FREE ISSUE 386 FEBRUARY 15, 2023 םיטפשמ תשרפ ג”פשת טבש ד”כ A PURIM PRESENTATION Homemade jerky and its accompaniments WINDOWS TO THE DEEP The wonders of aquariums worldwide FATHOMS UNDER THE SEA A closer look at the mystical Livyasan WORTH ITS SALT A fishy cure for salty cravings FYI: SHARKS NEW COLUMN INSIDE: RECORDED FOR POSTERIRTY WRITTEN BY COMMUNITY KIDS טמוקאב ןוא טלעג ךייא טראפש טלעוו יד ןיא סנייא למיירטש א SEE PAGE 16 718-2-LERNER 32-PAGE, FULL COLOR PURIM CATALOG INSIDE
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תשרפל םינמז םיטפשמ
(Re: Recorded for Posterity)
Thank you so much for your contest Recorded for Posterity, and for continuing to print submissions. The stories are harrowing, yet they are such poignant and powerful accounts of our nation’s history, as well as testimony to each individual’s unbelievable trust in Hashem, even during such difficult times.
Most of all, it’s so touching to see the descendants of the previous generation take pride in their ancestors and record their stories. Thank you for making this happen!
A Fellow Third-Generation Descendant
(Re: Not a Takeout;
Inbox, Issue
Thank you for your heimish, entertaining, educational and inspiration-packed weekly publication. I’m writing this letter to share a personal story on the topic of taking leftovers from halls.
My parents were recently preparing for my brother’s bar mitzvah. When the caterer and planner met with my parents, they told my mother that the hall was hosting a very high-end simcha the day prior to our booked date, and that the baalas simcha had offered to leave the flowers in the hall for the family hosting the following night’s simcha.
To my parents, it was a big financial relief, as every dollar counted. They even reached out to the woman to thank her, especially as she could have brought the expensive arrangements home since Shabbos was only two days later.
On the day of my brother’s bar mitzvah, we arrived at the hall early for pictures and to make sure that everything was ready. As soon as we
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stepped inside, we were surprised to find no hint of flowers anywhere. My mother quickly called the party planner to ask her if the woman hosting the simcha the night before had changed her mind, but the response was negative.
Once we knew the baalas simcha hadn’t changed her mind, the hall manager quickly checked the cameras to check if any of the workers had placed the flowers in a different room while our bar mitzvah was being set up. He soon came back saying that the cameras had recorded two people coming into the hall, gathering all flower arrangements and leftover food, and stuffing it all into a marked van of a local organization.
Obviously, this was very upsetting news. Without much time before our guests were due to arrive, we quickly had to order flowers. There was no time to think of options such as styles and sizes and colors; instead, we simply called place after place to see who could deliver some arrangements on short notice.
In the end, baruch Hashem, we got our flowers, but there was an additional credit card charge, a rush fee we had to pay for, and some very anxious few minutes immediately before the bar mitzvah began. When the first few guests walked in, we had to snap right into relaxed simcha mode and greet them all with smiles and grace.
To our wonderful organizations who help baalei simcha cover expenses in a respectful way, your work is tremendously respected! But please make sure that this does not come at another person’s expense. All it takes is a phone call to the hall manager to make sure the food and flowers are available to donate. For all you know, it was especially put aside to help another family who could use the extra help, just like the families you seek to help.
With much appreciation to all of our volunteers and chesed organizations,
144 845.600.8484 The Monsey View February 15, 2023
(Re: A Basket of Bounty, Issue 384)
Thank you so much for the Tu B’Shvat fruit basket cookie featured! Here’s another shoutout to Libby Tauber as well as a photo of the completed cookies.
Grateful in the Kitchen
I’m reaching out to the team at The Monsey View simply to say that I am looking forward to following the Pesach cleaning program typically launched a few weeks before Pesach. Every year, I enjoy working along with the rest of the community to prepare for Yom Tov, and to glean whatever tips I can from the series!
A Local Reader
I am looking to get in touch with mothers of children with either a cleft lip or palate who have had surgery done in the United States in the past few years. I am part of a large text support group, and there is a great lack of doctor references. If you have any cleft information to share, please reach out to me through The Monsey View. All information is kept strictly confidential.
Of course, if you are a new mother of a child with a cleft, or if it’s time for your child’s next cleft surgery, feel free to call me to be matched with parents who have used the doctor you are considering and have given permission to be contacted. To be clear, this is not a referral organization; just an open line of communication between parents who would like to share experiences (and sometimes pictures).
L. Solomon
THE MONSEY VIEW WELCOMES YOUR COMMENTS, FEEDBACK AND LETTERS. EMAIL: FAX: 845-600-8483 MAIL: The Monsey View, POB 305, Monsey, NY 10952 146 845.600.8484 The Monsey View February 15, 2023
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To Master Middos
REB ARYEH FINKEL, ZT”L, the Rosh Yeshivah of Yeshivas Mir-Brachfeld, was a paragon of mussar and middos tovos. When speaking with the Rosh Yeshivah, talmidim felt his sincerity and knew that the advice and guidance he offered was free of any personal considerations. He was a gadol in Torah and in middos
One day, Reb Aryeh was sitting at the dining room table of his tiny apartment on Rechov Malachi in Yerushalayim, engrossed in his learning. Suddenly, the vibration of a drill loudly penetrated the stillness. It was nearly impossible to hear himself think. Then Reb Aryeh noticed some peeling paint from the ceiling drop onto the table and floor.
“What’s going on?” he asked his rebbetzin. “Is everything okay?”
The rebbetzin explained that the neighbors upstairs were just beginning to renovate their apartment. Renovations are a fact of life in apartment buildings in Eretz Yisroel, but it isn’t very pleasant. Constant drilling, banging and pounding drown out every other sound and make for uncomfortable vibrations. Compound the noise level with the shrieks of the Arab workers as they come and go and do their work, and it’s only normal for neighbors to count the days until the project is completed.
But Reb Aryeh smiled when he heard this explanation. He immediately closed his Gemara, donned his hat and jacket, and went upstairs. His loud knocking on the neighbor’s door was barely audible above the din. Finally, a child opened the door.
“Is your father home?” Reb Aryeh asked.
“Abba, Abba!” the boy called as he scampered inside. “The neighbor Finkel is at the door!”
The neighbor’s face turned colors. “Oy, I forgot to tell Rabbi Finkel about our construction plans! Who knows what he’s going to say now?”
He made his way to the door, and was surprised to see Reb Aryeh’s broad smile. “Shalom aleicheim! ” Reb Aryeh said. “Can I come in to talk?”
The neighbor welcomed him in, and Reb Aryeh said, “I was so happy to hear that you started to build. I’ve been wondering how you manage in such a small apartment. The renovations must be costing you a lot of money, and I would love to help. Right now, I can’t. But if you need me to sign as guarantor for a loan or something, that I could do. In fact, I’d be happy to sign for you!”
And with a friendly handshake, Reb Aryeh went back to his Gemara in his apartment downstairs.
The man stood fixed in his doorway, watching his exceptional neighbor descend the stairs. He couldn’t help but wonder, And the Finkels? How do they manage in their tiny, crowded apartment? And the even bigger question — How does one acquire such an unbelievable ayin tovah?
As the construction continued, one of the Finkel children expressed his annoyance at the persistent drilling. Reb Aryeh remained unruffled. “What would you say if the neighbor building on top of us was your brother? Would it still bother you?” he asked.
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Coming on the heels of Matan Torah, Parshas Mishpatim begins by delineating laws of the Torah. Interestingly, it begins with the laws of Eved Ivri. You might expect the Torah to build on the foundations of emunah inculcated at Har Sinai and begin with important positive commandments such as tzitzis , tefillin , Shabbos, or Krias Shema. Why does the Torah begin with the undesirable, uncharacteristic, and hopefully uncommon topic of a slave sold due to theft?
Such was the ayin tovah of this talmid chacham who was a giant in middos much as he was a giant in learning. That is the way of the Torah!
Through the Eved Ivri, we learn how beautiful the laws of the Torah are.
Despite his degrading past and lowly position, the Torah gets into the mind of the slave. Hashem knows what drove the slave to theft, and the laws are designed to rehabilitate him. A master must offer his slave the same quality food and drink as he eats, and care for all of his needs. If there is only one pillow in the house, it must be given to the slave. The slave must be treated with dignity and drawn close. Pure Torah hashkafah prods us to see the tzelem Elokim in everyone around us.
Having an Eved Ivri in the house also provided an op-
portunity for the master to educate the slave on proper middos. For six years, the former thief watched his master’s upright behavior and learned how to live properly and ensure he wouldn’t go back to his errant ways once he was released.
Rav Yechezkel Abramsky, zt”l, demonstrated this indirect education through his impeccable treatment of their household help. From time to time, he would call the cleaning woman over and tell her to take a break and rest. He told her to work more slowly so the labor wouldn’t be as difficult, despite the expense of the extra hours of pay. Being treated this honorably caused the cleaning woman to look more favorably at the Torah and its wonderful ways.
The Torah begins with the halachos of Eved Ivri to demonstrate that middos tovos are the foundation of Torah, “Derech eretz kadmah l’Torah.”
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Pure Torah hashkafah prods us to see the tzelem Elokim in everyone around us.
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Monsey Men Honored by Ramapo for Lifesaving Lake Suzanne Rescue
Three local residents were honored by the Town of Ramapo last week for jumping into ice-covered waters to save a nineyear-old boy who fell through the surface and tumbled into Lake Suzanne.
VIN News reported that the incident took place on February 6 when two boys ventured out onto the ice near Vincent Drive, not realizing that above-average temperatures had left Lake Suzanne with a relatively thin layer of ice in contrast to other years. As the ice began to crack, one of the boys fell into the water, while the other was able to safely make his way to shore.
According to Hamodia, Satmar Yeshiva bus driver Usher Wieder was nearly done with his route when he passed by Lake Suzanne and saw a boy walking out of the water. Wieder stopped his bus and asked a passerby to call Hatzoloh while he went into the water and attempted to rescue the second child, who was struggling in the water.
Hatzoloh contacted Chaverim at 5:20 p.m., asking to respond to the scene with a boat. Chaverim member Shloimie Shapiro arrived at Lake Suzanne in under two minutes, spreading a ladder out onto the lake’s frozen surface in an effort to cross the ice safely, with Hatzoloh member Moshe Schuster also making his way into the water. The three men managed to get the boy out of the frigid lake, and he was treated by Rockland Hatzoloh before being taken to Westchester Medical Center, which credited the emergency medical corps for saving his life.
All three men were recognized by Ramapo Town Hall on Wednesday and were presented with plaques for their heroism by Supervisor Michael Specht and the town board.
The boy’s father, who asked to remain anonymous, credited Wieder for taking the time to investigate the situation. He also thanked Hatzoloh and Chaverim members for staying with himself and his family at the hospital long after the emergency had passed.
“As soon as I grabbed the boy and said, ‘Just hold on, I’ll bring you out,’ you could see the relief on his face,” said Wieder. “The child trusted me when I told him I would bring him out.”
Haverstraw Settles Shul Court Case
Six months after unexpectedly blocking approvals for a local shul, the Haverstraw Planning Board has reached a settlement with K’hal Bnei Torah after more than a year of legal wrangling.
As previously reported in The Monsey View, the shul’s application drew national attention when one Haverstraw resident complained about Jews walking in the streets on Shabbos, telling the planning board that if he hit someone, he would back up and run them over a second time. Town officials were stunned in August when the planning board voted to oppose the shul just moments after the attorney for the planning and zoning board said that it would be approved, citing protections offered to congregations under the Religious Land Use and Institutionalized Persons Act, known as RLUIPA.
