Issue 399

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FREE ISSUE 399 MAY 24, 2023 תועובש ברע ג”פשת ןויס ’ד ANNUAL TEHILLIM CONTEST Join for a chance to win! SALAD SENSATION A vibrant display for your Shavuos table TURNING THE PAGE True stories of the goral haGra TO GLORIFY HIS NAME When our encounters do the talking A SEARCH AND A SEFER The day a survivor took a page from his father’s book ROYAL TREATMENT Exploring kingdoms of yesteryear — and their Jews
THE MOUNTAIN DID YOU EVER WONDER HOW HIRE SOLUTIONS OPERATES? See a full brochure in the back of this week’s issue
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(Re: Growing Your Garden, Issue 398)

This was such a beautiful issue! My family and I especially enjoyed looking at the pictures of the sculptured gardens. We enjoyed every page. Thank you for a professional, beautiful publication.


(Re: Framed With Flowers, Issue 398)

Thanks for the absolutely stunning flower designs in your pre-Shavuos issue! I wanted to share an idea for keeping the roses fresh over Yom Tov. You can stick each cluster into a small piece of soaked oasis foam wrapped in Saran Wrap. That will keep the flowers alive through Yom Tov.

With wishes for a beautiful Yom Tov,


Power Tools by Esty Heller is a work of fiction. Names and places were chosen at random and do not refer to real people or reflect on them. Any resemblance to real people or events is purely coincidental.

Talk of
תועובש ברע ץינזיוו אריווקס 7:58 7:46 7:51 תועובשד 'ב תועובש יאצומ 7:59 7:47 7:52 9:31 9:14 9:33 6255 356-mall 845 ONE NUMBER all your needs.
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(Re: Inbox, Issue 398)

I’m writing in response to the letter writer who asked camps to schedule trips during regular daytime hours instead of during off-hours or evenings.

Your point is valid, and it’s a great idea in theory. However, destinations aren’t always available for us during regular business hours; they’re busy hosting regular visitors then. When we need to rent out entire attractions for tznius reasons or other considerations, they can only accommodate us after regular hours.

Thank you,


(Re: Inbox, Issue 398)

When I married off my children, I discussed their weddings with them in advance. I asked them to maintain their decorum and behave at their wedding the way they imagined the Queen of England would.

I saw photos of the recent coronation. Did we see poppers, streamers or the king standing on a table throwing candies? Did we see him jumping rope with a tablecloth or playing ball? Let’s remember that we are Hashem’s royal children.

Are there any kallahs out there mature enough to stand their ground and cancel all the shtick?

Our parents’ weddings didn’t look like a carnival, and you’ll be proud to show your children that your wedding didn’t look like one either.

Oif simchas!


(Re: Perfectly Parve, Issue 397)

Thank you so much, Libby Goldberger, for thinking of those with dairy allergies.

I’m attaching a photo of the dairy-free cookies I made. I used 7th Heaven Caramel and Salt Chocolate on top to give it that extra flavor, and the cookies turned out delicious! Keep them coming!


(Re: Springtime Sniffles, Issue 395)

I enjoyed Sandy Eller’s article about seasonal allergies. I’d like to let people know that taking apple cider vinegar every day, starting well before spring arrives, has helped me tremendously with my allergies.

Thank you for an amazing publication. Keep those articles coming.

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Dear fellow Yiddishe mother, I am writing this letter with tremendous gratitude to Hashem that our traumatic experience ended well.

Many of you have treated your boys to the exhilarating fun of owning electric scooters, while the rest of us “unfairly” (as our own boys see it) keep our own sons away. Last night, the reason behind my refusal to purchase one was very clearly seen by all the children on our block.

We live on a block populated by hundreds of Yiddishe children, baruch Hashem, so the sight of scooters and Segways zipping past at all times is a common one. Yesterday, a group of children was settled on the grass near the sidewalk when a young boy on his set of electric wheels came scooting down our block at high speed.

The young children at the side jumped up, as did my seven-year-old son. Unfortunately, he didn’t realize that he was too close to a fire hydrant, and as he jumped up, his head hit the metal cover. I was alerted by the frightful shrieking of the neighborhood kids, who were traumatized by the blood pouring from his head.

My son came running inside looking green, bleeding heavily from the top of his head, and feeling dizzy and faint. Hatzolah sent us to get the hole in his head stapled, and we thank Hashem that besides for feeling faint and puncturing his head, the saga will end with an easy recovery, im yirtzeh Hashem.

As for the boy on the scooter? He blissfully continued on his way, not even realizing what chaos and pain he left behind.

Mothers, if you have made the choice to trust your kids with this dangerous toy, then it is your responsibility to ensure that their speed and path is safe for others on the street. There is a reason rabbanim in Eretz Yisroel have banned the electric scooter. Please speak to your son about this… as it might have been him!

Your neighbor and fellow mother, S.K.

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A Precious Gift

Chazal in Maseches Shabbos (88b) describe the following scene:

When Moshe Rabbeinu went up to Shamayim to receive the Torah, the malachim argued. “Why should the Torah be given to mortals? Tenah hodecha al hashamayim! ”

Hashem then told Moshe to reply to the malachim .

“What does it say in the Torah?” Moshe began. And he proceeded to detail the Aseres Hadibros, pointing out that they do not apply to malachim . “It says, ‘Anochi Hashem asher hotzeisicha m’eretz Mitzrayim .’

Were you in bondage under Pharaoh? And do you ever work?

Are you able to rest on Shabbos? Do you have parents whom you can honor? Do you have a yetzer hara?”

The malachim soon conceded to Moshe’s argument.

This exchange seems odd. Any simple person understands Moshe’s explanation. Why did the malachim even think that they deserve the Torah?

IT WAS YOM KIPPUR in the city of Petersburg, under the rule of the Czar. The atmosphere was electric, sweeping up the entire crowd in the pursuit of teshuvah and tefillah. Simple and learned — all kinds of Yidden were present. Also among the mispallelim were two of the city’s wealthiest men: Baron Ginzberg and Baron Pollack.

Ne’ilah was approaching. The gabbai stood at the bimah, ready to auction off the great zechus of pesichas ha’aron for Tefillas Ne’ilah. He began with the substantial sum of 500 rubles, and the bid quickly rose higher and higher, until Baron Ginzberg offered 2,000 rubles for the kibbud

Baron Pollack was sitting on the side. He was among those who attended shul just once a year, on Yom Kippur. But when he heard Baron Ginzberg’s offer, he quickly outbid him with a larger amount and received the kibbud for the astronomical sum of 2,500 rubles.

“What do I need to do?” Pollack asked the gabbai

“Go up the steps leading to the aron kodesh and move the paroches. Then open the doors.”

Pollack did as he was told and then remained standing at the top of the stairs. “Now what?”

The gabbai directed him to come down, and Chazaras Hashatz began.

After davening, Baron Pollack was once again called to the aron kodesh. Again, he asked what he must do, and the gabbai gave him step-by-step instructions.

Later, Baron Pollack was asked, “Why were you ready to pay such a high sum for something you knew nothing about?!”

“True,” Baron Pollack replied. “I had no idea what I was buying. But I did know that if a successful businessman like Baron Ginzberg was ready to pay 2,000 rubles for it, it must be good merchandise. It must have real value. That’s how I knew this deal was worth pursuing.”

The Dubno Maggid further expounds upon our aforementioned question with the following mashal:

* * * *
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There was once a rav who served his community for decades, caring for the members’ needs like a true father. He set up shuls, yeshivos and mikvaos. He also taught the locals Torah and answered their shailos. Of course, his devotion to his constituents made him very beloved by all.

But he was getting on in years, and he felt that the burden of such a large kehillah was simply too much for his waning strength. After much thought, he decided to move to a smaller community, where his responsibilities would be lighter and easier to handle, and he would be able to sit and learn with less stress.

The rav decided to reach out to a neighboring village on the outskirts of his city to ask if they would accept him as rav. But before he wrote his letter, he gathered the roshei kehillah of the community to make sure they would be okay with his move. The men were disappointed to hear that their dear rav would be leaving, but they understood his decision and agreed.

Just as sad as his followers were that they would be losing their longtime rav, that’s how exuberant the villagers were with the rav’s offer. It was incredible to think that such a prominent personality was prepared to join them! They waited for inauguration day with excitement and prepared a fitting reception.

On the appointed day, as the wagon that came to pick up the rav waited outside his home, the people of his city gath-

ered. “Don’t leave!” they cried. “We want the rav to stay!” They formed a human fence, blocking the rav from leaving his home.

The rav was shocked. He wasn’t escaping! He had received approval from the townspeople to go!

“Why, you’ve endorsed this move!” he said. “Why are you stopping me now?”

“Chas v’shalom!” the men replied. “We won’t stop the rav from leaving. We just mean your honor! We don’t want the villagers to think we discharged you from the position, or that there was any argument in town that caused you to leave. We want them to see that you are precious in our eyes! We want them to see how hard it is for us that you are leaving, so they should realize what a special rav they are getting. Then they will honor and value you properly!”

The Dubno Maggid explains:

The malachim knew that the Torah was not suitable for them, and was intended for Klal Yisroel alone.

The reason they argued that the Torah should remain in Shamayim was so that Klal Yisroel should know to appreciate the precious gift that Hakadosh Baruch Hu was giving them. By seeing how badly the malachim desired the Torah, the Torah’s value would go up in the Yidden’s eyes, and we would then know how to regard it and treat it — with the highest level of reverence.

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The rav was shocked. He wasn’t escaping! He had received approval from the townspeople to go!
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Q: What does a cyclist ride in the winter?

A: An icicle!

I loved that joke when I was a kid. Now that I think about it, it may not be all that hilarious. But here’s what still remains true all these decades later: Summer certainly is the season for biking.

This week, with bike season upon us, Magen Avrohom has announced a revolutionary sweepstakes: Not only will the winner receive a high-end electric bike, but their entire class — yes, you read that right — will receive brand new speed bikes!

Since the launch of this raffle, the organization’s

fundraising team has been inundated with interest. Some have had some questions, too, prompting us to reach out and learn more about the initiative.

A life-saving mission

Many people are unfamiliar with the work of Magen Avrohom — baruch Hashem Founded two decades ago by Rabbi Dovid Dewick upon the directive and guidance of the Amshinov Rebbe, shlit”a, the organization operates in a space where light doesn’t naturally shine.

Magen Avrohom serves individuals who are battling oftentimes-mysterious and stigmatized eating disorders that have destroyed the lives of so many of our young and brightest. Eating disorders affect boys and girls in the prime of their lives who inexplicably begin to wither away emotionally and physically at the hands of stubborn, illogical disorders. The pain and anguish of strugglers and their parents is unfathomable.

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Magen Avrohom steps forward to help those battling these debilitating disorders. The organization offers case management and meal coaching, runs a mentoring program, and offers support, education and guidance to strugglers and their families.

All this is done with utmost discretion, under the guidance of renowned gedolim and rabbanim and with the collaboration of leading mental health professionals.

Fighting sadness with joy

In its mission to overtake the sadness, isolation and shame faced by children and adolescents with eating disorders, the group’s leadership came up with the novel idea to channel the excitement and exuberance of fellow youngsters into a force for good on behalf of their struggling peers.

That is where the idea for Magen Avrohom’s Summer Bike Raffle was born. In the spirit of unity and solidarity, it was determined that not only would the winner receive a valuable prize, but their entire class would win along with

them — the very first time such an idea was ever put into place.

The early results haven’t disappointed. Just a few days after the flyers arrived at local homes, the raffle is already the talk of town. Kids can’t wait to see if their class will win the bikes!

What if the winner can’t or doesn’t want to receive a bike? No worries; other prize options are available.

Along for the Ride

In a world of endless tzedakah and chesed, it can be hard to run a fundraising campaign that stands out. Yet it’s clear that Magen Avrohom has changed the

Rabbi Dewick Director of Magen Avrohom speaking at the Madrich L’Hoyroa for hundreds of rabbanim
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Rabbi Gershon Hess of Magen Avrohom addressing a team of askanim

rules of the game, inviting parents and children to be part of a united mission in looking out for those who unfortunately cannot experience a healthy social life with their friends.

It’s not only kids who are excited. Parents and grandparents are glad and grateful for the opportunity to contribute toward a worthy cause, teach their little ones the value of solidarity, and hopefully see their children or grandchildren take home the big prize.

“We’re proud of the feedback we’ve been receiving and it’s heartwarming to see the community step up in such a manner,” says Rabbi Gershon Hess, Magen Avrohom’s Director of Financial Affairs. “We’re just getting started and have big things planned for presenting the bikes to the winners, along with some other surprises, so stay tuned.” Ride on!


Will my class really receive bikes if I win?

That’s right. When you win, your entire class wins (up to 40 children)!

I am a bachur in yeshiva, will my entire shiur receive a bike?

Yes, indeed! Up to 40 bachurim will win along with you.

Who will benefit from this raffle?

The acclaimed Magen Avrohom organization, which assists people who struggle with eating disorders.

Will the bikes be the right size for me?

Yes. When you win, you will receive a card to fill out with the preferred bike for you and each classmate.

What kind of bikes will we receive?

The winner will get a high-end electric bike, and their classmates will receive quality speed bikes.

What if I don’t want a bike?

We’ll offer you the choice of a scooter for yourself and your friends, as well as other options that are right for you and your class.

How can I enter the raffle?

You can mail the form on the card you received in the mail to Magen Avrohom, POB 977, Monsey, NY 10952, visit www. or call into our automated line at 718-550-4467.

Sar HaTorah Rav Chaim Kanievsky, zt”l, donating to Magen Avrohom
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Rabbi Dewick discussing medical with the Amshinover Rebbe
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Rebuffed by Nearby Counties, Adams Sends Asylum Seekers to the Catskills

Eighty asylum seekers arrived in Liberty, New York, last week, just hours after Sullivan County declared a state of emergency in an attempt to prevent New York City Mayor Eric Adams from relocating busloads of migrants to the Catskills.

Issued at 1 p.m. on May 18, Sullivan’s state of emergency said that its severe housing crisis made it impossible for the county to absorb the migrants that Adams is trying to offload from the five boroughs. County officials said that they were given less than 24 hours’ notice of the asylum seekers arrival, with the migrants dropped off at the Knights Inn on Route 52 approximately four hours after the state of emergency went into effect, reported Mid Hudson News.

Sullivan County Legislature Chairman Rob Doherty said that the migrants are hurting the local economy, with the county’s supply of hotel rooms, which numbered 71,000 in 1969, dwindling to less than 2,000 today.

“The county is busier and busier every year,” said Doherty. “Tourism has taken off. We have invested heavily in tourism, and now we are losing bed space for people who come and stay during our peak season.”

Rockland was the first New York county to declare a state of emergency in response to the migrant crisis, with more than a dozen others following suit. An update provided by Rockland officials alleged that the mayor’s efforts to house illegal migrants outside New York City had devastating results for 20 homeless veterans in Orange County, as well as a homeless single mother of an 18-month-old and at least one more family in Yonkers, all of whom were evicted from their hotels to make way for asylum seekers.

“These are the inhumane consequences being caused by the City of New York’s failure to plan for a crisis they knew was coming,” said Rockland County Executive Ed Day.

With New York City’s population shrinking from 8.8 million at the start of the pandemic to 8.3 million today, Adams claim that there is no room to house migrants within the five boroughs falls flat, said Day.

