Seven nights of partying means seven pieces in her wardrobe. Instead of running around town picking up one piece here and one piece there, shop in a place that has a designer selection to dress the Kallah for her entire week of royalty.
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(Re: A Challah Bake, Issue 408)
Firstly, thanks for the wonderful and informative articles you publish week after week.
I really enjoyed your challah baking feature with the full guide and all the fascinating tips you added. I just felt it’s important to point out one thing. The last step was to take the challah out of the freezer and reheat it for half an hour before Shabbos.
From the way it was written, it sounded like the standard system is to bake challah during the week and reheat before Shabbos. But many sources indicate that ideally, challah should be baked on Friday. One reason is because that shows that it’s l’kovod Shabbos. Another reason is because the mitzvah of challah is a tikkun for the cheit Adam and Chava did on Friday (see Rema 242).
Thanks again,
(Re: Table Talk, Issue 408)
A Monsey ReaderI loved your article about solutions for Shabbos situations, and I laughed aloud when I got to the part about nobody wanting to clear the Shabbos table. Years ago, when I was raising a family of boys, I had a similar problem. Our rule was that each child had to clear his own plate from the table. One child, Avrumi, refused. He hid under the table, in the bathroom, or anywhere else. No promise of reward or punishment helped.
Fast forward many years. Avrumi got married. Still in shana rishona, I got a call from his wife: “Mommy, thank you so much. You trained Avrumi so well, he’s so helpful!l” I managed to contain myself until I hung up; then I had a good laugh.
Avrumi’s Mommy(Re: Table Talk, Issue 408)
Your feature with out-of-the-box solutions families have instituted to deal with bickering, seuda truants, and other Shabbos challenges, made me smile. It’s always so validating to learn that other families struggle with the reality of raising very human kids who usually don’t create that perfect picture we’d like to envision as the ideal Shabbos table.
I appreciate the parents who admitted that, like me, they worry about their little boys being unreliable spouses, don’t have the energy to clear the table, and find their offspring going AWOL before the last word of kiddush is recited.
I’d like to share an idea that has extended my children’s participation. I’ve found that it’s not only helpful practically, but also creates a warm, bonding family ritual.
After the fish course is cleared, I bring out an official l’chaim — pretty champagne glasses filled with ice. Everyone gets a few sips of flavored beer with straws as an intermezzo. It’s a moment they stick around for that instills the Shabbos spirit and family togetherness — and makes them linger at the table, sometimes even until the end of the meal.
(Re: Table Talk, Issue 408)
Tova Lieba HirthThanks for the stories about Shabbos solutions. But I was disappointed that you printed a story about someone serving sushi at the Shabbos seuda. We should be proud to stick to our precious minhagim, which includes what we serve on Shabbos. If you want your kids to look forward to the food, add more kugels, dips, salads and Shabbos treats. But Japanese sushi on a heilige Shabbos tish doesn’t sit well with me.
Wishing everybody delightful Shabbos and true insight on how to beautify the seudos.
(Re: Table Talk, Issue 408)
Thank you for producing a magazine that is in line with true Yiddishe values. We appreciate that we can rely on The Monsey View to give us content that we feel comfortable bringing into our home. Unfortunately, last week you printed an article suggesting changes to the Shabbos menu.
Perhaps people don’t realize that the foods we serve on Shabbos have meaning and minhagim and shouldn’t be changed at whim. Thank you again for producing a magazine with such high standards.
We greatly regret the publishing of sentiments that seemed to go against adherence to minhagim we hold dear. We apologize for the oversight.
(Re: In the Shadow of the Holocaust, Issue 407)
Words can’t convey
The gratitude we feel
To our elected officials
Who help a great deal.
Just the knowledge
That no matter our track
I was so touched by the article about the effects the Holocaust still has on the second and third generation of survivors. I marveled at how the very real suffering is, and I appreciated the writer’s insight about how it was passed on as an emotional inheritance. The writer did not minimize or gloss over the truth, and yet presented it in the most sensitive, compassionate and respectful way.
Our generation is so quick to blame our parents for our our troubles, and in Mrs. Halle’s article I found the beauty of both understanding the story of survivors as well as the perspective of what amazing gifts the previous generation has bequeathed to us; the gift of resilience, of sticking to our values and the gift of getting up when life’s hardships bring us down.
Thank you for reminding us how much we owe to a generation who refused to break and instead chose to rebuild.
These hardworking individuals
Have our back.
When we were recently
In a real crunch
Our plans derailed, Our spirits took a plunge.
With just one call
You helped us right out
Secured the right documents
Efficiently, no doubt.
Now we hope and pray
Without any fuss
May we always have Such leaders with us.
May you continue to help
Many others, too
With much success
In all that you do!
With great appreciation, B. Weissberg
Moshe Rabbeinu repeats the events of the Eigel, and tells how he davened to Hashem for 40 days and nights without eating or drinking in order to secure forgiveness for Klal Yisroel. The pasuk then says, “And I also davened for Aharon at that time” (Devarim 9:20).
Why does the Torah specify that it was “at that time”? Obviously, he didn’t daven before the chet took place!
IT WAS LATE AT NIGHT when the phone rang. Reb Chaim,* a mohel in Yerushalayim, picked up, wondering who was disturbing his sleep.
“Are you a mohel?” the woman on the other end of the line asked. “Can you be in Tel Aviv at seven-thirty tomorrow morning for our son’s bris?”
When Reb Chaim replied in the affirmative, the woman requested, “Please be on time. Oh, and our name is Golan,” she said, before hanging up.
At exactly 7:30 a.m. the next day, Reb Chaim got out of the taxi in Tel Aviv. He looked around to find the entrance to the shul or hall where the bris was to take place. All he saw was an apartment building. He looked at his paper. He definitely had the right address. Figuring that the family must be having the bris in their home, he went inside and found Family Golan’s door.
A young, secular woman opened. “You must be the mohel,” she said as she ushered him inside.
“Where will the bris take place?” Reb Chaim asked.
“Here! The baby is here, we were waiting just for you.”
This was strange. Reb Chaim had never before encountered a bris like this! No hall, people, no meal. Just a mother and baby!
The woman detected his bewilderment and explained, “To tell you the truth, we didn’t plan to make a bris for our Yuval. We’re completely secular and have no connection to religion. We don’t even know any religious people. When Yuval was born two months ago, we didn’t consider a bris, but we’ve thought it over and decided he shouldn’t be different from anyone else.”
Reb Chaim asked where the father was and she explained that he was already at work. “I’ll be leaving to work now, too,” she said.
“That’s why I asked you to be on time. At about eight o’clock, Yuval’s babysitter will be here. Then you can leave.”
She kissed her baby goodbye and left.
Reb Chaim was on his own in this strange apartment with the baby. It took him a few minutes to collect his bearings, and then he began. At this unusual bris, he served as both mohel and sandak. He was especially emotional as he recited the bracha, ending with, “K’shem shenichnas l’bris, kein yikanes l’Torah, l’chuppah, ul’ma’asim tovim.”
As Reb Chaim calmed the baby, he was overcome with emotion. He cried for the child whose parents hardly wanted him to have a bris, and could not be bothered to be with him during this special moment. He prayed that the child grow up to know more than his parents, to value Torah and mitzvos despite the secular lifestyle he would be brought up in.
Soon the babysitter arrived and Reb Chaim left.
More than a decade passed.
One day, Reb Chaim received another strange phone call. The woman identified herself as Mrs. Golan from Tel Aviv, and Reb Chaim immediately remembered. “How is Yuval doing? He must be a big boy already!”
“I’m calling because of him,” the woman replied tersely. “Could I ask you to come for a visit?”
Reb Chaim could not say no, and a few days later, he traveled to Tel Aviv to find out what mysterious matter the Golans wanted to share with him.
Now that the three weeks are behind us and the joyful time of Yomim Tovim is approaching, it’s a great time to focus on positive thinking.
Doctors agree that there is a clear connection between positive thinking and health. People who keep a positive outlook and always think happy thoughts avoid stress and the inflammations stress brings. Altogether, experience shows that people who concentrate on the good side of things are able to make better decisions and are more focused on their goals.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat. Ut wisi enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exerci tation ullamcorper suscipit lobortis nisl ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis autem vel eum iriure dolor in hendrerit in vulputate velit esse molestie consequat, vel illum dolore eu feugiat nulla facilisis at vero eros et accumsan et iusto odio dignissim qui blandit praesent luptatum zzril delenit augue duis dolore te feugait nulla facilisi.
Instead, try these tips to help you with positive thinking:
Don’t try to be perfect or create sudden, unrealistic goals for yourself. “I’m going to lose 30 pounds this month.” “I’m going to learn nonstop for 10 hours.” You are setting yourself up for failure. Rather, try to work slowly and focus on goals you know you can achieve.
Avoid seeing things in black and white. There is a broad, gray area in between where you and events you see don’t have to be perfect.
“Something happened to Yuval,” Mrs. Golan said. “Lately, he’s been refusing to go to school and he’s begging to become religious. I took him to a psychologist who claims he is stable. He advised me not to fight with him, because that will only make him worse. But we need your help.”
The woman explained that she didn’t know a single frum person who could help her, just him, the mohel — the first on the list in the phonebook — whom she had called upon twelve years before.
Studies show that negative thinking can weaken the immune system, while positive thinking improves immunity. Positive thinking is also a powerful factor in recovering from sickness or trauma. This was widely seen during the COVID pandemic, when many people became so frightened about their breathing that they felt unwell even when they were actually breathing well.
In brief, here is how negative thinking can throw you off:
When something doesn’t go the way you want, you may blame yourself.
“Why didn’t I do it the other way?”
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, cons ectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat. Ut wisi enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exerci tation ullamcorper suscipit lobortis nisl ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.
Often it works the opposite way: You blame others instead of taking responsibility yourself. You use your thoughts and emotions to cover up your responsibility.
Whenever something goes wrong –the toast burned or the coffee spilled on your shirt – you automatically think, “Great, my whole day is off to a bad start.”
Every minor problem gets blown into a huge deal.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat. Ut wisi enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exerci tation ullamcorper suscipit lobortis nisl ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis autem vel eum iriure dolor in hendrerit in vulputate velit esse molestie
As you make the change to positive thinking, it is important to remember that this does not mean ignoring logic or facts. You do not need to force yourself to only have good feelings and thoughts. That is not realistic. The idea of thinking positive is to approach every negative thing that happens with a positive outlook. You look forward and are hopeful that there will be a positive outcome. That will allow you to remain calm and not lose yourself during a crisis. Train yourself each time something bad happens to think ahead positively. It is simple, although it takes time to get used to. Unfortunately at the Vitamin Desk by Maple we do not have a pill that will do the work for you. You will need patience as you slowly teach yourself to change your style of thinking. Keep practicing until it becomes natural. You will find that it makes you into a new person.
consequat, vel illum dolore eu feugiat nulla facilisis at vero eros et accumsan et iusto odio dignissim qui blandit praesent luptatum zzril delenit augue duis dolore te feugait nulla facilisi.orem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat. Ut wisi enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exerci tation ullamcorper suscipit lobortis nisl ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis autem vel eum iriure dolor in hendrerit in vulputate velit esse molestie consequat, vel illum dolore eu feugiat nulla facilisis at vero eros et accumsan et iusto odio dignissim qui blandit praesent luptatum zzril delenit augue duis dolore te feugait nulla facilisi.
Reb Chaim was up to the task. He took Yuval under his wing and prepared him for his bar mitzvah. In time, Yuval was placed in a wonderful yeshivah where he grew into a true ben aliyah
Reb Chaim once shared the incident with a mekubal, who marveled at what can be accomplished at a time of eis ratzon. “A bris is a special time, when we can receive great yeshuos. The tears cried along with the baby’s cries have an effect in Shamayim! When you cried for this child during those auspicious moments, he received a great neshamah, which ultimately guided him to the path of Yiddishkeit.”
There are many moments of eis ratzon in our lives, and we must capitalize on them. Tefillah at such elevated times stands a greater chance of being fulfilled. * *
Next week, with Hashem’s help, we will focus more on how to make positive thinking a regular part of your life.
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To your health,
The Meshech Chochmah explains that Moshe Rabbeinu sought to daven for Aharon specifically at a time when his tefillos would be more easily accepted.
The Gemara (Rosh Hashanah; 18) says that unlike the verdict of a tzibbur, the verdict of an individual cannot be nullified. Moshe knew that specifically now, after he davened for Klal Yisroel for 40 days and nights, and his prayers were answered by Hakadosh Baruch Hu, it was an auspicious time to daven for Aharon as well.
It was an eis ratzon, and Moshe Rabbeinu chose to capitalize on it.
Monsey gets vitamins at Maple.
May we always utilize the many opportunities of eis ratzon that present themselves in our lives.
Adapted from the teachings of Rav Mordechai Freundlich, zt”l.
Monsey gets vitamins at Maple.
Monsey gets vitamins at Maple.
Monsey gets vitamins at Maple.
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In pursuit of its mission to enhance oneg Shabbos, the Monsey eruv has expanded its boundaries once again, with two new sections added in recent weeks.
Rockland Daily reported that the east side of Route 45 near Old Nyack Turnpike, Scotland Hill Road, Yeshivas Noam Elimelech and the surrounding area, are now within the boundaries of the Monsey eruv
Also new is a Ramban’s eruv at Garden Estates in Spring Valley. Pedestrians who want to stay within the boundaries of the eruv are advised to use the North Riguad steps entrance and to avoid Viola and Union Roads, which are both outside the Rambam’s eruv
The Monsey eruv also recently added two sections in Suffern, as previously reported in The Monsey View. Both residents and visitors are encouraged to view the most recent eruv maps in order to avoid potential chillul Shabbos.
The annual pilgrimage to Uman could potentially become another casualty of the war in Ukraine. Ambassador Yevgen Korniychuk announced that he will limit the number of Israelis entering the country amid rising concerns regarding Russian hostilities.
According to Yeshiva World News, a statement issued by the ambassador did not specify how many Israelis would be allowed into Uman, but that there was a need to safeguard potential targets, including Jewish faith leaders and visitors, and that a large gathering could turn the city into an attractive target for Russian forces.
At this time, the warning only affects Israelis planning to
visit Uman. Strongly worded advisories issued last year urging travelers not to head for Uman for Rosh Hashana were ineffective, with approximately 20,000 people making the trip anyway, and no significant incidents reported.
Mayor Eric Adams’ bid to house asylum seekers in Rockland County met another legal hurdle last week, as a State Supreme Court judge ruled that a lawsuit regarding migrant housing be heard locally and not in New York City.
County executives outside the five boroughs filed emergency declarations several weeks ago in an effort to halt Adams’ plan to house the city’s overflow migrants in their upstate hotels. The New York City mayor responded with a lawsuit filed in the State Supreme Court, categorizing those orders as unconstitutional, and asking for them to be overturned. While Adams had requested that the cases against the various counties be consolidated into one and heard in New York City, the court has already issued orders regarding 28 counties and ruled last week that lawyers for the city had not demonstrated a compelling reason to have Rockland and Orange counties’ cases heard outside their borders, reported New City Patch.
County Executive Ed Day was pleased with the latest development, and issued a statement that read, “I firmly believe a case that is about Rockland should be adjudicated and decided by judges elected by Rockland residents — which now, thanks to this decision, it will be. This is clearly a factually based common-sense decision by the judge which gives us a fair and equal chance to receive justice in court.”
A 23-year-old man was released on bail after an unprovoked attack on a police officer during a traffic stop.
Police said that the incident took place on the evening of July 26 on College Road, near RCC (Rockland Community College). According to the Ramapo Police Department, an uninvolved pedestrian approached the officer during the traffic stop and attempted to strike him repeatedly with a closed fist. The police officer was able to apprehend the attacker, who is facing charges of attempted assault, obstructing governmental administration and resisting arrest.
The unnamed attacker was released on an appearance ticket and was arraigned this week in Ramapo Justice Court.
Understanding that community events build camaraderie, foster awareness and even play a part in preventing crime, the Ramapo Police Department is hosting its fifth annual National Night Out on Sunday, August 6.
Despite its name, the free family-friendly event will begin at 1:00 p.m. at Clover Stadium in Pomona and will feature a search and rescue helicopter, music, face painting, bounce house, police and fire vehicles, police dogs, a dunk tank and more. At 4:30 p.m. a parade ceremony will be followed by a 5 p.m. New York Boulders baseball game, with kids given the opportunity to run the stadium’s bases following the game.
