2014 NADP Membership Benefits Book

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INTRODUCTION Welcome to the National Association of Dental Plans (NADP)! You have joined forces with the only organization dedicated solely to the interests and advancement of every aspect of the dental benefits industry. Your voice is now part of the strong, respected organization working for you. Your member benefits include a wealth of professional and personal development opportunities and a storehouse of industry knowledge and experience. As the representative and recognized resource of the dental benefits industry, NADP is dedicated to the success of your company and career. That’s why we offer a wide array of benefits designed to strengthen various disciplines throughout your company. The mission of the National Association of Dental Plans is to promote and advance the dental benefits industry to improve consumer access to affordable, quality dental care. NADP offers the following core services: Research, Advocacy, and Education plus a multitude of networking, volunteer and marketing opportunities. To keep you connected, NADP provides a multifaceted communications pipeline consisting of the association website, the Dental Interact community, plus a variety of e-newsletters and Twitter accounts. NADP is successful because of its strong leadership. Please find within this booklet the contact information for your NADP staff. Call upon these individuals for insight and direction concerning your association experience. The charts on pages 3-4 provide a brief overview of the association resources available to all your company employees while the remaining pages offer details about your NADP benefits. Should you have any questions, please visit nadp.org or contact NADP staff or a Membership Committee volunteer. Thank you for your membership in NADP. We look forward to serving you.


TABLE OF CONTENTS Benefits by Department


Benefits Overview


Research Benefits and Programs Advocacy Benefits


Industry Representation Education





Member Directories


Communications Pipeline About NADP CONVERGE 2014 3



29 30

BENEFITS BY DEPARTMENT DEPARTMENT Operations Actuarial Services Customer Service Claims

Marketing: Communications Product Development Research Sales

Government Relations Compliance Legislation Regulation Public Affairs

Professional Relations Dental Directors Network Development

NADP BENEFITS Industry representation & collaborative work with DQA, ADA, X12,WEDI, etc. Metrics Reports on call centers, administration, claims Educational programs on topics in your area at member price Connections with industry colleagues via meetings & volunteer service CDT License, ASCII File, CDT book Monthlybyte and Soundbytes eNewsletters Membership Directories Dental Interact Open Forums on FAIR Health, HCR Research reports on enrollment, premiums, networks, State Fact Sheets Educational programs on topics in your area at member price Connections with industry colleagues via meetings & volunteer service Monthlybyte and Soundbytes eNewsletters Dental Interact Open Forums Membership Directories Articles for broker and other publications Industry representation & collaborative work with NAIC, NCOIL, AHIP, ADA, DDPA & other dental organizations Federal and state focus Tracking spreadsheets, legal memos, issue briefs Government Relations Commission, HCR & State Exchange Task Forces Free Briefing Webinars Legislative Online Tracking System (LOTS) Research reports on enrollment, networks and more State Fact Sheets Educational programs on topics in your area at member price Volunteer Opportunities Connections with industry colleagues via meetings & volunteer service CDT License, ASCII File, CDT books Monthlybyte and Soundbytes Newsletters Membership Directories Dental Interact Open Forums on ACA, Exchange Issues, & additional state issues Industry representation & collaborative work with DQA, ADA, X12 etc. Research reports on networks, premiums, enrollment Educational programs on topics in your area at member price Educational programs on topics in your area at member price NADP Smartbrief, Monthlybyte and Soundbytes Newsletters CDT License, ASCII File, CDT books Membership Directories Dental Interact Open Forums


OVERVIEW By Member Type Member Benefit/Program CDT Licensing Program* Collaborative Work with outside industry organizations/audiences CONVERGE Dental Interact Forums Industry Press Release Distribution Job Postings Leadership Conference* Legislative Online Tracking System Mailing List* Membership Directories NADP logos* Newsletters Shared Research Industry Snapshots State Fact Sheets Statistical Reports on enrollment, networks, premiums, metrics State of the Market Report Webinars Webinar Briefings

Dental Plan


Supp. Org.









