1 minute read
cult of p53
by The Muse
AUTHOR Trae Stewart
demon, gnarled, bloody, swollen, not claiming a soul, left ovary decayed, limits chance, for any souls hereafter, beliefs threatened, no protector, or on hiatus histological invasion, not a parasite, consuming still, plans, desires, comfort, reminders constant, future hidden, in limbo. gut pain, clawing omentum, conscribing other tissues, internal warfare, excruciating, fallopian tube, torsion mutated code, cells divide again, and again, cult of p53, exorcism needed physical intervention, specialist incantations, intervene, to end, her possession
Trae Stewart is an emerging queer poet and psychiatric-mental health nurse practitioner He writes poetry to center and ground himself so that he may best help others Trae’s poetry has been recently featured in San Antonio Review, Aurum Journal, Orangepeel, and Survive & Thrive He is also a widely published academic researcher and seasoned educator
Graphics by Sabrina Sefton