National Night Out events began in 1984 and are the
brainchild of Matt Peskin, a volunteer for the Lower Merion Community Watch program in the western suburbs of Philadelphia, who often patrolled in local neighborhoods and assisted in patrol dispatch. After launching a newsletter promoting the program’s successes, Peskin reached out to neighboring communities to accumulate more content for his newsletter and realized that while hundreds of similar programs existed, there was no platform that allowed them to connect with each other.
The first National Night Out was marked by 2.5 million people in 23 neighborhoods sitting on their porches with their lights on to foster a sense of unity. This has evolved into full scale events. According to the official National Night Out website, “the best way to build a safer community is to know your neighbors and your surroundings. National Night Out triumphs over a culture that isolates us from each other and allows us to rediscover our own communities.”
He may live outside the five boroughs, but a Spring Valley resident walked away with the highest honors at the NYPD Police Academy graduation last week, coming out at the top of a class of more than 520 students.
VIN News reported that Shmuel Winsbacher was the class valedictorian, receiving two out of the eight awards given at graduation — one for overall excellence and the other for academic excellence. The 25-year-old wore his yarmulka proudly throughout his six months at the NYPD Police Academy and thanked his parents and his siblings for their support as he delivered his valedictory speech.
“It is important that we stay true to ourselves and, above all else, continue to demonstrate the integrity and professionalism that embodies this great department,” said Winsbacher as he addressed his classmates at the July 25 graduation, held at Madison Square Garden. “We must remember that today is not merely an endpoint, but a stepping stone towards a lifelong commitment to protect and serve.”
Winsbacher graduated the academy with an overall average of 99.59 percent and an academic average of 99.3 percent, the highest numbers in his class. He will begin his career at the NYPD with the transit police in the Bronx. Among the many congratulations he received was one from the highest ranking Orthodox NYPD officer, Inspector Richie Taylor, who said that being part of the department provides tremendous opportunities for growth. Another came from Kahal Adas Yisroel on Carlton Road, where Winsbacher serves as a ba’al korei, with a kiddush given in his honor.
County fairs and family trips to amusement parks have long been a summer vacation staple, but pictures emerging several weeks ago showing a crack in the steel support beam of a North Carolina roller coaster have propelled ride safety into the headlines.
CBS News reported that officials shut down the Fury 325-foot roller coaster at the Carowinds Amusement Park on June 30 after pictures went viral showing a damaged column of the 325foot roller coaster. Carowinds described the ride, which has an 81-degree drop, as the longest steel coaster in North America.
Rochester Democrat and Chronicle reported that New York State requires traveling rides, such as those found at the 50 county and youth fairs that open during the summer months each year, to undergo a three-part inspection by the Department of Labor. Each component undergoes an initial review upon its arrival at the fair or festival site, with a second inspection taking place once the ride is assembled and a third review
done as the operator runs the ride without any passengers. Once all of the inspections are completed, a visible white tag is placed on the ride confirming it has passed inspection, and listing the date of inspection as well as the name of the inspector.
“Our inspectors work diligently and thoroughly to ensure that every piece of equipment functions properly before anyone boards these rides,” said New York State Department of Labor Commissioner Roberta Reardon. “When you see the NYSDOL inspection tag, you know that the ride has been thoroughly inspected and is safe to board.”
In 2022, 7,000 rides were inspected by the Department of Labor, a statistic that includes stationary rides located outside of the five boroughs, which are inspected at least once each year. According to the U.S. Safety Commission, there were 24,013 emergency room visits made for injuries related to amusement park rides in 2022.
Riders and their parents are encouraged to follow basic safety rules, such as staying securely buckled in and seated for the full duration of the ride, leaving loose items including glasses, hats and cellphones behind, and taking breaks between high thrill rides featuring high g-forces. Additionally, anyone seeing a ride being operated unsafely is encouraged to report the problem to a venue employee immediately.
A 40-year-old Nanuet man is facing federal safety charges for failing to protect his employees, leading to the death of two workers in Rockland and Sullivan counties.
The Journal News reported that Jose Lema, owner of ALJ Home Improvement, Inc., was arrested at his home on July 25. Lema was charged with knowingly and willfully violating Occupational Safety and Health Administration standards regarding fall protection at residential construction projects.
The Rockland accident took place in New Square on February 8, 2022, when a worker installing a roof on a three-story building tumbled 30 feet to his death. According to the complaint filed by the U.S. Attorney’s Office, the worker’s safety harness was not connected to the roof in any way, rendering it useless.
The Sullivan County incident occurred in Kiamesha Lake on February 27, 2019, when an ALJ employee fell off the roof of a new three-story home. According to the complaint, the worker was not wearing a safety harness.
A total of eight investigations have been launched into violations at ALJ worksites between 2019 and 2023, with 24 willful citations and sixteen serious citations issued, and fines of more than $2.3 million penalties ordered.
U.S. Attorney Damon Williams said that Lema put his workers in danger by disregarding regulations and failing to ensure that proper fall protection systems were in use at all times. Williams said that the charge “should serve as a reminder to small businesses that failure to comply with safety regulations can lead to unnecessary and preventable tragedy.”
Lema is facing a maximum sentence of six months in prison and a maximum fine of $250,000 or twice the gross gain or loss from the offense.
Lani’s mother invites her to move in for the entire Pesach. Riva panics when her boss asks her to work overtime every day until Pesach, and then she learns that Chevi Eisdorf has been bullying Fraidy.
Yaakov was still sitting in the dining room chair facing her, but Riva didn’t acknowledge his presence. Eli crawled over and tugged at her foot, blabbering in all his sweet innocence. His face was coated in mysterious dirt, but it didn’t bother Riva. She lifted him onto her lap and hugged him tightly, as though her embrace alone could protect him, protect all her children, from all the cruelty in the world.
“I need to go now,” Yaakov said. “Eric’s waiting. Should we talk later?”
Riva stroked Eli’s arm and nodded dumbly. What was there to talk about anyway, now or later?
Yaakov slipped on his jacket and reached for his hat. At the door, he turned back to Riva. “We’re going to deal with this. Whatever it takes, we’ll get involved and make it end.”
Another nod. She couldn’t think of a single thing to say.
When the door closed, Eli started whining. Riva finally got off the couch to make him a bottle. She gave it to him in his crib, subconsciously questioning what she was doing, putting him to sleep now; he was going to make vach nacht later. But she couldn’t deal with him now. She couldn’t deal with anything.
Chevi is bullying Fraidy.
And then, like hot water splashing over ice, the numbness dissolved and a wave of rage crashed over her.
How dare she?!
Leaving the room, Riva sidestepped buckets of toys that were air drying in the hallway. She’d been all ambitious that morning, got up early do some Pesach cleaning. Now she felt like kicking every last container in her fury.
In the kitchen, she found the morning’s breakfast mess glaring at her as though it was out to get her. She glared right back.
How had this happened? Fraidy and Chevi had always been friends; there had hardly ever been any fighting between them, since they were babies. Fraidy was such a sweet, lovable girl. This was so… unfair. Horrible. Mean.
The anger in her chest flickered for a moment, then gave way to an overwhelming sense of hurt. Her mind flashed images of Chevi kicking Fraidy in the yard, teasing her, inciting the girls to laugh at her. She felt like vomiting.
Wearily, she took a pack of French fries out of the freezer and poured it out onto a pan. She drizzled oil and sprinkled salt, her movements slow and sluggish. Tzippy’s bus would arrive any minute, she had to finish putting up supper, but she couldn’t focus, couldn’t think the simplest thoughts, such as what else she should cook.
She gave up trying. She wasn’t cooking supper, because….
Because I’m an awful mother anyway.
The hurt settled in a corner of her chest to wait as a tide of self-castigation flooded her thoughts.
What kind of mother misses such cues?
How had she not picked up on what was happening?
Distantly, she heard a bus honking, and it took her a full minute to realize it was for her; it was Tzippy’s bus.
She raced down the two flights of stairs and sprinted out the door. Taking Tzippy off the bus, she all but crushed her in a hug. “I love you so much, sweetie,” she whispered. “How was your day?”
Tzippy was thrilled with her mother’s effusive greeting, and she bounced happily in Riva’s arms. Riva continued holding her all-the-way up the stairs and into their apartment. Tzippy drank in the attention, showing off all the projects she’d done that day, until she got bored and drifted away to play, leaving Riva alone with her train of emotions.
I need to talk to Lani.
It only made sense. This was a situation involving both their daughters. Lani’s daughter was bullying Fraidy.
But the idea of confronting Lani made her feel sick. The loan situation had wedged itself between them. She was afraid to talk to Lani now, afraid of adding to the ugly rift.
Okay, so now she did want to talk to Yaakov, she needed to get all this out of her system. She needed him to tell her what to do.
But her husband was gone now, sitting with Eric Moore and delving into the complexities of building laws and electrical code. He wouldn’t be home for hours.
She returned to the kitchen and thought about supper again. French fries, and? There was a container of split pea soup in the freezer, she could defrost quickly. And then maybe pita pizzas? Scrambled eggs? The kids would love either of those two. Maybe she wasn’t such an awful mother after all….
A little later, the door opened with only the slightest squeak. Riva stood still in the kitchen, waiting for Fraidy to enter. She heard her daughter hang up her jacket and dump her briefcase into the coat closet. She heard the coat closet door close.
Her heart was molten butter now; she couldn’t wait to wrap her arms around Fraidy and just hold on to her tightly, transmit all the peace and security in the world.
But the Fraidy who walked into the kitchen was the same Fraidy who walked in every day. She wasn’t crying, she wasn’t holding her head down. She said a plain hello and continued straight to her bedroom.
It was this quiet entrance that made Riva quake. It was an uncomfortable proof that this had been just another day in her life, just another day of suffering.
Riva went over to her room and gave a light tap on the door before entering.
Inside, Fraidy was sitting on her bed, staring blankly out the window.
Fraidy turned her head to face her. “Yes?”
“Fraidy… I… Is there anything you want to tell me?”
She looked confused for a moment, and then suspicion crept up in her eyes. “Did Mrs. Schiffer call you?”
Riva walked over to the bed and sat down gingerly. “She did, sweetie. She told me what happened. She told me about… everything… that’s been going on.”
Fraidy blinked. Her eyes filled with tears, but behind the sadness, Riva saw something else in her eyes: relief. *
She didn’t end up talking to Yaakov that day.
He came home at 6:00 p.m. for exactly one hour, during which time he ate a quick and completely random supper of soup, fries, and crackers with various spreads, and helped Riva with bath and bedtime. After that, he had to “fly out to Mincha, and I’ll go straight to night seder from there, and,
oh, I’m going down to Reuven Bleich tonight, he’s giving me a blueprint to work on.”
Riva was asleep by the time he came home — she had no idea what time — with the toy containers still lined up in the hallway, which was not a good idea with little kids around, but too bad, just too bad.
She couldn’t help it. She knew she should start Pesachcleaning the kitchen. They would need to turn over in a little more than a week, and she had to be done with all the cleaning before then. But she was so drained — from her stressful day, from Fraidy’s anguish — that she couldn’t bring herself to do a thing. Sleep would be a panacea, a welcome escape from all the pressure.
The morning was nothing better, but why had she thought it would be? It was a morning like every morning at the Strohs: scrambling to get everyone and everything ready for the day and making sure that everyone, including herself, made it out of the house on time. Riva felt almost guilty for this routine, for knowingly sending Fraidy off to
face another day of torment. She silenced her conscience by telling herself it would be only a few days now until Pesach break.
Yaakov called her as she was hurrying to work.
“We didn’t get to talk last night,” he said.
“We never get to talk.”
“Where are you now?”
“Where would I be? On my way to work.”
“I know, I was just thinking… forget it. You know what, Riva? I’ll pick you up on your lunch break, we’ll go somewhere to grab a bite. We need to talk, and if we don’t have time, we need to make time.”
“Ha ha, lunch break, good joke. Are you forgetting who my boss is? Are you forgetting that this is the business’s season? Also, Adina’s on maternity leave and we’re all trying to cover for her.”
“I’m not forgetting anything. You’re entitled to a lunch break, and if he fires you because you take one, really, Riva, wouldn’t that be a big relief?”
Wouldn’t it? The thought itself made her limbs feel weightless. But what was the use of fantasizing? “If I take a lunch break,” she said bitterly, “he’ll expect me to stay until eight.”
“And you’ll say you can’t. He’s a difficult person, true, but he’s only a person after all. You can’t allow him to step all over you.”
Riva remained quiet. There was nothing to add; they could go in circles like this forever.
But Yaakov was right. She did need to talk to him, and she also desperately needed a break from the unbearable tension in the office, so she agreed. So what if Mr. G. fires me? I want him to fire me.
A few hours later, when Yaakov texted her that he was outside, she waited for Mr. Gabioff to get on the phone before making her exit. When he was fully engrossed in
a heated argument with some poor soul on the line, she mumbled, “I’ll be back soon,” and headed for the door.
“Mrs. Stroh?”
Grrr, what luck.
“Were you the one who confirmed the Meisels booking?”
He looked at her like she was wearing a wet mop on her head. “You confirmed a booking before assigning a crew?”
Do I laugh or do I cry?
“I…” she eked out. “I mean, you said….”
“Ah, so now you’re going to put words in my mouth?”
You told me to schedule it! I told you there was no crew available! I told you, I told you, I told you!
But the words remained pasted to her throat. She waited for him to sigh his great sigh, and the moment he
did, she slipped out of the office.
“Riva?” Yaakov asked sharply as she sank into her seat in the car. “What happened?”
“I’m never going back to that office.”
“He’s a—”
Yaakov waited.
“Forget it,” she mumbled.
Ten minutes later, they were sitting at a table with salad and rolls in front of them. “Well,” Riva started. “What are we going to do about Fraidy?”
Yaakov broke a roll in half and put the pieces onto the plate in front of him. “We’re going to talk about Fraidy,” Yaakov said, “but before that, we need to talk about you.”
He took a small bite and flicked crumbs off his fingers. “You’re not making Pesach this year, Riva.”
“What do you mean?”
“I mean that you’re killing yourself, and it’s just too much. I don’t know what happened in the office today, but I’m talking in general. Your job, the overtime, the kids, cleaning and turning over and cooking. You’ll be a shmatte by the time Pesach rolls around.”
His words made something in her melt. It was so good to hear him say this, so good to have the tumult in her life put into words and acknowledged.
“I can’t even explain what happened in the office today. It defies logic.”
“You see what I mean?”
But his validation wouldn’t change the reality. “I’m not sure what you’re trying to say. Who’s going to make Pesach for us, exactly? Or are you taking us to a Pesach hotel?”
He grinned. “Not quite. Unless you consider your parents’ house a hotel. Your mother’s always telling us to move in for Yom Tov. I know you usually prefer to stay home, but this year, I think we should just do it.”
Riva picked up her knife and sliced through a tomato in her plate. She pictured what it would mean: packing everyone up, locking up the house, moving into her parents’ home. Her mother would be ecstatic — “Did you have some latkes, sheifela?” and “You have to taste these almond clusters, they’re sinful!” and “Go take a nap, Riva, I’ll watch Eli. Come here, tzaddik, did I ever tell you that you are the absolute cutest human being in the whole entire world?” No cooking, no cleaning, just lending a hand in her mother’s old, familiar Pesach kitchen and enjoying the time with her parents and children.
Yaakov was waiting for a response. “You’re right,” she said. “I don’t know why I didn’t think of it myself. That would be, like, unbelievable. The ultimate relief, and treat.”
Yaakov beamed, and Riva looked down at her plate. He wanted so badly to make everything right for them. For her. It made him so happy to make her happy.
She dialed her mother as soon as they returned to the car.
She talked for only a minute, but her face was drawn when she hung up. “So much for that,” she told Yaakov sourly. “It was a great idea, but someone beat us to it.”
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Even once you know what copywriting is all about, you might still be wondering if you need a copywriter for your specific situation.
When you know you want a copywriter to write an ad, or a brochure, it’s a pretty straightforward project. You tell the copywriter about your service (I just started offering swimming lessons in my private pool and I want to put an ad in the local circulars to let people know) the copywriter does the research, and then she writes the slogan and ad text that get people looking.
But there are other kinds of marketing situations. Situations where you know you need to do some kind of marketing, but you haven’t the faintest clue what that marketing should look like. Imagine you’ve created a fabulous curriculum that you want to sell to schools. You might not know how to reach the principals and teachers who would be
interested in buying it.
What you need is marketing strategy.
Often, copywriters get approached with this kind of situation. People know they need to get their product out there… but where?
