Grand Park's Our LA Voices 2020 Coverage

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Grand Park’s Our L.A. Voices: A Pop-up Arts+Culture Fest Goes Online!

April 25-26, 2020

The great spring festival of the Grand Park will now be virtual, and will have a large Latino presence

The local t>and of Puerto Rican oriZ,n BalUn ;s part of thii innovative proponl. (Artist'i Faceb-Ook) By SERGIO BJJRSTEIN WRITER APRIL L4, 2020] 7 PM

It's already spring in Southern California, and after some particularly rainy days, the sky is clearing to announce a really warm season. However, as everyone knows, the least you should do now is walk on the street when it is not strictly necessary, which has eliminated the possibility of enjoying outdoor entertainment activities. In theory, this means the elimination of''OurLA Voices: A Pop-up Arts+ Culture Fest", a celebrated series of annual Gran Park activities that usually takes place on these dates and that brings together unique talents from our city; but, instead of canceling this year's edition, its organizers have decided to transfer it to the increasingly popular digital plan. ftOI' de Toloache pa)-'5" a veryspecial tribute to No Drubt

That means that, during the 25th and 26th of this month, the festival will be able to be seen through, FacebookLive and InstagramLive, through the use of a transmission that will reproduce the format that was proposed when it was held inLive as it will offer continuous programming from 9 a.m. to 8:30 p.m. (Saturday) and from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. (Sunday). The most interesting thing for our community is that although the event will show artists from different backgrounds and cultures including Asian and African-American-, it will have a lot ofLatino participation, starting with the presence of the group of Puerto Rican origin Balll.n, who in words one of its members practices a style called "Dreambow" (a mix of dancehall, dembow, pop and noise) and that will play for you live on the 26th at 2:15 pm Click Here For Dynamic Content There will also be a discussion between GloriaLucas and M6nica Virgen Zamora, from "Mujeres Market", a space where the works of women of color meet, and which has evidently been affected by the current pandemic. This talk can be seen on the 25th at3:30 pm, and after it, a question and answer session will be offered. For her part, the poet of Salvadoran origin Yesika Salgado will host a mix of poetry recital and writing workshop that can be seen on Sunday at1 pm

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And continuing with the cuzcatlecos, the same day at 3.30 pm, the SalviSoul portal, which is responsible for spreading the culinary traditions of immigrants from the Central American nation in this part of the world, will offer a cooking class aimed at learning how to prepare at home a very

special bean soup.

As we have already said, outside of Latin, there will be more presentations worth enjoying, and whose full details can be found at this link, where a full press release in English has been placed.

Sergio Bur.stein

Escribe articulos de entretenimiento en Los Angeles Times en Espafiol y lo hizo previously in all print editions of TODAY Los Angeles. Previously, he worked as a collaborator with the newspaper La Opini6n. He began his journalistic career as an editor and then editor of the entertainment supplement "Vistas & Bueno", published by the newspaper El Comercio in Lima, where he also made film reviews.


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El gran festival primaveral de! Grand Park ser:i ahora virtual, y contar:i con mucha presencia latina

L11 b11nd11 local de o(jzen bo(icua B11IUn fo(mll p11rte de esta novedon p(opuest11. {Facebook del artista)


Ya es primavera en el Sur de California,y tras unos dfas particularmente lluviosos,el cielo se estli. despejando para anunciar una temporada realmente ciilida. Sin embargo,como es conocimiento de todos,lo que menos debes hacer ahora es andar en la calle cuando no sea estrictamente necesario,lo que ha eliminado la posibilidad de disfrutar de actividades de entretenimiento al aire libre. Esto significa en teorfa la eliminaci6n de "Our LA. Voices: A Pop-up Arts+Culture Fest",una celebrada serie de actividades anuales del Gran Park que se efectU.a habitualmente en estas fechas y que convoca a talentos (micas de nuestra ciudad; pero,en Ingar de cancelar la edici6n de este afio, sus organizadores han decidido trasladarla al cada vez mils recurrido piano digital.

