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1 1/2 cup heavy cream
8 oz mascarpone, room temp
1/2 cup sugar
1 tsp vanilla
1 1/2 cup strong brewed co ee
3 Tbsp co ee liqueur or rum
1 package lady fingers
Cocoa, for dusting
Whip heavy cream on medium, slowly adding sugar and vanilla. Continue whipping until sti peaks form. Add mascarpone cheese and mix just until combined. Set aside. Combine co ee and liqueur. Breifly dip lady fingers into it; avoid soaking them.
Put them in a single layer on the bo om of an 8" square pan.
Top with half of the mascarpone mixture. Cover with another layer of dipped lady fingers and spread the remaining cream on top.
Dust generously with cocoa. Refrigerate for at least 3-4 hours, or up to 24 hours, before serving.
Special production by Cholov Yisroel ל‡ר˘י
עכייר א וצ באגוצ ןיא ,זיוה ענעגייא ןא טגאמראפ רעב ריאמ גינייוו .הקדצ ןייש טלייט ןוא סוסקעל א טוויירד רע .זיוה רעממוז
ןענעז לזרעב ןקיד ןייז ןיא ךעלטראק בור זא ןסייוו
ךיז ןעק רע סאוו ןופ לדער א טיירד רע .ףוסה דע טסקעמעגסיוא .ןעזסיורא טשינ
רעטי צ רעב ריא מ
ןא ו צ ר ע טגיי נ ,Two Point Ze ro ןו פ טרע ה ר ע ןעו ו
.ס ע סניי מ םיא טשי נ יו ו סכעלייוורעטנו ה ןו פ רעיו א
ןו א רי ט םעד ר ע טסילשרא פ סיפ א ןי א גידנעמוקנ א
.ךיז טלקאוו עמיטש ןייז ,לאק ןואפ סאד טכא מ
טי מ לו פ ר ע טרעו ו
ךערפשע ג עצרו ק א ךא נ
ןו א עלאנאיסעפאר פ אז א ןו פ ,סנעדיפנא ק .ט'מולחעג טשינ רע טאה סיוורעס לעשנעדיפנא ק
רעטייו ו טליי ט ןו א סוסקע ל ןיי ז רעטייו ו טווייר ד רע ב ריא מ
טרעו ו ךעלטרא ק
עניי ז סאו ו טייצרעדני א ,ה קדצ
.טלאצעגסיוא ךעלסיבו צ
ףיו א טלעטשעגקירו צ ךי ז ר ע טא הTwo Point Ze ro קנאד א
ע'תמ א ן א טי מ רעגייטשסנבע ל ןיי ז טי מ ן א טיי ג ןו א סי פ יד
.תעדה תבחר ה
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Thank you for your support in the Primary Election for Spring Valley Justice that was held in June.
יד ןיא עציטש ערעייא ראפ חכ רשיי ןסיורג א
טמא רעטכיר םוצ ןלאוו ירעמיירפ ענעפאלראפ .ילאוו גנירפס ןיא
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(Re: Seeing the Hand of Hashem at the Finger Lakes, Issue 406 )
I’d like to make your readership aware that the Finger Lakes area featured in last week’s paper boasts many beautiful waterfalls, which are very popular swimming locations. It may be wiser to choose a different vacation destination come summertime. Thanks for a beautiful read each week.
(Re: Along for the Ride, Issue 406)
I always enjoy reading your interesting and humorous articles. When I read “Along for the Ride” about traveling with kids, it occurred to me that there was still hope that I could be traveling with my own kids one day.
I was a single girl in shidduchim for a while. But something changed recently: I heard about the Kollel Zichron Naftali Sponsor-A-Daf program. It gives you the opportunity to donate a small amount on a daily basis, and be part of something that gives you a big zechus. Since I know that Torah is the best segulah, I signed up to give $1 a day. They
We’d been waiting forever for a critical appointment with a specialist for my son, but they required that our first meeting be on Zoom.
We had no idea how to go about setting up the meeting, and were in despair. When I told my son’s coordinator, he found spot in the Hamaspik offices where we could discreetly have the appointment.
The pressures parents of children who need services endure are often unfathomable. At Hamaspik, we honor the support you provide and look for ways to help you get what your family needs. Because we see you, and we know: you’re a hero.
My son so desperately needed this appointment. And it wouldn’t have happened without them.
partnered me with someone from the kollel, and every day, before he began learning, he would say a short tefillah that I should find my bashert Baruch Hashem, a shidduch was suggested that same week, and now, two months later, I am engaged!
I want to spread my story so other people can gain from it as well. With Hashem’s help, we should all see simchos in our lives.
R.B.(Re: Power Tools)
I really appreciate that the Power Tools serial by Esty Heller runs in both The Boro Park View and The Monsey View. I live in Boro Park and my sister lives in Airmont, and we’re so grateful that we can have fun discussing the story! Thanks for a great read every week!
G.F.(Re: Chesed: The Driving Force, Issue 405)
I’m writing in response to the article about chesed organizations that provide free transportation to and from hospitals.
As a mother of a severely ill baby, Chesed of Williamsburg has been my lifesaver. Rain or shine, Erev Yom Tov, a late Motzei Shabbos or on Chol Hamoed Pesach, there is always someone who responds to our requests for a ride to the hospital. Chesed has made this whole ordeal manageable.
I’ve been looking for a way to express my gratitude to these amazing, selfless drivers and dispatchers, but the first step is definitely a letter to The Monsey View in which I would like to let them know that the zechus of giving away their precious time for a fellow Yid will surely be of merit to them both in This World and in the World to Come.
With gratitude,
(Re: Chesed: The Driving Force, Issue 405)
Mrs. E.Thank you so much for expressing our communal appreciation to those loyal Chesed drivers who so faithfully drive members of our community to the hospital and back, even on the busiest days of the year, in inclement weather, and during the early morning and late night hours, with so much patience and respect.
I will never forget the time I was picked up at Columbia at 6:00 a.m. after a night shift with a patient, still hoping to be back home in time to get my children ready for school. While I was sitting there and drifting off to sleep, I was looking at the traffic and worrying about my Chesed driver, who
probably needed to be back in time for his own responsibilities. But the driver’s comment really surprised me. He said, “It’s probably hard to sit in this traffic after being up all night!”
I was amazed that he was thinking of me and my experience. At that moment, I understood the gadlus of these drivers. They literally take themselves out of the equation.
It also got me thinking that when this driver will be davening in shul later than the 8:00 minyan, none of the other mispallelim will know that at 5 a.m. he was already in his car, and that he picked up my brother, brought him all the way to Columbia, and then brought me back to Boro Park. Yet another illustration that “there is no such thing as a simple Jew.”
I would also like to express my admiration for the wives and family members of these Chesed drivers. Many trips take place during the hectic early morning and evening hours when I’m sure their help would be appreciated at home. Too often they’re busy shuttling family members to and from hospitals very close to Shabbos and are not available during the hectic Erev Shabbos hours. Yet these families so generously share their husbands and fathers with those in need. Yasher koach! You are true partners in chesed, and we appreciate your selfless giving.
May Hashem bentsch all of Klal Yisroel to always be zoche to be on the giving end.
A Grateful Chesed Recipient
We were, baruch Hashem, zoche to make a beautiful simcha in Monsey this weekend. Although we had a crisis, the simcha remained a beautiful one thanks to the quick and expert response from Chaverim, despite the late hour and extremely warm temperatures.
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Being unfamiliar with Monsey’s winding roads, a couple of our teenage boys got lost while walking back from the hall to their sleeping accommodations late Friday night.
After attempting to search for them on our own, we contacted Chaverim. An entire team showed up almost immediately. They set things up quickly and in an organized way while simultaneously reassuring us that they’d soon find the boys. Sure enough, they were quickly located (they had retraced their steps and returned to the hall).
But Chaverim didn’t just pack up and leave once the boys were found. First they made sure the boys drank lots of water, and then they themselves accompanied them to their gracious host. They even took the time to make rounds to notify the rest of the family that the boys were safe. In the end, Chaverim left only once everything had calmed down, and everyone was safe and comfortable.
We’d like to express our hakaros hatov and gratitude to Chaverim of Rockland County for coming to our rescue this Shabbos and for always being there for the community. Our simcha remained a simcha thanks to their selflessness, dedication and speedy response.
An extra thank you to Chaverim for being wonderful role models to Klal Yisroel. May each and every one of us be chaveirim and the best of friends so that we can bring Moshiach and the ultimate simcha and geulah
With appreciation,
This past Motzei Shabbos, I witnessed a beautiful scene. A group of Chaverim members set up a command center near the Vilchovitz hall, and for a few hours, they combed through the garbage looking for a woman’s rings.
I don’t know if the rings were found, but I do know that we are so fortunate to be part of a special nation. Mi k’amcha Yisroel!
ESTABLISHING A NEW YESHIVAH is a challenge, yet Rav Reuven Yosef Gershonowitz, zt”l, was up to the task. After founding his fledgling yeshivah in the town of Chemed in Eretz Yisroel, he sought high-quality bachurim who would raise the level of the yeshivah. He turned to the obvious source, the greatest makom Torah of the day in Eretz Yisroel: Ponovezh. Rav Gershonowitz asked the Rosh Yeshivah, Harav Shach, zt”l, to send him a couple of students for a while to be mechazek the new makom Torah. Rav Shach agreed.
Joining a small-town yeshivah in a moshav setting was eye-opening for the bochurim. They found life on the farm especially enchanting, and they got to know some of the community members, including one frum man who had cattle on his dairy farm.
The farmer was struggling with a particular donkey. As the donkey aged, he lost his vision almost entirely, and was proving himself rather useless. The donkey’s condition further deteriorated when he developed a bad lung inflammation, leaving the farmer at a loss for what to do. The animal was causing him unnecessary time, money and effort. Since there was no infrastructure supervising veterinary services and animal health in the country, the farmer was left to deal with the situation himself.
One day, he loaded the donkey onto his rickety pick-up truck and drove several kilometers away. Then he opened the door and let the donkey out, right in the middle of nowhere, and returned home. In all likelihood, it was a matter of time before the donkey would perish, either of hunger or by falling into a pit or getting into some other danger.
Several days later, the farmer was surprised to hear familiar braying. Hardly containing his shock, he shared with
the bochurim that his old, sick, blind donkey had returned! No one had any idea how or why, yet somehow it had retraced its path to his familiar home. Now the donkey was standing outside its master’s house, right where it used to be all day, every day, as if nothing had ever happened.
Rav Shmuel Aharon Yudelevitz, zt”l, once visited his widowed mother who lived in Kfar Tavor, near the city of Haifa. He shared an amazing phenomenon he encountered in the rural village.
In Kfar Tvor, there was a shepherd who used to “babysit” flocks of sheep for local cattle raisers. He would take out several flocks at once so the sheep could graze in the fields and hills surrounding the village.
Rav Shmuel Aharon noticed a curious thing. When evening arrived and the shepherd returned to the village, he didn’t trek through the village to return the sheep to their owners. He simply stopped at the entrance of the town, and each flock would find its way on its own. Reb Shmuel Aharon watched as the sheep — on their own — stepped through winding streets and trails until each one arrived at its master’s home.
“It is simply amazing!” Rav Shmuel Aharon exclaimed. “It is exactly as it says in the pasuk. Each one knows exactly who his owner is and where his master’s trough lies!”
* * * * *
This brings us to Yeshaya Hanavi’s reproach.
In this week’s haftorah , the navi Yeshaya rebukes Klal Yisroel using some of the harshest words ever prophesied. He says, “An ox knows its owner and a donkey his master’s cradle; Yisroel does not know, my nation does not contemplate” (Yeshaya 1:3).
Last week we discussed inflammation, its causes and some ways of preventing and treating it. One supplement we recommended is turmeric. But what exactly is turmeric?
Turmeric has been named the “golden spice” for three reasons. Firstly, as a member of the ginger family turmeric is golden in color. Second, like gold, it can be very expensive: Quality turmeric can cost $70 to $80 per pound. Finally it is golden in that it is rich in health benefits. One of the main ingredients found naturally in turmeric is curcumin, and the higher the level of curcumin, the greater the health benefits are.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat. Ut wisi enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exerci tation ullamcorper suscipit lobortis nisl ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis autem vel eum iriure dolor in hendrerit in vulputate velit esse molestie consequat, vel illum dolore eu feugiat nulla facilisis at vero eros et accumsan et iusto odio dignissim qui blandit praesent luptatum zzril delenit augue duis dolore te feugait nulla facilisi.
Turmeric is best known for its anti-inflammatory properties, but it can also be beneficial for numerous other medical issues: skin problems, the digestive tract, cholesterol, memory, dementia and heart disease. Turmeric can also help prevent Alzheimer’s and is known for its ability to help treat cancer. Studies have shown that for people who suffer from aches in their legs, turmeric can be more effective than anti-inflammatory medication. In countries where modern medicines are scarce and traditional medicine thrives, turmeric is one of the main alternatives and it is used in high doses to help fight harmful bacteria.
up and consume it you may not see much result. That’s because a pivotal factor in turmeric’s health benefits is its level of curcumin, and the typical turmeric sold in local groceries contains only 3% curcumin. By contrast, turmeric supplements concentrate the curcumin in compact tablets that offer much higher doses of the effective ingredient.
Curcumin is fat soluble, meaning it is mainly digested along with fatty and oily foods. So it is best to ingest turmeric after a fatty meal in order for the body to fully assimilate the curcumin. The maximum benefit can be achieved from eating turmeric along with healthy fatty foods such as healthy oils, avocado, nuts and seeds. Another important method to increase the effectiveness of turmeric is to consume it along with black pepper. Black pepper can multiply the health benefits of curcumin by as much as 2000%!
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, cons ectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat. Ut wisi enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exerci tation ullamcorper suscipit lobortis nisl ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.
Be aware that turmeric can act as a blood thinner. If you are already taking medication that thins the blood discuss with a doctor whether it is safe for you to take turmeric supplements.
consequat, vel illum dolore eu feugiat nulla facilisis at vero eros et accumsan et iusto odio dignissim qui blandit praesent luptatum zzril delenit augue duis dolore te feugait nulla facilisi.orem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat. Ut wisi enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exerci tation ullamcorper suscipit lobortis nisl ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis autem vel eum iriure dolor in hendrerit in vulputate velit esse molestie consequat, vel illum dolore eu feugiat nulla facilisis at vero eros et accumsan et iusto odio dignissim qui blandit praesent luptatum zzril delenit augue duis dolore te feugait nulla facilisi.
How could Klal Yisroel be chastised for not knowing what the ox and donkey know? Animals have no yetzer hara. It is simply a natural phenomenon that leads them back to their owners. Animals do not have the distractions and struggles that humans contend with. How can the two be compared?
Rav Eliyahu Lopian explains:
It says in Chovos Halevavos that Hashem supplies the Creation with everything it needs, according to the need. Air, which is a basic requisite for life, is available all over, for free. Water, the second-most needed necessity for survival, is available in abundance, but not as freely as air. Food is less available than water, and so on.
