The New Paltz Oracle, Volume 82, Issue 13

Page 1

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The New Paltz Oracle


Pg 3

Presidential Candidates Come to Campus By Julie Mansmann f./'#,@/$@:(/)4&j&

A licensed pediatrician, a musician­turned college administra­ tor and a former professor of British Renaissance Literature are all !"#$%&'()&*$!+&'(,))&-!$./.!')0&$!").&'#&1)&'()&$)2'&3,)0/.)$'&#4& SUNY New Paltz. 5)$$)'(&61'7&-(!/,&#4&'()&8,)0/.)$'/!+&9)!,-(&:#""/''))&!$.& '()&;)<&8!+'=&:#++)%)&:#>$-/+7&,)+)!0).&'()&$!")0&#4&'()&'(,))&*­ $!+/0'0&'#&0'>.)$'0&?/!&)@"!/+&#$&A)1B&CB&&:!$./.!')0&/$-+>.)&D>4'0& E$/?),0/'F&8)./!',/-0&:(!/,&!$.&:(/)4&6."/$/0',!'/?)&G4*-),&#4&'()& A+#!'/$%&H#03/'!+&4#,&:(/+.,)$&I#($&9-(,)/1),7&E$/?),0/'F&#4&J/0­ -#$0/$@K!&:,#00)&:(!$-)++#,&I#)&L#<&!$.&M!,F&8!3!=/!$7&3,#?#0'& !$.&0)$/#,&?/-)&3,)0/.)$'&#4&!-!.)"/-&!44!/,0&!'&K)("!$&:#++)%)B& 6$&>$$!").&4#>,'(&*$!+/0'&<!0&!+0#&/$?/').&'#&?/0/'&'()&-!"3>0& 1>'& 3,#-)).).& '#& </'(.,!<& 4,#"& '()& 0)!,-(& 3,#-)007& !--#,./$%& '#& 61'B& 61'&0!/.&'(!'&'()&0)!,-(&-#""/''))7&4#,").&#$&M!F&NO7&NPQP7& (!0&.#$)&!&R',)")$.#>0&S#1T&<#,U/$%&'#%)'(),&</'(&V,B&:#$0'!'/$)& :>,,/0&#4&6-!.)"/-&9)!,-(7&W$-B&'#&%!'(),&/$3>'&!1#>'&'()&.)0/,).& qualities of a new president and review candidate applications and credentials, among other duties. RW$&'()&-#""/''))X0&Y>)0'&.>,/$%&'()&+!0'&4)<&"#$'(0&'#&*$.&'()& 1)0'&3#00/1+)&-!$./.!')&'#&+)!.&;)<&8!+'=7&'()&%,#>3&(!0&-!,)4>++F& ,)?/)<).&0)?),!+&.#=)$&!33+/-!'/#$0&!$.&$!,,#<).&!&0',#$%&*)+.&#4& ./?),0)&-!$./.!')0&'(,#>%(&-#$*.)$'/!+&/$'),?/)<07T&()&0!/.&?/!&)@ mail. D()& 0)!,-(& 3,#-)00& 1)%!$& +!0'& 03,/$%& <()$& 4#,"),& 3,)0/.)$'& 9')?)$&8#0U!$=),&!$$#>$-).&()&<#>+.&1)&,)0/%$/$%&4,#"&(/0&3#0/­ '/#$&#$&63,/+&NC&'#&!00>")&'()&.>'/)0&#4&3,)0/.)$'&!'&:!,+)'#$&:#+­ +)%)& /$& M/$$)0#'!B&61'& '()$& 1)%!$& '#& 4#,"& '()& 0)!,-(& -#""/''))& @&$#<&-#$0/0'/$%&#4&:#++)%)&:#>$-/+&")"1),07&0)?)$&4!->+'F7&#$)& dean, two students and others ­ in accordance with the SUNY guide­ lines for conducting a presidential search. State education law requires that the president or chief ad­ "/$/0',!'/?)&#4*-),&#4&!&9E;Z&-!"3>0&/0&>+'/"!')+F&-(#0)$&1F&'()& 9E;Z&[#!,.&#4&D,>0'))0B&&6--#,./$%&'#&'()&9E;Z&;)<&8!+'=&3,)0/­ .)$'/!+&0)!,-(&'/")+/$)7&'()&$!")0&#4&'()&'(,))&*$!+/0'0&</++&1)&0)$'& '#&:(!$-)++#,&;!$-F&\/"3(),7&<(#&</++&,)?/)<&'()&-!$./.!')0&!$.& 0)'&4#,'(&(),&,)-#"")$.!'/#$&'#&'()&9E;Z&[#!,.&#4&D,>0'))0&'#&1)& !33,#?).&'#&'()&3,)0/.)$-F&!'&'()/,&M!,-(&NN&"))'/$%B& 9-(,)/1),7&L#<&!$.&8!3!=/!$&(!?)&)!-(&(!.&'<#@.!F&?/0/'0&'#& '()&-!"3>0&'(/0&"#$'(B&&61'&0!/.&'()F&'()$&")'&</'(&4!->+'F7&0'!447& administrators, community leaders, Foundation Board, alumni rep­ ,)0)$'!'/?)0& !$.& ")"1),0& #4& '()& :#++)%)& :#>$-/+B& 9'>.)$'&600#­ -/!'/#$& ]96^&_/-)& 8,)0/.)$'& #4&6-!.)"/-&644!/,0& !$.& L#?),$!$-)& :!/'+/$&`F!$&0!/.&0()&!$.&'()&")"1),0&#4&'()&)2)->'/?)&1#!,.&(!.& 0)00/#$0&/$&<(/-(&'()F&<),)&!1+)&'#&!0U&'()&-!$./.!')0&Y>)0'/#$0B& 96& 8,)0/.)$'& I)$$/4),& 9!$-()=7& <(#& 0/'0& #$& '()& 0)!,-(& -#"­ mittee with former SA vice president of academic affairs and gover­ nance Brenna Fearey, said sitting in on the interviews for the candi­ .!')0&(!0&1))$&!&+)!,$/$%&)23),/)$-)&4#,&(),&!$.&'(!'&0()X0&)$S#F).& <#,U/$%&</'(&'()&-#""/''))B& RW'X0&1))$&!$&)2')$0/?)&3,#-)00&a&$#&#$)&/0&'!U/$%&'(/0&+/%('+F7T& 0()&0!/.B&RJ)&!++&,)!++F&-!,)&!1#>'&<(#&</++&1)&'()&$)2'&+)!.),&(),)& !'&;)<&8!+'=BT D()& RM))'& '()& :!$./.!')& 9)00/#$0& 4#,& 9'>.)$'0T& 1)%!$& #$& D(>,0.!F7&A)1B&QP7&<()$&I#($&9-(,)/1),&<!0&'()&*,0'&'#&03)!U&</'(& '(#0)&/$&!'')$.!$-)&!'&'()&4#,>"&/$&9'>.)$'&E$/#$&bNcbCB&

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Pg 4


News Briefs National =#!#:>46#0$!8$:#0/3#$0#234!75$4>­ patient House Republican freshmen made common cause with President Barack Obama on Wednesday, scor­ ing their biggest victory to date in a vote to cancel $450 million for an alternative engine for the Pentagon’s next­generation warplane. “Right here, :41"!$68)$)+7$+$7/:#2:#$)+?$!8$:#0/3#$ spending,” declared Rep. Tom Rooney of Florida, a second­term lawmaker whose summons to cut money from the @ABC$21"!#:$D#!$)+7$+67)#:#0$.?$EF$ Republican newcomers. Speaker John Boehner and other House GOP leaders back the funding. ***** Aretha Franklin, who says she’s back at “150 percent,” is planning to return !8$!"#$7!+1#$46$G+?$H8:$"#:$2:7!$I87!A surgery performance. The Grammy Award­winning singer will also release an album that month with Wal­Mart Stores Inc. More personally, she’s working on losing more weight from her frame, which is noticeably slimmer since her December surgery. ***** The patriarch of a prominent family musical group has been charged with sexually abusing his three daughters in a stunning revelation that was fol­ lowed four days later by the father careening his Porsche off a 300­foot embankment into an icy stream. Keith Brown, whose daughters are part of The 5 Browns, survived the crash and H+3#7$86#$2:7!A0#1:##$H#,86?$38/6!$8H$ sodomy on a child and two second­ degree felony counts of sexual abuse of a child, according to Fourth District Court records obtained Wednesday. International Briefs on Page 5

The New Paltz Oracle

Senate Discusses Budget Teach­ins Being Planned By Student Leaders

By John Brandi Copy Editor |

The 51st student senate discussed !"#$ %&'($ '#)$ *+,!-$ ./01#!$ 0#234!5$ +$ legislative agenda made by the SUNY Student Assembly and changes they’d like to see regarding general education requirements at their second meeting of the semester on Tuesday, Feb. 15. Student Association (SA) President Jennifer Sanchez asked senators to pro­ vide feedback on a legislative agenda made by the SUNY Student Assembly concerning budgetary issues. “I’m unhappy with the process they took to make the agenda,” said Sanchez. “It’s being ignored. If you listen to the governor’s speech, he has not men­ tioned a rational tuition increase which is what the [Student Assembly] is trying to do.” The SUNY Assembly sent this agenda to all schools in the system for consideration. Sanchez and the legisla­ tive body went over the agenda, split into priority sections I and II, point by point. Senate Chair Terrell Coakley said further discussion of the agenda will take place to examine typographical er­ rors and the wording on some points of the agenda. Sanchez urged the senators to look at the document carefully. “They want to pass this and have support from all SUNY schools,” she said. “Don’t feel like you can’t question it.” The agenda also included informa­ tion about the Tuition Assistance Pro­ gram, public­private partnerships and the Bundy Act. Some of the provisions discussed more power of procurement. Another stipulation of the act discussed putting more power in the hands of administra­ tors to make what they feel are neces­ sary purchases. Coakley said this pro­ vision will be further examined by the senate next week. During the meeting, the senate also discussed the budgetary shortfall at SUNY New Paltz and the efforts SA members were putting forth to reach out

to students about the issue. “The budget is bigger than all of us,” said Student Association Executive Vice President Eve Stern. “It’s not us against any small group in particular ­ it’s us 21"!461$+1+467!$!"47$89#:+,,$3"+61#;<$ The legislative body discussed “get­ ting the word out” about the issue by possibly hosting a rally and teach­ins to educate students. Coakley also dis­ cussed creating a logo for the rally. Vice President of Academic Affairs and Governance Caitlin Ryan initiated a discussion about changing general edu­ cation requirements to be more based in

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liberal arts. The legislative body then gave feedback about their own experi­ ences with general education courses. According to Coakley, Ryan was gathering opinions to possibly bring forth a committee that will re­examine the general education program next year. At the meeting, the senators also discussed the open positions for the Budget and Finance Committee. Three seats remain vacant. The next general meeting of the student senate will be held on Tuesday, Feb. 22 in Student Union 418.

