The New Paltz Oracle, Volume 82, Issue 16

Page 1


Volume 82, Issue XVI

Thursday, March 17, 2011

VILLAGE VOICES Locals Vie for Spots on May Election Ballot SEE STORY ON PAGE 6,7 EDITORIAL ON PAGE 9



New Paltz Students Take Budget Concerns to Albany at SUNY Palooza


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The New Paltz Oracle

Pg 3

Residents Revisit Noise Ordinance By Cat Tacopina Copy Editor |

A split number of residents, students and landlords for and against the changes to the Village’s Noise Or­ dinance law attended the Village of New Paltz meeting on Wednesday, March 9. While some members of the community said they !"#$%&'('$)*$+$"''#$,-($+$"-)*'$-(#)"+".'$)"$+$.-//'0'$ town, others said they believe that there is no room for the law and that it is “massively oppressive.” Initially, students at the university said the noise ordinance law was infringing upon their rights as col­ lege students as the current noise ordinance can hold students responsible for yelling out and shouting, among other noises, between the hours of 11 p.m. to 7 a.m. However, one of the major concerns brought up at the recent meeting was the effect of the ordinance on landlords. The current ordinance can have landlords 1+2$+$!"'$),$%&')($('*)#'"%*$+('$%--$"-)*2$#3()"0$%&'$/+%'$ hours of the night. A number of landlords voiced their concern and disapproval of this. “I’m a landlord in New Paltz, I’ve had a lot of tenants,” said Lenny Loza, one of the landlords who spoke at the meeting. “I don’t want to have to close my windows, I don’t like to be woken up at three or four in the morning when students are walking down the street in a drunkenly or disorderly fashion. It’s a problem...I don’t think it’s fair to punish landlords over something they aren’t responsible for.” Those who attended the meeting were given a des­ ignated three minutes to speak at the beginning of the meeting so that they could share their opinions and concerns over the law and the revisions that could be made. The landlords of New Paltz and other residents at the meeting discussed the possibility of new policies regarding open windows. Several people said there would an issue in regards to keeping windows open during the warm weather and not being “judged” if they were to have said windows

open. People who oppose the noise ordinance said they would support the new law if a chance such as that was made. Police called the law “unenforceable,” which has caused residents to revisit the ordinance. Attendees gave hypothetical scenarios of what happens during high­noise level situations, including cases where stu­ dents spend two loud minutes walking past someone’s house in a drunken manner. They said while they wake everyone in the house up, they are only in the immedi­

“Every law targets people; I don’t think this law targets students or renters. It targets people who make unreasonable noise at unreasonable time of day” — Carol Johnson

ate area for a couple of minutes and are quickly gone. 4"$ %&)*$ .+*'5$ %&'('$ )*$ "-%$ '"-30&$ %)6'$ ,-($ 1-/).'$ -,!­ cers to reprimand these students and more than enough time to anger sleeping residents. While some said this is a “very real, very serious” issue voiced by those in attendance at the meeting, there was still a large faction of people who remained !(6/2$+0+)"*%$%&'$/+78 “I don’t see any room for this legislation,” said Groovy Blueberry Co­Owner Jonathan Cohen. “I’ll make it very clear; I think it is anti­student and anti­ landlord because it places the burden on the landlord who did not cause this problem.” Many students also voiced their opinions at the meeting. Students who spoke were mainly against the

harsher points of the law and said that they felt they were the main target of the law. Some also said that they should not just be considered students, but mem­ bers of the community as well. “I’m a student at the college, but I’m also a mem­ ber of this community for the next two years until I graduate,” said second­year English major Andrew Wilchak. “This town has been a college town since the 1800s, it’s to be expected that there is to be a culture of college students who are bound to act a certain way... If you want to change the culture of students in this town and the way members of the community interact with one another, putting one group at fault is the absolute wrong way to do it.” Others at the meeting made it clear that this is a law that is not attempting to target students, but rather %&'$1'-1/'$7&-$!"#$)%$!%$%-$6+9'$"-)*'$+%$/+%'$&-3(*8 “Every law targets people; I don’t think this law targets students or renters. It targets people who make unreasonable noise at unreasonable time of day,” said Carol Johnson, a 54­year resident of New Paltz. “I’m here to speak for the little children, for the three year olds who get [woken] up at night and hear disgusting language coming out of the people walking home at night, not considering the neighbors whom they are waking up. I’ve lived in the same house for 54 years. I grew up here and I see the changes of the level of noise here in New Paltz…When is it going to stop when peo­ ple are able to get a decent night’s sleep?” Ellen Rocco, one of the village members who has worked on the ad hoc committee that initially came up with the noise ordinance stressed that, “We have 7-(9'#$ :'(2$ &+(#$ -"$ %&)*$ +#$ &-.5$ ;3%$ 7)%&$ -,!.)+/$ standing committee, to draft a noise ordinance that would be fair to everybody. It has been approved by the village attorney. It was determined that the current noise ordinance was unenforceable. All we’re asking is for some basic civility so we can all, students, resi­ dents, renters, owners and whoever can live comfort­ ably in New Paltz. If there need to be changes made, we’ll work them out.”

BFC Weekend Goes On in Spite of Vacancies By Pamela Vivanco News Editor |

Budget and Finance Committee (BFC) weekend will still take place even if the two seats designated for student senators remain vacant on April 1. BFC weekend is the time designated for the committee to make decisions and plans for next year’s budget that supports clubs and organizations funded by the Student Activity fee. Even though the Student Association

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and three student senators. Sen. Rose Faber, also a BFC member, said that even though BFC is an important committee to sit in, a lot of student senators haven’t joined because the committee’s meet­ )"0$%)6'$.-"?).%*$7)%&$%&')($*.&'#3/'*8$ “I don’t feel that it’s not that they don’t care,” she said. “It’s just a busy day for them.” Kouyo agreed with Faber and said that a lot of student senators are resident assistants or club presidents and don’t have the time to be a part of the committee.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Kouyo said he will continue to mention the vacant seats at senate meetings but can’t force anybody to join. Ultimately, Kouyo said BFC is running smoothly. “I like the way we work together,” he said. “We’re forming a good and strong team.” BFC weekend will begin on April 1. Kuouyo said all club presidents should go to Student Union 428 to get budget request forms for the 2011­2­12 year. Forms are due on March 30 by 5 p.m.

Pg 4


News Briefs

The New Paltz Oracle

Jam Asia Appeals for Funding

National U.S. life expectancy has hit another all­time high, rising above 78 years. The estimate of 78 years and 2 months is for a baby born in 2009, and comes from a preliminary report released Wednesday by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. ***** Boxing champ Muhammad Ali is ask­ ing Iran to release two American hikers held since 2009 on spy charges. Ali, arguably the most prominent U.S. Muslim, on Wednesday released to The Associated Press a letter he wrote to 2-=#+9+(/+1$+#(I<1)"//1*(I/%(6*19+­ nei in February. ***** Texas is changing one of the drugs used to conduct executions in the na­ tion’s busiest death penalty state due to a shortage of a sedative it’s used 4"#(&+1#/<()*#++($+!1$+2;("45!%1/2(21%$( Wednesday. Texas Department of J#%9%&1/(K-2)%!+("45!%1/2(21%$()*+<(=/1&( to substitute pentobarbital for sodium thiopental in the three­drug cocktail used for lethal injections. Pentobarbi­ tal, a surgical sedative, also is com­ monly used to euthanize animals and recently has been used for executions in Oklahoma.

International Briefs on Page 5

Jam Asia representatives appealed to the legislative body on Tuesday, March 15. By John Brandi Copy Editor |

The 51st student senate discussed an appeal process and the effects of SUNY Palooza at their general meeting on Tuesday, March 15. The legislative body heard an appeal from Jam Asia, a group that had already been through the Budget and Finance Committee (BFC) pro­ gramming twice to receive money from a pre­ap­ proved line item budget of $13,445 from last May. The club members said they weren’t asking “for a cent over” their pre­approved budget. Ac­ !"#$%&'( )"( )*+( ,-./%!( 0+/1)%"&2( 345!%1/( 6#%2)%&+( Rose, Jam Asia is an important cultural, informa­ tional and educational resource that spreads Asian culture to the community. Rose asked for four things: T­shirt money, videographer funding, money for Lemongrass catering and wristbands. “[Having] T­shirts, the videographer and wristbands are a major way of promoting our club,” said Rose. Videographer funding was denied complete­ ly from a pre­approved $1,500 and Lemongrass was cut from the pre­approved $1,000 to $600. 7+&8(7191&)*1(6"22%&(21%$()*+(!/-.(2*"-/$(*1:+( the “wiggle room of where they want to go.” Sen. Megan Grieco motioned to grant Jam Asia their $13,445, pre­approved from last May, and allow them to spend it on whatever they see 5);(.-)()*+<(9-2)(=#":%$+(1($+)1%/+$(2=+&$%&'(/%2)( to BFC. The legislative body approved this 11 to 1 with one senator abstaining. During the meeting, Student Association

President Jennifer Sanchez and Vice President of Programming Anthony Lino also presented their experiences at SUNY Palooza. “Every other SUNY school is watching, but )*+<>#+( ?1)!*%&'( @+?( ,1/)A( 5#2);B( 21%$( C%&"( %&( reference to the rally in Albany. Sanchez said those in attendance were asked to stop saying certain chants because they were deemed too political. Sanchez also said a poster was censored; it festured a picture of an apple representing education and Cuomo as the worm taking a bite. “We can’t be neutral. We can’t make a state­ ment if we’re being neutral,” said Sanchez. “I don’t want to be neutral.” 71&!*+A(21%$(5'-#%&'("-)(?*1)>2(&+D)(%2(%9­

Thursday, March 17, 2011


portant. She suggested sending local legislators +E91%/2( 1&$( 91F%&'( =*"&+( !1//2( )"( )*+%#( "45!+28( 7*+( 1/2"( .#%+G<( $%2!-22+$( H1<( "4( 01'+;( 1( #1//<( organized by CUNY students against budget cuts. “Democracy has changed, and it is no longer just voting,” said Sen. Alberto Aquino. Vice President of Academic Affairs and Gov­ ernance Caitlin Ryan said there will be a rally in New York City on Wall Street on Thursday, March 21 at 3 p.m. about the millionaire’s tax and the stock transfer tax. Two seats on BFC remain vacant and BFC weekend is April 1. The next general meeting of the student sen­ ate will take place on Tuesday, March 29 in Stu­ dent Union 418.

