1-1 Personal Training Goal Focused Sessions
* Certi ed Male & Female Gym Instructors


1-1 Personal Training Goal Focused Sessions
* Certi ed Male & Female Gym Instructors
Spring/Summer Hours: Sun-men: 8am-11pm Mon-women: 7am-11pm Tue-men: 7am-11pm Wed-women: 7am-11pm Thurs-men: 7am-11pm Fri-women: 7am-5pm Motzei Shabbos -men: 9:30pm-12am
Last ch a nce for JUNE & JUL Y KALLAHS!
A Kallah & Mother Seminar
TOUCHING THE SOUL OF MARRIAGE Designedtotransform yourYomHachupah experience andkeepyouthriving throughoutmarriedlife
ךיא ,ישרעה יירד זיב
I'll say ‘ש’ fast before it flies away..
ןרעשפא ןיימ
Nestled on an enchanting 83-acre campus, these beautiful grounds offers a serene escape with a private lake for boating, a swimming pool, a scenic waterfall, sports courts, and a spacious gym. Our air-conditioned accommodations, both for students and families, range in size across 30 separate units and can host over 200 guests comfortably, ensuring an enjoyable retreat for all our guests.
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Color stories worth following. Room 2 of 5.
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Sleepy Hollow, NY
Reception 5:30 pm
Dinner 6:30 pm
Rabbi & Mrs. Yehuda Kohn
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Have Rella Cafe cater your next event! In -house or off-site, available all week, including Motzei Shabbos and Sunday.
Dear Monsey Residents,
Over the last three months, our organization Community Outreach Center has been flooded with over two dozen household water termination emergency situations.
Veolia, the water company servicing Rockland County has not terminated service due to non-payment since the beginning of the COVID pandemic, but those days have passed, and as of the last three months, the water company has begun to shut down service to households that are way behind in payments.
Given the significant number of outstanding accounts slated for termination, it is crucial that if you receive a water termination notice, you promptly contact Veolia. Request their assistance in setting up a payment plan, which involves incremental payments. By ensuring you make these payments on time, you can prevent your service from being terminated.
If you disregard the termination notice, Veolia will shut off your water. At this point, you will be required to pay the entire bill before the company considers restarting service.
We recognize that many families struggling to make ends meet feel compelled to disregard their overdue water bills in the hope that a new relief bill like the Low Income Household Water Assistance Program (LIHWAP) that was made available in response to COVID-19 will come to their rescue again. However, we are not aware of any such relief programs happening in the immediate future, while we do know how prevalent water shutoffs in the community have become in recent weeks.
We have dealt with households that have gone days and even weeks without water, which can be very challenging and frustrating, especially with young children or elderly residents.
We understand that people are struggling, but we want to create awareness that households that don't try to pay might be terminated
Rab Hersh Horowitz Executive DirectorCOConline.org 845.356.9600 info@coconline.org
Thank you!
For responding to the dire emergency in our Spring Valley neighborhood.
Your instantaneous response to the horrible situation we were enduring of sewage backing up into our basements, and your tireless efforts on our behalf to alleviate the untenable situation right before Yom Tov in a prompt and effective manner is greatly appreciated.
We thank you from the bottom of our heart!
Residents of King Terrace, Stanly & Aslin Place
Residents are
Informative interveiw with Aron Jungreis
Phone: 347.907.1889
Email: Aronyj@gmail.com
Hi, Mr Jungreis. Please introduce yourself to us.
I am a life insurance agent who delights in pleasing my clients and working out policies that work for them.
Mr. Jungreis, what would you say is your personal approach to selling life insurance?
In three words: Clarity and Personal Guidance.
Let me explain. When I sit down with a potential client, I make sure that he understands how life insurance works and what kinds of policies are available. We go over the pros and cons of all sorts of policies until he/she is very clear about life insurance and how it works. Once the client has clarity, I discuss what policies would work for him/her. I truly try to understand my client and his/her current situation (financial, health and more) and try to match up a plan that is tailormade for the client- not for me.
Can you tell us, in a few words, the importance of having life insurance?
Well, life insurance is just what it sounds like- life insurance. Just like a person has health insurance to cover expenses if he is not well, fire insurance to provide coverage if there is a fire, or auto insurance in case of an accident, life insurance provides financial security to his loved ones if someone chalilah passes away. The family members who were financially dependent on him, can now rest assured that the life insurance policy will bring in substantial financial benefits each month. The difference is that, while losing a house or car is difficult, it is still replaceable. A person, however, is irreplaceable. But life insurance makes the financial aspect of this terrible tragedy a bit easier to bare.
Think of having an ATM machine in your closet. Every day that you work it is as if the ATM machine dispenses money. How much would you pay for the machine to continue dispensing money even if it broke (you can’t work)? Life insurance is very similar. If the worst happens, at least the family stays with the life insurance policy to fund their needs.
How do you calculate how much life insurance a person needs?
My client and I carefully go through the client’s budget together. We note what his annual income and expenses
are. (This is a side benefit which my clients thank me for afterwards. For many of my clients this is the first time they come face-to-face with their finances.) We aim for a policy that will bring in the same amount as his current monthly income, so that his family can continue living the way they were used to, should tragedy strike chas v’shalom. In our calculations we include tuition, groceries, rent, marrying off children, and so on. This is why life insurance is called income replacement.
Once we’re clear of what the client’s needs are for insurance, we will see how much he wants and how much he can afford. There are several options for each client, and I will help him choose what works best for him.
I’d like to point out that when someone doesn’t have insurance, it’s most often not because it was too expensive, but rather because he is unaware of the different policies out there and how affordable and easy, they are to set up. According to statistics, most people overestimate the actual cost of life insurance.
Is it important for both the husband and the wife to have life insurance?
Absolutely! It’s important for each spouse to have a life insurance policy. The husband should have one since the financial responsibility is his, and if he is not around, he should at least leave a substitute for that responsibility. It is also obvious that the wife should have a life insurance policy, because if, chas v’shalom, there is no woman in the home, then the husband generally cannot work the same number of hours as before. He needs to use all his energy just to continue raising his family. And understandably, many of the tasks a woman does in her home would now have to be outsourced for pay.
Personally, having been widower and a father to several orphans myself, I can note from my personal experience that a man without a wife needs to involve himself more with the children, and that many expenses keep cropping up. Additionally, when the father decides to remarry and build a second home with Hashem’s help, he must have enough money put away to be able to provide for his children and marry them off properly without needing to rely on others.
It’s simply a pity that, due to the small expense every month, people do not ensure a security account for their wives and children.
How many Life Insurance companies are out there?
There are many companies. Obviously, some are better than others. New York Life is the ultimate life insurance company, generally with great prices and great policies.
Which company are you an agent for?
I am an agent for New York Life; however, it depends on the situation. For example, if a client has health problems or New York Life doesn’t approve him, I can sell him a policy through any other company.
What is the best-selling life insurance policy?
There is no best-selling policy. What I offer my clients, is the clarity and knowledge that helps them differentiate between the details of different policies and guides them to the best policy for them.
Can you tell us, in a few words, what is the most popular life insurance that people buy?
The two most popular policies amongst others are term policies and whole-life policies.
What’s the difference between a term policy and a whole-life policy?
I’ll start with an introduction: With auto or fire insurance, it’s a question of “if.” With life insurance, the question is “when.”.
A term policy is temporary insurance that is bought for a specific timeframe. For the next 10, 20, or 30 years, according to what you buy, you pay a certain amount each month for these years, and “if” the person dies in those years, his family is covered. The benefit of this policy is that, for a small amount of money, it is quite affordable. The client must know, though, that the policy is only active for the timeframe it was bought for, and after that, it could cost a lot, or the family may not even be approved. (This could be very painful.)
A whole- life policy is bought for an entire life. It is a permanent insurance policy which lasts until a hundred twenty, and the company will be obligated to pay “when” the time comes. May we all live a long, healthy, and happy life.
Can you continue to elaborate on the differences of a term policy and a whole- life policy?
Sure. It’s very simple. When a person commits to a term policy, he is almost certain he won’t use it. Such a policy is only a security net. It can be compared to fire or auto insurance, which is very necessary but one hopes that he will never need to use it.
A whole-life policy, however, will certainly be used; the question only is, when. Generally, people are drawn to purchasing whole-life policies, if their budget permits it. Another benefit of a whole-life policy is that it in a sense is also a savings account. After several years, the money that was deposited into the policy can be withdrawn, and after that, there will be more money available. This is called cash value.
In normal circumstances, the account grows nicely, and the money can be used for wedding expenses, retirement, rainy days, etc. Big companies with large investments sometimes use whole-life policies as savings as this is a safe way for them to secure their money. They will certainly get their principle back, as well as annual interest. The longer the money is in the account, the more it grows.
What are other benefits from the cash value in a whole-life policy?
Firstly, the money that’s available as cash value is considered an asset. If someone wants to buy a house and he needs proof of assets, he can use his life insurance policy.
Also, because the policy has a cash value and the money grows, there are two more benefits:
At one point, you can stop paying the premium. The money that has already been invested is available for use. It needs to be discussed with a capable insurance agent as it depends on how the plan is set up.
Additionally, the cash value grows tax deferred. Meaning, when money is invested in a policy for many years and it doubles, the policy owner can now choose to take out the cash value. Even though the way of the world is that when a person makes a lot of money, he must pay taxes, with life insurance, there are different ways of withdrawing the money without having to pay a dollar for taxes. And, if the money is withdrawn because the owner of the policy died, the family does not have to pay any taxes on the money received.
All these advantages cause people to see whole-life
policies very differently than term-life policies. Whole-life policies are certainly worth it.
Is there an option to start with a term policy and later convert it to a whole-life policy without having to receive approval again?
Great question! Not all companies have this option, but New York Life does have such an option. Throughout the term of the policy, you can upgrade to a whole life, without having to be approved again. Obviously, the earlier this is done, the better the price will be, due to the younger age of the policy owner.
A life insurance policy is like renting a house. When a house is rented for the short term, it is cheaper than buying a house. However, in the long term, it becomes more expensive. When buying a house, the buyer must put down a large down payment and closing costs; however, in the long term, it pays. The same goes for a life insurance policy. A term policy is sort of like renting a house. It’s cheaper in the short term; however, it needs to be replaced every few years, and needs constant re-approvals. Whole-life policies can be compared to buying a house- it’s more expensive up-front but it pays over the long term. Additionally, approval for whole life insurance lasts forever.
If one can afford a whole-life policy, it is very important to do so. If one cannot afford to purchase one, he should at least know that there is an option available where he can buy it slowly. Sort of like renting a house with the option to buy it, buying one bedroom at a time. You can start to convert your term policy into a whole-life policy with each hundred thousand dollars, and then another hundred thousand… until you reach your goal.
How does a person become approved for life insurance?
The approval process is the same for both policies. It is a simple procedure with three steps. First, the agent takes down all the client’s personal information. After that, the company checks out the person through medical and driving records. The third part is the actual approval. Once a person is approved, they get a price—a rate, which can at times be cheaper or more expensive. For example, a person with health issues or many driving tickets is more likely to benefit from the policy. They would therefore receive a flimsier rate, which means a more expensive plan. According to the approval, the agent sets up a price.
Any recent changes regarding life insurance?
Yes. I notice that more and more, people want to be properly insured with the right amount from a reputable company.
What do you enjoy most about being an insurance agent?
I love helping people. And when someone tells me how he bought a policy early enough and was able to buy a house, marry off his children, and now he wants to make another policy for retirement, I feel lucky to be the shaliach to help people make their lives easier.
What would you say is your specialty as a lifeinsurance agent?
I always keep learning. I update myself about the newest life insurance and investment market updates to know what’s happening on the life insurance scene. I am also sincere, straight and honest, and really care about my clients. I want to sell them the policy that works best for them and to be available to service them whenever they find it necessary.
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like minded parents who are navigating journey with struggling children to get inspired, encouraged & chizzuk from parents to parents.
Chazan Yoel Ausch
Chaim Bin-Nun, MFT, LCPC
HaRav Hillel David shlit”a
Rabbi Shloime Ehrlich shlit”a
Binyamin Greenspoon, LCSW
Rabbi Shuly Halpert shlit”a
Rabbi Shlomo Hoffman shlit”a
Rabbi YY Jacobson shlit”a
Rabbi Pinchas Jung shlit”a
Rabbi Shlomo Landau shlit”a
Rabbi Isaac Leib Miller shlit”a
Akiva Perlman Ph.D.
Tamar Perlman PsyD
Mrs. Yocheved Russell
Rabbi Shimon Russell shlit”a, LCSW
HaRav Gershon Schaffel shlit”a
HaRav Yitzchok Schwartz shlit”a
Rabbi Shlomo Usher Tauber shlit”a
Rabbi Bentzion Twerski, shlit”a, Ph.D
Shloimie Zimmerman, Psy.D.
Mayer Zuckerman, LCSW BRAND NEW 4TH
* Annual Percentage Yield (APY) is effective as of 9/28/2023. $25,000.00 minimum opening deposit required to establish the account. $1.00 minimum balance required to obtain stated APY. Fees may reduce the earnings on this account. The interest rate is subject to change at any time after the account is opened. This offer may be withdrawn at any time.
(Re: The Great Mixer Debate, Issue 447)
I want to chime in on the mixer debate, which I enjoyed reading. After 30 years of using a KitchenAid, I switched to a Bosch with the encouragement of my mother who did the same. I saved my KitchenAid, but never took it out again, with the exception of Pesach cleaning. While the KitchenAid has its perks, convenience trumps all, and the Bosch is just so much more user-friendly.
In regard to the Bundt recipes, I have the Bundt pan shown in the picture of the vanilla Bundt recipe, and despite many tries, I could never get my cake out of it in one piece. After reading Esty’s instructions, I used way more oil than I usually do, and the cake eased right out of the pan. While I don’t like to use a lot of oil for Bundt cakes because it gives the cake a bumpy surface, it is such a helpful trick for this particular pan. Thank you, Esty!
Tova W.P.S. Thank you for your new puzzle page! It provided me with wholesome cerebral nourishment.
(Re: The Great Mixer Debate, Issue 447)
As a prolific baker, I was surprised that the Magic Mill mixer, otherwise known by its Swedish name, Ankarsrum Stand Mixer, was not included in the survey. As a child of Holocaust survivors, I still avoid buying anything of German manufacture, so I was delighted when my children presented me with the Magic Mill mixer several years ago. I still have my KitchenAid mixer, which I use for baking cakes, but the Magic Mill is fantastic for challah and kokosh cake, and I look forward to learning how to use the Magic Mill for various other recipes.