The New Paltz Oracle


Housing Project Seeking Approval By Pamela Vivanco News Editor |

New York based commercial real estate development and construction company, Wilmorite Inc., is currently seeking approval from the town of New Paltz to begin the operation and construction of a two­phase, 210­unit housing project for students, faculty and staff on 50 acres of land adjacent to the campus. Due to the need for additional student housing, !"#$ %&'($ '#)$ *+,!-$ ./012+!3/1$ 4$ +$ 1/!45/6476/8!$ foundation whose mission is to support the college ­ created Goshawk, LLC as a limited liability company to purchase the undeveloped land in 2007, said Executive Director of the SUNY New Paltz Foundation, Sally Cross in a letter to the Town Board of New Paltz. 9:"#$ ;+</6$ =#1#8!>$ !/$ !"#$ ?+;70>$ )3,,$ =#$ !/$ provide apartment­style housing, which the campus does not currently offer and increase the number of students who live close enough to be able to walk, instead of drive, to their classes and other campus activities,” said Cross. Vice President of Student Affairs David Rooney said that even though the apartments would be adjacent to the campus, they are off­campus and run by an independent agency, without the normal structure of on­campus residence halls. Wilmorite, which has developed similar projects for Rochester Institute of Technology and Syracuse University, submitted the conceptual plan for the proposed project called “Park Point Place at New Paltz” to the Town of New Paltz on November 2010 >+32$ @+?A3#$ B3%!#5+1/C$ D3?#$ 76#>32#1!$ /5$ 81+1?#$ +12$ administration.

The three primary elements of the plan included 20 buildings in total, 17 for students and three for faculty with a total of 780 beds, 720 for students and 60 for faculty, a clubhouse that would include a 8!1#>>$ 6//;C$ ,/01E#$ +12$ ;+1+E#;#1!$ /58?#>$ +12$ +$ maintenance shop. SUNY New Paltz currently houses just under 3,000 full­time undergraduate students, according to Rooney. “We'd like everybody who wants to live on campus to be able to, but we can't build residence halls as fast as the demand for on­campus housing has grown,” he said. SUNY New Paltz transfer students are not offered on­campus housing, but Rooney said the !6+1>5#6$ 7/70,+!3/1$ ?/0,2$ =#1#8!$ +$ ,/!$ 56/;$ !"3>$ project. “I think we do disservice our transfer students by kind of forcing them to go beyond the campus boundaries and really not engage with the campus as much as I think they would like to or had the opportunity to if they lived on campus,” said Rooney. F,!"/0E"$!"#$2#D#,/7;#1!$3>$=#31E$>7#?38?+,,G$ designed to house SUNY New Paltz students who are unable to live on­campus due to overcapacity, a portion of the project is dedicated to accommodate housing for New Paltz faculty. “…Convenient and affordable housing, especially for new employees, will help the College continue to attract and retain great faculty who can more readily participate in the life [of students] both in the classroom and importantly out of the classroom,” said DiStefano. Jade Rankin, an education graduate student, said it would be great if faculty actually took advantage of proximate off­campus housing.

“When we do have severe weather, if the housing is that close then it would enable the faculty members to still come to campus to hold class, so in that respect it’s good,” said Rankin. In his November faculty report, Interim President Donald Christian said cost and availability of local housing creates a challenge for many new faculty and >!+55C$ !"+!$ #12$ 07$ ,3D31E$ >3E138?+1!$ 23>!+1?#>$ +)+G$ from campus. “This project will provide affordable townhouse­style apartments at the edge of campus,” said Christian. “We believe that the availability of proximate housing will assist us in our continuing efforts to recruit top­quality candidates who wish to work and live in the New Paltz community.” Once Wilmorite drafts an Environmental Impact Statement (EPI), the Town Planning Board will review that statement and recommend it to the Town Board, according to Cross. The approval process will take approximately 18 months to complete and Wilmorite hopes to begin the project a few months after the end of the process. “As they look through this approval process, it is just a concept,” said DiStefano. “It's like a nine­inning game and they are just starting.” To view an interactive map of the 50 acres of land, visit oracle.newpaltz. edu or scan this QR Code with a free QR Code reader on any smartphone!

College Nationally Recognized By Cat Tacopina Copy Editor |

The Chronicle of Higher Education listed SUNY New Paltz in the top 10 percentage of public universities with the best six­year graduation rates on Dec. 10, 2010. SUNY New Paltz also placed in the top two percent of public masters institutions existing across the nation, is 41 out of 414 undergraduate public 013D#6>3!3#>$+12$85!"$/0!$/5$HIJ$;+>!#6>$31>!3!0!3/1>K$$ The Chronicle of Higher Education also rec­ ognized the school’s Honors Program and the First­ Year Initiative (FYI) program that the school offers. “Honors certainly contributes to the overall excellence of college,” said Jeffrey Miller, director of the schools’ Honors Program that is open to all students on campus. “Retention rates, already high at New Paltz, are even higher among members of the Honors program, and our emphasis on excel­ lence and research mean that a substantial portion of our graduates go on to receive advanced degrees.” While the Honors Program is open to all stu­ dents of academic excellence based on coursework, recommendation letters and writing samples, ac­ cording to Miller, students in the program are re­

quired to perform community service as well. The .(L$ 76/E6+;$ 3>$ /7#1$ >/,#,G$ !/$ 86>!4G#+6$ >!02#1!>C$ who are looking for a tight­knit group of peers who share common interests, both academically and so­ cially. 9%!02#1!>$ )"/$ #1!#6$ 5##,$ 7+6!$ /5$ +1$ +5813!G$ group, so they start out with a group of peers who want the same things out of the college experience,” said Robin Cohen­LaValle, the associate dean of students at the university. “Research has shown that involvement in programs such as these can have a positive effect on [grade point average], persis­ tence, out­of­classroom experiences and graduation rates.” Both programs only take about 100 students each against New Paltz’s campus of about 6,000 students. But the size, Cohen­LaValle said, is some­ thing that only helps the student while they are mak­ 31E$!"#36$86>!$+2<0>!;#1!>$31$+$1#)$>#!!31E$)"3?"$3>$ different from home, thus making the small size a =#1#8!K 9%!02#1!>$ 31$ .(L$ E#!$ !/$ A1/)$ /D#6$ MNN$ 86>!4 year students like themselves, making the transition to a new place and balancing school and college life,” said Cohen­LaValle. “They get an opportunity to do community service together and have resident

mentors who have completed their freshman year "#6#C$>/$!"#G$A1/)$!/$6#5#6$!/$+,,$!"#$/58?#>$+12$6#­ sources available on campus.” Not only does the FYI program have students meet each other by taking some of the same classes, FYI students are also presented with trips around the area where students can also meet outside of the classroom, such as the trip taken during the fall se­ mester to Mohonk Mountain. While the Honors Program also focuses on as­ >3;3,+!31E$>!02#1!>C$#>7#?3+,,G$86>!4G#+6>$!/$?/,,#E#$ life, they place a strong focus on academics not just in the classroom, but for the eventual departure out into the world. “Programs like Honors bring academic enrich­ ment to SUNY New Paltz through small seminar based classes, a focus on undergraduate research, preparation for graduate school and an enhanced sense of community,” said Miller. “We look to prepare students for further graduate work, later employment, but most of all to be citizens of the world. We want them to leave SUNY New Paltz with an excellent foundation for their later pur­ suits in life…Whether that means going on to get an advanced degree, starting a business or pursuing other interests.”

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Pg 5

News Briefs World $O3/!$7/,3?#$8631E$!#+6$E+>$+12$)3#,231E$ clubs stormed a landmark square occupied by anti­government protesters Thursday in Manama, Bahrain, driving out demonstra­ tors and destroying a makeshift encamp­ ment that had become the hub for demands to bring sweeping political changes to the kingdom. The main opposition group Al Wefaq said at least two people were killed in the pre­dawn assault on Pearl Square, )"3?"$)+>$,3!!#6#2$)3!"$P+!!#1#2$!#1!>C$ trampled banners and broken glass. There )+>$1/$/58?3+,$)/62$/1$2#+!">$/6$31<063#>C$ but hospitals reported dozens of people being brought in with wounds and respira­ tory problems from the tear gas. ***** Egypt’s new military rulers came under criticism Wednesday from a leading democracy advocate as well as from youth and women’s groups for what they say is a failure to make decisions openly and include a larger segment of society. Five days after ousting Hosni Mubarak in a popular uprising, Egyptians continued pro­ tests and strikes over a host of grievances from paltry wages to toxic waste dump­ 31EK$:"#G$2#8#2$!"#$>#?/12$)+6131E$31$ three days from the ruling Armed Forces Supreme Council to halt all labor unrest at a time when the economy is staggering. ***** Hip­hop musician Wyclef Jean on Wednesday endorsed the candidacy of popular carnival singer Michel “Sweet Micky” Martelly in his bid to become the next president of Haiti. The Ex­Fugees hip hop frontman, whose own presidential campaign was rejected by election of­ 8?3+,>$,+>!$G#+6C$>+32$"#$2#?32#2$!/$#12/6>#$ his longtime friend because he’s tech­ nologically savvy and has a charismatic personality that will “help raise money with the donors.”