The New Paltz Oracle

NP Students Take Concerns to Capital By Zan Strumfeld A&E Editor |

Student Association (SA) President Jennifer Sanchez and Vice President of Academic Af­ fairs and Governance Caitlin Ryan had the same thing to say about SUNY Palooza on Tuesday: “It was beautiful.” “It was incredibly moving,” said Ryan. “It was really what it was meant to be. It was kind of crazy be­ cause it was a learning experience and we got to connect with so many different people.” After last week’s walk out and teach­in, SUNY New Paltz students and SA representatives gathered ideas and used them when they ap­ pealed to legislators to not cut fund­ ing for public education at SUNY Palooza, a day where students across the system lobbied in Albany, N.Y. Sanchez said approximately 40 students came in a bus and separate cars, many of which heard about the event after last week’s teach­in that focused on campus, state and national economic concerns. Although students from across the system came together for SUNY Palooza, Sanchez said the president of the SUNY Student Assembly “wasn’t very cooperative” with the group of New Paltz students. !"#$%&'#$'()$'#*&#)+$&*,',-.$()&$ voice and getting angry, but I said that wasn’t necessary,” Sanchez said. “Sometimes I feel that people have this fear of losing power. But they had no choice but to listen to us. /()0$(*+$#1$213)$14#$15$#(),&$15%2)'$ because our voices were reverberat­ ing off the walls.” Students from schools like Hudson Valley Community Col­ lege and University at Buffalo also came to Albany to lobby, according to Sanchez. She said they came with testimonials about how the budget cuts were affecting their personal lives and brought forth a resolution with a list of demands for deal­ ing with budgetary shortfalls being faced by schools across the state. Sanchez said the SUNY New Paltz representatives, the other par­ ticipating schools and non­students

Pg 5


News Briefs World Australia and Germany advised their citizens in Japan on Wednes­ day to consider leaving Tokyo and earthquake­affected areas, joining a growing number of governments and businesses telling their people it may be safer elsewhere. *****

Approximately 40 SUNY New Paltz students went to SUNY Palooza. PHOTO BY JONATHAN ESPINOSA tion Empowerment and Innovation began chanting throughout the event, and was denied, said Sanchez. “They said, ‘New Paltz hasn’t Act. Lino said he and other New as well as on their way through the legislative building. They were able been cooperating all day, you can’t Paltz students hope this idea does to give the list of demands to the speak,’” she said. “Quickly they saw not come back into conversations legislators, and SUNY New Paltz people’s reaction and they called among legislators because it would students gave them the manual used their E­board at Student Assem­ be unfair to students. bly and they were like, ‘Okay, you “Education is a right; it should at the teach­in. The lobbyers were in sup­ can speak.’ Eventually we found be free, and we shouldn’t have to port of the millionaire’s tax, which out afterwards that they are scared pay for tuition. This nation has more is directed to those that make over to upset the governor because the than enough money to aid health $200,000 a year. But according to Student Assembly is funded by the care, education, but we spent most of that money on war, gas, petro­ Sanchez, the state wants to either get governor.” SA Vice President of Program­ leum to control their success and rid of the tax or have only those that ming Anthony Lino, who also at­ the functions of their institutions,” make over $1 million pay it. “That means anyone who tended SUNY Palooza, said the he said. Ryan and Lino said SUNY makes $700,000, $800,000 doesn’t actions of the SUNY Student As­ have to pay it. That’s kind of ridic­ sembly members at the event were New Paltz was able to do a lot of 8)-)%2,*9$ -)#61&:,-.$ 6,#($ 1#()&$ ulous,” said Sanchez. “It’s on the disappointing. “They don’t keep the interest of schools and representatives, and back of the middle and lower class if the millionaires don’t pay. What New Paltz in mind and other SUNY they are looking forward to working they [the community voices] were schools,” he said. “They were very with new people to promote their arguing was that we know it’s not a political and not solution­oriented at ideas. For the future planning of ral­ budget crisis, it’s a revenue crisis. So all towards the event.” According to Lino, the SUNY lies and demonstrations, Sanchez it’s not that we don’t have the mon­ ey, it’s that they don’t want to charge Student Assembly was more pro­ said organizers need to discuss the the people that do have the money.” active about promoting the institu­ logistics of what happened at SUNY SA representatives who attend­ tion of rational tuition fee which Palooza and go forth from there. “The students and the youth ed the event said the New Paltz stu­ was what he said New Paltz students have the energy to really make this dents had a strong desire to be heard, 6)&)$%.(#,-.$*.*,-'#7 The proposition of institut­ a revolution and a movement,” said but that this energy caused problems ing rational tuition increases across Sanchez. “People are starting to with the Student Assembly. At one point in the day, Ryan the SUNY system was put forth in wake up, and it’s really very excit­ wanted to speak into a microphone the failed Public Higher Educa­ ing.”

Thursday, March 17, 2011

An American CIA contractor who shot and killed two Pakistani men was released from prison Wednesday and left Pakistan after more than $2 million in “blood money” was paid to his victims’ families, defusing a dispute that threatened an alliance vital to defeating al­Qaida and ending the Afghan war. ***** Premier Silvio Berlusconi has sat down with the enemy, telling an oppo­ sition newspaper that he is too old to have had all the sexual encounters he is accused of by Italian prosecutors. The 74­year­old faces trial in Milan next month over charges he paid for sex with a Moroccan minor and used (,'$,-;4)-2)$#1$#&0$21<)&$,#$4=7$>-$214&#$ +1243)-#'?$=&1')24#1&'$(*<)$,+)-#,%)+$ 33 women, including the Moroccan teenager, who allegedly prostituted themselves during parties at Berlus­ coni’s villa near Milan.

Compiled from the AP Newswire


Pg 6

The New Paltz Oracle

BREAKING DOWN Potential Village Government Candidates Come Forward

By Maxim Alter 8+.+'-.'(L1-#%4([(

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Thursday, March 17, 2011

,)($+1(+1)f&+#)(2+4N-.'7(,)(9%&"1(+##4+9#( +("%#(<%4)(2)%2")(#$+.(,)(9&44).#"6(1%?U R.(%41)4(#%(9%.3-1)4(#$)((9%.3%"-1+G #-%.(%>(#%,.(+.1(=-""+')('%=)4.<).#37( F%$).(3+-1($)(,%&"1(.))1(#%(N.%,(>%4( 3&4)(#$+#(-#(9%&"1(24%=-1)(4)+"(*).)/(#3? QR( ]&3#( $+=)( #%( *)( 3&4)( #$+#( )=G )46*%16( -3( #4)+#)1( >+-4"67U( $)( 3+-1?( QK)'+41")33( %>( ,$-9$)=)4( %.)(<)4')3(-.#%(#$)(%#$)4( J(#$)(#%,.(%4(#$)(=-""+')( J(-#X3(4)24)3).#)1(24%2G )4"6?U

PETE HEALEY ONE COMMUNITY PARTY 1%.)(#$+#(,)""?U !3(+.(+1=%9+#)(>%4(2&*"-9(+99)33(#)")=-3-%.(-.(#$)("+#)(a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

$%&3-.'7( 24%=-1)( +<2")( 32+9)( >%4( "%G 9+"(*&3-.)33)3(+.1(*)'-.(-<2")<).#G -.'(#$)(&3)(%>('4)).(*&-"1-.'(<+#)G 4-+"3?( QI$)4)X3(]&3#($&')(2%#).#-+"(#%( <+N)(^),(@+"#0(+(<%1)"(9%<<&.-G #67U($)(3+-1?(QI$)(]%*(%>('%=)4.<).#( J( #$)( ,+6( R( 3))( -#( J( -3( #%( $)"2( <+N)( 2)%2")X3("-=)3(]&3#(+("-##")(*-#(*)##)4( +.1(#$)4)X3(+("%#(%>(2%#).#-+"(#%( 1%( #$+#( )=).( -.( %&4( "-##")( =-""+')?U @AHIH(FH`KIL5d(P!FLEHHe HIALK5(H^(g7\(Ed(8!hR8(!YILK

The New Paltz Oracle


Pg 7


think positively, but when they are acting in local government, it ends !"#$%&'(#)$*!+#$&,-%.&'(#)'/#"%.0*')1#2#(3+045#03%#0)&/6#78#9)'+#+*#(%+#.&/# of all that, leave our baggage at the door [and] come in with a positive, *"%'#:&'/65 Basco said she hopes to strengthen the village’s core economy by facilitating a program to help local farms and businesses work symbioti­ cally. As police commissioner and the co­chair of the Environmental Task Force, Basco said she would like to see students receive college credit for

9*.-&'(#9&+3#+3%#;&11)(%#&'#)'#&'+%.'03&"#*.#2#%1/9*.-#".*(.):6 “It would be so easy to do and then it saves the village money be­ ,)!0%#+3%<#9*!1/#")<#1%00#&'#.%0%).,345#03%#0)&/6 When it comes to the noise ordinance, Basco said she hopes resi­ dents can work together to reach a compromise. 7=%*"1%#9)'+#+*#01%%"4#"%*"1%#9)'+#+*#").+<45#03%#0)&/6#7>%#03*!1/# $%#)$1%#+*#/*#$*+3#9&+3*!+#&'?.&'(&'(#*'#%),3#*+3%.65

Joining her husband Jonathan Cohen as a Groovy Blueberry candidate, Amy Cohen said she is running for an open trustee seat. If elected to the position, Cohen said she would like to end any separation that exists between middle­aged residents and students. “I’m a 43­year­old, and I enjoy college students mostly more +3)'#8#%'J*<#*+3%.#KLC<%).C*1/045#03%#0)&/6#78#%'J*<#1&;&'(#'%).#<*!'(# "%*"1%#)'/#$%&'(#).*!'/#).+&0+0#)'/#?.%%C+3&'-&'(#"%*"1%65

Cohen said she is against the noise ordinance, and those com­ plaining about late night sounds should either install an air condition­ &'(#!'&+#*.#:*;%#+*#)'#).%)#+3)+#&0#'*+#,*'0&/%.%/#7)#,*11%(%#+*9'65 In order to attract more visitors and help local businesses, Co­ hen said initiatives should be mapped out to increase the parking spaces available throughout the village. “I can’t tell you how many people I see drive through the vil­ 1)(%4#,)'F+#2#'/#)#").-&'(#0"*+#)'/#+3%'#1%);%45#03%#0)&/6#78+F0#)#.%)11<# $&(#".*$1%:65

Cohen said she wants to become a trustee because she has found herself not being able to rely on past village board members. “The word trustee means that <*!#,)'#+.!0+#0*:%$*/<45#03%#0)&/6# “And unfortunately, I’m not feel­ ing any of that – and it deeply ,*',%.'0#:%65#

Running with Jonathan Cohen in the Groovy Blueberry party, Emily Crocetti said she will be seeking a position as vil­ lage trustee in the upcoming elections. As a SUNY New Paltz alum­ nus, Crocetti said she wants to remove the stigma that students on campus are reckless. “Most students aren’t always look­

&'(#+*#(%+#9)0+%/#)'/#+3.*9#$%%.#$*++1%045#03%#0)&/6#7@A)'<B#9*!1/#:!,3# .)+3%.#3%1"#,1%)'#!"#+3%#;&11)(%#*.#3%1"#0%+#!"#1*,)1#,*::!'&+<#%;%'+065 As an undergraduate student, Crocetti said she felt an overwhelm­ ing sense that the campus community was on the outside and unwanted by residents of the town and village. When she began working at the Groovy Blueberry, she said she was treated as an equal and not looked down upon because of her status as a college student. If elected, Crocetti said she would attend Student Association meet­

ings to learn about important campus events and help to incorporate vil­ lage participation as often as possible. “I know there are a lot of conscientious people in the village who 9*!1/#1*;%#+*#$%#").+#*?#)11#+3%0%#+3&'(045#03%#0)&/6#7A)'<#"%*"1%#".*$C ably aren’t even aware of the amazing clubs on campus that could really $%#)#,**1#").+#*?#*!.#,*::!'&+<#3%.%#&'#+3%#;&11)(%65