For all of the above reasons it is a good idea to use turmeric plentifully as a spice when preparing foods at home. Its use in the culinary setting can go a long way toward providing the many health benefits that turmeric offers. Note, though, that if you simply purchase a chunk of turmeric, grind it
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat. Ut wisi enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exerci tation ullamcorper suscipit lobortis nisl ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis autem vel eum iriure dolor in hendrerit in vulputate velit esse molestie
For those who suffer from inflammation, the Vitamin Desk at Maple offers a golden selection of dozens of turmeric supplements containing curcumin and black pepper—why go out of your way to down extra black pepper when you can have it combined with the turmeric in a single supplement? Our turmeric is available in tablet form, capsules, liquid and gummy candies. We also have a number of natural creams to help reduce inflammation. Just come in and ask!
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, cons ectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat. Ut wisi enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exerci tation ullamcorper suscipit lobortis nisl ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam
The same is true of ruchniyus Hashem supplies the world with the spiritual sustenance that the neshamah requires according to the need. Emunah is the most basic necessity, and Hashem made it most available. One need not work hard to acquire emunah. The entire creation screams emunah! It is all around us; we must simply pay heed. Because we are occupied with so much else in life, we find it challenging to remember to cash in on this necessity, despite its accessibility.
To your health,
This is the point Yeshaya Hanavi was making.
True, animals have no yetzer hara, but our emunah is so easily attainable, that with just a bit of focus and introspection, we should be able to recognize our Master just as naturally as cattle recognize theirs.
The teviah against us remains: Why don’t we invest this little bit? Why don’t we focus and fill our lungs with emunah, like the donkey who knows his master?
Monsey gets vitamins at Maple.
Monsey gets vitamins at Maple.
gets vitamins at Maple.
Animals do not have the distractions and struggles that humans contend with.
With flooding devastating multiple upstate areas, Governor Kathy Hochul asked President Joe Biden last week to issue a major disaster declaration that will pave the way for federal assistance after last week’s torrential rainfalls. Hochul submitted a list of twelve counties that were devastated by the historic rainfall, including Rockland, Orange and Westchester counties.
“My administration is no stranger to extreme weather events, and the weather of this past week has shown that not only do we need federal assistance to help recover from these storms, but government leaders at all levels need to prioritize making our infrastructure more resilient,” said Governor Hochul. “I have spoken with the White House, our senators and FEMA leadership about the need for a swift approval of this disaster declaration, so we can help New Yorkers recover quickly and efficiently.”
If the major disaster declaration is issued, the Federal Emergency Management Agency will provide funding that can be used to remove debris and make critical infrastructure repairs to buildings, roadways, bridges and other damaged areas.
Also joining Hochul in petitioning the president to provide federal aid to the Hudson Valley were Congressmen Michael Lawler and Patrick Ryan, whose 17th and 18th congressional districts cover Rockland, Orange, Putnam, and parts of Dutchess and Westchester counties. A letter sent by the two on July 14 noted that catastrophic flash flooding wiped out roads, businesses and homes, killing one and leaving thousands without electricity for days, with damages totaling tens of millions of dollars and that will take years to repair.
“Our families, small businesses and municipalities are suffering, and they need help now,” said Lawler. “Our first respond-
ers, local municipalities and state agencies have been heroically working around the clock, but it’s time for the federal government to provide the necessary relief and resources to ensure we rebuild promptly and properly.”
After a multi-day closure that left Catskills travelers sitting in worse-than-usual traffic, several area roadways reopened on Monday afternoon, including the Palisades Parkway north of exit 14, with reduced lanes in either direction, Route 6 between Route 293 and Long Mountain Parkway, and Route 9W between Bear Mountain and Stony Point.
Senator Bill Weber popped in to Camp Elyon for a visit last week, taking the time to watch the boys playing ball and to share his own childhood summer recollections during a camp-wide assembly.
Rockland Daily reported that Weber presented camp director Rabbi Yitzchok Isaak with a certificate of merit during his visit on July 13, recognizing him for providing local kids with a healthy summer camp experience. Weber said that he was very impressed by the level of enthusiasm and respect that he saw on display, and that he was looking forward to wearing his new Camp Elyon baseball cap.
“It was great speaking to the more than 400 campers about my time in camp, participating in many of the same great activities and trips as they are,” remarked Weber.
Weber was instrumental in finding a location for both Camp Elyon and Camp Fun this year. He was alerted to the difficulties both camps were having by Camp Fun director and founder Menny Schwab at the Tomchei Shabbos dinner in early January. He previously visited Camp Fun on June 30, presenting Schwab with a proclamation for outstanding citizenship and heroism. Schwab, a member of Rockland Hatzoloh, performed CPR on a fellow Miami Marathon participant in 2019, rescued a drowning child in a water park wave pool in 2021, and saved the life of a fellow passenger on a flight to San Diego this past January.
Rockland County Executive Ed Day applauded the MTA’s decision to keep prices level. Day had been vocal in his criticism of the Metropolitan Transportation Authority’s plans to raise fares for customers west of the Hudson River by 4 to 7%.
A statement released by Day said that Rocklanders
deserve a break from the MTA, and that county residents felt like their concerns were being ignored.
“Many may feel like their voice does not matter,” said Day. “This decision makes it clear that it absolutely does.”
Even as he thanked the MTA, Day called on the agency to go the extra mile for Rockland County residents.
“I hope the Metro-North will begin to finally improve and expand west of the Hudson service from our county, especially the Pascak Valley line service,” said Day.
With rising surcharges often causing exponential increases in the cost of a speeding ticket, an Albany-area lawmaker is floating a proposal that would cap additional fees to 10% of the initial fine.
Spectrum News reported that Assemblyman Angelos Santabarbara has described the cost of additional surcharges and fees that can be tacked onto a speeding ticket as highway robbery. Surcharges can start at $85 for a first-time violator and can rise to as much as $600 for going 30 miles per hour above the posted speed limit.
“Over the years, these surcharges have progressively escalated more and more and more,” said Santabarbara. “Even for a minor offense, you’re paying enormous fees.”
Additional penalties can vary by locality, with even minor infractions translating into whopping fines, and Santabarbara hopes that his proposal can bring some transparency into the area of traffic violation fines. Previously, the upstate Democrat criticized a plan to hike Thruway tolls in order to raise money for the highway system and strengthen infrastructure, and said state lawmakers should have a greater say in the process when it comes to toll increases.
“It seems like it’s focused on revenue generation, rather than imposing fines and penalties that align with the penalty itself,” said Santabarbara. “It’s one of those things among a long list of things that cost a lot of money just to keep a car on the road.”
Multiple popular vehicles have been recalled in recent weeks, leaving owners with another item on their to-do lists in order to ensure their own safety.
USA Today reported that 43,442 hybrid Toyota and Lexus SUVs are being recalled because of an electrical component that may have been damaged in production, which could lead to a short circuit. A statement released by Toyota Motor Engineering and Manufacturing, which produces both vehicles, said that the defect could cause the cars’ DC-DC converter to overheat, increasing the risk of a fire.
Cars affected by the recall include the 2021–2022 RAV4 Prime and 2022 Lexus NX450h+. Owners are warned not to charge their vehicles when the ambient temperature is below, or expected to drop below, 41 degrees.
Honda Motors issued a recall of its own in early July on 124,077 of its vehicles, including certain 2020–2021 Civics, 2020–2023 Ridgeline, 2021–2023 Passport and 2020 Acura MDX models. All of the cars listed in the recall notice could be subject to potential brake failure because of a loose fastener.
Vehicle owners that are affected by either of the two recalls will be notified by mail in early August, with all repairs to be performed at no charge.
The Governor Mario M. Cuomo Bridge was turned into a stunt track last week when a large group of vehicles blocked off the bridge and engaged in a reckless driving spree that was eventually ended by the New York State Police.
Ramapo Daily Voice reported that the drivers were involved in what is known as a “street takeover,” which has spectators and cars converging on a specific location, bringing traffic to a standstill to create a cleared zone where vehicles perform dangerous maneuvers for onlookers. According to KLTA 5, street takeovers have been common since COVID.
NYSP trooper Tara McCormick provided little information on the incident, saying that it was under investigation and that multiple drivers were issued traffic tickets. An eighteen-yearold man was arrested and charged with reckless endangerment, obstructing governmental administration and resisting arrest.
The house should have working smoke and carbon monoxide detectors.
Keep the oven door shut during an oven fire, and do NOT use water for a cooking/stove fire!
To ensure the best value of a fire extinguisher, have one on premises and know how to use it rather than hoping that someone will come on time with one.
Delaying to call 911 can increase the severity of the situation for yourself, your neighbors, and firefighters.
On the way out of the premises, ensure that all family members are out.
In case of a fire, smoke, or odor of gas, CALL 911 IMMEDIATELY!
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Riva is shocked to discover that Shuli isn’t exempt from their boss’s abuse. Chevi attacks Fraidy in the school yard.
Lani had just sat down at the dining room table with her sewing machine to hem her girls’ new Shabbos robes when her mother called.
“Mazel tov!” her mother exclaimed. “Chayala Lipshutz is engaged!”
“Oh wooooow! Mazel tov!”
It really was exciting news. Chayala was such a sweet girl, but with her Israeli upbringing, it had been hard for her to find her footing in the shidduch scene. The family had all been hoping something would come up for her over bein hazmanim.
After taking down all the details — who’s the chasan, who was the shadchan, wait, are they related to Moskowitz from Staten Island? — Lani realized what this shidduch actually meant for her.
It meant that she had to abandon the hems, get dressed, and run over to her aunt’s house for the l’chaim.
Nor oif simchos, she hummed as she
applied makeup. She could always take those robes to the seamstress to hem. If she felt like spending $20 on each one, that is, and she really did not feel like it.
Riva called as she was slipping her sheitel onto her head. “Are you walking? Do you want to meet me in front of my house in around ten minutes?”
“Uh, yeah. I guess.”
Of course they would walk over together. Why not? They always went to simchos together.
And yet, Lani was not in the mood of walking with Riva. She’d hardly been up to talking to her sister at all since she’d placed that breakfast order for her coworker, in that thoughtful attempt to support her business.
Malky, Shana and Chevi were squeezed around the tiny kitchen table — reading, doodling — when she passed.
“I’m running over to the l’chaim,” she told her girls. “The kids are all
sleeping. Malky, can you babysit until Tatty comes home from Maariv?”
Malky didn’t even look up from her book. “Yeah, fine,” she said.
“And Chevi, it’s late. Go take a shower and go to sleep — no more reading tonight.” Lani pulled her phone out of the charger and stuck it into her bag. “You too, Shana. Come on, it’s almost ten o’clock, and you have school tomorrow.”
Shana made a vague noise and continued reading. Chevi crumpled up the paper she’d been writing on and stood up. As Lani opened the closet near the kitchen to take out her jacket, something made her turn back and look at Chevi.
There it was again, those sunken eyes, like a light had dimmed behind them and the world had turned gray on her.
Was it Malky? Had she been rude to Chevi again? It couldn’t be; it was so unlike Malky to behave that way.
She’d have to keep an eye out, see what this pouting was all about, but not now. Riva was waiting.
She walked over to Chevi. “Good night, sweetie. I’ll try to bring you home something from the l’chaim Go to sleep nicely, okay?” She gave her a little kiss on the forehead and patted her back.
“I hate sleeping in a room with so many people,” Chevi mumbled.
Ah, so it wasn’t Malky?
“It’s just for a little longer, Chev. You know that, right?”
Chevi looked skeptical.
Well, she had good reason to be skeptical. But Lani didn’t want to think about the stalled renovations now. Her sister was waiting and she had to leave.
In the end, Riva wasn’t quite waiting. Lani had to wait for her a good five minutes before she came flying through the door, huffing. “Sorry, Eli wasn’t falling asleep…”
“It’s fine, don’t worry.” They started down the block, and Lani decided to bring up the anniversary plans. “We need to figure out what we’re doing. There won’t be much time after Pesach. Did you ever call SpecTac?”
“Uh, no… You didn’t sound too eager about it when I asked you on Purim.”
“Me?” She hadn’t been too eager about anything on Purim. And it’s not like she was exceptionally eager now either. But she didn’t admit that. Instead she said, “Um, why not? It’s a great place.”
“Maybe we should just drop the whole idea,” Riva suggested. “We could just take Tatty and Ma to a restaurant or something, spend time together. Do we really need a whole program?”
She sounded tired. Lani could relate to that. “We don’t have to. I just thought it would be nice. But if you’re not feeling up to it, forget it.”
“Are you feeling up to it?”
They walked a few paces in silence. “Look, we could try,” Riva said. “Do you have any ideas for a program?”
A wind swept over them, and Lani zipped up her jacket. “I was thinking to have the kids perform some kind of comedy about Tatty and Mommy’s life. Maybe going back to when we were growing up and then leading up to today? I’m not sure, really, it’s just a vague idea.”
“That could be really cute. We could, like, do this whole thing about Tatty’s trip itineraries — remember all those AAA tour books? And maps! OMG, remember those maps?”
“I’ll never forget those. Our kids have no idea what a map looks like at all. It was, like, a huge part of the whole trip.”
“Right?” Riva giggled. “That, and Ma’s baking. Remember those homemade brownie bars? And teeny-tiny rugelach? The jelly ones. Yummmm…”
“Oh my, yessss,” Lani said. “Hello, I’m trying to picture myself baking all that heavenly stuff before a family trip. I mean, not that we ever do family trips, but I’m pretty sure that if we would, we’d just buy rugelach and not bake them.”
“Well, you have six children while Ma had two. You can’t exactly compare.”
“True.” Lani stuffed her cell-
phone into her pocket. “It was a different life.”
Everything had been different back then. Two girls in a big, empty house, parents doting over their every breath. They hadn’t so much been spoiled as much as simply the entire focus of their parents’ lives. Of course, their own kids were the entire focus of their lives now, but the difference between “the kids” and “Lani and Riva” was tremendous. There had never been any of the noise and clutter that was found in their own homes these days. The closets had always been perfectly neat and organized, their toys looked brand-new, none of the game boxes were torn, and no pieces were missing. But more than all that, they’d always consistently gotten their parents’ undivided attention. They’d always been the absolute everything in their home.
“Do you think they were trying to overcompensate?” Riva asked.
“Hmm. I wonder,” Lani said. They stopped at the corner and waited for the light to change. “I don’t think so. It certainly never felt that way. I think it was just a kind of devotion that isn’t possible with larger families. I mean, Ma used to freeze individual breaded schnitzels and fry one every night for you because that was the only thing you ate.”
“Gah. Don’t tell anyone.”
Lani laughed, and as they crossed the street and continued walking, she was struck by the oddity of the moment. How long had it been since she’d last schmoozed and laughed with Riva like this, without reserve?
This couldn’t be happening. She and Lani had only each other. They needed each other, on so many levels. The walk to this l’chaim had been such a delightful treat — stepping back into their regular selves, laughing at jokes that only sisters shared.
She missed that connection. She wanted it back so badly.
Yaakov stopped in to say mazel tov a little later, then drove Riva and Lani home. When Lani got out of the car, Riva watched her sister enter the house through the basement entrance and let out a heavy breath.
“We made a huge mistake,” she said to Yaakov.
Riva gestured at her sister’s house. “The loan. I mean, I’m still working for now; we don’t need the money so urgently. Was it a fair thing to do?”
“Please, Riva,” Yaakov said. He stopped for a red light and leaned forward in his seat. “We’ve been through this a hundred times. You know how construction works. Who knows how much longer it’s going to take? Did they think we’ll extend the loan indefinitely?” The light changed and he continued driving. “And then, who knows how long it would have taken for them to pay it back? Things can be tight after you build a house. Where would that leave us?”
They’d reached their block, but Yaakov continued driving, eyes peeled for a parking spot.