“The fact that the largest city in our entire country believes Rockland, the smallest county in the State of New York, has the resources to undertake this, just underscores the lack of planning that was done by the Adams administration, and every single emergency order declared across New York municipalities these last two weeks was done for the exact same reason,” noted Day.

The list of counties that declared states of emergency includes Broome, Chemung, Cortland, Dutchess, Genesee, Greene, Herkimer,

Oneida, Orange, Orleans, Oswego, Otsego, Rensselaer, St. Lawrence, Schuyler and Tioga, with similar measures enacted in Suffolk County’s Town of Riverhead.

After Three-Month Investigation, Suspect Arrested for Murder of Hershy Schwartz

A Jacksonville man is under arrest and being held without bail for the murder of Hershy Schwartz, a former Monsey resident and a beloved member of Chesed Shel Emes. He was killed one week before his wedding.

VIN News reported that Louis Antuwn Redmon was apprehended on May 17. He is being charged with murder in the first degree, armed robbery, armed carjacking and possession of a weapon by a convicted felon. The 23-year-old had been previously arrested and jailed twice before in 2019 on multiple charges involving thefts and weaponry. NBC Miami reported that Redmon had been released from jail in September after serving a three-year sentence.

Police said that Schwartz’s murder in a North Miami Beach parking lot was a case of a carjacking gone terribly wrong. Multiple law enforcement agencies, including North Miami Beach Police Department, Miami Dade Police Department, Florida Department of Law Enforcement, Jacksonville Sheriff’s Office, U.S. Marshals Service and Miami Dade State Attorney’s Office worked closely together to find the killer.

Chesed Shel Emes director and police chaplain Mark Rosenberg described Schwartz as someone who always looked out for others and was always ready to lend a hand to anyone in need.

“Hershy devoted his entire life to saving others,” said Rosenberg. “Now that we know the identity of the killer and what he has done before, we can finally obtain justice for Hershy.”

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$25M State Allocation To Benefit Organizations Facing Hate Crime Threats

With anti-Semitic violence the most common hate crime in New York, the state is allocating $25 million in funding to be distributed to organizations serving communities at high risk for hate crimes and vandalism.

Governor Kathy Hochul announced the allocation at New York’s first-ever unity summit, which was held at Manhattan’s John Jay College on May 10 and had more than 500 leaders of ethnic and minority groups gathering to discuss ways to turn the tide on the growing wave of hate crimes. Part of New York State’s 2024 budget, the $25 million in funding is to be used to help organizations increase security measures as well as providing support trainings, public awareness campaigns and other outreach efforts.

“This is our defining moment — a moment to stand up as one New York and make clear there is no place for hate in our communities,” said Hochul.

New York’s 2024 budget also includes $3.5 million in funding for the state’s Hate and Bias Prevention Unit, which is headed by Lieutenant Governor Antonio Delgado and will be working with ten regional councils to address different biases and challenges throughout the state.

“Working together, I know we can make this state safer and more welcoming for all,” said Hochul.

Uber Now Just a Phone Call Away for Smartphone-Free Riders

Acknowledging the existence of a significant customer base that doesn’t use smartphones, Uber rolled out a new feature last week that allows riders to order a car over the phone.

The new option, rolled out on May 17, is available daily from 4 a.m. to 10 p.m. to riders who dial 1-833-USE-UBER anywhere in the United States where Uber is available. Calls must be placed from a cell phone that can accept text messages, giving Uber the ability to send pertinent information — including their driver’s name, picture, car model, license plate number and expected time of arrival — via text message. Rides can be scheduled up to 30 days in advance, with Uber agents providing an up-front price quote and creating accounts for riders who book trips via phone that will include their name and payment information.

Uber debuted its 833-USE-UBER toll free number as a limited pilot program in February 2020. The company noted at the time that it was hoping to appeal to older customers, many of whom preferred to have live conversations with an actual human.

The ridesharing giant announced two other family-friendly initiatives last week. Teen accounts will allow parents in select cities to track their 13- to 17-year-olds’ trips and include several other safety features, while Uber Car Seat gives New

York City and Los Angeles riders the ability to order a car equipped with a Nuna RAVA car seat for little ones weighing between five to 65 pounds.

Minor Earthquake Hits Lower Hudson Valley

It may have occurred some six miles below the surface of the earth, but an early morning earthquake in Westchester County was felt as far away as the Bronx, New Jersey and Connecticut.

The Journal News reported that the 2.2 magnitude earthquake was confirmed just before 2 a.m. on May 19. Hitting just south of Hastings-on-Hudson, the earthquake appears to have caused no damage or injuries. Area residents flocked to social media to report the earthquake, sharing stories of being woken up to find their beds trembling and their houses rumbling.

Earthquakes are rare on the East Coast. Several minor quakes have been reported in recent years in Rockland County, with a 1.1 magnitude quake reported in West Nyack in October 2019, a 1.8 magnitude quake occurring in Hillcrest in May 2018, and a pair of quakes hitting in March 2006, the first taking place three miles south of Pearl River

and measuring 1.1 on the Richter scale, and the second hitting the West Nyack-Blauvelt-Pearl River area and measuring 1.3 on the Richter scale.

According to the United States Geological Society, earthquakes with a magnitude of three or less typically do little damage, but can still be felt by those living nearby.

United Discontinues Westchester County Flights

With a limited number of both regional planes and pilots, United Airlines announced last week that it would be suspending its service out of Westchester County Airport as of July 1.

United had been flying just a single route out of Westchester, to O’Hare International Airport in Chicago. The airline has already been contacting passengers who had tickets from Westchester to Chicago in order to rebook them on flights from other New York area airports.

Located in White Plains, Westchester County Airport is served by six other airlines: American Airlines, Cape Air, Delta, JetBlue, Tradewind Aviation and Breeze Airways. With United’s announcement, American will be the only airline flying out of Westchester offering service to Chicago.

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Recap: Fraidy Stroh escapes the Eisdorfs’ half-built house and her cousin Chevi’s nasty accusation that she’s jealous. The Eisdorfs take a two-week break from building while waiting to get approved for a construction loan.

Some mornings, when Fraidy was ready for school early, she was able to walk to school with her mother instead of taking the bus.

The morning schedule in the Stroh home was like a whole big puzzle. Shaya’s bus came early, at 7:40, so their mother was there to see him off. Their father came home from shul at eight, and during the next half hour, their mother flew around the house getting ready to leave for work while helping everyone else get ready for the day. When she left at 8:30, their father gave Fraidy and Tzippy breakfast. Fraidy’s bus came at 8:40, and at 9:15, their father put Tzippy on the bus and took Eli to the babysitter before going to kollel.

That day, Fraidy was ready at 8:30 and left the house together with her mother.

“Why do we live in such a small and nerdy apartment?” Fraidy asked as she skipped along at her mother’s side.

“Our apartment is small and nerdy? Why do you say that?”

She didn’t say that. Chevi had. But she didn’t want to tell her mother so, because maybe she would be insulted.

“We don’t have a playroom,” Fraidy said instead. “Or a living room. Or finger spots.”

Her mother gave a little laugh. “I see that Chevi gave you a tour of her house, huh? Don’t be jealous of the Eisdorfs, Fray. Everyone has different stuff in their lives, you know that, right?”

Now her mother also thought she was jealous. She wasn’t jealous! Really, really not, even if Chevi had said she was. She wanted to explain this to her mother, but she didn’t know how to. This whole thing didn’t make any sense.

Her mother’s phone rang. She answered, and for the rest of the walk to school, she held the phone at her ear, although she hardly said a word and only listened. Fraidy kept glancing up

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at her, wondering who was on the line and why her mother looked so… upset. When they arrived at school, her mother moved the phone away from her ear and said, “Bye, Fraidy, have a great day,” but she wasn’t really focusing, Fraidy could tell. Whoever she was on the phone with was clearly getting her mother very aggravated.

The walk hadn’t been fun. Maybe it would’ve been better to take the bus that morning.


The classroom was empty when Fraidy arrived. She hung up her coat, organized her briefcase, and took out her history sheets to get a head start studying for the next day’s test.

She was halfway through with those sheets when the classroom door opened. A group of girls entered, talking and giggling.

“And it’s always a mess in there, because they don’t have enough closets, so stuff just piles up all over the place, and then when it comes to laundry, oh my, they seriously —”

Fraidy’s fingers went rigid around her history sheets. Chevi’s voice floated over her, around her, through her. The notes she was reading blurred before her eyes. She could barely breathe.

Nobody had noticed her presence yet. They went on talking and laughing, and soon the rest of their classmates came in until everyone kind of melted into their seats.

Fraidy was still sitting frozen in her seat, her cheeks burning, when Chevi

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casually walked up to her desk. “Hey, Fraidy. Do you have my Perler bead duck?”

“I…” Fraidy stammered.

“Well? Where is it?”

“I… it broke! I mean, it spilled before my mother had a chance to iron it. I didn’t remember how you designed it, so I couldn’t —”

But Chevi wasn’t listening. She pulled Sari Bauer over and sneered. “See, Sari? This is what happens in a house that doesn’t have a playroom. You can’t get a dumb little project done without everything spilling all over the place.”

For a moment Fraidy thought she saw Sari squirm, but then Sari just gave a fake-sounding giggle and said, “Yeah, totally.”

“I don’t even need some stupid Perler bead duck,” Chevi said, “but it’s good to know that your house isn’t a safe place to do stuff.”

By this time Tziporah Meyer and Shaindy Oberman were also clustered around Chevi, joining her in the horrible laughter. Fraidy’s eyes desperately sought out Shevy Schwartz, but her friend was sitting and reading something in her seat near the window and had missed the whole exchange.

The air in the classroom was suffocating, and it felt like forever before Mrs. Shiffer finally walked in.

For the rest of the day, Fraidy sat in her seat and didn’t utter a word. *

Systems, as they applied to Mr. Gabioff, was a running joke between the employees at Kleenup. “By the time I quit this job, the system will be so systemized, I’ll be systematically systemified,” Adina regularly quipped.

So it wasn’t surprising or worrying when Mr. Gabioff called a meeting for 1:30, to discuss “a new system to streamline the workflow.” All it meant for Riva was that she’d have to squeeze the day’s work into an hour less time, which possibly meant skipping her lunch break. Nothing would be different after this meeting, because for all her boss’s talk, no changes would be implemented before he was ready to relinquish control over his business.

Which, being Mr. Gabioff, was never going to happen. Conducting those meetings was his system. That’s how he dealt with his frustration. Pounding on his desk and yelling, “There needs to be a system in place!” while his employees either cowered or snickered in their seats, helped him cool off, at least until the next frustrating incident.

He’d certainly dealt with a frustrating incident that morn-

ing, when Acker had called to cancel their cleaning. The reason was legitimate; there had been some leak in the house that would require plumbing repairs that day. Too bad that it was Riva’s account and she was therefore privileged to get an earful from him before she’d even clocked in. He hadn’t even been interested in listening to anything she’d had to say to justify the Ackers. Him venting and her listening — it was all part of Mr. Gabioff’s “system.”

Assuming the meeting would be centered around the Ackers, Riva mentally prepared herself to be the subject of many pointed stares. But when the meeting actually began, she quickly realized that the meeting wasn’t about her at all.

It was about Shuli Nieder.

Mr. Gabioff made a weak attempt at being funny. “My doctor says all this stress isn’t good for me,” he started. “I tried eating an apple a day, it didn’t help, ha ha.”

His staff dutifully pretended to laugh. A system is a system.

“So I realized, I have to step back a little. I can’t be involved in all the nitty-gritty problems throughout the day.” He peeled a Post-it note off a pad and folded it in quarters. “And in order to do that, I hired Mrs. Nieder here to take over some of the business management.”

The silence that followed was a gigantic thing, a monster with teeth bared, spewing fire and heavy breath. Everyone’s gazes shifted to Shuli, who kept her face coolly arranged, just a hint of smile behind cunning eyes.

This was worse than Mr. Gabioff’s temper, worse than his backhanded compliments. She knew exactly how the system would look with Shuli as manager. Her boss wouldn’t give up his authority, not the tiniest portion of it, ever. Instead, she and her coworkers would now have to put up with two bosses — and who knew what it would take to straddle between both of their irritabilities. And egos.

“So,” Mr. Gabioff continued, flicking the folded Post-it across his table and rolling his chair forward. “Mrs. Nieder and I spoke for a long time, and we came up with some ideas of how to make this work. Mrs. Nieder, do you want to explain?”

Shuli sat up straight and flashed the phoniest smile at everyone around. Was it only one week since she’d started this job? Where did she get such confidence from?

As she launched into a whole explanation of her elaborate “vision” for the future of the company, Riva’s wonder over her confidence quickly turned into anxiety. Time was moving along, she had to leave very soon. Would this meeting ever end?

Shuli was clearly in no rush, and she kept going, another five

* * * *
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minutes and another. Riva still had to deposit two payments before she left, and she couldn’t leave late, she had to pick up Eli from the babysitter and be home on time for Tzippy’s bus.

She caught Miriam’s attention and telepathized her nervousness. Miriam offered a helpless shrug in return. What was there to do?

Riva shifted, then gave an open glance at her watch. If Shuli or Mr. Gabioff noticed, they didn’t take the hint. The meeting continued with no end in sight.

Three more minutes. If this didn’t end in three minutes, she would just get up, apologize, and leave. There was no choice.

But when the three minutes were up, Shuli turned her attention to Riva and addressed her. “So with billing, the idea is to be consistent and insistent. We’re going to work on automating a lot of it, but there has to be that regularity, that when —”

Blah blah blah. She was grinding water with her fancy assonance, but Riva had to go Now

She opened her mouth to interrupt, but then Mr. Gabioff found something Shuli had said to be super clever and echoed the sentence five times.

Riva rubbed the underside of her chair. This was crazy.

A few more minutes of the vitally important meeting passed. Riva was afraid to look at the time. Finally, when Shuli paused to let something she’d said sink in, Riva stood up. “I’m so sorry,” she mumbled. “I have to go now.”

“Ah, but this is really important,” Mr. Gabioff said. “What’s the rush?”

Her face flushed. “Uh… my kids…”

“Can’t you make some arrangements? Just for today. I need everyone here, we’re all going to have to be on the same page if we want the new system to work.”

Seriously! She had set work hours, perfectly timed around the bus schedule. She couldn’t just stay late because of a system that was never going to take off.

But this was Mr. Gabioff, and if he asked you to stay late, you stayed.

“Let me try to make arrangements,” Riva heard herself say.

She stepped out of his office and took out her phone. Arrangements, really. Yaakov was out of the equation — this was the day of his big school in-

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terview. She would call her mother, but her mother was leaving to Lakewood soon for a wedding. That left Lani.

Her fingers were a little sweaty as she dialed her sister. They did such stuff for each other all the time, but for some reason, it felt a little tone deaf to ask for this favor today.

“Uh…” she said when Lani answered. “Would you be able to do me a huge favor?”


“It’s Tzippy. I won’t be home on time for her bus. Can I have her dropped off at your house and I’ll pick her up later?”

“At my basement,” Lani replied crisply. “Yes, no problem.”



She hung up and called the bus teacher to beg her to please make this last-minute bus change, even though it was against school policy. Then she returned to the meeting, which lasted another 25 torturous minutes.

By the time Riva got home, after picking up Eli and Tzippy, Fraidy was already home from school.