+3&0#+*(%+3%.45#3%#0)&/6# Running alongside Pete Healey in the One Community party, Glenn said he is committed to the one government concept and the consolidation study that is currently in development. Glenn said he hopes to work with Healey because of his passion to make the village better. 7E%F0#'*+#+3%#+<"%#93*F0#/*&'(#+3&0#?*.#(1*.<#*.#"*9%.45#3%#0)&/6# 7E%#3)0#)#(%'!&'%#/%0&.%#+*#/*#0*:%+3&'(#?*.#+3%#,*::!'&+<65 Regardless of the consolidation study’s results, Glenn said town

and village government relations could be improved through more diplomat­ ic and respectful discussions. “I’m not naïve and nothing 3)""%'0# *;%.'&(3+45# 3%# 0)&/6# 78F:# hoping we can think of some intelli­ gent ways to work out issues so people always think this is a wonderful place +*#1&;%65


STEWART GLENN ONE COMMUNITY PARTY Vying for the open two­year trustee seat, Stewart Glenn said he has been a part of the New Paltz community since he was four years old. With his experience, Glenn said he hopes a spot in government 9&11#)11*9#3&:#+*#2#D#;&11)(%#$*)./#.%1)+&*'0#9&+3#;*1!'+%%.#(.*!"06# “We have the kind of folks in New Paltz that...would give their time to volunteer if they thought it was valuable and we were all in Formerly the school board president and president of Elting Library, Sally Rhoads will also be joining Healey on the One Community party ticket. Running for a four­year trustee position, Rhoads said there are many advantages to reorganizing village and town government. “Right now, we’ve got so

MARTIN SHEROW ONE COMMUNITY PARTY As a member of the One Community party with Pete Healey, Martin Sherow will be running for a four­year trustee position. If elected, Sherow said he hopes to improve the village’s infra­ structure. 7G3%#0&/%9)1-0#+3%0%#/)<0#).%#'*+#%;%'#3)'/&,)"#),,%00&$1%45#3%# said. “I watch women and men push their children in carriages on the .*)/#$%,)!0%#+3%<#".%?%.#&+#+*#+3%#0&/%9)1-65

:)'<#".*$1%:0#+3)+#9%#'%%/#+*#0*1;%45#03%#0)&/6#7G3%<F.%#'*+#;&1C 1)(%#".*$1%:0#*.#+*9'#".*$1%:0#H#+3%<F.%#,*::!'&+<#".*$1%:065 Because there are duplicate boards between both govern­ ments, such as the Town and Village Planning Boards, Rhoads 0)&/# &+# 3)0# $%%'# +**# /&?2#,!1+# +*# 2#11# "*0&+&*'06# E*9%;%.4# +3.*!(3# consolidation, she said manpower issues could be solved. According to Rhoads, consolidation efforts in the past were unsuccessful because people within the village felt they spent too much money and time in developing infrastructure to change. Sherow said he would like to see an improvement in the village’s sewer and water systems. I")+&)1#1&:&+)+&*'0#9&+3&'#+3%#2#.%#/%").+:%'+#).%#)10*#)#:)J*.#&0C sue he said he would work on if elected. 78+F0#)#$%)!+&?!1#;&11)(%45#3%#0)&/6#78+#J!0+#'%%/0#+*#$%#"&,-%/#!"# )'/#,1%)'%/#)()&'65 If an organization plan for unifying the town and village boards was put to a referendum and successfully voted upon, Sherow said more elections could be held for a new government.

Thursday, March 17, 2011



SALLY RHOADS ONE COMMUNITY PARTY But now that state law has allowed for different options – in­ cluding coterminous government – there will be more willingness from residents to look at the issue. “There are really good people in this community that truly ,).%45#03%#0)&/6#7>%#:)<#3);%#/&??%.%'+#*"&'&*'0#*'#,%.+)&'#&00!%04# but if we just sat down and discussed them, we’d realize we $*+3#9)'+#+3%#0):%#+3&'(#&'#+3%#%'/65 Because of this, he said not a sin­ gle candidate within the One Commu­ nity party is looking to complete any personal agendas, but would instead want to look at the community. “We’re asking to be elected to a job that we’re going to write ourselves *!+# *?45# 3%# 0)&/6# 78# /*'F+# +3&'-# <*!# ,)'#)0-#?*.#)#:*.%#3*'%0+#"*1&+&,&)'65


Running solo under the Positive Party, SUNY New Paltz alumnus Ariana Basco said she is vying for one of two available four­year trustee seats. After observing negativity within the community, Basco said she created her party to embody her ultimate goal as a village leader. “There are a lot of people who


Pg 8

The New Paltz Oracle

Earthquake in Japan Inspires Action

By Julie Mansmann 3*0."#/01/Y60&;$e$

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Thursday, March 17, 2011

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The New Paltz Oracle





By Jaleesa Baulkman Features Editor|

After a long winter, members of SUNY New Paltz’s faculty and students will come out of hibernation ready to pick up garbage and recyclables around campus. According to Assistant Vice Presi­ dent for Administration and Finance Michele Halstead, they are not doing this just for the sake of the campus’ ap­ pearance. “It’s about campus pride and really making a commitment to the place we live,” Halstead said. “I [also] thought it would be nice to say to our maintenance staff that we appreciate the work that [they] do every day.” The College Clean Up event, which was founded by Halstead, is implement­ ing its fourth annual campus­wide clean up to prepare for the spring season, on March 30. Some members of the college clean­ up committee include Executive Direc­ tor of Campus Auxiliary Services Steve Deutsch, the Director of Facilities Op­ erations Brian Pine and the Dean of the School of Business Hadi Salavitabar. Halstead said she came up with this idea in 2008 while she was walking across the campus to a meeting with for­ mer President Steven Poskanzer and As­ sistant Vice President for Facilities, John Shupe. While they were walking from JFT to HAB one of them picked a ciga­ rette­butt up off the ground and dumped it into a trash can. Halstead thought that this would be a great idea to get faculty and staff to go out and clean the campus. Halstead said the overall plan for this year’s event will be a lot like in years’ prior. Everyone participating in College Clean Up will meet in Student Union 62/63 where they will receive raf­ !"#$%&'"$(#)*+#,"#,-.'"*#/0#%*$.#1-./0(2# Refreshments are also provided in the conference room.

“We hand out bags, gloves and [gar­ bage] ‘grabbers,’” said Pine. College Clean Up occurs before Ac­ cepted Students Day, a day when admit­ ted students visit the SUNY New Paltz campus before they decide whether or not they want to enroll. Pine then sends the College Clean Up groups to those parts of the campus for about an hour. “This is similar to our own homes where every member of the family is supposed to clean up after him/herself even though the house gets clean by the parents and somebody on a regular basis,” Salavitabar said. “I believe our College Clean Up day brings our cam­ pus family together.” After picking up litter for an hour, participants leave the bags on the side of the road for the “ground folks” to pick up. The groups then return to the con­ 3"-"*&"#-..4#3.-#-"3-"(54"*$(#)*+#-)3!"# off T­shirts and baseball caps, Halstead said. This year, more than 100 faculty members and students are expected to participate in the College Clean Up. “Last year’s College Clean Up sign­ up sheet was well over 100 [partici­ pants],” said Halstead. “A lot of First­ Year Initiative students participate to get credit for community service and many athletes came out to clean up the athletic 6"7+28# The event has grown a lot since its %*&"0$%.*#%*#9::;2#<5"#6-($#)**/)7#=.7­ lege Clean Up event was on a weekend. That event only garnered 50 participants because many faculty members were not on campus and many students were probably still asleep from the night be­ fore, Halstead said. Since then, the College Clean Up has been moved to Wednesdays because faculty would be on campus and most students did not have classes on that day. Halstead said last year’s College Clean Up day was the “best day to be

College Clean Up prepares the campus for the spring season. PHOTO COURTESY OF NEWPALTZ.EDU out on campus.” There were also stu­ In RecycleMania, “results are mea­ dent tours going on, as well as baseball sured and compared to other schools,” games. Pine said. “[College Clean Up] is a col­ <5"#">"*$#%(#*.$#)367%)$"+#?%$5#@"­ lege­sponsored event.” cycleMania, Halstead said. However, Salvitabar said the College Clean committee members Pine and Kim Wel­ Up committee have established a tradi­ son, the assistant director facilities op­ tion on the SUNY New Paltz campus erations, are heavily involved with Re­ and they hope it continues. cycleMania. “I hope this event and tradition con­ According to Pine, RecycleMania tinues well beyond 10 years from now is a recycling tournament between col­ and into perpetuity,” Salavitabar said. “I leges and universities across the United will do my best to participate in it while States. I am here and after I retire.”

Thursday, March 17, 2011



Basco, Party of One


Ariana Basco wants to strengthen the village’s core economy and help integrate the SUNY New Paltz students into the community. PHOTO BY MAXIM ALTER By Pamela Vivanco News Editor |

As graduation approached in the spring of 2008 and plans to attend graduate school to become a philosophy pro­ fessor fell through, Town Police Commissioner and co­chair of the Environmental Task Force Ariana Basco said her only goal became to stay in New Paltz. Nearly three years later, Basco, from Astoria, Queens, is running for a four­year term on the New Paltz Village Board going solo under the Positive Party. Basco, who considers herself a “community organizer” and not a politician, said her choice of party has a lot to do with the foundation of her work. Aside from wanting to bring positivity into the New Paltz community, Basco also wants to run a positive cam­ paign. “A lot of people run slander campaigns and make them­ selves look good by making other people look bad and I don’t want to partake in any of those kinds of things,” Basco said, As village trustee, Basco wants to strengthen the vil­ lage’s core economy by making it more sustainable and fa­ cilitating collaboration between local farms and local busi­ nesses. As a SUNY New Paltz graduate, Basco also wants to help integrate the students into the New Paltz community and make them feel like they are a part of something bigger.