“We also want to buy a house one day, right?” he said. “And if the right opportunity comes up, will you be okay to forfeit it because your money is tied up in the Eisdorf’s house?”
It was at Chayala Lipshutz’s l’chaim that Riva realized the cost of terminating the Eisdorf loan.
They’d warmly wished all their mazel tovs and drifted over to a corner where a few other cousins were standing. Their aunt Chani Katz was there as well, and as she filled a cup with seltzer, she turned to Lani and asked, “Nu? So where’s your house up to?”
The nonchalance with which she asked the question made Riva clench her toes. This question burned on her tongue all the time, but she never dared to ask it. Lani had gone from obsessively discussing every screw in the house to completely avoiding the topic of construction. True, she and Yaakov hadn’t been able to be more helpful with money, but did that mean they couldn’t talk about the house anymore? It was only natural to share these things with a sister.
She didn’t miss the anxious glance Lani threw her way before answering. “It’s taking longer than expected,” she told Chani curtly.
Riva knew there was more to it, and she knew Lani would have said more if Riva wouldn’t have been around.
She picked up a praline and broke it in half, wiping her fingers in a napkin.
She hated his logic. Hated the fact that he was one hundred percent right. “That looks like a parking spot over there,” she said flatly. “Right before the bus stop.”
Yaakov pulled the car up in front of the empty spot and started backing in. When the car was parked and the engine off, they stayed in the car, Yaakov’s words filling the dark space.
“It’s our safety net, Riva. Don’t you feel better knowing that if you decided to leave Kleenup today, you could?”
There was a soft sincerity in this voice, and Riva realized, with a measure of surprise, that this had been the real reason all along. Buying a house, having a safety net, those things were all true. But the thing that had propelled Yaakov to demand the loan back was this, his concern for her, his desire to grant Riva her freedom.
She didn’t add anything to the conversation after that. There was nothing to add, because Yaakov was right. He wanted what was best for her.
Still, as they got out of the car and made their way home, all Riva could think of, with intense longing, was AAA tour books and teeny-tiny jelly rugelach.
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I want only “real” diamonds. Are lab-grown diamonds “fake”?
What is a “real” diamond? A true diamond is essentially just a carbon crystal. Regardless of its origin, crystallized carbon is a gemstone known as a diamond (as defined by the Federal Trade Commission). So whether earth-grown or lab-grown, any gem-quality carbon crystal is a “real” diamond that can be worn in jewelry. Labgrown diamonds are chemically, physically, and optically identical to earth-grown diamonds. They will not change over time, and will not become scratched, cloudy, or discolored as do some diamond alternatives, such as CZ stones.
How are lab-grown diamonds grown?
Lab-grown diamonds are manufactured using conditions that recreate the natural process that creates earth-grown diamonds. This means that a carbon “seed” (often a tiny piece of natural diamond or a slim “plate” of lab-grown diamond) is subjected to extremely high temperature and pressure in a controlled environment, into which gasses with a high carbon content are injected. The end result is a rough diamond, which then must be cut, faceted, and polished like any other diamond in order to assume its final gem form.
What is the practical difference between earth-grown and labgrown diamonds?
Lab-grown diamonds cost less — anywhere from 30% less to 20% of the price of equivalent-quality earth-grown diamonds. As a result, a $5,000 custom, color-
less lab-grown diamond boasting a perfect cut and large size (such as for an engagement ring) would cost $25,000 if it were earth-grown. Additionally, lab-grown diamonds are not subject to the same impurities that naturally occurring diamonds are exposed to in the ground, so they are to a very great extent free of trace elements that cause fluorescence and a high level of inclusions.
What’s your preference?
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ווייל יד טימ טלאה
רעטרעוו עמיראוו
ףפיש יכדרמ ר"רה · ןיבור ןסינ רזעלא
ר"רה · רעיירב סחנפ ר"רה ·
ןאמיינ יכדרמ 'ר · רעכערב עקלעמש
עיצנאטנעזערפ עלעיצעפס
ןייטשנעבור עיניפ 'ר
עיינ תוצח ןופ ןעגנאפעגנא
A little humility and creativity go a long way. If I don’t know how to do something, I ask my mentors, and we think outside the box to solve problems in unusual ways.
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There are so many brilliant uses for a bowl of chilled fruit soup in the summer. As an appetizer, snack or dessert, these delicious bowls are sure to bring the taste of summer to your home.
This is a true winner! The combination of the fruits along with the jam is absolutely perfect. And when served with yogurt… ah... that’s just what summer is all about!
1 (14 oz.) bag frozen blueberries
1 mango, peeled and cubed
2 peaches, sliced
2 cups orange juice
1 cup water
½ cup strawberry jam Yogurt, optional
1. In a medium saucepan, combine the frozen blueberries, cubed mango, sliced peaches, orange juice, water and jam. Bring this to a boil. As soon as the mixture starts boiling, lower the heat to mediumlow, and allow the mixture to simmer for 5 minutes.
2. Keep stirring so the jam dissolves fully.
3. Place the soup in the fridge or freezer until ready to serve.
4. Serve chilled, with a dollop of yogurt on top.
I like to call this “summer in a bowl.”
Refreshing, healthy and just so delicious!
16 oz. frozen strawberries, slightly thawed
20 oz. canned pineapple, with juice
15 oz. canned peaches, with syrup
20 oz. lychees, no juice
¼ cup agave or honey
3 kiwis, peeled and diced
1 cup pomegranate arils
3 cups yogurt
1. In a blender or food processor, combine the frozen strawberries, pineapple and juice, peaches and syrup, lychees, and agave or honey.
2. Pulse until the fruits are chopped and mixed but still chunky.
3. Remove the fruit from the blender. Mix in the kiwis, most of the pomegranate arils, and the yogurt.
4. Serve chilled, with additional pomegranate seeds as garnish on top.
In my family, as soon as the weather turns warm, cherry soup is on the menu. Here I bring you the traditional cherry soup recipe with a strawberry and rhubarb twist.
2 (15 oz.) cans sour pitted cherries, with syrup
1 (16 oz.) bag frozen strawberries and rhubarb
3 T. agave or sugar
5 cups water
1. In a pot, combine all ingredients. Bring this mixture to a boil.
2. As soon as the soup starts bubbling, remove it from the heat, then refrigerate until ready to serve.
3. Serve chilled.
For any issues such as:
• Garbage pickup issues
• Street light outages
• Construction concerns
• Unauthorized road closures
• Road hazards like potholes, etc.
please don't hesitate to contact our community liaison, and your concern will be resolved in the most e ective manner.
Mr. Yossi Margareten
,ןאָזעיל רעזנוא טפור עטיב
טימ ןבעגפּאָ ךיז טעוו רעכלעוו
טימ ןבעגפּאָ ךיז טעוו רעכלעוו ןפוא ןטסעב ן'פיוא ושיא רעייא .ךייש זיא סאָוו
ו"יה ןטעראגראמ ףסוי ר"רה
He can be reached at: 845.357.5100 ext. 433 | Margarettenj@ramapo.org
You can also contact the town to report any issues via WhatsApp at: (845) 502-0415
You plant the seeds and the seed blossoms into a beautiful flower. While the flower is still blossoming. Wanted to share my hakaras hatov and Nachas with you.
Yoni just changed high schools mid 10th grade. He excelled in nearly all his subjects. English still a challenge- but so much better. He has become SELF MOTIVATED - taking notes, doing chazara, not waiting till the night before, and TAKING PRIDE IN HIS LEARNING. This is something he decided to do in the last folder months.
He is exercising with such preciseness - you would never even imagine that he was once “low tone” and couldn’t do a jump rope or jumping jack. Just muscle!!
He had a BEAUTIFUL REPORT CARD this year and now just got an email that he is on HONOR ROLL for his academic excellence. Not bad for a kid once in resource!! See forward email below!!
Wanted the share with you - because I truly believe the PROGRAM THAT YOU IMPLEMENTED ENABLES THE BRAIN TO WORK AS IT SHOULD. It coordinates all the systems together - so that at the right time of maturity - it’s all set to go! Thank you for all you did for Yoni all those years ago!! We hope to stop by anyway one day and say hello - and thank you in person. Hope all is well with you and your family.
Have a good shabbos, Yoni’s Mother
From: Yoni’s Principal
Date: Fri, Jul 2, 2021 at 11:13 AM
Subject: Honor Roll
Mazal Tov! Your son, Yoni, did an amazing job in his Shiurim and classes and has been awarded Honor Roll for the year. This honor is a reflection primarily of his academic achievement but is also a signal of his general comportment as a developing Ben Torah.
Wishing you continued Nachas and joy from Yoni.
Have a great Shabbos, R' Dovid
I am the daughter of a Holocaust survivor. Although my parents almost never spoke about their experiences during the war, the Holocaust was part of my DNA.
Growing up in a family where one or both parents were survivors was traumatic. Such homes were occupied not only by members of our immediate families, but also by the neshamos of those murdered by the Nazis. My life had to have enough meaning to justify my own existence and to compensate for the unlived lives of my martyred relatives. The burden was immense, but it seemed entirely appropriate. Survivor’s guilt was dispensed in large doses, and we all accepted it as normal. I might not have had a number tattooed on my arm, but it felt like I did.
Some survivors were able to talk about their wartime experiences while others were not. But even those who kept silent during the day were unable to suppress their memories at night. They would cry out in their sleep, reliving their terror and broadcasting it to everyone in the house. My father almost never talked about what happened to him during the war. He also never screamed at night; he was so plagued by his memories that he couldn’t sleep long enough to have a nightmare. Every morning, when I stepped into the living room, I encountered the telltale signs that he had spent much of the night
there: The pages of the Yiddish daily newspaper were on the floor in a messy pile, and the three sofa pillows, which my mother kept meticulously arranged on the long sofa, lay in disarray on the carpet. My father’s transistor radio, his other nocturnal companion, stood silently on the end table, in the shadow of the Holocaust.
Although my father was a man of few words, his character and courage spoke for him. The night the Nazis came to his house in search of his older brother, my fifteen-year-old father stepped forward and said that he was the one they were looking for. Although he was two years younger than his brother, my father was taller and easily passed for the older son. That night, the Nazis took my father away.
When I was eighteen and touring Eretz Yisroel with a group, we visited Yad Vashem. Entering the exhibit hall, I felt flooded with feelings I wasn’t equipped to face. I had to leave. I made my way out and sat down on the ground, leaning against the building. A stranger approached and asked if I was okay. My answer was nothing more than a silent and sad glance upward. She sat down next to me. She didn’t try to engage me in dialogue or offer words of comfort. She realized that all I needed was to sit mournfully, and in that moment, she was both a stranger and a sister, offering the only
Like all children of Holocaust survivors, I feel like I am a survivor. We are known as second-generation survivors, or 2Gs. Like my father, I am one of those people who don’t like talking, thinking or reading about it. Me, join a tour group to Eastern Europe to visit the concentration camps? Stand in the place where my relatives disembarked from the cattle cars? Picture the confusion and hysteria of mother and child being separated? Make physical contact with ash-laden earth and relive moments in history that are seared into my memory as if I had lived through them myself?
Never. Why would I want to come face to face with memories that my parents spent years suppressing?
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comfort possible: silent companionship in the shadow of the Holocaust.
All of my parents’ friends were survivors. They were joined by a common language, Yiddish, and their relationship was more of a kinship than a friendship. Anything and everything we children experienced was seen through the lens of the Holocaust. My parents may have escaped death, but life was always lived in its shadow. It’s commonly known that survivors can’t bear to throw away food or waste anything that has even the slightest value; those messages were explicit.
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Other messages were communicated implicitly. We were granted the gift of life; therefore, any type of discomfort we experienced could never be worthy of complaint. When I had a stomachache, it was never just a stomachache; since I was living in the shadow of the Holocaust, I would automatically think about how painful it must have been to starve to death. When walking home from school in the snow, my fingertips were never just freezing cold; I conjured up the image of thousands of men and women standing outside in the bitter cold during an appell. When I turn the pages of a newspaper, it’s never just a pastime; my mind wanders as I imagine my father wrapping newspaper around his legs to keep warm as he worked laying railroad tracks somewhere in Nazioccupied Europe.
Recently, when I listened to my eldest grandchild deliver his bar mitzvah speech, I felt a deep sense of gratitude. Being orphaned of my own grandparents, I didn’t take my role as a grandmother, or the ability to take part in this simcha, for granted.
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While listening, I realized that this bar mitzvah celebration was taking place just a few weeks before the anniversary of Kristallnacht. That was the night the bar mitzvah boy’s great-greatgrandfather, Hugo Alperowitz, was arrested by the Nazis for being a melamed, mohel, chazan and shochet. His home was ransacked, and all his seforim were removed and burned while his wife and seven-year-old daughter (my mother) stood defenseless and terrified.
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I felt jolted by the sudden realization that I had yet to tell my grandson this piece of family history. It belongs to him, and I’d neglected to hand it down. My feelings churned inside me. How had I allowed myself to collude with my parents and continue their legacy of silence?
We wonder about survivors. How did they cope after the war? Where did they get the courage and strength to build new lives? The answer is that qualities like resilience and resourcefulness are in our parents’ genes — and in our genes, too. They were passed on to our parents and to us by our predecessors who
had survived the countless catastrophes throughout Jewish history. We, the second generation, have inherited more than just trauma; our legacy also includes the attributes that enabled our parents to prosper after the war. And those strengths are just as much a part of our legacy as the trauma is. Maybe I had colluded with the silence — but I have also contributed to the rebirth.
And the legacy continues. Third-generation survivors have their own constellation of symptoms and responses to these symptoms; some similar to 2Gs, some different. Although it is critical for us to gain insight into how each of us has historically managed our own thoughts, feelings and behaviors, it’s equally critical that we put the understanding we’ve gained from this insight to good use. We cannot escape the pain, but we need to keep building as well.
Being a child of Holocaust survivors is complex, and I wander around the maze searching for a way out. This is a good thing. Being a seeker is an outgrowth of trauma, known as Post Traumatic Growth. Like many secondgeneration survivors, I constantly search for meaning in my own life and in the lives of others who ask me to help them do the same.
And that meaning is what gave my parents, and all survivors, and all the generations after them, the strength to go on.
Michelle Halle, LCSW, is a therapist in private practice in Lakewood, NJ. She helps adults who have experienced complex trauma find a way through their pain to live a life filled with meaning. You can learn more about her and her work at www. michellehalle.com.
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Zug’she Rebbe’nyu, vus vet zein az Moshiach vet kummen?
What will be when Moshiach comes?
Around a magnificently set banquet table sit a host of tzaddikim. The head of the table is graced by the presence of our Avos, Moshe Rabbeinu, Aharon Hakohen and Dovid Hamelech. The menu is complete with aged wine and meat from the Livyasan and Shor Habor.
Welcome to the Seudas Livyasan!
It sounds whimsical, like stepping into a fantasy book. Is this seudah, said to be held l’asid lavo, a real thing? Or is it just a piece of folklore, made popular by the famous “Ah Seudenyu” song composed by Yossele Rosenblatt?
What is the Seudas Livyasan all about?
Join us as we explore what the Midrash, Chazal, and our seforim say about this momentous meal in Moshiach’s day.
The Gemara (Bava Basra 75a) says, “In the future, Hakadosh Baruch Hu will make a feast for the tzaddikim from the flesh of the Livyasan.”
