20 2015 nadp annual report
table of c ontents
LEADERSHIP 2015 Board of Directors Chair Theresa McConeghey Principal Financial Group
education 4-5
Vice Chair Dr. Gene Sherman Starmount Life Insurance
Secretary Kirk Andrews United Healthcare
standards & transactions initiative government relations
Treasurer Stacia Almquist Assurant Employee Benefits
volunteer excellence 12-13
Dr. Daniel Croley Delta Dental of CA, NY, PA & Affiliates
Chris Swanker, FSA, MAAA Guardian Life Insurance
financial reports
Ron Bolden CIGNA
Kate McCown Ameritas Life Insurance Corp.
gabryl award 12
don mayes award 12 star awards 13 staff contact information
Sue Wright Lincoln Financial Group Josh Nace Dental Health Services (appointed to replace Kirk Andrews) Evelyn F. Ireland, CAE NADP Executive Director 2
2015 nadp annual report 2
a word from the nadp chair Theresa McConeghey The year 2015 will not soon be forgotten: announcements of mergers and acquisitions; Affordable Care Act (ACA) implementation issues; economic uncertainties; plus a colorful political climate as we head towards the 2016 presidential election. These factors and more presented challenges to our members. It’s during times like these when our businesses are forced to dig deeper to identify and adopt strategies to improve efficiencies and remain competitive. At times like these our members look to us for help – direction, guidance, intelligence, information and resources to deal with these added pressures and demands. By virtue of our predominant market share and diversity of our membership, NADP empowers our industry as one, strong, collective, authoritative voice on the many issues we face. NADP also offers numerous avenues where our members can connect as they work towards common industry goals. I believe the year 2015 showcased just how NADP connects members not only to each other but to lawmakers, stakeholders and the many association resources, tools and programs designed to help them succeed. As an organization, we set in motion a six-year strategic plan designed to advance our industry and help our members achieve continued success. The Strategic Plan includes five High Level Initiatives: •
HLI #1: Address emerging political shifts by improving NADP’s positioning with political and policy leaders to influence positive dental benefit policy outcomes at the federal and state level.
HLI #2: Execute a strategy that integrates data, analytics and business intelligence to enhance capabilities and deliver new value to the dental industry in the area of providers, the delivery of overall health/oral health care and associated outcomes.
HLI #3: Increase collaboration and partnerships with other dental industry stakeholder organizations.
HLI #4: Expand NADP’s scope and influence to enhance the association’s role in representing members and an expanded range of stakeholders across the dental industry.
HLI #5: Pursue opportunities that focus on the consumer as both the purchaser of dental benefits and the end user of dental services.
We are proud to present in this annual report how NADP delivered value to our members and the industry in 2015.
Theresa McConeghey NADP Chair Principal Financial Group
2015 nadp annual report
NADP equipped you to handle numerous industry challenges and adapt to current trends with timely, diverse educational content through its stellar annual conference, CONVERGE 2015, and webinars program. With more than 500 attendees, CONVERGE 2015 topped all past attendance records for the NADP Annual Conference and delivered the highest caliber professional development and networking opportunities available to the dental benefits industry featuring insightful educational sessions and informative exhibits. nadp conference 2015
EVENT PROGRAM SEPT 28 - OCT 1, 2015 JW Marriott Desert Springs Resort & Spa PALM DESERT
find out more
From start to finish, CONVERGE 2015 was packed with learning and networking opportunities that attendees craved. The record attendance spurred a sold-out Discovery Zone exhibit hall where vendors met with key industry leaders and decision makers. The DZ Demos were a welcome addition to the educational and networking opportunities at CONVERGE. Three general sessions set the tone for the conference: •
Futurist Michael Rogers opened CONVERGE with “The Dental Benefits Industry in 2020” – featuring thought-provoking insights regarding challenges and opportunities.
Building on Monday’s foundation, leading CEOs from NADP member companies shared their views about the direction of the dental benefits industry.