Compiled from the AP Newswire

Pg 6


The New Paltz Oracle

NPmail Server Test Showed No Error

By John Brandi Copy Editor |

The NPmail server was inaccessible for over an hour due to a maintenance test on Sunday, Feb. 6. According to Paul Chauvet, UNIX & Linux Systems administrator, these maintenance tests are not on a set schedule and happen no more than once or twice per year. He said the last outage was announced as taking up to three hours in case !"#$%&'()*+,$-*&*$.'/"01$!"0$234!"5./))#6$34*&*$-*&*$"'$7)*$ system errors and no repair was needed. CommuniGate Systems is the company that created NPmail and its mission is to “Unify all forms of communications into one, easy to install, manage and use platform. [The] products help (/,8"*,,*,$(*9'+*$+'&*$%&'0/938:*1$*.798*"3$!"0$9'+%*3838:*16$ according to its website. CommuniGate issues security updates which Chauvet then implements by shutting down the server when he said the least number of students are online. “Just about the least number of students on [NPmail], at any given time, is late Sunday,” he said. The maintenance test also checks for storage issues, ,*9/&83#$ :/)"*&!(8)838*,$ '&$ +8,,8";$ 7)*,<$ =4!/:*3$ ,!80$ 83>,$ &!&*$ 34!3$7)*,$-'/)0$(*$+8,,8";1$(/3$4*$0'*,">3$-!"3$!$&*%*!3$'.$34*$ N­Drive problem from last semester, in which the personal storage system was lost for about a month. =4!/:*3$,!80$4*$4!,">3$;'33*"$!"#$9'+%)!8"3,$.&'+$34',*$ -4'$9'/)0">3$!99*,,$34*$?@+!8)$,*&:*&<$A*$,!80$83>,$'"*$'.$34*$ most reliable systems on campus. Still, some students had a different outlook. Kate Brady, a fourth­year English major, said sometimes she has problems logging in. She said she also *B%*&8*"9*0$ %&'()*+,$ -834$ 34*$ !+'/"3$ '.$ 7)*,$ ,4*$ 9!"$ upload and send. “You have to delete the history or you can hardly send any

CommuniGate Systems issued security updates to the NPmail server on Sunday, Feb. 6. PHOTO BY LAURA LUENGAS 7)*,$3'$#'/&,*).$'&$!"#'"*$*),*16$,4*$,!80<$ Jaime Prisco, a fourth­year journalism major, said she has encountered problems with sending and receiving e­mail messages. She said her main concern is sending assignments to professors and receiving an error message in return.

According to Prisco, sometimes she would get an error +*,,!;*$ *:*"$ 8.$ ,4*$ 080">3$ ,*"0$ !"#348";1$ ,'$ ,4*$ -'/)0$ C/,3$ forward her e­mails to a Gmail account instead. “[These] technical problems are frustrating,” she ,!80<$ 2DE4*#F$ 0'">3$ '/3)8"*$ -4!3$ 83$ 8,1$ "*:*&$ ,/&*$ '.$ -4!3>,$-&'";<6$

Car­Sharing Service Arrives on Campus By Zan Strumfeld A&E Editor |

Students have already registered for the SUNY New Paltz car­ sharing program introduced this semester. Students have the option to rent two different cars, a Toyota RAV4 and a hybrid Prius, through Connect by Hertz. Campus Auxiliary Services (CAS) signed a contract with the Connect by Hertz program last semester and now students can sign up for a membership online at to take out a car. The membership includes an initial fee and there will be monthly fees after this payment is made. G8.34H#*!&$:8,/!)$!&3,$+!C'&$I!&#$J>K*!&#1$-4'$-!,$48&*0$3'$4*)%$ advertise the new program to students, said that there are three dif­ ferent plans ­ Connect, Connect 50 and Connect 125 ­ which can be chosen by the member based on how much they will use the car. Each member receives a “connect card” which they then swipe 8"3'$34*$9!&$!"0$!&*$!()*$3'$!99*,,$34*$9!&$!.3*&$,8;"8";$/%$.'&$!$,%*9879$ time. The cars are in the Hasbrouck parking lot. L99'&08";$3'$J>K*!&#1$'")#$34*$0&8:*&$"**0,$3'$4!:*$!$+*+(*&­

ship for the car, while whatever passengers they have do not. Each car 9!"$4')0$7:*$%*'%)*< 2M'/>&*$&*,%'",8()*$.'&$!"#348";$34!3$4!%%*",$-834$#'/&$9!&016$ J>K*!&#$,!80<$2E4*$+*+(*&,48%$8,$#'/&,$'")#$!"0$#'/$:8')!3*$83$-4*"$ you give it to others.” Members can take out the car for whatever period of time they ask but will be charged $8 to $10 per hour, according to which plan they 94'',*<$A'-*:*&1$J>K*!&#$,!80$;!,$9!&0,$!&*$5*%3$-8348"$34*$:*489)*<$ 2N4!3>,$ "89*$ !('/3$ A*&3O$ 8,$ 34!3$ /")85*$ '34*&$ &*"3!)$ !;*"98*,$ where you have to be 25, it is 18 plus, so students can drive it,” she said. Second­year history major Josh Simpson does not have a car on 9!+%/,$!"0$8,$*B983*0$!('/3$34*$"*-$,*&:89*<$A*$,!80$4*>))$0*7"83*)#$(*$ getting a membership. 2P$348"5$83>,$'"*$'.$34*$;&*!3*,3$%&';&!+,$P>:*$*:*&$4*!&0$'.$!3$!"#$ school,” said Simpson. “Especially in an area like New Paltz which is %&*33#$&/&!)1$C/,3$4!:8";$!"'34*&$3#%*$'.$$3&!",%'&3!38'"$-4*&*$#'/>&*$ waiting for the gives the ability to do what you want, when you want.” Members can also take the car out for more than one day. Don

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Diamond, who works with CAS, also worked on the new program. “If you reserve the car for more than one day, basically you would pay a daily rate versus an hourly rate. You have a maximum of 180 miles for each day you drive the car,” Diamond said. “Beyond that 34*#>0$94!&;*$#'/$!$3#%89!)$!))'33*0$&!3*$%*&$+8)*<6 According to Diamond, if the member were to get in an accident, they would be responsible for paying a deductible. 2E4*&*>,$!$0*0/938()*$34!3$34*$0&8:*&$-'/)0$(*$&*,%'",8()*$.'&$8.$ there was an accident of $250,” Diamond said. J>K*!&#$!"0$'34*&,$8":'):*0$8"$34*$%&';&!+$!&*$9/&&*"3)#$3&#8";$ 3'$+!5*$,3/0*"3,$+'&*$!-!&*$'.$34*$"*-$'%%'&3/"83#<$$J>K*!&#$,!80$34!3$ ,8"9*$7&,3H#*!&$,3/0*"3,$9!">3$4!:*$9!&,$'"$9!+%/,1$34*$%&';&!+$-'/)0$ be particularly appealing to them. 2=LQ$8,">3$+!58";$!"#$+'"*#$'..$'.$348,<$N*>&*$,8+%)#$0'8";$ this to provide an opportunity for students to go outside what the Loop 9!"$9':*&$'&$3'$;'$4'+*$8"$34*$9!,*$'.$!"$*+*&;*"9#1$0'93'&>,$!%%'8"3­ +*"3,$'&$,'+*348";$)85*$34!316$R8!+'"0$,!80<$2N*>&*$4'%8";$83$-'&5,$ '/3$ -*))<$E4*#$ 4!:*$ !$ ,8+8)!&$ %)!"$ !3$ QS?M$ T8";4!+3'"$ !"0$ 34!3>,$ 0'"*$:*&#$-*))<$N*>&*$!,,/+8";$34!3$348,$8,$,'+*348";$D,3/0*"3,F$-8))$ be very interested in.”

The New Paltz Oracle


Pg 7

Students Evacuated From Egypt By Maxim Alter Managing Editor |

Following political unrest in Egypt, three SUNY New Paltz students were evacuated from the American University of Cairo (AUC) just two weeks into their studies overseas. According to Carlton Rounds, assistant director of the Center for International Programs (CIP) at SUNY New Paltz, each student was safely transported from Cairo after tensions began to mount in the region and an emergency evacuation was declared in early February. “We thought we were going to have more time and we were going to wait and see, but the situation went from being fairly sort of mild to ‘all Americans go to the airport right now,’” Rounds said. “Thankfully, we have an incredibly sophisticated emergency and evacuations procedures plan at New Paltz.” Rounds said constant communication was maintained with students through e­mail, landlines and other methods provided by AUC during the emergency period. Because SUNY New Paltz has a long­ standing partnership with AUC, Rounds !"#$%&'()(%*"!%+#&&+(%$#,-./+&0%#1%2+"11#13% the evacuation with each student even while Egypt’s Internet became an unreliable method of exchange. “Whenever you have a study abroad program, it’s your foreign partner that’s really crucial to the safety,” Rounds said. “The [AUC] is a very sophisticated, very well resourced and a very safe school, so they were really on top of it before anybody.” However, not all three students returned to New Paltz after evacuating Egypt. When third­year senior and double major in international relations and Women’s Studies Ashley Drzymala was told Wednesday, Feb. 2 that she had to be on a plane out of Cairo the following day, she said she felt like she was being torn from an important moment in history. “I wanted to stay there with every inch of my body,” Drzymala said. “I decided to study in Ifrane, Morocco immediately after because I am interested in what’s happening in the region and secretly hoping something similar will begin here.” Siding with protestors in the removal of Hosni Mubarak from his presidential seat, Drzymala said she only became truly