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= Benefit included with membership

+=Available at preferred member price

*Members Only

Brief description of member types: Dental Plan: DPPO, DHMO, Indemnity, Discount, ASO, Medicare/Medicaid Associate: Dental Service Organizations Supporting Organizations: Product/Service Suppliers International: Companies operating outside the U.S. Individual: College professors, solo agents, consultants, self-employed

RESEARCH BENEFITS Annual Statistical Reports Through its suite of statistical reports, NADP research offers in-depth industry insight. Research Reports are available via the Knowledge Center of the NADP website. To provide current, valuable research to our members, NADP enhances the following reports as well as publishes new reports based on member feedback and market developments.

Included in ALL memberships Annual State of the Dental Benefits Market State Fact Sheets This concise industry overview includes data about State Fact Sheets are brief overviews featuring enrollment, premiums, networks, metrics, and data from the suite of statistical reports and financial operations plus trend recaps such as others. product innovations, updates on dental workforce and more. Included in dental plan membership only*: NADP/DDPA Enrollment NADP Premium and Benefit Utilization Conducted jointly with Delta Dental Plans This report tracks in-force premium by product Association (DDPA), this report provides the most type, utilization of dental benefit by product type, complete census of the industry’s total national and changes in core benefit design elements. enrollment and includes estimates of dental benefits enrollment at the state level and by NADP/LIMRA Dental Metrics Reports: benefit type. In also identifies funding sources and Three separate reports provide dental plans with a underwriting classifications by benefit type. variety of benchmark metrics:  Claims –only industry report featuring data NADP/DDPA Network Statistics on diagnostic code usage Also jointly conducted with DDPA, this report  Contact Centers –performance metrics provides the most complete census of dentists with various stakeholders participating in networks and measures trends in  Administrative –policy administration plus provider networks by product type and dental provider recruitment and credentialing specialty at the national and state level.

*Available at preferred member pricing for remaining membership categories.

NADP/LIMRA Quarterly and Annual Sales Reports –For Participants Only NADP has partnered with LIMRA to publish sales reports from third, second and first quarters. Only companies that provide sales data for the survey are eligible to receive the reports


SPONSORED RESEARCH Shared Research Through NADP Sponsored Research, members have the opportunity to participate in reports designed to provide additional insight on the industry and factors affecting it. NADP offers two types of Sponsored Research: Shared Research Program and Industry Snapshots. Both programs are available at preferred member pricing. Shared Research: Open to all member categories for price of participation NADP provides topical research designed to provide an in-depth look at outside factors affecting the dental benefits industry through Shared Research. For in-depth studies of important factors affecting the industry, such as brokers, providers or employers, members may choose to participate in the Shared Research Program for an additional investment. Prior projects have included group purchaser behavior studies, consumer surveys and broker studies. Program Design This research is wholly funded by participating sponsors. Each sponsor will contribute an equal share of the cost of the study series. Nonmembers will be invited to sponsor, but will be subject to a 25% surcharge. Sponsor Benefits Dental plans funding this study will receive:  Editorial participation on final content of the survey and reports  Access to all data files  All reports embargoes before release to sponsors and public at large


SPONSORED RESEARCH The Industry Snapshot program provides an opportunity for members and non-members to initiate and sponsor survey research among NADP dental plan members for an additional sponsorship investment. Sponsors identify the Snapshot topic that requires input from dental plans. Following is an outline of how the new Industry Snapshot program works. What’s Included for Sponsors: NADP solicits a commitment to participate in the survey from targeted member companies. A minimum threshold of commitment to participate must be reached in order to proceed with the study (At least 10 plans and 20% of the market). Included in each survey are a few standard questions/data points:    

Product offerings of respondents: (DHMO, DPPO, Indemnity, Discount) Total enrollment of all respondents by product type Estimated representation of the market as a percentage of enrollment Title/job function of respondent (if applicable)

Final product will include an Executive Summary, Detailed Findings, modifiable tables and charts. Sponsoring company will have input into the final product. No individual response (identified or redacted) will be available unless ALL participating companies consent. At the Snapshot Sponsor’s discretion, acknowledgement will be made in the Executive Summary and Detailed Findings Report.

Sponsors receive the report immediately. What's Included for Survey Respondents:  Respondents will receive the final Executive Summary and Detailed Findings at no additional charge no sooner than 30 days after the report is delivered to the Snapshot Sponsor.  NADP will make the Executive Summary and Detailed Findings Report available for sale to members and non-members no sooner than 90 days after the report is delivered to the Snapshot Sponsor.