K’hal Bnei Torah sued the Town of Haverstraw in federal court, and a Stipulation of Settlement was drawn up for the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York, reported The Journal News. Under the agreement, the shul will
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reduce the size of an addition that will be added to the house at 62 Riverglen Drive in Thiells, while Haverstraw will pay the shul’s $235,000 in legal fees within 21 days of its signing. The shul still faces an additional legal challenge, with two neighbors stipulating that RLUIPA is not applicable and is essentially a flawed law.
George Washington University Law School professor Robert Tuttle reviewed the federal court filings and said that while perhaps the statute is in need of review, this case would not likely trigger a further evaluation. Last summer, when the planning board denied the shul’s application, Tuttle had noted that there was no rational basis for the rejection and that Haverstraw would likely face significant challenges trying to defend its position in court.
NY Health Department Says Goodbye to Masks
New York State’s Department of Health has lifted its mask mandate in health care settings, one of the last COVID mandates remaining in effect.
CBS News reported that the state rolled back the mask mandate on Sunday, leaving the decision of whether or not to mask up in the hands of individual health care facilities, including hospitals, nursing homes and treatment centers. According to The Journal News, acting New York State Health Commissioner Dr. James McDonald said that the move was made possible by the availability and safety of COVID vaccines and other treatments. He described the end of the health care mask mandate as “a transition,” declaring that the pandemic has not yet ended.
In the five boroughs, NYC Health + Hospitals has said that its mask mandates will continue for now. Mount Sinai has said it will review its policies before making an announcement, with staff at New York Presbyterian saying that it, too, was waiting to make a decision, as of Sunday afternoon.
New Virtual Simulator Helps Ramapo PD Train for Multiple Scenarios
Continuing their efforts to ensure the safety of Ramapo residents, members of the Ramapo Police Department have begun training on a device that provides real life training through virtual simulations. The MILO system was purchased by the Town of Ramapo to further enhance police training initiatives.
“Expanding our police scenario-based training on crisis intervention, duty-to-intervene, de-escalation, force options, judgment skills and situational awareness builds upon our Police Reform and Reinvention Collaborative commitments,” said Supervisor Michael Specht.
Sergeant Robert Basset, principal firearms instructor for the Ramapo Police Department, said that the MILO system
will allow officers to practice and sharpen their skills in an environment that is realistic, safe and controlled.
Police Chief Martin Reilly praised the system, describing it as “a comprehensive training device to further equip our officers with the skills, knowledge and confidence needed to better protect and serve our community.”
The Ramapo Police Benevolent Association expressed its gratitude to the Town of Ramapo on social media, saying, “Your dedication to providing our members with the equipment and resources needed to do our jobs safely and effectively is truly valued.”
Modest Department Store Opens at American Dream
Owners of The American Dream entertainment complex in Rutherford have taken yet another step to woo Jewish consumers, with a 34,000-square-foot department store celebrating its grand opening this past Tuesday. Located on Level 3 of
American Dream, The ADdress is fully stocked with modest attire for women and children, with two new Monsey Trails routes offering daily service to and from the mall, one serving Monsey and New Square, and the other bringing shoppers from Boro Park and Williamsburg.
“Many brands believe that independence is key to their success, and the mall model goes against that, but we think about the consumer — and do they want a single store, or a place that has 35 different brands?” Devorah Kaplan, head of brand acquisition for The Address, told VIN News. “People come from all over the world to this area, and they spend days running around doing their shopping. We have it all at The ADdress.”
Many of the brands featured at The ADdress had been primarily sold online, but the department store’s opening will make them easily accessible to all, while also giving shoppers the ability to see, touch and try on garments. In addition to fashion labels such as House of Lancry, BYRD New York, Lil Legs and Malka Majesty Gowns, ArtScroll and Waterdale
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acrylic products will also be sold at The ADdress, which will expand by an additional 24,000 square feet on a second level sometime this summer. The new section will feature men’s clothing and bridal wear.
Located within an hour of Monsey, Kiryas Joel, New York City and Lakewood, American Dream has proven to be a popular destination for the Jewish community. A planned kosher food court will be opening soon, and American Dream already has several eateries that serve the Jewish community, including some that offer cholov Yisroel options.
70 MPH Speed Limit a Possibility in NY?
Describing New York’s 65 mph speed limit as outdated, a state senator from the Corning area has sponsored legislation that would let drivers take their speedometers up to 70 in certain areas of the state.
Binghamton Press and Sun-Bulletin reported that Senator Tom O’Mara introduced the bill last week, saying that New York is one of only seven states in the country that still have a 65 mph speed limit in place. With the many technology and safety features included in today’s cars, O’Mara said that he believes that the time has come for New York to raise its speed limit.
“Most states have increased the speed limit to 70 mph, including neighboring Pennsylvania,” said O’Mara. “Many have gone even higher, and it’s time for New York to do the same.”
O’Mara’s bill could have the speed limit going up on more than a dozen roadways, subject to the approval of the New York State Thruway Authority or Department of Transportation. All are in more rural areas of the state.
While O’Mara touted the idea for its convenience and efficiency, the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety took a different view of his bill, saying it would result in more deaths and serious injuries. According to a 2017 study, a speed limit increase of 5% causes an 8% increase in death rates on interstates and freeways, and a 3% jump on other roadways.
“We would expect to see the same thing if New York goes ahead with this,” said IIHS vice president for research and statistics Charles Farmer.
USDA Proposes New Nutrition Standards for School Meal Programs
Schoolkids nationwide can expect to see less sugar and sodium on their plates in the years ahead under proposed recommendations from the United States Department of Agriculture.
NPR reported that the new standards focus on upping the nutritional content of school meals in an effort to limit diet-related diseases, with a report released last year by the FDA showing that 92% of school breakfasts and 69% of school lunches contained excessive amounts of sugar. A recent report by Robert Wood Johnson’s Healthy Eating Research found that aligning standards for school meal programs with the Dietary Guidelines for Americans, which recommends that no more than 10 percent of a meal’s calories should come from added sugars, would create multiple benefits, including improved academic outcomes.
The guidelines would be phased in over a period of several
years, beginning in 2025, limiting sugar in specific high-sugar items at first and, over time, focusing on reducing sugar across the entire school menu. Flavored milk would be allowed under certain circumstances, with restrictions in place to limit the allowable amount of added sugar. The nutrition standards would reduce weekly sodium limits over a period of several years, and would emphasize whole-grain products.
According to the Associated Press, health experts have said that limiting children’s sugar and salt intakes can decrease the incidence of obesity, diabetes, high blood pressure and other health issues, which often persist into adulthood. But while Katie Wilson, executive director of the Urban School Food Alliance, hailed the new standards as being “necessary to help America’s children lead healthier lives,” others took a different view, saying that they place a heavy burden on small and rural school districts.
“School meals are at a breaking point,” said Diane PrattHeavner, a spokesperson for the School Nutrition Association. “These programs are simply not equipped to meet additional rules.”
Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack defended the new guidelines, saying that USDA grants of up to $150,000 will be offered to help small and rural school districts make the proposed changes, which he hopes that schools will implement ahead of the USDA’s current schedule.
A 60-day public comment period on the proposed standards was opened on February 7. Comments can be submitted through April 10 online at or by mail to School Meals Policy Division, Food and Nutrition Service, P.O. Box 9233, Reston, Virginia, 20195.
Choking Hazard Prompts Stroller Toy Recall
A plush toy designed for babies from birth up is being recalled by its manufacturer after 12 reports were received of infants chewing on the item’s decorative elements after they became detached from the main body.
Some 472,850 Skip Hop Silver Lining Cloud Stroller Toys (style number 307150 and UPC 87967402572) are subject to the February 9th recall. The toys, which feature dangling raindrops and can be used with the Silver Lining Cloud Activity Gym, were sold nationwide at retailers including Amazon, Target, Buy Buy Baby, Macy’s, Barnes & Noble and Kohls from June 2016 through December 2022.
Customers who have the affected item are advised to cut off the raindrops immediately, discard them and send Skip Hop a picture of the raindrop-less cloud at www. Consumers will receive a $10 gift card and a free shipping code from the company upon receipt of the photo.
No injuries have been reported in connection with the recall, which affects only the raindrops portion of the toy.
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RECAP: Lenny calls his wife and tells her everything. Even though he knows he’s made an awful mess of things, talking through it seems to have helped. He’s noticeably happier at the end of the conversation.
They did not return via Dublin. Instead, they spent thirteen hours laid over in Alicante, Spain. They checked into a cheap hotel, and Zach and Izzy visited a castle that was supposed to be beautiful. It probably was, too. But Izzy couldn’t tell. He was pretty sure he fell asleep at one point during the tour.
From Alicante, they passed on to Madrid. This layover was only a few hours long, which meant they had enough time to get to their gate, but not enough time to explore.
They’d left Lodz Tuesday morning. But with three flights and two layovers, it was Wednesday afternoon before they landed in JFK. They’d been traveling for close to 36 hours.
“Shower,” Zach gasped to no one in particular. His duffel bag was slung over his shoulder, yet he still outpaced Izzy and Lenny, whose wheeled suitcases dragged behind them. He wrinkled his nose. “I smell so bad, I want to run away from myself!”
“I want to sleep in my own bed,” Izzy mumbled in turn. “Another few hours in
padded chairs, and I doubt I’ll stand up straight ever again.”
Lenny caught up with them, the lines in his face betraying his own weariness. “I just want…” he began, before trailing off with a thoughtful look.
“It’s good to be back,” Zach observed. “But now we’ve gotta face facts. The vacation is over, and we’re all unemployed.”
“That’s why we like you so much,” Izzy replied. “Your boundless optimism.” They rounded a corner and stood in line for passport control. “I’ve been thinking…”
Zach nodded. “That’s good.”
The tiredness lifted a little, and Izzy rolled his eyes in amusement. “Listen, you don’t have much to worry about.” He gestured at Lenny and himself. “We don’t have any jobs lined up for ourselves. But you’ve got contacts you can lean on, friends in high places. And you’re a talented musician to boot. You shouldn’t have any trouble finding work.”
“Oh, I’m not worried,” Zach answered. “In fact, I’ve already got a few ideas on what I might want to do. I might even bring you
in, if you’re interested. What do you think?”
Izzy gave him an appraising look. “Doing what?”
They moved a little forward in line. “Construction,” Zach replied.
“Construction?” Izzy repeated, surprised. “Why construction? And do you actually know anything about it?”
“Not a bit,” Zach answered cheerfully. “But I know people who do, and I think I can get them to work for me. I wouldn’t handle the hands-on parts of things. I’d get contracts, manage customer relations, hire the right people. I’ve already got a network of connections. People trust me, or at least they used to.” Zach smiled, a little painfully. “Hopefully, they will again. I think it’ll work.”
Izzy considered. “Where would I come in?”
“You’ve got a head for administrative work. You’ve got a legal background.” Zach shrugged. “Seems like just what I’d need to get rolling.”
Izzy nodded slowly. “I can’t think about it now, but let’s talk. It definitely sounds interesting.”
“Will do.”
Lenny leaned forward. “I ran a construction company once, you know.”
Zach and Izzy shared a quick glance at each other before looking away.
“Did it do well?” Zach asked.
“It did at first,” Lenny answered a bit weakly. “We did good work, but I took on too much.”
“I see.”
They arrived at the front of the line, sparing Zach any further awkwardness.
“Good afternoon,” the woman said from within the glass enclosure. “May I see your passports, please?”
Julia was waiting for him outside baggage claim. Lenny had worried that she might not come. After everything he’d told her on the phone, she’d been awfully quiet. He still didn’t know what she was planning.
But there she was, waiting for him. She even took his carry-on while he dragged his suitcase toward the parking lot.
But none of that meant he was off the hook. In fact, Lenny realized, he didn’t want to be off the hook. He wanted to make things right, not forget about them.