A copywriter who’s been trained in marketing strategy can help answer that question. The research that she uses to figure out the best words to write can be used to find out where that advertising should be done. For example, she might interview several principals who are potential customers for a curriculum. From these interviews, she might find that there’s a yearly chinuch conference they all attend. Seeing a brochure
at this conference would definitely bring their attention to the curriculum the brochure promotes. The copywriter would then write up a brochure to market this product at the conference.
This kind of project is called devising a marketing strategy. Copywriters who often handle these kinds of projects sometimes call themselves marketing strategists for this reason, but many copywriters who aren’t officially strategists offer this service as well.
You have a little side business — you know, just something you do from home. Not like a real business. Maybe you do electrolysis from home. Or maybe you sell baby products from your basement.
Do you need a copywriter for such a tiny business?
To answer the question of whether you need a copywriter (or need to invest in marketing altogether) ask yourself the following questions:
1. Am I happy with the volume of customers I currently have? (i.e., I have enough customers to keep me busy.)
1. Am I happy with the quality of customers I currently have? (i.e., happy to pay my prices, the type of people I’m looking to attract)
If the answer to both of those questions is yes, great! Your marketing, even if it’s just word of mouth being passed around, is obviously working. You’re reaching your goals without doing more advertising than you need to.
If the answer to any of those questions is no, then investing in your marketing could be the right step for you.
When you hear that “Copywriters write the words to convince people to buy your product or use your services,” you might get turned off. You feel like it’s not fair to convince people that they need what they can’t have, and that marketers might be
ruining the world because they’re raising standards and making people want more and more.
And you’re right. It isn’t fair to convince people that they need something that they can’t have.
So, does that mean you can’t hire a copywriter to help promote your services?
Copywriters do have to be careful when they write copy. Many, many marketers play on people’s weaknesses in order to get them to hand over their cash or credit card numbers. They use manipulative words and declare that anyone who doesn’t listen to their offer will be poor, miserable, and left out. Or, they make big promises that they can’t necessarily keep.
In an ad for a vacation, that might sound like this: “Don’t be the only schlepper left behind in the sticky city! Join Dream Vacations for a week of bliss.”
Such copywriting might work to get customers, which is why it’s done. But long-term, it turns people (like you!) off. It gives people negative feelings.
There’s another way to market effectively, and that’s to use persuasion, rather than manipulation. In an ad for a vacation, persuasion might sound something like this:
“Take the planning out of the vacation.
Leave it to Dream Vacations to plan the details of your summer relaxation:
• Day trip options for adults, teens, pre-teens, and toddlers
• Vacation rentals, from mansions to cabins, outfitted with amenities
• Transportation out-of-state arranged, including choice of vehicle
Two-day vacation packages starting at $599/couple”
This type of ad uses specific information to persuade a potential customer to buy from them. It talks directly to people who already want a vacation, and just don’t want to have to plan it (instead of promoting the idea of vacations.) Most of all, it highlights the benefits of their own planning services instead of reflecting negatively on anyone who chooses not to use them.
So, can you hire a copywriter and do effective marketing while still staying true to your values? The answer is a definite yes, as long as you make sure that the copywriter is an ethical copywriter who shares those values.
Chaya Beer is the strategic copywriter behind CopySprings, where she helps small businesses maximize their marketing to grow bigger or better. She’s not quite ready to give up creative writing, though, which is why you’ll still see her byline on the occasional magazine article in these pages. For more copywriting info, she can be reached at chaya@copysprings.com.
These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any dise ase.
Fire up your summer with kabobs that explode with flavor and creativity
These grilled fruit kabobs (or grilled dessert kabobs, if you’re in need of another something sweet!) are the best for a backyard barbecue. Not only are they easy to make, but they also grill in a flash and are perfect for parties.
1 cup (¼) pineapple, cut into chunks
3 peaches, pitted and sliced
3 kiwis, peeled and sliced
1 (4.5 oz) container doughnut holes
½ cup maple syrup
6-8 skewers
1. Preheat your grill to medium-high for direct heat grilling.
2. Assemble your kabobs by skewering the fruits and doughnuts.
3. Baste the kabobs on all sides with the maple syrup and place them on the grill grates.
4. Grill the kabobs for 2 to 3 minutes on each side, until the fruit is caramelized.
These chicken kabobs are an absolute winner, time and again. They’re adult and kid friendly, making it the perfect dinner choice. Oh, and the dipping sauce just takes it to new heights!
6 chicken cutlets
½ T. olive oil
Salt and fresh ground pepper, to taste
⅛ tsp. cayenne pepper
¼ tsp. garlic powder
¼ tsp. onion powder
¼ tsp. dried basil
2 (4 oz.) packages beef fry
½ cup of your favorite barbecue sauce
5-6 skewers
½ cup mayonnaise
6 cubes frozen cilantro
2 T. lime juice
2 T. water
2 T. extra virgin olive oil
2 cloves garlic
½ avocado
¼ cup scallions, green part removed
1 tsp salt
1. Cut the chicken into 1 to 1 ½ inch pieces and place them in a large mixing bowl.
2. Drizzle with olive oil. Season with salt, pepper, cayenne pepper, garlic powder, onion powder, and dried basil. Mix until well combined.
3. Wrap a piece of beef fry around each chicken piece. Thread 5 or 6 pieces of this onto each skewer. Pack them close together on the skewer so the beef fry slices stay intact.
4. Heat the grill to medium-high heat.
5. Oil the grates really well to prevent the beef fry from sticking.
6. Arrange the chicken skewers on the grill and cook them for 4 minutes.
7. Turn over the chicken skewers. If you’d like, you can brush the skewers with your favorite barbecue sauce to keep them moist. Cook for another 4 minutes.
8. Turn the skewers again, brush them with barbecue sauce again, and continue to cook for 4 more minutes, or until done.
1. Combine all the sauce ingredients in a blender, or in a food processor fitted with the S blade. Blend until smooth and creamy.
2. Serve alongside the chicken kabobs.
These kabobs bring together one of my favorite food combinations: mushrooms and meat! Deliciously seasoned and grilled to perfection, this recipe is very simple and incredibly flavorful.
1 ½ lb. beef, cut into chunks as for stew
8 oz. mushrooms
¼ cup olive oil
¼ cup balsamic vinegar
3 cloves garlic, minced
1 tsp. salt
½ tsp. pepper
½ tsp. dried rosemary
½ tsp. dried oregano
1 lb. small potatoes
1. Place the meat and mushrooms in a bag or bowl.
2. In a medium bowl, whisk together the oil, vinegar, garlic, salt, pepper, rosemary and oregano.
3. Pour this marinade over the meat and mushrooms. Cover and refrigerate for at least 2 hours.
4. Meanwhile, boil the potatoes in a large pot of salted water until just tender, about 8-10 minutes. Drain and cool slightly.
5. Thread the marinated steak and mushrooms, along with the potatoes, onto skewers.
6. Heat the grill to medium-high heat.
7. Grill the kabobs for 10 to 12 minutes, turning once, until the meat is cooked to desired doneness.
8. Season the kabobs with additional salt and pepper, and serve immediately.
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Camping with my father was part of my childhood. And part of the camping experience was sleeping in a tent and building a campfire. Learning the art of making a fire as a kid made this process a natural, inbred skill that I never gave much thought to — I just did it.
Campfires keep bugs away, and provide light after dark. You can use them to roast your marshmallows and hot dogs on a stick, and even for other forms of cooking, if you have the right gear. On cooler nights, the fire helps keep things warm and toasty.
I now take my own children camping every summer, and I’ve taught firebuilding skills to the next generation. In fact, when I take my family camping, I don’t even make the fire anymore. My teenagers do the entire job by themselves, and they are quite good at it. Once you’ve done it a few times, you’ll get the hang of it, and it goes quickly and easily.
The first thing to keep in mind is safety. If you’re making a campfire in a backyard, keep a distance from any wood or brush, and fully surround the area of the fire with rocks to keep the fire contained. You don’t want the fire to spread. If you’re at a campsite, there’s usually a designated area such as a fire pit or fire ring to make the fire.
Keep the fires in their designated spots. Make sure you have enough water nearby to completely extinguish the fire when you’re done. If you’re making a fire in your backyard, keep a hose nearby and leave it running.
Finally, young children must be supervised around the fire at all times.
To set up the fire properly, you need three things: brush (also called kindling), twigs, and firewood. The fire will spread from the smaller brush, first to the twigs and then to the larger logs. If you try to light a large log, or even smaller twigs on their own, they won’t ignite. The twigs will ignite only by catching fire from the kindling, and larger logs will catch fire only from the sustained fire of the smaller twigs.
Keep in mind: When building a fire is that if the brush or wood is wet, it’s going to be extremely difficult to get the fire going. Unless the forecast doesn’t call for rain, keep all your brush, twigs, and firewood dry by leaving it in your car or at least covered so it will catch fire easily. If it rained the previous day, the leaves may also still be wet, so make sure not to use those, either.
25 years of excellence
For kindling, you need to find something small and dry that can catch fire instantly. I usually use dry leaves. You can also use paper towels, tissues or newspaper in addition or in place of the brush. (However, don’t use colored newspaper or colored paper as these contain chemicals that enter the air as they burn.)
Once you have collected your kindling, twigs and wood supply, it’s time to arrange them. There are two basic styles for arranging campfires.
One: The teepee structure. Place the brush on the ground and surround it with twigs arranged upright and leaning against one another, like an Indian teepee. Then arrange the larger logs around it, upright and leaning on each other. When the kindling catches fire, it will burn
long enough for the twigs to catch, which will in turn burn long enough to ignite the logs.
Two: The log cabin. Place two larger logs parallel to one another, with some space between. Between them, place a pile of brush. Then, lay twigs across the two logs, almost like train tracks above the brush. Place two more logs perpendicular to the first two, and then you can add another layer of twigs.
Both the teepee and the log cabin designs incorporate space between the wood. That breathing space is necessary to allow the oxygen to flow between the logs, and prevent the flames from suffocating.
When you’re ready to start the fire, light the brush. You can use a match or lighter. I recommend lighting it in two or three sections so different
PRO TIP: If you’re having trouble getting your fire going, place one or several tea lights on the ground with the brush to get the fire started. Brush burns out quickly, but tea lights stay lit for a while and give the other materials some extra time to catch fire.
My preference is not to use lighter fluid, as it can cause safety issues, it doesn’t really do much other than give a temporary burst of fire, and I don’t like having it around the food that I’m eating.
PRO TIP: Don’t use all your firewood at once. You can start off with four to five pieces and keep several additional pieces handy to add as needed to keep the fire going. If you add an entire bundle of firewood when you start the fire, it will be large in the beginning but will go out sooner. A smaller fire that lasts longer is generally a better idea. When adding new firewood, make sure to provide breathing space between the logs and not suffocate the fire. If the fire starts going out, you can use a large stick to poke the firewood toward the center, as well as blow the fire to give it oxygen and reignite an area that is just embers. When blowing a fire, keep your eyes closed to avoid ash going into your eyes.
FOR A BACKYARD FIRE: If you’re making a campfire in a backyard, you can forage in the woods for firewood such as larger branches of dead trees. You can break or cut them to size as needed. If you’re camping, most campgrounds have firewood available for purchase. It’s difficult to find large pieces of wood in most camping areas, so purchasing the firewood will be necessary. Twigs and brush can be taken from the woods, and the best practice is to gather it in advance to keep it dry in case of rain. Make sure to avoid poison ivy when foraging!
When I was a camper in the Pioneers division of Camp Sternberg, we lived in tents in the woods and learned survival skills like firebuilding. I could usually get a fire going, but it took a few tries. Although I had the skills, I didn’t have the confidence. (I was a teenager, after all.) And there was pressure — if you couldn’t make a fire, you couldn’t cook breakfast. So while I was happy to gather wood and arrange the kindling, I was also happy to let someone else try to light it. If I never tried, I never failed.
The ultimate goal was to be able to build a one-match fire. If you could arrange your wood and kindling (and we NEVER cheated and used anything except natural brush — no paper, tissues or aerosol sprays) and get the fire going with only one match, you had arrived. For the campers, a one-match fire was a status symbol. For the staff, the assumption was that it was no big deal.
A couple of years later I was back in camp, this time in the elite position as a Pioneer Aide. Now I was the one teaching the Pioneer campers how to build a fire. But my insecurity persisted. I had a bad case of impostor syndrome. What if I set up the whole thing, and then I couldn’t get the fire to light? Somehow I always managed to have another Pioneer Aide or even a camper take over at that point. Until the day came that I couldn’t wriggle out of it. With campers gathered around me and watching closely, I arranged the wood in a log cabin design, cross-crossing the pieces in incremental sizes, leaving just the perfect amount of space. Then I took the match, held my breath, and touched it to the tinder… I fanned it gently, praying, and watched as the twigs caught… and then the logs.
“One-match fire!” the campers yelled. I just stood there grinning. If camp was about finding out who you really are and what you really could do, I had finally made it. Inside me, a spark burst into flame.
areas start burning at the same time. I suggest a long lighter or extra-long matches, which make the job of lighting easier and safer. Once the brush catches fire, I sometimes add some more brush or paper towels to the area that just ignited to allow it to catch on better. If you are adding more brush or paper materials, make sure not to suffocate the fire; allow it to have breathing space.
Cool trick: Bring a laser pointer and point it into the smoke of a campfire. The laser beam becomes fully visible in the smoke.
If you are cooking on the fire, you can make skewers by taking a long twig and cutting the edge into a point. Marshmallows or hot dogs can be poked with the point and then be held above the fire. I prefer to sanitize my skewer sticks in the fire prior to using them. There are also long, ready-made skewers available for purchase, which I recommend.
Never leave a campfire fire unattended. Make sure a responsible person is in the vicinity of the fire at all times to monitor the fire in case it spreads. Once the fire burns out, or when you are ready to put it out, make sure to pour plenty of water over it so that all the embers are FULLY extinguished. Pouring water over the fire creates lots of smoke, so make sure to close your mouth and eyes.
Here’s wishing you much success on getting your campfire started this summer. Let us know how it goes!
Imagine sitting around a campfire with your family, sleeping under the stars, hearing the birds chirp… Ouch, did you just sit on a rock? Maybe, but that’s an insignificant detail on a camping trip.
Some of us might think that camping as a frum family with kids would be too complicated, but the Braun family from Monsey doesn’t believe that! They’ve been going camping every summer for over ten years, a tradition that has given them countless family memories and beautiful moments.
Elisheva Braun, a self-proclaimed city girl, was never much of an outdoorsy person. But her husband, born and bred in Monsey, always loved nature and being outdoors, and passed his genes on to their seven kids. He spent many years unsuccessfully trying to convince Elisheva to go camping. Then one year, when their kids had a few days off, Elisheva agreed to meet him halfway by staying in a cabin on a campsite near the Delaware River. They planned to stay there for two days and enjoy the nearby attractions. But when they went to book the cabin, nothing were available.
“I really didn’t want to disappoint my kids… so I gave in, and we went out to buy a tent and camping equipment!” Elisheva says, laughing.
old, and their youngest, a toddler, stayed behind with relatives. The trip was a major success, and the family enjoyed boating and hiking during the day and slept cozily in sleeping bags in the tent at night.
“We had so much uninterrupted quality time with our kids, and they loved every minute of it. There’s really nothing like disconnecting from our busy lives and going into nature for a few days. We were hooked right away, and knew we were going to do it again.”
Camping seems intimidating, and I asked Elisheva how they knew how to pitch the tents, build campfires, and what to bring along. She says that for a few years her husband had been chaperoning camping trips for their sons’ cheder and had picked up many camping tips there.
“He also just knows these things, I’m honestly not sure how,” Elisheva says wryly. “I think it’s in his blood.”
And, of course, experience is the best teacher. After their first two-day camping trip, the Brauns quickly learned the ropes and now usually go for five or six days at a time (never over Shabbos).
Elisheva vividly remembers one year when there was a rainstorm that lasted for a few days. Although they spent many hours playing games and bonding inside the tent, meals were a challenge; they couldn’t bring any food into the tent so as not to attract animals. The picnic tables scattered around the campsite were open to the elements, and they had to dash in and out of the rain in order to eat. For the next trip, they bought a canopy to cover the picnic table in case of rain.
The Brauns have explored a few different states on their camping trips. There are
dozens of campsites all over the United States that offer amenities specifically for campers.
On such campsites, you don’t need to worry about things like having a table to eat at, or access to bathrooms and showers.
For a quick overnight trip, the Brauns often go to Beaver Pond Campground, which is just a 25-minute drive from Monsey. This campsite has only bathrooms and spots to pitch tents; you’re pretty much surrounded by woods. And the occasional animal, although the Brauns fortunately haven’t had any frightening encounters, unless you count a coyote wailing in response to their baby’s cries.