SPONSORED RESEARCH Industry Snapshot Continued Pricing: Setup Fee Per Question For List Questions (ranking/rating of attributes

Member $500

Non-Member $1,000



$200 + $50 per listed item

$240 + $60 per listed item

For studies that require reporting of individual company data an additional surcharge of $2,500 will be assessed. The sale price of the reports to NADP members that did not participate in the study will be approximately 15% of the fee paid by the sponsor and 20% for non-members. Refer to nadp.org for an example of how the pricing system works.


ADVOCACY The Dental Plan Industry Voice As the industry voice and representative for dental benefits plans, NADP advocates for the industry's best interests when working with policymakers and a variety of key stakeholders via our core services of Government Relations, including our Health Care Reform Initiatives and Industry Representation through the Standards and Transaction Initiative. Government Relations (GR) NADP tracks state and federal legislation that directly impacts the dental benefits industry, and provides education for state and national policymakers. Health Care Reform (HCR) Initiatives As a key contributor during health care reform discussions, NADP has promoted the importance of dental benefits.

If you would like information on NADP's legislative and advocacy efforts, please contact Director of Government Relations Kris Hathaway (972.458-6998 x111, khathaway@nadp.org). Industry Representation NADP members have a voice and a vote on vital industry committees ranging from statutorily mandated standards organizations to development of quality measures for dentistry: Standards and Transaction Initiative (STI) Through STI, NADP provides united industry perspective, leadership and direction on critical dental issues affecting the growth and advancement of the industry such as accreditation, procedural and diagnostic codes. (See page 21) If you would like information on these activities, please contact NADP Deputy Executive Director Timothy L. Brown (972.458-6998 x104, tbrown@nadp.org). Timely updates related to Advocacy can be viewed by members only in the various forums of Dental Interact (DI). See next page for details. Find out more about Advocacy in the Volunteer Group section on page 20.


ADVOCACY Members’ Only Resources In addition to NADP’s volunteer-driven government relations program, the Association also provides members’ only tools to enhance your own advocacy program and add value to your membership. Legislative Online Tracking System (LOTS) LOTS is a Web-based monitoring system that pulls all health care related state and federal bills into a searchable database, which is organized into “folders” by issue and priority tags. LOTS is accessible via the “Members Only” section of NADP.org, which is only visible when a member logins on the website. LOTs features:

     

The ability to search state statutes by dental specific topics Links to the text of relevant bills Personalized report setups with email alerts Links to state legislature home pages Carryover bills and schedule updates Upcoming hearing dates and much more!

Advocacy Section of NADP.Org In addition to the above search tools, the NADP website provides a wealth of knowledge and information through comment letters and Quickbytes (Twitter) updates. Advocacy Resources Page in Members Only Section of NADP.Org NADP provides timely, comprehensive tracking spreadsheets on a variety of issues plus important legal memo and documents as an exclusive member benefits. See pages 12-13 for more details. Open Forums in Dental Interact NADP updates members on the latest issue developments through the Government Relations, Exchange Issues and Health Care Reform Open Forums in Dental Interact. All members are encouraged to subscribe to these forums for the latest news about state and federal issues. This is where the most timely health care reform information is posted.


ADVOCACY Members’ Only Resources Continued NADP is committed to providing members with the critical, quality resources necessary to actively participate in insurance regulation and health care reform discussions at the state and federal levels. Plan Documents for QDPs & Embedded QHPs Offered on Health Insurance Marketplaces •Links to state-by-state collections of 2014 benefit descriptions, summary of benefits coverage (SBCs) and plan booklets where available for standalone dental plans (SADPs) and embedded medical plans offered on state Health Insurance Marketplaces. NADP ACA Regulations & Guidance Grid •Tab 1- ACA regulations and their impact on dental plans. Can be sorted by subject, title, date, agency •Tab 2-ACA released FAQs related directly to dental plans. NADP ACA State Exchange Grid •Tab 1-Master Exchange Updates: Exchange-related news from the federal level & all 50 states and D.C. tracked from 2011 • Tab 2-Dental Leg & HIX Basics: General info about state political climate & Exchange governance •Tab 3-Dental-Specific Plan Design: Requirements for dental plans on Exchanges including plan design, transparency, fees, certification and application dates •Tab 4-Other HIX Decisions: Exchange decisions regarding vision, SHOP models, employer size, IT contractors and overall funding