So it was with trepidation, but also some excitement, that he got into the car and looked over at his wife.
“We need to talk, Lenny,” she said slowly.
“I know,” Lenny said back.
They talked for the entire drive home, and then for another hour at the living room table, before the kids came home and interrupted them. He sat down at the table and did math with Jesse, listened to Sheva run on and on about something her friend had said. David wasn’t home yet, but Lenny made a mental note to track the boy down and lose a game of basketball.
And later, when the kids were taken care of, he and Julia spoke some more.
What they came up with was no solution, no quick fix for all their problems. At best, it was just a beginning, and it would be hard for both of them. Julia would have to work more hours, they would have to cut their expenses to the
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bone. And of course, Lenny had to find work ASAP.
But they had a plan, Julia was on his side, and he was back with his family.
It was like a dream come true.
Izzy’s car was in long-term storage at the airport. He offered to take Zach straight back to New Jersey, but there was nothing for Zach to do once he got there. In the end, Zach decided to take it easy and return home a day later. They cleaned themselves up, had a dinner that wasn’t pizza or barbecue, and made it to the Lodzer shul a few minutes before Maariv.
The two of them entered the beis medrash chatting tiredly, chuckling at something Zach had just said. Izzy held the manuscript, wrapped in a plastic bag, under one arm.
Chaim Simcha noticed them immediately.
With a loud cry of “welcome home!” he leaped up from his seat and rushed over, a broad smile plastered across his face. He embraced Izzy in a huge bear hug, then turned and gave Zach the same treatment.
“Shalom aleichem! ” he said loudly. Then, as if he couldn’t contain himself, he whooped, “It’s so good to see you two!”
“It’s good to be back,” Izzy said. “But oh, man, I am so tired. I could sleep for a week.”
“I could sleep for two weeks,” Zach countered. “In fact, I think I will, just as soon as I get back to New Jersey.”
“So?” Chaim Simcha prompted. He pointed to the bag. “Is that what I think it is?”
“No, it’s a sack of doughnuts.” Izzy grinned and presented the package to his brother. “Take a look, bro. The last sefer of the last Rebbe of Lodz.”
“Until now,” Zach corrected.
Izzy nodded solemnly. “Until now.”
Chaim Simcha removed the book from the bag with a look of reverence. He turned it over and over in his hands, his eyes wide and round behind his glasses. For a moment, it seemed as if he would kiss it, but instead he carried it to his shtender in the front of the room. With an oddly ceremonial little flourish, he set the book down and reached for the cover. Then he paused, and glanced at Zach.
“It technically belongs to you. Can I… open it?”
Izzy almost laughed out loud. Chaim Simcha had the look of a kid given carte blanche in a candy store.
Zach must have felt the same way. Eyes twinkling with amusement, he said, “Be my guest.”
Chaim Simcha opened up to the first page, a smile of pure joy on his face. It brought a pang of jealousy to Izzy. Why couldn’t he find such happiness? Izzy was glad to have the book, certainly. But for Chaim Simcha, it was like the sefer had flipped a switch deep in his soul. Just by being there. By existing. Izzy had never felt that way about anything. He won-
* * * * *
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dered if he ever would.
“Wait a minute,” Chaim Simcha said suddenly. Gone was the childlike wonder. Now his face seemed to flash between confusion, surprise, disbelief. Awe. He pointed at the words in front of him.
“Look,” he said.
“What are we looking at?” Izzy asked. He and Zach leaned in on either side, but he couldn’t understand what Chaim Simcha was so excited about. “It’s just the title page…”
“The title is Akiva Nechamtanu…”
Izzy shook his head slightly. “So what?”
“There’s a quote underneath it,” Chaim Simcha stressed, still in the same hushed tone. He turned the sefer toward Izzy.
Izzy squinted at the Rebbe’s thin, spidery script. “I appoint for Myself trustworthy witnesses: Uriah Hakohen and Zechariah ben Yevarechyahu,” he translated. He looked up at Chaim Simcha in confusion. “What are —”
“‘But what does Uriah have to do with Zechariah? ’” Chaim Simcha continued. “That line is a quote from the end of Makkos. It’s asking why the pasuk links Uriah, a navi from the first Beis Hamikdash, with Zechariah, who lived at the beginning of Bayis Sheni.”
Izzy frowned. “Again, so what? What’s the point here?”
“Don’t you get it?” Chaim Simcha asked, practically dancing now. “It’s a message: You can’t have Moshiach, like Zechariah talks about, without the destruction of Uriah first. That’s what Rabi Akiva is saying in the Gemara. You have to hit rock bottom before you can rise. Think, Izzy! Uriah and Zechariah!”
“What are you trying to say? Just tell us,” Zach said, his tone just a little frustrated. “We’re not getting it.”
Chaim Simcha put a hand on Izzy’s shoulder. “You’re Uriah – your name is Yisrael Uriah.”
Izzy’s eyes went wide with understanding. He gestured to Zach. “And Zach — Zachary is the English version of Zechariah.”
“Richtig! ” Chaim Simcha shouted. “Now you’re getting it! The Rebbe was talking about you two!”
Zach frowned. “I don’t under— Are you sure about this? It seems a little crazy. What’s the message here?”
Izzy shrugged. “Maybe we hit rock bottom with this trip. All the craziness, the fact that we’re out of work, all of it. Maybe the message is that we needed this, that we’re about to soar.”
Chaim Simcha nodded. “Maybe you’re about to bring Moshiach! You never know. Or maybe the Rebbe wanted to ask you two a question: What does Yisrael Uriah have to do with Zechariah Ganz? Why did Hashem bring you two together in the first place?” He took Zach and Izzy by the arms and physically drew them all closer. “What tachlis can you two bring into the world? What potential do you have, together, that could change everything ?”
Izzy chuckled nervously. “Beats me. We were going to try to work together,
them, so it might just work out.
“Maybe,” Izzy conceded. “I’ve got to think about it.”
“You do that.” Chaim Simcha seemed to understand what Izzy wasn’t saying, yet another of his rebbishe talents. But he didn’t press the issue. Instead, Chaim Simcha glanced back down at the sefer on his shtender, and his smile returned. He clapped them both happily on the shoulder. “The Rebbe wasn’t a navi,” he said. “But I’m pretty sure he had ruach hakodesh in spades. I’d be willing to bet that we’re witnessing the start of something really beautiful. L’chaim!”
Zach nodded. “You might be right.”
“I think he’s right,” Izzy agreed. On a whim, he grabbed Zach’s hand and shook it firmly. “Izzy and Zach Con-
maybe. Doing construction and stuff.”
“And we’re writing some music,” Zach added thoughtfully.
“There is that,” Izzy said, more to himself than to his brother. He came to earth suddenly. “Say, Lenny’s Hebrew name doesn’t happen to be Akiva, does it? Or Nechamtanu or something?”
Chaim Simcha grinned. “It’s Yaakov,” he admitted. “But he might still be a part of your tachlis. You never know. Maybe you’ll help each other yet. Give him a call tomorrow, and find out,” he suggested.
Izzy definitely didn’t want to do that. Lenny seemed to have turned over a new leaf, true. But that didn’t mean Izzy wanted any more do with the man. Lenny attracted trouble wherever he went. And Izzy had had more than enough trouble lately.
Still, maybe that was precisely why they should stay in touch with him. Lenny desperately needed people around him who could help him, could be a steadying influence. Doubtless that was what Chaim Simcha was thinking. It was the rebbe in him, always looking out for lost souls. And Lennny did claim to have experience that might help
struction sounds like a great idea.”
Zach shook just as firm, but his eyes twinkled. “Zach and Izzy is a better idea, I think…”
“Hey, over dehr,” Morrie growled from his seat in the back. “Are ve going to start Maariv, or vhat?” He looked at the three of them and rolled his eyes. “My granddaughter’s vedding is next veek. I don’t vhant to be late!”
Chaim Simcha laughed. “Fair enough, Morrie.” He turned to his brother. “Care to do the honors?”
Izzy nodded and donned a tallis. It felt comfortable, right. He was finally home. And, for the first time in a long while, it even felt like he had some direction in his life. He had no job, no shidduch, and no idea what the future would hold. But somehow, it all made perfect sense to him.
And to think that all it had taken to achieve this perspective was to fly halfway around the world and get arrested.
If only everything in life were so easy…
He stepped up to the amud and opened the giant siddur
“Vehu rachum…”
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Purim is almost upon us. Does the thought make your heart quicken with anticipation—or apprehension? Help, what am I doing for mishloach manos?
This year, I’m taking a break from sweets to focus on the big-ticket Purim items, namely wine, meat and more meat. Let’s get this party started!
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Whether you’re sending this barrel of goodness to a special someone or displaying it at home, this one definitely calls for a l’chaim. Agantzyahrfreilich!
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When I embarked on my jerky-making mission I knew I had to enlist the help of the best in the field. Once Mr. Gluck from Flavor On Board generously shared some expert tricks and tips, I was ready to roll! For those in need of ready-made, beautiful shalach manos and all things jerky-related, check out the beautiful selection at Flavor On Board.
The smoky flavor derived from the liquid smoke makes these irresistible.
1½ to 2 lb. London broil or skirt steak
¼ cup soy sauce
¼ cup teriyaki sauce
¼ cup brown sugar, packed
¼ tsp. garlic powder
1½ tsp. liquid smoke
The menfolk in my house devoured this in a blink!
1½ to 2 lb. London broil or skirt steak
¼ cup soy sauce
¼ cup brown sugar, packed
1 tsp. crushed red pepper flakes
1 tsp. onion powder
1 tsp. garlic powder
½ tsp. black pepper
2 T. orange juice
2 T. grape juice
1 T. vinegar
1 tsp. Worcestershire sauce
(for both flavors)
1. Freeze the meat for 1 to 2 hours so it’s easier to slice.
2. Trim all the fat from the edges.
3. Slice the steak into ⅛-inch slices. Cut against the grain, checking which direction the lines run and cutting in the opposite direction.
4. Mix together the marinade ingredients. Place the marinade and meat into a Ziploc bag, and marinate overnight. Turn the meat a few times while marinating to distribute the flavors evenly.
5. Remove the meat from the marinade and arrange the slices in a single layer on a cooking rack set over a baking sheet.
6. Bake the meat for 3 hours at 170°, turning once halfway through.
7. Remove the jerky from the oven and immediately place it in a sealed bag.
8. The jerky can be stored at room temperature if vacuum packed, in the fridge for one week, or in the freezer for several months.
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This charcuterie board is a great way to bring festivity and Purim spirit into your home. One and all are welcome to nibble and nosh, or just enjoy the feast for the eye!
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This fun and easy recipe adds elegance and sophistication to your meat board.
8 oz. beef fry
2 T. brown sugar, packed
Pinch of crushed red pepper flakes
Pinch of cayenne pepper
Pinch of salt
Pinch of black pepper
1. Preheat the oven to 325°.
2. Place the beef fry in a single layer on one or two sheet pans.
3. Mix together the sugar and spices. Sprinkle this mixture onto the beef fry, and press down to make it adhere to the meat.
4. Bake the beef fry for 25 to 30 minutes, until it’s crisp but not burned.
It doesn’t get simpler than this! If you freeze the chips, reheat them gently on low heat until just warm.
12 oz. salami roll
¼ cup apricot jam
¼ cup mustard
¼ tsp. crushed red pepper flakes
1. Preheat the oven to 325°.
2. Cut the salami into thin slices, approximately ⅛-inch thick.
3. Place the slices on a parchment-lined cookie sheet and bake for 35 to 45 minutes.
4. To make the dipping sauce, place all ingredients in a container and shake until combined. It may remain somewhat chunky.