The Midrash describes further how Hashem will first reveal secrets of the Torah to Klal Yisroel. The tzaddikim will then enter Gan Eden to partake in the special meal. They will ask Hashem to join, saying, “Can there be a feast without the Host’s participation?” Only when Dovid Hamelech personally repeats this request will Hakadosh Baruch Hu acquiesce.
The participants of the seudah will revel in deep spiritual pleasure.
While the details of this feast hint at many allegorical secrets, the seforim say that it will be an actual physical meal. The flesh of the Livyasan and Shor Habor, and wine preserved from the Six Days of Creation, will be served.
The Maharsha writes that although the meforshim delve into the depths of its metaphoric meanings, we must believe in the simplistic description of this feast as well.
The Zohar cites both, first describing how drinking the preserved wine signifies the deep Torah secrets that will be revealed for the first time, and later writing that there will be an actual, physical meal.
There is much discussion regarding when this seudah will take place, but most agree that it will be after the arrival of Moshiach, still before techiyas hameisim.
Before the feast, a squabble will take place between two mammoth animals — the Livyasan and the Shor Habor. The Livyasan will slaughter the Shor Habor using his sharp fins, and the Shor Habor will strike the Livyasan using his horns, as the Midrash explains (Vayikra Rabbah 13:3).
In truth, it will be Hakadosh Baruch Hu Who will slaughter the Shor Habor, using the Livyasan’s fins. Although shechitah as we know it is permissible only with a smooth knife, the meat of the Shor Habor will be permitted, as Hashem is not confined by boundaries.
There are several theories as to which animal the Shor Habor is, and whether it is a wild animal or a domestic animal. It may be a wild bull, buffalo, oryx, hippopotamus, or even of the dinosaur species.
The Livyasan is specifically mentioned in the Chumash (Bereishis 1:21), as the taninim hagedolim created on the fifth day of Creation. It is described in Iyov (40:25–41:26) as a mammoth sea animal with large, menacing teeth and flashing eyes. Sparks of fire emanate from its mouth and smoke rises from its nostrils. Its heart is like a millstone, and no weapon could harm it, besides the sword of Hashem.
Only a single pair of both the Livyasan and the Shor Habor were created during Brias Haolam. If they would proliferate, the world would cease to exist. Hakadosh Baruch Hu therefore mutilated the male and slew the female and salted its meat, preserving it for this very seudah (Bava Basra 74b).
Finally, a sukkah will be built for the tzaddikim from the skin of the Livyasan.
Besides the meat of the Livyasan and Shor Habor, mann — the long-ago food from Shamayim — will be served. For dessert, there will be juicy pomegranates.
The meal will be prepared by malachim. Malach Gavriel will be the chef, Malach Refael will be the baker, and Malach Michoel will be the bartender. These three ate in the tent of Avraham Avinu in Elonei Mamre when they visited after Avraham’s bris. Avraham served them then, and l’asid lavo, they will have the opportunity to repay the kindness by serving a meal to him and his descendants.
Through partaking in this meal, everyone in attendance will be healed of any ailments they may have.
At the end of the seudah, when it will be time for Birchas Hamazon, a goblet of wine from the Yayin Hameshumar will be poured. It will be passed around the table, with each of the honorees declining to bentch on the kos, as the Gemara (Pesachim 119b) describes. They will fear drinking from the lofty wine, perceiving their faults as an impediment.
Avraham Avinu will be concerned since he fathered Yishmael, Yitzchak because he bore Eisav, and Yaakov will be afraid because he married two sisters in their lifetime. Moshe Rabbeinu will decline since he did not merit entering Eretz Yisroel, and Yeshoshua bin Nun will pass since he had no sons. When the cup will reach Dovid Hamelech, he will lift it high, to the words, “Kos yeshuos esa, uv’Shem Hashem ekra!” (Tehillim 116:13).
The cup will contain a measurement of 221 lug, which is the numerical value of “revayah” — my cup overflows (Tehillim 23:5).
The Yayin Hameshumar tells a story of its own.
Preserved since the beginning of Creation, it was never displayed in the open. According to some opinions, the Eitz Hada’as was a grapevine, and Chava gave Adam to drink from this wine.
The Midrash Rabbah (13:2) says that Hashem will serve this wine to Klal Yisroel as a reward for being willing to give up our lives with mesiras nefesh and learn Torah, which is compared to wine.
In chassidus, the Seudas Livyasan is described on a deeper level. Seforim say that the seudah will be an expression of the avodah of Klal Yisroel throughout galus
The Livyasan, which lives concealed in the water, symbolizes the hidden realms of spirituality. The Shor Habor, on land, denotes the more exposed physical reality. Partaking of both the Livyasan and Shor Habor at this elevated seudah is representative of two central paths in avodas Hashem
There are tzaddikim whose avodah is in the realm of the Livyasan. They are primarily occupied with attaining elevated levels of ruchniyus, detached from gashmiyus. An example of this would be Rabi Shimon Bar Yochai, who lived in isolation for thirteen years, with hardly any physical needs. Through this, he reached exceptionally lofty spheres.
Then there are tzaddikim whose primary task is to bring kedushah down to this world. Involved in the physical, they may not achieve levels as high, but they fill the world with holiness and the ability to grasp the truth. With this Shor Habor-style of avodas Hashem, they elevate and purify the gashmiyus around us.
Both these paths of avodas Hashem bring the world closer to perfection. When the avodah will be complete, the geulah will come, and the tzaddikim will merit sitting down to this special seudah. Eating from the Shor Habor and Livyasan will be an expression of the peak of perfection, the ultimate avodah
This also explains why the Livyasan will slaughter the Shor Habor and why the Shor Habor will slaughter the Livyasan. Shechitah does not imply butchery and death — quite the contrary: It represents supreme shleimus. The Livyasan will bring the Shor Habor to perfection by slaughtering it, and the Shor Habor will bring the Livyasan to perfection by slaying it.
Through this, we can understand that each of these paths of avodas Hashem has an advantage the other does not have. At this seudah, shleimus will be attained as each of the tzaddikim will complement each other’s derech in avodas Hashem to the point of perfection.
The Yayin Hameshumar, which will be imbibed at the end of the seudah, hints at the most hidden secrets of Torah, never before divulged. After the epitome of perfection is reached during the seudah, the revelation of these secrets will be an apt culmination to the elevated feast.
May this long-awaited seudah be held speedily in our days.
Roshei yeshivos dedicated this past Shabbos to address the use of cell phones among bnei yeshivah, and the latest technological danger: AI (Artificial Intelligence). This is part of ongoing efforts to combat the threat of modern technology and implement guidelines and standards for cell phone usage among yeshivah bochurim.
These efforts began on June 29, 2021, with a massive gathering of bnei Torah held in Lakewood. The focus was on setting an iron-clad standard for yeshiva bochurim in the area of cellular phone usage. The event was called by leading roshei yeshivos in America and was attended by an estimated three thousand bochurim, and was connected to a worldwide campaign by the Gedolim in both Eretz Yisrael and America to curtail the general acceptability of various types of cellular-phone use among yeshiva bochurim
It was at that first gathering that the Ani Choma standard was introduced. While it was made clear that a bochur in yeshivah should never have a cell phone at all, it was also acknowledged that there are times when a bochur might indeed have a cell phone, such as during bein hazmanim or when off for Shabbos, for some pertinent need. Even in such instances, a bochur should only have an approved, talk-only phone bearing the Ani Choma seal. The seal, which is under the auspices of a special vaad for these matters, indicates that the phone is a talk-only phone from an authorized provider. The new standard would avoid the many risks associated with cellular
Roshei yeshiva recently expressed great satisfaction at their talmidim’s level of commitment to these takanos. This can be clearly corroborated by the several thousand Ani Choma phones sold since the hechser was first launched.
phones that need to be blocked, including the fact that they are often not blocked immediately upon purchase, that the blockage can sometimes be removed, and that the standard of the blockage itself does not always befit a ben yeshivah
The following year, on July 18, 2022, close to six thousand bochurim from over one hundred yeshivos converged on Cure Arena in Trenton. These were joined via live video hookup by forty-six additional yeshivos across North America, with many others listening via hotline. The focus of that asifah, as well, was to encourage the abovementioned standard for bnei Torah regarding the use of cell phones. This past week, close to fifty yeshivos, including the vast majority of the most prestigious yeshivos gedolos and mesivtos in the tri-state area, held asifos in their respective yeshivos. This decision was reached during a teleconference that took place about two weeks ago with the participation of over forty roshei yeshiva. The purpose of these asifos is to reaffirm the cell phone takanos established at the gatherings held in the last two years. Additionally, the new danger posed by ChatGPT—Artificial Intelligence was addressed.
Roshei yeshiva recently expressed great satisfaction at their talmidim’s level of commitment to these takanos. This can be clearly corroborated by the several thousand Ani Choma phones sold since the hechser was first launched. Certain summer camps have joined the initiative as well and are now requiring their campers to adhere to the standard set by the yeshivos. The yeshivos in Eretz Yisrael attended by American bochurim have also adopted this standard in recent months, and all bochurim will now be expected to send confirmation of compliance from an authorized vendor prior to joining a yeshivah.
In response to a recent directive by the Gedolim advocating for the bnos Yisrael to adhere to this same standard, many Bais Yaakovs in America and Eretz Yisrael have recently joined this initiative as well.
Connekt: 866-444-5404
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One should postpone a court date in a nonJewish court until after Tisha B’Av.
When possible, one should try to postpone new business deals until after the Nine Days, unless there is risk of losing the deal.
One may not do any leisure gardening; however, removing weeds and standard maintenance is permitted.
There is a machlokes whether cutting fingernails is permitted during the Nine Days. One should be stringent unless it is l’tzorech mitzvah, such as for Erev Shabbos.
One may not wear new articles of clothing, even on Shabbos, during the Nine Days.
A practical halachic summary based on the Shulchan Aruch, poskim, and the shiurim of Rabbi Bezalel Rudinsky, following Ashkenazic custom
A Someone else’s Shalom Bayis is not really my business.
B A relationship involves two people...
THE choice IS YOURS. m
C I wish someone would make her get out.
D Maybe I should speak to someone about how I can help?
Abuse can occur at any stage of life –To anyone, in any form.
Our trained advocates are standing by, waiting for your call. We are here for you. You are not alone. And you don’t even have to say your name.
One should l’chatchilah complete all laundry washing by shekiah when Rosh Chodesh Av arrives.
When putting on clothing to make sure it is not fresh prior to the Nine Days, one must wear the clothing for a period of time, and not just put it on and immediately take it off.
When putting on clothing to make sure it is not fresh prior to the Nine Days, one may put on several layers at a time.
One may spot-clean a stain on his clothing during the Nine Days.
Clothing may not be given to non-Jewish cleaners during the Nine Days, even if it will not be picked up until after the Nine Days.
Dirty sheets or baby clothing may be washed during the Nine Days.
Chicken dishes and grape juice are not permitted during the Nine Days.
Pareve food cooked in a fleishig pot is permitted during the Nine Days.
Food cooked with meat or chicken, such as chicken soup, is not permitted during the Nine Days.
Different opinions exist in regard to Havdalah during the Nine Days as to whether one should use wine or grape juice, chamar medinah such as beer, or give it to a child to drink. Rabbi Rudinsky follows the opinion that one should use wine or grape juice and that the adult making the Havdalah drinks it.
In order to eat meat at a seudas mitzvah, one should know the baal simcha, and would attend the seudas mitzvah even if it weren’t the Nine Days.
A siyum with meat should be made only if one happens to finish his learning during the Nine Days and would normally celebrate a siyum with meat during the rest of the year.
One who did not attend a seudas mitzvah may not eat meat delivered to him from the seudah
When making a seudas mitzvah during the week of Tisha B’Av, one should limit the number of guests.
One may not eat meat or drink wine after shekiah on the eve of Rosh Chodesh Av.
However, if one has already started a fleishig meal before shekiah, he would be permitted to continue eating b’dieved until tzeis hakochavim
On Shabbos during the Nine Days, one may eat meat or drink wine during shalosh seudos even after dark, until bentching (However, if Tisha B’Av is observed on Sunday, he would need to stop at shekiah.)
One may shower Erev Shabbos Chazon, though it is preferable to shower close to Shabbos.
Showering during the week is permitted if one is sweaty or dirty.
When showering, colder water should be used to limit enjoyment in the shower.
One may wash his face, hands and feet with warm water during the Nine Days.
Men who go to the mikvah daily or weekly may continue to do so during the Nine Days.
However, men who go only occasionally should not go during the Nine Days, even on Erev Shabbos.
Swimming and water sports are prohibited during the Nine Days.
It was an honest mistake, but still, it haunted my father, a”h, for months.
We had gone to a wedding, leaving the kids at my parent’s house in Queens. I thought I had it all figured out. I assumed that my three-year-old daughter might give my mother a run for her money, but had complete faith that her baby sister would play for a while and then go straight to sleep, bottle in hand. I had already measured the powdered formula into the bottle, leaving it in the refrigerator so that it wouldn’t be taking up valuable counter space, and all my mother had to do was fill it to the top with water.
But that’s not the way the night worked out. The threeyear-old was a perfect angel, while the baby kept throwing her bottle out of the crib and wouldn’t stop crying. None of it made any sense until the next morning, when I went to spill out what was left in the bottle and discovered that it held nothing but powdered formula. The bottle’s unique shape made it look like the formula had already been mixed when my mother pulled it out of the refrigerator, so she never added the water. Was it any wonder that the baby kept throwing it away and crying?
Hearing what had happened was devastating for my father, a Holocaust survivor. After all he had gone through during the war years, he couldn’t tolerate knowing that one of his grandchildren hadn’t been able to quench their thirst. He knew from personal experience that while hunger is terrible, thirst is far worse.
From the day we were born, my father worried about us ferociously, a fact that wasn’t lost on me or my siblings. As kids, we ducked behind closed doors when we needed to cough so that my father
wouldn’t worry that we were coming down with something. Similarly, we were never allowed to go out with wet hair in the winter, because my father was afraid that we might catch cold. As a seventh grader, I had a lingering winter cold that lasted for weeks. I was allowed to bathe just once a week, and afterward my father would wrap my wet hair in a towel, running with me from the steamy bathroom and tucking me under the covers from head to toe to ward off any rogue drafts that might prolong my cold.
Understanding what my father went through in the concentration camps, it should come as no surprise that food was never thrown out in our house. If my mother made turkey for Shabbos or Yom Tov, we ate it for several days running until it was gone, with noble efforts made to repurpose it as a new dish after a few meals. Not liking a food wasn’t a reason not to eat it, and when we deemed the chicken on our plates finished, my father would nibble the last few shreds off the bones — and then chew the bones, as well.
Going to shul was a privilege, and coming late was never an option in our family. As little kids, we went to shul on time, with my father. When my sister and I were old enough to go by ourselves, we were allowed to come a little later, but had to check in with my father, who sat near the mechitzah, when we got there. Woe unto us if they were already past Shochen Ad.
There was no doubt that the shadow of “the war” — which was how people who lived through those horrors described that period — hovered over our lives when we were growing up. It was painfully
clear that we were missing a set of grandparents and had few aunts, uncles and cousins. And yet we were raised with an appreciation of life “back home,” hearing my father’s nostalgic stories of a childhood back in Bendzin, Poland, that was both rich and simple.