NADP ACA Essential Health Benefits •Tab 1-EHB Dental Benchmark Details •Tab 2-Quick Reference Guide •Tab 3-News & Updates


ADVOCACY Members’ Only Resources Continued NADP Government Relations (GR) Grid Priority legislation and regulation tracked federally and state-by-state. Spreadsheets/tabs include: •State Priority Leg: Bill numbers and descriptions tracked by state, subject and recent action with notes from the Government Relations Commission •NCS: Current and past non-covered services efforts and bills tracked by state •Discount: Pending legislation and current statute regulating discount dental plans •Federal Priority Leg: Legislation tracked by date and subject •Regulations: Description and tracking of pending or final state regulation of dental plans

NADP Health Care Reform Task Force Chair Jon Seltenheim, United Concordia Companies, Inc., and Executive Director Evelyn Ireland, CAE, have made numerous trips to Washington, D.C. to press NADP’s view with policymakers – from Congress to the White House.


INDUSTRY REPRESENTATION Standards and Transaction Initiative Through the Standards and Transaction Initiative (STI), NADP coordinates a unified, industry response and provides the unique views of our diverse membership on standards for electronic transactions, quality measures, utilization data and more. NADP also collaborates with industry organizations regarding research and legislative and regulatory issues. With a strong voice and often a vote, NADP speaks with knowledge and authority when representing your interests to the following groups: o Accredited Standards Committee (X12)* o American Association of Dental Consultants (AADC) o American Dental Association (ADA) o Code Maintenance Committee (CMC)* o Dental Claim Form Advisory Committee (DeCFAC)* o Dental Content Committee (DeCC)* o Standards Committee on Dental Informatics (SCDI)* o America’s Health Insurance Plans (AHIP) o Alliance of Maryland and Virginia Dental Plans o California Association of Dental Plans (CADP) o Delta Dental Plan Association (DDPA) o Dental Quality Alliance (DQA)* o FAIR Health o Health Level 7 (HL7)* o International Health Terminology Standards Development Organisation (IHTSDO)* o LIMRA International o National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) o National Committee on Vital Health Statistics (NCVHS) o National Conference of Insurance Legislators (NCOIL) o National Conference of State Legislatures (NCSL) o National Quality Forum (NQF)* o Pew Oral Health Coalition o U.S. National Oral Health Alliance (US NOHA)* o Workgroup for Electronic Data Interchange (WEDI)* An asterisk (*) indicates a voting position and/or membership for designated group



Discover why 100% of CONVERGE 2013 attendees said they would recommend CONVERGE to their colleagues. Experience the best professional development opportunity the dental benefits industry has to offer: NADP CONVERGE. CONVERGE, the NADP Annual Conference, is designed specifically with you in mind – the leaders in dental benefits. CONVERGE speakers, sessions and networking opportunities will ignite your creativity, refine your vision and rekindle your passion. Featuring a variety of learning formats – from interactive roundtables and panels to casual, informative discussions and energetic networking opportunities – CONVERGE has your education needs covered. No other health care meeting brings together as many professionals focused on dental benefits as CONVERGE. Become inspired as you share your insights and challenges with fellow colleagues. Polish your skills as you learn from thought leaders and industry experts. What’s New In 2014? The Discovery Zone – an enhanced exhibit experience featuring a variety of opportunities to connect with clients, featuring:      


Informal “lounges” where attendees can recharge in close proximity to all exhibitors in the Discovery Zone Small stages within The Discovery Zone designed for short presentations and product demonstrations by exhibitors Dedicated Discovery Zone time – no competing breakout sessions during this dedicated time to increase foot traffic and leads Exhibitor opportunities to schedule client appointments in the Discovery Zone during the hours the Zone is closed for breakout sessions New sponsorship opportunities available to allow further engagement with key buyers Walk-around luncheon (there will be no speaker/presentation) which will encourage attendees to interact with exhibitors

EDUCATION Leadership Conference The annual NADP Leadership Conference provides opportunities to increase your leadership skills as you join with colleagues to provide direction for NADP programs and services while gaining insight and new perspectives on timely topics in the educational sessions. Leadership Conference brings together all of the NADP volunteer groups to share a vision of where the dental benefits industry and association are going over the coming year. Generally held in the winter, Leadership Conferences are traditionally face-to-face meetings in Dallas. Visit the Knowledge Center on NADP.org for current information.