5. Serve the salami chips with the dipping sauce.
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Friends and family will be delighted to receive this gourmet package of readyto-serve seudah fare.
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Homemade pickled condiments were always on my bucket list. Now that I tried it, I am eager to spread the wealth.
Unlike fermented vegetables, pickled condiments are fast and simple to make. They can be a lovely shalach manos gift as well as a tasty addition to your Purim seudah. But watch out — these are highly addictive! Pickled vegetables last 1 to 2 months in the refrigerator.
You’ll want to put these on everything. The jalapenos are very spicy at first, and mellow as they sit in the fridge.
20 jalapeno peppers
1¼ cups white vinegar
1¼ cups filtered water
1 T. sugar
2 T. kosher salt
2 tsp. pickling spice
1. Using gloves, remove the stems from the jalapenos and cut the peppers into thin rings.
2. Place the jalapeno rings into a large jar (or two smaller jars), pressing down to pack the jar tightly.
3. Place the remaining ingredients in a pot (use a pareve pot or pan and pareve utensils to keep the final product pareve), and bring to a boil.
4. Remove the pickling liquid from the heat and pour it over the jalapenos while still hot. Seal the jar.
5. Let the jar cool, then refrigerate it. The jalapenos can be eaten after an hour, but will taste best after a few days.
These add a pretty pop of color and zing to everything.
1 large red onion
1¼ cups white vinegar
½ cup water
1 T. sugar
1 T. salt
1 tsp. pickling spice
Pinch of crushed red pepper flakes
1. Slice the onions thinly and place them into a medium-sized jar.
2. Place the remaining ingredients in a pot (use a pareve pot or pan and pareve utensils to keep the final product pareve), and bring to a boil.
3. Remove the pickling liquid from the heat and pour it over the onions while still hot. Seal the jar.
4. Let the jar cool, then refrigerate it.
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by: Y. BLOOMING photos courtesy of: FLAVOR ON BOARD
These days, everyone and their brother is curing fish that weren’t even unwell, leaving behind a little mess and a lot of flavor. With the month of Adar about to awaken us from our winter slumber, here we take some smelling salts and jump into the curing game.
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These days, every vachnacht or kiddush worth bragging about boasts multiple types of cured fish. Now, to be fair, the herring our grandfathers ate was also cured, but for the purpose of this conversation we are going to focus on the cured fish you’re more likely to find at a simcha. You know, the new kids on the block.
Before we begin, we must ask what cured fish is and why anyone would eat it.
Back in the days before refrigeration, it was necessary to find creative ways to keep fish (and other foods) preserved for long periods. Curing the fish involved using a variety of methods to prevent spoilage. One way or another, they all included salting the fish.
Why is that? Anyone who has ever done anything in a kitchen knows that salt pulls moisture out of food through the process of osmosis. If you’ve never heard of it, slice a couple of vegetables on a plate, salt them, and watch what begins to happen within a minute.
When fish is cured, the salt draws moisture from the microorganisms that cause food to rot and produce toxins that affect our health. Bacteria cannot survive under a high osmotic pressure, which leads to the fish being persevered for lengthy periods.
Today, with the ability to freeze fish for long periods, there is no longer a need for curing it. Nevertheless, the upgrade in flavor and texture curing offers accounts for its growing popularity.
For those who didn’t listen during biology class, osmosis is the movement of water through a barrier. This is the process that helps cells absorb water, kidneys filter blood, and countless other functions we take for granted. Without getting too deep into the weeds, osmosis causes water to flow from an area of a higher concentration of water molecules (the inside of the aforementioned vegetable) to an area with a lower concentration of it (the salt on the surface).
Most cured salmon sold commercially today is presented as lox, even though the original lox called for salmon to be cured in salt alone, and today’s options are more varied. Nova lox, named after the area of Nova Scotia, where much salmon hails from, also includes smoking, which has led to smoked salmon and lox becoming almost interchangeable. Gravlax is another popular cured salmon, this one with the addition of sugar, herbs and other flavors.
With a growing number of boutique fisheries in the community offering an array of cured fish options, there’s no cure in sight for this salty craving.
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The term cure shares the same Latin origin as the more common cure that refers to healing. It stems from curare, which means to take care of
If you’re interested in taking care of some fish yourself, here are some tips born of personal experience. The process is really simple, and a little tinkering will get you to your preferred desired results. We will focus on the easiest and most common fish to cure: salmon.
Buy farm-raised. Yes, you read correctly. While wildcaught salmon is generally lauded for its benefits, you want a fish that you know has been raised without the potential for parasites.
Get quality fish. Ask your fish seller to give you a piece of salmon that is sushi-grade or as close to it as possible.
Start with a dry cure. You can cure fish in a brine solution, but a dry rub that includes salt and some other select ingredients (read on) is simpler and less messy.
Choose your size. If you want a quick cure (several hours), cut the fish into small pieces (think the size of herring tidbits). If you’ve got a couple of days, you can keep it whole.
Salt heavily. Place your fish into a container and cover it with a thick and generous amount of salt. You will be rinsing it off later anyway, so don’t be stingy. A handy tip is to aim for salt that totals around 15% of the weight of the fish. Use kosher salt or thicker grains of salt rather than table salt.
Add flavor. You can add sugar — brown sugar works great — to your salt for added benefit. Not only will it add great taste, but the sugar feeds helpful Lactobacillus bacteria, keeping the harmful bacteria levels low. You can also add peppercorn, allspice, pickling spices, herbs, garlic cloves, or anything you like, to taste.
Allow to cure. The fish will cure within hours, with the exact time depending on the size of the fish. More time will draw even more moisture from it and change the texture further.
Prepare for serving. Rinse the cure and pat dry. Cut thin slices if you’re going for more of a traditional lox-style bite. For a salad or snack, chop small. You can also pulse in food processor with finely chopped jalapeños, onions and something sweet, or enjoy it any way you like it.
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Bagels and lox have become synonymous with Jewish cuisine in America over the past century. But why?
There is no direct connection between earlier Jewish life and this delicacy. In fact, salmon was expensive and hard to come by back in the shtetl. But lox did become popular with Jewish immigrants in the early 1900s, even though it wasn’t their creation, and the association has stuck ever since. Notably, the word lox itself comes from the Yiddish and German name for salmon.
A number of reasons have been suggested for its popularity among Jews. For one, lox didn’t require cooking or refrigeration for poor families living in tenements in crowded conditions and without proper kitchens. Another advantage was that lox is neither milchig nor fleishig, and has no shechitah requirements, making it a perfect source of protein for those who kept kosher.
Any bagel with lox isn’t complete without cream cheese, right? Food experts claim that the rich, sweet cream cheese once stood up beautifully to the original lox, which was far saltier than the smoked fish we call lox today (see above). Some claim that today’s lox sandwiches are not complemented by cream cheese in the same way.
Yet the sales numbers seem to disagree. Well, with a food as Jewish as this, what else but disagreement would you expect?
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Many tales have been told of a gigantic fish that is hidden within the depths of the sea. No one in modern history has found this fish — and yet, we believe that it exists and will one day be served at a meal upon the arrival of Moshiach. That fish is the Livyasan, an enormous, solitary fish that has never even been seen.
And Hashem created hataninim hagedolim , and every living creature that crawls, with which the waters swarmed, according to their kind, and every winged fowl, according to its kind, and Hashem saw that it was good.
— Bereishis 1:21
Rashi tells us that “hataninim hagedolim” refers to the two Livyasan fish Hashem created on the fifth day — one of which Hashem killed, salted, and put away for the righteous in the future. Beyond this, there are several other mentions of the Livyasan in the Torah, including a full perek and a half in Sefer Iyov devoted to the might of this great sea beast. In Iyov, we learn that the Livyasan is a kosher fish, for “There is pride in his strong shields, closed with a narrow seal” (41:7). Rashi tells us that this refers to his scales, “which protect him like a shield.” The words “Under him are rays of the sun; where he lies is gold upon the mire” (41:22) refer to “his fins which are upon his belly,” for they “illumine and shine like the sun.”
Throughout this segment of Iyov, the Livyasan’s might is vividly described. The picture is painted of a powerful creature upon whom no weapon can have effect. The Livyasan knows no fear of created beings and has a frightful effect in the water he lives in,
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Some commentators point out that the word “Livyasan” shares the same root as the words “Levi,” “levayah ” and “melaveh.” These are all terms denoting connection, as Leah Imeinu said when she named her son Levi, “This time my husband will become attached ( yelaveh) to me.”
The reason for Hashem rejoicing during the three-hour period of the afternoon (see below) is the great force of connection that is aroused when a Yid stops everything he is doing in the middle of the day to praise his Maker and daven Mincha.
making it “seethe like a bubbling pot.” The verses describe flames coming forth from his mouth and powerful sneezes that flash forth light. He is a fearsome creation, dubbed “king over all proud beasts.”
One might think of the Livyasan as a lonely creature, having lost his mate at the dawn of Creation, but Tehillim tells us that he has the greatest of companions:
You formed this Livyasan with which to sport.
– Tehillim 104:26
The Gemara in Avodah Zarah (3b) tells us that until the Churban, Hashem would busy Himself with the Livyasan, frolicking with him for three hours each afternoon. In fact, Sefer Iyov tells us that “sadness rejoices before him,” which means the Livyasan is a creature full of simcha Perek Shirah informs us that the Livyasan sings of Hashem’s kindness each day, saying, “Hodu laShem ki tov, ki l’olam chasdo! ”
While this may sound fantastical, the Maharal writes that because the Livyasan is the largest of all creatures, it is used to represent all of Hashem’s creations and Hashem’s deep involvement with each of them on a personal level. Just as Hashem rejoices in “frolicking with the Livyasan,” so too, the entire creation is a source of joy for the Creator, as the pasuk says, “Let Hashem rejoice in His handiwork” (Tehillim 104:31).
After Adam and Chavah ate from the Eitz Hadaas, Hashem clothed them in garments of skin. Where did that skin come from?
Various meforshim comment that the skin was made from the female Livyasan that Hashem salted and put away for the righteous l’asid lavo
Bava Basra 75a tells us that in future times there will be a sukkah made from the skin of the Livyasan, and that the
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remainder of its skin will be spread over the walls of Yerushalayim, radiating glory from one end of the world to the other.
The Baal HaTanya writes that the Livyasan represents a particular type of tzaddik — one who is so deeply immersed in spirituality that he has little connection to This World. This Livyasan-type of tzaddik is similar to Rabbi Shimon bar Yochai, who was able to reach great heights in avodas Hashem even though he was hidden in a cave and was unable to perform physical mitzvos such as shaking the lulav and hearing the shofar
There is another type of tzaddik — one who functions deeply within physicality, elevating and purifying the world through his engagement with earthly matters. He is represented by the Shor Habor — the Livyasan’s counterpart on land, in size and power.
The Midrash Rabbah describes a future battle between the Livyasan and the Shor Habor. This will happen when the Shor Habor impales the Livyasan, and the Livyasan uses its fin to shecht the Shor Habor. Shechting implies that something is made more fit and elevated to a
higher state.
According to the Baal HaTanya, this battle is an allegory for the importance of both types of tzaddikim, and how, at the end of days, they will elevate one another to even higher levels of service.
Ultimately, we are told that there will be a seudah in times to come in which delicacies prepared from both the Shor Habor and the Livyasan will be served, together with the Yayin Meshumar, to those who are invited to partake of the feast. This much-awaited feast will be the reward for Yidden who have devoted themselves to connecting with Hashem. Though a feast sounds lovely to our earthly ears, the Rambam writes in his introduction to Perek Chelek that we have really no understanding of what this means, for “there is no way in This World to grasp and comprehend the ultimate good which the soul will experience in the World to Come.” More specifically, he writes that “the Sages referred to this
good which is prepared for the righteous with the metaphor: the feast.”