A Bubby and BalebustaSeriously, you know there’s no such thing.
(Re: The Great Mixer Debate, Issue 447)
Thanks for your informative survey on mixers, which so clearly summed up the pros and cons of the KitchenAid versus the Bosch.
I love my Professional 500 KitchenAid mixer. As you mentioned, it is a powerhorse. It whips whites into snow in under two minutes. Yes, I do scrape down the bowl a couple of times to make sure all of the ingredients get incorporated. And yes, if you add flour or sugar or even juice or water during mixing, there will definitely be a lot of splashing and spraying and mess around the machine.
But that was only the case until I discovered the plastic snap-on lids designed for KitchenAid machines. The lid stays on while the machine is working, preventing splattering outside of the bowl, and you can also use it to cover the bowl if you want to refrigerate cookie dough, for example. All you need to do is to check the diameter of your KitchenAid bowl to make sure you’re buying the right size.
I thought that fellow Yiddishe KitchenAid mixer owners would appreciate knowing that.
All the best, and continue your amazing work!
Mrs. P. Rubin
(Re: Another Question, Inbox, Issue 447)
I appreciated the exploration of the topic of married children and the requirements of kibbud av v’eim. It seems to me that in the brief space of the The Monsey View Inbox, the topic was not clarified adequately. Readers should be aware that the halachos of kibbud av v’eim are delicate. Anyone with any questions on these matters should seek advice from qualified da’as Torah
(Re: Bits of Wits, Issue 447)
Thank you for your fantastic weekly magazine. The serials have me captivated week after week, and I love your new column, Bits of Wits. The random bits of information were intriguing, and the teasers were lots of fun to read and figure out with my family.
I also wanted to let you know that since you ran the brachos contest last summer, I’m still saying brachos each morning before eating breakfast. I appreciate that very much.
Looking forward to more.
I almost followed you home (and definitely tailgated your car), but then used my common sense and allowed you to turn right off Route 59 toward your destination. I continued on toward Monsey, but you didn’t leave my mind.
I don’t know you at all. We’ve probably never met, and I couldn’t pick you out of a lineup. Nonetheless, your license plate
intrigued me. As you know, it reads “SHADCHAN.” I found this interesting because I am also involved in the field of shidduchim. As a bee follows the scent of sweetness, so do people in need of shidduchim follow the trail of shadchanim. Unfortunately, unless there was microscopic fine print underneath that legendary word, I missed the note containing your phone number.
Thank you for being open about
your profession/hobby/sideline through your license plate. If you’re comfortable, I would greatly appreciate it if you could share your contact information.
Please consider reaching out to The Monsey View. Your contact information could potentially lighten the burden of so many prospective clients, making a significant difference in their search for shidduchim
Bounty of Bundts last week was brought to you by Esty Engel of The Bundt
To contact The Bundt Shoppe, call 917-586-9864. We regret the omission.
In this week’s parsha, we are given the mitzvah of the Korban Omer. Hashem tells Moshe Rabbeinu to tell Klal Yisrael: “When you come to the Land which I am giving you, and you reap its harvest, you shall bring to the kohen an omer of the beginning of your reaping…” (Vayikra 23:10).
This korban, from the first barley harvest, was to be brought on the second day of Pesach. Until the Omer was sacrificed, no bread made of the fresh grain was to be eaten. And on that day, the 49-day counting of the Omer, which culminates in the Yom Tov of Shavuos, would begin.
Why is the Korban Omer named as such? Omer is defined as a measurement. Every korban was brought in specific measurements, yet each one was called by its name, and not by how much of it was brought. This korban, too, could have been called by its content — barley. Why call it the “omer”?
FOR YEARS, YOCHEVED’S BOUTIQUE apparel shop was the most popular women’s clothing store in the neighborhood. Which isn’t surprising, given that it was pretty much the only one around selling clothes of its kind. Anyone looking for fine European wear came to Yocheved. She learned her clients’ tastes and knew just what to bring in and how much.
Just weeks before the new shopping season, Yocheved noticed that the shop two doors away had been sold. The new owners were doing renovations. Each day, as she walked past, Yocheved wondered who her new neighbors would be. What kind of store were they opening?
Then, one day, she made a discovery that shocked her. Workers were nailing a big, bold sign above the door of the
store two doors down. The new store was a women’s clothing store! And it claimed to be carrying European designer wear — just like her own painstakingly chosen selection.
Why did they choose this spot — just a stone’s throw away from my boutique — to open a competing store?!
This was so unfair. Was there enough business in their little neighborhood for both? Yocheved briefly entertained the thought of giving the new owners a piece of her mind. But then she caught herself.
We are Yidden! Ma’aminim bnei ma’aminim! We clearly believe that Hakadosh Baruch Hu is the One Who brings us our parnassah. Hashem is unlimited. Do you think He doesn’t have enough for both of us?
Yocheved was reminded of a story she once heard about the Chofetz Chaim.
A wagon driver once approached the Chofetz Chaim and tearfully explained that his horse had died. “My horse was my only source of income!” the wagon driver cried. “Now that I can’t drive people in my wagon, from where will I earn my bread?”
The Chofetz Chaim turned to him and said, “Yes, my brother, you should cry. Not because your horse died, but because all these years, you believed it was your horse that brought you your parnassah — and not Hakadosh Baruch Hu. If it was your horse that gave you your income, I have nothing to tell you. Now that your horse died, you have no way to earn a living.”
Yocheved thought to herself that she did not want to be like that foolish wagon driver. It isn’t my store that determines my income! she concluded.
Still, when the new store celebrated its grand opening, Yocheved couldn’t help but flinch. As she’d dreaded, throngs of
Yocheved found herself staring at the walls, waiting for the door to open and usher in a prospective customer
women came to check out the new shop. Her own store remained empty of customers. In stark contrast to the usual overwhelming pre-Yom Tov frenzy, Yocheved found herself staring at the walls, waiting for the door to open and usher in a prospective customer.
As she twiddled her thumbs, Yocheved found a new commodity: time to think! As she did, a shidduch idea popped into her brain. And another one. Yocheved found herself making shidduch calls from her seat in her quiet store — and she met with incredible success. One after another, she helped several families drink l’chaim that bein hazmanim
At the end of the season, when Yocheved tallied up her income, she realized that the hole in her earnings at the store was filled by her shadchanus payments. She did not lose out at all, but earned just as much as she had in previous years.
Several months passed, and the neighboring store, which had opened amidst such fanfare, quietly closed down.
Yocheved imagined that business would boom again. And now that she was also a successful shadchan, her income would surely double!
But time proved her wrong. From the moment the competition closed and the customers returned, Yocheved didn’t make a single shidduch — despite the fact that she really tried.
“I could clearly see,” Yocheved shares, “how parnassah comes from Shamayim – not from the store, not from shidduchim, and not from an old horse!”
For 40 years, the Yidden in the Midbar ate mann – literally, Heaven-sent bread. Regarding the mann, the same term, “omer,” is used. Every person was entitled to one omer of mann each day. Even if someone collected more than this amount, when he arrived home, he would find that he was holding precisely one omer
It was clear to all that our nourishment comes from Hakadosh Baruch Hu.
Then Klal Yisroel entered Eretz Yisroel. The mann stopped falling. Yidden began working the fields with their own two hands. Finally, after months of toil, care, and observation, the fruits of their labor began to sprout.
A person could easily begin thinking, I invested and I succeeded! There seems to be a correlation. It looks as if my hard work brought me these phenomenal results!
Says Hashem: Before you begin eating from this year’s new grain, before you entertain the nisayon of claiming credit for the harvest, you must bring the Korban Omer.
Bringing the Omer is to serve as our reminder. In the Midbar, we ate one omer of mann. Today, our food comes directly from Shamayim as well. There is no difference at all. By calling this the Korban Omer, we are reminded that we cannot eat new grain until we recognize that our parnassah, too, comes from Hashem.
An attempt to void the Chestnut Ridge zoning laws that allowed for houses of worship within the village was rejected by a federal appeals court, with a panel of three judges saying that the plaintiffs in the case hadn’t demonstrated how they had been directly harmed by the changes.
The appeals court found that three Chestnut Ridge residents and Citizens United to Protect Our Neighborhoods, known as CUPON, had no standing to challenge the 2019 zoning law. The court upheld a district court’s October 2022 judgment that paved the way for shuls to open in Chestnut Ridge and noted that none of the plaintiffs were able to identify any actual or imminent harm that could occur from having houses of worship in the village. A further claim that the law denied the plaintiffs an opportunity to host large gatherings was also discounted on the grounds that none of the plaintiffs demonstrated an interest in holding events of that nature.
A second lawsuit alleging that Chestnut Ridge violated state environmental law when it instituted a three-tiered plan for houses of worship is still pending in the New York State appellate court.
Get ready for a smoother and safer Route 45 between Route 59 and West Eckerson Road, with an $11 million corridor project underway for the 1.36 mile stretch of roadway.
The “Complete Street” project is geared to providing safe and convenient access to individuals of all ages and abilities, including children, the elderly and those with disabilities. In addition to new lane configurations, roadway improvements will include new left turn lanes and crosswalks, updated traffic signals, sidewalk curb ramps, pedestrian signal equipment and better drainage.
In addition to protecting or upgrading existing landscapes, the updates will make Route 45 more bicycle friendly, with travel lanes that have shared lane markings, raised medians, and traffic-calming measures including curb bump outs. Benches and bike racks will also be added to the corridor.
Town of Ramapo Supervisor Michael Specht described the work as welcome news, saying that it will increase pedestrian safety, improve traffic flow for drivers and enhance residents’ quality of life.
The roadwork is expected to be completed in early 2026. State transportation officials are encouraging drivers to move one lane over in work zones whenever possible in order to promote greater safety for maintenance and construction workers.
Four Rockland County teens were charged with multiple hate crimes last week in connection with a pair of anti-Semitic incidents that took place on two consecutive Friday nights.
The first incident took place on April 19 at 9 p.m. in Airmont. According to the Ramapo Police Department, two seventeen-year-olds, one from Airmont and one from Suffern, were driving on Cragmere Road when they came across several clearly Jewish individuals walking on the side of the road. The two teens yelled anti-Semitic slurs at the pedestrians, with the car’s passenger firing an Orbeez water pellet gun, striking one person who was not injured.
The teenagers sped away from the scene. Both were subsequently arrested and hit with misdemeanor charges of aggravated harassment in the second degree as a hate crime.
One week later, the two were back on the road again. As they drove down Oxford Drive in Montebello on April 26, along with a pair of eighteen-yearolds who were also in the car,
Where is the best spot to enjoy a meatboard? Hint: its outdoors.
they came across more Jewish pedestrians walking on the side of the road. One of the eighteen-year-olds threw trash at the pedestrians, and all four yelled anti-Semitic slurs as they sped away from the scene.
All four teens were arrested and slapped with misdemeanor charges of aggravated harassment in the second degree as a hate crime. The driver of the car was also charged with reckless endangerment in the second degree as a hate crime, a class E felony. All were released with appearance tickets for future court dates.
Governor Hochul may have been smiling proudly as she announced a pilot program that she claims would soften the blow of congestion pricing for those living west of the Hudson River, but locals were less than enthused by the plan and said they hope that additional expansions will soon follow.
In her May 10 announcement, Hochul said that Metro-North will add weekend service to the HaverstrawOssining ferry as of May 25. Also introduced by the governor were UniTicket discounts of 78 to 90% on all ferries and buses that cross the Hudson, and 25% reductions in parking rates for Rockland and Orange residents at Metro-North’s North White Plains parking garage.
Hochul touted the pilot program as a means for Orange and Rockland-
ers to commute to work by mass transit when congestion pricing goes into effect in the city’s Central Business District in June. Metropolitan Transportation Authority chairman Janno Lieber acknowledged that those living in Orange and Rockland face significant hurdles when they travel to the city.
“It is no secret that the folks who live west of the Hudson River don’t get the same quality of frequency and reliability of service as we have on the Hudson, Harlem and New Haven Lines,” said Lieber. “As we approach the onset of congestion pricing, we want to make sure there are a few more options for people in Orange and Rockland Counties to get to this amazing Metro-North service.”
But the announcement fell flat for Rockland County Executive Ed Day, who noted that running continuous ferry service on weekends would do little for commuters who still have only rush hour service on the Haverstraw-Ossining ferry during the workweek. He described the pilot plan as “a great first step” but called on the MTA to fund additional projects to provide Rockland residents with a one-seat ride to Manhattan.
Day took a similar view of efforts to provide parking discounts and reduced ferry prices, saying that both should be provided at no cost to Rocklanders because of the county’s $40 million annual MTA value gap.
“I sincerely hope that MTA gets to work soon to expand weekday ferry service and improve the quality of existing rail service from Rockland County so that our residents start to receive some level of equity for what they pay to the MTA,” said Day.
Viewing education and awareness as the first step in eradicating hate crimes, New York State will spend $500,000 to review and update its Holocaust curriculum. The funding is being allocated in the State Fiscal Year 2024–2025 budget, said Assembly Speaker Carl Heastie.
“With anti-Semitic attacks on the rise across our state, this funding arrives at a critical time for our children,” said Heastie. “This review will ensure that our students are accurately and completely taught the lessons of the Holocaust so we can ensure history never repeats itself.”
According to the Anti-Defamation League, anti-Semitic incidents rose 110% over last year, while incidents of harassment were up 226% statewide.
Assemblyman Simcha Eichenstein emphasized the importance of educating the next generation about the lessons of the past.
“Hate does not exist in a vacuum; it is the result of ignorance and misinformation,” said Eichenstein. “This vital funding will help ensure that our state curriculum represents a true and accurate account of Holocaust history.”
With the number of Holocaust survivors steadily declining, Queens Assemblyman David Weprin spoke about the importance of ensuring that their stories be told at age-appropriate levels, noting that twenty percent of Americans aged 18 to 39 believe that the Holocaust never happened.
“We cannot raise a generation of Holocaust deniers,” said Weprin. “There are lessons from the Holocaust that are applicable in all areas of our lives. We must remember so we can be better.”
more voters to the polls, but Rockland County officials say that at least one of those claims is blatantly false.
As previously reported in The Monsey View, Rockland sued New York State in April, saying that the law violated local charters and would overshadow local elections by lumping them together with state and federal contests. Further deepening its opposition to the new law, a statement released on May 9 by Rockland County said that the new election structure will have taxpayers footing the bill for an additional $30,000 in costs. There will be no change in costs for certain local races that will still be held in oddnumbered years, including those for town justice, county sheriff, county clerk, district attorney, family court judge and surrogate judge.