NADP Board Treasurer Kirk Andrews, UnitedHealthcare (foreground), NADP Membership Committee Chair Rob Goren, Delta Dental of Missouri, and other volunteers listen to health care reform presentation at Leadership Conference.


EDUCATION Webinars When it comes to training on relevant, timely industry trends, nothing beats NADP Webinars. From the latest directions in health care reform implementation to social media and communications skills to marketing and sales developments and improvements in administrative operations, NADP Webinars offer something for every discipline in the dental benefits industry. These presentations feature Q&A sessions, interactive polls and thought-provoking content. NADP provides three types of Webinars:



Educational Webinars: Sold individually or in a package for maximum savings and full participation


Sponsored Webinars: Product information from the sponsor that are free to attendees


Webinar Briefings: Free overviews of vital industry issues, such as health care reform, are exclusively for members.

CONNECTIONS Industry Leaders and Peers Representing more than 90% of the dental benefits market, NADP puts you in touch with the industry leaders and decision makers through multiple avenues:

Face-to-Face Opportunities CONVERGE CONVERGE, the NADP annual conference, provides ample networking opportunities including the Opening Reception, Golf Tournament and Dental Dash plus free time in the evening to schedule dinner with colleagues and clients. Leadership Conference The Leadership Conference offers attendees the opportunity to network during the opening night reception and during the numerous volunteer meetings scheduled throughout the event.

Additional Opportunities Dental Interact Participation in a discussion, review a post or serve on a volunteer group through the secure, exclusive NADP member community, Dental Interact.

Individual Membership Directory Get a list of dental directors or all the dental contacts for a particular company with the online Individual Membership Directory. This publication helps members network by providing contact information via downloadable search results. Members can lookup someone by name, title, designation or company name and get the results, which can be exported in a variety of formats.

Linked In Group Join the Dental Benefits Industry Group hosted by NADP and take part of the discussions, view job postings and more.


CONNECTIONS Volunteering Value of Volunteering In addition to directing the work of the association and dental benefits industry, NADP volunteers gain valuable leadership experience, expand their circle of influence and increase their level of industry knowledge.

How to Join a Volunteer Group Through volunteer groups, NADP fulfills its mission “…to promote and advance the dental benefits industry to improve consumer access to affordable, quality dental care.” NADP volunteers are the driving force in the work and success of the association. Through their commitment of talent and time, NADP achieves its goals. Any member in good standing may join a volunteer group. To join as a volunteer, members should respond to the annual “Call for Volunteers” distributed in the fall. Some groups also accept volunteers during the course of the year. If you are interested in volunteer opportunities, contact Director of Membership Rene Chapin (972.458.6998 x110) Individuals considering service on a volunteer group should weigh the commitment as work on the various groups can take away time from their job for the advancement of the industry.


CONNECTIONS Volunteer Groups NADP volunteers contribute to the success and growth of the association and industry through service on the following groups: Communications Committee advances NADP’s mission by providing advice and guidance for strategic member and external communications activities. Staff Liaison: Rene Chapin Education Commission advances NADP’s mission by providing integrated educational forums, programs, and services, which deliver value to stakeholders of the dental benefits industry. Staff Liaison: Evelyn F. Ireland, CAE Exchange Operations Workgroup allows NADP members to discuss dental operational and technical issues specific to state and federal Marketplaces. Staff Liaison: Brian Flynn FAIR Health Workgroup serves as a communications channel and resource for FAIR Health staff in the development of utilization products. Staff Liaison: Evelyn F. Ireland, CAE Government Relations Commission (GRC) influences and improves the legislative and regulatory environment to protect and promote the dental benefits industry and consumer access to affordable quality dental care. Staff Liaisons: Eme Augustini (lead), Kris Hathaway