He further explains that because we know only bodily good, we can comprehend goodness only in a finite form, but the ultimate good that will be experienced will be so overwhelmingly great that there is no true comparison in this world.
According to the Raavad, however, the feast of the Livyasan will be a physical meal, for “ein Mikra yotzi mipeshuto — you can’t take the verse out of its simple meaning.” This means the account should be understood according to its literal meaning.
Rabbi Levi Yitzchak MiBerditchev resolves the conflict about whether the feast will be spiritual or physical, writing that for simple folk whose pleasure is limited to the physical world, the seudah will be experienced as a physical meal, and they’ll enjoy the taste of the Livyasan, the Shor Habor and the Yayin Meshumar. For tzaddikim, though, it will be a time in which they’ll engage in a different sort of feast: the gratification of a heightened spiritual relationship with Hashem.
May we all be zoche to delight in far more than just the taste of a great fillet of fish!
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I couldn’t resist
putting that pun in the title. What else would you call an article about a relatively small piece of wonder that’s boxed up in glass and brought to you for your viewing pleasure?
Personally, I enjoy visiting aquariums. They’re clean, noise-free and odor-free. Outdoor zoos, on the other hand, I leave to animal enthusiasts like my sons.
Despite my fondness for water zoos, though, I’ll be the first to admit that I never wondered how they work. How they’re built. How how they get the fish. How their tanks are cleaned. But in writing this piece, I got myself good and curious.
So, aquariums.
First of all, they weren’t always around. Debuting in 1853, the first public aquarium was housed at the London Zoo. Until then, life under the sea was just another unknown to humans!
Now, I’d speedily fill a jumbo edition of The Monsey View with aquarium information if I could, but that’s a moot point. Let’s explore the main areas of interest in aquariums, zooming in on the more captivating details as we move along.
How They’re Built
For starters, how do they build those massive aquarium windows? (I know, right? I never wondered either!) Walk into an aquarium, and you’ll feel as though you’re walking right up to the fish. The perfect transparency of the acrylic in front of you belies its thickness and strength and the massive effort it takes to look so effortless.
Take it straight from Tetsuhiro Shikiyama, former president and current chairman of Nippura, Japanese manufacturers of the top-quality acrylic windows used in some of the world’s most prestigious aquariums.
Shikiyama, a chemist by profession, has been at this for more than half a century. One of his most monumental works is the window of the massive display tank in the Okinawa Churaumi Aquarium in Japan. Looking into that tank, you don’t realize you’re looking right through a work of genius.
You see, that window is made of acrylic that’s 60 centimeters thick. That’s right; facing the tank, you’d be looking through nearly two feet of window! This window consists of sixteen layers of acrylic sheets glued together. And you can’t tell at all!
Acrylic is a plastic that’s stronger and more transparent than glass, and it can be layered in sheets for additional strength. But since acrylic panels can lose transparency when glued together, a glue with the same refraction angle as the acrylic itself is used. This thick, sticky glue must be perfectly applied, without a single gap or bubble.
But once another acrylic panel is laid on top of the glue, doesn’t the glue drip down the sides? Here’s when Shikiyama thought of the thin noodles that are so popular in Japan. Laying these noodles in a frame at the edges of each panel worked perfectly to prevent glue leakage, and they contracted along with the glue as it dried, preventing air bubbles. Genius!
After a rather protracted drying time of two months, the panels are polished by hand to achieve perfect transparency. In Shikiyama’s words, “The focus of any aquarium should be the creatures inside, and not the aquarium itself.”
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How They’re Maintained
Walk into an aquarium, and you’ll gaze appreciatively at the graceful feats of multiple sea creatures. Hidden from view, though, is a rather inelegant, cavernous room — or set of rooms, or even wing! — containing behemoth pumps, filters and pipelines. Welcome to the decidedly unfancy life support system that keeps those colorful aquatic animals alive.
Public aquariums use natural or artificial seawater. And no, seawater cannot just be pumped straight from the bay into the aquarium tanks. Only a proper, deep-ocean pipeline would work for that — which some large aquariums do boast.
Spring water won’t do, either. Water creatures need their H2O to be of a specifically balanced quality, hence the life support system. This system pumps and filters water to rid it of pollution, sewage and unwanted materials like metals and plastics.
Even some aquariums located near the sea choose to create their own mix in order to have more control over the water’s makeup. First the water is treated with salt mixes that mimic the major, minor and trace elements found in favorable ocean conditions. Then it’s mixed with freshwater — after chlorine compounds have been removed from it — and hello, seawater!
This water is still constantly tested for quality, because you can’t just slap together a recipe and hope for the best when we’re talking about an environment that supports life. Here’s just a partial list of components aquarium water is generally tested for: temperature, acidity, salt content, oxygen content and nitrogen content.
How Aquariums Get Their Fish
How sea creatures are purchased and transported varies. Some, like Monterey Bay aquarium in California, actually collect the animals on their own. They zip out on a ship with an attached apparatus that reminds me of a Yiddishe mamme: This SUV-sized robot is all arms for so many different functions you’d be dizzy naming them. Its operatives send it way down in the deep while they sit on the deck, checking rare tropical species off their shopping list as the robot’s many telescopes and canisters do the work.
The more plebeian among aquarium societies get their fish from marine suppliers. Sea animals may be rescued, bred in captivity or caught in the wild. Since the aquarium trade is a global industry, and the vast oceans are hard to police, hunting restrictions aren’t so tight in all waters where fish are caught, and diving expeditions to collect them often go undocumented. This leads to some species being over-collected and in danger of extinction—and leaves some wondering if aquariums are at all ethical. That might be an interesting family discussion to have before next Chol Hamoed!
234 The Monsey View
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How the Creatures Are Fed
This isn’t your home-tank, which needs just a few shakes of fish flakes a day. Feeding fish in an aquarium may require divers to get in there and do the job. But that’s when it comes to feeding big guys like sea turtles. Fish in open water tanks can be fed by dropping food from above, while creatures deep in the tank can be fed via man-made “claws” or wide pipes.
How the Tanks Are Cleaned
Again, divers. And here I thought the sport was strictly out in the ocean and for fun! Aquarium divers enter the tanks before visitors arrive to vacuum waste and scrub the glass, as well as to make sure the tanks are clean and safe.
236 The Monsey View
Dos and Don’ts
The three basic rules of maintaining aquarium fish are: Don’t overcrowd the tanks, as this lowers water quality fast.
Don’t overfeed the fish, as uneaten food contaminates the water.
Do partial water changes frequently to remove pollutants.
At any large aquarium you’ll find accountants, animal trainers, engineers, biologists and scientists. All of them are required to work together as a team to create the optimal environment for marine animals.
In general, you want an aquarium to be managed by people who care more about the creatures than the coffers. You want a staff who will be constantly on guard to maintain the highest standards in fish life support, who will care where their fish come from, and who will look for ways to better the environment of aquatic sea animals, both in and out of captivity.
238 The Monsey View
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Must-See Aquariums Around the World
SeaWorld, Abu Dhabi
If we’re talking noteworthy attractions worldwide, of course Dubai is building something bigger, better and grander than ever. Of course. For comparison, Chimelong Ocean Kingdom in China, currently holding bragging rights as the world’s largest aquarium, holds 49 million liters of water. When it opens, SeaWorld in Abu Dhabi will hold 58 million liters of water in a five-floor, uber-realistic sea experience, home to 68,000 marine animals.
240 The Monsey View
Must-See Aquariums Around the World
Okinawa Churaumi Aquarium, Japan
With tanks massive enough to hold whale sharks, Okinawa Churaumi is one of the biggest and best. For a bit of perspective, a male whale shark can grow up to 61 feet in length, and the tank in question holds more than one such shark (see photo)!
This tank is also the one that features the acrylic panel built by Tetsuhiro Shikiyama of Nippura fame, and it’s so flawless that you literally can’t see it.
242 The Monsey View
243 845.600.8484 February 15, 2023 The Monsey View
Must-See Aquariums Around the World
Curacao Sea
Aquarium Park, Curacao
Concern for sea animals will be allayed in this aquarium, a portion of which is built in the sea itself. The species in this park actually live in ocean water that is pumped directly into each tank to mirror their natural environment. If you fancy snorkeling and scuba diving, here’s where to do it. For the rest of us, who may prefer to stay dry, there’s an underwater window where you can view the sea life from land.
244 The Monsey View
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Must-See Aquariums Around the World S.E.A. Aquarium, Singapore
This is the coral garden exhibit, and no, none of the coral featured are live. The coral-eating creatures inside this cylindrical display would have quite the party if they’d have anything but artificial coral to beautify their tank as they swish about.
Besides the vastly varied array of fish you’ll meet in this aquarium — Pacific octopus, green brittle stars and hammerhead sharks included — S.E.A. also houses a rainforest habitat, touch tank, and a recreated two-story shipwreck.
Besides dining in this open ocean habitat, you’re also invited to catch a snooze if you so wish.
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247 845.600.8484 February 15, 2023 The Monsey View
Must-See Aquariums Around the World
L’Oceanografic, Valencia, Spain
Oceans are oceans are oceans, no? L’Oceanografic strives to show you otherwise and has created five different habitats that mimic the unique characteristics of each body of water. Here you’ll go from arctic to tropical, all under one gargantuan roof. The largest aquarium in Europe, its size allows for large and fascinating species like flamingos, giant tortoises and beluga whales.
248 The Monsey View
Must-See Aquariums Around the World
Kelly Tarlton’s Sealife Aquarium, Auckland, New Zealand
If you think underwater tunnels are passe by now, you’ve got Kelly Tarlton’s to thank, because brilliance will be copied. The pioneer of what is now standard in many aquariums, marine archeologist and diver Kelly Tarlton was the first to create the concept of an underwater tunnel to allow visitors to see fish up close and all around them. This exhibit does not cease to enthrall. Also at Kelly Tarlton’s is the largest sub-Antarctic penguin colony in the world. You can even go out on the ice with the adorable creatures and play with them for an hour.
250 The Monsey View
251 845.600.8484 February 15, 2023 The Monsey View
Must-See Aquariums Around the World
New England Aquarium, Boston, MA
I’d say that this aquarium is an ode to the introvert, paying homage to sea creatures that get a bit less attention than others. Here you’ll meet sea dragons that have some of the world’s best camouflage and are nearly impossible to admire if you’re snorkeling. You’ll see piranhas and electric eels, and you’ll even be able to give a warm welcome to a 90-year-old sea turtle named Myrtle in a meet-and-greet.
252 The Monsey View
253 845.600.8484 February 15, 2023 The Monsey View
Must-See Aquariums Around the World
AquaDom Sea Life, Germany
Of course, no sea report worth its salt (pun intended) is complete without at least a brief mention of the gorgeousturned-infamous cylindrical aquarium in the Radisson Collection Hotel in Berlin, Germany. This aquarium’s claim to fame is the transparent elevator built inside it, and the fact that it exploded and destroyed itself in December of this past year. The 1,500 fish inside were propelled into the streets — along with a million liters of water — and almost none survived. Fortunately, the incident happened at 5:45 a.m. and not during prime museum visiting time, resulting in only two people hospitalized for injuries. A burst later in the day would have brought fatalities. I’m sure investigations are ongoing, but early causes named were material fatigue and temperature difference.
254 The Monsey View
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Sharks have a fearsome reputation. This underwater creature has beady eyes and a toothy jaw, and is often portrayed as a dangerous ocean predator. For the most part, however, they don’t attack humans. You’re more likely to win the Powerball than get attacked by a shark!
Sharks live in every ocean in the world, mostly in warm water. Some even live in rivers and lakes. There are more than 500 known species of sharks, and they vary in size. The dwarf lanternshark is not much bigger than a person’s hand, while the whale shark can grow up to 50 feet long and is considered the largest fish in the world.