ftOI' de Toloache l.e rinde un tributo nmy ďż˝ a NJ Doubt

Eso quiere decir que,durante el 25y el 26 de este mes,el festival se podril ver a travE!s de,Facebook Live e Instagram Live, mediante el uso de una transmisi6n que reproduciril el formato que se planteaba cuando se realizaba en vivo,ya que ofreceril programaci6n continua desde las 9 a.m. hasta las 8:30 p.m. (el silbado) y desde las 9 a.m. hasta las 6 p.m. (el domingo). Lo mils interesante para nuestra comunidad es que si bien el evento mostraril a artistas de diferentes procedencias y culturas incluyendo la asiiltica y la afroamericana-,contaril con mucha participaci6n latina,empezando por la presencia de la agrupaci6n de origen boricua Balll.n,que en palabras de sus integrantes practica un estilo Uamado "Dreambow" (mezcla de dancehall,dembow,pop y noise) y que tocaril para ti en vivo el 26 a las 2:15p.m. Click Here For Dynamic Content TambiE!n habril un conversatorio entre Gloria Lucas yM6nica Virgen Zamora,de "MujeresMarket",un espacio donde se rell.nen los trabajos de fE!minas de color,y que se ha vista evidentemente afectado par la actual pandemia. Esta charla se podril ver el 25a las 3:30 p.m.,y despues de ella, se ofreceril una sesi6n de preguntas y respuestas. Por su lado,la poeta de origen salvadorefio Yesika Salgado se convertiril en anfitriona de una mezcla de recital de poesfa y taller de escritura que se podril apreciar el domingo a la 1 p.m.

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Y siguiendo con lo cuzcatlecos, el mismo dfa a las 3.30 p.m., el portal SalviSoul, que se encarga de difundir las tradiciones culinarias de los inmigrantes de la naci6n centroamericana en esta parte del mundo, brindar3 una clase de cocina destinada a que aprendas a preparar en casa una sopa de frijoles muy especial. Como ya lo hemos dicho, fuera de lo latino, habr3 m3s presentaciones que vale la pena disfrutar, y cuyos detalles completos se pueden encontrar en este enlace, donde se ha colocado un comunicado de prensa completo en ingles.

â– Vii&:hii1%111 l!IBII Sergio Burstein

Escribe articulos de entretenimiento en Los Angeles Times en Espafiol y lo hizo anteriormente en todas las ediciones impresas de HOY Los Angeles. Previamente, trabaj6 como colaborador con el diario La Opini6n. Inici6 su carrera periodistica como redactor y luego editor de) suplemento de entretenimiento �visto & Bueno", publicado por el diario El Comercio de Lima, donde hacfa tambien criticas de cine. LO MAS RCCIENTE EN ESPANOL

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Our L.A. Voices 2020: El Festival Virtual en Los Angeles que note puedes per der



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Loca Porlas Compras

La primavera ha llegado y con ella, coma cada aflo, una ala de eventos culturales. lPero el 2020 sera la excepci6n? Grand Park nos sorprende con un festival virtual impregnado de diversidad cultural que lo podremos ver desde la comodidad de nuestra casa. Our LA Voices 2020: A P o pUp - Arts• Cufture Fest, se llevara a cabo el pr6ximo 25 y 26 de abril y podremos ser parte de la experiencia a traves de sus plataformas digitales. El festival contara con mllsica, poesia, cine, fotografia y diversas actividades culturales. "Estamos contentos de que los artistas se unan a este nuevo formato que responde a fos tiempos actuates y brinda una pfataforma innovadora para mostrar el /ado artistico y cultural de Los Angeles. Si bien podemos estar

dfstantes, todavia estamos socfalmente conectados a traves de fa programaci6n virtual de este afio" -explic6


