The Monsey View - Issue #15

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Our Town’s Weekly Issue #15


‫ שע‬Au F ‫ לת‬g R ‫ אלו‬ust EE ‫ ”ב‬27 ‫י‬- ,2 ‫ צא‬01 ‫ת‬- 5 ‫כי‬ ‫שת‬ ‫פר‬



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Be A PArt of the


Join the $5 Cure

Become An eizer LAmuzen memBer today!

$ E z e r

L e m u z a n

Eizer Lamuzen, a vital organization that offers a special form of dignified assistance to struggling families, is now B”H in full force in your very own neighborhood! From the streets to the schools, you can be a part of stopping the hunger epidemic in its tracks and changing the way we give with the simple, powerful solution:

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Eizer Lamuzen membership is now available at the following participating stores:



Proud to be Joining the eiZer LAMuZen FAMiLy!

Spot an Eizer

Lamuzen sign-up stand in popular stores and establishments.

Sign-up to join as a proud Eizer Lamuzen Member.

Eizer Lamuzen offers assistance in a discreet and private way. There is no way to identify recipient, as funds are directly applied to accounts, allowing those in need to pay for their purchases in a dignified, respectable manner. Eizer Lamuzen’s special way of giving eliminates shame and restores pride, while enabling hundreds of families to get through challenging times. In addition, all your donations are guided by you! By choosing to add

, Unlimited impact

$5 will be added

to your grocery order each week at the store of your choice.



laUnching Soon Enjoy the evergreen!

Step 1. Sign up to become a member.

satisfaction of knowing you are a part of the solution. |

Be of Genuine AssistAnce!

$5 to your order in a particular store each week, you are ensuring that only shoppers in that very same store will receive your assistance and support. In this way, you are assured and confident that you are helping local community members, neighbors and friends. EizEr LaMuzEn's WhoLEsaLE supportErs pLatinuM sponsors

siLvEr sponsors

Eizer Lamuzen is B”H currently established in Williamsburg, Boro Park, Montreal and Kiryas Joel, and now, with our latest launching in Monsey, you can join too!

You can heLp o therS. You can be a pa rt of the cure. week, for onLY $5 a pact on im n a e k a m You can e’S Life. S L e e n o e m o S You can make a difference itY, in Your verY own commun S. heLpinG neiGhborS & friend

Step 2. $5 will be added to your weekly shopping bill in the participating store of your choice.

Guaranteed, LocaL Support Donations help people in your very own community, ONLY at the store of your choice.

SimpLe SoLution, Grand impact

For only $5 a week, you can make a grand difference in someone else’s life.

diGnified aSSiStance

Give struggling families help, hope, and pride in a simple, easy way.

Step 3. Your donation will be added to your store’s special Eizer Lamuzen account. Step 4. Accounts in need will be credited discreetly with funds.

do You know a famiLY in need?

Please let us know at Eizer Lamuzen and we will evaluate their circumstances and do our best to provide our special form of dignified assistance.

become a member!

For only $5 a week, you can make a real difference in the lives of your neighbors and friends. Just pick a participating grocery establishment and start being a part of the B”H amazing work of Eizer Lamuzen.

Step 5. Hope, comfort and strength will infuse each and every home as friends and neighbors in your local community get back on their feet and once again, shop with pride.

‫חברי וועד הנהלת‬

‫עזר למזון‬

‫מאנסי יצ״ו‬

‫הר״ר יוחנן הערצאג‬ ‫הר״ר דוד אליעזר וויינגארטן‬ ‫הר״ר ישראל שיפף‬ ‫הר״ר יחזקאל פארקאש‬ ‫הר״ר עמרם נתן ווייס‬ ‫הר״ר יוסף אשר פריינד‬

Become A Proud memBer of the $5 cure. Join eizer LAmuzen todAy! 1-855-E-MUZEN (855.536.8936) | 31 Warsoff St. Brooklyn NY 11205


Publisher: Yoel Itzkowitz

Editor in Chief: D. Goralnik

Content Director: A. Schwartz

Art Director: Tali Yess Arrow Group NY

Project Coordinator R. Itzkowitz

Kashrus Alert

Gluten-Free Resources

You printed a heartwarming story “Esther” which we all enjoyed reading. I just wish to point out that a chicken with a broken wing poses a serious kashrus concern, and should be shown to a Rav to determine if it is kosher or not (depending on exactly which part of the wing was broken). Mime Feiga might have been better off selling the chicken to the gypsies! Although most housewives today do not come across such sheilos on a regular basis, I still think it’s important to at least know such basics. Thank you,

I’d like to respond to the letter that was sent in by a woman saying that there isn’t enough out there for those who are gluten intolerant. I thought I’d share with her and the general public that I recently came across a wonderful website www.goingfo o Although not all products are kosher, many are. You may wish to speak to your rav regarding hashgachos of these items. They have a nice variety of products to substitute the gluten options. Lots of luck in your gluten-free struggle.

~ C. P.

~ S.G.

The Monsey View P.O. BOX 305 Monsey N.Y. 10952

Telephone 845-600-8484

Fax: 845-600-8483


Sidewalk Building on Carlton I wrote a letter on July 24, 2015 outlining the need for a sidewalk on Carlton Lane. I don’t know if it was a coincidence, but just this week they started building a sidewalk on Carlton. I just wonder if this letter was forwarded to Councilwoman Logan and if it had any impact on the decision? In any case, thank you, in advance for the sidewalk. ~M.H.

Thank you, A. Moskovits, for sharing the same information about the abovementioned website and for your recommendation.

Enjoying Weigh Smarter The article Becoming Weigh Smarter is informative, a pleasure to read and motivational. Thanks. Sarah S.

Mission Statement The Monsey View is a weekly publication designed for every segment and age group of our diverse community. Under rabbinical guidance, we bring Monsey’s top talent together to provide high quality, informative current reading material, keeping you up to date on sales, events, news and issues of concern and import happening right now in the Monsey community. DISCLAIMER: We do not endorse any ad found in this publication. We are not responsible for typographical or grammatical errors.



All of the questions that came in were forwarded to the The questions and answers will be featured shortly.

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Continued on page 20

‫תצא‬-‫פרשת כי‬


‫רבינו תם וויזניץ סקווירא‬ 7:10



‫הדלקת הנרות‬

8:50 8:30


‫מוצאי שבת‬


JERUSALEM STONE Duvid’s rewarding job, and hers with its paltry returns, entices Chaya to back out. But can she, when bound to a written agreement?


FOOD AND FAMILY Stock your freezer for the Yomim Tovim looming ahead with these festive and elegant confections.


Thursday - August 27

Friday - August 28

Shabbos - August 29



Sunday - August 30

Monday - August 31



Tuesday - Sept. 1

Wednesday - Sept. 2


79˚/61˚ Cellular 4 Less

EXCURSIONS Aisles of freshly scented trees and a bag filled with your juiciest picks is the stuff memorable autumn trips are made of.



in sepia color; An era gone by comes to life in this sequel to Esther.

Your Voice........................................................ 22 Health & Wellness......................................... 32 Jerusalem Stone..............................................40 Food & Family.................................................. 52 Excursions........................................................ 60 Fun Page............................................... ............ 68 Learn to Draw..................................................76 Serial for Kids.................................................. 78 School Tips........................................................ 90 Safety 101.......................................................... 97 Cartoon............................................................. 106 Contest Winners............................................ 110 Housing Market.............................................. 116 Yiddish............................................................... 126 Pictures.............................................................. 130 Classifieds......................................................... 142 Quality Printing

M &S Shoe Repair

Park Plaza Cleaners

Monsey Wine and Liquor

Mumoin Check Cashing

Merkaz judaica and Gifts

Ext. 109

hoe re ss

Ext. 100

Ext. 101

Ext. 102

Ext. 103

Ext. 104

Ext. 105

Ext. 107

Rockland Pharmacy

Toys 4 You

Sweet Expressions

Photo Express

Weingarten Shoes

Surgical Shop

S&W Ladies Wear

Ext. 110

Ext. 201

Ext. 203

Ext. 204

Ext. 206

Ext. 207

Ext. 208

Ext. 209

Master Works

Supreme Health

Monsey Lingerie Shop

Mimi's linen and Bath

Dr. Faiman

Lily & Todd

The Sock Shoppe


Ext. 213

Ext. 214

Ext. 215

Ext. 216

Ext. 217

Ext. 219

Elegant Window Fashion

Ext. 210


Explore Hungarian shtetel life

ir pa





Rockland Kosher










Royal Impressions

Ideal Jewelry

Ext. 220


Dear Readers, The crisp breezes of autumn overtake the sultry August heat. The relaxed pace and laid back atmosphere of summer is replaced with brisk purposefulness. The stores fill up, then overflow, with shoppers. Goodbye daycamp; hello school. It is three months now since The Monsey View made its debut in our town, and we are so gratified by the warm welcome we’ve received. The goal of the Monsey View is to continue to serve as a resource that will accompany and assist you, in step with the rhythm of each season. We have lined up an outstanding cast of contributors who will inform, inspire and entertain our readers. We plan to feature a renowned local pediatrician, popular parenting coaches, and experienced educators. The Excursions column will continue, packed with ideas for seasonally appropriate outings. We plan to introduce many exciting contests and competitions, crafts and comics throughout the year, which will capture the interest and imagination of our younger readers. The Monsey View is a reflection of the season and the spirit of our town. We wish you a ‫כתיבה וחתימה טובה‬, a sweet, fulfilling and gebentchte year. Sincerely,

The Monsey View Enjoy this back-to-school issue, and look out for our expanded Succos edition on September 24.




Continued from page 16 Sharing Simchos Thank you for adding the mazel tov page to your amazing publication! It was the only thing that was missing! It’s very appreciated, as the famous saying goes: “ A simcha is complete when shared with family and friends.” Hatzlocha Rabba in all your endeavors.

Stone In Appreciation of Jerusalem Stone I want you to know how much I look forward to reading Jerusalem Stone each week. Chany Rosengarten truly captures the culture of the old Jerusalem Yidden and the personality of her characters. In addition, her writing style is soft and forceful at the same time. What a treat. ~Sury Spitzer


BECOMINGWEIGHSMARTER Encouraging Healthy Habits Wholesome Snack Ideas for School

pester you for less nutritious I’m not sure about your kids, foods, you are in charge as but mine visited the grocery to which types of food you junk food aisle in the past should stock your house with. weeks very often. With trips If their favorite snack isn’t all and outings every other day, that nutritious, you can still they consumed junk food to buy it once in a while so they the max. I’m certainly grateful to the Though some kids might pester you for day camps less nutritious foods, you are in charge as for giving them a to which types of food you should stock f u n - f i l l e d your house with. s u m m e r, shouldn’t feel deprived. If they which did indeed give them do feel deprived, they will end a good break - so they are up trading their snacks with now refreshed to start the their peers. new school year with much enthusiasm. That being said, #2 Offer kids variety and I’m wondering if their bodchoice. Children feel very ies are equally ready. What empowered when they have a I think they would need now say in the matter. A good idea is a good break from the nosh is to help them write down a aisle for a while. Healthy Snacks This can sometimes be a huge struggle for parents. There are many schools that encourage eating healthy snacks, and actually have it as a school rule, like no “shehakol nosh,” which is extremely appreciated and gives the children a chance to recuperate from the summer “junk food syndrome.” Whether your children’s school have this rule or not, you as a parent have a very big influence on what your child should snack on, both during school and at home. 7 Tips to Encourage Your Children to Eat Healthy Snacks #1 You have the control to decide which foods to buy. Though some kids might



list of acceptable snacks that they like, and either buy it for them, or better yet, take them along to the supermarket to pick their very own choice of snacks. #3 If your child has a weight issue, never mention it to him. Only discuss with them about eating healthy and the benefits that come along with it. Let him know that protein foods will build him strong bones, and get him to ride his bike like a pro. For a girl, letting her know that healthy fats will give shine to her hair

by Esty Weiss

and skin will help motivate her to make healthy eating choices.

#4 Start them young. Food preferences are developed very early in life. Likes and dislikes begin forming even from when children are babies. You may sometimes need to serve a food several times for a child to accept it. It’s worth trying again and again, but never force a child to eat or make them clean off their plates when they’re not up to it. It can have severe effects later in life, like anorexia, bulimia or any eating disorder.

Many studies show that if food is used as a reward to show affection, children may start using food to cope with stress and other emotions. Offer praise, love, and attention instead. #5 Do not reward with food. Many studies show that if food is used as a reward to show affection, children may start using food to cope with stress and other emotions. Offer praise, love, and attention instead.


#6 Make it exciting. Sending along snacks like cut-up veggies in small cute containers makes it very pleasing and special. Both kids and adults feel more drawn to snacks like cucumbers and chummus that are packed in individual containers rather than placing these same foods in a piece of foil. #7 The following is a “healthy snack list” that can easily be sent along with a child to school: •


Dried fruits

Vegetable chips

Potato poppers

Chips without trans fat

Unsweetened applesauce

Almonds, seeds, raisins, pistachios, etc.

Rice cakes with cream cheese

Homemade mezonos muffins or cake baked with xylitol, spelt, and whole wheat flour

Hard boiled sliced eggs

String / mozzarella cheese

Spelt/Whole wheat pretzels

Spelt or whole wheat crackers

Celery filled with farmer cheese and topped with olives

Cut up fruits, melons, grapes, or cherries

Slices of cucumbers, baby carrots, peppers with chummus or other dips

Edamame beans (comes in small packets in freezer aisle)

Be creative! Add your own list of healthy snacks and get your child involved to make it exciting. They may have some great ideas too.

See next week’s answer to the question, “Weightloss supplements, do they really work?”

Esty Weiss, CHC, is a certified weight-loss expert and President of WeighSmarter™, a dynamic weight-loss program geared towards orthodox women. She specializes in solutions for lasting weight-loss, using many techniques including, but not limited to, personalized fat-burning food plans, guided imagery, positive affirmations, and EFT. Esty first used these powerful tools to lose over 70 pounds, herself, and since 2006 has used these same tools to help others. She lives in Monsey, NY with her husband and five kids ka”h. For any questions or comments, Esty can be reached at: 845-459-4807 or




merely as a member of a community outside of mine. She wanted three different fabrics, and I helped her, my mind keeping a mental tab on the key wallowing somewhere on the floor.


Chaya’s Story: It was the end of the month, Regina’s day. The month ran by so fast, the landmarks rushing by in a roadside blur. The store, the shidduch, the children, their neglect — all the deeds that make up the day were so tightly packed that I went from leisurely stroll, to trot, to a heart-lurching gallop. If I could turn back time, I wouldn’t repeat things. I would just sprinkle in an appreciation for the simplicity my life has been, when all I had to do was put food on the table and notice the children. But whom am I fooling? The concerns, the reins that pull us back by demanding more, are always there. But I could sprinkle appreciation today. Even though today seems so insurmountable, so challenging, certainly not holding the blessing of simplicity that my nostalgia evokes. Today, a salad of fresh vegetables and chickpeas was already waiting to be had. I had gone out late last night, when I knew most stalls

by Chany Rosengarten

Recap: Duvid’s job brings him joy, many surprises, and a stop in the other side of town, a place he never thought to find himself. He feels torn between what he has always been and what is becoming of him. would already be closed, but I also knew it was now or never. My children needed to be assured food. It was hard to

The image of Chuna sleeping on the floor, his insides gutted with hunger, propelled me to put one foot in front of the next. drag my feet; they felt pooled with overwork, and yet the image of Chuna sleeping on the floor, his insides gutted with hunger, propelled me to put one foot in front of the next. A mother is richly rewarded for putting her family first. I found a case — a case! — of peppers a vendor had left behind. They were only marginally bruised and softened, and many of them were salvageable. I also purchased some additional food items and, late last night, prepared today’s lunch It was time to tally the count. I stood on a chair, reached for the top shelf in the bedroom closet where I keep winter clothes, and felt

While she was still paying, Duvid came home. His face was changed. I couldn’t put my finger on it. Was he coming from the Kosel? There was a peace So he was working. With about him, an machines. And I was excitement, as if doing… what? his face had once again aged, but this time into wine rather than raisins.

around for the small key. The key was paper thin in my hands. Now I would see how much profit I’d earned, after I paid Regina. A panic welled up inside me. Would I, like Duvid said, have to give her a percentage as well, for each item I sold? How much would that be?