• Dr. Lynn Mouden, dental director for the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, closed CONVERGE with “The Changing Landscape of Publicly Funded Dental Programs.” To advance your company and career, CONVERGE offered three educational tracks, targeting leaders in multiple aspects of your business: Business Development, Government Relations and Professional Relations. The most popular and highly rated sessions focused more tightly on operational issues for dental plans and included: • Cyber Security in Healthcare • Dental Diagnostic Code Reference Set • ACO Impacts on Dental Marketplace • The Role of Dental in Senior Markets • ACA Developments in Dental Network Adequacy Issues • Private Exchanges • Dental Networks and Exchanges To enhance your experience, CONVERGE 2015 also offered a new online app featuring details about the sessions, speakers, handouts, sponsors, exhibitors, attendees and awards. A total of 403 attendees used the app for more than 14,000 minutes, including 842 social shares and 15,000 total actions such as viewing session descriptions, handouts, and speaker or attendee profiles.
2015 nadp annual report
NADP addresses current market trends and issues through its online learning program featuring educational and sponsored webinars. The 2015 Educational Webinar series offered a wide array of topics, appealing to multiple industry disciplines, including these highly rated presentations:
The Next Big Thing in Affordable Care Act (ACA) Implementation
Cyber Risk: Threats, Loss Control, Liability and Claims
Negotiating Legislative / Regulatory Challenges to Dental Support Organizations
FAIR Health Data Tools and Dental Dashboard
Analyzing the Supreme Court Decision on ACA Subsidies
The Role of ICD-10 in Implementing Diagnostic Codes
Real Time Claims Processing
Dental Trends Dental Pricing
Tiered Dental Networks
Sponsored Webinars included:
Exploring how Dental and Vision Work Together
Quality Measures in Payer and Provider Report Cards
2015 nadp annual report
Serving as your authoritative industry resource, NADP Research delivered its standard reports, conducted “Shared Research” and provided significant support to other NADP activities. Metrics Report: In conjunction with LIMRA, NADP published three metrics reports: Claims Processing, Customer Contact Centers and Administrative Processes. Sales Reports: Also in conjunction with LIMRA, NADP made the quarterly sales reports available to participating members. Enrollment: The Delta Dental Plan Association (DDPA) partnered with NADP to deliver the Enrollment Report to dental plan members in August 2015. The report was updated in December to show 64% of the population with dental benefits at year-end 2014, a several percentage point increase over previous years. Network Statistics: Also in cooperation with DDPA, in September 2015, NADP published the Network Statistics Report. This report requested the actual provider database managed and maintained by each participating company. As a result of this methodology, all dentists participating in a provider network were counted individually. Thus, the report is a census of all dentists participating on any provider network rather than an estimate. And in 2015, participation in networks by Metropolitan Statistical Area was included for the first time. Premium Trends: NADP implemented dramatic changes to the Premium Trends Report in 2011 which carry through to today. This report no longer reports new premium trends, but is limited instead to “in-force” premium trends for DHMO, DPPO and Dental Indemnity products. The report was published in January. Shared Research: NADP continued a multi-year survey of employers with the third wave of the study conducted in February. The intention has been to assess employer knowledge of the Affordable Care Act and how it will affect their business and track their actions related to health and dental insurance as the ACA’s Small Business Health Options Program (SHOP) exchanges are implemented. The original schedule for this study was modified just after the first wave of the tracking study was completed because SHOP exchange implementation was delayed. The final wave of the multi-year survey will occur in May/June 2016. Data from the surveys will be available for purchase by non-participating members in early 2017. NADP also conducted a survey of consumers that was issued only to participating companies in November. Additional activities supported include the following: In 2015 Research has also provided support for the Commission on Advocacy Policy assisting with advocacy efforts in relation to Dental Loss Ratios and other issues as they arose. In addition to these special projects, Research supported the Education Commission by coordinating and analyzing evaluations of educational content via CONVERGE and NADP Webinars and continued support assisting in responses to the press.