Unlike other fish, which have bones, sharks have skeletons made of cartilage. Cartilage is a tough, flexible material that is not as hard as bone. We have cartilage in our bodies, too! One place you can find cartilage is in your ear. You can bend and move your ear with your fingers, but when you let go it will return to its normal shape because of the cartilage inside.
Most sharks are carnivores, with thousands of sharp teeth. Their teeth are arranged in rows. When one tooth is lost, another grows in its place. Some sharks may lose as many as 30,000 teeth in their lifetime. Most sharks have about five rows of teeth at a time, but the teeth in the front are the largest and do most of the work.
A few sharks are “filter feeders.” They swim with their mouths wide open and strain tiny plants and animals from the water. These massive sharks consume huge quantities of plankton and small fish.
Sharks are clever, fast, agile and strong. Their night vision helps them spot prey in dark waters. That, combined with their strong sense of smell, helps sharks pinpoint their prey, sometimes from hundreds of feet away.
256 The Monsey View
By: Riki Kabalkin
Most sharks never stop swimming, even when they sleep. One reason is because of how they breathe: Like other fish, sharks get their oxygen from the water. When water passes through their gills, the gills absorb oxygen. Some sharks use their cheek muscles to draw water into their mouth and through their gills. Other sharks must swim to keep the water flowing through their gills. Most sharks breathe using a combination of both of these methods. Pretty so-fish -ticated, right?
The second reason is that, unlike most other fish, sharks don’t have a swimming bladder, which is an abdominal sac that fills with air and allows them to float even while they’re still. But don’t worry — sharks are still pretty buoyant, thanks to their non-bony skeleton and their livers, which are filled with lighter-than-water oil.
The GREAT WHITE SHARK is the largest predatory fish in the world.
Many people are afraid of great whites, and it is true that they are responsible for more shark attacks on humans than any other shark in the world. But they would rather not eat humans, much preferring prey like tuna, dolphins, whales and seals.
HAMMERHEAD SHARKS are recognized by the shape of their heads. They use the wide “hammer” at the front of their heads to help them catch their favorite food, sting rays, by trapping them against the seafloor. (They really nail those!)
Most hammerhead species are small, but the great hammerhead can reach lengths of up to 20 feet.
The WHALE SHARK is the largest fish in the world, but it is a filter feeder and not a predator. It eats mainly plankton and small crustaceans. It also eats small fish that get sucked into its mouth. Whale sharks live in warm tropical waters and are easily recognized by their spotted skin.
The BASKING SHARK holds its mouth open like a drawbridge and inhales as much as 1,000 pounds of fish food into its stomach every day. I’m full just thinking about that!
Sharks play a very special role in ocean ecosystems, keeping fish populations from growing too large and helping the entire food chain remain healthy. Without sharks, the entire ocean would suffer.
257 The Monsey View
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She was a great actress in the drama called life, they all agreed. Yet she remained simple and unassuming to her very last day.
Rifka Landau began her career of chesed at an early age. When she was a child, and her older brother was due home from yeshivah, she would heat him some stones in order to warm his bed in the harsh cold of winter. And the older she became, the more her middos grew with her. She remained constantly on the lookout for favors to be done.
Then came World War II. My grandmother had a close friend who hailed from a very respected rabbinical family, and she and her friend were interned in a concentration camp together. Every morning, each inmate received one cup of coffee. My grandmother, who greatly admired this friend of hers, gave up her coffee she received so that her friend, whom she considered above the rest, should be able to wash her hands every morning.
How could someone who was starving be so selfless and offer her coffee to another, and not even for consumption, but for washing her hands? That was my grandmother, who constantly gave from herself more than was required.
When World War ll came to an end, my grandmother found two skeletal figures whom she recognized as her old friends. Upon finding them, she made up her mind to nurse them back to health. The people around her taunted her and told her not to bother, as the two were certainly close to death. Nevertheless, she doggedly went out of her way to save them, even when she herself was so weak. Her desire to help others imbued her with strength, and she carried her two friends to where they could receive the help they needed.
Because of my grandmother, these two friends eventually went on to build beautiful families.
My grandmother was a true tzaddekes and Yiddishe mamme. We all strive to continue in her noble ways until the coming of Mashiach, may he be here speedily in our days.
260 845.600.8484 The Monsey View February 15, 2023
Hint: Each Boggle board hides a word of nine letters or more!
1. Gather round the table to play a family game of Boggle, using this Boggle board.
2. Once you have a winner, fill out the form below in its entirety
3. Email the form to comments@ or fax to 845600-8483 by Sunday at midnight.
4. Two winners will be drawn each week, each of whom will win a pastrami sandwich and a can of soda!
Find words on the board containing four letters or more. Letters of a word must be connected in a chain (each letter should be adjacent to the next either vertically, horizontally or diagonally), and each letter can only be used once in a given word.
The following are not allowed in Boggle:
Adding “s” to a word
• Abbreviations
• Proper nouns
• Contractions
4-letter words: 2 points | 5-letter words: 3 points | 6-letter words: 5 points | 7-letter words: 7 points |
Family name: _________________________________ Phone: __________________
Full mailing address: ____________________________________________________
Full name of winner: _________________ Amount of points: __________
Full names of competing players:
List some words only the winner found:
The longest word found on the board: _____________________________
A new word you learned from the board: __________________________
Only complete forms will be entered into the drawing.
LL Y R E 262 845.600.8484 The Monsey View February 15, 2023
8-letter words: 9 points | 9+ letters: 12 points
Family name: Levy, 845-xxx-1213
Name of winner: Yitty
Amount of points: 98
Names of competing players: Sury Rubin
Some words only the winner found: poult, rind, sonar, spongy, spoon
The longest word found on the board: protection
A new word learned from the board: gnaw
Family name: Godinger, 845-xxx-2434
Name of winner: Chaya Rechy
Amount of points: 51
Names of competing players: Mommy, Miriam
Some words only the winner found: keto, mist, robe, song, want
A new word learned from the board: gnaw
Last week’s bonus word:
Winner: To claim your prize, bring this page to Nussy’s Cuisine.
493 5812 71 1764 5638 8657 61 3248 416 4895 83 3196 8 4 62314 6 7 6428 35 8421 263 845.600.8484 February 15, 2023 The Monsey View
CONGRATULATIONS TO THE TEN WINNERS OF THE $5 GIFT CARDS AT TOYS4U! A $5 credit was issued at Toys4U on the account of the phone number listed on your submission. Thank you to the hundreds of readers who sent in beautifully colored pages! Keep coloring! Bruchy Werczberger, 11, Satmar Chany Berkowitz, 5, Bais Rochel Shlomy Stern, 9, Skvere Yitty Hershkowitz, 7, Klausenburg Yechiel M. Braun, 7, Skvere Chavy Gombo, 5, Pupa Esty Weisz, 7, Satmar Surala Horowitz, 9, Bobov Shoshana Rotberg, 7, YSV Raizy Ferencz, 8, Satmar 264 845.600.8484 The Monsey View February 15, 2023
By: Faigy Jacobowitz
Send your colored page to The Monsey View to enter a drawing for a chance to have your artwork featured in our pages and win $5 at Toys4U! Ten lucky winners will be announced each week!
To enter the raffle, email your colored page to, or mail it to 365 Route 59, Suite 239, Airmont, NY 10952. Submissions will be included in the drawing only if all information is filled in.
Phone:______________________________________________ Age:____________________ School:_________________________________________________________
free to photocopy this coloring page for
entire family.
265 845.600.8484 February 15, 2023 The Monsey View
268 845.600.8484 The Monsey View February 15, 2023
269 845.600.8484 February 15, 2023 The Monsey View
271 845.600.8484 February 15, 2023 The Monsey View
272 845.600.8484 The Monsey View February 15, 2023
Local Monsey Working Restaurant for sale. Call or text +18453934516 Email: Monseyrestaurnt@gmail. com
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Looking to sell new and gently used photography gear. Call/text 845.304.9831 for more info.
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Valco double stroller brand new for sale 347-451-7154 black gorgeous 100$ off or free upgraded wheels
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Newly renovated apt avail immed : 2 bedrooms: stunning bathroom: spacious kitchen: quartz counters; fancy lights: elegant flooring: Spacious Storage Shed: Very big backyard. TEXT ONLY. (917)830-6341
New walk-in apt + shed in New Hempstead. Great for chasan & kalah. Convenient location and private. Washer+dryer, microwave, fridge and oven included. $2,450/ month all inclusive. Serious inquiries contact 845.262.9009
Nice 2 Rooms (Kitchnette & Bedroom) On Calvert Dr. 1st Floor Front Window Please Call 347 865-7651 Or 845 426-2695
Newly renovated top floor of high ranch, plus one room downstairs. 2 Full baths. All appliances included. Ready to move in. 14 Appleland Rd. Rent $4,000 Utilities/ maintenance included. Please call/text 845-263-7089
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Beautiful villas with saltwater heated pool on gorgeous property. All amenities and kitchen accessories included. Near shul & Kosher grocery. Reasonable rates! Available for Pesach and all year round. call/text 347-224-5574
Fully updated Beautiful 5 bedroom Villa in Airmont available for pesach or weekends. Relax in the quiet neighborhood of Airmont! Cleaned and kashered towels and linen included. Serious inquiries only. Call or text 347-420-4945
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Wheelchair Accessible Apt Meadow near Main St. 4 Ur Special Guests! Weekday, Shabbos, Yomtov. Bright, Clean! 845 323 9682
Brand new Spacious 3 bedroom 2 bath apartment for rent. Union corner Merrick. 845-422-1736
Beautiful 2 bedroom apartment available in the heart of Spring Valley. For inquiries, please call 845373-1007.
Attention: Investors, Realtors, Builders, LLC’s, Good opportunity. 142K building/ lots in PA. Lowest bids accepted. 212-470-1708 lv msg
Newly renovated small offices and Cubicle Desks for rent on LENORE AVE. Please call 845 533 2427
Classifieds for sale N real estate N LASER IS NOW A POSITIVE, PAINFREE EXPERIENCE. CHANIE GENUD Certified laser hair removal specialist 845.323.8886 Book your appointment GET REAL. THERE’S A BETTER WAY TO DO LASER. 274 845.600.8484 The Monsey View February 15, 2023
Classifieds real estate N help wanted N
Office space available in Suffern location near Monsey. For inquiries please call 845-373-1007.
Looking to swap 7 bedroom spacious house in New City NY for a 4-5 bedroom apt in Yerushalayim or near for Sukkos. Text only 9174884195
Vacancy in warm yeshivish housing project in Monsey. 2 two bedroom apartments, ensuite bathroom. One 5 bedroom townhouse available. call for details - 7184195492
Multiple newly renovated kosher villas for rent in Boca Raton, FL. Please call 561221-2621
Brand new construction, 900+ square feet, In Chestnut Ridge- beautiful neighborhood, First
floor level, 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, Large dining room… $2500. For more Information call or text: 845 826 6385
Airmont based, real estate consulting firm seeking fulltime bookkeeping assistant. Must be able to multitask and be detail oriented in a fast-paced environment. Must be efficient, reliable, and responsible. Competitive pay commensurate with experience. Please send resume to: chana@
Playgroup looking for teacher for Monday thru Thursday 1-3. Call 541-1405
Have Real Estate Experience? Looking for a Fulfilling Administrative Role? Reach out @ chaya@thekey2leads. com or text 845-945-0564
Seeking an experienced female bookkeeper. Lots of potential for the right individual! contact 845-2433202
Monsey Bais Yaakov. Excellent pay + amazing environment! 6th Grade: Science, ELA, History. Apply Today! Email Resume To: 44camphillroad@thejnet. com or call: 845.362.3166
YSV seeks a 2nd grade General Studies teacher from beginning of March. Experience preferred. Monday through Thursday 12:50pm- 4 pm. Competitive salary, warm supportive and growth oriented environment. Contact Mrs. Levy (845)356-1400 x223 or email resume to treitzer@
Looking to hire a Morah for September 2023 for a 2 year old playgroup. Well paid. Contact Rikki 347-930-9736.