My father’s devotion to his brother and sister, the only two of his siblings who lived through the war, was remarkable. The three of them were inseparable. When my parents bought living room furniture, my father insisted on buying couches that were nearly twins to his sister’s. Our aunts and uncles were larger than life to us, and we learned by example that we three kids needed to stick together no matter what, because nothing is more important than family.
Despite all that he went through, my father was an incredibly positive person. Having survived the war by imagining himself sitting at a Shabbos table surrounded by his family, he never once attended a Shabbos bar mitzvah seudah unless we kids were invited too. We weren’t just his revenge against Hitler, ym”sh; we were the continuation of all that he had lost. Zemiros were sacrosanct in our house: Shabbos mornings were dedicated to more popular tunes, while we sang the zemiros of my father’s childhood on Friday nights. My father firmly believed that singing together at the Shabbos table was the glue that held a family together.
How my father could have gone through all that he did while remaining the ultimate “samei’ach b’chelko” is one of the world’s great mysteries. A story we heard while sitting shivah for him actually shed some light on the matter. One visitor told us how she found herself overcome by tears at a shul melaveh malka that she had sponsored in memory of the husband she had recently lost, but my father would have none of it.
“You’re crying?” he asked her incredulously. “I’m telling you — live, don’t cry. Live, don’t cry.”
That story really summed up my father and the lessons that he modeled for us. Yes, we did grow up with a greater understanding than most of our peers that life can be turned terrifyingly upside down in an instant, and that anti-Semitism is alive and well. Yes, we did grow up wondering what our grandparents had been like and wishing we had known them. And yes, we did grow up dealing with the realities of being the children of someone who redefined the word overprotective because of all that he had been through.
But through it all, we also knew that we had been blessed to be raised by a father who had triumphed over unimaginable adversity and refused to let bitterness or anger color his view of the world, choosing instead to live a life of simcha and to focus on good wherever he could find it. Having lost so many loved ones, my father felt that his children were priceless. He would tell everyone he met in his final years that he was the richest man in the world because the nachas that he saw and the knowledge that all of his children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren were shomrei Shabbos were the biggest wealth anyone could ever hope to attain.
It’s hard to believe that I’m the grandparent now. In addition to doling out lollipops and reading stories when the kids come to visit, I know my siblings and I have another job as well: As second-generation Holocaust survivors, it’s up to us to pass down not just our father’s stories, but also the values that defined him, keeping them alive for generations to come.
My mother always lit a yahrtzeit candle two days before Shavuos. That was the day she and her family arrived at the Auschwitz concentration camp in 1944.
That year, Shavuos began on Motzei Shabbos, May 27. The week before, most of the Munkatcher community had been transported to Auschwitz. It’s interesting to note that the yahrtzeit of the heilige Minchas Elazar on 2 Sivan coincides with this tragic week. Though he was niftar around ten years earlier, his sharing a yahrtzeit with the kedoshim of his community suggests that he was sharing in their suffering.
My mother and her family were on one of the last transports. Two days before Shavuos, they arrived at Auschwitz, and that’s the day they were told to keep as the yahrtzeit for all the relatives who never came back. My mother and her sisters especially mourned their little cousins, Chaya Sara, Hersh, Leibele, Zeesele, Menachem Mendel, and many more — the heilige Jewish children who were not allowed to grow up. May Hashem avenge their blood, and may we soon see them again with the coming of Moshiach, speedily in our time.
I am writing this essay both to remember the Hungarian transports and also to clarify a point I read in a previous issue of The Monsey View. In the January 18 issue, there was an article about Williamsburg. It was titled “The Simchos of Williamsburg.” The cover of the magazine had the following quote: “Simchos were rare, and we counted down the days to each one.”
While reading, I felt confused. The article said that in the 1980s, there were very few weddings. When I was single and throughout the ’70s, there were many wed-
dings, baruch Hashem. Why was it that weddings in the 1980s were uncommon?
It took me a while to figure it out, but finally I understood.
The frum population post-World War II in both Boro Park and Williamsburg was composed mainly of survivors of Churban Europe, most of whom had gone through the camps. (The others had managed to escape — mostly to Russia, where they survived in Siberia or Uzbekistan.)
And in the 1950s and early 1960s, there were indeed few weddings, as the article states, because the community of survivors was relatively small. In the late 1960s and the 1970s, the survivors of Churban Europe began marrying off their children. By the 1980s, most of these children were married.
Now it was time for the younger sisters, cousins and friends of the survivors to marry off their children. But, with rare exception, those younger siblings had been killed in the selections. Only people who were old enough and strong enough to work were sent to the right. Almost all of the survivors of the war came from that group. Almost all of their younger siblings, cousins, and friends did not survive. They are the missing generation.
Had they survived, their children would have reached marriageable age in the 1980s. But their lives, and their doros, were destroyed.
That’s why there were few weddings in Williamsburg and Boro Park in the 1980s, and that’s why every rare wedding was extra exciting.
May we remember the children of the war who did not survive, together with all the kedoshim of World War II, Hashem yikom damam.
It’s summertime, the perfect season to take on a fun and creative project. This painting project will teach you many painting skills while showing you how to create beautiful artwork for your sukkah.
Over these eight weeks, we will guide you on how to complete a beautiful, hand-painted shivas haminim sukkah decoration. Each of the shivas haminim will get a separate painting as part of this series, and the last week of instructions will be reserved for writing the names of the shivas haminim onto the completed paintings.
The paintings will be taught in a step-bystep manner so everyone can join and enjoy. You do not need to be an artist to create this masterpiece.
Happy painting!
Welcome to the fourth part of our sukkah decoration series! This week we’ll be painting te’einah, or figs, with their large, detailed leaves. With this week’s painting, you’ll be more than halfway through completing your beautiful shivas haminim series!
Happy painting!
Acrylic paint is not washable. Make sure to dress appropriately or wear a smock.
If clothes do get dirty, wash with soap and water immediately.
• Before you paint, put the paint colors you’ll be using onto the plate or palette. Fill your cup with water, and keep a paper towel nearby.
• Use baby wipes to fix mistakes while the paint is still wet.
• Keep your brushes in the water when they are not in use.
• When you finish painting, wash your brushes with soap and water.
• Smock
• Plate or palette
• Cup
• Paper towel
• 8x10” canvas
• Large brushes
• Medium brushes
• Thin brushes
• Easel (optional)
• Phthalo blue
• Brown • Sage green
• Magenta • White
• Violet
Mix blue and white for a light blue sky. Use more white than blue for this shade of light blue. Paint the entire canvas.
Using brown and green, paint a straight line slanting slightly upward across the painting for the branch.
With green paint, add three lines for smaller branches off the main one.
Mix green and white to get a light green color, and sketch the leaves. The leaves should have three distinct oval sections that are connected in the center. Fill them with light green paint.
Mix violet and magenta. Sketch three figs hanging off the main branch. Each fig should be circular in shape, with a pointy tip where it is connected to the branch.
Add violet mixed with some magenta to the bottom of the figs. Add white to that mixture and fill the rest of the figs.
Decide where you want the veins of the leaves to be. Then paint a darker green in the other areas of the leaf. Paint round strokes coming from the veins to the edge of the leaf. Add a lighter green in the veins of the leaf, if necessary.
Add brown to the main branch to darken it.
Proudly sign your painting!
Until next time, Chava
STEP 1 STEP 4 STEP 6 STEP 3 STEP 5 STEP 7Yosel is a gifted creative designer who wants to make a name for himself in a competitive field. However, his coworker Moshie constantly ignores his creative ideas, which hurts Yosel’s feelings. Instead of addressing the issue, Yosel avoids it by making excuses to himself, such as telling himself that it’s not important, that it’s only a temporary situation, and that he doesn’t want to create disharmony in the team. Yosel, like many of us, chooses to ignore his feelings.
Let’s pause for a moment and feel Yosel’s situation. We all wear masks, don’t we? Underneath these shells, we hide our fears and insecurities, amplifying our inner voice of anxiety and apprehension that muffle our authentic expression. We find ourselves tangled in these difficult conversations, wrestling with the decision to break the silence or retreat further into our protective shells.
Probing deeper into our heart, we discover the labyrinth of excuses we have woven — a complex maze that is a manifestation of our fear. Our lives, marked with unending to-do lists and short-lived deadlines, leave us feeling drained, with unresolved conversations weighing heavy on our hearts. We
wrap these burdens of silent narratives as subtle avoidance, turning a blind eye to the looming reality. Underneath this shroud of denial, we are, in reality, stealthily ducking confrontation, neglecting honesty, and forgetting the power of sincerity.
Our fear spirals into an intimidating specter, tempting us to retreat further into the shadows of evasion. We imagine disastrous outcomes: emotional turmoil, misinterpreted intentions, damaged relationships — one daunting face after the other. And so, we choose to tiptoe around the sleeping giant of confrontation, nurturing a culture of avoidance as a comforting blanket of denial.
Avoidance, however, only offers a transient respite.
We all wear masks, don’t we? Underneath these shells, we hide our fears and insecurities, amplifying our inner voice of anxiety and apprehension that muffle our authentic expression.
The power of honesty, empathy, and courage: Transforming difficult conversations into doorways of growth.
Unresolved conversations and their accompanying denials do nothing but silence the symphony of personal growth. And when we reach this point of no return, where the only option is to face the music, we begin to realize our evasion is nothing more than a haven for fear.
On this challenging journey, honesty serves as our guiding star. Candid awareness of our self-deceptions, a courageous admission of our excuses, and a sincere commitment to face our fears is the gutsy path we must tread. The curtains of misunderstanding fall as we shed our masks and confront the demons we so fear.
Braving these difficult conversations may evoke a sense of vulnerability, but masked within this vulnerability is growth. Amidst the discomfort and unease, have faith in the process of transformation. Like gold refined by fire or seeds sprouting after a storm, personal growth and healing often burgeon from the heart of confrontation.
Remember Yosel’s fears? His masks? It’s time we let them fall along with ours. Behind every mask is a human face yearning for their story to be heard, acknowledged, and respected. It’s time we tear down our walls of avoidance, put on our cape of honesty, stand in our arena of fear, and raise our voice. Dare to initiate those difficult conversations. They are not predicaments, but doorways to understanding, empathy, and change.
So, embracing our authentic selves and leading with empathy and honesty, let’s begin these conversations. By doing so, we affirm a powerful truth: we are not victims of fear, but masters of courage and personal transformation. Let’s stride forth bravely into the unfolding pages of our lives, marked by difficult yet essential conversations.
It’s time we tear down our walls of avoidance, put on our cape of honesty, stand in our arena of fear, and raise our voice.
A sad story, a lost friendship, a chopped onion, a tragedy, or a fit of laughter…
All these can bring us to tears. What are the functions of tears?
On average, a person’s eyes produce 15 to 30 gallons of tears a year. That’s a lot of water!
Human eyes produce three kinds of tears:
• Basal tears care for the cornea of the eye.
• Reflex tears guard your eyes against irritants like dust.
• Emotional tears are caused by feelings that can range from intense joy to deep sorrow.
Although many animals shed tears, these are not of the emotional category. Those are a uniquely human phenomenon.
The reason crying can cause your nose to run is that some of your tears are funnelled down into your nasal passages and run out from there.
Farmers have recently developed the new “sunion” — an onion crossbreed that does not cause tears when you slice it. I hope my grocery starts stocking those soon!
Although different studies report varying numbers, all agree that women cry twice as much — probably more — than men! Tears actually have three layers: an inner mucus keeps the tear attached to the eye, a middle watery layer hydrates the eye and keeps away bacteria, and an outer oily layer makes the tear transparent. Who knew those small droplets had so much depth?
—Ancient British proverb
The phrase “crocodile tears” means a person is faking their tears. This originates from the fact that crocodiles shed tears while eating their prey Apparently, happy tears actually look different from sad tears.
Why do we cry when we’re not feeling sad?
According to wellness expert Michael Roizen, MD, tears are extremely useful as they help you see clearly, wash unnecessary debris from your eyes and communicate feelings and messages to those around you.
Tears can also make you feel better, release tension and stress, and give you a psychological reboot. No, I am not suggesting you have a good cry while you read this just to see if that’s true!
Crying due to physical discomfort (like a cut, burn or broken bone) usually decreases with age. Think of a five-year-old’s reaction to a minuscule paper cut versus a 30-year-old’s! This is due to a person’s pain threshold (hopefully) increasing with maturity.
Pathological laughing and crying is a neurological condition that brings uncontrollable tears to the surface of one’s eyes and may be caused by Alzheimer’s, stroke, or brain disease, R”l
Next time you find yourself crying for any reason, think of people in need of a yeshuah and channel those tears to tefillah. Let’s beg Hashem to bring us to His home, to a life of serving Him with only joy.
Hint: Each Boggle board hides a word of nine letters or more!
1. Gather round the table to play a family game of Boggle, using this Boggle board.
2. Once you have a winner, fill out the form below in its entirety
3. Email the form to comments@ themonseyview.com or fax to 845600-8483 by Sunday at midnight.
4. Two winners will be drawn each week, each of whom will win a pastrami sandwich and a can of soda!
Find words on the board containing four letters or more. Letters of a word must be connected in a chain (each letter should be adjacent to the next either vertically, horizontally or diagonally), and each letter can only be used once in a given word.
The following are not allowed in Boggle:
Adding “s” to a word
• Abbreviations
• Proper nouns
• Contractions
4-letter words: 2 points | 5-letter words: 3 points | 6-letter words: 5 points | 7-letter words: 7 points |
Family name: _________________________________ Phone: __________________
Full mailing address: ____________________________________________________
Full name of winner: _________________ Amount of points: __________
Full names of competing players:
List some words only the winner found:
PD U I O 210 www.themonseyview.com 845.600.8484 The Monsey View July 19, 2023
The longest word found on the board: _____________________________
A new word you learned from the board: __________________________
Only complete forms will be entered into the drawing.
Family name: Joseph, 917-xxx-1906
Name of winner: Mommy
Amount of points: 12
Names of competing players: Yisroel
Some words only the winner found: blur, curl, joke, lurch, spoke
The longest word found on the board: broth
Family name: Bayer, 845-xxx-8806
Name of winner: Blimy
Amount of points: 49
Names of competing players: Miriam
Some words only the winner found: broth, curl, luck, sour, touch
The longest word found on the board: excursion
A new word learned from the board: puck
Last week’s bonus word:
Winner: To claim your prize, bring this page to Nussy’s Cuisine.
Send your colored page to The Monsey View to enter a drawing for a chance to have your artwork featured in our pages and win $5 at Toys4U! Ten lucky winners will be announced each week!
To enter the raffle, email your colored page to comments@themonseyview.com, or mail it to 365 Route 59, Suite 239, Airmont, NY 10952. Submissions will be included in the drawing only if all information is filled in.
Phone:______________________________________________ Age:____________________ School:_________________________________________________________
Lonna Ralbag: Licensed Real Estate Broker in NY, NJ & CT. 67 East NY-59 Suite 308, Spring Valley NY 10977 | Cell: (914) 548-0870 | Email: lonnaralbag@gmail.com
Magnificent Young Custom Built 6 Bd 5 Bth Colonial on one of the most desirable cul-de-sac blocks in Forshay. Quest quarters, 2nd kitchen, oversized windows,walkout bsmnt, privacy.