To purchase these reports, please visit the NADP Knowledge Center at
2015 nadp annual report
To enhance representation of the dental benefits industry, NADP Standards and Transaction Initiative (STI) provided united industry perspective, leadership and direction on critical dental issues affecting the growth and advancement of the industry. Four WorkGroups (WGs) comprise STI: Codes, Clinical, EDI and Operations. Together, these groups strengthened your voice in 2015 as follows. Codes WG The Codes WG reviewed proposed changes to CDT-2016 and submitted 15 proposals to the American Dental Association Code Maintenance Committee (CMC); 14 substantive changes and 1 editorial. Drs. Charles Stewart, Aetna, and Fred Horowitz, Nevada Dental Benefits, represented NADP at the March 5-6, 2015 CMC meeting with Timothy L. Brown, NADP Deputy Executive Director, providing staff support. Of the 15 proposals submitted, the NADP position prevailed on 14 with overwhelming support on all; a few were unanimous. NADP’s approved submissions created nine new codes, deleted five codes and revised 36 codes for CDT-2016. Once again, NADP was the ONLY organization to receive the CDT2015 ASCII file in April before the July 1 release to other organizations. Thus, NADP members received additional time for analysis and implementation. The Codes WG was once again given the opportunity to edit the DRAFT CMC report and the ASCII file of CDT-2015. Codes WG members found and corrected substantive errors in these documents prior to release or printing. NADP contributions result in three months advantage in implementation for members. In the fall, WG members submitted and evaluated proposed submissions for CDT-2017. The WG solicited suggestions for CDT2107 from the NADP membership through the end of September and submitted proposals to the CMC prior to November 1 deadline. The WG reviewed several proposals related to potential prophylaxis code(s) developed by a CMC subcommittee on which Dr. Stewart represented NADP and the dental benefits industry. Clinical WG Clinical WG members monitored actions of the Dental Quality Alliance (DQA) formed in 2010. WG member, Dr. Craig Amundson (HealthPartners) and NADP Dental Informatics Manager Brian Flynn participated in the Executive Committee and full DQA meetings held on June 18-19 and the full DQA meeting held on October 30, 2015. WG members participated on the Executive, Measures Development and Maintenance, and Pediatric Measures Development Committees. The Clinical WG continued oversight and review of the activities of the International Health Terminology Standards Development Organisation (IHTSDO). NADP represents our members on the Dentistry Special Interest Group (SIG), which reviews proposed changes to SNOMED/ SNODENT in conjunction with the National Library of Medicine (NLM). NADP Deputy Executive Director Timothy L. Brown participated in the Dentistry SIG meeting in October. The WG was also briefed regularly on the development of a US dental reference set in a joint effort between IHTSDO and the ADA with Dr. Horowitz and Mr. Brown participating in face-to-face and conference call meetings throughout the year. Further, the Clinical WG reviewed and provided comments to the American Association of Orthodontists (AAO) on their proposed definition of medically necessary orthodontic care (MNOC).
Operations WG The Operations WG began the year by reviewing priorities and developing a work plan for 2015 that included continued focus on enhanced relationships with Dental Service Organizations (DSOs), finishing and publishing the update to the NADP Dental Plan Accreditation Standard (DPAS) and expanding the current Dental Provider Credentialing pilot from Phase I to Phase II to prove the process reduces the time to access a participating provider. The Accreditation sub-workgroup (SWG) finished updating the DPAS document to the 2015 environment since the original 1999 DPAS was heavily DHMO focused. The document was approved by the WG and sent to the NADP Board for their review. DPAS was presented during CONVERGE by a panel of volunteers during a session on accreditation. After the Board approves the updated DPAS it may be shared with CMS and other accreditation organizations for use as a starting point for dental specific accreditation standards. The Credentialing SWG continues to meet to expand the pilot to Phase II, which includes adding more participants and generating more volume. The Subgroup has a balance of DSO and payer representatives in order to get full perspective and input. The WG also discussed in detail the role of Provider Management Consultants (PMC’s) and how to effectively interact with payers; when the payers decide to work with and recognize the PMC’s. Interest in this topic was very high so a CONVERGE panel session was assembled and presented ideas and current practices to NADP’s members. Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) WG: The EDI WG reviewed and commented on mandated EDI transactions for claims processing, eligibility, claims status, explanation of benefits, electronic funds transfer and electronic health records. The members support NADP voting seats on ADA Dental Content Committee (DeCC), Health Level 7 (HL7), ADA Standards Committee on Dental Informatics (SCDI), ADA Code Maintenance Committee (CMC/CARC), Workgroup for Electronic Data Interchange (WEDI) and American National Standards Institute X12 (X12) including leadership positions on WEDI Dental Workgroup and X12 Dental Caucus. The WG contributed to the NADP/LIMRA Claims Metric Industry Survey by reviewing the questions, making recommendations and adding to the survey. The results were discussed during the CONVERGE meeting and used to set the workgroup’s future agenda.