Office in Monsey is seeking a capable individual for an open position within the finance department. Great opportunity with potential, good pay and Heimish environment. Please email resume to chaimm@
Looking for a BY post seminary girl who would like to help out in our house playing with younger children, possibly with homework and cutting veggies and fruit. Weeknights 4pm-7pm. Must have own transportation. Great family, Great pay, can be slightly flexible with hours. References required. Please call or text 845-213-0818 for more information.
ItCon is hiring an admin assistant assistant to work in our Suffern office. Candidate should be organized, be able to multi-task, and work in a fast-paced environment. Email
276 845.600.8484 The Monsey View February 15, 2023
278 845.600.8484 The Monsey View February 15, 2023
Classifieds help wanted N
Monsey - Busy office located in a business center is looking to hire a F/T Secretary. Office experience required. Great pay and accommodations for the right individual. WA or text 8455332474 Email
Seeking assistant/co-teacher for a self-contained high school class. Great pay and supportive environment! Serious inquiries only. Please call 845-250-8544
A special needs school is seeking teachers half/full day. Great environment with lots of potential! contact 845502-2062
Monsey area School is looking for a preschool subsitute with experience. Hours are 9-3. Great pay please call 347-4061663.
Looking for an experienced female bookkeeper. Candidate must be available full time. contact chany@
Great position available in a busy insurance company. Female position. Very heimish environment! contact 845-502-2062
Looking to hire an assistant for September 2023 for a 2 year old playgroup. Well paid. Contact Rikki 347-930-9736.
Please call 8456427126
Do you love young children and have strong organizational and interpersonal skills? Bas Mikroh Daycare is seeking a Director for the ’23-’24 school year for our four on-site daycare groups. Please send resume to
Attention COLLEGE STUDENTS. Looking for Nanny/Mothers Helper - Pomona NY. 8-10AM & 3-6PM. Familiar with Gentle Parenting. Must have a driver license. On the books. Call or text Raizy 845-558-9566
A company in Chestnut Ridge is seeking an accountant to work full-time. Salary $80,000. Email officecrny@
Local property Management Company is looking for a f/t secretary. office Experience required. Great environment, Great pay. Please email resume to
Full time position operating printing and finishing machines. Great benefits package. Basic computer skills a must. Willing to train. Send resume to jobs@ or for more info call 845-499-4057.
Part-time & Full-time jobs available. Email TopPartTimeJobs@
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Beginner male office job. text or call 8452433202
Real estate and management company is seeking an experienced male office manager. Responsibilities include: leading a team as well as making reports for investors. Must have good number skills.Lots of potential! contact zelig@
Now hiring experienced part time sales help from 11-3 & 3-7 in a womens clothing store, please contact 917-9091145
Management company is seeking a female in office property manager minimum 6 hours a day with management or real estate experience. Great pay! email
Bas Mikroh is seeking a full time capable secretary and full time or part time classrooms assistants to join our dynamic staff. Please send resume to hr@
A program for special needs children is looking for a secretary, computer and management skills required, Hours 9:30-3:30, call 347.460.0204 and leave a message
A contractor is seeking someone with finance experience to be an estimator for projects. Must have good number skills. contact ephraim@theprimestaffing. com
Seeking full day ABA providers as well as some afternoon providers. Great environment in a special needs center. Please call or email and mention this ad. 845-422-8070 Ext.201
280 845.600.8484 The Monsey View February 15, 2023
282 845.600.8484 The Monsey View February 15, 2023
283 845.600.8484 February 15, 2023 The Monsey View
Classifieds help wanted N
Ophthalmic Technician. Suffern, New York. Full or Part Time. We are seeking an ophthalmic Assistant, Skills and responsibilities include: Obtaining patient medical histories, visual acuity measurement, automated refractometry. Candidate must have excellent interpersonal skills and like working with children. Computer literacy required. EMR experience helpful. Send resume: LM.rocklandicare@gmail. com
An online platform is seeking a capable individual to do customer service/ orders. Basic computer knowledge. contact chany@
Want to make a difference in someone’s life? We are looking to hire a female to work with 18+ year olds with special needs. email resume to jobresumes613@gmail. com or call 845-729-3001.
A busy and dynamic doctors office is seeking a full time front desk receptionist. email
Local woman’s store looking for afternoon sales help. Should be Young and energetic. Hours 2-7. Sundays a must. Please call 845-3046460
Are you looking for a job that’s more than just paperwork? A job that requires head work and HEART work? We are looking to hire qualified female service coordinators to join our growing team. Willing to train the right candidate. Paid holidays and vacation. Please send your resume to
Looking for a Bucher to do sales and prepare orders in a store please text 8456427126 great pay
Chassidishe cheder looking for a male tutor for title one. 3:30-5:30. Please call 8452637445
Stop wasting your time going through all the jobs classifieds. Simply email your resume to Info@
to explore your options & maximize your career. Or Call/Text/ WhatsApp 732-800-7633 Strictly confidential & completely free.
Be Your Own Boss! “Be in business for yourself not by yourself” best training + support provided, great benefits and retirement package. Please email or call 845-639-5216
Bas Mikroh Daycare is seeking a full-time or part-time assistant for its 18–24-month group. Also seeking afternoon babysitter for our baby group. Please email resume to hr@ Join our Daycare sub list for day-today or weekly subbing. No commitment necessary. Call 845-352-5296 *124 leave a message.
Established luxury travel concierge hiring account managers in our Monsey and Brooklyn offices to provide white glove service to our growing client base. Competitive salary & benefits. Email resume to
Real estate management office is looking to hire for a full time position. Candidate should have great communication skills and be detail oriented. Great Potential! Please email resume to officeposition966@
Want to make a difference in someone’s life? We are looking for a part-time title one teacher. email resume to or call 845-729-3001
A very pleasant office Is looking for a personal assistant. Job requirements: Must be computer savvy, extremely knowledgeable with QuickBooks and Excel, great phone skills, a quick learner, multi tasker would be a plus... Weekly schedule: Monday through Thursday 10am to 3 or 4pm. Office location: New Hempstead. Please Call: 845-502-5518. You can email resume to:
Local mortgage firm looking to hire a f/t Loan officer assistant. Experience a plus. Great pay for the right candidate.
284 845.600.8484 The Monsey View February 15, 2023
285 845.600.8484 February 15, 2023 The Monsey View
Classifieds help wanted N
Want to make a difference in someone’s life? We are looking for someone to work with special needs teenagers. email resume to or call 845-729-3001
Monsey Insurance office on Robert Pitt Drive seeks Customer Service Rep, experience preferred but not required. Hours are Mon-Thu 9 am-5 pm, Fri 9 am- 12 pm. Pay dependent. Please email resume to jobs@
200+ clients employed in high-paying positions. Contact Sarah Menczer, Certified Copywriter Call/Text 347-409-5182
ABA Riders is looking for an ABA para to work 4-6 pm twice or 4 days of the week with an adorable yiddish speaking 5 year old in his home in Monsey. Will train, well paid. Car service and travel time paid. Contact Rikki 347-930-9736.
Email your resume to for a list of part-time and fulltime career opportunities.
Looking to hire female exercise instructors. Morning and evening classes. Great pay! Call Incline Services at 845-362-8298 #103
Female full-time data processing in a heimish business environment. Analytical & problem solving skills required. Full training provided. Please send resume with references to
ABA Riders is looking to hire a BCBA. Well paid, flexible hours. Contact Rikki 347930-9736/info@abariders. com.
Focus on what’s ahead and Create a better future for yourself!! Are you looking for a better opportunity? Leave it up to us to get you the right one! Email Chaykes@ today to End The Search, Get Employed!
Looking for a highly motivated candidate to join our Customer Service team. Great benefits, lots of potential for growth.
Email resume to noemi@ Or call/ WhatsApp 845-414-2237
All girls’ office in Monsey looking to hire a part-time Payroll Specialist. Willing to train, but prior office experience is required. Please email your resume to JobOpeningMonsey4@gmail. com.
A busy service provider agency is seeking a female supervisor to manage and oversee all coordinators. Must have experience in team leadership. contact 845502-2062
A Service provider agency is seeking a capable female to serve as a facilitator. Must have excellent communication skills. contact chany@
Do you have leadership experience or qualifications? Local office in Monsey is looking to fill a female finance team leader position. Candidate should be capable of leading a team and manage responsibilities. Willing to train the right candidate. Paid holidays and vacation. Please send your resume to myofficejobmonsey@gmail. com
A software engineering and programming position just became available. If you are looking for a programming career opportunity (not just a job) we may have the right job opening for you. Knowledge in Codejs, angular, and MongoDB, A must. Innovative would be great. Please email your resume to
Busy tax accounting office is looking to hire a multi-tasking, detail oriented, and responsible female. Experience a plus. Email resume to taxpositionavailable@gmail. com
Are you an experienced recruiter earning under $100k annually? Email to earn more and work a flexible schedule.
Do you have several years of work experience but can no longer work full-time? Email for part-time opportunities.
Customer service position available email furniturevillageusa@gmail. com
286 845.600.8484 The Monsey View February 15, 2023
287 845.600.8484 February 15, 2023 The Monsey View
288 845.600.8484 The Monsey View February 15, 2023
289 845.600.8484 February 15, 2023 The Monsey View
Overnight or late evening babysitting. Centrally located in the Adar Ct area. Please call/text 845-263-4405
We now sell all major Appliances with extended warranty, nationwide delivery available. Call us at 845.402.1703
NY REFLEXOLOGY (Ingham Method) GET YOUR ENERGY BACK! Reduce- StressAnxiety--Blood PressureCholesterol-ETC. Call Chana 917-618-1153
Permanent Makeup. Call Tzippora 914.200.4121 www. 197 Main St Nanuet NY
Mr. Wertzberger’s Music School offering music lessons on the phone, ages 9-15 boys and girls. 718-435-1923
On demand Torah lectures Video-Audio-download All for free Computer or App for iPhone/Android Or Hotline 718-298-2077. YiddishHebrew - English
Is your child still in the same place after all that tutoring?Join Arrowsmith, a research based program that strengthens the brain and eliminates learning disabilities. Call Mrs Feuer 914-260-6449
Great prices. Call Miri 845426-7561
--In The Comfort of Home-*Swedish *Deep Tissue *Lymph *Craniosacral Therapy Call Sarah: 845596-1373
PETTICOATS FOR RENT! Enhance your gown with just the right petticoat! Kids and adults petticoats for rent! In the Bates area. Please Call or text between 8:30-10pm 845-746-7248
Biggest selection of balloons for all occasions in the Weiner drive area call 8454223988/ Flyhighbal@
“Change your Water.. Change your life” Alkaline - AntiOxidant - Super Hydrating Call for FREE supply and feel AMAZING! 917-681-0003
For all your custom closets please call or text 1347.522.4872
Keyboard lessons By Miri. Great Prices! Call 845-4267561 or 845-263-6437
12 years experience. Wide selection. Call/text: 845-5387986
Handyman available. Great rates. Call text whatsapp 718-954-5878.