Drzymala sided with protestors in the removal of Hosni Mubarak from his presidential seat during her brief stay in Cairo. concerned for her safety when she was around pro­Mubarak protestors. Even during such a brief stay, Drzymala said she became emotionally invested and attached to those protesting for democracy and wishes she could have stayed in the country during such an “eye­ opening and inspiring experience.” “The passion Egyptians have for their country and their people is unlike anything I have ever seen before,” she said. “All of the people came together to help each other, to lend each other money when the banks were closed, to cook for each other when the stores were closed…it was honestly the most amazing experience of my life and I’m so grateful I was a part of it.” Rounds said work was done to help students returning to SUNY New Paltz register for classes for the spring semester and transportation costs were covered by emergency evacuation insurance. But if a student chose to continue studying abroad in a different country like

Drzymala did, Rounds said adjustments were made to cover the costs for the new program. “Quite frankly this doesn’t happen very often, so some of this is a little bit uncharted territory,” Rounds said. “What we do is work to make sure that there’s as +#&&+(%!&)(!!%"1$%-1"1.#"+%+4!!%&4%&'(%!&/$(1&% because it’s not their fault that the country had a revolution.” In Interim President Donald Christian’s February report to the faculty, the efforts of groups and individuals on campus were praised for helping to support not only the three students who were evacuated from Egypt, but the seven students from Egypt studying abroad at SUNY New Paltz. Christian also said he applauded the efforts of the staff working to help students studying abroad. “The Center for International Programs has done a marvelous job working with our students both here and in Egypt and with their parents,” Christian said. “A number of faculty and department

chairs have been wonderfully cooperative in arranging academic schedules for the students whose studies at [AUC] were interrupted by the unrest in Egypt.” 5#&'% 6/7")"8% 4,-.#"++0% !&(22#13% down on Friday, Feb. 11, allowing for some of Egypt’s political unrest to begin a steady decline, Rounds said it is still too early "1$% $#,-./+&% &4% &(++% *'(&'()% &'(% 9:;% *#++% begin sending students back to Cairo by next semester. Although SUNY New Paltz still maintains a great relationship with the AUC, Rounds said the CIP’s primary concern will always be the well­being of the students studying abroad. “I’d rather have students home and safe and then we can try to work getting them into another program or maybe go back to [AUC] in the future when things calm down,” Rounds said. “Until we can verify that everything is going to be predictable and more placid and safe, we’re not going to send any students.”

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Thursday, FEBRUARY 17, 2011

Campus begins to celebrate the 10th anniversary of

THE DORSKY Story on page 5B


OPERATION BEAUTIFUL Movement promotes positive message

RECYCLEMANIA Competition returns to campus

R.A.D. Defense classes arm students with knowledge



The New Paltz Oracle






The New Paltz chapter of Operation Beautiful hopes to instill a positive body image in both men and women on campus PHOTO COURTESY OF OPERATIONBEAUTIFUL.COM By Katherine Speller Feliciano said she saw the power of the movement, un­ what my goal is.” Copy Editor | derstanding the importance of a positive body image and the Though the idea was hatched with women in mind, the You are beautiful. That is the message SUNY New Paltz’s necessity of reaching audiences with this image while they are staff members of Avant­Garde and Operation Beautiful have newest organization wants to make perfectly clear. The chapter still young. no intention of leaving those with Y chromosomes out of the of the national Operation Beautiful Movement’s mission is to She said most people’s perception of beauty is shaped in equation. Included is a guys page that features some of the men deliver the message of positive body image and self­worth to their youth and that these formative years are the ideal time to of New Paltz. the young men and women in New Paltz through various body­ 4+#5#%*&%)*&6!,$*/&%)!%&7',,&'(/%',,&'(&%)*5&8#(.-*(8*&9#+&,!%*+& “If men want to get involved [with the post­it note cam­ image themed campaigns and their publication, Avant­Garde on. With this in mind, the organization plans to spread the posi­ 4!'0(:;&%)*<&8!(&-*.('%*,<&4$%&(#%*/&'(&%)*'+&"!%)+##5/&%##;=& Magazine. tive vibes by placing their own post­it notes around campus. said Feliciano. When asked by a media ethics professor what she wanted But Feliciano said the project won’t end with a few kind >)*&8,$"?/&.+/%&5**%'(0&#(&>$*/-!<;&@*"1&AB&'(%+#-$8*-& to change in the world, fourth­year journalism major Michelle words scrawled in public locations. Using the ideals of Op­ the magazine and the movement. Attendees – male and female Feliciano said she thought about the often hypocritical and in­ eration Beautiful and the knowledge and layout prowess she – were asked to think about, and say aloud, what they thought consistent nature of most magazines. acquired from taking an “Introduction to Fashion” course, was beautiful about themselves and others. Feliciano’s thoughts turned into action when she founded Feliciano began to put together her women’s magazine – one Through further discussion, the group came to a consensus the SUNY New Paltz chapter of Operation Beautiful and began that would not adhere to the standards set by the world of high %)!%&'(-'6'-$!,'%<&!(-&8#(.-*(8*&7*+*&%)*&%+$*&/'0(/&#9&"*!$%<1&& to publish her own magazine that would challenge those con­ fashion. For second­year sociology major Esthephanie Peralta, the fusing mixed messages. Feliciano said she instead opted to show young people consensus was correct. The Operation Beautiful project started when the founder, ways they can love themselves and that they are not alone. “We should not let society tell us what we should think blogger Caitlin Boyle, placed a post­it note with the simple “It can get lonely,” Feliciano said of the alienation beauty is,” she said. message “you are beautiful” on a bathroom mirror and talked caused by self­consciousness and poor body image. “Hope­ If Operation Beautiful and the staff of Avant­Garde have !"#$%&'%&#(&)*+&)*!,%)&!(-&.%(*//&",#01&2)*&!/3*-&#%)*+/&%#&-#& fully... [if] there’s someone who feels like they don’t have anything to say about it, there won’t be any question to the the same and the movement quickly went viral. someone, they can read [the magazine] and feel better. That’s -*.('%'#(1

Thursday, February 17, 2011

The New Paltz Oracle




By Maeve Halliday Features Editor |

Organizers said the spirit of friendly competition and environmental awareness is spreading through­ out campus as the RecycleMania Tournament returns to New Paltz. Recycling Coordinator of New Paltz Recylces Lauren Brois said that as with last year’s event, New Paltz will be competing against universities all across the nation to see who can recycle the most per capita, with a sub competition among the residence halls on the New Paltz campus. The Tournament began this past Monday, Feb. 2, and runs until April 2. Brois said while not all students at SUNY New Paltz are gung­ho about recycling, this year’s Recy­ cleMania event hopes to draw attention and partici­ pation from a larger constituency than merely the en­ vironmentally conscious. “I think the RecycleMania program offers a new incentive for recycling and going green. Recycling

saves energy, preserves natural resources, prevents pollution and helps make our habits more sustain­ able,” Brois said. “Through the tournament we can reach out to students who might not necessarily re­ cycle but are interested in other aspects of the com­ petition.” RecycleMania 2011 will be slightly different than last year’s tournament due to some changes made by the event’s coordinators. This year, only the weight of recyclables from the Residence Halls will be re­ corded for purposes of the competition, whereas last year weights were taken from the campus as a whole. Assistant Director of Facilities Operations and Maintenance Kim Nelson said that these changes were made in response to the behavior of other schools and were not due to New Paltz’s performance. “Last year we did campus wide and it went very smoothly and we did very well, however, the way other campuses were participating was question­ able,” Nelson said. “They were holding on to a year’s worth of recycling and then pumping it through for

RecycleMania and it skewed the numbers. When that happens we aren’t able to compete in a fair and equal way. So we decided to pull back to residence halls and focus in on having a friendly, fun competi­ tion.” In an effort to build the spirit of recycling throughout campus, the Recycling Club will be host­ ing a kickoff event for RecycleMania on Feb. 17 in the Student Union. The event, Game Show Night, will put an environmentally­conscious spin on a number of classic television game shows, includ­ ing “Wheel of Fortune” and “Legends of the Hidden Temple.” Brois said students can get together in a group, whether it be from a team, club or just a group of friends, and sign­up to compete in the games. The winning team will receive $500 worth of custom printed t­shirts for their group or organization. More information about RecycleMania or New Paltz Recycles can be found on the “New Paltz Re­ cycles” Facebook or

Hello! My name is Pamela Vivanco. Each week I will present one basic sustainable practice. Some will only serve as reminders and some might be methods that you and I have never even considered! The goal of my column is to re­emphasize the sustain­ able efforts that have been made by many members of the SUNY New Paltz community. With the help of environmentally­ friendly friends and experts, I hope to provide tips and sources toward becoming better friends with our earth. So let’s begin!

Sustainable solution #1: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle. “Reducing and recycling are criti­ cal pieces of decreasing waste and increasing sustainability. All of these methods work to lessen the amount of waste, which in turn saves ener­ gy, prevents pollution and conserves natural resources. Practicing the three R’s can lead to the fourth R­ rethink­ ing.” ­Recycling Coordinator Lauren Brois.

