the jujube.)
The jujube tree can grow up to 40 feet tall. Jujubes can be eaten fresh, dried or used as an ingredient in desserts. It’s good to be a jujube… er, a Jew.
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Miracle Fruit
Last but certainly not least is the aptly named miracle fruit. So what’s the groise peleh? After eating this fruit, whatever you eat afterward will taste sweet. This unusual berry, native to tropical West Africa, contains glycoproteins that bind to the taste buds on the tongue. For about an hour after having some miracle fruit, any food you eat will taste sweet to you. Meaning, you could eat the fruit and then eat a lemon, and the lemon would taste sweet. This certainly wasn’t what Shimshon was referring to when he said, “Out of the strong came sweetness,” but it does hint to a great life lesson that deep down everything in life is sweet — and one day we’ll all see the real miracle that lets this sweetness show.
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Nesanel Yoel Safran is a writer, chef and student of Torah and life. You can read about all of this and more on his blog Soul Foodie ( and contact him at
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If there’s ever a time to get the kids into the kitchen, it’s now! There’s no hectic preYom Tov prep taking over the space, and there’s an entire Sunday leading into this day of bounty to allow for a fun, wholesome baking activity. Below you’ll find the instructions to create an adorable fruit basket. Feel free to prepare the dough and colors and allow the kids to come up with their own designs.
See below proportions to color your dough. We used Gefen food coloring with easy-drip spouts. Be sure to leave a portion of the dough uncolored for the lightercolored sections of the basket.
Tip: Use rubber gloves when mixing the colors into the dough to avoid staining your hands.
Brown: 10 oz. dough and 1 teaspoon cocoa
Green: 5 oz. dough and 4 drops green food coloring
Red: 5 oz. dough and 6 drops red food coloring
Orange: 5 oz. dough and 6 drops yellow and 3 drops red food coloring
Yellow: 5 oz. dough and 5 drops yellow food coloring
Purple: 5 oz. dough and 6 drops blue and 6 drops red food coloring
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Follow the directions below to create first the basket and then the fruit. Tip: Work directly on a sheet of parchment paper so you don’t have to transfer your creation when you’re ready to bake it.
1. Form 6 small balls of plain cookie dough, and roll them into long strands.
2. Form 6 small balls of brown cookie dough, and roll them into long strands.
3. Weave together the strands of dough, as shown.
4. Flatten the dough a bit with your hands so that the strips of dough merge slightly.
5. Using a knife, trim the raw edges to leave a nice rectangle for your basket.
6. Form a small ball of plain dough and another of brown dough. Roll each of these into a long, thin strand.
7. Twist the strands together tightly.
8. Attach the twisted strand to your basket, leaving enough space for your fruit.
9. Roll another strand of brown dough, and attach it around the bottom of the basket to get a nice finished edge.
1 3b 8 6a 6b 7a 7b 2 4 9a 3a 5 9b 231 845.600.8484 February 1, 2023 The Monsey View
1. Form lots of tiny purple balls (about 20 in all), and group them together in the corner of your basket. Arrange more balls on top and fewer on the bottom, as shown.
2. Roll a piece of green dough into an oval shape. Pinch it in five places, and then flatten it with your hand.
3. Using a toothpick, draw lines in it so it resembles a leaf.
4. Place this leaf on top of your bunch of grapes.
1. Form 4 balls of yellow dough.
2. Roll each one into an oblong shape, curving them slightly.
3. Pile these together to form a bunch. Place a tiny piece of brown dough at the top edge of the bunch.
1a 1 2 3a 3b 4 2a 2c 4 1b 2b 3 232 845.600.8484 The Monsey View February 1, 2023
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1. Roll a small piece of orange dough into a ball. Flatten it very slightly with your hands.
2. To decorate, stick a clove into the top.
1. Form 2 small balls of red dough, and flatten them.
2. Roll out a tiny strand of brown dough. Fold it slightly, and attach it to create the stems of your cherries.
3. Using a small piece of green dough, create your miniature leaf. First form a small circle, pinch one side in, and flatten it a bit. Then place it at one side of the stem.
1 2b 3a 4 2a 2c 3b 1a 1b 2 3 234 845.600.8484 The Monsey View February 1, 2023
1. Form a small ball of red dough, and flatten it into a triangular shape, as shown.
2. Take a tiny piece of green dough, and roll it into an oval shape.
3. Pinch in four sides with your fingers as shown, and then flatten it.
4. Place it on top of your strawberry.
5. Sprinkle some white sesame seeds on the red part to give it a finished look.
Bake your completed fruit basket at 350° for 35 minutes, and enjoy your treat!
1a 3a 5 1b 3b 2 4
236 845.600.8484 The Monsey View February 1, 2023
CLASSIC VENT SERVICE DRYER VENT CLEANING רעללימ ’יעשי 845-376-4283 238 845.600.8484 The Monsey View February 1, 2023
the ashes to
our nation.
all odds,
rose from
they picked themselves up
rebuild the world — and now you are here to tell their
of your
At last, by virtue
pens, their stories have been
were all haunting yet poignant tributes to our nation’s survivors. Look out for some Honorary Mentions
week, and additional
the following weeks. TIP TOP 42 MAIN STREET 845.356.8414 PERSONALIZED TRENDS 27 ORCHARD STREET 845.425.5453 PRIM 59 ROUTE 59 845.356.0003 BAIS HASFORIM 59 ROUTE 59 845.371.1495 CONGRATULATIONS TO OUR FOUR WINNERS! CALL IN TO THE MONSEY VIEW TO CLAIM THE $100 GIFT CARD OF YOUR CHOICE. 243 845.600.8484 February 1, 2023 The Monsey View
The stories submitted
The following is a story about my great-grandfather, Reb Meir Frankl, a”h. Sometime before the war, my grandfather came to the town of Bobowa to learn. There he became a very close student of the Kedushas Zion, the Bobover Rebbe, Hy”d
Toward the end of the war, my grandfather was in a concentration camp hospital, and he was very, very sick. One night, the Kedushas Zion appeared to him in a dream and told him to get up and leave the hospital immediately. My grandfather woke up, but upon looking around, he saw that all was quiet, so he went back to sleep.
The Kedushas Zion then appeared to my grandfather again and told him, more firmly this time, “Meir’l, heib zich oif in gei shoin arois fin du! ” (Get up, and leave immediately!)
“But Rebbe,” my grandfather told the Kedushas Zion, “Rebbe, I’m so sick and weak! I can hardly wake up and move!”
This time my grandfather did try getting up, but he was too weak and passed out.
Once again, the Kedushas Zion appeared and told him the same thing: “Meir’l, heib zich oif in gei shoin arois fin du! ” But when my grandfather again told the Rebbe that he’s too weak, the Kedushas Zion told him, “Meir’l, ‘v’charah af Hashem bachem! ’”
This pasuk is from Shema and refers to the fact that if we will worship avodah zara, Hashem will push us out of his land, Eretz Yisroel. But the Rebbe translated it differently:
V’charah af,’” he told my grandfather. “Even when there is a charon af, Hashem bachem! Hashem is still
with us!”
The Rebbe then repeated a fourth time: “Meir’l, get out of this hospital! You’re in danger!”
My grandfather woke up, shaking, and decided to try crawling out of bed and all the way out of the hospital. Once outside, he rolled down the hill leading away from the hospital, and as soon as he reached the bottom, he heard a huge explosion. The Nazis, ym”sh, had blown up the hospital, and everyone inside had died!
The Nazis knew that the war was coming to an end. There were many Jewish patients in the hospital, and they wanted to kill them all and hide the evidence of what they’d done. But my grandfather’s life was saved!
WINNERS 244 The Monsey View
245 845.600.8484 February 1, 2023 The Monsey View
“Run!” a young Bas Sheva Weber urged herself on. “Get to the bathrooms, and hide before they catch you!”
Breathing heavily, my great-grandmother ran along the corridors of the factory she was forced to work in. Her sweaty hands were clamped around a small piece of crumpled fabric she’d stolen. She knew the repercussions of stealing, but she felt she had to do it. She couldn’t bear watching the Polish guard, also a prisoner of war, shiver in the extreme cold with no protection. She wanted to help him, even though she knew that being spotted meant certain death.
That night, when all the prisoners of the infamous Langenbielau labor camp were fast asleep, my grandmother crept out of her bed, and with great trepidation, made her way to the stash of material she’d stolen. With trembling yet confident hands, she painstakingly hand-stitched two mittens for the poor guard’s frostbitten hands.
At dawn, while she was still hard at work, she heard the Polish guard walking around, making sure that everything was running smoothly. She winked at him and discreetly pointed to a package behind her. Within seconds, the mittens were safely tucked inside the guard’s pockets.