Professional carpet cleaning. Painting, Drywall, Electric, Plumbing, All handyman jobs. Security cameras/ INTERCOM SYSTEM. WHOLE HOUSE/RO water filter system. 917 378 3194
We Repair all iPhones, other repairs are done by request. Technical support and cleanings. For more details: Visit PhoneRevival. com Message/Whatsapp 845263-4638
Custom photo albums and photo editing for all your needs. Call 845-502-5932 or email highlightalbums@
Do you want the most? Do you want the best for your child? Call 845 999 3721
For all your poems please call or WhatsApp 845-4289438.
Sell your high end designer clothing, shoes, bags for profit. Immediate payout. Authentic only. Burberry, Louis Vuitton, Prada, Gucci, Chanel ect.. Call Miriam: 845-422-0272
Hebrew, Torah and Math Tutor. Call Yehoshua - 8456249194
סטנעטסיד גנאל
גנאל ס’דלעפנעזאר סטנעטסיד
we fix knitted & crochet Gartlech & make beautiful professional fringes. We also teach how to knit & crochet. call: 917-414-3281
N 290 845.600.8484 The Monsey View February 15, 2023
Classifieds babysitting N services
291 845.600.8484 February 15, 2023 The Monsey View
Experienced DIR/Floortime provider is accepting new clients. Please call Simi Greenfeld 347-768-3305
DEBT RELIEF having trubble with finances? join Debtors Anonymous Tuesday night @ 19 Robert Pitt # 113 , 7:30-8:30pm. visit www.
Of toys, arts & crafts, or supplies, in good condition, for a Heimishe Moised. Call 845.500.3100
Looking for a nice private place for a Beshow? A few locations available in the Monsey area. Call 845-4265484 or 845-746-7251
Small errands done for free as a zchus. Please text only 845-641-7311
Looking to buy used treadmill excellent condition 347-768-4069
Adorable gold gown by Dassy available to buy or rent. Toddler size 4. Call 422-5596 for more info
Very Elegant, Winter White trimmed with Black Velvet, girls size 12/14 for sale. Please Call 845-709-7161.
Magnificent custom sister of bride white heavy lace/eyelet gown by Dassy. Size 4/6. For sale. Call 845-598-1564
3 beautiful medium blue velvet children’s gowns for sale. Sizes 5-6, 8-10 & 10-12. Call 845-371-5869/845-6595880
Beautiful current Simis of London gowns. White lace top tulle bottom. Also Tia Cibani off white velvet gowns.Call 8454221903
Silver/Grey colored gown size 2-4 8455380391
BLACK MATERNITY GOWN Size XS gown for rent/sale. Call/text 646-334-6582
Beautiful cream full lace pleated gown. Size 0. Please call 845-502-0097
Beautiful maternity gowns for rent. All sizes for affordable prices. Please call/ text 845-862-2799
Beautiful black gown for rent. Size 4. Please text 845-8262185
Lost something? Found something? The Daily Return: Call/text: 845-538-0193, Email: monseydailyreturn@gmail. com
sd card in (or outside) Viznitz Hall in BP 845 218 5448
Gold antique pin with green stone Jan 18 at the Atrium 845-425-4337
gold square charm from earring 347-409-0151
Grey bugaboo bag in Lafamila Feb 8, 362-3276
Black ladies hat Feb 8 Westside Ave. 845-659-1265
Folding carriage Lafamilia few months ago 845-3041423
Black glove at Park & Ride 347-578-4414
Diamond necklace on Ellish area 845-587-6402
fleishig microwave 356 0621
English books, mostly hashkofa. Must take all. 356 0621
Brown master bedroom armoire CALL/TEXT 845 5587156
2 bottles iron out - 347-4090151
Mishpacha & Ami 845-4254337
Box of yiddish kids magazines call/text 845-2747508
MOUNTAIN BUGGY TWIN CARRIGE – can be picked up on the driveway of 4 Schevchenko pl Free furniture Gemach please text 718-530-4091
Wooden closets, File cabinet 845-290-6459
Are all the Sheitel Machers booked? Experienced sheitel macher has open availability. Wash & set for only $35! Contact Zissy today for more info at 845-837-0509
Growing company is looking to hire an executive assistant. QuickBooks experience needed. Send resumes to: sl@
Nanuet/ Spring Valley area. Call 845-262-8859. Spanish Speaking 845-659-6643
We have a simple and natural solution to get rid of your pain! Call today and suffer no more! 845-213-9886
Are you looking to grow in your career? We have great jobs for male and females. unlock your full potential with us reach out to rivkyb@ text: 845275-1135
Looking for a highly motivated candidate to join our Accounting team. Great benefits, and lots of potential for growth. Email resume to Or call/ WhatsApp 845-4142237
Are you looking to make a difference in someone else’s life? Very part time opportunity available to lead a small group in a dayhab twice a week. Please call Haddasa Yankovitch at 845354-3233 ext.1158
Magnificent 2 curios with buffet $999. 44’’ complete Italian master bedroom set for $999. 10ft table $299. Call/ text 845-248-5949
Beautiful, newly renovated corner house for rent in Linden, 3 min walk from Kosson Shul. 4 nice bedrooms, 2 full bathrooms. Spacious Laundry room. Large indoor play area. Big, private backyard. $2500/ month. Serious inquiries only. (917) 916-1497.
services N odds & ends N gowns N lost & found N free 292 845.600.8484 The Monsey View February 15, 2023
PHOTO CREDIT: JDN אריווקסמ ר”ומדאה ןב יקסרעווט ףסוי בקעי ’ר צ”הרה תופתתשהב Yanky’s HVAC ןופ סיפא םעיינ םעניא הזוזמ תעיבק לצא
294 The Monsey View
םילוח רוקיבב םינאלס תבישי שאר יקסבוזרב השמ ’ר ג”הרה םינאלס ידיסח יבושחמ ו”יה גרעבנרינ גילעז ’ר ח”הרה
לארשי תיב ד”מהיב תבוטל הכלמ הולמ
יצח דמעמ םע דחיב ריטסערעק
וינב רוקיבב אזלעב הקבונחממ ר”ומדאה
PHOTO CREDIT: JDN יסנאמב סנה לעב ריאמ יבר תקדצל םילשורי תבח ללוכ תבוטל רעניד ן”בדח יסנאמ בובאב ץ”מוד ג”הרה - יסנאמ ןיא אזלעב ק”ק יבושחו ינקזמ ל”ז ןראקרעפעפ רזעלא םהרבא ’ר ח”הרה נ”על - אזאלפ םוירטא ןיא הריש ק”שצומ רדהו ראפ בורב ןעמוקעגראפ רוביצ םעד טריסערדא ללוכה תלהנה רבח ןוא ב”ב אזלעב תודסומ להנמ שיירב ןבואר ברה – ”הרותל דובכ ונת-םילשורי תבח סרפ“ טימ ןראוועג רטעתנ בובאבמ ר”ומדאה ללוכה אישנ 296 The Monsey View
PHOTO CREDIT: JDN אקאראמ ד”באג וטניפ והישאי ברה לבוקמה ר״ומדאה ייב טכוזאב גרובשלקינמ ר”ומדאה יסנאמב תבש אזלעב הקבונחממ ר”ומדאה הרוגידאסמ ר”ומדאה לצא רוקיבב ןעלוקסמ ר”ומדאה לצא ןילמוג רוקיבב אריווקסמ ר”ומדאה יסנאמב יולרעמ ר”ומדאה 300 The Monsey View
יסנאמ ראמטאס לודגה ד”מהיבב חלשב ק”שצומ םענעגנאגראפ הכלמ הולמ תדועסו ’םינובנ ונלוכ‘ יתבר ש”נא סוניכ PHOTO CREDIT: JDN 304 The Monsey View
PHOTO CREDIT: JDN יסנאמ ראמטאס לודגה ד”מהיבב חלשב ק”שצומ םענעגנאגראפ הכלמ הולמ תדועסו ’םינובנ ונלוכ‘ יתבר ש”נא סוניכ לארשי ילודג ראפ ךלמה ןחלש רפס רעכילרעדנואוו רעד רעביא טבעג ןהאק ןרהא ןואגה רוחבה 306 The Monsey View
PHOTO CREDIT: JDN ראמטאסמ ר”ומדאה תופתתשהב יסנאמ ראמטאס תודסומ י”עש ’טדאטשיינ הכלמו דוד ןינב‘ לחר תיב ןינב םעיינ ן’ראפ תיבה תכונח דמעמ 310 The Monsey View
PHOTO CREDIT: JDN יסנאמב ללוכה תבוטל יתנשה רענידה תארקל םינברו ם”ירומדא לצא רוקיבב סנה לעב ריאמ יבר תקדצל תומוחה ירמוש ללוכ תלהנה ראמטאסמ ר”ומדאה תופתתשהב יסנאמ ראמטאס תודסומ י”עש ’טדאטשיינ הכלמו דוד ןינב‘ לחר תיב ןינב םעיינ ן’ראפ תיבה תכונח דמעמ עכלעוו ’הנוי ווא דנעגעל‘ דנערב עיינ יד ןופ שיפ סקאל עטפאכעגפיוא עיינ יד ןייא ןפיוק ןדיא ןטפעשעג יד ןופ טפאכוצ טרעוו אוואנישמ ר”ומדאה דכנ לש הנותחה תחמש 312 The Monsey View
PHOTO CREDIT: JDN יסנאמ ראמטאס בל בטי להק י”עש טפעשעג שיילפ עכילרעה עיינ יד ןיא הזוזמ תעיבקב ראמטאסמ ר”ומדאה 314 The Monsey View
PHOTO CREDIT: JDN קראי וינב אזלעב ידיסחד הרותה תבהא תרגסמב דעומ רדס םויסו הרות ולוכש םוי רפש ירמא תודסומ ןיא ףוס םי תעירק ד”מהיב תבוטל הכלמ הולמ יסנאמב בינראב 318 The Monsey View
319 845.600.8484 February 15, 2023 The Monsey View
Editor in Chief: D. GORALNIK
Content Editor: R. REESE
Associate Editor: E.M. NEIMAN
Food Editor: M.P. WERCBERGER
Creative Director: AJ WACHSMAN
Project Coordinator: R. ITZKOWITZ
MISSION STATEMENT: The Monsey View is a weekly publication designed for every segment and age group of our diverse community. Under rabbinical guidance, we bring Monsey’s top talent together to provide high-quality, informative and current reading material, keeping you up to date on sales, events, news and issues of concern and import happening right now in the Monsey community.
DISCLAIMER: We do not endorse any ad found in this publication. We are not responsible for typographical or grammatical errors.
COPYRIGHT: All content found in The Monsey View is copyright and may not be reproduced, published, distributed or duplicated for public or private use without written permission from The Monsey View.
Limit one (1) per family
Contents // Inside 142 // Inbox 154 // Parsha 164 // Week in Review 174 // The Last Rebbe of Lodz 187 // Food 201 // A Pound of Cure 214 // Fish For the Future 228 // Sea You! 256 // FYI 258 // Ricochet 260 // Recorded for Posterity 262 // Fun Pages 274 // Classifieds 294 // Pictures ISSUE 386 FEBRUARY 15, 2023 ג”פשת טבש ד”כ A PURIM PRESENTATION Homemade jerky and its accompaniments WINDOWS TO THE DEEP The wonders of aquariums worldwide FATHOMS UNDER THE SEA A closer look at the mystical Livyasan WORTH ITS SALT A fishy cure for salty cravings FYI: SHARKS NEW COLUMN INSIDE: RECORDED FOR POSTERIRTY WRITTEN COMMUNITY KIDS טמוקאב ןוא טלעג ךייא טראפש טלעוו יד ןיא סנייא למיירטש א 718-2-LERNER 32-PAGE, FULL COLOR PURIM CATALOG THE MONSEY VIEW P.O. Box 305 Monsey N.Y. 10952 Telephone: 845-600-8484 Fax: 845-600-8483 E-mail:
320 845.600.8484 The Monsey View February 15, 2023