The new state election law was signed by Governor Kathy Hochul in December. County Executive Ed Day described it as yet another attempt by the state to override control in a home rule state, where counties, cities, towns and villages wield a significant amount of power.
“Local governments are the most responsive and responsible to the everyday person, and we have a constitutional right to say how our local officials are chosen,” said Day.
County Attorney Thomas Humbach slammed the state for categorizing local voters as confused and fatigued by the election process.
“These lawmakers from New York City, Buffalo, Rochester and Syracuse are outsiders to the county and town governments,” said Humbach. “They are out of touch with county and town voters and are working against their interests. Let the city-based legislators dictate terms to the cities they represent and leave the counties’ and towns’ form of government to the people who live there.”
A recently enacted law shifting most elections in New York to even-numbered years has been hailed by some as a cost-saving measure that will draw
Rockland, Oneida, Nassau and Onondaga counties have all contended that the new law tramples on their constitutional rights to govern. The democratic-controlled Rockland County legislature has not supported Day, a Republican, in his efforts to fight the law, agreeing with Hochul that holding local elections alongside higher profile races would boost voter turnout, which is typically low in oddnumbered years.
All the men of our community are invited to the
All the women of our community are invited to the
Soon after Gavi and Debbie’s wedding, Gavi begins to feel unwell. His doctor makes it clear that Gavi will eventually need a transplant. Gavi is hospitalized again, and Debbie respects her husband’s wishes to keep his condition a secret.
After ten long, exhausting days, Gavi came home. I was emotionally and physically spent. One afternoon after work, as I was resting on the couch, my phone rang. It was one of my closest friends begging me to come visit her and her kids. But the thought of getting up, going back out into the heat, and spending time with her without being able to share was excruciating. Once again, I turned her down. Once again, I’d hurt a good friend.
I went into the bedroom where Gavi was resting. Even after we came home, he was constantly exhausted, suffering from awful itchiness (a sideeffect of his failing liver), and dealing with painful sores caused by the medications he was taking. After all, they hadn’t fixed him; at this point
we knew we would need a new liver for that. I looked at him and asked him for permission to tell my close friends what was going on.
It wasn’t the first time I asked. We’d repeat the same conversation every so often. I’d start: “Let’s share with people. We’ll get help. We’ll get support. People will un derstand us. Yeah?” And he would look so uncom fortable and say, “If you really feel that you need to share, then I guess we need to do that.”
But then I’d inevitably feel like I’d pushed him into a corner, that he was only saying that to make me, his wife, happy. Addi tionally, the knowledge that he allowed me to share if I ever really needed to do so made it easier to just sigh and keep my silence yet again.
Soon after, we welcomed our firstborn son and moved to Yerushalayim. We wanted to be closer to my in-laws and closer to the hospital. We couldn’t have made a better decision. When the baby was just a few weeks old, Gavi de veloped a fever, and Professor Lowenstein told him to come
cold to stay outside for long, so Tzvi and I turned around and went back to my inlaws.
straight to the ER for testing. I left my baby with my mother-in-law, and off we went.
Gavi’s doctors ended up admitting him, and I thought, “Here we go again…” Only this time, there was another person in our family who needed me, and that little person was a Kohen who couldn’t even come to the hospital to visit his Tatty.
To my relief, my mother-in-law insisted that I stay at their house while Gavi was in the hospital. This allowed me to simply leave little Tzvi with my mother-in-law whenever I visited the hospital, and it was easier than being at home alone with my newborn.
The second day Gavi was in the hospital was a Friday. I left Tzvi with my mother-inlaw in the morning and spent the day with Gavi in the hospital, coming back to my inlaws two hours before Shabbos. I felt awful leaving Gavi there alone for an entire Shabbos, but I couldn’t leave my baby for such a long time! Some of my married siblings-inlaw came for the seudos, and everyone found it a little strange that I was there with Tzvi, sans Gavi. I got some strange remarks, but Gavi had begged me and his parents to keep his hospitalization a secret. It was an awkward, difficult Shabbos. On Motzei Shabbos, I broke down. I wrapped Tzvi up warmly and took a taxi to the hospital, hoping there wouldn’t be an azharas Kohaso I could bring him up to the ward with me. When we got there, the small sign informing Kohanim of a meis in the building was outside. Tzvi couldn’t go in. I stood outside the hospital in tears, shivering from the cold, holding my little Kohen in my arms. Gavi ended up coming down to say hello, but it was too
For another endless ten days, Gavi remained in the hospital. My motherin-law watched Tzvi every day so I could spend some time with Gavi. His other visitors were limited; my father-in-law, being a Kohen himself, couldn’t go, and no one else knew he was there — by choice. After a few days, I did end up telling my parents that Gavi was hospitalized once again, but I asked them not to tell anyone else, as per Gavi’s request. He was yellow from all the bilirubin circulating in his blood, and he didn’t want to be seen like that anyway.
When Gavi finally came home, we moved back to our apartment, but things weren’t the same. Gavi was itchy, yellow and tired. He felt sick more and more often. People would invite us for Shabbos, and we’d turn them down again and again. Gavi couldn’t scratch politely in public, and he was so swollen, yellow and uncomfortable that it was anyway out of the question to go anywhere. When we did leave the house, Gavi wouldn’t look people in the eye so they wouldn’t notice how yellow the whites of his eyes were and start asking questions.
Soon friends and family began getting insulted at our constant refusals. And because Gavi had a car, family members would ask for favors, but he was so unwell, tired and weak that he usually couldn’t be of any help. In the morning, he’d often promise someone a ride for later in the day, but by evening, he’d be wiped out and feeling sick.
“Blame me,” I’d say, watching Gavi struggling with himself. “Tell them that you’re sorry that you have to back out, but your wife needs you at home.”
My relatives couldn’t believe the type of wife I had become. Couldn’t I let my husband do a bit of chesed and help them out? Well, actually, no, I couldn’t. I tried not to let the judgment hurt. I tried not to wish people would assume there was a good reason he had to back out. Eventually, I asked him to stop agreeing to giving rides in the first place. It was too unpleasant to back out each time. And so the resentment piled up. TO BE CONTINUED…
Thousands will iy”H be visiting the tziyun of the Bobover Rebbe zy”a, Harav Naftali Halberstam, on Lag Ba’omer at the Beis Hachaim in Deans, NJ, as has been customary for the past thirteen years, where heartfelt te los will take place for yeshuos v’rachamim. Kol Tov Seloh.
The Beis Hachaim is open
Motzei Shabbos all night, Sunday all day
throughout all night and day in honor of
- in the Large Tent -
Shachris Sunday
,7:00 followed by
Mincha Maariv
Around the Clock
Minyan reciting Entire Tehilim
Motzei Shabbos 1:00am Sunday 2:00pm, 6:30pm
Separate walkway for Women
Barry has an idea that would enable Yoel to work in his shul to complete his community service. Chavi starts her new job as a secretary at the psychiatric practice. Menachem calls her to unload his frustration.
concentrated on the here and now, he could almost imagine he was in Zichron Baruch Shul to chair a meeting, spearhead a learning program, brainstorm for fundraising, discuss a halachic business shailah with the Rav or deliver a shiur klali before Yom Tov. Anything, really. The million and one reasons he usually came.
He squared his shoulders, though they still ached ten days after that awful visit to the park. If he looked the part, no one would think he came as a condemned criminal to perform janitorial tasks.
The Daf Yomi shiur had commenced, and the baalei batim were lingering around, exchanging pre-Pesach war stories. Dovi Braver, the shul jester, was talking about the IV drip he was sur-
viving on and the mustard-coated rice cakes he had to eat for supper, along with diet half-and-half soda.
Yoel frowned. The shul was filthy. A bowl of Zazers taffies rested in the center of one of the tables, and a plastic tray of chocolate truffles, all coated in the white film of old age, sat next to it. And was that a package of lemonflavored wafers?
This shul was not a junkyard. He’d designed it so regally. He must have really been out of it for the last little while, and every inch showed. Where was Lemmel in all this? Was this why he was on payroll?
In another corner, the newly returned bein hazmanim bachurim from Eretz Yisroel were schmoozing. He recognized the Samuels’ bachur and Gavriel Lichtentag’s son, with that well-cut
suit. There were two more he didn’t recognize, enveloped in a cloud of fruity-smelling vapor, scarves draped over their shoulders.
He was so lucky with Menachem, shteiging at Rabbi Katz’s yeshiva. Whoever said one can only shteig in Eretz Yisroel? Menachem was happily learning close enough for him to enjoy the nachas and ensure his wellbeing. He loved the weekly leil shishi nights he spent with him.
He looked at these bachurim and frowned. They were probably fine boys, but vaping shouldn’t be tolerated in this shul.
He would talk to the Rav about it. Maybe even tonight, in time to do something for next week. Some kind of bein hazmanim program, perhaps.
From the corner of his eye, he saw
Lemmel exiting one of the back rooms, carrying a stack of cardstock paper in various colors. As he watched, Lemmel approached him and placed the pile of papers on one of the benches.
“Reb Yoel! The Rav told me to expect you. So chashuv! Not only do you support the cause; you’re even doing hands-on work!”
“You don’t expect me to work in the main heichal.” Yoel’s voice was hard and low.
Lemmel looked up. “Wherever you want, Reb Yoel.”
“Is the conference room available?”
Lemmel nodded. Yoel helped transfer the pile of paper to the large mahogany table and sat down at the seat he occupied during board meetings.
“Reb Lemmel, before I start, the shul is filthy. It’s not the way a makom kadosh should look.”
Lemmel’s eyes traveled past the open conference room door and to the main heichal. Yoel watched his face fall as he noticed the wrappers and disarray.
“You’re right,” he said, deflated. “I’ll talk to the janitor.”
Yoel nodded.
“I’m so busy with the kimcha d’Pischa,” Lemmel excused himself. “I didn’t have a chance to be on top of the cleaning crew.”
Yoel looked at the mess on the table skeptically.
“I hear.”
After an uncomfortable pause, Lemmel explained the system. “We have checks in different amounts, store coupons, grocery coupons and food packages. Here’s the list of people, and here’s the color-coded key, so you know what goes where. The food packages will go out separately next week; you’ll just insert the list of items they can expect into their envelopes.
“These should go out by tomorrow evening because the recipients need the benefits already.”
Yoel grudgingly noted the passion and compassion in Lemmel’s voice. He shifted uncomfortably. He should’ve complimented him.
As soon as Lemmel left, Yoel sat down. He was going to sit with a pair of scissors and cut out colorful papers. The same man who’d closed on an acquisition that morning in the tens of millions of dollars.
He carefully removed his coat, only to hear something fall out of his pocket.
He picked it up. It was a small foil-
wrapped package with a little Post-it note stuck to it.
Dear Yoel, Hatzlacha Rabba with your hours. I’m thinking of you and hoping for a smooth experience this time. Although this whole thing has been very tough, I daven it should be our most difficult challenge.
Inside were two fresh Pesach’dig potato blintzes, slightly mashed from their contact with the floor, but still warm.
He bit into the softness of the blintz, tasting the sautéed onions. It melted in his mouth. What was it about Pesach food before Pesach that was so delicious?
It had been weeks since he’d really tasted food, but this tasted like Gan Eden. How had Russy known exactly what he’d need?
She’d been like that lately. Supporting him in a way he’d never know she was capable of. Maybe because he’d never given her the chance?
He was becoming soft. First Lemmel, now Russy.
Either way, she was right. They’d overcome this challenge. He picked up the pair of scissors with something that could almost be described as enthusiasm.
He started with the kollel list. He knew these names. He personally oversaw the check distribution every month; it was l’ilui nishmas his father, and he treated these people well.
Each one would get a pile of coupons to be redeemed at local stores, and a bonus check of five hundred dollars. He carefully cut the coupons into neat piles, filled the envelopes, and placed them in a tidy pile. They deserved it. Maybe he’d suggest making the colors a bit less fluorescent. Why should the shoppers have to announce their status with these blinding colors?
Next he reached the list of the neediest families in the kehillah. Each family would receive a check, coupons, and cases of fruit, vegetables and paper goods closer to Pesach.
There was the Fuchs family. He vaguely recalled that Rabbi Fuchs had been recently diagnosed with MS. Not that he’d been a millionaire before that. In fact, one could usually find him in the beis midrash with a sefer and a content smile, in the same suit he’d been wearing since Yoel first met him. Things must really be hard for him now.
He placed the check for three thou-
We also offer packages for the following:
sand dollars into the envelope. But really, Fuchs had married off a daughter this winter, and he knew that three thousand was a drop in the bucket. He took out his wallet and added another 2K. He’d ask Lemmel later how the family was surviving.
Why had he never done this before?
He went on to the next name. Lichtentag
Danny Lichtentag. The one whose son he just saw, with the obviously custom suit. Lichtentag from the bidding wars on Simchas Torah, the shul meetings, his new white Expedition.
He was getting help?
Not only help. Was he really going to send his wife into the store with a hot pink coupon to purchase hosiery for the family?
Apparently, lots of things happened to lots of people. He wasn’t the only one with challenges.
He worked quietly for the next half hour, learning things about the community he never knew. The needy, the greedy and the many in between.
It was uncomfortable for him to admit it. He didn’t like Lemmel, his busybodiness, his messy beard and his toolarge suit. But the man was a genius in chesed. He saw that from the little notes next to each name and from the many innovative ways he helped people. Guiltily, he remembered the way he had thrown him out on Purim.
He was almost done. There were just a few names left on the list.
He checked the next name and froze.
“Chavi,” he said in a daze.
This must be a mistake. He felt like he was choking. The taste of the blintzes rose to his throat.
The room felt small and claustrophobic. He walked outside the shul, whipped out his phone, and dialed his daughter.
“Chavi,” he said, as soon as she answered.
“Chavi! What’s going on?”
“Tatty? What happened?”
“What happened is that I just filled an envelope of kimcha d’Pischa for you!”
“For me?” she said slowly. Yoel could tell she wasn’t shocked.
“Are you denying it?”
“No,” she said quietly. “Tatty? I’m sorry.” Her voice broke and she started crying.
“What’s going on, Chavi? Don’t I give you enough?” His voice softened slightly.
“You do, Tatty, more than enough. And I’m so grateful.”
“I was desperate. I — I’m working to pay it off. It’s more of a loan...”
“A loan? Did Shloimy do something stupid?” His voice sharpened again.
“Chas v’shalom! ” she said quickly. “Nothing like that at all. It’s Zevi. He needs lots of help, and it costs thousands of dollars.”
Yoel remained silent.