Over the next few years, this grateful guard risked his life multiple times for my grandmother’s
sake, and every once in a while, he dropped off a few slices of bread that he stole from the Nazis, ym”sh. This bread revived Bas Sheva and sustained her throughout those horrible years.
When she sewed those mittens, little did she know that this small act of chesed would help her survive. Little did she know that this small deed of pure rachmanus would help her push through the rest of the war and go on to build beautiful doros
WINNERS 246 The Monsey View
247 845.600.8484 February 1, 2023 The Monsey View
GRADES 10–11
“Juden, raus! ” barks a German soldier as he kicks open the door to the house of the illustrious Reb Yakov Yosef Twersky, the Skvere Rebbe.
Reb Yakov Yosef is then viciously pulled through the streets by his beard and peyos until they arrive at the town square, where the Yidden from the city are gathered. The entire square is surrounded by Nazis, ym”sh, and children cry in terror at the sound of the barking dogs. The men try to appear strong, yet the fear is easily apparent in their terrified eyes.
Soon, a haughty SS soldier marches through the crowd, and everyone shrinks back in terror. He stops in front of the Rebbe. The German reaches for his revolver and mercilessly brings it down upon the head of the saintly Reb Yakov Yosef. The torturous beating causes his yarmulke to fall to the ground, but without hesitation, Reb Yakov Yosef bends down to retrieve it.
Watching this, the German’s face turns crimson with rage. He begins to hit the Rebbe even more viciously, causing the yarmulke to fall off once again. Sure enough, Reb Yakov Yosef bends down to pick it up again. Now, with a sadistic smile, the officer raises his pistol and strikes the Rebbe’s head several times in rapid succession.
This time, when his yarmulke falls to the
ground, Reb Yakov Yosef removes his bloodstained handkerchief and ties it at the four corners. He now wears this yarmulke with stubborn pride.
The group of beasts burst out in raucous laughter. One of them quickly snaps a picture of the “pathetic” Jew, and this picture makes it to the front page of the newspaper in the city of Yas.
For the Germans, this was a symbol of victory, yet for us, it was a victorious display of Jewish heroism.
WINNERS 248 The Monsey View
249 845.600.8484 February 1, 2023 The Monsey View
Buchenwald, 1943 — My Grandmother’s Story
Barking. Endless barking. Both from the dogs and from the ones leading them. Today the Nazis, who are the more animalistic of the two, once again bark those infamous words: left, right, left right
Like the war tearing the world apart, the fence rises between my sister and myself. This one sent right, that one sent left. Though we are so close in distance, it divides us worlds apart.
The sun is starting to sink, yet still we are waiting, with no morsel of food or drop of water in sight. It’s been hours, and despite all this, there’s only one thing on my mind: I’m not leaving my sister alone on the other side.
But how can I get over there? I raise my head to consider my options only to watch as one of my fellow inmates makes a dash for the gate. A flicker of hope fills my heart, but dies quickly. An SS officer fires a bullet, and a dead body drops to the ground. I shut my eyes. A girl who was as alive as I am, now lies dead.
A fiery conflict erupts within me. Logic says no. Jumping over the gate spells death. But my heart says yes. My heart knows that for myself and Chaya, there is no life without the other. The time when we were separated in different workgroups can’t be repeated. We are the last ones remaining of our family! The last two grapes on a dying grapevine, the last two flowers in an empty garden, where instead of trees and grass, you will find blood and tears. We must survive together so we can rebuild, replant, see new grapevines emerge. We must!
But am I ready to die for that? I lift my head to peer over the gate. Will I do it? My eyes meet a pair of de-
feated ones. Yes, I will.
I close my eyes, hold my breath, and run! There is a burst of gunfire again as some other inmates attempt the jump along with me. Will I make it? I hit the ground. Did I make it? I open my eyes. Yes! I made it! My eyes dart over the other side of the fence to see a pile of dead bodies. I was the only one to survive.
The dogs bark, the soldiers shout, but I am here, alive, with Chaya.
It’s the next day when we learn that it wasn’t a division for workgroups that was taking place. The girls on the left side are now in a world where they can understand why this Holocaust has come upon Klal Yisroel.
A spiral of thick smoke makes its way up to the sky, coloring the clouds a charcoal black, and I shudder inside.
WINNERS 250 The Monsey View
251 845.600.8484 February 1, 2023 The Monsey View
Knock, knock.
Who could be at the door at such a late hour? During wartime, opening doors could be a dangerous choice. But Roisa Tauber, mother of five, quickly made the decision to go ahead and see who was there.
Standing outside was a desperate beggar wearing torn, shabby clothing. He stared directly into Roisa’s eyes and spoke. From their short conversation, Roisa soon learned that the young beggar’s name was Gershon, and that he had fled from Poland to Hungary and had nowhere to stay. Taking in such a refugee would endanger Roisa, her family, and Gershon himself, of course, but Roisa motioned him into her house and cared for Gershon like a child of her own.
After several weeks, Gershon became sick and needed medical care. Roisa had no money to pay the expensive bills, nor did she have the necessary paperwork for him. But when Gershon’s sickness worsened, Roisa sold her greatest asset, her diamond ring, to obtain the muchneeded funds. She also decided to use her husband’s legal papers to get Gershon admitted to the hospital.
Roisa accompanied Gershon to the hospital and tended to his needs like a true family member. At some point Gershon required surgery, but unfortunately, he didn’t make it.
Several weeks later, a death certificate arrived at the residence of Roisa Tauber. The document claimed that Aron Tauber died when, of course, Aron Tauber was very much alive.
One week later, loud knocks were heard at the door once again. This time it was the Nazis, ym”sh, who’d come to take Aron. Immediately, Roisa handed them the newly arrived death certificate. Since it was dated so recently, it made sense that Aron’s death hadn’t yet been listed in their register, and they left!
In the zechus of Roisa’s mesirus nefesh when it came to helping others, her own husband was saved! How fortunate I am to be a descendant of a woman of such strength.
Danger and death were lurking in the streets of Budapest, 1944.
My great-grandfather, who was a young bachur at that time, was hiding with a group of friends in a bunker below ground somewhere in the city. Every few days, another bachur went out in search of food. When it was my grandfather’s turn, he furtively left the bunker. Fear was pulsing in his veins as he tried to appear calm while avoiding the soldiers who patrolled the streets.
Suddenly, a soldier recognized him as a Jew and took him to the Gestapo prison where prisoners were kept until there were enough Jews to liquidate. One night, the guards rounded up the prisoners, tied them with handcuffs into a long chain, and marched them off to the Danube River.
Soon they arrived at the river, and my grandfather knew that these were his last minutes. He closed his eyes and thought about meeting his family in the Next World. The sound of cuffs being unlocked mingled with the sounds of gunshots and splashes as the prisoners toppled into the water one by one.
Eventually it was my grandfather’s turn, and a Nazi opened his handcuffs. Knowing he had nothing to lose, my grandfather punched his fist into the Nazi’s jaw and took off running!
The surrounding Nazis stood frozen in shock and then began a frantic chase, but my grandfather ran under the shower of bullets and miraculously managed to get away. He ran and hid for three days until he smuggled himself back into the bunker where his friends had already long given up on ever seeing him again…
Baruch Hashem, Reb Avrohom Polatsek survived the war and lived to build a beautiful family!
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253 845.600.8484 February 1, 2023 The Monsey View
4 U gift card.
GRADES 10–11
The Holocaust. One of the darkest eras in Klal Yisroel’s blood-soaked history.
Every Jewish family who was fortunate enough not to be in the camps searched for a hideout. Among those families were my great-grandparents and their six little children. The youngest — my grandfather — was a mere few weeks old.
In the depth of night, they sneaked into a nonJewish home without the residents realizing it, and they crept up to the attic to hide. A few days later, however, my grandfather started becoming fussy. He would wail so loudly that his parents were afraid the people downstairs would hear him.
His parents and siblings all tried shushing him, but he wouldn’t stop crying. Out of sheer desperation, the family relocated to the far more soundproof basement. However, since it served as the non-Jewish family’s shelter, my great-grandparents knew that they could come down at any given moment, which meant their own family could soon be dead.
As soon as they got to the basement, my grandfather calmed down and stopped crying. His parents were upset; they weren’t going to go right back upstairs, but they knew they weren’t safe in the basement, either. Why hadn’t their baby stopped crying a few minutes earlier?
Crunched up in a corner, they sat silently, hoping not to be noticed even if someone would come downstairs. After a few hours of cowering in the corner like that, they suddenly heard the deafening sound of nearby explosions.
The family sat in terror, not knowing what would happen next. Once night fell, they decided to find a different hiding spot. When they left the basement, however, they were astonished to find that the house they’d been in had been bombed! They were saved only because of their baby’s nonstop crying.
True values are revealed when people are tested. Principles that buckle under pressure aren’t the real thing. Deeply rooted ideals stand erect, proud, tall and mightily strong, even as demons viciously and mercilessly attempt to knock the vitality out of them.