3 Bd 3 Bth spacious townhouse in the the prestigious Manned & Gated Ramapo Cirque of Suffern. Call Eva Zils @ 845.548.4054
Attention, developers and investors! Over 21 acres for sale in Monticello, approved to build up to 320 units! Come with water/sewer. Ready to build! Call Idy Moses for additional information @ 845.323.9308
Great opportunity for investors, investors and contractors!
Beautiful over 4-ac lot,located on Nelshore/Broadway of Monticello, zoned to build 10 2-family units. Call Idy Moses for additional information @ 845.323.9308
Brand new 2 level 4 Bd 3 Bth townhouse in the quiet neighborhood of Monsey. The unfinished attic is large enough and can be possibly used as additional Bds, playroom or office. Storage area or possible additional 2 Bds in the bsmnt for addit. cost. Call Leiby Moster @845.406.1470
Stunning extended 5 Bd 3 Bth high ranch, located in a peaceful and picturesque neighborhood in the heart of Monsey. Call Leiby Moster @ 845.406.1470
New Listing! Location, location, location! Don’t miss this amazing opportunity to renovate, expand, or build your dream house!! Charming 4 bedroom splanch in the heart of Forshay, with lots of potential! Call Lonna @ 914.548.0870
Majestic and exquisite mansion fit for royalty, features 13 uniquely designed Bds, 14 elegant Bths, located on one of the most prestigious cul-de-sac in Monsey. This elegant estate features an attached heated pool house, wet/dry sauna,marble floors, 4 fireplaces, elevator, 8 ft mahogany doors. Too many amenities to list. Call Lonna @ 914-548-0870.
Extended 6 Bd 3 Bth ranch on a quiet side street in the prime Monsey area! Huge family room. large windows, sky lights. Lower level has the 2nd kitchen. Call Abe Beyman @ 845-661-1212
Local Monsey Working Restaurant for sale. Call or text +18453934516 Email: Monseyrestaurnt@gmail. com
Doona Stroller, multiple colors avail.cll/txt 1-201-6144045
Neocate $46.99 per can. Kendamil Similac L’Mehadrin in stock!! We buy off any formula for a good price and trade as well. Call for other types of formulas. Formula Trade 347.369.4886
Do you have ‘’Selectel’’ or ‘’Tracfone’’ Service? New flip phones, Talk & Text, already ‘’tagged’’ only $100. Call 914688-5139 lv msg voice only
Hebrew books for sale for a good price. If interested please call 845-356-6535.
Beautiful 3 door Italian dresser with mirror for sale. High sheen mahogany. Brand new condition. Best offer, pictures available, txt only 8457460486
Newly renovated apt avail immed : 2 bedrooms: stunning bathroom: spacious kitchen: quartz counters; fancy lights: elegant flooring: Spacious Storage Shed: Very big backyard. TEXT ONLY. (917)830-6341
Beautiful fully furnished Shabbos equipped 3 bedroom
2 bath house available for July. Call/ whatsapp 718-5410292
one bedroom apartment unfurnished for rent as of September. Private entrance, washer/dryer,central air, rear patio. call 845-304-6850.
Newly renovated spacious studio apartment available for playgroup office etc . Regina road. 371.2376
Spacious recently renovated 2 room apartment on Regina Road. $2000. 845-371-2376
Luxurious 3 bedroom lake house villa in Case Grande Arizona. Private pool fully stocked kosher kitchen. 520.251.4459
2 bedroom apartment in New Hempstead. Call/txt 845.825.6209
3bed/2bath furnished apartment. Fully renovated. Walking distance to Newday. Gorgeous patio/ backyard. Optional heated pool. MINIMUM 6 months. $3500 plus utilities. Serious inquiries only! 347-831-7433
Beautiful spacious 3 Bedroom apartment on Ridge Ave. Walk in, nice backyard. Please call 917-588-7425
5 bdrm private house for rent on grove st for about 6 month please call 845.222.8837
Off Christmas Hill in Airmont. Call Monsey Realty 845-376-0906
Brand new 3 bedroom apt on Nesher Ct. Section 8 ok. Call Monsey Realty 845-376-0906
For sale in the luxurious Jerusalem Estate project (Schneller) An apartment under construction. 1,500 square feet. call+ 972534110335 for special pricing.
4 Bedroom furnished apartment on Blauvelt Rd. Call Monsey Realty 845-3760906
Newly renovated small offices and Cubicle Desks for rent on LENORE AVE. Please call 845 533 2427
1000 SF ground floor space + 15 parking spots available for rent call/Text 845.203.1120
Spacious 4-5 bedroom home available to rent all shabbosim in July and August. Located in Chestnut Ridge, beautiful backyard with a play area. Contact Rikki 347-930-9736.
Beautifully furnished 3 bdrm/2 bath summer home available, right across MBR in SF. Call for pricing/dates @ 845-424-1414
Beautiful villas with saltwater heated pool on gorgeous property. All amenities and kitchen accessories included. Near shul & Kosher grocery. Still availabe few weeks in the Summer and Chodesh Tishre. call/text 347-2245574/ 347-274-1511
Hedge Fund Capital Raiser
$150k-$500k In Commissions Only
$160k-$190k Monsey
Sales Rep/Director (Tech,IT)
$150k+ NY/NJ
Salesman (Construction Supplier)
$100k-$150k Tri State/Travel
Data Analyst (Wholesale)
$100k Monsey
Architecture Team Leader
$90k-$120k Monsey
$70k-$80k Elizabeth, NJ
$50k-$80k Passaic, NJ
Secretary (Accounting Office)
$40k-$50k Spring Valley, NY
Email: RickyR@ SwiftStaffingGroup.com
General Dentist
$180k Monroe
Clinical Psychologist
$100-$150 NYC
Software Security Engineer
$130k-$150k Newark, NJ
Mechanical Engineer
$130k Newark, NJ
Full Stack Developer
$100k-$150k Monsey, NY
Office/ Financial Manager
$100k-$130k Monsey
Purchasing Specialist (E-Commerce)
$100k-$120k Monsey
Graphic Designer
$80k-$140k Monsey
Tax Accountant
$80k-$130k Monsey
System Support (Software)
$80k-$110k Monsey
LCSW (Geriatric)
$75k-$100k NY/NJ
Loan Processor (Business Loans)
$60k-$90k Monsey
Email: Yisroel@ SwiftStaffingGroup.com
Underwriting Manager (Workers Comp Insurance)
$150k-$200k Monsey, NY
Commercial Construction Project Manager/Site Supervisor
$100k-$150k Orange County
Purchaser (Lighting)
$100k+Commissions Avenel, NJ
Operations (Property Management)
$75k-$125k Monsey
Travel Agent
$85k-$100k Monsey
Inside Sales (Designer Plumbing Supplies)
$78k BOE Monsey
Medical Billing Supervisor
$75k, Monsey
Underwriter (Workers Comp Insurance)
$75k Monsey, NY
Customer Service (Lighting)
$75k Avenel, NJ
Marketing (Workers Comp Insurance)
$65k + Commission Monsey/ Extensive
Travel Required
Office Admin & Customer Support
$55k-$75k Newark. NJ
Assistant Controller/Bookkeeping
Team Leader
$50k-$75k Monsey
Showroom Saleswoman (Designer Plumbing)
$50k-$70k BOE Monsey
Marketing Assistant (Workers Comp Insurance)
$50k-$65k Monsey
Field Marketer (Homecare)
$52k + Commission Monsey
Insides Salesman (Lighting
$50k+Commissions Avenel, NJ
Volunteer Coordinator (P/T)
$50k Monsey/Remote
Office Admin/Team Leader
$35/Hourly Monsey
Accounts Payable Rep (Female Office)
$30/Hourly Ramsey, NJ
Front Desk Receptionist (Tech Savvy)
$24-$30/Hourly Monsey
Care Coordinator
$25-$30/Hourly Suffern, NY
HR Onboarding
$25/Hourly Monsey
Intake Coordinator
$25/Hourly Monsey
HR rep (Homecare)
$25/Hourly Monsey
Office Manager (Care Providers)
$20-$30/Hourly Suffern, NY
Email: RaizyG@ SwiftStaffingGroup.com
Tax Manager
$110k-$120k New City, NY
Chef (4:30am-2:30pm)
$80k+ Monsey
Office Admin (Catering)
$60k-$80k Monsey
Kitchen Manager (Catering)
$60k-$80k Monsey
Executive Assistant (Property Management)
$60k+ Monsey
Accounts Payable (Property Management)
$60k+ Monsey
Property/ Maintenance Manager
$60k Monsey
Secretary/ Bookkeeper
$40k-$50k Monsey
Salesperson (Custom Packaging)
Commission based Monsey NJ
Email: Henny@ SwiftStaffingGroup.com
Amazon Prep Manager
$65k Middletown, NY
Secretary (Amazon Exp)
$40k-$60k Monsey, NY
Email: BailaG@ SwiftStaffingGroup.com
Project Manager (Appraisal) (Female
$62k Woodbury
Inside sales (Appraisals)
$60k-$75k Monroe
Email: Henchy@ SwiftStaffingGroup.com
$60k-$100k+ Commission Midtown, NY
Billing Coordinator
$60k-$120k Montvalle, NJ
Sales Trucking Brokerage
Salary + Commission Monsey
Sales (Business Loans)
Salary+Commission Monsey
Email: Peri@ swiftstaffinggroup.com
$150k-$200k Monsey/Monroe
COO (Homecare)
$125k-$200k Monsey
QA Supervisor
$100k-$120k Monsey
Yeshiva Administrator
$100k+ Monsey
Medical Billing
$80k-$120k Monsey
Store/ Sales Manager
$80k-$120k Monsey
Bookkeeper (Construction)
$80k-$100k Monsey
$80k+ Monsey
Executive Assistant
$60k-$100k Monsey
Store Manager (Judaica)
$65k+Commission Monsey
Store/ Sales Manager
$75k-$85k Monsey
Bookkeeper (Homecare)
$70k-$90k Monsey
Finance Associate
$70k-$100k Monsey
Financial Aid Admin
$50k-$80k Monsey
Project Manager
$50k-$70k Monsey
Registered Nurse (Afternoon Hours)
$50-$55/Hourly Monsey
Day Hab Manager (Female Office)
$40-$45/Hourly Monsey
AP Finance Team Leader (Female Office)
$40/Hourly Monsey
After School Program Site Manager (Female Office)
$30-$40/Hourly Monsey
HCBS Coordinator (Exp Required)
$25-$35/Hourly Monsey
Recruiting Liaison (P/T)
$25-$35/Hourly Monsey
FI Coordinator
$20-$30/Hourly Monsey
HCBS Receptionist (W/Drivers License)
$20-$27/Hourly Monsey
Claims Specialist
$20-$25/Hourly Monsey
A/R Assistant
$20-$25/Hourly Monsey
Care Manager
$20-$25/Hourly Monsey
Warehouse/Office Manager
Pay BOE Edison NJ
Quality Control Specialist
Pay BOE’Edison NJ
Email: EstyW@ SwiftStaffingGroup.com
Inside Sales (Kitchen Showroom)
$80k-$140k Monsey
DSP Supervisor (P/T)
$40k-$60k Monsey
DSP Supervisor (P/T)
$40k-$60k Monroe
Email: Mindy@ SwiftStaffingGroup.com
Grocery Store Manager
$80k Upstate/South Fallsburg
Merchandiser (Menswear)
$50k-$75k Manhattan
CAD/Tech Designer (Menswear)
$45k-$75k Manhattan
Email: Becky@ SwiftStaffingGroup.com
Operations Manager $150k-$200k Monroe
Level 2 or 3 IT Tech
$150k+ Monroe
Software Manager $100k+ Monroe
$60k+ Chester
Interior Design Saleswoman (Showroom)
$60k+ Monroe
$25/ Hourly Monroe
Showroom Saleslady
Pay BOE Monroe
Salesman (Waterproofing)
Salary+Commission NJ
Outside Salesman Marketing
Salary + Commission Based Monroe
Email: ChavieH@ SwiftStaffingGroup.com
COO (Healthcare)
$120k+ Philadelphia, PA
Account Manager (Construction)
$60k-$80k South Plainfield, NJ
Construction Sales Commission Based NY/NJ
Email: ShainaE@ SwiftStaffingGroup.com
Office Manager (IT Comp) $125k Monroe
Email:Frimmy@ SwiftStaffingGroup.com
Sr Underwriter (Private Lender)
$130k+ Jersey City
Insurance Underwriter (P&C)
$65k-$100k Monroe
Email: MiriamR@ SwiftStaffingGroup.com
Ridge area - Private Office with garage/storage for rent
Please call 347-816-7712
7+ Bedroom house heimish Concord area. 20 beds, deck, swings, beautiful park-like property. Linen & Shabbos essentials provided. 845-5486478.
3 Bedroom apartment in Jerusalem with beautiful view, new, comfortable and equipped, available between Aug 1-15. +972-53-312-4975 / +1-929-474-8803
Spacious sixteen bed home with pool, large deck, beautiful grounds on cul de sac in Chestnut Ridge.
Available July 22-August 14th. 848-525-5508 (leave msg)
3000sqft Private house. 5br/3ba. Mountain Views. Gameroom. Linens. AC. Fenced yard. Close to multiple shuls and kosher food. Text 9173253002.
Family reunions and groups: Looking to go away for Shabbos? Come to Kingston, NY. Text 845-399-1573 or email leah@iloveganisrael. com for more info.
REDUCED PRICES THIS WKEND! 9 bedroom- 23 beds, 5 bedroom- 14 bed, 2 bedroom- 6 beds, 8 bedroom40 beds, linen/towels, minyan/mikva 323-388-6901
Brand new luxury villa in Tucson Arizona, kosher kitchen, gorgeous outdoor pool, 3 min walk to Shul. Booked for Chodesh Tishrei. Call 917-754-3679/347-2741511
Use your creativity and passion to help successful CEOs grow, By being an Executive Assistant , you are the one bringing the companies level to new heights, send your resume to eva@thekey2leads.com
Seeking a flexible work schedule and remotely? Reach out to eva@ thekey2leads.com
Looking for an executive assistant for a healthcare company in Monsey. Must have at least a year of experience in an office. paying 30-35 per hour (based on experience) Email your resume to Helen@ thekey2leads.com
Family-owned investment office is looking to hire a part-time bookkeeper for about 4 hours a day. Must be organized and efficient. Bookkeeping and QuickBooks experience required. Background in real estate a plus. Call: 845-642-2731 Email: info@wiseyork.com
Are you great at bookkeeping and enjoy it, or are you just the analytical type that would like to use your brain more often. Great opportunity, a property management company is seeking a bookkeeper. 80k! 32 hours a week. Email ruchy@ hiresolutionsny.com or call/ text 845.376.3668
BAS MIKROH ’23-‘24
Do you love Science or History? Share your passion with your students! Junior High School openings in Bas Mikroh Girls School. Please send resume to hr@ basmikroh.org
Looking to hire a Morah for September 2023 for a 2-yearold playgroup in Pomona. Well paid. Contact Rikki 347-930-9736.
Looking to hire an assistant for September 2023 for a 2-year-old playgroup in Pomona. Well paid. Contact Rikki 347-930-9736.
Growing bookkeeping company in Monsey is looking to hire a second QuickBooks beginner to help post & reconcile multiple accounts. Flexible hours call 201-376-4378 for more information. In Office work only.