“They wouldn’t allow him into cheder.”
“So why didn’t you call me? I could’ve called the menahel! I’m on their board! How dare they!”
“You could have. But, I knew you were too, uh… busy, to get involved with all of this.”
“Busy?” He was incredulous. He spoke to her every single day. He learned with Shloimy every evening. “When am I ever too busy for you?”
“It’s — it’s complicated. It wasn’t so much an issue of talking to the menahel. Zevi really needs the help, and I knew…”
“What did you know?”
“Chavi,” he commanded. “Tell me now what you knew.”
“That you wouldn’t understand why I needed the money.”
“Chavi!” he burst out. “Of everything — everything I’ve been through, this is the worst of it all.”
* * * * *
He stood alone in the darkness, unable to muster the strength to go back inside to finish. All he’d ever wanted was to support his family, to protect them. He would have loved to escape to his car and head home, but his coat was still inside.
He was heading back to the entrance when the shul door opened.
Yoel recognized the regal, soft walk of the Rav and his gentle tone as he counseled the person he was speaking with. He suddenly longed to talk to him, too, unburden his broken soul.
The Rav was walking with a bachur. A sweet, eidel bachur
It was Menachem. TO BE CONTINUED…
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Want to know the ticket to simple summer suppers? Put it in a pita! It’s fuss-free, portable and kid-friendly. Give it a try!
A healthy and satisfying meal-in-one that’s filled with robust flavor.
1 lb. chicken cutlets
1 onion
1 red or orange pepper
1 green pepper
1 (14 oz.) can corn kernels, optional Salt and pepper, to taste
2 T. lime juice
1 T. olive oil
2 tsp. soy sauce
1 tsp. chicken soup mix
1 tsp. brown sugar
1 tsp. garlic powder
6 pita halves
Dressing of choice Lettuce
1. Place all marinade ingredients in a bowl along with the chicken breasts, and mix well.
2. Heat a pan over medium heat, and sear the chicken on both sides until cooked through. Remove from the pan and set aside.
3. Add the onions, thinly sliced, to the same pan, and sauté for a couple of minutes.
4. Cut the peppers into strips, and add those to the pan along with the corn (drained). Season with salt and pepper to taste, and sauté until beginning to caramelize at the edges.
5. Cut the chicken into strips.
6. Line your pitas with spicy mayo or Russian dressing (or ketchup for the kids), and pile your pitas with the chicken, sautéed vegetables, and fresh lettuce.
Only in the Sara Schenirer-Katz School OT program will you earn a combined Master’s and Doctorate degree in the time that it takes to earn a master’s degree elsewhere.
This Middle Eastern method of stuffing pitas with meat and grilling it to a crisp is one worth bringing over the ocean. This version is slightly Americanized and packed with flavor!
1 lb. ground meat (not lean)
1 egg, lightly beaten
¼ cup bread crumbs
¼ cup of your favorite barbecue sauce (I used hickory smoked)
1 tsp. garlic powder
1 tsp. sugar, optional
Pinch of salt and pepper
Handful fresh parsley, chopped
8–10 pita halves
Oil for brushing
1. Place all ingredients besides pitas and oil in a bowl, and gently mix to combine.
2. Stuff a couple of tablespoons of the meat mixture into each pita half, distributing the meat evenly for even cooking.
3. Preheat a grill or grill pan, and brush the pitas with oil on both sides. Grill the meat exposed tops until browned, and then lay the pitas down and grill for 2 to 4 minutes on each side until crisp and grill marked.
Falafel is great, but how about switching it up for the more kid-friendly and versatile tuna patty? In Israel they add French fries in the pita — optional, but recommended. Thank you to Chana Gluck for this gem!
3 cans of tuna, drained
1 cup breadcrumbs
3 T. ketchup
3 eggs
¼ tsp. garlic powder
¼ tsp. onion powder
½ cup mayonnaise
⅓ cup ketchup
2 T. mustard
Squirt of sriracha
Israeli salad
Prepared French fries
1. In a bowl, mix tuna patty ingredients to combine.
2. Form mixture into small falafel-sized patties. Flatten slightly.
3. Heat a frying pan with one inch of oil, and fry patties until golden on both sides. Drain.
4. Assemble each pita by layering with Russian dressing, patties, Israeli salad and fries.
At Uptown Kosher Grill, you can get away without going far. The tastes and flavors of fresh Israeli and American cuisine burst off your plate, making this a destination worth visiting!
טעב׳מ זא !ןעמטמוקאב
Come spring, the world comes to life once again. As part of the season of rebirth, birds gather twigs and leaves to build their nests — and the opportunity for Yidden the world over to do the mitzvah of shiluach hakan.
Here The Monsey View speaks with Rabbi Yonah Lieberman of Lakewood to hear more about the mitzvah of shiluach hakan – sending away the mother bird before removing the eggs (Devarim 26:1).
“My story began around 25 years ago during bein hazmanim, when I found a pigeon nesting two inches off the ground,” Rabbi Lieberman tells us. “It was the first time I saw such a thing, and I was very excited to perform shiluach hakan.”
This experience kindled for Rabbi Leiberman a keen interest in this mitzvah.
“I spent almost a year learning the sugyas and the metziyus,” he says, “and now it’s become like a hobby, with people often
calling me to ask shailos on the matter.”
These shailos include which type of birds are kosher, how many eggs need to be present in the nest, or what to do if the nest is located in someone’s own backyard, or in one’s own backyard. People also ask Rabbi Lieberman about reciting the bracha before doing the mitzvah. (According to the minhag, a bracha is not recited; see sidebar.)
According to Rashi (Devarim 7:12), there are mitzvos people treat relatively lightly, by “stepping with their heels.” But not all “neglected” mitzvos are stepped on; some are right above your head! Rabbi Lieberman provides us with some additional information about this special mitzvah.
“Most poskim hold that shiluach hakan is not a mitzvah chiyuvis — a mitzvah one is obligated to perform, such as putting on tefillin,” he says. “Rather, it’s a mitzvah kiyumis similar to shechitah
“There’s no mitzvah to shecht an animal,” he explains, “but if you want to eat meat, you cannot do so without shechitah. The same is regarding this mitzvah. If you want to take the eggs for any purpose, you must send the mother away before doing so.”
Rabbi Lieberman adds that some are of the opinion that since shiluach hakan is a matir (an act that makes something permissible), one shouldn’t do shiluach hakan nowadays, the same way they wouldn’t shecht an animal and throw
it away in order to perform mitzvas shechitah. According to this view, there’s no reason to send away the mother if you don’t need the eggs.
“This is the reason pigeons would be a preferred species for this mitzvah — pigeon eggs can be eaten,” Rabbi Lieberman adds. “But I’m not sure anyone wants to actually eat those eggs; they have a pretty bad taste and texture.” He admits that he knows this from personal experience.
Nevertheless, there is a machlokes on this point. Others are of the opinion that you can technically obligate yourself to do shiluach hakan by wanting to take the eggs — even if you have no purpose for them — which requires sending away the mother first. This opinion is what people rely on when doing shiluach hakan today.
“Today’s pigeons,” Rabbi Lieberman says, “as per mesorah that has been passed down from generation to generation, are kosher birds. This makes pigeons one of the few birds permissible to eat.”
This is in contrast to other birds, which even with simani kashrus are not permissible to eat due to their lack of mesorah.
However, in terms of shiluach hakan, no mesorah is necessary; simanei kashrus are enough.
This is another area where people reach out to Rabbi Lieberman for guidance.
“People call me regarding a bird, and I identify it based on location found, type of nest built and the color of the eggs. It’s not ruach hakodesh, I tell these callers. Rather, I can identify it by phone because I know this is where this specific bird lives, as well as other telling characteristics.”
As one example, pigeons are referred to in the Gemara (Bava Metzia 102a, and other places) as “yonei bayis and yonei aliyah.” This connotes that they rest in houses that have cracks in the roof and the like, never nesting in trees.
“When someone calls me and tells me they found a bird on a train track,” Rabbi Lieberman continues, “I know it’s a pigeon because they are probably the only bird species that nests on train tracks. Another place they nest is under air conditioning units or on windowsills.”
Pigeons are also very loyal to where they live, Rabbi Lieberman says, so they will stay on the same spot and return after migration. And since they tend to rest on train tracks, the extensive subway network in Brooklyn means the pigeon is probably the bird species boasting the most nests in New York City.
Ducks lay their eggs on the riverbank and then return to the water nearby. Can shiluach hakan be performed with ducks?
“The halacha is you can’t just take the eggs and run off,”
Rabbi Lieberman says. “The mother has to give up on them. Even if she moves aside but doesn’t fly away, one is not yotzei; she has to be encouraged to fly away from the area entirely. But ducks can be aggressive. It isn’t always worthwhile to start up with them.”
In general, their opposition depends on how many eggs there are in the nest and the length of time the duck has been sitting on them.
“When it comes to ducks,” Rabbi Lieberman explains, “the longer they’ve been sitting on the nest, the more eggs there will be present, and the more attached the duck will be to her eggs. So if there’s just one egg in the nest, it’s more likely that the duck will simply fly away. But if the
duck has been sitting there longer, and there are more eggs present, she’ll be much more stubborn when someone tries to shoo her away.”
Do we make a bracha before performing shiluach hakan?
The minhag is not to make a bracha because many requirements must be fulfilled — some of which have various sfeikos — in order to be able to make one.
Rabbi Lieberman elaborates: “One of these requirements is definitely not being the owner of the nest, and some poskim say that if it’s in one’s backyard, it automatically becomes theirs.”
However, others hold that property does not automatically acquire something that has no monetary value, such as leaves and so on.
“Even if one does follow the ruling that the nest is theirs if it’s located in their backyard,” Rabbi Lieberman adds, “they can have in mind that any future eggs that will be laid in the nest won’t belong to them. With that intention in mind, shiluach hakan can be performed once the eggs appear.”
But there are other doubts as well:
“We don’t need the eggs to eat; in fact, they’re often not very palatable. Also, on many occasions the mother may leave the nest before actually being shooed away. If this occurs, one does not fulfill the mitzvah either. These and many more are some of the reasons we don’t make a bracha.”
“When I was growing up here in Lakewood,” he continues, “there were hundreds of pigeons in old buildings, but now, since everything has been rebuilt, they have been driven out of the area. Until they renovated the Beis Medrash Govoha building, I used to know exactly where and when to find new pigeons laying eggs.
“In suburban areas today, some common bird nests with which people do shiluach hakan are those of American robins, cardinals and mockingbirds, and occasionally doves,” Rabbi Lieberman says. “Each area is home to different types of birds since different birds like different habitats. Some like small shrubs, others live in evergreens, and so on. Their locations are also carefully chosen to be safe from squirrels. They don’t nest in condensed areas where there are a lot of trees; rather, they choose quieter locations.”
Interestingly, another local bird with a mesorah of kashrus is the sparrow, the tiny brown bird found hopping all over.
“As a matter of fact, there was a minhag in Germany to shecht a sparrow every seven years to perpetuate this mesorah,” Rabbi Lieberman says. “This makes a sparrow’s nest another good candidate for shiluach hakan.”
When it comes to mockingbirds, Rabbi Lieberman advises to be extra careful. Mockingbirds are known to defend their nest very aggressively, and they keep track of the humans who have bothered them. Remarkably, they recognize the offenders and are vicious enough to take revenge.
“I once did shiluach hakan with a mockingbird whose nest was located near my mailbox,” Rabbi Lieberman shares, “and every time I went to take the mail, this bird would come flying straight at my face and then swerve away at the very last second. It became so bad that I resorted to getting the mail with a broomstick in hand.”
Evidently, there is a whole lot of knowledge involved in learning the ins and outs of this mitzvah. Does learning the habits of birds require formal textbook studies?
“You don’t need any formal training,” Rabbi Lieberman says, “just observance of your surroundings. For example, when you see a bird flying with a twig or similar material, you know they’re going to build a nest. Other times, you see them searching for food to feed their families.
“Birds are very systematic in the way they do things, so all it takes is awareness of their tendencies and behavior. After a while, for instance, you’ll find that from 9 to 10 a.m. is their preferred ‘construction’ hour.
“Most importantly, if there’s a bird, there’s a nest. People think finding a nest is rare, but every single block has a nest. If you see a bird, you can rest assured that they didn’t travel far; there must be a nest nearby. They didn’t just turn up out of nowhere.”
Rabbi Lieberman’s own son, now seven years old, was observant enough last year to discover a bird collecting twigs to build a nest. He didn’t tell his friends about what he found; instead, after sharing the discovery with his father, he waited until there were eggs in the nest, and then he performed shiluach hakan!
The pasuk (Devarim 26:1) says “chicks or eggs,” so once birds are old enough to take care of themselves, there’s no mitzvah of shiluach hakan anymore.
“It takes at least a few days for birds to build their nest,” Rabbi Lieberman says, “after which they lay the eggs. Then it’s two weeks until they hatch, and another few weeks until baby birds are grown up
enough to leave their nest.”
But there are more criteria that need to be met. The mother needs to be sitting on eggs or the babies, so if she just stands off to the side and feeds her babies, there’s no mitzvah.
Setting up in preparation for shiluach hakan can present another challenge.
“Shiluach hakan itself takes fifty seconds,” Rabbi Lieberman says. “The problems usually arise when you’re setting up. If the nest is high up, for instance, the mother bird can get scared and fly away before you actually get there.
“There are two ways around this. One is setting up the ladder and then leaving it, so if the mother bird gets scared away, you could wait until she returns, and then climb up quietly. The second is to have in mind that your footsteps and other actions likely to alarm the bird should be part of your sending it away. This way, if it flies away before you actually get there, you’ve fulfilled the mitzvah.”
But the difficulties aren’t over yet.
“There are those who are of the opinion that the mitzvah is only fulfilled if you actually grasp the mother bird and
The pasuk (Devarim 22:8) says, “Shalach tishalach es ha’em v’es habanim tikach lach.” The second half of this phrase is the source behind the well-known segulah; many people who performed shiluach hakan were then zoche to children.
One pasuk later, Rashi expounds on the list of mitzvos following the mitzvah of shiluach hakan and explains that each mitzvah will follow the other in a chain of reward. The mitzvah following shiluach hakan is the commandment to build a gate around one’s roof, which means one will be blessed with a house. The next mitzvah involves one’s fields, which means one will be blessed with property. The next mitzvah is the issur of shatnez, which represents the beautiful new
clothing that will follow. All this bracha is thus associated with the mitzvah of shiluach hakan, which sets off a chain of blessing.