2015 nadp annual report
Advocacy The year 2015 kept government relations and compliance professionals on their toes. It started and ended with Exchange issues from the FFM Letter to Issuers in January to the HHS Notice of Benefit and Payment Parameter regulations in December. The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) did not take a break and neither did NADP. States did not disappoint either with legislation and regulations touching on a myriad of dental related topics. When we spotted the formation of new trends, NADP focused on working with our members and interested stakeholders to keep the industry in a position to respond quickly and appropriately. Internal Reorganization
In the winter of 2008, the NADP Board first appointed the Health Care Reform Task Force to quickly respond as the Affordable Care Act (ACA) emerged as a key generator of challenges for the dental benefits industry. Volunteers were recruited from standalone dental plans and dental plans affiliated with medical carriers, plans of various sizes, and individuals from differing backgrounds (actuaries, clinical, accounting, public affairs, business operations and legal). All volunteers were in senior leadership positions and therefore able to quickly respond to and guide NADP’s response to rapid inquiries from government agencies as the Affordable Care Act wound its way to passage and initial implementation.
By 2014, it was obvious the ACA was here to stay and a temporary ‘task force’ was no longer appropriate. The task force would need to become a more permanent group within the NADP volunteer organization structure. For 2015, The Board renamed the Health Care Reform Task Force the Commission on Advocacy Policy (CAP) to oversee all government relations policy development. CAP works closely with the other NADP government relation volunteer groups (Government Relations Workgroup, Exchange Policy Workgroup and Exchange Technical Workgroup) that respond to initiatives based on those policies as well as the resulting guidelines, regulations and laws. In 2015 government relations staff and volunteer groups took the lead as NADP developed its high level strategy for the next six years. Lines are now blurring between federal government and state oversight, such as Medicaid and Exchange regulations and impacts of the ACA and related federal policies are slowly permeating the commercial market and the self-insured markets. Trends
DLR: In September 2014, dental plans loss ratio (DLR) data was filed and made publically available in California. CADP and NADP had worked with California dental regulatory agencies to modify the Medical Loss Ratio (MLR) form earlier in the year to better incorporate dental data. NADP’s original DLR estimates for 2014 in California closely paralleled
2015 nadp annual report
the averages of data that was filed in 2015. While the legislation requiring the filings called for a multi-year study, it is likely stakeholders will continue to press for a DLR in California based on initial data. NADP anticipates multiple states will introduce similar DLR legislation in 2016 for dental markets in their states. Member carriers have been successful in pushing back DLR requirements, but if the California first year study results receive enough attention ‘study’ bills could find traction. NETWORK ADEQUACY: While DLRs will be part of the future landscape, that topic did not top the trends chart for 2015 as network adequacy won that contest and will clearly spill over into 2016. As medical plans started to innovate the last few years with new plan designs by narrowing networks to lower costs, consumers and regulators cried foul— observing that some networks were too narrowly constricted. From there the network issue morphed to include the lack of timely updates to provider directories. The National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) worked with stakeholders to update their Network Adequacy Model Act, with many states waitING for the conclusion of that activity prior to taking action. With adoption of the NAIC model in December 2015, states will begin to maneuver quickly on the topic. NADP and the Delta Dental Plan Association worked diligently together on the NAIC model and were successful in obtaining multiple dental exemptions as well as drafting notes mentioning differences between dental networks, regardless if they are offered separately or embedded within a medical policy. Significant work remained as the drafting notes leave much of the implementation on dental plans to each individual state.