“Chaya,” he said, even though he saw that I was still busy with Giveret Raz, who thankfully was on her last step of the purchasing journey, only requiring that last human encounter where I told her, “Use it in good health. You’ll craft something beautiful out of this piece of fabric. You made a very elegant choice.”

How much did I earn from turning up the heat on my life? What was it worth?

“Share,” I said, and started cutting the bread into thin slices, so that I could give him my full attention, as only distraction could do.

The key slid through my sweaty fingers and sang as it bounced on the floor. I bent down to retrieve it, feeling along the floor for it. My hands came up dusty and black. I hadn’t washed the floor in almost a week, a most uncomfortable situation when the room was shared by so many souls. The walls, too, unflinchingly showcased their neglect. There was a knock on my door. I straightened up and brushed off my knees. A customer, Giveret Raz, a Sephardi neighbor I barely knew because I’d never taken the time to see her as a friend,

“Chaya, there’s something I want to share with you.”

The per fect Sh idduch :

A ring to go with your bracelet.

We’ve listened! You loved our bracelets, and asked for more from the same trusted source.

Fortunately, we now carry rings too.

“What’s a Yid’s avodah?” he asked. I started getting afraid, almost panicky. Did he want to tell me about someone’s death? “Where is this going?” I demanded. He laughed. “I got a job.” “Oh.” “Yeah.” “This is what you wanted to tell me?” “Yes.” “What job?” The bread knife nicked my finger and I watched as blood ballooned on the surface. “I also wanted to tell you that this is my avodah for now. That for now, this is what I need to do. That if this is what the Ribbono

Our expanded bridal collection includes the Fortunate Jewels Shidduch Package: Buy a kallah bracelet and receive a discount on the ring – plus FREE express service! It’s all the same impeccable quality at the same artist-direct price that you’ve come to expect from Fortunate, Monsey’s highest end home-based fine jewelry boutique. Evening appointments available

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Shel Olam wants, than this is the right thing for me to do, and then every minute of it is avodas Hashem.” I regarded him tiredly, and saw how scared he was, a young boy telling his mother he stole a pickle from Eli’s barrel. “What is it that you do?” I asked.

block all light from entering, rolled up in me. Until I remembered. I signed on for a year of work. Regina had known. She made me sign for a year.

the cover off the can. Coins splattered to the ground. I picked them up and counted quickly.

Outside, I could hear the voice of decision coming Duvid’s very forehead from one of the women. had seemed dusty. That’s This was my cue that they what his change of face was. were ready to pay. I needed Or was it simply relief, the to know my earnings, before joy that came with taking I could face even one more “Machines. I work with responsibility for a situation customer. I counted the coins. refrigerators, washers, ovens, that hadn’t been working for Never had I held so many in and something that my life. One hundred lira, cools the house. A heavy load, like shutters that block all one hundred and fifty — Called a mazgan.” the can was emptying out. light from entering, rolled up in me. Until I said. remembered. I signed on for a year of work. “Chaya?” a woman’s He seemed voice called. enthusiastic. way too long now? Perhaps “That’s nice.” “Coming.” he had always wanted this, or maybe he just always wanted “I have to go. I start my Two hundred lira. Two to do the right thing, and this workday at eight. I already hundred and fifty. There was was the right thing for now? davened, pushed in two just under three hundred. I How life had changed our hours with the Gemara. I’m closed the lid, pushed the can path. I felt very much afraid. ready for my avodah.” under my blanket. “Oh,”


“That’s nice. Have a good day. Hatzlachah.” He left, the door clanking behind him. An outpouring of tears surfaced like a rain shower. So he was working. With machines. And I was doing… what? I allowed my shoulders to heave and fall with the energy of my pain. This was the cry that had been lurking for the past few weeks, months even. Our life had not been working until now, and things were changing. They were changing even faster than I could hold on, and all I could do was lift up my hands and cry. If he was working, then my store was unnecessary. A heavy load, like shutters that



There was a knock. A customer. I turned around, sucking my tears back into my eyes. I pasted on a smile that would hopefully encompass the redness around my eyes. There were four of them. I had my work cut out for me.

I opened the door. Two hundred were Regina’s, plus some more. I hadn’t even earned one hundred lira from all this work.

How much was in the money bank? Did I earn anything, now that Duvid was working for parnassah as well? I had to find out. While the women milled about the fabrics, looking much like bees around nectarfilled flowers, I took my little cash cup and went into the bedroom. I closed the door. The key was still under the beds, even as I bent under each one for a quick look. So, using my nails and biting my lips for added energy, I ripped

To be continued…

“Yes,” I sighed. “How can I help you?”

Chany Rosengarten is a mother of three, whose love for writing runs almost as deep as her love for nature. Having recently returned to the U.S. from Eretz Yisroel, her spirit is in Yerushalayim even as she reacclimatizes to Monsey. She’s in touch with her former Yerushalmi neighbors, but makes a point of getting acquainted with the local businesses and friends. Her work is featured in several Jewish publications


ON A ROLE by Chaya Breindy Kenigsberg

Social dynamics in the classroom and how to make them work for your child School is looming. While ences, and functions. many of us are ready to ship off our children, Mrs. L. told “These girls are so creative.” me yesterday, “You know, “This class is so chutzpadig.” I’m nervous for school.” She While individuals in the laughed, but the laugh didn’t group may not fit the group erase the creases between identity, they usually defer her eyebrows. “My daughter their own thinking to the had it hard last year,” she con“group-think.” Group dynamfided. “She’s a delicious kid ics create a situation where with a heart soft as butter. individuals act, talk, and But she hates confrontation. think like the group. And her class is terribly argumentative. So my daughter, Group dynamics also deterwho’s actually a social butmine the roles of the inditerfly, sat alone every recess viduals in the group. There is ‘cuz she wasn’t interested in the leader, the followers, the fighting. Slowly, she just fell in-group, and outcasts, the out of the social circle until clique, the ones who are inshe didn’t have any friends. cluded, and the ones who are She was miserable and felt rejected. awful about herself. She’s doing so well this sumA child can be negatively affected by mer away from her group dynamics in many ways. A child classmates. She’s can feel peer pressure for say, a certain back to herself and brand of school shoes or a costly Chol really blossoming. Hamoed trip. I’m so nervous for her to start school again and lose all A child can be negatively afthe gains she has made.” fected by group dynamics in What Are Class Dynamics? A class is comprised of approximately twenty-five individuals. These individuals have unique personalities. When they come together, though, something strange happens. They mesh into a new being called a Group. Like cells joining to form a heart, this Group is a unit with its own identity. It has its own personality, prefer-

many ways. A child can feel peer pressure for say, a certain brand of school shoes or a costly Chol Hamoed trip. A child can adopt her group’s complaining attitude or flippant tone. As with Mrs. L’s daughter, a child who does not conform to the group’s unwritten rules can be rejected by the group. Groups can go so far as to bully or ostracize children, even those who are socially adept.



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What Can a Mother Do?

they resolve disagreements?

A parent who believes that her child is being negatively affected by her class may feel powerless to intervene. She may feel that because she is removed from the situation she can’t change it. This is far from the truth.

And most importantly, how is your child suffering and why? How is she reacting or responding?

Be a Detective Before attempting to intervene, being removed from the scene does necessitate some good detective work. A mother needs to make sure that she has a good idea of what’s going on. What’s the group’s breakdown? Who sets the tone? Who is friends with whom? Is there someone who’s manipulating or bullying others? Listening to the child is crucial. Often, when we take the time to focus on our children and don’t interrupt with judgment or advice, we learn a tremendous amount. Another great way to play detective is to bring the group home. Birthday parties, shalosh seudos, projects, and play dates all provide valuable insights about what’s happening. An observant parent can learn much from listening and keeping an eye. Do the girls make an effort to include others, or are girls being left out? Purposely or inadvertently? Do they speak kindly or rudely? Do they disagree or argue often? How do




Communicate with the Teacher Once a parent feels she has a good idea of what’s happening, it’s time to make the call. Teachers can be a great source of insight and information. Although they may not realize it, teachers are especially suited for improving group dynamics. They are, after all, the group leaders.

her assistance in setting up positive group dynamics proactively. Empower Your Child If your child is suffering at the hands of a group, she probably feels vulnerable and powerless. In reality, a tremendous amount of power lies in your child’s hands. Group members are engaged in a play where each member has an assigned role. When just one child deviates from the script, she throws the whole production off kilter. All it takes to create change within a group is one individ-

The goal A parent who knows from the outset of the of the conyear that her child may experience difficulty versation is best off contacting the teacher during the is to create second or third week of school to get her asa teachsistance in setting up positive group dynamics er-parent proactively. team that is dedicated to helping ual refusing to play her role. the child succeed within the group. It is important for the This is certainly easier parent to present the probsaid than done. Bucking the lem as she sees it, listen and trend or breaking out of role understand the teacher’s takes a tremendous amount perspective, and then for the of courage, confidence, and teacher to present some conskill. That is where we parcrete suggestions for interents come in. It is our job, vention. A parent may give sometimes with the help of a a suggestion or two if the professional, to give our chilteacher seems open to heardren the self-confidence in ing them. their value as individuals, the A parent who knows from the outset of the year that her child may experience difficulty is best off contacting the teacher during the second or third week of school to get

courage, and of course, the skills they need to break out of their negative role and to create positive change within their group.


ON A ROLE Mrs. Chaya Breindy Kenigsberg M.S. Ed. is an educational consultant whose aim is to empower parents and teachers to help children succeed in school, socially and academically. For workshops or consultations contact her at

When Class Dynamics Are Great If you’ve been reading this article and thinking, “Baruch Hashem this doesn’t apply to my child. She’s part of a great group and has great friends,” you’re not off the hook. While things look great from your child’s perspective, there may be other children in the class who are suffering. A child who feels comfortIt is our job, sometimes with the help of a professional, to give our children the selfconfidence in their value as individuals, the courage, and the skills they need to break out of their negative role and to create positive change within their group. able and accepted has the unique opportunity to spread her inner wealth and perform chesed and kindness in its truest form. If parents would teach their children to look out of their box and perform just one act of kindness or say a friendly word to someone who needs it each day, the positive ripple effects would be tremendous. Classrooms would be safe, welcoming, and accepting places for every single child. May this school year bring growth, happiness, acceptance, and wonderful friendships for your child.





By Miriam Paskes

Photos by Michal Alpert

Elegant YOM TOV cakes

Pink Rosemary Cake

At the end of every summer, I find it intensely challenging to transition into Yom Tov “prep” mode. I don’t know if it’s the lazy days of summer or just the initial overwhelming feeling towards the tasks that must be completed before Rosh Hashanah. I always find it helpful to take a pad of paper and create a to-do list as well as a basic menu sketch for the Yomim Tovim ahead. Then I like to start stocking my freezer with challah, meats, and desserts – all of which freeze really well. The cakes I present to you this week freeze beautifully. They are festive, elegant, and taste truly special! Make them this week, freeze, and enjoy serving them on upcoming Yomim Tovim in all their glory! (Make sure to read all of the seasoned chef tips before baking your cake…)

Lemon Cake

Wishing you a stress-free Erev Yom Tov and a ! ‫כתיבה וחתימה טובה‬ Miriam

To freeze these cakes so that they remain fresh, place a cookie sheet over the top of the cake and put pieces of tape around its perimeter to keep it in place. Carefully slide the covered cake into a garbage bag and tie it well. Tape on a large piece of paper and clearly label the bag.

Seasoned Chef







There’s something so fresh and bright about lemon desserts. This one is especially light and spongy and has a perfect lemon flavor, making it worthy to be served at a special occasion!


Light Cake 6 eggs, separated 1 cup sugar 1 Tbsp. vanilla sugar 1 Tbsp. oil 1 Tbsp. orange juice ¾ cup flour ½ tsp. baking powder Dark Cake 6 eggs, separated 1 cup sugar 1 Tbsp. vanilla sugar 1 Tbsp. oil 1 Tbsp. orange juice ¾ cup flour ½ tsp. baking powder 1 ½ Tbsp. cocoa 1 Tbsp. coffee, dissolved Lemon Cream 1 ¼ 16-oz. whip 1 Baker’s Choice lemon cream 3-4 bars parve Rosemarie chocolate, curled

To make chocolate curls, use a wide vegetable peeler and scrape the blade against the thin, flat side of the chocolate in a downward motion. The secret to making pretty chocolate curls is using chocolate at room temperature. If your chocolate is too cold - causing the curls to break, leave the chocolate on your counter for a few minutes until it comes to room temperature. If it’s too warm and melts in your hands, place in your fridge for just 3-4 minutes until it’s a bit more firm and workable. Place curls in the freezer for a few minutes before garnishing your cake.


Light Cake: Preheat oven to 350°. Line two cookie sheets with parchment paper. Make a firm snow with the egg whites and 1 cup sugar. Very gently, fold in the rest of the ingredients and pour onto prepared cookie sheet. Bake for 22 minutes. Allow cake to cool and then freeze. Dark Cake: Follow the same instructions as the light cake, however, add the cocoa and dissolved coffee before the flour. When the cake is frozen, carefully peel the parchment paper off and put a fresh piece of parchment in its place. This cake will be your bottom cake. Lemon Cream: Beat the whip until fluffy and stiff and then fold in the lemon cream. Divide in two. To Assemble: Smear one part of the lemon cream on the dark cake. By holding onto the parchment paper that’s still on the light cake, flip it onto the first layer of lemon cream. Smear the second part of the cream on the light cake. Top generously with chocolate curls.

Seasoned Chef / THE MONS E Y V IE W





There’s no better way to end a meal than with a rich, decadent dessert. This three-layer cake features a light, spongy bottom, silky chocolate middle, and fluffy strawberry whip on top. A showstopper of a dessert! For a special Sukkos treat, put a tray of cut-up pink cake and lemon cake in the Sukkah for all to enjoy!

Pink Cream 1 ¾ 16 oz. whip 1 Tbsp. vanilla sugar 1 packet strawberry jello 3-4 bars parve rosemarie chocolate, curled Middle Layer ½ lb. baking chocolate 3 bars parve rosemarie chocolate 2 sticks margarine 8 whole eggs ½ - ¾ cup sugar 1 Tbsp. vanilla sugar ¼ cup ground roasted filberts – which I omit in Chodesh Elul


Bottom Cake Preheat oven to 350°. Line a cookie sheet with parchment paper. Make a firm snow with the egg whites and 1 cup sugar. Very gently, fold in the rest of the ingredients and pour onto prepared cookie sheet. Bake for 25 minutes. Allow cake to cool and then freeze for an hour. When the cake is frozen, carefully peel the parchment paper off and put a fresh piece of parchment in its place. Middle Layer Melt the baking chocolate, rosemarie and margarine in a double boiler. In the bowl of an electric mixer, beat the eggs with the sugars for 2 minutes. Pour in the melted chocolate mixture and filberts (if using), and mix gently. Pour this batter onto the bottom cake and bake for 22 minutes. The chocolate layer will be quite puddingy; this is the way it should be. It’ll become more firm as it cools. Allow cake to cool completely. Pink cream Beat the whip until fluffy and stiff, and then fold in the vanilla sugar and jello. Smear evenly on top of the chocolate layer.

It is easiest and prettiest if you slice these cakes when they’re still frozen. Slice the cake and place on trays. Then, allow the cake to defrost completely before serving.

Seasoned Chef`

Bottom Cake 8 eggs, separated 1 cup sugar 1 Tbsp. vanilla sugar 2 Tbsp. oil ¾ cup orange juice 1 cup flour 1 tsp. Baking powder

Pink Rosemary

Top generously with chocolate curls.







This week’s spotlight is on

AUTUMN HARVEST GOLDEN DELICIOUS DAYS What’s the sweet upside of summer coming to a close? The fact that apple picking season is about to begin. Starting around now and continuing through late October, orchards throughout the Tri-State Area offer families the chance to pick their own apples. Some also host exciting kids’ attractions, like hayrides, petting zoos, bounce houses and mazes. Here, we’ve rounded up eight places to pick your own apples that are an hour (or less!) from Monsey. Before you go, make sure you call ahead to confirm hours, attractions and availability, since those change constantly throughout the season. There’s just something special about walking down aisles of trees with the scent of fresh, crisp apples and dried autumn leaves blowing in the wind. We hope this article proves to be a helpful resource and inspires you to head out for a funfilled and memorable family apple picking day. Note: The first three farms featured here are farther away, and offer a bigger, more wide-ranging experience. The other farms are closer to Monsey, and are generally smaller operations.