According to the Zohar, shiluach hakan is also a mitzvah that brings the Geulah closer. As the bird cries out, the malachim gather to complain that the mother is being sent away from her nest.
Hakadosh Baruch Hu then replies, “You are all pitying the bird, but no one is hav-
ing any rachmanus on beni bechori Yisroel who have been sent away from their home in Yerushalayim!”
At that point, the Zohar says, Hakadosh Baruch Hu exclaims: “If no one else has pity on my children, then I will have rachmanus on them and bring the Geulah.”
Thus, every time shiluach hakan is performed, the Geulah is one step closer. May it come speedily in our days!
then send it away,” Rabbi Lieberman explains. “But birds generally hop out of the way faster than you can grasp them. That’s why this method is unlikely to work unless the person is trained in handling birds.”
He himself has had such an experience. “I was once confident that I could grab onto a certain bird. But it slipped out of my hand, leaving its tail — which consisted of a few feathers attached to its back — with me. In the following weeks, I kept coming across that very bird minus its tail. Ever since that experience, I no longer try grabbing hold of the bird in question.”
The Chasam Sofer (Teshuvos Orach Chaim, siman 100) says that if one doesn’t actually get hold of the bird — rather, it simply flies away — there is a safek if they have fulfilled the mitzvah. But why does this matter? One anyway doesn’t make a bracha on this mitzvah.
Rabbi Lieberman explains: “This fact is relevant when it comes to the discussion of performing shiluach hakan on Shabbos. Every case of shiluach hakan is automatically a sha’aleh of tzar ba’alei chaim, but we permit this when trying to fulfill the mitzvah. However, when there are two sfeikos involved in an action, one may no longer perform
the mitzvah.”
Performing shiluach hakan on Shabbos involves two sfeikos. The first is the safek mentioned above. The second safek is the fact that performing the mitzvah would involve the melacha of tzad — trapping. Additionally, the birds and eggs are muktzah. Therefore, Chasam Sofer rules that shiluach hakan may not be done on Shabbos.
Climbing trees out in the open can sometimes look very suspicious to uninitiated passersby. Rabbi Lieberman shares a few interesting episodes:
“I used to go to a certain tree next to a train track. There were gentile neighbors who lived across the street and saw what was going on. One day I found the small evergreen chopped down — seems like they thought there was suspicious activity going on and decided to put a stop to it.”
In a similar story, a friend of Rabbi Lieberman was once stopped by the police while performing shiluach hakan and asked what he was doing. After this happened, he got himself a letter from a professor explaining that he studies birds to avoid any future problems. Armed with this note, he can now pursue his quest of performing shiluach hakan in peace!
Rabbi Chaim Fried* developed a passion for the mitzvah of shiluach hakan when he moved to Monsey from Boro Park seventeen years ago. He had always been intrigued by this particular mitzvah, but growing up in Boro Park, there were very few opportunities to perform shiluach hakan.
A short while after he moved to Monsey, he saw a birds’ nest, which sparked a fascination with the mitzvah of shiluach hakan. Reb Chaim began learning the halachos in earnest and researched the various local bird species. He discovered that there are many kosher species in the Monsey area.
Over the years, Reb Chaim has had countless opportunities to help people perform this special mitzvah. And of course, the more attempts he’s involved with, the more stories he has to tell. Following is a day in the life of a shiluach hakan expert.
*Names have been changed.
A while back, my friend asked me to find a nest for him so that he could do the mitzvah of shiluach hakan. I found a turtledove nest in an evergreen tree near his house, and when I checked the nest, I saw that the eggs had already hatched and there were two little chicks in the nest. My friend was very excited about this, and he arranged for a shochet to shecht the baby birds after he did shiluach hakan. (Of course, he was going to wait until the chicks had grown, as per halacha.) We all agreed to meet at the nest on a certain day
immediately began making crying sounds, like they were mourning their babies who were kidnapped. My friend was very shaken by this episode.
Truth to be told, however, having baby birds snatched right out of their nest is quite a common occurrence. I’ve seen it happen many times. In this case, however, I also felt bad for my friend, who had so been looking forward to doing shiluach hakan. There was no way I could just leave him there disappointed, so I proceeded to search for another nest. Baruch Hashem, I found another nest (with eggs inside this time), and he was still able to do the mitzvah that night.
That day, a few hours before shkiah, I got a phone call from my friend, who was absolutely frantic.
“You’ve got to come to the nest right now!” he cried.
I tried extracting the story from him, but he was too distraught and begged me to “just come.” When I arrived at the nest, my friend explained what happened. He had been watching the nest, when suddenly, a big black raven swooped into the nest and plucked out the two chicks, right in front of the two parent birds, as this young man looked on in horror. The mother and father birds
As I said, ravens catching prey in this manner is very common. In fact, in recent years, I’ve noticed that there is a growing presence of ravens in the Monsey area. This is why I always advise people to do shiluach hakan as soon as possible, and not to wait for the eggs to hatch. Incidentally, ravens steal eggs as well, so don’t assume that the eggs will wait around for you.
On that note, I was once passing the house of someone I knew when I noticed a raven fly out of the garden with an egg in its beak. The egg looked quite large, like the size of a hen’s egg. A moment later, another raven flew out of the garden, also with a large, white egg. I was confused; as far as I knew, this person didn’t have a chicken coop in his garden. Maybe he had some sort of nest? I told him about the eggs I had seen, and his reaction was priceless.
“Ah! Now I understand,” he exclaimed, slapping his head. Apparently, his wife had ordered 30 dozen eggs for Pesach, and they stored the trays on the back porch. Every time his wife went to get more eggs, she noticed that the rest of the tray was empty. She couldn’t fathom where all the eggs were disappearing to. It didn’t dawn on her that the culprit was the ravens.
Once, when I went to a Chase bank in Monsey, I noticed a pigeon’s nest nearby. Pigeons aren’t very common in Monsey, so I was excited about the opportunity to do shiluach hakan with this species of birds. The nest was high above the ATM machine outside. I was worried that if I would come at night and put up a ladder outside the bank, someone would call the police to report a bank robbery. I asked one of the bank employees if they had noticed the bird’s nest outside.
“Yes, we’ve noticed it, but we haven’t had a chance to call an exterminator yet,” she said.
“I have a friend who’s an exterminator,” I told her, “but he’s very busy. Maybe he’ll have time to come after hours. But how do we make sure that no one calls the police about suspicious activity at the bank?”
The employee happily agreed to let “my friend” come, and gave me the bank manager’s phone number in case someone would call the cops. Baruch Hashem, I was able to perform the mitzvah without incident.
On another occasion, I did have a little run-in with the law, and it was a really close call. In the U.S., there are many laws that protect nature, animals and the environment. It can be illegal for people to handle things like birds’ nests and eggs, which is why I’ve had several near misses with the law while trying to do shiluach hakan
Once, a friend and I were examining a nest in a State Park in New Jersey to see if it fit the required criteria. My friend was climbing up the tree to the nest when a police car showed up. My friend, a quick-thinking guy, immediately started behaving like a deranged individual, while I posed as his carer. Baruch Hashem, the cops saw that he was clearly not normal and left us alone. These nature protection laws apply not only to public areas, but also to private property. I have tried to obtain a license to handle nature, like nests and eggs, but it’s a very complicated procedure, and so far, haven’t decided that it was worth the effort.
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Unfortunately, I’ve had some flops as well. There was someone in Brooklyn who wanted to do shiluach hakan. I found a nest in Monsey and invited them to come to perform the mitzvah there. We arrived at the nest just in time to see another Yid, who had also been watching the nest, complete the mitzvah. My friends from Brooklyn had no choice but to return home disappointed.
On another occasion, I was watching a nest so that I could call someone else from Brooklyn who wanted to come to Monsey to do shiluach hakan. It was in the evening, and I was sure that the bird sitting on the nest was the mother. When the people came to do the mitzvah, I realized that the bird was in fact the father. It’s unusual for the father to sit in the evening, but it can happen, especially if the mother bird has died. It’s a shame when people make the long journey and then can’t complete the mitzvah. This episode also underscores how important it is to confirm that the bird on the nest is indeed the mother before doing shiluach hakan
Over the years, Rabbi Fried has gained valuable experience interacting with birds. In fact, he has learned to distinguish between bird songs, which he says helps him identify where a bird is up to with the nest-building. While he’s no Shlomo Hamelech, he says that doves, in particular, are quite easy to understand once you’ve picked up the patterns of their song.
“I am now able to tell when the male and female doves are communicating with each other, and from this I can gather where their nest is up to.”
Performing shiluach hakan is no easy feat. But with so much knowledge and experience under his belt, Rabbi Fried has paved the way for many Yidden to do this special mitzvah.
On December 17, 1903, at Kitty Hawk, North Carolina, the Wright brothers made history. Their famous first flight lasted only twelve seconds and covered only 120 feet, and the nose of their awkward craft bounced up and down along the way. But it was a transformative moment: the dream of human flight had become reality.
But for all of mankind’s creative brilliance, the construction of a mechanically powered aircraft pales in comparison to the ultimate flying machine — a bird. A bird is a masterfully engineered, tightly integrated series of components designed for flight.
To see one glide in the wind is to observe poetry in motion. Everything about it is miraculous.
The miracle starts with a bird’s incredible anatomy. Its wings are crafted in an aerodynamic fashion that produces lift (the upward force that counters gravity and enables flight) as air moves rapidly over the curved top of the wing and more slowly beneath it. As a result, there is more pressure pushing up on the bottom of the wing than there is on top of the wing. In a sense, birds are actually sucked up into the air.
But the wings would not be very useful if not for the unique design of its bones. Mammalian bones are solid. In contrast, bird bones are hollow. They are supported by thin crossbeam-like structures at the top and bottom. These “beams” keep the bones strong, yet very light. If not for their specialized bones, birds could not fly; they would be too heavy. An adult pelican, for instance, weighs more than 20 pounds and has the strength to fly hundreds of miles before landing, yet its entire skeleton weighs less
than 30 ounces. The hollow bones, reinforced by an internal network of girders and struts, not only allow them to escape gravity, but also make the bones durable enough to withstand the constant stress of flapping takeoffs and landings.
A BIRD’S WINGS AND SKELETAL FRAMEWORK alone would not be very helpful if not for its unique respiratory system that allows it to beat its wings several times a second on the average and fly more than ten hours straight — even in the sun, without any protection, and without getting tired. A human in great physical shape would collapse after 20 minutes of the equivalent exertion.
Birds accomplish this by employing a unique breathing process. When we breathe in, we inhale oxygenated air. When we breathe out, we exhale deoxygenated air. We can’t simultaneously inhale oxygenated air and exhale deoxygenated air. We get tired when we exercise because our muscles lack the necessary oxygen to function properly.
When birds inhale, half the oxygen goes to the lungs. The other half goes into a “reserve tank.” During exhalation,
they pull extra air from this tank into their lungs. This system allows birds to absorb oxygen both when they breathe in and out.
No other mammal can do that. Our blood and organs can’t obtain oxygen at the same time as we exhale oxygen. Birds, however, can flap their wings vigorously for hours and hours without getting fatigued because of their unique respiratory system.
NOT ONLY ARE THE BIRD’S SKELETON AND BIOLOGICAL SYSTEMS a highly coordinated series of complex parts, even its feathers play a role in flight. One “simple” feather can contain a million individual parts.
A hollow shaft supports the feather’s structure. Hundreds of strands, called barbs, branch out from this shaft. They provide flexibility and shape for flight. Seen close-up, each barb supports hundreds of even smaller structures called barbules. Barbules are arranged in two sets of opposing pairs. Those extending from one side of a barb support a cluster of
microscopic hooks, and those on the other side are curled into ridges. As they overlap, the barbules interlock, hookto-ridge, creating a zipper-like mechanism. This herringbone pattern blocks the passage of air, all while remaining flexible and allowing the bird to easily repair breaks on the surface of its wings.
Unless those individual components work together, the feather will not be functional. And feathers are only a small part of the features that allow birds to fly.
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Imagine eating fatty foods for weeks, and then walking nonstop from New York to Florida, a 1,200mile trip, to spend the winter. Once there, you marry, immediately have children, fatten up again, and then return to New York for the summer. Meanwhile, your fast-track kids grow up in New York (without you) and fatten up at fast-food mills. Before summer gets too hot, they also walk to Florida without the help of a map, road signs, a relative or even a guide (forget about GPS or Waze).
Sounds ridiculous — and for humans, of course it is — but this is what millions of birds do every year.
Some of the distances traveled by birds are unbelievable. These include the graying goose (1,800 miles), the whooper swan (1,500 miles), the bald eagle (1,800 miles), the snow goose (2,500 miles), the Eurasian crane (2,500 miles), the white stork (3,100 miles) and the bobolink (6,000 miles),
One incredible bird, however, beats them all.
THE LONG-DISTANCE RECORD FOR MIGRATION belongs to a little bird from the far north called the Arctic tern. Arctic terns have been called the Birds of the Sun because they spend more than eight months a year in the perpetual daylight of the Arctic region near the North Pole, and then migrate all the way down to Antarctica, near the South Pole.
Although the location of their primary nesting grounds in the north and feeding areas in the south were identified in the 1960s, the birds were impossible to track over the open sea. Then, in 2007, Carsten Egevang of the Greenland Institute of Natural Resources accurately mapped the tern’s migration by tagging them with geo-locators (also called loggers). It wasn’t easy. In the summer, his team attached the 1.4-gram device
onto the leg of about 50 terns. They then let the birds go, hoping they would return the next year.
In July 2008, Egevang began the seemingly impossible task of retrieving the loggers. He and his team spent a lot of time staring up at the air at hundreds of arctic terns, hoping to find one of the tagged birds in the air so they could follow it to its nest. Once they spotted a tagged bird, they kept their eyes focused on it until it landed. This revealed its nest and allowed them to set a trap to capture the bird. They then downloaded the data.
After leaving Greenland, the birds stopped to feast for nearly a month in the deep waters of the Atlantic. From the North Atlantic, the terns headed southeast toward the coast of Africa.
When they neared the equator, they surprised Egevang by splitting their path. Half of the birds continued along the African coast while the others turned west toward Brazil. Though now separated by thousands of miles, the birds remained focused on their ultimate destination. By November, both sets arrived in Antarctica as temperatures warmed in the southern hemisphere.
In early April, now rested and refueled, the terns sensed the approach of winter, and within days, the entire population moved north. Flying almost non-stop for two months, they traveled up to 300 miles a day and arrived together at Sand Island, their original location, during the first week of June. The timing of the return was critical, for the timeframe to lay their eggs and raise their chicks is only about eight weeks long.