“How was your day?” Riva asked her daughter tiredly.

“It was…” Fraidy started. She looked like she was about to say something, but then she turned her head away and muttered, “Whatever.”

So Riva wasn’t the only tired one. Looked like Fraidy had also had a long day. Well, she wouldn’t allow herself to feel guilty that supper wasn’t ready on time. None of this was her fault.

And it wasn’t Yaakov’s fault either. The reason he wasn’t available to help was because he was taking steps to rescue her from Mr. Gabioff and Shuli Nieder and all their systemized systems.

There was nobody to blame. Which made her fatigue that much more intense.


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Welcome back to our series on making sense of the markets! Last week, we discussed stocks, bonds, markets and inflation – and even the law of supply and demand.

Now let’s talk about your favorite way to spend money. Some people like to shop, some like to eat out, some enjoy staying home, and others are just trying to keep their heads above water. Hopefully, you have at least a little more money coming in every month than the amount you spend. What do you do with that “extra” money? Ideally, you’re putting some of it away in savings — maybe for that new couch, your son’s bar mitzvah, for a rainy day, or for the weddings you’re hoping to make, b’shaah tovah

Where do you put it? Not all investments are created equal. Why do some investments give you a larger payout than others?

This brings us to the economic theory called the risk-reward ratio.

Imagine you’re standing in your friend’s living room and someone offers you $100 to get to the window on the other side — but you can step only on the cracks between the tiles. You’ll probably get across the room safely, right? But if you’re looking at a tightrope that’s twenty stories up, you might feel differently about walking the same distance. What’s the difference? Obviously, if you take a wrong step in the

living room, you forfeit the $100. Big deal. It’s worth trying for $100, right?

But if someone has a misstep 20 flights up, the results would be very not good. The risk is certainly not worth $100.

And so, the risk-reward ratio measures the amount of risk versus the potential reward.

How safe is it to buy a specific stock? And what do you stand to gain from it? In a perfect economy — the kind that exists only in the imagination — the higher the risk entailed in your investment, the greater the reward.

So let’s say you’ve saved up $1,000 that you don’t need right now, but you’d like to have it available in two years to put toward your kid’s braces. And let’s say you’re considering three very different possibilities to park your hardearned funds.

1. You can put your money into a savings account in the bank, which pays less than 1% interest.

2. You’re considering purchasing government bonds, which pay 4% interest.

3. You could lend your money to Sebastian the Snake, who claims his new invention is the greatest thing since sliced bread — and he says he’ll pay 9% interest.

Why is Sebastian willing to pay so much more than your other options? It’s because of the riskreward ratio. An investment that carries a greater risk must offer a greater reward in order to attract investors.

Because U.S. government bonds are backed by the full faith and credit of the U.S. government, the risk of default is very low, and these bonds are considered a safe investment. While your profits will be lower, this low-risk investment can entice most of us to hand over our money more easily than Sebastian the Snake can.

One of my first clients wanted to buy some stock in a company called Chopp Computer. “My grandson told me it’s a great investment!” Bubby B. enthused.

“Your grandson is a young man with a respectable amount of disposable income and a few decades before he’ll need that cash for his retirement,” I explained. “Even if he loses his entire investment, it’s less than 1% of his portfolio, and he won’t feel the pinch. You, on the other hand, are at a different stage in life. Your investments should generate a comfortable passive income — and they should be in bluechip holdings.”


NAME: Dvora Freimark

BUSINESS NAME: Swim with Sharks

I LOVE MY JOB BECAUSE: It’s always different and exciting. And I love watching my clients grow and succeed.


Remembering that it’s all just hishtadlus.

Chopp Computer climbed and climbed, to about $125 per share[ZR1]. And then it fell and fell, all the way down to $5. Luckily, Bubby B. had followed my advice and purchased a selection of dividend-paying stocks, along with some funds and municipal bonds. She enjoyed her final years, living off the income from her investments and spoiling her grandchildren.

How can you make money investing? Let’s look at that next week, be”H !

Dvora Freimark is a business coach at Swim with Sharks. She loves to discuss financial theory and support her clients with practical ways they can raise their business to the next level.

203 845.600.8484 May 24, 2023 The Monsey View
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206 845.600.8484 The Monsey View May 24, 2023




Glorious, vibrant salads boasting summer’s bounty make for a fabulous display at a milchig Yom Tov kiddush. VASE

WATERDALE 209 The Monsey View
TROPICAL SUMMER SALAD 210 845.600.8484 The Monsey View May 24, 2023


Different, healthy and beautiful!


4 cups lettuce of choice

2 mangoes

2 persian cucumbers

1 avocado

½ cup thick coconut flakes


Juice of 1 lime

¼ cup olive oil

1 tsp. honey

¼ tsp. salt

¼ tsp. pepper

¼ tsp. cinnamon


2 T. butter

3 slices bread or challah, cubed

1 tsp. cinnamon

1 tsp. sugar


1. Preheat the oven to 350°.

2. Melt the butter in the microwave.

3. Toss with the bread cubes, and spread onto a cookie sheet.

4. Bake for approximately 15 minutes until starting to brown.

5. Remove from the oven, and toss with cinnamon and sugar.


1. Cut the persian cucumbers into half circles.

2. Chop the mangoes and avocado into chunks.

3. Toss the lettuce, mango and cucumbers in a large bowl.

4. Top with avocado, coconut and croutons.

5. Shake the dressing ingredients in a container until smooth.

6. Drizzle dressing over salad or serve on the side.

SUMMER CELEBRATION SALAD 212 845.600.8484 The Monsey View May 24, 2023


This salad is a celebration of summer and special occasions. Choose ripe fruit for a salad that is sweetly divine.


8 oz. salad greens of choice

2 ripe peaches

2 plums

½ cup cherries

⅓ cup feta cheese


⅓ cup olive oil

Juice of one lemon

1 tsp. honey

¼ tsp. salt

¼ tsp. pepper


Don’t finish all of the nuts before they reach the salad. And don’t say I didn’t warn you.

1 T. butter

1 cup peanuts

¼ cup sugar


1. To prepare brittle, set a pan over medium heat. Add butter, nuts and sugar and cook for approximately 8 minutes, stirring constantly until the sugar turns clear and brown.

2. Immediately spread mixture on a parchmentlined baking sheet. Once cooled and hardened, crack into bite-size clusters. Store in an airtight container at room temperature for up to a week.


1. Slice the fruit.

2. Add them to a large bowl and top with feta and peanut brittle.

3. Shake the dressing ingredients in a container until smooth.

4. Drizzle with dressing right before serving, or serve on the side.

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CAESAR SALAD WITH CHEESY CROUTONS 214 845.600.8484 The Monsey View May 24, 2023


This is real-deal caesar, not a mayonnaise-and-sugar version. Hearty, healthy and satisfying! Use cherry tomatoes, not grape tomatoes, for more flavor.


8 oz. romaine lettuce

4 oz. cherry tomatoes

½ red onion

2 T. parmesan cheese


⅓ cup olive oil

4 cloves garlic

3 T. Greek yogurt

1 T. mustard

1 tsp. Worcestershire sauce

Juice of half a lemon

¼ tsp. salt

¼ tsp. pepper


3 slices challah or bread, cubed

2 T. melted butter or oil

½ tsp. basil

½ tsp. garlic powder

¼ tsp. salt

¼ tsp. pepper

½ cup pizza cheese


1. Preheat the oven to 350°.

2. Toss the croutons with oil and spices, and bake for approximately 15 minutes until crisp and starting to brown.

3. Spread the croutons apart so they won’t stick together from the melted cheese. Add a sprinkling of cheese, and return to the oven until melted.


1. Cut the tomatoes in half, and slice the onions into thin half rings.

2. Toss in a bowl with the lettuce.

3. Place dressing ingredients in a container, and shake well until combined.

4. Serve the salad topped with croutons, parmesan cheese and dressing.

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As our countdown to Shavuos winds to a close, we touch on the final of the seven sefiros: malchus Malchus is the noble fusion of humility and exaltedness, of power and compassion. It is the epitome and essence of avodas Hashem.

A human king provides a living example of the total commitment and subservience Klal Yisroel must have to the King of Kings. It is a microcosm analogous to malchus Shamayim. Through royalty we learn what absolute nullification to ratzon Hashem means and what true leadership is all about.

Dovid Hamelech, the quintessential Jewish king, was born and niftar on Shavuos, the day we culminate Sefiras Ha’omer.

Dovid embodied the middah of malchus, simultaneously displaying indisputable supremacy and humble self-effacement. He recognized his noble status as king while maintaining his submissive status as servant of Hashem. He encompassed the unique blend of leadership demanded of Jewish kingship, and thus fathered the royal lineage of Malchus Beis Dovid.

Shavuos is the birthday of our royalty. It is a day when we can renew our connection as servants of the Melech Malchei Hamelachim.

Yet, with absolute monarchy fading into history, have we lost the ability to understand the true definition of kingship? In a world of democracy and equal rights, it’s difficult to picture the affluence, influence and awe of the crown. At the twitch of a finger, absolute monarchs could have subjects executed; at the whim of a scepter, they could fill their coffers. At their royal residences, golden thrones, silver platters and lavishness fit for a king abounded.

Let’s take a peek into the lives of several icons of royalty.

222 The Monsey View
Louis X i V
of France, aka Louis the Great 1638–1715 224 845.600.8484 The Monsey View May 24, 2023

Step into the Palace of Versailles, and you’ve stepped into the pinnacle of royalty. Grandeur. Awe. Splendor. Meet malchus in all its glory.

Commissioned by Louis XIV of France, the palace is stamped with the signature “Louis XIV style,” or French Classicism. The walls of the palace are marble, inlaid with precious stones, bronze, mirrors and gold, and ornate columns and carved niches add a majestic effect. Decorative elements celebrate the king’s cultural and military achievements — all in the name of glorifying the monarchy.

The overstated standard was no accident.

King Louis XIV was obsessed with self-glorification. His fascination with art and architecture mirrored his inflated view of himself. He flaunted royal regalia to the extreme, using opulent materials and expert artisans to develop the décor style that until today remains associated with his name.

Not-Quite-Humble Beginnings

Louis XIV’s obsession with himself may have been rooted in his childhood. With the death of his father, Louis XIII, Louis XIV was named King of France when he was all of four years old. His mother, Anne of Austria, devoted her days to her beloved son, showering him with lavish affection at a level uncommon in the day. She instilled in Louis a strong belief in the absolute, divine power of his monarchy.

Perhaps his egoism could be traced back even earlier, to his very birth. Born 23 years after his parents’ marriage, Louis was a miracle child. The king and queen named their firstborn prince Louis Dieudonne — Louis the G-d-given. As heir apparent, his birth was true cause for celebration.

Little Louis grew up enveloped in affluence, yet exposed to civil crises. He was given everything he could dream of and was cared for devotedly by imperial governesses. The child-king also had private tutors who coached him in all matters he would need to contend with one day.

All the while, his mother, Anne, was the sole regent who was actively involved in state affairs. But people were unhappy under her rule. She extended the royal authority as a precursor to the control she wanted her son to wield and levied high taxes on the populace.

One evening, when Louis XIV was twelve, a mob of Frenchmen stormed the palace, demanding to see their king. Louis was in his bedchamber and pretended to be asleep as the mob neared his room. After taking a look, they were appeased. Still, the incident made it clear that the royal family was in danger. Anne and Louis fled Paris.

Such was the insecurity in the tense political climate of the young king’s childhood.

When Louis turned thirteen, he was deemed ready to rule. He donned the crown in all sincerity, taking personal control over the entire country, without a chief minister — a decision that shocked his subjects.

Louis XIV was firm and haughty, inspiring indisputable awe. His every move was characterized by his integral goal of gratifying and flattering himself. He was quoted as saying, “I am the state,” and his actions reflected that stance.

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Versailles in 1668

With his natural flair for art, he had his eye out for talent. Under his rule, French literature flourished, music and the theater culture grew and the art of symmetrical gardening advanced significantly.

The king also propagandized royalty through artistic expressions of himself. He commissioned more than 300 portraits of himself, many of which hardly resembled his features and instead showed off a haughty expression and elegant stance. In the background, some pictures displayed extravagant draperies or his royal throne, while others emphasized his rich ceremonial fleur-delis robes. He also had master sculptors create statues in his likeness.

Even his foreign policy, which favored war, was in the name of his personal interests. Louis XIV viewed war as the ideal way

to enhance his grandeur. Even during times of peace, he was always focusing on the next war.

In 1709, the king pressured his noblemen to donate the silver plates they dined on to help fund his wars — all while he sat on gold and marble, lavishly enjoying himself.

With a reign of 72 years and 110 days, Louis XIV was the longestruling French sovereign.

The Jews

The late fifteenth century saw Jews expelled from France. By the time Louis XIV was seated on the throne, a wave of Jews had returned. Alsace and Lorraine were among the first heavily populated settlements.

Louis XIV briefly considered following the prevalent approach, which forbade Christians from conversing with Jews and imposed the death penalty for sheltering Jews. Then Louis decided to exploit his Jewish subjects rather than banish them.

In September 1675 Louis XIV granted special protection to Jews. Later, in 1683, the king expelled the Jews of his newly acquired colony of Martinique.

The era of Louis XIV was punctuated by wavering religious freedom and rights, and marked by a strong sense of regal and awe-inspiring malchus

The King’s bedchamber
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Louis XIV crosses the Lower Rhine at Lobith on 12 June 1672; Rijksmuseum Amsterdam
NapoL e oN BoN a parte First Consul of France, First Emperor of France 1769–1821 228 845.600.8484 The Monsey View May 24, 2023

Napoleon Bonaparte’s story is a rags-to-riches legend. It is the story of a boy scorned by his peers who then went on to climb the ranks to the highest echelons of French royalty.

Although he was born to Italian nobility, as an immigrant to mainland France from the island of Corsica, Napoleon endured a challenging youth. He spoke a slow, accented French, was short for his age, and his quirky mannerisms gave his classmates all the more reason to bully him. He was a victim, yet he stood strong.

While still in his youth, Napoleon began to develop and display signs of leadership. In one instance, during a snowball fight at school, he managed to get the junior students on his team to prevail over older students in the game.

Napoleon credited much of his backbone to his firm and disciplined mother. She influenced him to develop tough resilience, and he soon mirrored her values. He once com-

mented, “The future destiny of the child is always the work of the mother.”

The Leadership of Napoleon

After joining the military, it became apparent that Napoleon was a genius at strategy. Like a chess master, he was able to envision moves that were still several steps away and issue commands accordingly. He climbed in rank, time and again.

Napoleon’s competence was matched by his charismatic personality. He was domineering and hypnotic, deftly getting leaders to submit to his will. He commanded respect and dread simultaneously, leading those under his domination to do exactly as he ordered. Everyone knew that when things did not work out as he intended, Napoleon would flex his furious temper.

Napoleon did not lose well. He exercised unsurpassed willpower and was determined to win everything he attempted. As Napoleon scored one military success after the other, conquering territory and winning battles with ease, his victories went to his head. He grew surer of himself, his grandiosity and of his invincibility.

From his position as a French military commander, Napoleon went on to become a political leader. He was then elected as emperor of France in 1804. On coronation day, Napoleon arrived with a golden laurel wreath on his head, and a replica of Charlemagne’s crown was raised above his head as an honorary gesture.