4 Ochs Lane, Warwick, New York 10990


$14 +

Och’s Orchard offers the proper pick-yourown experience; they offer way more than apples! From week to week, their produce calendar changes to showcase the season’s freshest, juiciest fruits and vegetables. The fields are vast, and almost never crowded.

LAWRENCE ORCHARDS AND FARM 42 miles away, or a 1-hour drive.

You can choose either a small bag (quarter bushel, or about 11-12 lb.) for $14.00, or a larger one (half a bushel, or 22-24 lb.) for $27.00. Wagons are available for rent and is highly recommended: apples are heavy! You can also rent a grabber, for $3.00 plus a $5.00 security. The grabber is well worth it, since the best apples are at the top branches.


Also, near the farmer’s market, you can enjoy a pick-your-own flower garden. Children love assembling their own bouquets, and the profusion of vividly colored butterflies that flit over the field makes the experience a magical one.

306 Frozen Ridge Road, Newburgh, NY 12550 908-879-7189

Lawrence Farms Orchards is a wonderful destination for a day trip, especially if you are accompanied by young children. The sprawling farm has spectacular views over the Hudson Valley. Throughout the changing, growing season, they always offer an impressive variety of produce. During this late summer/ early autumn season, for example, besides for the standard farm offerings, they have the plumpest, juiciest grapes- a novel picking experience! A recent addition to the farm is the “Little Village”a children’s play area that is reminiscent of an old-fashioned New England farm town. The charming kid-sized village includes a jail, one-room schoolhouse, fire station, post office, etc.

There is a small petting zoo on site, as well as a swanpopulated lake. Other exciting activities at the farm include a train ride and a hay bale maze. They also sell Cholov Yisroel ice cream (although it’s a tad overpriced). Admission is $3.00 per person (children under 2 free). Admission does not include train ride or maze. Also, produce is weighed and priced separately. The farm charges a minimal fee for wagon rentals, and also for the cardboard fruit baskets. Open: 9am - 4pm; Monday-Sunday



Nectarines (these might not be available too much longer)

Eggplant Tomatoes Zucchini

Och’s has an endearing collection of miniature donkeys and miniature goats, as well as ducks, which can be petted, fed, and admired up close. Open: 9am-5pm; call in to check for the pickyour-own days of a specific week. 4 Ochs Lane, Warwick, New York 10990 845-986-1591 25 miles away, or a 40-minute drive

Produce available for picking: Early grapes Early apples Plums Peaches Green Beans Peppers Raspberries

The sweeping views at this orchard are simply spectacular. Pack a picnic lunch and a blanket, and head for the gazebo at the top of the hill for a midday siesta. On your way up, pick a few sun-warmed tomatoes right off the vines (in season right now!) to toss into your sandwich.

Editor’s Pick

Traveling the extra distance to Lawrence Orchards and Farms is well worth the delightful experience young children are treated to. It is a day trip that creates wonderful family memories.

Produce available for picking: Plums Peaches (very light - almost out of season) Early Apples - ready in September Tomatoes Peppers Kale TH E MON S EY V I EW /





DEMAREST FARMS 244 Wierimus Road, Hillsdale NJ 07642




Demarest Farms features well-manicured trees, spectacular views, and more than fourteen varieties of apples to pick. Apple picking season at the farm launches September 5, and lasts until November. Demarest also offers visitors tractor-pulled


Apple Picking: Hours: Monday through Friday, from 3 to 4:30PM, and Sundays from 10AM to 4:30PM 8-6:30

Cost: $5 per person admission, which includes hayride, corn maze, and visit with farm animals. Plus $9 for a bag to fill with apples. 8.1 miles away, or a 15-20 minute drive.

ALSTEDE FARM 1 Alstede Farms Ln, Chester, NJ 07930

Alstede Farm is not a small operation by any stretch of the imagination. In addition to offering pick-your-own fruit, they entice visitors with pony rides, hayrides, a sunflower maze, a moon bounce, and lots more. The variety you will find at Alstede Farms is vast. Over the year, the farm produces over 250 different kinds of fruits and vegetables, from strawberries, blueberries and raspberries, to summer squash, tomatoes, corn, peaches, apples, pumpkins and more. There is also a cut-yourown flower garden.


hay wagon rides, a hands-on petting zoo, and an elaborate corn maze.



The farm provides pull wagons at no charge, and flower scissors are available with a $3.00 deposit. There are various admission packages available. Open daily 9am-6pm; hours vary per activity 1 Alstede Farms Ln, Chester, NJ 07930 908-879-7189 57 miles away, or a 1-hour, 10-minute drive.


Produce available for picking: Apples Blackberries Raspberries Peaches Sweet Corn Peppers Eggplant

Our Graphic Artist’s Pick: “This is one of the many farms we’ve visited over the years. They are very large and have so many things for the kids to do that we had to plan a second trip just to take it all in!”


DR. DAVIES FARM 306 Route 304, Congers, NY 10920

Dr. Davies Farm opens for apple picking season on Labor Day. This historic 35-acre orchard is home to 4,000 trees and is open for picking daily. Picking poles are available for a minimal fee.


The farm offers trailer rides - Weekends 11 - 5 / Weekday by appointment. The price is $5.00 per person. Cash only- no credit cards or ATM cards accepted.

$5 Open daily 10 AM - 4:00 PM. Dr. Davies Farm 845-268-7020 9 miles away, or a 25-minute drive.






HARVEST MOON FARM & ORCHARDS 130 Hardscrabble Road, North Salem, NY 10560

• Most modern apple orchards have dwarf trees that are

Open daily 9 AM-5 PM

• Apples ripen from the outside of the tree towards the


40 miles away, or a 51-minute drive.


This family-run farm allows visitors to pick their own apples daily throughout the season. On weekends from September 6 through October 26, there are lots of additional attractions for kids, including hayrides, farm animals and bouncy castles. Harvest Moon also features a large farm stand where you can buy fresh eggs and produce.

Cost: $45 a half-bushel Open daily 9 AM-5 PM

STUART’S FARM 62 Granite Springs Road, Granite Springs, NY 10527

• Texture, not color, is the most accurate indicator of an apple’s ripeness. Select crisp, firm, bruise-free fruit.

• If possible, ask the farmer which variety is ripe. He will know because it is calculated from the number of days since the trees flowered.

• Picking apples directly from a tree is easy. Roll the apple upwards off the branch and give a little twist; don’t pull straight away from the tree. Don’t shake the trees or branches.

• As you pick, try to leave the stem on the apples; they will store longer.

• Apples ripen ten times faster at room temperature than if they are refrigerated.



34.9 miles away, or a 47-minute trip.


The Stuart farm offers an authentic, no-frills experience with nine types of apples ripe for the picking at their farm, which happens to be the oldest in Westchester. Hayrides are available on weekends from 11:00AM – 5:00PM. Hours: From September 6th to November daily from 10:00am – 5:00pm


very close to the ground – even a 3-year-old can pick an impressive yield. center, so the apples out the outside of the tree will ripen first.



Apple Picking and Storage Tips

Cost: Prepay $25 for a half bushel picking bag before entering the orchard.



19 Canfield Avenue, Randolph, NJ 07869

• Don’t wash apples until just before using to prevent spoilage.

• You know the saying “One bad apple spoils the whole

bunch?” It’s actually true. A bad apple gives off ethylene, which will spoil the other apples around it. So remove bruised fruits and eat them first. Potatoes also release ethylene, so never store apples and potatoes in close proximity of each other.


973-584-4734 44 miles away, or a 50-minute drive. At Sun High, fall is the favorite time of the year. The crisp air brings many varieties of apples to their market: Cortland, Macintosh, Galas, Macouns, Honeycrisp, Empire, Delicious, Fugi and Winesap are some of the more popular varieties harvested from their trees. The orchard opens for pick-your-own apples in early September. Different varieties ripen at different times. Kids can get up close and personal with the donkey and alpaca, and take a leisurely hayrideon weekends. Apples are sold by the pound here, so only pick what you want to buy.



L’Shana Tova Umesika!





» 4 letter words 2 points » 5 letter words 3 points » 6 letter words 5 points » 7 letter words 7 points » 8 letter words 9 points » 9 or more 12 points





» No adding “s” at the end of a word. » No proper nouns, abbreviations, or acronyms » No bouncing back to letters already used in a specific word » Words may not be found with a computer boggle solver » All words must appear in the Merriam Webster Table Dictionary. *The Monsey View carefully reviews all submissions. Word lists that have more than two incorrect words are disqualified. *Points submitted without a word list will be disregarded.





Write your 4-letter, 5-letter, 6-letter etc. words in separate columns. Fax or email your word list, together with your total points by Sunday, 8:00 PM for a chance to win! Include your name, phone number, and address. 845-600-8483 or







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Across Shell gas station, Next to Monsey Housewares

Runner Ups:

Blimy and Tila Rothschild 362-3666 - 605 Kaplan Family- 13 Hillside- Suffern - 537 Stern Family - 426-0532 - 532 Frieder Family - 364-3613 - 520 Geller Family-426-5826 - 513 Bayer Family - 425-1211 - 511 Pick up your free slice and ice cream at Chai Pizza


4 Letter Words

Ague Beat Bend Beta Bond Bone Boon Boot Bore Both Bout Bunt Butt Cone Coon Coot Cord Cued Curd Cure

Winner’s list Curt Cute Deft Done Door Dote Dour Drug East Euro Fast Fate Feat Feta Gash Gate Gist Hone Hoot Hour Note Robe Rood Root

Rote Roué Rout Rued Safe Sate Sigh Sign Stag Teat This Thou Tone Toot Tore Tort Tour Tout Trod Trot True Unto Urea

5 Letter Words Berth Beast Feast Bored Utter

6 7 8 Letter Words

Throne Faster

Letter Words

Letter Words

Sated Gated Fated Aster Outer Treat Tutor Court Trout

Rough Tough Cough Sight Route Noted Cured Cuter Otter

Cored Strut After Horde Donor Doted Drone Honor Throe

Throb Tooth Truth Ought Condo Dough Boron North Outré

Troth Trued Uncut Couth

Gutter Touted Routed Nougat Butted Butter

Cutter Toured Tooted Tooter Detour Fasted

Enough Booted Booter Gutted Though Threat

Trough Bettor Condor Cotter Drouth Nought

Rooted Cooter Honour

Courted Drought honored Thought

Through Uncouth Betroth Bedfast

Thorough Dethrone Doughnut Honoured

Trotted Tutored Uncured Uncourt

is coming to Monsey

by Nechama Zilber



9+ Letter Words



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Medium Sudoku Puzzles 1

FUNPAGE Sudoku Puzzle



in Our Town Each week we will feature a sight in Monsey for you to recognize and place. How well do you know our town?



8 9 3 2 7 8 9 2 9 6 5 1 4 2 8 7 5 8 5 9 8 2

3 2 4

9 2 1 8 3 7

Hard Sudoku Puzzles 1 Intermediate Sudoku Puzzle Sudoku 4 Puzzle


1 6

9 8 4 7 1






8 2 2 3 5 4 4 9 6 3 8 9 4 5 1 6

2 7 7 9 3 9 4 2 5 6 5 3 2 9 3 7 6 2 5 3 5 8 1 7 3 1 8 7 8 8

Advanced 1 5 6

Sudoku Puzzle




8 7


6 7 2 8 8


8 4 6 4 3 1 7 2 1 9 Last week’s picture is in front of the fire station on Grove Street.

4 3










INSTRUCTIONS: 1. Draw one of the art ideas from this column. keep in mind that it can be drawn to any size, and that a bigger picture will be clearer and more fun to color.

2. Color it, using pastel, crayon, paint, marker or even colored pencil.

3. Clearly label your submission with your name, age, and s c h o o l /c h e d e r.

4. Mail your master-piece to Faigy Rothman at 8 Gwen Lane, Monsey, NY 10952

Two weeks left to the Family Portrait Contest!




KIDS’ SERIAL Babby Malka, who grew up in the city, did not know anything about gardening. She also refused to go anywhere near the cow. This caused her to be unpopular with her sisters-in-law and the other village women, who thought her a spoiled, stuck-up city girl. In addition, in the village it was important to whitewash the walls each spring, as the walls got black from the oven over the winter. This too, Babby Malka could not do.


Family Life in the Hungarian Village Selisht in the 1930’s A Sequel to


Esther treasured the tablecloth and planned to eventually gift it to her daughter. Sadly, the war, which changed so much of how families lived, disrupted this beautiful mother-daughter connection.

The village Selisht, which lies at the Hungarian-Romanian border, housed approximately 75 Jewish families and about 1,200 non-Jews. Like in most shtetles, the Jewish houses were built along the main street, and the gentiles lived in the fields where they farmed potatoes, beans and vegetables, and raised livestock. The village boasted one beautiful shul with a large yard. In addition, there were a few small grocery stores, two watermills, two butchers, a shoe repairman, two tailors, one tavern, two covered horse and wagons with drivers who served as taxis, two public schools and one Talmud Torah. Once a week a doctor would come to visit, and once a week a bus passed the main street and went to the nearest town, Siget. Other than the bus, only horses and wagons rode on the streets. The roads were made of hard mud, which felt cool in the summer to the barefooted children. Years later, the roads were paved and the pavement became too hot from the summer sun, so the children stopped running around barefoot. All village women kept a garden for vegetables and planted fruit trees for fruits. Families that were able to afford a cow or a goat had milk, butter and cheese. Most families raised chickens for eggs and meat. Village women worked their gardens every morning throughout the spring and summer, and spent a great deal of time in the late summer and fall preserving the fruits and vegetables. The fruits were cooked into jams, and the vegetables were pickled, as provisions for the coming winter months.



The women spent much time on embroidery. Young girls worked for years to embroider the bed linens and tablecloths they would use when they got married. These linens were treasured and cared for carefully and often passed down from mother to daughter to granddaughter with love. In fact, when Esther got married, she received a Pesach tablecloth that Babby Malka had embroidered as a girl and had given to her daughter, Mameshe, as a gift when she moved away from Selisht.

For washing, there was one solution that cleaned everything. Behind the oven, used for cooking and for keeping the homes warm during the cold winter months, there was a little box that caught the ash. The ash was cooked with water and then strained. The water was used for scrubbing floor tiles, for washing dishes and glassware and for cleaning windows. Everything gleamed and sparkled after it was washed. The water was also used to wash the white laundry. In those prepamper days, included in white laundry were the baby’s diapers, which every balabusta scrubbed until it was spanking white before she used it again. For other laundry, a piece of soap bought for 10 lei was added to the water, and soap for bathing was also bought in the gevelb. Many families lived three generations together. When a daughter got married, she often stayed to live in her parents’ home. Children grew up surrounded by the love of grandparents, and young parents of many little children had a lot of family support. In addition, extended families often built their homes on the same property. When Mamashe’s sister got married, she lived in a little house right near Babby Malka. She was very much a part of the household, doing all her cooking and laundry alongside Babby and Mamashe. She was a significant part of Esther’s life as she grew up, and Esther always remembered her lovingly. Yet, this set-up of families living very closely together created the concept of a Shvigger. Because everyone lived together and saw each other all the time, daughters-in-law and sons-in-law often did not measure up to the parents-in-law expectations, creating stress in the in-law relationship. Another serious difficulty which many shtetl families faced was coming up with a naden for their daughters. Parents with many daughters lived under tremendous pressure to scrape together money so that their daughters could get married. Poor families watched their beautiful daughters grow old and remain at home, all for lack of money.

When a girl was getting married, there was hardly any spending involved. The linens and tablecloths and bedding were embroidered and prepared years in advance. The wedding took place in the parents’ home with extra tables and benches from the shul set up in the house and yard. All the neighbors and family members helped cook the meal and serve it. The kallah’s dress was often an heirloom which her mother had worn on her wedding day. And the sisters of the bride and the Macheteneste wore aprons over their Shabbos clothes, as they were hosting the event and serving the guests! The only spending was for a new dress or two for the bride. There was no fabric store in Selisht, so mothers would travel to the nearby town to buy some fabric to sew the kallah’s new “wardrobe.” A family who couldn’t afford the trip into town would often ask someone else making the trip to town to buy the fabric for them, thus saving the bus fare. TH E MON S EY V I EW /




Children grew up knowing that they must respect their elders. Even at school, where there were non-Jewish children too, the children were always respectful. In Esther’s class there were 60 children, and the teacher was an old gentile. Still, there were never any discipline problems. Children were taught from a young age to behave respectfully toward anyone older than themselves.