My great grandmother Hendel Raizel, a”h, was a woman who possessed such strong principles. She constantly gave of herself more than she had.
World War II took Romania by storm. My grandmother, who was only fifteen at the time, was deported to the concentration camps and thrust into an excruciating reality. It was one of pain, terror and suffering. It was one of brutality, inhumanity and death. And it was one of gaping, gnawing hunger. Death by starvation was so rampant that people were ready to risk their lives for a morsel of anything edible. Put simply, bread meant life. No bread meant death. Every solitary crumb was seen as a potential chance of survival.
The girls in the camps slept in barracks that were lined with tiered bunks. Every five girls shared one narrow plank of wood where they could rest their weary bones. But that was not the only thing they were meant to share; they were also allotted one meager ration of bread that was to be divided among them.
My selfless grandmother, ever the baalas chesed, was chosen to divide and distribute the bread. She would break the bread into five pieces and stretch out her palm. She graciously let her four mates choose their piece first, and only then did she take the last sliver for herself. She portrayed tremendous sacrifice and selflessness at a time when being selfish was not only warranted, but was absolutely valid. She stood strong, stoic and noble like a flower in the wilderness, while the roots of her ideals were flourishing underground. She sowed the earth, and now I have a source from which to nourish my roots.
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:טפַארק ןטסלופ ןטימ ןכַארק ןזיירפּ
ןריוורעס וצ סעיצַאקָאל עמעווקַאב ערעדנוזַאב ףניפ
ךָאוו ןייא זיולב ןפיול טעוו ליעס עוויסַאמ םיניבמ עלַא ןרעטסייגַאב עכלעוו 'ךעלמיירטש ליעס' – סרעמוטסָאק רעטנזיוט ןופ םָארטש יד
םענעגנולעג רעייא טימ טפעשעג םענופ ןריצַאפּשסיורַא ריא טעוו .ףיוקנייא ,םהיתובשומ תומוקמ לכב ןדיא רעטנזיוט יד ןרידָאמָאקַא ןענעק וצ ,'סעיצַאקָאל ליעס' ערעדנוזַאב ףניפ ןרָאוועג טלעטשעגוצ זיא טייקכילמעווקַאב םוצ רעטנגעג עשימייה עלַא רעביא טיירפשעגסיוא ַארָאב ,גרובסמַאיליוו ןיא ןלַאקָאל ןייז ןלעוו סע .ריעה יבשות יד ןופ טימ ,דָאווקיעל ןוא ,לאוי תירק ,אריווקס ןוכיש-יסנַָאמ ,קרַּאפ לָאז רעדעי זא ןרעגנירגרַאפ וצ תועש עטרעגנעלרַאפ לעיצעפּס
.ליעס ענעטלעז יד ןופ ןסינעג ןוא ןעמוקנָא ןענעק
!טקַאפ א רעבָא ךילביולגמוא ךיז ןרעה סָאוו ןזיירפּ
זיא סָאוו זַארפ א זיולב טשינ זיא !"תואיצמ ןפַּאכ ןפיול םיניבמ"
!טקַאפ עכילקריוו א זיא סָאד רָאנ ,עמַאלקער ליעס ןפיוא ןענַאטשעג טימ למיירטש עגיטכערפּ א ראפ $2999 יוו ןזיירפּ עכלעזַא טימ לייוו זיא ,למיירטש רעכילרעה ןא רַאפ $1099 ןוא ,רָאה עטכע עגידעבעל ןסנַאש ערעסערג ָאד זיא טמוק'מ רעירפ יוו !טגָאזעג גינייוו ךָאנ סע סָאוו למוט יד ןדיימרַאפ גיטייצכיילג ןוא ,יפויבש יפוי א ןעמוקַאב וצ .גאט ןדנעייגייברַאפ עדעי טימ טרעוו
!ךָאוו ןייא זיולב זיא ליעס רעגיטכעמ :תאז עובש אלמ ןגידנעמוק םעד ןָא ךיז טבייה ליעס רעד !ךָאוו עשירָאטסיה ןייא זיולב ליעס יד ןופ ענייא ןיא ןיירַא טמוק ,םיטפּשמ גָאטנוז זיב ורתי גאטנוז טייג ןוא ,שארל הרטע עלופטכארפ רעייא סיוא טביולק ,ןלַאקָאל ןברָאוורע ןרָאי עליפ יד ךשמב ךיז טָאה רעללימ !ךלמ א יוו םייהַא ייז ןעוו ,רוביצ ןשידיסח םייב טסָארט ןופ עיצַאטופּער עדנעצנעלג א ןפיוא ןעיורטעג ייז ןעמ ןעק ליעס רעשירָאטסיה א טמוק'ס זַא ןגָאז !טרָאוו !טימ ךייא טפַּאכ ,תואיצמ ןפַּאכ ןפיול םיניבמ יד
עטכע טלעטשעגסיורַא לאמ ןטשרע םוצ טצעי טרעוו רָאי-ייה ,ןזיירפּ ליעס עגיליב דנעניוטש רַאפ ךעלמיירטש רָאה-עגידעבעל טָאה ריא סָאוו ךעלמיירטש םיניבמ עשיטעטסעיַאמ עלופטכַארפּ טצעי זיא ,שארל הרטע רעייא סלַא ןגָארט וצ טרַאגעג לָאמעלַא םלוכ .ליעס למיירטש רעללימ םייב ךיילגוצ ןדעי רַאפ טכילגעמרע ליעס עשירָאטסיה ַאזַא זַא גימיטשנייא ןענעז םיניבמ עלַא ,דחא הפ .ןרעוו טסַאפּרַאפ טשינ ןעק ןוא ןעוועג טשינכָאנ זיא
עיצַאלפניא יד ץָארט למיירטש לבעדרָאפע יד ןופ בצמ ערעווש יד ןוא ,סיזירק עיצַאלפניא עגיטצעל יד טימ ןגיטשעג ןענעז ןטקודָארפּ עגיטיונ עטושפּ וליפא ןעוו עימָאנָאקע עגיטסניג יד דנעקיווקרעד לעיצעפּס זיא ,ןזיירפּ ערעייז ןיא שיטסַארד למיירטש ןכילרעה א ןלדנַאהוצנייא ךיז תואיצמב ךָאנ זיא'ס זַא ,סעיינ .זיירפ ןכילגנעגוצ א רַאפ רעמ ןוא רעמ רוביצ רעד זיא ליעס םוצ רעטנענ גָאט א סָאוו גידנרעה ,םעטָא םענעטלַאהעגנייא ןַא טימ טרַאוו רעדעי ,טנַאפּשעג ןופ לַאווסיוא עטיירב עכילמַאנסיוא ןַא ןַאהרַאפ זיא לָאמסָאד זַא תלילכ א זיא רעדנוזַאב ענייא סעדעי ,ךעלמיירטש עדנעפַּאכרַאפגיוא .טכַארפּ ןטסנעש ןטימ יפוי בַאטש עיירטעג טימ ןלַאקָאל עמעווקאב ףניפ רעללימ יד טאה ,ךָאוו ליעס ןגיטרַאסיורג םוצ גנוטיירברָאפעב ןיא ,בַאטש עיירטעג עטרעסערגרַאפ א טנַאפּשעגנייא גנוטלַאוורַאפ ןריוורעס וצ ,סעיצַאקָאל ףניפ עלַא ןיא טיירג ןייטש ןלעוו עכלעוו יד .טייקנזָאלעגוצ ןוא טייקכילפעה סָאמ עטסערג יד טימ ןסַאמ יד עטסגיסַאפּ יד ןביולקסיוא ןפלעה ךייא ןלעוו בַאטש םיניבמ רעללימ עצרוק א זיב רָאנ ,ןטרַאוומורא ןפרַאד טשינ טעוו'מ ,שארל הרטע ,טפעשעג םענופ לעווש סָאד רעביא טערט ריא ןעוו ןופ עלייוו
יד תויתוא עסיורג טימ טניילעג ךיז ןבָאה "!ךַארק א טמוק'ס" ןופ רעטנגעג עשימייה עלַא טציילפרַאפ טָאה סָאוו ןעגנודלעמ טקוקעגוצ ןבָאה םירענ םע םינקז .יזרעשזד וינ ןוא קרָאי וינ רעטיערג ,ךַארק ןטימ ןייז עקאט טייג סָאוו עסערעטניא ןוא רעגיינ סיורג טימ עלַא טיול רעכיז יוזַא עקַאט זיא'ס וצ טרילוקעפּש ןבָאה עכנַאמ ?זנוא רַאפ סָאד טניימ סָאוו רקיעב ןוא ,ךַארק ַא טמוק'ס זַא םיניבמ ?וצרעד ןוט רימ ןענעק סָאוו !טרָאוו ןופ ןיז ןטסלופ ןיא "ןכַארק ןזיירפּ למיירטש" גנודלעמ עגידנעמוק יד ןעוו ,טגיטעפּשעג טשינ טָאה רעפטנע רעד ןזיירפּ למיירטש" זַא הרושב עכיליירפ יד ןעוועג רשבמ טָאה א ןיא ןראוועג טליהעגנייא סַאג עשידיסח עצנַאג יד זיא !"ןכַארק ןעוו זַא ,סגָאטוצ טנייה ןיוש טסייוו רוביצ רעד .טסייג רעגיד'החמש ומכ ליעס א סע זיא ,ליעס רעייז טרעלקרעד למיירטש רעללימ לָאמנייק ליוו רענייק סָאוו ליעס א ,טרָאוו ןופ ןיז ןלופ ןיא ,בותכש .ןסַאפּרַאפ טשינ
!ןזיירפ עדנעניוטש ראפ ךעלמיירטש םיניבמ :שודיח עגירָאי-ייה א רעביא טלייצרעד רעבָא טָאה ןסנָאנַא ליעס עגיטצעי יד טדער'מ ,ליעס ןכילרעי-רָאי ןגיטנייה זיב םוצ טסייג עדנעשירפרעד ןרָאוועג ןהעזעג טשינכָאנ זיא סָאוו ךַארק א סעפּע ,רעמ סעפּע ןופ ָאד .םויה דע רעהַא טלעטש ליעס רעללימ יד זַא הנשב הנש ידמ ןיוש ןסייוו עלַא ,ןדיא רעטנזיוט ןוא ,הרוחס עשיטייל ענייש רָאג ןופ לַאווסיוא ןַא ןַא ןיא םייהא ןעייג ערעטלע ןוא ערעגניא ,םיתב ילעב ןוא טיילעגניא עטפיוקעג-סָאוורָאנ רעייז גידנעטלַאה ,גנומיטש עטרעטייהעגפיוא ןפרַאד ןלָאז ייז סָאוו םעדנָא ,טנַאה יד ןיא למיירטש עשיטעטסעיַאמ .רַאפרעד ענעשעק יד ןגידיילסיוא
"ךעלמיירטש רעללימ" עטמירַאב טלעוו ןופ ליעס-ץילב עגירעי-ייה טעטילַאווק עכיוה ,עירָאטסיה ןיא לָאמ ןטשרע םוצ רָאפ טלעטש