Rachel S. Moore. presidenta y CEO de The Music

Entre los actos destacados del programa encontramos al grupo puertorriquefio Ballin, quienes con su caribefio dancehaff rompen las brechas entre las tradicional y las tendencias miffenia/. Ademas estaran tocando temas de su mas Ultimo album "Prisma Tropical". En literatura. se contara con talleres y discusiones con poetas como Mike Sonksen, Julisa Bermejo, Yesika Salgado y Luis J. Rodriguez. Temas coma inmigraci6n, identidad, arte y literatura en espafiol para nifios, seran grandes los ejes de las ponencias. En la parte cinematografica se le dara eco a cineastas asiatico-americanos e islandeses. en donde filmes como "The Unseen El Lay" y "Little Tokyo and Beyond". Ademas, el artista y cineasta Ambar Navarro, nos llevara a una experiencia sensorial de Grand Park.seguido de un taller interactivo. Discusiones culinarias, exposiciones virtuales, entrevistas,ponencias de fotografia y hasta concursos. seran parte del completo repertorio de actividades que ofrecera el evento. Para consultar el programa completo visita y sus redes sociales. Facebook Live (GrandParkLosAngeles) lnstagram Live (@GrandPark LA) Fechas y horarios: Sabado 25 de Abrfl - 9:00 a.m.-8:30 p.m. Domingo 26 Abril - 9:00 a.m.-6:00 p.m.

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.L_ J

Samurai Guru

Samanta Helou

Linia Fornia

\::iranâ–Ą Fechas y horarios:

Sabado 25 de Abril - 9:00 a.m.-8:30 p.m. Domingo 26 Abril - 9:00 a.m.-6:00 p.m.

Samurai Guru

Samanta Helou

Jan sport


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Grand Park's Our L.A. Voices: A Pop-up Arts & Culture Fest Virtual Showcase Home Q) Magazine 0 Entertainment


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Balun Ml;lg�.�- Rick)' Richardson Los Angeles- Residents of Los Angeles are self quarantined in their hOmes, due to the recent outbreak of the coronaVirus COVlD 19. These are the Stay Safe at Home Orders from State. City and county Officials People all across the United States, and the World, for that matter, had to get used to the ·new normal" 'Mlile coping With these uncertain times It does my heart good to read and hear about people pitching in to help out where needed for the greater good of their community, State and Country This also meant that people had to deVise some creati've W'i!fS to distract them from boredom before Cabin fever sets in

Candace ONens, "You Should Support George Floyd l" & Here's Why(Pamela A.nchang·s Response) June15,2020

Grand Park in downtown Los Angeles took it up a notch to provide an eclectic virtual iv'>,,RLA T VASQUEZ_PHOTO lineup of entertainment, represented of the diVerse communities of Los Angeles. Gather your family and friends in the IMng room for Grand Park's popular Spring arts experience. Grand Park's Our LA Voices A Pop-Up Arts Culture Fest goes virtual as Grand Park celebrates the richness and resilience of Los Angeles·s arts community with a free performing and '.'isual arts exhibition featuring more than 20 LA based artists The public will be engaged and entertained lll'hile enjoying the vibrant joyful two-day event online at www.granclparkla org, Facebook uve and lnstagram Live with continuous programming on Saturday, April 25, 2020. rrom 9:00 a.m -3.30p.m., and on Sunday, April 26, 2020. rrom 9:00a m.-6:00p.m Representing the distinctiVe cultural and artistic voices across Los Angeles county and brought together by The Music Center's Grand Park Team in the virtual space. The family friendly festival features liVe music, film screenings, poetry readings, cooking demonstrations, children's ac!Mties and photography and visual arts eXhibits that all can enjoy lll'hile staying safer at home Each hour features a different creative genre with a 1 5-minute virtual set change between each act. The event also includes fun hands-on actiVities and arts workshops empowering at home participation Highlights from each hour features a different creabve genre, nothing repeals and all of the contents is neWly curated for the event. nearty 18 hours of total programming including -live music Puerto Rico's indie band Balun and DJ sets by Beatmakers Samurai Guru, Linafornia, and JansportJ -poetry reading with former LA Poet Laureate Luis J_ Rodriguez -a Salvadoran cooking demonstration with Kar1a Vazquez -short films from Asian American Filmmakers about identity and place -photography eXhibition by photojournalist Samanta Helou Hernandez, a children's sing-a-long with La Labreira (LA's Premiere Spanish Bookstore) -online workshop hosted by Head Wraps in the Park and GURL Museum Day