Mostly, shtetl people were happy with what they had. They did not need fancy houses, furniture or clothing, and they made do with the food they planted and cooked. Meals were lovingly planned and prepared and served. Families ate at least two meals together each day, with each meal being a family event in which the entire household sat around the table together. Children appreciated their mother’s cooking. In fact, Esther claims there were no picky eaters. The shtetl life continued in the same rhythm for many generations. Most people assumed it would be thus until Moshiach’s day. Sadly, the terrible war disrupted this way of life. The closeness that families enjoyed in the shtetl could never be replicated in New York. Miraculously, Esther survived the war, married a Talmud Chachum and raised a Torah-true family first in Eretz Yisroel and then in Brooklyn. Still, she always remembered her early childhood shtetl days fondly.

The images in this pictorial are for visual interest only, and may not accurately portray life in Selisht.

Sh Ke oe ep s L i ng oo Su kin ed g e Ne w

TIPS Making a Perfect Fishtail Braid

Keeping Your Hosiery Whole

Le Carin ath g er for Sc Yo hoo ur lB ag



The air is filled with the sweet sensation of a new school year. Shiny patent shoes, new notebooks, sharpened pencils, crisp ironed shirts, and a combination of excitement, anticipation, and a touch of apprehension. To ease the transition of heading back to school, The Monsey View provides you with a range of tips, hints, and how to’s to enable you to hold onto the freshness and crispness the beginning of school brings.

By P. Silber

Put your best foot forward and best efforts forth! Loads of Luck!




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SUEDE SHOES LOOKING NEW Stains on suede can be difficult to remove, so it’s in your best interests to protect them to keep them looking like new. There’s several ways to protect and clean suede before it becomes permanently stained. FIRST THING FIRST: It’s always a good idea to spray new suede shoes with a suede protection product. It can be found in shoe repair shops and some supermarkets.

Work the suede eraser, which breaks down as you use it, over the stain until it is eliminated. Avoid rubbing vigorously; you could damage the suede.

IF SUEDE SHOES GET WET: Always soak moisture out of the fabric with paper towel or a clean, white towel. Do not dry suede with a hair dryer or other heat source; allow it to dry naturally. Once it is thoroughly dry, restore the nap (the fuzzy texture that easily becomes crusty if exposed to dirt and water) with a brush made exclusively for suede.

TO RESTORE THE NAP: Rub suede gently with a nail file. Suede can also be steamed to restore nap, or cleaned with a soft-bristled toothbrush. Run the toothbrush over any areas where the suede is flat, such as the newly cleaned spot, using gentle, back-andforth motions to lift the nap.

IF SUEDE GETS MUDDY: Use a nail file to remove the dirt. Use delicate strokes. A brush made exclusively for suede can also be used to remove dirt and scuff marks. IF STAINS HAVE DRIED ON SUEDE: Or if it is scuffed, use an eraser to gently clean the area. If stains do not come out, use a bit of white vinegar on a silk cloth to clean. Spot clean any water stains or caked mud with a suede eraser, which is available at shoe or department stores.



TO CLEAN SALT LINES OR MARKS: Use a combination of 1/2 cup cool water and 1/2 cup white vinegar, dampen the corner of a cotton washcloth with the mixture and gently wipe down the salt marks. Allow the suede boots to dry completely in a cool, dark space. Don’t dry the boots with a blow dryer. ALWAYS: Store suede garments in a cool, dry place. Light will fade the color and dampness will cause mildew.


Some things are just so annoying, yet so part of life. A run in the tights in one such example; it is never welcome and always occurs when you’re away from another pair. It’s always wise to be prepared beforehand. TRY: Clear nail polish: Dab the polish around the hole or at both ends of the run. Allow to dry for up to 5 minutes. HAIRSPRAY: Hairspray is another quick and easy method to prevent a run in your tights from getting any larger. Spray the area around the hole or run. Let dry; repeat. (Don’t be afraid to be heavy-handed.) Once finished, the hairspray will temporarily stiffen the fibers of your tights. This is a great method to use if you are in a rush, since hairspray dries almost instantly. Desperate measures…





GLUE/WHITE-OUT: If you’re nowhere near nail polish or hairspray (read: not at home), most sticky substances will nip the run in the bud.





There’s nothing like a neat braid to complement your little one’s back-to-school look. When braiding your pre-schooler’s hair, you may want to go with this new twist on the traditional braid.



True, it’s very intricate-looking, but you’ll be pleased to see that these fishtail braid instructions are easy to understand and surprised at how quickly you can become an expert by following these five simple steps. 1.

Divide hair into two sections down the

back. 2. Take a small outer piece of one of the two sections of your hair (it doesn’t matter which section you start with). Cross the small piece over and add it to the inside of the other section. This piece you have crossed will now become a part of the other section. Keep your crossed piece tight or hair may start to come out once you’ve finished braiding. 3. Now you’re going to make the exact same cross but this time you will use the other section of hair. So, once again take a small piece from the outer part of the section and cross it over to the inside of the opposite section. Again, remember to keep it tight. 4. Continue crossing small outer pieces over to the inside of the opposing section. The smaller the pieces you cross, the better the braid will end up. Stop braiding once you feel the sections getting too small. This should be around two or three inches from the bottom of your hair. 5. Once you’ve reached the end of the braid, tie it off with a ponytail holder.



SHARP UNIFORM SKIRT PLEATS Proper ironing is the key to a pleated skirt that looks as good as the day you brought it home. The first tip for easy ironing begins by the washing. If properly washed, the ironing will go much easier and smoother.

PRESS pleats with iron on the fabrics heat setting; do not ‘iron’ the pleats by moving the iron press down and hold.

Either hand wash or machine wash without spin drying, let it drip dry.

LET COOL! This is the one best tip to pay attention to.

Vinegar is great to use to keep the pleats really crisp and sharp. If vinegar seems unappealing to you, try regular starching. Use anywhere from a 2:1 to 10:1 ratio of water to vinegar. (The strength of the scent of the vinegar will depend on how much you use but the smell will fade quickly.) Pleat up the fabric with pins, paperclips, or bobby pins (whatever works best for you) onto each pleat at the hem to hold them all in place while you press. Spray the water- vinegar solution onto a press cloth) and lay the cloth over the pleats.



HINTS: · You may get away with ironing every so often, if you apply step #2 before drying a washed pleated skirt. Pleat up fabric with pins etc. and hang to dry like that. · Have you ever tried a flat hair iron as a touch-up iron? No time to drag out your iron and ironing board? A straightening iron works perfectly between buttons where a regular iron doesn’t fit, and it will smooth collar creases and minor wrinkles. So you can look perfectly pressed when you’re pressed for time.


You’re doing homework or studying for a test, when suddenly water spills all over your notes. Don’t panic. It’s not all lost. The most important thing, upon which everything else hinges, is get the book frozen A.S.A.P. Once the book dries out, the wrinkles and warping are set, and there’s nothing to do about it. But freeze it, and all damage stops. And the book can stay frozen, until you’re ready to handle it. The recovery process is fairly simple: Wrap the book in a U of wax or freezer paper, or in a plastic bag. It’s best to freeze it at -15 degrees Fahrenheit or lower, so if you can get access to a commercial freezer space, it would be a good idea. If that’s not available, a home freezer will do in a pinch, but the results won’t be quite as good. If possible, freeze the book spine down, and supported so it won’t lean or fall over. If you have to lay it on its side, make sure that the book is fully and flatly supported. If you have anything under it smaller than the book, the book can and will mold itself around that object.





YOUR LEATHER SCHOOL BAG You may be disappointed to see your leather briefcase begin to wear or stain pretty fast. Though leather has a smooth and chic look, care must be taken to handle the fabric. Following are some tips to make sure your leather briefcase retains that new, clean look. FOR STAINS: Spray with soapy water. Apply some leather cleaner or wipe on it. Wipe it all down with a clean cloth. You can try Windex, too, on the bag and rub it around. Take the backside of the sponge and gently go over the surface. Be cautious when buffing with the sponge; use light pressure



路 Use any leather wipe or leather cleaner periodically to keep your leather shiny and new. 路 Want to keep your knapsack smelling clean and fresh? Well, first thing, of course, keep it clean and dry. Constantly clean it of crumbs or leftover fruit or snack that can leave an unpleasant lingering smell. Air the briefcase out when possible. Empty it completely, and prop it open. Keep briefcase smelling fresh by putting in dryer sheet, preferably with a pleasant scent, such as lavender or magnolia.

Safety 101: Transitioning Our Kids Safely from Summer to School

By: Sandy Eller




As the Monsey community continues to grow, there are, Baruch Hashem, thousands of children being bused daily to our many mosdos. The importance of bus safety cannot be overstated, according to Motty Englander, transportation coordinator at the United Talmudical Academy. First and foremost, be considerate and have your children at their designated pickup location at the scheduled time in order to prevent traffic jams. Never allow your child to wait alone at a stop other than his own, because children who are nervous about being picked up can often dart into the road to make sure that the driver stops for them, an action that can have devastating consequences. While buses run on the same daily schedule, issues can often arise that may have an impact on timing. What to do when your child’s bus is late? Understand that inevitable delays occur and stay relaxed.


“Until ten minutes late is normal,” Mr. Englander told The Monsey View. “So if it’s less than that, don’t call. It places a big strain on the dispatcher when suddenly all the mothers call at once.”

The safety of every single child being transported to school is of paramount importance, and Mr. Englander urges parents not to shift into panic mode if their child doesn’t get off the bus as expected.

It can be helpful to take a phone with you to the bus stop in case a bus is abnormally late and you will need to contact the dispatcher. “Often exactly when you go inside to make the call, the bus will arrive, causing you to miss the very bus you have been waiting for,” explained Mr. Englander.

Never assume that if your bus was late one day because of heavy construction that it will be late the following day, as well.

Don’t make private arrangements for house stops with drivers, because when a substitute takes over the route, your child won’t get picked up. Changes in stops are particularly difficult to arrange, especially in big schools, and are best avoided whenever possible. Be aware that dispatchers are extremely busy, often handling multiple inquiries simultaneously, making it impossible for them to answer additional calls. The safety of every single child being transported to



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school is of paramount importance, and Mr. Englander urges parents not to shift into panic mode if their child doesn’t get off the bus as expected. “In all my years of managing the transportation in a big mosod like UTA, there never was a time when a child just disappeared,” observed Mr. Englander. “If you don’t know where your child is, don’t get nervous. The dispatcher can check if he went onto the wrong bus. It could be there was a substitute rebbe, teacher or driver, or that the child was overlooked. When the buses empty out, the child will inevitably be found.” Proper conduct is expected at all ages on school buses so that the driver can focus on his main goal: safely transporting his precious cargo from home to school and back again. “A driver’s job is not to be mechanech, rebbe or teacher or to settle problems,” said Mr. Englander. It is crucial for parents to educate their children on proper bus behavior and a child who puts himself or others in danger may be denied bus privileges. Children should also be instructed to exercise extreme caution in ice and snow conditions, including waiting until the bus comes to a complete stop before moving towards the bus, although it is recommended that parents wait outside with their children when ice and snow are present. No matter what the weather conditions are, children should always wait for a signal from the driver to board the bus, particularly when crossing streets. “Parents, teach your children, especially on major roads like West Central, Route 306, and Old Nyack Turnpike about safety when boarding buses,” urged Mr. Englander. “For the safety of our dear children, make sure they know and practice the rules and laws of boarding a school bus. Don’t be smart, be safe. We often think it is smart to make our lives easier and do what’s convenient, but never when it comes at the expense of safety.”


As the old saying goes, “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure,” and nowhere is that adage more applicable then when it comes to controlling lice in our schools.

$ / 3 99



As a 20-year veteran checking heads in both Skver and Satmar girls’ schools, Mrs. Rubin has become an expert on the subject of those dreaded, unwanted visitors. Her go-to method for killing lice? Pantene hair conditioner, rubbed onto dry hair. Mrs. Rubin saturates the entire head with conditioner and massages well before combing out the entire head, section by section, as close to the scalp as possible, using either the Assy 2000 or the Nisska comb, dipped in rubbing alcohol. It should take over an hour to complete the process which should be followed with a shampoo and full dry, before doing another visual check to ensure that no lice or nits remain.

It is definitely a timeconsuming process, but remember, if one nit stays, in a week it can become a zoo again.

“It is definitely a timeconsuming process, but remember, if one nit stays, in a week it can become a zoo again,” cautioned Mrs. Rubin.

To further guard against future occurrences of lice or nits, Mrs. Rubin recommends washing hairbrushes with hot water and bleach and spritzing hair daily with a mixture of water and vinegar.


Several professionals in the area specialize in treating those with lice and/or nits including S. Bluming 3563892 and M. Lauber 356-0058 in Monsey and D. Kohl 362-0297 and Z. Braun 354-5134 in New Square. / THE MONS E Y V IE W

Wii CREATIVE / 732.415.8970

According to Mrs. Rubin, this method should solve the problem 95 percent of the time, but she recommends combing through with alcohol over the next two weeks in case any tenacious nits have managed to cling to the hair.


5 2 0 J a m e s S t , L a k e w o o d // 7 3 2 -74 6 - 5 0 3 5 // Fr e e S h i p p i n g w w w. a i s t o n e . c o m — c o u p o n c o d e 3 9 9


Allergies, Asthma and Medical Conditions: The Monsey View spoke with a prominent Hatzolah member from our community and the following are the tips and advice Be open he shared.

with the school staff, including both the administration and those who interact with your child on a daily basis, and let them know what your child is allergic to.

Monsey View: How should parents prepare their child and the school staff for a child who has allergies and/or asthma?

MV: What kinds of preparations should schools take for allergic and asthmatic children?

staff. Asthma and allergic reactions are among the highest ranking causes for pediatric hospitalizations in the world and can turn deadly quickly.


HM: Any medications that are needed to control an allergic reaction, including Benadryl and EpiPens, should be brought to the school nurse or other responsible party. All teachers, rabbeim, melamdim and any other school staff who is responsible for the children during lunch and recess, should be made aware of the condition and how to properly treat it. MV: What are the symptoms of an allergic reaction or an asthma attack? HM: Every condition is unique but typical symptoms include hives, scratching, wheezing, difficulty breathing and swelling. It is crucial to inform anyone who interacts with your child how they react to a particular allergen, although symptoms may vary or worsen with every exposure. MV: What else should schools be made aware of when dealing with allergic or asthmatic children? HM: I can’t stress enough how important it is not to hide anything of this nature from the school



Hatzolah Member: Children of all ages need to be taught how to avoid foods and items that are potential triggers. Be open with the school staff, including both the administration and those who interact with your child on a daily basis, and let them know what your child is allergic to, the signs and symptoms of a reaction and what needs to be done to treat the reaction. Any parent who has a child that uses an inhaler should make sure that they take it to school daily and that it is administered on schedule by either the teacher or the child, if they are old enough to do so on their own.

MV: What precautions should parents of diabetic children take when sending them off to school? HM: Diabetes generally does not turn into an emergency situation. Since living with diabetes is such an integral part of their daily lives, children are typically very well trained at managing the disease. MV: What special steps should be taken for children who experience seizures? HM: The school staff must be warned and teachers have to be informed in order to make sure that a child who is having a seizure doesn’t hurt himself. We have seen numerous cases where a child had a seizure and the teacher, who was not aware of the condition, panicked and failed to take control of the situation. Parents need to keep their children’s teachers informed of any medical condition to ensure both the safety and the dignity of their child.


"Such a long list of supplies to get for school! When could we go shopping mommy?"

The next day, when they went to the store, Miri and her sisters found some of the supplies they needed.

They went to the next store, but were still missing some items. Miri's mother was already getting dizzy from all the shopping.

"No, but I still need to get‌." "I'm still missing a‌." they started complaining. However, when they glanced at their tired mother and realized how much time she spent already, they complied and headed for the exit.

"I'm missing a 75 page spiral." "I'm missing a 3 inch looseleaf." "I still need to get a 3 pronged folder."