By mid-August, another Arctic winter was at hand, and once more these Birds of the Sun headed south. Along the way they would again endure the challenges of distance, weather and navigation.
THE ANNUAL ROUND TRIP OF THE ARCTIC TERN is around 45,000 miles long. Some Arctic terns will undertake this journey 30 times over the course of their lives. This adds up to about 1.5 million miles — the distance to the moon and back, three times! How are they able to travel so far and then get back to exactly the same spot where they spent the previous summer?
If humans did that, think of the technology they would need. The tern not only comes ready-built with its own “cockpit”; all of its “electronics” are highly miniaturized, extremely reliable, maintenance free and easily reproduced. Furthermore, this remarkable bird needs no training.
Flight is a complex function. There are many physical demands on a flying bird, and Hashen designed dozens of biological systems to meet every challenge. The enormous quantities of energy and strength the bird requires are produced by hearts that beat more than 500 times a minute, massive muscles that relentlessly power their wings, the most efficient respiratory systems in the animal kingdom, and digestive systems designed to fuel high metabolisms without taxing the stringent weight requirements of flight.
Birds also depend upon navigational systems that involve the sun, constellations and the Earth’s magnetic field; an internal gyroscope to stabilize the orientation of their bodies during rapid movements in the air; acute vision to identify food from half a mile away; and instincts that direct migration journeys across oceans and continents.
A bird’s flight requires many coordinated systems. The complexity of these systems makes it hard for scientists to explain their precise assembly in birds. One scientist said, “If you throw all the parts for a 747 into the middle of a room, turn on a fan, and blow everything around, you’re not going to end up with a 747. Living organisms are much more complicated than a 747, and they’re integrated wholes — not merely the sum of their parts. They’re alive and responsive.”
WE SEE BIRDS FLYING ALL THE TIME, yet most of the time we take them — and the miracle they represent — for granted.
That’s a shame. Each bird is an opportunity to strengthen our emunah. Rav Avigdor Miller, zt”l, writes ( A Nation Is Born 8:18) that just as the miracles that Hashem performed in Egypt “were wondrous demonstrations of Hashem’s deeds, so are all the ‘natural’ processes and all events and even all objects demonstrations of Hashem’s deeds… Seeing is a miracle, hearing is a miracle, thinking is a miracle, eating and digestion are miracles, the birth of a child is a miracle, an enzyme is a miracle, DNA is a miracle, a chromosome is a miracle, and an atom is a miracle.”
Every bird in flight is a consummate blend of beauty and functional design that embodies the highest levels of engineering. Each is a tapestry of the mysterious and the unexpected, a showcase of behaviors that can surprise, inspire and fill a human heart with awe and wonder. In short, a bird is a miracle.
If your dream outdoor space includes some beautiful birds flitting about, set out some bird feed in your choice of feeder, and wait for the magic to happen.
I filled these feeders with Wagner’s bird food, which claims to attract a wide variety of song birds — and it worked! All summer long we enjoyed our feathered visitors. I was really surprised by how much it enhanced our lives, and how much everyone in the family enjoyed watching the birds. It made me think about how separated our lives are from nature — but also how easily we can adjust that. Maybe you can’t have a pet, ride a horse, or go on nature walks every day, but these charming bird feeders will bring feathered friends and the great outdoors right to your doorstep.
Here are two variations of this classic bird feeder. You can match it to your trees to camouflage it, or have fun with some color!
This perch is to a bird what a lawn chair is to you... an inviting place to relax!
1 Mason jar Twig Yarn, jute or ribbon of choice
Hot glue gun
1. Attach the twig to the jar with hot glue.
2. Use hot glue to attach one end of the yarn to the bottom of the twig.
3. Start wrapping the yarn around the jar using small amounts of hot glue to keep the yarn in place. As you continue wrapping the yarn around
the jar, glue will no longer be needed. To change colors, glue the end of the yarn down, then glue down the beginning of the next color.
4. Wrap yarn or jute around the opening of the jar, and double knot at the center. Cut off one string and add beads.
5. Wrap a piece of jute or yarn toward the bottom of the jar, and press it in between the yarn to secure. Double knot it, and cut off one string. Add beads.
6. Tie both loose strings together in the middle.
7. Fill with seeds, and hang it up for your bird friends to enjoy!
This charming bird feeder uses everyday supplies you may already have around the house. Put it all together to create a bird haven you can hang anywhere.
A cute sun roof for your feathered friends!
3 clear hard plastic bowls Designed napkin Yarn, jute or string of choice Beads Mod Podge Paint brush or sponge
Hot glue gun Scissors
1. Use a hot glue gun to carefully melt a hole in the center of one of the bowls.
2. Cut the designs out of the napkins you chose, or create your own design on colored napkins.
colorsBright and a patternsummery thebrings projectwhole alive with summer!
3. Paint a thin layer of Mod Podge in the inside of the bowl with the hole. Paste the napkin cut-outs in the bowl with the design facing out. Add another layer of Mod Podge over it. Set aside to dry.
5. Measure the length on each string to determine where you will attach the second bowl, and attach using hot glue.
4. Cut three long pieces of string. Use hot glue to attach them to one bowl (not the designed one). You can add beads to the string for decor.
6. Once both bowls are attached to the strings, hold all three strings at the top, making sure it’s all level. Tie a tight knot, and cut off two of the strings.
7. Put the designed bowl through the remaining string to create a “sun roof” for the birds.
8. Add seeds and water, and hang for your birds to enjoy!
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• Construction concerns
• Unauthorized road closures
• Road hazards like potholes, etc. please don't hesitate to contact our community liaison, and your concern will be resolved in the most e ective manner.
Mr. Yossi Margareten
He can be reached at: 845.357.5100 ext. 433 | Margarettenj@ramapo.org
Program Director: Rebecca Ashkenas, LCSW
Clinical Supervisor: Michael Bleicher, LCSW Under
Nihility · is a noun describing the state of being nothing; nothingness; nonexistence
IndividualsareoftendrawntotheTorahwhentheystart questioningthenihilityofapursuit-focusedexistence.
Bats are not blind. They actually have very good eyesight and can see in conditions that to us is pitch black. Their vision, however, is much less sharp and vivid than ours.
ATM is an acronym for Automated Teller Machine, making the term ATM Machine a redundant one. The redundancy that often occurs with acronyms is known as RAS Syndrome, and with RAS standing for Redundancy Acronym Syndrome, the issue is right here in this word too.
Until the mid-1900s, the location that is now Lake Suzanne was swampy farmland.
The property was part of the 85-acre development called Fanley Woods, which was owned by Alfred J. Ellish. In the 1940s, Mr. Ellish built the lake to increase the value of the homes in the surrounding area he was developing.
The homeowners of the lakefront homes had easements to the lake. The residents purchased boats and dinghies for summer recreation right in their backyards and built docks off their properties out to the lake. They would also enjoy skating on the water’s surface in the winter.
agreement arrangement garment
arrange engagement gangrene grammar magenta magnate management manager
Yaakov; he went to “Beis Lavan.”
Use the following letters to list 5 words, each using 7 letters and up. Only the center letter must be used, and letters can be repeated. Bonus points for pangrams (words that use all seven letters).
Name a common English phrase for each item on the list that includes a word associated with this week’s theme.
Theme: Feathered friends
Example: A person who works through the night — a night owl
1. Observe someone with a critical eye
2. Get cold feet
3. Someone ahead of the game
4. Everything gets noticed with this
5. I heard it from a secret someone
6. A dual accomplishment
7. An impossible search
8. Someone vulnerable for attack
9. How you feel on a day off
10. Small-minded person
We welcome town trivia, historical facts and photos, and Torah-themed riddle submissions. We’d also love to hear if you have additional answers to our puzzles! Email comments@themonseyview.com to add your very own bits of wits. Please include your name and contact information.
1. Gather round the table to play a family game of Boggle, using this Boggle board.
2. Once you have a winner, fill out the form below in its entirety
3. Email the form to comments@ themonseyview.com or fax to 845600-8483 by Sunday at midnight.
4. Two winners will be drawn each week, each of whom will win a pastrami sandwich and a can of soda!
Find words on the board containing four letters or more. Letters of a word must be connected in a chain (each letter should be adjacent to the next either vertically, horizontally or diagonally), and each letter can only be used once in a given word.
The following are not allowed in Boggle: Adding “s” to a word • Proper nouns • Abbreviations • Contractions • Acronyms
4-letter words: 2 points | 5-letter words: 3 points | 6-letter words: 5 points | 7-letter words: 7 points | 8-letter words: 9 points | 9+ letters: 12 points
Each Boggle board hides a word of nine letters or more!
Family name:
Full mailing address:
Full name of winner:
Amount of points:
Full names of competing players:
List some words only the winner found:
FAMILY NAME: Ciment, 845-xxx-7751
SOME WORDS ONLY THE WINNER FOUND: loath, moat, haul, older, cough
FAMILY NAME: Feldman, 845-xxx-9210
SOME WORDS ONLY THE WINNER FOUND: loaf, flight, holder, lowfat, folder
Thank you to the hundreds of readers who sent in beautifully colored pages! Keep coloring!
THE TEN WINNERS OF THE $5 GIFT CARDS AT TOYS4U! A $5 credit was issued at Toys4U on the account of the phone number listed on your submission.
Send your colored page to The Monsey View to enter a drawing for a chance to have your artwork featured in our pages and win $5 at Toys4U! Ten lucky winners will be announced each week!
To enter the raffle, email your colored page to comments@themonseyview.com, or mail it to 365 Route 59, Suite 239, Airmont, NY 10952. Submissions will be included in the drawing only if all information is filled in.
Feel free to photocopy this coloring page for the entire family.
Doona Stroller, multiple colors avail.cll/txt 1-201-6144045
Neocate $46.99 per can. Kendamil Similac L’Mehadrin in stock!! We buy off any formula for a good price and trade as well. Call for other types of formulas. New! Option of shipping case of 6 Kendamil directly to you from England. Formula Trade 347.369.4886
Looking to sell a natural color bebe organic set, size 3 mths, with matching bonnet and blanket, beautiful for vachnacht. Please call 347 382 0905
Elegant Henredon 3 piece wall unit made of solid cherry wood with more than six shelves, this versatile unit offers ample space to display your favorite books and decorative items. 76” high, 81” wide, and 21” deep. Asking $840. 9148307154
1 bdrm furnished apartment on Remsen Ave 8455718409
4 bedroom plus playroom apartment available in the Bluefield area, section 8 ok. Please call 347-775-8612
Brand new 4-5 bdrm house in New City, private yard. Call 845-587-6655
Large Apt for rent on Blauvelt Rd, 3 bedrooms, 2 1/2 baths, Large Kitchen & Dining Room. Section 8 ok. Call after 11am 845-659-6219
Looking for a temporary home until yours is ready? Check out this spacious apartment: 6 bedrooms, 3 full baths. Spacious kitchen, D/R, L/R, Play/R, Seforim room. Centrally located on Francis Place. 2 year lease. Asking $3,900 + Utilities. Please contact 845-579-2352
8 bedroom waterfront house for rent in seagate. Available for shabbosim, weekly or daily. For more Information call, text or whatsapp 7188099355
Beautiful newly furnished clean 4 Bedroom 4 full Bath DR LR Kit Large Deck and Nice View Near Shul Avail For Weekends Please Call 845648-7270
Brand New 5 Bedroom apartment for rent, in the new Kearsing/Meron development. Section 8 preferred. Please call 845641-0360
7 Bedrooms, 4 bathrooms, Spacious house beginning of Chestnut Ridge off Hungry Hollow. Call Monsey realty 845-376-0906
5 Bedroom Flat in the new Kearsing Development. New City section 8 ok. Call Monsey realty 845-376-0906
Brand new 1 BDRM, D/R and Kitchen available for rent at Carlton/ West Maple area. Please email rcmanageoffice@gmail.com or text 845-828-6781
Beautiful airy Furnished apt 2nd floor with porch perfect for chosen kale, 306 and Phyllis. Call/Text 845-5454500
Newly renovated offices for rent on LENORE AVE. please call 845 533 2427
1000 SF ground floor space + 15 parking spots available for rent call/Text 845.203.1120
Retail Building In Haverstraw On Rt 9w 4,000 Sf, Asking $999k, Great Location, Text Or Call 845.203.1120
3 offices + a big room + a double garage for rent (845) 579-5351
7,000 + SF legal school building for lease In Spring Valley/option to split the space. Please call 845-3675065 #402
Basement and fenced in yard to rent to a playgroup Morah for 3-4 yr olds. Summer and 2024-2025. 347-831-5444.
Renovated basement for rent for playgroup etc with large backyard. Viola area. 845596-0375
3 Offices plus basement for rent. Option to be rented individually. The basement is 1500 Sq ft with windows above ground and bathroom. Call Monsey realty 845-3760906
3 offices plus a garage in New City, quiet area. Call Monsey realty 845-376-0906
A few big offices for rent in Office building in Suffern. Call Monsey realty 845-3760906
Beautiful large space for rent for buisness, offices or playgroup/daycamp. Four rooms to take together or separate with Wi-fi and kitchenette. Please call 646995-8788
Beautiful private villa. 4 Master suites with kosher kitchen, huge living area, pool. Walking distance to Shul/ Kosher shopping. Call/ whatsapp 718-541-0292
Luxurious 3 bedroom lake house villa in Case Grande Arizona. Private pool fully stocked kosher kitchen. 520.251.4459
For the best Real Estate deals, Call: Mrs. Debby Schwartz 203.667.2785
Collins Ave. Beautiful ocean view. 1 bedroom apt. for rent. 347.760.0570
Beautiful apartment in the bates area available to rent every weekend for the months of July and August. Text: 2168489772 or 4434010954
2-bedroom, 2-baths with private heated pool and spa. From $325 per night. Call/ Text: 917-382-4810, email: 1752nmb@gmail.com
Beautiful 6 bedroom new construction home for rent for the summer. Furnished. Red rock road in New City. 845-422-7292
Accepting now bookings for spring and summer,(weekly,part or full). Big villa in serene area outside Monroe with huge heated pool. 8 couple bedrooms, Teen bedroom 8 beds plus 20 kids beds. For Pictures hotelfifteen.com call to book 845 837- 5662
New Pristine Cathedral
Ceiling House in Linden. 4.5 bedrooms. 3 bathrooms. Stocked Playroom. All Shab Amenities. 5 min to shul. Located near grocery. call/ text 718-989-1406.