How healthy vitamin D levels can enhance immune health June12,2020 Mer Floyd's death, a reckoning for immigrant store O\l!Tlers June12,2020

MuJeres Market. Gloria Lucas and Monica Zamora

Our Voices Is very representative of the different perspectives and cultural Identities of the county. Appreciating the dr\lersity and celebrating wtlat makes us "LA" is wtlat is going to get us through this! "With the use of digital technology, the park for everyone is also the park everywtiere for this year's iteration of Grand Park s Our LA Voices, said Rachel S Moore, president and CEO of The Music Center We're so pleased the artists are able to Join us in a new format for this event that responds to the current times and prOVides an innovatrve platform to showcase the arts and cultural landscape of Los A.ngeles. Our L.A VOices continues to represent community pride as we learn. discover and discuss wtlat it means to be a part of the dynamism and creativity that define Los Angeles_ Wllile we may be distant. we·re still socially connected through this year·s virtual programming_· "Mer more than a year of planning for our third annual our L.A Voices, Grana Park quickfy worked with our artist partners to adapt the in­ person presentations for the

KARLA T VASQUEZ cooking Demonstration

digital sphere. We also planned new programs designed to meet this specific moment we·re all experiencing in our community Through these artists narrative and voices. people will find inspiration and strength in tough times," said Julia Diamond, director. Grand Park. Grand Park creates a home for artists and audiences where cultural equity and inclusion are core values in our endeavors to welcome, entertain and engage all A.ngelenos_ we·re committed to celebrating lll'hat s unique about our county from screen-to-screen until we're able to meet lace-to­ face once again."

Once we were model immigrants: now we are a detriment to U S interests June12,2020

The Crown

·s1ack liVesmatteris not a joke, Pamela A.nchang·s response to Breitbart News and Nestride Yumga... • Reaction from Dr Marie FonQ"Na Junet2,2020

rur uµm:u�u IIIIUllfldllU(I, Vl'::ill yra11uµdlKld,UfY d!IU yra11uµarK1d,Uf!jl�V�IIUUUHd-VUl��::,.,

20201. Follow Grand Park on Facebook (GrandParkL.osAngeles). as well as Twitter. lnstagram and Snapchat (@GrandPark_LA)

About Grand Park A vibrant outdoor gathering place, Grand Park is a beautiful public park for tile entire community in Los Angeles County With expansiVe green space for gatherings large and small. Grand Park celebrates the county s cultural vitality and is host to community events. cultural experiences.

holiday celebrations, and many other activities that engage and attract visitors from all communities. The 12-acre Grand Park stretches from The Music center on the west to City Hall on tile east and is easily accessible rJy Metro via the Red/Purple line to tile CMc Center/Grand Park station. The park was named one of American Planning Association s 1 O Great Public Spaces in the us. ror 2013. Working closely with the county, The Music center is responsible for all operations and programming for tile park. For more information, visit Follow Grand Park on Facebook (@GrandParkLosAngeles), as well as TWitter. lnstagram and snapchat (@GrandPark_LA)