"Let's go home. We've done enough shopping for today."

In school, Miri's teacher told the class the supplies they need for the year. She couldn't believe it when she heard that the item she didn't find was actually not on the teacher's list.


‫עכ ט‪ֶ .‬ע ר ָה אט‬ ‫ְשׁ ֶל ְ‬ ‫יל ט‬ ‫עפ ְ‬ ‫ֵל י ָה אט ֶג ִ‬ ‫ְשׁ מ וּ ִ‬ ‫יכ ִט יג‪.‬‬ ‫ישׁ ט ִר ְ‬ ‫טוּע ן ִא יז ִנ ְ‬ ‫ֶ‬ ‫עוואוּס ט ַא ז ָו ואס ֵז יי‬ ‫ְ‬ ‫ֶג‬ ‫פּ עס‪,‬‬ ‫אג ן ֶע ֶ‬ ‫עה אט ֵז יי צוּ ָז ְ‬ ‫מוֹר א ֶג ַ‬ ‫ָ‬ ‫ֶע ר ָה אט ָא ֶבּ ער‬ ‫אכ ן פוּן ִא ים‪.‬‬ ‫ֶועל ן חוֹ זֶק ַמ ְ‬ ‫ַו וייל ִד י יונגלאך ו ְ‬

‫אר ט?״ ָה אט‬ ‫שׁ ער ָד ְ‬ ‫יט ֶ‬ ‫אוֹיף יֶע ֶנ ע ְג ִל ְ‬ ‫״קוּק‬ ‫אר ט אוּן ָל אֹזֶן‬ ‫ויז ן‪ .‬״קוּם ֵג יין ָד ְ‬ ‫עו ְ‬ ‫מוּל י זֵיי ֶג ִ‬ ‫ְשׁ ִ‬ ‫אנק י ַבּ אר״‪.‬‬ ‫ִ‬ ‫ינ ֶד ער ֵג יין צוּ ִד י ָמ‬ ‫ער ע ִק ְ‬ ‫ַא ְנ ֶד ֶ‬

‫אבּ ן ַמ ְס ִכּ ים‬ ‫ִד י יונגלאך ָה ְ‬ ‫ערה ייט‬ ‫ֵ‬ ‫יכ‬ ‫ייל ֶ‬ ‫ֶג ע וֶוען אוּן ְפ ֵר ִ‬ ‫שׁ ער‪.‬‬ ‫יט ֶ‬ ‫אנ ֶג ען צוּ ִד י ְג ִל ְ‬ ‫עג ְ‬ ‫ֶג ַ‬

‫אמ ע‬ ‫עוואוּנ ֶק ען צוּ ִד י ַמ ֶ‬ ‫ְ‬ ‫מוּל י ָה אט ֶג‬ ‫ְשׁ ִ‬ ‫אנק י ַבּ אר״‬ ‫ִ‬ ‫״מ‬ ‫אג ט ַא ז ִד י ָ‬ ‫אוּן ִא יר ֶג ע ָז ְ‬ ‫מוּל י‬ ‫ְשׁ ִ‬ ‫ִא יז‬ ‫אכ ֶד עם‬ ‫ייד יג‪ָ .‬נ ְ‬ ‫ִא יז ֵל ִ‬ ‫ח ֵב ִר ים‪.‬‬ ‫אנ ֶג ען ִמ יט ַז יי ֶנ ע ֲ‬ ‫עג ְ‬ ‫יט ֶג ַ‬ ‫ִמ ְ‬

Enjoy some of our

Art Contest

Shabsi Horowitz Satmar - Age 9


Y. Ciment Yeshiva Zera Yaakov - Age 13

Esty Dancziger Avir Yaakov - Age 9

Benzion Lunger Skver - Age 9

Y.D. Diamant Avir Yaakov - Age 14 Raizy Lebovits Viznitz - Age 8

Moshe Leib Horowitz Pupa - Age 12

Shayna Neiman YSV Girls - Age 11

Zev Schnitzer Satmar - Age 10

Yides Rosenbaum Avir Yaakov - Age 11

Chaim Zev Scheinberger Bais Mikra - Age 10 Syuri Gluck Satmar - Age 7



Yitzchok Gelb Tashbar - Age 10

Yitzchok S. Zera Yaakov Skver

Rivky Dancziger Avir Yaakov Skver - Age 7




by Miriam Maytelis

Decorating Accessories:

Supplies: •

Decorating Accessories • School Supplies

• •

Mod Podge Foam Brush

The exciting day is coming closer! Let’s do a quick check to make sure that everything is all ready for the first day of school. Tried uniform skirts for proper length? Check. Got hair checked to make sure it’s nits-free? Check. Confirmed the pick-up time on the bus schedule? Check. Personalized your school supplies? Oh, um…I think not. How do you do that? Personalizing school supplies is so much fun. Besides for being a creative enjoyment it helps to keep you organized and together. And it doesn’t cost much! Take a look at all these options, see what suits your style and taste, and then follow the basic instructions. With supplies like these, you’ll surely want to keep your notes and papers perfect all year!

Inspiring Ideas:

What should you use to decorate? Just about anything! Pretty scrapbook paper, color paper, wrapping paper, stickers, ribbons, alphabet…

Basic Instructions:

1 2

Spread a thin layer of Mod Podge over the surface of your school supplies.

Place the decorative paper on top and smooth away all air bubbles. Flip it over and cut away all spare ends.

School Supplies: What can you personalize? This technique works best on flat surfaces like binders, folders, notebooks, and clipboards. You could also try it on stick glue, hole punchers, rulers, etc. but it might be a bit harder.

This pretty folder uses patterned and solid paper for a pretty combination.

This striped clipboard only needed an initial which was made with flower stickers. A simple design can look very classy.

Pretty using only a circle and letter sticker!

Mod Podge:



Decorate the top as you desire.


Spread a thin layer of Mod Podge all over the designed top. Do not panic! It will dry beautifully clear. Let it dry for 4-5 hours and repeat this step.


What is this and what does it do? Mod Podge is a heavy sealing glue. By spreading it over your finished design it seals it, making it waterproof. It also prevents the edges from peeling like contact paper does.

A hand drawn initial with markers or crayons makes it look artistic

This notebook already had a nice design. All it needed was alphabet stickers.

You don’t have to cover it all up. Circles and a “C” were put onto the binder

Experiment with cute designs





The Monsey View would like to give all school girls a special treat! You can use these pretty alphabet designs to personalize your supplies.







ENSURING THAT YOU GET WHAT YOU PAY FOR HOME APPRAISALS You’ve found your dream home. The asking price is $420,000 - an amount you’ve already been preapproved for by your bank. But is the home really worth that amount? That’s the question at the heart of the home appraisal. The worth, or value of the property, will determine how much a lender is willing to give you to buy that particular piece of real estate. A home appraisal will determine if the asking price is lower or higher than the actual value of the property. This all-important step in getting the financing you need is the home appraisal an oftentimes confusing part of the mortgage process in which both buyer and seller must depend on the expert opinion of a stranger. A real estate appraisal is simply that - the expert opinion of a certified, state-licensed professional who determines the value of a piece of property. If your $420,000 dream home is really worth only $320,000, then the home is overpriced.



by Ann Zeilingold

A home appraisal also basement? Where does the protects the bank from appraiser get the information getting stuck with property that determines the value that’s worth less than they’ve of the property? And, if you invested. And it protects you get a low appraisal, what from paying too much for a happens next? house simply because it was love at first sight. The home appraisal is a no-nonsense The home appraisal is a factor in a decision that is often no-nonsense factor in emotional for the buyer. It protects a decision that is often you from paying too much for a house emotional for the buyer. simply because it was love at first sight. A home appraisal is not the same thing as an inspection. If you’re buying a home, you’ll want to hire an experienced home inspector to point out any potential problems that could turn into costly nightmares in the future. Property appraisers will likely make note of any obvious issues, but they won’t test your heat and air, check the chimney, or determine if your plumbing is up to code. That’s the job of the inspector. What are the methods appraisers use to value property and what’s included in the appraisal report? What are some common myths? For example, will dirty dishes in the sink affect your home appraisal? What about a wet

When you apply for a mortgage, your lender typically requires the property to be appraised by one of their approved appraisers. This practice helps create more consistent appraisals and gives you assurance that the appraiser is properly licensed and certified. Even though the home appraisal is the lender’s requirement, it’s the borrower’s responsibility. You usually pay for it soon after application and it is a part of the closing costs. The cost is typically around $400 but can be more depending on the price of the property. There are two primary appraisal methods for residential property. In the sales comparison approach,

the appraiser compares the property with three or four similar homes that have sold in the area, often called comparables, or comps. The analysis considers specific components, such as lot size, square footage of finished and unfinished space, style and age of house, as well as other features such as garages and fireplaces. The cost approach is used more for new property and is based on reproduction costs. The appraiser estimates the cost to replace the structure on the property if it was destroyed. The appraiser then looks at land value and depreciation to determine the property’s worth. The appraiser gathers information for the appraisal report from a number of sources, but the process often begins with a physical inspection of the property inside and out. Additionally, the appraiser may look at county courthouse records and recent reports from the local real estate multiple listing service.

The appraisal report generally includes: •

an explanation of how the appraiser determined the value of the property

the size and condition of the house and other permanent fixtures, along with a description of any improvements that have been made and the materials used

statements regarding serious structural problems, such as wet basements and cracked foundations

notes about the surrounding area, such as new or established development, rural acreage, and so on

an evaluation of recent market trends of the area that may affect the value

a comparative market analysis that supports the appraisal

maps, photographs and sketches

A common misunderstanding is that the appraisal amount is only for the house itself. In fact, the figure appraises the total value of the home and any other permanent structures, along with the land that the house is built on. This appraisal figure also determines the loan amount you can get to buy the property. If a home appraises for less than purchase price this can cause a problem with your mortgage qualification and approval. If that happens, it should trigger a discussion with your attorney and realtor. A home appraisal is more than just another cost added to the buyer’s bottom line. It’s a protection for everyone involved in the home-buying process. It will help you make a more informed decision about purchasing a home.

Ann Zeilingold, NMLS # 41850 is the Vice President and Branch Manager of First Meridian Mortgage in Pomona, NY. First Meridian is a direct lender, licensed in NY, NJ, FL and CT. She has been originating residential mortgages for 27 years. She has recently published a book, which is a must-read for any prospective homebuyer, The Homebuyer’s Companion. Ann grew up in Monsey, and she currently lives in Wesley Hills with her husband and children.

Ann Zeilingold Vice President

First Meridian Mortgage 1609 Route 202 Pomona, NY 10970

Office: 845-354-9700 Mobile: 914-260-9000

Find Ann’s real estate column weekly in The Monsey View. TH E MON S EY V I EW /


The Monsey View is proud to present our

Students’ Showcase where outstanding achievement and skill is displayed for all to see.


Principals, Teachers, Parents, and Students, take note. Throughout the school year you can submit certificates, poems, compositions, schoolwide projects etc., and we will be proud to feature it in The Monsey View. We look forward to celebrate the success of the students in our town.

Mail: The Monsey View P.O.B. 305 Monsey, NY 10952 Fax: 845-600-8483 Email:



‫ מלמדים און מנהלי המוסדות‬,‫ קינדער‬,‫עלטערן‬

‫קנאת סופרים תרבה חכמה‬ ‫ אויסצייכענונגען און פערזענליכע ווערק עס וועט אונז‬,‫שיקט אריין אייערע תעודות‬ ‫זיין א שטאלץ אין א זכיה און א כבוד פאר אייער משפחה‬ ‫דאס צו פארעפנטליכן אין‬ The Monsey View

In this new column, we will be featuring pictures of your children and students holding their certificates of achievement. We look forward to celebrate the successes of the students of our community. Please email, mail, or fax your pictures to The Monsey View

Mail: The Monsey View P.O.B. 305 Monsey, NY 10952 Fax: 845-600-8483 Email:


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‫שמחת נישואין‬

‫שמחת אירוסין‬

‫יום ג' כי תצא‬


‫החתן אלחנן נ''י‬ ‫בן ר' ישראל פריעד נ''י‬

‫בת ר' מרדכי וויעדער נ''י‬

‫עטרת חי' שרה‬

‫בן ר' דוד לורינץ נ''י‬

‫הכלה‬ ‫בת ר' אהרן קליין נ''י‬

‫או''ח וויזניץ‬


‫בן ר' ארי' לייב דייקמאן נ"י‬ ‫הכלה‬


‫בת ר' אהרן קופערשטיין נ"י‬

‫בן ר' יחזקאל קעלנער נ''י‬

‫בת ר' בערל כהן נ''י‬

‫מזל טוב‬


‫בן ר' שמואל מנחם ציג נ"י‬

‫הכלה ריקי תחי'‬

‫מזל טוב‬

‫בן ר' אלי קויפמאן נ''י‬


‫חיים מאיר‬

‫תבא‬ ‫יום ב'‬ ‫מזל כיטוב‬

‫החתן יוסי נ''י‬

‫שאול‬ ‫בן ר’ ישראל יוסף דוד ראזענבלום נ''י‬

‫בן ר' יצחק פסטרנאק נ"י‬

‫יום ג' כי תצא‬

‫החתן חיים יהודה נ''י יום ג' ראה‬

‫הכלה‬ ‫בת ר’ משה אליקים נ"י‬

‫יום ג' כי תבא‬

‫החתן זאב נ''י‬

‫מזל טוב‬

‫בן ר’ אלטר מנשה דוד‬ ‫סראלוויטש נ''י‬

‫מזל טובבת ר’ משה יצחק פערל נ''‬

‫הכלה מרים תחי'‬

‫עטרת חי' שרה‬

‫מזל טוב‬

‫הערשל‬ ‫בן ר' משה לייבלער נ''י‬ ‫יעקב יוסף‬ ‫בן ר' חיים גארפינקל נ''י‬

‫בת ר' כתריאל סראלאוויטש נ"י‬ ‫שליט"א‬


‫בת ר' ישראל מרדכי פרושינובסקי נ''י‬ ‫הכלה‬ ‫בת ר' אברהם יהודה פרידמאן נ''י‬

‫וואלף‬ ‫בן ר' יעקב כ"ץ נ"י‬

‫הכלה‬ ‫בת ר' יוסף מרדכי ווינער נ"י‬

‫שמחת הולדת הבת‪/‬הבן‬ ‫ר' ארי' יהודה רוס נ''י‬ ‫לאביו ר' מרדכי נ"י‬ ‫ולחותנו ר' יעקב יצחק מרגליות נ"י‬

‫ר' יוחנן שטיינבערגער נ''י‬ ‫לאביו ר' שמעון נ''י‬ ‫ולחותנו ר' אהרן ווייסבערגער נ''י‬

‫ר' ברוך אברהם לאפפלאר נ''י‬ ‫לאביו ר' מנחם נ''י‬ ‫ולחותנו ר' מרדכי אהרנביץ נ"י‬

‫ר' מנחם ארי' דייטש נ''י‬ ‫לאביו ר' נחמן נ"י‬ ‫ולחותנו ר' פנחס קנאפפלער נ"י‬

‫לרגל הולד הבת הנכדה‬

‫הבת הנכדה‬ ‫הולד הבת‬ ‫לרגל הולד‬ ‫לרגל‬ ‫הנכדה‬

‫לרגל הולד הבן הנכדה‬

‫לרגל הולד הבן הנכד‬

‫ולחותנו הרב משה דוד קליין שליט"א‬

‫לאביו הרב חיים יעקב מרדכי שליט''א‬ ‫ולחותנו הרב יעקב בנימין פירטה שליט''א‬

‫ר' חיים מאיר וויזניצער נ''י‬ ‫לאביו ר' אייזיק נ''י‬ ‫ולחותנו ר' חיים דוד קלאר נ"י‬

‫הרב זלמן יוסף ראבינאוויטש שליט"א‬ ‫לאביו הרב אדמו"ר מדינוב שליט"א‬ ‫ולחותנו הרב יחזקאל דייטש שליט"א‬