ןזיירפּ עגיליב-דנעניוטש רַאפ "ךעלמיירטש רָאה-עטכע עגידעבעל"
זיב ורתי גאטנוז
– ט"לעבה
256 845.600.8484 The Monsey View February 1, 2023
257 845.600.8484 February 1, 2023 The Monsey View
It’s that time of year again! Fruit stalls are full, and eye-catching platters are being created, all featuring beautiful colors and varying textures that only Hashem could produce.
Let’s take a closer look at the Shivas Haminim, the seven distinctive species that Eretz Yisroel is blessed with: chittah, se’orah, gefen, te’einah, rimon, zayis shemen, u’dvash — wheat, barley, figs, pomegranates, olives and dates.
Wheat is the most widely grown commercial crop in the world, grown on every continent except Antarctica.
Wheat needs approximately 120 days between sowing and harvesting.
Wheat occupies a central place in human nutrition, providing 20% of daily protein and food calories. Pizza, anyone?
Barley has a lot of fiber — about 17%, making it one of the highest-fiber grains out there.
Barley is a self-pollinating species; technically, it’s just tall grass!
In many parts of the world, barley serves as vital feed for sheep, poultry and cattle. (And maybe for Yidden as well. What would Shabbos be without a good cholent?)
There are 60 different species and 8,000 varieties of grapes in the world today!
Grapes are a low calorie food, containing 80% water! Yay!
Grapes are technically classified as berries.
258 845.600.8484 The Monsey View February 1, 2023
Double bracha here: Figs grow in two seasons, summer and fall.
Raw figs taste like honey.
Figs are humble; they never blossom externally like other plants. Instead, internal blossoms appear within the fig structure. (This is called inflorescence. You’re welcome.)
The word pomegranate is derived from Latin and means “apple with many seeds.”
The Malbim in Shir Hashirim writes that just as the pomegranate bursts with seeds, so too are the Yidden full of mitzvos to serve Hashem.
Pomegranate trees can live for over 200 years. That’s a long time!
The bracha on olives is Ha’eitz as they grow on trees and are a fruit, even though they are not sweet.
The color of this fruit depends on its maturity. Unripe olives are green, while riper ones range from dark purple to black.
Olives are popular! The olive branch appears on the national flag of seven nations.
Sweet news! This yummy fruit is the best natural substitute for sugar, so go ahead and try it! Date syrup? Silan? Date spread, anyone?
The most nutritious dates are Medjool dates.
Dates are a rich source of vitamins and minerals and give a boost of instant energy. Good to know for a sleepy morning!
May Hashem bentch us with the geulah sheleimah so that we return to our heilige land and enjoy its special fruits, as we say in Al Hamichyah, “v’haaleinu l’socha v’samcheinu b’vinyanah v’nochal mipiryah… — and bring us up to it and give us joy in its building, and we will eat from its fruits…”
By: Chana Hindy Schecter
259 845.600.8484 February 1, 2023 The Monsey View
by: YONAH KLEIN illustration: JACKY YARHI
Hint: Each Boggle board hides a word of nine letters or more!
1. Gather round the table to play a family game of Boggle, using this Boggle board.
2. Once you have a winner, fill out the form below in its entirety
3. Email the form to comments@ or fax to 845600-8483 by Sunday at midnight.
4. Two winners will be drawn each week, each of whom will win a pastrami sandwich and a can of soda!
Find words on the board containing four letters or more. Letters of a word must be connected in a chain (each letter should be adjacent to the next either vertically, horizontally or diagonally), and each letter can only be used once in a given word.
The following are not allowed in Boggle:
Adding “s” to a word
• Abbreviations
• Proper nouns
• Contractions
4-letter words: 2 points | 5-letter words: 3 points | 6-letter words: 5 points | 7-letter words: 7 points |
Family name: _________________________________ Phone: __________________
Full mailing address: ____________________________________________________
Full name of winner: _________________ Amount of points: __________
Full names of competing players:
List some words only the winner found:
The longest word found on the board: _____________________________
A new word you learned from the board: __________________________
Only complete forms will be entered into the drawing.
E U 262 845.600.8484 The Monsey View February 1, 2023
8-letter words: 9 points | 9+ letters: 12 points
Family name: Fischer, 845-xxx-4582
Name of winner: Chayale
Amount of points: 48
Names of competing players: Shaindy
Some words only the winner found: chef, chill, spell
Family name: Stauber, 845-xxx-2737
Name of winner: Chevy
Amount of points: 23
Names of competing players: Mommy
Some words only the winner found: bell, fell, hate, spell
The longest word found on the board: celebrate Last week’s bonus word:
Winner: To claim your prize, bring this page to Nussy’s Cuisine.
CELEBRATE 8 2431 23 6 14 197 58 425 27 6 39 9214 8 6583 816 67 2 7126 1293 5 19 285 3715 263 845.600.8484 February 1, 2023 The Monsey View
CONGRATULATIONS TO THE TEN WINNERS OF THE $5 GIFT CARDS AT TOYS4U! A $5 credit was issued at Toys4U on the account of the phone number listed on your submission. Thank you to the hundreds of readers who sent in beautifully colored pages! Keep coloring! Sarah Kaplan, 7, Bas Mikrah Esty Schik, 5, Bobov Frimmy Friedman, 8, UTA Sura R. Hoffman, 5, B.T. Esty Nagel, 11, Bais Rochel Shabsi Turner, 10, Sanz Esta Leifer, 5, Kesser B.Y. Toby Bayer, 11, Skvere Baila Chaya Unger, 8, Skvere Yitzchok Aharonoff, 8, Toras Chaim 264 845.600.8484 The Monsey View February 1, 2023
By: Faigy Jacobowitz
Send your colored page to The Monsey View to enter a drawing for a chance to have your artwork featured in our pages and win $5 at Toys4U! Ten lucky winners will be announced each week!
To enter the raffle, email your colored page to, or mail it to 365 Route 59, Suite 239, Airmont, NY 10952. Submissions will be included in the drawing only if all information is filled in.
Phone:______________________________________________ Age:____________________ School:_________________________________________________________
free to photocopy this coloring page for
entire family.