About The Music Center The Music center convenes artists. communities and ideas with the goal of deepening the cultural lives of every resident in Los Angeles County. The non-prolit performing arts organiZatlon has tNO divisions: The Music Center Arts (TMC Arts) and The Music Center Operations (TMC Ops). TMC Arts, The Music Center s programming engine, provides yeaHound programming inside The Music Center s four theatres, on The Music center Plaza, outside at Grand Park a 12-acre adJacent green space and in schools and other locations all over Los Angeles County. TMC Arts presents world-class dance With Glorya Kaufman Presents Dance at The Music Center, free and low-cost public concerts and events, as well as K 12 arts education programs TMC Ops manages tile theatres, the Plaza and Grand Park on behalf of the County of Los Angeles. The Music center is also home to four renowned resident companies center Theatre Group, Los Angeles Master Chorale. LA Opera and LA Phil. For more information, visit Follow The Music Center on Facebook, lnstagram and TWitter @MusicCenterLA ,; Ajlril 21, 2020


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bltPsl/t co/rD5rOc6a3o ¥esterday Candace Owens, "You Should Support George Flo)'O!" & Here's wrry (Pamela A. bltPSl/t CO(Z)K07czJ5Y via@::i::mffi!.! llttPSl/t COJkWEktRI 411 ¥esterday



Candace Owens, "You Should Support George Floyi:W & Here·s W'hy(Pamela Anchang's Response)

Email: publisher@immigrantmagaZine com

Once we were model immigrants; now we are a detriment to us. interests How healthy Vitamin O levels can enhance immune health

Candace Owens. "You Should Support George Floyi:W & Here's Why (Pamela A.. bltPS/ftCOIZJK07ChP.l:i! via@Yl2!.illJ.!lf:re Ott ps /ft Co/lQ{l581zBRH yesterday


Immigrant Magazine Online \foJCE OF IMMIGRANTS IN AMERICA

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core values In our endeavors to welcome, entertain, and engage all Angelenos. We're committed to celebrating what's unique about our county from screen-to-screen until we're able to meet face-to-face once again.M

Grand Park's Our L.A. Voice.s Hi1hli1hts: Music

lalun 13 de marzo de 2019 en Austin, Texas/Photo Felix de Portu

Hailing from Puerto Rico, lallln creates a sound of cultural interseetion fusing the island's Dembow music with the band's pop music while creating MDreambow"-a modem mix of Caribbean dancehall, Dembow,

pop music, and experimental noise. Featuring singer Angelica NegrOn, one of NPR's -100 composers under 4□,- Ball.In's artistry is a crossroads between tradition and identity honoring Afro- Caribbean sounds and the diaspora journey of millennials to America. Toe group's live pertormance features selections from their recent album Prisma Tropical. (Sunday. 4126 at 2:15p.m.: lit1e performance]

Los Angal■s laatmakars: Naw Baat Ganaration represents the connection of sound and space and

explores the crossroads of technology, tradition and identit y . Live DJ sets will be hosted by Samurai Guu

(Saturday. 4125at 10:30a.m.J Linafornia (Saturday. 4125at 2:15p.m.) and JansportJ (Saturday. 4125at



■ Mujeru Market ·A live interview with Glorla Lucas and Monica Virgen Zamora from Mujeres Market a Southern

California-based market that features the work of local women of color entrepreneurs, artists, writers and collectives, will discuss the origins and journey of its work. The conversation will explore how the

organization is working with its vendors impacted by the current public health crisis. Information on how the public can support these independent vendors will be provided. (Saturday. 4125at 3:30p.m.: live Q&A)

Film ·Visual communications, which develops and supports the voices of Asian American and Pacific Islander f�mmakers and media artists, will exhibit community-driven screenings that highlight the sociopolitlcal

intersections of identity and place in Asian-American discourse. Numerous short films will be shown:o Our

Voices: The Unseen El Lay is a collection of works culled from Visual Communications' vanguard Armed With a Camera (AWC) Fellowship for Emerging Media Artists. -Los Angeles- is more than a city; it is a construct that shifts and quakes with each vision and each oppositional perspective by Asian Pacific Americans. Spanning the breadth of AWC's portfolio of nearly 150 micro-movies produced since 2002, our Voices: The

unseen El Lay reveals a glimpse into viewpoints of native Angelenos and how each of them view their lives in the City of Angels. (Saturday. 4125at 7:30p.m.: film screening) o Our Voices: little Tokyo and Beyond discusses what constitutes a -place.- Produced by Visual Communications' innovative Digital Histories media arts initiative that provides older Asian Americans a platform to use their unique voices and perspectives in sharing stories with the more generations to come. Each selected f�m explores the different meanings of �space,- "'location,- -Venue- and -meeting groundt among other concepts. (Sunday, 4126 at 4:45p.m.; film screening)