For longer trips, the Brauns have gone to campsites in Maryland and Pennsylvania, in addition to some in upstate New York. These bigger campsites have amenities like cabins available for rent, bathroom facilities, pools, picnic tables, and sometimes even on-site activities like basketball courts and crafts for children (and no wild animals!). They also have a supplies store with essentials like firewood, ice for coolers, and other camping supplies.
I wonder aloud how much a camping trip costs, and Elisheva tells me it depends on the site. Beaver Pond Campground, for example, which doesn’t offer any amenities, is $30 per night, while the bigger ones that do have amenities are around $120 per night. Renting a cabin, of course, is more expensive and can go up to about $500 per night. Buying the tent and equipment, though, it’s a one-time purchase that you can use over and over again.
When I asked Elisheva how much in advance they book a trip, she explained that for the bigger campsites you usually need to make a reservation a few weeks in advance, especially if you want a specific spot, such as next to the lake. You also never know who will be in the spot next to yours, but
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they try to go in the quieter seasons when the sites are emptier. Most of those campsites mostly have non-Jewish families, but the Brauns have met some frum families on campsites in the Catskill mountains, which makes the trip more exciting — and easier too, since they can share food and cooking equipment.
“It’s honestly amazing; these campsites are kind of like a camping bungalow colony. We only need to bring our camping gear, clothes and food; the rest is taken care of.”
Speaking of food, what do you eat while living in a tent?
Most campsites provide electricity, so the Brauns bring extension cords so they can use Betty Crockers and toasters, with which they can make eggs, pizza, chicken, and practically anything. They store all the food in coolers and buy fresh ice from the on-site supply store every night. And, in true camping fashion, most dinners are usually over a grill, with marshmallows for dessert, of course.
“Oh, and we also sometimes bake pitas!”
Wait, what?
Laughing, Elisheva shares how she mixes flour, water, oil and salt in a disposable pan and hands out a piece for each kid to roll into a circle. Then they bake it over a campfire, either in a pan or on an upside-down wok. Together with a variety of spreads and fillings, it makes for a great breakfast or dinner. Honestly, fresh, hot pitas on a camping trip sound pretty enticing.
Never, ever bring food into the tent; animals can smell food from far away and you don’t want to attract them to your tent.
Bring forest essentials like; bug spray, tick remover, a first-aid kit, and flashlights.
Pack extra sets of clothing for everyone; you never know what a day in the wild might bring. Include board games and toys in case of a rainy day.
A fun thing to bring along is flame colorant, which makes a campfire colorful.
During the day the Brauns explore the area they’re in. When they camped in Pennsylvania, they stayed near Lancaster and spent their days seeing the Amish attractions. In Maryland, as well, they went sightseeing.
On other days, they might go boating or fishing on a nearby lake (though Elisheva clarifies that she draws the line at cooking the fish. In any case, most lakes have a policy that any caught fish need to be thrown back into the water). The family also loves a good hike and will usually hit some trails in the area.
They also spend time on the campsite, playing games and sports, doing crafts — oh, and also unicycling. All the Braun kids have unicycles and cycle around the campsite.
Elisheva remembers one night a couple of years ago when they all lay down on their backs on a hill and watched the stars, which shine brighter out in a field away from the city lights. Suddenly, someone exclaimed, “A shooting star!” A few minutes later there was another one, and another one. They later found out that shooting stars and comets had been forecast for that date, and they were lucky enough to see it. She remembers that night fondly: the entire family lying on the ground and watching the shooting stars together. These are magical moments that their entire family will remember forever.
Of course, it’s not a real camping experience if you’re not sleeping in sleeping bags in a tent, which is exactly how the Brauns do it. They have a large tent that fits the entire family with (somewhat flimsy) dividers to provide a modicum of privacy. If there’s a baby or a toddler on the trip, they bring along a Pack ‘n Play.
I was pretty surprised to hear about some of the camping equipment they’ve picked up over the years. The year it rained for a few days straight, they bought a new tent, which is raised off the ground and even has a little porch in the front. In addition to the tent, they have a canopy for the table, foldable camping chairs, grills, coolers for food, pans and toasters, sleeping bags, clothing, and more. All this gets packed into their minivan for the drive to whichever campsite they’re headed to, and Elisheva admits that it takes some time, patience and organization to get everything packed up.
“You — and your kids! — need to be pretty easygoing and be able to roll with the punches for a camping trip to be a fun experience,” Elisheva says. “It can sometimes get really cold at night; there have been times when we were shivering in our sleeping bags. Other times, it’s extremely hot. Things get muddy and dirty and humid and messy,” she adds, laughing, “but if it’s something you and your family want to do, I would really encourage it. Having adventures with your kids on such a trip creates so many precious memories and can be a real bonding experience for your family.”
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I’m a city girl through and through. I don’t do well in the heat and I don’t do well in the cold. We are lucky to have a pool, but I won’t swim unless both the water and the air outside are the perfect temperature, and the sun is strong. I don’t do bugs. I don’t do sweat. I abhor sleeping anywhere that isn’t my bed. I like to travel with everything, including the kitchen sink — but it’s hard to carry that much stuff on a hike, especially when the person who does the heavy lifting is already wearing a toddler in a baby carrier. I’m exceptionally timid about going to new places. Even with the best maps and freshly blazed trail markers, I’m tempted to ask directions from every single hiker we pass. I’m terrified of getting lost and of being out in the dark. You get the picture.
So you would not have expected to find me plodding along with five children on a hike of unknown length and grueling intensity, a last minute addition to a hike that is already generally considered a moderately challenging route.
But, you see, there is another person in my marriage. Interestingly, he does not get the picture, despite my attempts to explain it to him. Somehow, somewhere between our engagement and our third or fourth bein hazmanim, he seems to have lost the memo. After one or two vacations spent meandering through the mansions of Newport, Rhode Island and the historic homes of Hudson Valley, it was obviously a perfectly even trade that we now spend the next fifteen years of vacations hiking and biking — the more remote and rugged, the better. And so, feeling decidedly unchallenged by the moderately challenging hike, my husband proceeded to lead us on this hike that did not end.
Lonesome Lake is a well-known hike: after climbing steadily up a rocky mountain incline, hikers are rewarded with a breathtaking view of a crystal-clear glacial lake in the clouds. Framed by an expansive mountain view, the pristine lake is silent, save the occasional duck or bird call. The view is strikingly gorgeous, yet almost painfully simple at the same time. It’s a view that makes people like
me begin to understand people like my husband.
We had planned the typical route: hike up, around the lake, and back down, after which we’d pile into the car for the drive back home. While the hike up was more than challenging enough for me, and although I may have used my literary license to indulge in some hyperbole (barely, in all honesty), my husband’s spontaneous addition to the hike was actually getting extremely hard. Parts were tricky and even a bit dangerous to do with small children. We were all feeling the stress of exhaustion, burning muscles, and uncertainty when we met Mike.
Mike was a young and friendly local who was out for a jaunt with his Labrador, Trout. Mike gave us some tips, including a suggestion for shaving a bit off the extended route we were on, and we continued with a spurt of newfound energy, having finally met someone who seemed to know where we were, and more importantly, where we were heading.
After slogging along for quite a while, our spirits were once again flagging when Mike, having reached his summit and now on the descent,
came bounding up behind us. (Pro tip: I’ve learned that while an adult can walk a flat mile in twenty minutes at a moderate pace, it takes a family with small children a generous hour to hike a mile with only moderate incline and no breaks — and with an inordinate amount of kvetching.)
We were a pretty pathetic bunch by that point, but we were beyond embarrassment, and it didn’t take friendly Mike very long to realize that we needed a boost. We desperately enthusiastically welcomed Mike’s offer to walk along with us, and he and Trout were a great distraction for the kids. It was mostly downhill by now, but it was steep and we were tired. Each time we rounded a bend, I desperately hoped to see signs of civilization, but each turn revealed more trees and yet another stretch of trail.
Then I heard my husband yell behind me. My heart fell, and it took everything I had to head back and check on him, my muscles burning in protest at having to head back uphill even a few more feet. Thankfully, although he had stumbled and fallen, both he and the toddler he was wearing were fine — which was great, since there was very little I could have done to help them at that point. We continued hiking, but my heart was in my throat. Cheerful, positive Mommy persona notwithstanding, our situation was really rather delicate.
Spread out along the trail, Mike and Trout ahead with the older kids, my husband and baby bringing up the rear, it was just me and my five-year-old in the middle. We were holding hands and
singing and I actually relaxed a bit until I felt a sharp pain in my leg. Ever the wonderful role model (beginning to notice a pattern here?) and knowing my daughter’s abject terror of bees, I bit my lip and stoically held back a yelp.
And then screamed and screamed and screamed as I was stung again and again.
Panicked, I realized that I had stepped on a wasp’s nest. I was terrified that I was about to get stung on my entire body. my gallant husband came running with all his gallantness to see what happened. But there wasn’t much he could actually do for me on the mountain, so I mustered my motherly spirits once again and staggered — rather cheerfully, actually — toward the bottom of the mountain. The good cheer was likely due to a combination of knowing that we were truly almost there, and assuming that after stepping on a wasp nest, things probably couldn’t get that much worse. (This was before I knew that over the next few days my foot would swell to epic proportions,
unable to fit even into my husband’s croc, necessitating steroids, which kept me up straight through the night.)
We were literally just about down, with the campsite almost in sight, when friendly Mike suddenly called to the kids in a low, stern voice, “Everyone, follow me over here right now.” My first wild thought was, “After putting up with my kids for the past two hours, do you seriously want to kidnap them?” But when I heard him calling Trout with the same firm insistence, I took a scan of the surroundings. Not more than two hundred feet away and heading straight toward us was a young black bear.
My immediate thought was that my boys would never forgive me for missing this. I quietly told my husband to take a picture for posterity as he walked by. With remarkably sound judgment, he pointed out that he was wearing a baby and couldn’t afford a distraction from her safety. The kids did see the bear though, which obviously made the entire day-long fiasco worth it.
We posed for pictures with Mike and exchanged contact information. We later sent him a gift card and thank you letters from the kids, but we never heard back from him, even in a follow up text. This is as close as I’ve come in my lifetime to an Eliyahu Hanavi story, but Mike really helped us out in a difficult moment, and Trout lives on in our family lore.
The boys still hike with my husband — willingly, even. When we talk about our Lonesome Lake fiasco, it’s about
Mike, the bear, and the many family jokes that were born on that trip. When they talk about their camping trip in Algonquin, it’s the spectacular sunrise that they talk about, not the hundreds of black fly bites that sent my son home looking diseased (and coincidentally, they don’t mention the bug spray that I carefully packed for them but was returned home unused). When they talk about their three hikes up and down Mount Washington, it’s about the hail (in August!) and the fog that swirled around them at the summit, not the fact that they hiked a portion in the rain. (I, on the other hand, still talk about the bees.)
I’ve learned a thing or two from our escapades. I’ve learned to put my foot down, but not in a hiking sort of way. (And not on a wasp’s nest. More like planted firmly on the carpet, but thank you very much for offering me another wonderful nature opportunity.) I’ve learned that Lonesome Lake is a beautiful hike all by its lonesome, no addons necessary. Disastrous in the moment, this hike was the stuff that good family memories grow from. And while I have no desire to ever replicate it, and I’m grateful that my husband has greatly refined his technique in terms of preparedness, I’ve also learned that our differences complement each other, and as a family we are all the richer for them. That’s why I still let him go hiking — preferably, all by his lonesome.
• ןענעז עכלעוו ןסאַג אַ ןאָ ןראָוועג ןסאָלשראַפ טימרעפּ • סלאָהטאַפּ
• וו"אא
,ןאָזעיל רעזנוא טפור עטיב
רעכלעוו ןפוא ןטסעב ן'פיוא ושיא רעייא
טימ ןבעגפּאָ ךיז טעוו רעכלעוו
ןפוא ןטסעב ן'פיוא ושיא רעייא .ךייש זיא סאָוו ו"יה ןטעראגראמ ףסוי ר"רה
A scenic, wheel-free hitch to your destination
The downside to traveling long distances is, well, traveling long distances.
Does taking to the road with your family mean clocking in at a maximum of 30 minutes from gas station to gas station? Do your kids ask, “Are we almost there?” before you even turn onto the exit ramp? Does the one at the wheel complain, “Talk to me. I’m falling asleep,” when you’re only halfway through an endless stretch of highway?
That’s us. And that’s why some tourist spots farther out get taken off our bucket list in favor of closer destinations.
But what if you could travel long distances without having to do the entire drive?
Here, we scouted out car ferry services — and an auto train, too — so you can get a travel break where you’re all welcome to walk around, seatbelts unfastened, as you’re moving closer to your destination.
While some of these don’t actually make that much of a dent on mileage (or even add travel time), it does break up the trip, and makes for unusual mid-travel entertainment.
Car ferry over the Long Island Sound from Orient Point, New York, to New London, Connecticut
Shortcut to:
Lincoln, New Hampshire
Newport, Rhode Island
Boston, Massachusetts
Portland, Maine
Itineraries (reflect travel time without any traffic)
Note: While that while it requires a significant detour from Monsey, the ferry breaks up the travel time.
Monsey to Lincoln, NH: 5 hours
Monsey to Orient Point, NY:
2 hour 20 minutes
Orient Point, NY to New London, CT:
1 hour and 20 minutes
New London, CT, to Lincoln, NH:
3 hours and 20 minutes
Monsey to Boston, MA:
3 hours and 30 minutes
Monsey to Orient Point, NY:
2 hour 20 minutes
Orient Point, NY, to New London, CT:
1 hour and 20 minutes
New London, CT, to Boston, MA:
1 hour and 40 minutes
Monsey to Newport, RI:
2 hour and 50 minutes
Monsey to Orient Point, NY:
2 hour 20 minutes
Orient Point, NY, to New London, CT:
1 hour and 20 minutes
New London, CT, to Newport, RI:
1 hour
Monsey to Portland, ME:
4 hours and 40 minutes
Monsey to Orient Point, NY:
2 hour 20 minutes
Orient Point, NY, to New London, CT:
1 hour and 20 minutes
New London, CT, to Boston, MA:
3 hours and 10 minutes
Orient Point: 41270 Main Road, Orient, NY 11957
New London: 2 Ferry Street, New London, CT 06320
Phone number:
Fares (one-way travel):
Vehicle (sedan) and driver: $61
Most SUVs and driver: $65
Adult (over 12): $18.25
Child (12 and under): $7
Without advance reservations, add $1.75 per adult and $4 per vehicle.
Departing Orient: Every hour between 7:00 a.m. and 9:00 p.m.; additional routes at 8:30 a.m., 9:30 a.m., 12:30 p.m., 1:30 p.m., 4:30 p.m., 5:30 p.m., 8:30 p.m. and 8:45 p.m.
Thursdays only: 9:15 p.m., and Sundays only: 9:45 p.m.
Departing New London: Every hour between 7:00 a.m. and 9:00 p.m.; additional routes at 6:30 a.m., 7:30 a.m., 10:30 a.m., 11:30 a.m., 2:30 p.m., 3:30 p.m., 6:30 p.m. and 8:45 p.m.
Sundays only: 9:45 p.m.
You can also use this ferry to reach the same destinations as the Cross Sound Ferry. The total travel time may be several minutes less with this ferry, but taking the Orient Point Ferry breaks up the trip more efficiently.
Itinerary (reflects travel time without any traffic)
(requires a significant detour, but breaks up the bulk travel time.)
Monsey to Killington, VT: 3 hours and 50 minutes
Monsey to Port Jefferson, NY: 1 hour 48 minutes
Port Jefferson, NY, to Bridgeport, CT: 1 hour and 15 minutes
Bridgeport, CT, to Killington, VT: 3 hours and 30 minutes
Port Jefferson: 102 West Broadway, Port Jefferson, NY
Bridgeport: 1 Ferry Access Road, Bridgeport, CT 06604
Fares (one-way travel):
Vehicle (under 20 feet) and driver: $70–$72
Adult (over 12): $22
Senior: $19
Child (12 and under): free
All oversized vehicles (over 20 feet) need to be reserved through the call center at 888-443-3779 or 631-473-0286 at #8 from the main menu.
$3 surcharge for vehicles arriving unreserved on weekends
Departing Port Jefferson: Departs every hour on the hour between 6:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m.; 4:15 p.m., 5:15 p.m., 6:30 p.m., 7:30 p.m., and 8:30 p.m.
Sunday only: 10:00 p.m.