Gorgeous upgraded villa available for Summer and year round. 14 comfortable beds, 3 baths, kosher kitchen. Beautiful private backyard with heated pool, outdoor furniture with grill. Near Shul & Grocery. Call/text 929-592-0368 / 929-441-5709 Arizonakoshervilla.net. Villa in Tuscon also available
Local girls school in Chestnut Ridge has 8 classrooms + lunchroom available to rent out for the summer. For inquiries please email mfriedman@ateresbnos.org.
Beautiful campgrounds available to rent for a Yeshivas Kayitz or summer camp, Please contact campusom180@gmail.com
Large house can accommodate up to 18 guests. Cottage up to 6 guests. Near all the poconos atractions, walking distance to minyan. Please contact campusom180@gmail.com
Beautiful spacious new city home available for rent the month of august. 7 bedrooms, big dining room, stocked playroom, furnished patio. Weekend rentals available as well. Text 2168489772
Wellington M, 2 Bedroom apt. Ground Floor FOR SALE. Call: 347.760.0639
Carriage Club North, beautiful 2 bedroom, 2 bath, ground floor, for rent. Call: 347.499.0031
Broad Management Group, a property management company located in Montvale NJ, is seeking a skilled and detail-oriented Bookkeeper to join our team. The ideal candidate will have a solid understanding of accounting principles and practices, excellent organizational skills, and meticulous attention to detail. This is a full time position. Salary range $65k-$85k depending on experience with benefits. Please send your resume to HR@broadmg.com
Girls’ elementary school seeking passionate teachers, co-teachers, and assistants to join our dedicated team for school year 2024-2025. Experience preferred, but will train. Warm, positive, and growth oriented work environment with competitive pay ON TIME. Please send resume to bschwartz@bnosbinahm.org
Yeshiva seeks a warm and vibrant upper elementary grade English teacher for the upcoming school year. Supportive environment. Experience a plus. Great pay. Please call 845-558-6699 or email ykapplicants@gmail. com.
Baby Layettes (845) 213-3646
Layettes Text 718-551-1732
Doula 845-587-1649
Labor Bag 347-604-3274
Pidyon Haben Accessories 845-6427256
Pidyon Haben 845-659-6704
Pidyon Haben Gemach 845-356-3568
Pidyon Haben silver tray 845-558-9589
Formula 347-267-3640 Or 216-8893643
Neocate Formula 718-853-4090
Neocate Formula 845-517-9221
Formula Gemach 845-371-3232
Carseats, Bassinet & Pack N Plays. 425-1202
Carseats, Pack N Plays, Strollers, Pumps 845.425.6826
Doona Car Seat 845-445-7474
Brass Iron Bassinet 917-280-4559
Preemie Clothing 845-520-0475
The Preemie Box 845.664.5768 Or 718.688.5814
Baby Scale 845-578-5639
Baby Headphone 845 356 6797 Or 845 558 9370
Baby Scales 845-694-8985
Easy birth from Koznitzer Maggid 917-514-9461
NICU approved clothing 4.5lb+ 845422-7896/347-382-0016
Nursing pumps 8454999871
Twin layette gift box.719 972 0554. Lv msg.
Bris Accessories 617-955-3630
Bris Accessories 845 425 8359
Bris Accessories 425 3873
Bris Accessories 425-6574
Bris Accessories 356-6215
Blue Light 845.425.1919
Poya and bris outfit w/ tefillos 845425-0672
Bris outfit & Poya 917-909-4072
Bris outfit poya, also tefilla cards 845 3564859 Ralph area
Pillow/Benchers 845-213-0602
Knife Sharpening For Mohalim 718384-6214
Segula Stone 347-699-6418
Preemie Outfit 845.558.7065
Krias Shema Board With Stand 425-4540
Free Mohel 347-383-5696
Bris Gemach call/text 845-587-5813
Bris outfit, hat and Puyah 845-5589589
New Bris Gemach -845 549 0316
Gowns 845-517- 8808
Mother & Sister Gowns 845-426-7496 Or 845-352-3031.
Gown And Petticoats 347-278-1278
Ivory/white/dusty blue gowns 845371-1765
Floral Bisomim 845-629-2785.
Hats $25. 347-351-1604
Elegant Hats 845-517-0838.
Bands & Berets 845-371-3556
Tichel 845-548-0014
Mechitza’s, Tables, Chairs Etc. Call
Hot Water Urns 845-425-9211
Ear-Plugs 845-202-0105. Toys 845-578-6513
Toys 917-538-3453. Clics 845-352-5820
Tablecloths (845) 371 2105
Tablecloth 352-8292
Tablecloths 352-8292
Gold Chargers 845-573-9772
shelves, stands, trays & centerpieces
Siddurs. Sfard: 845-608-7830 Ashkenaz: 845 352 1756 Or 845-826-6718
Siddur/Chumash 558.4774
Benchers 845-642-0910
Bentchers 347-404-2204
Bechers 845-377-5671
Becher, Challah Deklich, Zemiros
Coat Rack And Hangers 845-356-9841
Chuppa Cards 347-278-1278
Chupah Cards 845.222.0456
Chuppah Tefillos Booklets. 845-2130602.
Wedding Kit 845-425-2036
Wedding Kit 845-371-2947
Simcha Powder Room Kit 845-3048154
Accessories Basket 845-371-6857
Children Hair Pieces 3473001679
Portable Chuppah 845-425-4790
Sound System 917-382-8809
Evening Bags 845-549-2929
Shmiras Halashon Cards 537-0069
Earplugs for Simchos 845-328-1071
22 qt crockpots, big hot plates, big pots, perculator 8453238570
Simcha table centerpieces
Centerpieces 845-570-7755
Wedding guest accessories basket 845-425-0963
Invitation Addressing 845-275-3044
Portable & Plug in Food warmers
Yom Hachuppah Cd 845-352-2560
Crowns, veils, shoes, capes 426-0767
Headpieces, Tiaras, Veils 845-4254221
White Sneakers 917-613-6579
White Shoes 845-200-0211
Kallah Hand Bouquet 845-459-3567
Dress your kallah stress free. Book 1 week in advance 518-306-1167
Kallah Dresser 845-300-5767
Vort dress gemach 845-499-3086
Kallah fur capes 845-425-7176
Ribbis Question? 347-977-0628
Notary Public 347-228-8825
Fix necklines 845-238-6691
Hairstyling 845-540-3731
Hair styling 845-502-6558
Haircuts & Styling 845-352-8101/ 845-499-3218
Wash & sets $25, 347-944-0003
Haircutting/Styling 845-263-7057
Haircutting & Styling 845-422-5337
Hospital Supplies 746-8293
Hospital Gown 845-425-8687
Hospital Gown 845-426-4695
Hospital Gowns 845-356-5364
Medical Equipment Email Slmw50@ Gmail.com
DVDS & players for Cholim/Homebound 425-2660
Simcha Maternity 845-425-1725
Maternity Coats Text only 845-5212912
Bed Rest? Laundry Help. 213-7437
Maternity Clothing 845-445-9687
Maternity Coat Text Only 8455212912
Twin Z Pillows 845-445-9298
Proposal Gemach 347-277-4072
Makeup 845-517-7128
Gps & Waze 845-352-2588 (Minimal Fee)
Kosher Waze 845.587.1708
Roof Carriers 845-659-1863.
Pack N Play Sheets Included. Text: 845-216-4885
Pack n plays 845-426-1177/ 347631-8183
Beautiful nishmas cards 845-729-7390
Poya (outfit, hat, booties) 845-4250672
Help-a-mom. to volunteer call 347977-6816
Phones For Emergencies. 845-3760738
Reflectors 845-356-0815
Reflectors 347-977-6816
Feeding Supplies 845-366-6398
Natural Health Support, text 347 2287578
Ostomy Supplies 845-637-6231
Moving Boxes Text (845) 641-5536
Boxes 845-425-6826 Or 845-608-7830
Boxes 845-642-5286
Boxes Text (845) 641-5536
Heaters 845 362 8666
Phone Gemach 845-445-7422
Air Mattresses 9176537170
Air mattress gemach Text/WhatsApp 9087831676
Coat racks & Hangers 845-352-4640
New Tablecloth Gemach 845-459-7396
Tablecloths on New Hempstead 845459-7396
Baby scale 845-540-1710
Cuddles n Cradles 347-243-7495
Outfit and pillow 914-715-2672
Suitcases 845-371-9121
Minor Repairs txt 845-272-4840
Bike Racks 845-659-1863.
Opwdd Sd Advice Email Slfydhm@ Gmail.com
GPS 425-3873
Teacher’s Bulletin 845-425-8046
Computer Advice (862) 248-1931
Loans 347-385-1408
Twin carriages 718-522-3891
Moving Help packing/unpacking 845-281-5900
Pack N Plays with sheets text 845280-3470
Therapy toys 1-443-879-3169
Financial planning 7188536016
Digital Cameras 8264062
Phone With Service 845-445-7422
Single parent? Help with shopping etc. 516-203-2616
Hairstyling 845-570-7121
Washing Stations 845.428.9014
Yiddish & English Poems 845-587-3018
Shabbos lamps (914) 391-3787
Lev Simcha music groups/visits 8456082676
Sefer Torah 347-598-0357
Free-shalom bayis 845-213-0602
Mezuzos 845-540-1802
Boys Occasionwear 570-507-4492
Drop in babysitter - (845) 445-9391
laminators & paper cutters msg 845263-7115
Kendamil formula 914-523-0592
Zichron Eliezer mailing Gemach 845213-5617
Vitamin Gemach 845-521-5241
Hachnosas Kallah loan gemach 347415-1525
Heimish Chicken soup 845-352-3959
Purim Costumes 845-641-4684
Yeshiva in Monsey seeks a geshmake Rebbi for third grade. Experience a plus. Supportive environment. Excellent pay for the right individual. Please call 845558-6699 or email ykapplicants@gmail. com.
Part-time & Full-time jobs available. Email TopPartTimeJobs@gmail.com
Construction office looking to hire a full-time secretary and project manager. Preferable knowledge of QuickBooks. Please email your resume to officejobs4832@gmail.com
Heimish office in Monsey is looking for a secretary to handle their customer service, great office environment, please email resume to Monseyjob123@gmail. com
Heimish office with separate female seating is looking to expand their staff, multiple positions available. Fabulous working environment – Please email resume to monseyjob123@gmail.com
BAS MIKROH GIRLS SCHOOL is seeking ELA/Math Remedial Teachers, Permanent Substitutes, Gym Teacher, Coteachers and Teachers Assistants for the ‘24-’25 school year. Join our supportive, warm environment and help our students thrive! Please send resume to Hr@ basmikroh.org.
ABA Riders is looking for a female ABA para to work with: A 3 and 5 year old from 4-6 pm daily in Fairlawn, NJ. Driving is required. Competitive pay. Contact Rikki 347-930-9736/info@abariders.com.
An imports company in Pomona is seeking a F/T female employee, with good email writing and basic computers skills, email resume to jacobg1402@gmail.com
Management is looking to hire a female Secretary with Rent Manager software experience Call/Text 845-263-7826 Email office@apexusagroup.com
• CFO, 5+ years of senior financial leadership experience within the Skilled Nursing Facility (SNF), 275k+, Monsey
• CFO, Established importer/manufacturer company, CPA and accounting experience required, 200k+, Patterson NJ
• Senior Director of Marketing, strategic oversight of ecommerce and marketing initiatives, 180k, Monsey
• SQL Server Database Administrator, 160k+, 5+ years related experience, Monsey/ Newark
• Manufacturing Maintenance Manager, experience in overseeing a team of mechanics for manufacturing company, 150k, Monsey
• PPC Manager - Amazon Expertise (Large Budget & SKU Management) 150k+, Monsey
• Regional Property Manager, travel to Connecticut required, 150k+, office based in Monsey
• Property Portfolio Manager, LIHTC experience and travel required, 150k+, Monsey
• Financial Controller, oversee finances including A/R, A/P, Bank and Credit Card Reconciliations, Month-End Close, 140k+, Monsey
• Customer Service Manager, Management experience in customer service or related fields required, 130k+, Monsey
• Project Manager – LED Lighting Contractor, strong electrical background, handy, act as owner’s rep, 130k, Monsey
• Creative Product Developer with prior Amazon experience, 130k+, Monsey
• Director of Intake, Healthcare/Homecare background and management skills preferred, 130k, Monsey
• Full-Charge Bookkeeper, for busy construction office, 120k+, Monsey
• IT Level 2, 120k, Newark, NJ
• Business Analyst/ Product Owner, translate business needs into technical solutions, 120k, Monsey
• Mobile App Developer, experience in iOS and Android app development, 110k+, Monsey
• Maintenance Planner and Scheduler, coordinate, plan and schedule all maintenance activities, 110k, Newark
• Industrial Mechanic, experience w/ manufacturing and/or packaging machinery required, 110k, Monroe
• Mid-Level Full Stack Software Developer, proven proficiency in .NET and C# programming languages, 100k, Monsey
• Outside Sales position, Build client relationships, identify sales opportunities, and close deals, 3+ yrs. experience required, 100k+, Monsey
• HR Manager with Payroll experience, 100k
+ full benefits package, Monsey
• Office Manager/ Executer, bookkeeping, software and marketing knowledge required, 90k+, Monsey
• HR Supervisor, HR/Management experience required, 90k, Monsey
• HR Generalist, HR experience required, 80k+, near Monsey
• Construction Project Manager, Experience and travel to NYC required, 75k+, Monsey
• Bookkeeper/ Office Admin, Full-time position, Rent Manager experience preferred, 75k+, Monsey
• Customer Service, Male office, Excel, word, Outlook, communicate via email in proper English, 70k, Monsey
• Paralegal, full-time position, 70k+, Monsey
• Junior Accountant/Bookkeeper, 70k, Monsey
• Insurance Underwriter, female office, collect data from clients, approach carriers to shop out best policy quotes, 70k+, Monsey
• Assistant Warehouse Manager, 70k, Edison NJ
• Legal Administrative Assistant, Full-time, 65k – 85k, Newark NJ
• Experienced Payroll Processor, Full-time, NCS/Healthcare experience preferred, 50k -70k, Monsey, [possible remote]
• Article 16 Therapist, work with Male adults in an Article 16 Clinic, part-time w/ potential for full-time, $50/hr. Monsey
• HCBS CFASS and/or Respite Supervisor, relevant experience and Degree required, $40/hr. Monsey
• Male/Female Care Manager, [BA or First Talmudical degree required], $35/hr. Monsey and Monroe
• Nursing Home Transition and Diversion (NHTD) & Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) Service Coordinator, BA or MA degree required, female office, relevant experience preferred, minimum 20/hrs. weekly. $35/hr. Monsey
• Software support specialist, Female office, part-time or full-time, $35/hr. Monsey
• Quality Assurance Coordinator, Analyze data and records, Excellent verbal/ written communication skills, 4-5 hrs. daily, $30/hr.+, Monsey
• Full-time secretary/receptionist positions available. $30/hr. Monsey
A עשימייה עשי’דיסח company in NJ is seeking a woman employee with office experience. The company is located approximately 30 minutes from Monsey. Good pay, Excellent work environment, and transportation provided. Please email your resume to yidel@sfsupplies.com
Upscale Jewelry Store In Monsey Is Looking To Hire
A Part Time Energetic Sales Lady. Sunday’s Included. Please Email Resume: Jewelrypersonal@Gmail.com
Local Home organizing store is seeking a saleslady with a passion for Home organizing. Must speak Yiddish. Hours: MondayThursday 2:30-6:30 and Sunday 12-6:45. Call 845-459-3950 lv msg
ABA Riders is looking for a female ABA para to work with A 5 year old full day in either Fairlawn or Monsey. Contact Rikki 347-930-9736
A Heimishe cheder in Monsey is looking to hire a secretary for Sundays 9-3. Please call 347-628-2637
We have the perfect job for you! Children’s boutique in Monroe looking to hire friendly and outgoing sales associate. Great environment and Great pay! Call 929-2440187
Busy medical facility is seeking an experienced P/T or F/T Medical Biller. Great pay, paid vacation/holidays and opportunities for growth. Send your resume to hr6094373684@gmail. com or call 845-770-3837.