265 845.600.8484 February 1, 2023 The Monsey View
Hershy Wieder, 8
Reizy Gross, 7
Eliezer Beck
Avrumi Steinberg, Yosef’s shtiel
Rivky Gertner
Burach Weiss
Moshe Yosef Mendlowitz
Family Buxbaum
To have your child’s creation featured here, email a picture to or mail it to 365 Route 59, Suite 239, Airmont, NY 10952. Where every entry is a winner! Talent Show 266 845.600.8484 The Monsey View February 1, 2023
Ari Spitzer, Mendy Kisch
Shimon Schreiber
Yosef Meir Halberstam, a huge “ende nun”
Tzvi Einhorn
Zishe Horowitz
Yanky Schreiber
Yiddy Ostreicher
Mechel Taub, 6, New Square
Shloimy Friedman
267 845.600.8484 February 1, 2023 The Monsey View
Yiddy Fruchter, 5
Mechy Hoffman
Kalman Reichman, Refoel and Moshe Teitelbaum
Bruchie Fulop, 7
Shloimy and Rivky Silber
Mechy Hoffman
Mimi Herbst
To have your child’s creation featured here, email a picture to or mail it to 365 Route 59, Suite 239, Airmont, NY 10952. Where every entry is a winner!
Chaim Reisman
Shoshana Ahuva Weiss
Kalmy and Yiddy Reichman
Berry Jacobowitz, 5
Meir Azriel Weber, 8.5
Sury Rosenfeld
Mechy Hoffman
Eluzer Roth
Rikki and Chany Wieder
The Moseson Family
Yiddy Reichman
Yitzi Stern, Avrumi Stern and Chaim Feder
270 845.600.8484 The Monsey View February 1, 2023
274 845.600.8484 The Monsey View February 1, 2023
Local Monsey Working Restaurant for sale. Call or text +18453934516 Email: Monseyrestaurnt@gmail. com
Doona Stroller, multiple colors avail.cll/txt 1-201-6144045
Neocate $46.99 per can. Kendamil $38.99. Similac L’Mehadrin $28.99!! We also buy off any extra formula for a good price. Call for other types of formulas.
Formula Trade 347.369.4886
Black, brand new in box. Selling for $590, in store $730.00. 8455385693
Brand new in box. Selling for $360.00. reg price $450.00 845.538.5693
A brand new teen coat black bomber size small, Les coyotes de paris for sale. 845709-9123.
KIA SORENTO 2020 10,500 miles. Call 845-4220036
Beautiful 3 door Italian dresser with mirror for sale. High sheen mahogany. Brand new condition. Best offer, pictures available, txt only 8457460486
Two 33’’ used wooden beds could be made into bunkbed. Great price. 845-271-9883
Selling a gold colored 2009 Honda Accord LX-P, 100k miles, very well maintained and in amazing condition. Asking $8,500. For more info please call or text 917.776.3422
Studio Apartment For Rent. Great For Single. Newly Renovated In Private Monsey Area. Call/Text: 845-4289602. Leave Message.
Nice 2 Rooms (Kitchnette & Bedroom) On Calvert Dr. 1st Floor Front Window Please Call 347 865-7651 Or 845 426-2695
2 connected offices are available for rent at 873 Rt 45 Spring Valley. Please call 845-637-9287.
Brand new Studio Apt available from mid-Feb. Monsey/Cameo Ridge area. Full bath, kitchenette, sep entrance. Suitable for single. Call 914-261-4580
Newly renovated apt avail immed : 2 bedrooms: stunning bathroom: spacious kitchen: quartz counters; fancy lights: elegant flooring: Spacious Storage Shed: Very big backyard. TEXT ONLY. (917)830-6341
Brand new walk-in apt + shed. Great for chasan & kalah available immediately in New Hempstead. Convenient location and private. Washer/dryer, fridge, oven included. $2,450/ month utilities included. Serious inquiries contact 845.262.9009
New private all female office spaces located next to haztluchah grocery. Desk, Chair, Internet, Window, and Closet included. 1 desk office left call text 718-813-4265
Giving away High Value commercial properties in PA with big lots. Just pay transfer fee. 212-4701708 lv msg
A beautiful two bedroom apartment fully furnished for rent by week, Shabbos, or day. Call or text (914) 810-3374
Beautiful, newly renovated corner house for rent in Linden, 3 min walk from Kosson Shul. 4 nice bedrooms, 2 full bathrooms. Spacious Laundry room. Large indoor play area. Big, private backyard. $2500/ month. Serious inquiries only. (917) 916-1497.
Looking for work / studio space in the Wesley Hills / Forshay area? Private, quiet, clean 250 square ft space available! Kitchenette, patio area, private bathroom and designated parking area. Text 845-533-3019 for more info. Available immediately!
Beautiful 8 bedroom house in Fallsburg. Next door to Shul/ Shoppings. Cleaned and kashered. Some winter weekends still available. 845-5026289
Luxurious 3 bedroom lake house villa in Case Grande Arizona. Private pool fully stocked kosher kitchen. 520.251.4459
Classifieds for sale N real estate N LASER IS NOW A POSITIVE, PAINFREE EXPERIENCE. CHANIE GENUD Certified laser hair removal specialist 845.323.8886 Book your appointment GET REAL. THERE’S A BETTER WAY TO DO LASER. 278 845.600.8484 The Monsey View February 1, 2023
Fully updated Beautiful 5 bedroom Villa in Airmont available for pesach or weekends. Relax in the quiet neighborhood of Airmont! Cleaned and kashered towels and linen included. Serious inquiries only. Call or text 347-420-4945
Furnished apt on Remsen Ave 8455178409
Looking to swap 7 bedroom spacious house in New City NY for a 4-5 bedroom apt in Yerushalayim or near for Sukkos. Text only 9174884195
1-3 months. Pomona. Beautiful updated 4 bedroom private house. All appliances included. Move right in! Text 845-533-2618
Great position available in a busy insurance company. Female position. Very heimish environment! contact 845-502-2062
Part-time & Full-time jobs available. Email TopPartTimeJobs@
Busy Suffern company is seeking a Full-Time receptionist and scheduler in an all female office.
Hours: Mon-Thurs 9-5 and Fri 9-1. Candidate must be: - computer literate - have good verbal and written knowledge of English - self motivated - Knowledge of Microsoft Office - Quickbooks a plus (willing to train)- own transportation. Job Duties include but not limited to: answering phones and scheduling. Resumes should be sent to officeposition201@ or faxed to 877257-8071
Seeking a part-time receptionist for a busy pediatric practice in Monsey with a reputation for providing outstanding care. Either mornings plus one afternoon or just weekday afternoons until 6 pm. Some Sunday mornings required. Should have excellent interpersonal skills and office computer experience. Please forward resume to or call 845-352-3212.
Office in Monsey is seeking a capable individual for a job in a back office of a busy business. Great potential. Please email your resume to
A busy back end bookkeeping office is seeking an experienced male office manager. Responsibilities include: leading a team as well as having a good understanding of finances. contact ephraim@
Monsey Bais Yaakov. Excellent pay + amazing environment! 6th Grade: Science, ELA, History. Apply Today! Email Resume To: 44camphillroad@thejnet. com or call: 845.362.3166
Yeshiva Spring Valley (boys) of Monsey is now accepting resumes for the General Studies department for September 2022 - ‘23 School Year. Following Positions available: • Lower Elementary School Teacher (M-TH 12:45-4:00); • Title1 English Language Arts (ELA) Teacher • Teacher’s Assistants (M-TH 12:45-4:00) Teaching experience a must. Professional atmosphere and competitive salary. Please include references and email to gss@yeshivaspringvalley. org or FAX to 845-356-8551
A company in Chestnut Ridge is seeking an accountant to work full-time. Salary $80,000. Email officecrny@
A yeshiva is seeking a building manager to oversee the maintenance of the building as well as making sure the kitchen runs smoothly. Call 845-317-7463 ext 102 leave a message
Attention COLLEGE STUDENTS. Looking for Nanny/Mothers Helper - Pomona NY. 8-10AM & 3-6PM. Familiar with Gentle Parenting. Must have a driver license. On the books. Call or text Raizy 845-558-9566
Seeking capable individuals for HCBS coordinators. no experience needed! contact chany@theprimestaffing. com
Local property Management Company is looking for a f/t secretary. office Experience required. Great environment, Great pay. Please email resume to
Office in Monsey is seeking a capable individual for an open position within the finance department. Great opportunity with potential, good pay and Heimish environment. Please email resume to chaimm@
real estate N help wanted N 280 845.600.8484 The Monsey View February 1, 2023
Classifieds help wanted N
Full time position operating printing and finishing machines. Great benefits package. Basic computer skills a must. Willing to train. Send resume to jobs@ or for more info call 845-499-4057.
Seeking a dedicated and highly motivated 6th Grade Sub for 4 weeks. There is a possibility of the job leading to a permanent position. The job is Monday - Thursday, 12:45-4:00 and every alternate Friday. Please send resume to englishdept@
Looking to hire a female purchaser for ecommerce company. Needs to be punctual, data entry skills. Located 5 minutes from The Palisades Mall. Please send resume to officej348@gmail. com
All girls’ office in Monsey looking to hire a Payroll Specialist. Full-time & part-time options available. Willing to train, but prior office experience is required. Please email your resume to JobOpeningMonsey4@gmail. com.