Reduce, Reuse: Even though recycling is highly encouraged and a great habit to have, we must not lose sight of the !"#$%&'()*+$,+&-*+.%/&+&0$+12/3+4(*+$,+ the best ways to help our environment is by reducing our consumption levels altogether, by preventing waste. But, $,+)$5%/*+.(6!(7+0'8/+&$+%*5/*+0-'&+ we don’t want is extremely important too. We can repair, give away or reuse in different ways. 1. Think before you print. Unless you really need to have a physical copy of something, avoid printing it and read

from the computer screen. Be sure to print double­sided pages! 2. Instead of buying new notebooks each semester, try to use old ones that still have blank pages. And be sure to write on both sides of each page, please. 3. Instead of using plastic or paper bags to carry your lunch while you’re on campus, get a lunch bag or just throw it in your backpack. Also, in­ stead of getting plastic Ziploc bags, invest in reusable Tupperware for sandwiches and snacks! 4. Water! Instead of buying plastic bottles, buy a reusable water bottle that you can take to campus every day '(6+ .99+ 5#+ 0-*(*:*%+ 8$5+ 0'(&3+ ;$5+ can even use old jars. 5. Instead of taking home plastic bags every time you go shopping, invest in a few tote bags that you can take to the market each week. If you forget your tote bags, reuse plastic bags for bathroom or bedroom trash bins. 6. One person’s trash is another per­ son’s treasure. Instead of throwing out your clothes, shoes, toys, furniture, go to local centers that take donations,

like The Salvation Army or Family of New Paltz. Some­ body else might get some use out of it. And when it’s warm out, consider hav­ ing a yard sale or a clothes swapping party/session! 7. Get creative with materials! Use old newspaper as gift wrap­ ping paper. 8. Avoid using disposable products like cups and plates. 9. Avoid buying heavily packaged products.



Recycle: Recycling is the last step in the hierarchy of the three R’s. As 6*.(*6+ <8+ &-*+ =(:!%$("*(&'9+ >'/?+ Force: “Recycling means taking a product or material at the end of its useful life and turning it into a us­ able raw material to make another product.” New Paltz recycles on and off campus. Try to buy products that are recyclable.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

For what you can recycle in SUNY New Paltz: For what you can recycle off­campus: A brochure for what New Paltz recycles can be found on the Town of New Paltz website.


The New Paltz Oracle



FAMILIAR FACES ...with Annie Yu

Corinna “Lil’ Boop” Caracci Residence Life Director, Fitness Instructor

Annie Yu: How did you get the nickname “Lil’ Boop?” Corinna Caracci: When I was little, I used to look like her and -&1$2(&'54$2EE$&C*($,-*$1E2%*$254$B$,-/5?$B$),/EE$4&3$M:$&+.$%*$ used to be covered in it and I had a Betty Boop shrine at home. NG&/5,)$,&$2$O*,,:$O&&1$.$6'(/5*$&5$,-*$)-*E+P3$"$),'4*5,$6&,$,-2,$ for me.

Women learn how to defend themselves in Rape Aggression Defense (RAD) classes. PHOTO COURTESY OF NEWPALTZ.EDU By Katie Kocijanski Contributing Writer |

Beginning Tuesday, Feb. 22, Rape Aggression Defense (RAD) classes sponsored by the Campus Auxiliary Services (CAS) will be offered on cam­ pus for all women. Although registration is now closed, courses will also be held on Thursday, Feb. 24, Tuesday, March 1 and Thursday, March 3. Each class will take place from 7 p.m. to 10 p.m. in the Student Union Multi Purpose room and are offered for free through programming grants. The University Police Department (UPD) was able to remove the original price of $5 for the !"#$%&'()*)$+&($,-*$.$(),$,/0*$,-/)$12),$)'00*(3$ "%%&(4/56$ ,&$ 7/*',*525,$ 8+.$%*($ 9&-55:$ ;&<'0=$ grant funding covered the costs of instructor and student gear, as well as the printing of the manuals distributed and wristbands given out. According to the national RAD website, the courses are “a comprehensive, women­only course that begins with awareness, prevention, risk re­ duction and risk avoidance, while progressing on to the basics of hands­on defense training.” ;&<'0$)2/4$,-2,$,-*(*$2(*$025:$>*5*.$,)$,&$,2?@ ing the course and students who take it can walk around campus without feeling a sense of risk. AB,$ 6/C*)$ D&0*5$ *<,(2$ )*E+$ %&5.$4*5%*$ 254$ 2$ sense of safety awareness,” Coxum said. FG#$ 8+.$%*($ 9*5*EE*$ H*E)*:$ )2/4$ )-*$ +**E)$ 2$ strong passion for self­defense education because

“knowledge is power,” and when people have the knowledge of how to defend themselves, it can -*E1$,-*0$,2?*$%&5,(&E$&+$2$4/+.$%'E,$)/,'2,/&53$ Students are required to attend all four classes 254$.$C*$,&$)/<$/5),('%,&()$,2?*$12(,=$/5%E'4/56$FG#$ &+.$%*()=$ ,-*$ 4/(*%,&($ &+$ !*)/4*5,$ 7/+*$ 254$ &%%2@ )/&52EE:$2$I*D$G2E,J$,&D5$1&E/%*$&+.$%*(3 Coxum said an introduction will be given about sexual assault and personal safety on the .$(),$42:3$K-*$(*02/54*($&+$,-*$%&'()*$D/EE$1(&C/4*$ students with physical defense techniques, includ­ ing kicks, blocks, punches and basic self­defense techniques. Instructors dress up in padded foam suits dur­ /56$ ,-*$ .$52E$ %E2))$ 254$ 2,,2%4?$ 12(,/%/125,)3$ "%@ cording to Coxum, it is during this time students are given an opportunity to test out their newly ac­ quired skills on the instructors. After getting their manual signed by an instructor, a student can pres­ ent it in any RAD class in the country and gain free entry regardless of cost. H*E)*:$ )2/4$ D&0*5$ )-&'E4$ ,2?*$ ,-*$ %E2))$ /5$ order to not feel afraid if they ever encounter a situation with a predator. “The better educated and knowing some self­ preservation techniques, the better off you are than -2C/56$ 5&5*$ 2,$ 2EE=L$ )2/4$ H*E)*:3$ AB$ +**E$ 1*&1E*$ panic because they don’t know what to do, so by taking the class you will be one step ahead of the predator.”

Thursday, February 17, 2011

AY: So, let’s start from the beginning, how did you end up at New Paltz? CC: It’s been 12 years. I used to work at SUNY Oneonta and it was just one of those things where a New Paltz position opened up and I’ve always loved the area. I stayed overnight in Scud­ der and I saw a student of mine from Oneonta and he held the door open for me as I was going in. Life is just a small world and a series of incredible experiences and he was a sign. After I spent a whole evening with New Paltz students, I loved it. A Q&>$)-&'E4$>*$2$6&&4$.$,R$:&'$(*2EE:$5**4$,&$+**E$E/?*$:&'$>*E&563 AY: What is an interesting or kooky fact about you? Do you have a special talent or did you have an interesting experi­ ence you want to share? CC: I wanted to go skydiving for my 40th birthday and I did that. One of my passions that I’ve done for years here and at Oneonta is RAD – self defense for women. I’m also a black >*E,$/5$H2(2,*3$B$E/?*$,*2%-/56$.$,5*))$%E2))*)$>*%2')*$/,S)$/01&(@ tant to teach people to be healthy. If you can take care of you, then you can take care of anything. AY: Do you have any words of wisdom or anything you want to say to students who are graduating and moving on with their lives? CC: You know, when I tell people I work at a college, they always ask me what I teach and I tell them I teach life les­ sons. It’s about learning about who you are and Residence Life teaches you outside the classroom. Be passionate about what you do in life. Live it to the fullest because you only have one. O*$,('*$,&$D-&$:&'$2(*$254$.$54$&5*$,-/56$:&'$E&C*$,&$4&$254$4&$ it. I’ve created this legacy, photos of the Residence Life staff, and I give it as a gift to graduating students on the staff. I want them to look at it and say “I had the most incredible experience being a part of this” and they can share it with others. That’s the best part of what I do – creating memories.


The New Paltz Oracle



Dorsky Does A Decade


The Samuel Dorsky Museum of Art (SDMA) will be !"#"$%&'()*+ (',+ -.'/+ &))(0"%,&%1+ '/(,+ 1"&%2+ 3('/+ &)+ 456!(&#+ dedication in October 2011. The museum will begin the celebration with a number of new exhibits, followed by a published catalogue and a series of parties. The SDMA began as the College Art Gallery in 1964 as one large room (now known as the Alice and Horace Chan­ dler Gallery). Neil C. Trager, the former director, was able to secure funds to build other galleries. In October 2001, the museum expanded from 3,000 to 9,000 square feet and all the galleries were opened to the public. “It’s a young museum,” said Sara Pasti, the Neil C. Trager director of SDMA. “Since we can’t create our niche on historic art, we can create one with contemporary artists. 7/"+89:,4)+;&##"1+(,+6##":+3('/+&%'(,',<+=4+-..+1"&%,+5%4>+ now, we will have an exemplary amount of work.” The museum began its celebration with an unveiling of the new Dorsky logo on Feb. 11. According to Pasti, they based the logo off the new SUNY New Paltz logo revealed last year. The Dorsky decal shows the same outline of the mountains, the silhouette of the Atrium with an additional capital “D” slanted on its side. “The Dorsky” is imprinted underneath the image. “We’re thrilled with it. Hopefully, over time we’ll be called The Dorsky, which is an easier way to refer to the museum,” said Pasti. Although Pasti has only been the director for two years, she said she is always thinking ahead. “This is the beginning of our next 10 year cycle,” said Pasti. “It’s given me a chance to look back at exhibitions and see the legacy my predecessors set up that I can bring forth to the future.” The Dorsky has also started to digitize their collections onto a website. Through, there are over 200 artworks featured from a collection of a variety of art mediums. In the fall, The Dorsky will have a physical exhibit to show the works going online. “We’re hoping that all 15,000 objects in the museum will be online in the next three years,” said Pasti. There will also be a catalogue published in June where people associated with the museum can write comments about The Dorsky and how much it meant to them, accord­ ing to Pasti. The catalogue will also list all of the shows done in the past 10 years and their highlights. The museum is currently focusing on the Hudson River