Departing Bridgeport: 6:00 a.m.; every hour on the half-hour between 7:30 a.m. and 3:30 p.m., 4:45 p.m.; every hour on the hour between 6:00 and 9:00 p.m.
Sunday only: 10:15 p.m.
FERRY TRAVEL TIME: 1 HOUR AND 15 MINUTES[Wesley Hills, August 1st] - Aid L'Shalom extends heartfelt thanks to the amazing attendees, sponsors, and volunteers who made 'The SPA' Cancer Fundraiser an unforgettable success. This exceptional wellness event for women, held at the home of Ayelet and DJ Berman, raised crucial funds to support Aid L'Shalom patients in our community.
The SPA Ladies Evening of Wellness was an evening of pampering, relaxation, and healing, all while supporting this essential cause. The event showcased a vast array of amazing spa amenities, each tailored to promote health and harmony.
We extend our deepest appreciation to all the attendees who generously contributed to the cause and helped make this event such a memorable and meaningful experience. Your support and dedication will undoubtedly make a significant impact on the lives of Aid L'Shalom patients.
Special thanks go out to Shira Berger, who together with Gila Guzelgel spearheaded the event, our valued sponsors and vendors, whose unwavering commitment to our cause has been instrumental in making the SPA Cancer Fundraiser a reality, and to all of our dedicated volunteers. Your support has touched the lives of so many in our community, and we are incredibly grateful for your continued partnership.
Aid L'Shalom is overwhelmed with joy and pride at the resounding success of the SPA Ladies Evening of Wellness. Together, we have forged a path towards hope and healing for those battling cancer in our community. Your generosity and compassion are the driving force behind the positive change we aim to create.
For more information about Aid L'Shalom and our ongoing initiatives, please visit our website at www.aidlshalom.org.
Rachel and Omri Amar
Ayelet and dj Berman
ZC Brodie
Laurie and Sammy Friedland
Yaffa and Chaim Guttman
Devoiry and Eli Herzog
Shelly and Jerry Hoffnung
As a zechus for a Refuah for Shimon ben Devorah Leah
Lollie and lizer Josefovic
Cherie and steve Mayer
Pamela and David Metzger
Tammy and Kenny Schaum
Malka and Moshe Schreiber
GItty and Mordy Spiegel
Yocheved and Yehuda Wagner
Car Ferry over the Delaware River from Cape May, New Jersey, to Lewes, Delaware
Shortcut to: Washington, D.C. Williamsburg, Virginia
Itineraries (reflect travel time without any traffic)
Monsey to Washington, D.C.: 4 hours
Monsey to Cape May, NJ:
2 hours and 40 minutes
Cape May, NJ, to Lewes, DE: 1 hour and 25 minutes
Lewes, NJ, to Washington, D.C.: 2 hours and 20 minutes
Monsey to Williamsburg, VA:
6 hours and 20 minutes
Monsey to Cape May, NJ: 2 hours and 40 minutes
Cape May, NJ, to Lewes, DE: 1 hour and 25 minutes
Lewes, NJ, to Williamsburg, VA: 3 hours and 50 minutes
Cape May: 1200 Lincoln Boulevard, North Cape May, NJ 08204
Lewes: 43 Cape Henlopen Drive, Lewes, DE 19958
Fares (one-way travel):
Vehicle (under 20 feet): $37
Adult (over 13): $10
Senior: $8
Child (6 to 13): $4
Under 6: free
Reservations are required and can be made by calling 800-643-3779
Departing Cape May:
In August, the ferry departs at 7:00 a.m., 8:30 a.m., 10:30 a.m., 12:00 p.m., 1:00 p.m., 2:30 p.m., 4:30 p.m. and 6:00 p.m.
Additional ferry at 9:30 a.m. on Sunday, Monday and Friday
Departing Lewes:
In August, the ferry departs at 8:45 a.m., 10:15 a.m., 12:15 p.m., 1:45 p.m., 2:45 p.m., 4:15 p.m., 6:15 p.m. and 7:45 p.m.
Additional ferry at 11:15 a.m. on Sunday, Monday and Friday)
Our team of skilled experts works diligently to revitalize your spaces, delivering outstanding results that exceed expectations without stretching your wallet.
If you are doing multi-day road trips, here are some services that could make the drive easier.
Amtrak has the only motorail service in the United States: the Auto Train, which transports cars the 855 miles between Lorton, Virginia (near Washington, D.C.) and Sanford, Florida.
Passengers ride in private roomettes or coach seats, while their vehicles and their luggage are carried on autoracks.
Travel time: 17 hours
Fare: Currently starts at $89 per passenger and $269 per car; private rooms with sleeping accommodations are also available.
Lake Express is a high-speed, state-of-the-art boat that transports vehicles and their passengers across Lake Michigan in 2.5 hours. The ferry travels four times daily, connecting Milwaukee, Wisconsin, and Muskegon, Michigan.
Fare: Vehicles start at $118 for a one way trip; adults: $108; children (5–12): $52; 4 and under: free
If you are visiting the Lake George area and want to visit Killington, Vermont (or take the opposite route; the two locations are about an hour apart), the Fort Ticonderoga Ferry fits three cars and crosses Lake Champlain between Ticonderoga, New York, and Shoreham, Vermont, in seven minutes.
Fare: $12 a vehicle; up to $4 per person Contact: (802) 897-7999 or www.forttiferry.com
If your travels take you further up north in the Adirondack region, the Lake Champlain Ferry offers three car ferry crossing spots between the Adirondacks in New York and the Green Mountains in Vermont. Call 802864-9804.
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It’s summertime, the perfect season to take on a fun and creative project. This painting project will teach you many painting skills while showing you how to create beautiful artwork for your sukkah.
Over these eight weeks, we will guide you on how to complete a beautiful, hand-painted shivas haminim sukkah decoration. Each of the shivas haminim will get a separate painting as part of this series, and the last week of instructions will be reserved for writing the names of the shivas haminim onto the completed paintings.
The paintings will be taught in a step-bystep manner so everyone can join and enjoy. You do not need to be an artist to create this masterpiece.
Happy painting!
Welcome to the sixth painting in the series: The zayis. Today we will paint an olive branch featuring both leaves and olives. It’s incredible to think to what degree this humble olive is alive in our history, and the great role it will play in our future! Happy painting!
Acrylic paint is not washable. Make sure to dress appropriately or wear a smock.
If clothes get dirty, wash with soap and water immediately.
• Before you paint, put the paint colors you’ll be using onto the plate or palette. Fill your cup with water, and keep a paper towel nearby.
• Use baby wipes to fix mistakes while the paint is still wet.
• Keep your brushes in the water when they are not in use.
• When you finish painting, wash your brushes with soap and water.
• Smock
• Plate or palette
• Cup
• Paper towel
• 8x10” canvas
• Large brushes
• Medium brushes
• Thin brushes
• Easel (optional)
• Magenta • Yellow • White • Light green • Dark green
Mix magenta, yellow and white, and cover the entire canvas.
Add more yellow and magenta to the paint mix. Starting at the bottom right corner, add this darker shade, and blend it into the rest of the paint.
Using a thin brush and light green paint, create the olive branch. It should be angled slightly downward. Outline two leaves above the branch, two leaves beneath the branch, and one on its end. Olive leaves are long and narrow, with a pointed tip.
Mix yellow and light green, and outline two olives hanging from the branch. Fill them in with this yellow-green mixture. Add white to the top left part of each olive, as a highlight. Then add some light green to the edges of the olives to darken them.
Fill the leaves with dark green paint.
Using white paint on a thin brush, add a center line to the leaves. Blend it slightly into the dark green.
Proudly sign your name!
Until next time, Chava
טפערט עכלעוו ,עפורג גניפעטס טפיווס עטמיראב יד
עטגינייאראפ יד ןופ סעמריפ עסיורג ראפ סרעטעברא ןופ רעסעזניב עשידיא רעטנעזיוט טימ טניד ןוא ןטאטש אפסקע הזמ הז עגיזיר יד ייב סאירטסודניא טראס עלא
Have you ever been in the midst of an anxiety attack when someone told you that “fear is not a fact”? This brief, straightforward statement contains a great deal of wisdom and can help us shift our perspective from definite doom to a more reasonable viewpoint. It reminds us that our fears are not always based in reality; they are frequently just projections of our anxious thoughts.
Let’s say you’re afraid of heights. You might have a fear of falling off a tall building or bridge. But the reality is that you’re much more likely to die in a car accident than you are to fall to your death. So, your fear of heights is not based on reality. It’s just a projection of your worried thoughts.
But let’s think about this for a moment: If fear isn’t a fact, what is it? Where do these unreasonable fears come from, and why do they have such power?
Fears that haunt us without mercy are frequently echoes of past experiences — shadows of the past that lurk in the corners of our minds and cause turmoil in our lives. These fears often originate from pain and trauma that haven’t been properly dealt with, either because we
didn’t have the tools or support to face them head-on, or we simply may have simply resisted acknowledging them out of loyalty to certain people in our lives.
We can confront our old fears by observing our current anxieties, which can give us clues to the unresolved ones from our past. If you’re constantly worried about doing something wrong and fear being shunned, if you fear being rejected by your social circle, or if you’re scared of simply extending a friendly gesture — these fears can hint at past experiences that resulted in similar apprehensions.
Our minds don’t automatically analyze our fears and more often than not treat them as facts. However, we have the power and ability to tackle our fears with a touch of patience and
We can confront our old fears by observing our current anxieties, which can give us clues to the unresolved ones from our past.
introspection. By drawing parallels between existing fears and past incidents, we might uncover the root cause of our worries.
Maybe we were scolded for expressing our creativity, ousted from a group, or reprimanded for showing interest in something. As we dig deeper, memories could resurface. Perhaps Mommy didn’t take well to our imaginative ideas, or younger siblings got more attention than us, or our father reacted negatively to our inquisitive nature.
Our emotional wounds are a part of us; they will always be there, even if we try to ignore them. The more we avoid them, the more power they’ll exert on our present lives. These traumas can manifest as fear, anxiety, or other negative emotions. It is important to acknowledge our emotional wounds and to work through them so that they do not control our lives. We can do this by talking to a therapist, journaling, or simply by being kind and allowing ourselves to feel our emotions. It is also important to remember that we are not alone in this. Many people have emotional wounds, and there are resources available to help us heal.
Overcoming our fears might be challenging, but it’s a step towards greater self-awareness and inner healing. When we face our fears, we learn more about ourselves and our capabilities. We also learn how to cope with difficult emotions and situations, which can lead to a greater sense of inner peace.
Maybe we were scolded for expressing our creativity, ousted from a group, or reprimanded for showing interest in something.
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תנמ לע דומלל
ינומא ימולש
יפולא ןרידאמאקא וצ ךיז טיירג יסנאמ ת"היע
גנונאפש טימ ךיז ןטיירג עכלעוו לארשי יפלא
,ןטנעמאמ עטעטראוורע יד ףיוא תובהלתה ןוא
ןגידנעמוק בגשנו רידא דמעמ ןטלאהוצטימ
אצת םשמש 'יונבה חטש די לע "האר גאטנוז"
-טצעל - לארשי תיב לכל הדובעו הרות
"יקנעה רעטאש" ןטיירגוצוצ תונכה עגיטונימ
לכמ לארשי יפלא יפולא ןרידאמאקא וצ
רענעטלעז ןבעלוצטימ םהיתובשומ תומוקמ
אזא ןנוכתו תונבל רידא דמעמ רעשיראטסיה
רדס" רעגיטפאהרעטסיימ - שודק םוקמ
ערואמה דובכל תושרד עגידרעייפ טימ "דמעמה "םיעיקר עקוב דמעמ" ןייז טעוו טקנופכיוה –
טנעמאמ םענעביוהעג םוצ ןטערטוצ רעדייא תיב ן'ראפ ''ןייטש-דנורג'' יד ןגייל טייג'מ ןעוו טעמ שדקמה
ןוא ,תוממורתה ענעטלעז א טימ - .יסנאמ
,המוצע תושגרתה אלמ רעצרעה עטליפעגרעביא
,האליע החמש עזאלצינערג טימ טייז ייב טייז
,לארשי ימולש יפלא יפולא הברד הנכהב ךיז ןטיירג
ירד יפלא יד טפיוהרעביא ,ומש יבשוחו םשה יארי
,בגשנו רידא דמעמ א וצ ,ו"צי יסנאמ ת"היע אתרק
,ןטלאהעגטימ ןטלעז סניוזא טאה לארשי ללכ סאוו עגיטכעמ יד ןסיג ה"זעב דניצא טייג'מ ,ךילמענ ,תודוסיה דוסי רעלאטנעמאדנופ א ,םינתיאה תודוסי
צ"הרה ,פ"וח ,בגשנ קידצ יאה לש ושרדמ תיב ראפ
עיקפ זיא רעכלעוו ,א"טילש רענייטש יכדרמ יבר שדוק שא רענעטלעז ןייז טימ לבת יוצק לכב 'ימש וירביא ח"מר לכב ה"בקה ןעניד וצ האלפנ הדובע ןוא רעד זיא ,"יכדרמ תיב" ד"מהיב ןייז סאוו תעב ,וידיגו
עדנור ןדיא רעטנזיוט ליפיוזא ראפ טפארק-סניאוצ
קילב א ןפאכ וצ ןצכעל ןוא ןכוז עכלעוו ,ראי םעד ונירודב אצמנב טשינ טעמכ זיא סאוו דיא אזא ףיוא .הלא
זיא לקניוו גיטכעל גילייה רעד ןופ בצמ רעד
ץחל" ןופ בצמ ןעגנע ראג א ןיא טנייה זיב רעדייל
טמוק סע ןעוו ךיז ןעמ טיירג דניצא ןוא ,"קחדה וז טייג'מ ןעוו ,טנעמאמ ןטראוועגסיורא-יוזא רעד ןא
,הלחנהו החונמה לא אבל ךילדנע ןייז הכוז ה"זעב
בר רעד ואוו שודק םוקמ רעגיטכיר א ןעיובוצפיוא ,הבגשנ הדובע ןייז ןטכערפא ןענעק טעוו א"טילש
יד ראפ תעדה תבחרה רעגיטכיר א ןייז טעוו ןוא ןוא ןעז וצ םערוטכייל םוצ ןעיצ עכלעוו ןדיא ןסאמ ףראד דיא א יוזאיוו ,ןיעב ןיע רעדניק יד ראפ ןזייוו
With gas or electric stovetops in every kitchen, chances are that if you’d get lost in the woods, you wouldn’t know how to build a fire. Well, the likelihood of you actually needing to build a fire for survival is minuscule, baruch Hashem, with only 2,000 people in the US getting lost in the woods every year. But there are still plenty of times that we light old-fashioned fires, like on Lag Ba’omer and for sereifas chametz. And of course, summer campfires and roasted marshmallows create some of our favorite memories.
Building fires wasn’t always just a fun activity. Before modern inventions like the light bulb and the stove, knowing how to light a wood-burning fire was a necessity. People needed fire as a light source at night, (think the amud ha’eish in the midbar,) as a source of warmth once the sun set, and in order to cook food.
Even once kerosene stoves were invented, people still enjoyed having fireplaces in their homes as a natural source of heat. Today, fireplaces are considered an environmental concern; it’s actually illegal in some cities to build new fireplaces.
Back to our lost-in-the-woods scenario, during which you wouldn’t be very likely to happen to have matches or a kerosene lighter on you. Well, here are two ways to start a fire without matches.
One way to light a wood fire without matches is to use the sparks created by friction. Rubbing two stones together can produce a spark, which, if directed onto a pile of wood shavings, can start a fire. A more effective way to produce sparks would be to rub a pocket knife against a stone… if you happen to have a pocket knife on you.
If you have glasses, or a magnifying glass, or even a camera lens, you can try to reflect sunlight through the lens onto your pile of tiny pieces of wood. Depending on the strength of the sunlight and the amount of patience you have (you’ll need a lot), this method will also work to start a fire without a match or lighter.
With both methods, the trick is to use the spark or sun to light a tiny, easily flammable, dry piece of kindling. Then patiently feed the fire with incrementally larger pieces until it’s large enough to catch a long-burning log.
Natural wood smoke gives food a flavor unlike anything that can be produced commercially. So roast some potatoes! And marshmallows or s’mores or franks. If you want to get fancier, here are some more foods you can try roasting for that incomparable taste:
If you’re skipping the franks and staying milchig, make some grilled cheese in the fire. No need to use aluminum foil; just hold the sandwich in long-handled tongs over the flames until the bread is toasted and the cheese is melted.