Property management company is looking for a Full time secretary. Data entry, customer service and collection skills required. Please email resume to rcmanageoffice@gmail.com or Call 845-828-6781
Stop wasting your time going through all the jobs classifieds. Simply email your resume to Info@ SwiftStaffingGroup.com to explore your options & maximize your career. Or Call/Text/ WhatsApp 732-800-7633 Strictly confidential & completely free.
Looking to hire a female personal assistant with bookkeeping experience Call/Text 845-2637826 Email info@ worldwidesuccessinc. com
ABA Riders is looking to hire a BCBA. Well-paid, flexible hours. Contact Rikki 347930-9736/info@abariders. com.
Echo Institute For Health Looking for full time receptionist. Fax resume to 845-642-0018 Email zw@ echomsy.com
Looking for a Yiddish speaking female individual to work on goals with a medically fragile infant. Individual should have a high school diploma. Call 845-426-2199 ext. 1780.
Heimishe office seeking a female employee to fill a business office position in a great environment. Must be responsible, organized and possess great communication skills. Competitive salary & benefits. Graduates welcome. Please email resume to healthcaremonsey@gmail. com
Be Your Own Boss! Join New York Life Insurance Co. as a seasoned salesperson or our fast track to management program. Experience top training, support, and retirement benefits. Make an impact, secure your future. Connect today! dglick@ newyorklife.com or Call 845639-5216
Local Spring Valley Office Seeking Professional, Motivated And Detail Oriented Full Time Secretary. Must Have Familiarity In Quickbooks & Excel. Very Pleasant & Heimishe Atmosphere. Please Email Resume To Hiringnow259@ Gmail.com
Chassidishe Girl’s camp is looking to hire girl lifeguards 13th grade+. Please call 845388-1168 lv msg
Seeking a volunteer to assist with recording daily on a hotline. Email halachosline@ gmail.com
Looking for a male individual to act as a companion for a 7-year-old boy and teach him to manage his energy, and/ or help him develop social skills. Call 845-426-2199 ext. 1780.
Find your dream job that suits your skills, availability, and preferences:
Yiddish and English speaking yingerman to work 1:1 with children throughout the day or in the afternoon
Yiddish and English speaking girl/woman to coordinate care for children. HR
Yiddish and English speaking girl/woman to work 1:1 with children throughout the day or in the afternoon
To apply for a position email your resume to:
Join our team at Ascend Services!
We are looking to hire a full-time Admin Assistant to join our dynamic team at our Rockland office.
Key Responsibilities:
Assisting admin personnel with dayto-day tasks
Utilizing computer knowledge, especially in Excel and Adobe
Excellent written communication skills
Taking initiative to streamline processes and support team efficiency
To apply, send your resume and specify the position to Jobs@nycommunityresources.com
Elevate your career with Ascend Services.
Join our team as a Warehouse Manager at our Bronxbased hardware supply company. We’re seeking a self-motivated individual to efficiently manage our warehouse operations. Take on an exciting role with room for growth in a professional and dynamic environment. Great Pay! 100K. Email your resume to Harry@ Starcomaintenance.com
Join our team at our Bronxbased hardware supply company! We’re looking for a highly motivated and capable individual to fill our Customer Service and Data Entry position. Use your skills to excel in providing exceptional service and managing data efficiently. Great Pay! 75K. Email your resume to Harry@ starcomaintenance.com
An established importer and processor in the Patterson, NJ Area, is seeking a full time CFO. CPA and accounting experience required. The ideal candidate will have at least 15 year experience in public accounting and the private sector. Email resumes to Joekreal@gmail.com
$60K+ FOR 20
Do you have 15+ years of work experience and a strong work ethic? We are seeking to add additional recruiters to work part-time in the office and earn $60k+ for working only 20 hours a week. Email: JobsoffersUS@gmail.com
Looking for a male swimming instructor to work with a 11-year-old boy and help develop his emotional regulation skills. Should have a pool at their own location in the Chestnut Ridge area. Call 845-662-8227 ext. 1780.
Seeking clinicians licensed as LMSW, LCSW, LMHC for Intake Evaluations, Treatment Planning, Supervision, and Individual Therapy. Email resume to recruiting@elevateny.org
Lead team for behavioral health program, strategize & implement processes, & oversee projects. Self-driven and process oriented. Email resume to aklaver@aylondon. com.
Seeking capable girl for boy’s day camp secretary. Must be computer proficient. Hrs. 9:15-4:15. Call/text 845-6593735.
Detail-oriented. Manage dayto-day financial tasks. Min. 2 years QuickBooks exp. Email resume to aklaver@aylondon. com.
Establish clinical model, recruit clinicians, and provide program leadership & oversight. Requires LMSW/ LCSW certification and field experience. Email resume to recruiting@elevateny.org
Looking for female secretary in a busy accounting office, graduates are welcome, training provided. Kosher and Heimish office. Please send your resume to financial@ygcpaco.com or call 845-573-3000.
Are you loving, caring, devoted and ready to work? A warm yeshiva seeks a kindergarten Morah. Experience a plus. Please call 845-558-6699 or email ykapplicants@gmail.com.
Looking for someone to work with a 1-year-old girl with Down Syndrome. Work includes help with g-tube feedings, PT and speech carryover exercises and some other goals. Call 845-4262199 ext. 1780
Little explorers, Experience teacher, hot lunches, Outdoor play. Union / Maple. 18m-24m. Spots available for summer and September 845512-9223 Call
Little explorers. 18m-24m experienced teacher hot lunches and outdoor play. Maple/ Union summer and September spots available 845-512-9223
Vacation or new child? A few summer spots available
in our loving home. Call 845-743-3843 for reliable and caring childcare. References provided.
Warm, caring babysitter currently available for overnight babysitting. Babies and children up to age 6 are welcome. Call 845-262-0271
Is your child still in the same place after all that tutoring?Join Arrowsmith, a research based program that strengthens the brain and eliminates learning disabilities. Call Mrs Feuer 914-260-6449
PETTICOATS FOR RENT! Complete your look! Adult & kids petticoats for rent, Beautiful floral wreath & crown headpieces for rent, Adorable kids jewelry, and more! Call 845-5020153 leave msg or 845746-7248
We specialize in custom Photo Albums, Chosson, Wedding, etc. Also professional Photo Editing, many years of experience. Special rate for photographers. Call: 347.563.5153
The renowned Rebetzin Aidel Miller from Yerushalayim will remove Ayin Horah over the phone. Call till 5:00 PM: 718.689.1902 or
Professional music lessons by Mr. Wertzberger now for just $10 per week. Limited time special! 718-435-1923
12 years experience. Wide selection. Call/text: 845-5387986
Massage Therapy By Yossi. We will bring the massage to you. Call or text 347-7220068
BS”D Natural treatment for pain: knees, discs, arthritis. Yiddishe innovation. Dead Sea creams with essential oils. DOUBLE POWER. English/Yiddish 1(516)259-3169 (Israel hours) TerraCureProducts.com
Have your songs professionally recorded by Faigy Pollak. Special offer for camp songs! Call 347-5783027
Massage therapy and spa service, private location, parking available. Call 201703-0011
Now is the time for renewal and rejuvination! Enjoy the countless physical and mental health benefits to spending time in nature! Hike, journal, sketch, learn the local birds, trees and plants with experienced guide. Contact Malka Arons M.S.Ed. Certified in Nature and Forest Therapy. 917-3635269
Sick and tired of pain? Spent a bundle and still have pain? New, innovative Dead Sea cream which helped thousands.will solve your problem. Do not despair. 1(516)259-3169(Israeli hours)
Men’s Yoga
In The Comfort of Home- *Swedish *Deep Tissue *Lymph *Craniosacral Therapy Call Sarah: 845596-1373
We fix knitted & crochet Gartlech & make beautiful professional fringes. We also teach how to knit & crochet. call: 917-414-3281
Go-cart: $35/Hr $60/2 Hrs $85/3 Hrs $110/Day. Segway w/handle: $30/hr $50/2 hrs $70/3 hrs $90/Day. Standard Segway: $18/hr $30/2 hrs $40/3 hrs $50/Day. e-Scooters: $18/hr $25/2 hrs $32/3 hrs $40/Day. E-bike $25/Hr $45/2 Hrs $60/3 Hrs $75/Day. Located In the Monsey Blvd area. Prices are from the time of pick up to drop off. 5% off 3+ items, 10% 6+ items, 15% 10+ Items. Call/ text/msg 3476180877
Shidduchim for young adults facing genetic and medical challenges. Strictly confidential. For further details, please contact Mrs. Klein at 845.729.3001.
Did your daughter fall behind in math class this year? Get her up to speed for next year! Available to tutor elementary and high-school level math. Call 845-662-8227
To improve your health and well-being in every age and stage, for free consultation call 845-362-2595
Looking for a nice private place for a Beshow? A few locations available in the Monsey area. No charge. Call 845-426-5484 or 845-7467251
Organization seeking writers as volunteers to write articles, poems, etc for girls in shidduchim. Email singlesinspire@gmail.com
A girl named Chany, 845xxx0446, found our camera, plus SD card. If you know who she is, please call 3475333913
White maternity gown size large to sell for great price call 7183098716
Ivory sister of Bride gown size XS for sale. Mother or Older sister of Bride mauve size 10-12. Call/text 845-538-5741 lv msg
Excellent opportunity for the right individual
•• One entry level bookkeeping position - no experience required
• Friendly geshmake environment ARE
• Competitive pay
• Bonuses
• Paid vacation
Qin phone RCC pool area call/text 917-8365263
Baby hat in 55 Union office building. 8453565437
Childs gold loop earring with heart charm shortcut b/w Rockland & Robert Pitt Dr. 5/5, 845-352-6078
Afikomen bag (Mefoar) on Anthony Dr. 371-5860
Jumbo blue umbrella in Shoppers Haven 659-9482
White knit baby bonnet in the train tracks short cut in Airmont. 845.538.3136
Light blue top size 3T brand new with tag in an Arrive taxi 845-499-9356
Diamond tennis bracelet Homestead Saddle area First days Pesach 845-3568909
Cover for air conditioner for outside 845213-8847
Circular Pesach’dig grates 845 356 0621.
from severe depression , anxiety , addictions , suicidal thoughts , trauma , shalom bayis & stuttering. Let me show you how to beat it.
. Please call Avi Weinberg anytime (literally) “RESULTS” (guaranteed) are my best credentials. 845 558 4027
Gorgeous white lace gown for sister of the bride size 4-6, Call 845-517-8432
Available for rent. Also one bedroom furnished apartment. Both on old Nyack. High ceiling. Please call. 347-512-6561
Art classes in professional art studio as exchange for yiddish language classes. Monday mornings or afternoon. Wesley Kosher area. Call/text 8455988230
Monsey office looking to hire a fulltime female secretary. must have great communication skills, and be highly motivated . Graduates welcome. training provided. Hiringmonseysec@gmail.com
Airmont. Stunning single family house available immediately on Marjorie Dr. 5 Bedroom/3 full Baths, Newly renovated + brand new appliances. $4250 Rent is negotiable. No brokerage. Section 8 ok. Call /text (347) 262-8145
Looking for a high school girl to babysit two kids (aged 7 and 4) from 2:45-5:45 Monday through Thursday in the summer. Must enjoy playing with kids and be organized and clean. Pay is $25 an hour. ($300 a week). Please call 845-521-8698
Multifaceted, stimulating position in a warm female office environment. We are seeking a mature woman who is motivated, and detail-oriented, with excellent computer and phone skills, for a full-time position. Training provided. Please call 845-354-2322 ext. 1158 for more information. Leave a message with your name and phone number, someone will get back to you.
Beautiful custom, worn once, white teen gown size 4, and children’s white Gowns size 5-6 & 14 for sale. For information or picture plz call or txt 845-213-9586
A Healthcare company is seeking an experienced bookkeeper. Great environment with a lot of potential, please send your resume to jobs@drgclaims.com. Or call
Up to date classic Italian master bedroom for sale. Brand new condition. Pictures available upon request, if interested please call 845-445-8585
Babysitter avail in ridge area please text or call 3479075993
The crowds enjoying their Chol Hamoed outing at Diggerland USA, rented out exclusively for Hamaspik of Rockland families
Pure Harvest™ B Complex encapsulates 300 mcg of natural Biotin, including 1000 mcg of food Folate and many bioavailable B vitamins.
Smiling Herbs® supplements are whole food based, have no synthetics or fermentates, and are easy to swallow for quick, wholesome supplementation and maximum absorption.
I Baruch Hashem have a delicious new baby boy. Sometimes it's hard for me when he spits up and cuddles on me. I only wear very comfortable clothing. I am on edge all of the time and typical sounds bother me, such as rustling paper and smells like cooking eggs.
MyOTatOntheBallTherapyused MNRIandtactilesensoryintegration techniques.Iamnowawareofthe specificthingsthatbothermeand havestrategiestocalmmyself beforethingsgetoutofhand.
I am much more calm and I am no longer triggered by sensory stimuli. I perform a detailed exercise regime daily, which I have been taught by my OT.