• Swap meets have historically been a gathering space for black and brown communities in Los Angeles, but they are being gentrified and displaced. E,:hibiting photographs by Samanta Helou Hernandez, Grand Park's Program Manager Marty Preciado will interview the multimedia artist and discuss the cultural perspective of this issue with The End of an Era: Union swap Meets last Days. The online installation brings the Union swap Meet in East Holl,.wood to Grand Park virtually through portraits of shop owners and bilingual ten that enable viewers to engage with the spaces of their childhood or learn about the importance of swap meets to Los Angeles communities. Portions of Hernandez's project originally appeared in the article, HA Swap Meets Final Bartert on CURBED Los Angeles. (Sc,turday, .f/25 at 1:00 p.m.; live interview and photozraphy exhibition) Literature Celebrating immigrant communities and raising awareness about the issues they face, solidarity for sanctury will discuss the history, diversity, and importance of zines and lead participants in a virtual zine-making workshop. The instructional tutorial will be led by Matthew Donovan. (Saturday• .f/25 at 11:.fS a.m.; live discussion and interactive workshop) The National Endowment for the Arts' Big Read program celebrates National Poetry Month (April) with live readings by some of LA's most distinguished poets. Mike Sonksen aka Mike the PoeT, Xochitl•Jullsa Bermejo and Luis ).Rodriguez, who served as the Los Angeles Poet Laureate from 2014-2016 will recite their

works about and for the City of Angels. The Big Read is a program of the National Endowment of the Arts in association with Arts Midwest and presented by the City of Los Angeles Department of Cultural Affairs.

(Saturday, .f/25 at �oo p.m.; live performance)

La Librula, Los Angeles· premier bookshop offering children's literature in Spanish imported from Latin America and Spain, will host bilingual children's music with Nathalia. This Colombian.born music therapist and mother creates music for children that celebrates the beauty of bilingual education. Her songs share stories from her native country and engage children in singing and learning in both English and Spanish. (Sunday, .f/26 at 10:30 a.m.; live performance and interocti11e activity>

Vuika Salgado

Los Angeles-based Salvadoran poet Yesika Salgado writes about her family, culture, city, and her body. The Amazon best.selling author will host a poetry reading and writing workshop for virtual participants to engage and challenge their skills in writing and periormance presented by Solidarity for sanctuary. (Sunday, .f/26 at 1:00 p.m.; live performance and interactive workshop) Art and Cultural Sharinz

The Crown

• HHd Wraps in thl! Park and Runway Boutiqul! will present 'The crownw-a virtual African culture capsule that illuminates the origins and majesty of the head wrap. Transcending traditional customs, the art of head wrapping has forged its way into popular mainstream fashion and culture. A head wrap tutorial will be followed by a live Afro.Fusion dance periormance sponsored by Afro.Caribbean Groove Fitness. (Saturday, .f/25 at 9:15 a.m.: live performance and demonstration) GURL Museum Day will instruct virtual participants how to draw or color the iconic landmarks of Grand Park. Photos of the park as well as pre•made coloring sheets will be available at to download and/or print at home. Part:icipants are encouraged to share theirvvork and tag @grandpark_la and @gurlmuseumday on soclal media. (Sunday• .f/26 at t:15 o.m.; live demonstration and interactiva


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11111 Grand Park's "Our LA Voices" Arts Festival Moves Online BY KRISTOPHER GEE I LOS ANGELES PUBLISHED8::21 PM ET APR 24, 2020