Why do campfires nearly always bring to mind a warm sense of comfort and relaxation, along with singing slow songs?
Staring into a fire is actually proven to bring down blood pressure, contributing to that relaxed feeling. The sensory experience of smelling the smoke, hearing the crackle, and tasting delicious food helps create an atmosphere of mindfulness, being present in the moment. Also, looking into the flames for a while helps our minds relax, releasing the worrying thoughts we’re usually thinking. We let go of anxiety and the fire does its magic, making us feel at peace.
Once we’re in that kind of mood, deep meaningful conversations and singing become a natural next step, creating that feeling of bonding that campfires are famous for.
Roasted eggplants, squash, or mushrooms over a campfire might make you decide you actually like the vegetable.
The next time you’re sitting at a campfire, take advantage of the fire therapy and let yourself be calmed. Who knew that fire could be the best medicine?
Fruit like pineapple, apples or peaches are a great choice of healthy desserts for roasting over a campfire, too.
Hint: Each Boggle board hides a word of nine letters or more!
1. Gather round the table to play a family game of Boggle, using this Boggle board.
2. Once you have a winner, fill out the form below in its entirety
3. Email the form to comments@ themonseyview.com or fax to 845600-8483 by Sunday at midnight.
4. Two winners will be drawn each week, each of whom will win a pastrami sandwich and a can of soda!
Find words on the board containing four letters or more. Letters of a word must be connected in a chain (each letter should be adjacent to the next either vertically, horizontally or diagonally), and each letter can only be used once in a given word.
The following are not allowed in Boggle:
Adding “s” to a word
• Abbreviations
• Proper nouns
• Contractions
4-letter words: 2 points | 5-letter words: 3 points | 6-letter words: 5 points | 7-letter words: 7 points |
8-letter words: 9 points | 9+ letters: 12 points
Family name: _________________________________ Phone: __________________
Full mailing address: ____________________________________________________
Full name of winner: _________________ Amount of points: __________
Full names of competing players:
List some words only the winner found:
The longest word found on the board: _____________________________
A new word you learned from the board: __________________________
Only complete forms will be entered into the drawing.
S C 236 www.themonseyview.com 845.600.8484 The Monsey View August 2, 2023
Family name: Friedman, 845-xxx-6960
Name of winner: Mommy
Amount of points: 156
Names of competing players: Yechial, Hindy, Shaya
Some words only the winner found: scent, flaunt, binge, snug, hone
The longest word found on the board: consoling
Family name: Frank, 845-xxx-2574
Name of winner: Mommy
Amount of points: 58
Names of competing players: Malky
Some words only the winner found: flab, tough, scent, final, binge
The longest word found on the board: enough
Winner: To claim your prize, bring this page to Nussy’s Cuisine.
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Send your colored page to The Monsey View to enter a drawing for a chance to have your artwork featured in our pages and win $5 at Toys4U! Ten lucky winners will be announced each week!
To enter the raffle, email your colored page to comments@themonseyview.com, or mail it to 365 Route 59, Suite 239, Airmont, NY 10952. Submissions will be included in the drawing only if all information is filled in.
Phone:______________________________________________ Age:____________________ School:_________________________________________________________
Magnificent Young Custom Built 6 Bd 5 Bth Colonial on one of the most desirable cul-de-sac blocks in Forshay. Quest quarters, 2nd kitchen, oversized windows,walkout bsmnt, privacy.
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Part-time options available
ערעווש ערעייז ןופ תוחפשמ עצנאג ןוא םירוחב ,רעדניק ןעיירפאב ריא טנעק ,סיפא ןא ןופ טייקכילמעווקאב יד ןופ
.עישומה ךאלמ רעייז ןייז טנעק ריא !אי .סעסיוורעס עגיטכיר יד ראפ ןעיילפא ןוא ןפערטוצ ןכרוד ,גנעגכרוד
ערעדנא ןפלעה וצ ליפעג א • סליקס עיצאקינוימאק עטוג •
גנוזעל-םעלבארפ וצ שוח א •
ירגעד הבישי •
שילגנע ןביירש ןוא ןדער • סרעטויפמאק קיסעב •
:תובוט תולעמ המכ
רעפסאמטא עשי'דיסח עקאמשעג •
ןלאנאיסעפארפ ךרוד גניניערט •
טלאהעג ענייש ראג •
ןטיפענעב עלופטרעוו •
געט עיצאקאוו ןוא םיבוט םימי ראפ טלאצאב • סנערושניא טלעה טלאצאב •
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Brand new 1 bedroom short term rental apartment available in Chestnut Ridge area 845-587-4196
Playgroup in Pomona looking for warm, loving Morah. Driving a plus. Please contact 845-422-6043
Looking for babysitters for a babysitting group in a school setting. Email fdesk520@ gmail.com
Part-time & Full-time jobs available. Email TopPartTimeJobs@ gmail.com
Looking for an assistant for a turning 3 yr old heimishe English speaking playgroup for September. Full time or part time. Very pleasant working environment. Pls call 845-406-3199
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BAS MIKROH ’23-‘24
Do you love Science or History? Share your passion with your students! Junior High School openings in Bas Mikroh Girls School. Please send resume to hr@ basmikroh.org
Looking to hire a Morah for September 2023 for a 2-yearold playgroup in Pomona. Well paid. Contact Rikki 347-930-9736.
Looking to hire an assistant for September 2023 for a 2-year-old playgroup in Pomona. Well paid. Contact Rikki 347-930-9736.
A Cheder in Monsey is seeking male or female general studies teachers in the elementary division for the upcoming school year. 1:45pm - 4:15pm daily. Also seeking title one teachers and title one director. Heimishe staff and pleasant atmosphere. Please call 612 408 1775 or email ygoldberg@ chedermonsey.org for more details and to apply.
Looking for dynamic, warm, and responsible Co-teachers to join our growing team. Get the experience of working alongside master teachers while helping young students succeed. Competitive pay and great working environment. Please send you resume to Chedermonseyeducation@ gmail.com
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Preschool looking for a warm & loving Assistant, Hours 9-4. Great atmosphere, excellent pay! Text or call & lv msg 845587-5813
Seeking second/third grade assistant for kodesh and chol in a Bais Yaakov school. Should be passionate, flexible and interested in growing as a teacher. Responsibilities include working collaboratively with the teaching team to facilitate daily activities and at times managing the classroom independently. Email resume to jobs@prospectmonsey.org
Local B.Y. elementary school seeks warm, passionate Limudei Kodesh teachers for lower elementary and middle school. Small classes. Supportive, growth-oriented environment. Competitive pay. Send resume to office@ yecbb.org.
Are you looking to enjoy your job and also make money? We are looking to hire another 1 full time experienced, kids loving Morahs and another 2 friendly and kid loving full time assistants to our already growing playgroup. Work in a heimish environment with lots of company and great pay (paying everything in cash). If interested please call and leave a message 845-4991334
Local Monsey girls high school looking for morning secretary. Mon-Thursday 8:15-1:15, Fri 8:15-12:15. MS Word and Excel experience preferable. Email resume to: jobs@bydrh.org.
Local Bais Yaakov seeking Pre-School Co-Teachers. Excellent pay, amazing environment. Please email resume to byccofpomona@ thejnet.com or call 845-3623166
Inside Sales (Kitchen Showroom)
$80k-$140k Monsey
DSP Supervisor (P/T)
$40k-$60k Monsey
DSP Supervisor (P/T)
$40k-$60k Monroe
Salesman (Construction)
Commission Based NY
Email: Mindy@ SwiftStaffingGroup.com
Hedge Fund Capital Raiser
$150k-$500k In Commissions Only
$160k-$190k Monsey
Sales Rep/Director (Tech,IT)
$150k+ NY/NJ
$100k-$120k Edison
Data Analyst (Wholesale)
$100k Monsey
Architecture Team Leader
$90k-$120k Monsey
Sales Rep (Beauty Products)
$80k-$140k Edison, NJ
$70k-$80k Elizabeth, NJ
Medical Assistant
$50k-$100k Monsey, NY
Medical Receptionist
$50k-$100k Monsey, NY
$50k-$80k Passaic, NJ
Secretary (Accounting Office)
$40k-$50k Spring Valley, NY
Email: RickyR@ SwiftStaffingGroup.com
General Dentist
$180k Monroe
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$120k-$150k Bloomingburg, NY
Clinical Psychologist
$100-$150k NYC
Software Security Engineer
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Mechanical Engineer
$130k Newark, NJ
Full Stack Developer
$100k-$150k Monsey, NY
Office/ Financial Manager
$100k-$130k Monsey
Purchasing Specialist (E-Commerce)
$100k-$120k Monsey
Graphic Designer
$80k-$140k Monsey
Tax Accountant
$80k-$130k Monsey
System Support (Software)
$80k-$110k Monsey
LCSW (Geriatric)
$75k-$100k NY/NJ
Email: Yisroel@ SwiftStaffingGroup.com
Tax Manager
$110k-$120k New City, NY
Office Admin (Catering)
$60k-$80k Monsey
Inside Sales (Plastic)
$50k+Commissions Orangeburg, NY
Secretary/ Bookkeeper (Property management)
$40k-$50k Monsey
Salesman (Plastics)
$55k Orangeburg
Email: Henny@ SwiftStaffingGroup.com
Director Of Operations (Medical)
$185k NYC
Travel Agent
$85k-$100k Monsey
Medical Billing Supervisor
$95k Monsey
Deal Underwriter
$85k+ Commissions Ramsey, NJ
Medical Billing Supervisor
$75k Monsey
Cabinet Installer
$65k+ Monsey
Govt & Private Bids Coordinator
$65k Monsey
Assistant Controller/Bookkeeping
Team Leader
$50k-$75k Monsey
Field Marketer (Homecare)
$52k + Commission Monsey
Volunteer Coordinator (P/T)
$50k Monsey/Remote
Product Photographer
$50k New Windsor
Accounts Payable Rep (Female Office)
$30/Hourly Ramsey, NJ
Front Desk Receptionist (Tech Savvy)
$24-$30/Hourly Monsey
Care Coordinator
$25-$30/Hourly Suffern, NY
HR Onboarding
$25/Hourly Monsey
Email: RaizyG@ SwiftStaffingGroup.com
Customer Service Manager (E-Commerce)
$100k-$130k Ridgefield Park, NJ
Technical Support Manager (E-Commerce)
$85k-$110k Ridgefield Park, NJ
Amazon Prep Manager
$65k Middletown, NY
Secretary (Amazon Exp)
$40k-$60k Monsey, NY
Email: BailaG@ SwiftStaffingGroup.com
Project Manager (Appraisal) (Female Office)
$62k Woodbury
Inside sales (Appraisals)
$60k-$75k Monroe
Bookkeeper (P/T)
$52k-$60k Monroe
Email: Henchy@ SwiftStaffingGroup.com
Loan Underwriter
$65k+ Monsey
Sales Trucking Brokerage
Salary + Commission Monsey
Sales (Business Loans)
Salary+Commission Monsey
Email: Peri@ SwiftStaffingGroup.com
$150k-$200k Monsey/Monroe
COO (Homecare)
$125k-$200k Monsey
QA Supervisor
$100k-$120k Monsey
Yeshiva Administrator
$100k+ Monsey
Medical Billing
$80k-$120k Monsey
Store/ Sales Manager
$80k-$120k Monsey
Bookkeeper (Construction)
$80k-$100k Monsey
$80k+ Monsey
Executive Assistant
$60k-$100k Monsey
Store Manager (Judaica)
$65k+Commission Monsey
Store/ Sales Manager
$75k-$85k Monsey
Bookkeeper (Homecare)
$70k-$90k Monsey
Finance Associate
$70k-$100k Monsey
Financial Aid Admin
$50k-$80k Monsey
Project Manager
$50k-$70k Monsey
Day Hab Manager (Female Office)
$40-$45/Hourly Monsey
Registered Nurse (Afternoon Hours)
$50-$55/Hourly Monsey
AP Finance Team Leader (Female Office)
$40/Hourly Monsey
After School Program Site Manager (Female Office)
$30-$40/Hourly Monsey
HCBS Coordinator (Exp Required)
$25-$35/Hourly Monsey
Recruiting Liaison (P/T)
$25-$35/Hourly Monsey
FI Coordinator
$20-$30/Hourly Monsey
HCBS Receptionist (W/Drivers
$20-$27/Hourly Monsey
Claims Specialist
$20-$25/Hourly Monsey
A/R Assistant
$20-$25/Hourly Monsey
Care Manager
$20-$25/Hourly Monsey
Warehouse/Office Manager
Pay BOE Edison NJ
Quality Control Specialist
Pay BOE’Edison NJ
Email: EstyW@ SwiftStaffingGroup.com
Grocery Store Manager
$80k Upstate/South Fallsburg
Merchandiser (Menswear)
$50k-$75k Manhattan
CAD/Tech Designer (Menswear)
$45k-$75k Manhattan
Email: Becky@ SwiftStaffingGroup.com
Operations Manager
$150k-$200k Monroe
Level 2 or 3 IT Tech
$150k+ Monroe
Software Manager
$100k+ Monroe
$60k+ Chester
Interior Design Saleswoman (Showroom)
$60k+ Monroe
$25/ Hourly Monroe
Showroom Saleslady
Pay BOE Monroe
Outside Salesman Marketing
Salary + Commission Based Monroe
Email: ChavieH@ SwiftStaffingGroup.com
Sound like you?
Strong Leadership Skills
Excellent Communication
Ability to Meet Deadlines
Technologically Savvy
Care/Case Management Experience
Bachelor's Degree
Full-Time or Part-Time
Remote Flexibility
Excellent Salary + Benefits Package
Local chassidish girls school seeks upper grade math, ela, and history teachers. Great working environment, great pay. 845-402-6118
Seeking full day preschool assistant. Should love children and bring her passion and excitement to the classroom. Email resume to jobs@prospectmonsey.org
Cheder in Monsey is looking for experienced English Teacher (male), Supportive Environment, Excellent discipline program in place, Detailed and easy to follow curriculum plan, Competitive Pay. For more information or to apply please call: 718-450-2538
Boys Yeshiva in Flatbush seeking teachers for 2023-24, middle school- language arts, also seeking p3 providers and assistants. Email: resumesyeshiva@gmail.com
Local property Management Company is looking for a f/t secretary. office Experience required. Great environment, Great pay. Please email resume to rcmanageoffice@gmail.com
Construction office looking to hire a full time secretary and project manager. Preferable knowledge in Quickbooks. Please email your resume to officejobs4832@gmail.com
Daas Wellness is Seeking to fill a secretary position. Great pay and working environment. Full time position. Please email your resume. HR@daaswellness. com
Come and join our amazing and exciting preschool staff. Yeshiva Bais Mikroh is looking for co-teachers. Great pay! Please email cwolfe@ baismikroh.org
Are you looking for a fulfilling office position? Are you motivated, responsible, organized and possess the ability to multitask? We are a Real Estate company based in Monsey with a frum environment and are seeking to hire a full-time Accounting and Administrative assistant. Some office experience as well as basic knowledge in Excel and Word is required. Please email your resume to hr@wepgr.com.
Seeking morning secretary to run front office. Experience a must. Multi tasking, computer, and interpersonal skills necessary. Please send resume to admin@ bysmiriam.org
All womens office looking to hire for a secretarial position. Hours 12:00-5:00pm. Great pay. Centrally located. Please call 845-320-2525.
Looking for a Yiddishspeaking female Secretary in a Heimishe office on Robert Pitt Drive. Phone 718-3844846 Ext. 116 Email bw@ yankels.com
Looking to fill a full time secretarial position. Office located on Robert Pitt. Great pay and opportunity for growth! Some office experience required. Please email your resume to mph10952@gmail.com
Looking to hire for full time in office position at a fashion retail store. Tasks include customer service, taking orders, and secretarial work. For more info or to apply call 845-421-2501 and leave a message.
ABA Riders is looking to hire a BCBA. Well paid, flexible hours. Contact Rikki 347930-9736/info@abariders. com.
Family-owned investment office is looking to hire a parttime bookkeeper for about 4 hours a day. Must have prior experience using Quickbooks and excel. Should be organized and efficient. Call: 718-752-9100 ext 208 Email: info@wiseyork.com
ABA riders is looking for a male ABA para to work with a 6 year old boy in a daycamp half/full day for the month of July and part of August. Driving is required. Competitive pay. Contact Esti 8452440892.
Stop wasting your time going through all the jobs classifieds. Simply email your resume to Info@ SwiftStaffingGroup.com to explore your options & maximize your career. Or Call/Text/ WhatsApp 732-800-7633 Strictly confidential & completely free.