‫לרגל הולד הבת הנכדה‬

‫הנכדה‬ ‫הבתהנכדה‬ ‫הולדהבת‬ ‫לרגלהולד‬ ‫לרגל‬

‫ר' אייליש מיללער נ''י‬ ‫לאביו הרב מרדכי שליט"א‬

‫ר' י יואל בלייער נ''י‬ ‫לאביו ר' חיים אלעזר נ''י‬ ‫ולחותנו ר' דוד שלמה ציגלער נ''י‬ ‫לרגל הולד הבת הנכדה‬ ‫ר' יעקב הערשקאוויטש נ''י‬ ‫לאביו ר' שמואל אליעזר נ''י‬ ‫ולחותנו ר' יחיאל מיכל טויבער נ''י‬ ‫הנכדה‬ ‫הבתהנכדה‬ ‫הולדהבת‬ ‫לרגלהולד‬ ‫לרגל‬

‫ר' יואל מאיר טייטלבוים נ''י‬

‫ר' מרדכי הכהן וויינבערגער נ''י‬ ‫ולחותנו הרב משה רובין שליט"א‬ ‫לרגל הולד הבת הנכדה‬ ‫ר' בנימין יוסף אונגער נ''י‬ ‫לאביו ר' אברהם נ''י‬ ‫ולחותנו ר' מרדכי יואל הורוויץ נ''י‬ ‫לרגל הולד הבת הנכדה‬

‫לרגל הולד הבן הנכד‬ ‫ר' שמואל מרדכי ברילוסקי נ''י‬ ‫לאביו ר' יונה נ''י‬ ‫ולחותנו יחיאל קלמן הרצל נ''י‬

‫לרגל הולד הבן הנכד‬ ‫הרב משה קעפעטש שליט"א‬ ‫לאביו הרב חיים יצחק אייזיק שליט"א‬ ‫ולחותנו הרב אהרן פריעד שליט"א‬

‫לרגל הולד הבן הנכד‬

‫לרגל הולד הבן הנכד‬

‫ר' בנציון קליין נ''י‬ ‫לאביו ר' אהרן נ''י‬ ‫ולחותנו ר' משה ניימאן נ''י‬

‫ר' העניך פעלדמאן נ''י‬ ‫ולחותנו ר' אשר ראזנבערג נ''י‬

‫לרגל הולד הבן הנכד‬

‫לרגל הולד הבן הנכד‬

‫‪The Monsey View assumes no responsibility for errors‬‬ ‫‪norbe‬‬ ‫‪the‬‬ ‫‪accuracy‬‬ ‫‪could‬‬ ‫‪listed‬‬ ‫‪here! of the information‬‬

‫שמואל פוקס‬

‫בית‪-‬המדרש מכון להוראה‬ ‫כבוד התורה בתפארתו‬

‫די ליסטע‪ .‬מכון להוראה באשיינט די שטאט מיט איר אנוועזנהייט‪.‬‬

‫יעדער איינער וואס גייט נאר דורך דעם פראכטיגן בנין אויף‬ ‫מעיפל עוועניו ‪ -‬מיט איר גרויסן אויסשריפט 'מכון להוראה' דערויף‬ ‫– שטעלט זיך אפ און קוקט אויפן בנין מיט הערצה‪ ,‬שעצונג און כבוד‪.‬‬ ‫בלויז דער דרויסנדיגער בנין פאר זיך‪ ,‬נאך איידער מען בליקט אריין‬ ‫אינדערווייניג‪ ,‬רופט שוין ארויס כבוד התורה אויפן העכסטן גראד‪.‬‬ ‫מכון להוראה איז א לעגענדע‪ ,‬א זעלטנהייט פון א מוסד‪ ,‬וואס‬ ‫מען געפינט נישט איר'ס גלייכן אין די וועלט‪ .‬מכון להוראה ווארפט‬ ‫ליכטיגע שטראלן אויף די גאנצע תורה וועלט און איר השפעה איז‬ ‫ווייטגרייכנד און רופט ארויס רעספעקט איבער אלע פיר עקן וועלט‪.‬‬ ‫עס וועט נישט זיין איבערגעטריבן צו זאגן‪ ,‬אז מכון להוראה איז‬ ‫דאס שיינקייט פון דער שטאט מאנסי‪ .‬עס איז א כבוד און זכיה פאר‬ ‫אונזער שטאט‪ ,‬אז אזא מאסיווער וויכטיגער מוסד געפינט זיך ביי‬ ‫אונז אין שטאט‪ ,‬זי איז א לייכט‪-‬טורעם פאר די גאנצע געגנט און‬ ‫שיקט אירע שטראלן פון מאנסי אויף דער גאנצער אידישער וועלט‪.‬‬ ‫אז איר וועט אפשטעלן א איד פון מאנסי און אים פרעגן‪ ,‬וועלכע‬ ‫זענען די חשוב'סטע תורה צענטערן אין מאנסי‪ ,‬וועט ער בלי ספק‬ ‫אויסרעכנען 'מכון‪-‬להוראה'‪ ,‬אלס איינע פון די ערשטע מוסדות אויף‬

‫בית‪-‬המדרש‪ :‬מכון‬ ‫להוראה‬

‫אדרעס‪.maple ave 168 :‬‬ ‫ראש‪-‬הכולל‪ :‬הרב יחיאל‬ ‫טויבער‬ ‫גבאי‪ :‬מו"ה ר' יצחק משה‬ ‫טויבער הי"ו‬ ‫שמש‪ :‬מו"ה ר' יעקב יוסף‬ ‫טויבער הי"ו‬ ‫מתפללים‪120 :‬‬

‫דער ציל מיט די היסטאריע‬

‫מכון‪-‬להוראה איז געגרינדעט געווארן אלס כולל אין יאר תשל"ו‬ ‫לפ"ק‪ ,‬דורך הרה"ג ר' עזריאל טויבער שליט"א‪ ,‬מיטן ציל פון 'להחזיר‬ ‫עטרה ליושנה'‪ ,‬צוריקצושטעלן דעם אלטן פארצייטישן לימוד‬ ‫חושן‪-‬משפט צווישן חסידי'שע יונגעלייט‪.‬‬ ‫ביז דעם אויסברוך פון דער צווייטער וועלט‪-‬קריג‪ ,‬איז געווען דער‬ ‫רעגלמעסיגער סדר אז יונגעלייט און בחורים האבן עוסק געווען‬ ‫בלימוד חושן‪-‬משפט‪ .‬דאס איז געווען דער לימוד וואס מען האט‬ ‫געלערנט‪ ,‬זייענדיג מקבל די כללים ביי די רבי'ס פון די פריעדיגע‬ ‫דורות‪ ,‬און דאס איבערגעבנדיג פאר די קומענדיגע דורות ווייטער‪.‬‬ ‫נאכן קריג‪ ,‬ווען מען האט אנגעהויבן צוריק אויפשטעלן תורה‬ ‫און אידישקייט‪ ,‬האט מען אנגעהויבן עטוואס נאכצולאזן פון דעם‬ ‫שווערן לימוד אין חושן‪-‬משפט‪ ,‬נאר אנשטאט דעם זיך אריינגעלאזט‬ ‫אין אנדערע מקצועות בשלחן‪-‬ערוך‪.‬‬ ‫נאכן איינזען אז דער לימוד החושן‪-‬משפט ווערט אפגעשוואכט‪,‬‬ ‫און צוביסלעך גייען אוועק די עלטערע רבנים פון דעם פריעדיגן‬


‫זמני התפילות‪:‬‬

‫סדרי הכולל‪:‬‬

‫•בית‪-‬המדרש‬ ‫•אוצר‪-‬הספרים‬

‫שחרית‪7:45 :‬‬ ‫מנחה‪( 2:45 :‬מנין ב' בקיץ‪)6:30 :‬‬ ‫מעריב‪6:30 :‬‬

‫סדר לפנות בוקר‪7:45 – 5:45 :‬‬ ‫לפני‪-‬צהריים‪2:00 – 9:45 :‬‬ ‫אחר‪-‬צהריים‪6:30 – 2:45 :‬‬

‫•בית‪-‬הוראה‬ ‫•וועד‪-‬הכשרות‬ ‫•בית‪-‬דין‬ ‫•מקוה‬ ‫•חדר אוכל‬ ‫•קאווע שטיבל‬

‫שיעורי תורה‪:‬‬ ‫בשעה ‪9:00‬‬ ‫נושא‪ :‬ישראל ואורייתא‬ ‫הרב יהודא ליכטער שליט"א‬

‫זמנים מיוחדים‪:‬‬ ‫• שמחת תורה‬ ‫•ימים נוראים‬

‫דור‪ ,‬און איינזעענדיג אז מען מוז עפעס טון כדי שלא תשתכח תורת‬ ‫החושן משפט מישראל‪ ,‬האט ר' עזריאל שליט"א מיסד געווען דעם‬ ‫כולל מכון להוראה‪ ,‬מחנך צו זיין א דור דעה וואס זענען עוסק אין‬ ‫חושן‪-‬משפט‪ ,‬קענען פסק'ענען שאלות און פירן דיני‪-‬תורות צווישן‬ ‫אידן‪.‬‬ ‫אין יאר תשל"ו לפ"ק איז דער כולל געגרינדעט געווארן מיט א‬ ‫חבורה פון געציילטע יונגעלייט‪ ,‬בשעת עס איז אויפגענומען געווארן‬ ‫אלס ראש הכולל הרה"ג ר' יחיאל טויבער שליט"א‪ .‬די יונגעלייט האבן‬ ‫זיך אריינגעווארפן ראשם ורובם בתורה‪ ,‬זייענדיג עוסק יומם ולילה‬ ‫בחושן משפט‪ ,‬און נוצר תאנה יאכל פריה‪ ,‬אינעם יאר פון תשמ"א‬ ‫איז דער ערשטער חבורה אראפגעפארן קיין ארץ‪-‬ישראל‪ ,‬וואו זיי‬ ‫האבן זיך פארהערט ביי די גדולי ארץ‪-‬ישראל די שווערע סוגיות אין‬ ‫חשן‪-‬משפט‪.‬‬ ‫די יונגעלייט פון די דאזיגע חבורה‪ ,‬זענען היינט ברייט באקאנט אין‬ ‫די וועלט אלס בארימטע רבנים וואס פירן פארצווייגטע דיני תורות‪.‬‬ ‫צווישן זיי זענען באקאנט הרבנים הגאונים‪ ,‬ר' אברהם ברוך ראזנבערג‪,‬‬ ‫ר' אברהם יצחק ברוינשטיין‪ ,‬ר' שלמה אליעזר ברוינשטיין‪ ,‬ר' יהוסף‬ ‫בנציון ראטנבערג‪ ,‬ר' עמרם האניג‪ ,‬ר' חיים וואלף ווייס‪ ,‬ר' סענדר‬ ‫גראס‪ ,‬ר' מרדכי באב"ד‪ ,‬ר' משה גאביאף‪ ,‬ר' דניאל געלדצעהלער‪ ,‬ר'‬ ‫אהרן דוד ניישטאדט און נאך‪ .‬כולם כאחד באקאנט אין דער ברייטער‬ ‫חושן‪-‬משפט וועלט‪.‬‬ ‫יענע יאר איז געעפנט געווארן דער באקאנטער בית‪-‬דין מכון‬ ‫להוראה‪ ,‬וואו עס ווערן געפירט שווערע דיני‪-‬תורות און וואו עס‬ ‫ווערן אויסגעגליכן פילע סוכסכים צווישן אידישע קינדער‪.‬‬

‫מחיל אל חיל‬

‫דער כולל איז געגרינדעט געווארן צום ערשט‪ ,‬אויפן ארט וואו עס‬ ‫געפינט זיך היינט די סאטמארע ישיבה‪ ,‬אויפן אונטערשטן שטאק‪,‬‬ ‫דארט האט מען געלערנט א שטיק צייט‪ ,‬ביז די חבורה האט זיך‬ ‫אריבערגעצויגן צו דער סטאניסלאווער בית‪-‬המדרש‪ ,‬וואו זי האט‬ ‫זיך אויפגעהאלטן ביז פסח פון יאר תשל"ז לפ"ק‪.‬‬ ‫צום נייעם זוממער זמן‪ ,‬האט זיך דער כולל אריבערגעצויגן צו א‬ ‫פארברייטערטער ארט אויף עדווין‪-‬לעין‪ ,‬אונטער די וואוינונג פון‬ ‫דעם ראש‪-‬הכולל הרה"ג ר' יחיאל טויבער שליט"א – בעמח"ס שו"ת‬ ‫משיב בהלכה‪ ,‬כסא משפט על שו"ע ועוד‪ .‬צו דער זעלבער צייט איז‬ ‫געגרינדעט געווארן א ש"ס חבורה‪ ,‬צו לערנען די מקוצועות הש"ס‬ ‫אין צוזאמענהאנג צו חושן‪-‬משפט‪ .‬די דאזיגע חבורה האט געלערנט‬ ‫אינעם בנין וואו עס איז היינט די בארימטע ישיבה שער‪-‬אפרים‪ .‬עס‬ ‫איז אויך געווען א תקופה‪ ,‬ווען דער כולל האט זיך געפינען אויף דער‬ ‫לענאר גאס‪.‬‬ ‫אין יאר תשמ"ט לפ"ק‪ ,‬האט זיך דער פינאנציעלער מצב אין דער‬ ‫כולל שטארק אפגעשוואכט‪ ,‬עס איז געווארן אן אנגעשטרענגטער‬ ‫מצב און דער עתיד פון דער הייליגער כולל מכון‪-‬להוראה האט‬ ‫אויסגעקוקט פארנעפלט‪ ,‬נישט וויסנדיג וואס עס וועט זיך אויסקאכן‬ ‫דערפון‪.‬‬ ‫אין יענע צייט האט אריינגעשפרינען בעבודת הקודש הרה"ג ר'‬ ‫בערל קארניאל שליט"א‪ ,‬וועלכער האט גענומען אויף זיין עול און‬ ‫פליכט אפצוראטעווען דעם כולל פון אונטערגאנג‪ .‬ר' בערל האט‬ ‫דאן גענומען די מיה און ארבעט‪ ,‬אינאיינעם מיטן ראש הכולל ר'‬ ‫יחיאל‪ ,‬זענען זיי ארומגעלאפן אין די גאנצע וועלט‪ ,‬זיכער צו מאכן צו‬ ‫קענען צאלן די לומדים אין צייט‪.‬‬

‫א בנין בלויז פאר א כולל‪ ,‬איז באטראכט‬ ‫געווארן אלס חידוש בימים ההם‪.‬‬

‫בנין כבוד בית השם‬

‫נאך עטליכע יאר‪ ,‬ווען די‬ ‫הצלחה פון כולל האט זיך אנגעזען‬ ‫אויף טריט און שריט‪ ,‬און עס‬ ‫איז נתרבה געווארן ספסלי בית‪-‬‬ ‫המדרש וואס האבן געוואלט‬ ‫לערנען חושן‪-‬משפט‪ ,‬האבן די‬ ‫עסקני הכולל גענומען אויף זיך‬ ‫אן אויפגאבע‪ ,‬פון אהערשטעלן‬ ‫א בנין לכבוד בית‪-‬השם‪ ,‬א בנין‬ ‫פארן כולל‪.‬‬ ‫א בנין בלויז פאר א כולל‪ ,‬איז‬ ‫באטראכט געווארן אלס חידוש‬ ‫בימים ההם‪ .‬געווענליך געפינט‬ ‫זיך א כולל אין די ראמען פון א‬ ‫בית‪-‬המדרש אדער א ישיבה און‬ ‫א באזונדערע בנין בלויז פאר א‬ ‫כולל האט אויסגערופן גרויסע‬ ‫אויגן ביי פיל מענטשן‪ ,‬מען האט‬ ‫נישט געהערט פון אזא איינפאל‬

‫ביז דאן‪ .‬די הנהלת הכולל האט אבער באשלאסן‪ ,‬אז למען כבוד‬ ‫התורה ולמען ההצלחה פונעם כולל‪ ,‬פעלט אויס א פרעכטיגן בנין‬ ‫אזוי ווי עס פאסט פאר אזא כולל וואס מכון להוראה שטעלט מיט‬ ‫זיך פאר‪ .‬דאס איז געווען דער ערשטער בנין געבויעט צו ווערן בלויז‬ ‫לשם תורה‪.‬‬ ‫אום זונטאג פרשת וירא פון יאר תשנ"ו לפ"ק‪ ,‬איז געגאסן געווארן‬ ‫די אבן הפינה אויפן נייעם לאט וואס די עסקנים האבן אפגעקויפט‪.‬‬ ‫עס האבן זיך פארזאמלט אויפן ארט אלע רבנים פון שטאט‪ ,‬אין‬ ‫שפיץ פון כ"ק מרן האדמו"ר מוויזשניץ שליט"א און מען האט זיך‬ ‫געגרייט צו בויען דעם בית‪-‬השם‪.‬‬ ‫דאס בויען פון דעם נייעם בנין האט גענומען קנאפע צוויי יאר‪ ,‬ביז‬ ‫זי איז פארטיג געווארן אויף ראש‪-‬השנה תשנ"ח לפ"ק‪ .‬דעמאלס‬ ‫האט מען איר באנייעט לשמחת לב‬ ‫לומדי התורה‪.‬‬