LOS ANGELES - The p o p -up culture fest Our L. A. Voices is oll obout bringing people together in DTLA's beautiful Grond Pork , but with the COVlD-19 pondemic, things this yeor will be o little bit different os the festi vol moves online Equol ports cook. historion. and teocher. Karlt.i Vosquez hos been rese11rching ond shoring treosured food cuh:ure from her notive El Solvodor for yeors. Vosquez soid recipes tell not only the story of El Solvodor but olso of the mony strong women in her life thot helped moke food so importont to her 'I'm on immigrcnt end o migront." soid Vasquez. 'Thot norrntl'-'e is '-'NY much foundotionol just os for os my identity my ','Clues So. when I Intersect with the food world. it's how I''-'e recei..ed o lot of my culture. ond L.A. hos been this piece where I con step into the history of my people· MORE STORIES • Kevin Eubanks to Join Online Concert for LA Goronavirus Relief Fund • South Bay Band Shares Song fOf Virtual Earth Day Festival Vosquez wos scheduled to do o cooking demonstrotion ot this yeor's Our L.A. Voices cutture fest thot normolly hoppens in Grond Pork. But then COVID-19 hoppened 'This pondemic hits. ond finolly we pi>.'oted ond soid we're going to do It online." soid Vosquez. 'Then people were just so excited" One of the heodlining bonds is BolUn which hos its roots in Puerto Rico vio New York. Bond members Angflico NegrOn ond Jose Olivores ore disoppointed they won't be oble to ploy in Grond Pork but ore hoppy the festivol wos oble to pivot to online live streoming "'We were reolly excited to perform at Grond Pork.- soid Negr6n. 'But we're olso incredibly groteful thot ot this time Our L.A. Voices found o woy to make it hoppen ond still honor their commitments to the ortists· Oli>.'ores soys connecting with the oudience is key for BolUn. so they hod to reconceive their performonce mode to suit the new situotion. 'There's no feedbock. You don't hove people in front of you thot ore reocting to it ond you're like odopting to those reoctions. We didn't wont to compromise our live performonce just becouse we're ot home.' Olivores soid Billed os the spring orts festivol. Our L.A. Voices focuses on the culturol diversity thot mokes L.A. so rich ond demonstrotes Grond Pork's commitment to locol ortists 'I love to share. and I love storytelling so much." soid Vosquez. 'And I think thot we ore in o story oll together right Almost oll of the orlists scheduled to perform will toke port in the reinvented festivol, ond while Grond Pork itself will be empty. the sense of community Will still be there


The festivol will toke ploce online April 25 ond 26



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SCN1CLA – Spectrum News 1 (April 24, 2020 at 8:41 AM PDT)

SCN1CLA – Spectrum News 1 (April 24, 2020 at 9:40 AM PDT)

SCN1CLA – Spectrum News 1 (April 24, 2020 at 10:41 AM PDT)

SCN1CLA – Spectrum News 1 (April 24, 2020 at 11:39 AM PDT)

SCN1CLA – Spectrum News 1 (April 24, 2020 at 5:54 PM PDT)


SCN1CLA – Spectrum News 1 (April 24 at 2020, 6:54 PM PDT)

KNXAM – Bob Brill (April 25, 2020 at 5:23 AM PDT)

KNXAM – Bob Brill (April 25, 2020 at 6:24 AM PDT)

KNXAM – Bob Brill (April 25, 2020 at 7:24 AM PDT)

KPCCFM – Weekend Edition Saturday (April 25, 2020 at 7:39 AM PDT)

KNXAM – Bob Brill (April 25, 2020 at 8:24 AM PDT)

KNXAM – Melinda Lee (April 25, 2020 at 10:23 AM PDT)

KNXAM –Chris Sedens (April 25, 2020 at 2:25 PM PDT)

KNXAM –Kim Marriner (April 25, 2020 at 10:23 PM PDT)


KNXAM –Pat Haslam (April 26, 2020 at 12:28 AM PDT)

KPCCFM – Weekend Edition Sunday (April 26, 2020 at 8:39 AM PDT)

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