As emperor, Napoleon generally wore a regal green colonel uniform with a bicorne hat. His French-style knickers were cut between his ankle and knee to meet his long white socks, and he adorned his getup with his Legion d’Honneur star, medal and ribbon as well as his Order of the Iron Crown decorations.

Napoleon was short, measuring only five feet and two inches tall. He used to surround himself with tall bodyguards, earning himself the nickname La Petit Caporal. People who met him often marveled at his short stature, which did not seem to match his grand accomplishments.

It was, perhaps, his drive to prove himself that pushed him to such heights. Psychologists later came up with the

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The entry of Napoleon in Schönbrunn, Vienna

name “Napoleon Complex” to describe an inferiority complex in which short people resort to overly aggressive behavior to compensate for their size.

The Jews

To the world, Napoleon was a highly-celebrated yet controversial figure. To the Jews, he was a two-faced leader.

He passed many laws in favor of Klal Yisroel, yet the motive behind his approach is still hotly debated. He was known to make public statements both in support and in opposition of the Jewish people.

When Napoleon arrived in Italy, he was shocked to discover ghettos segregating the Jews, who were forced to wear yellow armbands and bonnets. They were allowed to move about freely by day, but had strict curfews at night. As Napoleon occupied Ancona in central Italy, he put an immediate stop to the discrimination. He dissolved the ghetto and emancipated the Jews, who were now free to practice religion openly. The ghettos of Rome,

Venice, Verona and Padua were liberated as well.

When Napoleon traveled to Eretz Yisroel, with plans to conquer the land that was then under Ottoman rule, he took a unique approach. He was certain that he would win, as he always did, and prepared his policy in advance in a written “proclamation.” In it, he invited Jews across the Mideast and North Africa to create a Jewish State. He wrote that Jews are the rightful heirs of Palestine and deserved a political existence as a nation among the nations. Eventually, Napoleon’s conquest failed, and the proclamation was never put to use.

Back in France, Napoleon lightened the conditions of the Jews, which earned him their respect and admiration. He designated Judaism as one of the official religions of France, essentially pausing much of the persecution Jews had experienced until then.

True, his actions made Jewish life easier in many ways, but his statements did not all align. Napoleon was quoted as calling Klal Yisroel “a nasty people, cowardly and cruel” and a “most contemptible of people.” Was he simply looking to exploit the Jews to his advantage?

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Napoleon and the Grande Armée receive the surrender of Austrian General Mack after the Battle of Ulm in October 1805.
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Master historian Rabbi Berel Wein maintains that Napoleon’s real goal was to watch the Yidden assimilate. “Napoleon’s outward tolerance and fairness toward Jews was actually based upon his grand plan to have them disappear entirely by means of total assimilation, intermarriage and conversion,” he explained.

This theory is supported by a letter Napoleon wrote to his interior minister, Champagny, in 1806: “[It is necessary to] reduce, if not destroy, the tendency of Jewish people to practice a very great number of activities that are harmful to civilization. … It is necessary to change the Jews. ... Once part of their youth will take its place in our armies, they will cease to have Jewish interests

and sentiments; their interests and sentiments will be French.”

Then, in 1808, Napoleon made his sinister motives publicly known with his infamous decree. He restricted Jews from dealing in money-lending, declared all debts with Jews nullified or reduced, and limited Jews from migrating. He also required Jews to adopt legal names and serve in the French military. The goal behind these laws was clear: Napoleon wanted to blur the boundaries and integrate Jewish customs into French culture. The restrictions were lifted in 1811.

Was Napoleon a friend or foe? An examination of the true motives behind even his positive policy toward the Jews sheds some light on the matter.

Napoléon in his coronation robes
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Napoleon’s throne room at Fontainebleau
Fra N z Joseph
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Emperor of Austria, King of Hungary 1830–1916

Magnificent gardens surround the opulent summer residence of the Habsburg dynasty. Impressive furnishings and elaborate ornaments fuse artwork and architecture in a regal display, and the palace’s 1,441 rooms, which boast unique layouts and design, make it one of Europe’s most beautiful Baroque edifices. Welcome to Schonbrunn Palace, birthplace of Kaiser Franz Joseph of Austria.

On August 18, 1830, Archduke Franz Karl and Princess Sophie of Bavaria celebrated the birth of their eldest son, Franz Joseph.

In the lap of luxury and the heart of royalty, young Franz Joseph grew up close to his revered grandfather, Francis II, who died when he was nearly five years old. His uncle, Emperor Ferdinand I, was childless, and it was clear that Franz Joseph was next in line to the Austrian throne.

The Battle of Győr on 28 June 1849. Franz Joseph enters Győr leading the Austrian troops.

The Rule of Franz Joseph

Indeed, when revolutions and winds of democracy prompted Ferdinand I to abdicate, Franz Joseph donned the crown when he was just eighteen years old. The people were enthralled by the youthful, radiant monarch, who proved himself to be a kind and compassionate ruler.

Emperor Franz Joseph made Schonbrunn Palace, the cherished summer residence of his youth, into his primary home. He lived there for the duration of his 68-year reign — the third-longest rule of all sovereigns in Europe — until his death in November 1916.

It didn’t take long for Franz Joseph to snag the title of “most beloved emperor of the Habsburg monarchy.” Between his integrity, decency and charismatic personality, and the above-average standard of living that his subjects enjoyed under his rule, he earned the affection and admiration of the masses.

His leadership went through rough times, too, with various hitches in foreign policy and failed wars. But when Franz Joseph piloted the merger of Austro-Hungary, in which he became the ruler over the dual monarchy of both Austria and Hungary as the two countries came to coexist as equal partners, he demonstrated a unique ability to compromise. This further endeared him to his subjects.

The Jews

The Yidden, too, enjoyed a period of prosperity under the beloved monarch. Franz Joseph offered equal rights to various ethnic groups, including the Jews. He was well-liked, and as a symbol of their appreciation for his tolerance and benevolence, several tefillos and songs were composed in his honor. He made life easier for Yidden, and they davened for his continued success.

When Franz Joseph visited Yerushalayim in 1869, he was greeted enthusiastically and with much admiration. While visiting, he established a fund that was to finance the estab-

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lishment of new institutions.

His tolerance and equality may have had less than positive effects on Austrian Jewish society as well, paving the way for assimilation. Under Franz Joseph’s rule, several Yidden were elected to the Austrian Reichsrat. There were plenty of Jewish bankers, doctors, lawyers and entrepreneurs, and now Jewish poets, journalists and artists contributed to liberal Austrian culture. Vienna, the center of education, became a center of Zionism, too.

During Franz Joseph’s tenure, all factions of Klal Yisroel — from the Torah-true to the assimilated — were recognized as loyal to the empire and the emperor. The fondness was twosided, with the Yidden and the malchus coexisting peacefully.

A famous incident took place when Emperor Franz Joseph visited the large Jewish community of Krakow. As a tribute to their benevolent ruler and to maintain signs of peace, a large portrait of the Kaiser always hung in the hallway leading to the shul. The morning of the visit, in an act of antiSemitism, the picture disappeared. The perpetrators of the theft then went to Franz Joseph, claiming that the Jews did not value him. “They removed your portrait in order to show their disrespect and rebelliousness against your leadership,” they lied.

Indeed, when Franz Joseph entered the shul, he stopped in the hall. “Is it true that my picture usually hangs on this wall?” he asked the rav, Rav Shimon Sofer, zt”l

Rav Shimon, who became aware of the sign’s disappear-

ance only at that moment, did not miss a beat.

“You Royal Majesty,” he explained. “The portrait was removed in your honor.” He went on to draw a parallel to the mitzvah of tefillin. “We Jews wear tefillin as a symbol of our connection with our Creator. Every week, on our holy Shabbos, we do not don tefillin. This is because on Shabbos, we are extra close with our Creator, and thus do not require a mere symbol indicating our connection. In the same way, today is a festive day for us. Today we are honored with the presence of your royal majesty itself! We do not need your picture in front of us now. To the contrary — if we were to have the portrait on the wall today, when we can see your Royal Highness with our own eyes, looking at the picture would be an affront to your honor!”

And the Jews of Krakow were absolved of any question of disloyalty.

Schönbrunn Palace in 2022
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Great Gallery in Schönbrunn Palace
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eL iz a Be th i i

Queen of England


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The image of old-fashioned royalty, the Queen of England presented a face of malchus to a world in which democracy and liberty had become the norm. Her lifestyle, activities and comportment provided great insight into the definition of royalty.

Against a backdrop of the imposing gates of Buckingham Palace, a brigade of crimson-uniformed royal guards with their iconic bearskin hats marched with impeccable precision. This ceremony marked the moment when the guards changed shifts. With nary a smile on their lips, they carried out their straight-backed, regal production with utter exactitude and earnestness. After all, they were the staff of the queen.

The Changing of the Guards was but an introduction to the majestic nobility taking place behind the palace gates.

Inside Buckingham Palace lived Elizabeth II, the Queen

of England, who passed away this past September. A figure of national pride, Queen Elizabeth embodied stability, nobility and the continuity of her monarchical pedigree. Her seven-decades rule was marked by commitment, sacrifice and service to her country as it experienced periods alternating between turbulent and calm. Her inspiring leadership made her a respected personality around the world, and her attire, diet and behavior were followed eagerly by crowds of admirers.

The Queen enjoyed several privileges reserved specifically for the monarch. For one, she never needed to own a passport, as every British passport is issued in the name of Her Majesty. She was allowed to drive without a license and had sovereign immunity.

The Queen, following the tradition of the British royal family to circumcise their sons in typical Jewish fashion, arranged for the circumcision of her son, present-day King Charles III, born in 1948. She summoned expert mohel Rabbi Jacob Snowman to perform the circumcision..

Royal banquets were another example of the Queen’s meticulousness.

The tables were set with the same precision as the Changing of the Guards. Each napkin was perfectly folded and evenly spaced at seventeen inches apart. A tape measure was used to arrange the dishes, cutlery and glassware in perfect symmetry. Despite her household staff of 1,200 servants, the Queen was personally involved in selecting the menu and deciding on a seating plan. Before a banquet would begin, she would walk around the room, inspecting the tables. Truly a table “fit for a queen,” it was the picture of British perfection and pride.

The Queen did not wear a crown every day; the symbolic headdress was donned in honor of special occasions, such as the annual state opening of Parliament. The Imperial State Crown, which the Queen wore to that occasion every year, is ornamented with 2,868 diamonds, 17 sapphires, 11 emeralds, 269 pearls and 4 rubies. It weighs 2.3 pounds. As one historian wrote, “It can be quite hard to look at sometimes because of the sheer light that comes off [its jewels]. It’s literally dazzling… visually overpowering.”

The Queen herself joked about its staggering weight on her head. “You can’t look down to read the speech… be-

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Buckingham Palace

cause if you did, your neck would break,” she said, referring to her speech on the key legislative plans for the upcoming year, which she would read while sitting on a golden throne.

The Queen’s rather modest wardrobe contained mainly dresses in bright colors. Her favorite color was blue, a color long associated with monarchy, military and art. She refrained from wearing beige, because as she was wont to say, “I can never wear beige because nobody will know who I am.” She rarely wore black, as royal etiquette dating back to Queen Victoria reserves black clothing for periods of mourning.

Rarely was a dress worn more than once to important events, and most of her wardrobe was worn only two or three times.

Queen Elizabeth also wore royal handbags on her arm to match her attire — not only as a fashion statement, but also as a tool to secretly signal to her aides when she wished a conversation to end.

With Legendary Precision

The Queen took her responsibilities very seriously, and stuck to a regimented daily schedule. She went to sleep rather early — the very same time each night — so that she would be well-rested for her morning appointments.

At 7:30 a.m., she would awaken, and at precisely 8 a.m., her personal assistants would help her prepare for her

day. Meanwhile, she would sip some Earl Grey tea with milk.

At 8:30, she would head to the dining room for an elegant yet simple breakfast, after which she would relax on her porch for a couple of minutes to the sound of Royal Court bagpipe music.

Her office work began at 9:30, with the press secretary filling her in on global events. After some two hours of paperwork, the Queen held meetings with dignitaries in intervals of ten minutes each.

Lunch was served at 1:30 p.m., and she ate either alone or with her children. Her royal chef would show her the weekly menu, written in French.

The Queen would then stroll the palace gardens and relax

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Windsor Castle
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with some reading material before sitting down to afternoon tea with sandwiches or scones. After resuming her office work, the Queen would head off to her private quarters to prepare for dinner, which she was served on a silver platter — literally.

Lights were out at eleven, so the Queen could get her eight and a half hours of sleep.

The Jews

British Jews enjoyed a peaceful, amicable relationship with the Queen. In many communities, a special tefillah for her welfare was recited.

The Queen’s mother-inlaw, Princess Alice, risked her life to hide Jews in Greece

during the Holocaust. Queen Elizabeth herself was quite emotional when she hosted a group of survivors on the 60th anniversary of Auschwitz’s liberation. Disregarding her typical adherence to punctuality, the Queen actually overstayed the time she had allotted for this event. She mingled with the survivors, giving each one her full attention. She later commented, “It was an act of kindness that almost had me in tears. One after another, the survivors came to me in a kind of trance, saying, ‘Sixty years ago, I did not know if I would be alive tomorrow, and here I am today talking to the Queen.’ It brought a kind of blessed closure into deeply lacerated lives.”

The Throne Room at The Buckingham Palace
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The goral haGra is mostly known to have been performed by tzaddikim who had the zechusim necessary to merit Divine assistance. But in the storm of serious indecision, sometimes pashute Yidden have also performed the goral — with awe-inspiring results.


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The Gemara says that matching couples together is as difficult as splitting the sea. But what happens when one finds themselves standing before two seas, without a clue as to which one to attempt to proceed through?

That’s what happened to us.

Our daughter had been in shidduchim for about a year when we started getting just the slightest bit worried. Never mind that she was only nineteen years young. Those were the days when it was less common for girls to find their zivug any more than a sneeze past high school or seminary, especially when it came to our chassidishe circles.

Soon a name that seemed interesting was redt. Naftali Gold* was purported to be a top boy with sterling middos who’d been raised in a wonderful home, and all the details seemed to match up. But even though we were ready to go to the next step, the Golds were still dragging their feet, and so it was that nothing came of the shidduch at the time.

A short while later, another potentially good shidduch was redt. Baruch Katz* also came from a wonderful home, and in his case, as well, we were hearing only good things about his learning and middos. We did some more homework, and before we knew it, we were at the turning point in the shidduch and had to decide whether or not to move forward.

And then… the Golds, of the first shidduch, said yes.

Now we found ourselves with two potentially good options on the metaphoric table, and we quickly went from worrying about having no options to agonizing over which of the two seemingly ideal choices to pursue. After much deliberation, confusion and many sleepless nights, my husband decided to throw the question to the Heavens and let a healthy

dose of siyata d’Shmaya decide for us: He would perform the goral haGra

He sat down with a Chumash, very aware of the immensity of what he was about to attempt. Following the precise steps of the goral, which involved seven steps of seven movements through the sefer, he arrived at one specific letter. Then he sought the next pasuk that began with that letter, and there was the answer, clear as day: “Naftali ayalah sheluchah hanosein imrei shafer ” (Bereishis 49:21).

And that was that. With the peace of mind borne of calm decision, and with the blessings of our Rebbe and the happy approval of both young people in question, the couple was soon engaged to be married. Mazel tov!