Advocacy (continued) EXCHANGES: Exchanges evolved although the number of dental plans offering policies on the Exchanges stayed relatively stable. There continues to be at least one stand-alone dental plan (SADP) offering coverage on the federal Exchange in each state and therefore the Federally-facilitated Marketplaces (FFM) did not mandate that Qualified Health Plans (QHP) embed pediatric dental in any FFM state. Regardless of this example, several State based Exchanges (SBM) and FFM states had all medical plans embedding pediatric dental voluntarily or by a state policy requirement or technical failing.
Advocacy Communication
With an expanded individual market, a wide array of dental benefit designs were offered on exchanges. State-based Marketplaces (SBM) were considered standardizing Exchange policies to mirror commercial policies with regard to 100% coverage of prevention. However, it was difficult for dental carriers to develop an affordable premium within the lower 70% actuarial value limit. At the same time, the Federally Facilitated Marketplaces (FFM) pressed harder on network requirements and inclusion of essential community providers. Exchanges remained a niche market, but as exchange requirements became more stringent in some states than commercial products, and as the federal government took on a broader role in insurance oversight, conflicts between the two became more likely, with dental plans caught in the middle.
• In 2015, NADP initiated regulatory tracking as part of the Member’s Only Legislative Online Tracking System (LOTS). LOTS tracks all federal and state legislation impacting the dental industry. NADP places these bills into an array of subject folders which are used as a main instrument for the work of the Government Relations Workgroup.
OTHER ISSUES: Multiple issues continued to impact the dental industry regardless of the ACA. Issues ran the gamut including mid-level providers, provider contracts, dental service organizations, external appeals, taxes, electronic data, coordination of benefits, non-covered services, and more
NADP tracked and responded to the full range of topics outlined above. The association provided a wealth of members’ only information, organized for easy access:
• For those professionals interested in politics, regulations, compliance, Exchanges, etc., NADP provided real time updates in Dental Interact, where the GR and HCR Open Forums were combined into an Advocacy Open Forum for which any member can sign up, read and participate in online discussions. For members who only want highlights or a summary of government changes impacting the dental industry (without multiple emails), the Advocacy Insider portion of NADP members’ only e-newsletters, the Monthlybyte and Soundbytes is emailed twice monthly to all members. • NADP also has internal and external advocacy pages on nadp.org. The page on the website lists all the comment letters, issue briefs, white papers and infographics. On the “Member’s-Only” webpage, viewed with your member website login, internal memos, briefings and talking points are posted.
2015 Advocacy By the Numbers
250+ Top Bill Issue Tags in LOTS: 380+ bills tracked in LOTS
ACA & Exchanges
Delivery Reform
Public Programs
GRW-Identified Priority Bills
Advocacy Updates shared in Dental Interact (DI)
comment letters submitted by NADP on behalf of the industry.
Contact Us Today to get Involved! Eme Augustini 2015 nadp annual report• eaugustini@nadp.org
Financial Report
NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF DENTAL PLANS (A nonprofit organization) Statements of Financial Position December 31, 2015 and 2014
Cash & cash equivalents Restricted cash Certificate of deposit Accounts receivable Prepaid expenses Deposits Total current assets
2015 $ 1,900,293 22,056 50,688 918,946 43,810 4,312 2,940,105
PROPERTY & EQUIPMENT Furniture & equipment
$ 1,722,950 21,331 50,662 955,769 40,937 4,312 2,795,961
371,521 (274,408) 97,113
Less accumulated depreciation Property & equipment net TOTAL ASSETS
$ 3,037,218
316,264 (250,242) 66,022 $ 2,861,983
CURRENT LIABILITIES Accounts Payable $ Accrued expenses Deferred revenue Total current liabilities
NET ASSETS Unrestricted
Temporarily restricted Total net assets
19,891 127,119 1,675,196 1,822,206 1,191,382 23,630 1,215,012
$ 3,037,218
2015 nadp annual report
36,979 113,629 1,822,716 1,973,324 866,979 21,680 888,659
$ 2,861,983
NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF DENTAL PLANS (A nonprofit organization) Statements of Activities
for the years ended - December 31, 2015 and 2014
$ 1,752,164* $ 1,279,056* 697,462 648,661 124,365 54,676 115,400 11,501 13,564 2,700,892 1,995,957
Education & meetings Research & information Management Fees Other income Total unrestricted revenues Net releases from restrictions satisfaction of program restrictions Total unrestricted revenue & reclassifications
* GR Contributions shown under “Temporarily Restricted Assets” below were incorporated into 2016 dues.