Be Your Own Boss! “Be in business for yourself not by yourself” best training + support provided, great benefits and retirement package. Please email or call 845-639-5216
Local Construction Company
Looking for a Customer Relations Manager. Good Communication & Phone Skills a must. Great Pay. Please email resume,
A contractor is seeking someone with finance experience to be an estimator for projects. Must have good number skills. contact ephraim@theprimestaffing. com
A busy office is seeking a detail oriented office assistant to run the entire office. must be knowledgeable in quickbooks. Flexible hours contact 845-502-2062
A busy company is seeking an experienced night shift warehouse manager. Must have experience in warehouse management and leading a team. Great potential for the right candidate!! text 845-642-7126
An insurance agency is seeking a capable individual to do outside sales! Lots of support provided! Call 845-317-7463 ext 102 leave a message
A busy health center is seeking a female office assistant in the A/R-A/P departments. flexible hours. contact blimie@
A busy service provider agency is seeking a female supervisor to manage and oversee all coordinators. Must have experience in team leadership. contact 845502-2062
Upscale jewelry store in monsey is looking to hire a part time energetic sales lady. Sunday’s included. Please email resume:
A shoe store is looking for a lady worker. Willing to train. Please call 845-304-8267
Now hiring experienced part time sales help from 11-3 & 3-7 in a womens clothing store. Please contact 917-9091145
A busy agency is looking for a female liaison in the HR department. contact 845502-2062
Seeking someone with experience in low voltage to do service calls for a security systems company. Lots of potential for the right candidate! Call 845-317-7463 ext 102 leave a message
Real estate and management company is seeking an experienced male office manager. Responsibilities include: leading a team as well as making reports for investors. Must have good number skills.Lots of potential! contact zelig@
Stop wasting your time going through all the jobs classifieds. Simply email your resume to Info@ to explore your options & maximize your career. Or Call/Text/ WhatsApp 732-800-7633 Strictly confidential & completely free.
282 845.600.8484 The Monsey View February 1, 2023
285 845.600.8484 February 1, 2023 The Monsey View
Classifieds help wanted N
Earn your BA or Masters degree from a prestigious university, in CASE MANAGEMENT AND HUMAN SERVICES, from home. Yeshiva and Seminary credits accepted. FAFSA and student loans available to cover tuition. For more information please contact us at: 18182065859 or email:
Polished Resumes Written
By A Certified Copywriter, 200+ Satisfied Customers. Also Writer For Web Content And Letters. Proofread
By A College Educated Editor. Resumes Standard: 48 Hour Turnaround.
Express Available. Contact Sarah Menczer, Ccs At Thejewishwriter@Gmail. Com Call/Text 347-409-5182
Insurance company seeking accounting assistance. Well paid position with excellent potential for growth. Office experience and accounting knowledge a plus but not required. Please email resume to rlevine@
Bas Mikroh Daycare is seeking a full-time or part-time assistant for its 18–24-month group. Also seeking afternoon babysitter for our baby group. Please email resume to hr@ Join our Daycare sub list for day-today or weekly subbing. No commitment necessary. Call 845-352-5296 *124 leave a message.
Seeking shadows and ABA providers. Some school cases available as well as some after school home cases. For more information please call 845422-8070 Ext 223 or Email your resume to tfriedman@
Location: Lyndhurst, NJ Approx 45 min from Monsey (Full-Time)We are seeking a responsible and motivated individual to join our orders and customer service department. Strong communication and organizational skills are required. No prior experience is necessary. This is a great opportunity for growth with competitive pay. To apply, please send your resume to lyndhurstjob07071@gmail. com or call (347) 678-2670.
Busy Monsey dental practice is looking to hire a full time front desk associate as well as a part time dental assistant. The right candidate for front desk should have strong computer and phone skills, follow instruction and be a team player. Medical or dental scheduling is a plus, but not a must. We are willing to train the right candidate. Dental assistant must have experience as a dental assistant for at least one year. Send resume to judy@rocklandsmilebuilders. com or call 845-362-7645 for additional information
Monsey Insurance office on Robert Pitt Drive seeks Customer Service Rep, experience preferred but not required. Hours are Mon-Thu 9 am-5 pm, Fri 9 am- 12 pm. Pay dependent. Please email resume to jobs@
Real estate management office is looking to hire for a full time position. Candidate should have great communication skills and be detail oriented. Great Potential! Please email resume to officeposition966@
Female full-time data processing in a heimish business environment. Analytical & problem solving skills required. Full training provided. Please send resume with references to
Monsey based property management company looking for a responsible and driven regional property manager. The position is a full time position that requires being out in the field(properties based in NJ) in addition to some office work. The position is high energy and requires multi tasking, organization, & management skills. There is growth potential within this position to take on more properties and grow with a growing organization. Experience, ambition, and reliability are essential. Please send your resume to,
Monsey-based property management company looking for a responsible and driven assistant asset manager. The position is a full-time position and would include assisting with the implementation of new systems & projects throughout the portfolio along with some financial analytics. There is a growth opportunity within the position. Experience is a plus, however, ambition and reliability are key. Please send your resume to,
א טאה דסומ עשימייה
.לוקס לדיימ א ןיא ,טנאסערעטניא ביוא Fax א קיש עטיב ,1845027731 :וצ
available Day
Director position
286 845.600.8484 The Monsey View February 1, 2023
287 845.600.8484 February 1, 2023 The Monsey View
Classifieds help wanted N services N
A non profit organization is seeking a Director of Development. Fundraising experience is a must 350k. email ruchy@ or call 845.422.8098 ext 101
Established luxury travel concierge hiring account managers in our Monsey and Brooklyn offices to provide white glove service to our growing client base. Competitive salary & benefits. Email resume to
A growing construction company in ringwood is seeking a responsible individual to take charge of the Accounts payable. Great opportunity, great pay! Email or call 845.422.8098 Ext 101
Do you enjoy talking on the phone, answering customers’ questions, and assuring that the company’s customer service is top notch. then this opportunity might be for you! A dynamic all female customer service company is seeking representatives to be the face for many companies. Full time is a must. Call 845.376.3668 for more details.
Want to make a difference in someone’s life? We are looking for a part-time title one teacher. email resume to or call 845-729-3001
Seeking a detail oriented individual with managerial experience in finance to oversee and be directly responsible for the company’s long term financial health and growth. Establish strategies that will ensure profits and oversee a team of bookkeepers. 200k. Email
HCBS Supervisor and Director of Coordination. Call 845.422.8098 Ext 102 or email sheindy@
Playgroup looking for teacher for Monday thru Thursday 1-3. Call 541-1405
A program for special needs children is looking for a secretary, computer and management skills required, Hours 9:30-3:30, call 347.460.0204 and leave a message.
Seeking a full time secretary for an insurance company. Call 845.376.3668 for more details
SHARE 24/7 is looking to hire a mature and warm woman, with a passion for the special needs community, to work with one of our girls on an individual basis in the afternoons. Applicant should have a driver’s license and be outgoing and flexible. Send your resume to ehass@
American girl living in Israel Temporary. Looking for a job at home. Example: taking grocery orders or billing etc. Please call 929-493-6665
We are looking for a competent employee to coordinate services. Candidate should be organized, quick learner, with good communication skills. BA required. Send resume to
Established agency in Monsey is looking for a Quality Assurance Supervisor. Individual should be professional, have Leadership experience, and be an effective communicator in teamwork. Willing to train the right candidate. Great pay and benefits. Please send your resume to myofficejobmonsey@gmail. com
Chassidishe cheder looking for a male tutor for title one. 3:30-5:30. Please call 8452637445
Want to make a difference in someone’s life? We are looking to hire a female to work with 18+ year olds with special needs. email resume to jobresumes613@gmail. com or call 845-729-3001.