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In the late 1930s, sixteen-year-old Dovid Kviat’s uncle recognized Dovid’s potential for greatness, and encouraged Dovid’s father to send him to learn in the famed Mir Yeshiva in Poland. Dovid lived up to expectations, immersing himself in the timeless pages of Torah. But then came the devastating interruption: The upheaval of war began to shake the world. With Germany invading Poland, blackness of fear and turmoil choked the Yidden. Then Hashem opened a crack, allowing in the light of hope. Germany and Russia signed a pact under which Vilna, Lithuania, was declared autonomous and not under German rule. Vilna became a miraculous oasis in the harrowing desert.

The Mirrer roshei yeshiva, under the guidance of Rav Chaim Ozer Grodzinski, decided that the entire yeshiva would go to Vilna and reestablish itself there (later moving on to Shanghai for the duration of the war).

The young bochur, later to be renowned as Rav Dovid Kviat, zt”l, mechaber of sifrei Sukkos Dovid, Rav of Agudath Israel 18th Avenue, and one of the roshei yeshiva of Mir, understood that life would never be the same again. He had a strong desire to gezegen zich from his father in Bialystok (his mother was niftar when he was three). But should he risk traveling 200 miles from Vilna to Bialystok, which was under Soviet rule, when the danger of war was spreading its tentacles? The risk was compounded by the fact that he didn’t own a passport or identity papers.

Dovid could not make the decision; instead, he decided to perform the goral haGra

The pasuk he arrived at read, Lo sira mipachad leilah — Do not be afraid of the fear of night (Tehillim 91:5). With this clear answer, he set out on the perilous journey. After an emotional visit with his father, he returned to Vilna.

In the station, while waiting for the connecting train, Dovid noticed Soviet border guards roving the place. On the alert, Dovid kept moving from place to place, trying to steer clear of them. However, exhausted from his travels, he dozed off while sitting on a bench.

The guards were on the lookout for sleeping passengers, deducing that they were escapees who were fatigued from being on the run, and Dovid was hauled off to the police station. On the way, he undertook a kabbalah to dedicate himself to learning with in-

tense hasmadah for three years.

When the commandant demanded to see his papers — which Dovid did not have — Dovid responded with a puzzled look on his face, telling them in Yiddish that he doesn’t understand Russian. They switched to Polish, and Dovid pretended to still be stumped. Finally, the soldiers brought a Yid who interpreted their demand.

“Papers?! Ohhh!” In the most natural, cooperative way, he flung open his jacket and pointed to some papers in his pocket. “Here they are. Take them!”

His confidence was so convincing, the commandant didn’t even bother to look at the papers. He just waved Dovid through.

Even more significantly, in Dovid’s pocket were American dollars from his father. Had the guards searched him, they would have found the money, which to the Soviets was serious contraband.

Although he had escaped the NKVD’s clutches, Dovid was worried they might yet haul him back for questioning. He ran to hide in the local shul where he reached out to askanim. The Vaad Hatzolah of the town arranged a car ride for him back to Vilna, and Dovid lay hidden on the floor of the car for the entirety of the five-hour journey. From there he traveled to Shanghai with the Mirrer Yeshiva and lived to tell the tale.

Lo sira mipachad leilah! For the rest of his life, Rav Dovid Kviat would repeat the story of the unique “travel insurance” that protected him in the most miraculous way.

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If the worst of my parenting woes, the kind that made me doubt my very ability to do this motherhood thing, could be put into one word, it would be bedtime. Those storybook moments of bonding, reciting krias shema over freshly shampooed locks; the magic of nighttime lullabies, snuggles and bedtime stories… It was all a pipe dream in the face of the raucous hooting, over-the-top antics and fierce resistance I experienced night after weary night.

Bedtime was the cue for children of various ages to rev up their energy and raise the volume, and chaos would ensue. I’d put the youngest to bed, and the others would come to wake her, getting creative and aggressive in their attempts to abolish bedtime. Shoes would fly, music would blast, fights would erupt… anything to trigger intense reactions out of Mother. And it worked. My kids knew just which buttons to press. And I, helpless and exhausted and so desperate for the day to end, was not on my best mommy behavior, to put it very mildly.

On one such night, while holding a baby in one arm and trying helplessly to direct his siblings to bed, I felt I couldn’t do this any longer. Forget charts, forget bribes, forget threats. Forget parenting methods or rules or firmness or consistency or routines. Bedtime was too dysregulating to my emotional state to even try to work through this in a logical way or make systemic changes.

I resolutely went into the kitchen and took the white bottle off the shelf — a supplement I had not brought into my house until the recent desperation had set in — and eyed it squarely. A long time ago, when the kids who were now making the very walls reverberate were little, I promised myself that I would never use melatonin. Ever. I had so many reasons: It wasn’t FDA-regulated. It was a hormone. Who knew what could go wrong? It could affect their health. It could ruin their entire future! I wouldn’t do that to my children, no matter what. I would never poison them with anything that could put their future at stake.

Until today.

Now, as I stared at the bottle, daring myself to open the seal, the advice of the professionals I’d consulted suddenly faded as fear overtook me. Although given the circumstances and the carnival bedtime had become, melatonin was probably the healthiest option available, I just couldn’t bring myself to cross the divide.

I stood, frustration roiling, and thought hard. I was so scared. Scared for my children’s well-being, for their future. Scared to renege my sacred vow. And scared that something would happen if I didn’t figure out a way to make bedtime different.

Hashem! I thought. What’s the right thing? I’m so torn. And so weak. And so discouraged.

What should I do?

I couldn’t consult with a navi. I didn’t have the Urim V’tumim. But I had a Chumash. And while I knew I didn’t know how to do the goral properly, I was feeling so lost, and I was desperate for support. I took a Chumash Bereishis out of the seforim closet, and as one particularly loud shriek shook the house, I self-consciously opened it to a random page, surprised to see my fingers were trembling.

I looked at the words of the pasuk I had turned to and soon a few tears blurred the page before me. “Al tira, ki itcha anochi u’veirachticha v’hirbeisi es zarecha…” was what I read. Do not fear, because I am with you and I will multiply your children.

I didn’t need anything else. It felt like a Divine wink, a little whisper from Hashem that it was okay. That I could do what I needed to do.

As I broke the seal of the melatonin bottle and offered a crumb to each of my children, some of my despair faded away. I knew that Hashem had faith that I could figure this out and that I was not alone.

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When the hunt for a piece of property takes so long that every broker in the area knows you, you know you’re in trouble. But like it or not, this was our reality.

My wife and I were dreaming of a property in the Catskills. It would be large, would provide us with privacy, and with the supercharged technicolor of dreams, would have space for our children to sing at the top of their lungs without our neighbors hearing a thing.

The only problem was that not a single property we were being shown seemed to be the right one. One was too close to camps and bungalow colonies, another was too far. This one was too big, that one was too small. And after two and half years of chasing an elusive dream, and trekking up and down Sullivan County to look at one property after the other, my wife and I were getting supremely frustrated.

Finally, things began looking up. We were shown not one, but two properties with potential. While they were very different from each other, both had certain qualities we liked. One, which was an empty piece of land, was located near a Gerrer camp. We called this option the “Gerrer property.” The other property, which boasted a house and a pool, was another fair option.

Now one question remained: Which one should we buy? It is said that every piece of land is bashert for its owners in a manner similar to a zivug, but in this case, nothing pulled us one way or the other. How could we choose?

Then I had an idea. I had just read A Tzaddik in Our Time, which related the unbelievable tale of Rav Aryeh Levin, zt”l, using the goral haGra to identify the remains of twelve Israeli soldiers. Now, plagued with indecision — even if only over this comparatively insignificant purchase — I decided to give the goral a try.

As I sat down to perform the goral, something made me voice the stipulation that any reference to the Gerrer property in the manner of hinting that this was the one would have to contain the word “ger,” and not something similar to it. The root gimmel-reish is found in many places in the Torah, and I didn’t want to be left with any ambiguity.

With this thought in mind, I sat down with no small amount of anticipation and performed the goral. Remarkably, the following pasuk came up: “V’chi yavo halevi mei’achad she’arecha asher hu gar sham u’va b’chol avas nafsho el hamakom asher yivchar Hashem” (Devarim 18:6).

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This result was both extraordinary and enlightening on so many levels. For one, I am a levi. Second, I now understood why I had felt compelled to voice the stipulation about the precision of the word “ger.” Obviously, the “Gerrer property” was not for us, for the pasuk said “gar ” with a kamatz. Third, I now knew with certainty that neither of these properties were meant for us; the end of pasuk said “asher yivchar Hashem” in future tense. Clearly, Hashem had yet to show us the right piece of land — but now I was certain that it would show up soon.

To be honest, the result was a bit of a letdown. My wife and I had been fairly sure that we’d go from goral to contract, one way or the other. But we had to admit that there was no ambiguity here; the answer was clear. We resigned ourselves to the fact that the wait would take just a little bit longer.

Not more than two weeks later, a broker showed me some more properties, but none of them were of interest. Then he said, “I have one more property to show you, but it’s on a hill. Would that bother you?”

“Not at all,” I said. “Hills don’t bother me. Let’s go.”

He drove me to the property, and I walked around. After ten minutes, I returned to his car and said, “Yes, this is a property I’m ready to go ahead with.”

The broker was shocked. “I don’t understand. I’ve been taking you around for more than two years, and now, in ten minutes, you know with certainty that this is the one?”

“It fits the bill,” I said simply. “But I finally like a property, so why aren’t you happy about it?”

“Well,” he replied. “There’s just one little problem: It’s not for sale.”

Now it was my turn to be shocked. “Why are you showing it to me, then?”

The broker explained that he’d sold this property to the current owner fifteen years ago.

“I have a feeling he’d be willing to sell,” he said.

The very next day, we got the go-ahead from the owner, who was glad to sell the lot for the same price he’d originally paid for it (the market was doing poorly then). He also asked that we pay the brokerage fee to make sure he would recoup his losses. We agreed, signed on the dotted line, and before we knew it, the levi had found his home.

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Twelfth grade was winding to a close, and there was lots of talk in the classroom about the upcoming year. Many of us were dreaming of teaching, but we all knew that only a select few would receive coveted positions in our school. I remember the special lesson my teacher devoted to the topic, guiding us on how to respond to our friends once we all found out who got which grade, if at all. For those of us with a competitive streak, it was an exciting time.

My model lesson had gone really well, so I wasn’t surprised when the principal quietly told me that I was on her teachers list. No one else knew yet.

That’s when my inner conflict kicked in.

On the one hand, I was exhilarated to have been chosen, and I looked forward to teaching in a familiar environment. But I also felt a bit uncomfortable.

I had two older sisters already teaching in the school, and I could just picture what my friends would say when they heard I got the job. They’d be rolling their eyes in that I-told-you-so way. Of course Dini was chosen! She’s in the right family! Deep down, I also had a fear of failure. What if I wasn’t successful? It would be so uncomfortable for me to be that teacher, who couldn’t control her class, in the face of my old principal and teachers.

Then another opportunity came my way. Earlier in the year, when some of my friends had applied to a school about a 40-minute drive away, I had joined them and delivered a model lesson, too. There weren’t too many local schools where we lived, and in case we wouldn’t be accepted in our own school, we could always fall back on a position there.

Now they offered me a great job. Perfect grade, perfect subjects, perfect pay. The only real drawback was the commute. Still, something about it appealed to me. I had received the offer on my own merit, and I relished the opportunity to start with a clean slate and prove myself.

My older sisters tried talking me out of it. Commuting would make this position very challenging in the long run. I would

have to find a local job when I got married and start all over again. And on and on.

My head throbbed. The principal of the out-of-town school needed an answer by the next morning, and I couldn’t make up my mind. Should I go for the prestigious job in a familiar environment, or leave my comfort zone and try something new and unknown?

I was at a loss.

My father saw my confusion and decided to do the goral haGra. He opened a Chumash, and it fell on the words, “And Hashem said to Moshe: Why do you cry to Me? Speak to Bnei Yisroel and let them travel” (Shemos 14:15).

There it was, black on white. I knew just which job to accept.

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He had been lucky once; would he strike gold again?


When the Nazis stormed into his world, Ezriel Mozes was learning in Pressburg. One of the blessed few to receive a precious exit visa, he fled to Manchester Yeshiva, finding freedom under foreign gray skies. Yet throughout it all, worry seared his very flesh like knives. The image of his parents’ faces drifted across his Gemara, whispering of pain and longing. They were trapped in the licking flames; how he wished he could do something. Their goodbyes hounded him as he fought to sleep — bright blue eyes dimmed by sadness, strong shoulders against his own, the unspoken question: When will we see you again? Day after day, he poured his anguish into his learning and davening, the torches of belief that lit up his lonely life.

Rumors abounded, growing louder each day. Ghastly visions he could not even believe, of a fiery Gehinnom that was merciless in its hate. Familiar names of brethren who were dead, found in piles of corpses. Wideeyed men who had endured the notorious camps told of ironclad belief in Hashem, of sacrifices, of that spark of humanity in the most inhuman places.

The years passed painfully slowly. Trust and despondency swung like a pendulum inside him, up and down, rising and falling as the worry receded and flashed. Yet he refused to allow himself to fall into a pit of despair and hung onto a gossamer thread of hope for his father’s kiss once again. Netzach Yisrael lo yishaker!

Then a ray of sunshine lit up the drab English skies: The last embers of the war were dying out at last, and lists of were survivors, corroborated by the Red Cross, were made

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available to the public. Ezriel ran, his feet slapping the pavement in anticipation. This was it. The moment of truth. He scanned the lists. Maybe, maybe Then his heart stopped, and lifted, almost bursting in disbelief.

Could it be true?

But his eyes had not deceived him. His parents’ names were there, standing neat and straight like soldiers on the battleground. Mordche Usher and Chaya Mozes.

His pulse thundered in his ears, his hands shook. Tatte! Mamme! Oh, how he wished he could fly! Wished he could be with them now, hold their hands and never let go. It took him just a moment to decide: He was going to bring them here, help them set up a new home in England.

A few birds chirped a merry tune nearby, the noise ringing in his ears as his mind filled with things to do. He was a busy man on his way.

* * * * *

Young waves leaped forth eagerly, foaming excitedly at the golden shore. As they gently stroked the coast, they set forth their glittery carpet. At last, Ezriel was journeying to his future. Looking out at the horizon, a ribbon of blue, he opened his heart and thanked his Maker for his parents, who were waiting for him on the other side of the sparkling ocean.

And then, wonders of wonders, he was there. Klausenberg. A kaleidoscope of emotion flooded Ezriel as familiar landmarks came into view — longing, hope, sadness. But the sparkle of his comfortable childhood was gone. The city was silent under an aged sky with no hint


of sun. Skeletons crept around with ghostly eyes, missing teeth. Hours passed as he looked, searched.

Where were they?

A nasty rain began falling, turning the sky black.


The streets became a blur as Ezriel raced toward his former home. Home!


Finally he stood outside the house. Strange people stood around, staring — “Your parents?” A cruel laugh was the answer.

Adrenaline coursed through him, an edge of worry clawing its way in.


And then, in one moment, it was all over. His parents’ visas had survived, possessed by others, but his beloved mother and father were gone. Ezriel trembled violently; his eyes stung, his heart ached with raw pain. The crushing disappointment stole his breath. Hours bled away as he struggled to control his grief.

He would never see his parents again.