‫כלילת יופי‬

‫ארויפגייענדיג די רונדעכיגע טרעפ‬ ‫צום הערליכן בנין פון מכון‪-‬להוראה‪ ,‬נאכן‬ ‫אריבערגיין דעם שיעור 'שני פתחים'‬ ‫אריינצוגיין אינעם בנין‪ ,‬וועט איר זיך‬ ‫אנשטויסן מיט א הערליכער רונדעכיגער‬ ‫פאליש‪ ,‬מיט א הימל‪-‬וואלקענעס‬ ‫דאך‪ ,‬בשעת ארום דעם דאך זענען‬ ‫מייסטערהאפטיג אויסגעקריצט מיט‬ ‫גאלדענע אותיות פארשידענע פסוקים‬ ‫וואס רעדן ארום איבער דער קשר צווישן‬ ‫תורה און דער הימל‪ ,‬א שטייגער ווי דער‬ ‫פסוק 'והמשכילים יזהירו כזוהר הרקיע'‬ ‫אדער 'אם לא בריתי יומם ולילה חוקות‬ ‫שמים וארץ לא שמתי' און נאך‪.‬‬ ‫אויף די ווענט און די זייטן פון דעם‬ ‫פאליש זענען ארויסגעקריצט מיט‬ ‫גאלדענע אותיות די דאזיגע תומכים‬ ‫ונדבנים וואס האבן ביישטייערט צו דעם‬ ‫דאזיגן שיינעם בנין‪ ,‬און דערמיט זענען‬ ‫זיי א שטענדיגער חלק אין די מעכטיגע‬ ‫הרבצת התורה פון דעם הייליגן מקום‪.‬‬ ‫אריינגייענדיג אין דעם היכל הכולל‪,‬‬ ‫וועט איר זיך אנשטויסן מיט דעם גרויסן‬ ‫אויסשריפט אויף מזרח זייט‪ ,‬העכער‬ ‫דעם ארון קודש‪ ,‬וואס לויטעט 'יורו‬ ‫משפטיך ליעקב ותורתך לישראל'‪ .‬דער‬ ‫דאזיגער פסוק טייטשט ריכטיג אפ די‬ ‫מטרה פון דעם כולל מיט דער בנין פארן‬ ‫כולל‪ ,‬נעמליך אהערצושטעלן אן ארט‬ ‫פארן לימוד חושן‪-‬משפט‪ ,‬וואו יונגעלייט‬ ‫זאלן קענען אויסשטייגן בתורת השם‪.‬‬ ‫אינעם היכל‪-‬הכולל איז קענטיג‬

‫די השקעה וואס מען האט אריינגעלייגט דערין און דער‬ ‫אויסגערעכנטקייט אז עס זאל זיין אויפן ארט א רואיגע‬ ‫אטמאספערע לרחבת לומדי‪-‬הכולל‪ .‬לויט ווי עס ווערט דערציילט‪,‬‬ ‫האט מען אראפגערופן אויפן ארט ספעציעלע מומחים וואס זאלן‬ ‫זיכער מאכן אז די לעקטער פון בית‪-‬המדרש קומט אן אויף יעדן‬ ‫ארט‪ ,‬און אז עס זאל זיין באקוועם און ליכטיג פאר די לומדי הכולל‬ ‫צו זיצן און לערנען במנוחת‪-‬הנפש‪ .‬אויך די קאליר פון די האלץ איז‬ ‫אויסגערעכנט געווארן פאר דעם צוועק‪ ,‬אלעס אז עס זאל זיין גענוג‬ ‫באקוועם און צוגעשטעלט צו לערנען‪.‬‬ ‫נישט נאר דער עצם בית‪-‬המדרש‪ ,‬נאר אויך די מעבל אין בית‪-‬‬ ‫המדרש איז ספעציעל אויסגערעכנט פאר די באקוועמעליכקייט פון‬ ‫די לומדים‪ .‬דער דאזיגער כולל איז געווען דער ערשטער מקום תורה‪,‬‬

‫עס לאזט זיך זאגן‪ ,‬אז דער גאנצער‬ ‫בנין פון מכון להוראה‪ ,‬ברענגט ארויס‬ ‫כבוד‪-‬התורה אויף טריט און שריט‪,‬‬ ‫עס איז דורכגעווייקט מיט תורה און‬ ‫די ווענט דערציילן פאר זיך‪ ,‬דאס‬ ‫שיינקייט און הייליגקייט פון דעם‬ ‫דאזיגן מקום קדוש‪.‬‬

‫וואס האט אריינגעברענגט אויפן ארט טייערע מעבל‪ ,‬באקוועמע‬ ‫טישן און בענקלעך‪ ,‬אז די כולל יונגעלייט זאלן לערנען באקוועם‪.‬‬ ‫די טישן‪ ,‬אויף וואס די יונגעלייט זיצן און לערנען‪ ,‬זענען ספעציעל‬ ‫געמאכט געווארן מיט א ברייטקייט‪ ,‬גענוג אויסגערעכנט אז מען זאל‬ ‫קענען האלטן צוויי גרויסע שלחן‪-‬ערוך'ס אויפן טיש‪ ,‬איינע קעגן די‬ ‫אנדערע‪ ,‬און ביידע ספרים זאלן האבן גענוג פלאץ אויפן טיש‪ .‬דאס‬ ‫איז געמאכט געווארן צוליב דעם‪ ,‬אז חברותות זאלן קענען לערנען‬ ‫באקוועם איינע קעגן די אנדערע‪ ,‬אן דעם וואס דער שלחן‪-‬ערוך זאל‬ ‫נישט האבן גענוג פלאץ אויפן טיש‪ ,‬און אן דעם וואס מען זאל מוזן‬ ‫לערנען זייטיגוועגס און נישט קעגן איבער דער חברותא‪ .‬יעדער‬ ‫דעטאל איז אויסגערעכנט געווארן פאר די באקוועמליכקייט פון די‬ ‫לומדי התורה‪.‬‬ ‫אינמיטן היכל‪-‬הכולל איז פאראן א הערליכער הימל‪-‬וואלקנדיגער‬ ‫דאך‪ ,‬בשעת אינמיטן הענגט אראפ א הערליכער לאמפ‪ ,‬וואס‬ ‫ווארפט א באקוועמער ליכטיגקייט אינעם‬ ‫היכל‪-‬הכולל‪.‬‬

‫אוצר‪-‬הספרים מפואר‬

‫הרה"ג ר' עמרם דוד טויבער שליט"א‪ ,‬וועלכער האט גענומען אויף‬ ‫זיך דעם ארבעט און עול‪ ,‬און גיבט זיך אפ מיט די ספרים כראוי‬ ‫וכיאות‪.‬‬ ‫א באזונדערע ארט פארנעמט דעם הערליכער ספר‪-‬תורה‪ ,‬מיוחד‬ ‫ביופיו והדרו‪ ,‬געשריבן געווארן דורך סופרים מומחים‪ ,‬ע"י הרב יחיאל‬ ‫בן הרב אבא חייא טויבער שליט"א‪ .‬עס איז א ספעציעלע זכיה עולה‬ ‫צו זיין אויף דעם ספר תורה‪ ,‬און פון איבעראל קומען מענטשן‬ ‫באוואונדערן דעם שיינקייט פון דעם כתב‪.‬‬

‫עמוד ההוראה – בית‪-‬דין והלכה‬

‫אויפן אונטערשטן שטאק פון כולל‪ ,‬געפינט זיך א הערליכער מקוה‪,‬‬ ‫ווי אויך א חדר‪-‬אוכל מיט א קאווע שטיבל‪ .‬אין בית‪-‬המדרש זעלבסט‬ ‫איז נישט ערלויבט אריינצוברענגען קיין עסן‪ ,‬כדאי אנצוהאלטן דעם‬ ‫שיינקייט פון דעם ארט‪ ,‬דעריבער איז‬ ‫פאראן א חדר אוכל פאר דעם צוועק‪ ,‬ווי‬ ‫אויך א קאווע שטיבל‪.‬‬ ‫אין דעם שטאק געפינט זיך אויך דער‬ ‫בארימטער בית‪-‬דין מכון‪-‬להוראה‪ .‬עס‬ ‫זענען פאראן צוויי בית‪-‬דין צימערן פון וואו‬ ‫עס גייט ארויס דער דבר השם זו הלכה‪.‬‬ ‫אויך איז דארט פאראן דער אפיס פון דער‬ ‫וועד‪-‬הכשרות מיט דער וועד‪-‬העירוב‪.‬‬ ‫עס לאזט זיך זאגן‪ ,‬אז דער גאנצער‬ ‫בנין פון מכון להוראה‪ ,‬ברענגט ארויס‬ ‫כבוד‪-‬התורה אויף טריט און שריט‪ ,‬עס‬ ‫איז דורכגעווייקט מיט תורה און די ווענט‬ ‫דערציילן פאר זיך‪ ,‬דאס שיינקייט און‬ ‫הייליגקייט פון דעם דאזיגן מקום קדוש‪.‬‬ ‫אויך איז וויכטיג צו באטאנען‪ ,‬דער הלכה‬ ‫האטליין‪ ,‬וואו עס איז ערמעגליכט אנצופרעגן פיר‪-‬און‪-‬צוואנציג‬ ‫שעה א טאג אלע סארט שאלות אין ד' חלקי שלחן‪-‬ערוך‪ .‬אין שפיץ‬ ‫שטייט הרה"ג ר' מרדכי באב"ד‪ ,‬דער ראב"ד פון דער בית‪-‬הוראה‪,‬‬ ‫וואס ער נעמט אויף אלע סארט שאלות‪ ,‬וויכטיג ווי נישט וויכטיג‪ .‬עס‬ ‫גייט נישט דורך קיין נאכט וואס דער דיין ווערט נישט אויפגעוועקט‬ ‫פון טעלעפאן רופן‪ ,‬וואס קומען אריין פון אלע עקן וועלט‪ .‬איבעראל‬ ‫ווייסט מען די אדרעס אז אויפן האטליין פון מכון‪-‬להוראה קען מען‬ ‫שטענדיג געפינען תשובות בכל עת מצוא‪.‬‬ ‫פון צייט צו צייט קומען אויך ארויס די בארימטע קונטרסים‬ ‫'משיב בהלכה'‪ ,‬צוזאמענגעשטעלט דורך די אברכי הכולל‪ ,‬וואס‬ ‫שרייבן פארשידענע נושאים בהלכה און ווערן אריינגעלייגט אין דעם‬ ‫ספעציעלן קובץ‪.‬‬ ‫א טאג אין כולל – לימודים און תפילות‬ ‫קומענדיגע וואך אי"ה‬

‫נישט נאר דער עצם‬ ‫בית‪-‬המדרש‪ ,‬נאר אויך‬ ‫די מעבל אין בית‪-‬‬ ‫המדרש איז ספעציעל‬ ‫אויסגערעכנט פאר די‬ ‫באקוועמעליכקייט פון‬ ‫די לומדים‪.‬‬

‫א באזונדערע חלק פאדערט זיך פארן‬ ‫בארימטן אוצר‪-‬הספרים‪ ,‬א השקעה פון‬ ‫עטליכע הונדערט‪-‬טויזנט דאלער‪ ,‬וואס‬ ‫מען האט דערין אריינגעלייט‪ .‬דער אוצר‪-‬‬ ‫הספרים איז באקאנט אין גאנץ מאנסי‪ ,‬ווי‬ ‫אויך אין די גאנצע אידישע גאס‪ .‬פון גאנץ‬ ‫ניו‪-‬יארק קומט מען באזוכן דעם אוצר‬ ‫הספרים וואס איז פיל מיט צענדליגע‬ ‫טויזנטע ספרים פון אלע סארט‪.‬‬ ‫צווישן די ספרים זענען פאראן אזעלכע‬ ‫ספרים וואס זענען שוין היינט נישט בנמצא‬ ‫און מען קען זיי נאר געפינען צווישן די ווענט פון דעם אוצר הספרים‪,‬‬ ‫ווי אויך זענען פאראן קאפיעס פון אלטע קובצים וואס זענען שוין‬ ‫היינט נישט בנמצא‪.‬‬ ‫עס דארף באמערקט ווערן אז דאס אפגעבן זיך מיט די ספרים‬ ‫איז א באזונדערע ארבעט‪ .‬כדאי אנצוהאלטן די שיינקייט פון דעם‬ ‫היכל בית‪-‬השם בכלל‪ ,‬און דעם סדר פון דעם אוצר‪-‬הספרים בפרט‪,‬‬ ‫איז וויכטיג אז די ספרים זאלן געפאקט ווערן יעדע נאכט מיט א‬ ‫פונקטליכקייט‪ ,‬און ווען מען רעדט פון אזא כולל ווי מכון‪-‬להוראה‪,‬‬ ‫אן ארט וואו עס זיצן לומדים און תלמידי חכמים‪ ,‬איז נאטורליך אז‬ ‫יעדן טאג ווערן ארויסגעשלעפט פיל ספרים פון זייערע שאפעס‪,‬‬ ‫בשעת לומדים זענען עוסק דערין‪.‬‬ ‫עס וועט דעריבער זיין אינטערעסאנט צו הערן‪ ,‬אז דאס פאקן פון‬ ‫די ספרים יעדע נאכט‪ ,‬איז אן עבודה פאר זיך‪ ,‬און עס נעמט אן ערך‬ ‫פון צוויי שעה זיך אפצוגעבן דערמיט‪ .‬ברם זכור אותו איש לטובה‪,‬‬

‫ווילט איר באשרייבן אייער שוהל אדער מוסד?‬ ‫ביטע פארבינדט אייך מיט די מערכת‪ :‬טעל‪208.917.3829 :‬‬ ‫אימעיל‪ :‬‬


As Seen in:

Why business size doesn’t matter — how any business, whether it’s a sole proprietor, or a large company can benefit from learning and implimenting these psychological techniques. You can attract customers through a few simple techniques. People are people and they respond to these techniques even if they are your ONLY customer! This seminar will explore marketing, advertising, and selling techniques that companies use before they even open! So much goes on behind the scenes that most people have no clue about... This evening will help you get behind the scenes of the subconscious mind. You’ll learn exactly how to get into your customers’ mind, learning why they buy the things they do and how you can convince them to buy from you... even without ever saying a word! This special seminar will enlighten, and entertain you. It will also expose you to what goes on in the world of big business, and how companies get you to do or buy... almost effortlessly!

Keynote Speaker:

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AUGUST 31 7:30PM Only $179


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Includes: Full Dinner, Networking, and more!

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For Sale ‫ איך האב צו פארקויפן א‬shrink tunnel ‫כמעט נישט‬ $1400 ‫ פאר‬,‫גענוצט‬ 845-746-1386 :‫אינטערסירטע ביטע רופט‬ 2 beautiful custom designed sisterof-the-bride dresses for sale. Sizes 4-6. $500 each. Serious inquiries only, please Call 845-426-0636. Wholesaler’s Surplus passing savings on to you: white glass table tops ½” thick 30x48 $40, 30”x54” $50, 36”x60” $60, Slight Imperfections. Call 845-356-3311 While Supply Last. Looking to sell Frigidaire stackable washer/ dryer-220 volt, in great condition and also a Whirlpool dryer contact 347-520-3501 Imported D&W white master bedroom set. Excellent price, mildly used. With 44’’ Beds, also works with 48” Please call 845826-5952 - if no answer leave message. 2 48’ Taupe/Gray suede Drexil headboards with mattress and box spring for sale. Brand new condition.(used less than 2 weeks) 845-426-2925 30 cub HUGE Whirlpool side by side stainless fridge freezer 2 1/2 years old great condition. Model GSS30C6EYF03 $850 845-6415664

Brand new damask linen set, suitable for choson/kallah. 2 standard shams & 2 duvet covers, size ‘full.’ Purchased for $350, selling for $275. 845-393-4834 Selling due to moving ! Maytag top loader washing machine and dryer for best offer please call: 845-352-7201 Air Condition Large 25,000 BTU, Frigidaire 240v, Used 1 Seasons, Excellent Condition, For sale, $375 Please call 845-538-9988 2 old air-condition - very good condition both for sale for $95 . Yellow hood for Bugaboo Bee for sale. Excellent condition, great price. Call: 845-517-5443. White hot point 30 inch gas range in perfect condition. 1 year old, hardly used. $275. Please call (845)-354-2015. Couch,which also opens to a bed. $800 Leather lounge chair. $600 845-538-7389 Stunning light blue dress/gown, size 8-10 for sale or rent. Worn twice. Sister of the bride. Call or text 845-587-0286.