Health Care Reform Task Force (HCR TF) develops positions on elements of reform proposals (subject to Board approval), responds to the impacts of federal health reform proposals as they develop and provides appropriate direction on use of member company lobbyists or hiring of NADP lobbyists. Staff Liaisons: Kris Hathaway and Evelyn F. Ireland, CAE, Membership Committee is accountable for increasing and retaining NADP members. Staff Liaison: Rene Chapin NADPac is a guided non-partisan committee that disburses funds based on a variety of factors as outlined by the NADPac Guidelines. Recommended contributions to federal candidates are reviewed and approved by the NADPac Committee. Calls are as needed. Staff Liaison: Evelyn Ireland Research Commission supports NADP’s mission by gathering data and information to generate and disseminate industry knowledge. Staff Liaison: Jerry Berggren State Exchange Task Force spearheads member engagement on the development of State Exchanges, including analysis and potential responses to state Exchange issues and related federal issues. Staff Liaisons: Eme Augustini and Kris Hathaway


CONNECTIONS Volunteer Groups Standards and Transaction Initiative (STI) The STI Workgroups provide united industry perspective, leadership and direction on critical dental issues affecting the growth and advancement of the industry. STI Workgroups include: Codes WorkGroup coordinates concepts and terminology between procedure codes (CDT), diagnosis codes (SNODENT) and EHR reporting (ICD); develop, reviews and comments on proposed changes to procedure, diagnosis and reporting code sets; provides support for NADP voting seats on ADA Code Maintenance Committee (CMC) and International Health Terminology Standards Development Organisation (IHTSDO) Dental Special Interest Group (Dental SIG), Staff Liaison: Timothy L. Brown Clinical WorkGroup reviews and comments on current and proposed dental quality measures; provides support for NADP voting seats on Dental Quality Alliance (DQA) and DQA Executive Committee; review and comment on proposed guidelines and standards for disease management in the dental arena from dental specialty groups and the American Dental Association (ADA); i.e. radiation, sealants, pediatric dentistry, etc.; reviews and comments on current and proposed collaborative efforts to develop quality initiatives within state and federal programs; i.e. CMS, state Medicaid, etc. Staff Liaison: Timothy L. Brown


EDI WorkGroup reviews and comments on mandated EDI transactions for claims processing, electronic funds transfer and electronic health records; develop, review and comment on changes and updates in mandated EDI transactions on behalf of the dental benefits industry; liaisons with other state and national organizations engaged in the EDI arena; provides support for NADP voting seats on Dental Content Committee (DeCC), Health Level 7 (HL7), Standards Committee on Dental Informatics (SCDI), Workgroup for Electronic Data Interchange (WEDI) and American National Standards Institute X12 (X12) including leadership positions on WEDI Dental Workgroup and X12 Dental Caucus. Staff Liaison: Brian Flynn Operations WorkGroup develops, reviews and comments on proposals for dental plan accreditation with accreditation organizations and federal representatives; develops, reviews and comments on proposals for uniform credentialing within dental benefits organizations and outside vendors; serves as liaison to dental service organizations (DSOs) and the Dental Group Practice Association (DGPA) on initiatives of interest to both including credentialing, onboarding and data sharing. Staff Liaison: Brian Flynn.

Member Directories Individual and Organizational Whether you’re looking for information about a colleague or member company, the online NADP Membership Directories provide customized results and standard downloadable reports via two online searchable directories and four standard, downloadable reports. Two Distinct, Searchable Versions:  Organizational Directory: Company contact information, self-reported enrollment by product types, service area by state, description of products and services  Individual Directory: Contact information for key personnel who working for member companies Four Standard, Downloadable Reports:  Alpha Member List – Member companies and their affiliates  Complete Membership Directory – Names and mailing addresses for key contacts plus company’s self-report enrollment data by product type and service area  Dental Plan Profile – Dental plan members’ self-reported enrollment, service area, company location, web and phone  State Index – List of companies selling each type of dental product in a specific state organized by state and products