Even though politics were not a part of her life while studying philosophy at SUNY New Paltz, Basco said that !"#$"%&$'(&)(*#&+(&*',+%-&.'/(&/#&#$'&0%"1'(*"#.2&*$'&3%'!&*$'& could live in New Paltz “forever.” &45$'%&6&)(*#&7+#&$'('2&6&3%'!&6&8+1'-&"#29&*/"-&:/*,+;&46& just felt an energy in New Paltz that I really was receptive to. 6&<'8#&8"3'&6&,+08-&=+0("*$&$'('&"%&*+>'&!/.*&?0#&6&$/-&%+&"-'/& what I was going to do.” @<#'(&7'##"%7&$'(&)(*#&A+?&+0#&+<&,+88'7'&/#&B0%3"%&B+­ nuts on Main Street, Basco applied for a job as project coor­ dinator and community outreach director for New York Pub­ lic Interest Research Group (NYPIRG) at SUNY New Paltz, a job which she left less than a year ago. With NYPIRG, Basco said she was given the resources to be able to speak about the environment, a cause she had -'1'8+C'-&"%#'('*#&"%&#$(+07$+0#&$"7$&*,$++8;&B'*,("?"%7&"#&/*& “political boot camp,” NYPIRG was Basco’s introduction to politics, public policy, campaigning and community organiz­ ing, sparking her interest in local politics. “Basically, I realized my skill set…I realized that I’m good at bringing people together. I’m good at communicating these ideas,” she said. “I look at the people who are doing it and they’re not good at communicating these ideas so when I realized my skill set, it made me feel like there was a respon­

Thursday, March 17, 2011

sibility there to move into it.” Aside from NYPIRG, the police commission and the Environmental Task Force, Basco has worked and collabo­ rated with a number of clubs and organizations throughout the years, including Brook Farm Project, Climate Action Co­ alition of New Paltz, Family of New Paltz, New Paltz Green­ 5+(3*2&#$'&D'!&E/8#F&B'>+,(/#*2&#$'&5+(3"%7&G/>"8"'*&E/(­ ty, and the United University Professions union. Last spring Basco helped organize the Local Choice meeting which brought together local farmers with institu­ tional food service providers such as universities, hospitals and school districts in an effort to facilitate business relation­ ships that would link local institutions and local agriculture. The region’s beauty, mountains, rail trail and agricultur­ al richness has inspired Basco to stay in the community but the people of New Paltz are not far behind. “There’s an energy here. The people that are drawn here…they’re open­minded and eccentric and I really love them for that,” she said. “I feel like it’s the kind of commu­ nity where we have a lot of potential. There are all of these people with all of these skills and if we all come together, we could make something big happen.” Basco will be holding a campaign kickoff event at Oasis on March 29 at 10 p.m.


The New Paltz Oracle


Relaying For a Cure CANCER FUNDRAISER GROUP COMES TO NEW PALTZ By Katie Kocijanski Staff Writer |

The American Cancer Society has arrived on campus. Starting Saturday, April 9, Relay for Life teams will be participating in different activi­ ties across campus to raise money. According to the New Paltz Relay for Life website, 16 teams have registered for the event and $3,701 has been raised with 62 people chosen to help out the cause. “The Relay For Life at SUNY New Paltz is what we consider a ‘third party event,’ meaning it’s run exclusively by the students there,” said Anna Trocino, the event manager. The student committee, head­ ed by third­year childhood educa­ tion major with an English con­ centration Jessica Abrams, runs all of the events on campus. Abrams has two co­chairs working with her in addition to a committee of about eight de­ pending on the event. An a capella night was held at the Student Union last Sat­ urday, March 12 to raise money for Relay For Life. The event was co­sponsored by Saturday Nights at the Terrace. The week before the relay is what Abrams and co­chair, second­year journalism major with a concentration in Public Relations Elizabeth Pinto, calls “paint the campus purple week.” Planning meetings are held every Wednesday night at 8 p.m. in Student Union 414.

“ When

The relay race will take place in the Elting gym. Either side of the track will be taped down !"#!$%#&#""'(#)*!+,+!+%-#./0#1%'2"'3./*%-#4+55#6%# going on throughout the day. The Sexy Pitches, Absolut Acapella and the TBA Improv Troupe are scheduled to perform. “We also have our ceremonies which really are the core of the event,” said Abrams. “The lu­ minary ceremony is our way of honoring those 4$"#$.,%#5"-!#!$%#7#8$!9# .'%#-!+55#7#8$!+/8#"'#4$"# have beaten cancer.” Pinto said ideas for fundraisers come from the brainstorming ses­ sions of the committee. “If we don’t want to do it we assume others won’t want to do it ei­ ther,” she said. “Some­ times we base our events off of themes, like we did a Super Bowl party, and our kickoff had Hallow­ een decorations.” Although no of­ 7#*+.5# 2:/0'.+-+/8# 8".5# has been set for 2011, Abrams said they hope to beat last year’s total earnings of approxi­ mately $12,000. The top­earning relay team thus far is Rock ‘n Relay, which has raised $2,386 thus far. Six members make up the team. According to team Captain Da­ vid Manis’ fundraising page, he relays to learn about the different ways to make a difference in !$%#/%,%';%/0+/8#7#8$!#.8.+/-!#*./*%'(# “When someone is diagnosed with cancer, more than just the patient feels the pain,” Manis said. “The family, friends and local community members all share it together.” Manis individually has raised $1,651. More teams are still needed to sign up for the Relay. To sign up for the event or to donate, visit

someone is diagnosed with cancer, more than just the patient feels the pain”


Thursday, March 17, 2011

FAMILIAR FACES ...with Annie Yu

Danielle “Dani” Sansone Sales Associate at The Bookstore @ New Paltz, third­year early childhood education student with a concentration in Spanish

Annie Yu: What made you decide to come to New Paltz? Danielle Sansone: When I came here during Open House, I was really interested in the campus. It was a really pretty campus and people were really nice. It’s also one of the top SUNY schools for education. AY: What do you think of New Paltz so far and what’s your favorite thing about this school? DS: I like it a lot. My favorite part is that it’s very different from where I grew up, Northport, N.Y. New Paltz is really small compared to my town. It’s quaint and it has a lot of character. I love the main strip. AY: What’s your favorite thing about working at the bookstore? DS: The people that I work with. The entire staff is amaz­ ing. We’re like a family. We have dinners together and hang out after work. The managers are people I can talk to, kind of like parents away from home. I love meeting new people. AY: What do you do when you’re not working? DS: I hang out with my friends, go to town and occasion­ ally go to the mall. And I love movies, so I watch them a lot. My favorite movie is “Clue based off the game because it’s hilarious. I really want to watch “The Tree of Life” and I guess I’m a little excited for “Harry Potter.” And the new Bradley Cooper movie. I also observe at a special pre­school for autistic children and hearing and speech impaired kids. AY: What is your biggest fear? DS: Being buried alive. I thought about it when my dad was watching “Kill Bill.” She was buried alive and she had to dig her way out, which she did, but I don’t think I’d be able to do that. AY: What are your plans after New Paltz? DS: Grad school in the city for speech pathology. My ultimate goal is to open a nursery or pre­school for special needs kids and Spanish families since I speak Spanish.


The New Paltz Oracle LECTURE FEATURE

Demise of the Dinosaurs


The well­known theory about the extinction of dinosaurs is that an asteroid collided with the Earth and completely wiped them from existence. How­ ever Gordon G. Gallup Jr., a professor from SUNY !"#$%&'(#)*+,-.(/*).-($%($001.1*%$"(.-2*)&($.(.-2(3/.-( Evolutionary Studies (EvoS) Seminar on Monday, March 14 titled, “The Demise of the Dinosaur: A Bi­ otic Crisis or a Biotic Revenge?” During the continuing series developed by members of the EvoS Program, Gallup said there was evidence found that dinosaurs actually began to die off gradually over a period of 12 to 14 million years. This evidence led to the development of his theory that something else might have played a part in the extinction of dinosaurs. Abigail Kurtz, a fourth­year psychology ma­ jor and one of two EvoS assistants who helped co­ ordinate the seminar, said the series has provided a wealth of knowledge by featuring many speakers known for conducting research relevant to evolution. “The great thing about the EvoS lecture series is the variety of speakers invited and topics covered,” Kurtz said. “These speakers, who are experts in the 1%.2)014516"1%$)&(32"0(*/(27*"+.1*%'($)2(1%71.20(.*(*+)( campus to share their theories with students, faculty and community members.”

Sustainable solution #3: Support the Local Sustainable Agriculture Why is supporting local sustainable agri­ culture important?

Gallup said the lack of robust taste aversions were the contributing factor to the demise of the dinosaurs. In order to explain taste aversions to the audience, Gallup related it to a humans’ experience 81.-(-$%,*72)49.1."1%,(1.(.-2(:3)4.;0)+%<(6-2%*=­ enon.” This phenomenon states that humans develop a robust learned taste aversion even if they pass out before getting sick from drinking. Gallup said the taste and smell of what made humans sick will al­ ways cause nausea because the body will recognize it. However, the ability to drink other alcoholic bev­ erages remains unaffected. Gallup’s theory on the extinction of dinosaurs suggests that they were incapable of developing this learned taste aversion when it came to toxic plants or angiosperms. After awhile, they gradually became extinct because they ingested a lethal dosage of these plants. Some audience members wondered how car­ nivorous dinosaurs became extinct if they didn’t de­ pend on plants. “Well the carnivorous dinosaurs depended on the herbivorous dinosaurs,” Gallup said. “So if the herbivorous were being wiped out because of the lethal dosage of toxic plants, then the carnivorous dinosaurs were gone too.” From the beginning of the lecture, Gallup made an effort to engage the audience by using a cordless

produce once a week exists in New Paltz. Aside from that, there are farmer’s markets on and off campus and health stores that also sup­ port our local agricultural opportunities. Even though buying sustainable and organic foods isn’t the most affordable option for a student, supporting our local agricultural economy should be prioritized! Below are a few tips I gathered after talking to Krevsky and Brook Farm Project Farm Manager Jonathan Delura on supporting sustainable agriculture.

“Industrialized agriculture practices degrade the quality of our food, reduces the availability of jobs, and makes our food system unstable. Sustainable local agriculture, on the other hand promotes the local agricultural economy, and the health of individuals, a community and the planet.” What are some ways students can support ­Yael Krevsky, Co­president of Students for local agriculture? Sustainable Agriculture. 1. Buy from local businesses that collaborate New Paltz is a beautiful place full of opportu­ with local farms. For example, Health and Nu­ nities to buy and eat healthy and sustainable trition and Earthgoods have an organic and lo­ local food! Community Supported Agriculture cal selection of food. (CSA) which is a way for local people and 2. During farming season, purchase a farm businesses to form relationships with local share. Brook Farm project has a special fall farms, become shareholders and receive fresh 42=24.2)(*//2)(.-$.(#2,1%4(.-2(3)4.(822<(*/(42­

Gallop brought forth a theory for the demise of the dinosaurs. PHOTO BY MICHELLE FELICIANO microphone rather than remaining stuck to the podi­ was captivated by Gallup’s engaging personality and um. He also added a few jokes and humorous photos, his informative discussion with the audience. which resulted in sudden bursts of laughter from the “To me, his main hypothesis was that dinosaur audience. extinction isn’t just what you’ve learned from kinder­ Students lined up outside CSB 110 to get into garten,” Manders said. “It wasn’t as instantaneous as the reception after the seminar. EvoS Director Glenn we were taught.” Geher’s said he hoped students could use evolution Gallup said he hopes students will begin to as a powerful tool of understanding. think outside of the box instead of simply taking :>-14(8$4(%*.(*%"&(.-2(3)4.("25.+)2($#*+.(01%*­ someone else’s word. 4$+)4'?(@2-2)(4$10A(:#+.($"4*(.-2(3)4.(*%2(.*(#)10,2( “That’s the only way science will prog­ the gap between psychology and paleontology.” ress,” Gallup said. “Otherwise, people will con­ Students were eager to know more about Gal­ tinue to pursue the same questions that other peo­ lup’s theory and asked him questions at the end of ple have asked in the past. People should use their the lecture. Leah Manders, a fourth­year anthropol­ ability to ask new questions, all from different ogy major, said she enjoyed the lecture because she perspectives.”

mester and continues through Thanksgiving. 3. Become involved with the campus garden "*5$.20($.(32"0(B'(.-2(*%"&(4+4.$1%$#"2(4.)+5­ ture on campus. 4. Volunteer at a local farm. 5. Go to farm markets. During the farming season, there are farmer’s markets on campus. For local farmer’s market go to this link: WINTER_MARKETS.html 6. Continue to push for local and fresh produce, meat and dairy products on campus.