The celebration of The Dorsky’s 10th year will focus on the Hudson River heritage, artists and curators. heritage, artists and curators. The newest exhibit is Marco Maggi’s “From Huguenot to Microwave: New and Recent Works by Marco Maggi,” which is in the Alice and Horace and North Gallery until April 14. According to a New Paltz press release, Maggi’s “obsessively minimal yet coolly de­ '&(#":+ &%'34%?,+ &%"+ ,'9:(",+ ()+ @"%!"@'(4)+ '/&'+ %"A"!'+ $&!?2+ metaphorically and physically, on the viewer.” Along with exhibits continuing from 2010, other exhib­ its will open including “The Upstate New York Olympics: Tim Davis” through July 17 in the Howard Greenberg Fami­ ly Gallery and “Thick and Thin: Ken Landauer and Julianne Swartz” until Oct. 23 in the Sara Bedrick Gallery. =@"!(6!&##12+7/"+B4%,?1+(,+'%1()*+'4+54!9,+4)+34%?()*+ to get more student involvement. “Our biggest challenge is that we hope to bring students into the museum,” said Pasti. “We’d like to see the museum become part of their education and social life.” Recently, The Dorsky sent out a student­wide e­mail

Thursday, February 17, 2011

with a survey asking what people would want to see at the >9,"9><+ C&,'(+ ,&(:+ ,4>"+ *%"&'+ (:"&,+ 3"%"+ A43()*+ ()2+ ()­ cluding staying open later. “We’re always open for people proposing events,” said Pasti. Curator Brian Wallace said he encourages students to check out The Dorsky all­year round. “All year we’re going to be showing a variety of art­ work and people should poke their heads in pretty often because exhibits change every couple of months,” Wallace said. “I hope people will check our website frequently be­ cause we have a lot of events coming up involving comedi­ ans, a talk on the artist Marc Chagall and probably an event with the New Paltz cheerleading squad.” Pasti said she hopes that student groups will want to hold events in the museum. “It’s a place to go to get into another world,” said Pasti. “The value of art takes you out of your day­to­day life.”


The New Paltz Oracle

Leave It To Bieber



By Katherine Speller @,9.$]<0',*$^$

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LISTEN BRO with COHO’s Monday nights, 8 to 10 p.m. 1. “Mrs Robinson” - Simon & Garfunkel 2. “Stand By Me” - Ben E. King 3. “Michelle” - The Beatles 4. “Don’t Let The Sun Go Down On Me” - Elton John 5. “God Only Knows” - The Beach Boys


6. “Bed of Roses” - Bon Jovi 7. “American Pie” - Don McLean 8. “Maggie May” - Rod Stewart 9. “The Ballad of Billy the Kid” - Billy Joel 10. “Long Tall Sally” - Little Richard



The New Paltz Oracle TV REVIEW ;<8=8&>8?@=ABC&8D&?;@ABA:CBD

MUSICIAN OF THE WEEK: Ben Basile YEAR: Fifth MAJOR: Jazz Studies HOMETOWN: Wappingers Falls, N.Y.

Shed This ‘Skin,’ MTV


MTV’s “Skins,” which premiered ear­ lier this year, is a sexualized, hetero­sexist, Americanized, poor imitation of an inno­ vative British TV series. It shows no origi­ nality. For those foreign to British television, the original 2007 “Skins” is a series written by Bryan Elsley and Jamie Brittain about the lives of a group of high school friends. The fact that the American “Skins” comes up short is to be expected. America has a track record for adapting British tele­ vision and doing a poor job; “The Elev­ enth Hour” and “Life on Mars” are both examples. The only exception to the rule that I can think of is Showtime’s “Queer as Folk.” Advertisers don’t seem to favor the show either, mainly for its portrayal of teens engaging in sex and drug­use rather than the show’s lack of originality. Schick,

Subway, H&R Block, Taco Bell, Wrigley and GM have all pulled their advertising from the show. In the original “Skins” there is a char­ acter called Maxxie who is gay. Maxxie is treated no differently than the other charac­ ters, not even Tony, the high school “play­ boy.” I want to make it clear that Maxxie isn’t the “gay character.” He is a character who happens to be gay. In the American version, Maxxie is replaced with Tea, a lesbian cheerleader. A comment is made by one of the guys about “converting” her so that he could have a threesome with Tea and another girl. There is a double standard with les­ bian couples and gay couples in Ameri­ can society. Men don’t have (as much of) a problem with women being sexual with !"#$%&'(%)*&+$,-.*$&"#$/&012&("&3#!"45&6."&(7& two guys start kissing in front of them, they 012&("&2(*'.*"(1'4&8%9&(1&"#$&,-*$&!7&3:.$$%& as Folk,” they go out of their minds and

bash a guy with a baseball bat. This clearly says something about Americans and how they deal with modern issues in popular teen media. There needs to be a lesbian that straight men can sexu­ alize instead of a gay man. The original “Skins” didn’t cen­ sor words like “fuck,” nor did it treat the sexual material in the way that Hollywood does. The original showed the sexual sto­ rylines as more life­like and real. To put it simply, the British version was a drama and the American version is a soap opera for teens (and did I mention the acting is bad?). Remaking “Skins” with American ac­ tors was unnecessary. The original stands on its own. MTV should have just aired the original. If you are interested in watching “Skins,” please watch the British version. You will get much more enjoyment out of it than MTV’s.

What is your instrument of choice? Why? Electric Bass. I’ve always gravitated towards bass. I grew up listening to a lot of reggae and ska, and bass is very prominent in those styles. I guess the real reason would be because sophomore year of high school, my best friend started playing bass and then he gave up and I just took it – and then I fell in love.

Who are you currently listening to and who !"#$%&'"$(!)*$)*+'#*,#-. Jamiroquai, Marcus Miller and Hepcat. I’m heav­ !"#$!%&'(%)(*$+#$,-.$.%*$/(00.($.%*$.",1$2'%-$.%*$ soul. The Temptations and James Jamerson and Stevie Wonder. For reggae and ska: The Toasters, Mighty Mighty Bosstones and Jimmy Cliff.

What are you involved in on/off­campus that is music related? I play with several groups such as Quatrane and Liana & the Michaels. I run a jazz quartet call the Ben Basile Quartet (BBQ). My main group is In The Pocket, which I play with my twin brother Tony and we are a funk/soul/party/dance band.

What will you do with your degree? Immediately after school I plan on playing a lot and teaching privately. I really want to tour, of course. 345$6/#!%0$61$7%*$.$+.%*$3$).%$61'/$8!69:$;",1$81/-­ ing with Mike Marchese and Vince Tampio to play at resorts and on cruise lines. Grad school maybe in the far­distant future. Well, I’m really excited for 5#$,(%!1/$/()!6."$89!)9$8!""$+($1%$<.6'/*.#=$;>/!"$ 16 in Shepard Recital Hall. Check out video footage of Ben Basile playing bass at oracle. or scan the QR code with a free app on any smartphone!

Thursday, February 17, 2011


The New Paltz Oracle

This Week in

tHe Deep END DONALD HYATT Major: Visual Arts-Photography Year: Second-year transfer Website:

“I tend to be more of a street photographer than anything else first. I would say that I am influenced by Robert Frank, William Eggleston, Henri Cartier- Bresson, along with other street photographers. Around the middle of 2010, I started to shoot models for the first time.”