MEMBER ONLY BENEFITS CDT Licensing Program As part of our collaborative work with the ADA, NADP member plans save 25 percent on annual CDT Licensing fees, receive advance distribution of the ASCII file (electronic file) with the new Codes and one free book per company. Free Job Postings Save hundreds of dollars in publishing job openings for your company! NADP posts your open positions in its bi-monthly newsletters and the dental benefits industry group in LinkedIn. Industry News and Press Release Distribution NADP publishes and archives industry press releases on nadp.org. Search for news about product innovations, changes in leadership, additional locations and more. Use the “Submit Press Release” function available in the “News” section of nadp.org for distribution of your releases. Member Logos for Your Business Stationery and Web Site Display your NADP membership with pride by adding a member logo to your business card, letterhead or Web site. Logos are available in a variety of formats. Contact NADP Director of membership and Communications Rene Chapin for more information. Mailing List of Entire Database * Members receive mailing addresses plus phone and fax numbers for all the current contacts in the NADP database. Eligible non-members pay $1,000 for the same list; exhibitors receive a list of CONVERGE attendees only. This is the most complete list available and it is included in your membership! *For company memberships (Dental Plans, Associates (DPMs) and Supporting Organizations (suppliers) only). Not included with Individual and International membership Articles for Your Publications NADP provides periodic articles for use in your broker and company publications. The majority of articles are focused on brokers or consumers (your clients). Contact NADP Director of Membership and Communications Rene Chapin to be included on the distribution list.


COMMUNICATIONS PIPELINE NADP.ORG The NADP website is filled with timely information about association core services, industry news, Dental Interact postings and Members’ Only benefits. Logins are necessary to receive Members’ Only benefits. Following is a brief summary of the main sections of the website. Research Find survey instruments, description of research programs in this section. Advocacy Learn more about government relations, health care reform and industry collaboration from the sub-pages in this section, featuring comment letters, issue briefs and information about the organizations with whom we work. Access LOTS, grids and other benefits via the Members Only section, which only displays after login. Knowledge Center The new NADP Knowledge Center is your one-stop location for research reports, education programs, articles and presentations. Register for webinars, CONVERGE or Leadership Conference, submit proposals for educational presentations or speakers through this section of the website, which also features detailed descriptions of the educational programs available.

Website Logins By logging in, members see additional information and features of the website. All employees of NADP member companies may have logins, which can be requested by clicking the blue “Login” button at the top of nadp.org.

Download or purchase published research reports, broker articles, charts and presentations. News Submit your company’s news articles, read industry press releases and the monthly NADP on the Move column. Soundbytes and Monthlybyte, also available in this section when you login.


COMMUNICATIONS PIPELINE NADP.ORG Continued Members Only Section – Visible Only When Logged In Access these exclusive benefits including Advocacy Resources (pgs. 2-13), the Legislative Online Tracking System (LOTS) (pg. 12), and information about the CDT Licensing Program (pg. 23). This section and subpages only display after logging in on NADP.org. About NADP Receive a broad overview of NADP with this section, including sub-pages for the  Board of Directors,  Volunteer Groups  Membership Directories  Staff  How to Join  Industry Job Postings News Feeds (Quickbytes) Save time with the four convenient news feeds located on the NADP.Org Home Page. These feeds include the latest press releases and events plus postings from your Dental Interact (DI) subscriptions to forums and communities forums to which you belong. Login first; then click on the links in these columns for quick access to an event or DI posting. The fourth news feed, NADP Quickbytes, features Twitter updates on industry, association, research and advocacy news. Advertising Opportunities Website advertising supports NADP and provides a way to market products and services.


COMMUNICATIONS PIPELINE Dental Interact For in-depth, customized news on topics of interest to you, nothing tops NADP Dental Interact (DI), the exclusive, members’ only online community. Through Dental Interact, you can network with your colleagues; discuss important industry trends; increase your network of influential contacts and never leave your office! You have access to industry thought leaders and experts as you stay on top of important news and trends. You can customize your Dental Interact experience by subscribing to Communities (forums) that interest you and selecting the method and frequency for how you receive the related emails. Each volunteer group has a forum. In addition, the Dental Interact includes:    

Government Relations Open Forum -legislation and regulations Health Care Reform Open Forum - NADP summaries on this vital issue NADP Open Forum – Industry issues FAIR Health Open Forum – updates about products or issues relating to FH

How to Use DI 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Login on NADP.org Click on the blue “Dental Interact” box on the Home page Accept privacy statement if prompted Go to the “Communities” tab on the top menu bar of DI Select “View Discussions” from the pull-down menu Click on “My Subscriptions” from the next pull-down menu On Subscriptions page, select one of the following options for each subscription