For more information on sustainable agricul­ ture, you can attend a Students for Sustainable Agriculture meeting on Tuesdays at 7:30 p.m. in the Honors Center, located in the back of College Music Hall.

Thursday, March 17, 2011


The New Paltz Oracle



By Jaleesa Baulkman Features Editor |

When Nicole Brinkley, Julia Fell and Megan O’ Con­ nor were told by a visiting speaker at their freshmen ori­ entation that they would never succeed if they did not take initiative and become leaders, they decided to form a club based on the one thing they liked doing: watching movies. The trio founded the Historical Film Society (HFS) a few weeks after the fall 2010 semester began. First­year !"#$%&'( )"*( +,-.")$%&/( /)+,.( 0.%"1$234( 5.&6732).( 6'2)6.2( arts major with a technical theatre concentration in costume *2&%#"(82$$()"*(5.&6732).(2*-9)6%,"(/)+,.(:%6'()(9,"92"­ tration in English, O’ Connor created this club because of 6'2%.($,;2(<,.('%&6,.%9)$(5$/&=( “In the beginning of the year, we saw how much we loved watching movies, especially historical ones,” said O’Connor. “We were like ‘why don’t we start a club?’ So

we did that.” for each meeting and takes care of the technical issues. Brinkley, Fell and O’Connor take care of all the E­ >%6'( )( ;).%263( ,<( 5$/&( )6( 6'2%.( *%&?,&)$4( @8A( &',:&( board duties. Brinkley attends the council of organizations /)"3( *%<<2.2"6( B%91&( *-.%"#( 6'2%.( :221$3( /226%"#&( <.,/( “Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl” to “Pride and Prejudice.” During the meetings, HFS shows a 5$/(6,(6'2%.(/2/C2.&()"*(6'2"(*%&9-&&2&(6'2(9,&6-/2&()"*( '%&6,.%9)$()99-.)9%2&(,.(%")99-.)9%2&(,<(6')6(5$/=( “Not everything is historically accurate,” O’Connor said. “Since we live in a visual kind of society, I feel as though people would rather see it acted out [on screen] than just reading [about] it.” HFS is for anyone with interest who wants a deeper )??.29%)6%,"(,<(/,;%2&=(A,/2(,<(6'2%.(-?9,/%"#(5$/&(%"­ cludes “Van Helsing,” “The Pianist” and “The Illusionist.” “There is a never­ending list of movies to watch,” meetings and handles the paperwork, Fell runs the Face­ O’Connor said. book site and keeps track of who comes to the meetings and HFS meets at 6 p.m. on Monday in Student O’Connor makes sure the E­board have the movies needed Union 409.

I feel as though people would rather see it acted out [on screen] than just reading [about] it”



Library Hours Reduced SOJOURNER TRUTH REDUCES HOURS DUE TO BUDGET CRISIS By Katherine Speller Copy Editor |

Sojourner Truth Library has been required to reduce their hours due to the recent budget cuts. According to the Library Dean Chui chun Lee, the li­ brary absorbed a 5.5 percent cut, roughly $135,000, by elim­ inating a staff position and can­ celing some journals and data bases. “The college is faced with )( &%#"%59)"6( C-*#26( &',.6<)$$4D( said Lee. “Each unit on campus has been asked to develop and implement cost­cutting mea­ sures.” This spring, the library had to make the reductions. A care­ ful review of library usage and attendance records indicated that Friday evenings and Satur­ day hours were the least busy library times. Eight hours from both days

were cut to minimize the im­ pact on students. “The library remains com­ mitted to its mission of provid­ ing a user­centered learning environment for students to study and faculty to conduct re­ search,” said Lee. The library continues to provide extended hours until 12:30 a.m. during midterm and 5")$( 2E)/%")6%,"( ?2.%,*&( )"*( there are also Late Night Study Room hours until 3 a.m. from Sunday through Wednesday. There are numerous library resources and services avail­ able online via the library web­ site. “The current budget crises are challenging for all of us.,” said Lee. “With diminishing resources, the library cannot continue to operate as it has in the past. My colleagues and I at the Sojourner Truth Library appreciate your understanding and support.”


Save Our Number Now! ______________________

1877 BASSO LAW FREE INITIAL CONSULTATION _____________________


Thursday, March 17, 2011


The New Paltz Oracle



‘I Am A Woman,’ Hear Me Roar


Second­year communications major Cinthia Pimentel founded The Warriors dance team last fall in hopes of creating something out of the ordinary. !"#$% "&% '($% $)*+'*#,% ,-"./+% 0%'% ($-% +'12$% "&% 34#5*#,6% 7*8$#'$2% didn’t want her team to do just one type of dance. She wanted instead to have all different types of dancers, to create a judgement and stress­ free zone. To emphasize this, she held a different sort of tryout. Dancers were allowed to do any dance they pleased. She said she didn’t want to “hold anyone back from their personal style, it’s not what you do, it’s how you do it.” Pimentel said The Warriors are a very different and diverse team. With 17 members of various ethnicities and an assortment of dance expertise, no one is the same. However, forming this team did not come without roadblocks. When she began, Pimentel said she held auditions for a month and gained only one member. She then advertised at the club involvement fair and garnered much more interest there. She also faced negativity from already existing dance teams. 9:% &$2'% ;$-1% 42"#$% 4'% 0%-+'<=% +($% +4*36% 97$"/2$% +4*3<% >?(1% 3"#@'% you just join this team? Why don’t you join that team?’ But that’s not

my style.” Eventually, the other teams realized and accepted that The War­ riors were real and now see them as a team. According to Pimentel, the other teams are very supportive and they have a great relationship with each other. “We all like to dance at the end of the day,” she said. “We just have two different points of view.” A(*+%-4//"-'%B$'C$$#%'$48+%C4+%4//4-$#'%*#%'($%?4--*"-+@%0%-+'% event, “I Am A Woman,” on March 10 in McKenna Theater. While the performance was comprised mainly of dances by The Warriors, other teams including Culture Shock, Shades Step Team and the New Paltz Dance Team performed a number. The performance was a celebration of Women’s History Month. Keeping a budget of $2000, The Warriors began planning the event at the end of the fall semester, starting with 21 story ideas and slowly knocking ones out. They tried to choose stories that people might not know much about and began practicing at the start of spring semester. “I want people to leave the show feeling touched and having 2$4-#$3%+"8$'(*#,6%:%C4#'%'($8%'"%$8B-45$%*'%4#3%+41%>,"%C"8$#<@=% Pimentel said. Dancers portrayed famous women in music, such as Nicki Minaj, Taylor Swift, and Katy Perry. More serious topics included comfort women, who were young Korean girls forced into prostitution during

World War II, and a forbidden romance between two lesbians during The Holocaust. Tributes were also made to Frida Kahlo, women in the workforce and women in war. A brief informational speech about the story being shown was given before each dance by hosts Chris Milea and Mike Bunin to add an educational aspect to the program. Second­year elementary education major Danit Ianovici recited personal poetry about Soraya Manutcheri, a young Iranian woman who was stoned to death for alleged adultery. “I felt it was an honor as a woman to participate in something like this. It’s great that they worked so hard to represent women. It was an amazing show and I had so much fun,” she said. Cass Hoblitz, a second­year sociology major who frequently at­ tends dance performances, shared the sentiment. “As a woman I found it very empowering and very informative. The acts were all very diverse and put together,” she said. “It was the best dance show I’ve seen in New Paltz so far.” With a turnout of at least 230 people and more than $150 raised to donate to Girls Educational & Mentoring Service (GEMS), an or­ ganization that aids young girls exiting prostitution, Pimentel was pleased with the overall event. “I loved the show and everyone else did as well. I have not heard one bad thing about the show,” she said. “I am so happy that people left on such a positive note and learned something.”

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Thursday, March 17, 2011


The New Paltz Oracle



By Rachel Freeman Copy Editor |

Comic book fans united with pens and comics in hand on Saturday, March 12 at New Paltz’s own comic shop, Oc­ tober Country. The store, which has been around for 30 years and in its current Main Street location for 14, held a signing featuring 12 different local comic book writers and artists. Mika Giacoia, one of the store’s owners who boasts a personal collection of 120 boxes of comics, said the event grew from the roots of previous, smaller autograph signings, as well as his relations with many comic writers and artists. “Well I went with my three friends that I’ve known for 20 years and then I asked my two friends I’ve known for 40 years separately and they said, “Oh, I already talked to your other three friends,’ and then they each had a friend that said, ‘Oh we’ll do it to cause we’re going to be in the area’ and they each had a friend that said, ‘Well if you guys are all going down then I’ll go down,’ so that’s how it grew from being four [people] to 12,” Giacoia said. Giacoia said the event took a “tremendous amount of !"#$$%$&'()*+),#-).%/012"+)+3)&4+)+54),36.)32+)#$.)+67)+3)0&­ ure out the best way to reach people. It also took two days for them to collect and put together all the material the indi­ vidual artists and writers have done, so that attendees would not have to look through the whole store for them. Another four hours were spent arranging the store to have room for the 12 guests to sit. All of this work required the store to have six or seven employees working, rather than the usual two. With the artists and writers seated behind a row of tables and a long line of eager fans slowly making their way down,

Giacoia aimed to create an atmosphere where the customers could really get to know the artist. “This is a very talented group, but I think what people don’t know is what great people they are, and sometimes that gets lost in the ‘get this thing signed, I want to talk to you type of thing.’ You don’t really realize that they’re won­ derful people and I think that’s why they take out their time to do something like this,” he said. Three prominent guests at the event were Ramona Fra­ don, Joe Staton and Ron Marz. Fradon, a Comic Book Hall of Fame inductee from West Shokan, is most noted for her work with Aquaman, a character whom she worked with for 10 years, and for co­creating DC comics character, Metamorpho. She also il­ lustrated Metamorpho’s comic book debut, a job she came out of maternity leave for. Other important works include involvement with Super Friends, Plastic Man and Brenda Starr. Staton, a Kingston resident, has been working in the comic industry for 40 years. During the ‘70s and ‘80s he did a lot of work with superheroes, mainly Green Lantern and Batman. He then worked on Scooby Doo for 10 years and later worked for the less fantastical Archie Comics. He is currently working as an artist for long­running newspaper comic strip, Dick Tracy. While living in the Hudson Valley has not directly in­ 824$14.)5%-),369:);+#+3$)<4"%4=4-)"%=%$&)%$)+54)#64#)%-)=467) <4$401%#"' “This is a really great area for freelance artists, I mean there are a lot of artists around here, so you have people to be around. Also, a lot of your publishers are still in New