* * * * *

Dawn broke shyly, pink rays casting gentle shadows. The sun spread its blanket of warmth over the earth, lighting up the slumbering city with its hazy glow. But even the heat of the morning could not thaw the agony lodged in Ezriel’s chest. There was nothing here for him anymore. Memories assaulted him at every corner; stories, jokes and family lore were embedded in the very cobblestones.

Ezriel strode forward, an inner strength propelling him to the marketplace. The street

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trembled with humanity as people moved, haggled, made purchases. Vendors stood at multicolored stalls, selling spices and scarves and sugar. Aromas and voices mingled, and a man missing a leg sat begging for alms.

Suddenly, a glinting piece of china caught Ezriel’s attention. A dark-haired man was wrapping it up in paper — but was it just paper?

Ezriel took another step forward. The paper looked awfully familiar.

Yellowed pages, sacred pages… his father’s pages. The name Mordche Usher Mozes was embossed proudly on the heavy brown volume the man was callously ripping apart. Inside the volume Ezriel caught sight of small writing, pages dog-eared with the toil of learning, the joy of understanding.

This was his father’s Shas, his father’s pride! An image arose in Ezriel’s mind: A lilting tune, Tatte sitting hunched over his precious volumes, dark night blending into sunrise…

Anger swelled in his chest. It whirled inside of him, red-hot with indignation.

The torn pages were hurriedly folded over pieces of china, the holiness wrapping the mundane — so wrong, so wicked. Yet Ezriel knew that shouting wouldn’t get him anywhere. The Jews were at the very bottom of the totem pole now, slaughtered, sold, subjugated. Fingering his pocket, he marched forward, a man on a mission.

“I would like to buy this, please.”

The vendor looked up. “Which item?”

“No, just the paper you’re wrapping the china in, and that book there,” he clarified, gesturing to the half-torn Shas.

“What!” muttered the man, exasperated. “You just never know with these Jews...”

Money changed hands, and soon Ezriel was holding the book in his arms. He sat on a nearby bench and flipped through the hallowed tome, his father’s love coursing through the pages.

* * * * *

He returned to England an old man, with hair white from shock.

The hope he had nurtured in his heart had been extinguished. Yet he had his father’s legacy forever.

The pages were warm against his chest.

“Me’aimasai korin es Shema b’arvis…”

He lifted his pure voice up to Heaven as he caressed the Shas that had finally come home.

270 845.600.8484 The Monsey View May 24, 2023
272 845.600.8484 The Monsey View May 24, 2023

The words kiddush Hashem and kedoshim always evoke in me a certain feeling of sadness. Throughout our long galus, Yidden were always being slaughtered solely because they were Jews. Throughout our history — whether during the Spanish Inquisition, the Crusades, the Napoleonic Wars, the eras of the Czars, both world wars, and even today, when there are so many terrorists around the world seeking to harm us, Rachmana litzlan, we can only beseech Hashem to take revenge on “dam avadecha hashafuch.”

The concept of kiddush Hashem also has another interpretation: the concept of sanctifying the Name of Hashem before His people. The following stories, all true, show another way we Yidden can be mekadesh Hashem: by showing the world that we live a more exalted life and strive for superior standards.

In the fall of 1969, New York City was in a frenzy. A relatively new baseball team, the New York Mets, suddenly had great prospects of winning the World Series championship and thus being crowned the best team in all of America. The deciding game was to take place on a weekday, and those who could take off from work to watch the game did so. Those who, “nebach,” had to go to work that day, satisfied themselves with listening to the game on the radio. Every workplace had the radio on its highest volume — even a local bank, where they usually played only quiet classical music.

That day, a yeshivah administrator was at the teller’s window in the bank when the news came over the radio. The Mets won! What glory for New York! The teller who was taking care of the administrator’s account was so excited and overwhelmed by the news that instead of handing him six ten-dollar bills, she accidentally gave him six hundred dollars.

The Yid handed back the extra money, and the woman began to cry. “Rabbi, you saved me. If they would have found this error, I would have had to pay the difference [a tidy sum in those days] from my own pocket, and I would have lost my job. I would never have been able to work in any bank again.”


One cold winter night, a fire broke out in an apartment building in upper Manhattan, in a crime-ridden neighborhood where people are afraid to walk even during the day. A few chassidish young men took the initiative and got a nearby public school to open its doors. They set up tables with hot food and various necessities such as toiletries, sweaters, blankets and baby essentials to help the displaced residents. One woman, displaying the diapers, formula and baby food that she was given, said to a newspaper reporter, “I’ve always heard that Jews are good people who like to do good. Now I see it for myself!”

Mr. Aaron Feuerstein of Boston was a shomer Torah u’mitzvos who owned a very large mill that manufactured fabric for popular sportswear. One year, a fire broke out right before the non-Jewish holiday season. Insurance covered the loss of his buildings and machines, but what Mr. Feuerstein did next came out of his own pocket: He immediately let all of his workers know that they would be fully paid even though they wouldn’t be working.

This incident was written up in the most prestigious business publications worldwide, and most writers also noted that this same Mr. Feurstein always paid his workers in full even when his factories were closed when Yom Tov fell on a weekday.

AYid by the name of Rabbi Noach Muroff once bought a used desk. Upon arriving home, he realized that the desk was a fraction of an inch too large to fit through the door. When he and his wife dismantled the desk, they found a plastic shopping bag behind the drawers. Inside was $98,000 dollars in cash. He immediately called the original owner, who had hidden the money and then forgotten where she’d put it.

This was the end of the story, until Rabbi Shmuel Kamenetsky encouraged Rabbi Muroff to publicize it. From all over the world, this young man was besieged by interviewers, with reporters asking him why he did it. His simple answer was, “I am a Jew, and I was always taught that one does not keep anything that does not belong to him.”

While on an outing on Governors Island with their children, a chassidish couple found a wallet with $1,400 cash in it. They immediately called their rav, who said that while they were not obligated to look for the non-Jewish owner and return the money, if a kiddush Hashem could come out of it, they should by all means try to find the owner. He then added that if they were already going the route of kiddush Hashem, they should try for the most publicity possible.

The family got in touch with a local frum politician who, along with a photographer, came to the meeting of finder and owner. The politician said a few words, the owner of the wallet expressed his thanks, and they were photographed together (the finders did not want their name or photo publicized). Several publications featured this as a newsworthy story. (As an aside, the wallet was returned in the late afternoon, when the streets were full of school-age children who received an impromptu lesson on how to make a kiddush Hashem.)

In truth, making a kiddush Hashem needn’t be complicated or very dramatic; it can even be done with something as simple as a glass of cold water. When your cleaning lady or delivery boy walks into your house on a sweltering day, just handing them a cool drink reflects the menschlichkeit with which we were brought up, and causes a real kiddush Hashem.

Ultimately, we have an obligation to teach our children how to act. The best way, of course, is by example. How we behave at a doctor’s office, on public transportation, at the supermarket or at the gas station is inevitably noticed by our children. Let us hope that Hashem’s Name should always be sanctified, in all its glory, through our actions and everyday encounters.

275 845.600.8484 May 24, 2023 The Monsey View

Attention boys and girls! The Monsey View invites you to join an exciting and meaningful Tehillim contest.To enter, recite your designated amount of Tehillim each day of Shavuos.

Under age 6: one kapitel

לטיפאק ןייא :טלא ראי סקעז רעטנוא

Age 7: seven kapitlach

ךעלטיפאק ןביז :ראי 7

Age 10: ten kapitlach

ךעלטיפאק ןעצ :ראי 10

In addition to the immeasurable rewards from Above you will receive for reciting Tehillim, every participant of this contest who submits a completed chart after Shavuos will be entered into an exciting drawing for a chance to win either a Segway Zing E12 electric scooter or a 20-inch bike!

Bring your completed charts to Toys 4 U by Sunday, June 4, to enter the drawing.

עלעיצעפס א טימ סיורא רימ ןעמוק תועובש בוט םוי יד דובכל

ךעלטיפאק ןגאז ן'טימ תועובשה ימי יד ןצונוצסיוא םארגארפ

ןיא ףתתשמ ךיז זיא סאוו רעדעי טעוו ייברעד ןוא םילהת

.תולרוג עלופטרעוו ייווצ ןיא ןייגניירא םארגארפ רעזנוא

א ןגאז דניק רעדעי ףראד םארגארפ רעד ןיא קלח א ןעמענ וצ

.בוט םוי ןופ

Age 6: three kapitlach

ךעלטיפאק יירד :ראי 6

Age 8: eight kapitlach ךעלטיפאק טכא :ראי 8

Age 11: eleven kapitlach

ךעלטיפאק ףלע :ראי 11

Age 9: nine kapitlach ךעלטיפאק ןיינ :ראי 9

Age 12: twelve kapitlach

ךעלטיפאק ףלעווצ :ראי 12

ןעמ סאוו האנה ןוא םיתוכז עגילאצמוא יד וצ באגוצ ןיא

תועובש ךאנ לטעצ רעד סיוא טליפ סאוו רעדעי טעוו ,טמוקאב

א ןעניוועג וצ לרוג א ןיא ןייגניירא Segway Zing E12 Electric Scooter or a 20 Inch Bike


Bonus! Check here [ ] if you have completed the entire Sefer Tehillim over yom tov, and get an additional entry into the drawing.

גאט ןדעי ךעלטיפאק לאצ עטמיטשאב מ"שת תועובשד 'ב םויב רטפנ — ה"ע קחצי ר"ב השמ 'ר ח"הרה נ"על תועובשד
Second day of Shavuos תועובשד 'א - גאטיירפ First day of Shavuos תועובש ברע - גאטשרענאד Erev Shavuos ךעלטיפאק Kapitlach ךעלטיפאק Kapitlach ךעלטיפאק Kapitlach
_______________________________ :Age/גנאגראי ______________________________________________________________________________ :Name/ןעמאנ __________________________________________________ :Phone number/רעבמאנ ןאפעלעט ____________________________________________________________________________________________ :Yeshivah or school/עלוש רעדא הרות דומלת
'ב - שדוק תבש
280 845.600.8484 The Monsey View May 24, 2023
281 845.600.8484 May 24, 2023 The Monsey View


Fancy headgear of any kind is usually an indication that the wearer is of some significance. After all, in many civilizations around the world, crowns denote rulership. But while you might refer to those ornate accessories as crowns or tiaras without giving too much thought to which term is most accurate, there are specific differences between the two.

One way to distinguish a crown from a tiara is by looking at who’s wearing it. Traditionally, only sovereigns don crowns. Other members of the royal family and nobility occasionally wear coronets, which are essentially smaller, less elaborate crowns. To wear a tiara, your blood can be any color.


The materials used in the crowns you see are usually gold and precious stones. But for the Native Americans of the pre-Columbian era, feathers of rare and beautiful birds were used instead.

Either way, crowns were never taken lightly. Many early European crowns were designed as sections hinged together by long pins, which enabled them to be taken apart for transport or storage and, when worn, to adapt themselves to the shape and size of the wearer’s head.


At the earliest English coronation, dating back more than a thousand years, the king was crowned with a helmet instead of a crown. I totally get him.


The krona is a monetary unit of several European countries, including Sweden, Denmark and Norway. In Norway, the unit is known as the krone, and in the Czech Republic, it’s called the koruna

You don’t want to see this word, I know. But yes, the shape of the virus resembled a crown, hence its name. (See? I didn’t use the word again.)

282 845.600.8484 The Monsey View May 24, 2023


Ever wondered how Crown Heights got its name?

The neighborhood was originally known as Crow Hill, in reference to its hillside location and the crows that roosted at the area’s highest peak. With the extension of Crown Street in 1916, the title Crown Heights was adopted, effectively marking the end of Crow Hill.

One aspect of Crown Heights has remained, though: It is located on a series of hills, a fact not even the weight of all those brownstones has been able to change.


Dental crowns date as far back as the year 200 CE, when the Etruscans used gold and other materials as crowns and bridges. For hundreds of years, the trend continued.

When did the idea of using ceramics in dentistry first appear?

In the late 1800s, the jacket crown, made of porcelain, was created by Charles H. Land. The design was later improved by E.B. Paulding and used from the early 1900s until the 1950s. The crown was effective, but didn’t last for too long. Micro cracking, which happened during the cooling phase of fabrication, caused issues to the crown and the underlying tooth or gum.

The 1990s saw a revolutionary development in the crown industry when dental crowns without a metal base were introduced for the first time.


On Shavuos, it is customary to celebrate the Torah, our crown. It’s also customary to celebrate lactose tolerance (just kidding, but we do have a minhag to eat dairy foods on Shavuos). Combine both, and you get delicious cheese crowns — flaky, cheesy and decadent. If you have never tasted a cheese crown, it’s time to add it to your baking list.


Just as crowns bring honor to kings and queens, adorning sifrei Torah is a way of honoring the Torah. The Torah itself is referred to as a crown, and there’s an old custom to festoon our Torah scrolls with various types of adornments, including crowns, crafted from silver and even gold.

Roizy Baum
283 845.600.8484 May 24, 2023 The Monsey View












by: YONAH KLEIN illustration: JACKY YARHI



Hint: Each Boggle board hides a word of nine letters or more!


1. Gather round the table to play a family game of Boggle, using this Boggle board.

2. Once you have a winner, fill out the form below in its entirety

3. Email the form to comments@ or fax to 845600-8483 by Sunday at midnight.

4. Two winners will be drawn each week, each of whom will win a pastrami sandwich and a can of soda!


Find words on the board containing four letters or more. Letters of a word must be connected in a chain (each letter should be adjacent to the next either vertically, horizontally or diagonally), and each letter can only be used once in a given word.

The following are not allowed in Boggle:

Adding “s” to a word

• Abbreviations


• Proper nouns

• Contractions


4-letter words: 2 points | 5-letter words: 3 points | 6-letter words: 5 points | 7-letter words: 7 points |





Family name: _________________________________ Phone: __________________

Full mailing address: ____________________________________________________

Full name of winner: _________________ Amount of points: __________

Full names of competing players:

List some words only the winner found:


The longest word found on the board: _____________________________

A new word you learned from the board: __________________________

Only complete forms will be entered into the drawing.

J A D C L B P U N 286 845.600.8484 The Monsey View May 24, 2023

8-letter words: 9 points | 9+ letters: 12 points



Family name: Feldman, 845-xxx-9210

Name of winner: Mommy

Amount of points: 57

Names of competing players: Yoel Aharon

Some words only the winner found: rated, shame, sleet, slime, slip

The longest word found on the board: melted

A new word learned from the board: cadet


Family name: Hutner, 845-xxx-0427

Name of winner: Adel

Amount of points: 104

Names of competing players: Miriam

Some words only the winner found: delta, leash, orange, pelted

The longest word found on the board: leased

A new word learned from the board: slob Last week’s bonus word:

Winner: To claim your prize, bring this page to Nussy’s Cuisine.

