The New Paltz Oracle Volume 81, Issue IX

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Volume 81, Issue IX NEWS

Observatory set to Open Doors

Thursday, November 12, 2009


Smolen family gift grants new tool for students to explore the stars. Page 7 FEATURES

Uncovering the World’s Happiness NPR foreign correspondent travels the world to see who is happiest.

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Campus of the Living Dead!

Humans vs. Zombies take over New Paltz with Nerf gun fun.


Hawks Rise to the Top Women’s Volleyball wins SUNYACS, NCAA tournament up next! Page 14 EDITORIAL

Adjuncts are Agitated Do part-time professors deserve full-time respect?

Page 9


At present, part-time faculty at SUNY New Paltz teach roughly 30.8 percent of classes on campus and make close to $3,000 per course. By Pete Thompson Copy Editor |

Both full and part-time professors are campaigning to improve working conditions for adjuncts at SUNY New Paltz, calling for salary increases, more office space and other improvements. The SUNY New Paltz chapter of United University Professions (UUP) spoke out during Campus Equity Week (CEW) to bring attention to what they consider low pay and poor working conditions. SUNY New Paltz President Steven Poskanzer, however, stands by the school’s pay standards and claims New Paltz’s adjunct faculty has higher salaries than adjuncts at most

schools in the area. President of the SUNY New Paltz UUP Chapter Richard Kelder stressed the importance of advocating for their cause of higher pay and better conditions. “Adjuncts are often not paid very well even though they contribute the same amount of work,” said Kelder. “We’ve been trying for years to improve pay and working conditions for our part-timers and adjuncts and our union has had some success.” A slight salary increase has been made and secure health and other benefits are now provided. The SUNY system’s policy requires an adjunct to teach

two or more classes in order to receive health insurance. However, Kelder said, “their compensation still lags far behind full-time faculty on campus.” One argument that Kelder stands by is that adjunct faculty should be paid the same amount of money per class as full-time professors. However, Poskanzer said that the qualifications for fulltime faculty are different and they require a nation-wide search, which is not the same for an adjunct. They’re not expected to serve the same kind of duties as full-time professors like advising, research and committees, and therefore shouldn’t be expected to receive the same

pay per course. Recently, New Paltz UUP Vice President for Academics Peter D. G. Brown, also a Distinguished Service Professor of German, composed a salary study which compares the salaries of individuals holding various positions from 1970 until today. “When adjusted for inflation, part-time faculty at SUNY New Paltz are today making only half of what they earned back in 1970, when there were only 100 adjuncts,” said Brown. While these salaries have decreased, the study shows that those of the administrative positions have increased. See Adjuncts pg.8

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