Options for DI E-Mails Individuals may select from the following options to determine the frequency of e-mails for all their subscriptions (volunteer groups and open forums):  Real-Time: Receive e-mail messages as soon as they are posted. This means you receive an email of the original post and an e-mail of every subsequent comment (post)  Digest: One e-mail daily (per group) of all the posts contributed that day  Legacy: E-mails sent in real-time, in plain text, that allow recipient to response via e-mail  No-E-mails: No e-mails sent; messages are viewed online  Unsubscribe: No e-mails, no subscription, no access to discussion group (community)


COMMUNICATIONS PIPELINE Newsletters In addition to the laser focused, customized content from Dental Interact provides, NADP also provides comprehensive knowledge and information through four distinct eNewsletters: Soundbytes, for members only Distributed mid-month, this e-newsletter contains brief bulleted updates on industry and news.


Monthlybyte, for members only This e-newsletter offers detailed articles and features for the dental benefits industry, such as updates on advocacy efforts, research, education and much more. Monthlybyte emails the last Tuesday of month – in time to appear at the top of your inbox Wednesday morning. All members are automatically subscribed to receive Soundbytes and Monthlybyte. However, they can choose to opt-out of these subscriptions via the options located at the end of each email.

COMMUNICATIONS PIPELINE White List Instructions Share the following information to share with your IT department to receive NADP communications. If you have any questions regarding these instructions, contact Communications Specialist Lauren Oakley (972.458.6998 x105, loakley@nadp.org). Newsletters and Promotional Emails To receive Soundbytes, Monthlybyte and information about CONVERGE and webinar presentations, add the domain “Informz.net” and/or IP Address “” Dental Interact (DI) Messages: Members who serve on volunteer groups or subscribe to an Open Forum, please add the following email as an approved sender: <noreply@egroups.nadp.org> Webinar Instructions Individuals who submit the registration for webinars will receive the link to handouts in an email from support@peachnewmedia.com. These individuals should add this email to their list of approved senders to ensure delivery. Research Requests For information requests such as volunteer sign-ups or surveys, NADP uses Question.Pro.com. Please forward the following information to your IT department to ensure your ability to submit data via this software: QuestionPro Outbound Mail Servers and IP Addresses mail.questionpro.com ( mail1.questionpro.com ( mail2.questionpro.com ( mail1.surveyanalytics.com ( Subnet Mask and The IP address range for QuestionPro is: and


ABOUT NADP Membership Committee Rob Goren, Chair Delta Dental of Missouri Linda Moore, Vice Chair Blue Cross Blue Shield of North Carolina

Robin Muck, Board Liaison Premier Access Dental and Vision

Sarah Buckingham PPO USA Inc.

Maureen O’Brien Smile Brands Inc.

Aaron Groffman The Ignition Group

Roger Skinner Mavrest Dental

Margaret Keen Dentalplans.com

Sue Wright Lincoln Financial Group

NADP Staff Liaison: Rene Chapin


Charles Brody, Board Liaison Blue Cross Blue Shield of South Carolina

NADP STAFF Evelyn F. Ireland, CAE Executive Director 972.458.6998 x 101

Timothy L. Brown Deputy Executive Director 972.458.6998 x 104

Eme Augustini State Affairs Manager 972.458.6998 x 112

Lauren Oakley Communications Specialist / Web Manager 972.458.6998 x 105

Jerry Berggren Director of Research & Information 972.458.6998 x 113

Brian Flynn Dental Informatics Manager 972.458.6998 x 109

Rene Chapin Director of Membership & Communication 972.458.6998 x 110

Kris Hathaway Director of Government Relations 972.458.6998 x 111

Jeremy R. May Executive Assistant 972.458.6998 x 123

Shayne Leatherwood Office Administrator 972.458.6998 x 102

National Association of Dental Plans (NADP) 12700 Park Central Drive, Ste. 400, Dallas, TX 75251 Phone: 972.458.6998 - Fax: 972-458-2258 - Email: info@nadp.org - Web:nadp.org

National Association of Dental Plans (NADP) 12700 Park Central Drive, Ste. 400, Dallas, TX 75251 Phone: 972.458.6998 - Fax: 972-458-2258 - Email: info@nadp.org - Web:nadp.org

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