HYDRANGEA 432 794 6 5 9 839 62 519 5 1 1 857 713 765 316 1 3 72 5 6 4 9 38 4 7 91 8 725 287 845.600.8484 May 24, 2023 The Monsey View
CONGRATULATIONS TO THE TEN WINNERS OF THE $5 GIFT CARDS AT TOYS4U! A $5 credit was issued at Toys4U on the account of the phone number listed on your submission. Thank you to the hundreds of readers who sent in beautifully colored pages! Keep coloring! Zissy Bixenspan, 6, Bobov Yitty Eisdorfer, 7, Satmar Moishy Kibudi, 12, Beer Yeshaya Malky Rubin, 7, Bais Malka Freidy Lebowitz, 4, Pupa Yisroel Kaplan, 4, Bais Mikroh Yanky Hoffman, 10, Skvere Faigy Klein, 11, Belz Bentzy Gertner, 8, Tashbar Toltzy Birnhack, 11, Skvere 288 845.600.8484 The Monsey View May 24, 2023

Send your colored page to The Monsey View to enter a drawing for a chance to have your artwork featured in our pages and win $5 at Toys4U! Ten lucky winners will be announced each week!

To enter the raffle, email your colored page to, or mail it to 365 Route 59, Suite 239, Airmont, NY 10952. Submissions will be included in the drawing only if all information is filled in.


Phone:______________________________________________ Age:____________________ School:_________________________________________________________

Feel free to photocopy this coloring page for the entire family.
289 845.600.8484 May 24, 2023 The Monsey View
Shloimy and Binyumin Sinay
Reuvy Neustadt Yossi Pollak, 3, mic and speaker
To have your child’s creation featured here, email a picture to or mail it to 365 Route 59, Suite 239, Airmont, NY 10952. Where every entry is a winner!
Shimmy and Dovy Schwartz
Talent Show
Feishy Rubin Burach and Ruchy Weiss
290 845.600.8484 The Monsey View May 24, 2023
Gitty Leser Shulem Laizer Nissan, 6 Blimy Neuschloss, 5 Nuchem Rosenblum The Moseson Family Malky, Raizy, Mendy, Menashe and Baily Schwartz Yisroel Avraham Silberman, 4 Zeldy Silberman, 8 Chany Rosenblum, Shabbos table Ahrele Nissan Mendy, Shloimy and Binyumin Sinay
291 845.600.8484 May 24, 2023 The Monsey View
Moshe Shulem Hechel
292 845.600.8484 The Monsey View May 24, 2023
296 845.600.8484 The Monsey View May 24, 2023




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300 845.600.8484 The Monsey View May 24, 2023

Classifieds real


Beautiful private villa. 4 Master suites with kosher kitchen, huge living area, pool. Walking distance to Shul/ Kosher shopping. Call/ whatsapp 718-541-0292



Looking for an executive assistant to the CEO in a very busy office. very stimulating and diverse work. excellent pay for the right individual. Please email your resume to


Are you a Tax Accountant looking for growth? We have the Opportunity for you. Reach out @ Chaya@

BAS MIKROH ’23-‘24

Bas Mikroh is seeking Middle School Moros and Teachers, Junior High Secular Studies Teachers, Assistant to the Principal, Co-teachers and Assistants, Remedial Teachers, and Daycare Assistants to join our dynamic, talented staff. Please send resume to hr@


At the Stocking Exchange. Part time ok, must include Sundays and afternoons. Call 845-548-7015


Looking for a warm & loving Morah for the upcoming school year for kids 2-2 1/2. Excellent environment and great pay! Text or call & lv msg 845-587-5813


A multi-girl office is looking for a full-time energetic female employee with good communication and phone skills, the ability to multitask, and the ability to learn quickly. Bookkeeping experience is a must. A pleasant working environment and well-paid for the right individual. Please email


Looking to join our amazing and warm preschool staff. Cheder Chabad Preschool is looking to hire teachers and assistants for the 20232024 school year. If you are interested in applying for a position. Please contact Yehudice Bialestock at 718207-9589 or send resume to Ybialestock@chedermonsey. org


Monsey office seeking f/t secretary. Good communication skills, computer literacy and office experience required. Good Pay. Fax resume to 845-9139252 astutestaffinginc@


Yeshiva Spring Valley (boys) of Monsey is now accepting resumes for the General Studies department for September 2023 - ‘24 School Year. Following Positions available: • Middle School ELA Teacher (M-TH 3:00 –5:15); •Middle School Jewish History Teacher (M-TH 3:00 – 5:15); •Middle School Science Teacher (M-TH 3:00 – 5:15); •Middle School World History Teacher (M-TH 3:00 – 5:15); •Title1 Math Teacher •Title1 English Language Arts (ELA) Teacher. Teaching experience a must. Professional atmosphere and competitive salary. Please include references and email to gss@ or FAX to 845-356-8551


Looking for an experienced, dedicated and capable teacher for upcoming school year. Supportive environment, full curriculum provided, competitive salary, focused on helping each student succeed. Email: chedermonseyeducation@


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Looking for a dynamic, warm, and dedicated Morah. Supportive environment, competitive salary, parttime/full-time positions available for upcoming school year. Email chedermonseyeducation@


Heimishe Daycare is looking to hire a warm, loving, energetic, and responsible assistant/Teacher for the Next Year. (Well Paid) call (845)587-7904


The Hebrew Academy of New City ( 15 mins from Monsey) is looking for warm, dedicated and experienced teachers and assistant teachers for full day preschool program for the upcoming school year. Warm and supportive working environment. Hours of school are 9:15 am -3:30pm M-Th, and Friday till 1:15pm. Competitive salary. Please email resume to ssafier@ or call 845-634-0951.ext.109


Heimish construction office looking for FT female secretary. Must be very organized, thorough and detail oriented. Great pay. Full training provided. Please email resume to office@

estate N help wanted N 302 845.600.8484 The Monsey View May 24, 2023
304 845.600.8484 The Monsey View May 24, 2023

Classifieds help wanted N


Office in Monsey is seeking a capable individual for an open position within the finance department. Great opportunity with potential, good pay and Heimish environment. Please email resume to chaimm@


Bas Mikroh is seeking Full time or part time classrooms assistants to join our dynamic staff. Please send resume to hr@basmikroh. org.


Construction office looking to hire a full time secretary and project manager. Preferable knowledge in Quickbooks. Please email your resume to


Multiple openings at Horizon Group, a great environment for an individual with a commitment to high quality performance. Experienced and non-experienced are welcome to apply. Attn 2023 graduates: Do you want to start working now, in the beginning or after the summer? Apply now. Please email your resume to: hr@ or call (845)356-5954 ext. 212


Car leasing company is looking for a full time office secretary must be well organized, detail oriented and great communication skills. Email: sales@


Travel agency is looking for a responsible office manager with experience in bookkeeping and in the travel industry to be on top of and in charge of all the bookkeeping work. Please send your resume to joseph@


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Part-time & Full-time jobs available. Email TopPartTimeJobs@


Software company in Monsey looking for an experienced full time secretary. Please email


Software company looking for a full time secretary. Great pay! Excellent work environment. Please email resume to


Daas Wellness is Seeking to fill a secretary position. Great pay and working environment. Full time position. Please email your resume. HR@daaswellness. com


ABA experience preferred, call 845-729-3001 email your resume to jobresumes613@


Looking for a female secretaries in a busy office, graduates are welcome, training provided. kosher office. please send resume to OfficePositions60@gmail. com


Seeking a full-time secretary in an all-women’s office. Candidate needs to have great interpersonal skills., be efficient, and able to problem solve. Email resume:


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Looking for female secretary to manage light-construction office.Knowledge in QuickBooks a plus, be organized and efficient. Email resume to


Full time office position available in property management, great environment, competitive pay, willing to train, graduates welcome. Email resume to Trustmngmt@ or fax 7182439997


Real estate company looking for a secretary position, experience not a must, email


Heimishe office in Main Monsey seeking part time or full time secretary. Hours are flexible. Good pay!! Please call 610-290-2469


Monsey Cheider office is looking to hire a full time front desk secretary. Basic computer knowledge and phone skills necessary. Email your resume to


ABA Riders is looking to hire a BCBA. Well paid, flexible hours. Contact Rikki 347930-9736/info@abariders. com.


Be Your Own Boss! “Be in business for yourself not by yourself” best training + support provided, great benefits and retirement package. Please email or call 845-639-5216


Want to make a difference in someone’s life? We are looking for someone to work with special needs teenagers. email resume to or call 845-729-3001


Insurance company is seeking claim assistants and administrative assistants. Well-paid positions with excellent potential for growth. Office experience a plus but not required. Please email resume to careers@

306 845.600.8484 The Monsey View May 24, 2023
307 845.600.8484 May 24, 2023 The Monsey View

Classifieds help wanted N


Growing bookkeeping company in Monsey is looking to hire a QuickBooks beginner to help post & reconcile multiple accounts. Flexible hours call 201-3764378 for more information. In Office work only.


Travel agency is looking for a full-time experienced travel agent in a brand-new office in Montvale, NJ. Please email your resume to joseph@


Heimishe office seeking a female employee to fill a business office position in a great environment. Must be responsible, organized and possess great communication skills. Competitive salary & benefits. Graduates welcome. Please email resume to healthcaremonsey@gmail. com


Seeking capable girl as an office assistant for boys daycamp. Must be computer proficient. Hrs. 9:30-4:30 Call: 845-659-3735. Leave message.


Stop wasting your time going through all the jobs classifieds. Simply email your resume to Info@ to explore your options & maximize your career. Or Call/Text/ WhatsApp 732-800-7633 Strictly confidential & completely free.


Looking for girls 7th grade & up to be a counselor for a daycamp 2-4 year olds. Fun & loving environment! Text or call & lv msg 845-587-5813


Chassidishe cheder looking for a male tutor for title one. 3:30-5:30. Please call 8452637445


Bais Rochel School is looking for capable Teachers’ Assistants for the upcoming school year for Grades 1-4 in both our Yiddish and English departments. Good pay. Please email resume to:


Monsey based footwear design office seeking an ambitious individual. Multitasker and computer skills required. Willing to train new graduates. Resume


COC is looking to hire a graduate to manage frontdesk operations. Ability to multitask and interpersonal skills required. Heimishe environment and centrallylocated office. Great potential! Email resume to


Are you looking to make a difference in someone else’s life? Very part time opportunity available to lead a small group in a dayhab several times a week. Please call Haddasa Yankovitch at 845-354-3233 ext.1158


Construction company looking for full time graduate excellent opportunity for the right candidate. Will train. Monday-Thursday 9-5. Friday - 9-12. Please email resume to


CanAdvance is expanding! Seeking to hire a motivated secretary with basic computer knowledge. Excellent pay for the right individual. No experience necessary. To apply, email resume to miriam@ 845-3061237 Ext. 102


Gan Simcha is looking for a Morah for a 2 year old playgroup for September 2023. Contact Rikki 347-9309736.


Gan Simcha is looking for an assistant for a 2 year old playgroup for September 2023. Contact Rikki 347-9309736.


Seeking Cota’s SLPA’s and PTA’s to work in the Catskill. Great work enviorment and great pay. 845.513.6519


Closit Custom Closets is looking for a Part Time Office Manager. Great Opportunity with Potential. Phone and Basic Computer skills required. Please email resume to airmontsales@


Local spring valley office seeking professional, motivated and detail oriented full time secretary. Must have familiarity in quickbooks & excel. Very pleasant & heimishe atmosphere. Please email resume to


Cheder in Monsey is seeking to hire an admin assistant who is detailed, can multitask, has great problem-solving skills, and great communication skills. Writing proficiency a plus. Great and amazing environment! Willing to train, flexible hours. Please submit your resume to

308 845.600.8484 The Monsey View May 24, 2023
309 845.600.8484 May 24, 2023 The Monsey View
310 845.600.8484 The Monsey View May 24, 2023
311 845.600.8484 May 24, 2023 The Monsey View


Growing Nursing Home back office based in Pomona looking to Hire! We have positions available in the following departments: *Accounting *Payroll *Treasury *Accounts Payable *Reporting. Great environment and pay! Please submit your resume to


Busy mortgage office seeking F/T assistant/processor. Individual must be organized, computer savvy, detail oriented and hardworking. Please send resume to


Chassidish daycamp is looking for preschool teachers 12th grade+ or married, well paid. Call 845-659-0645


Upscale women’s boutique looking to hire, Lots of room for growth. Great opportunity for the right individual. for more information text 7189727809


Looking for counselors in Liberty area in the Mountains. Accomodations available for weekdays. Please call 929454-4136


COC is looking to hire a graduate to assist with admin tasks. Versatile and stimulating workload in a Heimishe and centrally-located office. Great potential! Email resume to hr@

ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT Fashion Company looking for responsible and organized Administrative Assistant. In person Fort Lee, NJ, M-Th 9-5, Friday 9-3. Email or call 212-398-0606


Are you ready to take the next step in your career? Eager to take on a new challenge? Ark Mortgage is looking for driven people like you to join a high performing sales team. No prior sales/ mortgage experience necessary – we train in-house to help you reach your highest potential. Commission based role with excellent earning capacity. Email or call 845-503-6502.

312 845.600.8484 The Monsey View May 24, 2023
313 845.600.8484 May 24, 2023 The Monsey View

Classifieds help wanted N services


Seeking a motivated candidate to provide administrative support to nursing department. Excellent salary, benefits, job training and work environment. New grads welcome! Send resumes to:


Monsey Based Real Estate Consulting Firm seeking a strong administrative professional with the ability to excel in a fast-paced environment. Must present professional demeanor on the phone and in an email with strong multi-tasking abilities. Candidate must be a great communicator with a desire to be on a team of people who collaborate and work well together. Please send Resume to


School in Monsey looking for a full day certified UPK teacher for the upcoming school year. Email your Resume to jobopening158@


We are seeking a dedicated candidate to join our team. Detailed oriented with great people skills. This is a full-time position, includes some Sundays. Please email your resume to jobs@tranees. com Or leave a message at 8454183334


Monsey-based start-up company is looking to hire a client relationship manager/ executive assistant. If you are: A go getter, People’s person, Problem solver, Creative, This might be a great opportunity! Great pay for the right candidate. Send resume to jobhiring845@


Seeking Nanny full time for 2 toddlers. Contact 917 971 8322.


A well established and progressive business is seeking for a motivated and skilled female accountant/ bookkeeper. For more information, please email


Cheder Chabad Girls of Monsey is hiring. Come join our dynamic & talented team of teachers. Elementary & middle school afternoon positions avail. Please call 845-270-8796 or email your resume to pfriedland@


Ramapo Cheder is currently seeking an Assistant Rebbi for our lower elementary grades. This is a fantastic opportunity to join a great team and get hands on chinuch training. Please contact 845-362-7701 Ext. 203 or ysonnenschein@


Skyscraper Insurance is seeking to hire the right candidates to join our team. Great incentives for the right candidates. Please email your resume to HR@


Lakeview bungalow colony is hiring counselors. Dorm plus great pay! Come with a friend or chevra! Call today 347-893-1928.


3 hrs per day. Beautiful pool. Amazing perks. Willing to train. 845-218-1519



Attention small businesses! Need a reliable bookkeeper? Contact 845-217-0849 for expert bookkeeping services tailored to your needs. Grow your business with peace of mind.