Looking to sell a beautiful gently used Renaissance sheitel- dark color. For more information please call 845-709-1562.

2004 Chrysler town & country platinum for sale, fully loaded with GPS, leather seats, DVD, and 6 CD changer. 159k miles. Drives well. $2,900 or best offer. A/C is ice cold. 845 598 4438

Steal of a deal! Glass top dinette set in great condition with four chairs. 24” & 30” stove, 30” fridge. 845-746-1810

Imported D&W white master bedroom set, for sale. Excellent price, mildly used. With 44’’ Beds. Please call 845-826-5952

Magnificent Kleinfeld Kallah gown size 4-6. Call 845-425-3745



For sale 2004 Toyota Avalon xls for $3,999. 845-356-5985

Black double City Mini ,wooden doll house, Citi micro single, Uppa baby g-luxe, Graco snap n go maclaren quest 929-229-5994

Set of white leather-bound Artscroll interlinear nusach sefard machzorim brand new with name on covers please call 845-517-0354

A beautiful 7 door China/bookcase combo with crown and spotlights in excellent condition to sell for a great price. Serious inquiries only please call 845-325-2940


Selling a brand new Fisher Price ‘swing and seat’ for baby with music and vibration $65 reg. $90 please call 845-356-0971 First wheels bassinet and stroller, ( copy of bugaboo) almost new. leave mess or text 596- 3500 Master bedroom mahogany furniture. loads of space. leave message or text 667- 9292 Beautiful beige/taupe sister of the bride dress size 2 $150 please call 845-352-0743 Willing to sell a $500 gift certificate by Whoopi’s for $450. If interested please call 845-3566369 Sofa and Lounge chair for sale. Selling to the best offer 845-5387389


Need a new look? Professional Hair Stylist and Makeup available for all occasions. Call or Text Ricky Today at 845-548-4118 Professional makeup artist has limited slots offering gemach price $15.00 please call 845-570-3585 Experienced babysitter Park Maple Area has one slot left, let your baby be the lucky one. Drop in’s welcome. Great ref. avail.E Huss 845- 641-2599 Paint Nite! parties, ladies night out, functions, birthdays, we come to you...all supplies included. 845 598 4671 Helen Spitz “First Time Ever” Experienced playgroup teacher now ready to do your full curriculum, newsletters,‫הגדה‬, yearbook… including all your computer work!! For more information call Mariam Rotenberg at (845)426-3060 Chavrusa available: experienced yungerman has nights available to learn with a bal habayis or bachur . Any miktzoah. 845-659-4213

Bates Area Playgroup. Children 18 - 24 months. Hours 9 - 2, Friday 9 - 12. English speaking. References available. Meira Adlerstein 267-2262820

Giving a Special Gift? Wrap It!! Expert Gift Presentation for all Occasions. 845-290-1405

Tobys cuts- Get ur sharp haircuts professionally done call toby @ 352-0386 (located on sunrise dr.)

Easily bake homemade challah for yom tov. Custom challah dough service. 5 or 10 lb. of perfect dough, call 845-538-9332 or email

Excellent sharp cuts on Decatur Ave. By Mindy. Please call 845371-4630 back to school special $8. Certified tutor available to teach many subjects. Flexible hours, apply before school year for early bird special. References available. Few slots left. Call 929-238-5487 Experienced professional certified tutor (trained by Slingerland) available for school and private tutoring. Flexible hours, references available. Few slots left. Call 929-238-5487 Teacher Toby’s plygrp on Sunrise, has 2 slots left for oct. lots of happy references, 352-0386

Computer technician. Does your computer freeze frequently, virus, slow...? We recover deleted files and forgotten passwords, and able to fix most disabled Apple ipod/ ipad/iphone with NO! data loss 347-871-1818 Ayelet Lady Driver 845-480- 2115 Playgroup Transportation. Heimishe Mother available to take your Child to playgroup. Call Fraidy 845-662-6931 Itty’s Hair.Wigs.& Make-Up. The one Stop Beauty Shop. Haircuts,wash ‘sets wigs,etc. Make up applications and sales. Hair & wig courses 845 425 4144

Beginner drum lessons for women and girls. My home or yours. Please call : 845 608 9895 Devora ‘ s Hair and Wig Design. Wash n sets, cuts, blows, styling. Hair courses available - learn to style your own hair/sheitels and others! 845 608 9895 Teacher Chani is back! Give your 2-3 year old the opportunity to thrive and learn in a nurturing and stimulating environment. For more info-registration for upcoming school year please call chani @ 578 4011

Tiny Treasures. Beautiful Newborn clothing/accessories. We come to you or you to us. 60 n cole. 845-425-2773 New @ Decora Design Custom Bookcases And Built in closets Call for an in house consultation 845354-6875 I Make It - You Bake It, Rivky Ludzker’s fresh custom challah dough made according to your taste, diet and schedule. Last minute orders accepted. Call 845469-3755

Experienced warm and loving babysitter in the N Cole - Maple area available from 9-3. Starting Sept. till Jan 2016. Please call 3564379.

Amazing weight loss coaching!!! Ladies and teens. Private or group. No starvation or deprivation. Eat anything and still lose. Leah@845659-2055

Small kiddy group forming on Westside Ave. for 2 year olds call R. Halpert 425-3491

Getting ready for school? Have your hair cut professionally! Back to school special, book 3 haircuts get 4th Free. Call Roizy 845 352 0619.

Do it yourself exterminating. We will show you how to get rid of roaches, ants, mice and other pests. National Pest Supplies 845596-4843 Warm and experienced babysitter available full or part time (overnight) Phyllis and Kaser area also excepting daycare call P. Galanduaer (Moskowitz) 3562328. Now accepting clients for October. Miracle Blossoms Doula services. Chana Bracha Abramson CD (DONA) 845-213-5525 SHVESTERS. ‫ שוועסטער׳ס‬. LADY DRIVERS 845-274-1300. Baby/ Elderly Live-in Nurse/Nanny Agency. Experienced Caring Responsible live-in Nurse to take care of all you’re needs 24hrs below $500 NY-NJ-CT 646-4811047 We Will Repair Your Credit That Will Give You a Credit Score Of 800. Call For Free Consultation 845-422-1059 or email at Have your wig professionally colored for $50. Call 347-385-5263

Reflexology. relaxes, releases stress & tension, helps with pain management, etc. House calls at no extra charge. Tamar Spiro 845352-6496 Pearl Restringing. Expert & reliable service. Free pick up & delivery. 845-352-5013 About to give birth, B’Shaah Tovah. For a pleasant,comfortable,and memorable birthing experience Call Itty Bar Horin CD(DONA) 845 216 0054 Having trouble writing essays? Need help with your resume? Can’t figure out what to say in your speech? Email Back to Sschool Haircuts. Beautiful hair cuts professionally cut Evening appointment available hatzlacha Grocery area Call Sheindy 426-5065 Cheapest rates to airports! Reliable and chassidishe driver. Brand new car. Please call 845-608-0071. (Price example: Monsey/Jfk $50-$75)






Baby/ Elderly Live-in Nurse/ Nanny Agency. Experienced Caring Responsible live-in Nurse to take care of all your needs 24hrs below $500 NY-NJ-CT 646-481-1047 Attn. post- seminary girls: Lechu V’Nelcha invites you to our Wed. night shiur at 6 Ash st. at 9 pm. For more info. call:718-0480-0586 Experienced warm babysitter is available (full- time) for the upcoming year. Accepting only 2-3 babies. Conveniently located on Scholl Ter. 263-2817 Lice? Dont panic! Professionally cleaned. Call: 356-3892 Perms! Special before Yom tov: $24. New Square, Book your app now! Call 845-354-0748 Hair by Surie. sharp cut. professional hairstyling for all occasions at great prices. Call or text 517-7128 Let’s do Tablecloths! Nappe & Cloe tablecloth rental. New fall arrivals. Zissy Goldman 347.782.912 Boys only Daycare ‫נחתוועלט חדר‬ optional Sunday Program Nursery/Kindergarten Francis are call 425-4936 Alterations by Schwartz same day / next day service 845-371-2133

Jobs Looking for full time sales girl/ woman at The Hosiery Store. Please call 845-579-5587 Looking for saleslady Sun 126:30 And/Or Mon-Thurs 3:006:30 please call and leave a clear message 845-293-3646 Teacher- Monsey Bais Yaakov. 1. ELA/Social Studies- grade 5Exp.,Vibrant, Excellent Opportunity. 2. Co - Teacher - 1st Grade Afternoon. Call (845) 3623166. Fax resume’ (845) 354-6682 E-Mail : 44camphillroad@thejnet. com Successfully completed a web design course? Join our team! Email resume to: monseyjoboffer@



Medical Billing Job Opportunity. Position Available for men in the Medical Billing Dept. (commission based salary). Requires great phone and writing skills. Please email resume to newjobmonsey@

Local title insurance office looking to hire. Must have excellent communication skills, be detailed oriented and able to work in a fast paced environment. Please email resume to info@landtracktitle. comReal Estate Experience a plus. Advertising firm in MONROE, is seeking a FT woman to join its sales team. Please email to: or leave a message at 845-547-0058

Looking for a daily morning car ride from Monsey to Williamsburg for working & school girls. Willing to pay. Please call 845-290-6904. If no answer kindly leave message.

Nursery Daycare Looking for a qualified girl as an assistant. Yiddish speaking, please call 4254936

Monsey Tzedakah organization is looking for telemarketers for a new project in September. For information call 845-426-0125

Position available at The Everest Equity Company for a mortgage processing assistant. Please fax your resume with a handwritten cover sheet to: 845-230-8680.

Babysitter wanted. Looking for responsible and caring individual to babysit in my home Mon-Thurs. afternoons. Starting in September. Please Call 845-517-7582.

A local corporation is looking to hire a responsible energetic male for a management position. Qualifier should be great in customer service, coordination and people skills. Great opportunity for the right candidate. Serious applicants send your resume to: career10952@

Looking for an Babysitter in an office Mon-Thursday 9-5, must be loving, responsible, dedicated. Starting September With experience. Please call: 845-5387189 Local marketing agency is seeking an in house full time assistant graphic designer. Email portfolio & resume to: monseyjoboffer@

‫טיים‬-‫א היימישע מוסד האט א פיל‬ ‫ פאר‬.‫דרייווער פאזיציע עוועילעבל‬ ‫אינטערעסירטע ביטע שיקט אייער‬ 746-4800 :‫אינפארמאציע צו‬

Seeking babysitter in my house Albert Dr, 3 afternoons week, transportation not provided. Call 352-2710 Cheder in Monsey looking for a qualified and dedicated General Studies teacher. Monday Thursday 2:30-5:30 pm. Please fax resume 917-386-2521


Misc Tanka rabbi from monsey giving shier in Tannersville shul. Tannersville harav tzvi aryeh friedman domitz monsey bal divra tzvi.

Looking for responsible girl specializing in caring for 2 year olds. Own transportation, well paid! Contact 845-659-9921 Yarmulkes and Bows looking to hire full or part time sales/ office staff starting immediately. Fast pace, enjoyable, female only work environment. Call 248-798-1679 or email info@ Looking for babysitter in my house from 8:30 - 1:30. Please call and leave message with name and number (845) 393-4830

Lost & Found Lost an old fashioned gold lady watch, who ever finds it, will be nicely rewarded. email to aweinmaster@

Found: girls hair ornament Grove St area call 352-2710

For Rent Miami Beach, Carriage Club North Beaut. 2 BR`s, 2 bths, pool, ground loor w/backyard, Available for Sukkos & also month to month in the winter season. 917-855-0151 Five room apt. available for rent till Pesach. Call: 304-2450 Five room apt. available for rent till Pesach. Call: 304-2450 Nice 2 room furnished apt. for rent for chosson kallah- Suzanne/ Warren. Call 323-3758 2-room furnished apartment near Viznitz with washer/dryer, spacious closets, & porch. Ideal for choson/kallah 426-1251/425-8783 2 big bdrm 1 1/2 bath right of main street 845-356-6884 Shabbos/vacation house for rent: 7 bedrooms, 4 bathrooms open floor plan, large backyard, perfect for extended/multifamily email Studio for rent 1860-982-0527 Monsey, 4rm walk-in apt avail for rent from before Yom Kippur till after Succos (Decatur area). Will have Sukkah if needed. Tel: 347.585.7357 Succos Rental Monsey: Large house sleeps 14 adults plus children, succah seats 30+ people available after Yom Kippur email Monsey Large house available Daily, Shabbos or Yom Tov near Viznitz 845.425.8000 845.425.9020 Yom Kippur through Succos rental. Walk-in, 5 room apartment available. Centrally located on W. Maple Ave. 845-352-1507. Detached garage available for rent approximately 250SF off W central/west st area. $290/month. Please Call 845-538-9988 Sukkos Rental. Nice house in Airmont available to rent for Sukkos with sukkah. Call 845-4593040 Leave message.

Nice 3 room apt for rent. Ralph Blvd. area. Reasonable rent. please call 352-6078 Five room apt. available for rent till Pesach. Call: 304-2450 3 bedroom apartment for rent on Wiener Drive 845-694-6707 please leave a message 2 room office available for rent centrally located on Rt. 59. Please call: 845-213-5510 Available: 2-1/2 rooms available for rent. Ideal for office in residential area. Call: 845-4227822 Beautiful Bais Medrash/Yeshiva available. Suitable for kollel. Optional to use downstairs for share or dining room. Please call: 917-613-1288

‫פרנסה קלה ונקי’! המספיק אוו ראקלענד זוכט‬ ‫אויפצונעמען א “פול טיים” שטאב מיטגליד אין א‬ ‫לאקאלע “ברודערהיים” פאר הויך פונקציאנירנדע‬ ‫ספעציעלע בחורים‬. ‫דארף זיין מיט א געפיל און געטריי צו בחורים מיט‬ ‫ספעציעלע געברויכן‬. ‫ און נאכמיטאג‬7:30-8:30 ‫שעות זענען אינדערפרי‬ ‫ שבתים און איבערנאכט קען אויך זיין‬.3:30-9:00 ‫אריינגערעכנט‬. ‫ביטע לאזן מעסעדזש ביי מענעדזשער אויף‬: 845-721-0954.

Attention post high school post seminary Girls: Hamaspik of Orange County (Monroe) Has an available position in the Day Hab program. Join Our amazing & devoted team and make a difference in the life of special needs individuals. Please call: 845-774-0349

3 offices for rent great price call 860-982-0527 Beautiful gown for sale or rent, sister of the bride, size 0-2. Black/ grey. 845-608-1499 For sale ($20)/rent ($15)-beautiful children’s white satin-like jumper gowns with black sashes-many sizes-worn once-845-425-6826. Maternity Dress: Off white, size 2-4 sister of bride maternity dress for rent. Please call 845-425-4161 Camps, Family Gathering, etc.Rent a Powerful Projector for $40 a day Call 845-659-5558 Tablecloth Rental-Solid colors/wh ite,black,blue,green(dark&light),p urple(dark&light),pink,yellow,gre y&burgundy. $2 a piece call 845558-5220 or 845-659-8244 Brand new 5 Bedroom duplex, Beautiful custom kitchen & Pesach kitchen, granite countertops, ready to move in. Price $3450. CALL: 845-641-4208 Storage space available 386 RT 59 1,000 + SQFT $700.00 INCLUDES TAX AND UTILITIES 845-425-6565



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