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PHOTO BY STOCKTON PHOTO !"#$%#&"#'()%$*&%+",-#%$''-%"%.%/&0>"?&%7'#1(>%#$2&"-%1($'%$*&%A'#$#&"#'()%42'AA1(>%$*&?%$'%$*&%7"#$%#&&4%1(%$*&%$'32("?&($%5&B'2&%5&1(>%-('F-&4%'3$%1(%$*&%.%2#$%2'3(4% things well. 53$% '/&2"77% 1$% *"#% ('$% 5&&(% "(% 1##3&% "(4% K*&%+",-#%*"/&%"7#'%*"4%#'?&%51>%A7"6% By David Spiegel Contributing Writer | “We want to compete for the SU­ will be crucial at the end of the season. out of big man Daniel Olsen. After miss­ NYAC championship and get a home ='0F"A$"1(#% U"$$% V&/1(&)% +"221#% 1(>% $*&% .%2#$% #&/&(% >"?&#% ,1$*% "% -(&&% The Hawks Men’s Basketball team is >"?&C%G&%(&&4%$'%A7"6%2&"776%,&77%4',(% G1F*"24%"(4%:1F-%K"741%*"/&%"77%#*',(% 1(E326)% $*&% #&/&(0B''$% $*12406&"2% 1#% (',% bound for their second straight appear­ $*&%#$2&$F*C%H(F&%,&%>&$%1()%"(6$*1(>%F"(% >2&"$% 7&"4&2#*1A% "(4% *"/&% A7"6&4% $*&12% leading the team in rebounds and has be­ ance in the SUNYAC tournament. happen,” Nelson said. *&"2$#% '3$% $*1#% #&"#'(C% 9(B'2$3("$&76)% come one of their top scorers down the !"#$% #&"#'()% $*&% +",-#% $''-% "% .%/&0 This weekend’s losses cost the Hawks V&/1(&%#3BB&2&4%"%F'?A'3(4%B2"F$32&%1(% stretch. game losing streak into the postseason, a chance to host a SUNYAC tournament the Feb. 5 matchup at Buffalo State and K*&% $&"?% *"#% F7&"276% ?1##&4% F"A$"1(%% dropping them to the last seed in the game. '(76%2&$32(&4%'(%U'(4"6@#%7'##%$'%89:;% V&/1(&C%<#%#$"$&4%5&B'2&)%$*&6%*"/&%7'#$% tournament before being knocked out IG&%*"/&%"%A2&$$6%F'*&#1/&%>2'3A%$*"$% Oswego. The Hawks lost the game that four games in his absence, costing them 1(%$*&%.%2#$%2'3(4%56%&/&($3"7%89:;<=% ,"($#%$'%,1()J%:&7#'(%#"14C%IK*&6%*"/&% *&%,"#%1(E32&4%1()%"(4%*"/&%7'#$%$*&%$*2&&% a chance to host a SUNYAC tourna­ champion, Plattsburgh. After two home /&26%>''4%F*&?1#$26C%G&%,&2&%/&26%>''4% games since. The coach said the team has ?&($% >"?&C% K*&% 7'##% $'% W&(&#&'% XR0LL% losses last weekend, the team is on a 'BB&(#1/&76% 1(% $*&% .%2#$% LM% '2% LN% >"?&#% ?1##&4%V&/1(&%"(4%(&&4&4%*1?%5"F-%'(% 1(% 89:;<=Y% '(% 8"$324"6% "B$&2(''(% .%/&0>"?&%7'#1(>%#$2&"-%,1$*%$,'%>"?&#% "(4%*"/&%5&&(%"%$'A%#F'21(>%$&"?)%#F'20 the court. Nelson admires his captains’ showed a cold Hawks’ offense. Third­ to go, both on the road. 1(>%1(%$*&%?14%$'%*1>*%OMP#CJ *"24%,'2-)%53$%&TA7"1(&4%$*"$%$*12406&"2% 6&"2% G1F*"24% #F'2&4% *1#% L)PPP$*% A'1($% Head Coach Dagan Nelson said the K*&%+",-#%,&($%Q0R%1(%S"(3"26%,*17&% >3"24%8*"2&&B%K"67'2%*"#%2&"776%#$&AA&4% 1(% "% +",-#% 3(1B'2?% 1(% 8"$324"6@#% 7'##)% $&"?@#% >'"7% $*1#% #&"#'(% ,"#% $'% 1?A2'/&% students were home for winter break. *1#%>"?&%3A%7"$&76C "% F2&41$% $'% *1#% 1?A2&##1/&% F"2&&2% #'% B"2% B2'?%7"#$%#&"#'(C%D/&(%$*'3>*%$*&6%*"/&% K*&6%*'A&4%$'%#"/&%$*&12%5&#$%5"#-&$5"77% IK"67'2% 1#% '32% 5&#$% "$*7&$&% "(4% *"#% here at New Paltz. The team has had its 5&&(% .%>*$1(>% $*2'3>*% 1(E321&#)% $*&% $&"?% B'2%$*&%.%("7%#$2&$F*%'B%>"?&#C%%:&7#'(%&T0 been the best all­around,” said the coach. ups and downs this season and is cur­ *"#% "72&"46% ?"$F*&4% $*&12% '/&2"77% "(4% A7"1(&4%$*"$%$*&%$&"?%*"#%1?A2'/&4%1(%2&0 K"67'2%*"#%7&4%$*&%$&"?%1(%#F'21(>%"(4% 2&($76% '(% $*&12% 7'(>&#$% 7'#1(>% #$2&"-% 'B% conference win totals from last season. 5'3(41(>%"(4%$*&12%4&B&(#&%*"#%1?A2'/&4% is second in rebounding in conference $*&%6&"2C%K*&%+",-#%,177%(&&4%$'%.%(4%$*&% Nelson said that there is a small mar­ B2'?%7"#$%6&"2)%53$%'/&2"77%1$%F'374%5&%5&$0 A7"6C%:&7#'(%#"14%*&%*"#%#$"2$&4%.%2#$06&"2% .%2&%">"1(%5&B'2&%$*&%#&"#'(%&(4#%"(4%>'% gin between winning and losing and the $&2C%+&%"7#'%&TA7"1(&4%$*"$%$*&%$&"?%*"#% >3"24%K"67'2%8',"*%"$%A'1($%>3"24%7"$&76% into the SUNYAC tournament with con­ team needs to keep doing all the little *"4% #'?&% B'37% #*''$1(>% $2'357&% 7"$&76)% $'%>&$%*1?%A7"61(>%,1$*%?'2&%F'(.%4&(F&C% .%4&(F&%"(4%?'?&($3?C



The New Paltz Oracle

Pg 12

Wellness and Recreation Events and Activities THURSDAY: 2/17 THURSDAY: 9/30

FRIDAY: 2/18

MONDAY: 2/21



11 a.m. ­ Yoga with Sara 12 p.m. ­ Cycle with Corinna 4:30 p.m. ­ Zumba with Amanda 5:30 p.m. ­ Yoga with Lana 6:30 p.m. ­ Dance Groove with Elisa 7 p.m. ­ Cycle with Courtney 7:30 p.m. ­ Turbo Kick with Emily 8:30 p.m. ­ Belly Dance with Amy

12:30 p.m. ­ Cycle with Courtney 4 p.m. ­ Total Body Works with Cat

12 p.m. ­ Cycle with Corinna 12:30 p.m. ­ Yoga with Sara 5 p.m. ­ Cycle with Briana 5:30 p.m. ­ Yoga with Lana 7 p.m. ­ Cycle with Lauren 7:30 p.m. ­ Yoga with Michelle C.

12:15 p.m. ­R.I.P.P.E.D with Corinna 5:30 p.m. ­ Cardio Martial Arts with Jess and Yoga with Elisa 7 p.m. ­ Cycle with Brianna 7:30 p.m. ­ Zumba with Amanda

11 a.m. ­ Yoga with Michelle C 12:30 p.m. ­ Pilates with Molly 5:30 p.m. ­ Yoga with Lana 6:30 p.m. ­ Zumba with Michelle 7 p.m. ­ Cycle with Steph 7:30 p.m. ­ willPower & Grace with Michelle H



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Mike Van Tyne

Thursday, February 17, 2011 new paltz


The New Paltz Oracle

Pg 13


Czech Mate: Chleboun Sets Up Stateside


Jakub Chleboun (no. 13) transferred from the Czech Republic to play volleyball for the Hawks and his recent play have been a driving force in the Hawk’s SUNYAC dreams.

By Andrew Wyrich Sports Editor |

In his native country of the Czech Re­ public, Jakub Chleboun would spend hours practicing his passion – volleyball. Chleboun, who is a transfer­student playing for the Men’s Volleyball team this season, has been a top performer for the Hawks and hopes to be an integral piece in their quest for a spot in the SUNYACs. “I love volleyball,” Chleboun said. “In general, if I am passionate about something, I try to do it a lot.” Chleboun currently has 20 kills this season, is sixth on the team in blocks and currently averages just under a kill per set. Chleboun also averages 0.64 digs per set and is one of the Hawk’s top players on de­ fense. Chleboun came to SUNY New Paltz as part of an exchange program, after be­ ing chosen to transfer as part of a program at Charles University in Prague. Chleboun said he had wanted to visit the United States before he graduates and begins to work full time, so the decision to spend a semester

playing volleyball was easy. After exchanging e­mails with Head Coach Radu Petrus over the past months, Chleboun came to New Paltz on Jan. 19 and began practicing soon after. In the Czech Republic, Chleboun played for many teams and his home club is now SK Dansport Praha. Chleboun was also part of the Junior Extraleague Champion­ ship team on USK Praha in 2006. “There are a lot of fond memories,” Chleboun said. “It had always been my dream and it came true.” In the team’s short season, Chleboun has helped the team win in many ways. On Feb. 11, Chleboun scored a New Paltz ca­ !""!#$%&$'(%("')*%(+,'-(.'$-.'/0"'.%&,'%('+$"' team’s win against Medaille College during the Nazareth Tournament. Chleboun followed his strong perfor­ mance in the Nazarath Tournament by scor­ ing 7.5 points in each of his last two games. After only scoring two and a half points in $%,' /!,+' 1*2!' 3-+4$",5' 6$7"8*2(' $-,' -0"!­ -&".'9:;')*%(+,'*0"!'$%,'7-,+'/0"'&-3",:' As a setter in the Czech Republic,

Chleboun said he was involved in every play and enjoyed it, but has noticed many differences in the rules of the game in his short time in New Paltz. According to Chleboun during games in the Czech Republic, if the ball hits the ceiling during the match the game ends and instead of 15 switches allowed during a set,

Thursday, February 17, 2011

only six are allowed. While Chleboun primarily played setter while in the Czech Republic, Petrus said that he has been playing outside hitter this sea­ son because of his ability to handle the ball. “He is a positive player on the court,” Petrus said. “He helps the team win. That is a big part of Jakub.”