York so you’re two hours away. You basically live in the country, but you can be in the middle of things in a couple hours, so I think it’s a great area for any kind of artist,” he said. Marz, originally from Kingston but now living in Alba­ ny, has been writing comics for 20 years and jokes that “it’s still better than working for a living.” He is best known for his work on Silver Surfer and Witchblade. He has worked for most of the major companies such as Marvel, DC, Top­ cow, Valiant and Dark Horse, as well as some smaller ones. “I’ve danced with most of the girls at the party in 20 years,” he said of his expansive career. Other artists and writers who signed at the event were Terry Austin, Todd Dezago, Dan Green, Fred Hembeck, Louise Simonson, Walt Simonson, Joe Sinnott, Matthew Dow Smith and Jim Starlin. Zane Douglas, 26, of Germantown, N.Y. is a longtime comic fan who heard about the event from a friend. “I came over to October Country today because my good friend Devon here he told me about it and to get me some books signed by some of my favorite authors and il­ "2-+6#+36-:()54)-#%.')>?3$)@#6A)%-).40$%+4"7:)5#$.-).3,$)3$4) of the best writers out there in my mind.” With all the planning appearing to be worth the effort, Giacoia was happy with how the signing went and he hopes to make it an annual event. “I think everybody had a really nice time and that’s re­ ally what we were concerned with the most, that there was a good crowd and that these people were kept busy and that they enjoyed themselves, and I think that everybody did that,” he said.



BREAKFAST ALL DAY & LUNCH SEE OUR MENU ON FACE BOOK 255­3324 Deli Hours; Mon­Sat: 8 a.m.­5 p.m. & Sun: 9 a.m.­5 p.m. PHOTO COURTESY OF OCTOBER COUNTRY New Paltz’s comic store October Country hosted an event with local comic book artists.

Thursday, March 17, 2010



The New Paltz Oracle THEATRE FEATURE

Theatre Students Bend Gender Norms


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By Nick Fodera O$+'%&97'&+8)T%&'/%)\)

I’ll be completely honest, I never liked the !"#$%&'() $*) +$+,-&."%) "+&!"'/0) 12!34)52'6$786) '6/) 9$.,$*1:/) %/'7%+3) $+) 3$!/) $*) '6$3/) 12!3) ;/%/) "3'%$+$!&:"2<) =) *$7+0) '6"') !$3') $*) '6/!) ;/%/)#73')'%(&+8)'$$)6"%0)'$):$!>/'/);&'6)-&."%4) ?$3')$*)'6/!)6"0):/2/9%&'()@$&:/):"3'3)'6"')#73') 0&0+A') 7+0/%3'"+0) 6$;) '$) 73/) 37:6) *$%/&8+) :$+­ :/>'3)"3)B'$+/)$*)@$&:/<C)B379'2/'(C)"+0)B67!"+) /!$'&$+C)&+)")!/0&7!);6/%/)($7):"+A')3//)'6/&%) *":/34) D$;/@/%<) ;6/+) =) 1%3') 3";) ") '%"&2/%) *$%) BE"+8$<C)!()&+'/%/3');"3)>&F7/04)G$<);6/+)=)1­ +"22() 3"') 0$;+) '$) ;"':6) BE"+8$C) H&+) ") >":I/0) '6/"'/%<)+$)2/33J<)=);"3)%/"0()'$)9/);$;/04)K$%) '6/)!$3')>"%'<)&')0&0+A')0&3">>$&+'4) L6/)12!<)0&%/:'/0)9()M$%/)N/%9&+3I&)H0&%/:­ '$%)$*)'6/)B-&%"'/3)$*)'6/)O"%&99/"+C)'%&2$8(J)"+0) "+&!"'/0)9()=+073'%&"2)P&86')"+0)?"8&:)H=P?J<) is a tale that concerns a small pet chameleon H@$&:/0) 9() Q$6++() R/>>J) '6"') 8/'3) 3'%"+0/0) &+) '6/) !&002/)$*) '6/) S/@"0") 0/3/%') "*'/%) ") 3'%"+8/) 6&86;"()!&36">4)G/>"%"'/0)*%$!)6&3)$;+/%3)"+0) 3/@/%/2() 0/6(0%"'/0<) 6/) !73') 3'%&I/) $7') $+) 6&3) $;+4)L%$792/)&3<)6/)0$/3+A')F7&'/)I+$;)6$;4)

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The New Paltz Oracle


Time For Tea at New Paltz


With characters from across the pond, “High Tea” is one of the newer radio shows on WFNP The Edge and is the only one currently hosted by international students. The program is hosted by Joe Gardner, a second­year journalism and creative writing major from London and Connor McElwaine, a second­year political science and history major from Glasgow, Scotland. Amplifying the experience, Gardner speaks with an accent that sounds like that of British royalty and McEl­ waine looks like Adam Savage from Discovery Channel’s “Mythbusters.” McElwaine said he is often confused for being Irish, and made a point of noting that he is Scottish and not Irish (as many people assume). This is the second and last semester at New Paltz for !"#$%&'(%#$)%*+,#%#-.)%)-#$)+%/"0$",#%$&1)%$",#)(%&%+&(-"% show. Gardner has had some experience working for the BBC reading cricket results and McElwaine has been interviewed on the radio. The idea for the show started while McElwaine was on Facebook. “We were on Facebook one day and I was just sitting listening to Frightened Rabbit and I thought it would be cool to do a radio show,” said McElwaine. McElwaine and Gardner decided to host a show that

2"34(% 54&6% "'46% 7+-#-,$% .3,-/8% 2$-/$% #$)6% 9"3'(% (-9*­ cult due to the station’s music collection consisting of predominantly American music. In spite of this challenge, they said they will try to play only British music with a strong focus on Indie. The two hope to provide an international perspective and diversify the campus media. “It’s quite easy to walk around campus and not realize that there are international students here,” said Gardner. Gardner and McElwaine agree that New Paltz isn’t a typical American town and a beautiful one. McElwaine said New Paltz is “completely different to Scotland.” The hosts also discuss tea on the show, which is on Thursdays from 3 to 4 p.m. During one recording, they explain how to properly make tea in Hasbrouck: First, add hot water to a cup, then a tea bag. Remove the tea bag, then add milk if necessary. “Real” tea, however, seems to be more of a science than that. “It’s not right...I don’t know what I would call it,” ,&-(%:/;42&-')<%=>#?,%."+)%4-@)%&%A&1"+)(%(+-'@<%>#?,%'"#% tea.” The show is named “High Tea” because it is on the air around the time that the British have what is called “high tea,” when they drink proper European tea and eat sandwiches. “We like music like our tea,” said Gardner. “We like PHOTO BY LAURA LUENGAS it strong.” “High Tea” is on the Edge Thursdays 3 to 4 p.m.

TEN D.K. and the hoodster’s power hour of rock TOP



6. “burn burn” - lostprophets 7. “the lighthouse’s tale” - nickel creek 8. “ready fuels” - aNberlin 9. “señor and the queen” - the gaslight anthem 10. “rotterdam” - chuck ragan

Thursday, March 17, 2011


The New Paltz Oracle MUSIC REVIEWS


By Ken Glauber

Staff Writer |

Wu­Tang really ‘ain’t nothing to fuck with.’ Everyone knows it. Even if you’re not a fan, you know when you hear the name that it is to be respected and slightly feared. They invented the standards for the rap subgenres !"#$$#$%#$&'()*+(!,)-#.#($)/0'()*+(")1&(2&&*( one of the most recognizable groups in hip­hop since 1993. Raekwon, known most for his smooth delivery and incredible use of New York slang is at his best when rapping about drugs, crime, clothing, money and violence. While these sound like popular subjects to rap about, Rae­ kwon and his fellow Wu­Tang members have been doing it for decades longer than most of the popular rappers today, inserting a level of wisdom and experience that other rappers sim­ ply cannot touch. Raekwon received critical acclaim in 2009 for his long awaited sequel to his most notorious “Only Built 4 Cuban Linx,” and since then has expanded on Wu­Tang’s sig­ nature sound, this time with an all­star lineup of rappers that have each had careers as suc­ cessful as Raekwon’s. The album contains verses from rap­ pers who represent various sectors of hip hop. Among the featured rappers are fellow Wu­ Tang members Ghostface Killah, GZA, Meth­ od Man and Inspectah Deck. Other guests in­


clude Nas, Lloyd Banks, Black Thought from The Roots, Busta Rhymes and Rick Ross. Tracks like “Every Soldier in the Hood,” are made up of universal elements that fans ev­ erywhere can appreciate. The beat is a sporadi­ %)334( .4*5"4( 2)*6&$( -33&+( 785"( .9253&( /8&%&.( that continue to present themselves with each new listen. Method Man, who has a knack for overshadowing any rapper he shares a track with, fully lives up to his reputation on “Every Soldier” and “From the Hills.” Raekwon, along with Ghostface Killah, pride themselves on their intense and some­ times confusing use of slang. Raekwon in par­ 58%93)$0(7833(#*34(,):&(.&*.&(#*(5"&(-$.5(38.5&*(

of a given song about 15 percent of the time, but indecipherable verses is one of the reasons that Rae is who he is. In “Ferry Boat Killaz,” an epic beat in classic Wu­Tang fashion fea­ turing strings, simple but hard drums and a slower tempo than most rap songs, shows just how outlandish Raekwon can be when tell­ ing a story. “Larry and his guns is weird, six hundred onions a year. No more running, see the morgue, shorty. Wild nights, crew gunning cats, animal jackets and axes bulletproof buses, forty backs.” What seems like a random string of visuals ends up making a pretty vivid picture when coming from Raekwon’s mouth. The album maintains RZA’s classic pro­ duction without a single RZA contribution. His style is properly expanded upon on the track “Molasses,” featuring Rick Ross and Ghostface Killah. The beat contains short blar­ ing horns that might be less pronounced had RZA produced it, and a soft guitar sound that could be heard on most of RZA’s work. While it may not be as strong as “Cu­ ban Linx II,” Raekwon scores with “Shaolin ;.<( =9>?)*6<'( ( ?"&( #1&$)33( )329,( 8.( 9*8-&+( in sound and quality. The collaborations with his fellow rappers, and the reliably Wu­Tang­ esque production make a great opportunity for Raekwon to shine, which he always manages to do.