Looking for short term preschool secretary sub from the end of August through the end of October. Excellent pay. Warm and stimulating work environment. Full time position. Please call 8453627701 ext.101
A local publication is looking for a part time secretary 5 – 6 hours per day, 4 days a week. Should be able to speak English and Yiddish. Typing in Yiddish a must. Knowledge of computers, Microsoft Word and Excel. Please email your resume to sec10952@gmail.com
Office in the Monsey area is looking to hire a full time female office employee. Candidate should have good communication skills, computer literacy, and preferably knowledge in QuickBooks. Please email resume to: shmily@ weinbergersphotography. com
ABA Riders is looking for a female ABA para to work 3:30-5:30 pm twice or 4 days a week with an adorable yiddish-speaking 4-year-old in his home in Monsey. Will train, well paid. Car service paid. Contact Rikki 347-9309736/info@abariders.com.
Bais Rochel School is looking for capable Teachers’ Assistants for the upcoming school year for Grades 1-4 in both our Yiddish and English departments. Good pay. Please email resume to: sgertner@bethrochel.org.
ABA Riders is looking for a female ABA para to work with a 7-year-old half/full day starting September. Driving is required. Competitive pay. Contact Rikki 347-930-9736/ info@abariders.com.
Well established playgroup is looking for an assistant for the upcoming year. Please contact me at 845-729-2077
Join Skyscraper Insurance as an underwriter/client service specialist, it will open a world of opportunities and rewards. With the ever-growing demand for our services, you’ll have the chance to soar to new heights professionally, with unlimited potential for career advancement in excellent environment. Please email your resume to HR@skyscraperinsurance. com
Local marketing firm seeking experienced female graphic designer to join our team. Please send resume and portfolio to monseymarketing2@gmail. com
Bas Mikroh Girls School is seeking a Gym/Dancing Teacher 2-3 days a week, and assistants/co-teachers. Bas Mikroh Daycare is seeking full time or part time assistants. Please send resume to hr@basmikroh.org
• CTO, supply chain/3PL experience, 200k, Edison NJ
• CFO, Cost Accounting and Strategic Acquisitions Expert, 200k+, Edison, NJ
• Machine learning Engineer (A-I) 2+ yrs. experience, 200k+, Newark
• Amazon PPC Manager, w/ extensive PPC experience, 175k, Monsey
• Financial Controller, CPA/healthcare experience preferred, 150k, Monsey
• Controller, CFR/ non-profit experience a plus, oversee Fiscal dept, 120k - 150k, Monsey
• Software Developer, develop, test, and maintain apps using JavaScript, Python, SQL, and API integration. EDI systems and NetSuite ERP, 150k, Monsey
• Property Asset Manager, minimum 3 yrs. experience, travel required, 150k+, Monsey
• Project Manager with Industrial Mechanical Engineer experience, 120k+, Newark, NJ
• Commercial Property Asset Manager, 2 yrs. experience required, 120k - 150k, Monsey
• Accounting Supervisor, 3+ yrs. as an Accountant, 130k+, Monsey
• Commercial Insurance Underwriter 2+ yrs. experience, excellent salary, REMOTE or Bklyn
• HR Director, female office, experience with recruiting and onboarding, Yiddish speaking a plus, 90k, Monsey
• Skilled Technical Writer, 100k, Newark
• Skilled Social Media Manager, 100k, Newark
• Senior Graphics Designer, 100k, Newark
• Front-End Developer, 2 yrs. experience, 100k+, Monsey
• Payroll and Tax Admin, 100k+, Clifton, NJ
• Inventory Analyst, 100k, Monsey
• NetSuite Admin, 1+ yr. experience required, 85k – 100k, Monsey
• Boutique Jewelry Store Manager, 100k, Monsey
• Executive Assistant to CEO, full-time position, relevant experience required. 80k, Monsey
• Project Management Assistant to Head of Purchasing, 70k, Monsey
• In-house recruiter, interview, analyze, excellent interpersonal skills, 70k, Monsey
These people were all unemployed before!
• Software Coordinator, Implement/ Support systems, Technical writing skills, database knowledge a plus, 75k, Monsey
• Client Relations Admin, great communication skills, 75k+, Monsey
• Fundraiser, in-office, full-time position, salary plus commission, Monsey
• Payroll processor, male office, Microsoft Office and Customer Service skills, will train, 65k, Monsey
• Resident Manager Male/Female, for a homecare agency, 70k, Monsey
• IT Level 1 and 2 Support, 60k-85k, Monsey
• Listing Specialist – optimize listings on Amazon, 2+ yrs. experience, 65k+, Monsey
• Bookkeeper for female office, beginners welcome, + benefit package, 52k, Monsey
• Inside salesman - Customer service, full-time, $30/hr. + commissions, near Monsey
• Male/Female Care Manager, [BA or First Talmudical degree required], $30+/hr. Monsey and Monroe
• Service and Intake Coordinator positions, Female office. Great communication skills required. $27/hr. Monsey
• Salesman, IT Company, Monsey
• Have real estate title insurance? Great full-time position in a Real Estate firm, Monsey
• Male/Female - Customer Service and Quality Control JOB OPENINGS, great pay, Edison, NJ
• Architectural CAD Drafter, full-time, Monsey, Newark and Ridgefield NJ
• Real Estate Title Officer, experience required, salary DOE, Monsey
• Handyman, full-time, beginner ok, must have a strong knack at handywork, 65k w/growth potential, Monsey
• Furniture repair technician, full-time, 60k+, Monsey and surrounding areas
• Executive Assistant, Real Estate. Office experience required, 9am-4pm, $25-30/ hr. Monsey
• Office Assistant, help with basic admin tasks. Must have car. 15 hours weekly, $22/hr. Monsey
• Multiple full-time office admin positions, $25-32/hr. Monsey
• Entry-level medical biller positions, female office, full-time, $22/hr.+ Monsey
Join our team New woman’s clothing retail store Located in Airmount. Looking for P/T and F/T salespeople. Please email you resume to Josh@ bmgm.us Or call 646-3425330
Be Your Own Boss! Join New York Life Insurance Co. as a seasoned salesperson or our fast track to management program. Experience top training, support, and retirement benefits. Make an impact, secure your future. Connect today! dglick@ newyorklife.com or Call 845639-5216
Fast-paced, rapidly growing eCommerce/Amazon/WMT/ eBay- company. Seeking experienced, motivated, and responsible individual to manage warehouse and more. Great pay, a lot of room for potential. Experience a must. Contact david@ ahdealsinc.com
Heimishe office is looking to hire a F/T secretary, min of 2 years experience. Duties: Completing applications & a variety of office duties. Candidate should have attention to detail. email resume to eliezer@ bexpediting.com
Looking for a full-time Software Support Specialist to be responsible to implement, support usage, and create documentation for a custom software. Knowledge in Microsoft Office required. Database knowledge a plus. Full benefit package plus paid holidays and vacation. Email your resume to recruitmentdepartment845@ gmail.com.
200+ clients employed in high-paying positions. Contact Sarah Menczer, Certified Copywriter thejewishwriter@gmail.com Call/Text 347-409-5182
Are you passionate about making a difference in the lives of others? Our school is currently seeking dedicated and compassionate Male individuals to join our team as Teachers, Aides and Job Coaches. These are excellent opportunities for the right candidates 845659-3001 email resume to: jobsresumes613@gmail.com
Looking for Vocational Coordinator to work on job placements with special needs adults. Flexible hours. Driver’s licence preferred. Amazing opportunity for right individual. 845-729-3001 email to: jobresumes613@gmail.com
Capital M is looking to hire an experienced LOA. Join our team for an exciting opportunity to grow in the industry. Apply today: hr@ thecapitalm.com or call 845637-3031.
Stand out with a professional, effective resume. Land more interviews and job offers. Written by a career expert who reviews 100’s of resumes weekly. Text/WA: 845-243-7119 Email: Yaakov@ ExcelsiorCareerServices.com
Looking for a mature woman to supervise and oversee a dorm of young women with special needs. The ideal candidate will schedule, hire, and supervise staff, and ensure the dorm is running smoothly and efficiently. Valid driver’s license a plus. Part time position 24 hours per week. Call Mrs. C. Zinstein at SHARE: 845-3543233 ext.1106
Rita’s of Monsey is looking to hire a manager starting August. Flexible hours, must be available some evenings and weekends. For more information email ritasofmonsey@gmail.com or whatsapp 8454066785
Are you passionate about making a difference in the lives of others? Our school is currently seeking female dedicated and compassionate individuals to join our team as Teachers, Aides and Job Coaches. These are excellent opportunities for the right candidates 845659-3001 email resume to: jobsresumes613@gmail.com
Do you have a feeling toward lightning the load of people who are struggling? Do you like to feel accomplished and successful? Established agency in Monsey is looking to hire PT/FT coordinator to facilitate services for adults suffering from mental illnesses. Complete training and support given. Great salary, full benefit package and potential for growth. Please send your resume to: amazingjoboppertunity@ gmail.com
We are looking to hire a responsible yingerman to be a coordinator in our busy office. BA/ Talmudical degree required. Heimishe environment. Excellent pay and growth potential. Send your resume to myofficejobmonsey@gmail. com.
Looking to hire an executive assistant to the CEO of a real estate investment office. Ideal candidate would be someone efficient and possess strong communication skills. Full computer literacy required. Office located in Spring Valley. Call: 718-752-9100 ext 208 Email: info@wiseyork. com
Seeking afternoon babysitter, prefer post sem girl, from 3-6pm, days flexible. In Chestnut Ridge. Call or Text 718-928-5834.
Hours 1-4, great atmosphere & Excellent pay! Text or call & lv msg 845-587-5813
Seeking full time nanny for growing family. Contact 917 971 8322 for details.
A well established and progressive business is seeking for a motivated and skilled female accountant/ bookkeeper. For more information, please email Deals@371wheels.com.
Local chassidish school seeks capable, bright, knowledgeable person to assist in curriculum and creative programs. 845-4026118
For upcoming year starting September. Warm, experienced Morah, centrally located on Glenhill. Approx 12-18 months. Great Benefits! Rochel David 845587-1617
Monday-Thursday, 8:302:30, Remsen area, ages newborn- 1 year. 845-9251335 / Lifeguard available day/night, Flexible hours 845-907-4976
Experienced babysitter in Oak Glen area has few slots available. Hours 9-4. 5+ hours only. Call/text 347-988-0333
For upcoming year starting September. Warm, experienced Morah, Located in Montibello, 4-7 minutes from Wesley Hills. 5 minutes from Airmont. Ages 20 months- 2 1/2 yrs. Call/text Morah Roizy 845-598-5139
Experienced babysitter in the Airmount area (cherry lane) opening small group for September. Hours 9-3 , limited slots available. Call moskovits 8452384427
Is your child still in the same place after all that tutoring?Join Arrowsmith, a research based program that strengthens the brain and eliminates learning disabilities. Call Mrs Feuer 914-260-6449
PETTICOATS FOR RENT! Enhance your gown with just the right petticoat! Kids and adults petticoats for rent! In the Bates area. Please leave a message 845-502-0153
Looking for staff that’s available afternoon hours to spend time with very fun-loving young ladies.
Looking for post seminary age girls to staff a home for mainstream young ladies. Responsibilities include supporting life skills with prompting, facilitating socialization and fun activities and general oversight. Individuals will sleep over several nights a week and/or can reside in the home if necessary.
Camera טימ ךיז ןעקאב ןייד Photography course in Yiddish. No internet/ computer needed.
8452321271 י ךרוד רעדנעלדעירפ
Makeup – Facials –Waxing. At your home or mine in Forshay. Call or text 305-790-5303
On demand Torah lectures Video-Audiodownload All for free Computer or App for iPhone/Android Or Hotline 718-298-2077. Yiddish - HebrewEnglish
MAKEUP ARTIST Chumy Brown. For bookings please text or email 845-533-2521/ makeupbychumy@gmail. com
“Change your Water.. Change your life”
Alkaline - AntiOxidant
- Super Hydrating Call for FREE supply and feel AMAZING! 917-681-0003
Great prices. Call Miri 845-426-7561
--In The Comfort of Home-- *Swedish
*Deep Tissue *Lymph
*Craniosacral Therapy
Call Sarah: 845-596-1373
For all your custom closets please call or text 1347.522.4872
$250 per session. Call Chanie at 845.461.5626
Biggest selection of balloons for all occasions in the Weiner drive area call 8454223988/ Flyhighbal@gmail.com
Keyboard lessons By Miri. Great Prices! Call 845426-7561 or 845-263-6437
12 years experience. Wide selection. Call/text: 845538-7986
Calvert/Sands Point Area. Full mechitza, beautiful heated pool, with 3ft shallow & 8ft deep, 6 person Hot Tub, and bathroom, available for $95/hr. 845-213-8423 or 917-860-2311
The perfectly designed photo album, Baby-Bar Mitzvah-Wedding-Other. i-Pic Design, 845-379-ipic / bookipic@gmail.com
Stick-on labels, no sewing, just stick ! Washing & dryer safe, great for clothing, childrens daycard, school, camp c/t 845.572.0999
Door to door messenger service. To and from Boro park and Monsey daily. 845-328-1040
Beautiful large pool in New City. Heated. Private bathroom and changing room. $65 hr. 845 538 6411
3 olympic size pools available for daily or onetime swim. 845-323-6001
Gorgeous heated pool for rent daily in Chestnut Ridge, $65/hour. Please text 8453760721
Large heated pool with diving board available in monsey, towels, bathroom & dressing rooms onpremises. Call: 347-2288048
we fix knitted & crochet Gartlech & make beautiful professional fringes. We also teach how to knit & crochet. call: 917-414-3281
Of toys, arts & crafts, or supplies, in good condition, for a Heimishe Moised. Call 845.500.3100
Looking for a nice private place for a Beshow? A few locations available in the Monsey area. No charge. Call 845-426-5484 or 845746-7251
Adorable gold gown by Dassy available to buy or rent. Toddler size 4. Call 422-5596 for more info
Stunning classy off white gown for married sister of bride. Available to rent/buy. Call 347451-5930
Sister of the bride white, shirt dress style gown. Size 0-2. Please call 845-694-2026
Gorgeous light colored gown for sale. Size 4-6. 8455385693
Magnificent Kleinfeld Kallah Gown size 8-10 for sale 845659-3855
Off-White, Size 20 Gorgeous Gown, worn once, for rent/ buy. Text/Call 845-671-0674
Very Elegant, Winter White trimmed with Black Velvet, girls size 12/14 for sale. Please Call 845-709-7161.
Georgeous selection of maternity gowns affordable prices all sizes...New! Also accepting gowns on consignment. Please call/ text 8458622799
Silver/Grey colored gown size 2-4 8455380391
Lost something? Found something? The Daily Return: Call/text: 845-538-0193, Email: monseydailyreturn@gmail. com
Gold earring July 10 Shoppers Haven area or International taxi 914-521-0153
black/white small fuzzy blankie with colorful rings. In a Motty’s taxi or N. Airmont Rd. 347-409-0151
Red size 8 floafer Viznits Bais Hachaim July 18, 845-4225919
yellow gold chain necklace with diamonds in center at the Lingerie Shop 845 3716770
white Adora pacifier on clip Jill Ln 845-352-0291
Armoire brand new condition & white wardrobe closet 929-214-3629
30”milchig stove 845-3628933
2 big picnic tables 845-6648293
Dining room table 845 826 3757
New walker for elderly 3547645
Local Bais Yaakov seeking 3rd Grade English Teacher. Excellent pay, amazing environment. Please email resume to byccofpomona@ thejnet.com or call 845-3623166
Come join our amazing team of teachers. Looking for general studies elementary girls teachers. Please call 845-270-8796, or email pfriedland@chedermonsey. org.
Luxury 5 bedroom townhouse with backyard for rent. On Miele close to 59. Call Monsey Realty 845-3760906
5 Bedroom plus playroom flat on Westside. Section 8 ok. Call Monsey Realty 845376-0906
Are you tired and overwhelmed with Laundry? Call us to schedule a pickup 8458777573 WeClea.com
Available warehouse space plus an office between 1500 to 2000 square feet. Please call 1845-499-3434
Speakers for Sheva Bruchos, Bar Mitzvahs, and small events. Speaker, stand, mike and Kosher MP3 with heimishe music. Delivery & Setup included. Very good prices! 845-664-8071
Great job opportunity
4th grade English teacher, Small size class, Top salary Departmental setup, only teach half the subjects.
The #1 sewing machine manufacturer is the world’s leader for over 75 years. These brand new 2023 sewing machines are ideal for alterations. Brand new in box, Price originally $499.95, now $269.95!