FINALLY a tried and PROVEN method to get rid of molluscum pimples!!! 845.459.4551


On demand Torah lectures

Video-Audio-download All for free Computer or App for iPhone/Android Or Hotline 718-298-2077. YiddishHebrew - English


Is your child still in the same place after all that tutoring?Join Arrowsmith, a research based program that strengthens the brain and eliminates learning disabilities. Call Mrs Feuer 914-260-6449


Attention Camps and day camps are you looking for a camp song this summer? Reach out to 845-304-9343, or astoundingstudio1@gmail. com


“Change your Water.. Change your life” Alkaline - AntiOxidant - Super Hydrating Call for FREE supply and feel AMAZING! 917-681-0003

PETTICOATS FOR RENT! Enhance your gown with just the right petticoat! Kids and adults petticoats for rent! In the Bates area. Please leave a message 845-502-0153


Great prices. Call Miri 845426-7561


For all your custom closets please call or text 1347.522.4872

314 845.600.8484 The Monsey View May 24, 2023
315 845.600.8484 May 24, 2023 The Monsey View
316 845.600.8484 The Monsey View May 24, 2023


Keyboard lessons By Miri. Great Prices! Call 845-4267561 or 845-263-6437


Get your passport in 24 hours! Call 845-842-1678


12 years experience. Wide selection. Call/text: 845-5387986


Remove fears, anxiety, sleeplessness, constipation, allergies, asthma, bedwetting, improve self esteem. Quick and effective, all ages. Experienced male and female therapists available. Children’s specialist on board. Endorsed by Rabbonim. Call Mrs. Yuhanan 845-825-9342.


Carpet cleaning. Painting, Drywall, Electric, Plumbing, All kinds of jobs. Security cameras/INTERCOM

SYSTEM. WHOLE HOUSE/ RO water filter. call 917 378 3194

!עטס’נתחמ בוט לזמ

Give your newly married daughter the ultimate gift. Our Shana Rishona workshop teach Torah Hashkafa and practical tools in a warm Heimishe setting. For demo call 716-232-2111 Press 3, then 29#. Sury Freund 845-3563035


Exquisite custom bands for great prices. Please call 845540-2671

ןייל החונמ ןופ


Are all your family photos a mess? Have photos unfit to share? Bring them back to life with professional editing. Call/text 347-834-3536


--In The Comfort of Home--

*Swedish *Deep Tissue

*Lymph *Craniosacral Therapy Call Sarah: 845596-1373


Biggest selection of balloons for all occasions in the Weiner drive area call 8454223988/ Flyhighbal@


Calvert/Sands Point Area. Full mechitza, beautiful heated pool, with 3ft shallow & 8ft deep, 6 person Hot Tub, and bathroom, available for $95/hr. 845-213-8423 or 917860-2311


Professional resumes that highlight the right skills, and get you the job and results you want. Contact Esty (845) 664-5287


Your choice to get the perfectly designed photo album. Baby - Bar MitzvahTenoyim - Wedding - Other. / 845379-ipic


OPWDD Certified Self Direction Broker is now accepting new cases. call 845907-3975 or email Rivky@


Engagement events

photography call or text

Malky: (845) 664-5732


Female lifeguard available. Monsey/Upstate NY. Call/ Text/whatsapp: 845 502 4103


Are you or someone close to you living with TSC? how about sharing and connecting with others in the same boat? Call:845-824-8116


Beautiful heated saltwater pool with mechitzah, hot tub, large shallow area, fire pit, grill, bathroom and changing area available in Chestnut Ridge. Call or text 845-7989320.


40x20 heated pool available in the New Hempstead area. For Boy’s Day Camps. Large shallow area, ample parking, on-site toilet, shower, and dressing rooms. Call/text 347-POOL-222 to rent now!


Portraits, Résumé Photos, Family Photoshoots, Camp/ School Pictures, Small Simchas And Events, Pre Wedding Portraits. Best Results At Most Affordable Price! Call/Text: 845-6523682


we fix knitted & crochet Gartlech & make beautiful professional fringes. We also teach how to knit & crochet. call: 917-414-3281


For all occasions!! 845.587.6277


Lady Drivers for Long Distance Trips Call: 845-2430787


3 olympic size pools available for daily or one-time swim. 845-323-6001



Warm, loving babysitting group forming now for the upcoming September. Located in Spring Valley area. Please call: 845-263-4405 leave message


Montessori toddlers starting in September. Small group and amazing environment. Few slots left. For more information call morah Chaya 845-276-0828 or email



Get rid of it! Natural products with amazing results! Call 845 587 0293


If you took a wrong shape or color headboard (44”)from the Free Giveaway beds (NJ Warehouse), please call me 845-746-7248

טשיוטעג ךיז טאה ןבעל ןיימ 8452777111 ןייל החונמ רעד SHAIMOS PICK UPS
services N babysitting N odds & ends N 318 845.600.8484 The Monsey View May 24, 2023
319 845.600.8484 May 24, 2023 The Monsey View



Of toys, arts & crafts, or supplies, in good condition, for a Heimishe Moised. Call 845.500.3100


Looking for a nice private place for a Beshow? A few locations available in the Monsey area. No charge. Call 845-426-5484 or 845-7467251



Adorable gold gown by Dassy available to buy or rent. Toddler size 4. Call 422-5596 for more info


Sister of the bride white, shirt dress style gown. Size 0-2. Please call 845-694-2026


Gorgeous light colored gown for sale. Size 4-6. 8455385693


Gorgeous Rumpler gown available for rent. Black with colored stones. Size 0-2. Call 845-596-6173


Stunning mauve sister of the bride gowns Childrens size 4 & 14, teen size 2-4. Please call 845-274-2973


Very Elegant, Winter White trimmed with Black Velvet, girls size 12/14 for sale. Please Call 845-709-7161.


Silver/Grey colored gown size 2-4 8455380391


Georgeous selection of maternity gowns affordable prices all sizes...New!

Also accepting gowns on consignment. Please call/ text 8458622799


Beautiful cream full lace pleated gown. Size 0. Please call 845-502-0097


Lost something? Found something? The Daily Return: Call/text: 845-538-0193, Email: monseydailyreturn@gmail. com

gold diamond bracelet evergreen/shoo bdoo area. Please call 845-775-9997

Left black glove Harvest/ Saddle area 845-715-2624

Baby boy blanket in Lafamilia 845-362-1706


gold charm bracelet in Ateres Charna hall. Call 3472630708

Apple AirPods Pro in the Viola Park grounds 845-5874316 lv msg

Ring on Van Winkle Rd last day Pesach 914-262-1201 mp3 on Weiner Dr call 7182161927


Used wooden filing cabinet 845 826 5093

32x44 framed mirror 845362-8933

75 paint smocks size 2-5 years (must take all). Text (845) 243-3154

Brothers laser toner Model TN-780, 718-306-9743

G&G long rekel suit size 14m brand new condition 347243-1143

China closet 845-426-0864



Looking for a driver for 2 stops in Airmont going to Belz Daycamp for the full summer. Please Call/text 845-502-1161


ABA Riders is looking for an ABA para to work 3:305:30 pm twice or 4 days of the week with an adorable yiddish speaking 4 year old in his home in Monsey. Will train, well paid. Car service paid. Contact Rikki 347-9309736/


Vacancy in warm yeshivish housing project in Monsey. 2 two bedroom apartments, ensuite bathroom. One 5 bedroom townhouse available. call for details - 7184195492


Join Our Team! *Are you comfortable and clear on the

phone? *Have basic computer skills? *Looking to grow professionally? *We are an all female office *Located in Spring Valley, NY *We offer Health Benefits, 401K with company matching plan *Competitive Compensation Package. Please call 347354-3208 or email hr@ to schedule an interview.


Cheder in Monsey is seeking to hire an admin assistant who is detailed, can multitask, has great problemsolving skills, and great communication skills. Writing proficiency a plus. Great and amazing environment! Willing to train, flexible hours. Please submit your resume to


Brand new 2 bedroom chosson Kallah Dira available on zwill ct /Union rd. Available immediately call/ text 347-371-3228


Setting up a new apartment or organizing your home? Get quality space saving bins at great discounts with free delivery. Professional organizer available upon request. Call 347-9309544


Available warehouse space plus an office between 1500 to 2000 square feet. Please call 1845-499-3434


ZC’s car service. Female drivers, Long distance only, Fast, safe, & convenient 845642-3833

odds & ends N gowns N lost & found N free giveaways 320 845.600.8484 The Monsey View May 24, 2023
N late ads 321 845.600.8484 May 24, 2023 The Monsey View
PHOTO CREDIT: JDN יטפיעס רעביא ןדער וצ הרותה לגד תבישי ןוא שטאקנומ ,אפאפ תודסומ ןיא ןכוזאב םייב רעזייוורעפוס ןואט אפאמאר יסנאמ’ד הרות דומלת ןיא רמועב ג”ל תקלדה ץיקה ימי תארקל ’הארוהל ךירדמה ןוכמ‘ י”ע האופרו הכלהב ןויע ברע 322 The Monsey View
PHOTO CREDIT: JDN ק”הראב רוקיבב רענייטש יכדרמ יבר קידצה ןואגה שאר בשוי רעגרעב שרעה ריאמ ר"רה דסומה ירוה יבושחמ ,א"טילש דובכה םאונ םהרבא 'ר ג"הרה א"טילש ךאלמ יכדרמ   "הליחת תב“ רעניד ןעיוו הנח תונב תבוטל Event Arranged by: SUCHER DOV NOE PRODUCTIONS 929.289.3413

שזדיר טאנסעשטב החונמב ןעלוקסמ ר”ומדאה תוחפשמ וצ געוו ן’פיוא ךיש ראפ 15,000 תבדנ ,בוט םוי דובכל לארשי ץרא ןיא יסנאמ ןופ סרעיימ יכדרמ השמ ’ר

PHOTO CREDIT: JDN תפצב ק”שצומ גרובשלקינמ ר”ומדאה
קראפ אראבב ע”יז ליהעווזמ עק’המלש יבר ק”הרה
330 The Monsey View
תלוליהב ליהעווזמ ר”ומדאה םישודקה תומוקמ לצא ללפתמ ןייטשקע ’ירא לאומש ’ר צ”הגה

Celebrate with Rockland Chesed OrganizationOne Year of Making a Difference

It’s hard to believe that it’s been nearly a year for the Rockland Chesed Network (RCN). As its first anniversary looms on the horizon, the organization’s accomplishments speak for themselves. Right from the start, RCN’s name has become synonymous with unlimited chesed as the organization continues to expand to offer Rockland innovative help wherever there is a proven need.

At its launch, the Rockland Chesed Network made big promises, committing to taking on the wide range of chesed that Rocklanders required across so many avenues. The herculean undertaking of unifying the many services attributed to Tomche Shabbos under the broad umbrella of RCN was an idea whose time had come.

RCN now oversees a plethora of organizations, including Bobbies Place, Partners in Parnosoh, Monsey Camp fund, Emergency Financial Assistance, Pesach Fund, Utility Fund, Chodesh Food Outlet, Simcha Initiative, Gown Gmach, and of course, Tomche Shabbos itself along with many other unique Rockland chesed organizations now united under RCN. Built on the foundation of a rich history, RCN is nearing its first successful year because of you.

Founded 30 years ago, Tomche Shabbos of Rockland began by delivering food boxes to struggling families. As the community grew, so did the need for more comprehensive support. Over the years, Tomche Shabbos began paying utility bills and offering emergency financial assistance thinking beyond crises to

long-term solutions with job placement and mental health resources as well.

A year later, Rocklanders are seeing food prices that have skyrocketed by as much as thirty percent. Utilities are through the roof, and the need for RCN’s services has only grown.

This year’s sixth annual Neighbors Helping Neighbors Barbeque will take place on Sunday, June 4, while the one-of-a-kind Womens Night Out will take place on the following day. The week will be rounded off by RCN’s one major fundraising campaign on June 7th and 8th.

With so much need in the community, RCN, Rockland’s umbrella organization, is counting on you to provide the cover so many can’t do without.

As we work to take as many as possible under our umbrella, we’re also looking forward to celebrating our first year with those who made this year possible – all of you.

PHOTO CREDIT: JDN םילשוריב רוג לודגה ד”מהיב תבוטל קראי וינב רעניד קראי וינ ןיא רוג תליהק ןיא ךוזאב א ףיוא רוגמ ר”ומדאה ןב ’ימחנ ’ר צ”הרה קראי וינב רוג תודסומ ירוהל ךוניח תפיסא
332 The Monsey View
PHOTO CREDIT: JDN ’געט‘ ךרוד ךאוו יד ןייפמאק ’ןנעה דומע‘ ןגיטראסיורג םוצ גנוטיירגוצ ןיא הפיסא עגיטכיוו הרותה םעונ תבישי ןיא רמועב ג”ל ע”יז בובאבמ ק”הרה ןופ ןויצ םייב רמועב ג”ל ללפתמ ןענעז ןדיא רעטנעזיוט יסנאמ ליהעווז שרדמה תיבב ע”יז ליהעווזמ עק’המלש ’ר ק”הרה לש אלוליה תדועס 336 The Monsey View
PHOTO CREDIT: JDN יסנאמ ןיא ךוזאב ץילב א ףיוא ק”הרא אקווירטסימחארמ ר”ומדאה ליהעווז ד”מהיב ןיא םירישה ריש תרבח סטיעב תנוכש גרובנעזיולק זנאצ ידיסחד שדחה ד”מהיב תבוטל הביסמ םייב גרובנעזיולק זנאצ ידיסח 338 The Monsey View
PHOTO CREDIT: JDN זנאצ ת”ת ילתוכ ןיב ב”הראב זנאצ ידיסחד ד”באו בר צ”הרה רוקיב ”הרות ןינק“ תותכסמה ןונישו הרזח לגרל יסנאמב 340 845.600.8484 The Monsey View May 24, 2023


Editor in Chief: D. GORALNIK

Content Editor: R. REESE

Associate Editor: E.M. NEIMAN

Food Editor: M.P. WERCBERGER

Creative Director: AJ WACHSMAN

Project Coordinator: R. ITZKOWITZ

THE MONSEY VIEW P.O. Box 305 Monsey N.Y. 10952

Telephone: 845-600-8484

Fax: 845-600-8483



MISSION STATEMENT: The Monsey View is a weekly publication designed for every segment and age group of our diverse community. Under rabbinical guidance, we bring Monsey’s top talent together to provide high-quality, informative and current reading material, keeping you up to date on sales, events, news and issues of concern and import happening right now in the Monsey community.

DISCLAIMER: We do not endorse any ad found in this publication. We are not responsible for typographical or grammatical errors.

COPYRIGHT: All content found in The Monsey View is copyright and may not be reproduced, published, distributed or duplicated for public or private use without written permission from The Monsey View.

Limit one (1) per family

Contents // Inside 154 // Inbox 164 // Parsha 172 // Two-Wheel Drive 180 // Week in Review 188 // Power Tools 202 // A sk the Expert 209 // Food 220 // Snapshots of Royalty 249 // Gleaned From the Goral 266 // Homecoming 274 // In Search of Sanctity 280 // Tehillim Contest 282 // FYI 284 // Ricochet 286 // Fun Pages 298 // Classifieds 322 // Pictures ISSUE 399 MAY 24, 2023 ג”פשת ןויס ’ד ANNUAL TEHILLIM CONTEST Join for chance to win! SALAD SENSATION A vibrant display for your Shavuos table TURNING THE PAGE True stories of the goral haGra TO GLORIFY HIS NAME When our encounters do the talking A SEARCH AND A SEFER The day a survivor took a page from his father’s book ROYAL TREATMENT Exploring kingdoms of yesteryear — and their Jews FYI: CROWNS ASCENDING THE MOUNTAIN DID YOU EVER WONDER HOW HIRE SOLUTIONS OPERATES? See a full brochure
352 845.600.8484 The Monsey View May 24, 2023

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