The Only Time You’ll Wish ‘Friday’ Was Over


By now, we’ve all seen it. The energetic 13­year­old girl having to make a life altering decision. Which seat can she take? Will she kick it in the front seat or sit in the back? We may never know. However, we do know that young Re­ becca Black has taken the Internet by storm. The video was uploaded on Feb. 10 and has now racked up a hefty 9,985,049 views (617 of those might be mine, but hey, who’s count­ ing?). Everything about this musical endeavor is questionable, from Black’s blatantly auto­ tuned voice to the fact that she is barely old enough to attend a movie by herself, let alone “get down.” And let’s not forget the brace­ faced “friend on her right” whose hand mo­

tions are too awkward to be adequately put into words (have you seen the accordion GIF?). The strangest part of the video happens to be the mildly pedophillic looking rapper whose ears are adorned with two giant diamond studs, a perpetually hilarious male jewelry choice. The same rapper appears in multiple other Ark Music Factory videos and is equally as unset­ tling in all of them. Perhaps there is one thing we can learn from this melodious catastrophe — that being the days of the week. In case anyone was un­ aware and needed a seizure­inducing graphics display to help them out, Friday comes before Saturday and Sunday comes afterwards. I can literally feel my knowledge expanding already. Black is the subject of various edited images that have gone viral on websites like Tumblr.

These jokes were inevitable, as “Friday” "#*&.534( 3##:.( 38:&( )( /)$#+4( 9/#*( -$.5( 18&7<( Then you realize there’s another video just like it, and another one…and another one. Mostly with girls who look like they just took their -$.5( .5&/( 5"$#96"( 5"&( 2860( 2)+( +##$.( #@( "86"( school, and others who look like they have probably just come out of mourning the loss of Limited Too. A5()*4($)5&0(!B$8+)4'(/$#2)234(C+&-*85&­ ly) won’t still be funny by next week, so I had to strike while the iron was hot, or while the song was a laughable disgrace to music every­ where, so to speak. I do, however, guarantee that “Friday” will be blasting out of speakers (and in turn breaking them) this coming Friday, while everyone is out having “fun fun fun fun.”

Thursday, March 17, 2011

MUSICIAN OF THE WEEK: Sean Morrison YEAR: Fourth (Transfer) MAJOR: Contemporary Music Studies HOMETOWN: Newburgh, N.Y.

What is your instrument of choice? Why? Piano. I started playing more as a therapy practice at 17 as a way to relax at the end of the day. My father plays guitar and he taught me a few things but there was always a piano in the house. I would listen to Radiohead and !"#$!%$&'(")$%(!$*+,-.)$,).%/+)*0$1$2(*!$,%*!.#$ (*)/$,#$)3"0$1!4*$2(*!$5(6$36/$7%%.$!%$-.3#0$ Who are you currently listening to? Stanton Moore, Radiohead, Bill Evan, Sou­ live. !"#$%&'$(#)&$*%+,$+,-)',.'/0 Bill Evans, Medeski, Martin and Wood, Derek Trucks, Ruben Gonzalez. What are you involved in on/off­campus that is music related? Prysmatic Mantis, Los Prostestos, Space Jam. 14,$3.*%$+6$2388$)6*),9.)$%6$73,-(*0 What will you do with your degree? :+6/$3$2%90$;<3('=*>0$?!3"!$!)37=+6'0$?))$+5$1$ can manipulate kids to think piano is cool so they can pay me. Graduate school for educa­ tion, hopefully.

Check out video footage of Sean Mor­ rison playing piano at or scan the QR code with a free app on any smartphone!


The New Paltz Oracle

This Week in

tHe Deep END JANINE REWINSKI Major: Photography Year: Third year

“I really enjoy photographing things that I consider to be peaceful or beautiful. Most of my images are from nature, but recently I have begun to photograph people. I really love using bright colors as well as natural lighting. However, lately I have been experimenting with studio lighting and lighting gels.”







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The New Paltz Oracle


Pg 11



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The Hawks, who went 4­0 in the York College Classic, are hoping to succeed in the upcoming United Volleyball Conference Championships.

By Andrew Wyrich Sports Editor |

With only two games left in their regular season schedule, the Men’s Vol­ leyball team has their sights set on the United Volleyball Conference (UVC) Championships next week. Coming off of a four­match winning streak and tournament win at the York College Classic on March 11 and 12, the Hawks are hoping they can continue their winning streak and bring home a cham­ pionship. “We want to win. That’s what we practice for,” Assistant Coach Ryan Hu­ berty said. “We have the easiest road to the championships in theory and on pa­ per. It’s just putting that into practice. It depends on the team coming to play or not.” At the York College Classic, the Hawks went 4­0 and were the only team

to do so at the event. Third­year defen­ sive specialist Michael Dauernheim was named the tourna­ ment’s MVP. Huberty said the Hawks, who are currently 16­10, have had an “up and down” season, but are optimistic with their chances of surprising at the UVC Champion­ ships. Currently in third in the UVC’s Eastern Division, the Hawks will !"#$%&" '&($)" %(*%+#" against Baruch College, Philadelphia Biblical College and University of New Haven. Head Coach Radu Petrus said the team has been focusing on improving

themselves in preparation for the cham­ pionships. He said that he wants the team to improve on all aspects of their game. “If we improve our defense, we can then begin to work on our of­ fense,” Petrus said. “It’s a lot of techni­ cal things, we are working on being better at receiving.” The Hawks are entering the UVC C h a m p i o n s h i p s as the No.7 seed, which according to Petrus means the team has a good chance *'",*-$#."'&("!"#*/0" Petrus said that in the playoffs, teams are split into two groups and the Hawks

“We want to

win, that’s what we practice for” — Ryan Huberty

Thursday, March 17, 2011


will open the championships against No. 2 seeded Medaille College. Petrus was 1+#!"2(#'" $#" '&(" 3*4-5%" *6$/$'7" '+" 6(*'" Medaille and further their chances in the tournament. “We’ve played a lot of games against Medaille,” Petrus said. “We even beat once...and they beat us at Vassar. I think it’s our turn.” Huberty said that being the No.7 seed has given the Hawks an underdog mental­ ity, which he believes the team will thrive from. Huberty said that while the team is a mix of different personalities and styles of play, the team tends to perform better against higher­ranked teams. As for the keys to coming home victo­ rious, Petrus believes a simple approach would be the best one. “Our serves and defense are the keys to winning,” Petrus said. “If you have a chance to play the ball you have a chance to win.”

Pg 12


The New Paltz Oracle

Women’s Lacrosse Hopes To Prove Net Worth By Kasey Caminiti Contributing Writer |

With the third season for the SUNY New Paltz Women’s Lacrosse team underway, the squad is looking to improve from their 4­11 and 0­8 record in SUNYAC play. !"#$%&'()$#*+,-#.$/"#01$21)/$'0*$&3&0*)/$ Ramapo College on Wednesday, March 11 in their spring opener after more than a month of pre­season training. The Lady Hawks have had two seasons of working to grow as a team and this year they hope to emerge as winners. “This win really set the pace for the sea­ son,” Head Coach Heather Semelmacher said. 45#$)/066$"&7#$',1($/,$.,$89/$0/:)$/"#$21)/$;5:$ and it’s one more step for our team.” !"0)$ '&)$ /"#$ 21)/$ 1#<190/0*3$ )#&),*$ =,1$ >#?#6?&<"#1@$ !',$ 21)/A-#&1)$ 0*$ B&1/0<96&1C$ .#=#*.#1$ D&330#$ E,)#$ D#60/,$ &*.$ ?0.2#6.#1$ Talia Tesler, are expected to add their talents to the starting line­up as integral players. Returning second­year Brittany Hunt tied for the team­lead in assists with third­year teammate Sam DelGaudio last season. “Because of a much more competitive ros­ ter, pre­season was a lot tougher this year and I

think we will be more successful in SUNYAC play,” Hunt said. After the Hawks prevailed on Wednesday, Hunt praised starting goalie Stephanie Mig­ none’s performance. “I can see such improvement since last season and Steph works so hard in practice ev­ ery day, it was great to see that highlighted dur­ ing the game,” Hunt said. New to the program this year, attacking second­year Meagan Keller also has a positive outlook. “We are still a developing team but our freshmen look so promising and after six weeks of morning practices consisting of very demanding conditioning drills, I think we are ready to prove ourselves this year,” Keller said. With returning co­captains Gabrielle Dewey and Brittany Bennett, the team has a core group of players who hope to be a force to be reckoned with in the SUNYAC. The team’s chemistry this year is going to add a lot to the way they play. “They are all in tune. Practices are aggres­ sive and competitive and you can see the girls "&7#$&$8,*.$,*$&*.$,==$/"#$2#6.CF$>#?#6?&<"#1$ said.

The Women’s Lacrosse team is hoping to improve from their 4­11 record last season. PHOTO BY LAURA LUENGAS

The Hawks hope that their new assistant coach, Lindsey Grundfast, will be able to help the team. Grundfast was coached for seven years by Semelmacher before attending and starting in goal at Dominican College for four years. The team hopes that Mignone is going to

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reap the rewards from working with Grundfast. Semelmacher hopes that her motto of “One practice at a time, one game at a time” will help the team going forward this season. The Hawks will continue their season against Smith College on March 22.

The New Paltz Oracle


Pg 13

Softball Swings Into New Season

By Cat Tacopina

.)#$%#9*$2&*$(.24.$+92:'&75 “We’re really looking to get a contri­ The last thing the softball team’s Head bution from all of our new players,” said Coach Denise Marchese wants anyone to Marchese. “As far as the freshmen, we def­ think is that her team will not perform to initely have a few key players who we’re standard because they are in a “building expecting contribution from. I would say Chelsea Kull is going to do very well for year.” “They call it a building year and I hate us defensively and her offensive projection that,” said Marchese. “It’s a cop­out. It is a is very high and she’s a very good hitter.” Kull, a shortstop and second baseman, building year but it’s not an excuse not to do well. I think our secret weapon is going arrives this season as an MSG Varsity Scholarship recipient with a milieu of ac­ to be what we have in our lineup.” After a 2010 spring season that saw colades from her high school career. Kull the Hawks go 20­18 overall, the team is said she is excited to contribute to the team ready to jump back into the game starting this season. “I’m really excited to get started,” said over spring break. Kull. “We’ve been Last season the working really hard, team parted ways using live situation with seven fourth­ plays and getting year students who “We’re going to into that mentality were described as surprise a lot of people that we need to have a “very hard­work­ so we don’t lose ing, very talented” with the talent level our focus during group of players. that we have and the games.” Marchese said that >.)#4$ %4(.=:#24$ the team exceeded competitiveness that students who will expectations last we’re going to bring to make contribu­ year and that they tions to the team plan to do the same every game” are pitcher Melissa thing for spring ?8;+$ 2&*$ '&%#9*#4$ 2011. — Denise Marchese Alyssa Quartuccio. !"#$ %&'()#*$ “I’m really ex­ sixth in the con­ cited for the trip ference, which is that we’re going to actually higher be taking to Florida than what we were +',-#*$./$%&'()01$(2'*$324,)#(#5$!"#$6#4#$ soon,” said Quartuccio. “I already know +',-#*$./$%&'()$#'7).)0$(/$6#$2,.8299:$*'*$ that it’s going to be great…I also know qualify for the SUNYAC tournament and that if I had gone to another school, it wouldn’t have been as awesome. The team we played really well there.” Marchese is entering her second sea­ and coach are great and I couldn’t be hap­ son as head coach for the Women’s Soft­ pier here at New Paltz.” The team will travel to Florida over ball team. She was assistant coach at a Di­ vision I school (Connecticut State) and in spring break to compete in Clairmont. The )#4$%4(.$(#2(/&$2($)#2*$,/2,)$()#$9#2*$.)#$ tournament is described as being more team to their best record in program his­ competitive than the tournament they tory. Marchese said she and the team are competed in last season over spring break, looking to go even further this season then but Marchese and her team are more than ready to take on schools such as Tufts Uni­ they did last. From an outsider’s perspective, there versity, Hope College and MIT. “They’re a really great group of kids,” are many question marks that surround the team’s roster. This season, the team said Marchese. “Hands down, people are 6#9,/;#($%<#$%4(.=:#24$(.8*#&.($2&*$.6/$ not going to expect us coming and we’re transfer students who are looking to make going to surprise a lot of people with the a large impact for the team. The excite­ talent level that we have and the competi­ ment from these players is apparent, both tiveness that we’re going to bring to every PHOTO COURTESY OF STOCKTON PHOTO @)#$A26-($%&'()#*$BC=DE$92(.$(#2(/&$2&*$24#$)/+'&7$./$';+4/<#$.)'($(+4'&75$ in manner and determination to get onto game.” Copy Editor |