Seeks for the 23-24 school year: General Studies
Computer Teacher M-Th PM hours. Computer and STEM knowledge required. Competitive salary, warm supportive environment. Email resume: treitzer@ yeshivaspringvalley.org and call (845)356-1400 #223
ABA Riders is looking for a female ABA para to work 3:30-5:30 pm twice or 4 days a week with an adorable yiddish-speaking 4-year-old in his home in Monsey. Will train, well paid. Car service paid. Contact Rikki 347-9309736/info@abariders.com.
Cheder Chabad of Monsey Boys is seeking male or female general studies teachers in the elementary division for the upcoming school year. 1:45pm - 4:15pm daily. Also seeking title one teachers and title one director. Please call 612 408 1775 or email ygoldberg@ chedermonsey.org for more details and to apply.
Even if you have no degree or formal training. Even if you only have 1-2 years of office experience. Even if it’s your very first job.
FutureCare gives you company shares, not just a salary.
Future Care and its subsidiaries are poised for substantial growth in the near future. The company's recent and forthcoming acquisitions, backed by our private equity firm, are expected to drive a significant increase in its stock value.
Since its inception in 1997, FutureCare has grown to a team of 500+ employees managing billing & finances for 200+ nursing homes. And right now, thanks to an investment by a private equity firm, company share value is about to rise significantly. This means you can join our team now, stay in a job you love, and accrue company stock as it rises in value.
Opportunities like this don’t come up every day. So while it’s always a good time to join FutureCare, now is a highly opportune time to do so.
We are ambitious. We are compassionate. We are full of vitality, because our roles MATTER!
Do you have what it takes to BUILD RELATIONSHIPS and show that you CARE?
As a Scheduling Coordinator, your will match aides with patients, communicate with insurance companies, and keep patient files updated while following detailed Department of Health regulations
Preschool in Monsey seeking Assistant Morahs for the upcoming school year! Do you love working with children?
Are you warm, caring and eager to learn about Early Childhood Education?
We offer a professional, loving environment where you will interact with the best mentors and feel accomplished. Excellent remuneration. Transportation allowance included. Full and Part time positions available. Please email splotzker@ohrreven. com or call 8455385989.
Seeking Male and Female GS teacher for upcoming school year. high compensation. clear and organized curriculum. professional environment. email: chedermonseyeducation@ gmail.com
Part-time & Full-time jobs available. Email TopPartTimeJobs@ gmail.com
Are you looking to enjoy your job and also make money? We are looking to hire another 2 full time experinced, kids loving Morahs and another 2 friendly and kid loving full time assistants to our already growing playgroup. Work in a heimish environment with lots of company and great pay (paying everything in cash). If interested please call and leave a message 845-4991334
Cheder in Monsey is looking for experienced English Teacher (male), Supportive Environment, Excellent discipline program in place, Detailed and easy to follow curriculum plan, Competitive Pay. For more information or to apply please call: 718-450-2538
Looking for dynamic, warm, and responsible Co-teachers to join our growing team. Get the experience of working alongside master teachers while helping young students succeed. Competitive pay and great working environment. Please send you resume to Chedermonseyeducation@ gmail.com
Local property Management Company is looking for a f/t secretary. office
Experience required. Great environment, Great pay. Please email resume to rcmanageoffice@gmail.com
Construction office looking to hire a full time secretary and project manager. Preferable knowledge in Quickbooks. Please email your resume to officejobs4832@gmail.com
Monsey office seeking f/t secretary. Good communication skills, computer literacy and office experience required. Good Pay. Fax resume to 845-9139252 astutestaffinginc@ gmail.com
Boys Yeshiva in Flatbush seeking teachers for 2023-24, middle school- language arts, also seeking p3 providers and assistants. Email: resumesyeshiva@gmail.com
TAG Rockland is looking for an FT energetic & mature individual for client assistance and data management. Must be a quick learner, possess strong multi-tasking and interpersonal skills, and be proficient in English and Yiddish. Tech-savvy is a plus. Email hr@tagrockland.org, fax 845-209-3145, or leave a message at 845-393-1824.
Seeking a female to join our office staff. Ideal candidate should be mature and have excellent organizational and communication skills to work directly with the school principal, students and parents on managerial tasks. Email crosenbluh@ chedermonsey.org or call 917755-4298.
Daas Wellness is Seeking to fill a secretary position. Great pay and working environment. Full time position. Please email your resume. HR@daaswellness. com
Come and join our amazing and exciting preschool staff. Yeshiva Bais Mikroh is looking for co-teachers. Great pay! Please email office@ baismikroh.org
Are you looking for a fulfilling office position? Are you motivated, responsible, organized and possess the ability to multitask? We are a Real Estate company based in Monsey with a frum environment and are seeking to hire a full-time Accounting and Administrative assistant. Some office experience as well as basic knowledge in Excel and Word is required. Please email your resume to hr@wepgr.com.
A construction company in Fort Lee NJ is looking for a bookkeeper to join our Finance team. Please email your resume to office@ sandstone.nyc
Looking to hire for in office position at a fashion retail store. Tasks include customer service, taking orders, and secretarial work. Call 845421-2501 for more info or to apply.
Looking for full time female employee for fast past office work. Must be responsible and able to multi task. Centrally located. Email leah@202rx.com
Near Monsey. Frum Environment. Hiring for Office positions, warehouse positions, and delivery driver. Must have a car. Please email lgyenterprise@ gmail.com
Small growing real estate office in chestnut ridge is seeking a full time secretary, Ideal candidate should be good communication skills, excellent organizational skills. Please email resume to help@prospeectrealtor.com
A local publication is looking for a part time secretary 5 – 6 hours per day, 4 days a week. Should be able to speak English and Yiddish. Typing in Yiddish a must. Knowledge of computers, Microsoft Word and Excel. Please email your resume to sec10952@gmail.com
Local Woman’s store looking for energetic, young lady for sales help Sundays and afternoons. Great pay for the right candidate. Please call 845-304-6460
Local clothing store looking to hire full time sales girl for sales, customer service and register. Call 845-421-2501 for more info or to apply.
Upscale women’s clothing boutique is looking to hire sales help. Lots of room for growth. For more information text 718-9727809
Real Estate Management is looking for a full-time Detail oriented experienced operator. •Experience a must •Great potential, mgmtjobbp@gmail.com
Job Opening: Creative Manager. Join our team in managing pictures and design development! No prior experience is needed. great opportunity. Email: hramazon.ige@gmail.com Phone: (845) 682-0140
Stop wasting your time going through all the jobs classifieds. Simply email your resume to Info@ SwiftStaffingGroup.com to explore your options & maximize your career. Or Call/Text/ WhatsApp 732-800-7633 Strictly confidential & completely free.
Bais Rochel School is looking for capable Teachers’ Assistants for the upcoming school year for Grades 1-4 in both our Yiddish and English departments. Good pay. Please email resume to: sgertner@bethrochel.org.
ABA riders is looking for a male ABA para to work with a 6 year old boy in a daycamp half/full day for the month of July and part of August. Driving is required. Competitive pay. Contact Esti 8452440892.
ABA Riders is looking for a female ABA para to work with a 7-year-old half/full day starting September. Driving is required. Competitive pay. Contact Rikki 347-930-9736/ info@abariders.com.
Construction company Seeking self motivated experienced estimator/ bookkeeper. Great pay for the right individual. Great Environment. Please email resume to construction9948@gmail. com
Want to be your own boss without the cost of overhead? Looking to hire a young motivated individual. Commission Based, Real estate field, must have a vehicle. Office located in Passaic NJ. TREMENDOUS POTENTIAL 973-286-6141
Be Your Own Boss! Join New York Life Insurance Co. as a seasoned salesperson or our fast track to management program. Experience top training, support, and retirement benefits. Make an impact, secure your future. Connect today! dglick@ newyorklife.com or Call 845639-5216
Kochavim’s class for medically fragile and immunocompromised children is seeking to hire a qualified assistant for the upcoming school year. Email resume to Hbiller@ kochavimcare.org or call 845-540-4470
Looking to hire LCSWs to service geriatric members. Flexible hours. Great pay. Remote work a possibility. Please email resume to minsetmh1@gmail.com
Cheder Chabad Girls of Monsey is hiring. Come join our dynamic & talented team of teachers. Elementary & middle school afternoon positions avail. Please call 845-270-8796 or email your resume to pfriedland@ chedermonsey.org.
Experienced Administrative
Professional wanted for Bankruptcy and Foreclosure law firm in Monsey, NY
Seeking mature woman with the ability to communicate in a professional manner by phone and email with clients, other law firms and Court personnel. Yiddish helpful. Computer proficient, organized and detail oriented. This is not a filing or typing job. We are looking for someone to become a long-term part of our team. Schedule Mon-Thurs. Excellent salary depending on experience. Email resume to akolber@kolberlegal.com.
Digital Marketing Agency in Monsey looking for a project manager WITH experience Full time- in office. emailHR@HouseofAMZ.com
Kids shoe store is looking for lady or girl. (morning and some afternoons). Willing to train the right individual. Call 845-521-8512.
Leading Real Estate and Hospitality company is expanding! Job opportunities available!
Manage guest experience and feedback for leading provider of luxury hospitality nationwide.
Analyze and manage variety of online review platforms
Develop strategies for increasing review volume
Implement tools to improve quality and nature of reviews
Manage projects and communications on behalf of senior executives.
Liaise between departments
Project Management, Real Estate, and financial analysis experience a plus
Fast-paced, multi-tasking environment
Working with incoming leads for hotel bookings to close sales.
Excellent communication skills required both phone and email/live chat
Maintain accurate records of availability and accounts
Manage lead process, conduct calls to potential and existing customers, quote prices and credit terms
Optimize company expenses across departments and improve financial performance.
Analyze spending patterns, negotiate vendor contracts, implement cost-saving strategies, and collaborate with crossfunctional teams
Proven experience in cost management required Strong analytical and communication skills are a must
a Division of tomche shabbos of rockland county
845-356-0202 ext. 303 | www.tomcheshabbos.org/job-placement submit your resume/job openings to: jobs@pipstaffing.org In the month of June We placed:
These people were all unemployed before!
• Fundraiser, in-office, full-time position, salary plus commission, Monsey
175k+, near Monsey
• Financial Controller, healthcare experience preferred, 150k, Monsey
• Software Developer, develop, test, and maintain apps using JavaScript, Python, SQL, and API integration. EDI systems and NetSuite ERP, 150k, Monsey
• Property Asset Manager, minimum 3 yrs. experience, travel required, 150k+, Monsey
• Commercial Asset/Property Manager, 2 yrs. experience required, 120k - 150k, Monsey
• Senior Bookkeeper/Accountant, Monsey/ North NJ, 120k
• Tax Auditor, CPA preferred, 120k, Monsey
• Inventory Analyst, manage/forecast delivery of products, logistics experience required, North NJ, 110k
• Boutique Jewelry Store Manager, 100k, Monsey
• Warehouse Manager, warehouse management experience required, 90k+, Middletown, NY
• Supervisor of Day Services, Management/ marketing/budgeting/communication skills required, 100k+ full benefits package, Monsey
• Director of Human Resources, Staffing/ employee relations/management skills, 90k, Monsey
• Payroll Workforce Management, 80k –100k, Monsey
• Accounts Payable Team Leader, female office, 85k+ full benefits package, Monsey
• Executive Assistant to CEO, full-time position, relevant experience required. 80k, Monsey
• Payroll Specialist, 80k + benefits package, Monsey
• Property Management Maintenance Manager, must be handy, organized, self-motivated, communication skills, 70k, Monsey
• Software Coordinator, Implement/ Support systems, Technical writing skills, database knowledge a plus, 75k, Monsey
• Client Relations Admin, Tech Savvy, great communication skills, 75k+, Monsey
• Billing Specialist, Healthcare, 75k, Monsey
• Payroll processor, male office, Microsoft Office and Customer Service skills, will train, 65k, Monsey
• HR Assistant, 60k plus benefit package, Monsey
• Resident Manager Male/Female, for a homecare agency, 70k, Monsey
• IT Level 1 and 2 Support, 60k-85k, Monsey
• Amazon Listing Specialist – optimize listings on Amazon, 60k+, Monsey
• Customer Service/AP/AR rep. positions, 60k+, Monsey
• Bookkeeper for female office, beginners welcome, + benefit package, 52k, Monsey
• Male/Female Care Manager, [BA or First Talmudical degree required], $30+/hr. Monsey and Monroe
• Service and Intake Coordinator positions, Female office. Great communication skills required. $27/hr. Monsey
• Salesman, IT Company, Monsey
• Enjoy analytics? Ladies’ office looking to hire, full-time position, 50k+, Monsey
• Have real estate title insurance? Great full-time position in a Real Estate firm, Monsey
• Inside Sales, no experience necessary, Full-time position, growth potential, 50k, Monsey
• HCBS Coordinator, female office, 55k+ full benefits package, Monsey
• Male/Female - Customer Service and Quality Control JOB OPENINGS, great pay, Edison, NJ
• Truck driver, great pay, out of Edison, NJ
• Architectural Drafter, female office, Parttime/Full-time, Monsey
• Real Estate Title Officer, experience required, salary DOE, Monsey
• Purchasing/Account Assistant, Computer / CSR skills required, Monsey
• Office secretary, Microsoft Office/Excel required. Yiddish speaking a plus, fulltime, 65k, Monsey
• Handyman, full-time, beginner ok, must have a strong knack at handywork, 65k w/growth potential, Monsey
• Furniture repair technician, full-time, 60k+, Monsey and surrounding areas
• Office Assistant, help with basic admin tasks. Must have car. 15 hours weekly, $22/hr. Monsey
Growing real estate firm looking to hire AP manager. No experience needed. Strong computer skills required. Office located 10 minutes from Main Monsey. For more information please contact hr@chevronprop. com or 845-499-4025
Heimishe office in Monsey looking to hire for multiple full-time positions. Please email resume: cs@ affordabledws.com
ABA Riders is looking to hire a BCBA. Well paid, flexible hours. Contact Rikki 347930-9736/info@abariders. com.
Heimishe kitchen company in Suffern is looking for a full time kitchen layout designer. Well paid for the right induvial. 718-930-2918
Software company looking for a full time remote programmer. Send resume to mk@adsfo.com
Are you eager for growth in your career? Ark Mortgage is seeking ambitious individuals to be part of our top-tier sales team. Prior sales or mortgage experience isn’t a hurdle - we provide comprehensive training to help you reach your highest potential. Commission based role with unparalleled earning opportunities. Jumpstart your journey to success - email hr@ arkmortgage.com or call 845503-6502.
200+ clients employed in high-paying positions. Contact Sarah Menczer, Certified Copywriter thejewishwriter@gmail.com Call/Text 347-409-5182
Bas Mikroh Girls School is seeking a Gym/Dancing Teacher 2-3 days a week, and assistants/co-teachers. Bas Mikroh Daycare is seeking full time or part time assistants. Please send resume to hr@basmikroh.org
Are you passionate about making a difference in the lives of others? Our school is currently seeking female dedicated and compassionate individuals to join our team as Teachers, Aides and Job Coaches. These are excellent opportunities for the right candidates 845659-3001 email resume to: jobsresumes613@gmail.com
Many great full-time positions available 845392-8682 email Leah@ hireexream.com
Join Skyscraper Insurance as an underwriter/client service specialist, it will open a world of opportunities and rewards. With the ever-growing demand for our services, you’ll have the chance to soar to new heights professionally, with unlimited potential for career advancement in excellent environment. Please email your resume to HR@skyscraperinsurance. com
Looking for Vocational Coordinator to work on job placements with special needs adults. Flexible hours. Driver’s licence preferred. Amazing opportunity for right individual. 845-729-3001 email to: jobresumes613@gmail.com
Growing office in Monsey is looking for an established yungerman to be an IT Technician. Individual should be a quick learner and have some experience in IT. Willing to pay for the right candidate. Please send your resume to Apply1554jobs@ gmail.com.
