1 minute read
by The Muse
AUTHOR Vivian Wagner
A knee’s filled with fluid, and the scope’s circular views appear like scenes of a distant planet. The astronomer-surgeon’s eyes explore, looking for strange bodies and rough edges, his robot arm tinkering and cutting, lifting stones and examining crevices, until finally the hatch closes, the ship launches skyward, and we, coming to, walk shakily onto the not-so-familiar surface of our own world.
Vivian Wagner’s work has appeared in Slice Magazine, Muse/A Journal, Forage Poetry Journal, Pittsburgh Poetry Review, among many other publications She is the author of a memoir, Fiddle: One Woman, Four Strings, and 8,000 Miles of Music (Citadel-Kensington); a full-length poetry collection, Raising (Clare Songbirds Publishing House); and several poetry chapbooks
Asha Dore is a writer and artist living in Seattle Her work can be found on ashadore net and writingtruth substack com This piece is about the lingering that happens after loss