The New Paltz Oracle


Pg 14

Tennis Champions Honored

%=Y\6\%U\H]68GI%\B%<8M%=VX6^%G=\]6G%N<B\]DV6N\< %%%%604%M/:4-E#%64--,#%64):%()#%7434-$*'%0/-/749%/-%B7,9)'C%B4&5??%1/7%$04,7%GH<IVU%U0):J,/-#0,J5 ).),-#$%GH<I%F7/3+J/7$5 “I’m really happy right now,” said Scha­ have their own arsenal of talent which they By Cat Tacopina “It’s great exposure for the program,” 7)5%KN$%#$,**%144*#%*,+4%Q(,--,-.%$04%3/-1474-34% hope will get them their goal of making it Copy Editor | J)#$%$04%27#$%7/"-9%/1%$04%30):J,/-#0,J#5%604% There are two things a person can instant­ said Bruley about being honored in front of 30):J,/-#0,JR%!"#$%0)JJ4-49%'4#$479)'5O $04%3):J"#5%K64--,#%$7)9,$,/-)**'%,#%-/$%/-4%/1% After the ceremony, the team stood for team has a myriad of talent within its roster, ly learn about Tennis Head Coach Rob Bruley $04#4%0,.0LJ7/2*4%3/**4.,)$4%#J/7$#C%#/%(4E74% pictures and was congratulated by family ,-3*"9,-.% GH<IVU% DZ=% G30)7)% )-9% X,-9­ !"#$%&'%()*+,-.%,-$/%0,#%/12345%604%27#$%,#%$0)$% ;47'%1/7$"-)$45%M4E74%/-4%/1%$04%1/7417/-$%J7/­ :4:&47#%$0)$%3):45%604%4;4-$%()#%#/:4$0,-.% say Garyn, both of which will be graduating Bruley is a man who deeply loves his home grams in the department and over my 14 years that the players’ families were very excited )$%$04%4-9%/1%$0,#%'4)75 3/"-$7'%/1%8-.*)-95%604%#43/-9%,#%$0)$%04%,#% NE;4%&44-%0474%(4E;4%0)9%:)!/7%#"334##5O )&/"$5 Another key factor for the Hawks will )%:)-%(0/%0)#%)-%,-2-,$4%):/"-$%/1%*/;4%)-9% Bruley looked on with pride as each of “I think it’s a great idea,” said Synda &4%$04,7%):/"-$%/1%304:,#$7'5%W4#J,$4%$04%1)3$% pride for every tennis team he has coached at 0,#%J*)'47#%(474%)--/"-349%)-9%0)-949%P/(­ M,**)-9C%27#$L'4)7%:4:&47%G0)7'34%M,**)-9E#% that tennis isn’t necessarily a team sport, the <4(%=)*$>%#,-34%0,#%27#$%'4)7%,-%?@@A5% However, one of the teams that he will 47#%9"7,-.%$04%3474:/-'5%604%#0,-,-.%:/:4-$% :/$0475%K64--,#%,#%)%#J43$)$/7%#J/7$C%)-9%0);­ $4):%,#%4[$74:4*'%3*/#4%/-%)-9%/11%$04%3/"7$5% never forget however is this past season’s came when fourth­year captain Stephanie ing a large attendance here at the game to see Not only does Bruley explain this, but the pic­ $"74#%/-%$04%()**%/1%0,#%/1234%#47;4%)#%$4#$)­ squad which was just recently honored on Schara was given the SUNYAC Tennis Con­ $04%$4):%0/-/749%*,+4%$0,#%,#%/"$#$)-9,-.5O 1474-34%$7/J0'5 M0,*4% $04% -,.0$% ()#% )% K.74)$O% ()'% $/% :4-$5 B7,9)'C%B4&5%??%)$%$04%D4-E#%F)#+4$&)**%.):4% close the chapter on the 2010 fall tennis sea­ K\0% 942-,$4*'C% N% $0,-+% $0)$E#% /-4% /1% /"7% son, the team is already preparing for their :)!/7% #"334##4#% 0474CO% #),9% F7"*4'5% KV**% /1% spring season which will include a trip to the my teams have been like that…they’re always ST??% <UVV% W,;5% NNN% U0):J,/-#0,J#5% 604% around each other, some room together and team will be facing competitors from schools #/:4% *,;4% $/.4$0475% 604'E74% ;47'% #"JJ/7$,;4% 10% OFF WITH STUDENT ID #"30%)#%M4**4#*4'%U/**4.4C%M,**,):#%U/**4.4% of each other, not just in playing but academi­ )-9%HD)##%V:047#$5 3)**'%)#%(4**5O “I think a national title is a bit beyond Though the NCAA championships are a us at the moment,” said Bruley when asked long way’s away, the team is already prepar­ OUR DAILY SPECIALS ARE ON OUR if he thought any of his players could win a ,-.%1/7%(0)$E#%$/%3/:45 WEBSITE -)$,/-)*%30):J,/-#0,J5%KM4E74%,-%)%;47'%$,.0$% “I’m feeling good about it,” said Scha­ situation in the fact that the Northeast is the ra when asked about the team’s start of the WWW.MEXICALI‐BLUE.COM hardest tennis region in the country believe it spring season and eventual trip to the national /7%-/$5%N$E#%.74)$%$/%&4%743/.-,>49%,-%$04%$/"7­ 30):J,/-#0,J#5%KM4%!"#$%#$)7$49%3/-9,$,/-,-.% CHECK US OUT ON FACEBOOK nament and be able to be playing against these and we have a lot of tough matches coming teams who really are on par with Division I "J5%M4E74%74)**'%!"#$%0/J,-.%$/%.4$%$07/".0%$04% 845‐255‐5551 27#$%3/"J*4%/1%7/"-9#C%)-9%N%$0,-+%(4%:)'%&4% $4):#5O M0,*4% 3/:J4$,-.% ).),-#$% #/:4% /1% $04% )&*4%$/%9/%,$5O WE ACCEPT HAWK DOLLARS! &4#$%#30//*#%(,**%&4%9,123"*$C%$04%X)9'%Y)(+#%

Thursday, February 17, 2011

The New Paltz Oracle


Who’s On Second?

setbacks in his young career. Last spring, the 678'&!/8*)2#0!"#")!$&2#$*#(&#$%&#-#/"$#(!"&+&.# for the Mets, but sprained his knee and lost the 9:&.5.;#4!'#<*(#$*#=5,&#>!?*("#!.2#&@&.$A8 !))'#$%&#1A))8$5+&#<*(#$*#$*:#:/*":&?$#B,&#4!@5"C# D%&.E#!1$&/#/&!)5F5.;#-#/"$#(!"&#0!"#.*#)*.;&/# an option, the Mets moved Murphy to second base. Adding to his misfortune, Murphy tore his MCL in his right knee while turning a dou­ ble play. That being said, Murphy is no stranger to solid hitting. He led the Mets with 12 home runs in 2009 and certainly has the focused men­ tality that endears him to coaches. He also has hit throughout the lineup and could be a solid number six or seven hitter or even possibly in Now that pitchers and catchers have re­ the second slot. Ultimately, Murphy’s playing ported to Port St. Lucie, the stories Mets writ­ ers cover will change from trades and rumors to $5+&#05))#(&#2&$&/+5.&2#('#%5"#!(5)5$'#$*#-#&)2# predictions and position battles. The Mets have his position. There is no question that Murphy will knock in runs and be a serviceable hitter, an unusual amount of uncertainty surround­ but his future as a regular player depends on ing them this season, from the left­hander in the Mets ability to watch his less than graceful the bullpen to the lefty off the bench, and this defensive play over the next year. spring promises to showcase various players Next on the list to land the starting job is !"#$%&'#(!$$)&#$*#+!,&#$%&#-#.!)#/*"$&/#0%&.#$%&# Luis Castillo. Castillo was almost a non­factor team heads north this April. towards the end of the season and unless he is The Mets’ vacant second base job high­ lights this uncertainty and will be the center of spectacular this spring, will likely be a non­ factor again. Unless he can magically regain much debate as the spring season opens. Cur­ the combination of speed, contact, gold glove rently, there are three to four candidates who will be vying for the starting job. They include -#&)25.;#!.2#$%&#!(5)5$'#$*#$!,&#:5$?%&"#$%!$# made him the perfect No. 2 hitter he once was, $%&#1*/+&/#)&1$#-#&)2&/3-#/"$#(!"&+&.#4!.5&)# Castillo will either be released or will take up Murphy, infamous Luis Castillo, the unknown a roster spot coming out of camp. Fortunately, (and likely irrelevant) Justin Turner and the Castillo’s contract mercifully ends this season wildcard – Brad Emaus. and his reign of terror at second base will end. Murphy, the man I defended last offsea­ It would shock me if Castillo is the starter on son, remains one of the favorites to land the 9:&.5.;#4!'#!.2#5$#5"#(&?*+5.;#5.?/&!"5.;)'# job. Murphy, who seems to have the worst likely that Sandy Alderson and his brain trust luck among current Mets, has had his share of



will cut ties with him before Spring Training is over. The one player I can’t really understand being taken seriously as a candidate is Justin Turner. Turner, who was claimed by the Mets off waivers from the Orioles in May, was added to the roster late last season. Turner doesn’t have any outstanding qualities as a player and projects, at best, to be a “25th man” kind of :)!'&/#0%*#?!.#-#))#5.#51#!("*)A$&)'#.&&2&2C# G5+5)!/#$*#DA/.&/#5"#1*/+&/#H*"#I.;&)&"#4*2;8 er Chin­lung Hu. Hu was acquired by the Mets this offseason for a low level minor league pitcher. Hu has torn up minor league pitching !.2#0!"#*.?&#!#$*:#:/*":&?$#5.#$%&#4*2;&/J"# system. However, his ability to crush minor league pitching has not translated at the major league level. Hu is also out of minor league options, which means if he does not make the 25 man roster this spring he will have to pass through waivers before he can be sent down to AAA Buffalo. In essence, it appears that if Hu does not make the team his Met career will be short. D%&#-#.!)#?*+:&$5$*/#1*/#$%&#<*(#5"#K+!A"C# Emaus, who was plucked from the Toronto L)A&#>!'"#5.#$%&#MA)&#7#4/!1$E#5"#!#6N8'&!/8*)2# 5.-#&)2&/#05$%#"$/*.;#:)!$&#25"?5:)5.&C#B1#I)2&/8 "*.E#O!A)#4&O*2&"$!#!.2#>COC#M5??!/25#@!)A&#*.8 base­percentage and ability to take walks, then Emaus is certainly their kind of player. Besides the fact that if Emaus does not make the 25­ man roster coming out of camp, the Mets need to offer him back to the Blue Jays, Emaus has moderate power and could be a bargain pickup for the Mets. Emaus hit .290 with 15 home runs and 61 RBI’s last season between AA and AAA


Thursday, February 17, 2011

Pg 15

in the Blue Jays system and has a tendency to avoid strikeouts and take walks, which makes him a cheaper, younger and more powerful version of Castillo. A lot of buzz, whether it be warranted or unwarranted, has surrounded Emaus since his drafting and with an ally in M5??!/25#5.#$%&#1/*.$#*1-#?&E#5$#0*A)2#!::&!/# that he is an early favorite to land the job. I think drafting Emaus was an interesting and baseball­savvy move by Alderson and Co. this offseason and I expect him to be a solid player for the team going forward. 9@&/!))E#$%&#-#.!)#*A$?*+&#*1#$%5"#:*"58 tion battle will come down to performance this spring. Looking at the battle now, it appears the real competition will be between Emaus and Murphy, with Turner being an after thought and Castillo needing a truly remarkable spring to be in the discussion. If I had to pick a starter at this point, I would go with Emaus, with Murphy serving as a super­utility player off the bench while being insurance in case Emaus fal­ ters.


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Jakub Chleboun Helps Hawks Spike Opponents

Women’s Tennis Awarded For Season PAGE 14








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