Female bookkeeper position is available in a busy office. please call 845-317-7463 ext 106
Want to make a difference in someone’s life? We are looking for someone to work with special needs teenagers. email resume to or call 845-729-3001
Seeking to hire a part time secretary. Please email hiringteamgreen@gmail. com
A very pleasant office Is looking for a personal assistant. Job requirements: Must be computer savvy, extremely knowledgeable with QuickBooks and Excel, great phone skills, a quick learner, multi tasker would be a plus... Weekly schedule: Monday through Thursday 10am to 3 or 4pm. Office location: New Hempstead. Please Call: 845-502-5518. You can email resume to: therenttracker@gmail. com
Sick of Yo-Yo Dieting? Repair your relationship with food, improve your health/body image and uncover your selfworth. Miriam Shurpin MS RD CDN. Registered Dietitian – Nutritionist. 347 480 1670. rd@miriamshurpin. com In-person and Telehealth consultations
288 845.600.8484 The Monsey View February 1, 2023
289 845.600.8484 February 1, 2023 The Monsey View
Layettes (845) 213-3646
Layettes Text 718-551-1732
Doula 845-587-1649
Labor Bag 347-604-3274
Pidyon Haben Accessories 845642-7256
Pidyon Haben 845-659-6704
Pidyon Haben Gemach 845-3563568
Formula 347-267-3640 Or 216889-3643
Neocate Formula 718-853-4090
Carseats, Bassinet & Pack N Plays. 425-1202
Carseats, Pack N Plays, Strollers, Pumps 845.425.6826
Doona Car Seat 845-445-7474
Brass Iron Bassinet 917-280-4559
Preemie Clothing 845-520-0475
The Preemie Box 845.664.5768 Or 718.688.5814
Baby Scale 845-578-5639
Baby Headphone 845 356 6797 Or 845 558 9370
Baby Scales 845-694-8985
Easy birth from Koznitzer Maggid 917-514-9461
Bris Accessories 617-955-3630
Bris Accessories 845 425 8359
Bris Accessories 425 3873
Bris Accessories 425-6574
Bris Accessories 356-6215
Blue Light 845.425.1919
Poya and bris outfit w/ tefillos
Bris outfit poya, also tefilla cards 845 3564859 Ralph area
Pillow/Benchers 845-213-0602
Knife Sharpening For Mohalim
Segula Stone 347-699-6418
Preemie Outfit 845.558.7065
Krias Shema Board With Stand 425-4540
Free Mohel 347-383-5696
Gowns 845-517- 8808
Mother & Sister Gowns 845-4267496 Or 845-352-3031.
Gown And Petticoats 347-2781278
White Dresses 845-371-1765
Floral Bisomim 845-629-2785.
Hats $25. 347-351-1604
Elegant Hats 845-517-0838.
Bands & Berets 845-371-3556
Tichel 845-548-0014
Mechitza’s, Tables, Chairs Etc. Call 845-445-8015
Hot Water Urns 845-425-9211
Ear-Plugs 845-202-0105.
Toys 845-578-6513
Toys 917-538-3453.
Clics 845-352-5820
Tablecloths (845) 371 2105
Tablecloth 352-8292
Tablecloths 352-8292
Gold Chargers 845-573-9772
shelves, stands, trays & centerpieces 845-425-1721
Siddurs. Sfard: 845-608-7830
Ashkenaz: 845 352 1756 Or 845826-6718
Siddur/Chumash 558.4774
Benchers 845-642-0910
Bentchers 347-404-2204
Bechers 845-377-5671
Becher, Challah Deklich, Zemiros 845-425-0498
Coat Rack And Hangers 845-3569841
Chuppa Cards 347-278-1278
Chupah Cards 845.222.0456
Chuppah Tefillos Booklets. 845213-0602.
Wedding Kit 845-425-2036
Wedding Kit 845-371-2947
Simcha Powder Room Kit 845263-4342
Accessories Basket 845-371-6857
Children Hair Pieces 3473001679
Portable Chuppah 845-425-4790
Umbrellas 216-470-9841
Sound System 917-382-8809
Evening Bags 845-549-2929
Shmiras Halashon Cards 537-0069
Earplugs for Simchos 845-3281071
22 qt crockpots, big hot plates, big pots, perculator 8453238570
Simcha table centerpieces 8456087715
Yom Hachuppah Cd 845-352-2560
Crowns, veils, shoes, capes 4260767
Headpieces, Tiaras, Veils 845425-4221
White Sneakers 917-613-6579
White Shoes 845-200-0211
Kallah Hand Bouquet 845-4593567
Dress your kallah stress free. Book 1 week in advance 518-306-1167
Bridal Shower (845) 248-4218
Kallah Dresser 845-300-5767 Misc
Ribbis Question? 347-977-0628
Notary Public 347-228-8825
Fix necklines 845-238-6691
Hairstyling 845-540-3731
Hair styling 845-502-6558
Haircuts & Styling 845-352-8101/ 845-499-3218
Haircutting/Styling 845-263-7057
Haircutting & Styling 845-4225337
Hospital Supplies 746-8293
Hospital Gown 845-425-8687
Hospital Gown 845-426-4695
Hospital Gowns 845-356-5364
Medical Equipment Email
DVDS & players for Cholim/Home -
bound 425-2660
Simcha Maternity 845-425-1725
Maternity Coats Text only 845521-2912
Bed Rest? Laundry Help. 213-7437
Maternity Clothing 845-445-9687
Maternity Coat Text Only
Twin Boppy Pillows (845) 445-9298
Proposal Gemach 347-277-4072
Gps & Waze 845-352-2588 (Minimal Fee)
Kosher Waze 845.587.1708
Roof Carriers 845-659-1863. Pack N Play Sheets Included. Text: 845-216-4885
Pack n plays 845-426-1177/ 347631-8183
Beautiful nishmas cards 845-7297390
Poya (outfit, hat, booties) 845425-0672
Help-a-mom. to volunteer call 347-977-6816
Phones For Emergencies. 845213-8664
Reflectors 845-356-0815
Reflectors 347-977-6816
Feeding Supplies 845-366-6398
Mezuzos 587-4533
Natural Health Support, text 347 2287578
Moving Boxes Text (845) 641-5536
Boxes 845-425-6826 Or 845608-7830
Boxes 845-642-5286
Boxes Text (845) 641-5536
Heaters 845 362 8666
Phone Gemach 845-445-7422
Air Mattresses 9176537170
Air mattress gemach Text/WhatsApp 9087831676
Baby scale 845-540-1710
Outfit and pillow 914-715-2672
Suitcases 845-371-9121
Bike Racks 845-659-1863.
Opwdd Sd Advice Email Slfydhm@
Teacher’s Bulletin 845-425-8046
Computer Advice (862) 248-1931
Loans 347-385-1408
Moving Help packing/unpacking 845-281-5900
Pack N Plays with sheets text 845280-3470
Digital Cameras 8264062
Phone With Service 845-445-7422
Eczema Cream 845-274-7858
Single parent? Help with shopping etc. 516-203-2616
Yiddish & English Poems 845587-3018
Shabbos lamps (914) 391-3787
Lev Simcha music groups/visits 8456082676
Sefer Torah 347-598-0357
Free-shalom bayis 845-213-0602
Mezuzos 845-540-1802
Drop in babysitter - (845) 445-9391
laminators & paper cutters msg 845-263-7115
Kendamil formula 914-523-0592
Zichron Eliezer mailing Gemach 845-213-5617
Hachnosas Kallah loan gemach 347-415-1525
Heimish Chicken soup 845-3523959
Costume Used or new 8455380990
290 845.600.8484 The Monsey View February 1, 2023
291 845.600.8484 February 1, 2023 The Monsey View
Permanent Makeup. Call Tzippora 914.200.4121 www. 197 Main St Nanuet NY
On demand Torah lectures
Video-Audio-download All for free Computer or App for iPhone/Android Or Hotline 718-298-2077. YiddishHebrew - English
Is your child still in the same place after all that tutoring?Join Arrowsmith, a research based program that strengthens the brain and eliminates learning disabilities. Call Mrs Feuer 914-260-6449
Join us today in our worldwide Triple B- Boosting Best Behavior- Parenting Telecourse, by Rifky Sternlicht. Experience a transformation with your family and your challenging child bs’’d. To listen to our free demo, testimonials and for more information please call +44 330-325-1204/845-777-8988
Moshe Sosover, LMHC. Yiddish/English/Hebrew speaking therapist for Teenage and adult male specializing in Anxiety, ADHD, Trauma and Relationship struggles. schedule your appointment 845-390-0885
Looking for a female bookkeeper. Candidate must be available full time. Beginners are welcome. contact chany@
Insurance office looking to fill full time position. Work from home option. Please email resume pcinsmonsey@gmail. com
Great prices. Call Miri 845426-7561
Mr. Wertzberger’s Music School offering music lessons on the phone, ages 9-15 boys and girls. 718-435-1923
“Change your Water.. Change your life” Alkaline - AntiOxidant - Super Hydrating Call for FREE supply and feel AMAZING! 917-681-0003
Enhance your gown with just the right petticoat! Kids and adults petticoats for rent! In the Bates area. Please Call or text between 8:30-10pm 845746-7248
Seeking a real go-getter for a female office position. Great pay! Please contact blimiew@
For all your custom closets please call or text 1347.522.4872
Custom photo albums and photo editing for all your needs. Call 845-502-5932 or email highlightalbums@
--In The Comfort of Home-
- *Swedish *Deep Tissue
*Lymph *Craniosacral Therapy
Call Sarah: 845-596-1373
Keyboard lessons By Miri. Great Prices! Call 845-426-7561 or 845-263-6437
Biggest selection of balloons for all occasions in the Weiner drive area call 8454223988/
SHAIMOS PICK UPS 845-461-3084
12 years experience. Wide selection. Call/text: 845-5387986
Remove fears, anxiety, sleeplessness, constipation, back pain, allergies, asthma, bedwetting, improve selfesteem. Quick and effective, all ages. Experiencced male and female therapists. Endorsed by Rabbonim. Call Mrs.Yuhanan 845-825-9342
Challah boards, candle trays, key chains, book marks and more. rates available for wholesale and bulk pricing. visit our website @
we fix knitted & crochet Gartlech & make beautiful professional fringes. We also teach how to knit & crochet. call: 917-414-3281
Handyman available. Great rates. Call text whatsapp 718-954-5878.