EXPENSES Member Services
Education & meetings Research & information Government relations General & administrative Total expenses Increase in unrestricted net assets
329,448 580,439 349,111 694,729 431,762 2,385,489 324,403
316,370 528,436 278,737 670,535 399,774 2,193,852 118,822
Government Relations
10,950 -
20,050 302,717*
Net Assets Released from Restrictions
Political Action Committee
Government Relations Increase in temporarily restricted net assets Increase in net assets Net Assets at beginning of year Net Assets at end of year
(9,000) - 1,950 326,353 888,659 $ 1,215,012
2015 nadp annual report
(14,000) (302,717) 6,050 124,872 763,787 $ 888,659 11
Leadership Excellence NADP honored outstanding volunteer leadership with the following award presentations during CONVERGE 2015 in Palm Desert, California.
Forrest Flint
Gabryl Award Recipient Forrest Flint of Delta Dental of Minnesota (formerly with HealthPartners) received the prestigious NADP Gabryl Award during CONVERGE 2015 in Palm Desert, California. Flint was recognized for his tireless efforts on behalf of the dental benefits industry as a former Chairman of the Board and GRC during Healthcare Reform.
James Mullen Don Mayes Leadership Award Recipient
NADP awarded James Mullen of Delta Dental of CA, NY, PA & Affiliates with NADP Don Mayes Leadership Award . Mullen was recognized for his strategic leadership of the Government Relations Workgroup (GRW)
2015 nadp annual report
2015 Star Award Recipients
(Left to right as pictured) Margie Mergen
Exchange Policy WorkGroup Star The Exchange Policy WorkGroup is recognizing Margie for outstanding participation, providing vital information on state Exchange activities and taking an active role in all the workgroup’s initiatives.
Allan Corkum
Research Commission Star The Research Commission recognizes Allan for his consistent thought leadership in the design and content of NADP’s Statistical Surveys. He has been instrumental in identifying changes in the industry’s information needs and helping NADP align its research activities with those future needs in mind.
Rebecca Hetzer
Education Commission Star The Education Commission is recognizing Rebecca for her recommendations of stakeholder organizations with an interest in oral health in response to HLI#3 for NADP’s 2015-2020 Strategic Plan on expanding collaboration.
Chuck Stewart
Membership WorkGroup Star The Membership Workgroup is awarding Chuck for outstanding membership retention efforts
Lynn Green
Government Relations and Operations WorkGroups Star The Government Relations and Operations WorkGroups are recognizing Lynn Green for her outstanding contributions. The Operations WG is honoring Lynn for her dedication to the Accreditation SWG and her willingness to always participate in Operations topics with her industry knowledge.
Erika Cybulskis
Government Relations WorkGroup Star The Government Relations WorkGroup is honoring Erika for keeping the group well-informed of critical updates from Ohio and her key role an effort that lead the Insurance Department to reevaluate the application of a proposed Network Rule to dental.
Michael Cole
Operations WorkGroup Star The Operations WorkGroup awarded Mike for his leadership with the credentialing project and his company producing the pilot credentialing forms.
Linda Neyhard (not pictured)
Codes WorkGroup Star Linda continues to lead us in the very detailed and time consuming review of the files prior to the public release of the ASCII files for the new CDT Codes. The ADA continues to share documents with NADP before they are released to the public indicating their trust and faith in our ability to accurately reflect each code.