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Pg 14


The New Paltz Oracle

NFL Faces Potential Lockout An Analysis Of A Possible Year Without Football

NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell has been grappling with the NFL Players Association and a potential lockout of the 2011 season. PHOTO COURTESY OF FLICKR.COM

By David Spiegel Staff Writer |

After a seven­day extension gave the NFL and NFL Players Association (NFLPA) until March 11 to come to an agreement, the two sides never came to terms. The league is exercising its right under federal labor law to impose a lockout of the player’s union. The !"#$%&'()&(*)+&,-.-/012-,3&(**+4156&7*(8­ ers to take their chances in court under anti­ trust laws. As owners, players and fans have feared for over a year now, the NFL offseason is now delayed until further notice. Free agen­ cy will not be able to begin until an agree­ ment has been reached and players cannot work out at team facilities or with coaches. However the NFL Draft, scheduled for April 28, will still be held even without an agree­ ment being reached. Players though, cannot be involved in draft day trades if there is no agreement. It appears that the teams and players were only about $185 million apart on how much owners should receive up front each season before splitting the rest of the revenues with players. This is much less than the $1 billion apart they had been throughout most of the

negotiations. The NFLPA requested to see the teams’ 25(5.-& 9++:)3& 9;0& 0'-& +45-/)& /-<;)-,=& The NFL has claimed to be falling on hard times due to the economy and that the own­ ers needed an extra $1 billion off the top to make ends meet and keep the league grow­ ing. The players union did not believe this and after being denied the chance to check 0'-&0-(>)?&25(5.-)3&,-.1,-,&5+0&0+&(..-70&0'-& NFL’s proposal. The NFL released the details of their pro­ posal in a statement last Friday, which were as follows: 1. We more than split the economic dif­ ference between us, increasing our proposed .(7& <+/& @ABB& )16512.(50*8& (5,& (..-70156& the Union’s proposed cap number for 2014 ($161 million per club). 2. An entry­level compensation system based on the Union’s “rookie cap” propos­ al, rather than the wage scale proposed by the clubs. Under the NFL proposal, players drafted in rounds 2­7 would be paid the same or more than they are paid today. Savings </+>&0'-&2/)0&/+;5,&4+;*,&9-&/-(**+.(0-,&0+& C-0-/(5&7*(8-/)&(5,&9-5-20)= 3. A guarantee of up to $1 million of a

player’s salary for the contract year after his 15D;/8&E&0'-&2/)0&01>-&0'(0&0'-&.*;9)&'(C-&+<­ fered a standard multi­year injury guarantee. 4. Immediate implementation of changes to promote player health and safety by: F-,;.156&0'-&+<<)-()+5&7/+6/(>&98&2C-& weeks, reducing OTAs from 14 to 10 and *1>10156& +5G2-*,& 7/(.01.-& 01>-& (5,& .+50(.0H& limiting full­contact practices in the pre­ )-()+5& (5,& /-6;*(/& )-()+5H& (5,& 15./-()156& number of days off for players. 5. Commit that any change to an 18­game season will be made only by agreement and that the 2011 and 2012 seasons will be played under the current 16­game format. 6. Owner funding of $82 million in 2011­ B@& 0+& );77+/0& (,,101+5(*& 9-5-20)& 0+& <+/>-/& players, which would increase retirement 9-5-20)&<+/&>+/-&0'(5&@AAA&<+/>-/&7*(8-/)& by nearly 60 percent. 7. Offer current players the opportunity to remain in the player medical plan for life. 8. Third party arbitration for appeals in the drug and steroid programs. 9. Improvements in the Mackey plan, disability plan and degree completion bonus program. 10. A per­club cash minimum spend of

Thursday, March 17, 2011

90 percent of the salary cap over three sea­ sons. It seems that the NFL was willing to comply with many of the NFLPA’s requests. A higher salary cap means more money go­ ing to the players than the owners originally planned. The players wanted a rookie cap to prevent rookies from making more money than they reserve, which allows teams to give more money to worthy veterans. Ben­ -20)& <+/& /-01/-,& 7*(8-/)& 4+;*,& (*)+& 9-& 15­ creased in this proposal. An important part of the proposal was that the teams were willing to allow more time to discuss an 18­game season. The players did not want to add the extra games, but this would give the two sides more time to discuss the matter. I'-&,-.-/012.(01+5&+<&0'-&!"#$%&>-(5)& that the players would rather settle the situ­ ation in court rather than at the negotiating table. This will likely be a longer and more painful process. It could take a month for the courts to make a ruling on the union’s injunction request and anti­trust judgments will likely take even longer. NFL fans will now need to be patient and hope something gets resolved before its too late.

The New Paltz Oracle

Spring Training is a time for a lot of differ­ ent things. Players start to get in shape, there are position battles galore, and all need to prove their worth and prospects have a chance to show man­ agers what they can offer a team. The Mets’ spring training season has been no different. Players continue to hustle, second base remains an all­out war and prospects like out­ !"#$"%& '()*+& ,($*& *%"& -./%"++-01& .*0*1"."02& and have forced them to re­think their strategy 3"*$-01&-024&5/"0-01&,*67& ,($*8&*&+"9"023&%4(0$&/-):&;6&23"&<"2+&-0& 2007, has crushed the ball this spring and has Mets’ coaches pondering his future in orange and blue. ,($*&3*$&3-+&)(/&4=&)4==""&#*+2&+"*+40&)4.­ ing up and playing pretty regularly for the Mets down the stretch. He started his big league cam­ paign quite poorly, but eventually adjusted and began to connect with the ball towards the end of 23"&+"*+407&,($*8&>34&!##"$&-0&=4%&?"==&@%*0)4("%& *=2"%& 3"& >*+& 2%*$"$& 24& 23"& A*01"%+8& !0-+3"$& 23"& year with a .202 average with 4 home runs and 13 RBIs in 84 at bats. Heading into spring training it was thought 23*2&23"&+-BC=442C=4(%8&DDE&/4(0$&4(2!"#$"%&>4(#$& start the year in AAA Buffalo and continue to slug


Pg 15

Zippa Dee Duda, Zippa Dee Day


minor league pitching. F4>"9"%8&23-+&+/%-01&,($*&3*+&2(%0"$&+4."& heads with his impressive play and is being con­ +-$"%"$&*+&*0&4/2-40&24&+2*%2&-0&%-132&!"#$&+34(#$& Carlos Beltran start the year on the disabled list. New Mets Manager Terry Collins admitted %")"02#6&23*2&,($*&3*+&;""0&+4."40"&3"&3*+&)40­ sidered saying that, should Beltran be unable to +2*%2&23"&+"*+40&-0&@#(+3-018&23"&2"*.&>4(#$&3*9"& to “look at getting that big bat in the lineup some­ how.”

After a 1­for­34 start to his Mets career, ,($*&3-2&7GDH&>-23&I&34."&%(0+&*0$&*&7JJG&40C ;*+"C/#(+C+#(11-01& /"%)"02*1"& 49"%& 3-+& !0*#& EH& at­bats last season. The slugger has continued to impress putting up similar numbers this spring, 3-22-01&7DJK&>-23&=4(%&$4(;#"+&*0$&2>4&34."&%(0+7 ,($*&3*+&.40+2"%&/4>"%&/42"02-*#7&L"2>""0& MMM&*0$&MM&#*+2&+"*+40&,($*&+>*22"$&DG&34."& runs and 87 RBIs while hitting 40 doubles and having a strong .304 batting average all while be­ coming a fan­favorite in Buffalo. Also interesting to note is the severe drop in the number of times ,($*& 3*+& +2%():& 4(27& N0& DHHO8& ,($*& +2%():& 4(2& PDJ&2-."+&=4%&Q-01#"&M&Q27&'()-"8&3"&+2%():&4(2&JP& 2-."+&-0&DHHJ&*0$&#*+2&6"*%&3"&;%4(132&23"&0(.;"%& down to 84. Q34(#$& ,($*& ;"& *;#"& 24& 3*%0"++& 3-+& /42"0­ tial and learn how to hit major league pitching, he could have the ability to blossom into a middle of the order threat for the Mets. ,"="0+"&-+&23"&40#6&%"*#&)40)"%0&>-23&,($*& %-132&04>7&59"%&23"&)4(%+"&4=&3-+&)*%""%8&,($*&3*+& /#*6"$&!%+2&;*+"&*0$&#"=2&!"#$&/%-.*%-#6&;(2&>-##& ;"&"B/")2"$&24&+3-=2&49"%&24&%-132&!"#$&+34(#$&23"& <"2+&;%-01&3-.&04%23&)4."&M/%-#7&,($*&3*+&40#6& played two games in his minor league career in %-132&!"#$&*0$&3*+&*$.-22"$&23*2&-2&-+&R(-2"&$-=="%­ ent. S"%+40*##68&N&23-0:&,($*&-+&*0&-02%-1(-01&4/­ tion for the Mets to consider. Collins seems to be

Thursday, March 17, 2011

*&3(1"&/%4/40"02&4=&23"&4(2!"#$"%&*0$&23"&<"2+& $")-+-40&24&$".42"&40)"C+(/"%&/%4+/")2&@"%0*0$4& Martinez to minor league camp is another good +-10& =4%& ,($*7& ,($*& 3*+& /4>"%& 23*2& 23"& <"2+& could certainly use should Beltran not be able to perform to the best of his abilities. His swing -+& /4>"%=(#& *0$& T(-$7& N0& *& /"%=")2& >4%#$8& ,($*& >4(#$&;#4++4.&-024&*0&M$*.&,(00C26/"&4=&3-22"%& that the Mets could use. It’s not every day that you !0$& +4."40"& >-23& "04(13& %*>& /4>"%& 24& %4):"2& 23"&;*##&4(2&4=&U-2-&@-"#$7




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Women’s Lacrosse Looks To Improve From Last Year PAGE 12

Softball Season Winds Up PAGE 13



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