This heavy-duty model has a 10 year manufacturer warranty, metal parts, sews all fabrics, invisible blind hem, automatic button hole, hard cover case and merrow stitches. Book of instructions included.
Also available entry level school machine w/ 32 stitches, $219.95 All machines have steel frames, and steel parts. Limited quantity available. Also available upgraded professional deluxe machine w/extension table, embroidery, 197 stitch patterns, originally $649.95, now $369.95
PLEASE CALL 732-337-1010 Credit cards & checks accepted.
!ןזיוואב ןיוש ד"סב
'ונסנרפּ' ןיוש טָאה - ךאנ ליפ ןוא - סינאפמאק עלא יד ענעגנולעג ,עגיסַאפּ טימ ןפלאהעגסיורא ד"סבּ
טעברא עכלעוו ייס זיב סעיציזאפ עוויטויקעזקע ןופ ,רעטייברַא
ןפלעה ךייא 'ונסנרפ' טזאל ןוא ,טייק רעלופסעסקוס רעד ןופ ךיוא טייז .רעטייבּרַא ןטריטנַאלַאט-טוג ןוא םענעגנולעג ,ןגיסַאפּ םעד ןפערטוצוצ
טסניזמוא ךילצנעג
From Entry-Level to Executive-Level
Parniseini has matched hundreds of applicants with compatible jobs
845.356.9600 X116
״ייח ת ות
וניכירדמו וניפילאמ ,ם״ייח םימ רוקממ עומשל הכזנ רתויב םכילע םיביבח הרות ירבדש םימכח ידימלת םכירשא
,ודובכ םוקמ הראפתל ןכוה הרותה ינתחמ דחאכו ,ודיב ודומלתו ןאכל אבש ימ ירשא ןכבו ושפנ םמורתיו ןדעתי ינחור גנועו גונעת לש תועשבו
דובכו ליג ישגר ךותמ וינפ תא לבקל םיפצמ וננהו ורכז תרובח תהנה
תובוט םינבאו תוילגרמ קיפמ הפ רעטמיראב
ת"ת להנמ א"טילש שילזיימ לאוי 'ר ג"הרה
חצב תונויער עגיצולב טימ טעוו אקווירטסימחאר
סלא ןעניד תובהזומ וינושל בטימבו וידומיל ןושל
דוהו רידא דמעמ םענופ "שאר בשוי"
עלופ'שודיח עגילאמטשרע
"יזחנו רפס יתינ דמעמ" עגידעבעל
עטנאסערעטניא טימ טיילגאב
ינינעב תועידי ןוא םירבדה תואיצמ
דוד בקעי 'ר ןואגה ברה ךרוד תונברקה
"לוח ינומט" ס"חמעב א"טילש ךאל
ּוזְלָע םיִנֹוּתְחַתְו ּוֹשָׂש םיִנֹויְלֶע
עגידרעייפמאלפ עגידרעקאלפ
םינברה םיפתתשמ עלא ןעמענמורא טעוו גנומיטש
םיתב ילעב ,הדעה ינקז ,א"טילש םיקידצה םינואגה
ןצנאט ןלעוו םימייסמו םידמול ,םירקי םיכרבא ,םידבכנ
שדוק ידוקיר" ענעביוהרעד ייב תחא הביטחכ םענייאניא
הרותה תחמשב ןעיירפ וצ ךיז "םיבהלנ
רדהנה םויסה דמעמ םייב ונימולש ישנא ןלעוו ראופמה
ירבד ןרעה וצ 'יכז יד ןבאה הרותה דובכל הכרבו הרות
א"טילש בר רעד ק"כ ןופ
ןיא ןייז טעוו "תולעתה ליל" טכאנ רעצנאג "הרמזו הריש" עטמיראב טלעוו ןופ גנוטיילגאב
תחמשב שדוקה להקה לכ ןבייהרעד וצ ןזיר ןענעמאמ עגידרעייפ יד ןענעכייצוצפא הרותה ד"מהיב יבשוימ ונקלח םשש ללהלו תודוהל
ישארמ ו"יה רעווארב ףלאוו ר"הומ ןגנמ לעב רעגיצראהמעראוו
עדנרעביוצאב ןייז טימ טעוו ,"לאוי תירק" 'קה וניתלהקד םירושמה "עילעפאק שימייה" ןופ גנוטיילגאב ןיא עמיטש עגיד'תוקיתמ
רעיירב 'ילא ר"הומ טרעפסקע הניגנ רעטסיימ ן'כרוד טריפעגנא
ץיפש ןיא ,'קה וניתלהק ברקב םידמעמ ייב םיררושמה שאר ו"יה
סאה ךלמילא רזעלא ר"הומ טנאקיזומ ןלופנאלאט ןטמיראב ןופ
הניגנה תוחוכ ערעייז טימ עטלמאזראפ יד ןבייהרעד ןלעוו ו"יה
ביהלמו םירשמ דיגמ רעטמיראב טלעוו
ג"הרה םימשבש םהיבאל לארשי תובבל
טימ טעוו א"טילש סייוו אגרש לאקזחי יבר ןטערטפיוא רובידה חכ עדנרעביוצאב ןייז
ירבדו הנכה ירבד" טימ "דובכה םאונ" סלא רוביצ םעד ןעמעראוואוצנא "תוררועתה תוחנמ 'סמ םויס שודקה דמעמ םעד תארקל
סיורא ןקוק
טעוו א"טילש וניבר ןרמ תשודק דובכ דוה וניעור
ישנא ללכל הכרדה ירבד ,שדוק תורבד ןייז עימשמ
הב וכלי ךרדה תא תעדל קוזיח ירבדו ונימולש
ייב הרובחה ירבח סלא ןא ךיז ןסילש םידמול עשירפ רעטרעדנוה
עטירד" ןייז הנוק ןענעק וצ "וויירד אתורבח ןוא המשרה" עגיטראסיורג
'ירוב לע טייקראלק ענעטלעז א טימ ןילוח 'סמ "אתכסמ םישדק
הרמזו ללה החבשו רישעגיד'הרות עכייר
חצנ תרכזמ הנתמ
"רעדנעב ייווצ" טעס
"הרורב הפש" שוריפ
טעוו "רדהו דוע" ןופ
ראפ ןרעוו טלייטראפ
םייב םיפתתשמ עלא
דמעמ םענופ ףוס
עיצאטראפסנארט עוויסאמ
וצ באגוצ ןיא עיצארעפא
ןלאטעד עשיטסיגאל עליפ
םעד ןעמענוצפא טמידעפעגנייא
ןופ דובכ ךרדב רוביצ ןצנאג
ן'פיוא טאטש ןופ ןעלקניוו עלא
טסאפ סע יוו םענראפ ןטסנעש
הרותה ינתח יד ראפ ךיז
תועשב דבכנהו בגשנה דמעמ פא טנכייצ חור תרוק לש טקנופדנעוו עשיראטסיה
י"עש "ורכז" תרובח בלאהרעניא
"בל בטי האריו הרות תרובח"
עגילאמטשרע טימ וניתלהקד
עיירטעג ךרוד טרישזנארא םויס
הרובחה ישאר ענעבעגעגרעביא
דמעמה אשמ ןבאה ןעמ טעוו דמעמה אשמ יד טימ תורבד עגידרעייפ ןרעה וצ 'יכז יד וניבר ןרמ ק’’כ ןופ הכרב ירבדו שדוק .א''טילש
דנורג םעד ןסיג םוצ ןייגוצ ןרעדייא םענייאניא ןגאז ןעמ טעוו ןייטש טגאזעגראפ גוהנכ םיליהת ךעלטיפאק א’’טילש וניבר ק’’כ ךרוד בר תוררועתהב תואופרו תועושי ןסיירנייא טעוו ןעמ יוו .סטוג סעלא ןטעבסיוא ןיא
יד םוצ ןטערטוצ ןעמ טעוו 6:50 םוא ןרמ ק’’כ ןעוו דמעמ םענופ טקנופכעיוה דנירג םעד ןסיג טעוו א"טילש וניבר לודג תיב ןראפ הניפה ןבא ןיא ןייטש ראופמהו שדחה לודגה ד''מהיב שודקו יד אצת ונממ סאוו תויפלת לת יד .האריו הרותו הדובע עגילייה ועוניו םיפיסה תומא עגידרעייפ ןעמוקראפ טעוו ךאנרעד א טימ תולוחמבו םיפותב שדוק ידוקיר ונורזע הנה דע ת"ישהל האדוהו חבש לאו רעטייוו ףיוא השקב א טימ ךימחר ןייז הכוז לאז'מ ןוא חצנל א"ה ונישטת הלית לע ןינב עיינ יד ןהעז וצ בורקב .הרהמב לאוגה תאיבל הכזנו 'יונב
תואישנב יכדרמ תיב להק שדחהו לודגה ד"מהיב
תשרפ גאטנוז ןגידנעמוק
ןוא תונוזמ טלעטשעגוצ ןייז טעוו סע תואקשמ עטלאק ךיוא יוו הלק המיעט .דמעמ םענופ ךשמב
דובכה תמיב
טרעוו רעטאש םענופ רעטנעצ יד ןיא
דובכה תמיב עסיורג א טלעטשעגפיוא
צ''הואגה וניריע ינבר עלא יד ראפ .א"טילש
גנולייטפא ערעדנוזאב א ןייז טעוו סע
ןטלאהטימ ןענעק וצ רעדניק יד ראפ
ןופ טכוזפיוא יד רעטנוא דמעמ יד .םידמלמ
דמעמה רדס
טעוו דמעמ םענופ שאר בשוי סלא
ןוא רענדער רעטבאגאב רעד ןעניד
יכדרמ ריאמ ר''רה םירבדמה שאר
טעוו רעכלעוו ,א"טילש שטיוואקרעב
.םארגארפ ןכייר םעד טימ ןריפנא
דובכה חרוא
ןטערטפיוא טעוו דמעמה אשמ יד טימ
גלאבעענש לווייפ םייח יבר צ"הגה טעוו סאוו םיכרבא להק ד"בא א’’טילש םידומיל ןושל ןייז טימ ןדערמורא
.ערואמה דובכל םירוביד עגיסאפ
םינמז עמשמ באוט
טעוו "הניפה ןבא תחנה" דמעמ יד
ךילטקנופ רעייז ןעגנאפנא ה''זעב ךיז
,גאטימכאנ 5:00 םוא דמעמה תחיתפ ךיז שוגד עקראטש א ןעגייל טעוו ןעמ
.םינמז יד וצ ךילטקנופ יד וצ ןטלאה וצ
קעיינ דלא ןופ סאג ליוועק יד
ךילצנעג ןייז טעוו ,עדנעראד זיב
יד ,רעקראפ ראפ טראפשעגפא
דמעמה חטש יד םורא ןסאג עגימורא
גניקראפ ,ןואז גניקראפ ואנ א ןייז טעוו
ןייז טעוו רוביצ ןצנאג ןראפ
טאל גניקראפ דייר דנע קראפ יד ייב
דנע קראפ יד ןופ ,רעוויר לעדעס ףיוא
טאק טרואש יד סיפוצ ןעמ טמענ דייר
וצ טונימ 3 זיולב זיא סאוו רעעורב וצ
ןייז טעוו סע ,דמעמה חטש ןזיב ןייג
ןעמ יוו גניקראפ VIP טלעטשעגוצ
א טימ זיולב ןראפניירא ןענעק טעוו
תלחנ ת’’תה ןינב יד ייב לטראק VIP
ןגלאפסיוא עטיב ,ץינביר ר’’בשת םייח
ןיא םינקסע יד ןופ ןעגנוזייוונא יד
.ץאלפ ןפיוא ייצילאפ
דמעמה חטש
חטש ןפיוא טלעטשעגפיוא טרעוו סע
עלא טימ רעטאש ןעסיורג א ’יונבה ןרידעמאקא ןענעק וצ ןעגנוטכירנייא
.םיפלאה רוביצ םעד
רוביצ ןראפ קראפ ראק קראפ ראק םענופ געוו יד
רעד יוו ד"מהיבה חטש םעד קראפ ראק VIP
וננה ,'ה תיב יאב יללפתמ ןידה אשידק הלהק לכ םשב
שיא אריקיו אבר ארבג יאה םדקל בלה קמועמ ךרבל הזב
שאר ,ונישרדמ תיב יללפתמ יבושחו יראפמ תולוכשאה
דח 'יפוג והיאו ןנבר ריקומו םיחר ,השודקש רבד לכ ןושארו
,לכל ץרענו בוהא ,תובוט תודמו תולעמ לכב רתכומ
,םיכרדה לכב אימשד אתעייסו ,ודי השעמב הניכש הרשתו ,ולמעב הכרב האריש אימשמ ר"היו ךותמ וימי לכ החמשו תחנו גונעת בור ,םימלשו םיארי םינב ינבו םינב ,םימשמ הבר הכרבו עפש ,אילעמ ארוהנו אפוג תוירב ונישרדמ תיב יאבו יללפתמ םשב בלה קמועמ םיכרבמה
הרהט הוקמה תלהנה | ד״מהיבה תלהנה
דע וימוצעב הבר הדמתהב הרות לש הלהאב בשויו ןקז ,אתיירתב אלוביז דע וימי לכ ץק ןיא תריסמבו וירוענמ 'הל ןמאנ דבע ,םהישעמכ
יראפו ינבר ילודגמ לארשי תיב לכ בבלו ונבל ןובאדל
םילשורי תבח ללוכ ךל ישע דיחי לבא
ותוקיבדב םימדוקה םיקידצ לש ןקויד תומד ונל 'יה רשא םדוקה רודמ קידצו ןואג יאה לש ותורומת ונל ןתי ימ יוא יכבמל תואי ןל
יפלא תורשע לש םבצמ ,וקדצ ןימיבו בר דודיעב דימת ונתוא קזיחו ךמת ,וניללוכ תפוק ןעמל רוהטה ושפנו ובבל ימינ לכב האלפנה ךישמהל םיפתתשמה בבל ררועל ויתורבדמ אשנ ,יסנאמ ריעב ונללוכ לש רענידה ידמעמ תא ראיפ ,ונורכזמ שמ אל םיכמתנה ללוכ תפוק יכמותו יאישנ ידסיימ רודו רוד ידסומ 'קה ויתובאמ ותא הנמאב רשאכ
,א"טילש םיקידצהו םינואגה םינברה ח"וי לש םשפנ ןועשעשי ונימוחנת הכו תראפתלו הליהתל םשל תומוצעתבו זועב תובאה יכרד יכישממ
א"טילש םולש רזעילא 'ר צ"הגה
א"טילש ריאמ םייח 'ר צ"הגה
א"טילש דוד 'ר צ"הגה
א"טילש קחצי בקעי רטלא 'ר צ"הגה
א"טילש לאקזחי 'ר צ"הגה
א"טילש ילתפנ ףסוי 'ר צ"הגה
נ"בדחו אוואניש תונברב מ"מל רתכוהש
ללוכה אישנ ,א"טילש קסראוועשפמ ר"ומדא ק"כ
ויחיש תוינקדצו 'חה ויתונב כ"עמא הזב החולש ןימוחנתה ןכו
,ב"סמוו ראמטאס השמ לאויו ץ"מוד ל"צז םיובלעטייט שובייל 'ר צ"הגה תשא תינברה
אצילוסמ א"טילש רעגרעבנעזאר
ןועמש לארשי 'ר צ"הגה תשא תינברה
,המחנו םחונ ואצמי םישודקה וילעפו ויכרד תכשמהבו ,דוע הבאדל ופיסוי אלו םילשוריו ןויצ ילבא ראש ךותב םתוא םחני םוקמה .םימת ךלוה וניקדצ חישמ תאיבב רפע ינכוש וננריו וציקיול הכזנ ידע ,םימיה לכ םפדרי דסחו בוט ךאש םרזעב 'יהי ריאמד אקלאו
ק"הראב ללוכה להנמ
ללוכה תלהנה םשב
ב"הראב ללוכה להנמ תואישנהו ללוכה םשב
Editor in Chief: D. GORALNIK
Content Editor: R. REESE
Associate Editor: E.M. NEIMAN
Food Editor: M.P. WERCBERGER
Creative Director: AJ WACHSMAN
Project Coordinator: R. ITZKOWITZ
View is a weekly publication designed for every segment and age group of our diverse community. Under rabbinical guidance, we bring Monsey’s top talent together to provide high-quality, informative and current reading material, keeping you up to date on sales, events, news and issues of concern and import happening right now in the Monsey community.
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