Local marketing firm seeking experienced female graphic designer to join our team. Please send resume and portfolio to monseymarketing2@ gmail.com
Are you passionate about making a difference in the lives of others? Our school is currently seeking dedicated and compassionate Male individuals to join our team as Teachers, Aides and Job Coaches. These are excellent opportunities for the right candidates 845659-3001 email resume to: jobsresumes613@gmail.com
Office in Monsey is looking to hire a service coordinator to facilitate services for children who have chronic health and/or mental health conditions. Minimum of two years’ experience in this field required. Flexible hours.
Great salary with potential for growth. Paid holiday and vacation. Forward your resume to Jobopening142@ gmail.com.
An established agency in Monsey is seeking a male supervisor to oversee various different programs. Managerial skills required. Candidate should be innovative and be able to delegate work effectively. Great Salary with lots of benefits. Email your resume to hiringmanager10952@ gmail.com
We are looking to hire a responsible yungerman to be a mental health coordinator in our busy office. Some experience in the mental health field required. Heimishe environment. Excellent pay and growth potential. Send your resume to myofficejobmonsey@ gmail.com.
Yeshiva Ohr Reuven boys elementary school seeks a dynamic, child-focused teacher for 5th grade general studies. Teacher would be responsible for all subject areas, including language arts, mathematics, social studies, and science. We are a child-centered school in
Please email your resume to 44camphillroad@thejnet.com Or call: 845.362.3166
need of a teacher who will create a warm, positive, safe, friendly classroom environment supporting all students in their academic, social, and emotional needs. Please email your resume to rabbigottlieb@ohrreuven. com.
Morah Mimi will iyH open up a babysitting group august 1! newborn till 5 months. I have 6 slots open! for more information please call or text 845.512.9223
On demand Torah lectures
Video-Audio-download All for free Computer or App for iPhone/Android Or Hotline 718-298-2077. YiddishHebrew - English
--In The Comfort of Home--
*Swedish *Deep Tissue
*Lymph *Craniosacral Therapy Call Sarah: 845596-1373
Camera טימ ךיז ןעקאב ןייד Photography course in Yiddish. No internet/ computer needed. 8452321271
Makeup – Facials – Waxing. At your home or mine in Forshay. Call or text 305-7905303
“Change your Water.. Change your life” Alkaline - AntiOxidant - Super Hydrating Call for FREE supply and feel AMAZING! 917-681-0003
Enhance your gown with just the right petticoat! Kids and adults petticoats for rent! In the Bates area. Please leave a message 845-502-0153
Great prices. Call Miri 845426-7561
Biggest selection of balloons for all occasions in the Weiner drive area call 8454223988/ Flyhighbal@ gmail.com
For all your custom closets please call or text 1347.522.4872
Beautiful large pool in New City. Heated. Private bathroom and changing room. $65 hr. 845 538 6411
Keyboard lessons By Miri. Great Prices! Call 845-4267561 or 845-263-6437
Is your child still in the same place after all that tutoring?Join Arrowsmith, a research based program that strengthens the brain and eliminates learning disabilities. Call Mrs Feuer 914-260-6449
12 years experience. Wide selection. Call/text: 845-5387986
Sew Elegant is now accepting alterations for the upcoming season. To make an appointment please call Mrs. Adams 845-290-6129/ 347-263-0114
Remove fears, anxiety, sleeplessness, constipation, allergies, asthma, bedwetting, improve self esteem. Quick and effective, all ages. Experienced male and female therapists available. Children’s specialist on board. Endorsed by Rabbonim. Call Mrs. Yuhanan 845-825-9342.
$250 per session. Call Chanie at 845.461.5626
Tired of a lifetime of hair removal appointments?? Contact Electrolysis by Hindy @ 845-587-8848 to find a PERMANANT solution!
Hire qualified employees in Israel! The job gemach matches job seekers in Isreal with employers worldwide. To post your job, email jobagent17@gmail.com.
The perfectly designed photo album, Baby-Bar MitzvahWedding-Other. i-Pic Design, 845-379-ipic / bookipic@ gmail.com
Dreaming of an organizing Home? Let’s Make it Possible! Declutter and empower yourself to Maintain Order in Your Home. Sara: 845-2702812
Calvert/Sands Point Area. Full mechitza, beautiful heated pool, with 3ft shallow & 8ft deep, 6 person Hot Tub, and bathroom, available for $95/hr. 845-213-8423 or 917860-2311
Large heated pool with diving board available in monsey, towels, bathroom & dressing rooms on-premises. Call: 347-228-8048
3 olympic size pools available for daily or one-time swim. 845-323-6001
we fix knitted & crochet
Gartlech & make beautiful professional fringes. We also teach how to knit & crochet. call: 917-414-3281
Gorgeous heated pool for rent daily in Chestnut Ridge, $65/ hour. Please text 8453760721
Georgeous selection of maternity gowns affordable prices all sizes...New! Also accepting gowns on consignment. Please call/ text 8458622799
Adorable gold gown by Dassy available to buy or rent. Toddler size 4. Call 422-5596 for more info
Gorgeous light colored gown for sale. Size 4-6. 8455385693
2 gorgeous white lace gowns approx size 0-2, adult and preteen. Please call 718-7148523
Silver/Grey colored gown size 2-4 8455380391
Very Elegant, Winter White trimmed with Black Velvet, girls size 12/14 for sale. Please Call 845-709-7161.
Ladies sizes 4 and 6 navy velvet, used once call Braun 354-1279
Sister of the bride white, shirt dress style gown. Size 0-2. Please call 845-694-2026
Of toys, arts & crafts, or supplies, in good condition,
for a Heimishe Moised. Call 845.500.3100
NEW! NEW! NEW! Looking for a nice private place for a Beshow? A few locations available in the Monsey area. No charge. Call 845-426-5484 or 845-7467251
Lost something? Found something? The Daily Return: Call/text: 845-538-0193, Email: monseydailyreturn@gmail. com
Pink Adora pacifier clip with a white scalloped pacifier. 845-376-6106
Gold earring Robert Pitt Shoppers Haven area 7/10, 914-521-0153
June 27 a manilla envelope with passport application and documents, in the shoppers haven area. Call/text 438509-6165
thin silver bracelet with a red string woven into at Park n Ride. 845-422-5817
Bag of shoes in taxi from Weingarten Sale 845-3520761
Brand new White girl’s blouse from Think Closet left at Polka Dots 845-352-5879
white flower necklace in evergreen car service white sprinter on June 15 8453566535
new doona base in parking lot Robert Pit Dr call/text 917981-8703 or whatsapp, call or text 347-913-3868
an available slot for a student in our high functioning girls class, between the ages of 8-11
For more information, please call or email Manager@neshomah.org | 845-751-9300 #104
Maclaren Stroller in Fleet Taxi a few months ago 845499-9620
baby crib with mattress, car seat that snaps onto bugaboo carriage adapters included, 2 folding tables 845-274-1035
Experienced Playgroup for 3 year olds has slots open for Summer camp, Lunch & snack included. Please call 845-500-2560
Fast paced, multi girl office, looking to hire f/t, p/t energetic, good phone skills,
multi tasking, quick learner female. Graduates welcome. Great pay. Pleasant working environment. email resume to hr@shinytriangle.com
Nice one bedroom apartment prime location in gush eighty neighborhood available for rent for the month of tishrei. call 929-993-5634
Local marketing firm seeking experienced female graphic designer to join our team. Please send resume and portfolio to monseymarketing2@ gmail.com
הקמועב ןלו בשוי ,רקיה ונידידיל בוט לזמ תכרב ךרבל הזב וננה החמש אלמ בלב תובהוזמ תודמב רתכומ ,ותנמוא ותרות ,ארידת אתיירואב סירג ,הכלה לש 'ר ברה
'יחתש ותיב ינבו א"טילש ו"יה דלאוונירג
ה"ומ ח"הרה ןתח
הארתו ,החלצהו הכרב עפשב ךרבתהל אימשבד
ספמעק ןוא םירדח ענעדישראפ ןופ רעדניק יד ראפ ןעגנוזייוונא יטפיעס עגיטכיוו רעביא ןבעג טנעמטראפעד רעייפ יסנאמ ןופ ןריטנולאוו
ןאמליה השמ ’ר ג”הרה דכנ לש תירבה תחמש רעלטאק לאיכלמ ’ר ןואגה תופתתשהב
תב הלכה ג”בע לארשי רוא תבישי שאר צ”הגה דכנ ןתחה לש םיאנתה תחמש ןעיוומ ר”ומדאה ןתח יסנאמ ארטיינ ק”דבא צ”הגה ןב לדנאמסייוו לאוי ’ר צ”הגה
’טימאס טניופקעט‘ ןסיורג םייב ןעמוקעגמאזוצ ךיז ןענעז ,סירטסאדניא יטייא ןוא רעווטפאס יד ןיא ןטעברא סאוו ןדיא עשימייה 500 רעביא ןטנעדוטס טניופויוו עשירפ עליפ ןופ גנוריאודארג יד ןענעכייצוצפא ,ימעדאקא טניופ-ויוו ךרוד טלעטשעגרעהא
טפערט עכלעוו ,עפורג גניפעטס טפיווס עטמיראב יד רעטנעזיוט ןוא סעמריפ עסיורג ראפ סרעטעברא אפסקע הזמ הז יד ייב רעסענזיב עשידיא
ת"ישהזעב האי אידגו אבט אלזמ ונתורצחב הבר החמשו ןושש , ונדידי תחמשב ונבל חמשו המוה הנרו הלהצ לוק ילכיהב ונלמגש בוטה לכ לע ולדג דיגנ רודו רודל ונתודסומ
,ןוהדימלתו ןנבר ריקומ ,םמורמה דיגנה ונדידי תיבב ןיסוריאה תחמש לגרל תולעמה ראפ תולוכשאה שיא
,השודקבש רבד לכל ןושארו שאר ,ןובנו םכח ,תודמהו ,ודואמו ושפנ תריסמב תובשי אל הלילו םוי ,השודג הדמב עיבשמו די טשופ
םינשב תובר הז ונתודסומ לש ימ לש ןיסוראה תחמש םבל תחמש םגגוחב
שגה דעוו ירבחמ
ג"בע תובוט תודמבו ש"יותב גלפומה רוחבה ןתחה
רמכ ו"ינ ב ן ר"הומ ו"יה
םיבוט םישעמו תווצמבו הרותב םיקסוע םינב ינבו םינ נ ןנאש הו םישודקה ר"בשת לש םהיפ לבה תוכזב ןנערו ןשד י
םינינעה לכב וחילציו וליכשיו םינשו םימי תוכיראב וכרבת מ םיננרו רישב םילשריל הלענו ןתחמשו לארשי תעושיל הכזנ הרה
הבר החמשב בלה ברקמ םיכרבמה תכרבכ
,ןיורב המלש ,ןאמסייוו אפזוי ףסוי
,רעביוט בקעי םייח יבצ קחצי ,קראטש
,ץראווש לאירזע השמ
,ןיילק בייל םייח ברה
,קראטש יבצ קחצי ,שטיוואבאקאי יכדרמ
,קילג לדנעמ ןייטש םוחנ לאוי – ל"כנמ . ןייטשלמרעמ םוחנ םייח ברה
,ינחור להנמ
םייבבלה ונתוכרב הזב ונא םירגשמו ת םימימתהו םיאלפנה םכישעמבו שדוקה תדובעב ךישמהל ולכו פ יר םימיענה םכיצלח יאצוי לכמ תחנ בר הטמל שרשו הלעמל א
םימכחל דעוו תיבב םככותב ותניכש הרשי םימלוע ןוד
םימשה ןמ בר עפשו רשואו רשועב ךרבתהל םכתוכז איה ב ת םימלוע ימלועלו דעל םכנחלש לע ודחאתי הלודגו הרו
Content Editor: R. REESE
Associate Editor: E.M. NEIMAN
Food Editor: M.P. WERCBERGER
Creative Director: AJ WACHSMAN
Project Coordinator: R. ITZKOWITZ
ול רדשנ הבוטל לזמ הנשמ םוקמ הנשמ תכרב
ונאב ריכזהל רוביצה תבוטל ויתולועפ יוביר
ונילובגב לארשי ךמע תסנרפ ססבל תע לכב עויסו
הרוסמה ובבל קמועמ ותונקסע וניארו ונעדי
ודוסיו ועבטמ טרפו ללכל דימת ביטהל לועב אשונ
וב החמשנו הליגנ 'ה השע םויה הז
ונלוכ הבוט ריכהל הוצמ ישוע ןימסרפמו
וניסנרפ לעפמ י"עש יחיור ינוזמ עפש
הרורב הנמאנ םידיעמ ונלוכ ונחנא
ודואמו ושפנ ובל לכב הלכלכו הסנרפ
,וניריעב םסרופמ ןקסע ,ונידידי זוע אוה אלה ,ונניקזו ונירוענ טרפהו ללכה ןעמל וניכותב תובגשנה ויתלועפ םיראפמו םיחבשמ םלוכו
עייסל םידי תבחר שדח םוקמל התרבעהב
ת"ישה תרזעב הכרבל התוטשפתהו התחלצהב 234 Rt 9W Haverstraw N.Y.
ךתובוטמ םינהנה ,תוביבסה יבשות ךידידי לכו ,תולועפה יריכמ ,תולילגהו יסנאמ ריעה ינקסע
הכרב עפש ךל חלשי ת"ישה ,תובבלה קמועמ ,תובהלנה םתוכרב בטימ ךל םיחלוש ,תובושחה
,הככ םימעפ ףלא םיריבכה ךישעמ לכ לע ךרכש ףיסוי ,הכרב הרשי ךידי ישעמ לכב ,החלצהו
יונישו ,הכרענו ההובג הדמב רוביצה לכל ביטהל הכזתו ,החנהב ךרצחב חיני תונחלוש יתש
תורושב דימת רשבתהלו רשבל בוט לכב בבוסמ ,תומרו תוהובג תולעמל ךלזמ םורי םוקמה לארשי ללכ תאצב ,ונישפנ תודפב החמשלו ןוששל וכפהתי ולא םימיו ,תומחנו תועושי תובוט .ונימיב הרהמב ,וניקדצ חישמ תאיבב ,וניתולגמ
ח"נולב הנכ תודידימ תוכרב ימתוח לכב םימתוחה
ץיוורוה לשרעה ברה
תווצו ינקסע יקסנישאמ לבייפ ברה
לארשי תיב ךמע יחילש ת״ועיסנ םע ׳יה
,תועפּשה ןטעבוצסיוא ןגילייה םייב ,לולא ׳ו ע"יז ט״וי תופסות
,הגירדמ ןייז טיול רעדעי לפַּאטש ַא ךיז טבייה הלפתה תשודקב ,רעכעה
הלרגה יד טניוועג ;הלבק ַא טמענ
םישרדמוצ ןיילדעד יד יאבג א ןלעטשאב 'א םוי זיא לקעפ טפאכ!ןיירא,ןנחתאו