Get your hair professionally styled and cut. For an appointment please call/text 845.422.7833
Professional carpet cleaning. Painting, Drywall, Electric, Plumbing, All handyman jobs. Security cameras/INTERCOM SYSTEM. WHOLE HOUSE/ RO water filter system. 917 378 3194
Aloe based products with AMAZING results!!! Please call: T. Weiss 845-356-3614
ZC’s car service. Female drivers, Long distance only, Fast, safe, & convenient 845642-3833
having trubble with finances? join Debtors Anonymous
Tuesday night @ 19 Robert Pitt # 113 , 7:30-8:30pm. visit www.
Very Elegant, Winter White trimmed with Black Velvet, girls size 12/14 for sale. Please Call 845-709-7161.
Adorable gold gown by Dassy available to buy or rent. Toddler size 4. Call 422-5596 for more info
services N gowns N 292 845.600.8484 The Monsey View February 1, 2023
293 845.600.8484 February 1, 2023 The Monsey View
Size XS gown for rent/sale. Call/text 646-334-6582
Silver/Grey colored gown size 2-4 8455380391
Gorgeous black sister of the bride gown size 2 for sale or rent. Call or Text 845-596-0022
Black and gold designer gown size 8 for sale. Call 845-5872762
Beautiful cream full lace pleated gown. Size 0. Please call 845-502-0097
Beautiful maternity gowns for rent. All sizes for affordable prices. Please call/text 845862-2799
Custom designer bridal gown for sale. Petticoats included, Size 4-6. Pictures available. Call 845-304-7987
GET RID OF ECZEMA!!! Aloe based products with AMAZING results! Please call C. Neumann 8452139886
Of toys, arts & crafts, or supplies, in good condition, for a Heimishe Moised. Call 845.500.3100
Looking for a nice private place for a Beshow? A few locations available in the Monsey area. Call 845-426-5484 or 845-7467251
Be חמשמ the הלכ with your uniquely choreographed dance at the הנותח! Groups of 2-5 girls only. Siblings of the הלכ ןתח Competitive prices. call 845271-9883.
The Bridal Shoppe, by apt only 718-851-2367
Seeking to hire a full-time staff position. A possibility for flexible hours. Fulfilling, fun, warm and pleasant environment. Call 845-6597973 or 732-691-1843
Excellent opportunity to work in Home Community Based Services for Chesed 24/7. Develop relationship with families and care managers. Will train. Warm, caring and welcoming female work environment. Excellent compensation. Please call 845-354-3233 ext.1120 or send resume to: kfireman@
Seeking a caring, outgoing, people-person who can coordinate access to services and supports which will make a difference in the lives of individuals with special needs. The ideal candidate should have strong communication and management skills, be organized and professional with good computer skills. Also, should be able to hire, supervise and train staff to work with adults and children with developmental disabilities. Call Karen Fireman 845-354-3233 ext.1120 or send resume to kfireman@
Looking for young, energetic, reliable young men willing to engage with developmentally disabled high-functioning men in planned activities and inspiring programs. Your role will be one of leadership and oversight. Must be comfortable driving the agency van as needed. Nice pay plus excellent perks and pluses after 6 months of employment. Email Resume to: ybaum@share-247. org or Call: 845-354-3233 ext.1218
294 845.600.8484 The Monsey View February 1, 2023
295 845.600.8484 February 1, 2023 The Monsey View
PHOTO CREDIT: JDN סליה ילסעווב אריווקס ידיסחד הרהט הוקמ תמקהו ףסוי בקעי תודלות ד”מהיב תמלשהל ובדנש םידיגנהל 'הפסכנ תבש' שזדירדואוו ד”בא צ”הגה דכנו לליה תיב תבישי שארו ד״בא צ”הגה ןב לש הנותחה תחמש 296 The Monsey View
PHOTO CREDIT: JDN טנאמריע ץישאדאר שרדמה תיבב םירדנ תכסמ םויסו הרותה דובכ דמעמ שזדיר טאנטסעשט’ד םיארי להקד ד”באו ברל ץראווש ’ילדג םייח יבר ןואגה ברה תרתכה דמעמ 300 The Monsey View
PHOTO CREDIT: JDN ןאדנאלב רוקיבב ליהעווזמ ר”ומדאה 304 The Monsey View
PHOTO CREDIT: JDN ’עפורג סעפמאק‘ עטמיראב יד ךרוד טרישזדנארא יסנאמ ןיא ’ואש סרענואמואה‘ ןלופסעסקוס םייב רעטנעזיוט יסנאמב ליהעווז ד”מהיבב םינבו תובא 308 The Monsey View
PHOTO CREDIT: JDN ימאימב החונמב רענייטש יכדרמ יבר קידצה ןואגה יד ןופ ןייפמאקה תחיתפ דובכל אפאפ תירק ןיא אפאפ בקעי תלהק אתביתמ ןיא הכלמ הולמ םינתח תפוק אפאפ ןטנאקאב טיירב םענופ לעפאר עטפלעווצ יעשראפמ ר”ומדאה דכנל הוצמ רבה תחמש בעיילאקימ ד”בא צ”הגה דכנו גלאבענש בייל ןמלז ’ר ג”הרה תואישנב טנאמריע הרות ןינק ד”מהיבב אתכסמ םויס 312 The Monsey View
יסנאמ ראמטאס ד”באג תיבב ןעמוקעגראפ ן”העבמר תקדצ םילשורי תבח ללוכ יקיזחמו ידסיימ יאצאצ ןופ יסנאמ ריעב םינברה תפיסא רעשיראטסיה ש”צומ ןגידנעמוק םעד רעניד םוצ גנוטיירגראפעב ןיא ארוק לוק א ןבירשעגרעטנוא ןבאה יסנאמ הרותה ריע ירואמו ילודג ואוו
יסנאמב וואראב ד”מהיבב בוסאקמ ר”ומדאה תאופרל הליפת תרצע
סטיעב םידיסח תדע להק ד”בא ןבל תוכרב עבשה תחמש
316 The Monsey View
Editor in Chief: D. GORALNIK
Content Editor: R. REESE
Associate Editor: E.M. NEIMAN
Food Editor: M.P. WERCBERGER
Creative Director: AJ WACHSMAN
Project Coordinator: R. ITZKOWITZ
P.O. Box 305 Monsey N.Y. 10952
Telephone: 845-600-8484
Fax: 845-600-8483
MISSION STATEMENT: The Monsey View is a weekly publication designed for every segment and age group of our diverse community. Under rabbinical guidance, we bring Monsey’s top talent together to provide high-quality, informative and current reading material, keeping you up to date on sales, events, news and issues of concern and import happening right now in the Monsey community.
DISCLAIMER: We do not endorse any ad found in this publication. We are not responsible for typographical or grammatical errors.
COPYRIGHT: All content found in The Monsey View is copyright and may not be reproduced, published, distributed or duplicated for public or private use without written permission from The Monsey View.
Limit one (1) per family
Contents // Inside 128 // Inbox 140 // Parsha 150 // Sunshine and Service 158 // Week in Review 166 // The Last Rebbe of Lodz 177 // Food 192 // The Occasional Blessing 204 // A Tasting of Fruit 230 // A Basket of Bounty 243 // Recorded for Posterity 258 // FYI 260 // Ricochet 262 // Fun Pages 278 // Classifieds 296 // Pictures ISSUE 384 FEBRUARY 1, 2023 חלשב תשרפ ג”פשת טבש ’י JUICY FACTS ON FABULOUS FRUIT Where they come from and what they taste like IN TIMES OF JOY The special occasions of Shehecheyanu A FRUIT-FILLED COOKIE FOR TU B’SHVAT Keep little hands busy making this basket of bounty FYI: SHIVAS HAMINIM A TASTE OF TU B’SHVAT RECORDED FOR POSTERITY THE RESULTS ARE IN! Klein’s Kosher Catering extends heimish hosting beyond New York borders SUNDAY - FEB 5
320 845.600.8484 The Monsey View February 1, 2023