2015 nadp annual report
Lori Heverly
Exchange Technical WorkGroup Star The Exchange Technical WorkGroup is recognizing Lori for her fantastic representation of the dental benefits industry with the weekly Small Business Health Options Program calls and reporting back to the ETW.
Dr. Fred Horowitz
Codes WorkGroup Star The Codes WorkGroup is honoring Fred because he has taken on major roles within the coding realm through his vice chair role of the International Health Terminology Standards Development Organisation (IHTSDO) Dental WorkGroup and participation in the process to develop a General Dentistry Reference Set of diagnostic codes for the U.S. realm. His understanding of the interrelations of codes sets and claims submissions within the practice of dentistry continue to direct NADP’s efforts.
Crystal McElroy
Exchange Policy WorkGroup Star The McElroy Exchange Policy WorkGroup is honoring Crystal for providing resources and perspective on several critical issues including loss ratios, quality, network adequacy and essential benefits; her enthusiastic recruiting to include more volunteers from members on Exchanges; and advocacy in key policy discussions in several states including California
Julie Lange (not pictured)
Communications WorkGroup Star The Communications WorkGroup is recognizing Julie for providing expertise and direction regarding social media and public relations.
Evelyn F. Ireland, CAE Executive Director 972-458-6998 x 101 eireland@nadp.org
Timothy L. Brown Deputy Executive Director 972-458-6998 x 104 tbrown@nadp.org
Eme Augustini Associate Director of Government Relations 972-458-6998 x 112 eaugustini@nadp.org
Jerry Berggren Director of Research & Information 972-458-6998 x 113 jberggren@nadp.org
Rene Chapin Director of Membership & Communications 972-458-6998 x 110 rchapin@nadp.org
Brian Flynn Dental Informatics Manager 972-458-6998 x 109 bflynn@nadp.org
Kris Hathaway Director of Government Relations 972-458-6998 x 111 khathaway@nadp.org
Susan Haslam Receptionist 972-458-6998 x 103 shaslam@nadp.org
Shayne Leatherwood Administrative Director 972-458-6998 x 102 sleatherwood@nadp.org
Jeremy May Education Manager 972-458-6998 x 123 jmay@nadp.org
Lauren Oakley Web Manager 972-458-6998 x 105 loakley@nadp.org
Phone: 972-458-6998 Fax: 972-458-2258 Email: info@nadp.org Web: nadp.org
2015 nadp annual report
OFFICE HOURS Monday - Friday 8:30 am - 5:30 pm CT
promoting and advancing the dental benefits industry
Legislative Online Tracking System enhanced with regulatory tracking.
2015 Webinar Series debuts. Program features 14 dynamic presentations.
State of the Dental Benefits Market report includes trends and forecasts.
CDT Licensees saves money, receive advance distribution of Codes and a free CDT book through NADP CDT Licensing Program.
CONVERGE 2015 features an informative Discovery Zone exhibit Hall and knowledgeable speakers such as futurist Michael Rogers and CMS Chief Dental Officer Dr. Lynn Mouden.
NADP publishes Equitable Treatment infographic and press release to shine the light on one of the top industry priorities.
NADP published its much anticipated Enrollment Report with invaluable market insights.
NADP adds Standard Metropolitan Statistical Area data to its Network Statistics Report. NADP represents industry regarding quality measures at Dental Quality Alliance meeting.
NADP: YOUR REPRESENTATIVE AND RECOGNIZED RESOURCE NADP is the largest non-profit, national trade association focused exclusively on the entire dental benefits industry, i.e. dental HMOs, dental PPOs, discount dental plans and dental indemnity products. NADP’s mission is to promote and advance the dental benefits industry to improve consumer access to affordable, quality dental care. NADP dental plan members include national commercial carriers, regional and single state companies, as well as companies organized on a non-profit basis. Other memberships are available for businesses offering products and services to dental plans, DSOs, and individuals.
NADP.ORG 2015 nadp annual report
National Association of Dental Plans 12700 Park Central Drive Ste. 400 Dallas, TX 75251 (972) 458-6998 nadp.org
2015 nadp annual report