october 7, 2020
Potential Loss of Salute to Tax Revenue Sparks Front Line Workers Reaction by Kim Weinkauf Ratepayers Michelle Pinon News Advertiser Information about the potential impacts of the Province’s plan to change oil and gas assessment that was published in the County of Two Hills August newsletter sparked a lot of reaction from ratepayers. Reeve Don Gulayec said he has fielded a minimum of 30 phone calls on the subject. “This number may not seem high, but when you compare this topic to calls about a snowstorm where people are stranded in their own yards and only want to know when the roads will be cleared, I may receive 10 calls at best.” He went on to say the common concerns have been, “Why should the taxes be going up? Will we receive more services? Where will the money come from to pay our taxes?” The letter stated in part, “The changes to the assessment model for oil and gas regulated properties is without serious consideration to the impact of rural properties and taxbearing Albertans. These proposed changes will directly affect residents in the County of Two Hills. Council and Administration are extremely concerned regarding the impact of this decision and the implications the County of Two Hills will have to administer by property tax increases, reduction of services, or both to compensate for the loss of revenue.” Based on information provided by the province a loss of approximately 8-12 percent of tax revenue, between $1.4 to $2 million, would occur in the first year of the plan and increase every year after that. Members of county council discussed the idea at their Sept. 23 monthly meeting and recommended they “simplify the message” for ratepayers and have another article published in the newsletter. Councillor Soren Odegard suggested they include information on farm, residential, linear, machine, and equipment tax assessment in the article. Reeve Gulayec said, “In the near future I would like to have administration provide our taxpayers with provincial assessment and municipal mill rate information.”
Kim Weinkauf, Site Administrator of Mary Immaculate Care Centre in Mundare and St. Joseph’s General Hospital in Vegreville. (Rosanne Fortier/Photo)
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